Experimental Analysis of Concrete With Quarry Dust and Demolished Concrete Waste
Experimental Analysis of Concrete With Quarry Dust and Demolished Concrete Waste
Experimental Analysis of Concrete With Quarry Dust and Demolished Concrete Waste
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 7, ( Part -4) July 2017, pp.39-44
The use of Recycle product is increasing with innovation in present scenario. The utilization of waste product in
the manufacturing of new product is a challenging job. The Natural Resource decreases in a short period and
therefore the use of waste product is necessary. In the construction field of the world, use of Demolished
Concrete Waste as alternative of coarse aggregate plays a vital role to save natural resources and economically
good for us. Natural sand is a prime material used for the preparation of concrete and also plays an important
role in Mix Design. One such material is Quarry stone dust: a by-product obtained during quarrying process.
Attempts have been made to study the suitability of Quarry Dust as sand replacing material and it has been
found that Quarry Dust improves the mechanical properties of concrete as well as elastic modulus. This present
work is an attempt to use Quarry Dust as partial replacement for fine aggregate in concrete and Demolished
Concrete Waste as partial replacement for coarse aggregate in concrete. The main object of this project is to
determine the Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, Flexural strength. Various mixes were prepared for
carrying out the research by varying the proportions of cement, sand and aggregates. All mixes were designed
for characteristic strength (fck) of M20. The Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, Flexural strength of
concrete was tested in laboratory after 7, 14 and 28 days.
Keywords: Concrete, Natural Sand, Quarry Dust, Natural Coarse Aggregate Demolished Concrete Waste.
III. MIX PROPORTIONS Figure 6.2 compressive strength for various proport
Mix design is carried out as per EFNARC
Specifications which satisfied the workability test TABLE 6.1 RESULTS FOR COMPRESSIVE
methods on concrete. The MIX PROPORTIONS of STRENGTH
SCC as shown in the table 2.5.
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