Experimental Analysis of Concrete With Quarry Dust and Demolished Concrete Waste

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N.Devendran. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 7, ( Part -4) July 2017, pp.39-44


Experimental Analysis of Concrete with Quarry Dust and

Demolished Concrete Waste
N.Devendran1, D.Mohan Kumar2
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering JAYA SURIYA ENGINEERING COLLEGETamil Nadu,
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering VELTECH POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Tamil Nadu, India

The use of Recycle product is increasing with innovation in present scenario. The utilization of waste product in
the manufacturing of new product is a challenging job. The Natural Resource decreases in a short period and
therefore the use of waste product is necessary. In the construction field of the world, use of Demolished
Concrete Waste as alternative of coarse aggregate plays a vital role to save natural resources and economically
good for us. Natural sand is a prime material used for the preparation of concrete and also plays an important
role in Mix Design. One such material is Quarry stone dust: a by-product obtained during quarrying process.
Attempts have been made to study the suitability of Quarry Dust as sand replacing material and it has been
found that Quarry Dust improves the mechanical properties of concrete as well as elastic modulus. This present
work is an attempt to use Quarry Dust as partial replacement for fine aggregate in concrete and Demolished
Concrete Waste as partial replacement for coarse aggregate in concrete. The main object of this project is to
determine the Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, Flexural strength. Various mixes were prepared for
carrying out the research by varying the proportions of cement, sand and aggregates. All mixes were designed
for characteristic strength (fck) of M20. The Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, Flexural strength of
concrete was tested in laboratory after 7, 14 and 28 days.
Keywords: Concrete, Natural Sand, Quarry Dust, Natural Coarse Aggregate Demolished Concrete Waste.

I. INTRODUCTION areas can be an economical alternative to the river

Concrete is the premier construction sand. Quarry dust can be defined as residue, tailing
material across the world and the most widely used material after the extraction and processing of rocks
in all types of civil engineering works, including to form fine particles less than 4.75mm. Quarry dust,
infrastructure, low and high-rise buildings, defense which is generally considered as a waste material,
installations, environment protection and causes an environmental load due to disposal
local/domestic developments. Concrete is a problem. Quarry dust being by and large, a waste
manufactured product, essentially consisting of product, will also reduce environmental impact, if
cement, aggregates, water and admixture(s). consumed by construction industry in large
Among these, aggregates, i.e. inert granular quantities. Hence, the use of quarry dust as fine
materials such as sand, crushed stone or gravel form aggregate in concrete will reduce not only the
the major part. Traditionally aggregates have been demand for natural sand but also reduces the
readily available at economic price. However, in environmental problems. Moreover, the
recent years the wisdom of our continuedwholesale incorporation of quarry dust will offset the
extraction and use of aggregates from natural production cost of concrete and hence, the successful
resources has been questioned at an international utilization of quarry dust as fine aggregate will turn
level. This is mainly because of the depletion of this waste material into valuable resource.
quality primary aggregates and greater awareness of Construction waste is generated whenever
environmental protection. In light of this, the any construction/demolition activity takes place,
availability of natural resources to future generations such as, building roads, bridges, fly over, subway,
has also been realized. Given this background, the remodeling etc. It consists mostly of inert and non-
concept of sustainable development put forward biodegradable material such as concrete, plaster,
almost a decade ago, at the 1992 Earth Summit in metal, wood, plastics etc. A part of this waste comes
Rio de Janeiro, and it has now become a guiding to the municipal stream. These wastes are heavy,
principle for the construction industry worldwide. having high density, often bulky and occupy
Quarry dust, a byproduct from the crushing considerable storage space either on the road or
process of stones (Blue metal) which is available communal waste bin/container. It is not uncommon
abundantly from rock quarries at low cost in many to see huge piles of such waste, which is heavy as

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0707043944 39 | P a g e

N.Devendran. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 7, ( Part -4) July 2017, pp.39-44

well, stacked on roads especially in large projects,

resulting in traffic congestion and disruption.


2.1.1 Cement: In this experimental investigation
Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade is used The
properties of Cement are as follows in table 2.1:


S.No Property Value
1. Specific Gravity 3.15
2. Initial Setting Time 87minutes Figure 2.1 quarry dust
3. Standard Consistency 33%
TABLE 2.4.Properties Of Quarry Dust
4. Fineness 1.75
S.No Properties and Value
2.1.2 Fine Aggregate: Natural river sand with
1. Specific gravity 2.54 -2.60
fraction passing through 4.75mm sieve and on
150µm sieve was used and tested as per IS: 2386- 2. Bulk density 1720- 1810
1983. The important properties tested for the (kg/m3)
aggregate are given below in the table 2.2 3. Absorption (%) 1.20- 1.50
4. Moisture Nil
S.No Property Value 5. Fine particles less than 12-15
1. Specific Gravity 2.64 0.075 mm (%)
2. Fineness modulus 2.73 6. Sieve analysis Zone-II
3. Water absorption 1.24 7. SiO2 62.48
8. Al2O3 18.72
2.1.3 Coarse Aggregate: crushed granite coarse 9. Fe2O3 6.54
aggregate of size 15.5mm was used and tested as per 10. MgO 2.56
IS:2386-1983.The important properties tested for 11. Na2O Nil
coarse aggregates are given below in the table 2.3 12. K2O 3.18
13. TiO2 1.21
TABLE2.3 Properties Of Coarse Aggregate 14. Loss of ignition 0.48
S.No Property Value
1. Specific Gravity 2.76 2.1.5 Demolished Concrete Waste
2. Water absorption 0.54 When structures made of concrete are demolished or
renovated, concrete recycling is an increasingly
2.1.4 quarry dust : Quarry dust, a byproduct from common method of utilizing the rubble. Concrete
the crushing process of stones (Blue metal) which is was once routinely trucked to landfills for disposal,
available abundantly from rock quarries at low cost but recycling has a number of benefits that have
in many areas can be an economical alternative to the made it a more attractive option in this age of greater
river sand. Quarry dust can be defined as residue, environmental awareness, more environmental laws,
tailing material after the extraction and processing of and the desire to keep construction costs down. The
rocks to form fine particles less than 4.75mm. The properties of rice husk ash is shown in the table 2.5
properties of silica fume shown in the table 2.4

Figure 2.2 demolished concrete waste.

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0707043944 40 | P a g e

N.Devendran. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 7, ( Part -4) July 2017, pp.39-44

TABLE 2.4. PROPERTIES OF Demolishe Concrete

S.No Properties and Value
1. Specific Gravity 2.72
2. Bulk Density(kg/m3) 1741
3. Water absorption 1.73
4. Aggregate Impact 8.55
Value (%)

III. MIX PROPORTIONS Figure 6.2 compressive strength for various proport
Mix design is carried out as per EFNARC
Specifications which satisfied the workability test TABLE 6.1 RESULTS FOR COMPRESSIVE
methods on concrete. The MIX PROPORTIONS of STRENGTH
SCC as shown in the table 2.5.


Cement 394 kg/m3
Fine aggregate 644.37 kg/m3
Replacement details strength
Coarse aggregate 1197.61 kg/m3
water 197 kg/m3
1. Nominal Mix 16.9
4.1.1 Slump Flow Test: The slump flow is used to 2. Nominal Mix River sand
assess the horizontal free flow of Self Compacting (60%) + Quarry Dust 16.3
Concrete in the absence of obstruction. This method (40%)
is based on the test method for determining the 3. C.A (60%) + DCW 40%) 18.6
slump. 4. River sand (60%) +
Quarry Dust (40%) &
Concrete cubes specimens (150 mm x 150 (40%)
mm x150mm) for 45cubes were casted for
computing compressive strength. The cylindrical
specimens (diameter- 150 mm and length- 300 mm)
for 30cylinders were casted to determine spilt tensile
strength of concrete. The prism specimens (150 mm
x 150 mm x150mm) for 30prisms were casted for
computing flexural strength. All the specimens were
cured for a period of 28 days before test.


After a detailed study we have obtained the
following results for compression, split tensile
strength and flexural strength.
The specimen is tested by compression test
machine after 7 days, 14 days and 28 days curing.
Load should be applied gradually at the rate of 6.2 SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH
140kg/cm2 per minute till specimens fails. Load at The tensile strength of concrete is one of the
the failure divided by area of specimen gives the basic and important properties. Splitting tensile
compressive strength of concrete. strength test on concrete cylinder is a method to
determine the tensile strength of concrete. The
concrete is very weak in tensile due to its brittle
nature and is not expected to resist the direct tension.
The concrete develops cracks when subjected to

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0707043944 41 | P a g e

N.Devendran. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 7, ( Part -4) July 2017, pp.39-44

tensile forces. Thus, it is necessary to determine the unreinforced concrete beam or slab to resist failure in
tensile strength of concrete to determine the load at bending. It is measured by loading 100mm x 100mm
which the concrete members may cracks. x 500mm concrete beam”.

Figure 6.3 split tensile testing machine

Figure 6.4 flexural testing machine
14 days 28 days STRENGTH
Replacement Details (N/mm2 (N/mm2
) ) 14 days
28 days
Replacement Details (N/mm2
Nominal Mix 2.27 2.57 (N/mm2)
\River sand (60%) + Nominal Mix 3.58 4.11
1.94 2.12
Quarry Dust (40%) River sand (60%) +
C.A (60%) +DCW 3.43 3.94
Quarry Dust (40%)
2.63 2.89
(40%) C.A (60%) +DCW
River sand (60%) + 3.76 4.30
Quarry dust (40%) & River sand (60%) +
2.40 2.65
C.A (60%) + DCW Quarry Dust (40%) &
(40%) 3.59 4.17
C.A (60%) + DCW

Figure 6.4 flexural strength for various proportions

Figure 6.4 split tensile strength for various

proportions of SF and RHA
“Flexural strength is one measure of the  For River sand (60%) + Quarry dust (40%), the
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www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0707043944 42 | P a g e

N.Devendran. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 7, ( Part -4) July 2017, pp.39-44

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www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0707043944 43 | P a g e

N.Devendran. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 7, ( Part -4) July 2017, pp.39-44

International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is UGC approved

Journal with Sl. No. 4525, Journal no. 47088.

N. .Devendran. "Experimental Analysis of Concrete with Quarry Dust and Demolished

Concrete Waste." International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) 7.7
(2017): 39-44.

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0707043944 44 | P a g e

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