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Fracking and Oil and Gas Production

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Fracking as its relates to Oil and Gas production

Fracking is a process that involves the high-pressure injection of "fracking fluid" into a wellbore to
create cracks in the deep-rock formations through which natural gas, petroleum, and brine will flow
more freely12.

The process can be simplified into the following steps 2:

Drill a well vertically into the ground until it reaches the permeable shale layers.

Pump in high pressured fracking fluid, which contains a mixture of water, sand, and 5-10 chemicals
ranging in toxicity.

Fracture the shale rock.

Prop open the fractures.

Collect the natural gas.

fracking, in natural gas and petroleum production, injection of a fluid at high pressure into an
underground rock formation in order to open fissures and allow trapped gas or crude oil to flow
through a pipe to a wellhead at the surface. Employed in combination with improved techniques for
drilling horizontally through selected rock layers, fracking has opened up vast natural gas deposits in
the United States and elsewhere. At the same time, the rapid rise of the practice, frequently in
regions with no history of intensive oil and gas drilling, has raised concerns over its economic and
environmental consequences.

The rise of a new technology

The technology of fracking has been in use since the 1940s, when liquids such as gasoline and crude
oil were injected into poorly performing gas and oil wells in the central and southern United States
with the aim of increasing their flow rate. Over the following decades, techniques were improved—
for instance, treated water became the preferred fracturing medium, and finely graded sand or
synthetic materials were adopted as a “proppant” to hold open the fractures. However, fracking did
not enter its current modern phase until the 1990s, when the use of new steerable drill bit motors
and electronic telemetering equipment allowed operators to direct borehole drilling and monitor the
fracturing process with great precision. Shortly after, a market favourable for natural gas began to be
created by high crude oil prices and by environmental regulations that discouraged the burning of oil
and coal. In response to these conditions, developers began to open up so-called unconventional gas
reservoirs—rock formations that previously had been left undeveloped because, under older
production methods, they released the gas contained in them too slowly or in too small a quantity to
be profitable.

Gas from unconventional deposits includes coal bed methane (gas located in the joints and fractures
of coal seams), “tight gas” (gas locked into relatively impermeable sandstone or limestone
formations), and shale gas (gas incorporated into dense microporous shales). Fracking has been used
to recover all these gas types, but it has been practiced most prominently in recovering shale gas.

Horizontal drilling

Most gas shales are found in extensive seams hundreds or thousands of metres beneath the surface.
These seams can be accessed through conventional vertical drilling, but the most productive method
is usually horizontal drilling. In this technique a well is begun in the traditional way, with the auguring
of a pilot hole usually some 6 to 15 metres (20 to 50 feet) deep. This is lined with a steel pipe some
40 to 50 cm (16 to 20 inches) in diameter, called the conductor casing, that is cemented into place.
From there the borehole is drilled straight down, passing through numerous rock layers that may
include contaminable freshwater aquifers used for private wells or municipal water supply. This
portion of the borehole is lined with a cemented steel pipe called the surface casing. Depending on
production needs or environmental regulations, another pipe, called the intermediate casing, may be
cemented inside the surface casing.

At a predetermined “kickoff point” (in some cases above the shale formation, in other cases within
it), a steerable drill bit is installed, and the borehole is turned to the horizontal. From there drilling
continues within the shale, sometimes for another thousand metres or more. When this lateral
section of the well is drilled, the entire borehole is lined with yet another pipe called the production
casing. In many operations more than one well can be drilled from a single surface site (or “pad”), or
more than one lateral section can radiate from a single borehole.


Once drilling and casing are completed, the production casing down the borehole is perforated by a
tool that fires a series of small, aimed explosive charges through the wall of the pipe. At the surface
the drilling rig is removed, and the fracking process begins. Typically, a fleet of tanker trucks
converges on the pad along with several trailer-mounted hydraulic pumpers, blenders, and chemical-
storage tanks, a self-contained control vehicle or trailer packed with electronics, and other

The amount of fresh water used in fracking a single shale gas well varies greatly, depending on the
size of the well and the amount of fracturing that has to be done to release the gas: industry and
regulatory sources give figures that range from approximately 7.5 million to 20 million litres (2
million to 5 million gallons)—roughly equivalent to the water contained in three to eight Olympic-size
swimming pools. Environmental groups argue that, in new areas where fracking may grow
dramatically, such consumption may represent an unsustainable use of the region’s fresh water. In
response, the shale gas industry insists that fracturing for shale gas consumes less water per thermal
unit than is used in coal and even conventional oil production. The water is obtained from sources
determined by the market and regulations—e.g., purchased from the municipal water supply,
pumped from local rivers or streams, reused from previous frack jobs. Sometimes it is piped directly
to the pad, and often it is stored there in steel tanks or in large, shallow ponds that have been
excavated out of the ground and lined with plastic.

Environmental concerns

Freshwater contamination

Gas wells are often drilled through or near aquifers, and complaints about polluted well water are
not uncommon. One frequently expressed fear, especially in areas where fracking is new, is that the
fracturing of rock underground will allow contaminated liquids and liberated shale gas to migrate
upward from the shale deposit and into the water table. Industry officials insist, and most
environmental officials agree, that this is extremely unlikely. A typical frack job is done at depths of
1,500 to 2,500 metres (5,000 to 8,000 feet). Between the shale deposit and the floor of an aquifer
(which is normally found no more than a few hundred metres below the surface) are numerous
layers of rock that would prevent the infiltration of gas and liquid—though some scientists believe
there is a chance, in some geologic formations, that liberated shale gas may be able to follow existing
faults and fractures upward to the water table. A more likely scenario suggested by some scientists
might be the diffusion of shale gas through old, disused wells that have not been adequately cased
or plugged. One frequently documented cause of local pollution is defective casing in the portion of
an active gas well that passes through an aquifer, allowing production gas and liquids to pass into the
water supply.

In 2010 Gasland, an American documentary film critical of fracking, created a sensation with its
footage of a kitchen faucet spewing flames in Fort Lupton, Colorado. The success of the film (which
was nominated for an Academy Award) inspired a number of imitation videos on the Internet. Such
events might indeed be traceable to drilling, which on many occasions has disturbed previously
unknown pockets of gas located close to aquifers, enabling methane gas to permeate well water in
concentrations higher than normal. However, such disturbances can be created by drilling of almost
any kind, whether for gas, oil, or even well water. For this reason, industry officials, while conceding
that drilling procedures should be held to strict standards, nevertheless insist that explosive
conditions almost certainly would not be caused directly by the hydraulic fracturing of shale deposits
deep underground.

Wastewater pollution

Drilling and fracking consume large quantities of fresh water, and they return that water in a highly
polluted state. Recovered fracturing fluid, or flowback, contains not only the original additives (some
of which are carcinogenic if consumed in raised quantities over time) but also salty subsurface brines
as well as minerals brought up from the formation that may include toxic elements such
as barium and radium. Despite myriad disposal regulations, the handling and transport of
contaminated water, additives, and sludge are inevitably punctuated by mishaps and negligence.
Occurrences such as leaking pipes, breached settling ponds, and even intentional and illegal
discharge into rivers and streams periodically arouse the ire of residents, regulators, and anti-
industry activists over the release of pollutants into waterways.

In basins in the southern United States, where oil and gas drilling have been practiced on a large
scale for almost a century, recovered fracking water is routinely transported to existing disposal wells
and pumped into formations deep underground. In new areas where infrastructure for underground
disposal does not exist, the water is commonly brought like any other industrial wastewater
to treatment plants. This raises the issue of wastewater disposal. In most cases, treated
wastewater is released into surface waters while still containing contaminants at tolerable levels set
by local pollution standards. Environmental activists note that many standards do not even address
some of the chemicals present in fracking water. As a result, the release of even treated wastewater
that included fracking fluids may be endangering life in aquatic ecosystems. Partly in response to
environmental regulations, gas producers are developing various methods for treating and reusing
flowback from fracking operations.

In the United States the refusal of drilling companies to disclose the formulas of their fracking fluids
is a major point of contention. Local and state laws could require drillers to disclose their formulas,
but at the federal level fracturing fluid is explicitly exempted from regulation under such laws as
the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. The gas industry maintains that regulation is unnecessary, since
the chemical additives in fracturing fluid are safe and are not injected anywhere near aquifers.
Environmentalists, on the other hand, question the gas industry’s motives in refusing to divulge their
formulas and insist that the industry will never be trusted so long as it refuses to do so.

Seismic activity

The injection of recovered fracking water into underground disposal wells raises another
environmental concern: human-induced seismicity. All frack jobs produce vibrations that can be
detected by sensitive instruments, but on occasion a larger-than-usual number of small tremors and
even light earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or higher have been recorded in some areas where shale
gas is being developed. In some cases this has led to a suspension of fracturing activity. However, a
more serious threat, according to geologists, is the underground disposal of huge quantities of
drilling and fracking fluid, which may alter pressure balances or even lubricate existing faults in rock
formations that are already liable to slip. In some areas of known fault lines, underground disposal
has been banned.


Environmental concerns such as those outlined above have called increasing attention to the practice
of hydraulic fracturing, especially as its use has grown and moved beyond areas where oil and gas
exploration has been practiced for generations. Nowhere is this more the case than in the Marcellus
Shale, a vast and rich shale gas deposit lying mainly under Pennsylvania but also extending northeast
into New York and southwest into Ohio and West Virginia—a region blanketed by the
scenic Allegheny Mountains and home to consumer and environmental movements that were well
established long before fracking entered the area in the early 2000s. Using records kept by
the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, conservation organizations found that
gas drillers in that state had been cited for violations of environmental regulations more than 1,600
times from January 2008 to August 2010. In July 2011 the New York Department of Environmental
Conservation (DEC), citing concerns about freshwater use and wastewater disposal, issued a report
recommending that horizontal drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing be banned anywhere
within the watersheds supplying drinking water to New York City and Syracuse. The DEC also
recommended that drilling not be allowed within a specified distance of any primary freshwater
aquifer and that the purchase and drawing of water for drilling and fracturing be strictly regulated. In
2014 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a statewide ban on fracking, making New York the
first state with proven reserves to ban the practice. North of New York,
in Canada the Quebec Ministry of the Environment called for a halt to all fracking operations within
the Utica Shale along the St. Lawrence River, pending further investigation of risks to the
environment and the population.

In France the test drilling of shale formations in the picturesque southeast part of the country and in
the densely populated north around Paris provoked such a strong reaction by environmentalist
groups that the government was prompted to put the issue to a vote in parliament. In June
2011 France became the first country in the world to ban the exploration and extraction of gas and
oil by hydraulic fracturing.

Meanwhile, in the United States, where the exploitation of shale gas is central to
federal energy policy, the debate over fracking has threatened to become polarized between
irreconcilable pro-industry and environmental camps, each armed with its own research to support
its own arguments. In order to work toward a consensus based on objective, verifiable data, in 2010
Congress directed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to study “any potential impacts of
hydraulic fracturing on drinking water and groundwater.” The following year the EPA decided to
conduct case studies of seven specific well sites around the country,
from Texas to Pennsylvania to North Dakota. The final report, issued in 2016, found that the various
activities in the fracking water cycle can impact drinking water resources under some circumstances.
It also acknowledged that the lack of toxicity data on the chemicals added to fracking water was a
significant limitation to the assessment of the severity of the impact on drinking water.

shale oil, in fossil fuel production, either a synthetic crude oil that is extracted from oil shale by
means of pyrolysis or a naturally occurring crude oil that is extracted from
underground shale deposits by means of fracking (hydraulic fracturing).

In the extraction of oil from oil shales, intense heat is used to break down a waxy organic matter
called kerogen that is contained in the shale and thereby release liquid and
gaseous hydrocarbons similar to those found in conventional petroleum. This type of synthetic crude
is also called kerogen oil. Under present technology the oil is recovered by either of two processes.
One involves mining and crushing oil shale and then transporting the rock to a processing plant
where it is heated in special retorts to temperatures of about 500 °C (930 °F). The intense heat
releases oil vapours from the rock, which liquefy in a series of condensers. The other process
involves in situ extraction. In this technique an oil shale deposit is fractured with explosives, after
which a mixture of gas and air is pumped into the deposit and ignited to heat the rock. (Other
technologies such as electrical heating have also been tried.) The ensuing pyrolysis of the kerogen
underground produces oil vapours that, upon condensing, are pumped out much like crude oil.

Crude oil is usually found in relatively coarse-grained, permeable, and porous sedimentary rocks such
as sandstone and limestone, from which it can be drawn by using the natural formation pressure
alone or, if necessary, some well-established technology such as mechanically pumping the oil out or
forcing gas or liquid into the reservoir. In addition to such conventional production, newer
technologies such as steerable drill bits, electronic sensors, and hydraulic fracturing have opened up
so-called unconventional reservoirs composed of dense, impermeable “tight rock” such as shale
or dolomite. Oil extracted from all such formations is known in the petroleum industry as “tight oil.”
However, because it is most prominently recovered from shale formations, in a manner similar
to shale gas, it is commonly referred to as shale oil.

shale gas, natural gas obtained from sheetlike formations of shale, frequently at
depths exceeding 1,500 metres (5,000 feet). Shales are fine-grained sedimentary rocks consisting
of silt- and clay-sized particles that were laid down hundreds of millions of years ago as organic-rich
mud at the bottom of ancient seas and tidal flats. Over time the mud layers were buried by further
sedimentation, and the resulting heat and pressure transformed the mud into shale and the organic
matter into natural gas. Over long stretches of geologic time, gas that was generated in the shales
migrated into more-permeable rock layers, forming today’s so-called conventional reservoirs—gas
deposits that are easily tapped through conventional drilling. However, much gas is still contained in
the shale “source rocks.” The problem for producers is that it diffuses at an extremely slow rate and
must be extracted through unconventional means. The most productive method is usually horizontal
drilling through the shale seam, followed by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, of the rock by the
injecting of fluid at extremely high pressure.

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