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Two types of coastline

1. Determine the four types of hard stabilization SUBMERGENT COAST
depicted in the figure depending on location and
12. TRUE OR FALSE: Erosive action is more
when wave strength is more.
Answer: TRUE

13. Two kinds of current.


14. It refers to all the activities taking place at

the coast.
Ans: A. Seawall, B. Groin, C. Breakwater, D.
15. They are designed to protect the structures
by stopping the natural movement of sand by
2. They are concentrated movements of water the waves.
that flow opposite the direction of breaking Answer: SEAWALL
waves, that can be hazardous to swimmers,
who, if caught in them, can be carried out away 16. The line that marks the contact between land
from shore. and sea.
Ans: Rip currents A. Borderline
B. Shoreline
3. An elongated ridge of sand that projects from C. Coastline
the land into the mouth of an adjacent bay D. Frontline
Ans: Spit
17. It is a ridge of sand that connects an island
4. When the water travels, it passes the energy to the mainland or to another island, forms in
along by moving in a certain motion. What do much the same manner as a spit.
you call the movement it generates? A. tombolo
Ans: circular orbital motion B. barrier island
C. Sea arches
5. The biggest fluctuation in high- and low-tide D. Bay mouth bars
water levels occurs along shorelines during 18 Adding the counterclockwise rotation of wind
______, when the Moon, Earth, and Sun align. and direction of hurricane, how strong the
Ans: syzygy hurricane has been develop than usual?
A. 5- 10%
6. Why shoreline is considered a dynamic B. 10 - 5%
interface? C. 5 - 15 %
Answer: Shorelines are constantly changing D. 10 - 15 %
due to interplay between forces of water and
land. 19. Which type of coast is formed when the land
is uplifted relative to sea level?
7. It is the sawing and grinding action of the A. Emergent coast
water armed with rock fragments. B. Submerged coast
Answer: Abrasion C. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
D. Pacific Coast
8. It is found near the shoreline, such as
20. The following are the statements related to
headlands, beaches, lagoons, sandbars,
beach. Which is incorrect?
A. Beaches are composed of whatever material
Answer: Erosional Features
is locally abundant.
9. Enumerate the categories of destruction B. Beach is an accumulation of sediment found
caused by a hurricane. along the landward margin of a water body.
Answer: Storm Surge, Wind Damage, Inland C. Beaches are relatively flat platforms
Flooding composed of sand that is marked by a change in
slope at the seaward edge.
10. The Process of adding large quantities of D. The material that comprises a beach does
sand to beaches. not stay in one place.
Answer: Beach Nourishment
21. What is the tidal depth gradient found MASS MOVEMENT
closest to the shore?
Answer: Littoral zone 1. After the initial siding stage, the material can
break up into _______________.
22. In what year United Nations declared A. Chaotic Debris Earthflow
International Year of the Oceans? B. Chaotic Debris Rockslide
Answer: 1998 C. Chaotic Debris Avalanche
D. Chaotic Debris Rupture
23. It is the most important factor in the change
of state or form of water.
2. It is considered as a trigger as it can dislodge
Answer: Heat
enormous volumes of rock and unconsolidated
24. Flows in complex patterns affected by wind,
A. Oversteeping Slope
salinity and temperature, bottom topography,
B. Earthquakes
and the Earth's rotation?
C. Water
Answer: Current
D. Removal of anchoring vegetation
25. What are the two directions ocean moves?
3. What are rockfall barriers composed of, and
Answer: Horizontal and vertical
what is their primary purpose?
A. Steel bars anchored to wooden poles for
26. What do you call the interface between land
preventing soil erosion.
and water? These zones are important because
B. Steel cables anchored to steel posts or poles
a majority of the world's population inhabits such
for stabilizing slopes.
C. Mesh nets anchored to steel posts or poles
a. Ocean
for preventing landslides.
b. Coastal Zone
D. Steel cables or mesh nets anchored to
c. Dune
steel posts or poles for protecting people,
d. Seabed
vehicles, and infrastructure from falling
rocks and debris.
27. What type of coastal processes is exhibited
on the dolomite rocks used in the Cebu
4. Which of the following is an example of a slow
mass movement?
a. Chemical Deposition
A. Rock avalanche
b. Chemical Transportation
B. Debris flow
c. Chemical Weathering
C. Mudflow
d. Chemical Erosion
D. Creep
28. It is a highly specialized type of engineering
that is designed to address both natural and 5. Considered as a trigger as it can dislodge
man-made changes in coastal zones. enormous volumes of rock and unconsolidated
a. Coastal Engineering material.
b. Geotechnical Engineering A. Oversteeping Slope
c. Construction Engineering B. Earthquakes
d. Hydraulic Engineering C. Water
D. Removal of anchoring vegetation
29. This engineering control is traditionally built
using large granite rocks that can handle the 6. The mountain is said to be overstepped when
impact and the energy of the waves and can the angle of repose is _______ than 40 degrees.
either be floating or fixed. Answer: MORE
a. Seawall 7. In the formation of permafrost, what is the
b. Jetties required minimum temperature (in Fahrenheit)?
c. Breakwater Answer: 32°F
d. Groin
8. It is the driving force of mass movement.
30. The following are the disadvantages Answer: GRAVITY
mentioned by the reporters regarding the
construction of a seawall, except. 9. When did the earthquake in Northridge Los
a. Hastening coastal erosion Angeles, California happened?
b. Sacrificing the public homes Answer: January 1944
c. Eliminate habitats for birds and wildlife
d. Expensive to build and maintain
10. Identify the missing label 18. It is the downward sliding of a mass of rock
or unconsolidated material moving as a unit
along a curved path.
A. Slump
B. Debris Flow
C. Rockslides
D. Slump

19. Material that is solid and tightly bound.

A. Translational
B. Consolidated
Answer: Scarp C. Rotational
D. Unconsolidated
11. After a rockslide, lahar landslide, etc.,
20. It means to be at rest.
A. Stable
STATEMENT 1. Rescue people in damage.
B. Steepen
STATEMENT 2. Collaborate other professions
C. Reposen
for ensuring safety of the area.
D. All of the above
A. Both statements are true
B. Both statements are false 21. It is an event that initiates downslope
C. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false movement
D. Statement 2 is true, Statement 1 is false Answer: Trigger

22. Slope stability is based on the interaction of

12. All statements are true except:
two forces namely the ______ and ______.
A. Earth's surface is varied
Answer: driving force, resisting forces
B. Slopes may be covered by vegetation
23. True or False: A trigger is the sole cause of
C. Acceleration causes rocks and soil to
mass movement event.
move downslope
Answer: False
D. Landslides are a natural hazard
24. What are the 3 methods used to anticipate
13. It involves the free fall of detached individual the mass movements?
pieces of any size, commonly occurring on steep o Mitigation methods
slopes. o Protection methods
A. Slide o Slope stabilization methods
B. Fall
C. Flow 25. A process that can cause harm to people or
D. Spread property if they are sufficiently exposed.
14. It is a type of mass movement that occurs Answer: Geologic hazard
when large quantities of rock and soil plunge 26. Refers to the downslope movement of rock,
down steep slopes. regolith, and soil under the direct influence of
A. Tsunami gravity.
B. Landslides a. oversteepened slopes
C. Earthquake b. mass
D. Typhoon c. mass movement
15. A type of mass movement that occurs when d. vegetation
water saturated soil flows downslope. 27. Can dislodge enormous volumes of rock and
A. Solifluction unconsolidated material.
B. Creep a. landslides
C. Permafrost b. earthquakes and aftershocks
D. Slow Mass c. avalanches
d. rock falls
16. What is the process in the formation of new
landscapes or topographic features that comes 28. Also known as mass wasting, represents the
before mass wasting? downhill movement of a cliff under the
Answer: WEATHERING persuasion of gravity.
a. mass movement processes
17. As the soil _________ and __________, it b. oversteepened slopes
moves downhill in a slow, continuous manner. It c. mass movement
is the factor that contribute to creep. d. avalanches
4. Fall is the mass movement that exhibits a 10. Glaciers erode the land primarily in two
zone of weakness between the sliding material ways. What are those?
and the stable material beneath. Answer: Plucking and Abrasion
a. false 11. A thick ice mass that originates on land from
b. true the accumulation, compaction, and
c. slightly false recrystallization of snow.
d. slightly true Answer: GLACIER
5. Earthflows most often form on hillsides in 12. Exist on a much larger scale and are
humid areas during times of heavy precipitation continental-scale masses of glaciers that rest on
or snowmelt. land.
a. slightly false Answer: ICE SHEETS
b. slightly true
13. Masses of glacial ice that covers some
c. false
uplands and plateaus.
d. True
Answer: ICE CAPS
GLACIERS AND GLACIATION 14. Occurs when an entire ice mass slips along
1. Among the four types of glaciers, give atleast the ground, usually the lowest portions of most
one. glaciers.
● Valley (Alpine) Glaciers Answer: BASAL SLIP
● Ice Sheets
● Ice Caps 15. Steep-sided hills that, like eskers, are
● Piedmont Glaciers composed of sand and gravel.
Answer: KAMES
2. It happens when the stress exceeds the
strength of the bonds between the glacial layers, 16. When the glacier moves over an irregular
the layer remains intact and slides over one terrain, the zone of fracture is subjected to
another. tension, resulting in cracks called?
Plastic Flow A. firn
B. glacier
3. The rate of glacial erosion is affected by these C. crevasses
four factors, what are those? D. zone of fracture
Speed of glacier movement, ice thickness,
erodibility of the surface beneath the glacier and 17. What is an all-embracing term for sediments
shape, abundance, and hardness of the rock of glacial origin, no matter how, where, or in
fragments in the ice at the base of the glacier what shape they were deposited?
A. Glacial Drift
4. There are several important effects of Ice Age
B. Glacial Erosion
glaciers other than erosional and depositional
C. Glacial Deposit
landforms, what are those?
D. Moraines
Sea-level Changes, Pluvial lakes, Crustal
Subsidence and Isostatic Rebound 18. These are very large, unconfined thick
masses of glacial ice flowing outward in all
5. Where were ice sheets more extensive during directions.
the Ice Age? A. Ice Sheets
The Northern Hemisphere B. Alpine Glaciers
C. Piedmont Glaciers
6. It is a thick ice mass that forms over hundreds
D. Ice Caps
or thousands of years. It originates on land from
the accumulation, compaction, and 19. The following are the causes of ice age
recrystallization of snow. except:
Answer: Glacier A. Earth’s Relativity
B. Glacial Deposit
7. A time when ice sheets and alpine glaciers
C. Plate Tectonics
were far more extensive than they are today.
D. Eccentricity
Answer: Ice Age
20. This happens as the ice, and the rock
8. A term for any sediments of glacial origin.
fragments it carries, slide over bedrock.
Answer: Glacial Drift
A. Abrasion
9. Series of deep fissures in the zone of fracture B. Glacial Striation
of a glacier resulting from stress produced by C. Plucking
the movement. D. Cirques
Answer: Crevasses
21. A mass of glacial ice that exists on a larger DESERTS AND WIND
scale and is used in order to keep fresh water
frozen as ice. 1. What usually have no permanent flow and
Answer: Ice sheet often have internal drainage?
Ans: Dry Areas
22. Occurs when an entire ice mass slips along
the ground. 2. These are crescent-shaped sand dunes that
Answer: Basal slip form where there is a limited sand supply and
unidirectional wind flow. They tend to migrate
23. An all embracing term for sediments of
downwind over time, and their horns point in the
glacial origin, no matter how, where, or in what
direction of the prevailing wind.
shape they were deposited.
Ans: Barchan dunes
Answer: Glacial drift

24. A Swiss engineer who proposed the 3. According to climatologists, this is one where
historical development of the glacial theory. annual precipitation is less than the potential
Answer: Ignaz Venetz water loss from evaporation.
Ans: Dry Climate
25. It describes how ice accumulates and melts
on a glacier which ultimately determines whether 4. These are not governed by the sinking air
a glacier advances or retreats. masses connected with zones of high pressure,
Answer: Glacial budget in contrast to their low-latitude equivalents.
Instead, many of these arid regions exist
26. Large, thick masses of ice that form on land
because they are protected within vast
when fallen snow gets compressed into ice over
many centuries.
Ans: Middle-Latitude Deserts and Steppes
a. Glaciers
b. Snow
5. These causes of dry lands are complicated
c. Hail
and interconnected, involving factors like global
d. Sea Ice
wind patterns, ocean currents, topography, and
27. When was the last Ice Age? human activity.
a. 20,000 years ago Ans: Subtropical Deserts and Steppes
b. 40,000 years ago
c. 30,000 years ago 6. What is the world's largest desert?
d. 50,000 years ago Answer: SAHARA DESERT

28. The area where the zone of Accumulation 7. Deserts have _____________ or ephemeral
and zone of Abrasion meet. streams (ephemero = short-lived), which means
a. Snowline they carry water only in response to specific
b. Glacial Line episodes of rainfall.
c. Crevasses Answer: INTERMITTENT
d. Zone of Fracture
8. What is a cone of debris at the mouth of a
29. Listed are the discussed reasons on why it
is hard to construct structures on ice, which of
the following is not included?
a. Shifting Ice
9. These ______ can be seen when deflation
b. Melting and Refreezing
c. Extreme Temperatures
d. Inaccessible by Humans
e. Threat of Avalanche

30. Large, thick masses of ice contribute to the 10. Isolated hills of sand that exhibit a complex
water cycle, which of the following statements is form.
not true? Answer: STAR DUNES
a. They serve as freshwater source for lakes
and rivers 11. Dry climates cover what percent of Earth's
b. They accumulate snow and store them for land area?
years A. 30%
c. Their melting contributes to the rise of the sea B. 25%
level C. 40%
d. None of the the above D. 72%
12. Carry water only in response to specific A. Tropical climate
episodes of rainfall. B. Dry climate
A. Basins C. Continental climate
B. Deposition D. Poral climate E. Temperate climate
C. Deserts
D. Mountain Ranges 21. A marginal and more humid variant of the
desert and is a transition zone that surrounds
13. The mountain ranges and intervening valleys the desert and separates it from bordering
were produced through what type of fault? humid climates.
A. Reverse Answer: Steppe
B. Normal
C. Strike-Slip 22. It is a triangle-shaped deposit of gravel,
D. Transform sand, and even smaller pieces of sediment,
such as silt. Usually created as flowing water
14. Alteration of land to desert like conditions as interacts with mountains, hills, or the steep walls
a result of inappropriate land use by humans. of canyons.
A. Weathering Answer: Alluvial fan
B. Erosion
C. Deposition 23. During this stage, the intense tectonic
D. Desertification activity that characterized the Basin and Range
Stage began to decrease, and the landscape
15. Implemented to reduce the demand for became more stable.
energy and minimize the need for new Answer: Late stage of desert landscape
infrastructure in the desert. evolution
A. Rooftop Solar
B. Offshore Wind 24. Large piles of sand or sediment that form
C. Energy Efficiency when particles of sand or sediment are blown or
D. Conversation and Restoration deposited by wind.
Answer: Dunes
16. What are the two types of Wind Erosion?
A. Ventifacts and Yardangs 25. Formed by the accumulation of eolian dust in
B. Desert Pavement and Blowouts areas where winds are strong and sediment
C. Deflation and Abrasion sources are abundant.
D. Abrasion and Desert Pavement Answer: Loess

17. The following are factors of dune movement 26. A distinctive area of western North America
except that demonstrates some fundamental principles
A. availability of sand of mountainous desert landscapes.
B. size and shape of the dune BASIC AND RANGE REGION
C. wind direction and strength
D. wind speed and direction 27. How many percent of Earth’s land area is
covered by dry climates?
18.. What do you call to streams that carry water 30%
in response to specific episodes of rainfall?
A. Perennial Stream 28. What do you call the breakdown of rocks at
B. Intermittent Stream the Earth’s surface, by the action of rainwater,
C. Meandering Stream extremes of temperature, and biological activity?
D. Ephemeral Stream WEATHERING

19. The following are the features that can be 29. Formed when the wind blows sand particles
seen in the evolution of desert landscape in across a surface and deposits them in a mound.
Basin and Range EXCEPT: SAND DUNES
A. Inselberg
B. Alluvial plans 30. What are the shallow depressions that are
C. Bajada the most noticeable results of deflation?
D. Playa lakes BLOWOUTS

20.. What do you call a climate in which yearly

precipitation is not great as the potential loss of
water by evaporation?
CLIMATE A. atmosphere
B. biosphere
1. Basic Laws Governing Radiation states that, C. troposphere
the __ the radiating object, the __ the D. geosphere
wavelength of maximum radiation.
Ans. hotter, shorter 13. It minimizes energy and water consumption
and is a key part of sustainable urban
2. Method used to determine past temperatures development that seeks to combat climate
by analyzing the ratio of oxygen isotopes in change.
natural materials such as ice cores, seafloor A. Green Buildings
sediments, and shells of marine organisms. B. Skyscrapers
Ans. Oxygen Isotope Analysis C. Photovoltaic cells
D. Windmills
3. It is the weight of the air above.
14. It is associated with the Sun’s ejection of
Ans. Atmospheric pressure
huge masses of particles that are reaching
Earth’s upper atmosphere.
4. Electromagnetic radiation is energy emitted in
A. Aurora Borealis
the form of rays, or waves, called ____
B. Sunspot
Ans. Electromagnetic waves
C. Solar Radiation
D. Orbital Variations
5. The emission of huge quantities of debris
/gasses during an explosive eruption makes 15. Global warming is defined as a gradual
volcanic activities a natural cause of climate increase in the overall temperature of the Earth.
change. Give atleast three examples of Which of the following is not a consequence of
gasses/debris emitted during a volcanic eruption Global Warming?
that may alter the planet's climate. A. Rise of Sea Level
Ans : volcanic aerosols, Volcanic ash&dust, B. Loss of Arctic Sea Ice
sulfuric acid droplets, Carbon dioxide (CO2) C. Increase of Ocean Acidity
D. Increase in pH Scale Level of seawaters
6. The aggregate of weather conditions for a
place or region over a long period of time. 16. It refers to the long-term patterns of
Answer: CLIMATE temperature, precipitation, wind, and other
atmospheric conditions in a specific region.
7. Its role is to trap heat in the atmosphere and a. Climate
keep the Earth's surface warm enough to b. Weather
support life. c. Climate Change
17. How many tons of ice are melting every year
8. A form of oxygen that combines three oxygen due to global warming?
atoms into each molecule. a. 750 billion
Answer: OZONE b. 750 trillion
c. 750 million
9. Also known as "laughing gas". d. 750 quadrillion
18 The fraction of total radiation that is reflected
10. Produce results that are just the opposite of by a surface.
the initial change and tend to offset it. a. Short-wave
Answer: NEGATIVE FEEDBACK b. Long-wave
d. heating
11. This is based on precise measurement of the
ratio between two isotopes of oxygen 19. These are complex simulations that attempt
A. Isotope Hydrogen Analysis to replicate the Earth's climate system by
B. Isotope Oxygen Analysis incorporating various environmental factors.
C. Oxygen Isotope Examination a. Station Circulation Models
D. Oxygen Isotope Analysis b. General Circulation Models
c. Climate Feedback
12. The following are included in the climate d. Mechanism Meter
system except e. Climate Defense Mechanism
3. The fractions of the total radiation that is
20. Kind of aerosol that absorbs incoming solar reflected by a surface
radiation and warms the atmosphere. a. Evaporation rate
a. Black carbon b. Arbento
b. Dust c. Balbedos
c. Organic carbon d. Albedo
d. Nitrates e. Surface winds

21. The fraction of the total radiation that is 4. What are the two types of feedback
reflected by a surface. mechanisms?
Answer: Albedo
a. Positive and Negative Feedback
22. The most conspicuous and best-known Mechanisms
features on the surface of the Sun are the dark b. Forward and Backward Feedback
blemishes called ____. Mechanisms
Answer: Sunspots c. Stationary and Accelerating Feedback
23. Refers to the interactions between the d. Uniform and Non-uniform Feedback
atmosphere, oceans, land surface, ice sheets, Mechanisms
and living organisms that regulate the Earth's e. North and South Feedback Mechanisms
Answer: Climate system 5. The study of ancient climates and climate
change prior to the period of instrumental
24. Most _______ contain the remains of records using proxy data.
organisms that once lived near the sea surface. a. Paleoclimastrophology
These are useful recorders of worldwide climate b. Paleomagnetism
change because the numbers and types of c. Paleoclimatology
organisms living near the sea surface change d. Paleovalentology
with the climate. e. Paleotoribiology
Answer: Seafloor sediment

25. Changes in the shape of the orbit

(eccentricity), variations in the angle that Earth’s
axis makes with the plane of its orbit (obliquity),
and the wobbling of the axis (precession) cause
fluctuations in the seasonal and latitudinal
distribution of solar radiation.
Answer: Orbital variation

26. This is the portion of the Earth's Surface

where water is solid.
a. Hydrosphere
b. Lithosphere
c. Biosphere
d. Cryosphere
e. Geosphere

27. These are based on fundamental laws of

physics and chemistry and incorporate human
and biological interactions. These are used to
stimulate many variables, including temperature,
rainfall, snow cover, soil moisture, winds, clouds,
sea ice, and ocean circulation over the entire
globe through the seasons and over spans of
a. General Circulation Models
b. Globe Circulation Models
c. Globe Cycle Models
d. General Cycle Models
e. General Climate Models
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: [email protected] | Website Address:

College of Engineering – Department of Civil Engineering

1. What is the largest and deepest ocean?
Answer: Pacific Ocean
2. The oceans hold about ___ of water.
Answer: 1.3 B KM³
3. What does SCUBA mean?
Answer: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
4. _____ is a group of islands surrounded and separated by oceans and seas.
Answer: Archipelago
5. The _____ of coastal zones and oceans can vary greatly depending on several factors
such as location, time of year, and depth.
Answer: Temperature


1. Which of the following is/are true about mass movement?
A. It is also called Mass Wasting
B. It is defined as the downslope movement of rock, regolith, and soil under the direct
influence of gravity.
C. It is defined as the downslope movement of rock, regolith, and soil without the
influence of gravity.
D. Both a and b
E. Both a and c
Answer: D. Both a and b
2. When the movement in a mass movement event involves the free fall of detached
individual pieces of any size, it is termed a _________.
Answer: Fall
3. Give ONE factor of slope stability.
Factors of Slope Stability
● Saturation of Materials with Water (Overabundance of Water)
● Oversteepening of slopes (Angle of Repose)
● Lack of Vegetation (Removal of anchoring vegetation)
● Earthquakes
4. What are the THREE types of mass movement? Write it with a comma as a separator.
Types of Mass Movement (In any order)
● Fall
● Slide
● Flow
5. Give ONE preventive measure of mass movement.
Preventive Measures of Mass Movement
● Identifying regions at risk
● Slope Reduction
● Slope Stabilization
● Retaining Structures
● Mass Movement Potential Maps


Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: [email protected] | Website Address:

College of Engineering – Department of Civil Engineering

1. What is the percentage of glaciers on the Earth’s land surface?
Answer: 10%
2. Give one process of glacial erosion.
Answer: Plucking or Abrasion
3. _______ is an all-embracing term for sediments of glacial origin, no matter how, where,
or in what shape they were deposited.
Answer: Glacial Drift
4. Give at least one other effect of ice age glaciers.
● Crustal Subsidence and Rebound
● Sea Level Changes
● Changes to Rivers and Valleys
● Ice Dams Create Proglacial Lakes
● Pluvial Lakes
5. ____ is a defensive structure that protects against avalanches in wintertime, and against
flooding and debris flows once the snow has melted.
Answer: Avalanche dams


1. Sahara Desert: Hottest Desert: ______________: Largest Desert
Answer: Antarctic Pole Desert
2. Deserts have intermittent or _______, which means they carry water only in response to specific
episodes of rainfall. This is a typical desert stream shortly after heavy rain.
Answer: Ephemeral Streams
3. This means that they exhibit a discontinuous pattern of intermittent streams that do not
flow out of the desert to the ocean.
Answer: Interior Drainage
4. It is a natural process that moves soil from one location to another by wind power.
Answer: Wind Erosion
5. Wind deposits are of two distinctive types: (1) mounds and ridges of sand from the wind's bed
load called _____, and (2) extensive blankets of silt, called _____.
Answer: (1) Dunes and (2) Loess

1. It acts as surfaces on which water vapor condenses and are also good absorbers and
reflectors (depending on the particles) of incoming solar radiation.
Answer: Aerosols
2-3. What are the natural causes of Climate Change (Give at least 2)
● Plate Movements
● Orbital Variations
● Volcanic Eruptions
● Variation in Solar Radiation
4. Give at least one factor of rising of sea level
● Thermal Expansion
● Melting Glaciers
5. Preserved physical characteristics of the environment that can stand in for direct
Answer: Proxy Data

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

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