Chapter 1:environment: Faculty Name: Kiran R. Borade
Chapter 1:environment: Faculty Name: Kiran R. Borade
Chapter 1:environment: Faculty Name: Kiran R. Borade
This protective envelop surrounding earth sustain life on earth and protect us from unfriendly
It consists of life saving gases like O2 for human beings and animals and CO2 for plants
(ii) Hydrosphere
This includes all the surface and ground
water resources such as oceans, seas,
rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs,
glaciers, polar ice caps, ground water
and water locked in rock and crevices
and minerals laying deep below the
earth's crust.
is accessible to human.
1.5)Environmental Issues:
1) Greenhouse Effect:
The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth's surface. When the Sun's energy reaches the
Earth's atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse
gases. ... The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth.
Greenhouse gases help to maintains earth’s temperature at a level suitable to support life.
Which gas is the main cause of greenhouse effect?
Properties of Carbon Dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human
2)Climate Change:
Climate change describes a change in the average conditions — such as temperature and rainfall — in a region over
a long period of time.
Global warming causes climate change, which poses a serious threat to life on earth in the forms of widespread
flooding and extreme weather.
5)Ozone Depletion
Ozone depletion, gradual thinning of Earth’s ozone layer in the
upper atmosphere caused by the release of chemical compounds containing
gaseous chlorine or bromine from industry and other human activities.
Ozone depletion is a major environmental problem because it increases the amount
of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches Earth’s surface, which increases the rate of skin
cancer, eye cataracts, and genetic and immune system damage.
How can we protect the ozone layer?
•Avoid the consumption of gases dangerous to the ozone layer, due to their content or
manufacturing process. ...
•Minimize the use of cars. .
6.Nuclear Accidents
Concept of 4R Principal in Environment
Public awareness about environment