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PDF Emergency Radiology 2nd Edition Jorge Soto Download
PDF Emergency Radiology 2nd Edition Jorge Soto Download
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James H. Thrall, MD
Radiologist-in-Chief Emeritus Breast Imaging
Department of Radiology Cardiac Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital Gastrointestinal Imaging
Distinguished Juan M.Taveras Professor of Radiology Genitourinary Imaging
Harvard Medical School Musculoskeletal Imaging
Boston, Massachusetts Neuroradiology
Nuclear Medicine
Pediatric Radiology
Thoracic Radiology
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Jorge A. Soto, MD
Professor of Radiology
Department of Radiology
Boston University School of Medicine;
Vice Chairman
Department of Radiology
Boston Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Brian C. Lucey, MD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiology
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts;
Clinical Director
Department of Radiology
The Galway Clinic
Doughiska, County Galway, Ireland
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899
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To my parents, James and Anne; sister, Suzanne; wife, Ciara; and son, James.
Thanks for the unconditional support.
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Carlos A. Anaya, MD Ana Maria Gomez, MD
Medical Director Department of Radiology
Cardiovascular Interventional Institute Manati Medical Center
Department of Radiology Manati, Puerto Rico
Manati Medical Center
Manati, Puerto Rico Rathachai Kaewlai, MD
Stephan W. Anderson, MD Division of Emergency Radiology
Associate Professor of Radiology Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology
Boston University Medical Center Ramathibodi Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts Faculty of Medicine
Mahidol University
Laura L. Avery, MD Bangkok,Thailand
Assistant Professor
Massachusetts General Hospital Russ Kuker, MD
Harvard Medical School Department of Radiology
Boston, Massachusetts University of Miami Hospital
Miami, Florida
Glenn D. Barest, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiology Christina A. LeBedis, MD
Boston Medical Center Assistant Professor
Boston, Massachusetts Boston University Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Sarah D. Bixby, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiology Brian C. Lucey, MD
Harvard Medical School; Associate Professor
Pediatric Radiologist Department of Radiology
Department of Radiology Boston University School of Medicine
Boston Children’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts;
Boston, Massachusetts Clinical Director
Department of Radiology
Anna K. Chacko, MD The Galway Clinic
Adjunct Professor of Radiology Doughiska, County Galway, Ireland
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts; Asim Z. Mian, MD
Professor of Telemedicine Assistant Professor of Radiology
John A. Burns School of Medicine Boston Medical Center
University of Hawaii Boston University
Honolulu, Hawaii Boston, Massachusetts
Michael Stella, MD
Department of Radiology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Time passes quickly, and it is now time to introduce the THE REQUISITES books have become old friends to
second edition of Emergency Radiology: THE REQUI- imagers for over 25 years. We have tried to remain true
SITES. Drs. Soto and Lucey, along with their coauthors, to the original philosophy of the series, which was to pro-
have once again created an excellent text that captures vide residents, fellows, and practicing radiologists with
the fundamental building blocks of emergency radiology a text that might be read within several days. From feed-
practice. back I have received, many residents do exactly that at
Drs. Soto and Lucey have maintained the logical division the beginning of each rotation. During first rotations this
of their book by both body part and indication—trauma allows them to acquire enough knowledge to really ben-
versus nontrauma with separate chapters for special con- efit from their day-to-day exposure to clinical material and
siderations in children and for nuclear medicine applica- the conditions about which they have just read. During
tions.This allows the reader of Emergency Radiology: THE subsequent rotations, a rereading imprints the knowledge
REQUISITES to go immediately to the material of interest. they will need subsequently for upcoming certification
As a side note, only two or so decades ago, nontrauma emer- exams. For the practicing radiologist, it serves as a useful
gency patients were not imaged nearly as often as they are refresher, like a booster shot.At the workstation, the books
today.Today, emergency applications for the nontrauma pa- in THE REQUISITES series are useful as a first reference
tient are just as important as the historic role of imaging source and guide to differential diagnosis.
in trauma. Imaging is truly the “guiding hand” of medical THE REQUISITES books are not intended to be exhaus-
practice, making possible rapid diagnosis, triage, and dispo- tive. There are other large reference books to catalog rare
sition, which are vitally important given the time and re- and unusual cases and to present different sides of con-
source constraints faced by busy emergency departments. troversies. Rather, THE REQUISITES books are intended
In the years between the preparation of the first edition to provide information on the vast majority of conditions
and the current work, much has happened to enhance that radiologists see every day, the ones that are at the core
the role of radiology in the emergency department and of radiology practice. In fact, one of the requests to authors
to reshape our thinking. These changes affect every area is to not look up anything they do not know but to put
of application and include, among many others, optimiza- in the book what they teach their own residents at the
tion of computed tomographic (CT ) protocols in every workstation. Since the authors are experienced experts in
organ system for lower radiation exposure, taking advan- their respective areas, this is predictably the most impor-
tage of fast CT scanning capabilities to reduce contrast us- tant material.
age and an increasing appreciation for the potential roles Drs. Soto and Lucey and their coauthors have again
of MRI for both traumatic and nontraumatic indications. done an outstanding job in sustaining the philosophy
Conventional radiography continues to play an important and excellence of THE REQUISITES series and deserve
role, especially for extremity trauma and some thoracic congratulations. Their book reflects the contemporary
imaging applications such as pneumonia and congestive practice of emergency imaging and should serve radiolo-
heart failure. However, for most applications, radiography gists, emergency medicine specialists, and other physi-
is being inexorably replaced by cross-sectional imaging. cians who deal with emergencies as a concise and useful
Drs. Soto and Lucey have again assembled an outstand- foundation for understanding the indications for imaging
ing team of coauthors to help ensure that Emergency and the significance of imaging findings in the emergency
Radiology: THE REQUISITES is as up to date as possible. setting.
Thanks to all the authors for their contributions.
Each chapter presents a different challenge in present- James H. Thrall, MD
ing material. All share a rich opportunity for illustrations, Chairman Emeritus
and Emergency Radiology: THE REQUISITES is extremely Department of Radiology
well illustrated. Otherwise the use of outline lists, boxes, Massachusetts General Hospital
and tables has been dictated by the material requiring Distinguished Taveras Professor of Radiology
presentation. Harvard Medical School
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Emergency Radiology is a unique title in THE REQUI- including CT angiography in the emergency department
SITES series. Although both the organ system–based and for coronary, aorta, brain/neck, visceral, and extremity ar-
modality-based divisions of radiology have existed for
teries, updated CT protocols in trauma and nontraumatic
some time, this REQUISITES title is the first to embrace a emergencies, and new and better quality images obtained
multimodality, multisystem approach to radiology. There with the latest imaging technology. Stepping away from
is an ongoing paradigm shift in medical management over the organ- and modality-based divisions, we acknowledge
the past 25 years or so, away from inpatient-oriented health that there is potential for overlap among this text and
care toward an increasingly outpatient-based system. No- others in THE REQUISITES series. However, to avoid this,
where is this more apparent than in emergency depart- we have endeavored to confine the text to medical and
ments across the United States and around the world. The surgical conditions that commonly present through the
reliance on imaging for diagnosis and guiding management emergency department rather than including every imag-
decisions throughout medicine has been increasing, and ing possibility that may present. We apologize in advance
this is exemplified in the emergency setting. All imaging if any overlap is identified—it was included for complete-
modalities are available to the emergency physician. More ness—or for any deficiencies; some rare entities may have
than in any other modality, the massive increase in the use been omitted for the sake of brevity.The fundamental divi-
of computed tomograpy (CT ) has led to the development sion of the book is in two parts, one dealing with acute
and growth of the specialty of emergency radiology. The trauma and the other with nontraumatic acute processes,
value of CT in the setting of trauma, investigation of severe and the division of the chapters reflects this. This makes it
headache, abdominal pain, and the evaluation of patients possible to easily select those chapters relevant to an in-
with suspected pulmonary embolus forms the bedrock of dividual radiology practice. Some departments, especially
emergency imaging, although there is an increasing role large academic departments with residency programs, will
for MR and ultrasound imaging in the emergency setting, have trauma units, whereas some community practices
particularly for the rapid evaluation of musculoskeletal in- may run an emergency department without dealing with
jury and emergent neurologic evaluation. The book is an acute trauma.
attempt to collate all the radiology information required We are pleased with how this revision has developed
in today’s emergency department setting into one suc- from an abstract concept into reality and built upon the
cinct, practical, and current text that can be used by both first edition. It has taken substantial effort, and we fully ap-
residents in training and general radiologists in practice, preciate the contributions from the authors, all of whom
as well as emergency department physicians and trauma have considerable experience in emergency imaging. We
surgeons. hope that the revision will be as well received as the first
The goal of this revision is to provide updates to address edition and will act as an integral resource for all radiology
the rapid changes in emergency imaging requirements, departments and training programs.
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We would like to thank many people who helped trans- are experienced radiologists with extensive knowledge
form the concept of this book into a reality. First, we owe in the various aspects of emergency radiology. Each au-
thanks to innumerable individuals (staff, residents, fel- thor has added his or her own subspecialty expertise
lows, technologists, and nurses) at the Boston University to the chapters, which has resulted in the final product,
Medical Center who helped us and our colleagues build a textbook that we believe they should all be proud of.
multidisciplinary groups for the care of the acutely ill Finally, thanks to all the staff at Elsevier, especially Amy
patient. This was the principal driving force behind our Meros and Robin Carter, who waited patiently for us to
growing interest in the field of emergency radiology. We deliver the various parts of the book, sometimes at a
would also like to thank Dr. James Thrall for insisting on slower-than-hoped-for pace.
the timeliness and necessity of this text to add to THE J.A.S.
REQUISITES series. We would also like to extend a sin- B.C.L.
cere thank you to the contributing authors, all of whom
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Chapter 1 Chapter 8
Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Nontraumatic Emergency Radiology of the
Brain, Head, and Neck 1 Thorax 243
Glenn D. Barest, Asim Z. Mian, Rohini N. Nadgir, and Osamu Sakai Alejandra Duran-Mendicuti, Scott White, Salvatore G. Viscomi,
Michael Stella, and Aaron D. Sodickson
Chapter 2
Chest Trauma 61 Chapter 9
Ryan T. Whitesell and Laura L. Avery Nontrauma Abdomen 281
Stephan W. Anderson, Brian C. Lucey, and Jorge A. Soto
Chapter 3
Abdomen Trauma 81 Chapter 10
Joshua W. Stuhlfaut, Christina A. LeBedis, and Jorge A. Soto Pelvic Emergencies 316
Brian C. Lucey
Chapter 4
Extremity Trauma 115 Chapter 11
Rathachai Kaewlai and Ajay Singh Vascular Emergencies 327
Russ Kuker, Carlos A. Anaya, Ana Maria Gomez, and Felipe Munera
Chapter 5
Extremities: Nontrauma 165 Chapter 12
Luis E. Diaz Emergency Nuclear Radiology 369
Anna K. Chacko and Rashmikant B. Shah
Chapter 6
Imaging Evaluation of Common Pediatric Index 395
Emergencies 186
Jennifer C. Talmadge, Sarah S. Milla, and Sarah D. Bixby
Chapter 7
Traumatic and Nontraumatic Spine
Emergencies 221
Glenn D. Barest and Margaret N. Chapman
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Chapter 1
Traumatic and Nontraumatic
Emergencies of the Brain,
Head, and Neck
Glenn D. Barest, Asim Z. Mian, Rohini N. Nadgir, and Osamu Sakai
Imagine you are asked to create a list of the disorders of to study the other volumes in the Requisites series (es-
the brain, head, and neck that one might commonly expect pecially Neuroradiology, Musculoskeletal Imaging, and
to encounter at an emergency department (ED) and de- Pediatric Radiology), which cover this material in great
scribe the typical imaging features. At first, this challenge detail. In this attempt at condensing so much material
seems straightforward enough. However, upon beginning into one useful volume, important topics inevitably have
the task, it soon becomes clear that almost every disorder been neglected. We hope that this volume can serve as
within the realm of neuroradiology/head and neck radi- a starting point for further study and become a valuable
ology might at one time or another present as an acute reference to on-call radiologists, emergency department
emergency. Inclusion of certain diagnoses such as stroke, physicians, and residents of both specialties.
fractures, and epiglottitis is a must. Other diagnoses, such
as oligodendroglioma or perhaps a slowly growing le- INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE AND
sion, might seem less clear-cut. Ultimately, it is important TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY
to realize that a wide variety of processes will result in
an alteration in mental status leading to an ED visit, with Whether in the setting of head trauma, spontaneous de-
imaging playing a key role in diagnosis and appropriate velopment of headache, or alteration of mental status, the
management. ability to diagnose intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is of
Upon admission, inpatient workups now occur on a primary importance for all practitioners. These presenta-
24/7 basis, with many complex examinations completed tions are some of the most common indications for brain
during the night shift. On-call radiologists (often residents imaging in the emergency setting. Almost invariably, the
or fellows) are expected to provide “wet readings” or requisition will read, “Rule out bleed.” An understanding
complete interpretations for complex cases covering the of traumatic and nontraumatic causes of ICH, the usual
full spectrum of medicine, pediatrics, surgery, and related workup, and recognition of ICH is therefore important
subspecialties. It was not that many years ago that the ra- and seems like a natural starting point. A discussion of the
diologist was faced with a seemingly never-ending stack important types of mass effect resulting from ICH and
of plain films from the ED, inpatient wards, and intensive traumatic brain injury is also included in this section. An
care units requiring rapid interpretations. This work was understanding of hemorrhage and herniation syndromes
interrupted by an occasional computed tomography (CT) is central to the discussion of other topics that follow, such
scan. In this new millennium, during a typical shift the radi- as stroke and neoplasms.
ologist must maintain a rapid pace to review thousands of The word hemorrhage has Greek origins: the prefix
cross-sectional CT and magnetic resonance images (MRI) haima-, meaning “blood,” and the suffix -rrhage, meaning
with two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) re- “to gush or burst forth.” Incidence of ICH is approximate-
formats. For this reason, the majority of the discussion and ly 25 to 30 per 100,000 adults in the United States, with a
most of the examples in this chapter are based on these higher incidence in elderly hypertensive patients. ICH is
modalities and the latest techniques. typically more common in the African American and Asian
The most daunting part of preparing this chapter was populations. Bleeding may take place within the substance
to boil down all of the disorders and details to a set of req- of the brain (intraaxial) or along the surface of the brain
uisites. Division of this chapter into sections is not quite (extraaxial). Intraaxial hemorrhage implies parenchymal
as neat as one might think. For example, it is not possible hemorrhage located in the cerebrum, cerebellum, or brain-
to separate the vascular system from discussion of the stem. Extraaxial hemorrhages include epidural, subdural,
brain, head and neck, or spine, and the imaging methods and subarachnoid hemorrhages, and intraventricular hem-
applied to the extracranial vessels in the setting of stroke orrhage can be considered in this group as well. Hem-
are similar to those used for blunt or penetrating trauma orrhages can lead to different types of brain herniation,
to the neck. One may therefore notice mention of similar from direct mass effect and associated edema or develop-
techniques and findings in several places with examples ment of hydrocephalus, causing significant morbidity and
appropriate to the context. All readers would do well mortality.
2 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
General Imaging Characteristics of the injury. Although it is beyond the scope of this
of Hemorrhage chapter, a description of the physics of the signal char-
acteristics of blood products on MRI is generally based
The appearance of ICH on a CT scan can vary depending on the paramagnetic effects of iron and the diamagnetic
on the age of the hemorrhage and the hemoglobin level. effects of protein in the hemoglobin molecule. The usual
The attenuation of blood is typically based on the protein signal characteristics of hemorrhage and the general time
content, of which hemoglobin contributes a major por- course over which hemorrhages evolve are summarized
tion. Therefore the appearance of hyperacute/acute blood in Table 1-1.
is easily detected on a CT scan in patients with normal
hemoglobin levels (approximately 15 g/dL) and typically EXTRAAXIAL HEMORRHAGE
appears as a hyperattenuating mass. This appearance is
typical because, immediately after extravasation, clot for- Extraaxial hemorrhage occurs within the cranial vault but
mation occurs with a progressive increase in attenuation outside of brain tissue. Hemorrhage can collect in the epi-
over 72 hours as a result of increased hemoglobin concen- dural, subdural, or subarachnoid spaces and may be trau-
tration and separation of low-density serum. On the other matic or spontaneous. It is important to recognize these
hand, in anemic patients with a hemoglobin level less than entities because of their potential for significant morbidity
10 g/dL, acute hemorrhage can appear isoattenuating to and mortality. Poor clinical outcomes are usually the result
the brain and can make detection difficult. Subsequently, of mass effect from the hemorrhage, which can lead to
after breakdown and hemolysis, the attenuation of the clot herniation, increased intracranial pressure, and ischemia.
decreases until it becomes nearly isoattenuating to cere- Intraventricular hemorrhage will be considered with these
brospinal fluid (CSF) by approximately 2 months. In the other types of extracerebral hemorrhage.
emergency setting, one should be aware of the “swirl” sign
with an unretracted clot that appears to be hypoattenuat-
Epidural Hemorrhage
ing and resembles a whirlpool; this sign may indicate ac-
tive bleeding and typically occurs in a posttraumatic set- Epidural hematoma is the term generally applied to a
ting. It is important to recognize this sign, because prompt hemorrhage that forms between the inner table of the cal-
surgical evacuation may be required. The amount of mass varium and the outer layer of the dura because of its mass-
effect on nearby tissues will depend on the size and loca- like behavior. More than 90% of epidural hematomas are
tion of the hemorrhage, as well as the amount of second- associated with fractures in the temporoparietal, frontal,
ary vasogenic edema that develops. and parieto-occipital regions. CT is usually the most effi-
Use of an intravenous contrast agent usually is not nec- cient method for evaluation of this type of hemorrhage.An
essary for CT detection of ICH. If a contrast agent is used, epidural hematoma typically has a hyperdense, biconvex
an intraaxial hemorrhage can demonstrate an enhancing appearance. It may cross the midline but generally does
ring that is usually due to reactive changes and formation not cross sutures (because the dura has its attachment at
of a vascularized capsule, which typically occurs 5 to 7 the sutures), although this might not hold true if a fracture
days after the event and can last up to 6 months. Subacute disrupts the suture. Epidural hematomas usually have an
and chronic extraaxial hematomas also can demonstrate arterial source, commonly a tear of the middle meningeal
peripheral enhancement, usually because of reactive artery, and much less commonly (in less than 10% of cases)
changes and formation of granulation tissue. Unexpected a tear of the middle meningeal vein, diploic vein, or ve-
areas of enhancement should raise concern, because ac- nous sinus (Figs. 1-1 and 1-2). The classic clinical presenta-
tive bleeding can appear as contrast pooling. Refer to the tion describes a patient with a “lucid” interval, although
section on aneurysms and vascular malformations in this the incidence of this finding varies from 5% to 50% in the
chapter for a discussion of CT angiography in the setting literature. Prompt identification of an epidural hematoma
of acute ICH. is critical, because evacuation or early reevaluation may
MRI has greatly revolutionized the evaluation of ICH. be required. Management is based on clinical status, and
The evolution of hemorrhage from the hyperacute to therefore alert and oriented patients with small hemato-
the chronic stage will have corresponding signal chang- mas may be safely observed. The timing of follow-up CT
es on T1-weighted images (T1WIs), T2-weighted images depends on the patient’s condition, but generally the first
(T2WIs), fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) im- follow-up CT scan may be obtained after 6 to 8 hours and,
ages, and gradient-echo sequences. These properties can if the patient is stable, follow-up may be extended to 24
assist in detection and understanding of the time course hours or more afterward.
Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck 3
FIGURE 1-1 An epidural hematoma. A, Computed tomography (CT) shows a usual biconvex, hyperdense acute
epidural hematoma causing effacement of sulci and lateral ventricles and shift of midline structures. B, A CT
volume-rendered image shows a nondisplaced fracture at the vertex involving the coronal suture. C, Coronal
multiplanar reconstruction shows a biconvex epidural hematoma crossing midline over the superior sagittal sinus
Subdural Collections
hyperattenuating, crescentic appearance overlying the ce-
Subdural hematoma (SDH) is the term generally applied rebral hemisphere (Fig. 1-3).These hemorrhages can cross
to a hemorrhage that collects in the potential space sutures and may track along the falx and tentorium but do
between the inner layer of the dura and the arachnoid not cross the midline. Inward displacement of the cortical
membrane. It is typically the result of trauma (e.g., mo- vessels may be noted on a contrast-enhanced scan. SDHs
tor vehicle collisions [MVCs], assaults, and falls, with the have a high association with subarachnoid hemorrhage.
latter especially occurring in the elderly population). Acute SDHs thicker than 2 cm that occur with other pa-
An SDH causes a tear of the bridging vein(s) and has a renchymal injuries are associated with greater than 50%
4 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
mortality. As the SDH evolves to the subacute stage (with- isoattenuating SDHs can be especially challenging be-
in 5 days to 3 weeks) and then to the chronic stage (after cause findings are symmetric. One should beware of bilat-
more than 3 weeks), it decreases in attenuation, becoming eral isoattenuating SDHs, particularly in elderly patients
isodense to the brain and finally to CSF. A subacute SDH who do not have generous sulci and ventricles. At this
can have a layered appearance as a result of separation stage, the SDH should be conspicuous on MRI, especially
of formed elements from serum. Subacute hemorrhages on FLAIR sequences. A subacute SDH also may be very
may be relatively inconspicuous when they are isodense, conspicuous on T1WIs because of the hyperintensity of
and therefore it is especially important to recognize signs methemoglobin.
of mass effect, such as sulcal effacement, asymmetry of Chronic subdural hematomas are collections that have
lateral ventricles, and shift of midline structures, as well been present for more than 3 weeks. Even a chronic he-
as sulci that do not extend to the skull (Fig. 1-4). Bilateral matoma may present in the emergency setting, such as
FIGURE 1-2 An epidural hematoma and complications demonstrate on noncontrast CT. A, The “swirl” sign in
this large epidural hematoma suggests continued bleeding. B, A pontine (Duret) hemorrhage (arrow) and efface-
ment of the basal cisterns as a result of downward herniation. C, Uncal herniation (the arrow shows the margin
of the left temporal lobe) and a resultant left posterior cerebral artery territory infarct. The brainstem is distorted
and also abnormally hypodense. D, Infarcts in bilateral anterior cerebral, left middle cerebral, and left posterior
cerebral artery territories as a result of herniations.
Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck 5
in a patient prone to repeated falls who is brought in a contrast agent. Calcification of chronic SDH can occur
because of a change in mental status. On both CT and and may be quite extensive (Fig. 1-5). Areas of hyperden-
MRI, these collections typically have a crescentic shape sity within a larger hypodense SDH may indicate an acute
and may demonstrate enhancing septations and mem- component due to recurrent bleeding, termed an “acute
branes surrounding the collection after administration of on chronic subdural hematoma.” Mixed density collec-
tions also may be acute as a result of active bleeding or
CSF accumulation as a result of tearing of the arachnoid
membrane. A chronic SDH is usually isointense to CSF on
both T1WIs and T2WIs, but the appearance can be vari-
able depending on any recurrent bleeding within the col-
lection.The FLAIR sequence is typically very sensitive for
detection of chronic SDH as a result of hyperintensity
based on protein content. Hemosiderin within the hema-
toma will cause a signal void because of the susceptibility
effect, and “blooming” (i.e., the hematoma appears to be
larger than its true size) will be noted on a gradient-echo
A subdural hygroma is another type of collection that
is commonly thought to be synonymous with a chronic
subdural hematoma. The actual definition of a hygroma
is an accumulation of fluid due to a tear in the arachnoid
membrane, usually by some type of trauma or from rapid
ventricular decompression with associated accumulation
of CSF within the subdural space. Many persons still use
this term interchangeably with chronic subdural hema-
toma. CT demonstrates a fluid collection isodense to CSF
in the subdural space. MRI can be useful in differentiat-
ing CSF from a chronic hematoma based on the imaging
characteristics of the fluid on all sequences. Occasionally
hygromas are difficult to differentiate from the promi-
nence of the extraaxial CSF space associated with cere-
bral atrophy. The position of the cortical veins can be a
FIGURE 1-3 A subdural hematoma with a mixed density layered helpful clue. In the presence of atrophy, the cortical veins
pattern due to recurrent hemorrhages. The image (arrow) shows are visible traversing the subarachnoid space, whereas
one method of measuring midline shift.
FIGURE 1-4 An isodense subdural hematoma. A, Sulcal effacement and a midline shift to the right are clues to
the presence of a left-sided subdural hematoma. B, Reexpansion of the left Sylvian fissure and a reduction in
midline shift after evacuation.
6 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
FIGURE 1-5 Calcified subdural hematomas. A, Colpocephaly configuration of the lateral ventricles. B, Bone
window/level settings more clearly show the calcified subdurals in this adult patient who, as a child, had a shunt
implanted because of congenital hydrocephalus.
with a hygroma, they are displaced inward along with the be confounded by artifacts from CSF pulsations, an el-
arachnoid membrane by the fluid in the subdural space. evated level of protein (meningitis), or oxygen concen-
tration (i.e., a high fraction of inspired oxygen) in CSF
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage on FLAIR images and the presence of blood products
from previous microhemorrhages on gradient-echo
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) fills the space between images.
the pia and the arachnoid membrane, outlining the sulci
and basilar cisterns. SAH can be due to a variety of causes, Intraventricular Hemorrhage
including trauma, a ruptured aneurysm, hypertension, ar-
teriovenous malformation, occult spinal vascular malfor- In the adult population, intraventricular hemorrhage
mation, and hemorrhagic transformation of an ischemic (IVH) is typically caused by trauma. It can result from ex-
infarction. SAH is often associated with overlying traumat- tension of a parenchymal hemorrhage into the ventricles
ic SDH. SAHs generally do not cause mass effect or focal or from redistribution of SAH. Primary IVH is uncommon
regions of edema. However, in patients presenting with and is usually caused by a ruptured aneurysm, an intra-
ominous signs on clinical grading scales, such as stupor or ventricular tumor, vascular malformation, or coagulopa-
coma, diffuse cerebral edema may be evident. On CT, hy- thy (Fig. 1-8). Large IVHs are quite conspicuous on CT or
perdensity is seen within the sulci and/or basilar cisterns MRI. They may occupy a majority of the ventricle(s) and
(Figs. 1-6 and 1-7). may result in hydrocephalus and increased intracranial
Although MRI may be as sensitive as CT for the de- pressure. Small amounts of IVH may be difficult to de-
tection of acute parenchymal hemorrhage and SAH, CT tect; one must check carefully for dependent densities
generally remains the modality of choice (and the im- within the atria and occipital horns of the lateral ventri-
aging gold standard). The sensitivity of CT for the de- cles. Normal choroid plexus calcifications in the atria of
tection of SAH compared with CSF analysis can vary lateral ventricles, in the fourth ventricle, and extending
from up to 98% to 100% within 12 hours to approxi- through the foramina of Luschka should not be mistaken
mately 85% to 90% after 24 hours of symptom onset. for acute IVH.
Other factors affecting sensitivity are the hemoglobin Another less common type of extracerebral ICH that
concentration and the size and location of the hemor- may present acutely is a pituitary hemorrhage, which is
rhage. CT is widely available, can be performed rapidly, usually associated with pituitary apoplexy due to pituitary
and is relatively inexpensive. In several small studies, necrosis that may become hemorrhagic. Presenting symp-
MRI has demonstrated sensitivity equivalent to CT for toms may include headache, visual loss, ophthalmoplegia,
detection of acute parenchymal hemorrhage and SAH. nausea, and vomiting. Other causes of pituitary hemor-
In some cases of “CT-negative” (subacute) hemorrhage, rhage include tumors (e.g., macroadenoma and germino-
MRI has shown greater sensitivity. However, results may ma) and, less commonly, trauma.
Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck 7
FIGURE 1-6 Subarachnoid hemorrhage from a ruptured aneurysm. A, Noncontrast computed tomography (CT)
shows ill-defined hyperdense subarachnoid hemorrhage in the left Sylvian cistern (black arrow) and rim calcifica-
tion in the wall of the aneurysm (white arrow). B, A volume-rendered image from CT angiography shows a large
aneurysm (arrow) projecting above the lesser sphenoid wing. C, Reconstruction from a three-dimensional rota-
tional digital subtraction angiogram shows the carotid-ophthalmic aneurysm to the best advantage.
FIGURE 1-7 Subarachnoid hemorrhage and complications. A, Three computed tomography (CT) images show
diffuse hyperdense subarachnoid hemorrhage filling basal cisterns and cerebral sulci bilaterally. Diffuse loss of
gray–white differentiation and effacement of the sulci and cisterns probably preclude the need for further work-
up. B, A volume-rendered image from CT angiography demonstrates lack of enhancement of intracranial vessels
suggesting poor intracranial flow consistent with the expected elevation of intracranial pressure.
FIGURE 1-8 Intraventricular hemorrhage. A, A fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic resonance image
shows a hyperintense hemorrhage isolated to the frontal horn of the right lateral ventricle. B, An image from a
right internal carotid artery digital subtraction angiogram in the late arterial phase shows a nidus (arrow) and an
early draining vein (arrowhead) diagnostic of an arteriovenous malformation.
FIGURE 1-9 Blossoming of a contusion. A, Computed tomography (CT) shows a thin left frontoparietal subdural
hematoma tracking along the anterior falx and mild sulcal effacement. B, A follow-up CT scan after 24 hours
shows a hyperdense parenchymal hemorrhage and surrounding edema in left frontal lobe and a stable subdural
hematoma. Notice the mass effect on the left lateral ventricle.
Patients sustaining DAI typically lose consciousness who recover usually demonstrate lingering effects such
at the moment of impact. DAI may be suspected when as headaches and cognitive deficits. Initial CT scans in
the clinical examination is worse than expected based more than half of patients with DAI may be negative. CT
on the findings of an initial CT scan. Usually, the greater findings include hypodense foci due to edema in areas of
the number of lesions, the worse the prognosis. Persons incomplete axonal disruption and hyperdense foci due
10 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
to petechial hemorrhage where complete transection (Fig. 1-11). Lesions may appear hyperintense on diffu-
of the axons and associated capillaries has occurred (Fig. sion-weighted images. It is estimated that more than 80%
1-10). MRI is more sensitive than CT for detection of DAI. of DAI lesions are nonhemorrhagic. Generally, if imaging
Approximately 30% of persons with negative CT find- is repeated within 3 to 5 days, more lesions will become
ings will demonstrate abnormal findings on MRI. These apparent as the process evolves.
findings include FLAIR and T2WI hyperintensities (ede- A staging system for DAI based on locations of lesions
ma) and gradient-echo hypointensities (hemorrhages) on histopathology may be applied to MRI findings. Stage
1 is based on subcortical lesions in the frontal and tem-
poral lobes. Stage 2 will also show lesions in the corpus
callosum and lobar white matter, and stage 3 will have le-
sions in the midbrain and pons. Diffusion tensor imaging is
well suited to the evaluation of white matter tracts and has
been shown to be more sensitive than conventional MRI
for detection of DAI and correlates more closely with clini-
cal outcomes. Diffusion tensor imaging may be helpful for
long-term diagnostic evaluation of patients with mild trau-
matic brain injury more so than in the initial emergency
Brain herniation is a potentially devastating complica-
tion of increased intracranial pressure. The most common
causes include ICHs, brain tumors, and cerebral edema
from stroke or anoxic injury. To explain this concept, a
common example from the literature describes the brain
as being separated into multiple compartments within a
rigid container. Any shift of the brain from one compart-
ment to another is considered herniation. With shift of
the brain, there can be mass effect on adjacent and con-
tralateral parenchyma, the brainstem, major intracranial
FIGURE 1-10 Shear hemorrhages of diffuse axonal injury. Non- vessels, and cranial nerves. As a result, the feared compli-
contrast computed tomography shows three small hemorrhages cations of herniations include ischemic infarcts due to
in the left superior frontal gyrus after blunt head trauma. Note a compression of the major intracranial vessels (commonly,
subdural hematoma along the falx (arrow). the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries), cranial nerve
FIGURE 1-11 Diffuse axonal injury. A, Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery hyperintensities in the posterior limb
of the internal capsule (arrow) and subcortical white matter (arrowhead). B, Gradient-echo hypointensities in the
subcortical white matter indicative of hemorrhages (arrows) were not evident on other sequences. Note intraven-
tricular hemorrhage in the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles.
Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck 11
palsies, and “brain death” due to compression and infarc- midbrain with associated effacement of the ambient and
tion of the brainstem. The major types of intracranial her- quadrigeminal plate cisterns. Hydrocephalus is usually
niations include subfalcine, transtentorial, tonsillar hernia- present as a result of obstruction at the level of the cere-
tion through the foramen magnum, extracranial herniation bral aqueduct of Sylvius.
(through a defect in the skull), and, less commonly, transa-
lar herniation. Once the complications of herniation have Tonsillar Herniation
developed, it is often too late to intervene. Thus it is best
to recognize the signs of impending herniation, when Tonsillar herniation is caused by downward displacement
prompt neurosurgical intervention may avert disaster. of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum into
the spinal canal (generally by more than 5 mm). Imaging
shows a peg-like configuration to the tonsils with oblitera-
Subfalcine Herniation
tion of the CSF space in the foramen magnum (Fig. 1-12).
Subfalcine herniation occurs as a result of displacement Complications include obstructive hydrocephalus from
and impingement of the cingulate gyrus underneath the compression of the fourth ventricle. Mild tonsillar ectopia,
falx. It is usually caused by mass effect on the frontal lobe Chiari I malformations, and sagging tonsils due to intracra-
and is associated with ipsilateral lateral ventricle compres- nial hypotension should not be mistaken for acute tonsil-
sion and obstruction of the foramen of Monro with dila- lar herniation, but it should be considered seriously when
tation of the contralateral ventricle (“trapped ventricle”). downward mass effect is expected based on brain edema,
The degree of midline shift (not synonymous with subfal- mass, or hemorrhage.
cine herniation) can be estimated by drawing a line be-
tween the anterior and posterior attachments of the falx Extracranial Herniation
and measuring the shift of the septum pellucidum relative
to this line (see Fig. 1-3). Anterior cerebral artery territory An extracranial herniation is the displacement of brain pa-
infarct(s) may result from this type of herniation. renchyma through a cranial and dural defect that is usually
caused by trauma or a craniectomy (usually performed to
prevent downward herniation from acute cerebral ede-
Transtentorial Herniation
ma). Complications may include infarction of the herni-
Transtentorial herniations include two major types: de- ated brain tissue.
scending transtentorial herniation (DTH) and ascending
transtentorial herniation (ATH). An early DTH is known Transalar Herniation
as uncal herniation, in which the uncus (i.e., the ante-
rior portion of the parahippocampal gyrus) is displaced Transalar herniation is uncommon and, by itself, does not
medially and occupies the ipsilateral suprasellar cistern. A cause symptoms. It is usually associated with subfalcine
later-stage DTH is caused by continued mass effect with and transtentorial herniations. This type of herniation is
displacement of the remainder of the medial temporal caused by displacement of the temporal lobe anteriorly
lobe through the tentorial incisura, which completely oc- or of the frontal lobe posteriorly across the sphenoid
cupies the suprasellar cistern (along with the uncus) and wing. One should look for anterior or posterior displace-
causes enlargement of the ipsilateral and effacement of ment of the middle cerebral artery to identify this type of
the contralateral ambient cisterns. This phenomenon oc- herniation.
curs because, as there is marked shifting of brain in the In the setting of severe head trauma, many of these dif-
supratentorial compartment, the brainstem shifts in the ferent types of injuries may coexist. The mechanism of in-
same direction. Occasionally, when marked mass effect jury should correspond with the degree of injury. In cases
is present, there can be compression of the contralateral when the reported mechanism is mild, nonaccidental trau-
cerebral peduncle against the tentorium, or “Kernohan’s ma (e.g., “Trauma X” and “shaken-baby syndrome”) should
notch,” which leads to ipsilateral motor weakness (this be considered. Infants, children, persons with mental or
phenomenon may be a false localizing sign). Other im- physical disabilities, and elderly persons are particularly at
aging findings include a “trapped” temporal horn of the risk. Skull fractures, SAH, SDH, contusions, shear injuries,
lateral ventricle contralateral to the side of the mass and infarcts, vertebral compression fractures, and retinal hem-
Duret hemorrhages—that is, hemorrhages of the midbrain orrhages constitute the usual neuroradiologic spectrum of
and pons caused by stretching and tearing of the arterial abnormalities. Injuries of different ages, metaphyseal and
perforators. In cases of bilateral mass effect, displacement rib fractures, and visceral injuries are other common find-
of both temporal lobes and midbrain can occur through ings of child abuse.
the incisura, leading to effacement of the basilar cisterns
bilaterally. Complications of this type of herniation include ACUTE CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDERS
compression of the posterior cerebral artery and penetrat-
ing basal arteries with associated infarcts in these vascular Although acute cerebrovascular disorders usually do not
distributions (see Fig. 1-2). In addition, compression of the occur as a result of trauma, they are treated with the same
oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve [CN] III) can occur with urgency as traumatic injuries or spontaneous ICH.Accord-
an associated palsy. ATH is less common and is caused by ing to the American Heart Association update for 2015, in
superior displacement of the cerebellum and brainstem the United States, approximately 800,000 strokes occur
through the incisura. ATH is usually due to mass effect in each year (on average, about one stroke occurs every 40
the posterior fossa (as from hemorrhage, tumor, or infarct), seconds, resulting in one death every 4 minutes). Almost
and imaging shows compression on the posterolateral 25% are recurrent, and 75% occur in persons older than
12 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
FIGURE 1-12 Tonsillar herniation. A, A sagittal T1-weighted image shows the pegged appearance of the cerebel-
lar tonsils extending through the foramen magnum, simulating a Chiari I malformation (representing a dramatic
change from a previous examination). B, A postgadolinium T1-weighted image shows cerebellar leptomeningeal
enhancement due to cryptococcal meningoencephalitis in this patient with acquired immunodeficiency syn-
FIGURE 1-14 A parenchymal hemorrhage due to use of an illicit drug—Ecstasy (3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine). A, Computed
tomography shows a hyperdense acute hemorrhage with minimal surrounding hypodense edema. B, A T1-weighted image shows iso- to
mild hyperintensity with hypointense edema. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (C) and fat-suppressed T2-weighted gradient and spin
echo (D) show hypointensity with surrounding hyperintense edema. E, Gradient echo shows a peripheral rim of signal loss and bloom-
ing. In summary, signal changes on T1- and T2-weighted images are consistent with deoxyhemoglobin, although the gradient echo
suggests only a rim of deoxyhemoglobin.
14 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
cell disease and venous infarcts also may present with score has been shown to correlate with the initial Na-
parenchymal hemorrhage. A ruptured intracranial aneu- tional Institutes of Health stroke score and is one piece
rysm occasionally may cause a parenchymal hemorrhage of data that may be considered in determining patient
in association with SAH. Hypertensive hemorrhages most management.
commonly occur in the basal ganglia and thalamus but
also may primarily arise within the cerebral hemispheres, Magnetic Resonance: Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
brainstem, or cerebellum. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy MRI with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), which be-
(CAA) is another common cause of ICH in patients older came widely available in routine clinical practice in the
than 65 years. CAA can be found in patients with mild cog- late 1990s, offers significantly greater sensitivity and
nitive impairment, Alzheimer-type dementia, and Down specificity for the detection of acute stroke (greater
syndrome with extracellular deposition of β-amyloid oc- than 90% compared with approximately 60% for CT).
curring in the cortex and subcortical white matter. CAA Energy depletion will trigger a cascade that alters the
can be hereditary (autosomal dominant, Dutch type), spo- internal cellular milieu, such as the glutamate excito-
radic (with the presence of the Apoε4 allele), or acquired toxic pathway, in which reduced energy-dependent
(as from hemodialysis). The lobar hemorrhages of CAA glutamate reuptake within the synaptic clefts results in
typically occur in the frontal and parietal regions. MRI is the development of cytotoxic edema. The restriction of
sensitive for the detection of hemosiderin deposition re- water molecule diffusion appears as hyperintensity on
sulting from multiple microhemorrhages over the course diffusion-weighted images. The diffusion “experiment”
of time that appear as small hypointense foci on gradient- can be performed with a variety of rapid imaging tech-
echo sequences. niques, such as echo planar imaging, and can acquire im-
ages of the entire brain in half a minute. This approach
Imaging of Acute Ischemic Stroke minimizes the effects of patient motion, which is espe-
cially important when the clinical presentation includes
Computed Tomography alteration of mental status. The apparent diffusion coef-
The role of imaging in acute stroke diagnosis and man- ficient (ADC) value is a quantitative measure that may be
agement continues to evolve. Since the mid 1970s, unen- calculated from the diffusion-weighted images. Because
hanced CT has been the first-line modality to determine diffusion-weighted images rely on both diffusion and
the cause of acute neurologic deficits. CT can offer the T2 effects, it is wise to confirm that the ADC values are
chance to detect an ischemic infarct, generally in the indeed reduced before diagnosing an acute infarct. This
middle cerebral artery territory, within 3 hours in up to confirmation will reduce the number of false-positive
one third of cases based on findings of subtle parenchy- results due to the “T2 shine-through” effect from old in-
mal hypodensity, loss of gray–white matter differentia- farcts (gliosis) or other T2 hyperintense processes such
tion (including loss of the insular ribbon or margins of as vasogenic edema.
basal ganglia; Fig. 1-15), and effacement of sulci. A hyper- Acute ischemic infarcts appear as hyperintense regions
dense vessel sign may indicate the presence of an acute on DWI (see Fig. 1-15) as quickly as 30 minutes after on-
thrombus and support the diagnosis. The sensitivity for set. Up to 100% sensitivity has been demonstrated in clini-
detection of acute stroke has been shown to increase cal studies. However, in routine practice, small lesions in
with the use of the “acute stroke” window and level set- the brainstem may not be perceived initially, only to be
tings (see Fig. 1-15). A very narrow window width of 8 detected on a follow-up examination prompted by persis-
Hounsfield units (HUs) and a level of 32 HUs (compared tent symptoms. It is also possible that a region of ischemia
with 80 and 40 HUs, respectively) may increase the sen- (prior to a completed infarction) may not be detected on
sitivity of CT to approximately 70% without a loss of an initial imaging study, thus providing a false-negative re-
specificity. sult. False-positive results on DWI can be due to processes
CT is currently used to screen patients who may be that mimic stroke and also cause diffusion restriction, such
considered for treatment with intravenous recombinant as certain neoplasms, multifocal metastatic disease, and ab-
tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA). This medication is scesses. The presence or absence of associated findings on
currently approved by the Food and Drug Administra- conventional MRI sequences—such as loss of gray–white
tion for use within 3 hours of onset based on guidelines matter differentiation on T1WIs and hyperintense edema
from the National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and on FLAIR and T2WIs—may help with diagnosis, although
Stroke rt-PA trial. Since 2013, its use within 4.5 hours of these signs may be inconspicuous for 6 to 12 hours after
stroke onset in selected patients has been endorsed in a stroke onset. Blooming on gradient-echo sequences due to
joint clinical policy statement of the American College of intravascular thrombus and loss of expected vascular flow
Emergency Physicians, American Academy of Neurology, voids are other useful clues.
and Neurocritical Care Society. Beyond this time, the risk Lacunar infarcts are generally less than 1 cm in diameter
of ICH due to intravenous thrombolysis was shown to and are presumed to be due to occlusion of small perfo-
outweigh potential benefits. An association between larg- rating branches as a result of embolic, atheromatous, or
er stroke volumes (greater than one third of the middle thrombotic lesions. Lacunar infarcts occur most commonly
cerebral artery territory) and reperfusion hemorrhage in the basal ganglia, internal and external capsules, immedi-
was initially reported.This criterion for the use of 100 mL ate periventricular white matter (corona radiata), and, less
estimated infarct volume has commonly been applied in frequently, in the centrum semiovale. Occlusion of basilar
stroke trials. The Alberta Stroke Program early CT score, artery perforators will result in lacunes in the brainstem.
a 10-point topographic scoring system, was developed Diffusion imaging offers the ability to identify very small,
to try to more easily quantify initial stroke volumes. This acute infarcts even in the background of chronic white
Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck 15
FIGURE 1-15 A hyperacute infarct. A, Noncontrast computed tomography with a window/level of 80/40 shows
a subtle decrease in density of the right insular cortex. B, The insular “ribbon” sign is more conspicuous with
a stroke window/level of 40/40 (arrows). C, The infarct is much more conspicuous on a diffusion-weighted
image. D, Time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography shows attenuation of right middle cerebral artery
distal branches.
matter disease and remote lacunes (Fig. 1-16). Although MRI Diffusion-weighted MRI is most sensitive for evaluating
is still considered a relatively expensive technique, it has the the different patterns of injury. In preterm infants sub-
potential to reduce the number of unnecessary hospital ad- jected to mild hypotension, the periventricular regions
missions for recurrent small vessel infarcts in many patients. are most often affected. With more severe hypotension,
It also may assist in selecting the most appropriate pathway the basal ganglia, brainstem, and cerebellum may be in-
for patients with central embolic sources of infarcts based volved. In full-term infants with mild hypotension, in-
on the detection of infarcts in different vascular territories. farcts in the border zones between anterior and middle
MRI is also valuable in the setting of neonatal hypoxic cerebral arteries or between middle and posterior cere-
ischemic encephalopathy. Cranial ultrasonography and bral arteries may result. Severe hypotension may result in
CT may be used to evaluate germinal matrix hemor- infarcts of basal ganglia, hippocampi, corticospinal tracts,
rhages, periventricular leukomalacia, and hydrocephalus. and sensorimotor cortex.
16 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
FIGURE 1-16 An acute lacunar infarct. A, Computed tomography shows multifocal hypodensities. B, A fluid-at-
tenuated inversion recovery image shows corresponding hyperintensities due to chronic small vessel disease. C, A
diffusion-weighted image shows the acute infarct in the left lentiform nucleus/posterior limb of internal capsule in
a patient with acute onset of right-sided weakness. An apparent diffusion coefficient map (not shown) confirmed
restricted diffusion. Other periventricular white matter mild hyperintensities are the result of “T2 shine-through.”
that patient safety is a primary concern and therefore care- models with up to 320 rows are available. Analogous to
ful attention to screening for potential contraindications PWI, CTP is based on measurement of tissue density as a
prior to MR scanning is a requisite at all times. function of time during a first pass of an intravenous con-
trast agent and commonly uses deconvolution analysis. In
Magnetic Resonance: Perfusion Imaging contrast to PWI, as a result of the proportionate increase
It became clear from imaging-based stroke trials that final in tissue attenuation due to iodine concentration, quantita-
infarct volumes were often larger than those identified by tive (rather than relative) estimation of CBV (and therefore
imaging at the time of admission. Advances in rapid scan- CBF) can be obtained by CTP. Other parameters includ-
ning techniques soon led to the ability to obtain functional ing time to maximum enhancement (Tmax) also may be
images of brain perfusion. By demonstrating an ischemic measured.
zone at the periphery of an acute infarct, salvageable tissue CTP applied in the setting of acute stroke has been vali-
(the so-called penumbra) could be targeted with novel dated with clinical outcomes and follow-up imaging and
therapies. Dynamic gadolinium-enhanced T2* perfusion- also by comparison with DWI. Wintermark and colleagues
weighted imaging (PWI) is one available technique that is initially proposed that regions with a CBV less than 2.5
based on the decrease in tissue signal intensity as a func- mL/100 g be considered the “core infarct” and regions
tion of time during passage of a bolus of contrast mate- with a CBF reduction of more than 34% be defined as the
rial. Functional “maps” of different perfusion parameters penumbra. These values were based on correspondence
may be calculated from the time-signal intensity curves with initial DWI abnormality and final infarct size. Schaefer
obtained during a minute-long acquisition. Cerebral blood and colleagues later proposed other absolute values and
volume (CBV) and tissue mean transit time (MTT) can be the use of normalized CBV and CBF ratios to help distin-
estimated using different methods, most commonly decon- guish ischemic tissue likely to become infarcted from that
volution analysis. One limitation of MR-based techniques likely to survive after intraarterial recanalization therapy.
is that the blood volume estimate is a relative value. Cere- Perfusion maps can be visually compared to determine
bral blood flow (CBF) can be estimated by dividing CBV if a penumbra is present but may underestimate or over-
by MTT. A penumbra will be identified when a region of estimate the extent of tissue at risk (Fig. 1-17). Software
decreased CBF or prolonged MTT is larger than the infarct packages are available that can automatically segment the
detected by DWI—a perfusion mismatch. Based on the ex- processed perfusion maps into core infarct, penumbra, and
tent of the mismatch, aggressive therapies may be pursued normal regions based on thresholding techniques.
to limit the final infarct volume. Therapeutic trials of desmoteplase, a novel thrombo-
In some cases, the perfusion abnormality may exact- lytic drug, including the Desmoteplase in Acute Ischemic
ly match the diffusion abnormality, and thus there is no Stroke (DIAS) and Dose Escalation study of Desmoteplase
penumbra. The final infarct volume is not expected to in- in Acute Ischemic Stroke (DEDAS) trials, were based on
crease further. In other cases, when prompt reperfusion demonstration of a perfusion mismatch. Although clinical
has occurred, such as from early vessel recanalization, the outcomes were not promising, these trials demonstrated
perfusion abnormality may be smaller than the diffusion the value of advanced imaging compared with unen-
abnormality. In both of these situations, the risk of aggres- hanced CT and use of a strict time limit alone.
sive treatment is probably not warranted. The potential of Thrombolysis with intravenous rt-PA is limited by a
improved clinical outcomes from therapeutic strategies short time window after onset of symptoms and a recana-
based on perfusion imaging may result from either salvage lization rate of less than 50%. Stroke specialists had hoped
of tissue at risk or reduction of complications. that an endovascular approach to treatment of severe
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is an MR perfusion tech- strokes would be a valuable addition or alternative to in-
nique that does not require injection of a contrast agent. travenous therapy. The paradigm of acute stroke imaging
ASL uses paramagnetic labeling of water in blood flowing has continued to evolve with clinical trials.
to the brain to produce measurements that are propor- Over the course of several trials without promising re-
tional to CBF. There are many varieties and technical limi- sults, including randomized, controlled trials of intraarte-
tations of ASL. Clinical utility will require determination of rial treatment (Interventional Management of Stroke III
appropriate clinical perfusion thresholds. ASL is becoming [IMS III], Synthesis, and Mechanical Retrieval and Recanali-
increasingly available but is not yet used routinely at most zation of Stroke Clots Using Embolectomy [MR RESCUE]),
centers. many lessons were learned. Improved outcomes were
demonstrated with enrollment of patients with severe
Computed Tomography: Perfusion Imaging strokes, proof of proximal vessel occlusion, early initiation
The advent and wide availability of multidetector CT of treatment, and use of modern thrombectomy devices
(MDCT) scanners has led to the use of CT angiography (i.e., retrievable stents). The recently published results of
(CTA) and CT perfusion (CTP) imaging in the workup of the Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascu-
suspected acute ischemic stroke. The ability to acquire a lar Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands
large 3D volume of data rapidly during administration of (MR CLEAN), which required demonstration of a proximal
a bolus of contrast material combined with submillimeter vessel occlusion, ended the long drought of negative re-
spatial resolution results in CTA images that in many in- sults for endovascular treatment (Fig. 1-18).
stances approach the diagnostic quality of more invasive In the Extending the time for Thrombolysis in Emergen-
digital subtraction angiograms. Large detector arrays and cy Neurological Deficits–Intra-Arterial (EXTEND-IA) trial,
cine or shuttle modes of scanner operation allow for gen- the imaging inclusion criteria were a proximal intracranial
erous coverage of the brain during perfusion studies. De- occlusion, a perfusion mismatch (CTP Tmax >6-second
tector arrays with 64 rows are common now, and newer delay perfusion volume compared with CT-CBF or DWI
18 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
FIGURE 1-17 Perfusion computed tomography (CT)—large mismatch. A, Noncontrast CT shows decreased den-
sity of the left caudate head and putamen. B, Cerebral blood flow (CBF) and mean transit time (MTT) abnormali-
ties are much larger than core infarct (cerebral blood volume [CBV] abnormality). C, CT follow-up 1 week after
conservative management shows that the final infarct volume closely matches the initial CBV abnormality. D, An
initial CT angiogram showed abrupt occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery stem (arrow) but with filling of
distal branches as a result of robust leptomeningeal collateral circulation.
FIGURE 1-18 Mechanical thrombectomy. A, An acute right middle cerebral artery occlusion. B, A Merci retriever
is deployed distal to the thrombus. (Note that newer stent retrievers, such as the Solitaire revascularization device,
have supplanted use of this device.) C, Recanalization of the right middle cerebral artery after clot retrieval.
Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck 19
Hemorrhagic Transformation
Hemorrhagic transformation of an ischemic infarct that is
thought to result from reperfusion injury can be a dreaded
complication of therapy or may happen spontaneously
within hours or after a period of several weeks (Fig. 1-19).
If a large hematoma is present at the time of initial im-
aging, it may not be possible to distinguish a primary pa-
renchymal hemorrhage from hemorrhagic transformation.
The blood products generally cause substantial artifacts
on DWI. However, if the hemorrhage is confined within a FIGURE 1-20 Cortical laminar necrosis. A T1-weighted image
larger zone of restricted diffusion, the cause may be clear. shows gyriform hyperintensity in a peri-sylvian distribution 1 week
Petechial hemorrhages occur very commonly within an after a middle cerebral artery infarct.
ischemic infarct, are best detected by gradient-echo imag-
ing, and do not usually lead to increased morbidity. attributed to cortical laminar necrosis (Fig. 1-20). It seems
that gray matter is more vulnerable to ischemic necrosis
than white matter (especially the third layer of the six
Cortical Laminar Necrosis
cortical layers), and although the signal changes may lead
A pattern of gyriform T1-weighted hyperintensity devel- one to diagnose hemorrhage or calcification, in one histo-
oping a week or two after an ischemic infarct may be logic study neither was detected.The exact cause of the T1
20 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
being said, the constantly improving technology and clini- the presence of dilated draining veins or from asymmet-
cal experience with CTA have led to a substantial decrease ric opacification of the cavernous sinuses, although this
in the number of diagnostic angiograms. CTA is commonly shunting might just as well be due to normal physiologic
applied in the setting of spine, facial, and skull base frac- variation. Evaluation of the smallest arteries is necessary
tures. One study of CTA in 2004 in the setting of acute SAH for the evaluation of cerebral vasculitis. Improvements in
reported a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 100% for spatial and temporal resolution and reconstruction tech-
detection of aneurysms. Dual-energy CT may provide ben- niques will certainly reduce the number of false-negative
efits compared with standard techniques. A more recent aneurysm hunts and increase the clinical utility of CTA for
study with 320-detector technique found overall sensitivity evaluation of arteriovenous malformations and vasculitis.
of 96%, specificity of 100%, and accuracy of 95%. Many cen- Use of CTA in the setting of spontaneous parenchymal
ters have adopted immediate CTA in their protocol for the hemorrhage has become routine. Since the initial study
workup of spontaneous SAH (Fig. 1-23). If a ruptured aneu- of CTA in the setting of acute intracerebral hemorrhage
rysm is detected by this method, detail may be adequate for that demonstrated that tiny enhancing foci (extravasation)
treatment planning in certain situations. However, other in- within the hematoma (CTA spot sign) is an independent
vestigators have offered the opinion that the gold standard predictor of hematoma expansion, many other studies
of DSA (with 3D rotational angiography) provides greater have evaluated this sign.An underlying vascular lesion may
sensitivity and should not yet be replaced by CTA. This be found in up to 15% of patients with spontaneous ICH,
opinion is based on reports of a 10% false-negative rate of potentially affecting acute management. Some authors
CTA for aneurysm detection and the belief that the greater recommend spot sign evaluation during CTP imaging. In
spatial resolution of DSA is necessary to accurately deter- addition to its clinical predictive value, the spot sign will
mine proper triage to surgery versus endovascular coiling. continue to be of interest in trials of hemostatic therapy.
Both of these reasons support the use of DSA regardless of
a negative or positive result from CTA. Given its availability
and lack of invasive risks, CTA will probably continue to be CERVICOCEREBRAL ARTERIAL INJURIES
used as a diagnostic tool in this setting.
Spontaneous Cervical Dissection
In the setting of SAH, a negative result of a CTA or DSA
examination often requires a repeat examination, depend- Spontaneous cervical arterial dissection used to be con-
ing on the pattern of hemorrhage. DSA offers evaluation sidered a rarity, but since the 1980s, largely as a result
of cerebral hemodynamics, which is important for the of improvements in imaging, awareness of this cause of
diagnosis of brain and dural vascular malformations. This stroke has increased. It is estimated that up to 25% of
type of detail is still not available with most current CTA strokes in young and middle-aged adults occur on this
techniques, but because of continued technical improve- basis. Community-based studies have found that the an-
ments, time-resolved (multiphase, four-dimensional) CTA nual incidence of internal carotid artery dissection is
is expected to be commonly available in the near future. 3 per 100,000 per year, and that of vertebral artery dis-
On occasion, arteriovenous shunting may be inferred from section is 1.5 per 100,000 per year. A history of a trivial
22 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
precipitating event, such as minor movement of the neck, implementation of antithrombotic or other vascular treat-
is commonly reported. Chiropractic manipulation of the ments, the incidence of stroke will be reduced. Because
cervical spine has become recognized as a potential cause more subtle injuries will be detected with advances in CT
of dissection, but estimates of the rate of occurrence vary technology, outcomes research will be necessary to help
widely. Many different types of triggering events associat- determine the most appropriate therapy. It is well known
ed with hyperextension or rotation of the neck—includ- that a certain (small) percentage of patients will present
ing sport and recreational activities, painting of ceilings, with delayed formation and rupture of a posttraumatic
coughing, sneezing, and vomiting—have been reported. pseudoaneurysm, yet recommendations for and timing of
A higher incidence in the autumn suggests inflammation follow-up examination remain rather dubious (Fig. 1-24).
or an excess amount of sneezing and coughing related to Dissection of the internal carotid and vertebral arter-
upper respiratory tract infections as predisposing factors. ies may be the direct result of blunt trauma, with a re-
The effect of genetics has not yet been completely de- ported incidence of less than 1% in some series. As might
termined, but approximately half of patients show mild be expected, the risk of vascular injury in the setting of
ultrastructural connective tissue alterations similar to spine fracture is substantially higher. Another mechanism
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Traditional vascular risk factors of carotid injury is intraoral trauma, such as from a fall
have not been systematically studied, but atherosclerosis with a pencil in the mouth or from iatrogenic causes.
is generally not found in patients with spontaneous dis- Basilar skull fracture, especially involving the carotid ca-
sections. Migraine has been suggested as an independent nal, is also included in this category in most studies of
risk factor. traumatic dissection. The indications for CTA continue
to broaden. Because of the potential for devastating neu-
Traumatic Cervicocerebral Injuries rologic consequences of cerebrovascular injuries, some
trauma centers follow a liberalized screening approach—
The evaluation of vascular injuries of the neck and head including not only patients with symptoms referable to
has undergone a dramatic transformation as a result of vascular injury but also asymptomatic patients under-
the capabilities of helical and MDCT angiography. Since going CT for head and cervical spine trauma. In such a
2000, favorable results from the use of CTA in the setting study reported by Biffl and colleagues in 2006, 5.4% of
of penetrating trauma have supported its clinical applica- patients had blunt cerebrovascular injuries. In a 2-year
tion on a routine basis. High sensitivity and specificity for retrospective review of patients at our center, 8% of 106
the detection of vascular injuries have been reported in patients with fractures of the cervical spine and skull
a number of studies. CTA has essentially replaced DSA, base (involving the foramen transversarium or near the
which is still the gold standard, as the initial screening carotid canal) had vascular injuries detected by CTA. Of
modality of choice for penetrating neck injuries at many 161 trauma patients without fractures who also under-
institutions. In many cases it has been used as a comple- went CTA, 2% had vascular injuries detected. Therefore
mentary technique to surgical exploration of the neck, the presence of a fracture yielded an odds ratio for vas-
but more recently, a normal CTA may avert the need for cular injury of approximately 4 to 1 in this population.
surgical exploration. CTA has been applied to the set- False-positive and false-negative results are generally con-
ting of blunt trauma with similar results and has resulted sidered few, with the expectation that they will continue
in a decrease in the number of DSA examinations per- to decline as technology advances and experience with
formed. Abnormalities that may be detected include ste- the technique increases.
nosis, occlusion, dissection, pseudoaneurysm formation, Some authors propose mandatory imaging in the fol-
and contrast extravasation from vessel rupture. Vascular lowing instances: (1) arterial bleeding from the mouth,
evaluation is generally limited to the common carotid, nose, ears, or wound; (2) expanding cervical hematoma;
internal carotid, and vertebral and proximal branches (3) bruit in patients older than 50 years; (4) acute infarct;
of the external carotid arteries. With currently available (5) unexplained neurologic defect or TIA; and (6) Horn-
equipment, submillimeter, subsecond imaging is possible, er syndrome or neck or head pain. In one angiographic
and even minor abnormalities of the distal external ca- study of asymptomatic patients with skull base fractures,
rotid branches are now being diagnosed prospectively. up to 60% had abnormal angiogram findings. Other studies
Nondiagnostic examinations may occur as a result of have reported significantly lower rates of serious injury.
technical deficiencies such as extravascular contrast in- One recent series found a 4% incidence of traumatic
filtration from intravenous catheters or patient motion. carotid-cavernous fistula in patients with skull base f ractures.
Use of a contrast test bolus or bolus tracking techniques Although prompt diagnosis and treatment of carotid-
helps reduce the number of poor-quality scans due to ar- cavernous fistula are desirable, diagnosis at the time of
rhythmias or compromised cardiac output. Because an admission is not as critical as it is for dissection with its
intravenous contrast bolus may be impeded by transient inherent risk of stroke.
compression of the left brachiocephalic vein as a result Whether performed for screening or based on symp-
of pulsations of the great vessels, a right-sided antecubi- toms, the workup and treatment of dissection continue
tal injection site is preferred. Streak artifacts from den- to evolve. As with other vascular disorders, catheter angi-
tal fillings and hardware and beam-hardening effects also ography was once the only method available and is still
take their toll on image quality. Positive findings on CTA used for confirmation if other studies are equivocal. The
help guide therapeutic decisions toward medical, surgi- most common finding is a smoothly or mildly irregu-
cal, or endovascular intervention; however, well-defined lar tapered mid-cervical narrowing. Dissections that re-
pathways do not yet exist for most vascular injuries. It is sult in occlusion may show a “rat tail” or “flame-shaped”
the clinical expectation that with prompt diagnosis and lumen, which may help distinguish other causes such as
Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck 23
FIGURE 1-24 An arterial dissection resulting from blunt trauma. A, A volume-rendered image from a computed
tomography (CT) angiogram shows a comminuted mandibular fracture (arrows). The internal jugular vein ob-
scures the internal carotid artery. B, A 180-degree rotation and application of an anterior cutting plane reveal
tapered contour of the internal carotid artery (arrows) as a result of dissection. C, Multiplanar reconstruction from
a follow-up CT angiogram 1 week later shows development of a small pseudoaneurysm (arrow) with residual,
mild, distal stenosis.
thromboembolism or atherosclerotic disease from dissec- base.The most common sites of vertebral artery dissection
tion (Fig. 1-25). Saccular or fusiform aneurysmal dilatation are at the entry into the C6 foramen transversarium and at
(pseudoaneurysm) also may be identified.The presence of the C1-C2 level.
an intimal flap or a false or double lumen is unusual in the Ultrasound assessment of cervical internal carotid and
cervicocerebral vessels. In the internal carotid artery, the vertebral artery dissections is possible, but many pitfalls ex-
dissection is typically found a few centimeters beyond the ist.The pathognomonic finding is a membrane in the longi-
carotid bifurcation or a few centimeters below the skull tudinal and axial views. In addition to the findings that may
24 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
FIGURE 1-26 Internal carotid artery dissection as seen on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
(MR) angiogram. A, A CT angiogram source image shows a narrowed upper cervical right internal carotid artery
lumen with an increase in the external caliber of the vessel (arrow). B, A fat-suppressed T1-weighted image shows
corresponding narrowed flow void with a hyperintense eccentric intramural hematoma (arrow). C, A time-of-flight
MR angiogram shows a narrowed segment of the right internal carotid artery (arrow).
FIGURE 1-28 Meningitis caused by group B streptococcus in a 4-year-old. A, A postgadolinium T1-weighted im-
age shows mild diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement and abnormal enhancement of the bilateral cranial nerve
III (black arrows). B, A magnetic resonance angiogram shows the bilateral internal carotid artery terminus and
anterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery origin stenoses (white arrows). C, A diffusion-weighted image
shows resultant infarcts.
or hygroma, and obstructive or communicating hydro- Diffuse thickened enhancement of the dura is a sign of
cephalus (Fig. 1-28). Subdural empyema and epidural pachymeningitis, which can be due to carcinomatous, gran-
abscess are illustrated in the section on head and neck ulomatous, and noninfectious causes, including idiopathic
imaging. intracranial hypotension (Fig. 1-29). Tuberculosis has a pre-
Many other infectious agents may cause meningitis, dilection for causing basal meningitis with resultant stroke
including Lyme disease (Borrelia) and, especially in the due to involvement of arteries at the base of the brain.
immunocompromised setting, human immunodeficien-
cy virus (HIV), toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, tubercu- Brain Parenchymal Infection
losis, syphilis, cytomegalovirus, and a variety of fungi The term encephalitis refers to inflammation of the brain
(see Fig. 1-12). and is usually applied in the setting of viral infection.
28 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
FIGURE 1-31 A pyogenic abscess. A, A T2-weighted image shows hyperintense fluid collection in the right
frontal lobe with a hypointense rim and extensive surrounding edema. B, Corresponding hyperintensity on a
diffusion-weighted image. C, A postgadolinium T1-weighted image shows a relatively thin rim along the deeper
portion of the abscess adjacent to the lateral ventricle.
cysticerci, and these cysts may be located in the subarach- other brain abscess. Next is the granular nodular stage in
noid spaces, brain parenchyma, or ventricular system. The which the cyst involutes, the wall thickens, the lesion be-
cysts then progress through four stages with distinct im- gins to calcify, and edema decreases. In the final nodular
aging features based on the lesion and the host response. calcified stage, only a small calcification persists and the
In the vesicular stage, the lesions appear as thin-walled, edema resolves completely. Because lesions may progress
fluid-filled cysts, possibly with mild rim enhancement, at different rates, it is not uncommon to find more than
but without surrounding edema. Lesions are generally one type of lesion. Identification of cysts in different com-
small (less than 1 cm), and often an eccentric scolex of a partments (parenchymal, subarachnoid, and intraventricu-
few millimeters can be detected. In the colloidal vesicu- lar), the presence of a scolex, variable amounts of edema,
lar stage, in which the larva starts degenerating, a thicker and small calcifications in the same patient offer great
rim of enhancement and surrounding edema develop. It is sensitivity and specificity. It is not often that the radiolo-
in this stage that the appearance is similar to that of any gist can show such confidence in diagnosis, and therefore
30 Chapter 1 Traumatic and Nontraumatic Emergencies of the Brain, Head, and Neck
FIGURE 1-32 Toxoplasmosis. A, A fluid-attenuated inversion recovery image shows isointense lesions in the right
basal ganglia and left parietal lobe with surrounding edema. B, A postgadolinium T1-weighted image shows faint
rim enhancement of right basal ganglia lesion. C, A postgadolinium T1-weighted image shows a typical “target”
sign in a left frontal lobe lesion.
neurocysticercosis deserves special recognition (Fig. 1-34). chapter it is possible to provide only a limited framework
One might not expect this infection to be common in the and describe some of the more common lesions.
United States; however, because of travel and immigration, Metastases account for approximately half of all intra-
it presents fairly commonly in patients presenting to U.S. cranial neoplasms in adults. They may present as multiple
EDs with new or recurrent seizures. small enhancing lesions at the gray–white junction or as
a single large lesion with extensive surrounding edema.
Lesions are usually found in the cerebral hemispheres
and may be solid, cystic, calcified, or hemorrhagic, and ap-
As with infection, it is not possible to review all of the proximately 50% will present as a solitary lesion.The most
myriad entities in this category. Within the scope of this common primary tumors are lung, breast, and melanoma.
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