IM SS Handouts

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In situations where the success of an Action is in doubt For the majority of Tests, its enough to know whether
or is opposed by another party, Imperium Maledictum you succeed or fail. However, sometimes it is useful to
uses Tests. When the Gamemaster asks you to make a know how well you succeed or how badly you failed.
Test, they will tell you which Skill or Specialisation is This is especially the case with an Opposed Test (see
being tested. To make a Test, roll 1d100 and compare the other side of this sheet) In these cases, Imperium
the result to your relevant Skill or Specialisation. If you Maledictum uses Success Levels, abbreviated to SL.
roll a result equal to or less than what is being tested,
you succeed! To determine the SL of a Test, subtract the tens digit of
the result from the tens digit of the Skill being tested,
If you have no Advances in a Specialisation being including any modifiers from the Difficulty of the
tested, you use the Skill instead; if you have no Test. The higher the SL, the better the outcome; the
Advances in a Skill being tested, you use the associated lower the SL, the worse things have gone. Even though
Characteristic. they’re called Success Levels, you still generate SL on a
failed Test!
0 A result of 96–00 is always a failure.
0 A result of 01–05 is always a success. Example: Kalli is driving an Atalan dirtcycle through
rocky terrain, trying to reach a crashed Arvus Lighter in
time to save her ally. The GM calls for a Difficult (−10)
DIFFICULTY Piloting (Surface) Test, and states she will use the SL to
Tests are shown with their Difficulty followed by the determine how quickly Kalli can reach their destination.
Skill, with any relevant Specialisation in parentheses: Kalli has a Piloting (Surface) Skill of 47 and rolls a 28.
The tens digit of the Skill being tested is effectively 3
0 Make an Routine (+20) Awareness (Sight) Test. thanks to the difficulty modifier of −10. The tens digit
0 You must succeed a Challenging (+0) Reflexes of the roll is 2, so Kalli succeeds with +1 SL (3–2=1).
(Dodge) Test to avoid the falling debris. The GM declares that Kalli just manages to reach her
0 Characters who succeed at a Hard (−20) Lore Test destination in the nick of time.
recognise the heraldry of House Valmor.

The difficulty is added to or subtracted from the Skill OUTCOMES TABLE

being tested. Easy tasks add to the Skill, while harder
tasks reduce the Skill. Most tasks are Challenging (+0). SL Result Have Y ou Succeeded?
Yes, perfectly!: You achieved your
+5 or Astounding
Example: Casseum needs to make a Routine (+20) more Success goal and may get a beneficial
Athletics (Climbing) Test to scale some scaffolding. side effect.
Unfortunately, he has no Advances in the Climbing +3 to Impressive Yes, and…: You achieve your goal
Specialisation or the Athletics Skill, so must make +4 Success and exceeded expectations.
the Test using his Strength of 23. Casseum gets a 42. +1 to Success Yes: You achieve a solid success.
Normally this would be a failure, but as the test had a +2
Difficulty of Routine he adds +20 to his Characteristic Yes, but…: You achieve your goal,
for a total of 43. Casseum just succeeds, knocking a servo +0 but there is an unintended
Success side effect or flaw.
skull out of his way in the process, potentially drawing
unwanted attention to his escapades. No, but…: You marginally fail,
–0 perhaps accomplishing a portion of
Failure what you intended.


–2 Failure No: You do not achieve your goal.

Difficulty T est Difficulty Test No, and…: Not only do you fail, but
Modifier Modifier –3 to Impressive you also cause additional things
−4 Failure
Very Easy +60 Difficult −10 to go wrong.

–5 or Astounding No,
Easy +40 Hard −20 not in any way!: Everything goes
wrong in the worst way, potentially
less Failure
Routine +20 Very Hard −30 with additional consequences.
When two characters are in direct opposition, the Life in the 41st Millennium is a perilous nightmare,
GM can call for an Opposed Test. Opposed Tests are and you’ll need to leverage every advantage you can to
used when one character is trying to get the better of survive. The odds are stacked against you, so gathering
another, like sneaking past a wary guard, or deceiving clues, researching individuals, and making solid plans
a sceptical cleric. is essential to success in Imperium Maledictum.
Superiority is a group resource that represents the
For an Opposed Test, both parties make a Test. The GM power of your party’s preparation and momentum
determines the Skills being tested and the Difficulty during combat.
for each participant. The character with the highest SL
wins. If it is important to know how well the winner of Each character can use Superiority to gain an SL bonus
an Opposed Test succeeds, use the difference in SL to to one Test of their choice each Turn in combat (see the
determine the final SL. Combat Reference Sheet). This bonus is equal to the
total number of Superiority the party has gained. Once
Example: Wilkus is trying to talk their way into a dinner a character has used this bonus on a Test, they cannot
in honour of the planetary governor. Unfortunately the use it again until the start of their next Turn.
suspicious guard has their doubts. The GM calls for
Wilkus to make a Rapport (Deception) Test opposed by Superiority is always gained against a specific enemy or
the guards' Intuition (People). Wilkus’s player rolls and group of enemies. Learning the tactics and armaments
the GM rolls for the guard. Wilkus’ Rapport (Deception) of a gang, for example, will not aid the characters in
is 41 and they roll a 57, giving them −1 SL. The guards fighting off an ambush by Genestealer Cultists!
Intuition (People) is 45 and he rolls a 23, giving him +2
SL. The guard knows Wilkus is lying and demands they Regardless of the preparations made, the maximum
move aside so other guests can get through. amount of Superiority that can be gained before combat
has begun is +3. The Gamemaster can decide to award
Even if you fail the Test, you can still win an Opposed Superiority for the following reasons:
Test provided your opponent fails worse than you do. If
you tie on SL, the character with the higher Skill wins. Know Thy Foe: Learning important information
about your enemy can allow you to gain Superiority
ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE before combat. This should be vital, secretive, useful
Certain circumstances outside of your control may information that you can exploit in your tactical
provide a benefit or hindrance to a Test, beyond the planning.
Difficulty of the Action. These situations are known as
having Advantage or Disadvantage. Example: Knowing your foes have no access to heavy
weapons and that their helmets restrict their vision.
0 When you have Advantage, you can choose to
reverse the tens and the units if it would be more Know Thy Battlefield: Knowledge of the landscape
beneficial for you. where your battle will take place can be the difference
0 When you have Disadvantage, you must reverse the between a swift and commanding victory, or finding
tens and the units if it would be worse for you. yourself another corpse in a hab vent. Identifying
aspects of the battlefield that could give you a tactical
Example: Leo ducks into an alcove to hide from some advantage grants +1 Superiority.
approaching Ministorum guards. The GM rules that the
shadowy alcove makes it easier to remain unseen, so Example: Scouting the area for an ambush site, a high
tells Leo to make his Stealth Test with Advantage. Leo’s ground, an unexpected approach, or a bottleneck kill
Stealth Skill is 56 and he rolls a 72. Normally this would zone.
be a failure, but Advantage allows Leo to reverse the
numbers for a roll of 27 — a success! Know Thy Players: The limitless ingenuity of players
means they will come up with many other unorthodox
strategies to gain an advantage over their foes. While
the GM shouldn’t be unduly generous, these inspired
schemes are to be encouraged and the most promising
rewarded with a point of Superiority.
Combat areas are divided into Zones. Zones have To use your Action to Attack, follow these steps:
no set size or shape, and are formed along natural
divides or breaks into the environment such as walls 1. Check your target is within your weapon’s Range.
or doors. Characters can usually move from Zone to 2. Roll to Hit. If you are making a melee attack,
Zone as part of their turn, but some Zones might only make a Melee Test opposed by the target’s Melee or
be accessible by flying, swimming, climbing, or other Reflexes. If you are making a ranged attack, make
special movement. a Challenging (+0) Ranged Test. Ranged attacks
might expend ammunition (see Burst & Rapid Fire
RANGE on the Wargear Traits Reference Sheet), and if at
Ranges are relative to Zones. There are five ranges: Immediate Range are made with Disadvantage.
3. Determine Hit Location. Consult the table below
0 Immediate Range: anything within arms reach. to see where you hit your target (determined by the
Tests to fire a Ranged Weapon at this range are units number on your attack roll).
made at Disadvantage, unless the weapon has the 4. Deal Damage. The Damage dealt with a Ranged
Close Trait. Weapon is equal to the weapon damage, plus the SL
0 Short Range: anything within the Zone you occupy. of your attack Test. The Damage dealt with a Melee
0 Medium Range: any Zone adjacent to your current Weapon is equal to the weapon damage, plus the SL
Zone. Long Range: anything 2 Zones away from difference of the Opposed Test.
your current Zone. 5. Deal Wounds. The Damage dealt is reduced by any
0 Extreme Range: anything beyond Long Range, Armour on the target location. The target suffers
three or more Zones away from your current Zone. the remaining Damage as Wounds.


During combat, time is split into Rounds, which are Units Result L ocation
split into Turns. Every combatant takes a Turn, starting
1 Head
with the Character with the highest Initiative statistic
and going from highest to lowest. When all participants 2 Left Arm
have taken a Turn, that’s one Round, and a new Round
3 Right Arm
starts with the Character with the highest Initiative
taking their 2nd Turn. On your Turn, you can Move 4 Left Leg
and take a single Action.
5 Right Leg

ACTION 6–0 Body

When it is your Turn, describe what you want to do.
The GM tells you if your Action requires a Test to
accomplish, and then you narrate the results together. WOUNDS
The most common Action in combat is Attacking, You suffer Wounds whenever you take Damage to a
explained on the next column. A list of other frequently location that exceeds your Armour in that location.
used Actions can be found on the other side of this If your Wounds equal or exceed your Maximum
reference sheet. Wounds, you go Prone (see the Conditions sheet),
and if you aren’t healed within a number of Rounds
MOVE equal to your Toughness Bonus (the tens digit of your
How far you can move is based on your Speed. Most Toughness Characteristic), you fall Unconscious until
characters have Normal Speed, and are able to move you heal at least 1 Wound. Whenever you take damage
anywhere in their Zone for free or use their Move to that exceeds your Maximum Wounds or are struck by
enter an adjacent Zone. Fast Characters can move to a Critical Hit, you suffer a Critical Wound. For more
an adjacent Zone for free, and can use their Move to go information, see the Criticals and Wounds Reference
Zone further. Slow Characters must use their Move to Sheet.
move within their current Zone, and must use the Run
Action (see the other side of this reference sheet) to get
to an adjacent Zone.
When you attack or are attacked by a creature within When you roll doubles on an attack with positive SL,
Immediate Range, you are Engaged with the target. If you score a Critical Hit. This happens even if the roll
you try to move away from a creature you are Engaged was opposed and your opponent scored more SL than
with, they can make an immediate melee attack if they you.
have a weapon ready. Likewise, if a creature you are
Engaged with tries to move away from you, you can When you roll doubles on an attack with negative SL,
make a melee attack (this uses your Reaction for the you Fumble. This happens even if the roll was opposed
round, which you get back at the beginning of your and your opponent scored less SL than you.
next turn). You may use a Disengage Action to move
away from an enemy you are Engaged with safely. See the Criticals and Wounds Reference Sheet for
more information.

Aim: The Range of your weapon increases by one step Improvise: Tell your GM what you want to do, and they
(Medium becomes Long, Long becomes Extreme). You will tell you if it’s possible and if you need to make a Test
cannot Move this Turn. to do it.
Attack: You make an Attack (see the other side of this Manifest: You attempt to manifest a psychic power (see
sheet). the Psychic Powers Sheet).
Charge: You use your Move and Action to move to an Overwatch: You prepare yourself to act when a specific
adjacent Zone and make a melee attack against an enemy event happens. You must declare the trigger for your
in that Zone with Advantage. You have Disadvantage on Overwatch, and the Action you will take when it happens.
Melee and Reflexes Tests to defend yourself until the start If the trigger for your Overwatch doesn’t happen this
of your next turn. Round, you can choose to proceed to the next Round
without taking an Action, or you can take a different
Defend: As an Action, choose an ally in Immediate Range Action but act last in the Initiative order for the rest of
or your current Zone. If you choose an ally, you become the combat.
the target of Attacks targeting them, and may oppose
melee attacks. If you choose a Zone, anyone that attempts Reload: You reload a ranged weapon.
to enter the Zone must use an Action to defeat you in an
opposed Athletics (Might) Test. Retreat: Call for a retreat. If all your allies agree, you all
safely flee the conflict.
Disengage: When Engaged (see above) you can use your
Action to move away from the enemy without provoking Run: Use your Action to move to an adjacent Zone.
an Attack. Search: Make an Awareness (Sight) Test.
Dodge: Until the start of your next turn you have Seize the Initiative: Move to the top of the Initiative
Advantage on the next Melee or Reflexes (Dodge) order for the rest of the combat.
Tests to defend yourself in combat. You can also oppose
Ranged Attack Tests with your Reflexes (Dodge). Shove: Make an Athletics (Might) Test opposed by the
target’s Athletics (Might) or Dodge (Reflexes). If you
Flee: You spend your Action and Move to escape the win, the target is shoved a number of metres equal to the
battle. You leave the combat and can take no further difference in SL and you are no longer Engaged. If you
actions. You are removed from the Initiative order and succeed by +3 or more SL, you may shove the target into
Superiority decreases by 1. an adjacent Zone.
Grapple: You make an Athletics (Might) or Melee Take Cover: If your Zone has the Cover Trait you can use
(Brawling) Test, opposed with either the target’s Athletic this Action. Partial Cover gives you +3 Armour against
(Might), Melee (Brawling), or Reflexes (Dodge). If you ranged attacks. Total Cover gives you +6 Armour against
succeed, the target is Restrained (see the Conditions ranged attacks.
Sheet). You can release the grapple at any time as a Free
Action. On their turn, the creature can use an Action to Target Location: You make an Attack at Disadvantage.
try to escape the grapple by repeating the Opposed Test. If you hit, you may choose the Hit Location (see above).
At the GM’s discretion, you can use this to ignore the
Help: You use your Action to assist an ally, giving them armour benefit awarded to targets behind cover.
Advantage on their next Test at the GM’s discretion.
Use an Object or Feature: Use an object that requires an
Hide: Make a Stealth Test and use the environment to Action or activate Zone Feature.
hide. The Zone you are hiding in must have some feature
or Environmental Trait that you can use to hide, such
as the Cover or Obscured Traits. When you Hide, your
Speed is reduced to Slow. Attacks while hidden are made
with Advantage. If you hit with a melee attack while
hidden, it also causes a Critical Hit.
You suffer Wounds whenever you take Damage that If you suffer Wounds that would exceed your Maximum
exceeds your Armour in that location. If your Wounds Wounds, you suffer a Critical Wound. Determine the
equal or exceed your Maximum Wounds, you suffer Hit Location and make a Severity Roll. Roll 1d10 + the
the following effects: excess Damage and consult the Critical Wounds table
below. If the number of untreated Critical Wounds
0 On your Turn you may Move or take an Action, but your Character has exceeds their Toughness Bonus,
not both. This effect lasts until you heal at least 1 they die.
0 You must make a Challenging (+0) Fortitude Example: Kalli attacks a wounded Gang Leader with
(Pain) Test or fall Unconscious. Repeat this Test each her sword, striking them in the right leg for 8 Damage.
time you receive further Wounds. You don't regain The Gang Leader has a Maximum Wounds of 16, but
consciousness until you heal at least 1 Wound. has already suffered 14 Wounds. The first 2 Damage
inflict 2 Wounds, meaning the Gang Leader reaches their
Maximum Wounds. The remaining 6 Damage causes a
CRITICAL HITS Critical Wound.
If you roll a double on an Test (11, 22, 33, and so on)
with positive SL, or successfully attack whilst hidden, The GM rolls 1d10 (the Severity Roll) and adds the
the attack deals a Critical Hit. The target suffers a remaining 6 Damage to the result. The GM rolls an 8,
Critical Wound. Roll 1d10 to determine the Hit for a total of 14 (8 + 6). The GM checks the Critical
Location, then deal Damage from the attack as normal. Wound table for a result of 14: a Savage Slice. The Gang
After dealing Damage, make a Severity Roll by rolling Leader is Bleeding and their right leg is broken, making
1d10 and consult the Critical Wounds table below to them Slow and imposing Disadvantage on Athletics and
determine the type of devastating blow you dealt. Reflexes Tests.

Severity Roll + Name E ffects
E xcess Damage
1 Struck Down The victim is knocked Prone.
The victim is Bleeding until someone makes a Routine (+20) Medicae Test to
2–3 Laceration staunch the flow.
4–5 Low Blow The victim is Stunned until the end of their next Turn.
The victim is knocked Prone and must make a Challenging (+0) Fortitude (Pain)
6–7 Test or be Stunned until they take an Action to make a successful Challenging (+0)
Blow Fortitude (Pain) Test.
The victim is Bleeding until someone makes a Challenging (+0) Medicae Test to
8–9 Savage Slice staunch the wound. Additionally, they must make a Challenging (+0) Fortitude
(Pain) Test or be knocked Prone.
Gaping The victim is Bleeding until someone makes a Challenging (+0) Medicae Test to
10–11 Wound staunch the wound. Additionally, they are Stunned until the end of their next Turn.
Shattering The victim is knocked Prone and the hit location suffers an Injury (see the other
12–13 Strike side of this sheet).
The victim is Bleeding until someone makes a Challenging (+0) Medicae Test to
14–15 staunch the wound, and the hit location suffers an Injury (see the other side
Cut of this sheet).
The victim is Stunned until they take an Action to make a successful Challenging
16–17 Brutal Blow (+0) Fortitude (Pain) Test, and the hit location suffers an Injury (see the other side
of this sheet).
The hit location suffers an Injury (see the other side of this sheet), and the victim
18+ Devastation must make a Challenging (+0) Fortitude (Pain) Test or be Incapacitated (This
might be time to Burn Fate!).
If you rest for 6 to 8 hours, you recover a number of Some particularly dangerous sources of damage, such
Wounds equal to your Toughness Bonus. If you rest as Critical Hits, can cause lasting traumatic Injuries.
for a full 24 hours and do not undertake any strenuous The effects of an Injury differ depending on the Hit
activity, you heal Wounds equal to your Toughness Location:
Bonus x2.
Head: Choose one of the following:
If you have at least 1 Advance in the Medicae Skill
you can make a Routine (+20) Medicae Test to treat 0 Eye: Disadvantage on Awareness (Sight) Tests. If
someone’s Wounds. During Combat, this Test is both eyes are injured, you’re Blinded until healed.
Challenging (+0). If the Test succeeds, your target 0 Ear: Disadvantage on Awareness (Sound) Tests. If
heals Wounds equal to the SL plus your Intelligence both ears are Injured, you’re Deafened until healed.
Bonus. 0 Mouth: Bleeding for 2 Rounds, Disadvantage on any
Test that requires talking.
HEALING CRITICAL WOUNDS 0 Nose: Bleeding for 2 Rounds, Disadvantage on
If the number of untreated Critical Wounds your Awareness (Smell) Tests.
Character has exceeds their Toughness Bonus, they die.
If you have the Chirurgeon Talent and a Chirurgeon’s Arm: Disadvantage on any Tests made using the arm,
Kit you can make a Hard (−10) Medicae Test to treat a such as attacks.
Critical Wound. During Combat, this Test is Very Hard
(−30). If the Test succeeds, your target heals a single Leg: Your Speed is Slow, and you have Disadvantage on
Critical Wound. Healing a Critical Wound doesn’t fix Tests using the leg, such as Reflexes and Athletics. If
an Injury. If nobody in your group has the Chirurgeon both legs are Injured, you are Prone and cannot stand
Talent, you will need to find someone who does and up until healed.
pay them to operate!
Torso: You have Disadvantage on all Athletics,
FUMBLES Dexterity, Fortitude, Melee, and Reflexes Tests.
When you roll doubles on an attack with negative SL,
you Fumble. This means something unfortunate and If you have the Chirurgeon Talent and a Chirurgeon’s
potentially dangerous has happened. If you Fumble, Kit, you can take 2 hours to make a Challenging (+0)
roll on the Fumble table below, or decide what unlucky Medicae Test to fix an Injury. If you succeed, the Injury
accident your Character experiences with the GM. is healed and the negative effects are removed after 30
+ 2d10 days.

1d10 Result
You flail inelegantly, and take a few crucial seconds to reassert a defensible stance. You fall to the bottom of
1–2 the Initiative order on the next Round.
A poorly controlled swing or shot causes you to lurch and drop your weapon. You drop the weapon you used
3–4 to attack. Anyone in Immediate Range can pick it up with an Action.
5–6 You stumble due to an unwieldy swing or unexpected recoil. You fall Prone.
Your ungainly attack manages to briefly blind or deafen you. Perhaps you overloaded a plasma weapon,
causing a searing burst of light, used a Loud weapon too close to your ear, or clumsily struck your own eye
7–8 when your attack ricocheted. Your are Blinded or Deafened, whichever is determined more appropriate for
your weapon by the GM.
In the fumbling confusion of battle, you manage to clumsily strike yourself with a glancing blow. You are
9–0 either Stunned or Bleeding, whichever is determined more appropriate for your weapon by the GM.
Conditions However, you have Disadvantage on all Tests relating to
Some weapons, environmental dangers, and psychic confronting the source of your fear. At the end of each
powers can inflict Conditions, the semi-permanent round, you may make a Challenging (+0) Discipline
status ailments detailed on this sheet. A Condition (Fear) Test to remove this Condition.
lasts either 1d10 Rounds or until directly treated with
You can’t Move or take Actions. You can’t defend
ABLAZE yourself. Melee attacks against you are automatically
You are on fire. You suffer 1d5 Damage at the start of a Critical Hit.
your turn, which ignores armour. You may remove
an Ablaze Condition by dropping Prone and using POISONED
your Action to make a successful Challenging (+0) You are sick or unwell. You have Disadvantage on
Athletics Test. Strength and Toughness Tests. The maximum SL you
can achieve on any Test is equal to your Toughness
BLEEDING Bonus. If the duration of a Poisoned Condition is not
You are losing blood. You suffer 1 Damage at the end of specified, it lasts for 1d5 hours. Most poisons can be
your turn, which ignores armour. treated with a Challenging (+0) Medicae Test and the
use of a Chirurgeon's Kit.
If you exceed your Maximum Wounds due to the
Bleeding Condition, you suffer a Critical Wound. PRONE
If this happens, you no longer suffer any damage You can only move by crawling, which makes you
due to Bleeding, but can't recover Wounds until the Slow, unless you use your Move to stand up. You have
Bleeding is treated. Bleeding can usually be treated Disadvantage on Melee Tests. Creatures attacking
with a Challenging (+0) Medicae Test or by using a you from within Immediate Range have Advantage
Chirurgeon's Kit. on attack Tests. Creatures attacking you from beyond
Immediate Range have Disadvantage on attack Tests.
You can’t see. You can only succeed on Tests that rely RESTRAINED
on sight, such as Awareness (Sight) and Ranged Tests, You cannot Move. You have Disadvantage on Tests
by rolling a 01–05. You have Disadvantage on Melee involving movement of any kind, including Athletics,
and Reflexes (Dodge) Tests. Dexterity, Melee, Reflexes, and Ranged Tests. Ending
this Condition usually requires a situational appropriate
DEAFENED Test, such as a Dexterity (Lock picking) Test.
You can’t hear. You can only succeed on Tests that rely
on hearing, such as Awareness (Hearing), by rolling a STUNNED
01–05. You are dazed and disoriented. You can take either a
Move or an Action, but not both. If the duration of a
FATIGUED Stunned Condition is not specified, it lasts 1d5 rounds.
You are exhausted, stressed, and desperately in need If an ally spends an Action attempting to rouse you,
of rest. You have Disadvantage on all Tests. You may you may make attempt a Challenging (+0) Fortitude
remove the Fatigued Condition by resting for 6 hours. (Pain) Test to end this Condition.

You are scared. Due to your fear and heightened senses, You have fallen Unconscious. You immediately drop
you have Advantage on Awareness and Intuition Tests. anything you are holding, fall Prone, and become
Environmental Traits FEATURE
Most battlefields are riddled with obstacles and hazards Features are objects and environmental details that you
that affect combatants and influence the outcome of can interact with, such as doors, cogitators, containers,
the fight. Environmental Traits affect an entire Zone. vats of corpse-starch, tables to flip for cover, and so on.

BARRIER Features do not have an effect themselves, but using

A Barrier is anything that impedes movement between them might trigger or remove Environmental Traits.
Zones. To bypass a Barrier, you must use an Action Turning a valve might cause steam to vent, making the
to make a Test determined by the GM. This may be Zone Heavily Obscured; using a cogitator might open
a Tech (Security) Test to deactivate a forcefield, or an a sealed bulkhead, removing a Barrier; using a flamer
Athletics (Climbing) Test to clamber over fallen debris, on a promethium container might cause it to erupt,
or anything else deemed appropriate. If you succeed creating a Major Hazard.
on the Test, you get past the Barrier and make it to the
Zone you were trying to reach. If you fail, you remain HAZARD
in your current Zone. Regardless of the result, your Minor Hazards cause small wounds. Examples include
turn ends. thorny branches or a small fire. When you enter the
Hazard or start your turn there, you suffer 5 Damage.
If you start your turn in a Zone with the Cover Major Hazards cause serious injury. Examples include
Trait, you can use your Move to get into cover and poisonous spores or a promethium fire. When you
immediately gain its benefit. If you enter a Zone with enter the Hazard or start your turn there, you suffer
the Cover Trait, you must use the Take Cover Action 10 Damage.
to benefit from it this turn. Cover grants Armour to all
Hit Locations: Deadly Hazards cause near fatal injury. Examples
include molten metal or a plasma leak. When a you
0 Light Cover grants +2 Armour against ranged enter the Hazard or start your turn there, you suffer
attacks. 15 Damage.
0 Medium Cover grants +4 Armour against ranged
attacks. OBSCURED
0 Heavy Cover grants +6 Armour against ranged Heavy rain, thick smoke, and other environmental
attacks. effects can affect your vision, making it hard to gauge
your surroundings or even see your allies. Zones can
DARK be either Lightly Obscured or Heavily Obscured.
While in a Dark Zone, you can use the environmental
conditions to Hide and have Advantage on Stealth Lightly Obscured: You can use the environmental
(Hide) Tests. Awareness (Sight) Tests to see creatures, conditions to Hide, and have Advantage on Stealth
objects, or details only succeed on a 01–05. Ranged (Hide) Tests. You have Disadvantage on Awareness
Tests to target anyone in the Zone only succeed on a (Sight) Tests and Ranged Tests. Creatures outside your
01–05. You have Disadvantage on Dexterity, Melee, Zone have Disadvantage on Awareness (Sight) Tests
Reflexes, and Tech Tests, or any Tests that would be to see into the Zone, and on Ranged Tests to target
affected by the absence of light An area in shadow but anyone in the Zone.
with some illumination is Poorly Lit instead of Dark.
Heavily Obscured: You are Blinded. Creatures outside
DIFFICULT TERRAIN your Zone can’t see into the Zone at all, and can’t target
When you begin your turn in a Zone of Difficult Terrain, anyone in the Zone with ranged attacks.
your Speed is reduced one step, to a minimum of Slow.
Athletics (Running) and Reflexes (Dodge) Tests are POORLY LIT
made at Disadvantage. Moving into a Zone of Difficult Shadowy alcoves, habs illuminated by the faint light of
Terrain uses any remaining movement you have. You a glow-globe, or a cathedrum lit by flickering candles
reach your destination, but you must then use the Run are all Poorly Lit. While in a Poorly Lit Zone, you can
Action to move further, such as to an adjacent Zone. use the environmental conditions to Hide. Awareness
(Sight) Tests to see creatures, objects, or details in the
Zone are made at Disadvantage. Ranged Tests to target
anyone in the Zone are made at Disadvantage.
Imperium Maledictum uses the term Faction to The Administratum assesses what contributions any
refer to various organisations within the Imperium. given world should be able to tithe and directs the flow
Many of these are Adepta, organisations ruled by the of these resources throughout the Imperium, founding
High Lords of Terra, their authority derived from the armies, launching crusades, and funding new projects
Emperor. A Faction’s leadership is rarely of one mind as needed.
on any matter, and most have internal power blocs of
one kind or another. In particular, Infractionists are Astra Militarum
anything but unified, with various gangs and cartels The largest military organisation
vying for control of even the lowest sub-level. in the galaxy is the Imperium’s
Astra Militarum, commonly referred to as the Imperial
Adeptus Astra Guard. Made up of tithed regiments from the countless
Telepathica worlds of the Imperium, their numbers are literally
incalculable, for they fluctuate by the millions every
Though rare, psykers are an essential facet day as Guardsmen perish in service to the Emperor,
of the Imperium, facilitating communication and new recruits are inducted to take their place.
across the vast voids of space that separate While the Astra Militarum have been essential to many
civilised Human worlds and unleashing terrifying of the Imperium’s most notable victories, this has come
powers on the battlefield. The Adeptus Astra at a terrible cost. Pitted against a tide of xenos horrors
Telepathica are responsible for securing, transporting, and foul heretics alike, the Astra Militarum’s approach
and training psykers, their sinister Black Ships to warfare is utterly brutal — victory by devastating
relieving each Imperial world of them as part of the firepower and overwhelming attrition.
planet’s tithe. The strongest of these souls, those with
the mental fortitude to resist the corrupting influence Adeptus Ministorum
of the warp and predacious entities that dwell within it, The Adeptus Ministorum, also called
are trained at the Scholastica Psykana to control their the Ecclesiarchy, is the organisation that
accursed power. Those who lack such fortitude are enforces the Imperial Cult, the faith which
sacrificed to sustain the Golden Throne. unites the people of a million disparate
worlds in the worship of the God-Emperor.
Adeptus Mechanicus Though the specific dogma may differ slightly from
Devoted adherents of Omnissiah, one planet to another, the cardinals and preachers
the cybernetically enhanced servants of the Ecclesiarchy ensure that faith in the Emperor
of the Machine God have spread remains strong across his vast realm. The Missionarus
from the sacred forge world of Mars Galaxia bring the word of the Imperial Cult to those in
throughout the Imperium. They are need of the Emperor’s protection, and where his truth
responsible for the manufacture and maintenance of is refused, the Adepta Sororitas, wage holy crusades to
the technology upon which Humanity relies, and fulfil purge heretics of their impious existence.
their role with fervour and devotion. By tending to
the machine spirits of these devices they venerate the The Inquisition
Emperor of Mankind, whom their creed declares to be To whisper its name is to spur fear amidst
an aspect of the Omnissiah. The cult’s Tech-Priests are even the most loyal servants of the Emperor.
obsessed with acquiring lost knowledge and trading This must be so, for the Holy Orders of the
weak flesh for blessed augmetics. Inquisition have an unenviable task, to
battle the foulest foes of Humanity. They
Adeptus Administratum answer only to themselves, granted almost limitless
The Adeptus Administratum collates and jurisdiction to safeguard the Imperium. No one is above
processes the titanic mountains of data that suspicion, least of all their peers, and those bearing the
constantly pour forth from the many worlds Inquisitorial Rosette have ended careers, lives, and on
which make up the Emperor’s domain. Its occasion, entire worlds. There are three Ordos Majoris
work is enacted by a veritable army of clerks within the Inquisition: the Ordo Xenos, who preserve
whose processes generally move at a glacial the purity of the Imperium from inhuman species; the
pace. Tithes are the basis of the Imperium and every Ordo Hereticus, who root out witches, heretics and
world must pay, in the form of warriors, materials, and other traitors; and the Ordo Malleus, daemon slayers,
psykers. the hammer that crushes the spawn of the warp.
The Imperial Fleet If there’s profit to be had, you can bet some Infractionist
With the Imperium spread across will take a chance on it. Life outside the confines of
countless thousands of light-years, Imperial order requires initiative, independence, and
void travel and trade is essential to cunning. Those found lacking wind up dead, either at
maintaining its integrity. The Imperial Fleet is composed the hands of the authorities, or their cut-throat peers.
primarily of two large organisations, the militant Navis
Imperalis, and the trade focused Merchant Fleets. They INFLUENCE
are directly responsible for protecting and ensuring Influence represents your standing in the eyes of a
that commerce, and the Imperium’s Tithe, flow. The Faction. It affects interactions between you and that
Navis Imperialis transports the forces of the Astra Faction: opening doors or securing allies when they
Militarum, protecting them while they are in transit are most needed, or inviting further resistance and
with its vast armadas. A branch of the Navis Imperalis, betrayal at the worst possible time. When making a
the Aeronautica Imperialis, is dedicated to combat Test to interact socially with members of a Faction that
aviation in planetary atmospheres. In the Macharian you have positive or negative Influence with, you gain
Sector, the Navis Imperalis exercises an iron-fisted a number of SL equal to that Influence. Additionally,
authority over the entirety of the Imperial Fleet. the GM may rule that the attitude of members of that
Faction as well as how much access they give you to
Rogue Trader locations, goods, and services, may be dependent
Dynasties on your Influence. The GM may determine that
your actions during an adventure could change your
Tasked with venturing into the unknown reaches Influence with a Faction (positively or negatively),
of space beyond the boundaries of the Imperium, a even temporarily or with an individual.
Rogue Trader seeks new worlds to colonise in order to
expand the Emperor’s realm. Each Rogue Trader bears PERSONAL & PATRON INFLUENCE
a Warrant of Trade, a hereditary writ that empowers Patrons operate at a much higher level than Player
an individual to seek fortune outside of the Imperium. Characters, and as such have much higher influence
These individuals are often nobility, and almost always tracked by the GM in secret. You may invoke your
incredibly wealthy, amongst the minuscule minority Patron’s Influence instead of your own, but be aware
that can afford both a voidship and a crew to command. this may have consequences — see the Party Sheet for
Rogue Traders and their agents have a rare freedom more information.
provided their activities serve the Emperor. Some
secure vital intelligence or cartographic information,
while others focus on more tangible gains, conquering,
colonising, or reclaiming worlds for the Imperium. INFLUENCE
Centuries ago Voll was one such world, and it remains L evel This F action W ill Typically …
a profitable holding of the Castyx Dynasty today.
…allow you to procure some rare equipment
Infractionists +3 and hire personnel, and will overlook minor
Infractionists are those who live on the
periphery of Macharian society, whether …lend you some equipment and the service of
+2 their underlings.
out of choice or necessity. While not
beholden to a citizen’s toil, their lives are +1 …share pertinent knowledge with you and
frequently far harsher, for as callous by expedite standard procedures.
necessity as the Imperium may be, it at least provides …treat you as an insignificant cog in the
some form of shelter, protection, and sustenance. 0 colossal machine of the Imperium.
Through choice or circumstance, Infractionists escape
…will observe you closely and expect you to
from this oppression, in exchange for any future they −1 follow procedures to the letter, potentially
might have had within Imperial society. Some turn hindering your efforts.
to petty crimes: smuggling, simple theft, forging
…refuse to aid you, give you information, or
counterfeit goods. Others embrace a life of organised −2 access to any resources.
crime, grand larceny, chem-trading, augmetic
reclamation, wet work, and worse. −3 …actively attempt to undermine your efforts.
THE WARP AND PSYKERS When you encounter a corrupting influence such as a
Beyond physical reality there exists another realm daemon or a profane ritual, the GM may ask you to
known as the warp, a timeless expanse of roiling power make a Fortitude Test to resist physical corruption or a
where malevolent daemons and the gods of Chaos dwell. Discipline Test to resist spiritual corruption.
The incomprehensible energies and malign denizens
of the warp pose perhaps the most perilous existential 0 A Challenging (+0) Fortitude Test to resist 2
threat to the Imperium, and yet it is essential to the Corruption when attacked by a Mutant wielding a
survival of Humanity. By harnessing the treacherous tainted weapon.
power of the warp, Humans can communicate and travel 0 A Challenging (+0) Discipline Test to resist 2
across the vastness of space, and twist its boundless Corruption when reading a profane tome detailing
power to achieve the impossible. However, both warp a heretical ritual.
technology and psychic powers can have unpredictable
and nightmarish effects, corrupting souls and allowing If you succeed on the Test, you reduce the Corruption
daemonkind to invade reality. you gain by your SL, to a minimum of 0.

Some are born with a mutation connecting them to Whenever you gain Corruption and have more total
the warp and are able to harness a minuscule fragment Corruption than your Willpower Bonus plus your
of its unstable energies. These individuals are known Toughness Bonus, you must succeed on a Challenging
as psykers, able to manifest psychic powers. Many are (+0) Fortitude or Discipline Test. If you fail, you must
corrupted by this boundless power, becoming pawns roll on the Mutation Table below.
of the Chaos gods or hosts to daemonkind. Others
are collected by the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and WARP TOUCHED ZONES
trained to control their accursed gifts, moulded into A Warp-touched Zone bears lasting corruption, where
Sanctioned Psykers who wield the warp somberly in the veil that holds back the immaterium is thin. A
support of the Imperium. Warp-touched Zone has the following effects:

CORRUPTION 0 All Psychic Power Tests are made with Advantage.

Corruption is the slow, corroding, and twisting 0 Psychic Powers generate additional Warp Charge
influence of Chaos upon your soul. Whenever you are equal to the SL, regardless of if they succeed or fail.
exposed to Chaos, its servants or dark designs, you 0 When you end your turn in the Zone, or spend a
risk gaining Corruption. Those who amass Corruption significant amount of time there, you must make an
become sicker, stranger, and eventually undergo a Routine (+20) Fortitude Test or gain 1 Corruption.
gradual, nightmarish transformation into something 0 The GM can choose to roll on the Psychic
inhuman and abhorrent. Phenomena Table and apply the result to a Warp-
touched Zone.

1d10 M utation 1d10 Mutation
A small mark of a Chaos God or the eight pointed An eye appears somewhere on your body. Roll on
1–3 star forms on your flesh. Roll on the Hit Location 7 the Hit Location table to determine where. The eye
table to determine where. sees things you cannot.
Metal scales or ore deposits spread across your You do not appear in mirrors or other reflective
4 body. You gain +2 Armour on all locations, but 8 surfaces, or in video recordings that use the visual
your Agility is reduced by 10. light spectrum.
You grow an extra mouth. Roll on the Hit Location Your legs twist into a muscular digitigrade form,
table to determine where. The mouth acts of its enhancing your agility. You have Advantage on
5 9
own accord, whispering and infrequently screaming Athletics Tests to run, leap, or otherwise use
in a language you don’t know. your legs.
Your armour and cybernetic implants fuse with
Your shadow does not match your own movements, your flesh. You can repair items merged with
and it looms large and visible regardless of the you using your Fortitude Skill. Tests to repair
6 light. Whenever you are in darkness and cannot 10 these items using conventional methods have
see it, you have the unshakeable feeling it is doing Disadvantage. You can’t change your armour or don
something terrible. additional armour.
To manifest a psychic power, follow these steps:
1 d10 E ffect
1. Choose the psychic power and a target. The power You catch a glimpse of something in the Warp
details the Difficulty of the Psychic Mastery Test 1–2 that sends shivers down your spine. Gain the
required to manifest it, how and what it can target, Frightened Condition.
and its range. Destructive warp power surges through you.
2. Make a Psychic Mastery Test against the Difficulty of You suffer 3 Wounds.
the psychic power using the relevant Specialisation. A violent burst of energy from the warp
3. You gain Warp Charge equal to the Warp Rating 5–6 smashes your mind and you are sent reeling.
You are Stunned.
(WR) of the psychic power. If you fail, you gain an
additional Warp Charge for every negative SL. Warp energy floods your body. You are
7–8 Restrained by an invisible force with Strength
4. If you succeeded on the Test, apply the power’s 50 for 1d10 rounds.
An unnatural psychic storm erupts, covering
9–10 your Zone with a downpour of blood. The Zone
is Warp-touched for 1d10 hours.
WARP THRESHOLD AND PERILS OF Time flows oddly around you, and you are flung
THE WARP 11–12 1d10 rounds into the future. You disappear for
Psykers have a Warp Threshold, usually equal to their 1d10 rounds.
Willpower Bonus. If your Warp Charge exceeds your Power gushes from you in a warplight cascade,
Warp Threshold at the end of your turn, you must spewing arcs of iridescent light. All other
characters within Short Range suffer a hit that
make a Challenging (+0) Psychic Mastery Test. 13+ deals 1d10+6 Damage. Targets may attempt to
Dodge this hit as if it were a Ranged Attack
If you fail, you must roll on the Perils of the Warp with 1 SL.
Table below at the start of your next turn, adding +1 to
your result for every Warp Charge you have over your
Warp Threshold. After this, your Warp Charge resets PSYCHIC PHENOMENA
to 0 and any powers you are Sustaining end.
1d10 Effect
SUSTAINED POWERS The area is covered with a thin layer of
hoarfrost. Breath fogs in the air, and an
Some powers have a duration of Sustained. You 1–2 unnatural chill infiltrates even the
can continue the effect of a successfully manifested thickest armour.
Sustained power as a Free Action, as long as you are Images such as pictures, icons and statues in the
conscious and have a higher Warp Charge than the 3–4 area appear to weep blood.
power’s Warp Rating. Any perishable goods in the area become stale
5–6 and unpalatable. Insects and small animals
PURGATION nearby quickly perish.
As an Action, you may make a Challenging (+0) All light sources dim substantially, causing the
Discipline (Psychic) Test to reduce your Warp Zone to become Poorly Lit.
Charge by 1 +SL, to a minimum of 0. Whenever you Loud disembodied screeching fills the area,
successfully Purge, roll 1d10 plus 1 for each Warp 9–10 periodically making it impossible to hear
other sounds.
Charge removed and apply the result from the Psychic
Phenomena Table below. Gravity reverses for a few seconds. Everyone
11–12 in your Zone must succeed a Challenging (+0)
Reflexes (Acrobatics) Test or fall Prone.
A Psyker may attempt to Deny the Witch! Whenever The air is sucked from the lungs of everyone
present. Everyone in your Zone must succeed
another Psyker within Short range attempts a Manifest 13+ at a Challenging (+0) Fortitude (Endurance)
Test. The Psyker attempting to deny the power must Test or become Stunned for one round.
make a Challenging (+0) Psychic Mastery Test. Every
+SL they receive reduces their target’s Manifest Test by
−1 SL.
Solars are the widely accepted currency of the Penetrating (Rating): The weapon's attacks ignore
Macharian Sector and are commonly used to trade Armour equal to the rating.
on every level of Rokarth. You will find a veritable
panoply of goods and services to purchase on the back Reliable: If you Fumble when using this weapon to
of this sheet. attack, roll 1d10. On a result of 4+, you don’t Fumble.

The GM may call for a Rapport (Inquiry) Test to find an Rend (Rating): When an attack with this weapon
item you want to buy or a buyer for something you want Wounds, the Armour on the Hit Location is reduced
to sell. You may make an Opposed Rapport (Haggle) by the rating until the Armour is repaired.
Test with a trader to negotiate a price, changing it by
5% per positive SL. Spread: When you successfully attack with this weapon
all creatures within Immediate Range of the target
WARGEAR TRAITS (except you) must make a Challenging (+0) Reflexes
Some wargear has effects or qualities, referred to as (Dodge) Test or suffer half Damage from the attack.
Traits, that affect the mechanics of the game:
Subtle: Weapons with this Trait are quiet and easily
Blast: When you use a weapon with the Blast Trait, hidden, imposing Disadvantage on Awareness Tests to
target a Zone within range and make a single Ranged detect the weapon's use or find it hidden on your person.
(Thrown) Test. All characters in the target Zone can Armour with this Trait is not obvious at first glance,
make an Opposed Reflexes (Dodge) Test versus the imposing Disadvantage on Awareness Tests made to
result of your Test. If you win the Opposed Test, you see if you are wearing it. Subtle Armour can be worn
deal Damage equal to your weapon Damage plus the in addition to other Armour that doesn’t have this
difference in SL. Trait. When worn in this way, add both Armour values
together to determine total Armour on the location.
Close: Ranged weapons with Close can be used in
Immediate Range without incurring Disadvantage on Thrown (Range): You can use Ranged (Thrown) to
the Attack Test. make an Attack with this weapon at the range indicated.

Defensive: You have Advantage on Opposed Tests AMMUNITION, BURST, & RAPID FIRE
when defending from melee attacks with this weapon. Typically, each Ranged Attack you make with a weapon
expends one ammunition from that weapon. If your
Flamer: This weapon spews a stream of burning Ranged Weapon has 0 ammunition left, you must use
chemical liquid. Attacks made with a Flamer have the Reload Action before you can fire it again.
Spread and ignore Cover. Instead of targeting a
creature with the Flamer, you can choose to target a Ranged Weapons with the Burst or Rapid Fire Traits
Zone within range. The Zone becomes a Minor Hazard only expend ammunition when you use the effects of
until the end of your next turn. those Traits, as detailed below. Weapons with Rapid
Fire can use the Burst Trait effect, though you can’t
Inflict (Condition): If an attack with this weapon combine both effects on a single Ranged Attack.
deals Wounds, the target suffers the Condition. If the
weapon or attack does not list a damage rating, the Burst: When you make a Ranged Attack with a Burst
attack only needs to hit to inflict the Condition. weapon, you may declare that you are firing a burst. If
you do so, you may add +1 SL to your Ranged Test, and
Loud: When you Attack with a Loud weapon, everyone reduce the ammunition in the weapon by 1.
within Long Range is alerted. Armour with the Loud
Trait imposes Disadvantage on Stealth Tests. Rapid Fire (Rating): When you make a Ranged Attack
with a Rapid Fire Weapon, you may declare you are
Ornamental: At the GM’s discretion, an item with this rapid firing and reduce the weapon’s magazine by its
Trait may grant +1 SL on Fellowship Tests interacting Rapid Fire rating. If you do so, you may either choose
with characters who would appreciate the item’s to grant the weapon the Spread Trait, or you may gain
aesthetics and style. Advantage on the attack roll and increase the weapon’s
damage by its Rapid Fire rating. You can’t Rapid Fire
if your magazine contains less ammunition than its
Rapid Fire rating.
Name Specialisation Damage Cost T raits Augmetic Cost Effects
Chainsword One-Handed 3 + StrB 500 Loud, Rend (2)
1,000 +1 Armour to arm location, +1 SL to
Arm Strength Tests using the arm.
Brass Knuckles Brawling 0 + StrB 30 Subtle
1,000 +1 Armour to leg location, +1 SL to
Sword / Club One-Handed 2 + StrB 100 None Leg Strength Tests using the leg.
Knife One-Handed 0 + StrB 50 Subtle, Thrown (Short)
Eye, Nose, 4,000 +1 SL to Tests using the augmetic, e.g.
Shock Maul One-Handed 2 + StrB 250 Loud, Inflict (Stunned) Ear Awareness (Sight) for an Augmetic Eye.

RANGED WEAPONS Provisions Cost

Name Specialisation Damage Cost (Mag ) Range Mag Traits Recycled Water 1
Flamer, Inflict (Ablaze), Loud, Algae Slop 2
Flamer Long Gun 8 1,000 (50) Medium 4 Two-handed Flask of Recaff 3
Laspistol Pistol 5 400 (100) Medium 4 Burst, Close, Loud, Reliable Neymary Spirit 3
Lasgun Long Gun 6 600 (150) Long 8 Burst, Loud, Reliable, Two-handed Shot of Ghol 5
Autopistol Pistol 3 400 (20) Medium 3 Close, Loud, Rapid Fire (3) Polycake 8
Autogun Long Gun 5 600 (30) Long 5 Loud, Rapid Fire (3), Two-handed Roasted Tardigrade 12
Inflict (Prone), Loud, Spread, Sumalak Algae 18
Shotgun Long Gun 8 400 (10) Medium 1 Two-handed
Grox Shank 37
Stub Pistol Pistol 2 250 (20) Medium 2 Burst, Close, Loud
Glass of Amasec 45
Stub Revolver Pistol 6 200 (5) Medium 6 Close, Loud, Reliable
Webber Long Gun 6 1,500 (150) Medium 6 Inflict (Restrained), Two-handed Accommodation Cost
Room at 100
Aparthotel Rokarth
Name Specialisation Damage Cost Traits Hab Room in 70
Habsprawl XI
Blasting Charge Thrown 10 40 Loud, Spread, Thrown (Medium)
Shared Hab in
Fire Bomb Thrown - 10 Blast, Loud, Inflict (Ablaze), Thrown (Medium) 50
Habsprawl IV
Frag Grenade Thrown 6 50 Blast, Loud, Thrown (Medium) Hanger Bunk in 10
Smoke Grenade Thrown - 30 Thrown (Medium), Zone Heavily Obscured for 3 Rounds Ditchhaven
Hanger Bunk in 5
The Lean-To
Gear Cost Use
Can be used with the Chirurgeon Talent to heal Critical Wounds MEDICAL CARE
Chirurgeon's and some Injuries. Can be used 5 times. You can expend one use
Kit of a kit to remove a Condition from a target without a Test at Source Cost MSedicae Resources
the GM’s discretion. kill

Chrono 20 Displays the current local time. Gang Stitcher,

Infractionist 100 30 None
Filtration You gain +2 SL on Fortitude Tests to withstand the effects of Bone-saw
Plugs harmful gases. Officio Medicae 200 40 Chirurgeon's Kit
Can illuminate a Poorly Lit or Dark Zone for 5 hours before Adept
Glow-Globe 30 requiring a recharge. Apprentice Sister Chirurgeon's
Can be shot up to 50 metres as an Action with a Routine (+20) Hospitaller, Officio 600 50 Kit and the
Grapnel Medicae Ordinate Chirurgeon Talent
550 Ranged (Pistols) Test. Once affixed, can lift up to 2 individuals
Launcher at a rate of 5 metres per round. Sister Hospitaller, Chirurgeon's
Noble House 1,200 70 Kit and the
If you show sufficient faith and present a Holy Icon, you gain +1 Medicae staff Chirurgeon Talent
Holy Icon 10 SL to Discipline Tests and Tests to resist Corruption.
Can be used with Tech (Engineering) Tests to cut through
Lascutter 170 solid objects. ARMOUR
Name Locations Armour Cost
Pict Can be used as an Action to record up to 10 hours of video
Recorder footage. Heavy Leathers Arms, Body, Legs 2 60
While worn, you ignore any penalties due to airborne pathogens
Rebreather 200 Flak Boots Legs 2 100
and breathe underwater for up to 1 hour.
While worn, you automatically pass Tests to resist the effects Flak Helmet Head 2 150
Respirator 50 of airborne pathogens, but suffer Disadvantage on Awareness
(Sight) Tests. Flak Gauntlets Arms 2 100
When activated, increases the Difficulty of Awareness (Hearing) Flak Vest Body 3 500
Stummer 1,000 Tests made to detect unexpected sounds in the same Zone by
-30 for 20 minutes. Flak Jacket Arms, Body 3 800

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