Lab 12 Updated
Lab 12 Updated
Lab 12 Updated
Problem Statement
For the given circuits in Fig 9.1 choose the resistance values such that equivalent resistance seen by
5V dc voltage source is in the range 1k to 10k. Then perform following:
Task 1:
Verify that superposition theorem for given circuit in Fig 9.1.
Task 2:
Does the superposition theorem apply to dissipated power? Show the calculations.
R1 R3
10V R2
Figure 9.1: Example circuit to test the validity of the superposition theorem
Measurement Tables 1
R2= R4=
Voltage /
Calculated Measured Simulation Calculated Measured Simulation
results results results results results results
v1 =
v2 =
i1 =
i2 =
Post Lab
1. The Superposition Theorem works nicely to calculate voltages and currents in resistor
circuits. But can it be used to calculate power dissipations as well? Why or why not?
3. How are dependent voltage and current sources dealt with when using Superposition
4. What is power rating of resistor? A resistor sometimes becomes hot while connected in
the circuit. What can be the reason for this?