Geological Evaluation of Structural Deformation 2024

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Indonesian Physical Review

Volume 07 Issue 02, May 2024

P-ISSN: 2615-1278, E-ISSN: 2614-7904

Geological Evaluation of Structural Deformation of the Tawar

Formation, Aceh Tengah, Indonesia
Arrival Fadila Widiyani1, M. Ridho Gifaro Gunawan1, M. Tanzir1, Muhammad Ridha Adhari1*
1 Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia

Corresponding Authors E-mail: [email protected],

Article Info Abstract

Article info: Lake Lut Tawar, which is situated in Aceh Tengah, has a unique
Received: 14-02-2024 geological landscape, with the presence of rock formations of the Pre-
Revised: 14-05-2024 Tertiary age (Tawar Formation) and its geological connection with the
Accepted: 25-05-2024 Sumatran fault and the Bukit Barisan mountains. Even though the
geological condition of the Lut Tawar Lake has attracted the attention
of many geologists to carry out various kinds of research, there is still
a lot of geological understanding that is not yet known, especially
Tawar Formation; Pre-
regarding the Tawar Formation. Tawar Formation is of Pre-Tertiary
Tertiary age; Structural
age and can be found around Lut Tawar Lake, Aceh Tengah. This
Deformation; Evolution. research targeted the Tawar Formation with two main objectives: (1)
How To Cite: to evaluate structural deformation and geologic structures developed
A. F. Widiyani, M.R.G. within the Tawar Formation and (2) to understand better the main
Gunawan, M. Tanzir, M. factors influencing the evolution of the Tawar Formation. Integrated
R. Adhari. “Geological geological analyses, including structural geology analysis, scanline
Evaluation of Structural method, and stereo net method, were used to achieve the objectives of
Deformation of the Tawar this research. Results from this study show that the Tawar Formation
Formation, Aceh Tengah, has experienced a complex structural deformation, evidenced by the
Indonesia,” Indonesian presence of various geological structures such as multi-size and multi-
Physical Review, vol. 7, episode fracture systems and numerous folds and faults. Furthermore,
no. 2, p 291-299, 2024. we interpret the evolution of the Tawar Formation to be strongly
influenced by tectonic activity, possibly related to the movement of the
DOI: Sibumasu plate, the Sumatran fault system, and plate subduction in the southwest part of Sumatra. It is expected that the results of this
r.v7i2.309 research will provide a new understanding of the history and evolution
of the Tawar Formation and a better understanding of the deformation
of rock structures that occurred in the Lut Tawar area, Aceh Tengah.

Copyright © 2024 Authors. All rights reserved.

Lut Tawar Lake (~57 km2) and its vicinity, located in Aceh Tengah regency, province of Aceh,
Sumatra, Indonesia, provided a good location for structural deformation study due to the
presence of various rock outcrops with strong deformation and its accessible location. The
geological study of the Tawar Formation, located around Lut Tawar Lake (Figure 1), is rare in
the literature, and much is not known about the geological history of this formation. Research
on the geological condition of the Tawar Formation was previously carried out by [1] , [2], and

P-ISSN: 2615-1278, E-ISSN: 2614-7904

[3], and there are limited available published articles about the Tawar Formation within the
last 20 years. Moreover, this earlier research on the Tawar Formation was conducted over 20
years ago. Therefore, this research is expected to provide some new insights into the
deformation of the Tawar Formation using current data and knowledge.

Figure 1. The study area is in Aceh Tengah, Province Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. This study
collected data from four locations around Lut Tawar Lake (MKG-01 to MKG-04). Modified
from Google Earth.

This research was carried out to achieve two objectives: (1) to evaluate structural deformation
and geologic structures developed within the Tawar Formation and (2) to understand better
the main factors influencing the evolution of the Tawar Formation. Tawar Formation plays an
essential role in the geological history of Sumatra due to its Pre-Tertiary age (Jurassic-
Cretaceous) [2], and this formation is also strongly related to the movement of the great
Sumatran Fault Systems [4]. A better understanding of the Tawar Formation may also provide
new insights into the formation and development of Lut Tawar Lake of Sumatra, Indonesia. It
will offer new geological data for future regional natural resources management and
development planning.
Geological Setting
The island of Sumatra is the product of convergent interactions between the Indo-Australian
and Asian plates, and its tectonic patterns and variations are influenced by the magnitude of
the interaction angle and the speed of the plates colliding [1]. The formation of Sumatra Island
started at the beginning of the Permian period, with the eastern and western positions of

Indonesian Physical Review. 7(2):291-299

Sumatra on the edges, namely, the seas, which were still separate. On the seashore, carbonates
are formed. As we entered the mid-Permian, east and west Sumatra positions became closer
together. This is due to the movement of the paleo-pacific plate. Then, it entered the late
Permian phase, where the Sibumasu plate (Siam, Burma, Malaya, Sumatra) and the Indochina
plate had united. Then, into the Triassic era, western Sumatra and eastern Sumatra merged.
Likewise, carbonates on the seashore resulted in the formation of the Bukit Barisan
The research area is around Lut Tawar Lake, and Figure 2 clearly shows that the study area
targeting the Tawar Formation is influenced by the presence of numerous rock formations
and various structural deformations. Tawar Formation is classified as being of Jurassic to
Cretaceous age, possibly having the character of the Woyla limestone group, which is also of
Jurassic and Cretaceous age [2]. On the map of Figure 2, the Tawar Formation appears as
thrust wedges implicating shales and phyllites of the Carboniferous-Permian Kluet
Formation, Jurassic-Cretaceous Woyla Group, and Tertiary sediments. The phyllites and
volcanoes in the Toweren Member may belong to the Woyla Group. Current study of the
limestone member of the Woyla group by [5] , [6], and [7] showed that this Pre-Tertiary
formation was strongly affected by tectonic activities, and this may also seem to be the case
with the Tawar Formation, where tectonic activities strongly influence the evolution of the
Tawar Formation. Moreover, the Tawar Formation is also considered a potential site of
landslides around the Lut Tawar Formation, mainly due to its geological characteristics. [8].

Figure 2. Regional geology map of Aceh Tengah, scale 1:250000, showing numerous rock
formations and various structural features [3].

P-ISSN: 2615-1278, E-ISSN: 2614-7904

This research was conducted using structural data from four locations around Lut Tawar
Lake (Figure 1), and 148 structural data were successfully collected. Details of the locations of
the data collections are provided in Table 1. Structural analysis, scanline, and stereonet
methods were used to process and analyze the data.

Table 1. General information about the study area and the number of structural data collected
No Station Northing Easting No. of structural data
1 MKG-01 509270 263410 18
2 MKG-02 509474 264774 80
3 MKG-03 513237 267233 30
4 MKG-04 512652 271065 20

Structural Geological Analysis is a field concerned with understanding and interpreting how
specific rock layers and geological formations interact and experience deformation under
scientific pressure and forces. [9]. This is an essential aspect of geology because it helps
understand geological history, earth crust movements, and geological processes occurring
over millions of years. There are several important things regarding structural geological
analysis: basic geological structure, understanding rock deformation, interpretation of folds
and faults, geological mapping, research, and discoveries.
The Scanline method is a line on the rock surface that measures all fracture records that
intersect with that line [10]. This scanline is a method commonly used to observe and measure
fractures on a surface. Still, this method has several limitations, one of which is the difficulty
of sampling in extreme areas, such as cliffs or areas prone to landslides, so that it can endanger
The Stereonet method is an analysis technique used in structural geology to visualize and
analyze the orientation or direction of rock planes and fold planes in the earth's crust [9]. This
method is very useful in understanding the geometry of the Earth's crust and the relationships
between various geological features.

Results and Discussion

The Tawar Formation of Sumatra mainly consists of limestone with characteristics of whitish-
yellow to brownish-gray, soft to hard, and has a massive and layered structure (Figure 3). The
sedimentological characteristics of the Tawar Formation are relatively uniform in almost all of
the research locations. The outcrop size of the Tawar Formation also varies from a scale of 5 x
20 m2 (width x height) to 15 x 50 m2 (Figure 4). The Tawar Formation can be found outcropping
around Lut Tawar Lake, Aceh Tengah.
The research results show that the Tawar Formation has experienced strong deformation
characterized by various geological structures such as faults, joints, and folds (figure 4). The
level of deformation that occurs in the Tawar Formation varies depending on its location.
Fractures accompanied by normal faults were identified at locations MKG 1, 3, and 4, with the
strongest degree of faulting found at MKG 4, then MKG 3, and the weakest at MKG 1.
Meanwhile, deformation in the form of folding was most clearly identified at the MKG location

Indonesian Physical Review. 7(2):291-299

2, with a wing fold angle of around 30-50 degrees. The folding in MKG 2 was followed by
fractures, both open and filled with minerals. The calcite mineral was identified as the main
filler of fractures in the Tawar Formation in the research area. Meanwhile, at other locations
(MKG 1,3,4), no large folding was found. The presence of multi-size and multi-episode fracture
systems can be observed within the study area.

Figure 3. Photograph of the rock samples of the Tawar Formation from MKG-01 to MKG-04.
The Tawar Formation consists of limestone. The scale bar is 5 cm.

Figure 4 shows field photographs of the Tawar Formation, un-interpreted on the left and
interpreted on the right. The picture of MKG 1.1 shows an anticline fold that has been
interrupted. While the image of MKG. 2.1 shows anticline folds, where the angle is greater on
the right than on the left, and this is interpreted as the compression force greater on the right
than on the left. Moreover, a photograph of MKG 3.1 shows several vertical joints within the
Tawar Formation, and the picture of MKG 4.1 shows the presence of vertical joints to regular
bedding and faults.
The results of strike-dip measurements (figure 5) show that at the MKG 1 location, the main
strike direction is 150-160º, with the main force direction being 60º. Meanwhile, at the MKG 2
location, the main direction of the strike varies with an angle interval between 190-220º, with
the direction of the main force indicated by an angle of 290-310º. The MKG 3 location's main
strike direction is 170-180º, with the main force direction being 270º. Meanwhile, in MKG 4,

P-ISSN: 2615-1278, E-ISSN: 2614-7904

the main direction of strike is 20-30º, with the direction of the main force given by an angle of

Figure 4. Showing un-interpreted (left) versus interpreted (right) field photographs of

the Tawar Formation from MKG-1 to MKG-4. A total of 148 structural data were
collected (red line, some examples), and structural deformation identified in the field
is marked with red line (right).

Indonesian Physical Review. 7(2):291-299

Figure 5. Summary of structural measurement of the Tawar Formation

from the studied locations (MKG 01 = 18 data, MKG 02 = 80 data, MKG
03 = 30 data, MKG 04 = 20 data.) These collected structural data are
presented in the rose diagrams to show their orientation.

Results from this study show that the Tawar Formation was strongly deformed, as evidenced
by the presence of multi-size and multi-episode fracture systems, fault systems, and fold
(figure 4-5). The presence of these structural features within the Tawar Formation is similar to
the structural features of the Woyla Group of Sumatra [5-7]Therefore, on this basis, we
interpret that the development of the Tawar Formation may have been influenced by the same
geological processes that affected the Woyla group.

Outcrops in the Tawar Formation are influenced by strong tectonic forces, indicating the
influence of tectonic activity during the evolution of this formation. They may also be related
to the Woyla group rocks[5, 11]. We propose that the Tawar Formation and the Woyla group
of Sumatra may have undergone similar geological processes during their evolution. This
tectonic activity is associated with the subduction of tectonic plates and faults that occurred
during the evolution of the island of Sumatra [12]. The southwest-to-northwest Sumatra
subduction zone is part of a long convergent area that accommodates plate movement
northward[13]. Then, it was discovered that there were faults where these fault zones were
formed due to oblique subduction of the subduction zone along the island of Sumatra. [14].
Apart from faults, there are also geological structures that have developed, including folds
that have formed and faults with a primary direction of northwest (NW) - southeast (SE) [15].

P-ISSN: 2615-1278, E-ISSN: 2614-7904

The Tawar Formation of Sumatra consists predominantly of limestone and was strongly
deformed during its development. This is evidenced by the presence of numerous structural
features, including multi-size and multi-episode fracture systems, folds, and faults. Fracture
systems of the Tawar Formation are mainly infilled with calcite cements, which can be
observed within the study area. These structural characteristics of the Tawar Formation are
similar to those of the Limestone member of the Woyla group and, therefore, may share similar
geological influences during their evolution. We propose that the Tawar Formation was
strongly influenced by tectonic activities possibly related to the movement of the Sibumasu
plate, the movement of the Sumatran fault system, and plate subduction in the southwest part
of Sumatra. It is expected that the results of this research will provide some new insights into
the development of pre-tertiary limestones of Sumatra and, hopefully, will benefit the
government by facilitating better planning development in the study area.
We thank Siti Sholeha Chairman Muhammad Dzikra Hasibuan and Daffatul Zaki Pahlevi
(Geological Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala) for their help and support during fieldwork
and data collection in Takengon, Aceh Tengah.
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