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NOSS Scale

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Development of the Nurses’ Occupational Stressor Scale

Article in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) · January 2020
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17020649


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7 authors, including:

Yi-Chuan Chen Yue-liang Leon Guo

National Taiwan University National Taiwan University


Judith SC Shiao
National Taiwan University


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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health

Development of the Nurses’ Occupational
Stressor Scale
Yi-Chuan Chen 1 , Yue-Liang Leon Guo 2,3 , Li-Chan Lin 4 , Yu-Ju Lee 1 , Pei-Yi Hu 5 ,
Jiune-Jye Ho 5 and Judith Shu-Chu Shiao 1,6,7, *
1 School of Nursing, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University (NTU), No. 1, Ren-Ai Rd. Sec. 1,
Taipei 10051, Taiwan; d05426004@ntu.edu.tw (Y.-C.C.); r00426019@ntu.edu.tw (Y.-J.L.)
2 Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, College of Medicine,
National Taiwan University (NTU), No. 1, Ren-Ai Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei 10051, Taiwan; leonguo@ntu.edu.tw
3 Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH),
No. 7, Chung-Shan South Rd., Taipei 10002, Taiwan
4 Institute of Clinical Nursing, National Yang-Ming University, No. 155, Sec. 2, Linong Street,
Taipei 11221, Taiwan; lichan@ym.edu.tw
5 Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health (ILOSH), Ministry of Labor, No. 99, Lane 407,
Hengke Rd., New Taipei City 22143, Taiwan; peiyi@mail.ilosh.gov.tw (P.-Y.H.); hjj@mail.ilosh.gov.tw (J.-J.H.)
6 Department of Nursing, National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), No. 7, Chung-Shan South Rd.,
Taipei 10002, Taiwan
7 Occupational Health Nursing and Education Association of Taiwan (OHNEAT), No. 1, Ren-Ai Rd. Sec. 1,
Taipei 10051, Taiwan
* Correspondence: scshiao@ntu.edu.tw; Tel.: +886-2-23933353

Received: 27 December 2019; Accepted: 17 January 2020; Published: 19 January 2020 

Abstract: Although nurses work in stressful environments, stressors in such environments have yet
to be clearly assessed. This study aimed to develop a Nurses’ Occupational Stressor Scale (NOSS)
with high reliability and validity. Candidate questions for the NOSS were generated by expert
consensus following focus group feedback, and were used to survey in 2013. A shorter version
was then developed after examination for validity and reproducibility in 2014. The accuracy of
the short version of the NOSS for predicting nurses’ stress levels was evaluated based on receiver
operating characteristic curves to compare existing instruments for measuring stress outcomes, namely
personal burnout, client-related burnout, job dissatisfaction, and intention to leave. Examination for
validity and reproducibility yielded a shorter version of NOSS with only 21 items was considered
sufficient for measuring stressors in nurses’ work environments. Nine subscales were included:
(1) work demands, (2) work–family conflict, (3) insufficient support from coworkers or caregivers,
(4) workplace violence and bullying, (5) organizational issues, (6) occupational hazards, (7) difficulty
taking leave, (8) powerlessness, and (9) unmet basic physiological needs. The 21-item NOSS proved to
have high concurrent and construct validity. The correlation coefficients of the subscales for test-retest
reliability ranged from 0.71 to 0.83. The internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) coefficients ranged from
0.35 to 0.77. The NOSS exhibited accurate prediction of personal burnout, client-related burnout, job
dissatisfaction, and intention to leave.

Keywords: nurse; occupational stressor; scale development; stressor scale; work environment

1. Introduction
As highlighted by the International Labour Organization [1], occupational stress is an increasingly
global phenomenon which affects workers in all workplaces and countries. Nurses are known to have
high work demands, high occupational stress, high rates of burnout [2–4], low job satisfaction [5],

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649; doi:10.3390/ijerph17020649 www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649 2 of 14

to experience workplace bulling [6], and may have mental health problems [7]. Job stress and burnout
result from the cumulative effects of stressors in nursing work, and may consequently influence patient
outcomes [8–10] and nurses’ intention to leave their jobs [11,12]. In accordance with the statistics of
Taiwanese National Union of Nurses Associations (TUNA), presently only about 60% of licensed nurses
in Taiwan practice [13]. However, Singapore and Australia have around 86.1% and 98.5% in active
practice, respectively [14,15]. TUNA found 57.28% nurses had intention to leave nursing profession,
and the three major reasons were about “salary and bonus”, “heavy workload” and “work–life
imbalance”. Ref. [16] In the study of 10 European countries [17] showed 27.1% nurses considered to
leave the workplace, and their perceptions of nursing practice environment was an important factor
of retention.
In addition to applying stress management interventions to reduce stress [18], as recommended
by Happell et al. [19], an initial step toward reducing occupational stress is to understand the stressors
present in nurses’ work environments as well as the methods through which these stressors may be
eliminated. Not only qualitative researches have been performed to look for nursing stressors [19,20],
but several self-report scales have been developed to measure nursing stress indicators in hospital
environment, such as Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS) [21], and Practice Environment Scale
of the Nursing Work Index [22]. However, stressors vary widely in different cultures and are highly
influenced by health care systems. Examples of variations include those in frequencies of on-call
duty, patient-to-nurse ratios, reliance on patients’ families for daily partial care, regulated break
times, and monetary compensation for overtime work. Additionally, although scales for measuring
nursing stressors have been developed, measurements of psychological stress among nurses, including
burnout, job dissatisfaction, and intention to leave, are rarely reported. The study developed a Nurses’
Occupational Stressor Scale (NOSS) to identify comprehensive nursing stressors. The scale was
evaluated for validity and reliability and to examine relationships among stress indicators.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Design

Two cross-sectional studies were conducted to develop an instrument to measure nurses’
occupational stressors. This study was divided into three phases: (1) generation and pilot testing
of candidate questions, (2) condensation of the scale according to validity and reproducibility,
and (3) examination of accuracy of the condensed NOSS for predicting stress outcomes.

2.2. Participants and Ethical Considerations

In 2013, candidate questions for the NOSS were pilot tested on nurses who worked in hospitals
with “excellent” ratings under the New Hospital Accreditation of 2012 in Taiwan. The condensed
NOSS was tested in 2014. Participants were recruited from the population based on conformity and
excellence under the New Hospital Accreditation between 2010 and 2013. The research protocols were
approved by Research Ethics Committee of National Taiwan University Hospital with the approval
numbers of 20130807RINC and 201407075RINA. Exemption of written consent was approved, and
returned questionnaires were regarded as nurses’ willingness to participate in the study. No ethical
issues occurred during the study period.

2.3. Data Collection

Stratified random sampling for the questionnaire surveys in 2013 and 2014 was conducted.
Electable hospitals were sampled in proportion by hierarchy. The hospital managers were invited to
approve the study via phone call. Nurses were recruited from multiple wards, namely the internal
medicine ward, surgical ward, maternity and pediatric ward, intensive care unit, operating room,
emergency department, psychiatric department, and outpatient department. The questionnaires
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649 3 of 14

were mailed to the participating hospitals and delivered to nurses. All returned questionnaires were
previewed by the researchers and then recorded through optical mark reading.
The questionnaires were self-administered. The participants’ demographic characteristics,
work environment traits, levels of personal burnout, client-related burnout, job satisfaction,
and intentions to leave were inquired.

2.3.1. Personal Burnout and Client-Related Burnout

A Chinese version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (C-CBI) was developed with high
internal consistency, constructive validity, and criterion-related validity [23]. Personal burnout and
client-related burnout are two subscales in the C-CBI, containing five and six items, respectively,
to assess the frequencies of specific scenarios within the preceding week on a 5-point Likert scale
(0 to 4 representing “never” to “always”). Following Chin et al. [24], the cut-off point for nurses in the
high burnout group was set as the 90th percentile.

2.3.2. Job Dissatisfaction and Intention to Leave

Job dissatisfaction was assessed by the answer “somewhat unsatisfied” or “very unsatisfied” to
the question, “Generally speaking, are you satisfied with your job?” Intention to leave a nursing job
was assessed by the following three items: (1) Answering “unlikely” or “uncertain” to the question,
“Do you intend to remain in your job for at least 2 more years?” (2) Obtaining a score of 7 or higher on
the item, “Please rate your intention to leave on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no intention to leave
and 10 being highly considering leaving.” (3) Answering “once a month” or “more frequently” to the
question, “How often do you think about leaving your job?”

2.4. Data Analysis

Data analysis was performed using JMP statistical software version 10.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC,
USA). Descriptive statistics were calculated to summarize demographic characteristics. Test-retest
reliability and internal consistency were examined by analyzing test-retest correlations and Cronbach’s
α scores. Content validity was assessed by experts. Construct validity was calculated through
common factor analysis. The suitability of factor analysis was inspected using the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin
(KMO) test [25] and Bartlett’s test of sphericity [26]. For all analyses, p < 0.05 was considered
statistically significant.

3. Results

3.1. Phase 1: Generation and Pilot Testing of Candidate Questions

3.1.1. Methods of Constructing Questions

The procedure for developing the NOSS is described sequentially as follows: information collection,
content confirmation, format design, pretesting, panel discussion, expert validation, pilot study, and
content determination.
After the literature review, the content of the NOSS was constructed according to research goals,
and by referring to the questionnaire titled “survey of perceptions of safety and health in the work
environment in 2013 Taiwan” [27] and the work–family conflict scale [28]. The researchers had the pretest
to find unsuitable wordings and expert panel discussions for suggestions and clarification. The expert
panel was composed of three professionals in the fields of nursing, psychiatry, and occupational
medicine and six nurses from primary, secondary, and tertiary hospitals.

3.1.2. Content Validity Index

Expert validity was assessed after revision of the panel discussion. The experts were the
aforementioned three professionals on the panel. NOSS items were scored on a Likert-type scale (1 and 2:
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649 4 of 14

modification required; 3: related; 4: strongly related). After alteration or deletion of inadequate items
(scores lower than or equal to 2), the content validity index of the NOSS was 0.81.

3.1.3. Phase 1 Questionnaire Survey

A total of 72 hospitals rated “excellent” under the 2012 Hospital Accreditation were our target
hospitals. Of these 72 hospitals, 13 were tertiary hospitals, 41 were secondary hospitals, and 18 were
primary hospitals. In 2013, Stratified random sampling and questionnaire survey of 7 tertiary,
10 secondary, and 2 primary hospitals was conducted. A total of 2956 questionnaires were issued and
2796 were returned. After exclusion of men, nurse managers, nurse practitioners, and incomplete
questionnaires, 1781 questionnaires were deemed eligible for analysis. The effective response rate
was 60.3%.
The participants’ demographic characteristics are summarized in Table 1; their mean age was
30.3 years, most were single (64.3%), and most had an educational level of college or above (63.1%).
The average total working tenure was 8.6 years.

Table 1. Participant characteristics.

Eligible Participants in 1st Year (N = 1781) Eligible Participants in 2nd Year (N = 2655)
n % Mean SD n % Mean SD
Age (years) 30.3 6.6 32.5 7.3
≤30 1022 57.4 1152 43.4
31–40 619 34.8 1097 41.3
≥40 135 7.6 365 13.7
Missing 5 0.3 41 1.5
Marital status
Single 1145 64.3 1439 54.2
Married 606 34.0 1145 43.1
Divorce or widow 27 1.5 53 2.0
Missing 3 0.2 18 0.7
Educational level
Professional school 20 1.1 93 3.5
Junior college 634 35.6 921 34.7
College or above 1124 63.1 1631 61.4
Missing 3 0.2 10 0.4
Total work tenure (years) 8.6 6.8 10.1 7.3
<5 729 40.9 877 33.0
5–10 508 28.5 694 26.1
11–15 259 14.5 516 19.4
16–20 183 10.3 310 11.7
≥20 101 5.7 236 8.9
Missing 1 0.1 22 0.8
Working hours/day 9.3 1.1 9.2 1.2
Working hours/week 49.9 8.1 47.8 7.7
Sleeping hours/day 6.8 1.3 6.8 1.2
Personal burnout
63.9 21.0 59.9 20.5
(standardized score: 0–100)
Personal burnout ≥ 95 230 12.9 241 9.1
Client-related Burnout
47.9 18.7 46.8 19.8
(standardized score: 0–100)
Client-related burnout ≥ 75 190 10.7 290 10.9
Score of intention to leave (score: 0–10) 5.6 2.8 5.4 2.7
Had intention to leave 255 15.5 255 10.4

The internal consistency scores assessed by Cronbach’s α were 0.92 for personal burnout and
0.90 for client-related burnout. The mean scores for personal burnout and client-related burnout were
63.9 and 47.9, respectively. Of the participants, 15.5% harbored intentions to leave their jobs.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649 5 of 14

3.1.4. Construct Validity

The KMO score (0.93) and Bartlett scores (chi-square statistic = 51,378.93; degrees of freedom = 990;
p < 0.001) indicated that factor analysis may be practical. Common factor analysis was performed
to assess the construct validity of the NOSS, resulting in 10 factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0
(Table 2). Relying on the assumption that the dimensions of the scale were correlated or uncorrelated,
we implemented Varimax (orthogonal rotation) and Promax (oblique rotation) both. The outcomes
showed that Varimax and Promax grouped the same items into 10 factors. The cumulative variability
of these extracted 10 factors explained by varimax was 51.8%.

Table 2. Factor loadings for items loaded on 10 factors of the 43-item Nurses’ Occupational Stressor
Scale (NOSS) through varimax rotation.

Subscales and Component Items Factor Loading

1. Work Demands
I am worried about receiving complaints from patients or their relatives for not meeting
their demands.
I have to bear the negative sentiment of patients or their relatives. 0.76
I do not have sufficient time to meet patients’ and their relatives’ demands. 0.74
I am unsure of the extent of patients’ conditions or treatments that I should reveal to them. 0.59
Excessive duties in the workplace prevent me from attending to patients. 0.61
I have to maintain professional units other than my own. 0.49
2. Work–Family Conflict
The burden of work affects my domestic life. 0.75
The amount of time my job occupies makes it difficult for me to fulfill
family responsibilities.
The burden of work makes it difficult for me to undertake my personal chores and/or
engage in hobbies.
My job produces strain that makes it difficult for me to fulfill my family duties. 0.83
I have to adapt my schedule for family activities/outings to accommodate
my work responsibilities.
3. Insufficient Support from Coworkers or Caregivers
The professional evaluation of care of mine is opposite to that of the doctors. 0.62
Doctors’ temperamental nature agitates me. 0.56
I cannot instantaneously obtain patient-related information because of inadequate
communication within the team.
Team members do not appear to help in a timely manner under urgent circumstances. 0.65
Lack of support from the team affects patients’ trust in me. 0.63
4. Workplace Violence and Bullying
Verbal abuse such as insults and sarcastic comments. 0.66
Psychological abuse such as threats, discrimination, bullying, and harassment. 0.83
Physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, pushing, pinching, pulling, and dragging. 0.71
Sexual harassment such as inappropriate implications and behaviors. 0.68
5. Organizational Issues
The on-call system affects my life. 0.66
My working hours include on-call hours. −0.48
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649 6 of 14

Table 2. Cont.

Subscales and Component Items Factor Loading

5. Organizational Issues
I was informed of a change to my schedule at less than 24 hours’ notice. 0.54
The organization usually remunerates my overtime work at a low rate of pay. 0.40
Not achieving a promotion (e.g., level 1 or 2) within the expected period affects my income. 0.45
6. Occupational Hazards
Exposure to chemicals such as chemotherapy drugs, alcohol, and Cidex. 0.63
Exposure to radiation or strong light such as X-ray, ultraviolet light, and lasers. 0.67
I feel stressed considering that my patients might be have contagious diseases such as
SARS or AIDS a .
Transporting patients or equipment. 0.61
The workplace offers sufficient protective equipment such as masks and gowns. −0.35
7. Difficulty Taking Leave
The level of difficulty in asking for leaves for household emergencies is_______%
(0% = very difficult, 100% = very smooth) b .
The level of difficulty in excusing myself for feeling strong discomfort is_______%
(0% = very difficult, 100% = very smooth) b .
8. Powerlessness
Patients’ conditions do not improve. 0.66
Encountering the death of a patient. 0.70
I have insufficient time to offer mental health care to patients during working hours. 0.45
9. Interpersonal Relationships
Relationships among colleagues within the unit are generally good. −0.34
I should teach student nurses and newcomers while caring for patients. 0.55
I worry that my colleagues’ incompetence will affect patient safety. 0.45
The manager or head nurse supports me in the event of a conflict
between me and a patient.
Primary caregivers do not execute their tasks appropriately. 0.38
10. Unmet Basic Physiological Needs
I have no time to fulfill my personal needs (e.g., water consumption and toilet breaks). 0.61
I cannot take an uninterrupted 30-minute mealtime break. 0.80
I can receive deserved compensation such as premiums and compensatory leave for
overtime of more than 1 h.
Note: Factor loadings of >0.32 are recognized on the subscale. a SARS: severe acute respiratory syndrome; AIDS:
acquired immune deficiency syndrome. b Transfer of percentages to scores are explained as follows: 0%–25% = 4,
26%–50% = 3, 51%–75% = 2, 76%–100% = 1. Items not classified under any factors in the table: “I cannot complete
my duties or required tasks during working hours” and “In the preceding month, I have used _______ hour(s) of my
free time to handle documents from the hospital for accreditation or unit-related affairs”.

3.1.5. Test-Retest Reliability

A convenience sample of 50 hospital nurses from northern, central, and southern Taiwan was
invited to assess test-retest reliability; 36 pairs of test-retest questionnaires were completed. Test-retest
reliability scores were calculated through Pearson’s correlation with a 2-week interval. The Pearson’s
correlation coefficients of the 10 subscales were 0.75, 0.72, 0.74, 0.75, 0.72, 0.75, 0.71, 0.76, 0.72, and 0.61.
The test-retest reliability of the whole NOSS was 0.84.
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3.1.6. Internal Consistency Reliability

Most NOSS items were scored on a 4-point Likert scale (1 to 4 representing “strongly disagree” to
“strongly agree”), whereas 5 items were reverse scored. The average total score of the NOSS was 107.1
(SD = 14.2), ranging from 65 to 158. A higher score indicated a higher frequency of work stressors
experienced by the participant in question. Cronbach’s α was used to measure the internal consistency.
The internal consistency scores of the 10 NOSS subscales were 0.88, 0.92, 0.87, 0.86, 0.35, 0.63, 0.86, 0.78,
0.06, and 0.63. The internal consistency of the whole NOSS was 0.89.

3.2. Phase 2: Condensation of the NOSS According to Validity and Reproducibility

The initial NOSS underwent a condensation process to reduce item numbers. All items on the
condensed NOSS were selected from the original NOSS. Items were examined as independent variables,
and personal burnout, client-related burnout, job dissatisfaction, and intention to leave were set as
dependent variables. The selection algorithms were based on predictions of dependent variables and
reliability. Items with favorable prediction were prioritized for inclusion in the condensed scale and
those without favorable prediction or low reliability were re-examined through panel discussions.
First, common factor analysis of the 43 items selected for the condensed scale yielded 10 factors
(Table 2): “work demands”, “work–family conflict”, “insufficient support from coworkers or caregivers”,
“workplace violence and bullying”, “organizational issues”, “occupational hazards”, “difficulty taking
leave”, “powerlessness”, “interpersonal relationships”, and “unmet basic physiological needs”.
Since the item numbers differed among factors, the total score of each factor was adjusted to between 0
and 100. Table 3 presents the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) used
to examine sensitivity and specificity. Forward stepwise with a p value of 0.1 was implemented to
examine predictions of indicators under each of the 10 factors. Factors 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 were significantly
related to personal burnout (AUC = 0.79). Factors 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 were significantly related
to client-related burnout (AUC = 0.80). Factors 1, 2, 6, 7, and 10 were significantly related to job
dissatisfaction (AUC = 0.75). Factors 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 10 were significantly related to intention to leave
(AUC = 0.75). Factor 9—interpersonal relationships—was not significantly related to any indicators.

Table 3. Personal burnout, client-related burnout, job dissatisfaction, and intention to leave as indicators
for item retention on the NOSS (N = 1781).

Personal Burnout a Job Dissatisfaction c Intention to Leave d
Factor Burnout b
1 1.04 *** 0.68 1.05 *** 0.73 1.06 *** 0.77 1.06 *** 0.78
2 1.04 *** 0.68 1.06 *** 0.75 1.04 *** 0.69 1.04 *** 0.67
3 1.03 *** 0.64 1.04 *** 0.70 1.05 *** 0.71 1.05 *** 0.73
4 1.02 *** 0.64 1.03 *** 0.70 1.03 *** 0.70 1.04 *** 0.71
5 1.02 *** 0.64 1.02 *** 0.64 1.02 *** 0.63 1.02 *** 0.63
6 1.02 *** 0.60 1.03 *** 0.69 1.03 *** 0.67 1.03 *** 0.68
7 1.02 *** 0.66 1.01 *** 0.62 1.01 *** 0.63 1.01 *** 0.61
8 1.02 *** 0.59 1.03 *** 0.64 1.02 *** 0.61 1.02 *** 0.62
9 1.02 *** 0.63 1.04 *** 0.69 1.04 *** 0.68 1.04 *** 0.70
10 1.00 0.51 0.99 0.53 0.99 0.53 0.99 * 0.53
Note: OR: odds ratio; AUC: areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves. * p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
a The standardized total score for personal burnout was ≥ 65. b The standardized total score for client-related burnout

was ≥ 95. c “Somewhat unsatisfied” and “Quite unsatisfied” were classified as job dissatisfaction. d Intention to
leave was defined as “unlikely to or uncertain about staying in the job for another two years”, “score on the scale of
leaving the job ≥ 7”, and “thinking about leaving once in a month or more frequently”.

The stability of the NOSS was assessed through evaluation of test-retest reliability. The values
of the 10 factors ranged from 0.61 to 0.76. After setting the minimum stability value of 0.70 [29],
factor 10—with a stability value of 0.61—was revised.
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A range of 0.3–0.7 was set for internal consistency reliability by recommendation [30]. The internal
consistency reliability of the NOSS factors ranged from 0.35 to 0.92, except for factor 9 (0.06). Prominent
items were preserved to represent the concept of each factor. Because of the conceptual similarity
between factor 9 (interpersonal relationships) and factor 3 (insufficient support from coworkers or
caregivers), two items of factor 9 (“I am worried that the incompetence of my colleagues will affect
patient safety” and “The primary caregivers do not execute their tasks appropriately”) were reclassified
under factor 3 and all other items under factor 9 were omitted.

3.3. Phase 3: Examination of Accuracy of the Condensed NOSS for Predicting Stress Outcomes

3.3.1. Phase 3 Questionnaire Survey

After revision, the participants for the confirmation survey were sampled from 417 hospitals in
2014. A total of 71 candidate hospitals (1 tertiary, 7 secondary, and 63 primary hospitals) were sampled.
A total of 3974 nurses were recruited, and 3786 returned the questionnaires. Under the same exclusion
criteria as those of the 2013 survey, 2655 questionnaires were deemed eligible for analysis, yielding
an effective response rate of 66.8%. The participants’ demographic characteristics are shown in Table 1.

3.3.2. Test-Retest Reliability of the 21-Item Condensed NOSS

Of 50 nurses who worked in primary, secondary, and tertiary hospitals in Taiwan, 48 completed
the test-retest study within one week. According to Pearson’s correlation, the p values of the nine
factors ranged from 0.71 to 0.83. The test-retest reliability of the overall 21-item NOSS was 0.76.

3.3.3. Internal Consistency Reliability of the 21-Item Condensed NOSS

Table ?? presents the item-to-subscale correlations. The Cronbach’s α scores of the subscales
ranged from 0.35 to 0.77 except for “workplace violence and bullying”, which contained only one
item, and thus lacked internal consistency reliability. The internal consistency of the 21-item NOSS as
a whole was 0.91.

Table 4. Statistics of the 21-item NOSS (N = 2655).

Cronbach’s α if the
Item Mean SD
Item is Deleted
Subscale 1: Work Demands
(Cronbach’s α: 0.61)
1 I have to bear negative sentiment from patients or their relatives. 3.16 0.66 0.44
2 Excessive duties in the workplace prevent me from attending to patients. 3.01 0.73 0.58
3 I have to maintain professional units other than my own. 3.24 0.72 0.50
Subscale 2: Work–Family Conflict
(Cronbach’s α: 0.70)
4 The burden of work affects my domestic life. 2.89 0.69 0.79
The burden of work makes it difficult for me to undertake my personal
5 2.82 0.73 0.53
chores and/or engage in hobbies.
I have to adapt my schedule for family activities/outings to accommodate
6 3.11 0.65 0.52
my work responsibilities.
Subscale 3: Insufficient Support from Coworkers or Caregivers
(Cronbach’s α: 0.62)
7 Doctors’ temperamental nature agitates me. 3.14 0.69 0.48
8 I worry that my colleagues’ incompetence will affect patient safety. 2.85 0.68 0.56
I feel stressed because primary caregivers do not execute their
9 2.96 0.65 0.53
tasks appropriately.
Subscale 4: Workplace Violence and Bullying
I feel stressed due to psychological abuse such as threats, discrimination,
10 2.85 0.76 -
bullying, and harassment.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649 9 of 14

Cronbach’s α if the
Item Mean SD
Item is Deleted
Subscale 5: Organizational Issues
(Cronbach’s α: 0.59)
11 The on-call system affects my life. 2.97 0.82 0.45
The organization usually remunerates my overtime work at a low
12 2.77 0.81 0.47
rate of pay.
Not achieving a promotion (e.g., level 1 or 2) within the expected period
13 3.04 0.76 0.55
affects my income.
Subscale 6: Occupational Hazards
(Cronbach’s α: 0.39)
I feel stressed considering that my patients might be have contagious
14 3.21 0.65 -
diseases such as SARS or AIDS.
15 I need to transport patients or equipment. 3.12 0.76 -
Subscale 7: Difficulty Taking Leave
(Cronbach’s α: 0.77)
16 I cannot ask for leaves for household emergencies. 2.87 0.83 -
17 I cannot excuse myself for feeling strong discomfort. 2.60 0.84 -
Subscale 8: Powerlessness
(Cronbach’s α: 0.35)
18 It upsets me if patients’ conditions do not improve. 2.77 0.65 -
I have insufficient time to offer mental health care to patients during
19 3.00 0.67 -
working hours.
Subscale 9: Unmet Basic Physiological Needs
(Cronbach’s α: 0.69)
I have no time to fulfill my personal needs (e.g., water consumption and
20 2.81 0.75 -
toilet breaks).
21 I cannot take an uninterrupted 30-minute mealtime break. 3.02 0.81 -

3.3.4. Comparison of the prediction accuracy of the original NOSS and condensed NOSS
To examine predictions of intermediate markers by the original and condensed NOSSs,
the two scales were compared with respect to personal burnout, client-related burnout,
job dissatisfaction, and intention to leave (Table 5). The AUCs for the indicators ranged from 0.73 to
0.82 on the condensed NOSS. Among the participants of the first year survey, the AUCs for the original
43-question version ranged from 0.75 to 0.80 and those for the condensed version ranged from 0.75 to
0.81. These results suggested that the condensed NOSS might be equally sensitive and specific to the
original NOSS for predicting nurses’ stress outcomes.

Table 5. Revision and confirmation of the NOSS.

Personal Burnout Client-Related Burnout Job Dissatisfaction Intention to Leave

Factors AUC R2 Factors AUC R2 Factors AUC R2 Factors AUC R2
1 1
1 1
2 2
43-item 2 2
3 4
NOSS 4 0.79 18.81% 0.80 18.52% 6 0.75 14.41% 0.75 12.16%
4 5
in 1st year (N = 1781) 6 7
7 7
7 10
8 10
NOSS 1 0.82 20.64% 1 0.77 15.67% 1 0.73 11.20% 1 0.77 13.93%
in 2nd year (N = 2655) 2 2 2 2
4 3 6 4
6 4 7 5
NOSS 0.81 19.93% 0.79 19.13% 0.76 14.73% 0.75 12.87%
7 7 9a 7
in 1st year (N = 1781)
8 9a
a What was originally factor 9 was deleted and factor 10 became the new factor 9 in the 21-item NOSS.

The process of the NOSS development is illustrated in Figure 1.

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649 10 of 14
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 14

Figure 1. The process of the NOSS development.

Figure 1. The process of the NOSS development.
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
This study constituted the effort to develop a stressor scale for nurses in Asia.Despite measurements
stressstudy constituted
reactions being used the extensively,
effort to develop
workplacea stressor
factors, scale
namely forstressors
nurses amongin Asia.Despite
hospital nurses,
measurements for stress reactions being used extensively, workplace factors,
are rarely characterized or quantified. The ENSS contains 57 items and was tested on 2280 namely stressors amongrandomly
selected nurses; the scale was found to be correlated with overall life stress items and healthon
nurses, are rarely characterized or quantified. The ENSS contains 57 items and was tested problem
2280 randomly
indices [21]. selected
The NOSS nurses; the scale
has three wasadvantages:
major found to be correlated with overall
(1) comprehensive life stress of
assessment items and work
health problem indices [21]. The NOSS has three major advantages: (1) comprehensive assessment of
traits that could interfere with life, including occupational hazards, workplace violence and bullying,
nursing work traits that could interfere with life, including occupational hazards, workplace violence
difficulty taking leave, and unmet basic physiological needs; (2) 21 items only, so relatively little time
and bullying, difficulty taking leave, and unmet basic physiological needs; (2) 21 items only, so
required for completion; and (3) comparisons with four important stress indicators in both surveys
relatively little time required for completion; and (3) comparisons with four important stress
and reasonable prediction of these outcomes.
indicators in both surveys and reasonable prediction of these outcomes.
This section discusses the results of using factors of the NOSS and indicators for confirmation.
This section discusses the results of using factors of the NOSS and indicators for confirmation.
Burnout is is regarded
regarded as aasresponse
a response to job
to job stressors
stressors correlated
correlated with with excessive
excessive direct direct
with with
patients [3,31]. Hence, “work demands”, “insufficient support from
patients [3,31]. Hence, “work demands”, “insufficient support from coworkers or caregivers”, and coworkers or caregivers”,
and “workplace
“workplace violence violence and bullying”
and bullying” [6,12]
[6,12] may bemay be reasonable
reasonable factors factors for predicting
for predicting personal personal
andand client-related
client-related burnout.
burnout. Work–life
Work–life conflict
conflict was regarded
was regarded as a strong
as a strong predictor
predictor of burnout
of burnout [32,33]. [32,33].
Consequently, the relationship
relationship between
burnout is predictable.
burnout According to
is predictable.
According to the World Health Organization [34], ergonomic hazards is one of potential health health
the World Health Organization [34], ergonomic hazards is one of potential health hazards among
care workers.
hazards Studiescare
among health conducted
Hong Kong and Japan
conducted in HonghaveKong
and that
Japan manually liftingthat
have revealed patients or
manually lifting is
heavy objects patients or heavy
a risk factor objects with
associated is a risk factor associated
musculoskeletal with musculoskeletal
disorders such as lower back disorders
pain [35,36].
Otheras lower back pain
researchers [35,36].
observed Other
that lowerresearchers
back pain observed
was related thattolower backburnout
personal pain was related
[37]. Thus,toit seems
personal burnout [37]. Thus, it seems plausible that “occupational hazards”
plausible that “occupational hazards” factor is associated with personal burnout. Taking a sick factor is associated withleave or
a leaveburnout. Taking a sick
for family-related leave isornot
reasons a leave
Japanese nurses; reasons is notsubstitutes,
without easy for Japanese
other nurses
nurses; without substitutes, other nurses need to work harder or more
need to work harder or more hours to compensate. Thus, nurses may feel guilty about takinghours to compensate. Thus, leaves,
nurses may feel guilty about taking leaves, and inability to take leaves could
and inability to take leaves could lead to burnout or even overwork death [38]. The “difficulty lead to burnout or even taking
overwork death [38]. The “difficulty taking leave” factor may reliably predict burnout. Items under
leave” factor may reliably predict burnout. Items under the “powerlessness” factor have been verified
the “powerlessness” factor have been verified as being associated with client-related burnout. Due to
as being associated with client-related burnout. Due to higher frequency of suffering patients contact,
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649 11 of 14

nurses might experience greater compassion fatigue than other professionals [3]. Burnout can easily
occur among those caring for dying people [39], and the associated feeling of powerless and the
inability to deliver effective care to such people could cause moral dilemmas and burnout [40].
Researchers observed a negative relationship between job satisfaction and nursing tasks left
undone [41]. Furthermore, nursing care may be forced out of a work schedule by non-nursing tasks,
and neglected nursing care was found to be a strong predictor of intention to leave [42]. These findings
may match the relationships of the “work demands” factor with job dissatisfaction and intention to
leave in the study.
Confrontations with patients and their families may be another nursing stressor [43]; however, the
relationships of this item with job dissatisfaction and intention to leave were nonsignificant. A study
among physicians revealed that job satisfaction decreased and intention to leave increased when
“work–family conflict” increased [44]. Besides, nurses were dissatisfied with inadequate protective
equipment when caring for highly infectious patients [45]. This may support our finding of a relationship
between “occupational hazards” and job dissatisfaction. In a meta-analysis [46], availability and use
of work–family support policies positively related to job satisfaction and intention to stay. In short,
the “difficulty taking leave” factor may reliably predict burnout, job dissatisfaction, and intention to
leave. For decades, nurses’ meal breaks and rest breaks have been regarded as a factor possibly related
to job satisfaction and intention to stay [47]. Instances of nurses holding their urine or decreasing their
water consumption were recorded [48]. Accordingly, the items categorized under the “unmet basic
physiological needs” factor may be common in Taiwan and China.
One item on the NOSS is rather culturally unique; despite patients’ family members not being
intuitively recognized as having such collegial relationships as those that nurses have with patients,
family members have long made commitments to care for hospitalized patients because of the Chinese
value of filial piety [49]. Because hospitals reduce nursing manpower to minimize costs, a portion of
care depends on family members or private attendants. Therefore, unsurprisingly, “feeling stressed
because primary caregivers do not execute their tasks appropriately” predicts client-related burnout.
“I have to maintain professional units other than my own” was found to be related to personal
burnout, client-related burnout, job dissatisfaction, and intention to leave. These outcomes were
observed when nursing units had temporary shortages of personnel. However, one would imagine
the nurses who worked in another unit could face unfamiliar medical equipment, coworkers and
an unfamiliar environment. These likely induce additional stress.
This study had some limitations. First, males were excluded. The distribution of male nurse in
our study was 2.4% (n = 46) and that in Taiwan was approximately 1.6% at the time of the study [13].
Because the exclusion of male nurses had no impact on the results (data not shown), only female nurses
were analyzed. Second, questionnaires with any missing item were excluded to ensure the accuracy of
developing NOSS, which was the major reason of effective response rates less than 70%. There was
not significant different of participants’ demographics between valid and invalid questionnaires
(data not shown). Third, the NOSS was developed for hospital nurses; thus, the scale might not be
applicable to clinics or nursing homes. Fourth, nurses unable to adapt to given work environments,
had left the profession, or had transferred to less stressful environments were not included. Therefore,
a healthy worker effect or healthy worker survival effect [50] may be present, and this could have led
to underestimation of stress in the study. Fifth, although a single factor is suggested to include at least
three items [51], we decided not to ignore less items to detect nursing stressors due to uniqueness of
nursing clinical environment. Accordingly, factor 4 had only one item and factor 6, factor 7, factor 8,
and factor 9 had only two items. The AUCs of the first- and second-year observations revealed
that the 21-item NOSS may be adequate for predicting indicators of common stress among nurses.
Finally, our questionnaire did not contain items about participant’s income, economic burden or
job insecurity. As described in previous studies, global economic crisis could have caused hospital
budgets reduction, and consequently led to medical supply shortage, increased workload and job
insecurity [52,53]. Thus, economic crisis was regarded as an important stressor related to workers’
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 649 12 of 14

mental health status [52]. Further studies may consider financial factors while assess nursing practice
environment and related outcomes.
The strengths of the study are described as follows. First, this study analyzed a nationally
representative sample based on stratified sampling. Second, in both surveys, rather large numbers of
nurses completed the questionnaire, enabling examination of factors and their relationships with stress
indicators. Third, the identified stressors in this study were individually related to the subscales of
burnout, job dissatisfaction, and intention to leave. The identified stressors can be applied in other
countries if pretesting for comparisons with stress indicators is conducted.

5. Conclusions
This current study developed NOSS, which identified nine groups of occupational stressors
in nursing practice environments, as well as predicting personal burnout, client-related burnout,
job dissatisfaction, and intention to leave. Using this scale, stressors in nurses’ work environment can
be measured, and while intervention is applied, the effectiveness of such intervention can be evaluated.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.-J.H. and J.S.-C.S.; data curation, Y.-C.C. and J.S.-C.S.; formal analysis,
Y.-C.C., Y.-L.L.G., Y.-J.L. and J.S.-C.S.; funding acquisition, J.-J.H.; investigation, Y.-C.C. and Y.-J.L.; methodology,
L.-C.L., Y.-L.L.G. and J.S.-C.S.; project administration, P.-Y.H. and J.S.-C.S.; resources, P.-Y.H.; supervision, J.-J.H.
and J.S.-C.S.; validation, L.-C.L. and Y.-L.L.G.; visualization, Y.-C.C.; writing—original draft, Y.-C.C., Y.-L.L.G. and
J.S.-C.S.; writing—review and editing, Y.-C.C., Y.-L.L.G., L.-C.L., Y.-J.L., P.-Y.H., J.-J.H. and J.S.-C.S. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by the Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of
Labor, Taiwan. Grant number: ILOSH 103-R328 and ILOSH 104-A315.
Acknowledgments: We thank Wei-Shan Chin for statistical recommendations. We are grateful to the volunteer
participants, and appreciate the financial support from the Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health,
Ministry of Labor, Taiwan.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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