My 3 Step Filter Process For New Dating Leads You should be way too busy working on yourself to just go out with any girl that says yes. It should be because she passed your filtering process. Be more selective. FILTER #1: COOPERATION TEST ● Ask yourself, “How cooperative is this girl?” ● I don’t care where you meet her (IG, dating app, in person, etc), you still ask yourself this question ● Is she taking 10 hours to respond to your message? Automatically disqualify ● Is she giving dry responses? Automatically disqualify ● Does she let you pick the place for the date? ● This is how you save yourself from stress, getting flaked on, and dealing with general BS from women ● A woman who makes it through this filter is much less likely to flake and you’re much more likely to sleep with her on the first date FILTER #2: AVAILABILITY TEST ● Does she actually make herself available to you? ● You might have women who pass the cooperation test and are very responsive with you, but she might not pass the availability test ● This happens when you give her your schedule and she ○ “Needs to get back to you…” ○ “Will let you know…” ○ Etc ● This means you automatically disqualify her ● Can you see how just with these 2 filters, you’re much more likely to only deal with high quality, high interest women? ● She needs to be willing to make herself available to you within the week. If she does, then you can move on to filter #3… FILTER #3: EXCITEMENT TEST ● After she passes the first two tests, now you want to see how excited she is to talk to you by doing a quick 5-10 min facetime with her ● If you’re truly high value, then the idea of wasting 2 hours with a low interest chick instead of getting extra sleep should annoy the hell out of you… That’s why we’re going to make SURE she’s high interest with this step ● Use this facetime to let her see your face, your mannerisms, and the way you talk… and more importantly, to see how excited she is to talk to you ● Is she open? Is she asking you questions? (Keep in mind she may be a little shy in the beginning which is normal) ● This is also how you’ll avoid a horrible date because you’ll know before hand if she’s even enjoyable to talk to UNDERSTANDING DATING DYNAMICS INVITE HER OVER FIRST TO SEE HOW ATTRACTED SHE IS TO YOU ● I’m trying to save you guys time ● After you’ve gone through the filtering process say this to her: “Hey I’m busy with work, how about we get to know each other at my place?” ● I’m not saying she MUST come over. I’m saying we’re doing this to gage just how attracted she is to you ● Because, if she is willing to come straight over, why bother taking her on a date ● If she needs a date first to get more comfortable, that’s fine. We’re just gauging it. You have nothing to lose DINNER DATES ARE NOT AN OPTION ● If you listen to women, you’ll hear a whole lot of “rules about dating that aren’t true like “He must take you to dinner” ● Too many women are suckering 3-5 dudes a week out of a free dinner and you’re NOT going to be one of them ● Most of the guys they go on dinner dates with are guys they don’t even want to sleep with. They just want the free food ● If a girl even mentions dinner, disqualify her. She’s either: ○ A “rules girl” ○ She doesn’t find you that attractive and she’s trying to get more of an initial investment ○ She’s been sleeping with a lot of guys too quickly and now she wants them to give her more ● Girls who are actually in your rotation that you sleep with can get all the nice dinners they want because they’ve already proven themselves 8+ WOMEN GET BOWLING, POOL, OR A WORKOUT ● Let me make this very clear, this is MY strategy ● If you’re a guy who hasn’t been laid in a while then you may be in a position when you take what you can get… But i’m not take a 7 or below on a date ● If you put in the work to be a 10 then you should have high standards (the same way a woman who is a 10 will have higher standards) ● This is just fair. A hot girl is not going to come straight over to a guy’s place that she sees as a 5 ● If a girl is truly an 8 or a 9 then it’s only fair that she gets a date ● A 7 is lucky to even be with you if you’re truly a 10 PLAN THE LOGISTICS OF SEX ● Stop going on dates 50 miles from your house ● Stop leaving it up to women to escalate ● Women WANT to be seduced and it’s your responsibility to lead her ● She will never submit to you if you don’t lead ● If you don’t plan the logistics of sex really well, you won’t get laid ● A lot of guys would get laid more if they just picked a date spot that was near their house ● Give her an excuse to go back to your place and make it easy to get there. Not making her drive 20 miles away 3 DATES MAXIMUM ● I’m trying to save you from heartbreak, being flaked on, and being used ● Don’t bother waiting more than 3 dates to sleep with a girl (if it takes longer she’s just not into you like that) ● And that 2nd date needs to be back at your place ● If she’s not down to come back to your place by the 2nd date, she’s done. You guys aren’t kids. This is normal and she should be willing to at least come over to cook you dinner or something ● And if she doesn’t want to sleep with you by that 3rd date (at your place again) then it’s done IMPLEMENT THESE STRATEGIES AND WATCH YOUR DATING LIFE IMPROVE 1 on 1 Coaching With FitXFearless If you have any questions about dating, style, female nature, social media, etc…