Dissertation For Turnitin - Harshita
Dissertation For Turnitin - Harshita
Dissertation For Turnitin - Harshita
In the present scenario of intense and increased competition among companies to promote their unique
products and with the rise in importance of media, advertising through the digital modes is not only shaping
but also altering the behaviour, perception and attitude of many consumers as to how they view products.
Companies are spending huge sums of money and viewing the internet platform as a space where their
promotional messages can be directed towards their potential online customers. Advertising through the
digital media which is more interactive advertising is impacting consumers in such a way that the way they
view the products or information is drastically undergoing changes. Pop-up advertisement a form of online
advertising tool used to persuade the audience to stimulate or instigate individuals to purchase products.
Also in today’s scenario consumers have much more control over the web messages they wish to view so
advertisers and marketers need to be very careful as to the size, content and site where they wish to place
their advertisement.
This study seeks to determine the impact of online advertisements, pop-up advertisements on consumer
behaviour and whether they persuade the customer to purchase products or not in other words whether this
digitalization technology influences and impacts the users positively or not.
1.1 Advertising
Advertising as commonly understood is a form or a way of marketing communication which is used to
influence, persuade and motivate the consumers or the audience to take the desired action. The essential
purpose of advertisements is to reassure the shareholders and stakeholders that a company is successful. In
other words advertising can be understood as a communication that is relayed from the corporations to
instigate the audience to purchase or demand their products. This communication is done through multiple
forms of paid media such as advertisements delivered through television, print media, billboards, radio and
most importantly on the digital or electronic media in the present or today’s scenario.
Traditional Advertising would include collateral materials that are typically needed to run a business these
would include things such as stationery, brochures and business cards and these too would fall under the
domain of traditional advertising. Such are also the products which consumers usually expect from an
recognized and well known business, and play a significant or very essential role in building businesses.
Traditional form of advertising is a one way process which led to less interaction among those who
advertised and the ones to whom the word message was circulated. Marketers had to be very careful as to
through what medium they were promoting there message as traditional form was not effective and
Advertising through traditional media was generally well-known and recognized. Another distinguishing
characteristic for advertising through traditional media was that it was simple, convenient to place.
Advertising through this media was also easily measurable in terms of who viewed your advertisement and
also who saw your advertisement. However, the drawback it faced was that it was expensive – particularly in
well-built, bigger markets – and was frequently more synchronized and regulated. An advertisement through
the traditional media had to conform to the norms, standards and regulations of that media or source in
which it was being placed.
However due to the revolution of the IT sector and the evolution of technology, also with increase in
customer awareness, increase in demands, significant increase in disposable incomes of the consumers
advertising through the traditional modes of communication is dying a slow, dreadful and painful death
accompanied by public death.
The reason for this was very simple and it was that consumers or the end users wanted, expected to be heard.
Unfortunately or say unluckily, traditional advertising did not permit or allow a two-way communication, as
it was based or in other words established on the premise or foundation of broadcast: the one-to-many
philosophy or paradigm. Which meant that the marketer or the advertiser could just form an idea, image or
get attention — in media such as the print, television, also including radio and also few forms or modes of
digital media such as by conversing with (or at) the user or consumer.
The consumer or end users could not communicate or provide feedback, which is why traditional advertising
was dying a very painful death.
However now the end users or consumers and marketers and advertisers could indulge and engage and share
interesting, two-way, interactive communication and conversation that made bi-directionality or two way
communication possible. This way, it could be said that socializing was digital word-of-mouth in a large
scale. Ultimately it was the word of mouth only which the end users trusted mostly or in fact it could be said
that word of mouth communication was the most powerful form of communication media beating all other
sources of communication media when it came to trust factor of the consumers.
Brands could rely or depend now on their dependable customers, who were successfully advocates of one’s
brand, to determine and decide the content that would work exceptionally well organically space in the
social. Say a tweet resonates to its following, an established brand could make use of its own marketing
budget to smooth the progress of its organic sharing amongst its customers and intensify it in order to boost
and drive up its sales.
The new media or digital media or the internet has noticeably and considerably reduced the impact and
effect of mass media. New media has equalized and opened opportunities such that branding products has no
longer being considered an exclusive prerogative of major companies or corporations. The concept has
moved in support of small-business concerns which are now being able to obtain advantage and benefits of
these new emerged opportunities. Traditional marketing advertising was an one-way structure of
communication, in which the advertisers or marketers spoke "at" the masses or audiences. Evolution of
technology made it achievable to adopt promotional tools and techniques which targeted the smaller segment
along with building of brands messages and information into a two-way format that was based on their
expressed and articulated needs, preferences and desires. This two way process has encouraged increase in
customer base.
With the introduction of the internet technology a much larger and bigger segment of the businesses have got
the chance to approach a much wider and diverse segment of consumers around the globe. Advertising
online has made this possible for the business entities. The large or huge scale of the internet technology, the
increase of data information, the resultant increase in the forms of advertisements channels, allows business
entities to identify who they wish to target and reach them in the most cost effective and efficient
environment which did not exist or prevail before the advent of this online advertising. Unless one was a
huge corporation, one could not put up billboards across the globe or any other giant scale promotion
campaign. Even if one could do this it would probably not get the business very far in reaching its goals of
influencing its target customers.
Advertising through the online media evolved a great deal in the past few decades. If we look back at the late
1990’s period there were just a handful of web destinations such as Yahoo! Which had a lot of traffic and
hence these were attractive and attention seeking places for the advertisers. On comparing the some that
existed or prevailed in the late 1990’s with today there were a lot many contexts on the space of web that
included social, educational, commercial, cultural, professional and many others. For many of these contexts
now there are channels and networks and sites especially that reach a targeted and specific segment or
This digitalization age has made tremendous changes to each and every element of the promotion mix.
Presently the companies importantly view the internet as a significant medium or channel through which the
information and advertising content could be directed towards the ultimate consumers. In the present times,
the users have much more control and command over the advertisements exposure with advertising on the
web because in this the consumers can be selective as to how much content of the commercial they want to
view. Web advertising can be useful and helpful in spreading awareness about a company and its products
they offer.
The new form of providing information was so interactive that consumers could take charge of the amount
of information they wished to view and the rest they could discard at their own ease. Nothing was
compulsory with this new medium and more attractive the advertisement could be made because of the
digital technology.
Adverti Steve Madden
TripleLift – Sponsored images :- This is an advertising form that is image-based and its aim is to be
a substitute for banners with attractive, meaningful and attention seeking image based
advertisements. This TripleLift platform transforms a companies identity from social networking
sites like Pinterest and turns these into advertisements that are created to merge and blend in along
the various other pictures or images present on a particular web page. TripleLift checks the
popularity of various or multiple images on social sites and then repurposes just a few images that
too the most popular ones.
Presently native image advertisements can be located on Pictacular and Foodgawker sites. Another
example could be that Gucci the famous luxury brand also used this medium to introduce its
Fall/Winter digital campaign of 2012.
Disqus – Sponsored link :- This is a platform providing for comment service that could be
integrated and included seamlessly into websites and also blogs to encourage discussions and make it
more interactive. The Disqus space adds or provides a feature-rich commenting arrangement to sites
that offer a series of community management characteristics which include integration of the social
networks and that of advancing of the management. Stage of this also gives and provides a
“Promoted Discovery” feature that features in a box in the bottom the Disqus section of comments
and also highlights other reading material or articles that the readers and viewers might like.
This platform has been received very welcomingly and is used by many companies such American
Express, Intel also MTV to advertise and promote their brand. Citibank too uses this platform.
This platform has been widely accepted and used enormously to promote the company’s brand and
create a stronger brand identity.
Songza – Sponsored playlists :- This is a music platform that provided or offered listeners with
tailored playlists according to their moods or present activities. This platform provided the listeners
with the music which was best for any specific situation or point of time. The tailored or personalized
playlists are created by the Songza team members which included the critics, journalists of music,
musicians and well known DJs. Songza provided a different channel of advertising which it regarded
as the “Branded Moments”, wherein any brand could sponsor a moment of life which included say
driving or work out.
Companies such as Nissan, Victoria’s Secret have already sponsored few of these moments of life.
With sponsoring a particular playlist, brands were inadvertently or unintentionally interacting with
their users and motivating them to associating themselves with the brand in a positive manner.
Thus, the experience of online browsing is increasingly or greatly becoming personalized, customized and
sophisticated. The advertisements given online hope to adapt and engage the consumers accordingly.
However the reality is that online advertising is becoming highly cluttered and there is less room for
attractive advertisements given online. Start ups are starting to enter and usher in this revolution of
Floating Advertisement :- This is a kind of media rich advertisement on the web that appears to be
uninitiated and superimposed on a page requested by the user, it disappears or becomes unavailable
after a particular duration of time period (usually 5-30 seconds). Most basic or fundamental floating
advertisements appeared simply on the web page, and were displayed either on the entire screen or in
a rectangular window small in size. These can or cannot offer means to escape, for example say a
close button option. These can be presented in more sophisticated versions that include attractive
sound effects, imagery, interactive elements and animations too.
Figure 1
Source www.oa1091100626.blogspot.com
Expanding Advertisements :- These are the advertisements which expand or become larger once
the users click on these ads. These advertisements generally consume a long duration to get
downloaded, this in return has a negative impact on the experience of the visitor. To solve this issue
Ad forms that were polite were introduced to address or meet this issue by encouraging the
advertisers to serve a bigger file form without creating a hindrance in the loading duration period for
the remaining pictures on the web page.
Figure 2
Source www.marketingpilgrim.com
Wallpaper Advertisements :- These advertisements change the background of the web page being
seen or viewed.
Trick Banner :- This is a kind of banner advertisement that attempts or tries to trick the users into
clicking, generally by imitating an operating system message.
Figure 3
Source www.community.articulate.com
Figure 4
Source www.malwaretips.com
Pop-Under Advertisements :- These type of advertisements are similar and not same to the pop up
advertisements. The feature that differentiates pop unders from pop up advertisements is that the
opened advertisement is not opened in front of the current window but instead is sent or opened
behind the current window such that the users or viewers do not view it until they close or shut the
active windows which could be one or multiple.
Figure 5
Source www.auinsblog.blogspot.com
Establish clear goals and objectives :- Like any marketing communication advertising through
online channel must be driven by a basket of advertising objectives. Some of the goals that a
company would want to attain from its communications are as follows :
• Building of brand loyalty
• Increasing the traffic on websites
• Generating greater sales
• Building a following for social media
• Enhancing ease, convenience and simplification for the customers
Defining of the Target Audience :- A company should know who its targeted customers are, in
terms of say their demographic factors such as age, sex, level of income, etc. Organizations should
also know and understand what they like or dislike, what they expect, what all they prefer and last
but not the least their perception regarding the company.
Define Communication :- The objective should be to focus the attention on one benefit. Trying or
attempting to convey multiple things may confuse the consumers ultimately and the communication
results may not be as desired or wanted.
Select Target Rich Websites :- Organizations should know their preferences of the target audience,
what they want, what they want to convey, and also to locate where the company’s consumers are.
Also to find out the websites the customers most often visit and how the company should feature
their advertisements on those selected websites.
Choose Ad Placement and Sizes :- Which space an advertisement can be featured on a particular
webpage is dependant on the specific website, the size of the advertisement and most importantly on
the budget. Advertisements that are place “above the fold” (these are advertisements that can be
viewed without having to scroll down) would result in a higher “click-through-rate” (CTR).
However, it is not so in reality, all is dependant on the website, the viewer or visitor and the content
of the message or advertisement.
Some important online advertising opportunities have been mentioned below in the form of a flow
chart :-
Media Pinterest
1.7 Purpose
The main purpose of this study is to understand the impact and influence of online advertising or web
advertising on consumer behaviour. With the evolution of the IT sector and advancement of technology
consumers are more aware and more conscious of their needs, wants and desires and no longer just want o
settle for the basic. Word of mouth is an effective tool which powerful than any other tool of marketing
communication. The basic purpose for this study is to understand how online advertising affects consumer
behaviour and whether consumers are positively motivated or negatively influenced by such online
advertisements, do their loyalty and perception towards a brand change due to its online presence and do
consumers get instigated to try products which are advertised through the advertisements such as pop-up ads
and pop-under ads or do they feel discouraged due to these forms of promotions.
1.8 Significance
This research would help us determine that whether having online presence is an added advantage for the
firm or is it a drawback. After conducting this research we would be in a better position to assess that
whether consumers even prefer buying online and have their frequency of purchase increased/decreased or
remained unaffected due to online advertising. This study would also help us determine whether the pop-up
advertisements have helped boost the sales of a product or whether these pop-up advertisements just go
unnoticed and are seen to impact the consumers negatively discouraging purchase of that particular product.
The reach, variety and extent of advertisements through the online medium is increasing drastically.
Organizations are spending much more advertising online than they did earlier. Having a clear understanding
of all the variables that influence or persuade effectiveness of online advertisements is of great importance.
Research highlighted the factors that contributed to the efficiency and effectiveness of advertising online and
also factors that affected the intentions of consumers for their purchase. (Bakshi & Gupta, 2013).
Advertisements was a way of communicating that was directed to convince, persuade viewers or in other
words the audience to buy or take a particular action for specific products, information, and also services.
Relationship among independent variables that were response to the environment and emotional response to
the attitude and behaviour of the target audience buying behaviour were highlighted and emphasized on. An
overall association among these variables but their analysis also signified that emotional response on the part
of the consumer buying behaviour was the variable that was most important in consumer purchasing
behaviour. It dictated that people bought brands they were attached to emotionally. (Saleem & Abideen,
2013). (Mathew & Ogedebe, 2013).provided insights and information has to how web advertisements
influences the consumer behaviour. Its research provided results that majority of the consumers were
positively influenced by online advertisements. Handful of the consumers viewed online advertisements as
informative and only a small majority or say minority viewed online advertisements as a source of negative
influence. A small number of consumers too regarded online advertising as a source of influence that
instigated them to make or plan their purchases in the future.
(Srivastave, 2012) emphasized the broadcast model of internet as the main engine that many advertisers
were eagerly looking forward to. They wished to make advertising on the internet similar to that of
advertising on the television. They in fact intended to make it more attractive and mesmerizing that
advertising on the television that included all the visual impacts as well as interactivity added to it. (Mathew
et al., 2013) Online advertisements faced hindrances in the form of power shortages, inadequate access to
internet technology, cases of fraudulent and most importantly product being delivered in broken or bad state.
They also conveyed in their study that there would be an increase in web advertising throughout because of
its interactive feature, the global platform it presented the companies with which extended beyond
boundaries, and also the ease and convenience it offered its customers to buy products and services from
anywhere and anytime. (Srivastave et al., 2012) the objective of advertisers highlighted in this study was that
they were making the advertisements more interactive and involving. This online advertising made
consumers more involved as they were the ones who initiated most part of the action. She further expressed
that the experiences generated during this interactive process would drive the attitudes of the brand. The
trend highlighted in this study was that advertising on the web was moving away from the traditional
banners and the marketers were trying the new formats including games and interactive demonstrations of
the products in recent forms such as pop ups etc.
The power of online advertising, the internet had opened a newer way for the marketers to advertise their
own products and services. However on the contrary it also highlighted that advertising through the online
channel could cause discomfort to the user of web while it surfed the net. Its study demonstrated that the
most disliked technique of advertising online was Pop-up advertising. He exclaimed that these pop ups
followed two kind of approaches one being pop up which opened the advertisement window in front of the
current window and the other being pop under which opened the advertisement at the back of the current
web window or browser.(Nasir, 2009).
The influence of internet on the experience of users and atmospherics of the web on online behaviour of
consumers was different. A model was discovered for navigation on the web which drove the attitude
towards a particular site and also evaluations of the pre-purchase. These relationships in this study were
tested and confirmed. It was demonstrated in this study that the men and women differed in the navigation of
the web. They cited in their study that the men were less engaged in exploratory behaviour and they also had
less involvement in the website in contrast to the women. They also exclaimed that between the two genders
entertainment, information content effectiveness were the main drivers for framing the attitude towards a
website.(Richard, Chebat, Yang & Putrevu, 2010). How the consumers pattern of usage of recommendation
given through online sources and their product choices made online are influenced. Recommendations was a
very important factor provided by retailing through the online channel such as the “human experts” and the
other customers. The nature of the good also had an important influence on the propensity to acknowledge
and follow the recommendations of the product..What was considered good was that which was tailorised
according to customers (Senecal & Nantel, 2004).
In the present times of information explosion and an environment of immense media support advertising
played a crucial part in moulding the behaviour of consumers as well as their attitude towards the goods
showcased in the advertisements (Rai, 2013). There exists no relation between the retention in the memory
and the internet experience. He further suggested that more experienced the user was higher were the
chances of they using the software for blocking of these pop-ups. He exclaimed that pop ups as a means of
promoting the products was ineffective and that the marketers and the advertisers must focus attention on
other or alternative channels and forms for advertisements (Cochrane, 2006). Advertisements did not just
change the way a product was used but also changed the attitude with which the consumers viewed the
product. In his research paper it has further highlighted that advertisements all across the globe have been
used to promote a number of brands. It also estimated that there has been a significant rise in advertisements
for every brand that too in the previous two decades. He also suggested that advertisements highly influence
the buying decision of consumers (Rai et al., 2013).
(Kulkarni & Zhao, 2006) emphasized that the most widespread online type of business was the business to
the consumer model. Contrasting from the brick and mortar system this online or use of internet technology
had multiple advantages that were obvious. They highlighted that the openness and vastness of the web
created a lot of opportunities for virtually all the organizations irrespective of their size. (Everard, Galletta,
Polak & McCoy, 2004) expressed that advertisements on the web took multiple forms, such as those
appearing in the pages of the web say inline graphic, also including pop-up and pop-under advertisements.
They research stated that based on the theory of cognition also theory of perception the viewers or users
found such advertisements as annoying and hence avoided them. They further exclaimed that the intention of
the users to go back to a web page was much higher in sites where there were no ads.
The range of advertisements online and their size had increased enormously. Organizations were spending
much more than earlier they did on advertising online. Therefore they provided an understanding of the
various factors that had an impact on advertising online and were essential. Factors which contributed to the
success of advertising online were the content of advertisements, use of the internet each day, internet skills,
the level of income, location where the advertisement is placed etc. (Alkubise & Mohammed, 2012). Their
study provided two notable results that were firstly the important role of the language of the website and
secondly the influence of others suggestions and opinions on the advertisements displayed online
successfully and effectively. (Kulkarni et al., 2006) the brick and mortar shops, people were hired to separate
and differentiate shoppers and influence them individually with their in store activities. However, in the
current virtual world, there was no requirement of the sales people and hence, to understand the behaviour of
the consumers in this virtual environment was important and essential. Hence they brought to light how the
virtual world was more attractive and beneficial to boost sales than the brick and mortar trend.
The intention for returning to a particular website was unaffected by the placement of the advertisement, the
retention factor of a particular site was also unaffected by the presence of advertisements, retaining of the
ads that were animated did not out grow the ads that were static, last but not the least advertisements were
unaffected by the congruence of the ads as it was expected (Everard et al., 2004).
Drastic changes in the structure of advertising were initiating due to the rapidly increasing web advertising
sector with the most highlighting feature being the increase to the prevalence of “Key Search Advertising
(KSA). This KSA came up from the huge pressure to start and generate a whole new, much more successful
and effective web advertisement form. They further expressed that the advertisers favoured KSA as it got a
favourable response from the consumers. (Al-khasoneh & Sweeny, 2009). Traditional advertising format
was linear form of conventional advertisements which were way better off than the present advertising form
which is more interactive that too for only a particular segment of consumers and also only for a specific
kind of advertisement. The interactive model of advertising was experiencing massive growth and this
explosive growth was due to the fact that the consumer was in control of the content of the information they
wished to view. Traditional advertisement died a public death due to its lack of interactive nature and also
due to the fact the consumer had less or no control over the message content (Bezjian-Avery, Calder &
Iacobucci, 1998).
As organizations and companies rely increasingly on the online format to gain, retain and acquire customers,
the marketers felt comfortable and eased justifying the budget for online marketing with reference to the
metrics given online example the click-through rate (CTR) and also cost per acquisition (CPA). The firms
could over spend and exceed their advertising budget on merely just seeing the enormous increase in online
users. There results showcased that the display advertisements massively led to increase in the search
conversion which improved a company’s ROI (Gupta, Kireyev & Pauwels, 2013). Massive explosion in
internet usage has paved way for multiple opportunities for the marketers as well as the advertisers which
has further let to a resultant of various advertisements in a number of forms ranging from entertainment
sites, music sites, social sites, political sites to the search engine and also websites such as e-commerce.
However, when users surf on the net, the users are more focussed on their task in hand and are hence more
goal oriented than they use to be while using the traditional channel (Schullstrom, 2013)
Advertising was a form of communication and promotion to persuade the audience for taking desired course
of action. The relation among environmental response and response towards emotions that were the
independent variables and the purchase behaviour of consumers being the dependent element or variable.
Their study depicted moderate relation that is not too strong or not too weak a relation among the two
dependent and independent element or variables. Consumers basically purchased or bought products they
were attached to emotionally and advertisements played a moderate role in influencing the demands and
desires of the individuals. (Hunjra, Niazi, Shah & Siddiqui, 2012). Advertising basically was the process of
convincing and persuading the audiences and masses so that they purchase the product of the company in
question. The relation between the emotions of consumers which in turn affected their attitude and also
behaviour and instigated them to make a particular purchase. The emotional factor also played an important
role or say the users current state of mood played an important role while they made a purchase decision and
were not just guided by the advertisements to facilitate their purchase decisions. Females were positively
guided and motivated by advertisements than the male segment (Kumar & Raju, 2013).
The visual impact was the main element that affected the navigation of consumers on a particular website.
The users while they were browsing, the users were usually paid more attention to the peripheral stimuli, that
in majority of the cases included advertising. The research also stated that users were instigated and much
attreacted to the visual element of advertisements displayed online (Schullstrom, 2013).
The current digital scenario had already made numerous changes to all the variables of the promotion mix.
The companies have realized and witnessed online advertising being a powerful medium to convey and
promote the product of their companies. In the present century the consumers were the rulers who had the
ultimate power to view as much as information or content of the message they wished to view.
The online advertisements that was of interactive nature served two main purposes firstly they informed the
consumers with the content in their messages secondly these advertisements also constantly reminded the
consumers about the products of companies while they were surfing or doin some other work online ( Ariffin
& Aziz, 2010). The factors influencing the trust factor online was varying across different sites of categories
and also across different class of consumers. The most important factor of trust was where the risk of
information and involvement were both high (Bart, Shankar, Sultan & Urban, 2005).
The satisfaction of consumers with their purchase from a specific web site would lead to an increase in the
loyalty also towards that particular website. The contentment and satisfaction was influenced in reference to
a specific website would generate a positive mouth spread irrespective of the level of risk perceived (Curras-
Perez & Sanchez-Garcia, 2012).
The history of advertising suggested that there were four determinants contributing to the perceived
advertising attitude, behaviour and value for consumers which were the credibility, entertainment, the
information and the level of irritation. The main element to be added to the above mentioned four factor was
interactivity which was important in framing the overall perceptions of the consumers. It was not just the
variation between traditional and new media that affected consumer perception but the mentioned factors
along with the interactivity (Ducoffe, 1995)
The content of the message and the entertainment value had a direct relationship, contrary to the level of
irritation that had a indirect relation to the content of the ads projected on the social sites of networking. The
sites for social networking were basically for the young segment or generation and these people would see
advertisements and consider them more on such sites (Awasthi & Saxena, 2005).
The main purpose or objective of this research is to determine the impact of online advertisements on
consumer behaviour with emphasis on pop-up advertisements as well.
The primary objective is to get to know whether online advertisements affect the consumer behaviour
positively or negatively which would include their frequency of purchase, whether online advertisements
stimulate trial and add to their knowledge
The second objective would be whether online advertisements and pop up advertisements affect consumer
attitude that is whether they facilitate re-purchase and how they respond to such advertisements.
Third objective would determine motivation level that is whether online advertisements intrude purchases,
what attracts the advertisements and how much difference in their purchase in terms of money was brought
about due to online advertisements.
Lastly, to determine the perception regarding pop-up advertisements and online advertisements that is
whether they were considered effective advertising tools or not.
A descriptive research was carried out where the objectives were defined before hand and wanted to
capture more clearer understanding of a situation.
A structured questionnaire was designed to obtain primary information and secondary data obtained
through journals, published articles and official websites.
Sample Size :- 200
Sample Selection :- Convenience Sampling
Location :-Delhi
Figure No. 6
*This shows that maximum number of individuals fell in the age group of 26 to 30 years that is 36%, with
individuals falling in the range of 36 and above were minimum that is 10%.
Figure No.7
*The diagram depicts that females were more in number that is 54% than men which were just 46%, though
variation is slight.
Figure No.8
*Number of post-graduates were more that is 57.5% than graduates which accounted for 42.5%.
Figure No. 9
*Maximum number of individuals fell in slab of families having annual income between 5 to 10 lakhs
accounting to 56% and minimum number of individuals belonging to income slab of 5 lakhs and below that
is just 4%.
Ques 1.)
Figure No.10
*This depicts that maximum number of individuals spend around 4 to 6 hours online accounting to 53% with
only 3% of the individuals spending time between 0 to 2 hours.
This means maximum respondents spent time between 4 to 6 hours per day on the internet.
Ques 2.)
N Percent
$Purpose What is the purpose ypu choose to be online for?
34 9.5%
Table No. 1
Figure No. 11
*This reflects maximum number of individuals were online to watch videos with minimum number to seek
tourism information.
Ques 3.)
Figure No.12
*This shows that 51.5% individuals find online advertising appropriate as against 48.5% who do not
consider online advertising as appropriate. Which means more number of individuals find it appropriate.
Ques 4.)
Figure No.13
*This highlights that the number of individuals not being intruded to purchase by online advertisements are
more than the ones who are intruded by online ads to purchase a particular product.
Ques 5.)
Figure No.14
*53% of the individuals purchase products online once a month whereas only about 3% of the individuals
purchase products online in a week.That signifies maximum individuals purchased once a month.
Ques 6.)
Figure No.15
*Around 55% of the individuals agree that online advertisements adds to ones knowledge, 33% feel neutral
towards the knowledge element and around 12% disagree to this statement. This shows that majority of the
people researched consider that online advertisements do add to the knowledge of an individual.
Ques 7.)
Figure No.16
*Around 54% agree that online advertisements do stimulate trial whereas around 15% disagree that online
advertisements encourage or stimulate trial.
Ques 8.)
Figure No.17
*This depicts that around 50% of the individuals feel neutral to the fact that online advertisements facilitate
re-purchases, approximately 33% agree that sometimes online advertisements do facilitate re-purchases,
13% of the individuals disagree with this statement, however, a very small 3% of individuals strongly
disagree to the statement that online advertisements encourages re-purchase. With this we can infer that
majority of the individuals were neutral towards that the face that online advertisements facilitated re-
Ques 9.)
Figure No.18
*This diagram depicts that 33% of the individuals spent around 1000 Rs. To 1500 Rs. that too purchase,
being influenced by an online advertisement. Approximately 16% of the individuals spent less than even Rs.
500 after being influenced by an online advertisement, around 27% of the individuals spent between Rs.500
to Rs.1000 and individuals who spent between Rs.1500 to Rs.2000 after being influenced by an online
advertisement were just around 23% . This means that maximum amount spent was between Rs.1000 to
Rs.1500 which individuals spent after being influenced by online ads.
Ques 10.)
Figure No.19
*Majority that is according to 83% of respondents consider that purchases have not increased due to online
advertisements, whereas a very small percentage of 17% agree that their online purchases increased due to
online advertisements.
Ques 11.)
Figure No.20
*This graph depicts that most of the individuals favoured others as the main element that was the most
important visual element for them accounting for almost 58%, colours was the least favoured element
accounting for just 7 %, images were accorded importance by only say about 24% of the individuals and
approximately 10% assigned importance to the graphic element as important visual element.
Ques 12.a.)
Figure No.21
* This shows that approximately 34% of the individuals when watching a free video, sit and watch the video
advertisement play occasionally, however, only 14% of the individuals watch the advertisement very often,
individuals who view the video advertisement often account for 28%, approximately 16% of the individuals
watch it rarely and only small percentage of individuals around 7% watch it very rarely.
Therefore it could be inferred that majority of the individuals sat and watched the video advertisement
Figure No. 22
*It reflects that 45% of the individuals occasionally open another program window and ignore the video
advertisement, 24% of the individuals rarely do so, and a very small percentage of approximately 3% very
rarely do this to ignore the video advertisement and open another window.
Figure No. 23
*This chart depicts that approximately 31% of the individuals rarely not pay attention to the advertisement at
all, around 27% do so occasionally, approximately 13 to 14% of the individuals fall in the category not
paying attention to the online ad and ignoring it completely which is in small percentages. That is we can say
that majority of the people hardly or rarely ignore the online advertisement completely.
Ques 13.a.)
Figure No. 24
*This chart depicts that whenever a pop-up advertisements pops-ups during a video around 44% of the
individuals view it briefly to see what it is, 34% do so occasionally, approximately 10% do so rarely, 7% of
the individuals view the advertisement very rarely and only a small percentage of 3% do watch the pop-up
ad briefly very often.
Therefore this highlights that majority of the individuals often view it briefly just to gain an idea abouth the
advertisement that popped up.
Figure No. 25
*This chart depicts that majority of the individuals rarely view the pop-up with close attention accounting to
41%, 10% very rarely do so, 24% approximately pay close attention occasionally, and a very small
negligible number of individuals accounting to 3% very often pay close attention to the pop-up
Figure No. 26
*It is reflected that 27% of the individuals rarely close the pop-up advertisement immediately, 25% of the
individuals do so occasionally, 21% very rarely close the advertisement immediately, 17% do so often and a
percentage of 10% do close the pop-up advertisement immediately.
Ques 14.)
Figure No. 27
*This depicts that almost 83% of the individuals have not purchased a product after clicking on a Pop-Up
Advertisement and only a small percentage that is around 17% have purchased a product after clicking on a
Pop-Up Advertisement. This means majority has not purchased after clicking on a pop-up advertisement.
Ques 15.a.)
Figure No. 28
*This reflects that a large majority accounting for 79% of the individuals have not visited a website after
clicking on the pop-up advertisement, whereas around 21% of the individuals have visited a particular
advertisement after clicking on the pop-up advertisement.
Figure No. 29
*This shows in relation to the above mentioned question that the individuals who visited the website after
clicking on the pop-up advertisement only 14% of them did it on purpose, however, 86% of the individuals
did not click on it on purpose.
This reflects that the people who visited the website after clicking on the pop-up advertisement majority of
them did not click on it on purpose and were directed on that particular web page.
Ques 16.)
Figure No. 30
*A large majority of individuals almost 83% of the individuals experience has not been positive with the
pop-up advertisement, around 17% of the individuals have had a positive experience with the pop-up
advertisements. Which states majority have not had an positive past experience with pop-up advertisements.
Ques 17.)
Figure No. 31
*Around 76% of the individuals constituting the majority feel pop-ups as an ineffective advertising tool and
only 23% of the individuals feel that pop-ups are effective advertising tools. Therefore it can be inferred
pop-ups are ineffective advertising tools.
Online Online
advertisement advertisement
stimulate trial? adds to your
N 200 200
Pearson Correlation .973 1
N 200 200
Table No. 2
There is evidence that there is a very strong positive relationship between online advertising making
the customers aware and stimulating trial for a product. This correlation value of .973 that is 97.3%
means the association between the two variables is high and there is positive degree of high
Online Online
advertisement advertisement
adds to your facilitate re-
knowledge? purchase?
N 200 200
Pearson Correlation .813 1
N 200 200
Table No. 3
There is evidence that there is a very strong positive relationship between online advertising adding
to the knowledge of users and facilitating repurchase of a product. The value of correlation is .813
which reflects high or positive degree of correlation between the two variables.
Table No. 4
There is evidence of a positive relationship between users being intruded by online advertisements
and increase in frequency of purchase due to online advertisement, however the relation between
these two variables is weak. The correlation value of .224 signifies low degree of positive correlation
between the two variables.
Table No. 5
There is strong evidence that the relationship between the two is positive and the correlation value
of .505 or 50% depicts that there is moderate degree of positive correlation between the two
Model Summary
B Std. Beta
The above depicted table reflects the percentage of dependency of 94.7% between the two variables
that is online advertisement adds to your knowledge and that it stimulates trial. This shows trial is
very highly dependent on the knowledge factor of online advertisements.
Model Summary
B Std. Beta
Table No. 7
The table shows that re-purchase of a product is 66.1% dependent on knowledge that online
advertisements provide. Which means that the two variables are moderately dependent that is re-
purchase of a product is moderately dependent on the knowledge that online advertisements provide.
Yes no
Male 42 50 92
Female 61 47 108
Total 103 97 200
Table No. 8
Figure No. 32
The above graph depicts that more number of males that is 50 respondents(male) do not find online
advertising appropriate, and 42 males do find online advertising appropriate as against 61 females
who find online advertisements appropriate. This reflects more number of females who find
advertising online appropriate than males.
How much did you spend on your last purchase which was influenced by online
advertisement? * Gender? Crosstabulation
Gender? Total
Male Female
Figure No. 33
This depicts that the maximum amount spent by females that was influenced by online
advertisements was between Rs 500 and Rs. 1000 , whereas the maximum amount spent by males
after being influenced by online advertisements was between Rs.1000 and Rs.1500. This signified
the males had spent more amount on their purchase which was influenced by online advertisement.
Yes no
21-25 7 33 40
26-30 14 59 73
31-35 7 60 67
36 and above 7 13 20
Total 35 165 200
Table No. 10
Figure No. 34
The above graph depicts that maximum number of respondents lying between the age group 26 to 35
years have not purchased a product after clicking on a pop-up advertisement whereas the maximum
number that is 14 respondents lying in the age group 26 to 30 years have purchased a product after
clicking on a pop-up advertisement. Which depicts that majority have not purchased after clicking on
a pop-up advertisement.
How much did you spend on your last purchase which was influenced by online advertisement?
* Do you find online advertising appropriate? Crosstabulation
Yes no
Table No. 11
Figure No. 35
This graph depicts that majority of the respondents that is 42 individuals found online advertising
appropriate and spent between Rs.500 to Rs.1000 which was influenced by online advertisements,
whereas on the other hand people who spent below Rs.500 did not find online advertising
appropriate. Which states maximum was spent between Rs500 to Rs.1000 by those who found online
advertisements appropriate.
Age? * Has the frequency of your purchase increase due to online advertisement?
Yes no
21-25 14 26 40
26-30 20 53 73
31-35 0 67 67
36 and above 0 20 20
Total 34 166 200
Table No. 12
Figure No. 36
The above graph depicts that maximum number of individuals whose frequency of purchase does not
increase due to online advertisements lie in the age group of 31 and above and majority of the
individuals whose frequency has increased due to online advertisements lie in the age group of 26 to
30 years. Which clearly states that majority of the individuals frequency of purchase has not
increased due to online ads at all beyond 31 years of age.
It can be seen everyone has given mixed responses regarding online advertisements and pop-up
Pop-up and online advertisements are considered as ineffective the prior one however is little
effective advertising tools as can be inferred from the respondents as majority of them also clicked
on them by chance and not on purpose.
Also, experperiences of online users is very negative with respect to pop-up advertisements.
Online advertisements are considered as appropriate advertising tools however there only a slight
difference between the ones who consider it appropriate against those who consider it inappropriate.
There is evidence which is very strong regarding online advertisements not facilitating re-purchase.
Online advertisements do get people to try the product, however, they that is online advertising do
not lead to buying of the product again in other ways they do lead to a person doing re-purchase.
The substance that attracted the users or in other words the consumers more when it came to online
advertisements the option others got major votes which indicate or signify other things such as loigo,
aniamations, shiapes, texit presentataions, texat stiyles etc.
When it came to Video advertisements that were played befoere a video which was free were
watched shortly occassionaly and pop up another formo of advertisements were was when viewed
briefly often. However a small girl very tiny percentage viewed both these advertisements forms
very closely which was very often.
Females including girl and women found advertising on the web more effective than the males nd
which showed or indicated by the they spent more than males which they did after being influenced
by advertisements on the online space.
People who were above the age ofr years 31 did not buy or make apurchase on being motivated
seeing an advertisement on the website or pop-up ad.
Knowledge and trial were highly depending on each other.
Large majority of the people were there on the web or went online to see videos. Very little or few
individuals went online to get information about tourism.
To make online advertisements more attractive more emphasizes should be paid on the animations,
text presentations, logos, shapes and text styles.
Before a video advertisement is played while watching a free video consumer’s should be given an
option to skip the advertisement if they want to do so.
The frequency of pop-up advertisements should be reduced as to many advertisements popping up
now and then can irritate the users.
Advertisement should be displayed more on certain sites such social networking sites so that the
users view the advertisements when they are in a lighter mood and not caught up on work issues.
The connection should be strong enough so that people can access the internet from anywhere they
travel or are located.
Companies should not allocate a lot of budget on online advertisement as it is not considered as that
effective marketing or promotional tool to facilitate purchases or repurchases.
Companies promoting products through online advertisements should make sure and make the users
confident that the information they would share would remain private and not get viral or be misused.
Pop-ups are not considered effective advertising tools to promote products so the marketers should
use other better alternative online advertising methods to promote their products.
Sites should be more good looking.
Sites should be beautiful.
The study was conducted on a sample; was not be able to cover the entire population therefore the
results of this study cannot be generalised for the entire population.
The responses were collected only from urban people hence the view of rural and semi-urban people
regarding online advertisement as a promotional tool was not taken.
Time constraints were there.
The results collected were limited to the internet users 21 years of age and above only.
The study included people who were either graduates or post graduates only, hence the view of
school drop outs or college drop outs was not taken into conducting the research.
The study was restricted to Delhi only.
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