Emission and Engine Performance Analysis of A Diesel Engine Using Hydrogen Enriched Pomegranate Seed Oil Biodiesel
Emission and Engine Performance Analysis of A Diesel Engine Using Hydrogen Enriched Pomegranate Seed Oil Biodiesel
Emission and Engine Performance Analysis of A Diesel Engine Using Hydrogen Enriched Pomegranate Seed Oil Biodiesel
Article history: The aim of this study is to determine the availability of pomegranate seed oil biodiesel
Received 10 November 2017 (POB) as an alternative fuel in diesel engines and evaluate engine performance and emis-
Received in revised form sion characteristics of pure hydrogen enriched POB using diesel engine. For this purpose,
17 November 2017 the intake manifold of the test engine was modified and hydrogen enriched intake air was
Accepted 21 November 2017 supplied throughout the experiments. Physical properties of POB and its blend with diesel
Available online 12 December 2017 fuel were also determined. The results showed that measured physical properties of POB
are comparable with diesel fuel. According to engine performance experiments, although
Keywords: POB utilization has slight undesirable effects on some engine performance parameters
Exhaust emission such as brake power output and specific fuel consumption, it can be used as alternative
Hydrogen fuel in diesel engines, by this way CO emission can be improved. Finally, hydrogen
Pomegranate seed oil enrichment experiments indicated that pure hydrogen addition causes a slight improve-
Fuel properties ment in both engine performance and exhaust emissions.
Engine performance © 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Adana Science and Technology University, Adana, 01120, Turkey.
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Tüccar).
0360-3199/© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 1 8 0 1 4 e1 8 0 1 9 18015
last few years. Fadhil et al. (2017) produced biodiesel from glycerin. The separated methyl ester was repeatedly washed
Silybum marianum L. seeds oil [2]. Rashid et al., 2013, investi- with 20% percent by volume warm water until the washed
gated Citrus reticulate seed oil as biodiesel production. They water became clear in washing step. Then, the dry operation
found out that cetane number, kinematic viscosity, flash was applied for 1 h at 110 C. Small impurities inside the
point, and density of the methyl ester comply both ASTM methyl ester were removed in the last step.
D6751 and EN 14214 standards [14]. A diesel engine was fueled The fuel blend was prepared by blending 20% Pomegranate
with Pistacia Chinensis Bunge seed biodiesel blend by Ma et al. seed oil biodiesel with 80% conventional diesel fuel (B20). Diesel
(2011) [15]. Engine experiments showed that carbon monoxide biodiesel and their blend properties were analyzed in Çukurova
(CO), hydrocarbon (HC), and smoke emissions decreased University, Petroleum Research and Automotive Engineering
whereas NOx emissions increased with higher biodiesel ratio. Laboratories of Automotive Engineering Department.
Punica granatum L., known as Pomegranate belongs to the Engine experiments were conducted on a four stroke, four-
family of Punicaceae. It is widely available in Iran, Pakistan, cylinder Mitsubishi Canter 4D31 diesel engine, with the aid of
and India [16,17]. The seeds of Pomegranate are usually a TT electric AMP 160-4B electrical dynamometer. Hydrogen gas
waste for food industry [18]. Averagely, the seeds of pome- with 5 l/min flow rate was injected in intake air of the engine.
granate are about 37e143 g at 1000 g of fruit and on a dry The specifications of the engine were given in Table 1. In ex-
weight basis, oil content is generally between 12% and 20% periments, the exhaust emissions were measured with MRU
[19]. Delta 1600-V gas analyzer. CO, NO, and NO2 were measured in
Recently, investigation on hydrogen enriched diesel engine electrochemical cells whereas CO2 was measured with NDIR
has come into prominence due to its great potential for Multi-gas bench. The range and accuracy of CO, NO, and NO2
environmental benefits. Tsujimura and Suzuki (2017) have are 0e4000 ppm and ±20 ppm, 0e1000 and ± 5 ppm, and
injected hydrogen at the intake port of a single cylinder diesel 0e200 ppm and ±5 ppm, respectively. The range of CO2 is 20%
engine in order to observe the effect of different hydrogen with ±0,5% accuracy.
fraction under a specific engine operating condition. They
illustrated that usage of hydrogen gas instead of conventional Technical specifications of the test engine
diesel fuel caused significant reduction of CO2 emission and
cylinder head temperature dependency on hydrogen fraction During engine performance determination experiments, the
over 50% [20]. At the study of Homammad Hosseini et al. (2017) engine was operated up to a constant temperature. When the
measured 17%, 8%, 69%, and 9.5% lower CO, CO2, unburned temperature had reached a constant value, the data was
hydrocarbon, and soot emissions, respectively and 2% higher collected. Before the introduction of a new fuel, the fuel line
NOx emissions with the addition of hydrogen as a fuel excess was cleaned up.
[21]. Parthasarathy et al. (2016) asserted that the increment of
NOx can be diminished with biodiesel and ethanol blends [22].
The effect of biodiesel and hydrogen gas on engine vibration, Property analysis
noise, and exhaust emissions were investigated by Uludamar
et al. (2016). The study concluded that both biodiesel and In this study, methyl ester produced from pomegranate seed
hydrogen gas reduced engine vibration and exhaust emis- oil and a mixture of pomegranate seed oil biodiesel (POB) and
sions. However, the trend of engine noise was depended on diesel fuel was used as an alternative fuel. Diesel fuel was also
biodiesel fuel [23]. used as a reference in order to compare the fuel properties of
In this study, biodiesel from Pomegranate seed oil was POB. POB and diesel fuel are mixed in the volumetric ratio of
prepared in order to investigate its fuel properties. In experi- 20% (B20), which is the most common ratio in the world. After
ments, intake air of the engine was also enriched with preparing the mixtures, the fuel properties of diesel fuel, POB,
hydrogen gas when the experimental diesel engine was fueled and B20 were determined in Çukurova University Automotive
with diesel and biodiesel. Engine characteristic of the diesel Engineering Laboratories. The tests were repeated three times
engine fueled with Pomegranate seed biodiesel-diesel blend and the average of the three results was taken. The results of
was investigated with hydrogen gas enriched intake air. fuel properties measurement test are shown in Table 2.
Biodiesel was produced from commercially used pomegranate Table 1 e Technical specifications of the test engine.
seed oil via the transesterification method in Adana Science Brand Mitsubishi canter
and Technology University, Laboratories of Mechanical Engi- Model 4D31
Configuration In line 4
neering Department. The steps of the method are reaction,
Type Direct injection diesel with glow
separation, washing, drying, and filtering. In reaction step, oil
was heated to 55 C while 0,5% by mass sodium hydroxide as a Displacement 3298 cc
catalyst was dissolved in 15% by mass methanol (reactant) in Bore 100
another beaker. The mixture was poured on preheated oil and Stroke 105
stirred for 90 min at 55 C. After the reaction period, separa- Power 91 HP @ 3500 rpm
tion step was carried out. In this step, the crude methyl ester Torque 223 Nm @ 2200 rpm
Oil cooler Water cooled
was kept inside a funnel for 10 h in order to separate crude
18016 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 1 8 0 1 4 e1 8 0 1 9
Engine performance Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) values obtained from
engine performance tests are given in Fig. 2. As shown in
The engine performance data obtained in this study were Fig. 2, the use of POB increases the BSFC compared to diesel
evaluated at engine speeds ranging from 1200 rpm to 2800 rpm fuel. Diesel injectors adjust the amount of injected fuel volu-
and the tests were performed under full load conditions. metrically [26]. Since the POB density is higher than diesel, the
Before starting the tests, the engine was run with new test fuel amount of fuel injected into the cylinder becomes massively
for sufficient time to burn out the remaining fuel from the larger, which causes the BSFC to increase. When hydrogen is
previous experiment. The engine performance values such as aspirated through the intake manifold, BSFC of the engine
torque and brake power were obtained from a computer
program of dynamometer control units which can take collect
data within 2 s time intervals. 0,32
800 The results of the engine emission test revealed that POB
can be used in diesel engines without any modifications.
According to experimental data, usage of POB as an alter-
600 native fuel also reduces carbon monoxide emissions from
500 diesel engines. However, engine performance experiments
showed that the utilization of POB reduces engine power
and increases the nitrogen oxide emissions by a certain
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000
Engine Speed (rpm)
The engine performance tests showed that hydrogen
Fig. 4 e Variation of nitrogen oxide emission vs. engine addition to POB has positive effects on power output and
speed. BSCF of the engine. In addition, hydrogen enrichment also
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