Engineering Example of Compact Type Sewage Treatme
Engineering Example of Compact Type Sewage Treatme
Engineering Example of Compact Type Sewage Treatme
Abstract. Considering the land shortage features of a given district in Hangzhou city, the High-sludge
sedimentation tank + denitrification filtering tank + nitrification filtering tank + cloth media filtering tank
process is adopted for purification treatment. When the system (with the treatment scale of 15,000m3/d)
runs for 60 days, the average removal rate of COD and ammoniacal nitrogen are 86% and 96% respectively
and the effluent quality reach the quasi grade Ⅳ standard.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 145, 0 205 2 (2020)
Inflow Thick and thin grilles Lifting Pump Station High-sludge sedimentation tank
Cloth media filtering tank Denitrification filtering tank Denitrification filtering tank
UV Disinfection Backwash Water Tank Denitrification filtering tank
The process flow description is as follows: high the effluent may be reduced by about 5%, 5%-10% and
efficiency physicochemical reaction + deep 15%-30% separately. The effluent will realize the
carbonization denitrification + intensified effluent. up-to-standard discharge after being subject to the
(1) High efficiency physicochemical reaction: the ultraviolet disinfection.
sewage firstly passes through the thick grille where the
larger floating matter and suspended matter will be
3.3 Main structures and design parameters
removed. Then, it enters into lifting pump station where
it will be lifted via the pump and enter into the fine grille (1) Grille type grit chamber. Its front end is used to
tank where the floating matter and suspended matter with remove the smaller suspended matter and floating matter,
the equivalent diameter exceeding 5mm will be blocked, while its rear end is used to remove the fine sand with the
so as to protect the normal operation of subsequent density of more than 2.65t/m3, so as to ensure the normal
equipment and handling units. After passing through the operation of subsequent equipment. The size of grille
thick and thin grilles, the sewage will enter into the type grit chamber is 2.40m×13.25m×4.45m, while 2 sets
High-sludge sedimentation tank. Under the action of of mechanical fine grilles are selected with the grille
coagulation, flocculation and settling, most SS & TP, and spacing of 5mm and the power of 1.1kw. The sand
partial COD & BOD in the sewage will be removed, discharge pump has the flow rate of 12m3/h, head of 8m
while the effluent flows to the subsequent handling units. and power of 0.75kw.
After the intensified physicochemical reaction, the (2) Lifting pump station. The sewage will be lifted to
contents of COD, SS, TP, and NH3-N may be reduced by next processing unit via the pump. Its effective volume is
30%-50, 80%-90% and 85%-95%, and 10%-15%. 160m3 and 3 sets of submersible lift pumps are selected.
(2) Deep carbonization denitrification: upon the The pump has the flow rate of 500m3/h, head of 15m,
normal operation, the DO value of denitrification power of 30kw, and variable frequency.
filtering tank shall be less than 0.2mg/L. Under the (3) High-sludge sedimentation tank. The High-sludge
anaerobic conditions, the denitrifying bacteria will sedimentation tank integrates the features of the
reduce the TN into nitrogen. After the treatment of coagulation tank, flocculation tank, precipitation tank
denitrification filtering tank, the effluent will self-flow to and sludge thickener and may effectively remove most
the lower level nitrification filtering tank. Under the SS and TP, while it has a certain removal efficiency upon
condition that DO value exceeds 2mg/L, the aerobe and the pollutants. It has the size of (7.80m×6.60m +
nitrifying bacteria are effectively removed, and the BOD 5.05m×3.45m) ×5.50m. Among them, the retention time
and COD are further degraded into the CO2, H2O and at the coagulation section is 1.5min and the retention
other small molecule inorganics, while the NH3-N is time at the flocculation section is 4.3min, while the
converted into the nitrate and nitrite. Thus, it is removed. surface load at the settling section is 12.5m/h. The sludge
The effluent of nitrification filtering tank will be recycle ratio is 50%-100%, so as to increase the
backflowed to the front end of denitrification filtering coagulation effect and accelerate the growth of floc and
tank via the lift of pump to have the denitrification. In precipitation speed.
this manner, the NH3-N is effectively removed and the (4) Denitrification filtering tank. The Denitrification
effluent is discharged into the intermediate clean-water filtering tank consists of the distribution water system,
tank. Now, after the deep carbonization denitrification, distribution water pipe, backwash device, filtering media,
the COD of the effluent may be reduced by about 90%, and filtering media catcher, which utilizes the
while the SS may be reduced and kept at a lower level, nitrification liquid backflowed from the nitrification
and the TP may be reduced by 60%-70%. In addition, the filtering tank filtering tank to conduct the denitrification
NH3-N may be reduced by 90%-95%, while the effluent and remove most nitrate, nitrite, BOD5, COD and other
quality index may reach the Ⅳ standard. pollutants in sewage. Each grille has the size of
(3) Intensified effluent: after the deep filtering of 7.30m×4.00m×5.70m, and there are 4 grilles in total.
cloth media filtering tank, the COD, TP and NH3-N of Among them, the empty bed retention time is 56min, and
E3S Web of Conferences 145, 0 205 2 (2020)
the effective height of filtering media is 2.5m. The press filters for pre-treatment. Then, the low temperature
sludge recycle ratio is 50%-150%. dewatering is conducted via the low-temperature dryer.
(5) nitrification filtering tank. The nitrification The maximum handling capacity and power of stacked
filtering tank consists of the distribution water system, screw press filter are 300kg·DS/h and 3.1kw separately,
distribution water pipe, aeration device, backwash device, while the low-temperature dryer may dewater the sludge
filtering media, and filtering media catcher. Under the to about 30%.
aerobic conditions, it may remove most NH3-N, (9) Odor treatment equipment. The odor generated at
phosphate, and organic pollutants in sewage. Each grille each key zones are collectively collected via the pipeline,
has the size of 8.50m×6.60m×7.00m, and there are 5 while the air amount and pressure will be adjusted and
grilles in total. Among them, the empty bed retention controlled via the valves. Finally, the odor removal is
time is 2.8h, and the effective height of filtering media is collectively conducted via the biological deodorization
3.7m. equipment. The odor handling capacity is 10000m3/h.
(6) Cloth media filtering tank. The suspended matter The whole system has the floor area of about 2,500m2,
in the effluent of nitrification filtering tank will be and the arrangement is very compact.
intercepted by the cloth media and the effluent is subject
to the deep removal, so as to stabilize the TP, SS and
other effluent indexes. Its size is 6.00m×3.00m×2.20m, 4 Operation Effect Analysis
and the retention time is 2.6min.
(7) Ultraviolet disinfection channel. The effluent of 4.1 Operation conditions
the cloth media filtering tank will be discharged into the
surrounding rivers after the ultraviolet disinfection After the debugging and stable operation of compact type
treatment. Its size is 12.00m×4.00m×2.20m. sewage treatment plant, the operation effect of
(8) Sludge tank. It is the area where the sludge is biochemical treatment system is as shown in the Figure
temporarily stored. Its size is 8.30m×5.00m×4.50m, and 2.
its effective volume is 156m3. The lift pump station is
selected to send the sludge to 2 sets of stacked screw
E3S Web of Conferences 145, 0 205 2 (2020)
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