DLL - English 5 - Q2 - W6
DLL - English 5 - Q2 - W6
DLL - English 5 - Q2 - W6
F.Developing Mastery Read weather news report. Then Think-Pair-Share Distinguish whether the following Arrange the adjectives in order Write a paragraph showing
answer the question below Think of 2 words related to selection aims to explain something. to complete the sentence. 1. All comparison and contrast in the
PAGASA: Brace for rains for 5 more mathematics and fill up the table Write down 5 sentences from the the girls fell in love with the given
days below selection that express explanations ________ teacher. (Handsome Illustration
MANILA, Philippines – State weather new American) 2. I used to drive ( www.readingquest.org )
bureau PAGASA warned Luzon and ________ car. (An old German
Western Visayas to brace for more blue) 3. He recently married a
heavy rains in the next 5 days. ________ woman. (Young
PAGASA said there would be more beautiful Greek) 4. This is a
monsoon rains in Metro Manila, ________ movie. (New Italian
Zambales, Bataan, Pampanga, wonderful) 5. She is a ________
Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, supermodel. (Beautiful slim
Bulacan, Rizal, Cavite, Laguna, and Brazilian)
There will also be occasional rains in
the rest of the Ilocos Region, the
Cordillera Administrative Region, and
the rest of Central Luzon, as well as What is an earthquake ?
Mimaropa and Western Visayas. An earthquake is what happens
The rest of Luzon and the rest of the when two blocks of the earth
Visayas should expect light to suddenly slip past one another. The
moderate rains and thunderstorms. surface where they slip is called the
Mindanao, in contrast, will have fault or fault plane. The location
generally good weather on Sunday below the earth’s surface where the
with just isolated rainshowers or earthquake starts is called the
thunderstorms. hypocenter, and the location
Aurelio explained that a low pressure directly above it on the surface of
area (LPA) and a tropical depression the earth is called the epicenter.
which are both outside the Philippine Sometimes an earthquake has
Area of Responsibility (PAR) are foreshocks. These are smaller
enhancing the southwest monsoon. earthquakes that happen in the
Source : www.rappler.com same place as the larger earthquake
Does weather vary in all parts of our that follows. Scientists can’t tell that
country? Give your opinion regarding an earthquake is a foreshock until
this. the larger earthquake happens. The
Does weather affect man’s daily largest, main earthquake is called
activities? What is your opinion ? the main shock. Main shocks always
(Pupils will provide evidence to their have aftershocks that follow. These
answers.) are smaller earthquakes that occur
afterwards in the same place as the
main shock. Depending on the size
of the main shock, aftershocks can
continue for weeks, months, and
even years after the main shock!
G.Finding Practical application of concepts Earth has many treasures. How are Most of the people are nature Rhea is attending a celebration. As a pupil, is it advantageous to
and skills in daily living we going to use those treasures? lover . Some of them has no Few minutes later, she noticed a use online resources in doing
concern at all. As a young citizen, beggar outside the house. She projects and other related
how will you show your love for accompanied the beggar inside school works ? Why ?
nature? the house and gave him foods.
What character is shown by
Rhea? Is it right to be generous?
H.Making generalization and abstraction What is the difference between facts Remember Remember Remember
about the lesson and opinions? Denotation refers to the definition Explanation is the kind of text- type Two or more one – word 1.Gathering information from
provided by the dictionary. It that shows how things work and adjectives used to describe a “Online References” means
pertains to the literal meaning of the why things happen noun are said to be in a series. collecting data through a
word. This series of adjectives follow a commercial electronic
Connotation refers to the implied or certain order: number – quality information service or the
suggestive meaning of the word. – size – shape – color plus the Internet.
noun described 2.Comparing is citing the
similarities and contrasting is
citing the differences.
3.In comparison we use the
signal words like; similar to,
alike, same as, not only, but
also, as well as both.
4.In contrast we use the signal
words; different from, however,
although, on the other hand, as
opposed, to more than, less
5.In writing a paragraph
showing comparison and
contrast you must make
diagram A for the similarities
and B for the differences.
I.Evaluating learning Write F if the sentence states a fact Give the denotative meaning of the Distinguish whether the selection Arrange the following adjectives Using Venn Diagram, write
and O if it states an opinion. Be able following Mathematical words in shows an explanation. Why? in order. Then write a sentence similarities and differences of
to provide evidence in your answer column A. Choose your answer in The water cycle or hydrologic is a using your answer. whales and fishes
Column B. continuous cycle where water 1. Japanese, big, sweet, yellow,
1. Mount Everest is the highest Column A Column B evaporates, travels into the air and corn
mountain in the world.There are 1. Area A.The measurement unit becomes part of a cloud, falls down 2. red, beautiful, one, rose
twelve months in a year. of an angle to earth as precipitation, and then 3. long , two, sharp, pencils
2. Boys are more intelligent than 2. Degree B.The intersection evaporates again. This goes again 4. young, pretty, lady
girls. point of the two number lines of and again in a never-ending cycle. 5. white, big, round, pillow
3. The Earth is the third planet from a coordinate graph. Water keeps moving and changing
the sun. 3. Origin C.The space contained from a solid to a liquid to a gas, over
4. One foot is equal to twelve inches. within a shape and over again.
4. Volume D.The amount which Precipitation creates runoff that
can be held, as measured in cubic travels over the ground surface and
units. helps to fill lakes and rivers. It also
5. Interval E.The numbers that percolates or moves downward
are contained within two through openings in the soil to
specific boundaries. replenish aquifers under the
ground. Some places receive more
precipitation than others do. These
areas are usually close to oceans or
large bodies of water that allow
more water to evaporate and form
clouds. Other areas receive less
precipitation. Often these areas are
far from water or near mountains.
As clouds move up and over
mountains, the water vapor
condenses to form precipitation and
freezes. Snow falls on the peaks
J.additional activities for application or Copy a short selection from any Complete the table below by giving Choose one of the pictures below Think of a particular topic you Based from the pattern let us
remediation reading materials. Construct a short the denotative and connotative and be able to give explanation. are interested. Write a five- write a paragraph about this
paragraph of 3-5 sentences to state meaning of the Mathematical words sentence illustration.
your opinion about the issue Words Connotati Denotativ paragraph using order of ( www.readingquest.org )
ve e adjectives.
1. Abstract
2. Numbers
3. Base
4. Identity
5. Logic
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B.No.of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C.Did the remedial work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to require
E.Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can helpme solve?
G.What innovation or localized materials did
used/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?