Project Proposal On BIM
Project Proposal On BIM
Project Proposal On BIM
Project Proposal
1. Your name:
3. Your project title (if you have one) or your topic of interest:
A critical assessment of challenges encountered when Implementing BIM on construction
4. Why is this topic interesting, relevant or important? i.e. what is the background context
of your topic, the bigger picture, or a particular problem or knowledge gap you have
identified (2-5 sentences will be sufficient)
Topic Background
BIM refers to a technological platform providing architects, engineers and constructors with
possible or potential design, constructional, and operational issues during and after project
implementation (Manning and Messner, 2008; Azhar et al, 2008). BIM is a design model or
platform that is relatively new which fosters integration of roles, and inter-dependency of various
construction data, fabrication processes and procurement procedures needed for project
The construction industry has a considerable potential of being economy drivers of many
economies around the world. Significant evidence exist which shows that efficiency as well as
innovativeness in the construction sector can result in stability in the global economies. This
underscores the role of the construction industry on the global economy, which can be solved by
BIM. According to HM Government (2013), the global market for construction industry is
forecasted to grow by above 70% by the year 2025. The decision to adopt BIM often involves
three areas which are people, process, and technology. These three areas are bound together by
information, which should be accurate, immediate and collaborative. For BIM to be implemented
successfully, this refined level of information should be accessible to be whole project team
throughout the life cycle of the project (Race, 2013). For construction companies and interested
parties to reap full benefits of BIM, then all factors mentioned above as contributing to its
expensive. Due to these factors, the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry
has pooled together its efforts to come up with new techniques that will ensure that projects are
carried out with the minimum cost, reduced completion time, and increased productivity and
overall quality. The construction industry is fast becoming a very competitive environment
especially with the increasing complexity of construction projects. Such a system should also be
able to communicate the ideas of the project to all stakeholders who will take part in the project
life cycle. A new technology, building information modelling (BIM), offers a great potential to
achieve all these. It is a promising new technology that is currently being adopted on a global
scale, where only a few countries are in advanced stages of using BIM.
The fact that BIM is a new technology means that there is a huge variation in its usage in
different countries and countries are facing challenges in implementation. The variation in BIM
implementation to different levels of awareness, knowledge and interest from one country to
5. Your research question or your aim(s) for the project (What are you interested in finding out?
What do you hope to achieve or show with this study? This can be phrased as a research
Research Question.
To critically assess challenges encountered when Implementing BIM on construction projects
6. Your objectives (i.e how you will answer your research question/achieve your aim, e.g. the
sub-questions you need to answer, or things you need to do, steps needed)
projects that will be of value in helping companies to overcome the challenges identified
7. At this stage, do you have any expectations about what you might find out? (hunches or
Expected Results
I. BIM may be too complex and incompatible with company’s to adopt.
II. BIM is too expensive and only large companies may implement it.
III. The culture in construction industry is a barrier to successful implementation of BIM.
IV. Construction contracts have not been revised to allow for adoption and
implementation of BIM.
Research Methodologies
i. Literature review on BIM Implementation
ii. Use of structured questionnaires