Rma Action Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao City
Bangoy District
Landmark III Subd., Sasa, Davao City
Sy 2023-2024

Project/ Time
Objectives Activities Expected Outputs Persons Involved
Actvity Title Frame
 Provide interesting and  Location Selection:
educational trivia Identify a suitable location within
questions that cover the park that easily accessible
variety of topics and and visible to park visitors.
gradually can master
Least Learned  Design and Lay-out:
Competencies Work with teacher who are a
 Create an interactive graphic designer to create an
experience to appealing and user- friendly
 An interactive
Installation of accommodate all grade design for the Trivia Board,
Trivia Board levels, fostering, social incorporating colors and images
Trivia Board
at the Park interaction. that complement the park
at the Park

 Installation Guidelines:
Provide clear instructions on how
to engage with the Trivia
Questions to properly monitor
the progress of each pupil’s
understanding and solving
RMAth-inik  Each week a math problem School Head
Trivia  Use and develop a range aligned with the least learned School Math Coordinator
Questions of trivia questions with competencies or RMA questions
varying levels of difficulty will be posted on each grade
to cater all grade levels level.
and master least learned  Pupils will encourage to visit the
competencies or RMA Trivia at the Park board located
questions. at the park to read and solve the
question posted on it.
 The teacher will discuss the trivia
question and guide the pupils to
solve the problem and come up
with solving techniques in
answering the trivia posted on
board. They will be given 1 week
to master the given trivia

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