Q4 DLL Music7 Week1 5
Q4 DLL Music7 Week1 5
Q4 DLL Music7 Week1 5
A. Content
The learner demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics of representative music from Mindanao.
B. Performance
The learner performs music of Mindanao with appropriate expression and style
identifies musical characteristics of selected identifies musical characteristics of selected
Philippine festivals and theatrical forms Philippine festivals and theatrical forms
through video or live performances; (MU7FT- through video or live performances; (MU7FT-
IVag-1) IVa-g-1)
C. Learning
explains the distinguishing characteristics of
representative Philippine festivals and
theatrical; (MU7FT-IVa-h-5)
improvises music accompaniment in relation to
a particular Philippine festival; (MU7FT-IVeh-
(See SLM page 10-15) (See SLM page 12-13) (See SLM page 13-16) (See SLM page 10-
(15 mins) (15 mins) (15 mins) 13)
(15 mins)
E. Developing Describe the following WATCH AND LEARN! UNRAVEL ME! Pick-up Mo!
mastery (leads terms on your Directions: Using the Directions: Answer the Explain Mo!
to formative notebook: YouTube links provided questions below and write Directions: Below
assessment) Tempo below, watch the videos your answers on your are words or
(EXPLAIN) Timbre of the actual Kadayawan activity notebook. concepts related to
Texture Festival competition then the Sinulog Festival.
Dynamics after watching the 1. What makes the In one to three
Mood videos, accomplish the Moriones Festival sentences try to
(5 mins) given activity on your unique from other compose a pick-up-
activity notebook. festivals in the country? line related to the
https://youtu.be/ 2. What comparison can word or concept.
Vum4xCZXJPo you make on the Then make a
https://youtu.be/ performance of summary of your
v_giaeJvWSc Senakulo and the learnings.
How did the performers Moriones Festival? Pit Senyor
interpret or perform the 3. What performance Santo Niño
elements of Kadayawan practices in the festival de Cebu
music and movements in is familiar to you? Why? Sulog
relation to the legend or 4. How would you prove One beat,
story of the festival? that Moriones is a folk One Dance,
Choose two from the religious festival? One Vision
following elements. 5. In five sentences write (5 mins)
A. Rhythm your own description
B. Melody about the Moriones
C. Texture Festival
D. Dynamics (5 mins)
E. Tempo
F. Dance
G. Movements
(10 mins)
generalizations For you to understand Directions: You are Focus your attention on MAKE MUSIC
and better the Ati-atihan about to start your Davao the gesture and movement Let’s put into practice
abstractness to Festival, try to watch vacation. Everything is of the characters, their what you have
the lesson this video of an actual prepared and everyone costumes, cultural learned. Using the
(ELABORATE) parade during the day is excited. But wait! You background, and the lyrics below, you
of the festival in Kalibo, have got a flat tire! distinct elements and may use any
Aklan. The link below features of their instrument of your
will lead you to the performance. Write your choice (guitar, piano,
YouTube video. - observations and ukulele) or
https://youtu.be/0Gd reactions by filling out the improvised
dP5BdwFE information on the table. instruments (pots
Obser Morio Sina pans, and other
Process Questions: vation nes kulo percussive
1. What are the 1.Flow of instruments) to make
instruments used in the Procession your own rendition of
music? 2. the Pit Senyor song.
2. Why do you think they Costumes
used that instrument? 3. Cultural
3. The Ati-atihan Festival is Background (See the lyrics on
known for the phrase 4. Distinct SLM page 12)
“Hala Bira! Pwera elements
Pasma!” How would you
connect this phrase to
Process Questions:
the mood of the festival? 1. What
4. How did the performers difficulties did
interpret or perform the (5 mins) you
elements of Ati-atihan experience in
music and movements
based on the legend or this activity?
story of the festival? Cite 2. How would
examples for each you describe
element to explain your the music
5. Ati-atihan festival is
used in the
considered as one of the Sinulog
300 best festivals and Festival?
greatest street parties in 3. How do the
the world by elements
international festival
communities. As a used reflect
Filipino, how would you the culture
react to this statement? and origin of
(5 mins) the festival?
G. Evaluating Answer the following Directions: Read and NAME THE TERM Presentation of
learning questions: analyze the given Directions: Read and Sinulog Song guided
(EVALUATION) 1. When did Ati atihan questions below then carefully understand the with the rubric.
Festival was identify what is being descriptions below.
institutionalized by described by the given Unscramble the letters to (see the attached
the priest and some statements. Choose the reveal the word, rubric on SLM page
local businessmen? best answer from the terminology or concept 17)
(June 11, 1871) following choices. associated with the
2. Ati-atihan Festival Moriones Festival.
was hailed as the (see Assessment on 1. NAYONROM - It is the
“Mother of page 17-19 on SLM) original term for the
Philippine Festivals” Moriones Festival by
by the NCCA. What the local inhabitants of
does NCCA mean? Marinduque.
(National 2. SMINOMORI - It is a
Commission for belief that the body
Culture and the must undergo physical
Arts) and mental tortures in
3. To whom does the order to attain
Ati-atihan festival purification and
celebrated? (Sto. glorification of the soul.
4. In what month does this is exchanging of
the festival being verses based on the
celebrated? (3rd Bible as they stand in
Week of January) the wake of the dead
5. What is the chant of Christ.
Ati-atihan? (Hala 4. VA SICCRU - It is a
Bira, Pwera pasma) reenactment of the
suffering of Christ on his
way to the calvary.
5. ASABAP - It is a
recitation of Christ’s
passion in verse.
(5 mins)
H. Additional Festival Write a short Directions: Follow the Info-commercial! A. Make a summary
activities for paragraph about your following procedures. Directions: Try to create on how Sinulog
application and local festival. It can be 1. Compile pictures a simple flyer about Festival is
remediation about history or your of your local Moriones which focuses celebrated in the
(EXTEND) own personal festival. on the origin, cultural year 1521 as the
impression about the 2. Paste them on backgrounds and unique Spaniards
festival. Accomplish this sheets of bond characteristics of the arrived in our
activity on your paper (minimum festival, and the place and country and in
notebook. of 5 pages). date it is celebrated. the year 1980
3. Write a short onwards.
paragraph about B. Remind students
your local festival. to review for the
Summative Test
E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other