Tourism Demand and Types of Tourists
Tourism Demand and Types of Tourists
Tourism Demand and Types of Tourists
Types of Tourists
There are different types of tourists −
Intrinsic Tourists − They are into holidaying for the sake of enjoyment.
Extrinsic Tourists − They have reward oriented motivation. These tourists
are susceptible to the activities where performance is evaluated.
Adventurers − They give very little importance to relaxation. They are
always up to exploring places and taking challenges. Mainly youths and
singles from both genders carrying zest of life largely contribute to this type
of tourism.
Budget Travelers − They are economy-oriented tourists. Their touring
decisions about places, travelling mode, and other related factors are largely
dependent on their financial condition.
Homebodies − They are mainly relaxed tourists. They do not get into
adventure. The tourists aged above 45 to 50 years belong to this type. The
busy professionals under 45 years also belong to this type.
Moderates − They plan their tour ahead, have a high inclination towards
tourism but they do not get into sports or adventure activities.
Vacationers − They plan touring during vacations such as summer break or
Christmas break. They are not always sure of where and why they wish to
Types of Tourism- Tourism have two types and many forms on the bases of the purpose of
visit and alternative forms of tourism. Tourism can be categorized as international and
domestic tourism.
Forms of Tourism-
It includes youth hostels and low-priced holiday accommodation run by church and voluntary
organizations, trade unions, or in Communist times publicly owned enterprises. In May 1959,
at the second Congress of Social Tourism in Austria, Walter Hunziker proposed the following
definition: "Social tourism is a type of tourism practiced by low income groups, and which is
rendered possible and facilitated by entirely separate and therefore easily recognizable
Adventure travel is a leisure activity that takes place in an unusual, exotic, and remote or
wilderness destination. It tends to be associated with high levels of activity by the participant,
most of it outdoors. Adventure travelers expect to experience various levels of risk,
excitement, and tranquility and be personally tested. In particular, they are explorers of
unspoiled, exotic parts of the planet and also seek personal challenges.
Business tourism- Business tourism or business travel is a more limited and focused
subset of regular tourism. During business tourism (traveling), individuals are still
working and being paid, but are doing so away from both their workplace and home.
Primary business tourism activities include meetings, and attending conferences and
exhibitions. Despite the term business in business tourism, when individuals from
government or non-profit organizations engage in similar activities, this is still
categorized as business tourism.
MICE Tourism- The term "MICE" in the context of travel is an acronym for
meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions. The MICE market refers to a
specialized niche of group tourism dedicated to planning, booking, and facilitating
conferences, seminars, and other events, which is a big moneymaker in the travel
industry. MICE tourism involves a number of components, and agents working in this
field must provide a full range of travel and conference services for large and small
groups and events of shorter and longer duration. Personnel and businesses involved
in the MICE tourism include corporate meeting planners, meetings and convention
departments of hotels, conference centers or cruise ships, food and beverage
managers, logistics firms, private tour operators and transfer companies, incentive
houses, professional trade organizations, tourism boards, tourism trade associations,
and travel-selling professionals.
Health Tourism- Holidaying is generally considered as an investment in health, a
subject that presents opportunities of cost- benefit analysis. The medical expertise of
various countries has added a new product to the existing tourism products. People are
travelling to various countries for treatment of various ailments and medical
procedures like Cardio care, Bone Marrow Transplant, Dialysis and Kidney
transplant, Neurosurgery, Joint Replacement Surgery, Urology, Osteoporosis, and
numerous other diseases. Even cosmetic surgery, alternative medicines like
homeopathy, acupressure, ayurvedic medicines and naturopathy are also becoming
tourism products wherein travel companies are offering Yoga and Rejuvenation
packages. Tourists travel for what is illegal in own country. Tourists travel also for
advanced care that is not available in one’s own country, in the case that there are
long waiting lists in one’s own country or for use of free or cheap health care
Sports tourism- Sports tourism is any traveling that is done to participate in a sporting
event – including just watching. As long as a sport (soccer, baseball, golf, football,
cricket, volleyball) is the primary reason for one’s travels, it can be considered sports
tourism. This particular category within sports tourism is where a person or persons
travels to a select recreation center, or sports complex, to actively participate in a
sporting event. While sports tourism has not always been extremely popular, during
the recent decade the amount of people attending out of area sporting events has
drastically increased. People are now traveling far and wide just to attend their
favorite events, and it is no wonder as to what has encouraged the sudden spike in
Ethnic Tourism- Ethnic tourism is travelling for the purpose of observing the cultural
expressions of lifestyles of truly exotic people. Such tourism is exemplified by travel
to Panama to study the San Blas Indians or to India to observe the isolated hill tribes
of Assam. Typical destination activities would include visits to native homes,
attending traditional ceremonies and dances, and possibly participating in religious
VFR tourism- Visiting friends and relatives involves travelling with "the major
purpose of visiting friends and/or relatives" and "is one of the foremost tourism
motivators or categories in tourism, alongside those of business, recreation,
convention or conference, religion, education and health. VFR tourism can be seen
from four different perspectives: As a motivation for travel, as a trip purpose, as a
vacation activity and as a form of accommodation use.
What is Travel?
When you travel, you go for a long trip or journey either solo or with a
group of family or friends. One can use different modes of transportation
like aeroplanes, trains, cars, buses and ships. It covers both domestic as
well as international journeys. Travel increases your knowledge about
the world, you experience the culture and traditions of that place, and
also you learn what place is about.
Meaning Travel means moving or Tourism is when we travel to
going on a journey from one spend time away from home,
place to another. for the purpose of recreation.
Term Generic term Specific term
Former Planning Without any plan, it is There is a plan for every
sudden. day, and hour.
How long is their Travellers generally stay at Tourists visits places for
stay? a particular place for a long relaxation and pleasure only.
time. However, it all comes They don't stay at one place
down to the purpose for for a long time.
which they visit that place.
Reasons Meeting family and friends, Pleasure, refreshment and
education, job, business and exploring new places.
so forth.
Planned ininerary Not present Present
and specific
Visit to places A traveller looks for visiting A tourist do not visit all the
all the places and travel on places as they visit only
their own. those places which are
included in their tour
Key Differences Between Travel and Tourism
1. While ‘travel’ means moving from one place to another, there will
be a change in the location, weather and overall environment.
2. The term ‘travel’ is a very generic one which is used in our day-to-
day lives. As against, ‘tourism’ is used by tour companies, and
holiday operators often use the word ‘tourism’.
3. A traveller spends time with the local population and ethnic groups.
He tries to understand their culture, eats local food, learns the local
language, etc. In contrast, a tourist generally spends time with
tourist groups. He comes to see their culture, eats different
cuisines and prefers speaking English.
4. Travelling takes place solo or in small groups. At the same time,
the tour takes place in large groups.
5. Tourism lays emphasis on having a lifetime experience of
exploring new places and destinations. Also, in tourism, a person
engages in a diverse culture.
6. In tourism, a planned itinerary and specific activity is present in a
tour package. However, no planned itinerary and specific activity is
present in travel.
7. When it comes to food, tourists always go to the restaurants where
other tourists eat. But travellers are different; they eat where locals
8. Tourists walk slowly, spend time in cafes, and click pictures of the
places they visit or the things that attract them. As against, a
traveller generally do a research on the places they visit and also
checks the routes to get there. When they reach their destination,
they like to know the history of that place.
9. Travelling takes place suddenly without any plan. But in the case
of a tour, there are plans for every day, hour and in fact, moment.
Furthermore, travellers can make changes to their plans
depending on their needs and moods. But in tourism, people have
to stick to their schedules, otherwise they miss the same.
10. A traveller seeks to learn the regional language so that he
can communicate well with the locals to understand their lifestyle,
culture, regional history and many more. Conversely, a tourist uses
English as a medium of communication.
Internal and External Motivating Factors of Tourism
Posted on March 17, 2017 by Rashid Faridi
Internal Factors
Internal factors arouse, direct, and integrate a person’s behavior and
influence his decisions for travelling.