Genetic Influence of Class III Bimaxillary Proclination A Case Report of Monozygotic Twins
Genetic Influence of Class III Bimaxillary Proclination A Case Report of Monozygotic Twins
Genetic Influence of Class III Bimaxillary Proclination A Case Report of Monozygotic Twins
Liyana Ghazali*
Orthodontic Unit, School of Dental Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Introduction: Dental bimaxillary proclination is a common malocclusion among Asian and Afro-Caribbean population.
Facial aesthetics is normally the primary concerns of the patients which characterized by protrusive and proclined
upper and lower incisors with increased lips procumbency. Patients may be presented with anterior open bite,
incompetent lips and gummy smile.
Aim: The aim is to highlight the genetic influence in development of dental malocclusion: dental proclination.
Case history: Cases of a pair of monozygotic female twins with Class III incisor relationship with bimaxillary
proclination of upper and lower incisors on Class 1 skeletal pattern with average vertical proportion are presented.
Both patients exhibited similar craniofacial and dental features undergone orthodontic camouflage to improve dental
conditions. Pre and post cephalometric findings were found to be identical in both patients.
Discussion: Genetic plays a major role in development of dental malocclusion which was clearly exhibited in
monozygotic twins.
Key words: Dental malocclusion, Monozygotic twins, Bimaxillary proclination, Genetic influence
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Liyana Ghazali, Genetic Influence of Class III Bimaxillary Proclination: A Case Report of Monozygotic Twins, J
Res Med Dent Sci, 2022, 10 (11): 244-247.
Corresponding author: Liyana Ghazali [4]. Monozygotic twins have similar genes are compared
e-mail: [email protected] with dizygotic twins who shared only half of their genes
Received: 14-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. JRMDS-22-79129; by assuming the environmental influence are the same
for in both groups [5]. Therefore, in this study, we
Editor assigned: 17-Oct-2022, PreQC No. JRMDS-22-79129(PQ);
would like to highlight the role of genetic influences
Reviewed: 02-Nov-2022, QC No. JRMDS-22-79129(Q); of monozygotic twins on development of bimaxillary
Revised: 07-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. JRMDS-22-79129(R); proclination of upper and lower incisors in Class 1
Published: 15-Nov-2022 skeletal pattern patients.
Dental bimaxillary protrusion or better known as bimax A 18-year-old identical Malay female twins in good health,
is another common malocclusion among Asian and Afro- presented with chief complaint of crowding of anterior
Caribbean population with prevalence as high as 68.8% teeth. Patients have no relevant past medical and allergy
[1]. This condition is characterized by protrusive and history. Frontal examination showed both patients have
proclined upper and lower incisors with an increased symmetrical face with 90% of incisors shown upon full
in procumbency of the lips [2]. Facial aesthetics is the smiling and upper dental midline coincident with facial
primary concern of the patients as this condition is midline. From lateral view, both patients exhibited
associated with incompetence lip, gummy smile and straight profile with average nasolabial angle and
in worse condition, anterior open bite. The aetiology labiomental fold. Vertical assessment of the face showed
of bimaxillary is multifactorial involving genetic and average Frankfort mandibular plane angle and lower
environmental causes. Typical orthodontic treatment face height.
includes orthodontic camouflage [3] and in more severe
The twins have complete permanent dentition with
cases might require orthognathic surgery.
generalized fluorosis with palatal caries of UL2 on Twin2
Twin studies are a special type of epidemiological (Figures1 and Figure 2). Both had moderate crowding
studies designed to measure the contribution of genetics of upper with palatally displaced lateral incisors and
as opposed to environment in phenotypic expression distolabially rotated upper central incisors. In the lower
Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science | Vol. 10 | Issue 11 | Nov 2022
Ghazali L. J Res Med Dent Sci, 2022, 10 (11):244-247
arch with real mirror image of both twins showed Cephalometric analysis revealed significant resemblance
moderate crowding of anterior segments with impeded between the two twins. Both twins have SNA of 83o,
mesioangulated LR7. In Twin1, lower second premolar SNB of 79o and average ANB of 3.5o showing a Class 1
was temporarily restored. In occlusion, both patients skeletal pattern with average vertical proportion. Their
had Class III incisor relationship with edge-to-edge bite, upper and lower incisors are proclined with reduced
Class I molar and Class II bilateral canine relationships. interincisal angles (Table 1). Canine relationships were
The severity of presenting malocclusion especially the Class II in both patients.
crowding was greater in Twin1 as compared to Twin2.
Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science | Vol. 10 | Issue 11 | Nov 2022
Ghazali L. J Res Med Dent Sci, 2022, 10 (11):244-247
Figure 3: Pre and post treatment extra-oral photos of Twin 1 and Twin 2.
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Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science | Vol. 10 | Issue 11 | Nov 2022