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ENGLISH “Use of Conjunctions” ROLE-PLAY SCRIPT (GROUP 10)

GROUP 10: Leanne Ella Cutanda, Venus Pongcol, Rae Vallejos

DEBATE: Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed or Not?
BOLD - Venus
BOLD & ITALICIZED - Mediator (Rae)
UNDERLINED - Coordinating Conjunctions

Mediator: Thank you both for joining this discussion on the death penalty.
Let’s explore both perspectives respectfully. Ella, could you start by
explaining why you support the death penalty?

Ella: Sure. I believe the death penalty should be allowed, especially for crimes
like premeditated murder or terrorism. These are such extreme cases that
they require an equally severe punishment. It delivers justice for the victims
and their families, and it can act as a deterrent to prevent similar crimes.

Mediator: Thank you, Ella. Now, Venus, could you share your viewpoint?

Venus: Of course. I understand Ella’s perspective, but I disagree. I think the

death penalty is flawed and unjust. For one, innocent people have been
wrongly convicted and later exonerated, and executing even one innocent
person is a tragedy we should avoid at all costs. Plus, I believe that taking a
life—no matter the crime—only continues the cycle of violence.

Mediator: I see. So, we have Ella, who sees the death penalty as a form of
justice and deterrence, and Venus, who is concerned about the potential
for wrongful convictions and moral consequences. Ella, how would you
respond to Venus’s concerns?

Ella: I respect those concerns, yet I think that’s why we have an extensive
appeals process to reduce the chance of wrongful executions. And even
ENGLISH “Use of Conjunctions” ROLE-PLAY SCRIPT (GROUP 10)

though the system isn’t perfect, I believe the benefits of justice and
deterrence outweigh those risks.

Mediator: Venus, what do you think about the idea of justice and
deterrence that Ella mentioned?

Venus: I understand the desire for justice, but I think true justice should
avoid irreversible mistakes. And there’s also evidence suggesting that the
death penalty doesn’t deter crime more effectively than life imprisonment.
Instead of focusing on the death penalty, I think we should work on
improving the justice system overall.

Mediator: Ella, how would you respond to the point that the death penalty
doesn’t necessarily deter crime?

Ella: I’ve seen studies on both sides, but I believe that even if it doesn’t deter
every criminal, it still serves as a powerful statement against heinous crimes.
When the justice system imposes the death penalty, it sends a message that
society will not tolerate certain acts. And, honestly, life imprisonment doesn’t
provide the same level of closure for some victims’ families.

Venus: But what about the families of wrongfully convicted people? They’re
also victims, suffering from a flawed system. How can we justify putting
more lives at risk? And closure doesn’t have to come through death—it’s a
personal process that doesn’t require taking another life.

Ella: I understand that risk, but no justice system is perfect. At some point, we
have to trust the process, or we’ll be too paralyzed to act decisively on any
punishment. The death penalty, despite its flaws, can be a necessary tool for
extreme cases.
ENGLISH “Use of Conjunctions” ROLE-PLAY SCRIPT (GROUP 10)

Venus: I get that point, for there are certainly horrific crimes that shock
everyone, but I still believe the death penalty isn’t the answer. We could
invest in better rehabilitation or focus on preventive measures instead, so
fewer people commit these kinds of crimes in the first place.

Ella: Nor do I think that rehabilitation alone can handle the worst criminals.
Some people commit acts so heinous that society has a duty to respond
decisively. If we don’t, we risk showing leniency toward the most dangerous

Mediator: So, Ella believes in the necessity of the death penalty for justice,
yet Venus feels there are alternative approaches we could explore to
achieve similar goals without the risk of irreversible mistakes.

Venus: Yet if we can accomplish justice without risking innocent lives,

shouldn’t we take that path? I agree that justice is essential, but I believe
there’s a better way than the death penalty.

Ella: For some, justice must be final and unequivocal. It’s not only about the
individual crime, but also the message society sends about our boundaries
and values.

Mediator: You both make strong points—Ella, you see the death penalty as
necessary for the worst crimes, and Venus, you prioritize the moral and
practical issues surrounding it. Is it possible to agree that this issue is
complex and that reasonable people may see it differently?

Ella: Yes, I can agree to that. While I still support the death penalty, I
understand Venus’s perspective.
ENGLISH “Use of Conjunctions” ROLE-PLAY SCRIPT (GROUP 10)

Venus: And I can agree to disagree. Although I oppose the death penalty, I
respect why others may feel differently.

Mediator: Thank you both. So, while you may not fully agree, you both
respect each other’s views and recognize the complexities involved.

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