News Writing Outline
News Writing Outline
News Writing Outline
News it difficult to define because it has many variables, but one needs to determine what is newsworthy when
deciding what to write about for his or her story assignments.
News must be factual, yet not all facts are news. A news item is based on actual occurrences, situations, thoughts
and ideas, yet not all facts are news. For instance, a dog bites a typical man. This is not a news for many, but when a
typical man bites a dog, this may be newsworthy to some.
According to Soriano et al. (2012), a news is any oral or written report of an event that happened, is happening, will
happen in the North, East, West and South (NEWS) that is of interest to the reader and which should be reported.
News in school may include worthwhile or extraordinary acts of students like opening of a new college, inauguration
of the new building, stories of success, conflicts or suspense, school convocations and other programs, interview3s of
visiting personalities, merging of two colleges, increasing tuition and other fees, new grading system and the like.
3. According to Construction
a. Straight News
o The first paragraph answers the most important W (who, what, when, where, why) depending
on which of the W’s is the most prominent among them. its body paragraphs consist of the
elaboration on the W’s and H. it is written using the inverted pyramid structure
b. News Feature
o This special type of news should not be confused with the feature articles (features). News
feature is sometimes called special features and printed in the features section of the
newspapers or in the magazine.
c. Fact Story
o This is plain exposition of a simple situation of a series of closely related events which conform to
the inverted triangle design more closely than any other kinds of news
d. Action Story
o This is a narrative involving not merely simple facts but dramatic actions - incidents, descriptions
of persons, perhaps testimonies of witness, as well as explanatory data
e. Speech, Report, Quote, and Interview Stories
a. News Brief
o This is a short item of news interest, written like a brief, telegraphic message. It gives mainly the
result with few details
b. News Bulleting
o It is similar to the lead of a straight news story. Its aim is just to give the gist of the news
c. News Featurette
o This is a short news feature usually used as fillers, say, quirks in the news
d. Flash
o This is a message giving first brief news of an event. It is usually boxed.
For you to understand better, here is a typical skeleton of a newspaper article containing the five parts:
1. Headline
o This is short, attention-getting statement about the event. It capsulizes the first paragraph.
2. Byline
o This indicates the name of the writer or writers of the news article
3. Lead Paragraph
o This contains the major who, what, when, where, why, and how in it. A writer must find answers
to the major five W’s and one H. however, he should choose the answers that bear the most
significant elements to avoid overcrowding the paragraph.
4. Major Details
o After the lead paragraph is written, the writer may now decide to weave the major details into
paragraphs. Take note, that for beginners, the use of one-sentence-one-paragraph rule should be
strictly followed. The writer should still observe coherence of ideas
5. Minor Details
o Should there be more space in the paper, the least important details may be written. This will
give the editor a wider perspective of the news, that he/she may paraphrase or inject some of
them in the major details.
The Lead
As iterated, the lead is the story’s opening sentence or two. Straight news tells the most important facts of the story.
In a feature or news feature, the lead could be a word, a phrase, a sentence or a paragraph that attracts and sustains
the reader’s interest.
It is a rule of thumb that the lead in a news story, particularly in straight news, need not be too long. As the popular
adage says, “ a lead should be like a miniskirt, short enough to be attractive, but long enough to cover the essentials.”
How long is long? How short is short? 17-35 words (The lesser the words in a sentence, the higher its
1. Summary Lead
o It answers the five W’s and H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How). The story is presented
using the inverted triangle form where the most important data are in the first and the second
paragraphs. This is used in the straight news. As the nomenclature suggests, it summarizes only
the most important five W’s and H
2. The Grammatical Beginning Lead
o This classification of lead paragraphs still gives emphasis on the logical importance of the major
details; however, it is also equally concerned with its grammatical structure. There is an avenue
to break the monotony of summary or conventional lead paragraphs
3. Unorthodox lead or Novelty Lead
o It is best used to attract the reader’s attention to arouse his/her curiosity and to sustain his/her
interest. It is used in writing news feature or feature article
In discussing the kinds of summary lead, the details in the box are used:
1. What Lead.
o This is applied if the most important angle of the news is the event per se
The new grading system in Visayas State University will be imposed next semester after the Board of
Trustees approved the resolution at the Commission on Higher Education Central Office yesterday.
2. Who Lead
o This type of lead is used if the most important angle of the news is the person involved, thus,
more significant than the event.
The members of the Board of Trustees of the Visayas State University approved yesterday the new
grading system at the Commission on Higher Education Central office.
3. Where lead
o If the location where the event takes place is more significant than the other aspects of the news,
then this kind of lead is best applied
At the Commission on Higher Education Central Office yesterday, the Board of Trustees of the Visayas
State University approved the new grading system which will take effect next semester.
4. When Lead
o This type of lead is seldom used since this is only applicable when the time element is more
important than the other angles of the story. Nonetheless, it suggests urgency and immediacy.
Yesterday at the Commission on Higher Education Central Office, the Board of Trustees of the Visayas
State University approved the new grading system which will take effect next semester.
5. Why Lead
o If the cause of the event is the most effective angle of the story, this type of lead is best suited
To cope with the standards of ASEAN integration, the Board of Trustees of the Visayas State
University approved yesterday the new grading system which will take effect next semester.
6. How Lead
o If the process or the manner of how the event happened is most important among the other
angles of the news, the how lead is used.
Through a 7-5 vote, the members of the Board of Trustees of the Visayas State University approved
the new grading system at the Commission on Higher Education Central Office yesterday.
1. Using the data below, write a summary lead (5W’s and H).