Theriogenology Note
Theriogenology Note
Theriogenology Note
External Genitalia
The vestibule, the labia majora, the labia minora, the clitoris, and the vestibular glands
compose the external genitalia.
The junction of the vagina and vestibule is marked by the external urethral orifice and
frequently by a ridge (the vestigial hymen). In some cattle, the hymen may be so
prominent that it interferes with copulation. The vestibule of the cow extends inward for
approximately 10 cm, where the external urethral orifice opens into its ventral surface.
Gartner tubes (remnants of the Wolffian ducts) open into the vestibule posteriorly and
laterally to Gartner's ducts. The glands of Bartholin, which secrete a viscid fluid, most
actively at estrus, have a tuboalveolar structure similar to the bulbourethral glands in the
Labia Majora and Labia Minora
The integument of the labia majora is richly endowed with sebaceous and tubular glands.
It contains fat deposits, elastic tissue, and a thin layer of smooth muscle. It has the same
outer surface structure as the external skin. The labia minora have a core of spongy
connective tissue.
The ventral commissure of the vestibule conceals the clitoris, which has the same
embryonic origin as the male penis. It is composed of erectile tissue covered by stratified
squamous epithelium, and it is well supplied with sensor nerve endings. In the cow, the
greater part of the clitoris is buried in the mucosa of the vestibule. In the mare, however,
it is well developed, and in the sow it is long and sinuous, terminating in a small point or
Puberty is the period when a female animal becomes sexually mature and able to undergo
cyclic activities and reproduce their young ones. Or a period when a male or female
animal is able to release gametes and to manifest complete sexual behaviour sequences.
With vaginoscopy, the vulva and vaginal epithelium appear to wrinkle because the
decreased estrogen results in water loss of the cells.
Ovulation usually occurs 2 days following this increase in progesterone
Diestrus Phase:
Average duration is 2 months approximately 6 days after ovulation. The cornified
vaginal epithelial cells will revert to a non-cornified state. This condition marks the
beginning of diestrus
This stage ends when progesterone levels fall to less than 1 ng/ml just prior to
whelping in the pregnant bitch or approximately 2 months after ovulation in the non-
pregnant bitch.
Anestrus Phase:
This is a time of mandatory endometrial repair.
The endometrium is being 'repaired' after the progesterone effects during diestrus for
the preceding 60 days.
True anestrus lasts 90 -150 days’ post whelping, or post diestrus.
Though Duration of anestrus is quite variable among bitches and may be governed by
both genetic and environmental variables.
Interestrous (anestrus + diestrus) lasts 150 - 210 days after the last estrus.
Fertility is low if at least 90 day anestrus (or a 150 interestrus interval) is not attained.
This is because the uterus has not repaired enough to maintain pregnancy.
Anestrus events:
The male shows no sexual interest in the female.
The female shows no sexual interest in the male.
The vulva appears normal. It is not swollen or edematous.
The vaginal cytology has very few cells and they are non cornified.
The vaginal wall is very thin and appears pale on vaginal speculum examination.
Progesterone is at baseline concentrations Even spayed bitches run basal levels of
progesterone. This baseline progesterone is probably of adrenal origin.
Prolactin secretion by the pituitary may promote anestrus, because prolactin inhibitors
can be used to terminate anestrus (i.e. induce estrus).
The beginning of proestrual bleeding marks the end of this stage.
Anoestrus Phase:
Anestrus is the seasonal period when the cat does not cycle.
Egg Maturation
The maturation of oocytes comprises two stages:
a) a period of growth
Cellular Events
Several tissue layers separate the oocyte from the outside of the follicle. These are the
surface epithelium. the collagen-rich tunica albuginea. the theca externa, the thin basement
lumina separating the capillary network from the membrana granulosa, and the membrane
granulosa itself. Before ovulation, all tissue layers are broken down. Moreover, the necessary
increase in follicular elasticity during preovulatory growth is associated with changes in
granulosa and theca cell relationships. Such changes are also prerequisite to further corpus
luteum organization. As the enlarging follicle begins to protrude from the surface of the
ovary, the vascularity of the follicular surface increases except at its centre, which seems
devoid of blood vessels. This avascular area is the future point of rupture
Oocyte. Only the cumulus cells anchored in the zona pellucida remain, surrounding the
oocyte and forming the corona radiata, Cumulus cell dissociation frees the oocyte from the
granulosa layer, and meiosis resumes about 3 hours after the gonadotropin surge.
Cumulus cells actively secrete glycoproteins, which form a viscous mass enclosing the
oocyte and its corona. After follicular rupture, the viscous mass spreads at the ovarian surface
to facilitate the "pick up" of the oocytes by the fimbriae. Ultrasonography is used extensively
to recover preovulatory eggs from the ovarian follicle to be used in vitro fertilization.
Granulosa Cells. The granulosa layer is completely dissociated only at the follicular apex
and finally disappears. About 2 hours before ovulation, granulosa cell growth processes
penetrate through the lamina basalis, preparing the invasion of theca cells and blood vessels
into the granulosa after ovulation in the developing corpus luteum. This process is associated
with the production of the early pregnancy factor (EPF).
Egg "Pick-Up"
The ovary, attached to the back of the broad ligament, lies free in the peritoneal cavity. The
oviduct curls over the ovary to facilitate egg "pickup" by the mucosal folds of the fimbriae.
At the time of ovulation, the ovum, together with the surrounding cells in the gelatinous
mass, protrudes at the ovarian surface and is swept into the ostium of the oviduct by the'
action of the motile kinocilia of the fimbriae.
Fertilization is a biological process by which a male haploid reproductive cell and a female
haploid reproductive cell interact and unite to form a diploid zygote from which an organism
is developed. The process of fusion of sperm with egg (ovum) to produce a zygote.
The process of fertilization involves a series of specific interactions between spermatozoa and
the oocyte. Spermatozoa acquire maturity during epididymal transit. However, the
maturational changes that occur in the epididymis do not render spermatozoa completely
fertile. For maximum fertility to be achieved, spermatozoa must reside in the female
reproductive tract for a minimum period of time. During the time in the female reproductive
tract, some spermatozoa will undergo changes that allow them to become fertile. These
changes are referred to as spermatozoa capacitation. The site for capacitation varies among
species. In species, where spermatozoa are deposited in the cranial Vagina, capacitation may
begin as sperm ascend and pass through the cervix. In species where semen is deposited into
the mid-cervix (sow) or caudal cervix, (mare) and immediately enters the uterus, capacitation
is probably initiated within the uterus and completed in the isthmus of the oviduct. All
spermatozoa are not capacitated at the same rate. Instead they are capacitated over a
relatively long period of time; (several hours) and this reflects individual sperm differences as
well as location within the tract.
In the oviduct the motility patterns of spermatozoa become hyperactive. The motility pattern
changes from a progressive, linear motility in which they swim in a relatively straight line
(like an Olympic swimmer), into a frenzied, dancing motion that is not linear and is localized
in a small area (like dancers in a disco) In general, hyperactive motility occurs in the ampulla
of the oviduct and is believed to be brought about by specific molecules produced by the
epithelium there. Hyperactive motility is believed to facilitate sperm-oocyte contact.
Spermatozoa are known to contain specific proteins on their plasma membrane surfaces
overlying the acrosome that bind specifically to zona pellucida proteins. These zona-binding
zona Binding
The zona pellucida of the oocyte consists of three glycoproteins. These glycoproteins have
been named zona proteins 1, 2 and 3 (ZP1, ZP2 and ZP3). Zona proteins 1 and 2 are
structural proteins providing the structural integrity of the zona. Zona protein 3 is much like a
receptor for a hormone. It binds to proteins on the spermatozoal membrane. The binding of
spermatozoa to the zona pellucida is believed to require between 10,000 and 50,000 ZP3
molecules. The sperm plasma membrane contains two zona binding sites. The first binding
site, referred to as the primary zona binding region is responsible for adherence of
spermatozoa to the zona pellucida. The second binding site on the spermatozoal plasma
membrane is believed to be acrosome T-reaction promoting ligand. When binding occurs
between this region and the ZP3 molecule, a signal transduction occurs. This is much like a
typical hormone receptor binding complex. Binding initiates the acrosomal reaction.
Acrosomal reaction
Acrosomal reaction is an orderly fusion of the spermatozoal plasma membrane and the outer
acrosomal membrane. The purpose of the acrosomal reaction is twofold.
The acrosomal reaction begins when the plasma membrane of the spermatozoon forms
multiple ‘fusion’sites with the outer acrosomal membrane. When the two membranes fuse,
many small vesicles are formed and this process is called vesiculation. After vesiculation has
occurred, the acrosomal contents are dispersed; and the sperm nucleus is left with the inner
acrosomal membrane surrounding it. Vesiculation characterizes the acrosomal reaction and
morphologically distinguishes it from a damaged acrosome. Damage to the acrosome
The penetration of the zona pellucida by a spermatozoon is believed to be a rapid process and
probably takes no more than a few minutes. Following attachment to the zona pellucida, the
acrosome reaction, allows the release of a variety of enzymes. Acrosin is one enzyme that is
released from spermatozoa during “the acrosomal reaction. It hydrolyzes zona proteins as,
well as enhances the sperm’s ability to bind to the zona. In the inactive form, acrosin is
known as proacrosin which has” a strong affinity for the zona. Thus, proacrosin aids in
binding the spermatozoon to the zona as the acrosomal reaction proceeds. As proacrosin is
converted to acrosin, the sperm begins to penetrate and make its way through the zona
pellucida. The mechanical force generated by the flagellar action of the tail may be sufficient
to push the sperm through the zona. It is important to note that the acrosomal reaction allows
the spermatozoon to digest the zona through which it can pass. This small regional
dissolution leaves the zona predominately intact.
When the spermatozoon completely penetrates the zona and reaches the perivitelline space
(the space between the zona and the oocyte plasma membrane), it settles into a bed of
microvilli formed from the oocyte plasma membrane. The plasma membrane of the oocyte
fuses with the membrane of the equatorial segment and the fertilizing spermatozoon is
engulfed. The actual fusion of the oocyte plasma membrane with the equatorial segment is
believed to be brought about by a so called fusion protein located on this portion of the
membrane. Prior to the acrosome reaction, this fusion protein is inactive. After vesiculation
and release of the acrosomal contents, the fusion protein is activated, enabling the sperm
membrane to fuse or bind with the oocyte membrane.
After membrane fusion, the oocyte undergoes a series of changes that prepare it for early
embryogenesis. The most easily recognizable is the cortical reaction, during the first and
Internal Fertilization
In sexual reproduction, the male inserts the semen into the female reproductive tract to fuse
with the egg. If the fusion takes place within the female parent, it is called internal
fertilization. In humans and most animals like cats, lions, pigs, dogs, hens, etc., the fusion of
gametes takes place internally. In this type, a zygote is formed within the mother and gets its
nourishment from her.
External Fertilization
When the fusion of sperm and egg takes place outside the female reproductive system, it is
called external fertilization. Only a minority of organisms exhibit this type of gamete fusion.
For example, fish, frogs, etc. Here the female parent deposits her eggs in the external
environment and later, the male parent ejects his sperm over them, and then the fusion of the
gametes takes place in the external environment.
Most external fertilization happens during the process of spawning where one or several
females release their eggs and the male(s) release sperm in the same area, at the same time.