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Seyed Ahmad Raeissadat 1,2 Background and Aims: Plantar fasciitis (PF) is the leading cause of heel pain in adults.
Farshad Nouri 2 This study was designed to evaluate the effect of hyaluronic acid (HA) injection in reducing
Mahtab Darvish 1,2 the symptoms of PF, compared with corticosteroid (CS) injection as a conventional
Hadi Esmaily 3 treatment.
Methods: In this triple-blind, randomized, clinical trial, 75 patients who had the symptoms
Parsa Ghazihosseini 1,2
of PF for at least 3 months were randomly divided into two groups of 38 and 37 individuals.
Clinical Research Development Center, Then, each patient received either a single injection of high molecular weight (>2000 kDa)
Shahid Modarres Hospital, Tehran, Iran;
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation HA (1 mL HA 20 mg + 1 mL lidocaine 2%) or CS (1 mL methylprednisolone 40 mg + 1 mL
Research Center, Shahid Beheshti lidocaine 2%) under the ultrasonography (US) guidance. Visual analog scale (VAS), foot
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
ankle ability index (FAAI), pressure pain threshold (PPT), functional foot index (FFI), and
Iran; 3Department of Clinical Pharmacy,
School of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti plantar fascia thickness (PFT) were measured using US at baseline, 6 weeks and 24 weeks
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, after the injection. Eventually, at the end of the treatment period, the patients’ satisfaction
was measured. Intention to treat analysis was used to assess the results.
Results: After 24 weeks of follow-up, results from 60 subjects were fully obtained; how-
ever, results of 73 patients included into intention to treat analysis in the sixth-week follow-
up. In both groups, VAS, PFT and FFI decreased, while FAAI and PPT increased signifi-
cantly (P <0.001). At the baseline and at the 24th-week, no significant difference between the
two groups was observed in any of the variables. However, a comparison between the
baseline and the sixth-week results shows a prominent decrease in PPT and PFT in the CS
group compared to the HA group (P = 0.004 and P = 0.011). Finally, there were no statistical
differences between the two groups in treatment satisfaction (P = 0.618).
Conclusion: Both CS and HA were effective modalities for PF and can improve pain and
function with no superiority in 24th-week follow-ups, although CS seems to have a faster
trend of improvement in the short term.
Correspondence: Mahtab Darvish
Keywords: plantar fasciitis, hyaluronic acid, pain, visual analog scale, patient satisfaction,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Research Center, Shahid Modarres ankle joint
Hospital, Saadat Abad St., Yadegare Imam
Highway, Tehran 1998734383, Iran
Tel/Fax +982122832343
Email [email protected] Introduction
Hadi Esmaily Plantar fasciitis (PF) is the leading cause of heel pain in adults. Nearly 1 million
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School patients visit physicians for the diagnosis and management of PF symptoms
of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University
of Medical Sciences, Niayesh Highway, each year.1 The prevalence of heel pain in public is 4–7% and about 80% of this
Valiasr Ave, Tehran 6153-14155, Iran is caused by PF.2 It is more prevalent among women versus men, in those aged
Tel +98 9121579064
Email [email protected] 45–64 years versus those aged 18–44 years, and in the obese versus those with
submit your manuscript | Journal of Pain Research 2020:13 109–121 109
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Raeissadat et al Dovepress
a body mass index (BMI) of less than 25 kg/m2.2,3 PF can other researchers demonstrated that in patients with rotator
cause significant morbidity and activity limitations in the cuff tears, intra-articular injections of HA provide immediate
affected patients.4 Nonsurgical treatment options include clinical improvement compared with ESWT.33
rest, ice application, stretching, exercise, proper footwear, The aim of this clinical trial is to compare the out-
arch supports, orthotics, night splints, extracorporeal comes of local administration of HA with CS injections for
shockwave therapy (ESWT),5 anti-inflammatory agents, patients with chronic plantar fasciopathy.
and various injections including corticosteroid (CS), plate-
let-rich plasma (PRP),6,7 prolotherapy,8 autologous whole Methods & Materials
blood,9 botulinum toxin10 or ozone.11
Patients and Setting
CSs are the most common injection modality for PF.
The participants of this study were patients with signs and
Based on a Cochrane review, CS injections have tempor-
symptoms of PF who were referred to the Physical
ary effects for near 24 weeks.3 Some adverse effects
Medicine & Rehabilitation clinic of Shahid Modarres
associated with CS injection are plantar fascia rupture,
Hospital in Tehran from March 2017 to January 2019.
fat pad atrophy, lateral plantar nerve injury, and calcaneal
Hyaluronic acid (HA) injection has been used for many
Inclusion Criteria
Inclusion criteria of this study were aging between 25 and
musculoskeletal disorders including osteoarthritis of the
60, having clinical diagnosis of PF based on history and
knee,14 persistent shoulder pain,15 osteoarthritis of the tem-
physical examination for at least 3 months, and finally not
poromandibular joint,16 knee pain in rheumatoid arthritis
having responded to primary conservative managements
patients,17 and soft tissue and periarticular conditions such
such as rest, shoe insoles, conventional physical therapy,
as lateral epicondylitis and patellar tendinopathy.18,19
exercise therapy, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Recently, Kumai and colleagues reported that a single injec-
tion of HA is clinically effective for the treatment of PF.20
The plantar fascia is a thick aponeurosis with its origin
at the medial calcaneal tubercle. The arch of the foot is Exclusion Criteria
supported by this fascia. Excessive running or standing for Patients were excluded from the study if they had done
prolonged periods of time may cause an increased amount ESWT or received any injection for PF within the past 3
of tension along the plantar fascia which in turn makes months, had history of previous surgery for PF, had active
changes in the aponeurosis that can be either acute or bilateral PF, and had systemic inflammatory disease such
chronic. More recently, the term plantar fasciosis has as rheumatologic diseases, a history of vascular insuffi-
been used instead of PF to show that the inflammation is ciency and neuropathic heel pain, associated pathology
not the main cause of the pain.21 Histopathologic investi- involving the lower limb such as history of tarsal tunnel
gation showed fibrous tissue has more disorganization syndrome, effusion of the ankle indicating an intra-
rather than inflammation in PF, this finding is more likely articular disease, old-healed calcaneal fracture, retrocalca-
to what happened in degenerative tendinosis.22,23 neal bursitis, achilles tendinopathy, ankle osteoarthritis,
HA is a polysaccharide that can be found in the extra- and finally, any deformity of foot and ankle, including
cellular matrix of soft connective tissues and synovial pes planus or pes cavus. Other reasons for exclusion
fluid.24,25 It plays different roles in maintaining elasticity include pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, BMI
and viscosity of synovial fluid and integrity of connective >33, low back pain with radiation to lower limb, and
tissues such as joints.26 HA has been reported to alleviate the infection or local trauma near the injection site.
pain,27 inhibit cartilage deterioration,28 avoid tissue
adhesion,29 and inhibit the development of blood vessels Ethical Considerations
and sensory nerves.30 Yoshida and colleagues31 reported This trial was conducted in accordance with the
that in a rat tendinopathy model, HA was effective for pain Declaration of Helsinki; hence the process of the treatment
relief and partial repair of the patellar tendon. Wu et al32 also was explained to the patients. Once the physician assures
showed that in patients with tendinopathy of the long head that the patient completely agrees with the study protocol,
of biceps, HA decreases metalloproteinase-1 and −3 expres- the written consent form was signed or fingerprinted by
sions in tenocytes and would attenuate tendinopathy. Also, the patient. The institutional review board of Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBUMS) agreed is better than palpation-guided injection because the latter
on the protocol of this study. The treatment carried a low provides better relief in pain (VAS scores) and control of
risk of adverse side effects and patients were advised that PFT by enhancing the accuracy of the injection site by
they can withdraw their participation at any time. Patients exact localization of the plantar fascia during the injection.
also had access to the project’s physician whenever they Kane et al claimed that the US-guided injection of four
experience injection-related infection or fibrosis, persistent heels with recalcitrant PF is highly effective.37
pain, and swelling, or any neuromuscular complications. In this study, the plantar fascia was examined with a 3- to
This study was approved by ethical community of SBUMS 12-MHz real-time linear-array transducer (Ecube7 US sys-
(code: IR.SBMU.MSP.REC.1397.403) and was registered tem (Alpinion, Seoul, Korea)) with the patient lying prone
in the Iranian Center of Clinical Trials ( (code: with 90° of knee flexion and neutral ankle position. The
IRCT20130523013442N26). injection was performed under aseptic conditions using
a 22-gauge needle. Plantar fascia thickening of >4 mm
Randomization and Patients’ Enrolment and/or abnormal hypoechoic areas in plantar fascia were
A computer-generated block randomization method was targeted under the longitudinal plane of US-guidance.
used to assign participants with a 1:1 ratio to both groups. Figure 1 presents our injection practice. Also, the needle
It was presumed that participants were distributed almost was inserted through the medial heel along with the long-
equally with respect to gender and age in both intervention axis view (in-plane technique) toward the target area. Then,
and positive control groups.34 2 mL of HA or CS were injected using a peppering techni-
Group 1. (HA) A syringe containing 20 mg in 1 mL que, which involves a single skin portal followed by several
high-molecular-weight HA (>2000 kDa) with 2% concen- penetrations of the fascia. Patients were kept in the sitting
tration of non-animal origin (Viscor®; Nikan Teb Kimia position without moving their foot for 30 min after the
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tehran, Iran) and 1 mL injection. They were sent home with instructions to limit
Lidocaine 2% for a total of 2 mL volume in one syringe the use of the affected foot for approximately 72 h and to use
was used in this study. acetaminophen in case of pain. Moreover, they were taught
Group 2. (CS) The patients in this group receive 40 mg in to perform stretching exercises. It should be noted that the
1 mL methylprednisolone acetate (methylprednisolone acet- use of NSAIDs was not allowed.
ate, 40 mg\mL vial, DEPO-MEDROL®, PFIZER) and 1 mL
Lidocaine 2% for a total of 2 mL volume in one syringe.
Outcome Measures
Although CS and HA were filled in same shaped pre- Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
filled syringes, because of the physical differences (visc- Patients were asked to rate pain by marking a horizontally
osity of the solution) between treatments, accidental positioned 10-cm VAS with anchor points of “no pain” and
unblinding of the injector would be unpredictable; hence, “worst possible pain”. Patients were also asked to verbally
we decided not to include the physician who did the
injections in the investigation team, and effective blinding
of the assessment physician was achieved by the physical
separation of the injecting and assessment department and
by document control protocols. Patients and the physicians
performing the assessments were blinded to the groups.
Every prefilled syringe placed in a sealed envelope by
a nurse to cover the turbidity of the CS suspension.
Injection Technique
US is an accurate, reliable, and non-invasive technique for
measuring PF thickness, monitoring effects of different
interventions, and guiding therapeutic interventions in
patients with PF.35 It can visualize increases in thickness
of the plantar fascia, hypoechoic changes, perifascial fluid
collections, and calcaneal spur.36 The US-guided injection Figure 1 Ultrasound-Guided Injection Practice.
Figure 2 The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) diagram of the current study.
Table 1 Baseline Characteristics of the Participants in the Groups Table 3 Between Group Analysis of Outcomes Over the Time
a b
Variable HA CS P-value Time HAa CSb P-value
n 38 37 - Baseline
Age (year) 41.73 ± 7.68 40.33 ± 10.17 0.510 VASc 8.00 ± 1.35 7.72 ± 1.04 0.430
Gender (female:male) 18:20 22:15 0.293 FAAMd 46.65 ± 9.82 45.36 ± 6.39 0.508
Weight (kg) 77.00 ± 7.70 79.81 ± 6.41 0.096 PPTe 48.83 ± 7.84 46.71 ± 5.24 0.281
Body mass index (kg/m2) 27.01 ± 1.96 27.70 ± 1.43 0.092 USVf 49.57 ± 7.04 48.42 ± 4.85 0.465
FFIg 78.92 ± 14.34 74.46 ± 7.32 0.104
Difficult employees 4 5 0.057 6 Weeks
Not difficult employees 19 16 VAS 3.05 ± 2.33 2.40 ± 2.16 0.222
Housewife 10 16 FAAM 65.27± 11.93 70.11 ± 12.97 0.103
Unemployed 5 0 PPT 57.51 ± 12.29 65.77 ± 11.52 0.004*
SID (right:left) 25:13 21:16 0.208 USV 45.95 ± 5.92 42.66 ± 4.66 0.011*
Duration of symptoms 7.30 ± 3.50 6.92 ± 3.63 0.650 FFI 33.73 ± 20.08 29.71 ± 15.89 0.352
24 Weeks
Notes: aHyaluronic Acid Injection Group. bCorticosteroid Injection Group VAS 3.24 ± 2.24 3.49 ± 1.93 0.625
FAAM 70.32± 14.96 67.29 ± 14.17 0.380
rate their pain “on a scale of 0 to 10“, with 0 indicating no PPT 61.74 ± 12.97 63.14 ± 14.52 0.696
USV 44.52 ± 5.90 43.76 ± 5.31 0.604
pain and 10 showing the worst possible pain.38
FFI 28.97 ± 22.85 31.93 ± 20.17 0.597
Satisfaction (3,2,7,15,10)h (3,3,12,11,7) 0.618
Pressure Pain Threshold (PPT) a
Notes: *P-values of <0.05 were considered significant. Hyaluronic Acid Injection
The PPT is a popular model for inducing acute, experi- Group. bCorticosteroid Injection Group. cVisual Analog Scale (mm). dFoot and
Ankle Ability Measure. ePressure Pain Threshold. fUltrasonography Thickness
mental pain.39 Algometry is a useful technique in deter- Values. gFunctional Foot Index. hCount: 1: Very Dissatisfied, 2: Dissatisfied, 3:
mining PPT measures that is used widely in both clinical Neutral, 4: Satisfied, 5: Very Satisfied.
Baseline 8.00 ± 1.35 46.65 ± 9.82 48.83 ± 7.84 49.57 ± 7.04 78.92 ± 14.34
6 weeks 3.05 ± 2.33 65.27 ± 11.93 57.51 ± 12.29 45.95 ± 5.92 33.73 ± 20.08
24 weeks 3.24 ± 2.24 70.32 ± 14.96 61.74 ± 12.97 44.52 ± 5.90 28.97 ± 22.85
*P-value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Baseline 7.77 ± 1.06 45.36 ± 6.39 46.71 ± 5.24 48.42 ± 4.85 74.46 ± 7.32
6 weeks 2.40 ± 2.16 70.11 ± 12.97 65.77 ± 11.52 42.66 ± 4.66 29.71 ± 15.89
24 weeks 3.49 ± 1.93 67.29 ± 14.17 63.14 ± 14.52 43.76 ± 5.31 31.93 ± 20.17
*P-value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Notes: *P-values refer to changes over time within each treatment group, based on the Repeated Measures. P-values of <0.05 were considered significant. aVisual Analog
Scale. bFoot and Ankle Ability Measure. cPressure Pain Threshold. dUltrasonography Thickness Values. eFunctional Foot Index. fHyaluronic Acid Injection Group.
Corticosteroid Injection Group.
Table 4 Comparing the Success Rate Between Groups Over the Ultrasonography Thickness Values (USV)
Time In clinical settings, USV is a very valuable diagnostic tool for
Time HA a
CS b
P-value detecting PF via direct observation of the thickness and
Success Rate ≥ 30%
echogenicity of the plantar fascia.46 USV assessment is rela-
VASc 29 25 0.304 tively fast, inexpensive, and widely available. It may detect
FAAMd 24 22 0.564 relatively small differences in plantar fascia even in clinically
PPTe 16 18 0.289 undetected cases.47 Increased thickness and hypo-
USVf 0 0 - echogenicity in plantar fascia are consistent sonographic
FFIg 27 23 0.322
findings in patients with PF. USV greater than 4 mm will
Success Rate ≥ 50% be considered as abnormal.46 PF does not affect the thickness
VAS 21 20 0.570 and echogenicity of the heel pad; therefore, USV may help to
FAAM 24 22 0.395
make a difference between heel pad pathologies and PF.47
PPT 8 11 0.232
Sabir et al48 suggested that US imaging could be as valuable
USV 0 0 -
FFI 23 19 0.326 as magnetic resonance image for detecting PF. The efficacy
Notes: Hyaluronic Acid Injection Group. Corticosteroid Injection Group. cVisual
a b of US imaging is often limited by examiner-dependent
Analog Scale. dFoot and Ankle Ability Measure. ePressure Pain Threshold. error.49 However, previous studies have shown the reprodu-
Ultrasonography Thickness Values. gFunctional Foot Index.
cibility of measurements of plantar fascia thickness by US,
with high intra-and inter-observer reliability.46,50 The exam-
ination of each plantar fascia included B-mode scanning was
written down. Then, the measurement was done three
performed using an Ecube 7 US system (Alpinion, Seoul,
times with 30-s intervals at the same location and the
Korea) with a 3–12-MHz linear transducer (L3-12H;
average value was recorded. Alpinion). All examinations were conducted by
a physiatrist. Each subject was examined lying prone with
Foot Function Index-Revised (FFI-R) 90° of knee flexion and neutral ankle position. In
The FFI-R is a 17-item questionnaire in which each item is a longitudinal view, the thickness of the plantar fascia was
scored on a 10-point Likert scale. FFI is used widely measured from the anterior edge of the inferior calcaneal
worldwide. This instrument that establishes a quantifiable border vertically to the inferior border of the plantar fascia.
measure of foot health has changed the approach of out- Finally, local or diffuse hypo-echogenicity at the calcaneal
come measurement to subjective, patient-centered, valid, insertion of the plantar fascia were evaluated.
reliable, and responsive hard data endpoints. Editing FFI-
R into four response categories will enhance its user- Satisfaction
friendliness for measuring foot health.43 Patients’ satisfaction was assessed at the end of the study
based on the Likert scale from 1 to 5 (1= Not satisfied at
Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM ADL) all, 5= Very satisfied).
The FAAM is a 29-item questionnaire divided into two
categories: activities of daily living (ADL) with 21 items Data Analysis
and SPORTS with 8 items.44 Each item is scored on The intention-to-treat (ITT) patients were defined as all
a 5-point Likert scale that represents different levels of included patients after randomization and before treatment
difficulty (no difficulty at all, slight difficulty, moderate commenced at 24-week follow-up. Statistical analysis of
difficulty, extreme difficulty and inability to do). The ADL data was performed using SPSS software version 22
and SPORTS subscales have a total score of 84 and 32, (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Chi-square (χ2) method
respectively. In this study, we used the Persian-translated and Fisher’s exact test were used to compare qualitative
version of FAAM that formerly was validated in a study data between groups. Student’s t-test and ANOVA were
by Mazaheri et al and showed good reliability and validity used for comparing quantitative data, within and between
for patients with foot and ankle musculoskeletal groups. Comparison of the pre- and post-treatment data
conditions.45 Because most of our patients were not ath- was done using paired t-test and repeated measurement
letes, we only use the ADL subgroup with a total score methods. The two-tailed p-values less than 0.05 were
of 84. considered as significant.
Figure 3 The visual analog scale (VAS) trend of changes in the hyaluronic acid (HA) and corticosteroid injection (CS) groups.
Figure 4 The pressure pain threshold (PPT) trend of changes in the hyaluronic acid (HA) and corticosteroid injection (CS) groups.
Table 2 summarizes the changes of the mean VAS, 51.6% vs 62.1% (P = 0.289), and FFI 87.1% vs 79.3%
PPT, FAAM, FFI, and USV within groups at baseline, 6 (P = 0.322). Table 4 compares success rates between the
weeks and 24 weeks after the treatment. It also showed the two groups.
mean satisfaction in each group at the end of the 24-week The VAS, PPT, USV, FFI and FAAM trend of changes
follow-up. At the baseline and the 24th week, no signifi- in plantar fascia thickness in the HA and the CS injection
cant difference was observed between the two groups for groups are shown in Figures 3–7.
any of the variables (P> 0.05). However, between baseline
and the sixth week, the increase in PPT and decrease in Discussion
plantar fascia USV was significantly higher in the CS To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that
group compared to HA group (P = 0.004 and P = 0.011, compares the effects of US-guided injection of CS and HA
respectively). Table 3 compares the results between the in patients with chronic PF at 6 weeks and 24th-week
two groups over the time. follow-ups.
Participants’ satisfaction, measured at the end of the The results of this study show that there was no sig-
study, was relatively similar for both groups (P= 0.618). nificant difference between the two groups for VAS, PPT,
We defined success rates for both interventions as any FAAM, FFI and fascia thickness measured by the US
decrease in about 30% or higher from the baseline scores before treatment. However, 6 weeks after the treatment,
on the third assessment (24 weeks after intervention). plantar fascia thickness measured by US (P <0.001) and
According to this definition, success rates 30% for each PPT (P <0.001) became significantly better in the CS
scale are as follows (HA vs CS): VAS 93.5% vs 86.2% group compared to the HA group. Also, 24 weeks after
(P = 0.304), FAAM 77.4% vs 75.9% (P = 0.564), PPT the treatment, no significant difference between any
Figure 5 The ultrasonographic ultrasonography thickness values (USV) trend of changes in plantar fascia in the hyaluronic acid (HA) and corticosteroid injection (CS)
variable was observed in both groups. In this study, no of CS injection in the treatment of PF was evaluated. All
serious adverse events were seen in any of the groups. placebo-controlled randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
CS and HA were both effective treatments for PF and showed a significant reduction in pain with the use of CS
can improve pain and function with no superiority in 24- injections. However, it is evident from these studies that
week follow-up; however, CS seems to have a faster trend the effects of CS injections are usually short term, lasting
of improvement in the short term. only for a duration of 4–12 weeks.56
Steroid injection is commonly used to treat PF. There is Kumai et al20 evaluated the efficacy of high molecular
some evidence that injected CS were effective in providing weight HA (H-HA), low molecular weight HA (L-HA)
transitory pain relief.51 The rapid effects of steroid injec- and a 0.01% HA (control group) injections in the treatment
tion on pain inspire its common use in treating PF. of recalcitrant PF. Patients were evaluated at baseline and
However, current scientific evidence shows that steroid 5 weeks after injection. Based on the obtained results, the
injection should be avoided in treating PF in athletes improvement in the VAS score for pain in patients with PF
because of its greater risk of causing spontaneous was significantly greater in the H-HA group than in the
ruptures.52 control group. More noticeable improvement was achieved
The efficacy of CS in treating chronic inflammation has in the H-HA group compared with the L-HA group. Other
been well demonstrated.53,54 Intralesional injection of CS measures such as Roles and Maudsley score, local symp-
in chronic PF (defined as persistence of symptoms more toms, and FAAM, were also improved in each group, with
than 8 weeks despite conservative care) has been shown to the H-HA group having better results. Outcomes were also
be effective.55 In a review by Ang TW,56 the effectiveness improved by an injection of 0.01% HA (control group);
Figure 6 The functional foot index (FFI) trend of changes in the hyaluronic acid (HA) and corticosteroid injection (CS) groups.
therefore, the injection itself may have possible improve- patients. Although our follow-up was for 24 weeks, longer
ment in pain and FAAM. follow-ups and assessing the recurrence rate of PF would
In summary, it can be stated that HA may be a proper be recommended in upcoming studies.
choice for treating PF. These findings, like our study, In this study, we used a single injection of 20 mg high-
showed the effectiveness of high molecular weight HA molecular-weight, linear HA (>2000 kDa) of non-animal
in the improvement of pain and function of patients with origin in 1 mL (Viscor® 2%; Nikan Teb Kimia
chronic PF. Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tehran, Iran). Based on the
So far, only one other study has been conducted to eval- brand of the HA and its properties such as molecular weight,
uate a single HA injection in the treatment of chronic PF. concentration, linear or reticulated HA, different results may
Advantages of this study were using different outcome be achieved, and the results of this study may not be general-
measures including VAS, FAAM, FFI, and PPT and mea- izable to other HA products. Investigating the molecular
suring changes of plantar fascia thickness by US. Also, weight effect and dose response on the efficacy of HA in
US-guided injection had the advantage of more precisely PF would be a research target for future studies. Another
localizing the exact site of injection and doing the inter- limitation of this study is that no economic analysis between
vention with more accuracy. two injections was directed in our trial.
For future studies, we recommend evaluating the effi-
cacy of HA injection in special groups such as athletes Conclusion
with higher risk of plantar fascia rupture due to CS injec- Both corticosteroid and hyaluronic acid are effective
tion. Also, it is recommended enrolling larger number of interventions for plantar fasciitis and can improve pain
Figure 7 The foot and ankle ability measure (FFAM) trend of changes in the hyaluronic acid (HA) and corticosteroid injection (CS) groups.
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