Lecture 4 Neurons Cellular and Network Properties
Lecture 4 Neurons Cellular and Network Properties
Lecture 4 Neurons Cellular and Network Properties
Autonomic Organization
➢“Fight or Flight”
➢“Rest or Digest”
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Organization of Nervous System
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Organization of Nervous System
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Cells of the Nervous System
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Cells of the Nervous System
Parts of Neuron
A. Cell body: consists of a nucleus with easily visible nucleolus
and some special organelles.
B. Processes
2. Axons:
✓ one per neuron
➢ Multipolar neurons
✓ Many extensions from the cell body.
✓ It is located mostly in CNS.
✓ It is most motor neurons.
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Structural Classification of Neurons
➢ Bipolar neuron
✓ Has two processes, one axon and one dendrite.
✓ Its functions is that dendrite specialized to receive a specific stimulus.
✓ The axon conducts action potential to the CNS.
✓ It is located in the retina of the eye, nasal cavity.
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Structural Classification of Neurons
➢ Unipolar neuron
✓ Has a single process extending form the cells body,
✓ One branch extends to the CNS, while one branch
extends to the periphery and that has a dendrite.
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Structural Classification of Neurons
❖Sensory Neurons
➢Afferent neurons of PNS
✓ Monitor internal environment (visceral sensory neurons).
✓ Monitor effects of external environment (somatic sensory neurons).
➢Types of Sensory Receptors
✓ Monitor internal systems (digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary,
✓ Internal senses (taste, deep pressure, pain).
✓ External senses (touch, temperature, pressure).
✓ Distance senses (sight, smell, hearing).
✓ Monitor position and movement (skeletal muscles and joints).
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Functional Classification of Neurons
❖Motor Neurons
➢Efferent neurons of PNS
✓ Carry instructions from CNS to peripheral effectors.
➢Association neurons
➢Most are located in brain, spinal cord.
✓ Between sensory and motor neurons
are found in
Myelin sheaths
Support Neurotrophic
cell bodies factors
are found in
environment suitable
for proper neuron
Oligodendrocytes Microglia (modified Ependymal
immune cells) Astrocytes
forms act as
✓ Different permeability
✓ Primary and secondary active transport, or pores that allow only one
particular solute to move. These things make a higher concentration on one
side. Therefore, sidedness is caused by proteins.
Electrical Signals
Ionic Concentrations and Potentials
An electrical gradient
between ECF and ICF
is known as the
Resting Membrane
Potential difference.
Electrical Signals
Ionic Concentrations and Potentials
Goldman Equation
Pk[Ko] + PNa[Nao]
Vm = 60 log10
Pk[Kin] + PNa[Nain]
= -70 mV
Electrical Signals
Ionic Concentrations and Potentials
➢ It is a short – lasting event in which the electrical membrane potential of a cell rapidly
rises and falls, following a consistent trajectory.
➢ Action potentials occur in several types of animal cells, called excitable cells, which
include (neurons, muscle cells, and endocrine cells).
➢ These channels are shut when the membrane potential is near the resting potential of the
cell, but they rapidly begin to open if the membrane potential increases to a precisely
defined threshold.
Electrical Signals
Action Potential
✓ Level of depolarization needed to trigger an action potential (most neurons have a threshold at -50 mV)
✓ Threshold reflects the need to trigger the opening of the voltage-gated sodium channel (need a depolarization
of about 10 to 15 mV to open)
Electrical Signals
Action Potential
✓ During an action potential the membrane potential goes towards the Nernst equilibrium potential for Na+.
✓ In terms of Goldman-Katz equation now permeability to Na+ is dominant (K+ and Cl- minor components)
therefore membrane potential goes towards ENa.
Electrical Signals
Action Potential
➢ Voltage-gated Na+ channels and voltage-gated K+ channels now closed so the membrane goes back to
the resting state i.e. the leak channels are the only channels open and again set the membrane potential.
Electrical Signals
Action Potential
Returns to its original state where the outside is more positive than the
inside and the membrane potential is -70 mv.
Electrical Signals
Action Potential
➢ A second action potential cannot be triggered for about 2 msec, no matter how
large the stimulus. This 2 msec represents the time required for the Na+ channel
gates to reset to their resting positions and is called the absolute refractory period
➢ Relative refractory period follows the absolute refractory period. During the relative
refractory period, some but not all Na+ channel gates have reset to their original
positions. Those channels can be opened by a higher-than-normal graded
➢ This means that a stronger-than-normal depolarizing graded potential is needed to
bring the cell up to threshold
➢ During the relative refractory period, K+ channels are still open
Electrical Signals
Ion Movement During an Action Potential
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Action Potentials
➢ Why do graded potentials lose strength as they move through the cytoplasm?
I. Current leak: Some of the positive ions leak back across the membrane
as the depolarization wave moves through the cell. The membrane in
the neuron cell body is not a good insulator and has open leak channels
that allow positive charge to flow out into the ECF.
II. Cytoplasmic resistance: The cytoplasm itself provides resistance to the
flow of electricity, just as water creates resistance that diminishes the
waves from the stone.
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Graded Potentials
➢ Graded potential enters trigger zone, summation brings it to a level above threshold.
➢ Voltage-gated Na+ channels open and Na+ enters axon, a segment of the membrane
➢ Positive charge spreads along adjacent sections of axon by local current flow, as the signal
moves away the currently stimulated area returns to its resting potential.
➢ Local current flow causes new section of the membrane to depolarize, this new section is
creating a new set of action potentials that will trigger the next area to be depolarized.
➢ The refractory period prevents backward conduction; loss of K+ repolarizes the membrane,
Once the Na+ close they will not open in response to backward conduction until they have
reset to their resting position- ensures only one action potential is initiated at time.
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Graded Potential vs Action Potential
Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties
Frequency of Action Potentials