Instant Download Epigenetic Biomarkers and Diagnostics 1st Edition Jose Luis Garca-Gimenez PDF All Chapter
Instant Download Epigenetic Biomarkers and Diagnostics 1st Edition Jose Luis Garca-Gimenez PDF All Chapter
Instant Download Epigenetic Biomarkers and Diagnostics 1st Edition Jose Luis Garca-Gimenez PDF All Chapter
Cancer Biomarkers 1st Edition Helen C. Kristoff
Edited by
Carolina Abril-Tormo IBSP-CV Biobank, FISABIO, Abdelhalim Boukaba Drug Discovery Pipeline,
Valencia, Spain Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health,
Chinese Academy of Science, Guangzhou, People’s
Sahar Al-Mahdawi Department of Life Sciences,
Republic of China
College of Health & Life Sciences, Brunel Uni-
versity London, Uxbridge, UK; Synthetic Biology Eoin Brennan Diabetic Complications Division,
Theme, Institute of Environment, Health & Societ- Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne,
ies, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, UK VIC, Australia
Diogo Almeida-Rios Cancer Biology and Epi- Enrique J. Busó Unidad Central de Investigación,
genetics Group – Research Center, Portuguese On- University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
cology Institute, Porto, Portugal; Department of F. Javier Carmona Sanz Human Oncology &
Pathology, Portuguese Oncology Institute, Porto, Pathogenesis Program (HOPP), Memorial Sloan-
Portugal Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York, NY,
Sara Anjomani Virmouni Department of Life Sci- USA; Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program
ences, College of Health & Life Sciences, Brunel (PEBC), Bellvitge Institute for Biomedical Research
University London, Uxbridge, UK; Synthetic Biol- (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain
ogy Theme, Institute of Environment, Health & Raimundo Cervera Hematology and Oncology
Societies, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, Unit, Biomedical Research Institute INCLIVA, Va-
UK lencia, Spain
Juan Ausio Department of Biochemistry and Mi- Alfredo Ciccodicola Institute of Genetics and Bio-
crobiology, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, physics “Adriano Buzzati-Traverso”, CNR, Naples,
Canada Italy; Department of Science and Technology, Uni-
Bharati Bapat Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research versity Parthenope of Naples, Italy
Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Joan Climent Hematology and Oncology Unit,
Canada; Department of Laboratory Medicine and Biomedical Research Institute INCLIVA, Valencia,
Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Spain
Canada; Department of Pathology, University Valerio Costa Institute of Genetics and Biophysics
Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada “Adriano Buzzati-Traverso”, CNR, Naples, Italy
Charlotte L. Bevan Department of Surgery & Ana B. Crujeiras Laboratory of Molecular and Cel-
Cancer, Imperial Centre for Translational & Experi- lular Endocrinology, Instituto de Investigación San-
mental Medicine, Imperial College London, Ham- itaria (IDIS), Complejo Hospitalario Universitario
mersmith Hospital Campus, London, UK de Santiago (CHUS) and Santiago de Compostela
Jenefer M. Blackwell Telethon Kids Institute, The University (USC), Santiago de Compostela, Spain;
University of Western Australia, Subiaco, WA, Aus- CIBER Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y la Nutrición
tralia (CIBERobn), Madrid, Spain
Tiziana Bonaldi Department of Experimental On- Alessandro Cuomo Department of Experimental
cology, European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Oncology, European Institute of Oncology, Milano,
Italy Italy
xii List of Contributors
Avery DeVries Department of Cellular and Molecu- Rosalba Giugno Department of Clinical and Experi-
lar Medicine, Arizona Respiratory Center and Ari- mental Medicine, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
zona Center for the Biology of Complex Diseases, Catherine Godson Conway Institute, Diabetes
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Complications Research Centre, University College
Angel Diaz-Lagares Cancer Epigenetics and Biol- Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
ogy Program (PEBC), Bellvitge Biomedical Research Inês Graça Cancer Biology and Epigenetics Group
Institute (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain – Research Center, Portuguese Oncology Institute,
Roberta Esposito Institute of Genetics and Biophys- Porto, Portugal; School of Allied Health Sciences
ics “Adriano Buzzati-Traverso”, CNR, Naples, Italy (ESTSP), Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Alessandro Fatica Department of Biology and Bio- Kirsten Grønbæk Department of Hematology, Rig-
technology Charles Darwin, Sapienza University shospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
of Rome, Rome, Italy Shinji Hagiwara Diabetic Complications Division,
Alfredo Ferro Department of Clinical and Experi- Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne,
mental Medicine, University of Catania, Catania, VIC, Australia
Italy Rui Henrique Cancer Biology & Epigenetics Group,
Claire E. Fletcher Department of Surgery & Cancer, IPO-Porto Research Center (CI-IPOP), Portuguese
Imperial Centre for Translational & Experimental Oncology Institute, Porto, Portugal; Department of
Medicine, Imperial College London, Hammer- Pathology, Portuguese Oncology Institute, Porto,
smith Hospital Campus, London, UK Portugal; Department of Pathology and Molecular
Ana-Maria Florea Department of Neuropathology, Immunology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Dussel- Salazar – University of Porto (ICBAS-UP), Porto,
dorf, Germany Portugal
Ernest Fraenkel Department of Biological Engi- José Santiago Ibañez Cabellos Center for Biomedi-
neering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, cal Network Research on Rare Diseases, Medicine
Cambridge, MA, USA and Dentistry School, University of Valencia, Va-
lencia, Spain; Biomedical Research Institute INC-
Yu Fujita Division of Molecular and Cellular Medi-
LIVA, Valencia, Spain
cine, National Cancer Center Research Institute,
Tokyo, Japan Marisa Iborra Gastroenterology Department, Hos-
pital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, Spain
Tomohiro Fujiwara Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Toyotaka Ishibashi Division of Life Science, Hong
Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kong University of Science and Technology, Kow-
Okayama, Japan; Center for Innovative Clinical loon, Hong Kong, HKSAR; Department of Biomed-
Medicine, Okayama University Hospital, Okaya- ical Engineer, Hong Kong University of Science
ma, Japan; Division of Molecular and Cellular and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong, HKSAR
Medicine, National Cancer Center Research Insti- Sarra E. Jamieson Telethon Kids Institute, The Uni-
tute, Tokyo, Japan versity of Western Australia, Subiaco, WA, Australia
Miriam Gagliardi Institute of Genetics and Bio- Carmen Jerónimo Cancer Biology & Epigenetics
physics “Adriano Buzzati-Traverso”, CNR, Naples, Group, IPO-Porto Research Center (CI-IPOP),
Italy Portuguese Oncology Institute, Porto, Portugal;
José Luis García-Giménez Center for Biomedical Department of Pathology and Molecular Immunol-
Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), ogy, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar
National Institute of Health Carlos IIII, Spain; – University of Porto (ICBAS-UP), Porto, Portugal
Department of Physiology, Medicine and Dentistry Sadhana Joshi Department of Nutritional Medi-
School, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; Bio- cine, Interactive Research School for Health Affairs,
medical Research Institute INCLIVA, University of Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, Maharashtra,
Valencia, Valencia, Spain India
List of Contributors xiii
Phillip Kantharidis Diabetic Complications Divi- Takahiro Ochiya Division of Molecular and Cel-
sion, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Mel- lular Medicine, National Cancer Center Research
bourne, VIC, Australia Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Akira Kawai Department of Musculoskeletal On- Toshifumi Ozaki Department of Orthopaedic Sur-
cology, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, gery, Okayama University Graduate School of
Japan Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Vinita Khot Department of Nutritional Medicine, Okayama, Japan
Interactive Research School for Health Affairs, Federico V. Pallardó Center for Biomedical Net-
Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, Maharashtra, work Research on Rare Diseases, Medicine and
India Dentistry School, University of Valencia, Valencia,
Lasse Sommer Kristensen Department of Hematol- Spain; Biomedical Research Institute INCLIVA, Va-
ogy, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark lencia, Spain
Ana Lluch Hematology and Oncology Unit, Bio- Lorena Peiró-Chova INCLIVA Biobank, INCLIVA
medical Research Institute INCLIVA, Valencia, Biomedical Research Institute, Valencia, Spain
Spain Marco Pellegrini Laboratory of Integrative Sys-
José Antonio López-Guerrero Laboratory of Mo- tems Medicine (LISM), Institute of Informatics and
lecular Biology and Biobank, Fundacion Instituto Telematics (IIT) and Institute of Clinical Physiology
Valenciano de Oncologia, Valencia, Spain (IFC), National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy
Paula Lopez-Serra Epigenetic and Cancer Biology Tandy L.D. Petrov Department of Biology, The Uni-
Program (PEBC), Bellvitge Biomedical Research In- versity of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham,
stitute (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain AL, USA
Annita Louloupi Division of Molecular Pathology, Olga Bahamonde Ponce INCLIVA Biobank, INCLI-
The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The VA Biomedical Research Institute, Valencia, Spain
Netherlands Mark A. Pook Department of Life Sciences, College
Luca Magnani Department of Surgery and Cancer of Health & Life Sciences, Brunel University Lon-
Imperial Centre for Translational and Experimen- don, Uxbridge, UK; Synthetic Biology Theme, In-
tal Medicine, Imperial College Hammersmith, Lon- stitute of Environment, Health & Societies, Brunel
don, UK University London, Uxbridge, UK
Jacobo Martínez-Santamaría IBSP-CV Biobank, Alfredo Pulvirenti Department of Clinical and Ex-
FISABIO, Valencia, Spain; Valencian Biobank Net- perimental Medicine, University of Catania, Cata-
work, FISABIO, Valencia, Spain nia, Italy
Maria R. Matarazzo Institute of Genetics and Bio- João Ramalho-Carvalho Cancer Biology & Epi-
physics “Adriano Buzzati-Traverso”, CNR, Naples, genetics Group, IPO-Porto Research Center
Italy (CI-IPOP), Portuguese Oncology Institute, Porto,
Aaron McClelland Diabetic Complications Divi- Portugal
sion, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Mel- Alberto Ramos Hematology and Oncology Unit,
bourne, VIC, Australia Biomedical Research Institute INCLIVA, Valencia,
Pamela Milani Department of Biological Engineer- Spain
ing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- George Rasti Chromatin Biology Laboratory, Cancer
bridge, MA, USA Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC), Bellvitge
Yutaka Nezu Division of Molecular and Cellular Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Barcelona,
Medicine, National Cancer Center Research Insti- Spain
tute, Tokyo, Japan Nicole C. Riddle Department of Biology, The Uni-
Roberta Noberini Center of Genomic Science, Isti- versity of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham,
tuto Italiano di Tecnologia, Milano, Italy AL, USA
xiv List of Contributors
Peter H.J. Riegman Department of Pathology, Deepali Sundrani Department of Nutritional Medi-
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Neth- cine, Interactive Research School for Health Affairs,
erlands Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, Maharashtra,
Carlos Romá Mateo Center for Biomedical Net- India
work Research on Rare Diseases, Medicine and Genevieve Syn Telethon Kids Institute, The Univer-
Dentistry School, University of Valencia, Valencia, sity of Western Australia, Subiaco, WA, Australia
Spain; Biomedical Research Institute INCLIVA, Va- Trygve O. Tollefsbol Comprehensive Cancer Cen-
lencia, Spain ter, Center for Aging, Comprehensive Diabetes
Francesco Russo Laboratory of Integrative Sys- Center, Nutrition Obesity Research Center, Cell Se-
tems Medicine (LISM), Institute of Informatics and nescence Culture Facility, University of Alabama at
Telematics (IIT) and Institute of Clinical Physiol- Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
ogy (IFC), National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Eneda Toska Human Oncology & Pathogenesis
Italy; Department of Computer Science, University Program (HOPP), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Can-
of Pisa, Pisa, Italy cer Center (MSKCC), New York, NY, USA
Fabian Sanchis-Gomar Department of Physiology, Marianne B. Treppendahl Department of Hematol-
Medicine and Dentistry School, University of Va- ogy, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
lencia, Valencia, Spain; Biomedical Research Insti-
Toshikazu Ushijima Chief of Division of Epig-
tute INCLIVA, University of Valencia, Valencia,
enomics, National Cancer Center Research Insti-
tute, Tokyo, Japan
Juan Sandoval Epigenetic and Cancer Biology Pro-
Alejandro Vaquero Chromatin Biology Laboratory,
gram (PEBC), Bellvitge Biomedical Research Insti-
Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC),
tute (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain
Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL),
Flavia Scoyni Department of Biology and Biotech- Barcelona, Spain
nology Charles Darwin, Sapienza University of
Donata Vercelli Department of Cellular and Mo-
Rome, Rome, Italy
lecular Medicine, Arizona Respiratory Center and
Marta Seco Cervera Center for Biomedical Network Arizona Center for the Biology of Complex Diseas-
Research on Rare Diseases, Medicine and Dentistry es, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
School, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain;
Filipa Quintela Vieira Cancer Biology and Epi-
Biomedical Research Institute INCLIVA, Valencia,
genetics Group – Research Center, Portuguese
Oncology Institute, Porto, Portugal; School of Al-
Akifumi Shibakawa Department of Surgery & lied Health Sciences (ESTSP), Polytechnic of Porto,
Cancer, Imperial Centre for Translational & Experi- Porto, Portugal
mental Medicine, Imperial College London, Ham-
Yinan Zhang Division of Life Science, Hong Kong
mersmith Hospital Campus, London, UK
University of Science and Technology, Kowloon,
Nicolas G. Simonet Chromatin Biology Laboratory, Hong Kong, HKSAR
Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC),
Fang Zhao Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Insti-
Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL),
tute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada;
Barcelona, Spain
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobi-
Ailsa Sita-Lumsden Department of Surgery & Can- ology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
cer, Imperial Centre for Translational & Experimen-
Wilbert Zwart Division of Molecular Pathology,
tal Medicine, Imperial College London, Hammer-
The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The
smith Hospital Campus, London, UK
Olafur Andri Stefansson Cancer Research Labo-
ratory, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland,
Reykjavik, Iceland
xvi Preface
clinical laboratories for the analysis of histones corresponding fields for a broad target audience
(i.e., inflammatory and autoimmune diseases). such as advanced students, basic scientists, bio-
However, it is expected that the incorporation medical and biotechnological companies, as well
of mass spectrometry technologies into labo- as clinical researchers, clinicians (i.e., patholo-
ratories for clinical diagnostics (replacing rou- gists, immunologists, oncologists, endocrinolo-
tine immunoassays) will be the tendency in the gists, etc.) and analysts from clinical laboratories
coming years, as will be the analysis of histone who can adopt these potential biomarkers into
posttranslational modifications associated with clinical practice.
pathological states. In the coming years, epigenetics will continue
Although it is not possible to cover all epigenetic to provide an exciting future in biomedicine
markers, this volume includes chapters describ- and clinical practice. The chapters covered in
ing the most promising biomarkers for cancer (i.e., Epigenetic Biomarkers and Diagnostics highlight
breast, lung, colon, etc.), metabolic disorders (i.e., the unprecedented impact of epigenetics in
diabetes and obesity), autoimmune diseases, infer- clinical diagnostics and will contribute to the
tility, allergy, infectious diseases, and neurological discovery and development of new epigenetic
disorders; and, where possible, we will focus our biomarkers in the future.
attention on those which are feasible to be adopted
for clinical use. José Luis García-Giménez
This book was written in a comprehensive Valencia, Spain
manner by outstanding experts in their
Epigenetic Biomarkers: New Findings,
Perspectives, and Future Directions
in Diagnostics
José Luis García-Giménez1, Toshikazu Ushijima2,
Trygve O. Tollefsbol3
1Department Physiology, Center for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases, National Institute
of Health Carlos IIII, Institute of Health Research INCLIVA, Medicine and Dentistry School,
University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 2Chief of Division of Epigenomics, National Cancer
Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan; 3Comprehensive Cancer Center, Center for Aging,
Comprehensive Diabetes Center, Nutrition Obesity Research Center, Cell Senescence Culture Facility,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
intermediates are dynamic and participate in procedures in biomedicine and clinical research.
key regulatory functions in distal gene regula- In this regard, high-throughput methods for ana-
tory elements in mammalian genomes and also lyzing cytosine variants have appeared in recent
in biological processes, such as demethylation in years. Bisulfite sequencing (BS-seq), Infinium
zygote formation and in germ cell lineage (for a HumanMethylation 450K BeadChip (Illumina),
review see Ref. [18]). and immunoprecipitation of methylated DNA
Novel experimental designs consisting of followed by sequencing (MeDIP-seq) have been
chemical oxidation or chemical reduction of the developed to analyze 5mC. On the other hand,
modified cytosines allow the identification of Tet-assisted bisulfite sequencing (TAB-seq), 5hmC
5mC, 5hmC, 5fC, and 5caC at single-base reso- immunoprecipitation coupled to sequencing,
lution [19–21] and, when implemented in DNA oxidative bisulfite sequencing (oxBS-seq), and
sequencing protocols, will allow the analysis of oxidative bisulfite hybridization in the Infinium
whole genomes and the exploitation of these 450K BeadChip (oxBS-450K) have been designed
2. Epigenetic Mechanisms 5
to map 5mC and 5hmC residues at single-base The hypothesis of the histone code proposes that
resolution on a genome-wide scale [22]. Using the control of the chromatin state is exerted by
named methylation-assisted bisulfite sequencing the PTMs [30]. Evidence accumulated in recent
(MAB-seq), the quantitation of the 5fC and 5caC years supports the idea that the PTM signature
residues at single-base resolution is possible [23], is altered in a wide range of diseases, such as
and using chemical modification-assisted bisulfite cancer [31,32], neurological syndromes [33,34],
sequencing (CAB-seq) the specific whole-genome and rare diseases such as Rubinstein–Taybi syn-
analysis of 5caC is possible [24]. By using reduced drome [35] and Cofin–Lowry syndrome [36].
bisulfite sequencing (redBS-seq), it is possible to In addition, clinicians have become increas-
identify 5fC [25]. ingly interested in histone PTMs in recent years
As shown in Figure 1, these different directed because it is possible to analyze them in specific
assays have been developed to study the cyto- regulatory domains of genes to obtain valuable
sine variants which participate in the regulation information for the diagnostics of disease [17].
of DNA methylation. Therefore, these methodol- Another additional level in the supramolecu-
ogies will contribute to explaining the intriguing lar structural organization of chromatin involves
epigenetic regulation underlying human pathol- the participation of histone variants (Figure 2).
ogies [26]. It is obvious that the direct application Histone variants differ in their primary sequence
of these high-throughput procedures in clinical of amino acids [37]. Variants for all of the histone
routine seems to be so far from reality. However, protein families have been described and have
these techniques will contribute to the identifi- emerged as important elements involved in
cation of passenger methylation underlying sev- chromatin dynamics and organization, and have
eral human diseases and also to develop clinical also served as scaffolds for other proteins that
epigenetics. create silenced regions in chromosomes [38,39].
Therefore, the incorporation of histone variants
in specific domains is very important, and their
2.2 Histone PTMs and Histone Variants regulation plays a crucial role in cellular pro-
Chromatin is composed of repeating arrays of cesses such as differentiation, proliferation, and
nucleosomes which comprise the essential units nuclear reprogramming. For this reason, muta-
of organization in eukaryotic chromosomes. tions in specific histone variants are involved
Each nucleosome is formed by 145 bp of DNA in human disease [40] like cancer, as recently
wrapped around a histone octamer. Each histone reviewed by Vardabasso et al. [41]. Due to the
octamer consists of two copies each of canonical importance of histone variants in cell differen-
histone H4, H3, H2A, and H2B or their variants. tiation and reprogramming it is not surprising
Histone can be chemically modified and when that they are closely related to male infertility, as
it is, chromatin state and gene expression are described later in this volume by Ausió, Zhang,
considered to be modified as well. The histone and Ishibashi in Chapter 24.
PTMs produced (i.e., acetylation, methylation, Interestingly, histones can also be found in
phosphorylation, butyrylation, hydroxybutyry- biological fluids such as blood, serum, and
lation, crotonylation, citrullination, formylation, plasma. Therefore, they have been proposed as
glycosylation, O-GlcNAcylation [27], carbon- clinical biomarkers since their presence in body
ylation, parsylation [28], and glutathionylation fluids suggests tissue damage, inflammation,
[29]) mainly occur on amino acids in the N-terminal and cellular apoptosis [42]. Recent evidence
tail domains (Figure 2). These chemical modi- supports the idea that extracellular histones con-
fications change the nucleosome structure tribute to human disease. Circulating nucleo-
and spread to different regions of the genome. somes were recently associated with disease
FIGURE 2 Graphical representation of nucleosomes showing histone octamer and histone tails for histone H3.3.
On the top of the figure is shown partially the primary sequence of histone H3.3 in which main posttranslational modifications
(PTMs) in amino acids (acetylation, ac; monomethylation, me1; dimethylation, me2; trimethylation, me3; biotinylation,
yellow triangle; citrullination, red square; phosphorylation, green square; and glutathionylation, blue oval) are represented.
H3 variants are showed into the box at the bottom of the figure, in which is compared the alignment of human noncentromeric his-
tone H3 variants. Differences in amino acid sequence among H3.3, H3.2, H3.1, H3.1t (testicular variant), and H3.Y are shown
in italics (in online version they are shown colored in red).
progression in patients with thrombotic micro- consensus on the levels of circulating histones
angiopathies [43]. Ekaney et al. detected higher and nucleosomes that discriminate patients
levels of histone H4 in septic patients compared from healthy subjects, due in part to the diver-
to patients with multiple organ failure without sity of procedures used in their determination.
infection or to patients with minor trauma [44]. Currently, different commercial kits are
Zeerleder et al. found increased nucleosome lev- available for the identification of circulating
els in systemic inflammation and septic shock nucleosomes and histones in blood samples of
[45,46] and studied how these levels correlated autoimmune disease patients, mainly in drug-
with the severity of the inflammatory response induced systemic lupus erythomatosus [47].
and mortality in children affected by meningo- Many of them are based on enzyme immunoas-
coccal sepsis [46]. Unfortunately, there exists no says [48]. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry
2. Epigenetic Mechanisms 7
and immunofluorescence-based procedures can characteristics of miRNAs [17,55,56]. This could
be used to analyze histone PTMs. However, a be due to their short length, particular biogen-
trend toward the use of mass spectrometry (MS)- esis, and strong association with proteins, or
based methodologies is gaining interest in clini- membrane-bound vesicles, such as exosomes,
cal diagnostic laboratories. MS methodologies microvesicles, or apoptotic bodies, etc. Impor-
can be employed in the analysis of histone PTMs tantly, miRNA expression is frequently altered in
and histone variants. In this volume, Noberini cancer and has shown promise as a tissue-based,
et al. discuss the potential of MS-based technolo- circulating biomarker for cancer classification
gies in biomarker discovery and their applica- and prognostics [56]. An interesting pioneer
tions in clinical epigenetics, focusing on novel study on this was performed by Volinia et al.
techniques to dissect the histone code in clini- They identified many overexpressed miRNAs
cal samples (Chapter 10). Importantly, MS holds in several solid tumors by performing a large-
great promise for clinical epigenetics because its scale miRNome analysis and found specific
potential allows histone PTM combinations to miRNA signatures for each tumor type [57]. Of
be dissected. great clinical importance is that unique miRNA
expression patterns can distinguish tumors from
different anatomical locations, and also differ-
2.3 Noncoding RNAs entiate various tumor subtypes at a single ana-
Only a small percentage of the transcribed tomic locus in kidney cancer [58], breast cancer
genes encode proteins, so these genome regions [59], and papillary renal carcinoma [60], among
were described as “dark matter RNAs” [49]. others.
ncRNAs are considered active participants in lncRNAs are generally defined as transcripts
controlling a wide range of biological processes, longer than 200 nucleotides that can be pro-
such as the regulation transcription of single cessed like mRNA, i.e., spliced and polyadenyl-
genes, as well as entire transcriptional programs ated [61]. These kinds of ncRNAs have been
[50]. Many thousands of regulatory nonpro- associated with neurological disorders [62], can-
tein-coding RNAs were demonstrated to be cer [63], and complex metabolic disorders [64].
transcribed in genome-wide studies, including There are currently a number of studies
miRNAs, small RNAs, PIWI-interacting RNAs, showing the interconnection between distinct
and various classes of lncRNAs [51]. Most clini- epigenetic events. For example, a subgroup
cal applications are being found for miRNAs of ncRNAs are additionally classified as epi-
and lncRNAs, so we will briefly describe these miRNAs because they can directly or indirectly
ncRNAs. Later chapters of this volume are regulate the expression of several components
focused on the ncRNA species and their poten- of the epigenetic machinery, such as DNA meth-
tial as clinical biomarkers. yltransferases or histone deacetylases, creating
miRNAs consist of a large family of short a very well-orchestrated mechanism [65,66] in
ncRNAs (17–25 nucleotides). These ncRNAs are such a way that the joint activities of different
involved in many biological processes [52] (i.e., epigenetic modifications result in a common
cellular development, differentiation, apoptosis, outcome. An altered balance of these processes
proliferation, tumor growth, metastatic dissemi- leads to pathological conditions, so it is impor-
nation, and resistance to therapy, among others) tant to evaluate the levels of ncRNAs (miRNAs
[53,54] as a consequence of their ability to con- and lncRNAs) in human biospecimens. High-
trol the expression (downregulation or upregu- throughput sequencing technologies, computa-
lation) of numerous genes. High stability and tional pipelines, and bioinformatics algorithms
low susceptibility to degradation are important allow us to identify the profile of dysregulated
ncRNAs in human diseases. In Chapter 11, diseases, infertility, and metabolic and neurode-
Costa et al. describe some of these approaches generative disorders. Some examples are shown
and tools for ncRNA analysis. In addition, Russo in section III of Epigenetic Biomarkers and Diag-
et al. (Chapter 12) discuss recent discoveries and nostics. Therefore, the identification of these
controversial topics on circulating ncRNAs and epigenetic changes serves to define healthy or
describe several public resources recently devel- disease states in humans and to set the basis for
oped for ncRNA analysis. In Table 1 the most the identification of epigenetic biomarkers.
relevant properties and information of miRNAs
and lncRNAs are summarized.
Epigenetic regulation does not always pro- 3. EPIGENETIC BIOMARKERS
duce gene regulation in a binary system that is AND IN VITRO DIAGNOSTICS
either ON or OFF. Epigenetic mechanisms can
be propagated over multiple cell divisions in A biomarker is a characteristic that is objec-
somatic cells. In addition, epigenetic information tively measured and evaluated as an indicator of
is modified during cellular differentiation and normal biologic processes, pathogenic processes,
partially erased in the germ line and the early or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic
embryo [67]. We also know that lifestyle, environ- intervention. The United Nations World Health
ment, especially chronic inflammation, and nutri- Organization (WHO) defines a biomarker as
tion induce epigenetic changes during our life any substance, structure, or process that can be
[68–73] and that aberrant placement of epigenetic measured in the body or its products and which
marks and epigenetic dysregulation (produced influences or predicts the incidence of outcome
by mutations in genes that codify for epigenetic of diseases (Biomarkers in Risk Assessment: Valid-
machinery) are involved in disease. Thus, DNA ity and Validation, Environmental Health Criteria
methylation, histone PTMs, and ncRNAs play a Series, No. 222, WHO). In this regard, the goal
critical role in diseases such as cancer, infectious of clinical biomarkers is to provide clinicians
Procedures for the analysis RNA-seq, arrays, qRT-PCR RNA-seq, arrays, qRT-PCR
a miRbase v21 (Kozomara A, Griffiths-Jones S. miRBase: annotating high confidence microRNAs using deep sequencing data. Nucl Acids Res 2014
January; 42(D1): D68–D73).
b v3.1 (Volders P-J, Verheggen K, Menschaert G, Vandepoele K, Martens L, Vandesompele J and Mestdag P. An update on LNCipedia:
a database for annotated human lncRNA sequences. Nucl Acids Res 2014 2015 January; 43(D1): D174-D180).
miRNAs, microRNAs; lncRNAs, long noncoding RNAs; FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; qRT-PCR, quantitative real-time
polymerase chain reaction.
with valuable information about the presence or changes based on disease evolution and intra- or
absence of a disease (diagnostic biomarker), the extraenvironmental cellular conditions while
patient prognosis (prognostic biomarker), the the latter, in contrast, is a static biomarker since
response to a specific treatment (predictive bio- our gene sequence generally does not change.
marker), the effects of ongoing treatment (ther- The potential of epigenetic biomarkers in
apy monitoring biomarkers), or a future risk of clinical practice is currently being demon-
disease development (risk markers) [74]. Based strated. The in vitro diagnostics (IVD) market
on these descriptions, recommended proper- is seeking new diagnostic and prognostic bio-
ties for clinical biomarkers are (1) they should markers which contribute to personalized medi-
be specific, sensitive, and stable; (2) they should cine, and epigenetics is currently contributing
be validated by different institutions in a large to this [77,78]. Recent advances in NGS have
number of samples followed by approval from allowed epigenetics to be used more easily both
the (US Food and Drug Administration) FDA by researchers and clinicians [79–81].
and/or (European Medicines Agency) EMA; and The exponential growth of the IVD market is
(3) although there exist excellent single markers evident at the moment, since the identification of
that serve for diagnostics, the use of biomarker biomarkers and the design of IVD tests facilitate
signatures instead of only one biomarker is pref- diagnostic, prognostic, and treatment monitor-
erable because the combination of biomarkers ing. Another point to consider is that the USFDA
increases the sensitivity and specificity [75]. encourages the integration of biomarkers into
One of the most important properties of epigen- drug development and their appropriate use in
etic marks is that they are highly stable (methyl- clinical practice. In that way, the effective inte-
ated DNA and miRNA) in multiple biospecimens gration of biomarkers into clinical development
(i.e., urine, blood, plasma, FFPE tissues, etc.). This programs may facilitate new medical product
is the case of miRNAs, which are very stable mol- development and promote personalized medi-
ecules in blood [56], urine [76], and also in FFPE cine [82,83]. In recent years, many epigenetic
[55], different from mRNA and proteins, as dis- drugs have been discovered, so the develop-
cussed by Peiró-Chova et al. in Chapter 2. ment of new, predictive, and sensitive biomark-
Based on these precedents, an epigenetic bio- ers for clinical practice is expected to reduce the
marker can be defined as “any epigenetic mark time and cost of drug development and also
or altered epigenetic mechanism (1) that can be contribute to overcoming problems during the
measured in the body fluids or tissues and (2) evaluation of new therapies during clinical trials
that defines a disease (detection), predicts the [84]. Therefore, the use of epigenetic biomarkers
outcome of diseases (prognostic) or response has tremendous potential to affect the success
to a therapy (predictive), monitors treatment rate of clinical trials and drug discovery. Proof
responses (therapy monitoring), or predicts risk of this is the growth observed in the number of
of future disease development (risk).” clinical trials using epigenetic drugs during last
In general, epigenetic biomarkers may repre- decade (Figure 3). In fact, epigenetic therapy
sent the effect of the environment and natural will be improved considerably after identifica-
history on the particular evolution of disease in tion of good pretreatment biomarkers predicting
each patient. Therefore, one of the most prom- response. Many large clinical trials in combina-
ising properties of epigenetic biomarkers is tion with novel high-throughput screening meth-
that they will contribute to the improvement of ods have contributed to these improvements, as
precision medicine. The advantage offered by described by Treppendahl et al. in Chapter 5.
epigenetic biomarkers versus genetic biomark- Specifically, epigenetic biomarkers are
ers is that the former is a dynamic one which coevolving and have reached a critical point
Histone modifications as well as the enzymes Section III of this volume presents a number
that catalyze them have been explored for their of epigenetic biomarkers of cancer (i.e., lung
potential to be used as biomarkers and also as cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer), meta-
therapeutic targets and biomarkers in cancer [93] bolic syndrome, infertility, pregnancy compli-
and other diseases. However, some questions cations, allergy and respiratory diseases, and
regarding histone PTMs should be raised by also neurodegenerative disorders. This section
researchers, as pointed out by Boukaba A. et al. is focused on the description of DNA methyla-
in Chapter 3. The first question is why so many tion, histone PTMs, and ncRNA-based biomark-
PTMs? Are they truly PTMs or just histone ers, thus offering the most reliable biomarkers
chemical moieties of adducts that are catalyzed by to be used in clinical practice and serve as a use-
distinct enzymatic reactions? Although not real ful manual for clinicians and biomedical scien-
epigenetic PTMs introduced by histone modifiers, tists. In some chapters, a number of epigenetic
some of them could set the basis for the discovery biomarkers with clinical value and that are used
of new PTMs involved in pathological processes, in clinical diagnostics are mentioned. In other
thus serving as biomarkers. In the advent of new cases, although some of the epigenetic biomark-
MS procedures and recent achievements of MS- ers discussed are not used in clinical practice
based proteomics for qualitative and quantitative yet, they show promising diagnostic value and
characterization of histone PTMs and histone are candidates to be adopted promptly into the
variants, MS has been converted into a well- clinical setting.
established method in epigenetics research [94].
On the other hand, it has been shown that
miRNAs of cancer cells modulate the microen- 6. EPIGENETICS: PERSPECTIVE
vironment via noncell-autonomous mechanisms OF IMPLANTATION IN CLINICAL
such as angiogenesis, tumor immune invasion, LABORATORIES
and tumor–stromal interaction, favoring the
acquisition of hallmark cancer traits in neighbor- The use of epigenetic biomarkers in molecu-
ing cells to initiate cancer progression [95]. The lar diagnostics needs to reach important mile-
understanding of these molecular processes may stones. The knowledge of new methodologies
yield novel solutions to treat cancer tissues and and bioinformatic tools and the consideration of
design better therapeutic responses through the financial, regulatory, and bioethical aspects are
identification of new miRNA-based targets or important issues that must be taken into account
their use in treatment monitoring. New technolo- before the incorporation of epigenetic biomark-
gies have already contributed to our understand- ers into clinical practice [17]. For biomarker
ing of miRNA-based mechanisms not only in validation, it is necessary to perform clinical
cancer but also in the central nervous system and validation by enrolling eligible and clinically rel-
brain processing, including learning, memory, evant participants in a research study. For exam-
and cognition, setting the basis for the study of ple, a “detection” epigenetic biomarker should
incurable neurological disorders [96]. Moreover, have the power to differentiate between liver
miRNAs are also known as major constituents of cancer patients and liver cirrhosis patients, not
exosomes, extracellular vesicles that are proposed between liver cancer patients and age-matched
to transmit signals from cell to cell. In this regard, healthy volunteers.
knowing the function of specific miRNAs and in While there are a number of published
which particles can they be found in biological reports identifying strategies to recruit partici-
fluids can contribute to improving the knowl- pants for genetic research, there is scarce infor-
edge of ncRNAs for better biomarker design. mation regarding the recruitment strategy for
6. Epigenetics: Perspective of Implantation in Clinical Laboratories 13
epigenetic research [97]. In this regard, the ethical of new biomarkers by the medical community
conduct of epigenetic research in clinical trials is will improve success in diagnostic and also
extremely important. As we know, some epigen- therapeutic interventions by minimizing the
etic changes have an intergenerational influence secondary events produced by nonpersonal-
[98]. Indeed, it is of notable interest to reflect ized therapy. To introduce this concept to health
on ethics not only in epigenetic diagnostics but professionals we need specialists to educate
also in epigenetic clinical trials. In light of this, the health community about novel diagnostic
Jallo et al. discusses the strategy to be developed approaches based on epigenetics. (2) Increase
and implemented to enroll subjects for epigen- knowledge about new epigenetic-based biomarkers.
etic studies [97]. Following the performance of Direct communication with health profession-
epigenetic studies and once the epigenetic bio- als and medical societies will help change the
marker has been validated, biomedical research paradigm and adopt these epigenetic-based
is able to deliver a reliable and useful clinical biomarkers into clinical routine. Epigenetics is
biomarker. However, it is important to take into a relative young biomedical discipline. So many
account that clinical laboratories need easy-to- health professionals do not know the potential
use and low-cost technologies to analyze these of epigenetics and its clinical utility. So, meet-
biomarkers and prepare clinical reports [17], so ings, scientific journals, and clinical reviews and
it is evident that providing reliable epigenetic new edited volumes such as Epigenetic Biomark-
biomarkers is difficult and several obstacles may ers and Diagnostics may contribute to this task.
have to be solved along the way. Regarding the use of technologies required
To overcome the most important barriers for for epigenetic studies it is important to (3) intro-
the implementation of epigenetic biomarkers in duce new technologies into clinical laboratories. It
diagnostic laboratories, some issues regarding would be very useful to introduce NGS and MS
the clinical utility and clinical validity of epigen- spectrometry technologies into clinical laborato-
etic biomarkers and regulatory issues should be ries. NGS has transformed genomic medicine,
taken into account. In fact, to become a clinically because it has reduced the cost of large-scale
epigenetic biomarker approved by regulatory sequencing. By using NGS, it is possible to
agencies, the biomarker should be confirmed analyze an individual’s near-complete exome,
and validated, and it should be reproducible, genome, methylome, miRNome and also to ana-
specific, and sensitive. Therefore, it is of high lyze complete histone posttranslational maps to
importance to completely characterize the epi- assist in the diagnosis of a wide array of clini-
genetic biomarkers, first by analytical validation cal scenarios. For NGS, one of the most prom-
which ensures the consistency of the method, ising applications is based on the advances in
test, or technology used to measure the epigen- Nano-ChIP-Seq, which will allow the analysis
etic biomarker, and second to establish the clini- of specific chromatin regions from far fewer
cal validity which relates to the consistency and cells for embryology and development studies.
accuracy of the biomarker for diagnostics, pre- (4) Replace classical methods for other cost-effective
dicting the clinical outcome or monitoring the and time-effective technologies. For example, the
effect of a treatment. potential of MS-based assays instead of those
In addition, other issues require solving based on immunoassays for the analysis of his-
before using epigenetic biomarkers in clinical tone PTMs shows several advantages, including
routine, including changing the paradigm of quantification, high sensitivity, specificity and
clinical diagnostics based exclusively on genet- low cost, among others [99]. However, there is
ics. In this regard it is necessary to (1) change an associated problem consisting of the high cost
conventional diagnostic approaches. The adoption of this kind of technology and the requirement
of specialists in MS [99]. Importantly, it has been to align patient and clinician demands with the
estimated that the incorporation of MS in labora- decision-making of administrators. It is obvious
tories for clinical diagnostics (replacing routine that epigenetics has revolutionized biomedi-
immunoassays) would save about $250,000 per cine, and its potential applications in diagnostics
year in each tertiary hospital laboratory [100]. and disease treatment make it easy to be recog-
So, if the future tendency of clinical laborato- nized by public health administrators as a use-
ries is to replace immunoassays with MS-based ful tool in clinical practice. (8) Ethical issues. It is
procedures, it would be better that efforts were important to address the possible ethical issues
focused on the improvement of MS-based pro- regarding the adoption of epigenetics into clini-
cedures for the identification of histone PTMs. cal routine. Rothstein et al. have identified a
(5) Implement new applications for conventional number of issues in which epigenetics differs
methodologies. It is also possible to adapt con- from genetics. Therefore, epigenetic research
ventional technologies used in laboratories for which leads to new ethical issues addressing a
clinical diagnostics to epigenetic applications. In number of potential legal and ethical implica-
this regard, well-established qPCR can be used tions, including legal and moral responsibility,
to analyze DNA methylation by MSP assays in intergenerational considerations, and issues
clinical diagnostic. regarding access to health care [101,102].
Finally, other strategic considerations need to
be taken into account for the adoption of epigen-
etic biomarkers in clinical diagnostics, including 7. PERSPECTIVES OF EPIGENETICS
(6) government regulations. It would be very rele- IN DIAGNOSTICS
vant to work with different stakeholders to over-
come regulatory hurdles in different countries Since the first human methylome was pub-
around the world to achieve the implementa- lished in 2009 [103], technologies and biomedi-
tion of epigenetic diagnostics in clinical routine. cal research have offered a wide range of clinical
It is possible to use “in-house developed” tests applications for epigenetics. No doubt in the
in a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amend- coming years epigenetics will overcome the
ments (CLIA)-certified reference laboratory to limitations of traditional genetics and genom-
perform different epigenetic tests. It is also pos- ics by providing new tools based on epigenetic
sible to apply for a less rigorous 510(k) process biomarkers and new epigenetic drugs able to
or for a more extensive premarket approval control the function of our genome. Epigenetics
application until full FDA or EMA review is will help address some unresolved questions in
performed. The “in-house developed” tests in our understanding of personalized medicine.
CLIA-certified laboratories may contribute to Epigenetic biomarkers (DNA methylation, PTM
adopt epigenetic assays in tertiary hospitals and in histones, and ncRNAs) serve in the dynamic
increase the knowledge of epigenetics in clini- study of physiopathological conditions, and
cal practice. (7) Third party. The adoption of new therefore, epigenetic biomarkers will serve to
technologies or epigenetic biomarkers by phy- predict the evolution of disease and to monitor
sicians and clinicians (prescribers) is subjected the effect of treatments on diseases. Further-
to decisions made by national/regional public more, the development of single-cell epigenetic
health administrators and insurance companies, assays or technologies such as Nano-ChIP-Seq,
which are ultimately responsible for the adop- which analyzes just a small number of cells, will
tion of new technologies. Therefore, it is very have a profound impact on clinical epigenetics,
important to perform clinical trials to validate because they solve the problem of limited tis-
the potential of epigenetic biomarkers and also sue availability and they also discern between
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The Importance of Biobanks in
Epigenetic Studies
Lorena Peiró-Chova1, Olga Bahamonde Ponce1, Carolina
Abril-Tormo2, Jacobo Martínez-Santamaría2,3, José Antonio
López-Guerrero4, Peter H.J. Riegman5
1INCLIVA Biobank, INCLIVA Biomedical Research Institute, Valencia, Spain; 2IBSP-CV Biobank,
FISABIO, Valencia, Spain; 3Valencian Biobank Network, FISABIO, Valencia, Spain; 4Laboratory
of Molecular Biology and Biobank, Fundacion Instituto Valenciano de Oncologia, Valencia, Spain;
5Department of Pathology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
FIGURE 1 A typical process model that could be implemented in biobanks according to a process approach in response to
the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.
nature of the biobank and the types of collections explicit purpose than SPREC: BRISQ (Biospecimen
it hosts. Key processes essentially refer to four Reporting for Improved Study Quality) [14] and
sequential common or fundamental processes MIABIS (Minimum Information About BIobank
for any type of biobank. These common key data Sharing) [15]. These initiatives have a greater
processes are, first, the reception of the biological capacity to cover the different variables that may
material, followed by its processing and preserva- be related to biobanking material and its associ-
tion, and finally, the distribution of that biological ated clinical and epidemiological information. In
material and associated data to researchers. the case of BRISQ, these variables are organized
Despite the fact that there are so many dif- into different levels, and they aim to character-
ferent types of biobanks, the preparation of ize part of the SOPs of the four key processes of a
biological material remains a key process. Such biobank. The purpose of BRISQ is to publish the
key processes should be described in the stan- conditions in which the used samples were pre-
dard operating procedures (SOPs). These SOPs served in order to enhance the reproducibility of
describe how to manipulate, for example, the results obtained. This can also have a normal-
peripheral blood to obtain blood components izing effect and decrease the variability associated
(serum, plasma, PBMCs, DNA, RNA, micro with the biomaterial and increase the feasibility
RNAs (miRNAs), histones, etc.) or other types of of the results obtained, for example, in large-scale
samples obtained without invasive procedures, epigenomic studies.
such as saliva, urine, feces, and tears. To improve Overall, the main objective of biobanks is to
the exchangeability of the samples needed to be be guarantors of the traceability and reproduc-
shared in multicenter research projects, these ibility of everything concerning the essence of
SOPs need to be standardized. Within an environ- biobanks. It is to provide the scientific commu-
ment where the biobanks are efficiently designed nity with biological material of high quality and
to answer different research questions, the han- appropriately characterized in order to enhance
dling of samples often differs. The variety may excellence in biomedical research.
be of importance when exchanging samples, and
this needs to be considered before the materials
1.3 Ethical Issues in Biobanking
are used. Moreover, there are biobanks with very
specific materials arising from surgical or clini- Biobanks have provoked questions on research
cal procedures, such as tumor and peritumoral and medical ethics, and have opened wide-
tissues, fresh, fixed, or postmortem tissues, cere- spread discussion. Since Chapter 3 describes the
brospinal fluid, and bone marrow. ethical concerns regarding epigenetic studies,
In order to harmonize the variations that may attention here is focused on the ethical issues
arise from the different SOPs used by different related to biobanking. The collection, storage,
biobanks, several initiatives have emerged across distribution, and use of biological materials and
best practice guidelines [10,2,11]. One of these is associated data should be conducted in a way
the SPREC (Standard PREanalytical Code) [12,13], that respects individuals, ensuring their privacy
which is understood as a tool for describing, using and confidentiality. Therefore, the following are
a seven-position code, the possible preanalyti- the fundamental ethical issues for biobanks:
cal variables associated with the preparation and the informed consent (IC) of the donors with the
processing of the biological samples (centrifuga- right to revoke their permission (including the
tion, precipitation, phase separation, etc.) with- informed opt-out systems when using residual
out the intervention of chemical agents. This tool materials); data protection; and anonymization or
is complemented by other initiatives that have a pseudoanonymization procedures of the biological
global character, but with a more general and less material for research.
1. Biobanks 23
Protecting autonomy through the process ensure the availability of donor ICs, current con-
of obtaining consent is important as it shows sent forms used in biobanking must be reviewed
respect for the individual. The principle of IC to ensure all these issues are carefully addressed
is largely recognized and considered a pillar in and explained by establishing practical and fea-
the practice of bioethics. Although it does not sible procedures. Otherwise, not only the act of
in itself protect a person, IC allows individu- consenting but also the right to revoke may be
als to exercise their fundamental right to decide only concepts with no real significance [1].
whether and how their biomaterials and associ- Still, protecting the donor against research
ated data will be used in research [1]. risks is a key responsibility for biobanks. In the
In recent years, biobank ethical debate has case of biobanking and the associated noninter-
focused especially on the validity of general or ventional research, the main risk for patients/
broad consent. Some would argue that the more donors is that identifiable personal data fall into
general the consent is, the less informed it becomes. the wrong hands. Hence, safeguarding confi-
Others would say that if the information provided dentiality is a paramount aspect of the protec-
covers all aspects relevant to the person’s choice, then tion of individuals and groups participating in
that person’s consent is appropriately informed. For biobanks [17].
those biobanks following the general collection The existence of many different levels of
model, a trend toward broad consent for future identifiability, coupled with their many differ-
research is now regarded as appropriate [16,17]. ent interpretations, has posed a major problem
Another discussion reflects the risks of the for discussions on confidentiality issues. Now, a
experiment and the conditions that need to be nomenclature proposed by the European Medi-
adhered to by stakeholders using the bioma- cines Agency (EMA) has been adopted by the
terials for medical research. A trial in which a International Conference on Harmonization of
patient is subjected to a potentially life-altering Technical Requirements (ICH), which brings
intervention is completely different from the sit- together the regulatory authorities in Europe,
uation where residual material and anonymized Japan, and the United States. Briefly, the nomen-
clinical data are used for medical research pur- clature is as follows. Identified data and samples
poses. In the latter case, an (informed) opt-out are labeled with personal identifiers such as
system is very capable of both safeguarding the name or identification numbers (e.g., social
unwanted use of biomaterials, and providing security or national insurance number). Coded
for the later revocation of the permission when data and samples are labeled with at least one
the only risk concerns privacy. This method is specific code and do not carry any personal
especially valuable when using archival materi- identifiers. Anonymized data and samples are
als for medical research and saves a lot of scarce initially single or double coded, but there is a
medical research resources, especially when the link with the subjects through the coding key(s).
patient contact with the pathologist involved is Anonymous data and samples are never labeled
not included in the normal routine [18]. with personal identifiers when originally col-
The right to revoke is mentioned in all consent lected, neither is a coding key generated. There-
forms for biomedical research. That notwith- fore, there is no potential to trace clinical data
standing, how it can be implemented in practice and samples to individual subjects [17].
is a challenge because biomaterial is exchanged, It is also recognized that the degree of data
data are distributed in complex databases, and protection is closely linked to questions of with-
sometimes samples undergo transformation drawal from research, dissemination of results to
into cell lines that can be exchanged and dupli- participants (generally or individually), follow-
cated. Therefore, although biobanks should up of participants, and third-party access to
research data. There are a variety of situations • t he need of large quantities of representative
ranging from identifying personal data (for biological samples with their associated
which there is significant protection, very lim- clinical information from different scenarios
ited access, and the possibility of withdrawal) to where the “-omics” technologies can be
anonymized data (for which there is free access applied, and
for research purposes, with no possibility of • the “globalization of biomedical research”
recontacting participants and no possibility of through an increasingly abundant and close
returning the results or of withdrawing from the collaboration among different research
project) [19]. With the realization that absolute groups around the world that implies the
data safety is an illusion, the idea of open consent interchange of biological samples and data.
has been proposed. This type of consent refrains
Hence, biobanks constitute a research infra-
from any promises of anonymity, privacy, or
structure committed to providing facilities,
confidentiality [20].
resources, and services to research groups in an
In genetic studies, including epigenetics,
open, transparent, and generous manner that
working with nonanonymized or even anony-
benefits not only science but also participants
mous samples and data is of special importance
(patients, healthy donors, etc.).
since the analysis of methylomes and miR-
Nomes, for example, could lead to incidental
findings affecting future generations, making it
2.1 Biobanks as Research Infrastructures
necessary to recontact participants.
Biobanks constitute an exclusive research
infrastructure that requires different governance
2. BIOBANKS IN BIOMEDICAL mechanisms than do project-based mechanisms.
RESEARCH This infrastructure necessitates a specialized level
of organization focused not only on ensuring the
The value of biobanks to translational medi-
quality of the biological samples and their asso-
cal science is widely recognized [21,22]. Promot-
ciated information but also on the access rules
ing translational research and the application of
and confidence for both end users: researchers,
innovative technology requires easy access sup-
as well as participants. Because of this operat-
port infrastructure to facilitate agile experimen-
ing philosophy, biobanks need to be dynamic
tal demonstrations of a hypothesis or simulated
and efficient in meeting the requirements of
models. In this scenario, biobanks constitute one
researchers, while preserving the rights and the
of the most attractive alternatives contributing
confidentiality of the donors. Overcoming this
to building bridges between all the biomedical
challenge requires the involvement of many
research specialties.
actors (clinicians, data managers, technicians,
Among the situations that have occurred in
pathologists, etc.) and institutional support.
the last decade of biomedical research and that
Trust between the biobank and the investigators
have resulted in the establishment of biobanks,
using the biobank is of major importance. The
the following deserve highlighting:
biomaterials and data must be available for their
• t he vertiginous development of the “-omics” projects. In addition, the trust between the bio-
disciplines (metabolomics, proteomics, bank and the participants is crucial. Within this
transcriptomics, genomics, epigenomics, force field, the biobank manager needs to find
etc.) in obtaining large amounts of data from the solution that best fits each situation. In order
high-quality samples [23], to guarantee a minimum of functionality within
2. Biobanks in Biomedical Research 25
the framework described above, at least the privacy will evolve over the life of the biobank.
following parameters should be considered. Hence, participants are key stakeholders in
these issues and CABs can serve as a represen-
2.1.1 IC and Governance tative voice of the community [30].
Rather than providing IC for a specific proj-
ect, participants in most biobanks offer an open 2.1.2 Associated Data
consent for multiple future biomedical projects, Most prevalent diseases are considered to be
the details of which cannot be provided at the caused by a large number of genetic and envi-
time of enrollment. For this reason, the gover- ronmental effects or modest gene–environment
nance mechanism must balance the needs of the interactions [31]. These interactions may also
scientific community and the participants with affect the response to treatments and patient
an emphasis on the recognition of participants, follow-up after clinical interventions. In these
trustworthiness, and adaptive management scenarios, the scientific value of biobanks is
[24,25]. Hence, formal governance structures greatly enhanced when they also have lifestyle,
are a common and necessary component of bio- risk factor data, and other clinical information
banks. Although the institutional review board available [5]. Clinically useful data commonly
(IRB) is an essential component for oversight include demographic information, general
and safety, most biobanks utilize a formal access health and functioning, personal and family
or oversight committee to approve the use of medical history, health behaviors (e.g., diet,
samples and data [26,27,28]. These committees physical activity, and smoking), medication use
may serve to review the scientific content of the (both prescription and over-the-counter medi-
research proposals as well as provide manage- cations), diagnosis (type of disease, biomark-
ment for finite biological samples. Members of ers, etc.), type of treatment, and follow-up. The
these committees should be skilled in scientific, systematic collection of family history data can
ethical, and clinical domains to provide an addi- also be highly useful, as it is generally stored as
tional level of safety and rigor to projects using unstructured text in the electronic health record
biobanks. (EHR), making it difficult to cost-effectively
In many countries, as well as in some col- retrieve it for research studies [32].
laborative research consortiums, the role of
participants is increasingly taken into account. 2.1.3 Sustainability
In some contexts, informal governance struc- Biobanks are often launched without a long-
tures, such as community advisory boards term plan of sustainability [5,17]. While a large
(CABs), can be an important component of component of the cost is the upfront collection
biobank governance [25]. CABs may provide and processing of samples, there are signifi-
advice about the efficacy of the IC process and cant costs to maintaining samples, data, and
the implementation of research protocols [29], access to a biobank. Cost recovery models vary
and they are representative of the community from institutional support to complete support
participating in the research being reviewed through user fees, although the latter are hard to
(for instance, cancer patient coalitions, rare set, given large initial costs and the life cycle of
disease advocacy groups, special and minority a biobank over decades [5]. More recently, it has
groups). Input from the community can add been suggested that biobanking in a clinical con-
insight into the perspectives of participants text might be incorporated into the cost of busi-
when questions arise. Issues with return of ness and embedded into the fee and insurance
results, academic/industry partnership, and reimbursement structure [33].
cell-free circulating methylated DNA can be a isolation of the exosomes from various body flu-
good candidate for diagnostic biomarkers [44]. ids, including plasma, malignant ascites, urine,
In fact, methylated DNA has been determined amniotic fluid, breast milk, and saliva [76,77].
in serum and plasma [45–49], urine and semen The stability of exosomes and exosomal miRNA
[50–52], bronchoalveolar lavage fluid [53], saliva in body fluids and their accurate detection by
[54], sputum [55,56], ductal lavage fluid [57], and quantitative PCR further support their potential
fine-needle aspirates [58]; a fact which gives an as noninvasive, or at least minimally invasive,
idea of the high stability of methylated DNA. biomarkers for disease [78]. In this regard, it is
miRNAs are a large family of short noncod- important to point out that procedures for iso-
ing RNAs (17–25 nucleotides) [59], which are lating exosomes and miRNAs, along with meth-
involved in many biological processes and can- odologies for quantifying miRNA species from
cer [60,61]. The miRNAs have been described biological material, are relatively recent devel-
as highly stable molecules, and some authors opments. Thus, SOPs for the collection, process-
have attributed their stability to nuclease resis- ing, and preservation of biological specimens
tance due to smaller nucleic acid size [62] and/or from which exosomes and miRNAs can be iso-
microvesicular containment [63]. Therefore, the lated must be carefully evaluated before these
study of these stable small RNA molecules molecules are used for further research as can-
involved in a broad spectrum of biological pro- didate biomarkers. In this regard, biobanks can
cesses may lead to the discovery of promising play a crucial role, fine-tuning these procedures
new biomarkers with a diagnostic, prognostic, and ensuring the quality of samples.
or therapeutic value [43,64]. The miRNAs can be readily isolated not only
Mitchell et al. [65] and Chen et al. [66] were from body fluids but also from fresh or fixed
the first to report the stability of miRNAs in tissues. The stability of these small molecules
serum and their potential use as biomarkers for in tissue samples of compromised quality, such
disease. Since then, many other investigations as formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE)
have analyzed the stability of miRNAs over samples, has also been evaluated [79]. Forma-
time, taking into account preanalytical condi- lin fixation and the paraffin-embedding process
tions in body fluids, such as serum and plasma cause enzymatic degradation and even a chemi-
[67] and urine [68]. cal modification of RNA, giving rise to cross-
Additionally, specific miRNA signatures links with proteins and making RNA extraction
with clinical value have been identified in the difficult [80,81,82]. However, small RNAs are
body fluids of cancer patients, making cell-free easily extracted after proteinase K digestion.
miRNAs good candidates for minimally inva- Therefore, miRNAs from FFPE samples are sim-
sive biomarkers [69]. The miRNAs and miRNA ilarly recovered than miRNAs from optimally
signatures from serum, urine, saliva, cerebrospi- preserved frozen samples, thus supporting the
nal fluid [70,71], and exosomes [72] have been high degree of stability of miRNAs [79]. Thus,
described as promising diagnostic biomarkers. tissue samples, mainly found in HIBs, could be
As has been pointed out before, some authors the starting material for early biomarker stud-
have attributed the unusual stability of miRNA ies. Retrospective studies using tissue samples
in several biofluids, as well as in tissues, to their for the identification of miRNA signatures in
location within exosomes [73], since these vesi- diseases may be the first step in the discovery
cles act as a barrier to nucleases. of candidate biomarkers. Consequently, once
Exosomes containing miRNAs have been potential biomarkers are identified, methods
described as playing a role in cell-to-cell commu- can be optimized in specific SOPs so as to detect
nication [74,75]. Recent studies have described the and validate these specific miRNAs in body
3. Epigenetics and Biobanking 29
fluids in order to obtain useful minimally inva- nonfixed samples are further recommended for
sive epigenetic biomarkers to be used in every- MS studies because protein extraction from FFPE
day clinical practice. tissues faces challenges due to deparaffinization
Histones are other biomolecules that can be and cross-link reversion. Despite the advances
used as epigenetic biomarkers, and both the in proteomics, factors affecting the stability and
presence of circulating histones and altered utility of FFPE biomaterials will require detailed
PTMs in histones in specific tissue or cell lines evaluation and validation, and PTM enrich-
are indicative of pathological conditions. ment procedures would be required. In conclu-
Extracellular histones have been demon- sion, the PTM-directed analysis in FFPE would
strated to function as endogenous danger sig- be complicated by dynamic changes during the
nals. Levels of circulating histones as well as fixation process and due to complications of
nucleosomes are increased in patients with can- affinity enrichment procedures [90]. Since the
cer, inflammation, and infection [83,84]. Hence, optimal starting material for MS studies, such
detecting the levels of histones and nucleosomes as fresh-frozen tissues, are not always readily
in biological fluids could set the basis for the available, the optimization of methods for the
design of new biomarkers. EDTA (10 mmol/L) extraction of proteins from different sources of
avoids further digestion of nucleosomes through biological material to carry out these studies is
the Ca+2- and Mg+2-dependent endonucleases also needed [91].
present in blood. These processed samples have Other important experimental procedures
shown good stability for at least 6–12 months at used in epigenomic studies are chromatin immu-
−80 and −20 °C [85]. In addition, a 5-year stor- noprecipitation (ChIP) experiments followed by
age at −80 °C revealed a decrease of about 32% real-time PCR or sequencing analysis [92]. ChIP
of the nucleosome values, suggesting that long- experiments consist of the immunoprecipita-
term stability of these kinds of proteins in blood tion of the chromatin using specific antibod-
derivatives can be compromised during the ies that recognize proteins bound to chromatin
storage time [86]. Clarifying what are the opti- and specific PTMs in histones. Although FFPE
mal processes for preserving the integrity of tissue samples comprise a potentially valuable
these proteins in body fluids, thus avoiding the resource for retrospective biomarker discovery
degradation by endogenous proteases, is a chal- studies, these biological samples have draw-
lenge in which biobanks can contribute actively backs, as described earlier. These samples often
by providing SOPs that ensure the integrity of display degradation and loss of antigenicity
these nuclear proteins. due to harsh fixation conditions and prolonged
Histone PTMs play an important role in the storage. These factors can affect the ease of
epigenetic regulation, and irregular patterns of chromatin preparation for experiments of ChIP-
histone global acetylation and methylation have seq and require optimized protocols for good
frequently been observed in various diseases results. Some commercial kits partially solve
[87,88]. As a consequence, quantitative analysis this problem. For example, Active Motif, Inc. has
of the PTMs can be very useful in identifying developed a ChIP-IT® FFPE Chromatin Prepa-
new biomarkers, looking for therapeutic targets, ration Kit that contains specifically formulated
or monitoring treatment. Mass spectrometric reagents and an improved protocol to extract
(MS) approaches, such as selected reaction mon- high-quality chromatin from histological slides
itoring, can quantify histone PTMs directly from or tissue sections. Moreover, there also exists lit-
core histone samples [89]. Therefore, it is very erature where optimized ChIP-seq procedures
important to characterize the source from which to obtain good-quality chromatin from FFPE
histones have been purified. In this context, samples are described [93].
Overall, the stability of candidate biomarkers Furthermore, biobanks can contribute to the
is a prerequisite for the adequate identification systematization, protocolization, standardiza-
and validation of epigenetic biomarkers which tion, and innovation of technical procedures that
may be used in clinical practice to improve the could facilitate researchers with optimal starting
accuracy of diagnosis, predict prognosis, and material for their investigations. The implemen-
monitor disease progression and response to tation and standardization of technical proce-
therapy. The nature and essence of biobanks dures in biobanks may contribute to decrease the
make them a feasible source for providing amount of resources needed in order to acquire
researchers this appreciated biomaterial and the biomaterial required for epigenetic studies
associated data of high quality. [43]. Moreover, as previously mentioned, the
return of research data to biobanks at the comple-
tion of a study could lead to an optimization of
3.2 How Can Biobanks Contribute to
the resources, avoiding the need for researchers
Epigenetic and Epigenomic Studies? to reanalyze the same parameters while reducing
Large-scale epigenomic studies have revo- the cost and time required for subsequent studies.
lutionized three major areas in science: basic Large-scale epigenomic projects and stud-
gene regulatory processes, cellular differentia- ies focusing on the identification of epigenetic
tion and reprogramming, and the role of epi- biomarkers require a large number of biological
genetic regulation in disease [94]. In a similar samples with their associated clinical data. Nev-
way, epigenetics has accelerated biomedical ertheless, a single biobank may not always be
research in three major areas: the identifica- able to provide the number of samples needed to
tion of pathogenic pathways and targets par- provide statistical power in this kind of studies.
ticipating in disease, the identification of new Thus, there is a need for biobanks to network. The
epigenetic biomarkers, and the development standardization of procedures between biobanks
of epigenetic drugs for treating diseases. The plays a key role in these networks [95]. The par-
optimal conditions for the collection, process- ticipation of several biobanks in multicenter proj-
ing, and long-term preservation of biological ects requires all of them to adopt common SOPs
samples need to be defined before perform- [15]. Hence, networking between biobanks also
ing biomarker discovery studies. Furthermore, requires a multidirectional flow of information.
taking into account the preanalytical variables Consequently, the proper management and trace-
associated with the above-mentioned processes ability of preanalytical variables associated with
is very important for the success of epigenetic samples are crucial to ensuring effective inter-
and epigenomic studies. Additionally, there is a connection and interoperability among biobanks
need for adequate isolation and detection proce- [96]. Thus, the coordination and integration of
dures for the specific biomolecules that are to be biobanks in a way that allows them to share SOPs
analyzed as candidate biomarkers, as described and information about the samples they hold
in the previous sections. Moreover, an adequate may facilitate large-scale collaborative projects.
selection of cell types, tissues, and body fluids For the shared information, it is crucial to look
of high quality to carry out biomedical research carefully at the annotations used and translate
should be ensured. Consequently, biobanks them to a common format wherever necessary.
play a crucial role in ensuring the availability to Finally, genes, epigenetic regulation, and envi-
researchers of high-quality biological samples ronment are important contributors in the devel-
that have been collected, processed, and pre- opment of human diseases [97]. Individuals have
served the best way, following standardized different genomes and environmental exposure
operating procedures. histories, the latter also defined as exposomes [98],
4. Conclusions 31
affecting their epigenomic signature. Epigenetics on the implications of epigenetic studies. Bio-
and exposomes are tightly associated, and it banks would act as providers of high-quality
is surprising how environment can affect the biological samples with well-annotated data to
human epigenome. Regarding the impact of the scientific community, facilitating the deep
environment on epigenetics, biobanks interested research collaborations needed for large-scale
in human biomonitoring that host samples from epigenomic projects (Figure 2). Therefore, dedi-
humans exposed to different environmental con- cated biobanks are a key step in the development
ditions (exposure to chemicals, for example) have of personalized/precision medicine [5,99,100].
appeared recently in great quantity. The number
of this type of biobank is exploding. Environmental
specimen biobanks can be integrated into PBs.
These biobanks may make possible the develop-
ment of interesting epigenomic projects that shed
To conclude, the following are some of the
light on how environment affects our health.
most important aspects that have been dis-
Overall, the identification and analysis of
cussed in this chapter.
candidate biomarkers to be translated to clinics
require a proper research ecosystem that can be • D uring the last few years, biobanks
mediated by biobanks. Before performing bio- have become an important resource for
marker discovery studies, optimal material with biomedical research, constituting an
the associated data needs to be used, and ade- exclusive infrastructure that requires specific
quate isolation and detection procedures need governance mechanisms.
to be defined. To a large degree, biobanks can • Biobanks must pay close attention to the
cover the area of regulatory and ethical issues, collection of high-quality specimens and
as well as that of social engagement and focus their relevant associated information. They
must conduct their activities in a way that
respects individuals by ensuring their
privacy and confidentiality. Biobanks also
need to be dynamic and efficient in order to
meet the requirements of researchers.
• Epigenetic biomarkers, which are based on
the methylation of specific genes, miRNA
signatures, and specific PTMs in histones, are
promising clinical biomarkers because they
are highly stable under different conditions.
• Biobanks provide critical research and
infrastructure support for biomedical
research in the field of personalized
medicine, facilitating the discovery and
validation of epi- and genetic associations
with exposome interactions. These
interactions will shed light onto disease
FIGURE 2 A schematic representation of how biobanks pathogenesis which can ultimately
contribute to epigenetic and epigenomic studies, provid-
ing high-quality samples, data, and services to the scien-
be translated into risk assessment/
tific community in an ethical framework, facilitating deep stratification schemes, new diagnostic and
research collaborations through biobanking networks. pharmacogenomic tools, and new drugs.
• A
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Epigenetic Mechanisms as Key
Regulators in Disease: Clinical
Abdelhalim Boukaba1, Fabian Sanchis-Gomar2,3, José Luis
1Drug Discovery Pipeline, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Science,
Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Physiology, Medicine and Dentistry School,
University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 3Biomedical Research Institute INCLIVA, University of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain; 4Center for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), Spain
the transcriptional and posttranslational level. genome, thereby modifying chromatin states
Those ncRNAs include microRNAs (miRNAs) and influencing gene expression [43].
and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), among
others. miRNAs are a large family of short RNA
molecules, with an average size of 17–25 nucleo- 2. EPIGENETICS AND
tides [33]. lncRNA transcripts are longer than METABOLISM INTERSECTION
200 nucleotides and poorly conserved. lncRNAs
are transcribed from all over the genome, includ- 2.1 Relevant Genes in the Methionine
ing intergenic regions, domains overlapping Cycle Contribute to Epigenetic
one or more exons of another transcript on the Regulation
same strand (sense) or on the opposite strand
(antisense), or intronic regions of protein-coding The methionine cycle and transsulfuration
genes [34]. pathway have special relevance in the con-
ncRNAs contribute to the dynamics of the trol of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), which
epigenome, so they are key players in the is the most important methyl donor for DNA
regulation of gene expression and cellular methyltransferases (DNMTs) and histone
activity, and both miRNAs and lncRNAs play methyltransferases (HMTs) (Figure 1). In the
a role in heterochromatin formation, histone methionine cycle, the methylenetetrahydro-
PTMs, DNA methylation, and gene silencing. folate reductase gene (MTHFR) is the enzyme
miRNAs are involved in several biological that reduces 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate
processes, such as cellular development, dif- to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, necessary for the
ferentiation, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and transference of a methyl group to the methio-
cancer [35,36]. These small RNA molecules nine. Mutations in the MTHFR gene produce
regulate gene expression mainly by base- low levels of SAM [44]. Genetic polymorphisms
pairing to the 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR) in the MTHFR gene results in high homocyste-
of target mRNAs, although evidence suggests ine (HCys) levels and low methionine produc-
that miRNAs can also bind to coding regions or tion, which in turn may lead to accumulation of
to the 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) of some S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) and low levels
mRNAs [37,38]. miRNAs can downregulate of SAM in human population [45]. The low lev-
gene expression by inhibiting mRNA transla- els of SAM and accumulation of SAH alter the
tion or by degradation of mRNA molecules, as SAM/SAH methylation ratio inducing global
well as increasing mRNA translation of some hypomethylation of DNA and histones [45],
targets [39]. which contribute to genetic instability and
The role of lncRNAs in epigenetic regula- chromosome aberrations [46]. Vitamin B12
tion is dual because they can serve as scaf- and SAM/SAH are essential in regulating the
folds for chromatin-modifying complexes and activity of the methionine synthase (MS) and
they can guide other epigenetic machinery to it has been found that a deficit in MS produces
the target site of the chromatin [40,41]. It has alterations in genome-wide methylation [47],
also been reported that some lncRNAs show so affecting the epigenetic program.
enhancer-like activity, and they regulate alterna- The transsulfuration pathway is a very impor-
tive splicing and other posttranscriptional RNA tant pathway for the production of cysteine
modifications [42] that determine the activity (Cys)-containing amino acids and the synthesis
of our genome. Many lncRNAs act by form- of glutathione, one of the most important mam-
ing complexes with chromatin-modifying pro- malian nonenzymatic antioxidants (Figure 1).
teins and recruiting them to specific sites in the The transsulfuration pathway involves the
2. Epigenetics and Metabolism Intersection 43
FIGURE 1 Diagram showing the methionine cycle, transsulfuration pathway, and glutathione synthesis (GSH) path-
way and its connection to epigenetic metabolites. Abbreviations in the diagram: B6 and B12, vitamins B6 and B12, respec-
tively; BHMT, betaine homocysteine methyltransferase; CBS, cystathionine β-synthase; CTH, cystathionase; DNMTs,
DNA methyltransferases; GCLC and GCLM, catalytic and modulatory subunits of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase; GGT,
γ-glutamyltranspeptidase; GLS, glutaminase; GNMT, glycine N-methyltransferase; GSS, glutathione synthetase; HMT, his-
tone methyltransferases; MAT, methionine adenosyltransferase; MS, methionine synthase; SAHH, S-adenosylhomocysteine
hydrolase; and THF, tetrahydrofolate.
interconversion of Cys and HCys, through the disease called cystathionine β-synthase defi-
intermediate cystathionine. The production of ciency (ICD-10 E72.1; ORPHA394) that produces
homocysteine through transsulfuration allows an accumulation of HCys. Hyperhomocystein-
the conversion of HCys to methionine, which as emia induces oxidative stress, which has been
described above is catalyzed by MS [48]. Follow- postulated as a mechanism that produces hypo-
ing the steps of the transsulfuration pathway, methylation of several substrates [49,50] includ-
HCys is transformed into cystathionine by CBS ing DNA [51]. In patients with cystathionine
(cystathionine β-synthase) (Figure 1). Mutations β-synthase deficiency, the levels of HCys, SAM,
in the CBS gene are found in patients with a rare and SAH were significantly elevated compared
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La Sicilia era così venuta tutta omai in potere de' Romani e,
compiuta la conquista, si attese a darle uno stabile assetto. M.
Valerio Levino che avea compiuto l'impresa di guerra, attese
anch'esso ad esaurir questo compito.
Già, da quando alla fine della prima guerra punica la Sicilia era stata
costituita in provincia, avea dovuto esserle dato un particolare
ordinamento, ma è ignoto a noi quale precisamente si fosse. Che vi
venisse mandato uno speciale annuo governatore sin dal principio, lo
dice Appiano [196], ma quale speciale grado egli avesse, non par
chiaro. Un pretore, no di certo, quantunque tale apparirebbe dalla
parola usata dallo storico greco (στρατηγός); giacchè è noto che
solo tra il 525 ed il 529, verosimilmente nel 527 [197], si portò a
quattro il numero de' pretori, per destinarne uno al governo della
Sardegna ed un altro a quello della Sicilia; ed il primo, di cui si sa
che andò in tale qualità a reggere la Sicilia, fu C. Flaminio [198]. Sino
a quel tempo fu dunque uno dei due pretori in carica ad
amministrarla direttamente, o l'amministrò una persona eletta da un
d'essi? o eletta dal popolo [199]? e fu un questore [200], o un
praefectus iuri dicundo [201]? Ecco tante domande, le cui risposte
possono poggiare soltanto sopra più o meno fondate induzioni.
Del resto le condizioni anormali e lo stato di guerra in cui la Sicilia si
trovò ancora avvolta dopo il 527, fecero sì che consoli vi prendessero
la direzione della guerra, ed allora i pretori, destinati al suo governo,
ebbero limitata ad una zona più ristretta la loro attività e dovettero
subordinare il loro imperio a quello del magistrato superiore [202]. In
virtù di questo suo imperio M. Claudio Marcello [203], espugnata
Syracusae, nel ricevere le legazioni di altre città, ne determinò in
varia maniera la condizione, prendendo consiglio dall'attitudine da
esse tenuta. Ma ordinata definitivamente non avea potuto essere la
Sicilia, già neppur tutta riconquistata e sgombra de' Cartaginesi; e,
poichè li ebbe scacciati anche da Agrigentum [204] ed ebbe
ricondotto l'ordine in tutta l'isola, di nuovo in gran parte turbata e
fatta ribelle dopo la partenza di Marcello [205]; fu M. Levino (210 av.
C.) che dette alla provincia il suo stabile assetto, la sua forma; e, per
chi volesse accettare l'ingegnosa interpretazione fatta da un
autore [206] di un noto passo di Livio [207], quell'assetto rimase poi
immutato sino a' tempi di Verre e di Cicerone. Tuttavia noi
dell'ordinamento di Levino abbiamo così poche notizie e tanto
generiche, che non ce ne consentono una conoscenza ampia e
sicura; e poichè, per giunta, qui si parla dell'amministrazione della
Sicilia solo in via d'introduzione al processo di Verre e per quel tanto
che giovi a meglio intendere e chiarire quel fatto storico, non è
possibile, e non importa neanche molto, trattar qui alcune quistioni
d'ordine assai speciale, che esigono una trattazione indipendente.
Tra il governo di Levino e quello di Verre nuovamente fu sconvolta la
Sicilia, non più da guerre esterne, ma da un moto intestino, dalle
due guerre servili di Euno e di Atenione; e, chiusa che fu la prima di
esse, secondo la saggia politica romana che non si preoccupava
soltanto di vincere, ma ancor più di assicurare i frutti della vittoria,
non s'affidava soltanto all'opera breve e violenta delle armi, ma
ancora a quella più lenta e durevole di proficui ordinamenti; dieci
legati furon dal senato mandati in Sicilia perchè insieme al Console
Rupilio, vincitore della ribellione, componessero le cose di Sicilia; ed
è la Sicilia, quale uscì riordinata dalle mani di questi suoi legislatori,
che noi conosciamo relativamente un po' meglio, grazie a Cicerone;
ed è quello che anche a noi importa meglio sapere per il nostro
A che cosa precisamente si limitasse o si estendesse l'opera di
Rupilio e de' dieci commissari, non possiamo in maniera certa trarre
dalle fonti che ce ne danno notizia [208]. Per quanto è possibile
dedurne, l'opera loro dovette principalmente rivolgersi a regolare la
vita giuridica ed economica, sopratutto nell'intento di allontanare
quelle cause, che aveano prodotta la prima guerra servile e, non
molti anni di poi, benchè per periodo più breve, fecero riardere la
Secondo un'ipotesi già accennata, potè ben darsi che ne' privilegî
delle varie città, nella loro condizione rispetto a Roma non venissero
introdotte mutazioni, od almeno mutazioni notevoli.
Non si dovea trattare, infatti, per la natura della guerra, di punire o
premiare città, che avessero parteggiato a favore o contro di Roma,
ma piuttosto di riordinare i rapporti interni, ed eliminare sopratutto
ogni forte ragione di malcontento, e temperare i danni dell'economia
servile e scongiurare o frenare i moti minacciosi che ne derivavano.
Ma, che che sia di ciò, come ultime venute nel tempo, sotto il
periodo della Repubblica, per quel che poterono innovare e per
quello che confermarono, per quello che largirono e per quel che
riconobbero, le leges Rupiliae (Lex Rupilia, leges Rupiliae, decretum)
valsero come la carta fondamentale della vita pubblica siciliana.
Le città di Sicilia.