668812395 Tiger Time Кмж 1 Токсан

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Unit: Starter unit Home and away

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Listen and say. Play Who is it?

Learning objectives(s) that this 5.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
lesson is contributing to: cooperatively in groups

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on

general and curricular topics

5.R5deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of

familiar general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:Find out about guards at the Tower of London
Most learners will be able to:ask and answer the questions about Scottish
Some learners will be able to:ask andanswer the questions about Scottish
cultureandalso going to do a vocabulary quiz
Value links: Respect each other, study well, be diligent, be calm in any situations

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with
the help of the 1.Who are the -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning members of the Tiger question
teacher.T greats the Cards
Tracks Social
«Brainstorming» students. Explains - answer the 2 nd-
Learning Network?
method the aim of the lesson. question.
Asks familiar 2. Where are they Students Book
5 min. from? How do we say
questions, such as
What is the date? different dates? Total: 2points
What is the weather Aim:Revise the
like?Review the previous lessons
members of the Tiger material.The students
Tracks Social say what they can
Learning Network. T remember about
holds up the each one. Encourage Ss who
flashcards of the Efficiency:Ss refresh can name object
members of the Tiger their mind before that is connected
Tracks SLN in turn. starting new theme. with new lesson.

Middle of the T plays the CD The students listen -students listen Whiteboard
lesson introducing the Tiger and follow in their
Tracks SLN. books. -read the sentences Students Book
Presentation part. correctly
Explains the aims of the CD
lesson. Says Today 3points

13min. we're going to

remember the members
the Tiger Tracks Social
Learning Network and
play a game about them.
We're also going to ask
and say what our
favourite food and
subjects are.

Aim: to introduce the



Ss develop their
listening and speaking

T repeats new words. Ss Listen and repeat Descriptor: Whiteboard

play game “what is
10 min. missing?” write down to -try to learn new Students Book
their vocabulary new words

Aim: to introduce new Total: 3points

vocabulary in context

Efficiency: to enrich Ss’


“What is
missing?”method is
used to develop their
vocabulary knowledge.

12min. T play the CD, pausing Student's Book Descriptor: Whiteboard

before the answers each Activity 4
time. (Books closed.) -give correct Students Book
Divide the class into two Listen and say. Play answer
Who is it? CD
teams. Stick the -pronounce words
flashcards of the Tiger The students listen correctly
Tracks SLN members and say the Tiger
on the board. T Tracks SLN member's 2 point
demonstrates the Who is names.
it? game. Says different
sentences. He's (twelve) Thestudents take turns
years old. His to identify
favouritesubject is themembers of the
(history). / Her Tiger Tracks SLN.
birthday's on
The students then say
(30thSeptember). She
sentences about the
likes (music and films).
members of the Tiger
T keeps score on the
Tracks SLN for the
board. The team with
other team to identify.
most points at the end

Aim: to listen and speak

Verbal support

End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T show their knowledge other and encourage
asks SS to stick their according to the classmate with Poster.
Reflection stickers to the Success lesson phrases like:
Green- I understood Well done!
Brilliant! Good job!
5 min Yellow-I have some I like it!

Red-I need a help.

Aim:To know how

many Ss got the


Ss can use colors to

show how much do
they remember.

nclusion» method is
used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. ● The teacher and students will give brief feedback. ● ICT
● More capable students will
be given more challenging
material to work with in
order to allow them to be
more challenged.
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Lesson Plan 5

Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: A world of gadgets

Learning objectives(s) that this use speaking and listening skills to solve problems
lesson is contributing to: creatively and cooperatively in groups5.2.5.1 understan d most
specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide
range of familiar topics5.3.1.1 provide basic information about
themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of
general topics
Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:know the vocabulary (understand )
Most learners will be able to:distinguish words by groups
Some learners will be able to:know the usage of the vocabulary

Value links: Respect each other, to be polite

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with the
help of the teacher. 1What do you know about -name the fruit and
Pre-learning Rosa, Steve, Lisa, Sita, Duncan vegetables that they
Differentiation: and Joseph? know Cards
method T asks different questions 2.What do you know about your
connected with the theme friend? Students Book
10 min. and tries to help Ss to give Total: 2point
the correct answer. T asks Aim:Revise the previous
leading questions to clarify lessons material.
the theme to the Ss who Efficiency: Ss refresh their Encourage Ss who
needs T support. mind before starting new theme. answer the
Ss give their possible
answers. After that T
introduces the aim and
theme of the lesson.Explains
the aims of the lesson.Says
Today we're going to find
out about electronicgadgets.
We're going to ask and
answer questionsabout
which gadgets we've got,
and we're alsogoing to do a
vocabulary quiz.

«Vocabulary»Vocabulary «Vocabulary»The students T praise active Ss Whiteboard

presentation digital T name electronic gadgets they with phrases such
Middle of the presents the vocabulary. know. as: “Good job! Flashcards
lesson (Books closed.) Explains the
The students repeat the Well done!” Students Book
Presentation part. meaning of 'gadget' (a
wordsonce or twice. They then Poster
small, useful tool or match the word cards and
machine). Introduces the flashcards on the board
10min. new gadgets by sticking the
flashcards on the board.

• Holds up the word cards in

turn. The students read the

.Aim:to learn vocabulary

» method is used to develop
their vocabulary knowledge.

• The students look at the Activity 1 Descriptor: Whiteboard

photo of Rosa and the map.
5min Asks Where's Rosa from? Listen and say. -learn new words Students Book

• Plays the CD. The students • The students guess which Total: 1point CD
listen and repeat the new electronics gadgets Rosa has
got. • The students name other Poster
words. (Computer, laptop,
electronic gadgets.
digital camera, mobile

Aim:to learn vocabulary

method is used to identify
their memorization

Asks Which electronic Activity 2 Descriptor: Whiteboard

gadgets has Rosa got? Says
8 min. Let's listen and find out. Listen and find out. The -answer the CD
students say which gadgets questions
• Plays the CD once or Rosa has got. In pairs, the Students Book
twice. Asks a few pairs to students ask and answer -give their answers
report back to the rest of the questions about all the Total: 2points
class. Answers: Rosa has got electronic gadgets. I've got a
a calculator, an MP3 player, (stopwatch). (Ana's) got a
a pen drive and a charger. (video games console).

Aim:to introduce a
vocabulary area

T divides the class into two Activity 3 Descriptor: Whiteboard

teams. Draws attention to
7 min the recycle logo. Explains Listen and do the vocabulary - pronounce Students Book
that the students will be quiz. vocabulary
correctly CD
hearing familiar words, as
well as practising new -choose right Poster
vocabulary. If necessary, Ss try to give right answer answers
briefly revises the Members of each team take
vocabulary that's included in turns to answer. Keep score on
the quiz. Plays the CD. Use the board. The students say and
spell the words. Total: 2points
the pause button.

Extends the quiz by holding

up the flashcards.

Aim:to present and practice

vocabulary related to CD.

Efficiency:to enrich their


method is used to assess

End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to show Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T asks their knowledge according to
SS to stick their stickers to the lesson Ss evaluate each Students Book
the Success Ladder other and encourage
Reflection Green- I understood classmate with
phrases like:
Yellow-I have some questions
Well done!
Red-I need a help. Brilliant! Good job!
I like it!
5 min. Aim:To know how many Ss got
the theme.


Ss can use colors to show how

much do they remember.

method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you planning to Health and safety check
give more support? How do you plan to check learners’ learning? ICT links
challenge the more able learners?

 more support can be given during The teacher will be able to assess how ICT links
elicitation, instruction and questioning well the students can speak using studied
phases of the lesson by nominating vocabulary and structures during the
learners to answer items relating to speaking, and how sell students have
more high frequency vocabulary to build developed their receptive skills during
confidence through participation listening.
 more able learners will be challenged by
prompting their groups to narrate parts
of the body
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?


What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next
Lesson Plan 6

Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: The Fab Tab

Learning objectives(s) that this develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion5.2.1.1
lesson is contributing to: understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions5.3.2.1 ask simple
questions to get information about a limited range of general topics5.4.2.1
understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:know the vocabulary

Most learners will be able to:understand the text and answer the questions

Some learners will be able to:vocabulary, answer, make a poster

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous lessons Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson materials with the help of
the teacher.Differentiation: 1.How many electronic -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning “Verbal support” T asks gadgets can you name? question
«Brainstorming» different questions 2.Do you have any electronic - answer the 2 nd-
method connected with the theme gadgets? question.
and tries to help Ss to give
Aim:Revise the previous Students Book
the correct answer. T asks
10 min. leading questions to clarify lessons material.
the theme to the Ss who Efficiency: Ss refresh their
needs T support.Gives the mind before starting new Total: 2points
Unit 1 flashcards to theme.
individual students, without
the other students seeing the
pictures. The students take
turns to describe their fruit
or vegetable. For example,
The students with the
flashcards take turns to say a
sentence about their
electronic gadget. You use
this to (do maths). The rest
of the class guesses what it
is.It's a (calculator).Ss give
their possible answers. After
that T introduces the aim
and theme of the lesson.Says
Today we're going to read an

for a new tablet and answer

questions about it. We're
also going to play a game
and give our opinions.

T reads Rosa's post. Elicit Activity 4Listen and read. Try Descriptor: Whiteboard
the meaning of to answer the questions and
'advertisement'. Reads the look at the title of the text. T praise active Ss Students Book
title: The Fab Tab.Play the with phrases such
Middle of the as: “Good job! CD
lesson CD.. Read the Reading Tip.
Gives an example. Says If Well done!”
Presentation part. you don't know the word
'light', you can guess the
meaning by reading the next
15min. sentence. Encourages the
students to use the context to
guess. the meaning of new
words in the advertisement,
such as 'drop' and 'break'. Be
ready to help, as necessary.
Plays the CD again. Asks
What features does a Fab
Tab have? (Digital camera,
calculator, satnav,
headphones, stopwatch,
MP3 player, webcam.)
Draws attention to the
thinking skill: Evaluating
information. Asks the
students if they think the Fab
Tab sounds good or not.
Explains that when we read
an advertisement, we
evaluate the information that
is given.

Aim:to introduce the topic

Give Ss time to answer the Activity 5 Answer the -choose the right Whiteboard
questions. Remind Ss not to questions. answer
copy from the text but to
paraphrase the information The students read and answer -give correct Students Book
in their own words. the questions. answer
Aim:to consolidate Poster
information in a text 2 points
Efficiency:Develop their
reading and listening

Teacher explains the rule of Activity 6Play The chain -give the right Whiteboard
the game. game. The students take turns answer
10min to say sentences about the Fab Students Book
Aim:To improve speaking Tab. T read the speech 1point
and thinking skills Poster
bubbles to demonstrate. A Fab
Efficiency:to enrich their Tab is small. / A Fab Tab is
vocabulary small and it's easy to use. A
third student might say A Fab
Differentiation:«Librarian» Tab is small, it's easy to use
method is used to develop and it's lots of fun.If the
their vocabulary knowledge. students can't remember the
previous sentences,they say
Help! and a student who can
remember has thenext turn.

Teacher explains the Activity 7The students take Descriptor: Whiteboard

task.Aim:To improve turns to express their opinions
speaking and thinking and say what they want to use - make sentences Students Book
skills a Fab Tab to do. I think the without mistakes
Fab Tab is (fantastic). I want - pronounce words
to use the calculator on a correctly

Fab Tab to (do maths).

Total: 1point
5 min

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used to Ss show their knowledge Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
find out was the lesson clear according to the lesson other and encourage
or not. classmate with Students Book
5 fingers- I understood phrases like:
4 fingers -I have some Well done!
questions Brilliant! Good job!
2 fingers-I need a help. I like it!
5 min.

Aim: To know how many Ss

got the theme.


Ss can use our fingers to show

how much do they remember.

method is used to finish the

Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. Successcriteriaforreadingtask ● ICT

● More capable students will be
given more challenging
material to work with in order
to allow them to be more
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners achieve
the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Lesson Plan 7

Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Reading for pleasure.The father of computer science

Learning objectives(s) that this develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion5.2.1.1
lesson is contributing to: understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions5.3.2.1 ask simple
questions to get information about a limited range of general topics5.4.2.1
understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:know the vocabulary

Most learners will be able to:understand the text and answer the questions

Some learners will be able to:vocabulary, answer, make a poster

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous lessons Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson materials with the help of
the teacher.Differentiation: 1What do you know about the -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning “Verbal support” T says Fab Tab? question
«Brainstorming» today we are going to listen, 2. Do youthink a tablet like - answer the 2 nd-
method read and discuss a biography the Fab Tab is useful? Why? question.
about someone very
10 min. Aim:Revise the previous Students Book
important to computer
science. Pre-story lessons material.
Efficiency: Ss refresh their Total: 2points
activities digital Predicts
what happens in the story mind before starting new

•T reads Rosa's post and the Pre-story activities. Listen Descriptor: Whiteboard
story title. Elicits or explains and read. Try to answer the
the meaning of 'biography' questions and look at the title T praise active Ss Students Book
and 'hero'. Asks the students of the text.Predict what with phrases such
Middle of the as: “Good job! Poster
lesson to predict what happens in happens in the story
the story (in English or L1). Well done!” CD
Presentation part.
Aim:to introduce the topic

T plays the CD. The Activity 8Listen and read the -choose the right Whiteboard
15min. students listen and read the story. The students take turns answer
story. Pauses to check to read the story and answer Students Book
understanding or clarify the questions. -give correct
answer Poster
meaning, as necessary.
2 points CD
Aim:to consolidate
information in a text
Efficiency:Develop their
reading and listening
l support

T says think about it! Is it Activity 9 choose the right Whiteboard

10min important to follow your The students read the answer Students Book
interests at home and at sentences and say whether
school? Listen to the they are true or false. They -give correct Poster
students' answers (in correct the false sentences. answer
English or L1). Establish 2 points
that it is important to follow
your interests where
possible. Asks the students
how they follow their
interests, prompting them if
necessary with questions
such as What are you
interested in doing? Do you
learn about it at school? Do
you develop your skills at
home? If you have a
confident class, ask them
todiscuss the question

Aim:to consolidate
information in a text
Efficiency:Develop their
reading and listening
5 min l support

T reads the phrases. Elicits Learn and use! Descriptor: Whiteboard

or gives examples of when
to use the phrases every day. The students find the phrases - make sentences Students Book
Encourages the students to in the story. without mistakes
use the phrases whenever - pronounce words
appropriate from now on. correctly
Aim:To improve speaking
and thinking skills
Total: 1point

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used to Ss show their knowledge Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
find out was the lesson clear according to the lesson other and encourage
or not. classmate with Students Book
5 fingers- I understood phrases like:
4 fingers -I have some Well done!
questions Brilliant! Good job!
2 fingers-I need a help. I like it!
5 min.

Aim: To know how many Ss

got the theme.


Ss can use our fingers to show

how much do they remember.

» method is used to finish the

Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. Successcriteriaforreadingtask ● ICT

● More capable students will be
given more challenging
material to work with in order
to allow them to be more
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners achieve
the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

Lesson Plan 8

Unit:6 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Grammar track

Learning objectives(s) that use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
this lesson is contributing to:
about a limited range of general topic use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and
quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a
limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair,
group and whole class exchanges;
Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:answer the questions

Most learners will be able to:use the grammar correctly

Some learners will be able to: make their own examples

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with
the help of the teacher. 1.Can you tell me ten -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning words from the story? question
Differentiation: Cards
method “Verbal support”
Aim:Revise the
10 min. Reviews The father of previous lessons Students Book
computer science story. material. Total: 2points
Asks Can you remember Efficiency: Ss refresh
Alan Turing's biography? their mind before
Explains the aims of the starting new theme. Encourage Ss who
lesson. T says today answer the
we're going to read and questions
talk about gadgets people
use. We're also going to
learn about adverbs of
frequency and be
grammar detectives, too!

T plays the CD. The Activity 11 Descriptor: Whiteboard

students listen and read. Sslisten and read. Say
Middle of the Pause after the gadgets they use. -give right answer Students Book
lesson each sentence for the The students say
1 point
students to repeat. sentences about the
Presentation part. Draws attention to the gadgets the children CD
adverbs of frequency use and how often.
highlighted in bold. Lucy usually
15 min. Asks Can you tell me uses her laptop to
about Lucy? Can you tell write emails. Zak
me about Zak? never uses a laptop...
Aim: to learn new
method is used to assess
T says sentences based Activity 12 Ss evaluate each
on the information in The students take other and encourage
Activity11. This person turns to say sentences classmate with
(always uses and identify phrases like:
headphones). Who is who it is.
it? The students respond. Well done!
It's (Lucy)! Brilliant! Good job!
Aim:to practice the
speaking skills I like it!
method is used to assess
Listen, repeat and learn. Activity 13 Descriptor: Whiteboard
T plays the CD. Then The students listen
5min explains the task. and repeat the -give correct Students Book
Aim:To learn grammar sentences in the answers
grammar tables.
Digital. The students 1 point
learn the grammar
tables and use
them for reference
and revision. They
can copy the
grammar tables into
their notebooks.

10 min.
T reads the 'grammar Activity 14Be a Descriptor: Whiteboard
detective' questions. grammar detective!
The students answer -make sentences Students Book
Aim:to improve in English or L1. The correctly
grammar skills Poster
students can look at Total: 2points
Efficiency: Activity Book page 7
for a summary of the
Develop their writing answers. The students
and grammar skills. find two adverbs of
frequency in the story
on Student's Book
method is used to assess
pages 6 and 7. (In
frame 2: always,

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used Ss show their Whiteboard

to find out was the lesson knowledge according
clear or not. to the lesson Ss evaluate each Students Book
other and encourage
Reflection 5 fingers- I classmate with
understood phrases like:

4 fingers -I have Well done!

some questions Brilliant! Good job!
5 min. I like it!
2 fingers-I need a

Aim: To know how

many Ss got the


Ss can use our fingers

to show how much do
they remember.

nclusion» method is
used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you plan Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health
to give more support? How do learning? and safety
you plan to challenge the more check
able learners? ICT links

● Students will work in groups ● The teacher and students will give brief feedback.
and support each other. ICT
● More capable students will be links
given more challenging material
to work with in order to allow
them to be more challenged.
● The students will be supported
by the teacher during
independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?

Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Lesson Plan 9

Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Sound track

Learning objectives(s) that use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
this lesson is contributing to: about a limited range of general topic use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and
quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a
limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair,
group and whole class exchanges; understand a sequence of supported classroom instruction
Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:answer the questions

Most learners will be able to:understand the listening

Some learners will be able to: make their own examples

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with
the help of the teacher. 1.When do we use -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning adverbs of question
Differentiation: frequency? Cards
«Brainstorming» - answer the 2 nd-
method “Verbal support” 2.How many adverbs question.
of frequency do you Students Book
10 min. Reviews the Unit 1 know?
flashcards. Holds up the
Unit 1 flashcards in turn. The students say
Explains the aims of the what they can Total: 2points
lesson. SaysToday we're remember about Zak
going to listen and and Lucy (from
identify sounds and Student's Book page
Encourage Ss who
practise pronunciation. 8). For example, Zak
answer the
We're also going to play often uses his
a game and find out what headphones. Lucy
people do on Saturday. never uses a
stopwatch in the gym.

Aim:Revise the
previous lessons
Efficiency: Ss refresh
their mind before
starting new theme.

T explains the task. Activity 15 Descriptor: Whiteboard

Draws the phonemic Sound track: Listen
Middle of the symbols on the board. and identify /tf/ -give right answer Students Book
lesson Says a few words to and /d3/. The students
1 point
demonstrate the sounds. listen and count the
Presentation part. sounds. The students
Draws attention to /tf/ CD
and /d3/, as underlined in repeat the sentences.
the first sentence.
15 min. AsksHow many times do
you hear /tſ/ and /d3/ in
the second sentence?
Plays the CD. Plays the
CD again.
Aim: to learn the sounds
Plays the CD, pausing Activity 16 Descriptor:
before the answers. Listen and correct the
Aim:to practice the sentences. -give correct
listening skills The students look at answers
Differentiation:practice the table showing the
method is used to assess things that Ben, Lyn, 1 point
Sslistening Sam and Jo do on
Saturday. The
students listen and
correct the sentences.
They then check their
answers. The students
say false sentences
and correct them in
the same way.
T explains how to play a Activity 17 T praise active Ss Whiteboard
game. Play the game The students play the with phrases such
5min with the whole class. game in pairs.Play as: “Good job! Students Book
Aim:To improve Who am I thinking
Well done!” Poster
speaking skillspraise about? The students
choose one of the
children from
Activity 16. They ask
each other questions
to identify the child,
for example Does he
or she play football
on Saturday? / Yes,
he usually does. /
10 min. Does he do his
homework on
Saturday? / No, he
never does. / Are
you thinking about
Ben? / Yes, I am.
T explains the task. Activity 18 Descriptor: Whiteboard

Aim:to improve Talk about you and -make sentences Students Book
grammar skills your friends. The correctly
students say true Poster
Efficiency: sentences about Total: 2points

Develop their speaking themselves and their

and grammar skills. friends. I (sometimes)
(watch TV) on
Differentiation:practice Saturday. (David)
method is used to assess (always) (plays
Ssspeaking football) on Saturday.

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used Ss show their Whiteboard

to find out was the lesson knowledge according
clear or not. to the lesson Ss evaluate each Students Book
other and encourage
Reflection 5 fingers- I classmate with
understood phrases like:

4 fingers -I have Well done!

some questions Brilliant! Good job!
5 min. I like it!
2 fingers-I need a

Aim: To know how

many Ss got the

Ss can use our fingers

to show how much do
they remember.

nclusion» method is
used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you plan Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health
to give more support? How do learning? and safety
you plan to challenge the more check
able learners? ICT links

● Students will work in groups ● The teacher and students will give brief feedback.
and support each other. ICT
● More capable students will be links
given more challenging material
to work with in order to allow
them to be more challenged.
● The students will be supported
by the teacher during
independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?

Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Lesson plan 10
Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Culture time. Oxford and Cambridge

Learning objectives(s) that this develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion5.2.1.1
lesson is contributing to: understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions5.3.2.1 ask simple
questions to get information about a limited range of general topics5.4.2.1
understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:know the vocabulary

Most learners will be able to:understand the text and answer the questions

Some learners will be able to:vocabulary, answer, make a poster

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous lessons Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson materials with the help of
the teacher.Differentiation: 1.What sounds have we -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning “Verbal support” T asks practised? question
«Brainstorming» different questions 2How can we ask questions - answer the 2 nd-
method connected with the theme about what people do? question.
and tries to help Ss to give
10 min. Aim:Revise the previous Students Book
the correct answer. T asks
leading questions to clarify lessons material.
Efficiency: Ss refresh their Total: 2points
the theme to the Ss who
needs T support.Ss give their mind before starting new
possible answers. After that theme.
T introduces the aim and
theme of the lesson.Today
we're going to read about
two cities in England that
are famous for their
universities. We're also
going to do a culture quiz
about England.

Reads Rosa's post. Elicits or Activity 19 Descriptor: Whiteboard

remind the students of the
meaning of 'city' (a large, The students listen and read. -answer the Students Book
important town). Asks the The students name famous questions
Middle of the cities in their country. Poster
lesson students if they've heard of
Oxford and Cambridge and, CD
Presentation part. if so, what they know about
them. Plays the CD. Asks
Total: 2points
questions, such as Where
15min. can you see a deer park/a
costumes/ Egyptian
mummies? Elicit or explain
the meaning of vocabulary,
as necessary. Asks What
famous cities are there in
your country?

Aim:to introduce the topic

Reads Rosa's post. Reads the Activity 20 -guess the right Whiteboard
quiz questions. Plays the answer
15min CD. Uses the pause button The students guess the 1point Students Book
for the students to say their answers. The students write
answers before they hear the numbers 1 to 6 in their CD
them on the CD. notebooks. They write a), b) Poster
or c) to make a note of their
Aim:To improve speaking guesses. The students compare
and thinking skills the answers with their guesses
Efficiency:to enrich their and say which facts they think
vocabulary are particularly interesting or
method is used to develop
their vocabulary knowledge. Listen and say the answers
The students write the
numbers 1 to 6 in their
notebooks. They write a), b)
or c) to make a note of their

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used to Ss show their knowledge Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
find out was the lesson clear according to the lesson other and encourage
or not. classmate with Students Book
5 fingers- I understood phrases like:
4 fingers -I have some Well done!
questions Brilliant! Good job!
2 fingers-I need a help. I like it!
5 min.

Aim: To know how many Ss

got the theme.


Ss can use our fingers to show

how much do they remember.

method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. Successcriteriaforreadingtask ● ICT

● More capable students will be
given more challenging
material to work with in order
to allow them to be more
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners achieve
the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Lesson Plan 11

Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Shopping in English towns

Learning objectives(s) that this 5.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
lesson is contributing to: cooperatively in groups

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on

general and curricular topics

5.R5deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of

familiar general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:Find out about about farmers markets in the UK
Most learners will be able to:listen about how to shop
Some learners will be able to:do a roleplay
Value links: Respect each other, study well, be diligent, be calm in any situations

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with
the help of the teacher. 1.What do you know -answer the
Pre-learning T greats the students. about Oxford culture? question
«Brainstorming» Explains the aim of 2.What do you know
method the lesson. Asks about English
familiar questions, Cambridge? Total: 2points
5 min. Students Book
such as What is the
Aim:Revise the
date? What is the
previous lessons
weather like? Today
we're going to learn
some facts about Efficiency: Ss refresh
shopping in English their mind before Encourage Ss who
towns. We're also starting new theme. can name object
that is connected
going to listen to and
with new lesson.
repeat a dialogue
showing how to buy
an electronic gadget,
and then do a role
Middle of the Reads Rosa's post. Activity 21 -choose the right Whiteboard
lesson Reads the sentences. answers
Explains vocabulary Listen and read.The Students Book
Presentation part. such as 'corner shops' students predict if the -read the sentences
sentences are true or correctly CD
and 'residential streets',
as necessary. Plays the false.
13min. CD. The students listen
carefully. Uses the
pause button after each
statement for the
students to say whether
the sentences in the
Student's Book are true
or false.

Aim: to introduce the

topic and present new


Ss develop their
listening and speaking

T repeats new words. Ss Exercise 22 Descriptor: Whiteboard

play game “what is
10 min. missing?” write down to Listen and repeat -try to learn new Students Book
their vocabulary new words
words Poster

Aim: to introduce new

vocabulary in context Total: 3points

Efficiency: to enrich Ss’


“What is
missing?”method is
used to develop their
vocabulary knowledge.

12min. Plays the CD. The Activity 23 Descriptor: Whiteboard

students listen and The students listen
follow the dialogue in and follow the -read correctly Students Book
their books. Divides the dialogue in their -pronounce words CD
class into two groups books. correctly
(Rosa, the woman).
Plays the CD again, 2 point
pausing for the students
to repeat their lines in
their groups. The groups
change roles and repeat.

Aim: to listen and repeat

a dialogue

Verbal support

End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T show their knowledge other and encourage
asks SS to stick their according to the classmate with Poster.
stickers to the Success lesson phrases like:
Green- I understood Well done!
Brilliant! Good job!
5 min Yellow-I have some I like it!

Red-I need a help.

Aim: To know how

many Ss got the


Ss can use colors to

show how much do
they remember.

nclusion» method is
used to finish the

Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. ● The teacher and students will give brief feedback. ● ICT
● More capable students will
be given more challenging
material to work with in
order to allow them to be
more challenged.
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Lesson Plan 12

Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: How often do you use electronic gadgets?

Learning objectives(s) that this 5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general
lesson is contributing to: topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
whole class exchanges

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on
general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to: listen and read

Most learners will be able to:answer questions on the text

Some learners will be able to:talk about healthy food

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous 1.What do you know about Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson lessons materials with the shopping in English towns?
help of the teacher. -answer the
Pre-learning 2.What do you know how to question
Differentiation: buy?
«Brainstorming» -answer the
method “Verbal support” Aim:Revise the previous question
lessons material. Students Book
10 min. T asks, such as What's Total: 2points
the date? What's the Efficiency: Ss refresh their
weather like? Reviews mind before starting new
how to shop for food in a theme.
market.. Explains the
aims of the lesson. Says
Today we're going to Cards
listen to and read a web
article about how often
we use electronic
gadgets. We're also going
to answer questions, play
a game and think about
and say the pros and cons
of using electronic

Reads Rosa's post. Activity 25 Descriptor: Whiteboard

Explains that the article is
Middle of the about the 'pros' (positive -read correctly Students Book
lesson things) and 'cons' The students predict the pros -pronounce words CD
Presentation part. (negative things) of using and cons. Use this discussion correctly
electronic gadgets. Plays to introduce new vocabulary Poster
the CD. The students in the text. Total: 2points
listen and read. Asks
questions such as What
are the pros? What are
the cons? Do you agree
with the article?

Aim:to introduce the

topic. Draw attention to
thethinking skill (Critical
thinking) that the students
use toreply.

Draws attention to the Exercise 27 Ss evaluate each

thinking skill: Evaluating other and encourage
information. Explainsthat Play Pro or Con? classmate with
if we think something is a phrases like:
'pro' or a 'con', we're The students take turns to say Well done!
evaluating information. pros and cons from the text, Brilliant! Good job!
Reads the questions. with others responding Pro! or I like it!
Con! Read the speech bubble
Aim: 1)to improve examples. The students play
speaking skills. the game with the whole class
and/ or in groups. The students
talk about the way they use
electronic gadgets and give
their opinions of the pros and

T explains the task. Exercise 26 -say about healthy Whiteboard

The students read the food
10min questions and write the Answer the questions. Students Book
answers in their - make sentences
without mistakes Poster

Aim:to use critical

thinking skills to compare 2point
Efficiency:to enrich their


End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used Ss show their knowledge Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
to find out was the lesson according to the lesson other and encourage
clear or not. classmate with Students Book
5 fingers- I understood phrases like:
4 fingers -I have some Well done!
questions Brilliant! Good job!
2 fingers-I need a help.Aim: I like it!
5 min. To know how many Ss got the


Ss can use our fingers to show

how much do they remember.

» method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. Successcriteriaforreadingtask ● ICT

● More capable students will be
given more challenging
material to work with in order
to allow them to be more
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners achieve
the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Lesson Plan 13
Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Project: Electronic Gadget survey

Learning objectives(s) that this 5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with
lesson is contributing to: support on a limited range of general and curricular topics
5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short
simple texts on general and curricular topics
Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:listen and read an example project
Most learners will be able to:plan their project
Some learners will be able to:prepare and write their project

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with the
help of the teacher. 1What are the pros and cons of -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning Differentiation: T asks using electronicgadgets? question
«Brainstorming» different questions
method connected with the theme
and tries to help Ss to give Aim:Revise the previous Total: 2point
the correct answer. T asks lessons material. Students Book
leading questions to clarify
10 min. the theme to the Ss who Efficiency: Ss refresh their
mind before starting new theme. Encourage Ss who
needs T support.Ss give answer the
their possible answers. questions
After that T introduces the
aim and theme of the

«Vocabulary» Vocabulary work Descriptor: Whiteboard

Middle of the T presents the vocabulary. Ss evaluate each Students Book

lesson Explains the meaning of new other and encourage
vocabulary Uses flashcards. classmate with Poster
Presentation part. Ss repeat the words. Play phrases like:
the game
Well done!
10min. Aim:to consolidate Brilliant! Good job!
vocabulary from a text I like it!


Ss write the words correctly

and work with translation.

method is used to develop
their vocabulary knowledge.

5min ReadsAruzhan's post. Exercise 29 Descriptor: Whiteboard

Reads the two questions The students read. -give correct Students Book
from Aruzhan's post again answers
and check the answers. (Her
dad / her aunt.) Asks further Total: 1point
questions, such as Does
Aruzhan's mum use a

Complete the mindmap complete the mindmap Descriptor: Whiteboard

5 min. Aim:to present and practice -give correct Students Book

topic-related vocabulary in answers
context Poster
Total: 2points

Reads the four stages of the Exercise 30 Descriptor: Whiteboard

project plan in the flowchart.
10min Plan your project. - write sentences Students Book
.Aim: toplan their project The students think about the without mistakes Poster
and prepare Efficiency: to people and gadgets to
write their - correct plan of
projectDifferentiation: include in their survey their poject
practice method is used to
assess Ss writing
Total: 2points

End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to show Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T asks their knowledge according to
SS to stick their stickers to the lesson Ss evaluate each Students Book
the Success Ladder other and encourage
Reflection Green- I understood classmate with
phrases like:
Yellow-I have some questions
Well done!
Red-I need a help. Brilliant! Good job!
5 min. Aim: To know how many Ss I like it!
got the theme.


Ss can use colors to show how

much do they remember.

method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to ICT links
challenge the more able
● Students will work in ● The teacher and students will give brief feedback. ● ICT
groups and support each
● More capable students will
be given more challenging
material to work with in
order to allow them to be
more challenged.
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned
differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make
from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Lesson Plan 14

Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Unit review. Self assessment

Learning objectives(s) that this use feedback to set personal learning objectives
lesson is contributing to: understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited
range of written genres
use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe
routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to: understand text, do some exercises

Most learners will be able to:usage of grammar

Some learners will be able toto review vocabulary, grammar, healthy food
and CLILin the unit 1

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Ss try to make sentences Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson Pre- lessons materials with the
learning help of the teacher. -make correct
«Brainstorming» Differentiation: “verbal Aim:Revise the previous Card
method support” lessons’ material.
Reviews the Unit 1 Efficiency: Ss refresh their Total: 1point Book
flashcards. Give the Unit mind before starting new theme.
10 min. 1 flashcards to pairs of
students. The students Encourage Ss
hold up their cards and who make the
say sentences. Explains sentences
the aims of the lessonSays
Today we're going to do
the Unit 1 Review
andself-assessment. We're
also going to complete
ourProgress Journals for

Plays the CD. The Activity 26 Whiteboard

students listen, identify Ss listen and number. Write the
Middle of the the gadgets and number sentences. The students write -choose the CD
lesson the pictures. the sentences. right answer
Check the answers. Asks
the students to spell the Book
fruit and vegetables. 1 point Poster
Aim: to listen for specific
5min. information
Efficiency: to develop Ss
listening skills
The students read the text Activity 27 -choose the Whiteboard
and do the task Read and write a, some or any. right answer
10min. Students
Aim:to develop their 1point Book
grammar skills

Explain the task. Ss look Activity 28 Descriptor:
and write questions and
answers. The students Ss write questions and give true - The students
look at the picture and answers about what you did last write true
write questions and Saturday. answers
answers following the according to
picture prompts. what they did
last Saturday.
Aim:to practice writing

Efficiency: to develop - write

writing skills sentences
method is used to assess
Ss writing Total: 1point

15 min. Explains the task. The Activity 29 Descriptor: Whiteboard

students read the culture
quiz on Student's Book Read and write the answers. -Choose the Students
again and answer the right answer Book
- rewrite Poster
Aim:to improve reading sentences
skills without

2 points

Explain the task. Ss Read Activity 30 Descriptor:

and write the missing
words. Order the questions and write - write answers
answers. The students write the without
Aim:to improve reading missing words, referring to mistakes
skills Student's Book
method is used to assess
Ss writing

End of the lesson. The One-Minute Papers Ss answer the questions like : Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
method was used as a What is the most important other and
reflection. It provides the issue discussed today? encourage Students
opportunity to the classmate with Book
Reflection What did you find difficult to
students to provide a phrases like:
quick reflection on what comprehend?
they learned by Well done!
What are some questions you Brilliant! Good
responding to questions.
would like to explore further? job! I like it!
5 min.
Aim: To know how many Ss
got the theme.

Efficiency:To make appropriate

modifications that would
enhance students’ learning
engagement and performance

method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you planning to Health and safety check
give more support? How do you plan check learners’ learning? ICT links
to challenge the more able learners?

● Students will support each other. Students will be assessed ICT

● More capable students will be given through revision exercises:
more challenging material to work Make short breaks while writing
vocabulary, grammar
with in order to allow them to be
more challenged.
The students will be supported by the
teacher during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?

If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?


What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next

Lesson Plan 15

Unit:1 Fantasy world

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Internet track- To work with vocabulary

Learning objectives(s) that this organize and present information clearly to others
lesson is contributing to: communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during,
pair, group and whole class exchanges link without support sentences using basic coordinating
Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to: know about fruit and vegetables

Most learners will be able to:describe fruit and vegetables

Some learners will be able to:talk about healthy fruit and vegetables

Value links: Respect each other, create friendly atmosphere

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with
the help of the teacher. 1 Do you have any gadgets? -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning question
Differentiation: 2 Are they useful? Cards
«Brainstorming» “verbal support” - answer the 2 nd-
method Aim:Revise the previous question.
T asks different lessons material.
10 min. questions connected with Total: 2points
Efficiency: Ss refresh their
the theme and tries to mind before starting new theme.
help Ss to give the
correct answer. T asks Encourage Ss who
leading questions to answer the
clarify the theme to the questions
Ss who needs T support.
Delete the students into
two teams “fruit” and
“vegetables” by using
cards of fruit and
vegetables. They have to
choose one of them and
say what is it in the card.
If there is a fruit he/she
calls the name of fruit
and goes into “fruit”

Teacher prepares cube. Activity 1. Game “Throw the Whiteboard

There are pictures of cube”
Middle of the gadgets. Students have to Descriptor: Cube
lesson throw the cube and
- understand the Slideshow or
describe them. If they
Presentation part. answer right each student text copy

15 min. owns 1star. Total: 2point Poster

Aim: to improve speaking
Differentiation: practice
method is used to assess
Ss speaking

Students watch the video Activity 4. Diagram method Descriptor: Whiteboard

about benefits of gadgets. Students Book
Students have to write the Ss make a diagram - make sentences
gadgets into diagram correctly Poster
10 min.
which are useful? - Total: 2point Video
Aim:to improve listening

Differentiation: practice
method is used to assess
Ss listening

Teacher prepares two Think together Descriptor: Whiteboard

cards. Teams have to
5 min. make sentences. Which Ss make sentences -give correct
team finishes first earns answer
star. 2points
Aim: improve writing

End of the lesson. The One-Minute Papers Ss answer the questions like : Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
method was used as a What is the most important other and encourage
reflection. It provides the issue discussed today? classmate with
Reflection opportunity to the phrases like: Students Book
students to provide a What did you find difficult to
quick reflection on what comprehend? Well done!
5 min. they learned by Brilliant! Good job!
What are some questions you I like it!
responding to questions.
would like to explore further?

Aim: To know how many Ss

got the theme.

Efficiency:To make appropriate

modifications that would
enhance students’ learning
engagement and performance

method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you planning to Health and safety check
give more support? How do you plan check learners’ learning? ICT links
to challenge the more able learners?

By individual support, peer support and Students will be assessed through ICT links
tasks -writing activities
- questioning
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work


Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?


What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next
Lesson Plan 16

Unit:2 Sports

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Sports

Learning objectives(s) that this use speaking and listening skills to solve problems
lesson is contributing to: creatively and cooperatively in groups5.2.5.1 understand most
specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide
range of familiar topics5.3.1.1 provide basic information about
themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of
general topics
Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:know the vocabulary (understand )
Most learners will be able to:distinguish words by groups
Some learners will be able to:know the usage of the vocabulary

Value links: Respect each other, to be polite

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with the
help of the teacher. 1What kind of gadgets do you -name the fruit and
Pre-learning know? vegetables that they
Differentiation: know Cards
«Brainstorming» Aim:Revise the previous
method T asks different questions lessons material.
connected with the theme Students Book
10 min. and tries to help Ss to give Efficiency: Ss refresh their Total: 2point
the correct answer. T asks mind before starting new theme.
leading questions to clarify
the theme to the Ss who Encourage Ss who
needs T support. answer the
Ss give their possible questions
answers. After that T
introduces the aim and
theme of the lesson.Today
we're going to find out about
different sports. We're going
to ask and answer questions
about sports we like and
we're also going to do a
vocabulary quiz.

«Vocabulary»Tintroduces «Vocabulary» The students T praise active Ss Whiteboard

the new sports by sticking repeat the wordsonce or twice. with phrases such
Middle of the theflashcards on the board. as: “Good job! Flashcards
lesson Holds up the word cards in
Well done!” Students Book
Presentation part. turn. The students read the
words. They then match the Poster
word cards and flashcards
on the board.Aim:to learn
10min. vocabulary
» method is used to develop
their vocabulary knowledge.

The students look at the Activity 1 Descriptor: Whiteboard

photo of Steve and the map.
5min Asks Where's Steve from? Listen and say. -learn new words Students Book
Plays the CD. The students The students guess two of Total: 1point CD
listen and repeat the new Australia's favourite sports. The
words. students name other sports. Poster
(Football, table tennis, judo,
karate ...)

Aim:to learn vocabulary

Differentiation: “memory”
method is used to identify their
Which sports does Steve Activity 2 Descriptor: Whiteboard
like? Which are Australia's
8 min. favourite sports? Now ask Listen and find out. The -answer the CD
and talk about you. Says students listen. The students say questions
which sports Steve likes and Students Book
Let's listen and find out -give their answers
which sports Steve likes and what Australia's favourite sports Poster
what Australia's favourite are? In pairs, the students ask Total: 2points
sports are? Plays the CD and answer questions about all
once or twice. Asks the the sports. Do you like
students to work with a (badminton)? / Yes, I do. It's
partner. fun.

Aim:to introduce a Ask a few pairs to report back

vocabulary area to the rest of the class. I love
(cycling). (Elena) likes

Divides the class into two Activity 3 Descriptor: Whiteboard

teams. Draws attention to
7 min the recycle logo. Explains Listen and do the vocabulary - pronounce Students Book
that the students will be quiz. vocabulary
correctly CD
hearing familiar words, as Aim:to present and practice
well as practising new vocabulary related to CD. -choose right Poster
vocabulary. If necessary,
briefly revise the vocabulary Efficiency:to enrich their
that's included in the quiz. vocabulary
Plays the CD. Uses the Differentiation: practice
pause button. Members of method is used to assess Ss
each team name the clothes. writing Total: 2points
Keeps score on the board.
Extends the quiz by holding
up the flashcards. The
students say and spell the
words. The team with most
points at the end wins the

End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to show Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T asks their knowledge according to
SS to stick their stickers to the lesson Ss evaluate each Students Book
the Success Ladder other and encourage
Reflection Green- I understood classmate with
phrases like:
Yellow-I have some questions
Well done!
Red-I need a help. Brilliant! Good job!
5 min. Aim: To know how many Ss I like it!
got the theme.


Ss can use colors to show how

much do they remember.

method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you planning to Health and safety check
give more support? How do you plan to check learners’ learning? ICT links
challenge the more able learners?

 more support can be given during The teacher will be able to assess how ICT links
elicitation, instruction and questioning well the students can speak using studied
phases of the lesson by nominating vocabulary and structures during the
learners to answer items relating to speaking, and how sell students have
more high frequency vocabulary to build developed their receptive skills during
confidence through participation
 more able learners will be challenged by
prompting their groups to narrate parts
of the body
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?


What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next

Lesson Plan 17
Unit:2 Sports

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Australia land of sport, nature and fun

Learning objectives(s) that this develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion
lesson is contributing to: understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of
general topics understand with little support specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to: know the vocabulary

Most learners will be able to:understand the text and answer the questions

Some learners will be able to:vocabulary, answer, make a poster

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous lessons Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson materials with the help of
the teacher. 1.What kind of sports do you -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning Differentiation: “Verbal know? question
«Brainstorming» support” T asks different 2.Can you name sports? - answer the 2 nd-
method questions connected with the question.
theme and tries to help Ss to Aim:Revise the previous
10 min. give the correct answer. T lessons material. - answer the 3rd- Students Book
asks leading questions to question.
clarify the theme to the Ss Efficiency: Ss refresh their
who needs T support.Give mind before starting new
the Unit 2 flashcards to theme. The students take turns
to say a sentence about their Total: 2points
individual students, without
the other students seeing the sport, for example You do this
pictures. After that T sport in the snow. The rest of
introduces the aim and the class guesses which sport
theme of the lesson.Today it is. It's snowboarding.
we're going to read a leaflet
aboutholiday tours in
Australia and answer
questionsabout it. We're also
going to play a game and
giveour opinions.

Reads Steve's post and the Activity 4 Descriptor: Whiteboard

title of the leaflet. Elicits the
meaning of 'tour' (a short trip The students listen and read. T praise active Ss Students Book
to several places for The students answer with phrases such
Middle of the questions. as: “Good job! Poster
lesson pleasure). Reads the Reading
Tip. Encourages the students Aim:to introduce the topic Well done!” CD
Presentation part. to predict the content of each
tour from the headings.
Clarify meaning, as
15min. necessary, for example,
'outback" (land in Australia,
far away from cities, which
isn't used for farming and in
which very few people
live).Plays the CD. The
students listen and read.
Asks How many tours are
there? (Four.) What are
they? (Sports, city, rainforest
and outback tours.) Compare
the tours with the students'
predictions. Plays the CD

Give Ss time to answer the Activity 5 Answer the -choose the right Whiteboard
questions. Remind Ss not to questions. answer
copy from the text but to Students Book
paraphrase the information The students read and answer -give correct
the questions. answer Poster
in their own words.
Aim:to consolidate CD track 2.1
2 points
information in a text
Efficiency:Develop their
reading and listening

Draw attention to the Activity 6 -give the right Whiteboard

thinking skill: Associating. answer
10min Explain that in order to play Play The association game. Students Book
the game we associate the The students take turns to say 1point
sentences and identify the Poster
tours with different
activities. Aim:To improve tour. You walk across a
speaking and thinking skills bridge. / It's the city tour! The
students play the game with
Efficiency:to enrich their the whole class and/or in
vocabulary groups.

method is used to develop
their vocabulary knowledge.

T explains the task Activity 7 Descriptor: Whiteboard

5 min
Aim:To improve speaking Talk about it! Choose and - make sentences Students Book
and thinking skills say.The students take turns to without mistakes
say the tour they want to go on Poster
and why. I want to go on the - pronounce words
(rainforest) tour to(see koalas). correctly

Total: 1point

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used to Ss show their knowledge Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
find out was the lesson clear according to the lesson other and encourage
or not. classmate with Students Book
5 fingers- I understood phrases like:
4 fingers -I have some Well done!
questions Brilliant! Good job!
2 fingers-I need a help. I like it!
5 min.
Aim: To know how many Ss
got the theme.


Ss can use our fingers to show

how much do they remember.

method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. Successcriteriaforreadingtask ● ICT

● More capable students will be
given more challenging
material to work with in order
to allow them to be more
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners achieve
the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Lesson Plan 18

Unit:2 Holidays and Travel

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Reading for pleasure. The survival guide

Learning objectives(s) that this develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion
lesson is contributing to: understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of
general topics understand with little support specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to: know the vocabulary

Most learners will be able to:understand the text and answer the questions

Some learners will be able to:vocabulary, answer, make a poster

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous lessons Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson materials with the help of
the teacher. 1.What do you know about -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning Differentiation: “Verbal holiday tours inAustralia? question
«Brainstorming» support” T asks different 2.Which holiday tour do you - answer the 2 nd-
method questions connected with want to go on? question.
the theme and tries to help
10 min. Ss to give the correct Aim:Revise the previous Students Book
answer. T asks leading lessons material.
questions to clarify the Total: 2points
theme to the Ss who needs T Efficiency: Ss refresh their
support..Ss give their mind before starting new
possible answers. After that theme.
T introduces the aim and
theme of the lesson.Today
we're going to listen to, read
and talk about a travel story
about a family in Australia.

Elicits or explains the Pre-story activities Predict Descriptor: Whiteboard

meaning of 'survival', 'raise what happens in the story.
money' and 'charity'. Asks Read Steve's post and the title T praise active Ss Students Book
the students to predict what of the story.. with phrases such
Middle of the as: “Good job! Poster
lesson happens in the story

Aim:to introduce the topic Well done!”

Presentation part.

T plays the CD. The Activity 8Listen and read the -choose the right Whiteboard
15min. students listen and read the story. The students take turns answer
story. Pauses to check to read the story andanswer Students Book
understanding or clarify the questions. -give correct
answer Poster
meaning, as necessary.
2 points CD
Aim:to consolidate
information in a text
Efficiency:Develop their
reading and listening
l support

Give Ss time to answer the Activity 9 choose the right Whiteboard

questions. Remind Ss not to answer
10min copy from the text but to Answer the questions. Students Book
paraphrase the information -give correct
The students read and answer answer Poster
in their own words.
the questions.
Aim:to consolidate CD
2 points
information in a text
Efficiency:Develop their
reading and listening
l support

T reads the phrases. Elicits Learn and use! Descriptor: Whiteboard

or gives examples of when
to use the phrases every day. The students find the phrases - make sentences Students Book
in the story. without mistakes
Encourages the students to - pronounce words Poster
use the phrases whenever correctly
appropriate from now on.

5 min Aim:To improve speaking

and thinking skills Total: 1point

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used to Ss show their knowledge Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
find out was the lesson clear according to the lesson other and encourage
or not. classmate with Students Book
5 fingers- I understood phrases like:
4 fingers -I have some Well done!
questions Brilliant! Good job!
2 fingers-I need a help. I like it!
5 min.

Aim: To know how many Ss

got the theme.


Ss can use our fingers to show

how much do they remember.

» method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. Successcriteriaforreadingtask ● ICT

● More capable students will be
given more challenging
material to work with in order
to allow them to be more
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners achieve
the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?
Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

МБОІЖО – Г.С.Орынбаева_____________

Unit:2 Sports

Teacher’s name: Onaibaeva Akzhunis

Date: 07.10.2024

Grade:5 Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Grammar track

Learning objectives(s) that use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
this lesson is contributing to: limited range of general topic communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
whole class exchanges; use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe
routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular
Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:answer the questions

Most learners will be able to:use the grammar correctly

Some learners will be able to: make their own examples

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with
the help of the teacher. 1.Can you name ten -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning words from the story? question
Differentiation: Cards
«Brainstorming» 2.What about is the - answer the 2 nd-
method “Verbal support” story? question.

10 min. T asks different Students Book

questions connected with
the theme and tries to Aim:Revise the
help Ss to give the previous lessons
material. Total: 2points
correct answer. T asks
leading questions to Efficiency: Ss refresh
clarify the theme to the their mind before Encourage Ss who
Ss who needs T support. starting new theme. answer the
Ss give their possible questions
answers. After that T
introduces the aim and
theme of the
lesson.Today we're going
to read and talk about
howto cycle safely.
We're also going to learn
aboutthe present
continuous tense and be

Asks What does the boy Activity 11 Descriptor: Whiteboard

want? What does his Listen and read. Say
Middle of the friend want? what the boy wants -give right answer Students Book
lesson Plays the CD. The and what his friend
1 point
students listen and read. wants.
Presentation part. Checks the answers to Aim: to improve CD
the questions. thinking and speaking
.Play the CD again. skills
15 min. Pause after each sentence Differentiation:pract
for the students to repeat. ice method is used to
Draws attention to the assess Ss speaking
present continuous in
bold. AsksWhat are the
differences between the
good cyclist and the bad
T explains the task Activity 12 Ss evaluate each
Aim: to practice the Act out the dialogue. other and encourage
speaking skills Ask for different classmate with
Differentiation:practice things. The students phrases like:
method is used to assess practise the dialogue
Ss speaking from Activity 11 with Well done!
a partner, substituting Brilliant! Good job!
'short-sleeved shirt' I like it!
for other items, such
as a cap or trainers.
For example, I want
to buy (some
trainers)./ What kind
of (trainers) do you
want? Asks a few
pairs to act out the
dialogue in front of
the class.
T play the CD. The Activity 13 Descriptor: Whiteboard
students listen and repeat Listen, repeat and
5min the sentences in the learn. -give correct Students Book
grammar tables. The answers
students learn the
grammar tables and use 1 point
them for reference and
revision. They can copy
the grammar tables into
their notebooks.
Aim:To learn grammar
Reads the 'grammar Activity 14 Descriptor: Whiteboard
detective' questions. The
students answer in Be a grammar -make sentences Students Book
10 min. English or L1. detective! The correctly
students can look at Poster
Aim:to improve the Activity Book Total: 2points
grammar skills page 17, Activity 11,
for a summary of the
Efficiency: answers. The students
Develop their writing find three examples
and grammar skills. of the present
continuous tense in
Differentiation:practice the story on Student's
method is used to assess Book pages 16 and
Ss writing 17.

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used Ss show their Whiteboard

to find out was the lesson knowledge according
clear or not. to the lesson Ss evaluate each Students Book
other and encourage
Reflection 5 fingers- I classmate with
understood phrases like:

4 fingers -I have Well done!

some questions Brilliant! Good job!
5 min. I like it!
2 fingers-I need a

Aim: To know how

many Ss got the


Ss can use our fingers

to show how much do
they remember.

nclusion» method is
used to finish the
Unit:2 Sports

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Sound track

Learning objectives(s) that use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
this lesson is contributing to: limited range of general topic use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative
pronouns some, any, something, nothing anything on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics; communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
whole class exchanges; understand a sequence of supported classroom instruction
Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:answer the questions

Most learners will be able to:understand the listening

Some learners will be able to: make their own examples

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with
the help of the teacher. 1.When do we use -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning the present question
Differentiation: continuous? Cards
«Brainstorming» - answer the 2 nd-
method “Verbal support” 2.Howmany question.
frequency adverbs do Students Book
10 min. T asks different you know?
questions connected with
the theme and tries to
help Ss to give the Total: 2points
correct answer. T asks Aim:Revise the
leading questions to previous lessons
clarify the theme to the material.
Encourage Ss who
Ss who needs T support. Efficiency: Ss refresh answer the
Ss give their possible their mind before questions
answers. After that T starting new theme.
introduces the aim and
theme of the lesson.
Today we're going to
listen and identify sounds
and practice
pronunciation. We're also
going to play a game and
find out what sports
people are playing.

Draws the phonemic Activity 15 Descriptor: Whiteboard

symbols on the board. The students listen
Middle of the Says a few words to and count the -give right answer Students Book
lesson demonstrate the sounds. sounds. Play the CD
1 point
Draws attention to /ai/ again. The students
Presentation part. and /e1/, as underlined in repeat the sentences. CD
the first sentence. Aim: to learn the
AsksHow many times do stressed syllable
15 min. you hear /ai/ and /ex/ in
the second sentence?
Plays the CD.
T explains the task. Plays Activity 16 Descriptor:
the CD, pausing before Listen and say who it
the corrected answers. is. The students look -give correct
Aim: to practice the at the pictures of the answers
listening skills twelve numbered
Differentiation:practice characters. The 1 point
method is used to assess students correct the
Ss listening answers to the
questions. The
students check their
answers. The students
ask and answer
questions about the
characters in the
same way.
T explains the game Activity 17 T praise active Ss Whiteboard
.Aim:To improve Play Yes or No! with phrases such
5min speaking skillspraise A student chooses as: “Good job! Students Book
one of the characters
Well done!” Poster
in Activity
16. Other students
ask questions to
identify the character.
Read the speech
bubbles to
demonstrate. Play the
game with the whole
class. The students
play the game in
10 min. T explains the task Activity 18 Descriptor: Whiteboard
Aim:to improve
grammar Mime and guess. The -make sentences Students Book
skillsEfficiency:Develop students take turns to correctly
mime and guess a Poster
their speaking and Total: 2points
grammar skills. sport. Are you
(kayaking)? / No, I'm
Differentiation:practice not. / Are you
method is used to assess (bowling)?/ Yes, I
Ss speaking am.

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used Ss show their Whiteboard

to find out was the lesson knowledge according
clear or not. to the lesson Ss evaluate each Students Book
other and encourage
Reflection 5 fingers- I classmate with
understood phrases like:

4 fingers -I have Well done!

some questions Brilliant! Good job!
5 min. I like it!
2 fingers-I need a

Aim: To know how

many Ss got the


Ss can use our fingers

to show how much do
they remember.

nclusion» method is
used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you plan Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health
to give more support? How do learning? and safety
you plan to challenge the more check
able learners? ICT links

● Students will work in groups ● The teacher and students will give brief feedback.
and support each other. ICT
● More capable students will be links
given more challenging material
to work with in order to allow
them to be more challenged.
● The students will be supported
by the teacher during
independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?

Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

МБОІЖО – Г.С.Орынбаева_____________

Unit:2 Sports

Teacher’s name: Onaibaeva Akzhunis

Date: 07.10.2024

Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Water sports in Australia.

Learning objectives(s) that this 5.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in
lesson is contributing to: groups

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and

curricular topics

5.R5deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and
curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to:Find out about water sports in Australia
Most learners will be able to:listen about water sports in Australia
Some learners will be able to:speak about Where do they want to go in London?
Value links: Respect each other, study well, be diligent, be calm in any situations

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with
the help of the teacher. 1.What sounds have -answer the
Pre-learning T greats the students. we practised? question
«Brainstorming» Explains the aim of 2.Whatquestions can
method the lesson. Asks we ask to find out
familiar questions, what people are doing Total: 2points
5 min. Students Book
such as What is the now?
date? What is the
Aim:Revise the
weather like? Review
previous lessons
arts and crafts. Ss material.
answer the questions.
T asks leading Efficiency: Ss refresh Encourage Ss who
questions to clarify their mind before can name object
starting new theme. that is connected
the theme to the Ss
with new lesson.
who needs T support.
Ss give their possible
answers. After that T
introduces the aim
and theme of the
lesson. Today we're
going to read about
water sports in
Australia. We're also
going to do a culture
quiz about Australia.
Middle of the Read Steve's post. Plays Activity 19 -answer the Whiteboard
lesson the CD. Asks What questions
water sports do people The students listen Students Book
Presentation part. do in your country? and read. The students -give their opinion
identify the water CD
sports in the photos. 3points

13min. Aim: to introduce the

topic and give their


Ss develop their
listening and speaking

Read the quiz questions. Activity 20 Descriptor: Whiteboard

10 min. Play the CD. Use the The students guess the -find the right Students Book
pause button for the answers. (Optional) answer
students to say their The students write the Poster
answers before they hear numbers 1 to 6 in their CD
them on the CD. notebooks. They write Total: 3points
a), b) or c) to make a
Efficiency: to enrich Ss’ note of their guesses.
listening The students compare
the answers with their
guessesand say which
facts they think are
particularly interesting
or surprising.
12min. Says what kind of The students say Descriptor: Whiteboard
sports they want to do? sentences about where
they want to go in -speak correctly Students Book
Aim: to improve London and why,
speaking skills -pronounce words CD
following the correctly
example. I
2 point

End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T show their knowledge other and encourage
asks SS to stick their according to the classmate with Poster.
stickers to the Success lesson phrases like:
Green- I understood Well done!
Brilliant! Good job!
5 min Yellow-I have some I like it!

Red-I need a help.

Aim: To know how

many Ss got the


Ss can use colors to

show how much do
they remember.

nclusion» method is
used to finish the
Lesson Plan 22

Unit:1 Sports

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Some facts about football in the UK

Learning objectives(s) that this 5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general
lesson is contributing to: topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
whole class exchanges

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on
general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to: listen and read

Most learners will be able to:answer questions on the text

Some learners will be able to:talk about sports

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous 1.What do you know about Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson lessons materials with the
-answer the
Pre-learning help of the teacher. water sports inAustralia? questions

«Brainstorming» Differentiation: 2.What do you know about -pronounce words

method Australian culture? correctly
“Verbal support”
10 min. Aim:Revise the previous Total: 2points
T questions, such as lessons material. Students Book
What's the date? What's
the weather like? Efficiency: Ss refresh their
Reviews about places in mind before starting new
London. Explains the theme.
aims of the lesson. Says
Today we're going to
learn some facts about Cards
football in the UK. We're
also going to listen to and
repeat a dialogue
showing how to find out
about sports classes and
then do a role play.

Explains vocabulary, Activity 21 Descriptor: Whiteboard

such as 'stadium' and
Middle of the 'league', as necessary. Read the statements.The -read correctly Students Book
lesson Plays the CD. The students predict if the
sentences are true or -pronounce words CD
Presentation part. students listen carefully. correctly
Uses the pause button false.Aim:to introduce the Poster
after each statement for topic. Draw attention to Total: 2points
the students to say if the thethinking skill (Critical
10min. statements in the thinking) that the students use
Student's Book are true or toreply.
false.Whatare they?

Divides the class into two Exercise 23 Ss evaluate each

groups (Rosa, the man). other and encourage
Plays the CD again, Play the CD. The students classmate with
pausing for the groups to listen and follow the dialogue phrases like:
repeat their lines. The in their books.
groups change roles and Well done!
repeat. Brilliant! Good job!
I like it!
Aim:to pronounce words
Efficiency:to enrich their


T explains the task Exercise 24 Ss evaluate each Whiteboard

other and encourage
10min Aim: 1)to improve Do a role play. classmate with Students Book
speaking skills phrases like:
The students practise the Poster
dialogue from Activity 23 Well done!
with a partner. The students Brilliant! Good job!
take turns to come to the front I like it!
of the class in pairs and act out
a role play based on the

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used Ss show their knowledge Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
to find out was the lesson other and encourage
clear or not. according to the lesson classmate with Students Book
phrases like:
Reflection 5 fingers- I understood
Well done!
4 fingers -I have some Brilliant! Good job!
questions I like it!
2 fingers-I need a help.Aim:
5 min. To know how many Ss got the


Ss can use our fingers to show

how much do they remember.

» method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. Successcriteriaforreadingtask ● ICT

● More capable students will be
given more challenging
material to work with in order
to allow them to be more
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners achieve
the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Lesson Plan 23

Unit:2 Sports

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: CLIL Exercise is healthy and good.

Learning objectives(s) that this 5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general
lesson is contributing to: topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
whole class exchanges

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on
general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to: listen and read

Most learners will be able to:answer questions on the text

Some learners will be able to:talk about benefits of sport

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous What do you know about Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson lessons materials with the football in England?
help of the teacher. -read correctly
Pre-learning What can you find out about?
Differentiation: -pronounce words
«Brainstorming» Aim:Revise the previous correctly
method “Verbal support” lessons material.
Total: 2points
10 min. T questions, such as Efficiency: Ss refresh their Students Book
What's the date? What's mind before starting new
the weather like? theme.
Reviews how to shop for
food in a market..
Explains the aims of the
lesson. Says Today we're Cards
going to listen to and read
about the three different
kinds of exercise we need
to do to be healthy. We're
also going to answer
questions, play a game
and think about and say
what our favourite kind
of exercise is.

Read Steve's post. Activity 25 Descriptor: Whiteboard

Explains that the article
Middle of the The students will read is about -read correctly Students Book
lesson Use this discussion to the benefits of exercise and
introduce new vocabulary the three different kinds of -pronounce words CD
Presentation part. in the text. Play the CD. exercise. The students predict correctly
Asks questions, such as the benefits of exercise. The Total: 2points
What are the benefits of students listen and read.
10min. regular
three different kinds of
exercise? What are the exercise.
three main kinds of

Aim:to introduce the

topic. Draw attention to
thethinking skill (Critical
thinking) that the students
use toreply.

Draws attention to the Exercise 27 Ss evaluate each

thinking skill: other and encourage
Categorising. Explains Play Say a sentence! classmate with
that in the game the phrases like:
students will
categorisedifferent types The students play the game Well done!
of exercise and what they with the whole class and/ or in Brilliant! Good job!
are good for. Says a groups.The students respond. I like it!
sentence about one of the (Aerobic exercise!)
key words or words from
the text in Activity 26,
such as This is good for
your heart. Plays the
game with the whole
class and/or in groups.

Aim: 1)to improve

speaking skills.

T explains the task. Exercise 26 -say about healthy Whiteboard

The students read the food
10min questions and write the Answer the questions. Students Book
answers in their - make sentences
without mistakes Poster

Aim:to use critical

thinking skills to compare 2point
Efficiency:to enrich their

End of the lesson. “Finger” method is used Ss show their knowledge Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
to find out was the lesson according to the lesson other and encourage
clear or not. classmate with Students Book
5 fingers- I understood phrases like:
4 fingers -I have some Well done!
questions Brilliant! Good job!
2 fingers-I need a help.Aim: I like it!
5 min. To know how many Ss got the


Ss can use our fingers to show

how much do they remember.

» method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ Health and
plan to give more support? learning? safety check
How do you plan to challenge ICT links
the more able learners?

● Students support each other. Successcriteriaforreadingtask ● ICT

● More capable students will be
given more challenging
material to work with in order
to allow them to be more
● The students will be
supported by the teacher
during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners achieve
the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Lesson Plan 24

Unit:2 Sports

Teacher’s name:


Grade:5 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Unit review. Self assessment

Learning objectives(s) that this use feedback to set personal learning objectives
lesson is contributing to: understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited
range of written genres
use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe
routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to: understand text, do some exercises

Most learners will be able to:usage of grammar

Some learners will be able toto review vocabulary, grammar, healthy food
and CLILin the unit 1

Value links: Respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources

Beginning of the Revision of previous Ss try to make sentences Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson Pre- lessons materials with the
learning help of the teacher. -make correct
«Brainstorming» Differentiation: “verbal Aim:Revise the previous Card
method support” lessons’ material.
Reviews the Unit 2 Efficiency: Ss refresh their Total: 1point Book
10 min. flashcards. Give the Unit mind before starting new theme.
2 flashcards to pairs of
students. The students Encourage Ss
hold up their cards and who make the
say sentences. Explains sentences
the aims of the lessonSays
Today we're going to do
the Unit 2 Review
andself-assessment. We're
also going to complete
ourProgress Journals for

Plays the CD. The Activity 26 Whiteboard

students listen, identify Ss listen and number. Write the
Middle of the the gadgets and number sentences. The students write -choose the CD
lesson the pictures. the sentences. right answer
Check the answers. Asks
the students to spell the Book
fruit and vegetables. 1 point Poster
Aim: to listen for specific
5min. information
Efficiency: to develop Ss
listening skills
The students read the text Activity 27 -choose the Whiteboard
and do the task Read and write a, some or any. right answer
10min. Students
Aim:to develop their 1point Book
grammar skills

Explain the task. Ss look Activity 28 Descriptor:
and write questions and
answers. The students Ss write questions and give true - The students
look at the picture and answers about what you did last write true
write questions and Saturday. answers
answers following the according to
picture prompts. what they did
last Saturday.
Aim:to practice writing

Efficiency: to develop - write

writing skills sentences
method is used to assess
Ss writing Total: 1point

15 min. Explains the task. The Activity 29 Descriptor: Whiteboard

students read the culture
quiz on Student's Book Read and write the answers. -Choose the Students
again and answer the right answer Book
questions. - rewrite Poster
Aim:to improve reading sentences
skills without

2 points

Explain the task. Ss Read Activity 30 Descriptor:

and write the missing Order the questions and write - write answers
words. answers. The students write the without
missing words, referring to mistakes
Aim:to improve reading Student's Book
skills 1point

method is used to assess
Ss writing

End of the lesson. The One-Minute Papers Ss answer the questions like : Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
method was used as a What is the most important other and
reflection. It provides the issue discussed today? encourage Students
opportunity to the classmate with Book
Reflection What did you find difficult to
students to provide a phrases like:
quick reflection on what comprehend?
they learned by Well done!
What are some questions you Brilliant! Good
responding to questions.
would like to explore further? job! I like it!
5 min.
Aim: To know how many Ss
got the theme.

Efficiency:To make appropriate

modifications that would
enhance students’ learning
engagement and performance

method is used to finish the


Differentiation – how do you plan to Assessment – how are you planning to Health and safety check
give more support? How do you plan check learners’ learning? ICT links
to challenge the more able learners?

● Students will support each other. Students will be assessed ICT

● More capable students will be given through revision exercises:
more challenging material to work Make short breaks while writing
vocabulary, grammar
with in order to allow them to be
more challenged.
The students will be supported by the
teacher during independent work.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work


Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan

and why?
Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?


What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next

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