Digital Electronics 2019-20

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Odd Semester 2019-20

Subject Code & Name: EC3306 Digital Electronics

Program/Branch/Year: B.Tech CSE,CSE-AIML,CSE-CSCQ,EE-EVT,MTE /SEM III DEC 2019
Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks: 100

General Instructions. Read all instructions carefully.

1. Do not write anything on the question paper except your Roll No.
2. Answers should be written in clear and legible handwriting. Neatly labeled diagrams will fetch better marks.
3. Students must clearly write the question number & sub-part of question that they are attempting.
4. This question paper consists of 5 questions and all questions are compulsory. All questions carry
20 marks each.
5. Students are expected to take about 30 minutes each for Questions 1 to 5 and Remaining 30 minutes
Are for reading the question paper and revision

Parts i) and ii) of each question are compulsory and each part carries 2 marks. Parts iii), iv) and
v) carry 8 marks each and the student may attempt any 2 parts.
i) 1’s complement can be easily obtained by using _________
a) Comparator b) Inverter c) Adder d) Subtractor
(2 marks)
ii) An important drawback of binary system is ________
a) It requires very large string of 1’s and 0’s to represent a decimal number
b) It requires sparingly small string of 1’s and 0’s to represent a decimal number
c) It requires large string of 1’s and small string of 0’s to represent a decimal number
d) It requires small string of 1’s and large string of 0’s to represent a decimal number
(2 marks)
iii) Distinguish between analog and digital signals. List out advantages of using Digital circuitry. Is
7 Segment diaplay analog or digital?
(8 marks)
iv) Carry out following addition and subtraction of following numbers (17F68)16 and (3376)8with
result in ( ) 8 and ( ) 16 respectively.
(8 marks)
v)Write steps to convert
a) Binary code to octal and hexadecimal directly b) Gray code to binary code
c) Decimal number to any other base.
(8 marks)

i) Product-of-Sums expressions can be implemented using ___________

a) 2-level OR-AND logic circuits b) 2-level NOR logic circuits
c) 2-level XOR logic circuits d) Both 2-level OR-AND and NOR logic circuits
(2 marks)

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ii) How many AND gates are required to realize Y = CD + EF + G?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 3 d) 2
(2 marks)
iii) Given the following truth table:
Obtain the simplified functions in sum of products if Y denotes output. Also obtain the diagram
using NOR gates only.
(8 marks)
iv) Explain Quine McCluskey Method with example?
(8 marks)
v)Explain De Morgan’s theorem using example. Explain Identity, Complementation, Commutative,
Associative and Distributive Laws using examples.
(8 marks)
i) In parts of the processor, adders are used to calculate ____________
a) Addresses b) Table indices
c) Increment and decrement operators d) All of the Mentioned
(2 marks)
ii) Which among the bipolar logic families is specifically adopted for high speed applications?
a) DTL b) TTL c) RTL d) All of the Mentioned
(2 marks)
iii) Describe code converters? Draw one circuit using 3 bit for gray to binary code converter.
(8 marks)
iv) Explain CMOS logic family using NAND and NOR Gates.
(8 marks)
v)Define CLC’s? You have to implement Y=AB’C using NAND and NOR gates and if cost of each
gate is 50 Rs. what will be cost of this circuit if implemented.
(8 marks)

i) Mod-6 and mod-12 counters are most commonly used in:

a) frequency counters b) multiplexed displays
c) digital clocks d) power consumption meters
(2 marks)
ii) To operate correctly, starting a ring counter requires:
a) clearing all the flip-flops b) presetting one flip-flop and clearing all the others
c) clearing one flip-flop and presetting all the others
d) presetting all the flip-flops
(2 marks)

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iii) Define a shift register. In an 8 bit PIPO shift register, the data input is 10101101. Describe the
data outputs after 4 clock pulses?
(8 marks)
iv) Define a Counter & its applications. Describe modulus counters?
(8 marks)
v) Describe shift registers? List its different types.
(8 marks)
i) ROM consist of __________
a) NOR and OR arrays b) NAND and NOR arrays
c) NAND and OR arrays d) NOR and AND arrays
(2 marks)
ii) A PLA is similar to a ROM in concept except that ____________
a) It hasn’t capability to read only b) It hasn’t capability to read or write operation
c) It doesn’t provide full decoding to the variables
d) It hasn’t capability to write only
(2 marks)
iii) How is memory size described? Explain with an example.
(8 marks)
iv) Define PLA? Draw a block diagram and explain its working.
(8 marks)
v) Distinguish between EPROM and EEPROM.
(8 marks)

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