Lec 1
Lec 1
Lec 1
• Growing plants like seaweed are also part of mariculture. These sea
plant and animal species find many uses in manufacturing industries
such as in cosmetics and jewelry where collagen from seaweed is
used to make facial creams. Pearls are picked from molluscs and
made into fashion items.
• 2. Fish Farming
• 3. Algaculture
This usually involves inland artificial ponds of about 20 acres in size and
about 6-8ft deep. It is common to see aeration systems connected to the
pond, to introduce air into the ponds. This enhances the supply of oxygen
and also reduces ice formation in the winter season.
Recirculating Aquaculture System grow outs are the best option for
locations close to or in cities, with good availability of electricity. Next to
this, using RAS technology is the only possibility for farming tropical fish
species in moderate to cold climates indoor.
• Fish tank
• Mechanical Filter
• Biologicial Filter
• Pump tank
• Pump
• Other items (e.g. UV-C light, oxgenation devices,
aeration devices, feeders, monitoring, etc.)