Ipjugaad - B Tech 3rd Sem Object Oriented Programming Using C++ Paper 2023
Ipjugaad - B Tech 3rd Sem Object Oriented Programming Using C++ Paper 2023
Ipjugaad - B Tech 3rd Sem Object Oriented Programming Using C++ Paper 2023
Paper Code: CIC-211 Subject: Object Oriented Programming
Using C++
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
Note: Attempt flve questions in all including Q. No.1 which is ..
compulsory. Select one question from each unit.
[01 fai)
Answer all the following questions briefly:-
List the features of object oriented programming. (3)
Jb) Differentiate between a Constructor and Destructor in context of class @
_,,{c) What are various access specifiers in C++? How is protected specifier
useful? (3)
.,.,{d) What is generic programming? What are its advantages? (3)
,,_1e) How does · a compile time polymorphism differ from run time
polymorphism? (3)
;(a) Explain the meaning and syntax of an inline function. Write, an inline
function in C++. Further, write two situations when an inline function
expansion may not work. (8)
/(b) What is the difference between call by value and call by reference for a
function? Explain with the help of C++ code. (7)
Q3 (a) Write any three features of friend function and explain its
functionality ,using suitable example. Why friend functions should be
avoided? l . (7)
(b) How does C++ support data abstraction and Encapsulation? A,ppraise
with an appropriate example why is it necessary to create good
abstraction? (4)
(c) Explain the default parameter value in C++ with an example. (4)
(a) What do you mean by an array ·or objects? Explain how members of~
/ objects can be accessed in array of objects with the help of C++ l...:J:J
program. (7)
_;ll'{b) Explain parameterized -constructor and copy constructor with an /6!7
example. (4) L1/
(c) Explain the state, identity and behaviour of an object in C++. (4)
JJ6 (a) Difference between overloaded functions and overridden functions. G
What is ambiguity . resolution in class inheritance? When do you
encounter such a situation· and how it is handled? Explain with an
example. (8)
(b) What do you mean by a template member function? Write a program
/ to define the function template for calculating the square of given 6
numbers with different data types. (7)
Q8 (a) Describe the various components of STL in detail. (8)
(b) Write a C++ program to read the class object of student info such as
name, age, gender, height and weight from the keyboard and to store
them on a specified file using read() and write() functions. Again the
same file is opened for reading and displaying the contents of ·the file
on the screen. (7)