Domestic Electricity and Plumbing 2013
Domestic Electricity and Plumbing 2013
Domestic Electricity and Plumbing 2013
and Plumbing
Thursday, 07 | lllz0ls
8:3O - 11:3O AM P.O. BOX 27A7 Kigili, Rwanda Teh (+250) 255113365
Part II: Five (5) Questions, choose any three (3t; 3Omarks
Part III: Three (31 Questions, choose any one (11; lSmarks
O1. at Calculate the change in length (in inches) of 350-ft steel pipe that
will be exposed to the temperature ranging from 55 to 200oF.The
coefficient of linear expansion to be considered for steel is 0.0000065
par oF. 4marks
Part II: Choose and Answer any One (1) question. l5marks
21. What are the general safety tips for working with or near
electricity? lSmarks
22. What are the tips for working with power tools? lSmarks
23. Among common plumbing problems, we have common toilets
problems. Enumerate them, symptoms for each and plumbing
diagnosis. lSmarks