Domestic Electricity and Plumbing 2013

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CST - Domestic Electricity

and Plumbing
Thursday, 07 | lllz0ls
8:3O - 11:3O AM P.O. BOX 27A7 Kigili, Rwanda Teh (+250) 255113365



EXAM TITLE: Domestic Electricity and Plumbing

OPTION: Construction (csTl


The paper contains three (31 parts:

Part I: Fifteen (151 questions, all Compulsoryi SSmarks

Part II: Five (5) Questions, choose any three (3t; 3Omarks

Part III: Three (31 Questions, choose any one (11; lSmarks

The use of calculator is not necessary

WDA/TVEI/CST 2 - Domestic Eleetricity and Plumbing - Year 2013 -

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Part I: Attempt all the 15 Questions (compulsory) S5marls

O1. at Calculate the change in length (in inches) of 350-ft steel pipe that
will be exposed to the temperature ranging from 55 to 200oF.The
coefficient of linear expansion to be considered for steel is 0.0000065
par oF. 4marks

bf Calculate the change in length of a 120m steel pipe that will be

exposed to temperature ranging from 12 to 950'C if linear expansion
oC 4marks
is 0.000OLLT per .

O2. What are the aims of house drainage? Smarks

O3. What is :

al a plumbing water supply system? 2marks

bl a plumbing drainage system? 2marks
O4. Galvanized pipe is generally required in water supply and drainage
piping. Give all uses of galvanized pipes in plumbing. 4marIs
O5. What skill interests and values that a skilled plumber needs?
O6. In electricity, matter can be broken down into which groups?
Explain 6marks
O7. Give the Ohm's law. 4marks
O8. What is the resistance of a lamp which draws 120mA when
connected to a 12.6V battery? Smarks
O9. Calculate the power if E:50V and R:135 ohms. 4marks
10. What kind of injuries results from electrical current? 4marks
11. What instrument do we use in measuring electricalcurrent? lmark
12. What is the formula used for calculating a combined resistance if 3
resistances Rr, Rz and Rs are in parallel? lmark
WDA/TVET/CST 2 - Dotnestic Electricity and Plumbing - Year 2Ol3 -
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13. What happensif the above three (3) resistances (in question 12) are
in series? lmark
14. Why can we say that the flow of charge in a conductor is often
compared with the flow of water in a water pipe? O.Smark
15. What is the smallest unit of electrical current? O.Smarks

Paqt II: Choose and Answer any three questions lomarks

(L6.ln a house drainage system, give different designations of pipes and-
\J. their sizes, depending upon the function they carry. lOmarks
Give the principles
f of house drainage. lOmarks
\!1. af What are the most important plumbing tools to keep at home?
Explain the reason.

bl My water bill is unusually high, what should I do? lOmarks

19. What is a sample checklist for basic electrical safety? lOmarks

2O. What are the tips for working with power cards? lOmarks

Part II: Choose and Answer any One (1) question. l5marks

21. What are the general safety tips for working with or near
electricity? lSmarks
22. What are the tips for working with power tools? lSmarks
23. Among common plumbing problems, we have common toilets
problems. Enumerate them, symptoms for each and plumbing
diagnosis. lSmarks

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