Experimental Study On The Addition of Date Palm Fibers As A Reinforcement in Gypsum Mortar
Experimental Study On The Addition of Date Palm Fibers As A Reinforcement in Gypsum Mortar
Experimental Study On The Addition of Date Palm Fibers As A Reinforcement in Gypsum Mortar
1, December 2021
Abstract— Libya is considered one of the major Arab density, which gives relatively light composites with high
countries in the cultivation of palm trees, as it holds the fifth specific characteristics.
place in the Arab world in the number of palm trees with Natural fibers also offer significant cost advantages
about 8 million of them planted on estimated area of 70 and associated processing advantages, compared to
thousand hectares. The present paper aims to characterize
synthetic fibers. The amounts of cellulose and
date-palm fiber-reinforced gypsum mortar, where different
percentages of palm fibers were added by substituting with hemicelluloses in date palm are lower in other natural
various percentages of gypsum weight. Untreated date palm fibers. As a result, the date palm has a significant amount
fibers have been used after extraction process from date tree of lignin compared to other natural fibers [1]. Usually a
as (leaf, root, sheath, trunk…). Physical properties of fibers plant fiber is physically characterized by its diameter,
have been measured as volumetric density, coefficient of density, water content and percentage of water
absorption and water content. Natural date palm fibers absorption. It is characterized mechanically by its rupture
have been used without treatment. For mortar cured up to tensile strength and by the modulus of elasticity [2].
28 days, its composition which report W/G = 0.6. The Mahdi et al., 2015, [3] approved that the date palm leaf
present work consists of studying the effect of gypsum
fiber (DPLF) showed high hydrophilic behavior and
mortar reinforcing with different types of date palm fibers,
with different lengths (0.53-19 cm) and different reached saturation (98.4%) within 24 hours. Natural
percentages (0-6%) on compression behavior in the Fibers have biodegradable characteristics; the alkali
hardened state. Cubic specimens' compressive strength was environment of the cement matrix leads to durability
(7x7x7 cm), are removed after 24 hours and then conserved problems in the fibers. This will eventually cause
in dry air at 28 days for mechanical testing. The mechanical reduction in fiber strength and toughness if these fibers
property of composites such as compressive strength of were not treated to resist the effect of alkali attack.
natural fiber composite was reported and compare with the Moreover, weak bond interface between natural fibers
data for control mix. It has been seen form compression test and cement matrix reduces the influence of fibers to
that palm composite has never been higher compressive
strength than the control mix.
improve the performance of the new composite [4].
Today, of researches development, it is possible to
Index Terms: natural date palm fibers, gypsum mortar, obtain extremely resistant materials from a fiber and a
physical and mechanical properties of fibers, compression fragile elastic matrix. Gypsum has a behavior defined as
test. brittle elastic, that is to say that its failure occurs for
relatively small deformations, and it also causes fairly
I. INTRODUCTION extensive cracks. Gypsum is also hygroscopic, meaning it
is susceptible to absorbing moisture, which is
A. Gypsum
The water-gypsum ratio (W/G) in the mixing process
can vary from 0.6 to 0.8 or higher [9]. The gypsum
(CaSO4, 2H2O) used in this work is produced by Egypte
(Egyptian gypsum code, EGS3C491C015). It is mixed
with water, using a water-gypsum plaster of 0.6 by mass.
It has been found that this gypsum mortar has a density of Figure 1. Palm date tree after cutting with an electric saw.
1.2 g/cm3 and corresponding to a maximum compressive
strength of 11 MPa.
A. Control mix
The control mix grade 15 was used in this study. A
mortar has been prepared as indicated in Table 4. The
dimension of reference matrix (control mix, Ref G) is
Figure 2. Palm date tree before (left) and after (right) crumbling. 7x7x7 cm. The mixing process is effectued out by
introducing the dry gypsum first in electrically mixer at a
Table 1. Dimensions of different types of date palm fibers. slow speed for a two minutes, then adding the mixing
Diameter Length water and being at a higher speed for one minute, then
Type of leafs Form of fibers
cm cm
pouring the mixture into the mold and test specimens are
removed after 24 hours and then conserved in dry air for
Date palm root 0.15 11.4
28 days at T = 30- 35 °C for mechanical testing.
B. Date palm fibers reinforced mortar
Date palm tree
1 1.3 Date palm fiber was added in the gypsum mortar by the
subtraction of gypsum weight of (0 – 6) % as indicated in
Table 5.
- Calculation of fiber and matrix mass in composites
Leaf 0.36 19
Table 4. Composition of gypsum mortar (g) gypsum mortar reinforced by leaf of root with different
W (g) G (g) W/G percent ages (0.4-2.5%), their volumetric weight is
between 1.1- 1.34 g/cm3, all values are mentioned in
600 1000 0.6 Table 6.
- Effect the percentage of fibers on apparent
volumetric weight
Figure. 6 shows increasing the percentage of fibers do
not improve the results of apparent volumetric dry
weight, except for the introduction of the leaf mixed with
trunk fiber, the volumetric weight increased by a small
amount, the result of mixing two types of fibers.
- Effect type of fibers on apparent volumetric
No major influence of fiber types on apparent
volumetric dry weight, we concluded that values
approach to 1.2 g/cm3.
Thus even the percentage and type of fibers the gypsum
mortar reinforced with date palm fibers usually has
Figure 3. Preparation specimens of gypsum reinforced by date palm
fibers. a
- Effect the percentage of fibers on maximum Figure 10. Max. compression load values of remaining fibers on
different sieve diameters.
compression load
Figure. 9 shows the maximum applied load on cubical
specimens contain the remaining fibers on different
sieves. Average values is equal to 25 kN for remaining
fibers on sieves of 1mm then is equal to 54 kN of control
mix (Ref G). And with increasing the diameter of sieve
the maximum compression load attain 30 kN but
remaining lower than control mix values. It is clear that
the resistance of reference, control mix (0% fibers)
diminished with added the palm date fibers (22- 30 kN)
with different percentages and varied diameter. For leaf
of root their strength is no significant compared to Figure 11. Max. compression load values of fibers of root.
preceding figure and varied the percentage of fibers from
ɣdry P σ
Specimens % of fibers
g/cm3 kN MPa
0 1.21 53.5 10.9
Control mix (Ref) 0 1.20 54.7 11.2
0 1.20 50.9 10.4
1 1.16 25.5 9.3
1 1.18 26.1 10.0
Fibers remaining on a
1 1.21 24.8 9.5
sieve 0.6 mm
1 1.20 24.5 9.4
Figure 12. Mean max. compression load values of different fibers.
1 1.18 21.7 8.2
2.7 1.19 30.4 6.0
Fibers remaining on a 3.5 1.18 23.8 4.8
sieve 1mm 3.5 1.20 24.0 4.9
Fibers remaining on a
sieve 2.36 mm 2.7 1.20 30.4 6.0
0.8 1.26 21.1 4.31
Sleath Kernaf
0.8 1.21 23.0 4.49
0.4 1.26 22.2 4.3
0.4 1.19 34.6 6.6
2.5 1.1 34.3 6.6
2.5 1.13 31.8 6.1
2 1.34 131.1 25.3
Wet root
Figure 13. Max. compression resistance of remaining fibers on different 2 1.22 19.2 3.8
sieve diameters. 1.5 1.15 23.7 4.6
Trunk 1.5 1.17 30.2 6.1
6 1.18 37.8 7.6
0.3 1.41 26.8 5.2
Leaf mixed with trunk
0.3 1.33 26.5 5.0
Figure `5. Mean max compression resistance of different fibers.
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1. For more support previous results, it is suggested to use
microstructure analysis.
2. It is recommended to complete the physical and mechanical
test by make chemical test to understand the reaction at
interface between fibers and gypsum matrix.
3. It is recommended to varied tests results using different date
palm tree kinds and percentages of fibers from 0 to 100% of
same sort of fibers.
4. It is recommended in the future to use pretreatment date
palm fibers in gypsum matrix and studied their effect on
mechanical performance. And investigation on date palm
fibers reinforced gypsum concrete under different curing