2. Question hour: Question hour is a mechanism through which MPs can elicit
information about the working of the government.
5. How are the members of Rajya Sabha elected? What are the functions of Rajya
Sabha ? (2+3=5M)
There are 233 elected members plus 12 members nominated by the President.
The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the elected members of the
Legislative Assemblies of various states.
The Rajya Sabha functions primarily as the representative of the statues of India in
the Parliament.
The Rajya Sabha can also initiate legislation and a bill required to pass through the
Rajya Sabha in order to become a law.
It ,therefore, has an important role of reviewing and altering the laws initiated by
the Lok Sabha.
6. Who is a Prime Minister and what does he/she plays in the functioning of the
country? (2M)
The Prime Minister of India is the leader of the ruling party Lok Sabha.
One of the most important functions of the Prime Minister is ultimately responsible
for the policy and decisions of the government.
7. What do understand by the term opposition party? How does the opposition
party play a major role in the affairs of the government? ( 1+2=3M )
Ans: *The term opposition party refers to the elected representatives who are not
members of the ruling party/oppose the ruling party.
Opposition party highlights the drawbacks in various policies and programmes of
the government.
Opposition party mobilizes popular support for their own policies.