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(SPL) CH: 3 Parliament and the Making of Laws

I. Define the following.(1Meach)

1. Coalition: A temporary alliance of groups or parties. In this chapter, it refers to the
alliance formed by political parties after elections when no party has been able to get
adequate seats to form a clear majority.

2. Question hour: Question hour is a mechanism through which MPs can elicit
information about the working of the government.

3. Constituency: A constituency is an area for which someone is elected as the

representative in a parliament of government.

II. Answer the following.

1. What do you think our National movement supported the idea that all adults
have a right to vote?(3M)
Ans: Under the colonial rule, the people had lived in fear of the British government and
did not agree with many of the decisions that they took. But they faced great danger if
they tried to criticized these decisions.
 The freedom movement changed this situation and the nationalists began to openly
criticise the British government and make demands.
 They demanded that there be elected members in the legislature with a right to
discuss the budget and ask questions.
 That is why nationalist movement supported the idea of the universal adult
franchise so that the people can take part in the decision making of the country.

2. How do the people play an important role in democracy? (3M)

 A democratic government is run by the consent, approval and participation of the
people or citizens.
 The people in a democracy are the citizens and they are an integral part of any
 The people elect a few candidates who represent their collective voices in the

3. How are the members of the Lok Sabha elected? (4M)

 The country is divided into numerous constituencies.
 Each of these constituencies elects one person to the Parliament. The candidates
who contest elections usually belong to different political parties.
 Once elected, these candidates become Members of Parliament or MPs.
 These MPs together make up the Parliament.

4.What are the functions of the Parliament? (3M)

Ans: The functions of the Parliament are :
*To select the National government :
Parliament of India consists of the President, the Rajya Sabha and the Lok
Sabha.After the Lok Sabha elections the political party which gets the majority
forms the government. One of the most important functions of the Lok Sabha is to
select the executive. The executive is a group of persons who work together to
implement the laws made by the parliament.

*To Control, Guide and Inform the Government :

The Parliament while in session, begins with a question hour. It is an important
mechanism through which MPs can elicit information about the working of the
government. This is a very important way through which the Parliament controls
the government. The opposition parties play a critical role in healthy functioning of
a democracy. In addition, in all matters dealing with finance, the Parliament
approval is crucial for the government. This is one of the several ways in which the
Parliament controls, guides and informs the government.

* Law Making : Law making is a significant function of the Parliament.

5. How are the members of Rajya Sabha elected? What are the functions of Rajya
Sabha ? (2+3=5M)
 There are 233 elected members plus 12 members nominated by the President.
 The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the elected members of the
Legislative Assemblies of various states.
 The Rajya Sabha functions primarily as the representative of the statues of India in
the Parliament.
 The Rajya Sabha can also initiate legislation and a bill required to pass through the
Rajya Sabha in order to become a law.
 It ,therefore, has an important role of reviewing and altering the laws initiated by
the Lok Sabha.

6. Who is a Prime Minister and what does he/she plays in the functioning of the
country? (2M)
 The Prime Minister of India is the leader of the ruling party Lok Sabha.
 One of the most important functions of the Prime Minister is ultimately responsible
for the policy and decisions of the government.

7. What do understand by the term opposition party? How does the opposition
party play a major role in the affairs of the government? ( 1+2=3M )
Ans: *The term opposition party refers to the elected representatives who are not
members of the ruling party/oppose the ruling party.
 Opposition party highlights the drawbacks in various policies and programmes of
the government.
 Opposition party mobilizes popular support for their own policies.

8. How do people express their discontent towards a law?(1M)

Ans: People express their discontent towards a law by criticizing the law, hold public
meetings ,write about it in newspapers, report to TV news channels etc…

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