Project Patafundi 8oct

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(A Case of Mombasa Town)




This project is my original work and has not been presented for a diploma or degree award in any
other university.



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This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as a University Supervisor.


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Finding jobs that best suits the interests and skill set is quite a challenging task for the job
seekers. The difficulties arise from not having proper knowledge on the organization’s objective,
their work culture and current job openings. In addition, finding the right candidate with desired
qualifications to fill their current job openings is an important task for the recruiters of any
organization. Online Job Search Portals have certainly made job seeking convenient on both
sides. Job Portal is the solution where recruiter as well as the job seeker meets aiming at
fulfilling their individual requirement. They are the cheapest as well as the fastest source of
communication reaching wide range of audience on just a single click irrespective of their
geographical distance. The web application “Job Search Portal” provides an easy and convenient
search application for the job seekers to find their desired jobs and for the recruiters to find the
right candidate. Job seekers from any background can search for the current job openings. Job
seekers can register with the application and update their details and skill set. They can search
for available jobs and apply to their desired positions. Android, being open source has already
made its mark in the mobile application development. To make things handy, the user
functionalities are developed as an Android application. Employer can register with the
application and posts their current openings. They can view the Job applicants and can screen
them according to the best fit. Users can provide a review about an organization and share their
interview experience, which can be viewed by the Employers. The methodology being applied in
this system is the Rapid Application Development (RAD) as it ensures fast development of the
system. RAD is a development lifecycle designed to give much faster development and higher-
quality results than those achieved with the traditional lifecycle. The sampling technique that was
employed is the Simple Random Sampling Technique. The study had a sample population of 150
people where the researcher took 30% of the sample size and administer 30 questionnaires to the
members of the Sacco and 15 questionnaires to the drivers. After carefully analysis of the
environment and collection of data, implementation of the project took place. This involved
construction of the system itself and testing it to ensure that it properly works and is well
received by the users for validation


DECLARATION............................................................................................................................ i

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... ii

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... vii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... viii

ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................ ix

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Background statement ............................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Statement of the problem .......................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 4

1.4.1. General objective .................................................................................................................. 4

1.4.2. Specific objectives ................................................................................................................ 4

1.5 Research questions .................................................................................................................... 5

1.6 Scope of the study ..................................................................................................................... 5

1.7 Justification of the study ........................................................................................................... 5

1.8 Significance of the study ........................................................................................................... 6

1.9 Limitations ................................................................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 8

LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 8

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Theoretical Review ................................................................................................................... 9

2.2.1 Conceptual framework ........................................................................................................... 9

2.2.2 Conceptual Model .................................................................................................................. 9

2.2.3 Online system for job linkage ................................................................................................ 9

2.2.4 System functionality ............................................................................................................ 10

2.2.5 Platform support................................................................................................................... 10

2.2.6 User interface design............................................................................................................ 11

2.2.8 Efficient management job linkage ....................................................................................... 11

2.3 System review ......................................................................................................................... 12

2.3.1 Brighter Monday job seeking system .................................................................................. 12

2.3.2 job seeker System ........................................................................................ 13

2.3.3 Myjobsinkenya job seeker system ....................................................................................... 15

2.4 Critique of existing system ..................................................................................................... 16

2.5 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 16

2.6 Research Gap .......................................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 18

RESEARCH DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 18

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 18

3.2 Developmental Approach ....................................................................................................... 18

3.2.1 System Design ..................................................................................................................... 18 Rapid Application Development....................................................................................... 18 Stages of RAD ............................................................................................................... 19

3.1.1 Rapid Application Development.......................................................................................... 19 Justification of RAD ......................................................................................................... 20

3.3 Fact-Finding Approach ........................................................................................................... 21

3.3.1 Research Design................................................................................................................... 21

3.3.2 Population ............................................................................................................................ 21

3.3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique......................................................................................... 22

3.3.4 Data Collection Tools .......................................................................................................... 22 Interviews .......................................................................................................................... 22 Questionnaires................................................................................................................... 23

3.4 System Requirements Analysis............................................................................................... 24

3.5.1 Use Case Diagram................................................................................................................ 25

3.5.2 Class Diagrams .................................................................................................................... 25

3.5.3 Sequence diagram ................................................................................................................ 26

3.6 Specific platform requirements ............................................................................................... 29

3.6.1 Hardware requirements ........................................................................................................ 29

3.6.2 Software requirements ......................................................................................................... 29

3.7 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 30

CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................... 31

IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................ 31

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 31

4.2 System Construction ............................................................................................................... 32

4.2.2 Home Module ...................................................................................................................... 32

4.2.4 Login Module....................................................................................................................... 34

4.2.5 Users Registration Module .................................................................................................. 35

4.2.6 Job Application Module....................................................................................................... 36

4.2.7 Control Panel Module .......................................................................................................... 37

4.3 Testing..................................................................................................................................... 38

4.3.1 Unit Testing ......................................................................................................................... 38

4.3.2 User Acceptance Testing ..................................................................................................... 38

4.4 .1 Applying for Membership................................................................................................... 40

4.4 .2 Making Payments................................................................................................................ 41

4.4 .3 Applying for Loans ............................................................................................................. 41

4.5.1 Applying for Membership.................................................................................................... 43

4.5.2 Making Payments................................................................................................................. 43

4.5.3 Applying for Loans .............................................................................................................. 43

4.6 Beta Testing ............................................................................................................................ 45

4.7 System Implementation .......................................................................................................... 47

CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................ 48

SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................ 48

5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 48

5.2 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 48

5.3 System Constraints.................................................................................................................. 49

5.4 Future Enhancements .............................................................................................................. 49

5.6 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 50

5.5 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 50

REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 51

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 52


Table 3.1 Target Population .......................................................................................................... 22

Table 3.2: Sample Size ................................................................................................................. 22

Table 3.3 Members Record ........................................................................................................... 28

Table 3.5 Administrator records ................................................................................................... 28

Table 4.1 Unit Testing .................................................................................................................. 38

Table 4.2 User Acceptance Testing .............................................................................................. 39

Table 4.3: Applying for Membership ........................................................................................... 40

Table 4.4: Making Payments ........................................................................................................ 41

Table 4.5 Applying for Loans ....................................................................................................... 41

Table 4.6 Applying for Membership ............................................................................................ 43

Table 4.7: Making Payments ........................................................................................................ 43

Table 4.8: Applying for Loans ...................................................................................................... 43

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework .................................................................................................. 9

Figure 2.2 Brighter Monday job management system (Brighter Monday, 2024) ........................ 12

Figure 2.3 job seeker System (Kenyajob, 2024) .................................................. 13

Figure 2.4 Myjobsinkenya job seeker System (Myjobsinkenya, 2024)........................................ 15

Figure 3.1: RAD diagram (Martins, 2022) ................................................................................... 19

Figure 3.2 Use case Diagram ........................................................................................................ 25

Figure 3.3 Class Diagram ............................................................................................................. 26

Figure 3.4 Sequence Diagram for Members ................................................................................. 27

Figure 4.1 Home Module .............................................................................................................. 32

Figure 4.2 User Registration Module............................................................................................ 33

Figure 4.3 Login Module .............................................................................................................. 34

Figure 4.4 Members Registration Module .................................................................................... 35

Figure 4.5 Job Application Module .............................................................................................. 36

Figure 4.6 Control Panel Module.................................................................................................. 37

Figure 4.7: User Acceptance ......................................................................................................... 40

Figure 4.8: System Functionality Acceptance Rate ..................................................................... 42

Figure 4.9: System User Interface Acceptance Rate ................................................................... 44

Figure 4.10: Beta Testing .............................................................................................................. 46


SACCO – Saving and Credit Co-operative Organization

Php - Hypertext pre-processor

SQL – Structured Query Language

MFI- Micro-finance Institution

RAD- Rapid Application Development

MIS - Management information System

NTSA National Transport Safety Authority

CASE – Computer aided software engineering

HTML - Hypertext Mark-up Language

ICT - Information Communication Technology

GUI - Graphical User Interface

PSV - Public Service Vehicle

EFT - Electronic Fund Transfer

UML - Unified Modelling Language

URL - Uniform Resource Locator


1.1 Introduction

The Job Seekers System is a comprehensive platform designed to bridge the gap between job
seekers and employers. It serves as a centralized hub where individuals looking for employment
can create profiles, upload resumes, and apply for jobs, while employers can post job openings,
search for potential candidates, and manage the hiring process. This system aims to streamline
the recruitment process, making it more efficient and user-friendly for both parties.

Globally, major cities currently struggle with a challenge of meeting the ever-increasing demand
for jobs. Lack of functional job linkage system has had serious challenges in the sector. Among
other inefficiencies is the disorganization in the management of the municipal council that is in
charge of the town.

A job portal is a modern name for an online job board that helps the employers to find their
candidates and also helps the job seekers to find the jobs which are suitable for them. This online
job portals offer a wide range of in different areas. The government agencies, on profit
organizations, universities and private businesses have created the online job portals to enable
the job seekers access the organizations tough it might not fully satisfy the job seekers
and the job posters completely. Normally many companies waste their money and valuable time
when finding the right candidates for the jobs. Although some site provide specific information
of CVs and how to write them, they perform better in interviews and the topics preferred by the
job seeker, the face difficulties in achieving the communication and interactions between the job
seekers and the job posters.

In this project I have implemented an open source software tool for a job portal system for
companies, agencies and freelance job portal developers. It provides a platform to start their own
online web based job portal system where the employers and the job seekers can interact
effectively. When a company wants to start their own online job portal they have to hire
employees to develop system for their requirement or they have to but existing commercial job
portals with limited functionalities .through this job portal and recruitment system, companies do
noted to hire several employees to develop entire system. At the same time, there is no time

delay to start their web based system because it is provided online video based training for
developers. By using these demos, they can modify the system and it will be more advantage if
they have basic knowledge about web based system development. main key features in the
system is job posting ,view the job, apply for the job, interview scheduling, job poster-job seeker
interaction, admin based job or job seeker/job poster administration and supporting system by
providing multimedia based video explanations and code level explanations. Here, there the
admin of the system and there several job seekers and job seekers involved together. The system
will involve the in real times as well as able to customize according to the requirements of a

Job Search Portal is a web application, which serves jobseekers to find available job vacancies
and Employers to identify eligible job seekers with the prospect of selecting the most qualified
candidates. The only way to select best-qualified candidate is to have a pool of eligible
applicants, which is possible by drawing the interest of individuals in the market. Job search
portals best serve this purpose. E-recruitment has become the standard means for employers and
job seekers to meet their respective objectives. The traditional methods for recruitment includes
Job fairs, University career employment services, Employee referrals, advertising in the
newspapers, televisions etc. With the advancement in technology and growth of internet usage,
the e-recruitment has revolutionized the way organizations hire and candidates search for jobs.
With the Online Job search portals, the recruitment process is speeded up at every stage from job
postings, to receiving applications from candidates, interviewing process. The cost of
searching/posting jobs will be much less compared to the traditional way of advertising. Job
search portal stands as an effective means for Employers to outline the job vacancies,
responsibilities and qualifications to attract jobseekers. Using the portal jobseekers can
extensively search for jobs in companies, organizations and regions they may otherwise have not
learnt. In addition, candidates/Employers can write a review about an organization, which might
help them to change.

1.2 Background statement

A job portal is a modern name for an online job board that helps the employers to find their
candidates and also helps the job seekers to find the jobs which are suitable for them. This online
job portals offer a wide range of in different areas. The government agencies, on profit
organizations, universities and private businesses have created the online job portals to enable
the job seekers access the organizations tough it might not fully satisfy the job seekers
and the job posters completely. Normally many companies waste their money and valuable time
when finding the right candidates for the jobs. Although some site provide specific information
of CVs and how to write them, they perform better in interviews and the topics preferred by the
job seeker, the face difficulties in achieving the communication and interactions between the job
seekers and the job posters.

In this project I have implemented an open source software tool for a job portal system for
companies, agencies and freelance job portal developers. It provides a platform to start their own
online web based job portal system where the employers and the job seekers can interact
effectively. When a company wants to start their own online job portal they have to hire
employees to develop system for their requirement or they have to but existing commercial job
portals with limited functionalities .through this job portal and recruitment system, companies do
noted to hire several employees to develop entire system. At the same time, there is no time
delay to start their web based system because it is provided online video based training for
developers. By using these demos, they can modify the system and it will be more advantage if
they have basic knowledge about web based system development. main key features in the
system is job posting ,view the job, apply for the job, interview scheduling, job poster-job seeker
interaction, admin based job or job seeker/job poster administration and supporting system by
providing multimedia based video explanations and code level explanations. Here, there the
admin of the system and there several job seekers and job seekers involved together. The system
will involve the in real times as well as able to customize according to the requirements of a

Job Search Portal is a web application, which serves jobseekers to find available job vacancies
and Employers to identify eligible job seekers with the prospect of selecting the most qualified
candidates. The only way to select best-qualified candidate is to have a pool of eligible

applicants, which is possible by drawing the interest of individuals in the market. Job search
portals best serve this purpose. E-recruitment has become the standard means for employers and
job seekers to meet their respective objectives. The traditional methods for recruitment includes
Job fairs, University career employment services, Employee referrals, advertising in the
newspapers, televisions etc. With the advancement in technology and growth of internet usage,
the e-recruitment has revolutionized the way organizations hire and candidates search for jobs.
With the Online Job search portals, the recruitment process is speeded up at every stage from job
postings, to receiving applications from candidates, interviewing process. The cost of
searching/posting jobs will be much less compared to the traditional way of advertising. Job
search portal stands as an effective means for Employers to outline the job vacancies,
responsibilities and qualifications to attract jobseekers. Using the portal jobseekers can
extensively search for jobs in companies, organizations and regions they may otherwise have not
learnt. In addition, candidates/Employers can write a review about an organization, which might
help them to change.

1.3 Statement of the problem

The current manual system used Mombasa city is not effective enough to help job seekers get
access to jobs and job providers with ease. There is congestion in the city caused by the number
of large of people seeking jobs. This congestion isn’t only irritating but also can easily lead to
idleness and rise in crime in the city. Our existing system is work fully manually. In a manual
system Jobseeker can all work on paper so it is very time consuming process. When new
member are include then paper work will be automatically increased. All job searches manually
because the companies are connected will admin. The Jobseeker who want to apply for specific
Job. It’s hard to find as per specification.

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1. General objective

To develop an Online Patafundi System

1.4.2. Specific objectives

i. To analyze the problems faced by customers in the current system.

ii. To design the proposed system.

iii. To code the proposed system.

iv. To test the developed system functionalities.

1.5 Research questions

1. Which elements are to be analyzed in the existing system?

2. What are the design tools to be used in the design stage?

3. Which programming languages will be adopted for the development process?

4. Which testing techniques will be adopted for the testing phase?

1.6 Scope of the study

This study covers job linkage between job seekers and employers in Mombasa city. Mombasa
city was chosen for the reason that is a major city with a lot of congestion due to job seekers .
The study will involve conducting literature review on the stated objectives. The study analyses
the objectives and the findings utilized in the discussions and presentation. A suitable solution to
the research question was finally identified and explained. The project finalizes with
recommendations on the way forward.

1.7 Justification of the study

The job seeking sector has many returns to the economy of the country; besides, it offers both
direct and indirect employment opportunities to the people. Mombasa County has been chosen
for the reason that there has not been similar study done in the area. This has created a gap that
required an urgent intervention to set pace for other towns around Mombasa. Mombasa city was
chosen for the reason that it is having a structure that can adequately be utilized as a case study.
Besides, it operates manually and therefore will offer a good avenue to test the viability of
Online Systems. The Online patafundi system will ensure that there is reduction of congestion in
the place of work, it will ease the access to jobs and job seekers, member’s registration,

application and bidding for jobs online, and the online system will be available for use from
anywhere and at any time of the day.

1.8 Significance of the study

The Job Seekers System is a valuable tool for modernizing the job search and recruitment
processes. By leveraging advanced technologies and user-centric design, it aims to create a more
dynamic, accessible, and efficient employment ecosystem. Whether you are a job seeker looking
for your next career opportunity or an employer searching for the perfect candidate, this system
is designed to meet your needs effectively.

This study is significant because it seeks to enhance efficiency in the job linkage in Mombasa
city. The efficiency leads to high returns to the management and enable them to make informed
decisions. Jobs management as observed by Ouma 1999, entails the daily operation and
activities. Unless there is an efficient system in the operations management, the sector’s
investors will hardly realize the profit they ought to have in the business. Very many companies
are currently developing various IT systems for the job linkage sector. It is imperative to
analyses and understand the various systems from an expert point of view before they are
actually adopted by the various Sacco’s. This will help the managers of the city understand the
benefit of the systems and chose from an informed perspective. Additionally it minimizes
information overload, an effective online system will change the larger amount of data into
summarized form hence avoids confusion.

1.9 Limitations

• Time
Developing quality content and instructional design in a timely manner with the current
workload is very difficult as the time given for the study and implementation of the
system is limited.
• Inadequate funds
The cost implication in developing an Online System is very high and requires the
management to come up with decisions on the reduction of its other expenses to enable it
to achieve the objectives of the proposed system.

• Resources
Obtaining resources for design and build time as well as implementation staff may be
difficult due to the current duties and schedule demands.
• Resistance
There may be possible resistance from some reluctant “digital immigrants”, or those that
are slower to recognize the value of instructional technology.



2.1 Introduction

A literature review is a description of the literature relevant to a particular field or topic. It gives
an overview of what has been said, who the key writers are, what are the prevailing theories and
hypotheses, what questions are being asked, and what methods and methodologies are
appropriate and useful. As such, it is not in itself primary research, but rather it reports on other
findings. It can also be referred to as a purely descriptive, as in an annotated bibliography, or it
may provide a critical assessment of the literature in a particular field, stating where the
weaknesses and gaps are, contrasting the views of particular authors, or raising questions. Such a
review will not just be a summary but will also evaluate and show relationships between
different materials, so that key themes emerge. Even a descriptive review however should not
just list and paraphrase, but should add comment and bring out themes and trends.

In today’s jobs sector, there is need to manage more information than ever before without a solid
internal infrastructure for members and management to avoid loss of data. For example in this
case study it is clearly visible that the Mombasa city requires the new system, this is due to job
linkage problem between job seekers and employers and security which is a big threat due to
congestion. If one considers other cities like Nairobi with such systems and services, one will
notice that they have installed systems that ensure better services to the customers such as
security systems, and databases to allow easier access to customer or client information. It should
also be realized that a system should bring about a simple, workable and dependable and reliable
system. If the system is not as so, it has not resulted in a solution but a problem bigger than the
original one. The system should offer the management assurance on the good running of the
system with results as expected. This new system will fit into the implementation of the
Mombasa city policies.

This chapter deals with the analysis of the issues raised in the objective of the study. It starts by
understanding the job sector and the introduction of Patafundi has to bring sanity to the sector.
Central to this study is the understanding of how online system actually works; this is will be

explained based on available information from secondary literature. Finally, the various systems
available is evaluated based on their applicability and advantages in order to arrive at a suitable
one that can be adopted by the company.

2.2 Theoretical Review

2.2.1 Conceptual framework

Arising from the inherent problems that the city is experiencing in their job management, there is
a need to develop a working solution to the city. The system should be able to enhance the
management by linking job seekers and their employer resulting in a better system for
management of job by the managers of the Sacco. This is a system that is composed of two
things, namely;

• Web interface.
• A server side application for database management

2.2.2 Conceptual Model

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Functional Features
• Members registration
• Job Application
• Admin dashboard

User Interface Features Improved online system

• Navigation Design for efficient job linkage.
• Ease of use
• Easy to interact with

Types of platform

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework

2.2.3 Online system for job linkage

The content should be specific and efficient that is, effective for the knowledge of the members
and administrator.

2.2.4 System functionality
This describes in details how the system functions and it should be in accordance to the user’s
need so as to improve efficiency. For example, in the proposed system, covers the functions for
the members and administrator. For the members, a login system is to be designed to give them
access to the resources provided by the system. They are given an interface to register
themselves to the Sacco by providing the required information which is sent directly to
administrator’s dashboard for verification and approval.

On the administrator side, the functions of the system is limited to addition, updating, deleting,
searching and modifying of members database file. They verify all members who have
registered gave the correct information which should be legit.

2.2.5 Platform support

In computing, cross-platform, or multi-platform, is an attribute conferred to computer
software or computing methods and concepts that are implemented and inter-operate on
multiple computer platforms. Cross-platform software may be divided into two types; one
requires individual building or compilation for each platform that it supports, and the other one
can be directly run on any platform without special preparation, e.g., software written in
an interpreted language or pre-compiled portable byte code for which the interpreters or run-time
packages are common or standard components of all platforms.

Web applications are typically described as cross-platform because, ideally, they are accessible
from any of various web browsers within different operating systems. Such applications
generally employ a client–server system architecture, and vary widely in complexity and
functionality. This wide variability significantly complicates the goal of cross-platform
capability, which is routinely at odds with the goal of advanced functionality.

Basic web applications perform all or most processing from a stateless server, and pass the result
to the client web browser. All user interaction with the application consists of simple exchanges
of data requests and server responses. These types of applications were the norm in the early
phases of World Wide Web application development. Such applications follow a
simple transaction model, identical to that of serving static web pages. Today, they are still
relatively common, especially where cross-platform compatibility and simplicity are deemed
more critical than advanced functionalities.

Prominent examples of advanced web applications include the Web interface to Gmail,,
and the website, part of the Live Search service from Microsoft. Such advanced
applications routinely depend on additional features found only in the more recent versions of
popular web browsers. These dependencies include Ajax, JavaScript, Dynamic HTML, SVG,
and other components of rich Internet applications. Older versions of popular web browsers tend
to lack support for certain features. Because of the competing interests of cross-platform
compatibility and advanced functionality, numerous alternative web application design strategies
have emerged.

2.2.6 User interface design

This is the interacting front-end of the online system. It integrates all types of information
needed to interact with learner, through graphics, text, multi-media, key-board, mouse-driven
menus, etc. Prime factors for user-acceptance are user-friendliness and presentation hence
enhances ease of use by its users. It also provides interactive GUI for the user.

Dmitry Fadeyev (2012) explains that clarity in a user interface is great; however, one should be
careful not to fall into the trap of over-clarifying. Clarity is the most important element of user
interface design. Indeed, the whole purpose of user interface design is to enable people to
interact with your system by communicating meaning and function. With online system for
transport Sacco systems in mind, we develop models, which can be used to allow members to
check their details, drivers are able to send their job application and administrator can view all
details concerning the system.

2.2.8 Efficient management job linkage

Efficient management of transport Sacco is very essential. This is because it entails huge
amounts of files to handle member details, savings and daily contributions, inventory items,The
reason for wanting to develop this system concurs with this, in that efficient management of the
transport Sacco can only be achieved if the system will have an easy to understand interface and
features that support easy manoeuvring and access of details.

2.3 System review

2.3.1 Brighter Monday job seeking system

To strengthen the job linkage between employers and employees of Mombasa town and the
quality of services offered, Patafundi is recommending usage of the online system in the city, so
that none is left out of the online community so created by enjoining to this national ICT project.
The project proposed is aimed at installing and implementing a fully functional system in order
to achieve efficiency in the job linkage, the overall mission being to make the Mombasa city job
linkage between workers and employers staff become quick and easy in dealing with such
management tasks.

Figure 2.2 Brighter Monday job management system (Brighter Monday, 2024)

1. Job Posting and Management: The system allows employers to post job openings with
detailed descriptions, requirements, and other relevant information. It should also enable
them to manage these postings, including editing, updating, and removing them as
2. Search and Matching Algorithms: This system uses algorithms to match job seekers
with suitable job openings based on skills, experience, location, and other criteria. This
feature helps in efficiently connecting candidates with relevant opportunities.

3. Communication Tools: The system can facilitate communication between job seekers
and employers. This could include messaging systems, email notifications, and alerts for
updates on application statuses.
4. Mobile Compatibility: With the increasing use of mobile devices, this job seeker
management system is mobile-friendly. This ensures that job seekers can access and
apply for jobs on the go.

This web based system has been created using ASP.NET an open source server-side Web
application framework designed for Web development to produce dynamic Web pages.
ASP.NET Web pages are the main building blocks for application development. Web forms are
contained in files with an ".aspx" extension. This technology also has the ability to define
server-side Web Controls and User Controls. Dynamic code which runs on the server, is similar
to other Web development technologies such as PHP, JSP, and ASP which are commonly used

2.3.2 job seeker System management system is a system designed to enable people to search and apply for
jobs online providing a faster and easier way while enhancing efficiency and cost cutting.

Figure 2.3 job seeker System (Kenyajob, 2024)

Key Features:

1. Job Posting and Management: The system allows employers to post job openings with
detailed descriptions, requirements, and other relevant information. It should also enable
them to manage these postings, including editing, updating, and removing them as
2. Communication Tools: The system can facilitate communication between job seekers
and employers. This could include messaging systems, email notifications, and alerts for
updates on application statuses.
3. Search and Matching Algorithms: This systems uses algorithms to match job seekers
with suitable job openings based on skills, experience, location, and other criteria. This
feature helps in efficiently connecting candidates with relevant opportunities.
4. Application Tracking: Job seekers can track the status of their applications through the
system. They can also see whether their application has been received, reviewed, and if
they have been shortlisted or rejected.
5. Integration with Social Media and Job Boards: This systems has been integrated with
social media platforms and job boards to expand reach and visibility of job postings. This
integration helps in attracting a diverse pool of candidates.
6. Mobile Compatibility: With the increasing use of mobile devices, this job seeker
management system has been made mobile-friendly. This will ensure that job seekers can
access and apply for jobs on the go.
7. Security and Privacy: Given the sensitive nature of personal and professional
information stored in these systems, robust security measures have been put in place to
protect data from unauthorized access and breaches.
8. User Support and Training: The system provides adequate support to both job seekers
and employers. This could include tutorials, FAQs, and customer support to help users
navigate the system effectively.

These features collectively enhance the efficiency of the job seeking and hiring process, making
it easier for both parties to find and fill positions effectively.

The system is tried and working in top cities in the country it’s fast, easy and cost saving and a
working Solution. The web platform has been created using HTML 5 which provides support
for; css3, audio and video, 2D and 3D graphics, local storage, local SQL database and web

applications. To provide richness to the website Css and also JavaScript has been used. The
technology in use is one of the latest in the development industry and many online organizations
have adapted it into their organizations.

2.3.3 Myjobsinkenya job seeker system

Myjobsinkenya jobs management system is a modular web-based application providing services

like job posting and application to link job seekers with employers. Specialized features are
becoming more and more popular among job seeking management systems. As compared to
regular job seeker system this one you can register and upload your resume and the system will
send you emails when there are jobs related to your field of work. It also sends you notification
daily for the available jobs so you can apply as fast as they are posted.

Figure 2.4 Myjobsinkenya job seeker System (Myjobsinkenya, 2024)


1. Job Posting and Management: The system allows employers to post job openings with
detailed descriptions, requirements, and other relevant information. It should also enable them to
manage these postings, including editing, updating, and removing them as needed.

2. Search and Matching Algorithms: This systems uses algorithms to match job seekers with
suitable job openings based on skills, experience, location, and other criteria. This feature helps
in efficiently connecting candidates with relevant opportunities.

3. Mobile Compatibility: With the increasing use of mobile devices, this job seeker
management system has been made mobile-friendly. This will ensure that job seekers can access
and apply for jobs on the go.

This web-based system involves the use of PHP, a server-side scripting language designed for
web development. PHP is one of the most widely used scripting languages especially if a
database is involved.

2.4 Critique of existing system

The systems that have been reviewed are relevant to the project to some extent; in terms of
functionalities, user interface and platform used. The systems differ in programming language
used, which I preferred to use PHP due to familiarity of the server-side scripting language which
is designed for web development. PHP is one of the most widely used scripting languages
especially if a database is involved. The online system patafundi for job linkage borrowed
functional features such as member’s registrations, viewing records, job’s application to job and
data management. Most of the existing systems are web application which have clear navigation
features for system users to explore through the system easier.

2.5 Summary
In conclusion, the system has a lot of prospect in improving efficiency in casual jobs
management. Indeed, if linked with other Information Technology systems such as; online
banking, accounting information system, among others, the desired efficiency shall be attained
Technology is a tool that should be exploited to enhance service delivery in casual jobs. It not
only creates competitive advantage but also enhances business growth and stability. Mombasa
city as city can use result of this study to improve their management in other small towns.

The Online System patafundi for job linkage will be developed using the PHP programming
language which will make use of a MySQL database for storage of data. The reason why the
researcher chooses to use this language over similar scripting languages is because of its wide
support and compatibility with many Operating Systems.

2.6 Research Gap

There have been a number of valuable studies on casual jobs management systems all over the
world all of which present the concept, roles and importance of the formation of such

system. However, none of these studies provides members online registration and online job
application and bidding. The system also is going to be used in Mombasa city which is the new
target market, they have not yet adopted any job management system for the city.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter entails; the developmental approach that shows the system design method used for
developing the project, fact-finding approach showcasing the research design and data collection
techniques used, requirement analysis, logical design of the system built and the hardware and
software platforms used.

3.2 Developmental Approach

3.2.1 System Design

System design is the process of defining the elements of a system such as the architecture,
modules and components, the different interfaces of those components and the data that goes
through that system. According to Cory Janssen (2014) Systems design implies a systematic
approach to the design of a system. It may take a bottom-up or top-down approach, but either
way the process is systematic wherein it takes into account all related variables of the system that
needs to be created from the architecture, to the required hardware and software, right down to
the data and how it travels and transforms throughout its travel through the system. The system
design is important as it shows the blueprint of how the proposed system was developed. The
method used by the researcher was Rapid Application Development (RAD). Rapid Application Development

There are multiple approaches to designing a system but the researcher used Rapid Application
Development (RAD) as it ensured fast development of the system. RAD is a development
lifecycle designed to give much faster development and higher-quality results than those
achieved with the traditional lifecycle. Rapid Application Development main feature is
developing prototypes. There are four phases in RAD and they include the following;
Requirements Planning, User Design, Construction and Implementation.

18 Stages of RAD


Figure 3.1: RAD diagram (Martins, 2022)

3.1.1 Rapid Application Development

The system development method used in this developed system was be RAD (rapid application
development) and prototyping. It is open to dynamic environments and accommodates feedback.

Prototyping is an interactive development process that is used in designing and building a scaled-
down but functional version of the desired system. The method allows the system to be
continually revised and enables close relationships between users and analysts and hence meets
use requirements. It enables a system to be quickly developed and delivered.

The process entails;-

Requirement Planning
This is the step where all the product or service requirements are gathered. The stakeholders like
the system owners, developers, and customers of the system suggest different views on their
perspective of the system, and from the information they give, different objectives of the system
are brought forth. It is a process that involves all the stakeholders

A design of the system happens once the objectives are known. From the stated objectives, the
system will be designed to have a module where customers can view the suggested stores where
to purchase wheels. A module will also be developed where a customer can request wheels
according to the categories provided. A module will be developed to store system data such as

customer details, wheel information, blogs, and supplier details. This data will be used to
determine the system’s target market.

Software Development/ Construction

A prototype will be built from the designs laid out for the system. It will be the implementation
of the proposed designed modules.

Here I will conduct some test to make sure that the system doesn’t have errors this includes
performance testing and procedures. Justification of RAD

There are many methods that can be used in the design of the system, but the researcher chooses
to use RAD because of the following reasons;


Prototyping is used to gather information in a short period of time to make a smaller version of
the entire system. The objective of doing this is to seek user reactions, innovations and
suggestions. The prototypes are used for gathering customer requirements and converting them
to data requirements. Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools help in making
prototypes on gathering systems requirements making models and then coding those models

Iterative development

This involves creating increasingly functional versions of a system in short development cycles.
Each version is reviewed with the client to produce requirements that feed the next version. The
process is repeated until all functionality has been developed. Each development cycle provides
the user an opportunity to provide feedback, refine requirements, and view progress

Time boxing

Time boxing involves putting off features to future application versions in order to complete the
current version in as short amount of time as possible. Strict time boxing is an important aspect
of RAD, because without it scope creep can threaten to lengthen development iterations, thus
limiting client feedback, minimizing the benefits of iterative development.
Team members

This entails using smaller teams for faster application development. Teams consist of
experienced members meet the clients and give priority to the client requirements, through the
help of Joint Application Development sessions (JAD) which is done at every phase of the
system development.

Management approach

Actively involves management in the development process to mitigate the risks of lengthened
development cycles, client misunderstandings, and missed deadlines. This ensures management
commitment and consistency in the RAD methodology. Engages management by ensuring they
enforce a strict timeline, select team members, motivate team, and clear bureaucratic or political

3.3 Fact-Finding Approach

The techniques used for collecting data from Mombasa city were Interviews and Questionnaires.

3.3.1 Research Design

The type of research used was Experimental Research. This is because experimental research
determines how changes in one independent variable affect another dependent variable. This
kind of research is therefore used to determine the correlation between different variables. Keane
(2003) defines experimental research as objective, systematic, controlled investigation for the
purpose of predicting and controlling phenomena and examining probability and causality
among selected variables. Blakstad (2008) on the other hand explains it as a systematic and
scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables, and
controls and measures any change in other variables.

3.3.2 Population

The target population was the members for Mombasa city.

Table 3.1 Target Population
Category Population

Users 57

Total 57

3.3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique

A sample refers to a subset of a population. The sampling technique employed was the Simple
Random Sampling Technique. This is so because in this technique each individual is chosen
randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same probability of being
chosen at any during the sampling process. According to Mugenda & Mugenda (2001) at least
30% of objects are required per category of the target population. Therefore in my study, I will
select 30% of the population to represent the sample size.

Table 3.2: Sample Size

Category Population Sample Size (30%)

Users 57 17

Total 57 17

3.3.4 Data Collection Tools

The data collection tools used were interviews and questionnaires. Interviews

Data collection tool that involves people meeting face to face for consultation. Interviews will
mainly be used when seeking information from Mombasa city and seeking their opinion on an
automated version of it.

Advantages of Interviews

i. Interviews are useful for untangling complex topics.

ii. The Interviewer can probe deeper into a response given by an interviewee
iii. They provide additional information as it allows monitoring of interpersonal skills, non-
verbal cues and emotional tone.
iv. They are useful to obtain detailed information about personal feelings, perceptions and
Disadvantages of Interviews

i. Time consuming; a lot of time gets used up especially when setting up, interviewing and
analyzing feedback.
ii. Interviews can be costly especially if travel expenses have to be incurred.
iii. Interviewer’s characteristics can influence interviewee’s response i.e. interviewee’s age,
sex, ethnic background, speech patterns or even dressing.
iv. Lack of confidentiality. Questionnaires

These are a set of written or printed questions used for the purpose of obtaining statistical of
personal information from individuals. This will help aid in gathering useful information for the
development of the Online System for Efficient casual job linkage service.

Advantages of Questionnaires

i. Large amounts of information can be collected from a large number of people in a short
period of time and in a relatively cost effective way.
ii. Can be carried out by the researcher or by any number of people with limited affect to its
validity and reliability
iii. The responses are gathered in a standardized way, therefore more objective than
iv. Questionnaires can be analyzed more scientifically and objectively than other forms of
Disadvantages of Questionnaires

i. Inadequate to understand some forms of information - i.e. changes of emotions, behavior,

feelings etc.

ii. There is no way to tell how truthful a respondent is being
iii. There is no way of telling how much thought a respondent has put in
iv. The respondent may be forgetful or not thinking within the full context of the situation

3.4 System Requirements Analysis

The analysis employed the use of Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagrams which have
very powerful object oriented support.

Functional requirements

These requirements specify what the system does. They relate to the actions that the system
must carry out in order to satisfy the fundamental reasons for its existence. The functional
requirements of the system include the following;

I. Ability for the members to login and register their details to the system.
II. Casual workers are provided with an interface to send job applications
III. Administrator are provided with dashboard to manage data for system.
IV. Inclusion of navigation features that will make manoeuvring through the system easier.
V. Facilitating contact communication between the employer/casual worker and the

Non-functional requirements

i. Availability: the application should be available all the time.

ii. User-friendliness; provision of an easy-to-use interface.
iii. Consistency in performance even when user levels increase.
iv. Portability that the system is integrated with a web interface that will enable the system to
be accessible globally through the internet.
v. Usability focuses on speed, accuracy and satisfaction. To achieve this, all web contents
will be organized into modules to ensure consistency.
vi. It should be easy to use even with the person with least knowledge of computers and
mobile.3.5 Logical Design

The logical design of a system pertains to an abstract representation of the data flows, inputs and
outputs of the system often conducted via modelling, using an over-abstract (and sometimes
graphical) model of the actual system.

3.5.1 Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user’s interaction with the system and
depicting the specification of the use case. A use case diagram can portray the different types of
users of a system and the various ways that they interact with the system. A Use Case Diagram
relationship is a type of model element that adds semantics to a model by defining the structure
and behaviour between the model elements


Apply for Authorise

Make Validate
Job Seekers Apply for Approve

Proces Admin


Figure 3.2 Use case Diagram

3.5.2 Class Diagrams

Classes are templates for defining the characteristics and operations of an object. A class is a
specification that an object implements. Object oriented classes support the object oriented

principles of abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism and reusability. They do so by providing
template or blueprint that defines variables and the methods common to all objects that are based
on it. Classes specify attributes and methods. Attributes define the characteristics of the class that
collectively capture all the information about the class. The researcher in this case identified and
used classes such as login, classes register, class appointments and class alerts among others. The
researcher used java to create and implement these classes.

Figure 3.3 Class Diagram

3.5.3 Sequence diagram

A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows object interactions arranged in relation
to time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of
messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of scenario.


System Administrator Database.


Login ()

Validate User ()

Confirmation message () Connect ()

[Login successful]

Apply for Jobs ()

Authorize bidding ()

Authorize for the job ()

Validate Payments ()

Rating for the Job ()

Recommendation for more Jobs ()

Figure 3.4 Sequence Diagram for Members

Members Table

Table 3.3 Members Record

Worker_ID Field Name Data type Description Constraints

001 Jobseeker_id Int(6) worker_id Primary Key

002 jobseeker_Name Varchar(20) username

003 email_Address Varchar(15) email Address

004 password Varchar(10) password

005 id_number Int(8) id number

006 Phone_number Varchar(15) Phone number

007 Location Varchar(15) location

008 Resume/Cv Varchar(15) resume

Table 3.5 Administrator records

Admin_ID Field Name Data type Description Constraints

001 admin_ID Int(10) admin ID Primary Key

002 contact Varchar(15) Contact messages

003 job_application Varchar(8) job applications

004 payments varchar(15) Registration fee

005 registration varchar(100) members details

007 reg_users varchar(100) Registered users

3.6 Specific platform requirements

3.6.1 Hardware requirements

Intel atom IV processor at 1 GHZ or faster, minimum of 2 GB available disk space for
installation, minimum of 1 GB memory, USB port and DVD-ROM drive.

For a Smartphone: Java powered device, 768MB memory, minimum of 2GB available disk
space, HSPDA or Edge Network connectivity.

3.6.2 Software requirements

Software tools used to develop the Website and application include:

Software Requirements for Developer;

Windows 7/8 Operating System

Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome Browsers

Wamp or xampp Server; PHP and MYSQL Database

Adobe Dreamweaver

Connection to an Internet Service Provider

Software Requirements for User;

Windows XP/7/8 or Linux Operating System

MYSQL Database

Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome Browsers

Connection to an Internet Service Provider

3.7 Summary

In this chapter, the methodology used was Rapid Application Development which facilitated
faster development of the system through the use of prototypes incorporating user involvement.
The data collection techniques were questionnaires and interviews and the logical design clearly
shows how the system was developed.



4.1 Introduction

In this chapter the process of transforming the work described in analysis and design takes place.
Screenshots of the constructed system are displayed, explaining how the system works from the
moment one starts using it to when he leaves. Apart from this, the chapter also shows the various
tests carried out and response of the users regarding use and acceptance of the system developed.

The project was to develop online system with a user-friendly interface where members are
allowed to register themselves and apply for casual jobs for efficient casual jobs services.

Its specific objectives were;

i. To develop online system that will allow fast member registration and easy access to job
application with preferred functionality features that improve transport services.
ii. To develop the required platform most preferred by the users that provides secure
registration and authentication for all the users including a personal profile on the online
iii. To develop an online system with the acceptable user interface that allow members
registration and easy jobs application.

The questionnaires distributed were categorized into pre and post evaluation out of which 17 out
of the 17 questionnaire were on the pre evaluation were returned and 17 questionnaire were
returned for the post evaluation
This chapter presents the findings beginning with the functional requirements, user interface and
types of platforms that were needed by the user and how the system responded to the

4.2 System Construction
In system construction, a clear illustration of each functional and non-functional requirements of
the system developed will be shown and clarified as explained earlier in the previous chapters.

4.2.2 Home Module

The figure above, home module, would be the first screen that users will be greeted with when
they first access the system. From this module, users will be able to manoeuvre to the other
sections of the system that they would like to access.

Figure 4.1 Home Module

4.2.3 User Registration Module
The figure above, user registration module interface, enables first time users to sign up in order
to be able to use the system. For one to sign up, one will be required to input his/her details and
also provide a password and username that he will be using whenever accessing the system.
Once one has registered he/she is listed as a user and is able to access the system from the Login

Figure 4.2 User Registration Module

4.2.4 Login Module

Figure 4.3 Login Module

The figure above is the part of the system that allows users access the system through inputting
their username and password. If one provides the correct username and password he/she will be
logged in into the system, if not, access to the system will be denied until he enters the correct
password and username.

4.2.5 Users Registration Module

Figure 4.4 Members Registration Module

The figure above, member’s registration module interface, enables first time users to apply in
order to be able to be listed as registered user. For one to apply, one will be required to input

his/her details correctly as provided by the interface. Once one has applied and approved he/she
is listed as a user.

4.2.6 Job Application Module

Figure 4.5 Job Application Module

The figure above, Job Application Form Module interface, enables users to apply for jobs For
one to apply, one will be required to input his/her details correctly as provided by the interface.
Once one has applied the details will be processed and user will be allowed to apply for jobs.

4.2.7 Control Panel Module

Figure 4.6 Control Panel Module

The figure above, control panel module interface, enables administrator to view all details about
the users. Administrator is able to authorize jobs applied, validate payments and approve
payments made. They also contact job providers.

4.3 Testing

Software testing is carried out to check whether the set out objectives are achieved in the
constructed system. The main reason why testing is carried out is to detect software failures so as
to correct them. The importance of software testing cannot be overemphasized as it helps reveals
errors that would negatively affect the system and its smooth running. Different levels of testing
are used as shown below.

4.3.1 Unit Testing

Unit Testing refers to a software testing method by which sets of one or more computer program
modules and operating procedures, are tested to determine whether they are fit for use. The table
below shows the different modules of the system tested.

Table 4.1 Unit Testing

Module Test Objective Expected Actual
Test Name Results Results
Registration To check whether new Should allow new 41%
Unit Module users can be registered users to register Success
Testing into the system.
Login Module To check whether Should allow 29%
Unit registered users can log registered users to Success
Testing in log in.
Users To check whether Should allow 18%
Unit Registration registered users can can registered system Success
Testing Module apply for job available users to register as
and have made payments members and make
fee. payments fee.
Job application To check whether the Should allow users All paid
Unit Module users can post and apply to post and apply Success
Testing for jobs available. for jobs.

4.3.2 User Acceptance Testing

This refers to the last phase of the software testing process. In User Acceptance Testing, actual
software users, which in this case are members of Mombasa city, test the software to make sure

it can handle required tasks in real-world scenarios, according to specifications. This occurs
before the system is implemented.
During system acceptance testing, the members of the Sacco amounted to about 17, were
involved. The user acceptance table and figure shown below, was based on a size of 17

Table 4.2 User Acceptance Testing

Number of Respondents Percentage
7 41.18%
Registration Module
5 29.41%
Login Module
3 17.65%
Users Registration Module
2 11.76%
Loan application Module

User Acceptance Testing

Registration Module Login Module Members Registration Loan application Module

Acceptance Rate

User Acceptance Testing
Registration Module Login Module Members Registration Loan application Module

Acceptance Rate

Figure 4.7: User Acceptance

The figure above shows how different modules of the system were received by the users and its
applicability in the Online Sacco system.

4.4 System Functionality Acceptance Rate

4.4 .1 Applying for Membership

Table 4.3: Applying for Membership

Respondents Percentage
Applying for Membership
13 76%
1 6%
Not Satisfying
3 18 %
Needs Improvement

4.4 .2 Making Payments

Table 4.4: Making Payments

Respondents Percentage
Making Payments
12 71.5%
3 17.5%
Not Satisfying
2 12%
Needs Improvement

4.4 .3 Applying for Loans

Table 4.5 Applying for Loans

Respondents Percentage
Applying for jobs
11 64%
4 12%
Not Satisfying
2 24%
Needs Improvement

System Functionality Acceptance Rate








Applying for Membership Making Payments Applying for Loan

Satisfying Not Satisfying Needs Improvement

System Functionality Acceptance Rate









Applying for Membership Making Payments Applying for Loan

Satisfying Not Satisfying Needs Improvement

Figure 4.8: System Functionality Acceptance Rate

The figure above shows the satisfaction level of the respondents when they interacted with the
system functionality, and how well they received it.

4.5 System User Interface Acceptance Rate
Through use of the system, a number of respondents were asked about the user interface of the
system and their results were tabulated and represented in a figure as shown below.

4.5.1 Applying for Membership

Table 4.6 Applying for Membership

Respondents Percentage
Applying for Membership
15 88%
1 6%
Not Satisfying
1 6%
Needs Improvement

4.5.2 Making Payments

Table 4.7: Making Payments

Respondents Percentage
Making Payments
9 53%
2 12%
Not Satisfying
6 35%
Needs Improvement

4.5.3 Applying for Loans

Table 4.8: Applying for Loans

Respondents Percentage
Applying for jobs
13 76%
1 6%
Not Satisfying
3 18%
Needs Improvement

System User Interface Acceptance Rate










Applying for Membership Making Payments Applying for Loan

Satisfying Not Satisfying Needs Improvement

System User Interface Acceptance Rate











Applying for Membership Making Payments Applying for Loan

Satisfying Not Satisfying Needs Improvement

Figure 4.9: System User Interface Acceptance Rate

The figure above shows the satisfaction level of the respondents when they interacted with the
system user interface, and how well they received it.

4.6 Beta Testing

Beta Testing can be simply be referred to as ‘pre-release testing’ as it is done just before a
software is released for use. In this scenario, beta testing was conducted to help detect any flows
that existed in the system before it is released. Some minor flows may seem insignificant but
fixing them will help to save on development cost in the long run after the system is released for
use. The researcher conducted this test with 17 members of the Transport Sacco for about 7 days,
and after their interaction with the system their feedback was noted and taken into account in
implementation of the project.

Beta Testing



Beta Testing



Satisfying Not Satisfying Needs Improvement

Beta Testing



Beta Testing



Satisfying Not Satisfying Needs Improvement

Figure 4.10: Beta Testing

The figure above shows the satisfaction level of the respondents when they interacted with the
system, and how well they received it.

4.7 System Implementation
System implementation involves the process of transitioning from the old system to the new
system. For this to be successful, implementation must be properly planned before execution.
Various methods for system implementation exist having both their advantages and limitations,
but the one that was used in this case was parallel implementation because of its effectiveness in
introducing the new system.

Parallel Implementation Strategy: This approach involves running the new system alongside the
old system. This allows the new system to prove itself before the old one is taken offline. Of all
other methods, this is the most secure because if any problems arise in the new system there is an
alternative of falling back to the old system without any extra costs.

Though this strategy is effective and efficient, it still has its own disadvantages which are; twice
as much work for everyone in the short-term and double the operating cost.



5.1 Introduction
This chapter, primarily focusses on summarizing the project and enhancements that can be done
in the near future. The developer in this case attempts to review the purpose of the project and
depict; its summary, the constraints faced during system development, conclusion and
recommendations that can be heeded in future development.

5.2 Summary
Upon careful examination of the Mombasa city, the developer decided to embark on a computer
based project which focused on the development of online system with a user-friendly interface
where members are allowed to register themselves and apply for casual jobs for efficient job
linkage services.

The computer based project was developed using Rapid Application Development (RAD) as it
ensured fast development of the system. The reason why Rapid Application Development was
chosen, is because unlike the traditional lifecycle, RAD gives much faster development and
higher-quality results.

Development of the system involved the use of various software’s in order to achieve the desired
results. The software’s used included; MySQL database to host the system’s data, PHP scripting
language in creation of the interface and web browsers preferably Mozilla Firefox or Google
Chrome to display the interface of the system.

During implementation of the project users and owners of the system were involved and
consulted to make sure that it suits their needs. When user acceptance testing was carried out
approximately 41% of the users were satisfied with the registration module, 29% could log in
successfully, 18 % were comfortable with the membership registration module while 12% with
the job application module. Comments and recommendations made by users were considered
and acted upon to improve the system.

5.3 System Constraints
Challenges will always be there when coming up with something new and in this case some
constraints were encountered in the development of the system. They include the following;

Time; in the development of the system, time really posed a challenge. This is because the
system had to meet the specified deadline. As a result of this a lot work was carried out in a
limited time.

Accessibility; though the system was set to be an accessibility via a mobile phone was difficult,
as it needed to be responsive to different environments which proved unsuccessful.

Compliance of Mombasa city officials; though some officials were very really helpful in the
development of the system, some were reluctant to participate or give information which slowed
down the completion rate of the project.

Running on different platforms; since the system was created using PHP and MySQL running it
on a different database apart from one that supports MySQL would prove hard if not impossible.

Adequate programming skills, posed a challenge as the developer was unable to include a
module whereby users are able to retrieve their passwords in case they forget it.

5.4 Future Enhancements

In the world, there is no perfect system as there is always room for improvement. Even in this
case, more improvements can be done to the online Patafundi System for Efficient job linkage
Services to better it in later days.

At the moment Online Patafundi System can only be accessed by through the computer. An
improvement that can be done to this, is that the online system can be made to be responsive to
different environments in that, one could also use a mobile application to access it.

Another improvement that may be added is the retrieving password functionality if one forgets
his account password. In such a scenario the users should be able to retrieve their passwords via
their email, upon request when they forget it.

5.6 Recommendations
Perfection is impossible, but unlike it improvement is. In the development of the project,
challenges were experienced here and there, some were solved, and others were not due to time
constraints and ability of the developer. Nevertheless a solution to them is possible and that is
why the following has been recommended:

At the moment Online Patafundi System can only be accessed by through the computer. An
improvement that can be done to this, is that the online system can be made to be responsive to
different environments in that, one could also use a mobile application to access it

Incorporation of the Password reset module which will enable users to retrieve or reset their
passwords in case they forget them.

To make the system fully functional and rolling it out for use at the Mombasa city offices in
Mombasa once it is efficient, effective and without flows..

5.5 Conclusion
Despite the challenges faced during the study, the development and implementation of the
system proved to be a success. Upon careful analysis the Online Patafundi System for Efficient
job linkage Services, it was seen to reduce a lot of workload for the management and also ease
the access to the copies of the files and member’s registration, more than one member will be
able to access a single copy at any given time and apply for jobs because the online system will
be available for use from anywhere and at any time of the day.


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5 October, 2024

Dear Sir/Madam,


I am a fourth year Business information technology student in Jomo Kenyatta University doing a
research project on Online Patafundi System to aid in efficient job linkage services in Mombasa

Confidentiality and consent

In regard to this you are humbly requested to participate in this research study. This
questionnaire will only take about five minutes of your time. Some of the questions may be
personal but you are assured of maximum confidentiality.

This information will be used for academic research only and will be treated with utmost
confidentiality. Should you have any enquiries regarding this survey you can contact me on

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Yours sincerely,

Hamisi Bilali.



(A Case of Mombasa City)

Instructions: Please respond to the following questions and where applicable, mark the relevant
box with a tick (√).

Confidentiality: The responses you provide will be strictly confidential. No reference will be
made to any individual(s) in the report of the study.



1. State your level of satisfaction of the functionality presented by the system on:

a. Applying for Membership

Not satisfying [ ]
Somehow satisfying [ ]
Satisfying [ ]
Much Satisfying [ ]
Very Satisfying [ ]

b. Making payments.
Not satisfying [ ]
Somehow satisfying [ ]
Satisfying [ ]
Much Satisfying [ ]
Very Satisfying [ ]

c. Applying for job
Not satisfying [ ]
Somehow satisfying [ ]
Satisfying [ ]
Much Satisfying [ ]
Very Satisfying [ ]
2. Any other additional comment about the system functionality?



1. State your level of satisfaction of the user interface presented by the system on:
a. Applying for Membership
Not satisfying [ ]
Somehow satisfying [ ]
Satisfying [ ]
Much Satisfying [ ]
Very Satisfying [ ]
b. Making payments.
Not satisfying [ ]
Somehow satisfying [ ]
Satisfying [ ]
Much Satisfying [ ]
Very Satisfying [ ]
c. Applying for job
Not satisfying [ ]
Somehow satisfying [ ]
Satisfying [ ]
Much Satisfying [ ]
Very Satisfying [ ]

2. Any other additional comment about the online system user interface?



1. In your opinion, in which platform would you recommend the system to run on?
I. Laptop [ ]
II. Mobile devices [ ]
III. All the above [ ]
2. Mark in accordance of importance of use as possessed by the system.
Platform features Online Sacco System

1. Accessibility

2. Interactivity

3. Security

4. Reliability

5. Portability (Cross-platform)

3. Any other additional comment about the online system platform?




1. Stationary e.g. foolscaps, pens 2000

2. Photocopying 5000
3. Travelling Expenses 6000

4. Binding 15000
5. System Construction 20000
6. Library and Internet Services 10000
7. Miscellaneous 6000
8. Antivirus 1500

TOTAL 65500


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