P - PRC Test Sample
P - PRC Test Sample
P - PRC Test Sample
i- I
€c.El Or{ P.lhology, Mlcroscopk amtorny, ad Mlcrobiology (SET 2)
L d 2Ld 4L. 51, a 81.
1.1 22. c 42. c 52. c 82.
f",Sm""Fjf * ha **n
c. dental educalio
& orientaIoh D. s€dation
udaiilfri"r,"n ooi,g s rgtcd proced,." rttltoog !'oun0$x?!.{h.tuonb
a .rsellsxr c. ar oI tro tetbtEd htcdors ot 60 Eex1?
B. andibtics ansl ,enl
Wrar ls th.Iost trflponanr dh at ta.tor h tr
corchdon a #" #fiIrrv ar,,.our grolvth and
he denlal
A no-trEannentcan be acao[pfished in he mdxilary
:. aIn:llpry
canr bo €a.fy alrercd h tEamenr
oI the giyefi oidoos
. _? Taxilary.car b€ easiu alelEd in EsstrE
" ol d'. decidroos bott tyere fi€rs b an exensiv. hadion crorvn
widr puh
A rype M
B. rfie i 9' rYP. ll
t i*f*m:py p,lsndtbn f,dh maxirh,y o**,ro;*BjlL_* r,
B, trss o, ch.ilcaD e, -r-onguo
n The mengpnograph-soninadon d'r6r
shows be$ i.n""n"
g. oanora;h "#.ffiffi
c. no.o pedo
z. na dro,iiitirii'ywlrror sra.€. orar boa d card]asa
** n3r,tB?H#"u* srwyrlr i,
oeemhed by tundional harbss. n" rs"ix.i,piiiiJijffifi&-arnat*e
B. fuo\ric's
c Moot's
a, rh" il"gr*A-!oo o
-nftIn 0Eskehra, lehdollsrr,, * ,o;,ffi o"rro* wih of nE hmma.k .B
s !I*a!gl"st+h ", c. cars
B. 1and2;ntu Y r ony
t1. nre aimrencc-#ueen thenegariy. rehto..srre
A ano,rr*"o*,i$y
stEngnle u itby lelnol/inS ai aastfjtBdcorE rEhlorcem€nt
4 f,EnaDr r- uqrspids ard maadb.rh 24 tlirspids
t . rra(*ry z, bi.{spilb nadtlrE rrord h6o,
u uaraEy Diclspids andard mardlary tidspfr,
riii"trun a,
E n nohr b
1l' TIle an4Fit r6od b 6r;an;E 4
avaihDle h
sEtrllc's s}€l
r,. ar'i br 0E stctcedaDeo* Ee$ b
A. i|anE-' '-..- C. Mixed deiuon
fe. Mffi
_.-- 'n*rtt'-,,-o* ruro""*,"t3"9#"H*rrr**
c. Musde.srlrs b coned by
ffi:;?sffiffiffi ,ffi}ffi
ffi d
&SaE D. aryordEdldD
t"*:'- *,,
,7- Er. d erupdon o, perrarEr:.o,
B frL-
eiE "*rrf,#&E
c' habi6
fi r"-
-. nuthirr
n***'''o-0,6,*,#Hd!.r.*rbase o
c. Siche/s
A Perovidg D, Scots
19. Cheek b ng is conecEd by he use of
A blteblocr c. cioss elaiic
B. oralsdEen U tonouo guard
20. Retalned htandte saralloMng lnro ha tliHhood by resunhg h a,y ol dle.folq'{illgi
l- AnErior oD€n biE 3. hblaty lnclhed maxillaiy and mandibuw lnclso'
2, Tonou€ tirgdng d MandlbrJa, prcgnathbm
A 1,2,3 c. land2
B. l only O. 143'4
2l rhe ;nr;hdicadon for Emovd of primary indudq 1. prcsence o' a'uE orai inteclioq 2' prcsehce ol
acuta spemaric hteaion, 3' children \ dth urcont olbd diabeEs m€llltu3' 4' leukemh
A" l;ly c.
e. r2 o-ny D l2'3 $e othar slde'
zz eines_!;'by fte aoaidor ot bone tisqre on one slde of a bony corbx and taking aflay fmm
Thts paocegs is kndi,n as
A ddft C. deposidon
B. rssolDuon D ranslocalbn
placed tn dre dantal arch under the rollowing conditiot€:1. Loss ol one of orore
zs. a1o"""--n;-nE in",
"an oiaror peameur, a. rar,orallo mlcd deotidon analt'sis,4' Ea'y eruPtifi ol f
pen6nent rtolat wilch has mesldy ,ioved
A l onv u 'rr
8. le4onY D 1.2'3
2a. Abber;i;B dldng the lnitiriidi stag. ol too$ de\,€lopment may lea'l b
A- none oltre iove C. aiodo ia
i. 6ot suoaaant*r"w cart alrdwhldl odoria o. sl4crr Erary Eefr
r L.
remains ha sarna in both arcies
remalh9 tho same In gg ma( ary
a$ wh e it decreGes in the rnandibula, arch
oecree$3 in boh arches
l_ #; *ilffiii'il*,[*i?narBrrhire)etieen it decreases h n'e arci
" A& posterior lability he pdrwy Deeh'nandiburar
and^theirlrerman-ent ln the poscrior
t 'Hg"?,Hgi?L1;lri.oo
l" none of the choices
8. boh choi;; *
some or ,,e
c. odohtomaJike mat ormalion
u. enamet iypoplasra
42 An ovea-rataiosd both shouu b€ extraded
/r soon a5 the succ€€daneolrs both staats to edbt
f S :?"f."lf3""*"o
that dre succeedaneous'wll be marposed
when ir erupts
wait and see ondl the succeedaDe(xls toorh
has srupted so hat the Imr
resoDed oa tte pl|mary tmth wlll be
43 Lxstat $efE ls carlsed bv
A mandibubrprogoalhism
a. abs€flce o, pdmary secofld notars
C. untieated carjous lesion on fie distal surfa.es d pdmary Zi
E D. handibularhvlErtrooiv molaB
1,{. Topjcat fluortde apiiicarioi ihoutd be repeaea wery
,r 6 montlB
s. on;i-;on1, c.. om vea,
I 6 1lars;_s1p t,J,;; i" " cephahmetdc (srreine.s) an.,r"o ," ,"o1",i.Hl}"
c. ct sreterar pmponion
e. i.;.;6 i,;fi#:l
o" n" "",_J ,,0"
I A ?*r"-"ni,i[iidl"i#,l#;
a .."E "''' ^ '"'
hand wrist x.rac
r€cords inc]ude rhe ,oro*nn 3;#n*
c cephalomet ic x'rays
jffif.n ,-.^
47. \ryhar rs trle ptane tormed trom ,,"n
he dght ad bfr ponion
a mandibuhr "rornn Bo,k n
e ru,"uo"-Jiii&ru"ion and
duat bir€s are diasnos"o o, *dD;F$TS$"
A proEusiye C. iot€rclrspat "*,r.,
t e. ili;il
,t9. The bone Esp;nse
A tensoh
B_ ,oiDaton
when pressure is aoDlied is
D. IetMed @ntact
9. tlorpdon
* D
I tt
a. i6;
-'-- ;;iilg.*
- *';;;on
nanageabre in a senerarrst
b used h orfir) ola0nosis
alt or
space do$,re
tl€ chobes
II a ,efudod conEct and in taking in f|a bile fq ,lrncdonal appianc?s
B eenEic hercuspal
l"gggyjns *rn *"*d yist !o tle denrd olhe can o*,? ffiS o,
* oong b rhe chjtd Bocedures !o be done sEp sbp
q Iplin o.a.rly what he x/6 btd and *lown ry
Li, lloare ot $e choirs
53. TIE nosr.caries susceprjbb slxfe on rhe first primary maxilary molar b the
I ... nesid bn
e. 6i"ca, ;;i
g. It +pr[fu'* 9
D' 1elFr
dirta' su ace
-o nr*hanird bordhd
erE nssulB o, ule p mry fiEla.s o
ot t ei' eb*Ed ena'nel $rface oh mn_cadous pits
A *n;* 5*'**
[r'^ ffi,m#**
I oachrsalseahnl
= A &#u;Mgffim_*.*._
(Eron b tess E pemarEntbedr tidg[eaqr6frecl! cavny pEpararbn
b tle
& cnlro qrDuh' aro h6s leguhr
t e{Er'el rods in h;;ngi!d drid d|d nn D' bdl(b ot ReEius is le€B ln numtea
nosalt), or
* ]]E
H:l?l-gIFryA gr.l biie due r,o moutl breaojns b io
regDano - lorlond$
--- -'-_'-
tor a fted c
^. aPpiance nrtdl ord scteen
e i atia'tiea cru aoptiarco o' relerb a pedia&iciah ,or teafttent ot
e0hrled *mkl,
primary dentjtion aI€ located 1' The canin€ and htelal
?' nExlh'y arch'
" il'#i;; ffi h!";"1 nomal
5?. Th. odmaE soaca in a
ii,iiior in tr" rit"nuioular
3' The firsi mola' and carine n he rEdlaty alch' d
mandibqlat arc}I"r*''
Fltsl fimary mol and canlne tn
e. ianai c. lalld4
B. 2 and4 D 1ad2
58. marpodlior . dto dehrist b b€sl suited hr mdino lea!tu|'$ dlen?
c' bindlng .
A. ineelhg o' sEndlng
e ilrtno a-orin o tre pader*s tsvel
s9. The blbJito are qbnoriral muscle and presstte habiB' except
," tryperdplry ol dle mandible c' Rngersudorg
B. hi;uth bied$lng D' torguc $rusling.
60. A lundional shilt of the mandiblo during doqrlo ltr4@ calrse !y
A. cuspd prcmqtutlths c nonc ot the choices
B. bo0l chdces D. condyld -
- a'EngC'declduous
ar. nit"l tiliprto-61" p.*llarltt' a dendst murr racrignEed
a b€llshaDed ctwll
gteatet MO diatneter 0' IooB
ii LJeiilo onmeer ot oots D. be[ shaped mos
permainiteetr acceder behind $e
pdmary noh's a'l
oz. Tlri
B. 3tt molaF
B. HHf'is lo
mndibular 1r mohr
-'- i;
oc spa; ,haintahe, o, cholcs ,o{ a unhErat L!6s ot the
Na'rce houiu arch
l- ar"h
tirg-ug t otolng
0_ Band
g. distal sho6
irt" dffi1Jior"
- 'A.
ol. tr," changa fmm gemralzed celb or dssue ro a more specht'ed Iotd
'd- ;^rrrrdt
c fiallralior
iilarenuaoon D' dg'cloprprr
oS. nenst eetr o erupt ln ihe deciruous de lia{r ale ihe:
i- #,i-duuii."iit"r ina*,. cr. maxilla'vcemal h'isds
b, #JJurr". ""-nO ""t"" 6 u,ell a rcsb'ativ€ rrrale&rlrl rdldhN'ht t'st E}a's T
dn ii
'-' i .i fur ,iiasnr
zs- ,lal can comihre b gro6s congcnital dt'otr*lies widl naiocctrslon
c boul otolces
i r,$"b.re' o. sksLla,
B. allotlEdF {ets drd rc'Don& pdt'd' is'
'--e. ardbx'ich tt€
ln ur. axnoon laD h nl.r[rffig
1_ ."--,- lar.
{iET 3I
1. D 22- E
2. A 23, noanswer 44A
63, C
J. A 24 no answ6 45. 85. A
4 D 25. a
C 65, A 86. D
5.8 46, B 66. I 87. C
26. A
6. D 27. D o.D 88. o
7. a ' 4€. O 68. B
28. A 89. B
6. O 2s.o
49. C 69. I 90. B
9 B 50. A 70. B
30. D 51, C
10, C 31 A 92. O
It. A 't2. A 93. D
32. D
72. A 33,c 73. C 94. O
13. D 53. C 74.
34, 6 54. I
B 95. A
14, O 35. A
75. A 96. A
15. C 55, A
3A8 56, C
97. B
16C 37. D 57. C
98. C
17. a 38. A 7E. B 99. 0
1E. C
58. O 79. D
39. A 100. a
19, C 59. C 80. B
40. A 60.
20. O 41_ D
B 81. I
2L, C 61. D 42. c
42, A 62. C 83- a
1. 27. O 42.
?. D
D 63. D 84, B
22, A 43, C
3. D 23. D 85. O
D 65, C 86. O
24. C 45, D
5_ B 25. D 87, D
45, O 67,
6. o 26. B 47_ D
O 88. D
68. D 89. B
48. C 69.
28. D 49. D '70. A
29. D 91. B
C 50D 71. O
10. B
51 B 71. C $.a
s2. A
11. O 32. C 94, C
53- O
33, D
13, I 34. O
75. I 96. C
76. C 97. D
35_ A
15, 17, B 98. A
C 36, D 57, D
16. C 37, D 99. C
58. A
17. C 3&8 100. c
59, C
1&A 39. C 60D
19. c 81, D
61. O 82.D
62. C 83. n
TiEtEOVfiCS AtD EtlooDoNIlcS
lsET 5)
a A 22, B
L b 23.C (t. 63, B
3 D 24C 4C
D 64, C 85. B
rl c 2ta 454
65. C 86, C
5i D 26.C 16. A
8z I (0.8 mm)
t A 27. B
67. C 8&8
--r- c 2&.A '{&A 66.
C 89C
& c 29. 49D
90, c
t B 3OD
m,c -91. C
ao. o
loD 31 D 5rc
71. C 92. C
taa 32. A 52C
93. I
alc $.8 94, -
rrc 34C
53, C
95, B
t.a 3' C
C 75,
O 96. C
!5. C C st, c
r'c 35,
C s(c 7r, o 9&A
5r. a
EC 36. C 5&!
7E. C 99. A
lr 39. A 5&A
79. E lm. a
llf ll .mnumb€r.A 80. I
I!! 6lt0 81. B
{r. A 6LC
lar 41 C (,zo 82.
85. C
aa 28, C
D 6{t. o
87. B
!LA 29, A 49. C @.c
88. D
tla 30'8 5qB 70. c
89. B
EC 31. D 5r. o
rzD 32. A
77. C 9', D
52.A 72. B 92.
t3. D 33. A 53, A
Lc sal a 51, A
73. A
93. A
ED 35. D 558 75.
D 94, B
47, c
&D 28, D 44. a 64. a 88. D
9.C 29. C 49. C 69, I 89. C
1I).0 3lIc 50.c 70D 90, I
1t- c 31. O 51. C
12. 91. A
D 3LO 52. C '12. D 92. C
13_ O 33. A 53. B 73, D 93. D
rdB 3a- D 540 71. D
1lD 94. D
35. A 55. O 75, A 95. 8
35. C 56. D
,.a 37. D 57. B
C 96. A
,ac 3&O s8. c
B 97_ O
80, A
SET 4 81. B
80. c 82. A
45. A 44. A
46.8 68. A
50_ c 9s. B
33. C
56. A
59. D
57. D 83. A
61. B
87. A
'16. B
sgT t
81. C 100. D
42. A
83. B
84. A 16- D
85. C
94. C
OXALANAT 47.c 95. C
90. A
91. c
92.D 44. B
93. C
94. D
80. A
95. C
81. A
99. D
99. A
Pedodonti.s fu rd Crithodontics
I t
B. &1.2+s-+7
*Ouerc6 o, etuprion of rhs pe,?nanenr ieesr h
$e mandibutar a.ch b:
set 1
t z n o#" i:iriiiiadi"*nr
g. resorpriln
ro $o hyarhized dssue dut"o
I *.
rq. tr
and zn
rJl3o."fl:f *"
pem. oenuton
1,, ?nand 3d molaB
T "hanse
hom senerarEec, c€ls #r"lffi"rilo?a s,
_ ,tr.uo-" i
c. d ,eEnra$on
I a ;a';;i;;"'
s ryrgronm"rla.lrv"i"boic evenE used to prcdict s*"r","r g."fl;
r lncrease h hetght d ncrease in we-6nt "ifflr",
e monarcne 4. Osslffcatiro ol he addu"ioi sesanloH
I A 1,3.4
B r,z,a
o. llisaift- benreen rtr maxi ary cenrd irrch
c. 1,2
D ,"24
A reaung I abne ols al age 8 shodd b€-EeaEd
D laling a radiogmph
a. surqbi excie;n or hE tablal trenum
C. Hawt€y applance
to rule out fibrcus
t 1,2.4
E- all ofhe ttuee
t F"]Fo ,l{p** aro ratren a. o.rDdondc d,*r-* ,k ,',t'n
,t oeEtmne r|€ amount a,g[Dlrdt oa |od H
8. llhd oltt tt€ doglB8 ol0|e boro calcircatoal
c. establig ha aqe of he .iitd
o. d€termho I he ag€ of 0le dild has no syslandic condilo.t
15. TIE most rct uded and pcsbaior po6id$ ol fi; - -- '
condyles isl:
A centric rehtion
& a'lof$ess 9' catrt'lc Poeriln
la tlra,io-rg;ir* mos nr$renty assochEd ** *r?,i #ffir-
A Aerobic "r"
c. spiqilEl.s
& lroiiharbicar* o' t*bbdr a'd streBococ'us nutan
17 rb bng raca syidro ira b rFst a!.a]/s as'od*ed
A iai biEtg !{,frh
a nor.,o l[atng c' bogE
D depesdon
used ,I-!Pll1[:.1-1*^d:lI: aDPtr{ces, vrhlch engages the and dlstou4tcal undeEuts
+ ra, Tie typ€ oI chsp givas o(cetlent reteriivs Foperties is
n'""iiLtr"r't"tt c, Bal
"i "ro
B. AnoY{hoad
D. cirqrn{erential
tn- t1" #HiEin *aracb,ized b)' a na,.otving of h' alch' ptduding indsors accomPanhd by abnormal
" ,l]ncton ot fts llps b
A.,cllldMstron2 C. Cl ll dM.tlon 1
a. Cl lll divblon 2
D. Cl I dlvlsior 2
b h6 results ol ths goceduto
* m, ii"rrll,ilr"fffri*nt wherein each snp and'ot in$'uDent 13 axplained
done 6 knom 6
A tell_sho*t o c_ voice control'
B. altof thesg D' hand'over_rDuth
pres€ntt]o 1r rEmane molaF ln s'cessive llngual
r', 2I
'* The dasslficarion ol a malocdtjshn
' ffiffi#"t d;;aurarv cenrar iri*Ii irii ixE"i* t'li"t
laeral incbots is a:
A" CllldMslon 1
B- cl ll drulsion 2 D cl ldivbioo 2
"- fi"iffffi;fi;-
#.iiiit iE.ad\'€slor r deep ph ard fissue' lnctudo the folhrdr€:
2. '
P[ and featue sealants
A 2,3and4 &:H.
rras tte cap;ty i-Jt-m'ro both 6teo osEoblaslic
o ,* * ,.**T,Hot*, ot ce$utar E6PorE€ wlrld!
' dre: acdvity ale
C protstagtdah
A cYiol(hirs n Li.r*u.rio.v
.'- fi; iffii*t" * exbethn ln a dou'ld{ t[ ];;r'-fu-1't inciso* erupt
' fi H;;ie"i
In a
it"b"r. '€dal c" lirst9FlIn v.tnorars
lllilffir'ari.r ir'"s.rc D pdrna'v 6nhes
,todr th€ lolo{i'g brenchlal arch:
p-5- fi" ;;;;d"t6rr"te.
- E 1r -c.2" D.4i
"-. ;'-;-.-
9zo. ftrioralte apptiances
irci as xavtey apptance pmduces be{ollo'eingrno/ement
A" rctalional D' dpPino
B_ bodilv bad ;uffobm to b'nd he surlace d the bone
in ttre msenc' or
o zz. lie dHii ol lone tornatlon $ar states tha!
nn the convet siis stimutales *"'it?iiitiii ii'rt lh; sudac€ cteobhslic acltuitv b stimulated is
$e c. v_Pbdipal of bone grol^'tl
A. la*otodeo{PDesb
B. lons bone grout! lh€ory a'fe'ied whcn a c's! anDoddtlo'na Law o' electog€rEsb
or a supeoorErary looth rllay
?2& Tll€ staoe oa holl !E ttl devebprE'n
is dP -..--
3: f,#Snd",'
- n;f ffi;;;.d'"'-
29- bed se(Sre toa df,'ry dr'kl,s chld
palknt b
3: m,P .
B. nitD6 oaHe'd)€Pn
ri:" d."i--,ir*o uy;t;[uE
a imp*aon
ot the pedodonrat Ig. To d6,elop:
premarure rEsorpdm '
i. !ffir" anlrylosis
An lnd€x utod".oo,t
the maxiliary and rBldbla' arE56a b
t to aneryzc the prcpoltEnally- ol both sizes h
" '-'i
3L C-
;;;;;,dx,","lFi" c Bolon's and!'sb
a ;&-fii,ead"o1'l. trie* o' tloldway rano
- sz fi,* s-;E
E€or E iol€d dter uedtkEo
B. heaaDdts&n
3: #offiH*'**"
A ss. fto t[ffilh nd;4ital Fm! Feina'*trt t€eh Yih *"" m"r"..*r"
a aDex''"a@n o 6gri t'yurotiae puhcomy -'
B. a;6rqa$6b drt
c s+i" ;;fffi;FsiioianrerLropen
bibdue b'-lt ory'*fg&gor#$?fff"
A. totguactib
R aro'lsda€$ adefirdg
D' rralii+rJakq +elance.
&ntlion ald nry ca's' dl'
o 35- Tranma b 0t plig licborF nay rfie(t lh6 dalrehdnC Pefilatlonl
rlev€bptnoii o, c. efiarEl tryPopbia
a nom dlia6a D. ododofiEll(a n&nEdor
B. odolffiE{(. fiaIofldn
a'td onarE
B. Sc,otfs D. Slcheis
92. The r€sponge ot &e periodontal ligament b healy torces n}ay lead b
A hyalinization C. pedodontal nec{osrs
B. l@ntal lesorption O. undemhhg resorptlon
93 llance besay space is equlv"alent lo:
A wldlh of t|e fimate spa.es and hidllne diasEma
B. ante or grorrth ol the maxllla and mandible
; C. gro$h ol gr"ain of !h€ mandible
O. difierehca betureen C+D+E aad 4+5+3
94. WtEn i5 the replanhlion ol avulsed teefh geieraly done?
t 9A
C. cant be aeplanEd l[to fie socket
L devebpnEnt
is defined as the nomd changes in lh6 among o,living suhltance dd b measllle<, in units of
in re@ per llnfr ot time
T 3
A behavioral punishmeni
B. negalive reintorcement
D. positive lailure
Th€ recommended application dm€ for Ue gel acldulaled phosphate iuoride applicalion is
A 4 minutes C. l minu|e
T B. 3 minutes D- 2 minutes
99- Ine conditioEs that aequire orthodontb management I the primary dentition which may afiecl the pehanent
.lenddon il left untreated art
A antedor crossbites C. p€micious dai habits
B. allofthese D. over retained plirnary incJso6
; 1€o. Vvhat hcorrect iechnhue e{emal Esorption ol the mots d $e teeth?
I A Pulpotomized teeth
B. Staightened anlrylosed rcots
C, Reposiioned ,racture roots
D. Replanted avulsioo
odho , Pedo Set 1
r. is a local calrse ol maloccluslon
:0. Ectopic or delayed eruption of pemanent tee$ in th6 anterior seOment b calsed b,:
teelh mlgratioar c.
p€serce of supemumeraly teelh
ellol thesa d.
premature lors of prltiary teeh
21. WS.JI o, de It ir an 6xampls ol simph ant$orage?
dia$ema cldrure by el6dr haclion fpplng lha .mwns togeiher
diastema closqre by bodlly dEtreme,lt ol irEbo,s
c. i
ra arch elasdcs
d, exfaoral folle
in order to r€gtore lhe oalginal broad and llal cootaEt in primary moh.s, Ure class 11 malrk malerial
slo'Jld be phced vrith:
a. greatea cunratuE that in.the pomanent
b. iregular cuNaEre ltlan $,ff,r fte permarEd
.- ,ess conto!. han ln 0E perinanenl
d. equal curyarure wilh th€ pemanont
?3. lilrcroorganism commonly found in delta carles ate:
a $eptococd ot genera B herpMicls c.
bacleriorics melaninoogenleut
b- stepbcocd mutans aM hclobaallLrs d,
staphylococds auEus
24. The fundamentai deslgn d tha horiai mastcdory mechanism is lie:
d" V-shap6 tom parallelog.an
h t"apezddal fonn d. geo&sic deJiJD
25. Gro.r$ h helght of th€ fe ESUII3 in:
a. an incr66e ln $e anElo-pcr.lfo, ElaioD o, derelopnent ot fddal bohes
po$erlo( relalion of the faca d- an indease ln \rErtiixi dimeosion
b. an increase h width ol0te h
2A Whal t!€ advanage ln the us. o, erfsd ulctprage?
a peir$s pGiefur mo\reme orleeth in one *dt without distrrbinq the oPposb ari
c- ntoe lorc€ can b. apph
it has direct lEdpmcal acilonon the_oppo6*e arch
27. The Franfun horizontal plane oE
b.symmetry plane d. Iacial plane
A 7 year old patlent dernonsEates rrr)ilateral hrccal crossbiE in centiic occbsbn, deviation oI ihe rrandibular
mk llhe, bilaterdl constriction of lho maxilbry arch and a lateral devialion trom c6oMc r€laion to c€nrlc
occadon. \ rhat is *le most likely reameii lb( rhb case?
reassess lhe maloccluslqr h SE peniarE deitilion
b. unilateral cross-ohsilc,g to vid€n $e corisr,icbd sire
c.tih|eral arEh wlre epansion
d.- palatal expaneion
29. The ploa€ss ol resorptiiln ol the roo{s of lhe pinary leelh is conined io UE
a- atry part irnd,/or suface ol fE rooE c. mn db t ir, ooty
h ceNkal Urirds d.aficd t'id or*,
30. A pfinarysecod mob b in hlraocafusion d *s occtEal s{r.ld,b levelwi& alE Bigird rlaQin ol *|e
pelr,lllranl firs! r,lohr wlri,l ls bagh[iro b lip ,r5l6ly. Radbgrapb illdic& a derrclopirE pennanoni
second prerDlar 'rs pEsent. The dornii shorrl*
a nraintain ihe p,lrla y moia, siEe tEy c€sionaly reerupt
exEa.r the prlmary molar dd ple a sp@ mallrlainer
cmaintaih the primary nElar, inre n $iI hol drin
€xEa.t $e pdmary molar
31. sirpb artbfua crolvdiing rE)ria cone.tod b,:
aQarrslon oI0le ridr€ c. exfatdoo ot one anteriot toolh
.rlraadon ot one enterlor tooth aM d- dbld{ o, IrDping the medial or dbtal
oQarsful o, ttg wirB rnlaces oI t|e antefur
32. A rnod€l cast yrouH girre ths ,olloriE hlbamdon excepl
a rdr, shaix iMd sidmety ol lr!. [dary c. irep$ o, dro FEd vaut
ltE dbb d. ilcf0ali,l o, d]o roots
!- dr ind\*rual ioo$ mahGebn
3:1. Oddocranhl dyso€bsb ls oa lnte,e6t oa lia dentisi becaus€ ot
a. hlgh inddeice oacleis c. llrllhh $pornuherary teotr
h dcrognarhh d. hlgh carh6 inder
34. \iltg arplbrco shor.lld not b. rEd b r+dgl* a pomaDrnl mahdbub secdd lllola, beforB consauding a
hcd padd dentue?
a bonded segrrErr $nr an adb., Ireacal ryitg
h bafltsdsogii€ wi& a coopclsad toa s9ahg
-ylo lgmotrat o segrrErt$t d dtldcs
d. aylc ,enF\.abh vrib . hefcd nto.. +rhg
35. Flechngular wire is used in onhodonics +pllances in order !o:
a. plevenl buccal ald lingual tooth riorement c increase staeng$ o, appliance
D, reduca dte suess orl the premotar d. p|!,/ent lBitadon o, the gingival
36. those aro uslralv observEd as histdogic arlanges arier plhobnry, anange theln ln order
1. na/, odonbblas{c ldyer at lvound sita
_ 3. bidge of denim romedpan pulp
ne$osb of sup€rflcid ol nearcsr calclum llydrodde
4. acute infhmmarory changes from lmmediate tis$e beneath
a 7,2,3,4 c.3,4,7,2
b.2,4,3,1 d. 3, z 4.1
37. Th€ most prcvalent gloup of matocclusbB Angls ctassiflalion b
a. Oass I c. Class ll
b. cldss It d. Prevalenc€ ol malocclusion
38. Folowlng prematule loss of the prlmary second nohrs unerupted fist lmla, wiX migrate ard calse spaco
loss in fte:
a- lhe maxilla or tho mandible c, neithea the mandibl€ nor the maxilla
b. mandible ony d. maxilla ohy
39. ln absolute necessity, the rol€ b;
a. dismbs the parient lor another appolnment
b. take dme in erphining $e proceduro ot denlai trea[nant ie needs.
c. refsr fis palient b a pedhtric denrbt
d. to fo{c€ a clrld to submt to a Beauhent
40. Grow$ may resuh in the follo/ving EXCEPT:
a. conliruous lncleate ln ske c- change ln ex&ro or in quanlity
b. change ln fom ot propofion d. increase or dedease ln s,ze
4! What E your reaknen! to, a chiH with open bite, The pcledor teeth aJe the onv ohes that contaci U€
a reler the c* ld to ar oathodonttst C. remove the posEior leeth ln botr arci
b. remo/e lhe antsrior teeth in each quadrant d- make a bile.alser
!2. Dudng the primary dentition, pseudo class lll is managed by onhodonrics torces EXCEPT:
a- Maaualmovement c. rongue blade therapy
b. Headcap and chincap d. Skullcap and chincap
.{3. Which pall of lhe primary mohr wili tracrure in chss tt restorarjon:
a- lingual margin ol dh€ occfusal aspeci
C. faaial maruln ol the hteproxlmal aspect
d. glngi\ralmargan
2.4. The last pdmary Eeih !o undorgo resorptioo of lhe roots st nine
),ears ago a,e:
b. Iateht d. prtmary molars
45. A 14 year old female has deep venical pockels wih bone klss m me mest asp€ct of att tirst rnolars ahd
ont minimal in,lammalion ancl minimal plaque aae present Whal
sorne drifting of maxillary incisor, ho\ /ever,
h he protable dlagnosb?
a oseomylitis c. perjodontilis
b. girui,/osb d. jwenila peiodonliG
.{6. A rmther bdngs her daughter to the de,tal orice for dertal ireatment Cthical oGrnhation reveal normal
occtrlsion after lodng a pritlra tr mahdibular second molar. What must the dendst do?
6- plac€ a lingual arch sgice mainhiner
b, eyaluaE the Ediograph and base hb tasa$riefi wi0l high fudin!ts
c obse e any drifriihg of b60l
d. use a functional space rnalntainer
.7. trnong the following, $iltlch ls the best space maintahep
a- Iemovable acodic applhnca c flxed lingual ach
b. bard and loop app$and d. a pulpotoniEed primary mola6
ra Tn€ plrpos€ of Snlder Ed is to:
a- deEmrine he exact naure of a spedfc oaganism Elatrd to caies plelalence
h pledid dre rale of sajlvary lto
e D.ed}.t tha nanJre ot tha aonbined acldogenlc organbms h the oral ca\./ity
d- estimare saiiv-ary dissolving capaeity of enafilel
4i :,18 ff. are essentjal
'1e cdEda for or$odontt diagnosis o(drdrle
a- car€ hinory c casanatFtt
D. rcfrgraphb analysb d. clini:al examhatbr
50. !r a dc ll Ct\ddon 2 rla ocat$irn vrhbh o, tfE f. aondi&n b Fese ?
iL Derl7lanent fiast anoh, ln mesb-occtsion c lBual hdinafun oa naxilhry central
cIen b*e inciror
d.steep mandihrlar Plane
51, ioss ii s no* iapro rolt rlns tho pematurE extracdoi"r*l*,11*l*P
nddllary slcond molar c. rmxillae fist molaa
h madib{hr first mohr d. mandibuh, secord molat
€2. Root factutrg in fimary denthor ar. reaH wih:
a- E)fiadibn c. si$ndno
b. Pq,pecbnrY d. pulpolorry
il no"*l voir t eat a chip wi6' d slight crc$Idhgbf;nandlbular anteYlor
and e)doliaion o'
pimary nolar @th
a. d;hy reatment unlit all psmanent teeth have comphE edpted
b. obse €d Patent in YearY inledals
c- obse s Dadent in sk monlhlnE ab
a. i*iriii.far" - mp,.*lon' preparu and stt'dy cast and make an arch lengih analysis
sl, iii";fiiiir-i,r fi""fv rfii oneniihg iootl in *itd;n with dental paln and muliiple carious tee$' The best
dienoq-dc tool it
a. pulp atter c. percuission
h isihepade b Uentily $e toodl d. radiograph
55. li prenraurre
r-o* of_"p"a" f ,out rapio exraaion ol uhich pdmary teelh?
a- manAibular sacond molar c. mandlbulaa iilst mola,
b. marilhty ffst moh, d. itolat
draxillary seco.d
t"r,iffirJiJnriii ii can b€ rgnaged bv ,amllladz&n ths basb.ot lh'-problem is;
a, Pain "ttiuren c. aufud€ d paronts
b. feor it, arulety
nti*resoraton iruorving dle poD&nal $.races ln hE Fimary dentilioo, pa'lic'a y molars' should resiora
tP ful meairdHal diaffGr br-
a,- Jo rt trir orOom *rooa d' ploPet qtlr ot r€nortfv6 rEted' to
f, ore am clrtu mlhlrdzed souclne
c' "pre"r"ir"e
nEinlenanca o, ardt lelldli
sa firrr S ii[ iio d,E Ji#i in *r,a',in in thc denhl olffcs? \'/tdch ol aF tdb|ilro b reht€d to this
a- reanins
b. maurity !: *ilH1*,I.*
ss. wh;h ol tt6 totlotrtng indlcabs an anieiol crossbite in primary derunon?
a poderlor occtLBal interterence c skeleial glofin ploo€m
b. i)arv eruption ol petmanent d' class malocclusbn
' ilrrii
oo. GiiI" il,iJa e;nsbn ot rrre peparauon io rcmove potentialv cadous areas by tollo,,ing rhe:
J i6o"f groo,spat"n s d' lncr,dfu 0lo Fs of tre ct6p on the
b. lndin€dfiodlsp€ occlusal sudace
c fbsxs
61- To redrce he lenqtli of d'r€ body ot lhe rmndde ry slrgerla
if i b fol malocdusbn te ueamen plan ged bebr
b. il t ts $e reaxient dan ,ot a da lll malocchsion
c illblndlcd€dror'Chln{ap' phn saled b€lo'
d- it it b ror clais I mahctlusion the leall€nt b:
62. Slo$, poor€es ln molar updghtklg ts t $aly drG
a overexetded bar6 ocdusion nd beir€ rclie\red
b. lad( ol ancho.ao€ aofltlol d. ovstcoiDured sprlngs
ss. fu ffi;';il&li iii stze ot tre tnrercantre space Id|e pdmary ln6lsarl cerflat incisor with imisal
spact€ be exEde(l?
. rlcs ths hElcanilo sDacaw &cleas6la spaae
b. ies $e lnEraanhe spe wll hccass h sbe
ure irtenanlne spu wil nol in t€6e in sizo
"d. iro
no dramo tvill ccur h lhe sko ot hErcd no sPace
64. wtr.n b *t dFE[
s lia istat $oe spaEo mamarier
shoe.spa". rE
mafuher hdcaEd?
r*en prtnwy secoid mots b h6a lafur- €iudion of a peman'nt irst '
I "
rs ul|nirv ttsi nrecr thas atr prearHuDly ld
c wtnh ue'prtrnaly secono moE b lct dD, ellrEion of a peflnaront nlst mola
d. nll|€n ,re Pimary incisor ls aruhad
ctcblte li
os. r..o,tA res,;rc ca,i bo obtain€d YrlEr tea[ng antefut
a oeflitanent canhes havs eruP|ed
tr ;remlars are ln treirconectpo65on
p&"rrt*rr" r n-,. ro' tlor dedtFrhh
; ffi;;;; h";rdt C in poDet dro othors
d. pennaDa nrst mola, hat s enfEd
60. The hn ral fa.hl Prcmo d an ldattl ts c. oornpa
a. $dg ard conca\rl d. srdgli
b. cd|cde
57. i""lt rin"t s"lty wllen t lea.lt. sldJ6 d Nolla! cald'kadon
I a. s{4e 2
b. stags 6
c, stage 5
d. stago 7
58. what [email protected] wilt dilferendate between a true class It and a pseudo cEsg m malocrluslon?
a. lhe Fesence of a tourard shilt of tho c. presencs o, bilatelal crossbite
maDdiblo dudng closure d. icalusal relailonship betv.een maxillary
b, anEdor crossbite adl mandibola, Erjt,rEla,
59. Shall teeth is asrociated tviur devebpment dbtubance lni
a erup{on c. functlon I
b. strdctural lorma$on d. extoliatbn
-rl)e mos! lmportant demal dssue to an orthodontist Is the:
a- putpal dssue c. p€.iodontal ligament
b. cemenurm d. enamel
:1. l|lterc€plve onhodontics is prosdibed io coled crowding or incboB wrlich b done by sedal odradion ot
deciduous second molars
b. pefiranent canines and s€cond molaE
c permanent lllst rrohr
d, deciduous canirag, deciduol,rs filst molars, including fllst premolars
-z A dx)difi€d class lll pEpar€tbn
tor an amalgam re$oration in a ptimary .anhe is charEderized by ifs:
a- eliminallon for the ne€d ol anesthesia
b. facial or lingual dolBtait
c. lad( ot eshettc
d. elimination ot he need of a matrix
? WtDr are band-loop spac6 lrMlntainer net indicaled, lor pematuro k ss ot prinar], second nD,ar?
T a- space loss occlrs lollor ,ihg prcmawe eruption ol second pEmolars and rento\ral oa the band and loop
b. a lingual ardt will mainhh 6ra arch lengh and therebre cleale diastema
c. norrnal empdon sequenc? b disturbed folktving e)fiaction
I _i-
d. norrEl eruption sequence b dbturbed following exractiJn arx, spac! loss occllE lollowing premature
- ,lhareruotlon of second plemolals and remc^/al ol the band and toop
is r5e characrensrics oljrlven e diabetes me
1 Blindness 'tus: c. ataxia
T -5. Ar archal dimensjon completed eaalier, among girls
a- inGrcanine distana€
at agE 10 lhen in boys:
intercanine depth
!, intercanine width d. intercanine leng0t
:6. Prognosis lollowing fracture of th€ root of a permanent maxiltary incisor b most tavorabte if the tracture ts io
mandhular protrusion can be detected
-3. Loops and helices are userl in arch wires prima,ily to:
a align looth c holds solt [ssues a\ ra)' ,rom orthodontics
3. increase lorae ot fie wi.6 blacke!s
o *tt"** o"xibllity of lho wire
\}lEn awhe both B repld[ed the folo\ dng are conect aced:
a iajd sctubblr€ shouH be avdded to proserve periodontal nembrane
!. cr.rleile lie alveolar soclet belora insenion
locy tissr€a, oxcept bo& enarEl b reptaced aboot
:. a7 Fars c $.4 years
i. +5 yrars d- l-2),Ears
tfin oa dre folorri! alEt€s h soft tissre profb are €ftctad b,t orttodonnc Seatrlenc
1 soi tiss,r€ frijoB over poqonlon c drld(ness ofloxer llp
,. Negled otdeciduous dertiton wjll lead io loss
a- esthetic tacior
b. proper bnguo tunctlon
alch lengdt
masti:aiory effclency
j:. ?,/har is he causg ot ao anterlor qossbite?
e- exbnded ifteFroximal 6ries in
fimary indsors
o. Farl-snape tablal treium
Iebnion o, pfimary maxi ar!, incisors
d, preman re loss ot pdmar!, maxilhry
I[il""mXX",#fml:llm#ffi,E::9I:1 _ _- o! p*Ewi,ose
vrv P@E|E w6e manorDura'
mandibura, cahrno
but$e spac! between hterat f. p.ifu"r [ sfion "o
by 2 rsrr zr F.ltlohr aI€ large and
canrno It
rs eruptll
a olp.Bmol "ni
e)(Eacflng o, prBmolar
o)oaadng fi.mt ii
b. extaathg frst molar
:trSffiHxmd!*ffi glY
c. pdowv second moh's
i xtEfl;ffi#;*t*3:ffiff***
a. prola@ a boqer lever arm loorhjnoving apptiances?
b. al of rrese
c. leog0En p€dod beMeen adiustrnsrr
d. prorftb a liohter torce
91. Fra.Oj_re of f}e oEndjb hI
cond),lo q|
dE bn in a cfiiu 8 years .esuh in:
a ar open reductbn fixatbn lor llnlnobrEti]n
b, normai mahdjbutar gros[h
c. hhlil maxilhry rbla,
d. assrrrEa,c€t mardbuhIdBveborE
92. With orthodontc force, hq/y does ,esorptio ol cerEntrm compare wih l,oie?
a cernenom do not resorb at al
b, cerEnUm r€6orb by undermhi.ng reso.f,li)n
toss celnenurn r€s6pdon
d. cerEntum lesorbs mder lighbr loEd
I p;;.-"- t g,*
94 --_--.- F trS lr€rt ol dBu6.Dcet h moQhgdiffatrsn0adfi staoe
genn a, ul. det ebpnent o,lhe tsodl
a- An sDmrmal rmb€a ot betl
b. arEloblastonE
q denfmma
d. alno0nal torns and sts€s ol teefi
95. Sltnpb dlts b crurrdlng o, a 6
oA,Eyn dlDB yEr
a. arddE
t. gencd.al lad.ofar$ sp€
q b mdt bolh neddlor tl6 ald&b @
d. orr*lElt e mandbuhr {p
OrtqHo S€i 2
lOO.AtElnDt b restain he e)(cessive grov/th ard det/elopneot lorw-aKl o' the nExil€t
if h b fte tsearnort dan br a Chsa lll nalocElEion
b. I n b L'ldlcaH fot 'Ctlln+aC
c' if ft is lor Ctrass I maloc.iuslofi the ue6onari plan daled bebw
d- if it b tor Class ll maloccluslon tle tealrlert staled below
-- D. positive heeraysp&e
95. lt Is oecessary lo restore Incipj€nt lesions in pdhary teelh because ot:
A th6 €namel beihg much thinner
B, bolh choices
C. the bo$ brushing dexterity arnong chiJdren behg not so good
D. none ot dl6 dloices
96. Eluring-_tb.e.traEtlon p€dod_trom the eaiy mked dentitbn to th€ permane qr
dimensiooat .*rarges occu
na olErDle and ovet let Theso are
A ovelbite deseases while ovedet aen|alns the sam6
B. overbfte and o\€dect decEas;s
C. both overblle and ovErjet increases
D. overbite remajns the sanle, while overject ded€as
97, Whal spaces are round distai to d|e
Fimao; canines and aI€ prominent in Ue mailhry
A gronth c.
mat radon
& prlmato D
g AnEdor cBssbte in !h€ primary denmbn when l€tt ,n"tena"a
"", "*ftln __ p€rinaneflr
Cl ll
3€. T1l€ firsr pemane mola, aciisres Ct I rrola rchtonslrip W meam
a greater forward growth d th€ mandtb,e than llle ilaxth
aI| earty mesial shifr
C. no.ettect
D. c llmalocdudon
a ifre-ftifo*il axc"nt
A qrot /dl
B. matuaation
c' developmant
D. d,treendaton
a.c 41. d B!. d 81. b
Zc 42. b 62a 82. b
3d ?i. d 49. 6ad 83. c
T 2.1- b 54. b 84. c
5b 25. d .ra c 65a 85. b
5.a 26. c
46. a 66. c 86. c
27. 17d 67.a 87. b
2&c .i{Id fa'd 8&d
9.a 8. 49. d @.c 89. b
10- a 30. b m.c
11. c
!0. a
31. d 51. d 71- c 91. d
12d gaa SZa 7Zb P.d
13. d 33. e Ix1 a 73a g|. a
I 14. c
3,1. a
35- d
4,4. a
.54 c
75. c
94. b
95. b
! n.c
Ia 17.
11 b
37, a
38. b
57. c
59. a
79. b
.97. b
98. d
ss- b
A.a 40. d &Ib 80a 10_ b
c- deDendsnt uDon lhe @opelauon ol dlild D' early in the momlng
zg. l" unoirlii iii"i'J pt"bier; among ihhnE and loddles whem dental carles attacks he pdmary teeh h
s€ouenco b Ermedi
i-' rridn-ri"riiuoilu" tnogx c lahpant calles
g- nu-rsino botte smdome D. luvenile caries
ln onhodonl,cs that gives lhfomation on potsible gro{'tr
Bo-;;i;;;il;-;hd;c tqol lbr ueatnentqgaplanningpa!8nt
oane-m anO can sfu! an accurala bono of $e i$
;\" hand w'lst radbsralh c. panoramE ra{logEpn
ir i-jr'i"iilrii .iJ&.otr D bnlogram
rir" oirdtfols"n permanant l'lotar is tn habttual mesbcdoslm witr
wheG tha mandibuh 1.
tfir maxlfiary f'moLr and the mandlbular hctsoE ale trequently in crossblE Is -
A, Cl ldivEbn3 G Cllll division 1-
B. Cllll D Cl lldh/ision 3'
g2. The G;;Em for anarlbed pdmdry incisoa wherein accident took placs zts minuEs b€bre ths patlent s/as
seen bv the dentisl
I-i;"r, td"rri rr, ."ntnq wabr rhen soai( in disti ed lr"drer do a putpeclclny before reimplanriig the
B. there ls no need b rcimphr Ulo too$ becalss ol poor prognosis
. c. i6}|; tootr in runnhs waler ttlen so* h aisdll€d uEler, rcmove the pulp, reimplant and splint
' o, waitr in nrnnino t,ror 6e soak ln digi!,ed water then lsimpla and spllnt
83. The indlca[ons br general anosheBla ln d ldEn arB he:
,. noneotbediicas c' tetarded
B. ohGbdv handlcappcd D' boh
offlc clloic€s
sa. ffid;t tin odot ri;,*sors strorto l" reptaceo by a spao mainiainer
I a so6n as iosrlf#, *cause I can carEo a chahga in ih€ atch lengu!
B. sor|etirEsbacause Ibunes$edc
i- ."" u m unuecA bcause it stl mt cause any grcss changes in lhe arch
D. ah;ys beca6€ [ Yrif ared the spe€.rt oi the child
85. h a chs.3 I nohr rElador|sHp lhe
A. medobuccd (l,sp ol tl€ n}a)aillaiy 1'rDhr ocdud6 in tle nsiolingud lossa ol lhe mandibulat 1'
B. the mes-robuccal hlsp oa tne maxilary 1r fiolar ocductes h mestobuccal grcove of the mandibular 1'
C, mesrobuccai cusp olth€ maxillary 1r molar ocdudes in $e ceoual fossa of the matdibulal
D. meslolingud cusp ol tho maxillary 1'rnolar occludes in lhe cental tassa of the mahdibular 1' molar
corsidercd to be remnanis ol
s6. d;;"urrifr in tlr" boccal and linguat areas or rhe denrat ddges in intanrs
mumus ohnd lbsue alD caH
A EpsEin'speans c_ Bohn's nodules
g. nircors r;tennon c)lsE D- Natal cysts
jn a balanced unrestrain€d
87. T;e ,i;tnr; inErc!$;dd ot the t€eth with the EmporoitandilNhr st uc[rres
Etatonshh E the:
A. physiibgic ocdlrsixl. c cenffc reladoD
g- teiticdrtusloo D' c€nqic rest
na n- .J*1"In ur *rf:lr D!.ids irhibG catlo{Fn6b is dE b 0la ldlow,€ ,nodes ol Fluodde ions act
'-- ;; i; k d-n'aoait" .tvsrd in enanEl forming tuoroaPeb whhh b resBtant b acid dissdu* 2
ifi,Jiioiiiii" i.t'riron t" inama o um trwroxr+atu to n .. resbtart brys to acidproeindbsolution' 3'
iir"iio" ii*"iir"
".i"s.nlc aclilm
ba.teda i absorptbn. 4'
gbrcolisb ihrcugh suppression of s€Jivary
Fluorue possesses ardba@dd
,d oni
3 c. l only
B, 1,2,3 D. 1'3'4
gs, c-d;ificanon ol lt&ulls ot $e deciduout tooth where ihe|e ls a of th€ without invoving the
denlin bl 'iacture
A" ryp6lv c' tvpe !!.
B. d,be I
D. tYP€ lll
consdoE Fs/ent'Me and i.terc€ptive onhodo.tdcs?
. What
a denffal d€rdst-, c' Prcs Ptlc d€n{stry .
I :. p".t
'., -
i*lo,i'"r,ira u,e sechfive ot choice isi
A SOdUm pento|hal
d. nrEous oxide oooen
D Bollon!
chloral hldrab
tn" r"ri"a-ig-i;iffi;lrh ," rhe origin o{ the mandible:
;; C.
;1orig $e D' 1'
tottowing wtich otte6 the most is in &e treatnent of fie dpping
ran!€ or 5 to 8 vears ou[n! ule age
^e.ii;iE;;i?,*rp'*€d*er, SllHff
Grlss majocdusbn oI ihe anlerior teeth caused bv
by h)reracriE menhlis mlisch ,- is
:, .,
I ,r sc.e€n ra
muscb aterctse Hawlgt applianca C' . '
3. rylokinins C, pezoetecilaty
I e. \'ll,.r
is.usuar.! a-Elecrion or he anrero-posrenor
d axial incltnaion
3. over ble
D. prosDaglandins
.r"r""r *,"i"r5iir'ff,ii'il".r,r*,
C. ovede!
I A !ffj
T" ijll:yj:"*y
lare jn fie morhini
!o r,eat a chird pa$enr and o,a*ri"rr mI
dei,enclent upon
t B. aitemoon, depenclent thd coopegion of yie
C. earv in lhe Domjrg
IE ". T" T::::fjtl:n "fiace on rhe firsr primary mayilrary morar io devetop ca
es h rhe
B_ distal qaoove
C. mesial grove
1;,:,j:,;ff"ld!-:,*,o ,ins in chirdhood may res,n
* ,o*" ll#"T,
rhe bllovriog
2. tongue thrusdng
3. h-bk ,
incflned marilary and mandibutar incbors
., manoDutar Hoqnahhm
t L 7,2,3,4 c 7 all,d2
l e. r'drt
orthodondc n3;uff
13. ln d1e pdrtary dentflon an lmponant pEvenliye
A plaing spac€ majntalneE
B. txoler red6ration ot the primary rmhrs eslEdally he inreryroximal spaces
L. pracrE space reqainers
D. aI ol dle cnob€s
1rl. th lhe pGsence of a bad sumcienl b $e bone.
$hde-on lhe concav€ surlace osteoblastjc adivi0, -sudace
of the Do.D or ti" o.t"o"l"st"
t A long bonq qowlh 0leo
b s is lnown as he: t "j^rUo ""tiriry
e. t"*-or #"t";"n;[-" 9 v-prhchb ot bone growth
D raw o. ost€ogahesis
rs. r" i,"ii,r-lt"i.iii"i,i=iio*.0
are he:
o .. ) _
permanent ce ral incisors erup! the
fir$ leerh b ba exaaded
A prinary hroIa, jrEisors .
c, pernanent hEral hcbors
B. first priaary hcrsors
t" .d desenerarive F&;fiff#ffirs: Fi"rary cahines
L sr|(rild a}$6ys be exradird-exp6uro
rr#ffi *
2 d; J;d;;* Eeh causrng hypoptasth de,€as
".y "re.i
t ffi ffi iff.fr ffi :.:,giffi fl Jf Hff
A 1,2 alld3 ' C. ,lonli'
B. l onv D 1and2 onty
t7. Plefianxet lost prlmary lncbors shorid be Gphced by * p6";
A. as_soon as possible [ can a change jn lhe arch ,enoBr
E. maybe bn unEeatd because
becaus€ jt w nd *
!. someDmes becarso it s ,n""tt
grow , chang6 in &e arch or bngdl
,, "tJ ofure
it wilr atre.tdre sneecl
,? antfsr*"j"te "r,iu
! oeeA rcEoliye piB ard fs$rres
z $e{+oaresced pils and flssurs
1 pa!€nB witt maiy jnteerodmal cades
" EffiX5ffigif"t"** pre,enrrve matnent srch as sy$smadc and bpical
A land3
R 2and4 c. 1and4
19. Ite-cortajndicathns tor
rhe removat o, rho prjrmry,".U, d 3
,I. Fesence ot aqJte oral inlbction in"fr?"O2
z. paesence of acllto ststerrath
inreqion .
r. cn ore with co roldiabeles
.- A12
. B lo{v c 1,2,3,4
['' p" pi'n" eia""r
" 'l*,ff}g-,[d.r.c.,srio" are b b€ ",dra.t"d o"-o;, #S* -o t'"''ad'"",
I i
L c' Ftr"flmffiffiJffi#ffiffi*$r"-dib*,a'ra,hcisors
0E space $outd bo rEi
r, A a;rr,, r,iiiiii!]liilil3cr_cappins k in tr|e on er o, phce,iem
i. 1
zrnc oxrdA.eugenot, calcjum lly(,roxrde,
zi; ,hosphab, amaioam
iL *.&*1"H'ff;T;l*,iill'#,H#,^*';,TffiP'qE'@rdedtrI
A" Ct It motar.elhrion irio
* L.^:no_o-"nan"iJ.ii#"",r4o
S. ct
:ll,j:.1T-lilp-!J,p t nroE, retariorsirid
i- Te ". deryerop resur
L :, B. imejil'*'']' u.
ectopic eruptbn
! -r.--. anlryfosis
, "'l'
:. '* T BfiF,rorarEskr a*dbtarca,b.i r'-*,."1*tj ll.l#iffiP,*-,"* o,
, _u.- -oecrEases h
.rz. xeraned irrfan&
sldiE may lsad U
A. prodhedB daav irEiio.s
bolh arch€s
c. dnfr -r,
_ 47. D. traction - r. ,
t;: " - 92. wllat space problem i9 manageable in a generd practitonefs orflce:
A space Egaining c. spacs maintenatEe
B. space closure D. spac€ supervbion
93. Th6 sources o, iorce that nElntain he seconct mahdibutar molar in dtaca inj'des
I. mesial lorce ,rcm the ld pennanent mohr
2, l:Id!!E y mohI eledng an oppo6it6 dHal torce l-.
3. tongue and cheeks
4. alveoh pocess and pedodorta, dssues "
1 11d9
B, 13 and4
c' rony
D. 1,2,3and 4
f) 94. Tho bllowing are chaEceriz6d by 0te primary t q!:EE T:
A theciou,nsotthe primaryteetha.esmallerbunFb;Ishaped cervicaly .
B- $e pdriary molars are wldet theh permanonl sucaessoE
C. ttre inmary molars are thai fu; pennanil iuccessors anO tre cro,us of the E;fi are ,naler
bui molB bellsfiaped ce lc6lv
",ider i'
D. nom d dle dloices
rh.6n;ft;;;-;;id musde and pr€ssure lrabis D(cEpT: ,
:. ,s. i '
A" tuger-e&kkb c rrcuh breehhoj. ":
8.. hyperlephy ofhe man?jble D. tonguetin $ing
t 96. SJ.glq Sqlgt splirb arc pledlcled by the lollos/ing dewlophent ptllolpgbal er;i tr i
I I iicreB€ In lqi]]ht.
2. l,EnardE :
3. lncreEe h lEbht, l- 1
4 osslfidtiDn ol dle adducbr sesaioid .- 'l
A 1,2 and 4 C, 1ard2
. A. 13,4 o. 12drd3 .y
97. At age 8 a liogudly eruptjng maxitary hteral lhchor can be tnErcept€d b)it
f, I 1. using a bngu€ phne I ,,
lr 2. rrshg an lrcfihei, pl e.
3. Ir$trucriru lhe child h used m lhumb to prBhed the hterat hciso. --
{ 4. the use of a Haveley appllanc€ wi$ an aciiraied l5nger string at ilE flnguat surface ol th€ larerat incisor ,
A allof lhe cholces - C. 23 aid 4
l; B. 1,2 and 3 D- 1,2 er'1d 1
q 98. Cysisoccurring in the [email protected] ot the dentat ridqes in intants constdered |o be remnarits ot
t l, r.!!Eqlt gland tissue ara called:
A" nodutas
Bohnb C. Natatqrsrs
lrl B. qr$s
Mucois reEhrion D. Epstehb pearls
' 9!r. ce aln pEnatal taclors that can contibute to gruss congenital d#ormitts with malocelusion areai ' )
lr ;--. ,
A medication taling dudng pregnancy
B. Gerhanneaabd
,. 10O. ln rr|6t removable hppli.tnEs the Dpe ot clasp used b the_
. C. Both chobes
o: ir""i, 6itii" arf"*
cbp: :!
A. ba[ c. Adam
B. armr head D. circurrlterentiai
I 'r.
&tro-Ho sd4
1,d 21. c zU. c 6t,
1d zLb &- 62. d
a 81. b
3.d 82. b
24c . €.b
44, n
63. b
&), .
s.d 25, d 45. b 65.
. c. l. ilt-fi,iiifii"
;ffi-*trfiilh" . wi[ not maintain venical
A t. Wtly does p.irbrJr a ntolar realiain unenpGd or.submemed?
a rna Doth E ahkyb* to irs bor,e crypt
b. root resorpdrn b not evident
c. lhick cordcal bone
) ^ _. cl. thare ls no p€m,ane sucresso,
c I 11 it ofunc{onal0roraptty, an adlunct b mecrranofDraphy was introduced hJ,.
a- Or. Arhn &odir c. Arts;h;
b. De,rty and Andersons _-Rooe6
L 9. d. Dr. Allred
What ls the b€st dllrs E tEat malocc_tll3ion? ,
r. r"tv,*nrz-iiGi
a" beM66!iT- 12 Years ' ''vr Dtt,lH'M
al any agE dopeoding upon lhe
Problefi i ,oired
c ro. Tho grealeg perbd of crantal grwih d' b€lween 1l - 12 years
occuE betx/eerf
r b.
1 Y."m
rz y'i c. blnh and s !.ears oraoe
Dt I z'["' l iiu r"l r-" ao*, *, 6 a'd 8 w6's o' ade
apex bo. u/hat irrnedhro o*or*n, *flff# t" 'pper Ien central incisor i;uudin! $e sald @oth
a- carelul remoyal of tha hcb;
b. ma*. d|e p6d€r|t conaonabb tvithoui distr.Ding
c. appdionlns of hfuded ieef,
61€ loorrl
a clB,iffitd!@C
"r,iiiffi-o" ocor,a,rFtar,
rhb L pa$osno.tbntc or
huEfihgson's oindto;
b, amelogengsbinDefecta ir. d€,rinogEmjsblmpelfect.
C r,t
i*:.X.Y.# H-1ffiyllr
i &otirrtlutm
o..itslon. As 1i"iifr,iEffi
be yul ioimeiiii i
J#iil#r"o',id a," rn no ,",
" i#o5HHfr a dbluoo ailr;; 6t tl; p& ch.mbe, o, dt. te.d hckois xantd
b. a spe dlol,U bc meaqred afi, dsitiEd .
c, corBtucb a w mainbiEr Bs't'ldldll
I fi€ sFce ! ffi{ to doso
*do -
hcsts, E lt( iri{i
". $.rjd b. d.no
Crr 9- A ryn-oIro.dl Eer.
n€ pnfiary r*b. oht hlfu ce
O!!!,!th E d lr.t.llopmeit arol
a. endocllno olards ' ' c, enalocrine gtan(b and herediv
b- a.qu,r6d do.hg d
dhood d heredlty
d,,. Wtry do bolB aflt gtdr dtfier ln behavlor in tho dental offica?
a alalunv c. matJdty ad rEntal health
u rrEnrar
menal iEern
Eetl d. hararng
a 17' The foal edarlelnont ol bons occu.s bt
a dbphcerrent
drilt and -
b, dhphcefEnt
!u. _
ma! qaln€n! gar
F dono tor -
a arcBbn o, ha dsarlb ledo-n
d. dnlt
brlgue mH in te chitdhood?
b. no featnant ls indtcat d
c. the use o, n!,starh rubbed aoain* ho srrfdce
o. anooouc b reli6 /E lnhctiM
a re.
Wut ls he bogt
#Xg'Hffii$ffilo}ffHlns a hedfiv sk v'a' old wtlo has !o be fotcib, separited t,om
a. ulal/olctionat,
b. paemedlcaia
c. dbmis be ahid and appointrt en .ooperaron can b6 e)e€cled
, m. o. usa niEous oxid6 and anahesia
lJ The uso oI headgear sh
td be-fesc.hed in:
a ai oldr€sa
b. sligl* resuah fon loMard movsrrenl ot maxillary h€O
c' posEdoa niovrirnl ot maftdibllhr Eedt
d. t&id6ymm6ty
\zt A4tttcaroH ditd hastdbnwlhh tr pBt 2 houn andEaumatk d[odr,rrl[rt
incisor io $. pohr rhat th6y re exreme, rmirfa Th";d;"rt-;ij"r;
a- mlrr|lif,zE thcm mt a sp&t alrd do notlhc rtlE il;i ttr,
b, .,led EdlogEphicaly fui rot tractrns, ani It nonc poc?ed ttifi a splnt and pedodic
c. do no|hlno dd ot6.atE perbdcdt
qL *^-:g!1_rym.bcca*.
be, woutd bo bs soq| anW{ay
the !g!{iar. E;afnent of a toorh tlar }ia a itrstained a ti-alre to
dre mtddb Uid o,
the lEot lnchde:
a- $lin&U
b. Pulp€cto[ry lo both podions o, the too l
c. ftulpecto[ry !o he corona, pordon and afrcoectorry ot th€ root poltim
d. Extracibn
ln d€tem$nlng a patients steletat gowth patrem, he m6t impoftant
facior is
'.23. a- Oenotb hercdty c. diet
b, dental oadrE t t
l*. a. bibrd l€
c{ dls n|aldih*ir aiaoririrs tiiu'rmgrs
d. habns
Wc of olese-may.llquirea remo\rablo ay[c{ype space n€jntai,ner
b, prenElrre b6s ot dght decifilos secord molar with mesial
ddlt ol the flst pennane,rt motar
G prondule bss ol rlancllhla, rifi deciduoG ltrsa a'ld secord
o. tG ot ,lrandlxrb darjdlra lt,sa a|d s€cord mob, mohrs
du. Th€ de\re@rrena o! Ole edd oc.l,sbn b dependertr tpo|r
a" md amhce ot a ,avoratile sequence ot eruiOo,
b- attahrient ol a norlrld mola, rdadorrst$p rg6 minnnal decr6D o, spe avEjhble ,or ,ra
alspkls and motaF
c- saEaalory looth sks space 4ralabb rdo
4 allol these
d 26. Nanca's leoxray spaaa Efers b:
a. tha l&*ard gurft of madh dd nradhlo
h ta r{ld$ ot h6 primaio sDacs + nedhn dh$arra
c. a
kfillrer space ,or terlr plEy|s adFs0n€ vtiti:h equab 0.9 ,lm gl eadl
. .d- dE dilhaeic€ batiEen crdle ad g+4+s
'- 27. lll sp6.a cbaure dDr pae;afiJtg errdo tha bodt Oror*rg fu greeai.d6i!
a nddibolaaseco dcclt&ostraha molr
h upper flll @uou9 mola
c. mardflary Second deddE a
I d malldbular first dedduuli irb,
O 28. Ihe co.lcgpa ot riandlhlsa gtoxdt b ob.t\rod
6. [asal saptrm c. rBdhr raDha
i b. dlaeobhorle d. r,landbohr slnplulb
d 29. Caitull d b€$ oc.rrrtro d tllti rc
a pthBy arterb teaft lwer d brer, cdim ard first ptirgy tr*s
h. on, h€ Ddmry Eerl
a all pdraytBa$ ad lt$perrErertmoE
d. an $e pdmcy cetl and D.fiErrr
T 30. When t|€ onhodonlic lorcs aplliod b lbh! ,eso.Plion \ri! probably
a- indlrect c. apid
b, dire{r g' undemhing
3l- F{..!3 h fie *esgurs sldo of lho akeoh ctPs wt€n onhodondc brces
oceed ph/sioloslc lhlB causes
a- bone assad c" dlreci resorpdon
b. qrteobhslicarwity
d. undErmldng l€sorplbtl
3a wtk*1 ot $ese odtEdontlc procedures b tnc easiy relahed:
a- anEdotcrccsblE c' genbralized spacln{
- d. expanslon
b. dl6t€ma
3 DiiisEma be\^Een pelmanent maxilhry critIal lnclsff ol a nlne ),ear old child
wifi only 23 ol $s ajolrrlr seen clinicaly b usualy $e resutt ofi
a- abnonnal lablalflenum r
b. a nomal eluptlon paxem ol &ese Eeh
b. 6nine lelallon d,
g. Malo.clurion b commonly cause h,':
a hypo$yroidbm
b. earr lo6t of pdrwy Eedl
e paflial anodontia E€th due to grcrvuth of afueolar prcs
d ielarred eruodon of succ€edamous year
T a purunm fstir in tri f&lal ves$de ol a 10
_ a- odonbgenlcfisEh old boy is most likey
c. an apthotls ulce
b. Dvod€nb ordnuloina d. hery€lic bsion
ez. rcafuea;'shiuf ;t be preecribed ln l$idt of the ft. sitJalion
+ i posteriv movernnt of dEndibuhr Ee$ b necessary
b. llE mandhutu Plane angle ls high
c. Iaclal asymmery b s6relE
d- wll be wom
iliero ls no chance lhal the hedgeal
T g. r" niLJ otinlition, ue hst pdmaty toodilo be redaced uy $6 pelmanem tooth b the:
" a. rrandibular 1r mohr
I d-
rnaxilary 1{ molat (deciduous)
maxillary snd mohr (decuuot s)
decHuous car ne
3- Y
The pdncble ol grol^/th b best ilu$rad ry fie:
a- rnaniilutaisymptrysis c. nasal septun
b- raohe
median d' sphencoccipitaj srnchondrosis
10. wliri of he ff. shdrd b€ done h tE first vbit o, a chlld b the denEl otrce
a- Pemedlcation
b- Analoeslc
T c, Nodal prccedule_oral examinatlcn
d. Flnn amro*h
diu," ff. adjuDdi're aids b necessary to cieck ol,| the dffcacy ol an oral p'ophybris lor
' a- palient?
a Fung
iscnst6 soturirn c. snlder ted
b. untfarcd-fiGs 4 sandpaper srrip
43 f tharB viore no dlr.r up ol or$odoodc te6on€It, setlal €'(ta.dan nay t!3r[ itl:
1,+. Wtrn does a btnaxi'lary Dlostlrslol| occttn
a- when bodr deriidl arctro dBtor€rdwin respect of basal boio
b. a hroe ilodronial 6/e.hp l,lh bhBd cross ble exhr
c, inteieEnce in Efolridl s,ld d.t/eloFYsnr resiling ftom illnass
d. tle ntddla,y tee$ b todrard rith r€aped b basal bono
45. The dental ag6 refeE to thei
a perlod ol Polential sruCu,n
b- sraoe of dcnhl ma[rr*n
c. b& h tle nurtet ycaas gn/er lor a bodt to en4t
d,toodt e,r|pddl
ago oa
splil saddlo.asyflc s'pacs maintainer bilalelal
band bops
tnguat houhg luEh
b or. Wtlch,reiainerls indlcated on a S year oH chitd when exnactbl oI
molar E neoessa4t
tha pdmary mandibula, lelt secohd
funadonal remorablg acrvllc
Ingual arch
b. clotrnwhh dbtal !9!b ir+..' d band and loo!
)*. Wh1*r1TI4.9"q b f".rg
hpadonr, yii{$ Dorvn syndrcrne?
a- htgher thar in nonnd chldren
D. nona or tha abo\ra drE coIr..t not corehdo[ has besn tbund betuloen caries incHenca th€
dowi slmdlofilq
r_+s. rne d.
same at in hoant.l cl dEr
ro,,e, rran liiriifiir'iii,lia-ln . *& t '*,-t ,
a- "omrnon
o[ bo much f,xtd
iiiilii ln
b, inabtlity b cnevr hard food
c marnutridon du€ b poor hiatae d mit(, liuit and vegoiaDle
d, poor prob,h htate
C so.
"T i:lHE "'"
condvbstop. ar a,e c.2syrs
.. . yrs
.b.. 20:23 O.fO'fS yrs
C st. Updghdng {r€ molaI bdlmqjt ll not sb ln FDgress becauso
a. oyercontoured spring
.- p. rne6 E hc* of anchoE06 CtOr[Ol c, ocdusion ls not l€llarad
d. orerexEided bards
A s2- rrcrease rne arEE?osEdor dlnenslon ddto naidiblosuni5lv..
a. it b br dass I occbslgn tre uunerx *J berory_-- ''
b. lt b hdhated to.tldn-urf
c. it b tor.l""s I habcairjion tho uE &rE I daD siat€ below
4*" rf',o dnorphobgild
il b tc lsa0rDn( plan foa chss ntaloccidoi
ttDrs ol prthdf, d€it{ dre. e:
a. csoed or tioht c" spad only
_.b, open norspGd A smaf or Urlc ecOr
as4 Endoctordral bone diteB hun hualgrbrdnoos borre ln dlat
a lh€ ll'rmer Orw3 bv both hrrstta ara qpciuona lrowr4 tn taer ly opposirim onry
b. ttt€lormerresortlswitlidifiojtyunderpr6sure: trehtEl$,ithdit[cu[v- .
c, uE to/mer resotbs easiy lry pressure; ihe htter widr dimcrrtv
- d. does
,1 ss. wlren . the former groyvs
by apposilion ontf he laEer by inErstttal t d appGidonat
tilllaxillary prouusion occur? orcw0t
a s,hen nrardllary and narrdlbular deniat arches are tor$bd wilh Espect io b4sal bon.
b. maxilary bedl arc fomrd hom rle
c. 0te preseice ol bilaEral c'oss biEs basat bone
d. ho{kmtat overlaD b bo hroa
C s6. wEn is fi. erupdon lcridd ol nandlfar Ors nptar u mn El d6rrcbprrErt stn H contirnE
a- at he ag€ of6 c: &.7 )rear otd
b. and.S7 !,ear oH d. S yearotd
c sl. p€rsistetl-5-6
wnar ls $e soR tissue pbn6 (Ine forn ,oehe6d_lhd,ini ot
Ulufib grddnE?
a ciild wirt a maloccbsho carased by
a rcu'd
a ss. ),l": h
. *ps'aisht [:ffi"
jg l,"pur".q,.ondibuhr llpuat d, apdian.eij n
a llrlgud aps.t belov, 0le chguh ot rh6 m6 anre*, iee$ "ii;ii +""e t doign srmotd co;;iact
o. lndsat htds on tlE flnoat s ff@ d hs anE ior Eeth
o. 1!! }:!91.{S"r!l,hot toE anM, te€$ al rhe Oinsirdl tiseu.
lne mrlola thtrds of the lotl ar|Dfur Ee$
59. Wnat tyng of an.iot"a€a b p,es.rted !o c.fiect btahral
crogsabh ! you wlri b u3o rn aadt/e lingual
a redpmcal c. sliple
b. corfialabral d. aolnpb(
b oo. Lank blt+ortoltal b a l! erorEo pL,s col'sfild
' Fd R.ir,inilg [re E. bndrHt3
[, a. po,br did!i6[a E nastbn ard sele
b, po&n.nd ortirah d. poddt ard ,Esbn
b er. Vrhat yri! b..
lpur prccodure ot drche on a .fild palfii ;i;speciJo'iae lqrran*" r,vit badty tnecbd
ary r0ogl?
a. prol/ido pollatltat aatncit
b. re{bl fto pqtient b a tlemelogin gescdbino !€EDncnr
c, aom s.r afibtodc ard It,6. pdiebe6ae
b a hormdoibi
l ( ItqlEst b, cornpt€b bbod corrGAO b (hurdnjtrermf*,
Ll - .
a" fodPs spo.s
9 nrarshit''p6rab'cd{car' rvnc'adsnids'
I "L:"",!d;itutri::?#ssH,##,if
cnn be etrectively feated b],;
it;:iltfi:}ff ",lHH*'*
c 7-day tormocresol putporonry
E(racdon d tmln lormocresol pulpotor!,
ss. Herp"t" Eion- J-rii" ghgi!.ar ocdr' mosdy ar whar
dulng Pubery {e.
b. 1-5 yearsotd c. cim occur n any age
d. &12 years otd
100, RadiographtcaJv. jt lhe 2n premotaB are
not visible In a iyear oE chib,
what shouE the den[st doi
a- reter $e child ro a pedhtrician to rule out systemb
o. aduse th6 parents thar or&hodondc treaunenl coujd be
donB wtlen th; child h much otde.
c. the Eeih coujd be clngehhafy tnEsng
d. watchtut observadon on $e piesence;t leeih after years
+ 1.b
21. b
g€r 5
41. z
42. a
61. b
62. d
81. c
82. d
:13. c
,t. d 63. b
T 5.d
25, d
26. d
45. b
.16. b
65. .
83. d
44. d
85. b
66. d 86. c
27. c 47. b 67. D
8.d 28. b 48. d 68: b
9-c 29. d 49. c 69, a
88. d
10. c 30. b 89. d
50. c 70. c 90. a
11. b 31. d 51. c 77. d 91. c
T 12_ a 32a 52. a 72- d 92.b
13. d 33.
'34.b b s3. d 73. b 93. d
15. 54. a %.a
c 35. b 55- a 75. d
i6. d 35. a 56. c
95- a
17. 76. d 96. c
a 37. d 57. c 77- a
1&b 38. d 58. a
97. a
19. a 74. d 98. a
39. 59.
20b 79. a 99. b
60. b 80. b r00. d
set 1
- C3i4 c,rifices in dlB pulp dtamber are localhed
a- sp@n excal/alot c. endodoiticspath,inder
b. pedoprobo
Froal wnnnhoilers.,lyEnasal sihuses
lvoutd In,,ammaton
d. electDnlc apex localor
a. 9pbeEld sinus "rlcliiarff3ffffiffir"ar,e
c. frontal shus
b. maxilh8, slnus d. ethmoid slnus
a Ble6di,i9 on probihg ir lndlcaive of
a. fibrcsb ot gingiydl c. crcstai bone loss
D. tood impadion d. ubo'albn of sulcular epithellum
.1 GuBapercia pohE cah b6 disinteqed hr
a_ sotution ot sodtum ir),pochlor e'Sr2596 ,o{ 1
D. dry heat srerlEatlon for 1 U houE
c, auloclave for 20 mlnutes
.n€sLresia io rt,e gr€ Is Ena"r.,
o. p.io,,".i-ii"# -"'
a paljent ls chronic alcoholic'*r" ir!fft"$-Hng
The majn obJ€dlve of occbsat equitibralion in natuEl dentidon are E(CEPT:
Pre\ 9nt TMJ pain syndrome
b. Achievs a more favoraue dist bulion d torc€s to the per;odontal ligament
c. Prevent mlolliscial pain slndrome.
d. trcrease sireadng aitron iir $re maSlcation
which of rhe folo ring woutd ahost likey reslrlt it a peri(rortal pocket has no adequaE
a periodontd absc€ss c. apical pedodondds
b. perlodontat q6t d. putpiris
Root canal cenlent should b€:
I a"
baa:le ostadc
a bacle*rl pbque !
b. heillatln
c. set quic0,
d. bactericidat
me orayish dbcolordjon ot rBilhry pe.mamm incbor vrnh hbiory of trarnna ln eaiy a€E due !o:
c. intrinslc resoption"
d. tetaacyclino
A tr/ell-fted mot camt
a- exhhts radiopaciB.
b. n6od ro ro(l catd cerlem
c. e)(t.nd lq/oid $e aplcal constdction
d. prevent rilclo leal(age
55. The main dlagiosdc ,Balrle of adutt p€rbdontiris is
a glryival Ecession ar,|d flbrosis
b. ginghdl enhrlem€nt Yvilh gingiral pockeG
I 55.
c. perloddtd pockets wi[l atvtohtr boie loss
d. ol.tshrEl podeB wth no bolto loss
WHch of these drug b used as a96l and plaEed h lEriodo, at pod@ts in the acfi/s sia0e of dbeaser
a. A,lgmondn ,c. MetDnHazdo -
I b. Ariorq,Eft
Which is the boaanE!,b prevent n p dan aoe
us6 ad6$eb Era coobn
d, Penlrlln G
&riig carity p.paration?
t. d.
usr adaqualo 6i coohn
retah the sntar h)r€r "
a f,8. yrtamin c ls essehdal ro dle lnEgrity ot fD pe,iodoolal llgament becaus€:
a it is necessary lor collagen degradaioi
b. il b ndcesrary br fbronec{n mlbsb
c. it ls necasrary for hlrdrD)odarion ol pro[re to MloDryprolin€
d, it b nec€ssary lor fbroblast mibob
i 59. Wtlen a rcot ha3 t,Io c ab bqcco]hguary, tE rnethod localking $e aplcd Eminatiol of eadl is b,!
a r,aq,ino iro hodzontal anouhdon o, $6 x+ay
b. pdnorarnhrceoE€nogram
- c- \rarying the vcdcd anouhdon ol t\e )GrE,
d. vitalltyEit
60. Th. nEst elLclivs means io r€ducG canal dcroorgani$nr ln lhe endodo ic $eraly b by':
a- Phenol
b. poinnduodc hrearal rrdkadon
c, cornploto debrEefEflt of canal duftg sh+ng and cleaning
d. Ededhdcan6io&
. L' 6! lhcrease \r6c{hr pemeabifiry in Orngivat innamrnation ls caused by vasoactive amine6frDm:
a. Lymphocyio c. Pla$mcelb
b- Potymordpiudoar leukocyte6 d. M6l ceIs
r 62 which panddEgingkdl b char.cErb€d ry an o.ange peel aPpearancai
a. a8achd glngi\ra c. marohaloinqiva
b, ftee simiva d. intedental ghgtua
-,i 63. To rEt(€ Flh e,\dtpaion o,vnd !E€$ Pafness vriidl oflhe iollor/ing is lacolrnrended
a bdcal anedrelic h tho pulp chaDber
h bad ar€s|lh€sh b Uod( Paln Pdl'iE!,
c- d€atocdon ot PUF bY Prh tesbr
d. arsaih rldide
a €,4. lntemal ,esor@n in vtal ary[prondc toott ts best manaqed hf
a PUPoror,
b, wil h rEso.Plior lo slop
c. EdfiraE PdP ad do endododiBtsaa,
d. Edraarirn of bo0l
1, 65- Alihouoh 5i,nl6r in funcfion. whatt{odd d erenliile the odontoblast Lom ocneob}asd and ceftEnloblast?
.L Ir a p.oteh secreling cel c. Morphologic daracteristic
b. Ult6lrucxrr€ d. Matrix ptoducllon
' , 56, The most con mn cause of pulpils is:
a ca\r y Paeparadon c. occ_lusd traumalism
b. petbdontl,s d. caliea
67. Drect prrlpd cappins ls recohmended ,or pimry Eelh wllh:
a ri*otnipOosura c. mechanid e,Qosu€
b. caleili:atlon resorpdon d. intend Esorptim
.\ 68. ltlhich ot these nelve6 ha\i to b€ arledndi Ed lo eritpat€ avitd pulp ot iha |ar a.y lirst molar?
a niddc supedof alveohr
L posLrir superix alveolar
c, [email protected]'r dEoh, and !e*rpdalhe nervf
d- nidde ard PcErio{ suPetlol dr*r ,Erlre
| 69. The epimefd iesl of mdassez are deriEd lrollE
c. odonohaagt layer
i she$dh.rtwb
b. csrrEntrm d. bone
70. Titanufi irDhnls ate ariacH to bone bl/i
a- Ebhegratbn c. Fibrilar alEd|IlEnl
h Eb{r|old aEhmdl d. ostodnEsratioo
71. \rvhidr o, {ie lblonfu $Itolbossb}y calse dbcobat on toolh wio a tEqott puE
a. HaibtEb ot unaenii/ed bhoircal3
b. Oecoiitos im ot lEcrolic lisslE
c. tEa ot tet'at!,clhe when *uE 4id periodo il'is set in
d. Fafttlg 6 ilrdde tho p,b hoarB h @5s Peparation
n ?2-- 'afiei s.6houal qneo€ 0E €oe.tei, lEdl Yrodd b€.
oris'ira iui:ri c' lnoid odr iioDfirv'
b. tmwd edrirn 4 oe€Ps(Flgfi/d sulq.rs
73. A r.dc{b crtcan bo dinaqt&bd ftu'l, # grarqloma b},:
a rdhgraph G vi6llyte6l
b. cor?h tterd exaltrhdin dtd d. his opdrobol
7d Wf*$ d taa. s urldirot De prana h endodondc 6erapy b plsvelt a.ci(hltal a$ralixl o,
rd&& h$utEttl$
a hoU llstErs ard nea v{l,r cea !b!
b, bloligE b h*il6 ot efilodoG ltdhets atd fl€s
e ura n&bor darn
d. Ger nihor gbr€s
75. wHafi nE habns wo{U giuo
oa sfiFE a, tltahb6, high lemDcadllr ad ceft.ffes?
& c$t
rafrla, c. aclo aPt{ aDccess
b. dlE Fdpms d' neq*FrD
r 76. Which ol these is not a risk lactor in $6 euolog!' o, ac{te necrotizing ulceralivs gingivitis?
a- emodonallactor
b. snoHm
c. psya$ogenb faclor
d. chronie alcohollsm
T 77, Denthal U$ules should be sealed belore p,acement of restoralions lo:
a- R€dtced he paoDgenecity ot miqloaganisms
b. Decredso fte pefiEab ity oflhe underti{ dendn
Dec'ee 0E nunber d dendnal 0.lbubs
Albw a cdctum bddge b bm in ihe putp i
7S. Refibval oa calculls by s.afru b one of 0le p.iniary t erapeuic pocedures h pe&dontal $eraE
because il E(CEPTI
a- Il|ay he bcaEd insk . the connecfve t'Eaue causing inllarrnatio,l
b. is a .genEoo sib ,0r b*rk{ daque
c. abr& $e sulcdar epih.n m
I 79-
d- iDrefeEs yritl the aldrnent ot the irrcriol|al epiheium
Which o, these b not a roetlgenogralhic tndng h occfusal u'armatism?
a W€dg6 $ape rta ghal Done loas
b. YrldenlB of pe&dontd space
c. Root resoDlkn
d. bmplcal rarEh.dol!-
80. The FogtEssion of gingivnis lo periodonlils 'rs descibed as
a. Slolx aoatixror$ c, $ari:
b, Etisodb aod dsc{nlinuoos d. RaI*, codinuous
Whic.h b lhe nd comrapar pd operativ€ cofidah anei rerDEl o, peabdonlal paak of ghgiveqoorized
a Tendeme6s b masti:ation c. Su,el[ng
b. nob$ty d. Rool serE-{ivity
Wlri{$ of dlese b not an accepied bpical anrimkxobial rnoutrlErh h d!6 preve ion and conrol ot
b. PefuqE d d- Llsrarile,
43. Which of tie folordhg resuls wien both Doccd. lalral ard lingual corl,cal pht€s have beefi removed
T during surqeM
t a, Scarlissuetonnarion
b. Car*ls ftrotlast to t e sukus
c. caries a ibodies to fre s0lcls
d. Fk6hes out col}tenl3 of lhe sulcus
The proting auadxient leval b the distanca kom:
a" Tlte ir*isal or ocdusal edqe ot $e boltorn oa pod(et
b. The cemenlo-er|arid jurdion to the cresi oI gingiva
c. The cr€6a ot gi8iva bo die bouom ol lhe pocket
rj. h€ €€n]enlo-enamd junclion to the bottom ot the pocket
which ot the foe$fiq bone doteds has tte b6t potertal for rcqererative prccedurE?
a. Suprabooypockets c. wo-rvail iniramry Do€,(et
I lvhia,l ot rleao rttGtbts b used DdDolern {r oub caDa,iE nircedure:
a. cor509te Esir5
b. cakium lrvdroxile msts-,
c. iirht {rred cofiDo6fre fillino resins
c. \MdBads rlaD
l B.
b. S.atm rd roa ca*E
A odiem comohi*to d a s6/ere denlai Ein n DorEebr rixeo mnid clenulE a(t€fi{iDo nom
irEr,olouw rEii b letr cuso6. raorcoraDhs do noi sirori, arv €ldca! oI DerE{lontal bone loss, clmEaiv.
wouid yo{ coDsid€r
undsr crowns Which ol these lesions
there ls no probable Pocket nor caviry
diaqnostc ln this condlbn?
a- acuE pulpits
b. acute apical absc€3s '
c, rypeFensitiviiy lo polEelain c'!u'n
d. chronh PuHts
94. The col is tound h whbh ginglva? c. htsrdgnlat pGpitra
' a, ' matghal gtlgi!/a [ ffi;;,4;-
h alvaola, mucosa - ---."-;.
pedodontilis is: -
* n" i'.ao*rl-n.t t ,iii"t-,gisrF in Pvetile
;. Prerotela inemidtrs 'ound
h Adlnobarilbt acthodycetemcodtarB
c. Porphrc,nomgingivaf6
d. Eikenela corDder,s tei*r
*. r**r5fiii1iffffi,,""t " o'o" tt'"optbl' ro Ldr"e l'En umeaied Pdeddr
hYt die lo lGlooih etbsb'Ee
""on ".4-
b. Roo! is non vlEl
c- To€ t b detrirdraled
sca' h
arrd h3st flkey to Foduce an uslisl*lv
,a dHf,ft#egood c o o'e ope'al'w sib
pe*rpidslltstfy: ,.. _ c. TraFeEoU nap
a En eb9eflap d: L€iraped @
b serninJna, flaP absce6s wim sevs'€ Pah i<
* *" h.#ili iiE br aD an'te alv€ola'
a MrrirEreranlitioiica
a axe toclh olt ol occtuslon €dslish d'ainao€ to ule puh
I ,ffiJ$t urlp "po drd
d. appt' nol con_'FtGsi
99. #ffi,;H,Hg;Dr*aeo o r€ erio,osv or acut" "yq33531;g:X.H.-"*
c. Acl-ilomreierncotrri3ns "
""i n Fusifo{m bacilli
b. Bacteroid.s ,ne p,,p ot ine Dppe' iert ein'ar ''Elsor*lti-an
,r ,*-*n vou anesiii'n:ao io.exi,para
'__ '.'^11-,ro;..u3?'il"34;ri
i"qm ," puipi'6?!
-, irl ^.'r.---
p"rf,.,tqi" ,*,i0, as seoue, !o
a seouel to DUrprI6
: s6 reo o arlelrtnelEa
i ,qn."*,* aup"rat *"tt' newe and nasopalaane nerve
; ;;* *P..Dr a'effi' neiJc
-i, "'*.,e
d. A$€rbr supejia'r alreo,a, netw
i 1& whidr t)O6 of pEriodont s occrrB ln flrtble sites and contnue athchment los3 in s?ite ot apparenty
appropdab heragy?
rapirv progressive p€dodondlb
adult perioiront is
'9 19. ln whidr ot $6s€ condidorB can roer&enograph be use?
a. demonslraE peJlodo d poctets deBh
D. demonsEato boho b6s in pto,dnal suriac€s (rEshl ard di9a0
c. denEnsraleluc.al and lhqi5, pdai{ bon€ loca
d. dertorElrde deph ot pod(d in t!6 futatbn area
20- whhh ol th.sa is used to bleach discobred Eeth?
a, sodlum hydruue e sodiuh perborale
b. sodfuh trpoclrodte d- sodim.rlorilE
C.2r- those dlelaF dn aleot a.doE to hhtii r|e lormadon ol rianix ,tebFor.ine?
- whadta Ol allgnenlin
h meuonldazole d. tetrqElne
i 22. A hDerrardc pulp on a loolh w_lh an incondelety fomed root ap€( b besl rurqed b:r
a- Efi-actbn c. F\ltpo.lorry
b. Pulpotonty d. RdP 4l,irg
trese celb producs v6&aiE anin6 responsible hr vascuhr a*silEs ll amrnarbn?
"; 23. wtrkar ol ponotphonucbar leu*ocrra3
b. nast cells
c- lbrcbhst
d. plasma cells
.! 24- The m6t trequlnt cause of lailure in eidodonL therapy is
a. o(emal root resorptbn
' b, api.al overfilling of canal
c. irrompleE oblileration ot the.anal
d. lnadequate l' hg of actassqyaEb
/, 25. Whid oa hese enrym€s is bbc*ed b, t{SAfrs norn $e produclbo of bone d€sBoyed Foducts in lhe
ardido.ica.id teDabols.n
' a. q/dooxygeiase c' Mel@tase
b. Glucoro0dase . d. Hyafroaihe
A 26. Th€ ederm ol h ammarory gingivd !d b$€resuEofa:
a- inareGe vascDlar penlleablg
b. larue amount d c{caali\,s paote|n
c- decreGd vascuk lerrEffry
d. lftrease collagEn fibers
f/' 27. ths @nosb oI e6ry n€dolizjng uberdive git{rivflis b besl made h ,te ba*t ol:
a- Eleval€d Emperdurg
h flopqt
e E)d&frr6 crtobly
& GaErhg altd ulcerado.r o, ll.dental pap a
i 24. hrord rE$orflbn can b€ arBs@d bf
a- remo\rd ot ocdusal t"anna
b. edDaibn aDd root card re60rEot
c. splnling tolxwrq hrrt
d. fr{oteldrsEbth
.;; 29, Rool c{d oaficas in lh6 Brb dalt.a. dr locaEed h,|
" a Fdo ptbe c. t reredkm b(lrs
h enfuo. ic palh 6nder d spooo axcava&E
C 30. Roor bDeEaEiti!fty oa ma,ldfuH p.qnolds most likely
a duetoexpcene,Ye6h,Ect E rim
h dle E€oe@ n€n€sltsl iuFlp
c- .e{[3 lrcm Dhqua drnl insdl0Eaaot
d argrb lrDm oaElusdl uaulE
i )31. Eliedoaa: aaify parparddor h.{.ldt b *F llldo olt
' a. Buccd c, lahlC
LffiI d. lj{td
it 32. wiic d Oes. hhlt s qrcbqE ne h da.tl&.tb adf, trlelaboGrm
IhyodrE c- llstaraE
b. Pro6aohrxh d' xs l[fl
33 FlooEanAidrDenB arc Ellaby stetitazed ar dralsid€ bla c. Gla$ bead geilker
t* b.
Boilino rtJaE
ft6,ote[a lnEmEdi.
ctuonlc olDoirrro3
adu[ psrlodontlds
lhqimi.aied as .lhlooic of wt*fi d th.
Hot of
,ololving perlodoitil dbeases
d. luvenlo perlodond0s
-9e Rltograde lnhdo|ls ot 0ro Fllp ot
a dendnal tubules
Eefi wilh deep p.riodontil pockett b Uru tln
c. cenEnt m .llmlarll
,oi b. cemenb enarnel juncdoi 4 accessory canab
The WHo aDd FDI lso lhls lndo( f$ lhe assessment a[ pariodoltal lealnert needs
a. PTI{S c. oHhs
b. PSE d. cPtTtN
-/i 37. W{ch ot dle follof,lr{ repret€nt $a baslc constiruom of rb6! rootcanal seale6?
a zincoxld6 a
,nc sEarab
--A:e h o,(yphosphah
zinc d. polycatbovlab
Ite InerEd dbindors aharaacdzed wl$ d€IecliE nerqQElil denlolaxh hcreash0 nrsctplibillty ot
periodqDd dlsee b qcry,T:
a Sle\renb Johnson synarlomo
b. Jobb syndlor€
c. +lllon LE Faire srtldrolla.
d. chedhl.Hlgashlgrd.onro-
The lmrsrted cone technhuo i3 soradrnes helptrl h obletaliE caldt $a ls
.) a, lncomplotou de\reloped and vi,He
llUher ape)a
: caious expa'suE
d. calciliad root canets
Hg*=rcamels in endo.ronth rhe.apy t" pil"iii.rai,iii$i-Tron
a hotd reameE ar$llles?
I use rubber glovls $/th colon dters
c us! rubbq dam
a. !b stdngs to hardh oI rcarEls erd ftes
^ a- Srreplokinaso
ot ajredng d|6 fibers ot ho pe*rontal trgament t$
b. Peroxldase llllaluronldase c.
:.*; *v,tylilil-*r* prtp damage can b€ prevenre6 q/. d co[ug**.
4 usa of dlamond buls wih a bnsh stoi<e
b. use of bcal aneslhoths
c use adequata aj, plessutE
d. use adequate uaair coobnt
le*uctjon of lhe ;brco.gankns in tle roor canat b att ibuEd matntv:
a Mechanical prepn'aDdl and tn6afm ol rfrJcanal -'-- _- -'
D. proper anribiodc dlorapy
c Na&ral (bt€rrse flEchanbn ot trle Dalie
.t Eflecwe uae o{ m€dtcarnehr
2 f conecdon of oc.lusat prematufffs b i4dtcat€4 itshouu be perfonned:
b a- imllEdlaEy anea inllammlon aDDears
I o
b, alter tissue heabg aner surg€ry'
c, b€fore ire stan o, so{l tissu€ therag,
0, canat medlcation wi,l a mul$pte antibbtc preparatbn
_ne rno$
r elleqive me.urr !o etimlnab
a complete debdrement ot loot mot canal inlection is:
b, canal m€dlcatim wift a non specillc drug
T c. slsremlc andbtotics
_-,d., cenal
medication wiih a rrultpl€ artbiotic preparation
cysl is always associated with:
a perioclronal lnfectltn
b. vitattooth d. deep cavity
:5 itte Russet index used fff ihe ass€ssient p.ril*iJ,a#lir"
I a" Gl
ot the severity or i" t
b. oHt$s ", C. PI
,6, ScaJrg ard rcor ptanning pertonned
b a, presurgical procedure !o EXCEPT:
r shonen suqtcaj irle
me endodontic cavity peparalion lb. {|e anterior te€th is alrrays made
a" indsal ;
b. ginoivaJ c. laual
The nflrErimje sopttiffi ftthod b doremin€
d. hqua,
wMre, p"&rffi?Sa"* L a nc *
A. BANA c. RadoplEinaceuthals
b. ANOVA d. g-lSA E€r
84. *? ben[sn b nJuffi?o
; a"I*,:H*lj
corDosltl rcsiE
rhe nD tissur and r useo pulp capptar
b. caldum tDdrod& paie
e ztrc odde el|gerd carn.llt
; d.
llght dred co0f&
frtn I€atls
I k
Th€ mosr dmcafi puFd o. perhl*Et palfiGb b dt4nose
a- acub apical abscess c
u. cnoniciuroi!-*- necrouc prrlP
ai"-ur Iii-r""d ,fi
.G;,t"idrl as cohponentbt
a. Am(fun ,oot can, ornn
. 87-
; tt ts radtopaque
lfrj**i,l*;;."e"*ibre lor th. srnb*b and des.o*""t "r 5f"'#ffi1" th6 periodon'r
a- CsrEntobLst c. Ftbroblast
l. elaS o
, )ag. Wr crr-f, d..fi#.pllie'&*'
ure tining b besr Esu
r apica' ped:doll&9r
o uEsnos€ a'uto
us€d ro.,honos€
loorh conseryaton?
i- m*$""mHO *
adequalely ohtrralea
nrost tifery posroperative comptiHdon ot bteadrf€ abodr rhar ts nor
a tlaciro c. dbcoloration
b. acuE aplcat periodontids d. ccrvicd root aEorptiol
-,li 93. A perirdonial pocl(er can be seen Ediooiaphjcaty
oo which surta.ez-e)oeanal
a Llngual
b, ProxiEEl
O94 Wich ot fiese b NOT a gdwth taclor to
moduta [€ host rcsponse fu, tjssre Epajr ard
I a. plaEbt
dalEbt.rE ret growth
^r,'.d r--^.
fador regenei-alirn?
b. basic fibrcbtan drofih t;;;
c- irErrlin fikb grotwl lac@.
-,95. fte d- interkul& 18
folloxing dru€s arB impti:atod in
OhgivEt hyperi,ophy O(9EPT:
a. CrrctE dit c. Dan n sodtum
l. Ni,"i_ffiii". d
- so. e"aoooniJi$"r-,1icat 16
a. Add Done suppon wierE i bh6resoned
been lost
o. Fremo/e dseased gihgiyal tssue
c. r,rovxtc ac63s b insirur,naniadon
, s/. whichd.ot$es6
Cored ftrcogimivat derecrs
b the drug o[
a MedroLexate_- &d:e h nte realrE n ol heDetic c'
b. \ rlbx AclT lotit
. "t"';,1i*,ffacioh$trh h.donarnDu*"*0,445*rrn*-,
in"lura'Grn 1 ly.!idt.
*n*'* [re apa( dd,dlescl€orh
ss. me smar dendn
left rlandDohr central Incisor, the
.oom E utd and asympblnu,o
a aphal abscass
*" o u,t
c, ddlarkahtulnphGphtu
O. porus tlOruyap&i
I >€rEaoitic and endodontcs
f a. pedapbat cemenbma
b. Ra.ticrJlar cvsts c. Ch&nic apical periodontios
t l.
D. hcr€as9 Zone o, athched ginglval
c, co[ageo nbet afiachment to bone ahd cemenrum
d. profi|ote anhy'osts ot tooh b bone
Bone lrom hs fubemsfty or olher alveola, procsss us€d lill bone delecl
I *^9l* c. homosarts
,' 6i#HtI"*"d h, d autosrdfls
b. Microorcanisms c Mate al arba
r. n" prffiiirii o, a mor canar seder b,
o. occlus'i n'aumarbm
a- Refio\re fre smeaa larreE
b. SeaJ dentlnal tubur.r -
c- prelant discnloraton
-. d.
, Fiil th€ spaces bettyeen be 0uta percha and canat walls
wrucn ot.hesa hstrumenEimatedals b not involved ln placing o, rubber &rn?
a- Matdx band
: w.,#"iir,""" inoices js 4ot tor carcurus and ptuqre o"r"-i*tio:J;ophosphde
b. Gt c. csl
::. Wtrttr ot tre tollowinO supporls a ctinicat diagnosS o, u"*" uoi".tdo"riHi?i""
. , ,. -
d.-- SharA shoodng, tancinating pdn when cold is
applied ro loo0t
a- circumpuberbal
b, responsivoloEeatment
c. dedrudive lesion
- d, ard
I ,^ glngiyal lissue rnay appear oofinal
_-e scanng ,oot planning is pertomed as a presurgrcal procedure
a As.a rreatsnent for medicatv compromised pali;nE
lo D(cEpT:
D. lretermine padent syrematjc reai:tlon to srirgery
t .
c. shorEn surglcai dm€
'l." ** I"
, PFnlntl," *hether surgery is sli necessaDr
fo. brea*dow; Df siatic acU ,rom petsde on
c il)duro daser,orh sn ace:
I O. tleurarninlUase
u. ,r -doji]il'i'#ii"i as componenr o, rcor cand m"oicamen* salh/'adn8ase
a M,crcorganisms
aro d€sto/ed
L€ucocydc lnfihrat d r€3|ll'
Andbaciedal aclion b onhafted
T _- _ ( E(a.elbaion
15. r rE oeprn
of inlecdm
girEivaj of lhe
rnay occu,
sulcus is inseased in gingivits because ot:
a Miarnin C defici€nc\,
t _-
Breatdoivn of co a6en
Edema ol in0ammaton
4 A)iral higradon ot epttE{at odt
:D. rcavy s{/nagtngiralcabllus arg bed ronlovEd
a. lto6 hi:
b. O{rtss c S6hr
:2. qror*.ffi*ri
a. Atophst ryuroryapart
arrd nicahium phephab,rsedts ff fflleE in lbne detecb are:
as bono
b. tieErogrds c A{ograjrs
1A Tna nEs flequea*cauro ofraibre ln root c at &e6py d. tubgrarls
] a. i rscdn irlata ins0rxrEndon k
b. use of lrproper inteld rFdica6Dn
poor condonsauon and incomplere filling ol the canal
leilure b s+riliz. the canal
19. The roenQeno0raphic finding in chronic gingMtis b:
a- osEoporD6is c. no bonoloss
b, veatlcn, bone loss d. ho.izoDbl bone ldrs
20. Rubber d6m ls uE€d ln efitodontic. t0 B{CEpfi
a" conllno lri$lllts b tha saony
h pra,ent asphadon ol insfinn€ntE
c rEintaln ar asepdc envtonment
d. prevert HIV inlecdon
2t Whlch o, fiese has ha poore$ pmgnosb tor 6 tratmadzd looth?
a eoEna, lraatuB at th€ mHdh thlrd o, cr8vn
b. coronal trdures below fte epiltefral atadDsnt
c. a \rertkal iaa0ro ot tfia rcot
d. ho.izmial ftacrre ol he aplcal thlrd ol he root
a l ohal esorpdon can be E rr6Ed h/r
a. ro ro\ral ol ocdusal traurra
b. exdDalon ol vihl pulp and rDot cand Ueathent
c, filllng ol cafuus teeth
d. spllnting E prevent hacAxs
E. Wlrch ol tEse ls a produat of fibEblart thar msdiaE iB athchrEnt to colagen fibers?
:h ot
a" olasdn c. lanha
b. hliar*r€
24. The€e atE thr viaubnce hctoE ol aclioobacillls arrinon ceiemcomllarB E(oEPT:
a. tlbrinolFh c- llposacdar5seidoto0r
b. leocob.\in d. col{Ena6
25 Foa &e arg6asrrDnt ot p.dodontal reanem rEeds h a popuhlion lh€ indo( hdicalrd b:
a cPrTN c. PllA
b o*ll's d' Pl
26. LoiJered drEshold to Simlval inhclions b a characierblic ot
a. c)ttfic neutropet a c. hyperth/rddbm
b. heparitb d. nepltaosls
27. wlich o, these manilbst as vesicllar bsion?
a cimcrum orb
b. Monfiasb
c. Actinom!,tosb
d. AEUE heneltc gingivctoma$rs
Za. The recornnlerded hthl lreeonent lot ANLrG b:
a dabrirenErt c. qhilophsty
b. scahg and rcot planning d. antibidcs
2S. ClaEffo ol bainErdendl paptta witl pseuOonremhtana is a dinbal maniles@libi d
a syphiHic gutnl,E
b. herpetlc gnpivo stomalitis
c. nDnliaab
d. aauie necrdizhg ulceratiE ginduids
30. Wri:h b r.lsed to detnorElraB prE6ence arrd locadon ot plaque?
a e)Oloret c. tooih I**
b. hahoen light d. dbclocttg 43ots
3L Overhanglng dd na{gh matglns ot,esbradois co ibules to tho eliologyofdngMtrs b/:
a H&aE raandoll ol Plaqra
b. chdrdcaly htalr h. gkEiva,
c, albi pH a ginolval dsstro fluld
d, medaDlcaty h.nab th6 qhgird
32 Metalfic salt ds induded ln .oot canal sealer b nEke tlo seabrs
a- sethard c" setlast
b, arftffia d. .rdbpqu.
33- Eeanded poqiefarh|EttyhDe n|entrano b u3id h pelbdo al lhgr4y nr:
a patitbone l@
b.periodontal p*l
c.bardar h ,egenaraling pmcodulE
4 indrcer lbr coialen syn$eds
34 To erdryab ho puD of tte lo,lrar o.Edd Y* dl nttrri needs t0 be anaslhe&ed?
alinlud nave c. nErfilnqva
b. intiClr rgr/E d. ldlo hrccd llft/B
€ b d. @ordre dE .rd ot lt he* xfrl scar lofiErion?
35. ln peli?icd lurgE y v*icrr lap {hstCn llr*!
e soll{tnr c emhDa
b. t,ldErtb d. rapezdd
3A l'lE Drfrary fun&ll ol a ndtc?edfc tod ca|rd medc rallt nrch a CMCP i! r
i ai * or aroayna to tire Pctbdcal dssrc3 h tiay have beor ffi !*rid
lycand ilEltunlonbdon
b. mahch .tl enidmoltqn i{ih5 fia lld catd oEt b not .onduc}trl D 0rw0l
c. d€ltoycstaln lyP€g ol b# h L.od crd
t. d. ster[re fiecanal
"' iffiffiffifif*'.:H*
a.honbghgtvii! flffifll,Y1-"n*
dta.cterized bv &6p pedodon*r pod.". lvrlb
I auached
b. :l!:E"r,lr,l_1,
gingivat c. inen enrat sinsivar
wl ch ol rhese charaderized h€ panem o, Fogresslon of perioaoma """lis"w-iiiJ.i";r"
* stowty prcgressive c- rapidy progressive
b. eplsodic and discohdnuous
_ -The calcium ;, #ff;';ilffii
15. phosphal€ of supra0inoival cahuus 6 lrom
a ddnking v6ter wiih nuodde c. s,atka
..,. b. iDnammabry €orudatell d. girEh/al trss{o --
wllch ot thes€ leat rcs js not lbund tn the inklat leslon ot perioOolal drse;e ---- fluki
a- gingh/al ttssre tEtd oodalim
b. vascllitis ot vessels betow epihetium
c migladon of ymphocyles iunc{onat
d. exudation ol serum Dnitah
,{7. Wt*$ of fiese rEmbranes used h
h6 periodohial rsgeneradt e plocealurcs b biregrdaHa and does not
rcqrre re-entry surgeM
a culdor c. FilEr pape.
b. corc-Tex
** y:1y,fi:llsraphtc ,naniresralion or per'*""* *
a widentrE ot sponoiosa
d. Collag€n
b. hickenhg of hmha dulB
c. r,tddoning ol pedodorhl spaas
( rogorpdor ol cr6s ot dlrada, bone
- -. Illt,l ortrese cals oro(fucsvasoiEirr. srbstanCa that incrarsarrasorlarpcrrrEatihy
Lt nadon: h gindral
a lymphoarbs c. md c.!s
b- neugoDlrlb
- * p"iLrfiA;ii#,hp d' phsoEcelb
b re.oied ic
. a b provide @ssDrocedu, b hr$r,rEntadon
h to corecr mtelogir€n d darects
c to r€nto\/e dbeased glnghral tissue
d. to add bons slrppon t,l.|6rr t has becn
5- 5Ht of ths lonotrhg tra Heaailt, aoc!|t? b6t
a. d orolorm c_ Ha@
i' NE rl
. E f b used dts pedodorhl $rgar!, b plteal bc vfl{ttr? d, *t
1 sl b.lrt e erb qlc.l abc€ss
_ - h dlonb aplcd podldodtis d n .dtrd drh
5, r-adzed ma}Ilq eblrd[ed bi?eaare a,x, celt lE arE nroatreq*rq r*riiarO,e5r
D. tt,ry+. _ . -.
pero(b0us c. 'eli Thar;b6cs;
_- En ddE . geEti,
g, altroob +tcd (l. lE.tdd urb
ihfEcr b aodedltfi{r jrwGrle pedododi.i?' -r
a riiEriry 17 ' b- tiro0ry2l
c" sex chroriosomes )oo( d, sex chlorEome3 xyx
56. wlr.,l of &€sab not a coDtlbutho facbr ln Sla dioloo, o, ANt S?
a sdDklno c. €rrodohal fad6r
b. chtDnlc aboholism d. psychogenbfelor
58. Padent sdtedrled h scalhg and roor phnnhg tvih a vahruhr heart drih(l uih deep pedodorbl poctbB
dlagnosed a3!t/snil6 pedrdoitti& should be priredlcated wlth
a. Penldllln teti<clhE c.
b. vitamin K nepro€n d.
57. Tetraq/dne b used as an andinfedtva ln hs Erdfient of Fdo&ntal dLrege becduse ot Its added
a ihhibldngproltaglardh
h enhanae PI,INS chemotd(b
c. lniibits malix mehlbprotrinaglr srihesls ol acdl/r degratory enzynet
d. hhibilir! arachldor caEHsy tuis
5& The perlodomhant mlcroorganbm b luren$e perioddttits ii
a baffi€3 ghghran3 c. baa{raiodEalnEcrEdtts
b. ftr$baaiedunr nucleat m d. a" actinonycat rncom&ant
53, Wlen fE,! b a n€ed b Bshape lhe dreol', bon6 thb suluiral proc?duao b indlca€*
a. wldrEn's nap c. notr rEn'a llap
b- !imh/oplasv d. olmlve4Efly
60. The pu.posa or alectic polp b3tiu b f':
dmr,endab betvreen aqIE a,ld dlrDob puDhtr
d fE en8ab betveen vild and nolrt,ial pub
c. ditarondar. !€tlE€n puDfB ind pedodoitlis
d. dnkE ia|E$}Eslage6 otadn ErFfti!
61. The modncd VildrE r's iap b lo.m of
a. scatig ard drraltaoe c, gl rghopLsty
b. giioilearomy d. open drcttag€
62. ln endodordc neat Ent th€ mcn imnoraltr coioldera$on i5;
a- sterbdon o, root canab
b. anEtrt ahd corrc6ntaation oa mediarnenls used
c. cleaning and shapino ot tle canal
d. efffcaq, ot i.rlgadltg soludon
53. A suucueless flm on bo$ su#ace and ohemoi sbughihg surfac8 in $6 oad 6\riry rahbh can b.
remo/€d by abr6ire polEhing compqrhd dtd ,olrlr again arter remoyal E
a baderlrl plaquo c. p.l{ch
b, rElerii{aba d, carcufus
Tlre deleNe me.fianbrls of t|. gingiva, f6(rre tuid are EXCEPT:
a drl€s librobl6t io s lcus
b. carrha PMNS to trre subue
c. caries andbodies to tie sulGJs
d. firdies ou content ot the $brs
65, The predominant lnflammalory cefl in ule earlr lesbn ot periodontal dbeasr isi
a- ftrrtEphli c. plasma cell
b, i,n|.c!Es d. bas.dtl
66. Th6 rob of c*rlrs ln the efiology ol FiionEl dsease b:
a. rough $riace .auses ln{dion ol d€ gilroir,al
b, it ha$o€ dentd plaque trhidi b mt rert\/ed
c. blod( dre drahagE f ghqi/ol tir$e 0uld
d. coripoolhn d calclllrB b bdc b girE val
67. Th€ pododott agEnom can da$iotle\/{fuu3 bEes pLced upont bcca{sc
a 6el3 arg ebstc d
b- fi.bd3 are conod ar|d can ffiy, dldEe3 h po6ldon
c. unsplctE ot itemedlaE pl.,(ls
d. codfiruor,s fun over aM renodelog
68. i,lonftrldiodaro nBrltE( $rrlrl lbdnra h ha x{a}.
a. irtd.r tE d p€rbdonhl slac. rrft *daDhg at cre.t
b. n ro ,hg ol penodontnl spaca [,lh odtoporG*t
c. nanur,lu d pedodontd spaae nft o6toporosb
d. y{idanlng oa pe{odontal spaae sd celtl!fim Esorpdon
6!r, Wnch otfua. b used forth€ managcm o( bp.rsetsitiv. telth?
a. py4alyo( c. ddo.hoddln.
b, drcdMo d. hoJotHir.
). ln i€!,tfy in }rlddur.p Hhmbp-t*
a '||lldboirf
p..hlold tsanoot c d.nd p.CL
b, n tled tlrdtd epihltun d, sn€dt oa lr.
7L Csll3 h fio od spthdhm b€ldred b tatuih dq€rls as 0|e 6 p.nando tlo 'lg
c bio€drarl3cel
d. l(.rdnoql..
7Z ln c&dc.ty idtrd 0hghr.l ttosa hlht ffi,c.l3slbr.t
a. lFllro.ta c. sdn Dart
_ b. basophits r' - ---- hu*oc1/res
d. poymophonucloar
73. Poc*et redu.tlon altq scdln0 and root p{ar|nillo ls deDend.nt ,r;n._ --"--,
a exbnt d l€mo\/al ol eplhelal afachment
D. sysEmafb healh d hs palient
c, degEe ot edoma d dssl6
d. dBpth otDoclist
74 Tho toltoi,vtig-wlrh 0.uboph! dbont€r EhEd to hcl.as! sdsceptitilly b pefodo
a. chediak-hlgashlsyndbmo . at dlieaso
' ale EXCE If:
c. coirn synrtrorne
b' job's q,ndrcme
,.. * 'f*-Tllg:lle d. sErren-johnso[ svndrurE
or a m6xi{ary firsr bro},pa wouro appeJ usiJ6'i,iiiiiilliril"
a x-rq, neao l^ere angpd fofia m6dal positbn lelatiy€ b he loodr
o. x-ray head !,,€ra angled lrom
c. vertlcal angulalion ol 0re cron€abdsal
posiuon rela&E b the Ioot
d. vedcal angu,atbn ot 6gcon6 [r hcrE sed
78. Th6-lo[ori,irE sxracellular pol,sdtarua ln plaq_; l,larix b a raaty
sot rce of orergy umzed by
fl.'oorgantsm wfien suga, suppy b lo[ ExCEiT:
4 lo!/i|n
D. OA(Ean
, c. nuEn
d. glLEAIr
I The spEad of lnfhlnmatlon llom fie intedental papiila in tho periodontal space
thru th6 blood vess€ls in the inErdental cand
dl ociv b th. p€dodonbl spare
thru $o lymphatbs
I a.
loss ol bone
prematuE occluslon
charuo h $o quality of perbdontal ligarle
loss ot pefudontd lloarnenl
t 5.
glrEual enlrlEr'l€nt
t A
girEilal cyst
pe.iodontal ctist
cementun tryp€.plda
Friodontd abc€ss
h the absenca ol an adequale daj.age hom ddeep perbdontal poc*ets, l,rtri:tr ol thesa could oc(irl?
a. gingival cysl
b, pedododalcyst
cemetum h)Psphlia
perlodontd absces3
t b.
thlckening of lamha dura
rcsorpdon of crest ol afueolar bone
wldenlDg of periodontal space
Adslt peiodontiis is fiGt manilesled in the roenqenograph by:
! a-
thickening of lamina clula
c. resorplion of crest ol alveolar bone
d. widentng ol perlodontal spac?
I Calculus fonmtbn can b€ hhibitEd by whlch ol the iCbwing?
a- amylase
b. prophosphat8
10. Wlich of these chemical mediatols ol inflammation is not associaled wiih afueolar bone resorpdon in
pdricdonIal dlsease?
a tumor n6c.oeis tacior c.
T b. fibronectn d.
interleukin 18
prostagiandln E2
11. After su€ery the pedodontd surgical urouH be prolected brr
a- coll{en pack c.co[a bandaoe
b. goretex d.zinc oxlde,er€enol pack
Filling wilh Hodsroine rile r€sullts in: .
a- eltectiv€ drtdng on uifid.au,al
b. a lack of lactle serEathn
c. eflectle cutdng on lllsardon
13, wl{ch o, hes6 oEanbnls b mt lmDlli:aled ln fie edology ol ANUG|
c. treponenEs
a- lusitom bacflfi
b. sfeptococals rn tang d bderoideainterrPdius
14. A ma{ ary lirst bicospid ha averdcal taactre rurnlng mesiodbialy, hoth b pajnful on pl€ssure, whal b
your managerEnt d thb ce?
I a- extaador
b. root cd|al atd loot lE3ecdon
c. rool canal EdatrEnt
d, root caml and spllndlE hactrred pans
15. Whldr b the mosi ahrdan trrnrnogbbolln ,n filan?
a. 1gA c. 1gG
b. 1gM d. 1gE
1.6. Tlle cngap€t and nost etreafi,D llE$od ot pe'smd daq$e cdltot
I a- h€letblno mout|rrdr
b. LMns nDdrYrdr
1?. \ryhidr of irle€e b lroa an o.al rsfastadon a, AIDS?
a monilhst
c. Pre.r lood$rllshhg
d. Crtbrtlocdho ,nouut ftso
c- E4/drdia rxrldfonrE
b. X+od sarEoma d ANTJG
A tr potoflry b hdic&d xrtsr t r,r b ! crorvo tacuro ard F& eQodrls trd
a. podon oa dlo llaat'r 6!tr
b. rootto(i.ltur b trconlDLia '3bdroroot
dd lh.tulr b ln Ule cervLd lt*d
c. pulpbhn .selBu,eA.old
d. pulp has. been e,eosed ,or moro tlar on6 lireek
ln ondodontlc lhoEpy the most kiponant @nslderatlrl bi
a. tbhhens o{ coronal seal
b. amounl alrd clncentsafon of mediiaments used
r cloaning and sfiapho of $. canal
d, sfilcacy ol lnl0atno soiXlon
a. 20, Th. dlagnosb ol pulpal ledon in a bo$ with a tull coyelago porcelain clof,m can be arired at by.
a" Oood clidcal hb&ry and syrnp! nablogy
. b. lendemoss to peErrssbn
c. radlogEph
d. puh viEllty test
11 x. l^thlch ol fuisa b aiMeg.adablo bafter membrane us€d in pariodontai legelloraive tErary?
a Mlllipo,o filEr c, VlcrY
b. Gorebr d, Resolub
a 22. Wich oI the follo$/ing s6ns6rion5 p€Bist arEr root canal tieaap,, ot a both?
a paopbcepdor c. cerEntrm sensltMty
b, dendn s sldtrny d. thernal rsspolr'o '
aa. D6rka-compl€!(loned persong ha\re darker gingiva olar cor.l plnk becauso ot
hls@^e c. Lanqerhan! ca[t
b. keEnnocrte d. Melartocrlo
i_ 24 Epldemiobgb stdlos b ass€ss ths sevedty ol extenl ol perirdontitb in poFjadon, su€s $€ lnde*
a Pl lrdo( c. PMA index
b. OHI€ lrd€x
aE- Which ot lrEso bone grarling maEdal is ,rt osteocorduc$/e? d. Gl ind€x
a Calcita c, Pad@ratt
b. tXciihifu tre€zB drled bon€ d. Slntlogatl
't) 2a What is thg rule of co,Uco€teroHs yyh€n used witlt toot canal rDdicamenls?
a- andbaa*erial
b. ahfirf,a''lrlabry
c, baaarloGhdc
d, anhahco elrect of root canal modhamern
A 27- Pulp cappjng ard pulpotoriy can!€ norc su.cesstt, ln nady erupted lee& ,lar adJhteeh because:
a. An open apex allows'for greater drcuhion
b. Thers b Imomplete development oa nerve endingF
c, A gleaEr number of odontoblast b presenl
d. The vofume o, the pulp is geaier In yomo te€dr
d r". latogenic glngivids ls due to EXCEPT:
a Absence ot conlact of appro)aimaring @etl
b, Rough sr.rfaca ol margkts ot resbralbn
c. Oyeftafioing maEhs of restoratioi
d. Cyclic nearol}Bnh
t zs. Herpeth gingivostomdtb ls caGed q,':
a- Rubelavius c. Hemca si,,rphx A virus
b. Herp€s z6brvirus d. Herp6 sinplex B lirus
4 30. The tednlque of dbd&ing gtaa-peE,la cooes agailst
gutta,percha h Er,ned
tlo moa canal f,;l|s b piwih space addidohal
a- l-aEral corde,tsdon technhue
b. S€ctiond bchnl$re
c. Vedlcal coidensation Edl.hue
d. lnqer€ntd tecthique
A 37. An aaute ghgilrd lssio,,l dEraaterizsd by chledng ard uheralion
a ANIJG c, cahcrum ods
b. ironiliasb d. HeDe& Cngn osbm&i'
C s2. Tlle pmuhg podcr dep6 b dl. distan.e forfi
a. Th€ cGmenb-emrnel rurrcdon b $a botblrl or 0lo pockst
b. Comenb€ianol Joncdon !o ba crs6t ot he Ohgiua
c. The crrs. oI d|o ghglva b $e bobm d $. poclet
d. Iha liciEal or ocdGal edgo b th€ botorn d $o pocket
c1 33- lntamal rs3orpdoi car! b€ anBsied qf
a- Spllntilo b prg enl fi'drute
b. funloydl oa occlusal trauma
c. F[!nC ot cadooa loodr
d. Edrpaior ard rcot cand UtaEne
at u- hcr9asrd l6qrb p€ Eallny h tir{irial Hldfliei b du9 ro tr. hloililg E)(cEt,f:
a. Sefibl*r c. prldagtandlrt
h HEffi.. 4 l-intrqidEo
bsa , lbldon o, r,tho.ygE ta h ala tidodc acts n dobIn 16& b
a llr5oliotPtiMldrell!&
b. lrSib5o ol bme n6o.pdm
c, lraibbar o, aollaoen ryldEsb
dse d, ld$bdor ot.lbm
\t Hdr ot h€€a b ml ! medra|lnr o, alyrobr boio deltlcdotr?
a Prgd{chn oa ptodilctt of.ra.hldo.dc d nsEbdhn
b. AEtivaiion of complemeht reslrltng in productjn ol arachinodic acii metabolites
c. Sacredon ol collagenase by pocket lhlcrooEanbns
d. Productlonofinbrhuldn-1
37. Blochemlcd ploparati@ Ol root caml b necessary b _ E(CEPT:
a Stsaighten mlnor canal dnvaurcs
b. CIoa& a spais o6sy b obdurale
c. Remo\ro areas hat .5n Etah ba.tofu and debds
d. Crea!6 undarwts lor rcEnuor ol fflllhg matedab
36. Cahrluo sholrld be remov€d because:
a. lt interferes u/ith lh6 at ahmert ot the Xrndionat epithelium
b. lt b a leEnlio[ sito lo bactedal paqr.le
c. lt may be locaEd jnsjdo h6 conn€ative ts$e .auslng lnflanrnalion
d. I abrddes tle solt tirsues ol dte gingi'/a
39. Lderal6nal a,e fllled whh:
a. GutiapeEha c, SealeB
.b. Sllveapoints
40. \tlrich b noa hosl debltso mechaibm ol the gtrlgirrdfa
d. cotbn point3
desqlamadon o, Epiuletial colb
Ddoradon of fibrobhst thru th6 erhular gingival
gingilal tiss e tluld fiolv
inEcl ltlrcoug llE nbrane
4l- Which ol thesa b a prodqd ot arachidonic add iEiabolism drat i5 hcimhatad h bone losr in
perbdoaltal dtsoasa?
a" Proetaohndln c" Leuaogi€n€
b. Thyrorino d. Histarnins
a gingiva, pocla is formei, as a re$h ol:
a. Apkal hig.alion of tho junctionat ep[hellum
b. Bone l€sorpdon ad adca, mlgradion of junciona epithelism
c. Syrelling ol the gingka ahd apid migraion ot juncibnat epiholum
d. Swefing ol 0la glnofua
ldopalhic fibDmatosis ot ltte gingiva is caused t).
a. Dilanlin sodlum
b. Niledlpine. d. Bacillus idblicirs
r-1. To enhance tooth isolaUon io prevent contamination:
a- lsolation with rubber dam b used
b. Direct actrss will achieve the goal
c. Anticho,inerob and q/Bternatb andbbtics are used
d. lsdation vrirh cotbo rotb b used
45. Whjch of these organisms is not implicaGd in the etotogy ot ANUG?
a- veillonella c. aorEla internEdirls
b. TreponenEs d. SalnDnella
:5; For sialic eid in ihe saliya to lom a pelliclce on the tooth surrace, this enzyme is necessary:
a. N€uraminidase c. GlEorinidase
b. Hyairrohldde d. Saliyarirase
A cysdc lesbn arbing hom the perio(bnlium and b a variant ol the laE.d perildontal cj,st is:
a- Fladicular cyst c. Ane6bhstoma
b. cysuc odontoma d. Botyreid odoniogenic cyst
4. Whi.n ot the totb /ing sdracet&ih, potysa.charlde in dental plaque sq^As as the s6.turat-slabitize. of
tlE inEmixobid madx?
a- Gluaan
b. Fructa, d Dodrafi
{* $rich of nle loflo tng syrdrcltE b t{OT wih neumphil dirorders assockrEd wih inqaased
sJsceptibility b pefu dohlal dieoase:
a. Papilba-Ir Fwr6 syrdlome c, Srareh.Johnson's slndrcme
b. chedhk Hlgashi srndrfiE d, Jobb syldrome
ln fie (le
inida, lesion of glngivids prcdomharn innammaro0, cefl is
a- Plas'na aelb
b. Lynphocrta
c' Eo6krcphis
d. Poyrbrphonucbarloulosrraa
5L \Nlici of $eqe lnhhhs dle tom*i ol cotraoene?
a. MeEonHazoh c. Arpiailn
b. Teracrctin. 4 colapal
5z llli(*l ortlo-Iolo,lhg has r bio ir{tuoncs in he.occe$ or lbirm d D.riadonral0EGg,
a- nathrt coopcrathn
b. Severs glEival lrrlarm*.r
c. PsirdontdpockeE5lrrild6€p
d. Pf8enc6 o, rl.loccLdql
5,3. ldopahlc thrornalosis ot tto ghgitra b caE.d qf,
a. Dlhndn sodlum c. B.citlE Ulotbrs
b. NiHipln. (l. I{oDi
kE e€ t/6arrl6r peflnsab*ry h gfrgial inrlamlrftrthn b caFed bylEoardre 6nines lrorr
a- Mast celb
b. PolyrnorphoruclearleukocYtes
c LymphocYteg
d. Plalma celb area
lo$ror ceitlal lncisor, hotiz,cqrl lilg o'-m9l?li4.in the mldmot
lt",itoiiiil',iiiii-"aized p"ilooonet
a 55.
;6niffi'ffi"-dr*l to trre sp*, s notod' Tl$e it lndlcdive-or
a Mldroot fiaotrle c, Acc8sso,y catel
b. mrrrlal t€so.Pdor C. E4ernal lesorPh
--_Acld. aet*ring o, ainii
denlio Ud.
belor ircedlon ot uto resbrdivo 6a$dal:
"" En-hances bacrsdal Deoarador ol6s de$&l
b. Desfoys odonbbd{c prccess hlnva-*ott be llbubs
c. PloEcB tron betedal
pulp IIom
tho purp
Prolect lno
i. b""ree"e" ti. iutp re"ponss D lh€ reio{at\'€ matedal
a *y*I*tis
petnan'it bout
d sz. e raa]irpiitiil,in-o-6e'ro6iap& &
a, Ostooita "vu'ns oaboflbr!€'B
b- E)(osbsb d. cordensino osteltb
4- 50, '' i ol Uast
-- Whiqi tless cell Foduce vasoadive anJnes?
c" Plasmacdtt
ceb' d PFri'Ns
b' Lymphoo/t6prcduco ghgivd enhtgorned?
a 59. w*r ol-di;; ,nG do nol
Cvch6lodno c' Naplo(€n
; fiiffi;d-bin e,Qecied t'sult YJodd b6: d' Niteoipine
fl' O.
-- '--;-sutgltBi'ral,iEtiaga.
efter tha
c' lnc"ased borh rnlility
i,iiiea""o *enia
i. iiitoer gltgltd st lcil" d' shalq{et drginl sulcus
f 6A fte'ilii6 -- E:
majn dbinostc l€a$t! ot giIBMts
ii*iltty c. trrctes @et *pt,
E gii. rii"" i"i.ar"stph d' p'obra
Bleedino o'r
' s2. The paEem pIoolesardt ot
ot dhease k
. Pahldlvfl ressMo c' Efisodh and d€cordruous
, ; i#;&;fr;d,r'd"s d' sld'Y Fos'es!'iv'
, 63 p"*i;;; a d6'rxi!t a urotico ne rcateo g mm f|e ap€x te prcbably lF-st il ItE too$ has d
b. ttecr;tb Rllp witlout a p€r'tapical lesion
c- vltd odD wih a perirpksl lecon
d Nd;ii DUto with a Dedapical lesion
a 64. m" il"i iffiri or derdsiEnt Potitv" cd0r€s fom a root canal is
a, seepagE ol saliva lnrl the rool canals
o. o.reiiniaun:enuton ol mu canal
I c. contdrinaEd clt{rle r*dia
d. lmproper dnrg dlerEpt' ue orerdfiafin otodonbbla* r'lprewould new odontoblast
' *
oa rr"p sluiH; ir.-nec""iiry rot
l;##;.;"dace accldar6tydesrovea odonbblasl in ue pulp expdlre aea?
a Histocles
b. Fib.obhst
c, Und bl€daEd nEceidYtddla.. cels
d' Mko6i6ol nerihbodng oet
a ea. wrrlJ or'rii6u itiirirt "rdtt &"ctritg p'"*dure br endodontbaltc
a Ack €tcnhg a heal source
d' o,{i&ing age -superool
tr Rubber ddrl lsolalbn
' ez ln oriot"o,re tDt tl rhse 4cepiEd brADA
'- , -" " t'A,rr;fi4;i.fi
tokal anddcolt,hl
c Hexeridine
u. saniniirarla h': d' cblorhoddine
,,r' 68. d! ech€d b
' - -; "iri;hngr*tt '
Tlaium bona
c' Epittclial ata'hmed
L iiOritUr-amAtrnent c,l"rll|s alE dedved d. Oslednbgraion
a ee. n, ilotd; -mpolE tt ol r+ra$givd c' Foods ich h vita"*l
. a. salira
if,i"t-wu n*aO"
iginsi; d' Gh€ival tb! r nuB
ri zo. rrt" a.o.tfla rm lrdan, * U;. Redcutar fibers
a- Coia0en ffi€rs "
/ h Rodcuht f.6srs d' -Longiuncdonal
i i'ffi-i; *qlq1a **tog" loon !h0i'd Pod@t o srdlcafom
a. Relbdbn d luncsond.pluloltum fom "**
zr- wrti"i s
b- RoltDilot o, tro Clloh/r
e Rartod d cBllEnt {aldlt'tcdoll
ard g'd omabl's trrsue
u. i"ttoa U poUU"pft"nm patlodontss B lgtarf
r- ?2 rs rdral aimrdlrt #
^ -; -dn uttt #aum rni sfidr5 ba closd by ssrtlng
'- astr
; $.rrd !o cllt trad qtgtlver $Iglcar,Ea carE rerm|ll
a R.olrrE no cDedd lUrFrn o$et tland"on@d
; iilfrili Gni" m ticoooanutts lpn tte aPical l€sirxr. .
I m-
'-' ttiiaeiiirlG
'- - ano-i-nirron ol ntctigrgEltltlh
d'd ht0ddt duto cdul
a rcd canal b amih'ted mthlvb:
iEcllaitcd Fr9*el
b. proper andbiodc herapy
c. etleclive use ot rEdbarEni
d. natural dsfense mechanism d the host
:{ njLvenile perlodontftk, tho palErn ot bono loss is:
a- osteoporGb c. Venical
b. Horizotb, d. CrabdDg
75- charactgristic ot an Heal lefoflhg marerlal de EXcEpT:
a. Unafhctd by mobulE c.
Long tedn seallng abllity
b. Sliohl expanslon on seuirE d. Noh.rasobaUe
i'] Rool canal cemefts should be:
a euick setting c. BacEdoslatic
b. d.
Battericidal Raalblucent
?. Ocrlusal Cal'lmatism .ausB:
a- senshfuily to hot alld aotd c. olnqlviris
_a b. incIea$d loolh hobifity d. ped)dontal pocket formalion
CEmonsration 6rd localtsation ot dental ptaqu€ is by uso ot
a- Di5doslng iabteE c' LasEt
__ _ b. Too$plck d. Eetore,
i!- ihe mental loramen can be difterendated from a pafiologicd apical lesion associated e/ith a very tender
tooh on percussbn with a possible necfolir puD with a porc€lain croyvn:
a- CorE shii Echnique perbpical Edtograph
b. Hlsbpahology
c. \rtalhy t6sr
d. BloF€y
d, necessary for etfedivo cemedalion during root caDal lillihg
-3:. The majnlsdiagnonic -
featurs ol adu[ pe*)donlilis is:
a- Ginofual enlargement and tibrosb
b. Gingival resecrion and tibmsis
c. Gingival pockets wirh no bone loss
d. Periodontal pockets and aveota, bone toss
? Wlich instrument is used to carry root canal paste or sealers into lhe caral?
a- Broach c. File
b. Rearnar
t A€essory c€nab o, a tooth are frled byi
& Gurtapercha poin6
b. LenElo driven seaters
d. Lenttio
c. sinqle cone ouna-D€rcha
d, CoiJensed;ate;
To detemlne tho source ol a drajning sinus opposite a tooth withoul any caries or peri;ontal disease,
,rirch diagnodic aid is used?
use of abscess prole wiih oa wjlhout x-lay
b. routne perirpical x-ray
ini.'ctlon ot a dye
d. aspirate for pus
The neDc ,ittels ol ihe pulp are:
a. Mainly fiyelinaled bed c, Propdoaeptors
I b, Thermorec€ptors
Ehct ic pulp te6t should hot b€ used h patienE wilh:
a- Hearing aids
b. Mu[ipte hearr by-pass
37. rh€ predominad microorganbm hlxsn . periodonrhjs b:
a. BactedodB ginoivalb
d. sensory
c. Drental implants
d. pacernadr
T b. FusobetEdum nad€dxn
c, gactadod€smelanhOg€rtrrt3
I d. AEtinobacllfi adinomycetdmomitans
ThoPIedomina mixoorganilm h lrt/en|€ periodontitis b:
e. Bor€fla intennediss
b. Eikenella conodens
I c Poptryrohonarohgivals
d. Aatinobacilll acdnom!,cellhcon*hns
3. Acivity ol pe]irdooEl l€slon fio.n a r..ti{ leshn b bl,r
a. Periapirx.lay
b. Radbpharmaceuicd
Dl{A p.obo
Tgtdear1.ss on perEsdon ol a bofi itdlc&s:
] a. exfension ol ptDal l#ftl| b pqlapbal area
D. Eesenca o' granubna
c. preserlcs of a cFt
d. paeaerEe o, ca{rEnbltE
gL Itli$ o,$€se I rlnOBbnoaar! fese$on ot adult perirdohtb?
a As€odaDd wlth glngJUB
b. Def€cliva neurophil donDb,.b
c. Not conllDed to lnciroE and lirst molaF
d. Prgsence o, calaius and phque
liese ,s not a padDgenic mecharism ol the ginqfuai nicmblota ln lnldaXng perlodontd
c 92. Whicha.or Eacteria, enlymes c. Badedal spores
tlaluro.rd6a c. Sembnb
b. Htrtalr*|o d.
z $4{.ch of.t|esa-uoutd b. $e bads for dft{nosts of putpat padlotogy r;ii;;
ii46 compteto porcetajn
dDum co\reraqe?
bl€eding on prcbing rEdloS.aph
b. electdc Frlp Est d. clhlca, slgns alrd sldnptons
3. Heeeric glngi\roslomatitis is cars6 qf,
a. Herp€s zoger virus c-
Rubella virus
o. erpes smpEx
F vltulr
simplex IB viru9 d.
Hemea slmDlex A vinrs
4, Oecalcifi€d freezs dded bone used as an osEogenic inductor in rege[erative o"iira*ol po.edu.e
reqerE;0ve petbdontal o, is a
lo.tn ot
a- lsograft c. Alog.afts
b. Alloplari
I 5. d. Albgrafr
Sodium b/pochlon'ia h,E he lottot/utrg furclbns ln endodondc iherapy EX-CEITT:
A lubftait tor root caMl inatrut €ntatbn
b. An and6epfc
c. AroE lcsolven
t d. A chelaing agent
6, Ghgkectomy b hdlcated ,o. fle blo tng D(cEpT:
a- teukemlc ghgfud entargement
b. tdiopafilc tibromatodr ot ghgiya
I b. Penlcillin G
Root canal filllng material should:
a- rlgid
t 3. An oaclusal
gaumaism lhe pramary chang€s are EXCEPT:
Chang€ in nhe qualily ot petudonrat ligam€nt fibels
b. Deep pe*)dontal pockets
c. Mobility ot the teeth
easily dissolved
t *eks
d. Wdenhg ol pedodonDal sp*e
10. arp e&osure ol a centt"al incisor of an adult as a resull of clown facture ls seen by the dentisl after two
should b€ managd qf
Pulpotoiny c- Exlractiicn
b. Splindr8
TIE desired tissue response atter eadoalontjc lherapy on a ioott wilh a periapic;l bsl, are
regeneraton of dentin
I b.
re-establlshfiEnt of pedodonial fibels
depod$on of +ical cementum
regenerathn o, alveolar tDrE
fhrpes simplex oFe B is a heDedc hlectlon ot:
Pharynx Geniialh
Oral rucosa d- Glngh/a
Tia Fobing podct daptl ts ole digace from:
a" cemenD-€odnel jur'ciioi to botiofi of pod@t
lnclsal or ocdrBal edgs to tho boUom ol pod{et
crest oltto girqiva t
dlobobm ol po.ket
: d.
comonb enallEi juncddt b ar€st ol gimhla
14. *ah ol thes6 o8anlc sotve b Dot biocompadbt€ widl peritptcat d6sues?
a- Turpetne c )qbl
b. Eucattrlcl d. Chlorohrm
tufogaado inftdlons of ih€ prlp wih deep petudontat poekets b $ru tle:
a- dEndnal lrbulos acc€sgoryi aand
b.cemenb-€nanEliunction rr. oement calalirrll
] 1A Itli.*l of thase b us€d to rcrruvr dl6 snaaa bye. of d€r*r?
e- NaOCI c. EDTA
b. lld L t][0z
77- Ernon dc.osaopic a)o!nh&! o, d!0 baalsbl lora a, necrD&lng rJaelldE ghgirida hdlcabd drg
] Fsence ot boatefa i{lit|h non ne.mdctbsue in adt/ance ol odlcr baaGda- Tltaii nicfoorgEnbns
a- cocci q Splro.r|eEs
h Fflarnoit'rBro6 d. Vbrb.
- :.!' Si.i ol ttese at6todcs b us. r,$! a biodegradauo potyr|e dtd b doi, rel€csed when lnso.Ed
] Into
& dv€ sita of pedodondti ls6ho?
a. Aro(ycillin c, Penllllin G
b. Chlorcmycelin d. Te[-ac],clin6
14 19. Labral or accessory canab are filbd ry whkfi ol he Iollolr,ing?
a. Sllrer points c. Guftapedta
b. CotDn polnt
r20. Non-stercldal d. Root caml sealers
aJ anFin[ammabry drugs ars l,sed as ho€l nsponsa dtecd pe&dontaltherap, becaEei
' a. it$renohen u). bonc
b. lt enhances collag€n syrthesb
-c" ilhasar andmlcrotial acdon
d. lt,nhlbfts lnfammadon alld boio ldrs
Th6 diflerenual diaonostlc t66rurg of lwenlle pedodondds kom rapidly p.oglessim p€dodon&ir it:
d 21.
a rcsporxio to feafirlenl
b, dosuucllve leslon
c. gimi/al lb$o mry appeaa noma,
I 22. T}le d. *cumpubertal
D gi@iva bdol€s @ whld! rypo o{ orai mucosa?
a. Spealalzed mucGa c S€qaoryrrcosa
b. Masdcabrymuc6a d. UninO mucca
C 23. Which ol tlose E a biodegadaHe mer$ran. usod ln peiodontal regenerariva proc€durea?
a Md, e Resdub
. b, GoleEr d. Milipol! flte.
f- 24. cajdum hfdruH6 root canal sealers aIa:
a. fa$ s6tdng
b. pleveDt podurafion pal|)
e dl6 nlo6l blocornpallbb
r d- inhnnO b $€ pedaphal {seues
I ) 25. whlch ol fiesa b a pDduct ol aradiiloni: acid rrEtabolism that car calss booa lB in p€riodor al
- dlssase?
a PEdr*rone c. PafalhottD,rG
b. Pro6taghndk! d. Pho6pholFid
a 26. lnidal tleatrPnt ot atute necrcltsiho ukeratve glngivitis is
" r l-lydrogen peroxide irilalion
b. Antibloflc berapy
c- Debridement and insrumentdbn
d. Vrtamin herapy
A 27. ln a cliniSy nonnal glngiva these inthinmabry celb ale PresenE
a- Netophib c Basoptfb
b. NelBophlb d. Eoshophits
a-l 28. W{ch of tleso pan of the gihgiva has aslipded appeararlcd
a" Atached ginglva c. Afueoht trxrco6a
. b. lnterde$d pap a
'4 29. The Schour ard Masder lndes lntroduc€d h 1947 lo assess thed, lraryiral ghoh.a
exent ot girEival itfiernnElion b:
a- P1 c. Gl
b, oHr-s d. PMA
,l 30. Which ot tEa6 rnaMale is b€rrgn b $€ B& tirs
a light crrcd compGite tiiho re{*B
e and b us€d h puhoEl,ry ad Frp capping?
b. composiE rcshs
, c- alnc-(ldde eugenol pasE
)L d. calcium hldroxid€ pste
| 31. which ol fte lolordig pathologic condltons rould a single loobd looth ba aQccied lo recpohd to heat,
cold ahd elealric BrlP |esc
a Cfuor$c aplcal pedodonilts c. Radlcuh, cl6ts
1- b. Ac,Ite Slcal pedodondds d. CeiEntoma
, 32. EDTA b used ln toot cdlal ul€rary tor tlis leehr
a- ubdcarhn ol canal durirE lnsrurnenhrbn
b. t ecalclcatkr o, dsnliD
c, Adbact rhl
d, Dbsotnixl ol necro{c debrls
rl/ 33. Rerograde hlbdrl3 oa lh€ FJp witr ltF deop porlodond pockeB ts urru tl.r
a cerEit enamel iunadotl c. DeotiEl brbulB
b. Arcecgory canab d. cemenum aanalhd
C 34. wsch or 0E lblorlio chara.i6rke. tErz6di.d bone?
a. lt b erdolded der a short drrF
b, lt b usuaty Gld by the M
c" lt b arr.m*, Bphc.d by tE hd borE
d lt.ollarl! GdE tiltl oEn.ogpitc poldld
^ 3s Hyd.d),apedrd
U atsE ttaullm dlcpltd. ctEaab l,sod b fll bdryd€ftct! at
a af,Or.rB c. alopkdc Oens
b, aubgre 4 heErogre
/ 36. Sodhm hlddrtoln Huc.d gltgittd rr{argErr aEba.rm6!d by
a Scllno ari root pbnnkE c. GlrEive.rofi,
b. T€tEcIno d. NSAID
37. Growth factors $at modulats tor a ravorabb rcot resF,onse in ds$e @palr and regenerabn are
a- Plalelet dedved gro/vth factd e tnsrh like gioyvth lactor
b, Tumor necrosb taqor d.
Baslc fibrodast qrou/g tador
38. Wiich of lhe ,olorring bona doflor grafts has ho grsabst ost6ogarb poendaj:
il costico cancallo{Al bone ; fGmopeoUc nranow
b. FreezB{ried bone d. Heerioenous rnalro,
39. Whlch ol_tle6€ b aal undesirablo paopeny of root canal ft nO maro*ii?
' a- Radiolucem
a. Morphologic charebisdcs c Mat ir lofiration
b. ls a proEln sec{€dng cel d. Ul!.astucue
41. TIle most reliabb of the fad ional dlagnodic method lor pedodonEl disease isi
a- Pe onon c perhdontal probe
b. pedodontal orretE d. no.nEqroda;_
42 ln a cfnicdly tEaItDr ghgit/.dth€ space hat can be probed befu/een lllo Edth ania Oe fee gingUa S:
a Glnofual cre,,rice c. Col
b. Glngfual pocket d. pedodontal oockar
,1i,. The mjcroflom cf a clinhaly heafd'y gin€ir/at slrtdrs is predominantlf
a- Gram poBllive tadrltatiro rc(ls and qirochetes
b. Spitochetes and ),easts
c. cram negatl,B aiaeDbic rods and spirochetes
€. Prognosis oi a looth with a brcken inslrument located 3 rnm lrom dle ap€x js paotably best if the tooth
a. Necrotic pulpwirh periapical lesion
b. Viial pulp \ryithout a perlapf,:al lesion
a, Undifferentiated nEsenchymat cels
b. Fibroblasis
c. Macrcphages
d. Schwann celh
47. The part ot the lnterdental gingiva that extends trom the buccal to the tingual peak is;
a col c. S-rDpted gingiva
b, Afueola, mucosa d_ Crevic€ -
4& Whicn ol these b used afie. pedodontal suEery to protect rhe v/ound? .
a- COE pac* c. Goretex
b. Collaq€n p€ck
-t 49. Bleeding d, Golbam
on DrobhE b iflricawe ol:
a. Vltal pulp c. Arveoha bone loss
_ b. Fibrosis ol ghgira d, ckEitral hflammalion
a€. The probing ata{hment le\rel b fi€ disianre flom:
b. Tho c€fltenb enantd illdbr b t le cr€sr ot he ginotua
c. The crest to glngfua to the bofiom of pod(et
d. The cqnonb emmd jurE{onto 0to bo$om oa poclet
5l- W ch ot.the follolilng B the nb( likct post operalive clmpficafim Ot bbadltng a toott lt ant adequatety
a- Fletuas
b. Dlscoloralion
c. Acute apical periodontib
d. bo€rnal can*ral lootrE$rDahr
53- Tha toloy{irE arE sllEtsmb coirhlB aohsHeed lbk hcio, ln }^r.n& peiodoiltb EXCEPI:
a. Khelbleasyndm(t
D. hruln deDerdont dabaE lrElltrs
c- Dofils synd@rne
d. c]db n€uroPenla
, S, The lurEtk s ol root canal seoler aro EXCEPT:
- a Act at hrbdca
U ffiin Inegularlle3 and ditcepancles betuDen lullng and callal walls
c. Plomobs secondaty denth fotfiation
d- Blndno e loa oboradoh maradal
. ss. cafciunr fivdn:r&e-U di6 mab|if * dEl". ln vlhl PUlp capplng becaus' iE
a. forcouraoasde in brHge iomation
' b. sealg tle cavity beter lhan odEr mstedals
c. SEong b $rpFott lEsblativs fiIlng maledal
d. ls loss iritadng b 016 DulP
,a sa r,ron&riiJlni.lffi."rn/ade|llr hhibh. tnflammdlon and boo6 t6 in pedodo al dsease byl
slilrlrldon a{ o€troblastt
b. lr$lbum ol obcosa m€rabolbrn
c. lrhlbibn of cycbly!€nas.t synhesb
d. lnhibldon ot colhlenase syl|dt€sb didt sehssn b th' Eerh:
sz. rffiainnail iniii ttg pa;nEsal sius .orld F6ir'ul
a sphGnoldgltltig G Frqltal sinus
b. lvidlary dnu d' E0|Bxil' slnus
h- sa- wr*ii or'irf,se;ot c.nd ssaler D65t c$tah para'onnadehyde vrl ci tnak€ h an lritadng conDoubd
-- ths -s;r0*ddcn €r?
- Pedaplcal G zhc oddoougpnol cerEd
J (Nr) p".o
b. ch*p.dhs d' calctum hydro,t5e
f,r sg. wnifr or iiEia.'ls ca,l hhibit mdrix lrtersroptoEil@ srldl€sb dld ktlibils bono bss h pe*'do al
b. ctilo.i"m d. ilaEo)Gn
*' Dorino sndodoaibt€atne
l60. a wa Uoken ar flo
1116middh ol ttE ltEsid rcotd ma'dibra'sccand
;;;;; ff;. tre f,€ caso mudadon dare looa leadrng b perlordon' Th€ dhdal acc€s3
=i# i6;;t;iitr-",'d
iin x
to collse b he
,'aaonuty' whkrt or tFss pto'sdurc couu be
I is:
b, Necrotic pulp
a- pockets
Three u,ailhhaboiry
Normal pulp
72- Tha lopogEplry o, a boae detecl !rd& the b€sl poEiUal tor Egeneraior wr,en udng berier m€nbIana
Lysozyme AnMase
: 7,1. ln lhe ssarch lor ihe o fic€6 oIrootcanalswhlcrr of he5e i5 used b @ss lhr carals?
a. Rearners c Peeso ddlls
b. Gates glidden drills d. Tapererd dhrDnd drils
75. Wllch ol lh6 rolbwing b the pnmary etobg!, of gingMds du.ing pregnallcy and pobeM
I a Estrcgen
b. Prcgestdone
, 75. The mo$ k€quent cause ot laiuro is endodonlic theEpy is:
c, Calclllttt
d. Ph+ie
a. use ol impmpct infaranal fiEdicalion
b, lailure lo stefllze th. canal
e poor coDdensadon aM incofiplete flhrg o, $e canal
d. lndlscdmlnate lnstrunEntalon
77. The ,ollowing occrr6 as a resuh of a successful root canaj theEpy EXCEPT:
Reqeneradon ot pedodontal ligament
Regeneralton of alveolar bone
Apical s€al of cerEntum
Forma$on ot repaIative dentn
78_ Extirpate tie puh of tle ,naxillaty tlBt rlolar, the nerues lo be anesthelized are
posEtior superior afueolar nen e
poslerlor superior an/eolar nen e and anlerior palatine nerue
posGrior supe.ior atueolar nen/e and middle superior alveolar nell€
middle superior alveolar nerve ahd ante or pala ne neNe
79. ln the normal glnglva the Esldent microbial populaion rs:
Gram positive anaerobes c. Gram alega6/e anaercbes
Gram positive aerobes d. Gram negadve aefobes
a0, which of the following b the n ost jmporlant cofiskhrafion lor tie $ccess ot a lesec!\re pelMontal
a" Depth of incislon
b. Level ol posbperatve plaque contsol
r c. Deslgn of llap
d. Reposition lhp alter sun ing
The pulp odginates from the:
a. Ectderm c. Endoderm
b. Adufi pedodondds d. GingMds
33. Loosev at&hed deposiis in teeth ihat cah be remo/ed by rinsing:
a- Baclen:al phque c. Pellcle
d- crhulus
44. Perdstent pGillve cullures dufug endodontic tiorapy is trequently caused 4/."
asee@e of salka hlto caial
T a
lmpmpe. drug therapy
ContamlnaEd cuhurc medla
o\rer insrum€ntatirn ol mot ca'|al
35. occlusal raumatism lnidabs wi*$ of fte follotmg condldons?
pe*rdontd ab6c89s c.
t Dgival.ecession
b. d.
perinofid poc*eE
toour filobilily
?,6. Loss otlorE in the perho ium b the rcsult 0{ ExcEPT:
Rapidy oorcssiw perirdondds
Aduh pedodonlilis
Juvonllo pedodor*frs
S7. A deitst examhlng a too6 tlaa has a Fot0{ deph ot 0,5 rrn dt gittgitEl re.esdoh 0r 0.3 mrn Th.
dal anourt ot atachirEnt 16 k
a- Smln c. 2tnn
b. 8mm d. 3mn
a€. PelJodontal pad€nE Ylllh recedd (irgiva usualy get pulpal l .cdoi as a Eault ot
a reetbn 1o ltla rEl changEs
b. rooicades
c. expo$re ot puh fudllgt cauty paepararon becdrse ot t& Fip clEmter
. d. occlugd calles $ls erEym6 i5 necessar[
J. on. ro,
'" i"I"-i-iJii-t i"an - b tom a pelicte tn $e looth surfaro, c"
' ;"";;fi;i[; "
. h- olucoronldGo b:
,,/ go. n" ii*'lffi"iiiiii"d mod ef,ecliuo chai sH6 rletlod ot stedllzlng endodo0tic insuumsnts
' '" "'';*'tidi';i;nd c' Gl4rs bead stedaer
r, rrit."r staritPer d' Aubda/g
-' wrrl#
tequlBrrnr ot an H€al rcot canal cemeni
q contract on semru '
-"oroun d'
i itJJ,i o *na,"r bact€ri'stalic
r sz putpirr;g8 ;;be Fe\/ented dudng cavity Feparatbn
' a t tsa adequate air coolanta brush sEol€
r. Use aUni:nO lurs witrcoolant
c. us€ edoqu& vra$llayea
i o. naam oa strtat lofii*tmolar ofa 30
d *- o
-' ;#ff-fiI li#il iirie was ltuna aurtrg cdi'itv ptepalatbn in a mandibular
a Fhronaors d'
i. i+roiiinl"cu b'6r rlanao€ qr
a mJib,vifr;;6
gz. A wih i'Eiul rc oDbn
a E(tfardon
b. Wdt lbr lc6oDtbn to stoP
c- gxt p"t"'Ulfi alld a" endodot*h therapy
d. PulpolonY
o * #:l g s=:*m#.i"BEff 9.ffi'*mT.:::x:TH,'*
ot teeth?
a- JwenlL Pedrdorntlt
c- Adult Derlodontitb
b. Pedodontal a0ophY
d. Refra;hrlypElftnmhts
a sr. oleJlidffi;;-ffiighs o' resbradom contibutes !o he etiologv
- -a brli Eadliat6 rcL.dor o, Plaque
b. Meciar$ca[ry in alo lhe ginglva
c. Arsr PH oa girEiYal dssu€ fuld
d- cr)amlcaly ilritala fts oirEiYa
q ai#tiiiffi&-fiii'ii""t*t
tot int&rr c* toot canab ca'l
"oo. ",rrfi
elicjt bubble hom Pdapex?
a- PAoz
b. ll20
c. NaCl
d. Naocl
And Oral Ahabfiy And pl,ysiology Ser l
e 1. on ho occlusat ludact otbbdrspHs
in a rorm olnDerct v,,idt pulp dsuo b:
(r) LoonFpremohr
c. Hutshinsods @oh
6. Tumefsbo& d. Mulbe[y toolh
? 2. fhe a.quf€d int6got[.m 0, tle EgLtr conpced .f
a. an4roDE mrNooEaDlsm c, cald{m hvroalaDa[,
-3. Wllctrsaflvary gtycoprotstn d. aobt*: m-lc@io;r srn
; ot SEs! otantbodies is lurnd prirnariy h grdauha seqrdon sodt a-nr.us, Uars anA anacf
Par,|ogefls ErorD $e, ehEr
D€rcro trlE, e'll8r no body?
Uro Dody?
EL toE
*- l9E e hI) i
.. g/ l9A u. ric
4. nedodotfle parodd b:
a- Bar$oth's iluct t rn d ./\J .
c. D.,"tofRMd'(. . { -r ..,'...
r 5. lvht fi of these ts not a secrerb! or trl. adrEnat cortooO ts 1,,^]1
{C) Adrsnaln - , + i1. c. Srex hormnss y- - i, ,;L!;t t\r.)d t\:.+,t,.,
r< n., | ,t ,,!
Y codsol r d. Akloderon6 c ,.,.,
', 6. Th6 ir bet{a6r hr ocdpiral bon€ alld sp}Enoi, bone at $. basa a, dlc shit b:
a. s/ndegnosl! .:. . _"*11 !') ."..r c. s1/nosiDsls -!. i^ .J . \.r.
",. ag
: :
;1i,";r,lr,1. : :;;Lt, .#,91.v
T19S-.:*" " I F
c. pflrutti
Glcossn -r;.,Fb?(io9f u-ohIlI
: s. iire anrin a;o squonce h a proreii b lhs resufi
!".a.' -'.'. l.. oa uanstadon o, hecodons " ll3]3' ?li.:'l.
q^ rRM- , '6 //i r
'. J..c, dboonp ", ,"--.:";;-).;,;!
Q, tnRNA- ,.!-^ .,,"l]rAuc .. (r. d?NA j.,-'r..-.'- 1' - , .F..r\',o.st
r 9. Which ol tlEso cells arE rccponslbb ,or humofat trmunil}?
- c. ;d'el;..,, 1\unoca{
D. Pr.rdYyt""
T-tynphosyres - 9 - l...^-yudn LJ
Eoqmphls d, N€Urophitr _^^+lU.j.
I in [le ptaqtE b:
10. Th€ carbgenlc-hicroo€aiiens O
a acldophilus
p.) St+roccusrnllarE
c sueptococcus saliyaaus "\r-G . -t" <-ar
, 11. The [!st g!4i4 oerve passes to he bas6 ot rhe cranrum hom $eSreitoroccus virioans
cairiN nlru rhe:
f.onlaj bma
A erhmoi, c. fonmni soinmum
(B bone I .r$.njM ."GL\ d- tonmn ninnarrm
12. -The Erm used lo ddEcrii[ $,nitreitvnr.ii l.m a lainplad-is: - - '- -'- !. :
(9 E-anscriedon , n '. tri ry tLts d )t 6^tt c. mularionr," "'' .,,-. "{Vr!lh.{,J dF ""i.
fr.oc{tiLgo d|lch ntay tecor Arqdeorc m Ia ft
Hy6hr rd ddc car !O!
c. FtrDus coonechro rrhi* rEt, b€colE lbrerdas! hter h lite
d. |lllalE
/.22 r\ nr*','rd
ttopdoceDlors are lbutrd ln edr oa UE htowhg E(CrEpT:
6. oinolva. d tempoomandbula'/ Fint '
tr zg, ivhii;;i'fresa b an oqanlc inlegument o, he enamel, derh/ed trcIn lhe rsduced Bnamel epith€lium
" . , ,t , .
uDon eruDtloh? .
A"ht-ffit- m"rt,-"..;|,
--- .1,, *
' d' Det{cb
Do at pap th
P ;"nJii b:
1 2a Th6 mah mtrEral colrDoneDt of $e hard lbso6 ol tle body
' a Calciumffiatir A TrlEldum
b. c.hlmlbumaDarto caldutn h)'ul!)q,apalt'
.' 25. U,hbh ol tEs. donpi bolorO E lhe ts rlbt sFt.ln ., $le bo y"
a- calcfurn anfD6Essium tultE s)tsom
tr .ph6pab bufhr qrsFm
(c) carbonh acld blcarbonaE hfier qrsbm
i: aI olol9 aborle
il 2e wtlbh ot lh€se lsdfiPan efi..t t $. st@4tg!c ne ,ous sdmulalhn?
a. lnccaso heart ralB '/
O hiiuion ol adEnal medtrlh s€credon ot eplmptulne
e lE-mo,ttstridon.
d. drbk sedo{s salhdon
. zz. iirceoon ottre s.nse ot bsb h 0|e anEdor $G$ir& olt|o bngu' b by$e
,6 cio.da NnDanl nan,o !' c. rrrohyolo nelE
t, * I'm:*i-+"ri-PY Ih! *.H:i' .
-Y-^'tqx*1fgcH{;^T,-:;:*n^no srossopndynsear nr s,l; : r :''', l,i l :
r zs. fie sfriD; and nunte, o roG d Edi ara deEfirln€d hl|
a. stsd ol dental paDlh size and sn o 0' Don€
b. .naitd siEo . b wih th€:
aq shedl o' l+lttNig
T .-_ , 4/+. Iiplet c4de nEans that each arflno add b reptesenled
(a)-$re€ t4/drogen bonds betvreen each basa pall
,b- a set ot three nucleollde
I i:
q ono baao pala fi$ no Bdlndancy in lho code
d. thrse $o.iA
o 45. The upDer lh ls lbfiEd $,hhJl €mBologlcd Pocess?
a- laterd nasal and mandibulEa Drocesse3
(@ ,nog maxxary pirc"usal
C "no labral nasal process€l
IIFdial naaal ahd
d, labrd and rExilhty poc.3863
sYndesmosls i str]urk
sflno€toab Ju h e l+ 4
48. \A,hlch ol $b b tle arrorial vascul6r
sa rL.u,
supply D aI teeh?
a gompoho€b
&nchonaroals -e o.<ap.!al+ c**o .rk-.-^rr
'.+ str;' ar
T. (0.)
mardbular arcry d:
,adal altery
superfdal le npolal BIErY
49. TIE el,idermb consists ol h€ tollot hg cals E(CEPT:
- /
T a"
c, meEnocr(eg
keralrntslnq epithelfum
53. Th6 inst uctlo^s for prolein synthesb are conlained in: /-\ _- - -f Co
?a-"a-{r^-ro t&
a ArP .]d: DI4 'rr,^-ll + r,u.
T ,/
b. Mito.iondda
s,4. AcrH is a s€deton ot
ADP ' I-- ..'r,iln * i
a tiwnid c adrenal coltex
T (D ariteaor piu.rtitarv
t- 55.-The catuaria b tormed by these bon€s A(CEPT:
u- oiFta
d. adenal medula
c. occipilal
f6! lfienoid d konlal
, 56.Numt!€r ol cerylGt verEbBe: , - c' sh
; a- ehht
/ti.) sa/En d llve
{' 57- Yhdkremh receDbrs on the Larqesr celb ol the parasympalhetlc nelwus s}sEm a'e:
rt ra.-ntco-tnic and nruscarlnlc
Y m{Fcafilc and dpha
- c' nicotnic and alPha receptoE
d' ahha and b€la rcceplo's
I _c'andcontou'
,. 5a- hqernental lhs3 in eriamel *1,vity in drElogenesb:
" d trrs otvon EDner '
corespondhg !o perlods of resl
ra SfAe of aezlrr .k r!4 -. ! 1 ' 't' tiscuE*, i$ d' Relcrsd llna
. 59.\lE htu vdbn ordreurpoldE mardbtiblots, c' menEl nefla
' * lrcbive neno d. lngual nelw
/b inbrtDl aireola, nervE
60.\6i:h ot $o3e is tlsto6t ui6ly [email protected]?
a. orot th ol alvoola bons
@ ntauraiion of pelHlcal llganEnt fSers
c, v&utal ptBsaiule
. 6t
--6ffiShrd- --'' ol- lha: ,,q
- arblohh b a secietibn
,r I c. .l "" parahyroughnd
Ii ptultarv ghnd ,"-J.J Ysl ?*'*',,, d gEno
touorJhS is nd bldogir addaguhhra 'uland
-- 62" whbh ol lrro
a" hGFarh
(C, cdma'5 ,-<\
b. ati${oi .l d' anerrcdoph$i
. re orohalc olqarclbg ol cel3 hrclvod h proa.h sy!@i*
i itold lppardtlt A }YsogoltL
b. ildd|Adrla L--) (4) endophdr* Idcrlum
. 64. whidr d dles€ is @[a tundho ., bloolr?
a d€lEndhoot bodY 4.Ld bdlsr' h.t<-
c reguladng body Emp'lalul6
/f) pmcesslng htonnaxm
Tl 65'1fis adas E also kno$,n as: c'
ac2 T2
. b. 11 ad)
lmpo'tahl sourc' ls:
oe, i'#iry
i" rrlqU" to caabolEe caftohdretes to' enerry'fi secord-most
e nuclolc ilcl!
' d nod€ t' thee
,h ;ili" trtbtarEy a0alnst vlnrrE3' bacierla a'Id bacted'l
' 67.(fit#3iL" b EsFons&le
hmunoglobu[nt tor
t ffi ---,o,,..-
rr oe. iite hp.galioi rtit sEcb b
arl'd perpeorElbn Elo tuncdon ot
' --
b 69.\rr6ich
ft\ ary"'-"
o, tl6so la
dt unpaired
i. mJ'.'
r 70.\6 h;nabiritlalue measrna thsi
a Dercenta0€ ol P@leE Petsamphmi:tolter
b' ;ragulaJoo uie of blood
G. blood volurE
fd pst"cnt"o. ol *ttot" blood ocdrpled by cell elem€nrs
tor t* eu Stooo csll ablllty !o transPott dtetoh'td
' --i E ponsilte
mnorirooOrfd lYso€orllo
d. Rh hEi.r
6\ iiii.iJou" drcmosorn€s
B zz Y* rate. lareta tas tle lo{ovdng scx
c yon'
a- X ont d'
d\ io'iv x orY
'- i6 in*l rnpormt high-energy
ra zg.
co'nDound in 0le body b:
[\ ATP d' GTP
, z+ ltl iiiro or*mn or rig€minal nei'e €xits tls thtough lh€:
"anium c. lcafiBr spft6rtn
a- toranen lac€rum
'l€ d roiondum '" )
6t toramen ovaie ':
b zs. ll* innenrarion ot he pulp ol tle madbular lilst bblpid is:c 'olarEn
lingual nerye
mentai ner\'e
/A hr;rixairedar d' lncblvE nelve
. zo.'frte - Gonn€cts
'" - ;lJnotnanoir,,lar sgamenl the sphenoid bone lo(
c coronold pocess
J ilti or -nay" (t'
l6^t [-,-l r'',"'- gpdd u'herda
n. Yo ,,fri
- '
mne in ittt @rium b the tr'nid bone anadled?
c' occidtd bore
Y ,riitt. d sphenold bne
-: ze. TL motor inneffalton ol he buccinabt rusde rsi
a zYgonEth ne,l,e
h bE hrccd nerYe
/O buehator ner\rE ftfii fadal neffe
Y- ,neitd neffa
' 7S lMtidl ol 0leSO dO tut hav6 paDFbceP'o's?
n DulDotE€ttl d' pedodo"td lganeit
'a so.Yt" iriS-rito-rn pb!. b bund ltt
c. Ahreohr borc proper
fS*&tt \"o.,-- c 'conq1c
,b ffi 65*-.-iii'iton
or otdnrdnaorq '
,' -'
dr€: q
c' patdrytoH ghnd
ab ffiit-cGrd Pu,latY shnd d'
^a sz-HyDo;hined ares h
f. ffiflffUffi+L"il*
th. r@Jlgftri'o:
c, z.no ot\tdt
16 '':'; "' ' 1".
8i,. w$dl ot trle IE{E!![y nusoesL echsd o tle
coo"Mpro"ii ot tte nnlloutez
- ":
':l: 1''.,' ^
a+ [n tlihlcar maalor ns to illpubg bdsmlssion b:
r; . i"";.,j
6 m, Movl
/O lon ad nagn .tum * *a"**o,pchm
4 sodtur md
Y ii[,," iiJ.ircpr,","t" rt m p"'vgttt"ob'Jbrspir?
"- i|ttfi;ffi;;;E-ioro,nu
i " tiriiu "l"oar q nvbhllold.. n€rvr
6 ffiiltt€t're fO totutuccat rcn'o
* Flr*HffiHi€rv.Gdsrrrdnrhec,ani,,r',h$'*#rn_.#r;#.fl"'..""
5 t^E L'6rF
l; g, 8Z Wttidt ortlEse\,renous sinuses
A TFrlslrelse slnus
- c, slgmold shus
ls collnecEcl to he pE )tsoid pla(us olveins?
C 8& O)
-The emb€dded parB d tllo pedodonht d. Silha! sjnus
figEmenr in lhe bon6 and ceimentu; aIs:
a ehsdc nh6r3 Ie\ ft€r3
h" q$\ktr\\q$tnd.Iq.{Il.(d \.(( sharDefs
. tg.1\r$ptiN,att\B\tE oidfi dulilri tr!,lsd! d mastu]fll#i ---
(L, massatal e fucdnabi, (aand;, )
-b. t€lnpoElie d. 40drii"*
n --
90, Jupocahmed areas ln root dandn arei
r) c. zone orwsit
(?) granutsr lEasr ot To6es
b. tnb'stouar dsndn
9L Th€pulpolhelo&rs€condblcusptdhne,edb/i ftf; -'-- or o*"
-- -_ iiiii
UZ iiiio"i -
Cerylca, ne|ve
^ I na pdbdomat IgEment
r ez.
a. synchodtEb
ffs;:tr is t ttd type ofloin?
h syhoeosb c, svndaanrostr
@ ri;;i,h;-i
g tu qng$C_Sg_SlfnglBeib jnd suroundtng sructurgQgr. ernuyoto0iry dern ed tronr
a en.loderm
b. nEso(hrm . G) "*ra ir""r-rirni
dI ecoriann
lrgd lvhbn ca th6 seqEton ol po6E $e hr dutary gtarO rvr.fr vasmarsti&r popertes alrd used a3 suart
with bcal allesfiEdcs?
a. Leephed c. AdEhalh
(tr)Vasopr6csin /F, J) a. Wepin"O,in"
. S. Whlch ot these dmtal dssue is not ol neurat ctB$ cel oigint - -_ -- "-
b. purp
stTltATtoMt": 6ffS#'
Sfudion l_ S.ppose a DN,IA moleqrte ep6raEs torming stranG ons ,,d rwo a,ld pad o, the nuchotide
s€quence in st aidono is ATGCTA
. 96..lqp seCujlce of nucleoride rjp caFd trcm sEand lwo b:
tu'1 d. Adonine
ca\. .t
l: . r, I /. ',A .4L
ceo, otat Ana add PhFlo
61. a 81. b
41. d
1.r 2Ld
r 61. c &t. d
2,b 2Lr 12."
/*1. c 6&d 83. d
3.b 23. a
4.r 64. d U.a
4.d 24. il 65. d 05. b
,15. b
5.4 25.
,15' d 6Ab 86. c
6,b 26. b
{1. c 67. a 87. b
7. .. 27. a
,l& a 68. b 88, c
8.t 2&b @.b 8..
f.i 29. d 49. b
30. a 50. c m.d 90, a
10. b 7L. b 91. b
91.-d 51. c
11. b 72. b 92. d
12. 32d sil. c c
53. .
73. b
13, a 3Aa 74. b 94b
34a 54. b
14, d 75. b 95. d
3s. a 55. b
76. b 96. a
15, b
17. c
-. 36. c
37. b 57. a n.. 97. b
98. b
s8. b 78. c
1&c 38. a 99. d
59. b 79. b
ll). c 39. b 1m.a
,o. 60- b 80. b
Z). a a
Gen. Ad Oral Anabny and Physiology s€t 2
DI'Y - lrdrtq
Lb,,/ chango h t!6 directior ol dentiDal urbule
c Re\rersal line
Resting lhe /t'
,, 20. Wlkh neuiolEnsmitter b released d tho synaptic tedminals of al paegadolionlc nelraons?
a. Ip ot tho clolDn c.
c€tttg'|b enarnel
b. Dentho- $amel Xmdoo d. Rool
i."i 21, calcrlcadon ol a bo& qha al
qc., Tiporlhecto{n c. cenenb enalnel
tJDortino- enamel lunador d. Root
22,&x, sph€nomandlbuh, lganert atta.fi.d D tha llr{ual ol he ramus alb€s toarn
( aJ spino ol dro sphenoid c. L6e.wing ol spheoold
5. Late.al pterysoft, phle d. Medial pErygold plate
a 23. Ths palatal rootoftha ma)dlhry frst mdar ie innelvatsd bytle
a. Anbrlot palalina nella
lD Poslorlor$rpedor alvrolar ne e
Y Mlddh superiot alrodar nene
d.Nasopahdne nen,o
24 ,tlikfrEra b [le r€sut of
I a., Nomlal e.lalllel appo6ldon
-trEnalii€l lryDeDlsh
c,Earry anEloblal d€genaration
d, EnanEl trypophsia
, 25. llQlmally fu ttce glngivEl can bo ddlhguish.d iom he eplheliel crfl becaut6
Epihelun o, $e ed$elial o.dt doc6 nG[ ha\n re p€ls
EpitHlum ot $e ghglvd ts nd lGratiarizcd
undErthg cohn€c r€ &srl6 d $s gingiYal does IEt contain hiattmatory cells
Underlyho conneciir. lbgl€ d $e ephietd dr ls bss vasculat
c.l ol colhgen b €
a coraoenaso __ ='
26. TE 5,flfiqlic and degi@ry
c. osEochsl
\b- FibJoHaaiprhcpal d. MErophalo
- 27. tNhi$ of the-s€ ls the ta'g€l cdl o, HIw
A B-lyrphocytes. (. 1,. d.
Phsrna ceils
O)T+yrhphocytes '- r :"' TB tnphocytes
2a- What iype ol rucosa b dE aliaarEd giDgival?
A Sp€ciaiized mucosa c. Llning mucosa
(b.l Mastcabrymucosa d. secaelory muc6a
29. }6d blood c€lls hat arE abnormd aged o. hagmenred arE tal8 out d 0ie
drs.rhnonbla c- LyfilPoclrtes
O MaqDphages d. PMN'S
b- Plasma c€lls /i \
?,o. \r/hic-h ot rhess lnlqiabuggE 9FDm of dr€ body.
. a s\,slec/
Btcarbonate hrter (d Potasslum bufler sysiem
b. s!,s@m
Ph6pnato bdler d. ttolein btdersysEm
-- Ad*rJ-";d",,
3L ACTH is a secrelion ol
q^ rryrrio c,c"lc,^lu,',r"
" Adrenal medulla
b. fd. IAhtedor pnuiary
ri 32. grcs dendn has beer tomed h a dev€lopklg iodt,the soit6 ot bbod supdy b lh6 arieloHat is the
4 Periodonlal lioarp c. f,)enDa papilla
l.b\ EnanEl orDah d' Cdb al rnalass€z
; (a\ qle
aa)(tri* ol rtrese-g.oups d Friodortr l li{rarnent fibeIs vrould be lollnd h $o mirdh third ol lhs root?
e Adcal
Ii' Ho&ontal d. Trar6eptal
, 34. F.omwhbh bran fibl arfi dld lhe mnditrh de\rGloped ftotr?
,( 3fd bramhld arfi c. 2i blancfilal atch
(8.T 1"b.andrldarch D. 4i kanclrld arch
35-\'16. brmdirE cslb ol tl6 Gemrrtrm are:
a. cem€nbq,Es cr- Flrotlhst
h cemenbcl{ist [e\ceirrooutas
l) 36. Tl& b an adiniorobal {€ittollld h soaredons ol he skhs{ lrrrcGa a slreat saha ard tg{g.
a. Hlstar ne A ttlstaohndh
h LlEGoiF (d) Lfslrtlto
37. u/hLfi cahifhd dental tis$o b not coflah cells or Den o, Els rihh h?
a. camsnum @ gmnPt
h Denfi d, Al.oa $oso
.'r, \ r3& Tt aDlllyot leucoq# b i{g..b b tE dlas., ffidol otflrl€sb
!^ Phoc],tods c. alap.dosb
(L)ch.riri (b 4 rhaopsl,iosb
,r, :r9- u,t ch ot dE3e b nd a lur&r o,lh. oral mucosa?
.&-\$ermal lEOultdoi c. ssrsdorl
161)naooine qol dmlli6ortl
a P.oMn
,10.'T16 gEtreL
mab has d|o lblflhg
- hxon, c. Y ony
h rxardY rr. X.nd Y
- j\-\Miich ol $o blloi ring daracterizes d|e temporo handibuhr jdnt
hbasy'd€cmqsbjd c. lt has or. Emovlal ca\rity
(!i./ lt has DrIo sryrorlal cairiri€s d. lr ha3 no synodd cavty
L 42 lh ond arrd ptdurl( oa.Drobic( otEQlslF b
(d/ Prnxic d i \t\:, ad) c. LacdcArH 6t,,
b. Gtucosr d. Glycog6n ) at,! ., "y,, , -, lt
, . ,/1^-rt^a.ra
,,13. Th{ mcdhl.pErygoldhuscL b lrter.d $e. ,.^;'#
& Letetal surlace o, tll€ ramrs ol ,ll' mandftla
b. corcnold proc€ss ot dti manAilf. . ''W.:
h N6d( ot tle condyle
Id )Lledhl $daco ol0re ramB of ho l,landble
D 4/l''T6 sigrmH patErn ol pH chdlg6 dbr sucrG. n Es in baderid praqu€ is
a. ColrpoEsadng cune _lL- Culvr ol sp€e
b. l,lollsons arnve f d. \ S-taDhen! cun/E
,- ,r5, The ondo(,il|€ gbnd that Eguhter tla cdcium l€\reb h t-Edy
a. C{oads (,rafn; (CUParMd
L TBmid.-'!(, i: Ad|snih. uaitrt, alat,.F"
46. The funclion ol the proximal conia.l araa ol le€& b to I
a. PD\,$e spiltrrys
b. Guldo lbod bwanl3 dt6 occhsal n fdca
(O preG|n tooo trorn goretng lhe lnterprodmal areas
Y Guide lbod orar lh. hee nraryhr d h€ ginghral
L ,17. The pedodonlal llbe.6 orhinaH from
a EhdlEl q0aar C) *- * EJr\d owtq-l
b. fduced em,rlel epilholium d. "*
Dental papua fk{c s.il
$ o-&-g
,$. ero fd^ Dert*..{ .o<
- a RibG6
Tlle rhohcrl€ ol tho OtlA ls
-iL **"**
q 49. t&ridr
q,' | '_''1" C]_ ao*8
of lhes6 conn€ctive tissuo nbers b ldrnd ony ln th6 pedodontal [ga/rEht? o
_Ei Orytahn
/a) c,
Redculin- _l-
Colhgen d'
Lamlnin_ 6'l '' }o,ar.
i, ! ^' r | .r.lw
'at[ ?\1-
D50. Heiaph an antjcoagulant in the blood b producsd by
a..tJ€urophils A Thlorhbocftes-
.b. EMtuocyres
Erytfuocyl€s (d,l_) B$o6fs l
c sl. F{om whi*
branch ot lhe extomal carolid alery does he m-axifary, mddibular ahd !srpponing
maxifiary and madibular
$iE 1.3 get iE artedal Hood suppt?
a suMdal tefiporat artery q ifadlary artery Sa"opt""Jfr
. b. Feial anery puh Af Ungud arEry L;
, 52. Th€ n6rvE ln die dental arE:
a ,.trere only ( c, Anere
-ri ) Aftec ard 9fifipa$6lb
ard A tfer.c].; - ?.iir)
b. syr&a$etic ony parasympathe$c
. 53. Salkary glards ot lha hard palate are locared in the
a. Glngivat zone ( c.') Postero hEral zono
\ b. Antero hterd zone E- iiedbn lapho
' 54. The omanelle flat ls |rwolved in fle oddaliw Ftrocess of a eUis
-D a- Nucleolrs (L)Mitocho.dft
h @lgl complox d. Nucbus
5s v{hlch oltll€ lollodng b not a funcrbn of 0|e Fxp?
- a D.lbEe a€akdirtatlon ^ perEopth o, press{llE_ pz
b. Fo.lrdoi ot de lr d.- TratEarBsbo ot pah stmul
[56. ln FrgEndk $c nene cals, w]rch tle{llorldlslrturrlr lqrnd ln oto bllrlDab d syrnpahe{c,lbe6?
A A.st&no0r,6 ' c. Hhdriie
(trI Srl€Dhdn€ ( . .,.*.,' d. GAAA
a.' s7-'{rrbn$ d rrE€ ,s not a Dldsma Drolein?
r pA*tqqri r-7., --rf-bn^ 4- ,l'tid ttt't c, Atbuth. &)r o!"-Jj,^1'
(D ttgrtd d, Globulr . /"J i r.\(h.,i^ {
, 5s--u,hi:h irho mostabundamwfihnbodcel hhacttlrhtlor oler a&m
a lvlonocl^€s c. BasoDhls
f6J i&rnopi'fis
'fho acqulEd lntogurnert ol $e helr! b cofl?Ged ol
4 erm is
z' 59.
q Arroblc mk ooryaibm Anaeroblcr*rgoqodsm
fb,) srlEy ClrEoproteh.
d. c6brm hrdrcryapd.
oo\fifHood ffig! f,l rsi{ l5nof h trbod|'dlllEb.r
l.No d. B
l6l-\iiflho M $de,
'' .. ltucqingid line ulg ftr. lingltrd b erllatEaH from l,l. echcd gholird ry dE
q\ cd
b. lrE dlitd pap a @ F* {clld ry.
62 rrnidr oa tEea is not sarlgorv a€a!$! h dr hmia proph of ita ird rlEa?
* ' "i!n"
+a"HF-?."& ' /'' ).-t'
qa,1*^r"=ft^1e t @u L,pltorl
( c' ) von lGztel Eells
i,t"ion"o -'FM td1 Bub ot Krause'coi&I
"r. iumne corpusires -frea-t he developing looh
,r :i3 second moial ale llaled to anoi' spd
7h6 rmt ol tha declduous maidDular . f{
.- Ftrst riold o. s€cond mota, $!$]
r^lseono penrtar d. FtEt pretmlar ItN \ +
\# noii *-
ot h6lErd **-
tEEilas lo ---;-
ol t--
- body b
calcium phosphate , tt
^ sa ,rrlnerat comDonont
a- cahlun carbonslo
zb Elililiiilfi{iiiro" d' ca'cium fluoroapatle "
a liruual o'od,to thd e,dtn& rom $o crown b lh'
-ln affir"i*Jii; i;niffig-Ett b ttff.l$€lyb ethibit
,ool? Gd u"itt"tY rrtt i*sots
a. Madllary qrspts
6. li"ril"i ""nirur Ir"r"ot" dssr€ s lound on the wals of arted€s?
Mandbula' bicl'spld
o 85. i]hd;fr;ffi ;il;nem ti coniectve
a- Lamtni hRed(urn
^ b. colhgen lcErsm
hbrfrpat'Etc n€u'ltraosnfEe' norapineCldne
tt' f6a
drsde celb do€s
t To $l ch
lEaspbr In vasGia, $noool
(+- : "2
a Deka c' APha 'ri..&., tL
h Eela d. Grrnmar
h' tor-ai€n b
r,. --- ii|e ;;H nen e whlch e)dE
- es. fie Ganlum thlu s?bmastoid
- *q
i-ar*nta *1 Ptuta cr-anut 6 z" t'-'*r
;. ;;; 'au7"',^o D. I cranlal *'tT*-t - y otL
n 6€. Ttro pedrdontal Eoarstl b slid lwe dl'nt? qob iud
" a DiaihEslE O q,rr'lo'td'!sb
b. AnDhldolalc d "yr-t,*C
70. Hypaqbi,bd aress h dlslBqD d. arcept
a- perhtbutar dentin G) zonr **ir - b r, \,u,, 1 ,.
b. lfistglobulat dar in x7 ffiIuf,rGi_ or "o,o
a zL jiq"!G!l-J capabh
dt" teettr arc viial tra
T nffi * eruPrbn except
-- rrr t6nes tha lom dr tooa ol dl. naal cavrty 3,o
' . pagdoa Dlocsss d tn3dh, atld-vcrdcd Focess 0l [16 pa]tono Dono
i v"t *r aira m vqtca xocs o' lhe pditn' bolf
proce pa$L Dcl
-Oarirdne ooccss c nrina rt tctomt
-7: PaHtD irroce d m*.ild prra 55l Dloc€as 0' "Fm DdE ptod-uced bs
': sa. ilGi;il-d;i;;dh. h brr tooviie x ad*ilr b"i'rid adgtrE
'-';-;irrelioc!'6 Atffi
Y fi*lt#"
oo. o"tgtri^ffiH€gffm
s.queica ot strardl b A AAIIGGGo
Auc '
^-a tf n-" t\a"d tt' vtrt)Ec'- tA6
nru/k MdftAU i:€crr'' '
*, . a. fiA
eau cec eue cuu uuu crrc Acc ecA ccA
1E) eel
G' 84. Tio ramalo oeyta has tho lofinxillq seo drromosolEs
-*- Xo[Y c. XandY
d. YorY
f 85)fnng ho potEhre e(curslon dle riandibqlqlpldylo rqRin wH.ir of tl. lolbvhg dirocrions?
a- BadoErdaM upwad - (_lf-
c,')Foward ahd donri.ad
b. Bad$ard and ddvnward . Fon{ad arld upwafll
I ,86. Uhlcrr of tlEse ie nol a function oa blood?
,6. ) Flocosdn0 lnlb.mdon
\a RegulatE body Emperan re,/
Oehndlno tho body aoal0st td{rts"/
DelhrEdng enrym€B and hoarEn6,/
a 87. TIte us[al oder ol e.uoton ol orrnarv tseth
' b y'ev. r
' ztf,Dce*ra inctors. dtEd #bor3,iir, rblars, cartnes, secord mohls
i: Cantlal hcbors, firsr rphrs,l@d iicbotg, sacond nlolars, canin6
I (rL el'r\1 t' 'J'u
c, csnH lncbors, lllst mohts, second mohrs, lateral incbors, canihes /)h 1-\\)5 | ".dr'2'
-, d. Centtal incbors, laLral incisors, cahlnas, second m, molals, fast ,rdars ')'.,,. lt-e.j'tt:'ti "
/88. lho snalc.t bones ol lho human body eI€ Eud b bq:
@ petous nn+orat - ,l"a-t"Iq.J'.,.n.i "a -d.,. c' s:€onl€tico Emporal
t. Masroid Empord ,;,^,'_ ;,1..; ..'/ i;i, " d. squatu(F Errporal n,r.., -j-', ' qlur
. 89. Ih6e c6lb h dtE oral nuclsd arE prs$ 4, li' hava a lol€ h immunE raspoos6 ,..ri-,." l.-, J
a M€latucyto €-) LangerlEnb cell '
b. Pricldo cell d. Keraunocyb
90. Tllese cdb ln tho oral mucosa ar€ He$rm€d b ha\ro a rclql&immuno lespoll3e
a- MelaNsyte (!-, Langerhan's cell
b. Pddde d; Keral,nocyle
L 91. DR lilobr dirHon of the tdoeminal nen e leav63 dto slullltrcugh $e
/t )Forarnen orale c, lnlerbr odiial lissure
\f,/ sldornastold loramen -^, .. d. Foramen rd]ndum \ .'
I G€n A,1d oral tuatory & Physldogy set 3
I :. 'r'lhich of th€se papilae ot tha bngue are &e riost numerous but
a- Fililom
b" Follalg
c. Circrrrvalhla
d- Fungiloin
h6 no tasla b!ds?
c. Tempordb
-frt :
I .1.
a, Medld p@rygpld
b, Laleral pterygdd
Th6 Bardolin's dual odglnaies trom this salivary ohnd
a- Submandibuh ghnd
Sublingual gland
I b, Bartholn's ghnd
During bong resorcfion, osteodast ara lound in:
a. Haveashn canal ./r:tr.i,
b, CircurrerrrntEl lamela -.
.. ,
Parcdd olard
Ho rship'B hcunas
Volknann'9 csnal
I which ot ih€5e b toond ln s€cdtiffls ol ule skin and mucosa as s1^,eal, saliva and tears a imlqobial
a Lysosomes G Prosta{landin
b, LtBozyrr€s d.
a. shealh ol Benxig
b. Bacterial phque
Wiich of these cells are responsible tor c€llular immlmM
salivay gbrcoprcteh
Reduced onanlel epirhelium
t 3.
The unit soucule
oa 6 pmtein moleairle is:
Plasma celb
t 10
b. Fatty aca
The nerve of the dental pulp are:
a, Afterenr and sympathetic c. sympafietlc onv
d. Afferent and parasympaheic
I 2.
V.sp aced sebaceous glands in fie ves$bular mucosa ol lhe cheek are:
L carbuncle
b. Kopljk's spots
lftsulin js a searetim ot thsse cells kom fie
c. Fordyce sPoE
d. Melanoma
lslets of Lanqerhans:
I ,
b. Bera d. Alpha
13. The norgpln€pirine neuroBarcmitEr binds lo which eceptors ilt the ellector orgen
a- ltptri c. Both ahha and b€ia
I a. l emal iugula,
b. atemd 6roti,
17. Ttto palalal nuaosa
a- Ant€rir inlEoautal'16
c. Subcla\rian
d, lntemd camtid
maxilhry aderiot Eeth ls lnnewaH h/r
b. Nasopala*D neave
I G Anlqriol supador alveolar ne[e
d. AnErior pahtine nerue
I i9.
wlrlch ot Ile tolotMig b the embryoqic predrrsor
a- lnn€r endlEl eFtBllum
b. Dent l popflh
Calcilled sulct res found in the pulp are:
a- Pulphorie
oltE c€manbbhsr?
c. osteophYtes
Ouler slantel eplhefum
Denid sac
I b. cercitide.
b. Tl,trdnc
d. Dendchj
Tlrese arc ha oqanlc bases olttle Dt'lA rioleqle hd connecls $e t o saaids ol
c- t,rac{
d. c)rb6&|o
Eleotid€s o(cEPT: i -Ijr I
FoEmengplnosilm G Ethmoidgallibon'
.- a.b. Frmtal bode d. CrHa
tC -24.- Mich ot tloss do not ssivt I passage way lor nutlhnts atd o'ygen to cofiPart bone?
* Vo*man*s canat c' OSSeOr,s matrU
i. iiiiir.#puo d' canarqli
25. th€ nollnal gltrolval suL s'p borded Dtl:
r't.hB ",s a qa,rlcdaa edhellum and both grraaa
b.i"'"t- -"t b.Tooth surta; and lh. iundhnal odhelium
r#l c. Toodl sutara ard trra glnglval groove ghgival
a. rootr srrfact ano teratnH arr.led
.tlk ,
t ; y,"JBX,r'ffi:;[l* peJbds ot r€5l and actrvrv
-'. -4 tG t^ .\ - d. Unes d Rsizlus ',-,*r,rr" 'r' Lt-*
b. Hunt€r SarlFoer tt3s t{J,o,a--+ t--.rtz, o<,,{
-li ;i:ti;f
-r,r*(arrl r+
u : "il";q;Ami1,d.
' ' ' r- I curio
i:- za ii uI ffiilifr'ii*t" brood cahtum t6'el, tre pa'athyroid hoflnone
lnE €age bbod cahluir l6/d b''
I / r'*;-d;;i;p.d:
n er. *rtUt A f,e
zYgomalh -
folblt'lno borle3 b the niddl€ ear locared?
Id fl,'€,"5
t. i*
gl. ot dernnl cerYE Um and.bone
- fi|e #in
*t-ntt*a{$ tte marix
l_-f, jlj;r^ /, .'
nUrifhr compone ol
Er"urrn e colagen,
!".L "., .-",
,.,, ^; ;;; d. RBdcr n
di,t.o't'r'- ; h-r-no in UE tgbr of nighl Esronte d tle boAA
Ntfr',tft{ipt / "*ss. hf;-J
"i;",if"--_- ar€ irn oh,ed
c- Epinephtine
)f,jitfro i." eraiii"r* d. coriisol
B. ot the fobYUhg b tg nE hr IrnNA?
36. W!|.fi
-tjv^ o a- mRNA I9a s&rgle 3f
ded rdec1ie
iiiilt-u,t-^,,'- b. mRl'|A ls mad€ htrs nucleils otdle cer
T'prt.P c- mRN/\ 15 a cotplenF'|t ol a Srard ol DNA
a rt ire o a slndi nat{A tor eadr amlno a'ld
-" ii't ,uin,i*"a 6,,ponte ol dle hard lssue' ol the Ee$ ls
lr,q^1duc rz. ;- i;G;il""phe _- c calctum h/do)qiBpa$'
.""j"I, ; pyd1,;&n-- caldum ltuomapatle
tl*ilhlaJ'. r ,ss-
--- Tie i;ii;dl bbodtrcs€ebarslrrc6wlh
". .-
J somEunrespeooaoralrrBliEF.lde'd'€ola'
*" I h Perftrlto(rtd i,rss!5
c- lnteaalvrold !/esseb diy
:--i ' i- ffi-"liio,lontat ano r!6rat'/eobr lgsseb
39. ffr6 hEdir al Dlood vrsseb .llasblncs !T l
' Son*trcs pethdoflal soltEiiltreg i"Bdvtdal
h. P6llodo d!r€.t odY
c |tnoralt/Eoar !,r€E bo'lY
O, godt p€tlodotrd ild lrrdvrob,- L€s€ls-:
b no'lbud h ire o'al mps'?
,, c ro:iiufi'J 6 rorilf,u ninir- g illEgurllE c(E
a Basal lamh. spliqrs lrlEr .d. Murcuhrb ntr
t<qtotryattp gran
h spilrolls b'6r
u ,.A aL g"[lgffi"my*
. Muetaal*and *.dt{c -
c'ls o'tD PdFsvtpart€dc
c- Nlcd{c ard benb
h AlplB ld b€ra d. rfistl{c and hYFaonlc
nre doubL holix imdurB o, DNA b held bgef|ef by tle hdr@dn bonds belt leer th. pairs: * i-r
a, A-Cand GT c, ATardG-C? G-C
h. G-Aard T{ d. A.Tard G-U
C 43. which bon€ lorns $e &o, ol lh6 htumpord t6a?
a. Zygoma{c ardr c,
G,oaleir/hg oasphenou' +6Eor.- Fi.j + +dd
ri * i$r,r\rr-f,fr
h Maldlary uboro€ity d.
LrEral lterygold phte
A 4,{ wl dl pdt of ho neNous s}slem @.riah3 ih.cardklc, rlomiin! and VasorEtor cenErs
' .a Medune
b. nalarnls @&o(,\FY\+€'
q Cervlcal tEgion ot the splnal cord Lnr...i+/ c.r^rrd
d, cerebral cofiex
e 4n waH€yefs nq b he tomloh/en b thb smEtute: * \aLDryFP i+sr.C i?^rL
a. lndemenEl patlem a,f cerEntm torrladoi - t,,,.,/ F/,
b. OErlml€rrr ial gmYJth dngs or&n$n ',t.l.J
r.l.;kFr.L"{ c
re .t .t r91.l
..s Lymphou tlrsue himing tho Irlglal pahthe and pharFged bnsis -
d. Circurr€rendal go!|dl d|lgs of enanEl *c@ I cr4
p 1& The (rrltrarxD ol $e occ{lsal plana o, f. mihdibula, posredor leeh trom dta Mzonhl plar.
a. Be reds cunr Gl{^J ,N' q Po€sGIls cl,|v! ' ,,,,'..
b. stephanE crtn€ -. ,; d. Grn ao,+6e'
i" 47. Th6 mddihrhdMsion of tlet igdt*ial n€w€ orist lh6 cranium Urcugh thd
a- FoEmsn splh6rlm .-, c. Fohrren (ide -
b. Fodmen lacerum d Foldnen r!firlde
. a4a. whlch ordrs3e dental tbsu6 do not comah celb or parts ol celsniftn lt?
ar ceme um c D€nth
b. Enamel' d. Bone
. A 49, the gan|eEs ol a male &rrhg meio6b ha tEse nurnber of chaohosomes:
a.23Pails- c, 23 -l?rqiq"r d-.'*tl"'{
b. 22 p€rirg d.u
{ {iad Dentii rcaclior lo stimuli .fEract€riud by sealed alr{iled h)bules ate -,,r., o,' tlt1J \,,, r.l
a- tX6d tad€ c. Sacondary dentir
b. lnteqlobula, dedin- d. S.broL de in
D s1. The ranshional zone faom fte skin ot he liF !0 h€ oral mucosa i$
a MocogingMal junclion e Rhag6des
- b. Philtrum d. Vemillbn botdel
{ SZirwtren tre teeth are in c€niric occlusbn. the pGidon ol e mandiblo h reLtion to trhe maxilla b { ctMirc d<z ! ,lafl!
-t ' ' deurmined br
a" Tonusotthemusclesof fieheadddneck . I "1. ilr '"ls e',i ''
b. ldercrrapdion ot Eeth-/
c. Positibnal rela{on of the ltead b $a body
d. LigE rEnt of the temporcrnandlxrbrFln -
i ? s3. wrch b the first or eaiiest denral lducture b tie laH do n dudnq toodr da.ebpm€nt?
a- Cementlm matrix c. Enatr,el naoix
. b. De n'rmaak./ d. Edt\elhl atrachment
t, 54- The dandhl€ de\relops foflt rlhlch branchial arch? fl';,". '' - ,\a- *.*; t r. . ,,'
a Fld blandrH ardr
'1. c. Second brancHd q@ l'"4r@ -rq.Jidu..r:!Jn{,r^
h)\"tb , ^. -,,
ronrtr lnnctrlal arcrr-cN{ t p!vx"^/^lsld"t:J'ry. mir uanoria arclL (;X, ;v#
ss. what ls the amino a.i,
aaid sequence
seouence oto, a Droleln thal tfn'rc
proreh'that Wll b€ tr"i'"*iii*-rIiil'ii:ii;;,;iiMts"df"Ae"-
lranscribed loam $rand A o, a DNA mdlecul
wi& fte lbtbrrho nucloolda saqrsEe:
v v wo C'C
Ghrcn: Atno acirs ANA An no *ib rRt'la
GbdrP ccA Hlstidh. €fr
PhynYhlanhe Lysln6 U(ru
Prollna GGG fr!,pbphan ACC
Arganin. GCA GluiEmino GtJU
Leucine AAI,, Glutan{cAch CtC
a. pneiylab.6o, L.uclE, Prolhr, Hisd&B Glui.rinn€, Lydne, Gtutamb Add, Tryp@pha[ Argin'[le,
b. LeuciEr Gkrlandne Hbt dine, ArganlD, Phsnylalanino, Lysine, PIoIrle, GMan{c l6U, Hlgddlne,
e LfEft., Pheq/hhdm, Leudtle Glu !!h!,Plolh6,GlubnlcActdTiynaoPhan,Gltolr..Arganin,
|Sst lrro
al clradq Prdln., Glrarrlc..E, PtErylrl{*l6, Tr!4toplE t. GidE, Hsdttte, &ghtto- Lys.ra,
5 wHcll d 6. hhr*rg csp h trE psbrbd tsondrt b!!!d 4!E{!!Utt?
tle , ({.(! "}- ,1n LAt<E)
a CdlBtod.rsi] /rueil.lL'd c.Eo-n&z \. a+..rk't
h. OsLffi, -od'.,1 N,"-J 4'r'rt
g. rm
- (l Fft.drasl
. C rnewon d the muscbs d iffit corE iom:
a oFtfi*Dlc lErv8 .q, ,,aat&qbr ilova,'
h- Faid iair. d. ildaaly nqvo
*i".;*"' t :& Tho Protnolnbln $Ele canbo Prolonged
under tr6o circllnsE€& ExcEPTi
,i1;. d'Bease .q t'regmncr'-.
-i"ila-"", t4!"*fa- Ltus ;fi#;;.otmedtcarb bodr bon6 d. Mtamin K d.frdencv /
"il'il;- " ""isis. ii"u.iilJpi'ts ot p,ruao al llsanont h -o.T*3HfrSf! *",'
-, *"*o.Yi a Tlanss6Ptal l&61 d. Itt rrEdlal. plexus
"€,?'\'di I i,r"{r"dirrarfb;
-.."T81i,, ti lffi "i-tiotus"o
and cenain paraslt l'tto4!rs;
- - ;fi ba'lona
"1'( . ;Einst pao,'oge*
" 't .r- h^g?Hf* s hr,..globuut $at b hrolved h lmn as
""' "
*' * *".T-*]5'
$i{H':i.ffi tT*m
-'ll--;i.*f ", "b'3+ iir" piiug" ol*ut*asde.*r'ry petmauo ne.k@ Ec
r 6nwu f a- Oia|)/sls d-
a.6c b. Acii're uaEpo.t os|no€b
, n* ffiaIst.
papflar pedo, pharFx?
r;r,v, I , {*
b. ghenopaEhc
b{f_g51,pry mEdebsm.ed
* y *n,*, _.^", br rhc
ff,,ix""r.a",.. . 1 mi##ffi, fi , r,c,s ca* be universar'* #*mt'
,.. -'l b. B
(f, AE
'' a *-- b-"-
.* Which ol tt6 tohe,iho DeflrEte teeih
h 71 '
generalt lh€ llr$ to e'upo.
c. Ytdbur lde'al indsor
u ua*larycamar'ffic ------* '*'o**t"**Y
tot rcd bbod ctr *tTL
zz iVr**, or Uttir s (t4t
a' r<ttc8id' *,n
b. lrcn "/ i tin"nun "sl2 '
,.e,(ha, ,qv L ze- i'}|;;o,utb* ol dre c{iMlormlhts ot d'eola' bdle:
-' * heoion" U *ny
^ti;r" "'.
+w.Jr, ,, 'F"
L AtEdr*nr d Dertodoot mer umd*s
"'16;l ,I iEiii-ot rii,rl. drd nerrn hndles
', o,. +,.6fOm#fl*'/*r
a sph€nold
dr bonc in $e c'dttur,,?
b. Flgltal
; O"diitit-
6 zs. rire normu puvatuo lf bod'ltuid ls! c 55
a" 7.4 d 73
. b. a5
11{^ maaaEr-ll sdo odghaE3 lrollt c
-d pt , D" 76. The
, Ai€ohr lona
T€mpord lo6sa
| i
r.?d'!. tsriar .I ._
h 7\rndrdc arch d- ffa)lilary Urleroely
n n
k dal^
D l,nrn{d't ^ modt.?.
a Bl,i2
viar r -,-
g \ifirh D -
b. Vht' nC a \bnbA
---'- - -^,-:
-a**- ' o
'* ffi--*bt'liroq,lodht''svrdld3'*T fl*f"**
'451i ,,' *-m*bbcd-tt
c 80. rhepturlrYom d hrloeir)Fed rou.. a &t li'"i
a. Tenrporal -c,. SPhenoH
b. Froital d. Ethmdd
rltA 8L a puh
Proprioc€ptoB are hot lound In:
c. 'I]rJ
b. Iledodontal lgame d. r.p$rtror^r.F\r."tr6,,:1
F82 thr sphciopaladrE gErn on ls/ round h he 'j,jft^f-".n rf,.
9 a. PbDEornandlbohr spaca c' subrE Sula, spaaa
b.. lnfiai'6mporal lbssa d. PtetygQardhe spaoe
6a3 wJch ot h€i b lound bdweon th. a,lHor ad posLdor Dinars ol dle fillegP --* - ; I lI'p;- - i ''" Dr"t'd .
b a PharyEad lorBile c AdenoUi ^:J-:^'.;'E i h\t, - ror' .lod74.
b. Llmual bnsib .d. Palatine ioosib " ,;,1* '" ." ",ii, 1*1:::1-r'
,{) S4. Wtich ol &ese do not har€ ary dlrs.l d ltd[Bcl conn€.don YUidl ho pErygoil d€xl,s d leins? t+, ' ;. - ,;
a. Ca/emoatl sinus c, Mad[aryr,ein b" - ;k. - p.a","a a
b. Feialvdr d. velEb6lireh "YJ:-"1rtt-t"r
" P85 Leonatal [n6 aro lound in tr6 following, ExcEPT:
a- Alaln€l o, pdmary inctsoB i t ..i),t).,i:'.:" r..''
Enamel ol bGtmaieit frst rblars
E-namel o, pennanant cahin.s
Enamel ot permanent $hd rmlaB'
h. r*
c 86. Wrch o( $ess r"anstbas Oenedc lnfo'madon f.ofi ilte nldeug to
I'ffi c. ,RNA
c],oPlatmic dl,Goill€s
" ' -.-
, ^ ^
b- or,tA d. RNA
C 87] C6 uh, cellE num dill€l! lrom elulat cemenum in $aIlher€ ara: *.€Lrirdrt .l.,1tIl'ltl
/,' a. cerEnt iils h celluhr cem€lltrm
. b. tlo Sharp€ys fbeB in cellula,cern€r rm
c, CerEDtocytss €,Ilbedded in'natlx ol callular cementum ,
-.- d. Dftbrern hlerEelular sublancrs h liG bolhprclihnadon oldB: +rr-j,€Lr.d l)APflrrir
)lbe. Mottdo loots atB lbnrFd as a r6ult of uEqual
t Denlrt papilh c.
cefs ol Malass.rz ::,,).i-i':i,,(
tt i'/'l'1'9
L Dentalsac - d.
d' dhphragm
a' dhPhragm
Epilhe a,
,{A89. Fan-shaped poorv calcified areas in enamel orlginaiing lrom th€ dentinoenanlel iun ,ion .(endino for a
t*.- ' ., ,^,,
,.-bl\,b.tur-t|cnld ].,
pedkymara ,,,.,,1,":j-','j,5;.''li":.":',.
short dsianc€ 15
F- a ';:! :rk\t.'i.t c. "-{t' Il;'i;' ' ",,* r- , i t
E;alner rufts,
EnarnetbrE ao t\ J >"
f'" d.
*:i:.;' . ., "I-;,'.*i
dgo. ttrese are plasma pmtein, ExcEPT: **I*i-* . urJ *'\' 'PM"/
i. rufilog"n, d. Alburnin' -:t3i
C 91. Which or Uese homones is.lp.f a s€ctuion o, the adenolrypoPh)T is?+ a*F- +
:.: "
' ,. ;-;;
a hofito'l.- c. Oxt&Cina,Ar-Iir'Pi )!u
. b.
AcrH i. ffiihN" r,t^""ne- of the
- '{"'nr};^n;{'
r ajr'" r{ fll
- b 92. Which honnono trom the thyroid gland &cr€ases oscoclaslc adh;iy b'helP the maintenance
blood cddum l6\r€n
a, ThylDdno c'
Gro th lEnone
calcltonln,' -',;-,r .: .,
-*iE{.r,\' s.,l7
b. Pala$yrou hoamone
. D Cl. Adaenocoahorophic homone ls aseqe mof the:
i a. Adrenal cor@( c. Adrenal medulh .
b. PoerphiEy tL'i<*. u*-p,t+i' .d, Ant Plulltdy.
A 94. Wt*dr ot h6so b NOT a reproducilvb homure? a 4L
t alrlcte,Drk c. Toc&sercie 'E-ltlaDl lt'^"r
S.' esmgen d. Pro06$erBle
, B 95. WiA vr;mh <ciel|cy cals€s b6ri-berf c. vhB12i:,",,i, " ,,'-l
* DEr ts€e\
a. v.t-A
.E \[r BL & Vfr.@ i'^t".'", ti.,'',',;
- O s6. $rhldr d h€s. b not a Dfiphaic org r?
r a- sdeen c, Tordl
b. fiyurs -7 d' Ltuer>
-,, rP7. Which of heae seBalioBe cqllg,liepercsirod b, tho prlp?
a, tlah .., I,,,l.;- td.
96 J:
' ^ .:i-...,,,.,..
b. tlei u, r -( " P.es€ul.'
gene b:
, Rg8. A pemaml dlarg€ in a ce[s Of{A aneding ho nucleolido sequercs d one or r6re ,^J]Ar,,-
a Tratd€tbtr c. Closs ow|'
'+ i&ta[dr,' d. Trahscthdon
fF. n dlo drodhlmcd b s6r€IBd, ho rlda k
I8' 1d
a L@ ol Esrse ot buclr in dra arftrlor 2B d tE brEue toe&a
h fh..lEts fiu.cL. th€ i{ddb a
oa o?
. , (LRl. d ar,! ll
r.b .",aal-a 1b.1
c. IrrrdlEB oa l'rEd8 a, ffil rttradi dr lE latlra sldc 1*a-
d. LB olllla h dta Erb 2B d rta 81g[,o,
? A ,mTl*$ d Iraa. D€ttnsnent be$ srccsc& ha frll d*kluolrs molars?
ftiffclddl d. Flr9trEhr
h secod hEdd
c. searnd |ltht
o, .rl Aaa 4r8l Prrslo S.t 3
"{;t 1,a 2L. 41. a 61. c 81. a
?.c 2Lc 42. c 62. c 42. d
3.b 23, c ,t3. c 63. d 8ed
,JI 24c 44. a 54, d 84d
25.a 45. r 65. i s5. d
6.b 26d ,15. d 66.d 86. c
7, d 27. c 47. c 6/l. c U..
8.a 2&a 48. b 68. d 88. d
,.d 29, a 49, a @.d 89. a
10- a 30. b 5(,. a 70. c 90. a
U.c 3Lb s1. d 71. a 91. c
12. b 32. c 52. b 72. c 92. d
i3. a X3. a 53. b 7J.c 93. d
14. b 3,L c 54. a 71. d 94. a
15. d 35. c 75. a s.b
16. b 36. ti 56. e 76. b 96. d
17. b 37- c 57. c 77. a 97. d
18. d 3&a 5&c 78. c 98. b
19. d 39. d 59. c 79, a 99.d
20. r rO. c 60.d A)- c lm-a
Gen. And Oral Analotly and pDElolog),
set 4
Tlt8 jun6{on of he hrctlnabl musclo and h6 supsrior constrtctor musclo ls
a bld
Anbalor palaino c.
postorior pil,a, of th. fal/ce6
b. aponeuEds
Tempord d.
ptoNoorn;ndbut, raDhe
z Hypocdcilcadbn o, enarEl ocaus af wllhh slaoo o, bodt de\rdopllfin
1 Apposeon c,
I b. Maturadon
Th8 shenotdadno garg[on iB rolJnd in
d. Morphodirai,u,,i;ion
a- submandlbuhr slace c. plea)&oPahthe s?ac8
b. lnlratempolal tossa d. pteoEomandibularspace
t 4. The malo gomds Eodqce hts hormorE
a- EStrDoen c. Progesterone
b. T€6losErons d. Gon;adoE@in
5, The roughness of the lnterio. hird and angh o, the farerat s,rtaca JfrirJrnrs
t Itta insedbn ol thb muscte
a- Bucrhabr
oa tie mandbl. b due to
b. reriporarb t ffi$**"
6. Whlch o, l€so ce[B alr i5ponslble lor ce]tutd ireEboIBm are reguld by
I a- B-ryrnphocrres
b. Plerna celb
c. N;ufophib'
7. Mosl of dle clEmical Eacdons lnvolEd h cellrl& nEtabotbln d. f-furnohocrnes
are ;egirlaE; by
a. L|F(!3 c ebciolytes
i b. suga, d. Enzyni5
8. wlrich secretim of lhe adEnal corlex has aD anliinlhmrratory and immun6tlrp[€ssiv€ enects?
a- AldoatetoDe q None o,thcse '
b. Cordsol d. Dehydtuephlld|lj{eroie
t= 9. The ciorda tympani nen o b brandt ftom
a- Aaoustb nerye c. SphenopaldiE n6n/e
b. Glo6sopharyrgeal nstva U. ficiat ninn
10. Whrch cf thesa salivary gtands is a purev mucls gtarrr?
a- none ol these c. paroti,
b. submarditular d. ;ublnguat
11. A permanent dtange in c€tlb DNA afuing ho nud€)olide sequence dl one or rnom gene is
a- ransdh[rn c, transaion
b. qoss over d. muialbn
12. pan
Which o, the maxilh and ma.rdiHe torrE and supporE lhe soc*ets ot fi€ tri{h?
c Cortcal bofie
b. Tubeosliy d. Atueota, DrocG6s
13. lo he sh€ddlng ol decidoB leeth. ths rods arE resorbed t!,
. a- - Camen@clast c. Denthodast
b. Odonbchst d. OsEoctas
14. Llmited mo/enrent ot teelh in the soc*et duhg tuncdon is due to
a- unspllcing ot interirEdiale plexrE
b. ela!dq!, o, petudontal flgarned
c. uncollinB ol pe*)dootal fieE
d. straightenlog ot rvar4, fibeB
15. lrEomplete luslrn of two developrnental lob€s ot a @o!h is knor/n
a- Groore c. Firssa
b. FEqrr d. Sulcus
16. lvhar enzlm is needed in $e reptication ot DNA?
a Dl,lAt"arE eleg c. DMcat*c
b. DM EarBrnrtase d. Df.lA polyE€s6
17, me nfulus rErrix of dertD is mads up ol
a- Von l.orifs [\r€E c, Reticulin
b. Colaost d. Ehstn
1g The muco6d hho ot he parana6al dnls b
a- Pseudocu.ilhdcolurnrarepihenrm
b. S!'adfed squarnoB epith€thrm
c. cofumnar dpithelfum
d. SquarbrB ep'tt.lium
19. tryhidt ot dEsa .als are rBapon3iuo ioa h&ffd lr,Im&!/,
a- T-lymphocrt6 c. Eosinophib
-- +_rk€ !. gaCe o, hbbdiEer€ntalioi, ltqr rhk i pand.otNqrroitli
b, .etn?hocrte.
tu d,arEl organ did tle amdolqbr
ditltrendfrd tun?
a qabr&Jun c. (}rEr srdra, epthgfull|
b, ld|ere$a|rd g telun d, strdaum t{.rfl;dfum
2L fts onl ltrrca b mdo up o, *hhn t)O. d.!lHum?
a- sinTbsryaltbus q S_8al ed cdlllri*
b. Psedostadlhd cok rmat d. Stdled sqlarttL
22 rh€ sensoiy a8ce@rs toa p6h {o
a" FreonerwerdrnsF i
b. Rumnd corpucles i*InffiHi$
23. iir" idrton" dt tre adEnal corbr are'
8!(.€pt homond
a. cortsol ".
tr hotnorc
Mreioc.rtEoroPhlc ' *flc:ff"Til:tn*'o
,1. ;|"]#;ilffi;;"ii;* ord'obodvafto'an lrliaht
a- lmmunftY a. lntecUon
rr**d ln $. bodv bv
*. $#ffPI"marou . GoDrd cels or dr6 sloriach
a. Bona a. lmEslnat l*tena
h- Lhrer
za. ilii'Jut""" ut-"h6 b tte Elgemlnd rc 6 amixed neNo
ne o
a Buccal netw i-
i:*tUamf n rr,e
.r. h. 'oubr p tun v{hrch pan o' *"
eplilrelum '"0'& "]liff*'1fl#Hiuaner
a" enanrgl
I {"nuo r"t*tra
.r. l;rJlffi3ffiffi1lfre rns' ot Redeiur or the e""qi -IjFiS""",
6. contour lllr€ oI cr#n ;' iinC avon eUet """ anU ffiA motats
h Granular latlt d Tomes secono p reaecassors wtrereiia iie--pirmanaot seco
29- ln he ab6enc. ol decldtlous
d€nlal lanim canls ,Dtn?
ic. ffi,ffit
t'lo n6€d
n n""t ot dodduous .€cord molar
Ii ijii'idiium "s a n.u'[\'e' lanha lo'LE 6 sP@ occur
o. frt"riit-xE "io*ta to' the s,nt€sit ot
a Ptothlonun c Hopdin
b. Henoqlobln ;. Bd po6roaldtonic neuron binds b
31- ln th€ Daracyrnpdletlc ion'oos sysEr n, acrqiarofre reu-J"} sr6
h MorhodilteEr btlon
U, epp-U*
as. frta.inii ot
nt"t to' eMhropo€sis ara' €xceDl c- cyanocobahmlne
a. fly,rldo&e . . ;- ii-ric *ia
b. RiborBrh ascorDlc eriherum ls a'radrd * *'""*,guo,*
sa iit" illli-"li! u u,. od "
a Hen{d€oncom€ i. righir","i*
b- Tonofibdb
defi/ed nom B yntrheyas @
gz, iirtdJjrJrJ-,sng c- cdb ptasnE
a l,tacropha€Ba
o. ur"as
p'&r''inaon"t -a causes increased $ovJdr
a* $n,Sffi, , * 'nbda peita'!y gtand incre-o
dtd dl€r lissl6-'
ot bohe,
a Gonaddpphln c. Rddin
i. liffi*pni,"
3s. sysovld fuld b fdnd h . Sut,r€s ot caanlum
a- BuFa d. ryi6ondn6b
.o. l**?ffir"""po. ' Foflbce!'or b
c. ,**.orpnte"
e Golglrecepb.3.
h eid bulb il irumrl
o, iit" iiffii -a o"oatr'rv ceis ol Gorag'n b e Fbdh$
a Fhrodast i. eocas
rys;'!o'&' t)'dncEn io'r concomraron b?
* h H$ffiE* *"o* rddE lrr tro h'lsr
a. Podum a cahlnr '
b. ChbtH.
4e fh€ crtuIo.m pf# b hlnd h c co.d!,h otth6 [r.ndbl6
a. Toalg06. . d coftal bdro
b. Elimoid boDe EEqt
r+ irt" ffifrttg;; Hd"gtcdstfroagdaitr b. Ad{nu r'l
* Couitanfi
I, d.
c, Heparln And-$rohboplas{n
45. Ihe bEgna b Ure iuncdon ol tlese bones, exc€pt
a. sphenok
d. Tempord
b. Ehmold
46. the anDrior cJanlal lo6sa ls lomed by 6€sd bon€s, exaapl
a, sphonou c. Frcntd
b. Elhmold d, Temporal
47. \t/hbh of dre$ sbucures ot lhB enan€l b b66aved to be an e(bnsbn ol the odohtoblastE proce&r?
a. EnarnelM L Enamel rcds
b. Enamel lalrre{a d. Enamel spindle
l_, 48. $hich musde ot masti:adon b atbched b the coonoid proce6s of $e mardible?
a. ti,ledlal pte4/goid c. Buccinalor
I b. Massebr
49. The clrsp ol carabelli :rs found kr
a- Marlhy first mola,
b. Mandibuhr lirst moht
d. Tempgraris
c. Maxinary second rtold
d. Mandbuh second molat
51. The hyoi, bon6 In t\e neck b a[&hdd to wlrlch bono in ths cranium?
a. Temporal c. lradlh
b. Tongoe d. Sphenold
52. W{ch oI hese passes thnr th€ ctibtiform PhE ot the ethrrcil bona
a. Ophlhalmlc nerve olfacbry nerv6
f b. Occulo otor
53. An amino &H b repr€sented in ltE stM by
a mree IRNA
b. clrle baso pair wi& no r€dundancy in th6 code
b. Norepinephrine d. vltamln 86 serotonin
55. which of these developmentai emb^/onic processes
a- Lateftl nasal process c' Maxillary process
b. Median nasal paocess d. Mandibular pocess
b. Mtal
Vrt B12
l a Sclerolic dendn
b. lnterglobula, dentn
58. me ground substance in blood ls 6lled:
a- Platelets
Second dentin
I b. lnterstitial fluld
a- Elasun
b Retlcu n
d. Phsrla
59. The lamina hcida ol $6 b;sal larina of $e oral mu.osa is biocher cali^
c. Lamlnin
d. Fibroneros
6l- TIe larnbda b tI. lunadon o[ th€sa boi€s D(CEPT:
a. Let! prned bone c. Te po.albone
b. Right padetal bo.e d. Oc.htial lone
5z The col b pan ot the:
a Marginal ghotryal c. hterdental gingfual
b. Enamelorgan d. Junc{onal erthefum
E3- The sali\iary gbds thal b purety ,atrs s€cElir{ b
a Parc{dshnd c. s!b{n$d ghhd
b. Subrnandibulat ghnd d. Bar$otns gland
I a- Lsvdt
b, MutsE
6a whdr ot dEse h NOT dre tu d patarhodrb,*
a" slirudlg o6reoblad adivity
D. hcredm he ra!. i rchal alcolplbn o, ca&ixr
c. oed.a*rg tra re or ltEltld abooFdon ot c&lrm
c. Ahans
d. D.rdldts
a. Banne['s.rttlra c' Curvo olspeg
b. Po6seltdlrye d' Hahaub curye
88. Tto ttansllional zone tom lha sHn to ltle oral nucosa ls:
a. Phi&rurn c Mucoglnglval jundlon
b, Vormlllbn boder d. Rhagades
- fireloint
og, ien,.on ure bon€B ol h. santrm b dcept tle sPhemid ahd occiPlal bone k
J 'styn*iat c' sYndesnTEli
u, iiirousiolnt d. sYndondr6b
J eisarta syn"pse -
70, Ednephdn€ b ,ebase al whbh 9iaP6t?
c. cholnerglcsynap6o
h adrE €mlc svnaDca d Motol neu'ons
zr. iir" r"i""-rilri'"ittid ls assockxed h tto da,elopment d Yiiidr stsucure in dte face?
a. Mandlble c Tongu'
b,Ma)d$a d. Ndro
72. WHcrr oflhese bnotaPnoum hdntB?
a- Elhl,rol, slnug c' sigmold slnus
b. Frmtd strns d. Slhenold shlrs
7A sfir.art! dta cdh{e mdeo]L ls
Tho uril
a. collalonase
q TrcDocoflaoen.
b. co a;en DhosDhorylasa d' co{agen dean nas€
'a.whhi of if,ssa muide t not an intinsic
ottique muscn
muscle ol,l€ tongue?
c' Verical
I rondfrrdlnal muscle d' Trats'else mgsd€
vblrEd by ..iecl€d igfit?
Z* WU.fr-ii are.ang der* alld &,lt b.hds on ena,nel
a. Adrenal medulla c. Anbdor ptultary Cland
b. Adrenal corb( d. Pcsiarior pltitary olard
91. A p6amano0t diango ln the celb D!,lA that afects lh. hucleoddes 5€qrEhc6 ot one or rDlg gEnes b:
a. Mutaddl c. olabaIon
h Transladon d. TrarEcrlpton
92- Tltasg Dlalrna coriponsnts ara lnvoirrd h blood coaoubtlon EXCEPT:
a. Flhhogen c. ProuDmbln
b. .Th,ombh d. Heparn
93. Whldr ot bgso muscled b rrsponsbh ror tle prouusloo ot 0lo lai,j?
a. MqsseEr Tempordlb
b. ti.tedid ptarmoid d. Laleral erygo'rd
9,0. Ths sefia nrc-lca b tourd ln:
a- Ocripibl bono c. sphonoid bor6
b. TampotEl boo€ d- Fro.|tal bona
stTlrATtoML (2 pti EACI0
Sltrdor 1, Ghren A p,@in tt lh tho tolorrlng dnino aald sequene wlth lh! coaaespoodhg iR!{A ddcodott
Arrno Acld ENA
1. Pheryldadm AAA
2. LeudrE AAU
3. Prolhe . cccr_
4. Histidin6 GIJA
5. clutamloe GUU
5. L)'sir. ( ,u
7. Gludnh Acid cuu .
'8.Tryptophan .ACC ./
9. A4inine GCA
10. G,ydne c$A -7'
95. what is the nucleotde sequence ol ire. fNi-strand ttem wherc this was t'ansctipted?
96. Wrat is rh€ nucleotlde s€quence ot thc mRNA from where the amino acii sequence was translated?
c.Yl rrr ccc ctl clt Alt GAA TGG ccT GGT
97. lf thess proteh luas rans('iH ltom $rahd A ol DM molecule, whar is ihe necleodde sequence ol
Suarxt B?
'-i +
Seneral & oral anatory E physlology Sct it
81. c
1.d 21. d 41- c 61. c
&r. b
2.b 22. a tA. c 64. c
83. b
3,c 23. b 43. b 63. b
84, d
4,b 24. a 44. a 64. a
&i. c
5.d 2Ab ,15. b 65, c
ad 25. c rla d 66. c 86. d
91. b
7.d 27. d 47. d
,a. d
67, c
68. b 8&b
8.b 2&a
@.c 89. d
9.d 29. b /t9. a
m.b 90. d
10. a 3(r. r s0. b
d 31. r! 71- a 91. a
32.d 52. c 72. c 92. d
12. d
33. b 53. c 73. c 93. d
14, b :14 d g.a 74. d, 94. .
3s- a 55. a 75. c 95. a
15. b
16. d 3ea 55. c 76. c 96.b
37. c 57. b TT. d 97-d
17. b
1&a 38. d 5&d 78. b
39. a' 50. c 79. d
19. b gl,
z).b 40. c dt. a a
L2tqlttn \ lt
GerEral And oral Anabmy And Pbrdology
I 10. The most numerous white blood cells in an acuie inleclion FR:
a Lymphorytes
b. Basophlb
. I Re butrer system of the body are E-xcEPT:
td. Neot.ophib
I a Nisalbone
3 Awhii:h ot heso is rhe cusp of Carabelli t,sualv found?
g) Permanent maxl,lary first molar
b. Printary cugirs
d. Perpendicula,r plate ol ethmoid
I c, PerrnaaEnlmandibular,irslmohrs
d. Prirnary maxillary llrst molaG
:4. in $e geneiic code, the sequence of three nurcleotH units ln lhe rnRNA whlcll detemjnes l/lhen amino
ac;d wil +pear in dle peplide is called
a. operon @ cooo,
b. Anicodon d.
I -. :5- whid ol dEaa cyeplesmlc orlBnell€s
crl rtetabolism
chatge lnRNA
are leponsbh lbr rhe degradalbn of nElecules not rEtcasaryr tor
D. hrsuobular dernin
dlaracterH by ai tted sealed ubuhr
arB 'aarols
carlous denlh
(d) Dead tracts
, 3 Marnah;po6lt oco a.r area ln re6bting podnal $fa& Edlt rtldi@r* t€€tt is ess.fldal bi
c. Gonads 0r**n*
b 21. The tuncton ol palh
blood plaHett are tle lolor/inC' E(CEr']1
r Formhq a on dahagodbetethl blood ve6sels
Ci\ DehitdiT he body agahst infecnoE
Y REraci.E dol
d- cbuitlg
Trrnsmlino dronrbab imporunt ln Hood
J z, irr"sa $inn*toqnd h ho ploryo m6tabub, sp..o' a(cEPt:
n. M€dld p[arylold n sct
r. LrEaal @rygpid mutcb
c. iitedid slrt arr ol ramls tIEndtle
G'-l Bucdn&r mutda
b I V/hHr ot hese slands alo not burd h tle ord car'ity.
a. Submandibular ghnd Parodd Sfaid
(E) Bafiokre ghnd d. sublhgual qhnd
^l \';dJ';^-< ."-7J'o'
Fteaction b rro,\haE stlmuli '
c. changed direcdon ot nrbules ftom prlrraty
Changed prlrrary denth denth r,* - t.,,,*
d-' Ptrysl6ugbal procset oldenth
Physlologlralprocagt goidr a6* onnalon ol rcot
ol den*r grc$4hafbrlbahalron rmt r1e1-.tt' - t<^-ttv
742. The energy c|r
curftmc, crlb fiat
enc, oI the cielb hat driw
dnw cell aclivilies
activities ls ls R.qtr-;; h_u,t
A ADP c. DNA B-\t qF
y.a\< - carLr
dr ATp d, Wt ar
C 4C 8(ce56ivo conce radon offuoalda h tho bodydutr0 ananel lbmarhn ca!se!: r-<. hl{\-1 - tFa^A
a l.lyperd6ncrdolt
b. MuldDl. rcob
@ rmonineaUea enanct 136 -
_ d. Toorh \rery plistant to caries fz, x -
a-( ,14 Which ot thesa b nor the lnserdon ol lhe priodorlal llgalpnt to bone? : Y ra'-.
1A cortlcal Dlate c. Bundlo bons - :-)'
X' ;il;;;;1sq-crrc
,, ,l5 which oI $a loloillni, embryonic solrctuleJ6*rw
t--a ;. r-"iiil-
oivea rb€ l. aduh sructres nol enelvated by ho tdgominal
c. cluirmic add \
d. Gamma arnnEbutyrlc add
&* Wtdch ol dtesa mEdes ol mastcaton b araahed b $e lelDporcrlaatdibul capsules? hi
a lnehn pt€ryopld L--J -t) (d.) Uass€t1 A
b. Temlord Ecemd pierygold
d BE. fio pdab mucosa opposho lh6 maxinary tlrst rllotar ls hnmaEd byt
a. t osEfioa srD6rio[ alrcda, n6t!,E
b. Poslador pdadne naw
F./ Ails.br Paladna aeno
J Y ltasopabdn. ne,va €sponslbla ,or cel nEdlarBd lmt{rnc tetponEs-
-q 84. U/hlch ol tlese cens arD
L T lynphosrt6 Z I ymphdryE 3. MacNphages 4 Mastcens
a. iaidl - L lont
b' ldrd3t @) 2onv
C gZ. Whicn ol$€s6 inorganlc play dl lmPonan role in Hoo4lvih coaouhrbn
a- Potlllsfun -
Q'/ Cahfum
b. Magnosium d sodtum
,, ss- Thoso caEin€d donhl dssuca coitah cdl o. part ol celb viBin
it E)(cEP-f:
/ a. CE|Ileotffi c Denth
(b Endrd 16,.\ i\.-\.^+ sone
' 89- ln hlch ol hais b not a secFdon ol dte neuiryDohysis:
lA\ Gontdeohln c. VasoPrBsin
I Y otrOan d. Anidbr€tc ho'nDne <"---"
q so. The librilhr rEtir of cerBnt m ahd denlii b
a Etdih e. Redculln
h or(vtalan /O codaoetl
,6 gr. wncl 6t oeee stuct re6 In donlin is mols calcir€d? --+.
a- secondarydentln 6) Penibubr denlh
b. lnteElobuiar do i6 d. oentlnal u$uh
fl' sr rho rinn"-h.rI he madide b the auaaimeol ol $e:
" a rmima otemolO c. Stylo[€ndibrra, ligdtYl€tll
,6) iorrinomtnZilrttr lsament d. Extemal pterygojd muscle
C 93. -The n;'re ol fie dental pulp are: (, Atterent and symPhatel'c
a Merant
b. Atlerent and paraysymPa$etic d Extemal p(er!'goid muscle
& q- -. 94. which ot 0lese b llned by masdcating mucosa?
* a. Flool oI lhe rto{rth and tonguo
.b<\Up and dle€kB
c--bhglva and hard Palde
/ i: Ah,Eohr and \.€sdbuk muco6a t|.
al 95. irom whidr *
From rltriOr tlese artertss
ol lhese r
[le neck
arted€s in lhe b lhe so$.e of alte.ial blood suppy to ordl cavily
a- grbdavhn a lnts,nal
lfiarna, calDfi
h rrn.rnattuoutar \-q\- - fd. ) External caml'ld
C a6. on pai;l rh6 hard palaE are lhe paladne saltvarv dt4(localed?
Glngi\ral zoie
a "nich Q:iPo6ierohieral zone '
h M,fm EhlD
b. lr€dran rapbe al,- AnElo lat6El zone
a 97. Th6 oririordiui'r of the pulp and d?nlin
\-- is
a. Enamel orlan _,___J rd. ) Dentat paplb
b. tE d sac V stdbre rerir.dne
L.- !la- The nGt numemus p€rirdonldl lhanent fiber orcup lor $eJ,ErQport ot tr8 bodr b.
HoaLomal G)o6llqu€ grol4
d. Taansseptd grow
b- AiEoht crEsl olEttD
C s9. wlrat b r|. lrrd€ofre 4€qrenco ot [E trfil{A slat b ranscribed ftom lrle strand B r the nucl€olido
s€qudlce o, stand A o, a DtlA rDbcll€ k
1- tt
:--neral & oral anato[y d physlology s.t 5
1. b 21. b 41.b 61. a 81. b
2. c 22. d ,lll. b 62, b 82. d
3. b 23,b ,B.c 63. a &t. r
4. c 24c 44. a Btd u.d
-;. c 2id 45. b 66. a 85. c
6. d 26d ,16. b 66. c 86. d
7. b 27.c 47,c 67. a 87. c
8. b 2&b 48,a 6S. d 88. b
9- c 29. d 49. c 69. a &). a
10. c 30. a 50, d m.a 90. d
11, a 31. i 51. b 71. c 91. c
12. b 32. d 52. d n.b 92. b
13.n 33, d 5&c 79. c 93, c
14.c 34. b 54, 74. d 94. c
r5, d 35. d 55. a 75. il 95. d
16.a 3Ab 56d 70. a 96. c
17. il 37. r 57. d 77. n 97. c
18. a :l& r 58. b 78. b S.e
19. d AIc 59. D 79, a 99. c
20. d 40. d 60.c $.b 1(x,-d
Itr Ptostbo(hntlcs and Oontal Mareriab sei 1
x 2i )\,-
d" It
a" tin
acts as a scalenget for oxlde:
l* h silv$
a" slabillry
e copper
d. zirii
42, m€ mcrt imponart quollty hat a padid d€nn[e should posress ts
c. cleantiness
b. reEntim d. esthetc
E d".
The primary purpos€ ol dte post darn b !o;
a- serye !o guide in lhe tdmmhg and polishing of denue
b. ensub better tissue stimularon
c, make the patient more aI eases in wearhg the
d. gain additional seal behiEen d€ntore dd th. tissus
Jo. ln a comploE dia)dllary dentrre, lo€s ot reionlon cah !e u|e res tt., a palalat vauh lhat
a. is V6haped aod squde c. has medium deDdl
li Is sqraro and deep d. ls fld and Vshiped
cs. Which ol rhe lt ylill lncpase reEDIpn of a co,ypleE denErre?
a- increBed sali',aryr [}ll hiloress lho mu@sa
h air chamber ln nid pahto d. tor€shoriened dentures base
- 6. c.
accuEE adaptation of th€ denDrE base to
which sBrernent is nue r€gading rh6 tearino sE;ngfts ot etastic impression matedats?
a- reversiblqll)/drocolloid ls greaiDr than alginare
b. polyether is greater dlan stti:one
+ c pobreher and poltsulffde are equd in learing stIenqth
/ d. alglnate is grealer thEn slllcone
A 7. The reverslble Mrocolloid imp€ssion mareriats ar€ manipuHed ty.fiangihg he:
. a, fitters e micelle neM,ork
b. modltbrs d. gd lo a sol wnh heat
q8. Some of the composhions of lhe polysurlid€ rubber impression materiat is:
c. polystlfide po[,mer
d. sultur
/,. The by-product ol polymeizalion ot lhe silicone that lesutrs in high shrinkage of the maleriaj and prevenrs
slolage arEr se$ng is:
T. a chlorinaied paraffin c. beiEene sutphonate esler
b. allol fiese d. alcohol
C 10. Which perbdonral slrucrur€ is fiost likely to be injured by nEchan,cat tassu€ dtspta.ementwtth rhe use ot
cord il loo lrllrah apical pressuE is applied during phcefi€nt?
a. apical llb€rs c. epllhelal atachment
b. deoto periosleal libers d. circular fibers
4 11. Whai is likev lo produce a l(act!rc jn anterkrr porcelain pontic facings?
a backino
inconect design ot cast c. great vsnicat c.rerla!
_ b. great horizonial overlap d. detirmnt-al chewing habits
d 12 The primary function ol ed&llshing h6 compensafiog crlrve in ih6 anangement of fi; afliflcial postertor
teelh is !o:
a. have rnaximum interd.Bpatk n ol opposlng upf,er and lower te€lh
b. corelate centric occ[6ion urth the patienfs csnIic rclation
, c. lo improve denufe estheths
, d. provlde balancing ocdusal coniacE br pmtirsfue maidibular posilons
u 13. An abuBlEnt tooth should be s€l€cted q| $e bads oft
a the nurber ahd shapo ot the mols ot th6 both
b. tle ciown-rcot ratli
c, rh6 alignhenr ot the tooti
d. all oa tEse
q 14- The.iearls by $rld, one pan ol a par{at denruE frarEmrk oppooes $e adion of t|e Etainer in fundbn is
a redprocaion c, hdirect relendon
b. trlpodlng d. strEssbrealiho
q 15, The ant!rcpostedor curye formed by 0le occlusat surfaces ot the posterior tEafiin dl€ ailiciat de idon b
& comp€nsaling curye c.
cuspal inclinadon
b. curve ofspac d.
inciralgqldarEe ejn e
d ru. Tha nrosl efecd\ro lnann€r fu podrdru 4 h6n suIact on acast tsla
a. elndry as rrudr aa rl6br as poorbb in 0E r$a
b. add 296 borax sdlilon ino fio rf( of h€ rbna
a Edd caldum l6uaba& hb the nilx d tha som
d. employ ar,id6 vrEts. as pciible in m hqthestoie
o 17. These a& the laEtors iniuencing di suprortot adtial €xbnskn bas€, EXCEPT:
a denluE base cd/era0a
b. quallty olfie resldualrHge
c. tyDe of den&Jre vas6 maierlals
d. total occlusal load applled
Ire. fu*iil t;!". * po#dor x crcsrns should be placed l*"'S,fii
parallelto lhe:
** , *" buccat surtacb
a. oeduid thlrd oI ltF fuccal $niace d- olthe hrccal surtace
h. long 6rls o, tho 6oth
-Jnuinato* mlddlo hlrd
be used in conplere rnaxilary and
c ,1. iir,idi'iiilJriiliil"s ota,ro,iat teeth should no!
manclibuha den\nes?
a. anhdor, plastjc ;pGtedor, plastc c.
anedor, porcaiajn: po$edoa, plastc
b. anErior, porcelajn: posterirr. porcehin d.
adedor, plasdc; posledoa, porcelain
b zo. netained rooishould be remo/sd pdor to donfure construcdon if
d oreat bans loes wlll result
b. ihero is radloluc€ncy asBociaEd with th€ rcor
c' they ale asYmptomatic
, a. rnei ae
o. mey udaria swy
are r@de nN r $e
aeep vdthin uE sryE*l4 ee"e
lrabecular bono
d er. iit" iiiL"ad"
paaat uar at conpared to a naror'lar is
$e !^'il'e bat
nqid,,tdh less appatent
a- ismotsstabl€. ,
can be adequatev
b. is easier b Po0sh
, c. is less lraitaling to sclft tlscJe
th6 dasps shaurd be deErmlned on:
b zz. i,i a,[iiii"d diiiit'rr-o-ii,iri"- ",r,r, r," u". " ",*"yo,, rhe locarbn oa
" a corntortaSte hbial mdverienl
t. *rucnrra weafnass UaatU o frtoOe
d' sphS
6 ar rh";ical dlmandon in', edondous
*;-ta],il'fi;-- - parient ls rehuld to:
' c' €qul b'tum ol labral pt6t!'goid
i u-ein". t"t"e"n t t Fla)dl|a.y and d 'nuscle
pB^iologic poddon of the mandil'e
tlandbuhr rlrges
a gz. for a nete patlent;fio t5 nd yet 12yrs old lt B advisable o uss a i
c. comploE dent re
a" remo,/able Panid denUae
d. fr(od padid denuE
h seml,ft@d Pardal damna
tho gittgiv'l b cased:
,1 3. h an abuurErt, that portion d a bolh 0rd fies b€tlveen fis hds]f,-ol-thetii0sr-ard
a- udtlatlt alaa
b. lne
deoh, pb6@'s H
c. maH,|atEui
nelind . 7
3a. The Ehclial conslilrent oa
a- hemltrydrate
calcium suflaE
a bela-hemllrydlate
, b. aloha_hemihydrale d soluble anh}drala
.l ot dental pa$ers is: ''
tt -'' wr,bh'torm
ot t
h n.riodontalcoBidetation
t4 ," ir",Jn""ot*tJiJniL not include in th€ rule? ror corred spruing?
" :''*;-"*;;; u[ sdidhv at the same time as the ca$ing parem
i iiii $iii" i'ri"rio u" to t'e thickest portion ot the
i- iri.l-"rt".u and-1clo u qauge
l*"t"n"u;*ecl " thin
MoD Inlav pattem wth burkv cllsps separated bv a
;. ;'i:':;,j; ;n;,d;; *ed I",
/ oonion impresaion
/ or. *n,J#lri,i.,or*g s a chanctedstic disadvanrage of reverclue hydmcolbld elastlc
' mareials? c tow viscosity
a hioh c6t basle d poor shelf llle
b, unpleasant odol and
ch€nge in 12 hounase
g +0. & ,# f;.iitu" i.p.ession malerials, which shows no dimensional
a alginata ;. *r* ,it tt o"
, h aoat"aoal from:
d az. nueffin iigaineo most byrhe on lay
c. he exEacoronat poniJn
a- th€cerEntugaoent i. fri i"i."irn"r riorO",
/ b. orodntal contd
d 4s. preniarure, occtuslon can be detected b^ c. checking with thin wax tor indentaions
a- pad€nfs subjechre slmpoms A. uff of tfr&"
/ b. matklnq wflh a imon
( +s. lhe lo* tikey tissue l€dlon to grces oi/eroxteisbn compbte denture fiat has be€o
of a worn for a long
time ls,
a. gyogenie granuloma c pad.fiary hyperplosia
gt-'ront d epulb rEerratum purpose to eilect
-u 50. i.A b&e6ffiof obn
ratorvrtidl Is bca06d amva t4'3 defi edge6 and
seryBs and aralomical
[d. #hm#r'ffimmm:iffi:H"*'*,
None ot tlrese
,1 t ?. ihe shdnkage of metal upon coolino is compensaled by th6 investmenfs expansion to prcserye 0re:
a" characterbtcs ol $re tnetal c. passfu(y of dre metal
b. invostrnont to be aDl€ to reayclg it d. dimension ol h€ alloy
q 53. The technkpe for rtaklnq cast r€storaion b retered to as the:
a"lost wax technhlb c. inlay iDvestieni technique
L G.V. Black technique d. rplten gold technlque
4 :lj. Thq pardal vene6 retainer is irdlca|ed oh maxlllaay and mandibular Eeth when:
a lhe tachlsurlaca ls in good condidon c. it is on gpod allgnment
I b.
the cnwn b ol good strengb d. lhere is soiiciem sound dendn rema;ning
55. 'fhe following prcceduaes ale pan oi a porc€lajn lamhating iechnique excepE
modiftcation ol he labial sudace
b. an impr€ssion wiih alginatg
c. etclr problem interface uith brdrofoodc acl,
^ d. sharpenhg of tho ginqival enam€l
U i6, li desbrting palatal bars, the ,ncn hportait thlog !o conslde, is:
a aesthedc c. speech intetference
b. redprucafon d- reEndon
d 57. which of the ff b not considered b be an advantage
a- filalntenanco of ridgo h€ight
oI compleE o\rerden&re?
c. inceased retentlon
/l. b. increE€d propriocepdon. d. aliminalion of bohy undercut
58. The temp€ranre ar whlch gidlty b knovrr as th€:
a- gelation tenparaEr€ c. d'rspeFbntemperature
b. colloual Elnpera[rre d, sol ternperaEre
a 59. The p{imary hazard in ,efning compleie dantur€s in\rolves:
a- reduclno $ability c. changlng occlusion
b. chetgingphonetics d. rsdrdng lele bn
CI 60. 'fte bum-ou proceduF in preparition tor caslirE RPo iarvEwork sen/es !o:
expqM th6 mold c, drive otf moistre from the mold
h. vaporke and eliminalo the patlern d. allol r,ese
b or. AddiiDDal retenton in abuvnent leeth
a- tullshoulderpreparation
is made poqsiHe b,{
c- incrcased bull ot metal
b, use of pins, grooves and tox-{onm d. proper cementng iechnique
f ,ii
D 70. Stimulatlon giyen to the underMng rissues is more evident In:
a rubber denfure base c. acr!,lic denure base
[. / b. metal denn|le bass d. esfui denEre
tl d 71 The lingual b design tltat lnErlereswlrtr phorerhs k olrre$
a. c(hrcaaoe of lh6 llngual sufaces oa th€ atb ior leeth
b. plae€lllonl do6a to he girgival ,iE gln ol h6 tee&
1; e cbse contact with tha lingual sudbces of tho anterior teeth
a- prevont shdnkaoe
b. pBvsnt €xpanslon
c. give elasdcity
d. give sEength
?4. Ev6n if the lere'ldvs quality if th€ acryllc tempo.ary cro\ m ls excell€nt, the ctown should be cemented onio
the toot r. ln sudl a case, th'e cement wouu seru€ finErily loi
a. soothe fne pulp c. preveht maqlnal leakag6
r- b. pro/ld€ $ennd d, reDain tho restoration
/J 75. A frequent probleh emountel€d whh major conneclors is:
a. alleEb rospons€ of ilie patient to fie maiedal
b. insutftient &Hity
c, tamislrlng and corosion in the mouth
d. increased salhration ol tho rran€t
, 76. me advantage ol a wids uh p;JaEl bar as collpared to a mrrolY bar is that llle wldo ban
can be adoquaEly rigld wih less appareht bulk
is more siable
c. Is also irritafing to soll ssue
d. is easier to polbh
L^ 77. Elasromedc irpression maEnals thar give oif vvaler. alcohol other volaliles indude:
a poveher c. silicone
l b. hydrocolloid d. allof lh6e
4 78. Eecause ol stresses received by he nxed mslerial denlure, lhe iniay abuhent preparation shotlld provide
the folio\^ng. ExcEPT:
pahllellen ol caviry walb c. flat, deep pulpal u,all tor strengtfr
b. surrhient pmximal surlace wi{rlh d. pbnty of undercuts
C is. It increases lhe se&ng time and reduces lhe setdhg expamion or an amalgam lilliftg:
c. tin
) d. copp€r
D 80. The rcsjsiant grcc res lor an anterior maxillary % clown plepaEtlon arc:
a. determined by labiallingual wicfth c. parallel lo the long alls oi lhe tooth
b. parallel tc lablal incisal 2/3
b ur. An excelle objeclive in partialdentore prosthesis is:
a. to ulilized ne!9 matedals
b. to keep applianca design as simple as possibb
c. lo pmduce a highly complex des-rgn
d- non€ of lhes€
b ur. The uptake of $,al6r molecules into a restoEtion is called:
a disintegratb, c. solubilty
b. absorpdoi d. adsorption
83. Loss of aI d rid r€sult in dme h a po6s&r€
a- lncrease h ;hs pilch ol tho condyle
b. no efu h the piEh d fb condyle
c. dectease in El€ elH ot the condyia
d. Exces6ive hcieasod in th6 pidr ot he condy,lo
d 94. Tbe purposa oa prcgusfue Jd/v Btabon Ecords is to:
a" set tho indsd guires of ho anicula&r
b. set the laEral p4* ot $€ arddrhlor
c. givB dindion ol tie occlusal pl6ne
d. sel ttr6 coidylar incllhadons o[ the anlcllatot
b 85. Areae rcquifig lelbf
a- inoidve p4tlhe c. m€sial/distal tood sudaces
h glBir/d.rosti{rde'rhe. d- pdatal barara
b 06. Tho oEatea itre xEt6r p(N|I{l€r ratia
a 016 l€sssatra potGly
b. $e l66scr lha dry ger{$ o, a set rtaDfial
c. the glEobr lh. dry sfer{$ ot a sot n@rid
d. no char{€ in $Ength ocqlts '
/. g?. Ths lo6lerior occlusal ptane is esablished on tha occlusion rim by paEilefing il-,lvith he:
b. Monso-nb cu e d. conpensadng cu e
c BA. Edenlrbcr padenrs may be
a- arthEsb
pani.llafy susceplible!o:
c. degEnetah/e jolnt disease
o$eoart[ilb d. o6-leopo'cb
C as.. b.
iiposura of a sbne casl to a iap wabl should be mlnknized becausel
a ihe castwl be $eakaned
b. $e sulf&e ol the call will acquke look
a chalky
c. erodlng of tho cast will r€sult
d dlmensional chanoes rYill ocq/l h th6 cast
fssu€ m the mandibuhr r€gion ls:
,T go. rr," iiliip-raiiion-r- an edenurts padent wrth loosd hyperplastc
- i
ro use trioh-haino imptession compound
; ;;;l-od; ;tfirm pressuc to i,ttow ttre lissue E assurne ils toadbearing posura
c. th6 closed mouul t6chnhu6
d fi. roobter [le ds:su€ ln iDs Dassi/e pcitioo g'rtdv lir6s
o\ gr. ii p,lilit-,riiJi,riil"i o"rn o r6""ive pioa a"nore clasps' an alteopt i3 made to place
a niiaway te'n'pen tre occlusal and gitlgival
b- toflard ocrlusal
c. torvard ginglval
d. all of hesg
b 92. The m6t ilrFo ant f&ior in taling an acqraE impresslon lsi
a- th€ impEssbn matedal us€d
L the impresslon of lraY
c. the cooperadon ot the Palent
d. the etflck:ncl, ol'ir 3 dsnta, ass&nt
--' seffng
93. ofdonial amalgarn - b caused q,l c' cros+li*itE
- pirrii"a ,.actlon
d crysdiatb'l and solulion
u ie&eciotrarim
o\ qa irr" Inirctrairi"m ot ttre reacion b€treen znc o(icle and eugenol:
a- appears b be chelaion Process
b. is not compl€x
c. is comdelev defhed
d ir trlaiwater rs not essential lo rlre reaction
a --'a.The purpose
95. ol rePlaclng a tooth member is:
iejtreuc ana'tuoctinal c 0t pra/Ent proximal drift
b. aesthelic d' functiYial partial
ge- iir" i i,i-,,rn,,"""on lot ueannsnt ol hypetPhsdc tissue bs'ole conssucoon ol remotrable
C dentur€6 or;omplete denurres iS lo:
a imDrove oral eslh€tic
b. rairore tsue ura lrequentt becom€s malignant
c. proviclo a fnq stable baso for Ue venlrrc
d all of. these
C gz. irt. is-iiiariii o lreakago ot the solderjoint by occlusal fotces is rrcstly deErmined by the:
a" type ol l€lainer iwolved
b. buccolhoual widh ot the idnr
c. the oech$ogtngival lhickness o, lh€ ioina
d, finen*s d the sdd€r tlsed
q 98, Th€ primary puDoe€ of U|€ pctdam denore b bi
* ban aiditonat seal uetveen nE and the dssues
b. id€ me patient more at 6ase ln w€aftrg th€ dentrl€
c. ensurc b€tEl dssue stimuhdon
d- oulde h rimminq and pollsfiino ol dentrre
C 99. wtw-s'ltuld [let/ar palEm bat €sted soon dter it is comdeted?
r fte vdx tecornes bdtl6 ard nrry kaat ro
lr 1.d
21. d
22. b
61- b
62. d
81. b
&d 2!1. a 63.c &t.
4.d 24- a 44. a 54. c 84. d
[. 5. c. 25. a 4s. il 6s- b ffi.b
6.b 26- b 46. c 66, d 8&b
t- 7.d
27. c
29. b
17. d.
48. d
49. d
67. <
68- d
69. d
87. a
89. c
l.c 2X. d
Set 2
51. a 71, a
t2.c 32, d. 52. a
91. b
13. d 72.d 92. b
33. c
-14.d 34. c
53. a 73.a 93. d
54. d 74.c
15. b 94. d
35. d 55. c 75. c
16. b 36. d 9s. d
s6. b
17.c ' 37. a 57. c
76. b
96. c
18.d 38. a 58. a
97. c
19. b 78,c 98. d
39. a 59. c 79. a
20.c 40.a 99. d
60. c 80. b 100.b
Prosthodon$cs and Dental Mateials fEI I.
L Reason(s) for lixed.rernovablo partial denture restoration
t, c
a. all ol theoe
b. facilitale removal ol a distal erdeoslon RPD wilhout complomishg esfletlcs
c. permt the devalognent ol beftea eshe&s
d. preve rotalion ol $e RPD around a fulctum
2- Defomalon under bad wih limo is;
a comprc5€ivE sien$h c. tEnsrerse sirengttr
b. taiigu6 smngth d. creep
a J.
3. The nain advanlsgo of uslng poyether ehstomedc materhl
a. stick to the denhte Eeth ate c.
stfterwhen set
b. more oxpendw and tears easjly d.
a.e no! as acdrals as polyvinyl silbones
4. Theft probdms are assoclated vvi0l too much show of the denture base maEria, excePt a 4,
a. teeth o{ are too big c.
occfusal plan€ b too low
b. reeth sqt too low d.
aich lom too full ., 'n
5 Mich 'rs'not a,l advant606 oa indi:af,on ol a sring lock RPD
a. spliriting ot a pdhdooEly conwornted treth
b- cases where hard and soft lissueE ale loot
c. esthetb ad\rantaqe as oingi\rrl 6sue car b€ incirpohted
d. patients u,iih deep \,enical o/edap
6- \Me; relinlng ls needed lor a patentwih a maxillary comdete dentue opDo6ed ry aterovabl€ Pardal .('A
denture, it is best to:
a- rellno he mandibular emo\able denue c.
lellnebolh dent es simullaneously
frst d,
Eline tha madllary denore frst
b. to oient the dtandibular denue fist 1-1,
7. the fi. are futclions of temporary coverage EXCEPI:
a. protedion fiom &emd changes c.
protect the undeMng both suuctule
b. nohe ol these d.
provld€s pulp sedatlon '
p ?v
A rough or chalky c6t is a resufi oI
a. allof thse c.
pt€maturc rcmoval from the mouth
b. impresslon
Dotassium sultate in lhe d.
lnconect water po,vder ral'o
Conlinuous sensrtMty ol an abutment toolh Io hea( cold and pressure is a rcsult of: A q
a. occlusalrauma c.
improper cemeniation technique
b. tissue
impingemer* ol ths qingival
,ailuro to treat endodontcalv
ne pr6cirr" or removiig tamish oI oxidation is Ir ' 0
a. Soldering c. Casting
b. Boillng d. Piclding
iheincisiv;.papillaacls a5 a guide in setting anterior teett the average distance of the leelhto UD papilla ll0
a. L2-X4 mm c. 10mm
b. 4rosmm d, 1-2 lnm r.0
x2. The most imporlant compone of a fixed bridge
c. Retalner ':-4
b. connectot d- AMment
13. The caise ol aoledor denture tooth movement
a. allof ftes6 c. lllflulng base6
b. prenrature postefur tooth clnlact d.. poor centric rcladoo and ocak slon t'. t,
14. Th€ linal shap€ ol a tooh produced by imtrumenlaion
a Aurtmoht c. portic
b. ema0ence ploffa d. tooth prcparafon
15. ghl"dgFKlo r!.
a Maryhnd bridg
c. Finbdga
b. bminaE\rEneers d. tl Gloynl \qD\A
$. Th6Gts-it
tle posidonal reladonshh o, opposlng Eeel to l*, lo each dther Is:
a. inder c. 'capilldyac{on
b. cenfic ocdtlslon d. oral cher stry ,, .C
17. lactors lhal innuence .natginal seal are the lt o(CEPT
a. oral ltygiene . c. cdllary acl,on
b. cerrntadon Echnique d. oral dEmistry
1& lyDe ol radloga6ph vrllbh accornti lba ila soft aid hatd tssuaa in a sagclial vtew i{ -r1
a C€PtialorEtd,c c. panoaaanic
b- occlusal d. bleidng
19. ne mo6t ideal crua'rt rool ralio ol a tooth for an dlfille n,t
a- 2r3 b. ,il
c. Liz d- 13
hA The efiEct of pic*ling led hot gold alloy castings:
a- warpage c, surlbce rcughness ot he metal
b. oxidatbn ot ehe metal d. porosiEs
1)t 21. The ulderUtno sudace of an antedor ponlic should bi
a modllted ddge lap c. saddle typa
b. IHg€ lap typ€ d. none dth€ abore
22. FlequiBment ln-aoot preparation tor a panhl veneor croum:
a. allof b€6e c. und€lclrt5 br Etenlionj
.1.;&4 b. l-O to 1.5 mm tooth rcducdon d. incoryorafon of groo\res ard bevels
23. A defect ln he occlusal plan6 will ,esult !o:
a. cheek biung d. a decrease vertical dlmenslon of
b. insbbifty ot tle lo\/ver (lenture in funcdon occlusion
c. an hcleasd verli:al dlmenslon of occlusbn
Lro 24" Campe6 llne is a imaginary line ftom
a" mn6 0l th€se
b. lnredor border of tho traous o, $e ea, to th€ hfedor boder ol th. noce'
c, middle ot the nagus o, the ear to ttle lnfudor bordef of th6 rose
d. s{rperior boder ol be r4us of 0le ea, to ile inledor border of nose,
25. ln a dbhi odension base rcmorable partial dentur6, which of sle lL Is rr!6t not to fiaintain the healh of dle
undeMng !!ssues:
a usirE phsNic in$.ad ot porcehjn teeh
b. capt lhg maximum denruE bass sr+pon
c. tEe ol non-aialomlc ponlics
d. llsing $re35 rel€ase type of reEntim
,.1., 26. Wri:h ridge elatlorEhip is obBerved h th€ rrcdifi€d ddge hp type ol pohtic
a llo contact on *le residual iidge c. slraddl€s the entire lacjolingual dimension
b. inpoint conract d 016 crEst ol dr€ ridgs ot *lo ddgo
d. pinpdnt hclal contact
1- t) A tempomry restorarion is related to the ,olotdng EXCEPT:
a" inledm prosthe.sis c. provisionalrEstoEtion
b, teaiment resioGton
k.r. The imprssion mateial wirh the. toogest sheli li,e:
a. reversible lrydmcolloid c. polyetlErs
b. ineveEible trydrocolloid d, povsu[ides
iqi. 29. The pan of the fxed bridge vrhichretaiDs it E the abutment tooth
a. pon cs c. connectots
b. b inoagent d. relainers
i,+ 30. A Erm which danotes a buU Joint margin
a. lhilb edge c. none ofthose
b.. shoulder d. chanfer
31- one o,tre ft blqlfue br a cjrcumErcrrtial ctasp
a, has reEntion on both clasp arms c. h6 braahg components on both dasp
b. has nelenton on one arm and rereiiiye on amls
theotlEr d. corpoBed o, a body and occlusal resl
1t-b 32. The siate of polymermonomer mmure in pading t le mold:
a. Rbbery c. sand
b. dowhy d. stty
11,t 33. Ihe md wir€ly used lmprossion mderial lor RPD CASES:
a" Sflcone C. hlevelsibb h)drocolou
b. releEble hydrocolloid d. potsu[de
3,t Olniral pocedure ot deErminiog the oGct exrent ol the fanges ot a dentje:
a- pre&ninary impresslon rlaklng c. allot$ese
b. boderioldng d. ftial
r{@ nr{rryr
lrpaeadon rndng
35. The eiclo$rrB ol an imp.aalion by e brfrino up ot venicsl n aib b producs tho dBired slze and ghape of
tle cast
a. $capsuhdng c. ll|l/es&g
b. Flas*hO d. boni.lg
l: 36. R6siiance o, ssparaljoi po66essed by a hiD film of fuld betw€€n tm wdl adapted slnlac€s
a" i!@hertc pressure
b. adherin
c. InEdacial $dace tension
d. cdlo3h.r
,- Thett are draaffic oa nEiatb-ld&a E(CEPI:
lv'c- a. dequate t roddhg drE in inptEb*E
I h dselrco to resi[ compoud ad#hc bas€s
G l€qulE sepaaadng rledlum bairE Frriu tle cast
d. regbEr good dehil ahd dinEcirndy.Et e
38. lntormadon derived lrom pr*,extract'on recoids
a. shade, torrn, color ot d1e nafural teelh
b. positional relalionship ol the teeth
are dle ft EXCEPT
none ol these
tace contour in mid sagital view
4o ?p
aL inacd$ay ln impression maldng
b. porGies or dlo eJdeoat su ac€ ofth6 caslilE
b. lnaabquate nuflbsr ol ah,filent
d. bending ot the dlrcct retainers duing clec6dng prccedures
41. Papillary hyperplasla resuha lrom the ,ollowing ExcEPT t:
a. bactedal lnleDlion c.
poororal hygiehe
b. trauma d. monilia infedion
42. Toolh prepah$on ls done to achieve the dara.teristlc of the follourng;
path ol insenion c.
rBsistance torm
b. alloffiese d. reEntion bm ,1J, \b
ll)/drocolloids loosa waler by arapoElion aDd so d€ lelered as
a. Elastic c. Mrcphobic
b. trydrodllic d. gelainous
!n codidete d6nture,$e Erm dosev r6hted tojaw tehlion recdding iar
a cenuk re*ation and t<,r4tfansler c, coidylar guldan€e and prcEustuE recods
b. centric Eladon ard cenEic occlusion d. ail ot these
45. nit"inur"rj ttii""pi"g aid he case vra.s retumed lo the latoairrv roi me porcegn build up lhe marghrs did Y! -
not fit the db. The re$llant cause ls:
a. overuihrned ab
b. dlsodlon ofthe casting
c. accidental damage of $e marOins of the die
d. orercontoured porcelajn on the Hoximal areas
45. lhe most important cotsueraljon ln RPD servlce:
c. physlologlc
b. psychorogy d. flnancial Y
47. Ercessive \,!ear on lhe occlusal surface of natural teelh resuhs trom
a- Bruxism c. disharmony in occlusion
b. allol these , d. clenching
4a- Cllcking upon opening rhe moulh is usually cause by
a- disk and co.dyle incoordination c, fhttenhg ol the articular eminence
b. lhlckening oa the jdnr capsule d. ri€dial pterygoid muscle in spasm
49. the chemlcal pheoomana both comnon to zrlc oxlde eugenol and povcarbo,q/ate cements;
a. crosslinklng - c- Polymeratjon
b. chelation d. allol these
50, lnterlachl surfac€ rcnsion Glares lo: 'Y)
a. saliva betu/een the occlusai surfaces ol ihe pontics "-$
b. salfla berwe€n dcnture base and muc6a
c. vacuum formed bel$reen the denture and mucosa
d. th6 bucgl conitor
51. A suppordng'elemeflt of an RPD thai prevenDs the venical displacement ot lhe denture in a gingival direcdon
a. direct rEtdrEr c. mlnor connecbt
b. malorconn€c|or : d.. rests <l.c
52. Brcesshre lreoflhn o, ma)(,lnt. Ridgo b usuaty t're result or:
a. ahsencs ot sriodd hortzontal ovedap c. opposhg rElllal arterior teesr
b. the u-so of porcelain pontics d. the use of plaslic ponlics 5l .L
53. The Mbralino [lE b dE jundion ot th€:
a- dldlhesa . ' c. movable and inmo\lable tissue
b. to,/eapalalina d. beu,lreen hard and soft palate
54. Afrsr a fex, rtodhs that a dertEt has resbred an endodonticait t eqEd tooth_v,lth a cast po$ clowrl tho
padent cofiplains ol pain upon bning $e most probable cause ls
a. v€nicatlradne c. paernauE coniact
b. psychocomadc d. loos? crctl,n
55. Theproblsan ot piorEda .SH: lnsEad of s can be a[ibuled to:
a. non€ dlr't@ c, incrBassd verdcal dlmengion
b. all ofti€6e d. aDBo)dma{oi ol a*erfur teeth rrlore thar
56. Reason for ddhg trodellrycompound on posr Ihlatd seal aIe€[
a- sllgldy dsD&&Es Issue b conpens€te h. FocEssing eftors -,1A
b. alds h ra!, postiorilng
c. prevents the flow ot malerial lo the throa
d- all ot $ese
c"t"nt tnotT
sl. ii'," iloi ioi-nron *rhod d compensatng rol
!c: a, ca$scrapplrE
0," ,ouonn
b. electric sBiPPng a. a,",,ii"a
.a 6 sg. ;i" hii;tip"dmae ol rD<ed pa'iial denture
c. taiture of th6 tuuing agent
6- a flactule of fhe aomponenl Parts
[- p"o'br"g d caies
sg. ii,e "-uiili-ln*r,,"r"m
iif,arv os"av*bg€ ot cast netal
bas6 b, of,lt
a- Fshetjc "-
o tr'rgtt fiema conaucttuity
"t. I)
lellne and reba3e
ao. Erneiic tor anterior fxeU bruges ls dependent c. pr"p.rut on de.ign
a. skitl ot he technidan d' all of hese
b- coloa haffrony
ii'" ilJi ii*ii,"ni "ror in corplete denxire lellne is:
"t a- centric rehdon
b. increEe veflcal dlrEnsbn ol occlusion
c. centic ocdusbn
d- decreE€d vedcal dimeftlion ol oGlusion
lhjii the fL are true lor r€qurhg reliel
t, 52 ln the fabdcatbn ol an ne9 -nneclot'
a- wllen lhgual iod are 'uno'ou*
b- more re{iel ls Fqufed i'r l00th boma
I. wtren tre tingud srp ol tlie ddge b undercut
d- .#;tai
nooe o[ theso
a ss. ;'" a checr utns in denu'e patle ls is:
";r* teeth
a- use ot Porc€lain
f, i. J I"" " *.i" t""th in aolrelawely r€sobed tidge
l fns,fnaent trofzonta Cn'edap Pasrorbr teeh
.t has less discolora[on t|andenttle
I r- -- iiii"
rl 'r'L,".i*
r* tt
change in
b. S tess resStant to ulrasion than
c- can be fused and bonaled lo metal
.l hs less discolorauon ihan porcelarn
os.ii" ,iJ i,"p.n-t in lmprcssion
. idDress|on mareiar
a. selection of rhe uay
i. *.iei p"rau, r"ton ot irnpEssion material
h bordemoldinqProc€dule resrorato
oo tL fiiiJ rc' ure lailur€ ol
c. fracrure or rhe bndss
a. gingivd ".J;
inrhmmarbn 'b*d
a. p_ioaonrrr urc""r,
b. Ieclite carl9s
..a er. ii r,rJ r"toruw" "ut"s he proximal contacl
,- anr lor thu removal of the excess coflEil
should be rPhoved to
ttF restoratlon
i i"..o",".S*"".nd re{e$ron ol
c. aI ol rhese
d- to l4ilhaE easbt cbatislng ot the area
irD are chatactedstic.of m9!9- .qlsl-D4!99nd
68. The lL
adf"l ,.- c. co.rpressim tor setedive cases
a. can be rnodifred aqd i r..o'ras acorrao nucosat oetair
b. ocsllent lor bodeqnoHlng p'oc€qm. arc ue n- ex"+t
G9. a;;ilrrpdfu.t ftdng resontor c. porosfi€s on h€ lnbmel surtac€ ol
(rlt,i a. itr tiulng provitional resbralon. ...
b. nodute a tte int€rnal suface ot ca4WF
a. il-ffiUa "*irl,".rS
RPD seruie e\'iaiuafor
7. ol lhe fr b not a plBriidogh cor$idetaId h
7.+ l '-' t rhhrl-iL*=. of whicn he p#nt una""areb
"i- fftona;raor mos*d;rs
o,a otcurcs caPabb of prcdudng suppcrt
c- oadenE kncills dbees and coordiEl'L'n
b- itdanlcal a. p.yi"f"gi,
zz iir,#Eit' rt s ror co.dd€red s'!€ss bearlng *'
ti-'ffio, ,oorn **
,t c
i hrccal dretr arca
b i. "fr.iiil-r*urd ris"
"'.c **fffi3eo**'frffi,9HH,"v "rm *-tii "il-Gi
a- shape and tapef c castlng technique
b. bhorh d dhmeter
The matedaj used to detect occlusal Prematurltjes n{ c
;- tJ;,,s; 9'
d baseplate wax
gbol marE
b- aloinale maErial
75. m" pifaonnt rro.t lllely lacelated h drssue re!"adiott
a aDicdfb€l! "uuctrt, c oblhue fbe's
; ;;iilil;" d.
acachmentepiuelial -l1,
. ig
76. coheslon b defhad as
a: rcdstance to seraraion acEd upon lhe salh'ary pesenca
b. physical affi&tidn ot like molecutes br one another
c. none of these
d- Dlwsical anraEtion ol unllke moledrles tor one another
oc'lusal Dlane
-, _C
n. iit" #" irr-*iirr,v pro,riuJ tor ly tre su*aca at right anglesc'to $e Pe4endicillar
a. Vertical d- HolEontal
b. oiaoonal 1* , :,,
ze. il" ;'l?J'li"* indeacng dre \erri:al dutrenslon of ocdudon ExcEPT
a- sralned, exp.essionless ls{,dlcpy'( )'
b. insuliclent lntolatch dlstance in occlusion
c. speech impaiflnent and d€nturc dlcklng d ,
d, pacljng ot tood ln theporEelalns
buct2l vEslibule l". D
zs. srp,ilo,ity'of itigl' frlsng ci'er lo ltrsing porcelairrs a'G the I ExcE]'I
a. t-dnslucency c' insolubllity
b. nore * ttreie ' d' hardn€as .,,. .b
go. iiassiEcalion ot restoual fdges \tith s€vere bone resoryfion
a. class lll c class ll
b- class lv d class I
81, The lL cerpnt at€ claimed to have iuodde c'nient
c glass ionorner
a. PoL/carbo)ryhtes d none ot th6se
b- all of these post palatar seal except
gz. iire;. u;e la"to6,n &e planmng ol the
a. depth ol resllient saue c analomE Ianomarxs
b. throatlom d. Palaline suture
a3. Arl jndividual die has lhe fi. advantag€s ExcEPT
a. minimizes ovel the lnder contouring of porcelain crolvns
b. captures the value and chrcma ol natural leelh
c. eas,ertabtlcalion ol the resioftrton '/
*. ii" H:'"lH?jl1"tfl#T,il$5ffilil3xs*"r -d rhe uhprepa,ed roorh erendins around he mos 1.r r t
a. Abutment c margins
b. Prcximal convergenc€ d gingtual ,.'i-L
a. major connectot c chsp
b. indirect retainer d' -strut
i;'' d,e castilE Focedure to prevent oxidadon of$e molten meral
e6. f *il;;ii
a. Ant lux';J c.'niticaEld
d' flux
b. solder system is generaly atglbuted io
az. ireo-u-ct-in rn *n rurruon of the nasdcatory
a- lootl loss c' all otth€ae
b. malocclusim d' deitalaies '
88. Ventcal dlmens'ron rehtes to: .'v
- a -*ry"foilgl"al totof o"*Ul" c_ interardl distance
b. face lengo d' free$'a!'space
89. wrictr ol tre
which ot the tottoum
,oltowlrE i6ot?
q noJ eausJ
X ,p,op",
ot an Rm ttame{'ork
c. vrarpaqe dudng casling r
a. inadequat€ rDuh i-ditamlron d. lmprope, survsYing technlque
b. o(c€ssive chsp r6@ntion '!
90. tha f. are rclated to p€rleche aYcapt
a. fungal infedio c d€creased vetdcal ditirens'lon ot ocdusioilf
b- viEmin Bz defcl9tlcy d )cro€Emla
i*ffiiiii"T,iii'-,H b o.bm ole r'sxirary cast* dHEl:-1IiI* ,Tl.A
a. tace borr
'*!c. to( flana PaE
b. boleryg ge d. traisson calber
iit'Ll',*":iliinlL ote aim*h b rcrio\,e f.om ttt paient mo{dr
a PolYsullidi c agar
b. siticone d' polyethet
!)c a' in -"o-.JiJ o"ntrt"" tho fi. phonstic testing a'o true o(cept for
octlusion "'
;. ";ll;;;J ;p'*rnt an incrEased verticai dimension
b. "irl shorld hav6 a 14 mm freewEy space "'
c. .E
c. '9 shdlld
sndllq a I1 mm clearanas I
oxhibir d
J- rr incirat edse of the maxilla ant at6e Yiel andi"ondry line ''r'
ti" whlch ot lhe ff' ca'r
L.*i on
a1. Forces ii-i* * n" arch 6uses ffiiiriiit*
littlng loEes the -"t"t"l"rnl slde oi tre a'ch
"N& ccJirel act such"u""
i- JrrouJaon r" u*e c' alt olthese
[. a*at 'r"f d denturo ba56 covera06
95. Temporary "t"r*ia""isn
resmnion arc most olten relered as:
ct. c a, tleaunent
b. intermediala
c. provislonal
d. intedm
c6. uc;al ovedoad in corPlei6 denlrre [email protected]\Nhen:
4r( | a. monoplarE Pontca ale usad
b. aI of rh.,se
c. d\,erertansion of the poAteriot vibrating lhe a'ea
d undelenension ol denue basa producdon ot s!'dy casl:
sz. iir" ;;sr;rlr,ircn hnpession marerid lor
'r) B a. Po{Filflde
b- ine\rerslble llldlocaloid
c. relrersible ll]ldrccotlold
d. si$con€
98. Dagnostic alds in e)€mhaion are $€ lt ExcEPT
i( il a o€rclrssion an pulp tesdng .
tr- visral obsSrvdon
c. patieni resporrso to Sl€dbnk q
d. radbqraphh examination teeth can be made possibv by
Eq ln a distal ocensjon RPD redrrc g the a'nount ol forc€ lo l,|e abutmfi
1.c 21. a 41. b 61. a 81. c
2.. d 42. b 62. d
3.0 23. b 43. b 63. c 83. b
4-e 24. d 44. a 64. b 84. c
5.d 25. c 45. b ffi.a 85. c
6.a 26- d 46. c 66. b 86- d
27. d
q7. c
7. b 47. b 67. d
28. a 48. a 68. d 88. b
ga 29. d 49. b 69- a 8S. b
10. d 30. b. 50. b 70. 90. d
11- c 31. a 51. d 71. b 91. a
12. d 72. c 92. d
13. a 33. c 53. c 73. c 93. c
14. d 34. c. 54. a 74. c 94. b
15- 35. d 55. a 75. d 95. c
'16. a 36- c 56. a 76- b 96. d
17. c 37- c 51. c 77. c 97. b
a 3a. d 58. d 78. b 98. a
39. c 59. b 79. d 99. b
m-a 40. b -. 60. d 80. b '100. b
Fr5 r)/ 9+.
/ - 1, Protrusive. jaw reiatioo records ar€ usad to: c. Set the condylar inclinadons ol the
a Set the matedai.posts ol lhe aniculator
b. set tl€ incisal guida of (he alldrlalor aniculatot
d. chr6 dlredion to $e occfusal phne
. *. 2. Th6 illcfinG or arouhdon ol fia condyla, ehmenb ot lhe aadculaior is aulo aicalU relaled lo the:
" a o.rve or angle Uetr,veen casf d. slope ot ihe condylar anicula,
'c. b- Depth of tho glqlou llg{e
Ctsp lnclinE ot podlrior tae0t
er hences
,/C 3. ll a defoctiye occlusal exist in cedic Elaton betv/€sn the aacial cusp of a mandibulat rloh, and the
fossa of a maxillary irDlar of a cofiplete denure, the filsl step bward eliminating ihe interfercnce should
' D , ;*;;
#;:'ttt;-J$n mJerias s ue nnsi aimensionallv srable
a Agnale ** Ytifl""1or*.un"nolimpession paste
h lmoression compound Eglns to hicken he cast wil be:
' C s1. ilvh#i;;;;iili'r'r"eo unor
a DerEet d' suonger
h. ljndelslzed
D 2. i!4erallic odde ln denial potaehh d9i9!: c, provide a Glractory skeleton
J lncreise tr the srength ;. [ecrease srrengrrr'
b- oive color !o Porralain
rla:. iire ii&c pmperv;f rubD r lmprEsslon-oqre'Iials c. rmprcve wlh temperature
a- fre&ase with temperatu' ;. ietreasewur umi
b. lmprove !io!!!e]
po'"der tr
u M. n. ffioer in In-aiLstng krvested c si con dtodde
a. sulfate dihydrit6 i. ;i-ium sdnre
\ ga.
..aW d, 10096
h 50lt
':, a iL trp" a rillJo&.used to evaluae haldness ln a
b- ilewbh r'
1496. i;b b 6sporEiHe_1or col19nile r4l9lqDqlry
r, a qtarE s;u"d6 i.
h Co[ddd sifca
olganic soh'enE boloi'l'_mffig in order to:
, 97. Wax DatEm 4,6 bn'lshed with dher soap sobton ot
di6,. o. shoneo ure wa6r Impemeabil*y v'ax
- ol the
h con@twlrl uax
f, suen te setdng une ot lov€6fiEnr
i m-m-ry-ryftmmmgcondu
n".aune tdffiH,?r
i ioirci tenPsai'rE oI le nSdng sbb
;' bss d water ot IquH
; dower addtun b lhuld
T lraY 1995
25. a
'13. c 19. b
1.c N.d 28. b
Zd 8.c 14. a
27. d
3.c '9.c 15. a ?1. b
28. a
46 10. a 16. a
17. l) 23. d 29. e
11. d 30. c
18. b 24. d
6d 12. a
73. d 87. D
59. a 8a. b
31. a 6o'b 74. b
32b 46a 7td 89'a
47b 61 d 90. d
33. d 62c 76.b.
34. b
4a-b Tl. d 91. c
4qb 63d 92. a
35. a
36. c so.b 91 I
ti5. D
78- c
79 e' 93. d
s4. a
37. d 66- c' 80. d
38. a 8'1. c 95- c
til D
39. b 6ab s2.. d
4.a i5b 69.b 83. b
41- a
c 84. I gfa
42. a 56. 19 :' 65. d
43: c 86. b l(Il b
AA. b 58. b 72- d
j !l
l, b 2.
d. examlne ths rEsporEe oa tbsue b nhe reslolaion
Brea*age of he occlusal rast usually ocanrs b€cause or:
a" srucEral fal_lure ot h€ Etloy
b. lmpbper reductjon of t|e marginal dlge on the abutrnent teerh dudog Ie$ seat prepamlon
c. over reductl'on of $e re6t to accorimodate opposing cusp
d. carebss hardling
C\ 3. The invesment dng ls head to high tempera8re:
I a allof lhes.
b. !o eliminate rhe war palem compl€tety
c. to elqand tie invesdrn€m mog to corhpensate for gold shdnkage
d. !o pevent premature cooling ot the molten gold
b 4. Wrat should not be cfisirercd in designlru llE relention and resJstance form ot abuunent preparaton?
a the signr,lcant augmeniadon of redgance by lhe addiUon ot grooves to panial-veneer ireiaration
b, none ol hese
c. the neary doubled retention o{ rull coverage comparcd io panial veneet cmwn
d. the slonlrcafi effect on Gsisiance o, iE el(el}sio.r o, axlal co\reaage
4, 5. Glass lonomer restorafohs should be finbhed;n a manner simihr to
a" sillcate rc$oradons c, denta! composites
b. gold cast allo), d. dehtal amalgam
lce Octlusal dbcrepancies should be eliminated:
a" ont lf the pafent complajns of sorcness d. after tle dennrre has had a chance to
b. before the patent Is glven the resroration settle
c. aftor the palient has paid tor the fee
4, Planes of occlrsion arE often estabiished with: c. casting wax
b. utiliywax d, baseplan€ wax
4, The mosl important €ason for reatment of hyperplasnc ussue betore mnstruction of ,emovable panial
denlures or complete dentue is to
a improve orai esthetics
a. ihe adhesive adion o, hin lilm of saliva between ll)e denture base and underlying tissue is greatly
b. fle antibacErial aclion of salivri i9 l6t pred'Eposlng tlssue to iniia on l
c, saliva is non-existe q ropyvbvous
d. nono ol these
4, p. wl)jcn of th6 fotlowtng wifl hcrease relention ol a comptet€ denture?
a- acdllaE ada@on of ha d€nt ae base to lhe mucosa
b. foreshortened denlule bases
c air chamber ln mi@hE
d. increased sdlvary lth hi*rEss
b". whlc!. o, t9 ,ol,owing conlbinato,ts ol artfrcial t6etr should
mandibul€r dentura?
rd be used in complete maxillary and
a anbrbr, phstiq pGbdor, plEtic c anDdo., porcelain: posEdor, porcelain
b. anEdcr, porcehini pcst6rior, pbstc d. ailE lor, E6tjc; posterior, porcrlain
q,n Tho occlusal plane to, codplete dentura palienr bludge b)ir
a. &e heigh of ulo rBtonlob, Dad ard anE.br esthetic height
b. Me lac€-bow da/ce wtich deErmlnes the occlusai plane
c. lhe posltbr olthe upp6rfirslrElar
,l ,,. d- tlo curv6 d Spe€ ad he aftrir ar3thetcs
fte tln€ GquirBd to conillbir €Ir*r& mobule trom th€ mold:
a. llE r*)s. c 150 fiin&
h ,.2d mill3, d. Golrln6.
b ra. The fEciors ri&hh shouu be adr&l for slroica, remo/al bdoas ,sr comphre denuras are consEucbd
a- epul{6 issurafum a ftahdhdar bri
b. a, ot rl€se d' PaD a[,lryPeDlash
a, t. FOr lhe gredest retenlioh of tle po,cebh le.te€r, the copir8 dest n {loJd be
a .onex with lo undelcuts to distribute stress
i. "ornex witr strarp anglesD retain porc€lain
i. ionwi wirn unctir""t"
i iriiti".n r*ia t"ra" !o provide room lor ttre porcelarn
a $. i;is it ;xEvsrsible Mrocolloid c. ait ot trem
a aEtlare d. agar-hydrocolloll
-h" ii',*f#, o"rtium in Ticonium is to c. rcducs srensth
a- incEas. tl€ribir'tv. ;: iicree iG-ns$' ol the metal
. ". b- lncrea* mel€ab lrY res'Yt b"&i:
uI zo. ivt iJriiiir," iiir,,lns 6$orativ€ materlajs is '.ratvey
a" deoBrre b6€ rcsins
, b- comDGite Esins
a. o"'ntt urdgu,
-*crirro*tia ar the body
" er. i,* dasps iolned
c. embrasrre hook
a comblna$on chsp d. imorasure ctasp
r b.
mulliDle clasP
t,1 ,z polvca'borylate cement ls irs
a- oood compretsh'e
b. lovir soluHlily
c. lw film hlcloess hrila{ng !o the JUlb
i. LuJrv or rot appopnale
recnnrque loi placing cem€nt keys
in cro\ msz
"* :: 'l;;;;
Wtat E Ole most
and crovn
sdti*i are placed cncurnterendalry in locnh
: *Uf,re*"'l?*'X'f"H'v'n *" * * "'*n
., *. h" ?illlliiffiLJlffiooJ""ff lTl, . *, estherrcs or denrures in rhe pradice or
placins ,itaxirrarv
, .liEctlv ovel $e edenlulous filgp ddg€
i. ilo #o n" r""i"t ot {h€ edenNlous
c fotlowino dle smle line edentulous idge
i. tio r", 6 t " tt'uu"ta ot tle
measurc ol
.- 2s. aIhe etasric modulus
c. srrnness
O. ptasticrry
b. Iouqhness
O 26. The lingual bar major connector s c. noneothese
a noi relisve o. sometimes relieve
t; rrt" roiro*ing r;!or is not considelsd
I 27. mosi lavorable parh ol do"'*nr'
guide ane d- tvDe oa maior conne.lo, protedor?
h teEnmn ol a ihemod;tc custom{ade mouth
/,, zg. wlrtch ot the hr( ,tE ls not a step ln the labdcalion
'- a oounng a $Psum cast plotedor to ncrease its hardness
-*- i*i uLlii.tte ""u*'
I- ii,fri"iG-ttt*'pnttt maelial o'er th€ casl
t'pression ot rhP a'ch
a. ,iJiiti - eO'"e palknr wlh loosa hypemlastjc tissue in lhe mardibulat region
b zs. lre tesr impres-{on e.rr'iq* ro,
"*liiufi p6ture
lhe lBsue lo assunE ils load-beaing
S one irvofvhg mo(imum Plessule to alloY'
t. i" ,"si"t". fie tits* n its Passive positbn
.- The cb66d mouth @cnnque
il ili'r"e . NO-n'"ins knpressirm compound
pbldhg a ctsdng is o
q --' iit.."io. hr
"n i -t te orloes or carbonaceous resltues
i ",.1" " ioanq tf "ttemicaltyftom
adher€{t! salis
fie casting
I [i,"*-ii"&i"m ttt"daE
h mtaibn duJnd die fulcrum lineaxb b'rmed by dE cte6t ot dra tesldrlal ridge
Liffi f*gitudinal
i II ".trlna"o "aoerirendicular * locarcd near $e cenld ol ihe arcn
* n""*
a " r*ffi$dfffiffi1
h drlIet b ,r lo
PasE ar|(, De
*f#pmf n"
'/ *'
h a:. fre iofonlna aitelotg proetliodbn&r e'ceoc
.* ;E;'ifipd",, drt"t
O6,turr" c, rlaxillary oredeonire
b- rnardia&rcEoionomy d Ma'ya"d bddge
n g+. fi" ijiEr-"or",q" o' zinc'phosphate ceme brs
_ a lo$,sdutfY
b. good corPlEsdon stength
c. tow mn htlcnts
I e s4ro, rEa beiE iriraring ro $e Filp l
, G. Gcr.4ll sd t s6{e kdEtixl in rBsporlse lo den[re lveaaino atter 2 to 3 da]rs b rn* tiket relaied to.
a l?qE &ftrre cleaning solutions
h ffiivty to rr3ilual solutionr
c. €rG h (finE'lsional accuracy dl.rino processing
| (L po.IhHlilg Ec,lnhues
D f. A ErEvable padal d€nture ls indkated o\r€r a fix€d one when
. a tlera a|B rrsslng brt, on both suea ortlte dt
b. $€ pdtlent b not sit fdeitly nbBvaled on good oral hwiehe
c, qrpaeaupiad or sgbmoeed ie6th have cEated an unevEn plaie ot occlusbn
d. fte prcposed abuonent teeh are nalajlgned
uA 37. ThaI branch ot denta, art and sclence pettaining to Ure les@latlon and maintenance of the oral func$on by
he replacement ot missing teeh ahd $rucn rcs through anifcial means b called
a plos0leths c,
allof theso
b, prBthodgntcs d,
rerEval panh, dentue
q 3a, Th€ porcelalrF[Etal cbwn rcqu]er ldea[y vJhat ryp€ ot labial fnbh lln€ on antedor l€9th
a shoulder a
shoulder all around
b. charfer d- bite dgts
qs. h designing palata, baE, $€ most lrnporiant thing ro conslder is
a speech Interiercnce c. aesthedc
b. retenlion d. reclprocatlon
4 1lo. Remst abh panid drinrre are Fehned to ft(ed bridq€s wher
a edentulols areas arc long c. abUmenl Eeth are rotated
b. edentulous areas arc numercus
L 4L Before d. abuuiant teeh ale dpped
, belng rhlred wift w-at€r, qypsum products ha\re ihe chemicd nam€
a calclum alginaE c. cahium sulHe diMrate
tr b. calcium sultate hemihydrate d. calcium sultare monot|ydraie
al 42. Abuunent teeth arc better able ro tolerate venjcal torces than ofi-venjcd forces- ln oder to minimize the
' tie clasp rru$ be located on
efec-t of horlzontal lorces, the aIIrE o,
a ,)on'tlndelcul area a
the mHdle third of lrie crcwn
b. lhe coronal lhird ofthe crow'n d.
gjngtual thkd or lhe crown
d 43- The clasp musl lemain aciive even when fiere is no clislodging force appljed
a. fle shlement is conect
b, the slalement may be t ue at cedarn times
c. lhe statement may b€ unuue at ceriain iimes
/ d. ihe statement is inconect
q.,] 44. Demonsration ot e placement removal, deaning and care ol th€ rastoralion should be accomplished
a. at $e nrst recall appoinunent
. b. by offerihg a challergo !o tE patient lo tlgure it out tor hirtsetl
c- atter sorcness has been Elilninaied
d. belore lhe parentis given possession ol fie restorarion
q- 45. Endodontic treamEnt has been compbted on maxittary cenual indsor with mintmal access openhg. !t
eintorcemena ls lnijicated pdor to cro$rn preparaton. the Eeaxypnt d cioice is r)
a" use a $abilizinq dowel with composile core
b. usea pin retained core
c' cenEnt a stainless $eeldo^El
d. place a cast po6t and cole
4 46, Wl€n cast gold units are uniled by souering, ulhich ol lhe tolowino h6 the greatssi eftect on possibb
dbtonion ol one or bolh or the parent unllB
a- the catat of tho sold€rsaracEd
b. dle carat of the palent nEtab b bo lrnH
c. rhe shape ot $e surfaca to be united
/i d. tho gap distancs betyeen the lvo unhs
"\ 4?, Thir lhe nEst llkely cause d.tia maFdty ot arlergb-like re#ntro
b.. non m6tal compteE dentures
a. allof hese
c. alhrghs b chearcal cofiEDndts
d. aller0y.lik6 .eaclions ,EhDd b mallundion
d 4a. The most aesttEth r€slohlion br dldcatin0 individual anErio, Eeth i3
a. metall celaDrc crotltr c. a, ol lho3€ clown
b. Dbsncjacket d Dorcalain ilc*et crorlh
{ rO r m$oO ot mafhg dr in$.Srl fr. rE}niho a dbtrr ortsrdoo BPD b rie
a dosed mouth n€itrod c' frrdl}d imp€ssbn
b. opsn moufi meitrod d. r costalic irpresslon
{) 50. ma raihnale o, provldhg a [B*> ocd'rsal rast on a lermlndl abutne a, a dbtal extension pan:al6a part
dEct tetalnor
a allot hese
b.more of $e rcsidual ridoe is utilked lor supiort
c,i:s ease of PrePantjon
d.it b mole ssthetically acceptable
/- 51. tr is neoBssary-thehat
lhe. i.vesEnenr expand to.ompensate ,or the shtinkage of
gold during casling The
" component in Invesment maledal responsibla is
a, gypsum d.
h ;iasshrm o{de d. poEsslum sullate
" :... r.dh of the tollou/ino ifipresslon materlat b .igir?
c. silicone rutlber
.. iin" oxue euoeriol
r' -i^,mae ru[ber d. teve.sible trydrocolbld
not altect disbnon during constnrction of ceramometal rcstoadon?
" -- . .rt tructure tticlness
r-. ss. ;vhfii;r-th;iJn;;nq factors can
c' metal contamindion
i. 66iiiri C."rt,itcton d- none of lhese
C 54, The m4or purpose ot a denture bas€ is ElaEd to
c. canier o, anificial leeih
a" carbt of catles
b. retenfirn of Pondc esbelic appearance
b ss A dertist maklno an ImDression to rellne a albtal extension bas! notss thal th€ indhecl telalner ate not ln
toBidodi He shoukl
dleir Esoeclive-rdiiil
;- ti;lsh th; procedule, realizing ttrat tha denture will setde aoain
- 61. The DdndDal reason lor appMng cavily varnlsh b b prDvjde
a iempdrary dlemi:d batder o/€r dentin
b. suenoth to cu dentinal tuboles
c. a rneairs ol ger,enting percolatim wifi an a,naloa,n
d. hermal hsdalon beneah 6n amalgam
4 sz Meta,tic hama rorls br panid demurcs are patterneo wl|n c ulilitywar
a casting lvax d. lhlaY r,ax
b- baseohr.rvd
a a3 For be6t r€Etrhs 0ls odusbn on a pontic shodd b€
t --' . *nnn"O *tv !o fte bu(cal potion ol ih€ pondc essendalt lhe sa'rE as on the olher toodl
b. enrfiated li adluilhsir loonremov€ occlusal co.rtact
c essentta* fie sSrn th6 ouler toodl
d- confined 6rlk b dle fEual portm ot t|e poolic
a 61 i;kir-;iiHloii{xino DalE-of nis@iadon mighr cause gatuanbm c.
to occu in a paxenrs n'outh?
-- . ,old ;1*n *d;;npGiie resin gold crcvrn and dental allElgam
t- iorcetain crovm and dsnlal arnaharn nol unddqod'a cfiemical denal amaEam and dentd
a 65. mic ; th; blot/li[to impressbn mabrials do€s
rcaclion dudng setring?
a zlnc-oxire euoenol agar
d' sililoie rubbe'
U. pofye0rerrulOer
4 66. Devic€ &at aloxF sotlto lnovernent between 6a dentrre b6o or iB supporlng frahelvork ehd the dhed
a" .res+tru* c. aloflhe66
b. sD&chso d. ltDvatb arm chsp
iG b caled
C -'i ri,. rt) r",bu
" sz. or *Lg fibm -
trydrccolkids dudng codnued F-ac{drs
c' sYne(esb .
b. fihHdon d. lrfilbilioo
proprya>& Dccause it
4 sg. c*rse p,rnUc. c not ccl|nm€$ded br
is ioo ahasive ttc dentai enamel c, u/j[ not polish dental analgam
b. ls too solt io remo\/6 calqtlus d. E6cts wilh sodfum f,uorido
is invoired ln denu|re!6e material povmedzation
69. vrtich of the following accelelatorc
a heal '
c. amine
b. ultra\riolel llght d. x-ra)/s
4 70. Re$s mry be placed upon
c. sllval amalgam alloy
a. arry olfiese
h cEst resloEtions resDIadons
d. sound enanel
,an 71. ln deterninho lhe poGlerior lllnit ol a ntaxillaly denNre base, $rhich ot tle iollowing b on the POSteriot
' bodel?
a harula, notch c. hamula, paocess
b. vibndng llne d. fo,/ea palathl
_ 72.a.Theon6-thld
oudh. ot an ocdusal rest should be
oI the bucco-llngual dlametel
b. usualY frcm he marylnd tug€ b Ue Pi rmth enler
c. tlhnoulaI in shap€ ffth $. aps( nearcst ihe
_/ d. abod 1-1.5 mm de<-P
f-lL 73. Under whii:h
which ol folhw crmeht bases is cavii vambh unnecessary?
fie folhiriog
ot the
- phosphaE
zlnc c, sillcate
b 'aI of*Esa d, zhc-odde eugenol
f z* rns r-to, aio"e" the dlstal palahl Gtmlaarm ol the maxllary denrure bas-a
c posteiiorpalahl seal
a madlary tori
, b- tuber6rw d. vtoradng line
z/ zs-' wt -l"r, ot rtr. iololino is the Epst inrportant lactor in seatant retantbn?
" ; #;;;"trt#; c' devebpment goove depth '
b. dier d. add elcning
h 76 Thc nulDose of the asbestos liner is to
" a iac tate remova ol ir 6tllEl,l rom the rihg after cas ng has been done
b. all ol these
c, allow an elleclivo settinq and iiermal Pxpansion to take plac€
I d- seNe as an Inslrldor aqainst $le toss of heat ouring the castrnq procFss
b zz. o""*ion"ttv, ,t," need ,or ircparing or replacing a dkect retainer or one ot its components arises lmm
a" careless handling ol the Paient
b. allof fi6se
c. epeat€d tlexure into and ou of atr excessive undercut
d. souctural defect ol lhe d6P
aJ zg. ths i5 nol an imporlafi step m complele dentule pro$hodontrcs
a- acoriate impression poper occlusion
b. conect jaw lelatlonship d. alveoleclomy and alveoloplasty
b*. The actim of this nuscle littlfts the dislolingual extension or the mandibular imPEssion tor a complele
b. crucible
b*. The puaose ol
a ;udy
bite regbratun is to
the posidon of he teelh GAPS
b, ard h lhe mounlnq the case in the an'lculalor
c, reqister the occksal surf&es of tho teerh ony
d. gei lhe imprcssion of both the uFper and torel arch
4 -ss. a. iirsir not " i"i,a:,nurr coicemed udii the locadon of ihe poslerio'f'dald-seal
anterior nasal spine
b. posErior vibraling lin€
I so. i*i,Ii'J'iil''iiifriis i.p.nie" b th€ riost troublesom€ for comiosite materials used for posterior
a comFessive suength
b. w€ar resistance
I d, coefrcie otthermal exPansion
b q
- r "di."i rri r . nqr comolip oenn re exhibits deekbiting opposie the lnolals The teeth wers set in a
cenrd l6saD ot m@dflarY nEhts
b. taclal st daces ol mandibuld mohrs
lingual cusp6 ot marlhry nDlars
d. facial surta.es ot m€xillary nlolats
b*. a whlch one oltlplblotxing cdd.gon6s af dental matedab has th€ highest theinal conduclivM
?lnc phosPiEE cem€nE
b. sold alkF
c. lnflH acryfc Phnics
d- Dorcelah
6 gE. matoni reonlioi on alurnent teeth b made possl oby
a" uss of Phs orloros ard box torms
h prcPea cenB{i{ Hnhue
c. indeaso hrl( d fietal
d. fuX dlosldor FeParafioi
4 lm.What b 0E llrca'comrloll causa br a pdents u/tlo woars cqrQle|e denEres b have rouble tsoruineing
&6 leEer'F?
a maxilalv intisois incorectry pGitioned
b- mandit liH habors alr lmlaoper, p6ibnod
c. lhe bose in 0a marldhu|al hcbors b too t**
d. tta Palatal seal atsai9bo t d(
MAY 1996
I'r '1.
J: ?b
d 17. a
18. a
33. b
34. b
35. b
36. b
49. a
50. b
51. c
52. a
65. c
66. a
67. c
68. a
ri. 6.b
21. d
. n.d
38. a
39. a
54. c
5s. b
69. c
70. a
71. a
I &d
10. a
11. d
24. a
25. c
26. b
27. d
4'1. b
43_ d
56. b
57. e
58. c
72. c
73. tl
74. c'
75. d
12. a 28. b 44. d 60. d 76. b
13. b '29. b 45a 61. a 77. b
14- a 30.a 4A. d 62a
78. d
15. d _ 31. e 47. a
16.b 42. c 4a- d 64c 80b
h baslc @
-a tongitirdind
ln tha nE dlble, he larElhD d Dono tesdt frcm th6 bory inio the ah€olaa ptilea and arE a5 di6
b. basL dl.] lnbrrEdtaE
5. Aaa hbai
a rer€llrldun phomlllendt c, [18!94!{gr ol ole subfiDguar
b. nlallgnarf, $mor ot the nE)dllary ghnd
sinus d. bchhn unior ot $o galt bhdder
6, Th?*u cuh the
denrle i!
* tqh hr
( a"Fecondary oiamel drtiile "1' "1t'
Y basal layer ot nhe epithelial attiadtmeht
c. eplhelial alhhmed
d. pdmary enamel cutlcle
C 8. The sile o, intracefirhr synhesis of lipids and dol€sterol dedvalir.es b he: I *..o r "v-+\. * tfii,ai.?ur.., 1,1h,
i i"1li,T,Y,3[**r,asmicre,icurum ",;'5;t''
Ccf, smoobsurhce sndoplasmic redcuhrm
d. mlochohdrh
rr.9. - ln the baaierlal cdltne axhllllaE8n6 ara fo{tndt *-".r .bt.ct 4\ cr-l -,,r,, ;i-,,i1
-q. in tl|e odra cfioEasmic space
". a..:--:'rr ''' r
a- sangutnb
lqt Lacbbacifi ' ..; ; ;., , ."
h stre ococdrs mutais \r srepbcnccus midor I
a. atr€rchmOnt Ute rtandlble !o $€ capsulo ot dre t6mDoromndbolar loinr a.L a,J{b .--_
(D pliochal fibers ot lhe periodonta, membrane . ,.. "'-.-
c. atlaa,lolont otthe tlrnndlbbto he stybir'plocess +L r '? ,,,
r $. Ine adhecon ot shhgdh thxneri drd E col ftDbrkl. lo red bxJfice[ { inb.rinui"ilrri,trro
a L-ltucros. - ii' i0 ,.. ". -.. I
b. rHarbso (,-q.
D-gda;bsa ,u... I
Atptn.trcoryt i5;;,-*;
, 14. Axlg{hmenE iDpan ro dl. hErhl
(3, oppo€[E h roGd.n b hdarGt fhri'rr lph - moton--
cet body a uisOog
lI bdt abno Ulo dtrad@ aj oFor{te rotarion to lhar ol ha,Ddd Eameit soi" , ,i
c. II tho dfEabo o, roEdoi b d|ar ol heinashl fhnem sdn
d. at rigla angles
fie rctdo.l o, the nartra sph
. 15. Tlro cons8lcdoD arrxmd $e rddda d fie ehnged'cel durtrE nab6b and the dq,EloDnrnr d rh. _^.._... .
arearageJunow arBnedly Ldlin0 b he tonmdon of ty6 daughtarcsjruss pbcc dudmi
a propllase. . , ;.-;., ,.
;' 20.
by whlch onamal mann b tarslonffi iifd $o finbhed enamel conhinlr€ 96 mlheEl
salts and 496 orgaih sub6Lnca aM $ater b lsrcwrl as
a- Mlnsrallzad . La.! ut.^i6, c, denatutatloNl
Maturalion d. deminoraltsaton
2t. Thb't number ol typical sorlatic celb consbthg ol 46 paiB b knowll as the .
a. PoYpoH G-./Didold
b. Haplold. d' aneuPlold
22 Ths orgddo.constnl€tls o( dentln ls hado of
aa<r$6 - -(a -d-7" ,!"',1'. c. 9696
Y.-ees6 '
i,i i.ir.'.'
23. Hairy leukoplalh afibcG ihe Dftgue and B dt. b:
. d. sso6
(a.\glfoprotetE c. stardEs
'Ir- suoar d. derqrani
26. The varlou3 sPec&rfzed funcliorB ol [le i ePhaso aID canied out by iE
a. nucholus A- cYtodasn
b. al,ol$esedohes (4)nudals
t:, 27. Wlen anrelcbhsl lrae ptoducad enafiel Tods t|ey tom a $rn coodnud}s nrenDaarE whtsh covars the
er ire sudace ol enamel cailed ihe:
-a. pct amelobiastic membhne
aD prktEry ena'iel culiclo '_',, r.... I
-c- secondary eoarEl airdcle
d. tenhry cldde
)LvfHllr( A1fl'lrl, ll 2& oo/philic d€norna b a ufio.lhd afleds itt:
':- d,yrdd;i",rd t. ,fa:..-*, c. patotid gland ,
IfltsP#*.r'%. The intercstlhr dbp6l o,ao€im or deErioaEalng orgEnel€a by h€ cel lts I tltough dd lfirda$9 b
.(;t q;d a^ a.rbc!,Ei/sb c' ar,D€E)/l6b
G, autop,ttary d, drDiFb .
b. -(x)olhdl hdr
d. .0r.
o6adra.E rEler o the:
@) oentn c, pulp
.D: cemenum d. an€ri€l
on€ ot dro tolonirio lsllgLa tun donal a.fi,ity ol liru*a€N
a. AdhEslooo
b. &gr€.t13
Mod bddr produaad a hlrlrd cel ar|wloF. $ar hdaca
a Asgodlcdp.odtsand
b. plarln rEl rnm
r,, 35. the celdar stucorE $d plays an impo.En tob h tt. iqt altub, p@eosghg ol horl|lonf plcrlrgors
E5;j.';;; ! and tnnby, partchoEs ii tir pmauimn olon aorc foinartu*nao.. {d}as d, fiaratryror
E\+to1nt horrthe drd liEfi b $c
e- &osonE p. 6- rdri^ra d rfhdlondla r : r'
( b.-! GoEl ndwxtr
* C. r!'rgh lrrlr sd otdoolallb
., ' rEiogn
' 'v "
" -"--.rz
- \+! 36. A hioh inddeico ormEbld!,bse in: 6'
- ' i."
:.,."it .E- carcsrcafs-
/E) \ ----.-rrE j s .' , 'r' ''c" b abour b undeqo l(.rt.onhods
1.. elltrydid c€l! - it 4 < 4!.
d. niodioidd.
l-iro.. dF{l 5
57. ThGjllqrDr*fd'Yllddb a begih rJlno, ot r,\e: C. .olon
_ G> submaxilalyotaDd
5!. A Cnaractorbtic ot a.rrb bul(emh bi
O- Dnhcneas
D. plEryrx
Th€ 6tuld or!6nelb3 comhhg a large Dur$er of aci, hlrotaj€s whtcli ar.'potertiaty o{ desaroying
ihe rnairr maE omolecular cooleDB c,l ihe csll arE tbe:
,r Ypodvom.s
B. dbosorp
G. rough+urtac€endodasmicrplirrtum
1]?.) b,s6ome
me-lBotrc{ia lgptGdrds rEv6 h'i
A-,/ a taveiinxj hEi.a!'i-de
a push and pul courner helbdwas
C, a t"aarf,rg urduHng u/ave
D. cod(scr* maabn
Coodindon or lh{€[ar furEim ln ba.ieda invobss ctlertoreg*rq€ know'l 6_ binding prorein:
A exEacellubr (S) pedptGhtc
B. ckrlmph3|rlc D:r ieftlarrmtt
The so-cdl6d ba*eis cdb a,r h{l(l h ih€
A. lung
.In r,llleloc)nic B. licrfe,baIi ty datds D. pa|c eas
leuke.*r tio cd$if/ofuid aa $e.
A. cstb c'
B, desna monocyer lvrEtmcl,les
(G . i#doc.ires
ln gon€tc tryp€dlpoprctenaDb her€ b la*,re @ irematze he-6L Ue6rse ot tire:
lad( ol the LI,- aydht h tbr HMhS
hd( ol ,l.
di?d y h-0I
arhity .a dto LDL rccopi.n td h€ .e!ed pfls
M nurnbsrs ard *lditg cnd&isdcr of tDL trcepbrs on
ED6erEe ol t"DL rccspto€ on tha ca[ rrEmbrano
xt$f?$tL lAa /. ?1. ln lRophilh S/pc C $e tffici€{rri b h $e ptannEE
t"-*ti* \aJ
$lolrDoIBh dEcsdrnt
all o, draca artoicss
'c. ,rtorSoD&loO€n conpoicilt
D. Urlor'lhoeh.|}.gqt
c. 72. TonEB grarulat bylr b hrd h dendlr
n€arfiodo hconamelrundirt
i€€r lha Frlp
,6 a4hcott b ceirx|firm
D. io tlr il r po,lb h tho alsas d .l€fdert catcft&n
L' 73 SlEptococcua laIyrIS p.t,*ell&fy colotdtas dE
A $nodr sulrtca. oa n|. teern
6c. doo.t qlu d u. hrlcu;
verd rrb btEU.
a, dia bnorra
tL ocdrltl $r6aaa d redr
no nanl€tlE h dr6 b.catd cet
run tom [le Fob o, dle c.t to fio o(i€r
odohe d opFcL pd!. d $e cel
ofi rs ai tlF .drb. ol dta cdt ard d! turd q*y h O|c certer
D. comect at {rs cemer o, tE cel|
h 7s. Fllr&h. odgheh ho:
' (A,l plaqna m€mbrane
B. lnaea cei €rn elopo
c. bdi'veen tho drot ard lnner cel eri/elop€s
D. oubr c8{ onvrlopo
- 76. h XlnetalEfs.ilndrome dra se)( chqo!ry0QE constltu{on b: + rltrnf'rll€,' , XXY
B. )OU
<s) xxY
17. Spgr&g RNA ba.tedophag8 ar. haclivared ry db+earing baaieria wtar6 the phasaB arei
( \Y allover lha phrs C. arhetp
at he basr D. aldB- he sile
r 7s. Ar!.Jrqqple
-. d t|. rEsalcbrh ol hc temale cironroGonrr is
/15/B. mFlog.nous c. dHnbm
louk mh D, ectodennd dysplada
A 79. The oroanelle ol he cel fiat dotodtl€s drugF is he:
d-A"-) smoolh€udbao elldo@mE ratlculrm
_aa ribo€ome + b\r' .Jaaw t7 @.baNddw
a. ty1 .r,L!rt drr'j/ii e-! clr".Y
c' ro{glroufa.e€rdod4rmicred.rfu,n ^yd4
A lysosoflE
i_ 80. Fla{lela in dto6a bactBria that p(,ss€ss them arc.
A ony requiEd to. vhbityr ti€n neod arbss lbr $em du€ to efiircdlnenld changes
-€- requlrei, tor viabry
(.c) not requEd tor viat iky
D coidlionaly required for viabllty
81. F€nhla har6 _ honologout pat! all cllomcomeai a\
14 B. aG c. 23 (o.) u
- ^
82. An abnormally of lhe bones of $e tace, dte te€rh, the with tie tolloi/ing manlfestalion, ttr&rr -,4r,rM
andr$ngolold palpEbral lissures derc'r€nqt ol eyelashes and upper eyelids, hiloplasia o, the molar (/r air'r\\i,r'' '
rones aio maioi6ta, mattornarion ol rle e:xemJ ear. macro6$;ia hi6hpahre.'rinalocclusion s knonr la ,^ ; '
n!a; n'
A cosen's {c) Trearfer{olllns :i , ' {
B. Eol/hs 5. Tun€fs .'.t' "i;" 'f
/]83,ad'Ee6eofskeleldq/s@rncharac,terizedabnofiIallliesofthesku[teethandia\6wilhmbstson r(rFrb,tr^^*
rudlrE(FJy clavlclea b kroxll as: -'rrr,?r^ (-hDod\ ; (r.--tl
F, cranioaa.jal q/sostools .,..,,.,.,ll :
A tacirea Ic.)
-6 udtldy blder I
B. lnEstines max. sirus
B 90. Tho ce[s ln th€ basal lE,Eradiac€itDlho baselrEf|t in sradhd {uarEirs mn](e€6nidrE epih.fium
arE I
A cubodal C. lh
G\ colrfiia, o. potyhedrdl I
D 9L TlMbur lln€3 o, OrIBn arD dw raE
A a.es ol tryp.rEalc c&llhgrlar*',}'' " 'q'lll;l i
B- lineE arE d hDoc*ffii h.tr,rEl ..er-,"r:rj i
-.k dlm.lng all63 d.ppo.Itrd dspodB ol cahim h eml,*a .- or^'rr- t
-< d I ml e e.3 ot ffirb(hn r .^..".-. "-, -
,e.-r;'6ogic 6{Efnhen ueqi $'$. hidherl * satmonera spoucs uraabnely po.[rced om * pl.*
o, m ta0olar flarn r sgccllod bysape ltllard gorl€3 b lotdll G
-.;,- I|
A. phase aOghldnffin ;\ c. pheiwqsbtr
B. PhEo con\Dldon ehTvEYdt I
I 06 )u,. ,., , ,o II
* I
- Nt(rr
r tter
C93 very longllved celb such as neuons anal can klc muscla cells tand b acdrmulatE a represehdng a
nartul:hrl mridituE.
normal and podr.rcr ot llgand Ear that ,esbt dtge$.ron by the enryd c!f,". n-i"-irii,iirffri,
A. r,"ranrn @
'fr#::),,. ,'* nry&+"ffiL E ,c,
ffii;Yg:e,+tr"- |
t;i;;;;-' (L/ lnbdcadonmerc{Dr
-lLyrrErtnr /F"r'r\tll
tead poisontno
.r 9s. Most of ule eneryy neeAed byh; celro sustatn iE metabotbm;;efvrd;ffi;6;ffr;'iffi;
oxk adon eat tal(os phce h [Ie:
A. \ llicto ubutcg
, S.rohdon
-t6. Fhgetta, gotgi nohrod(
b poyJerEd b!.
?tlr 'rr.
*::",1*'*, rr.*"1%*,#3i?frll'ril,H*' . "'
ptvsi:aLwtrtpirig acton c.
* D Etecronb cunenr
Neutrm drn€m
,ii.;' A. lung C^ tke.
. ,r
- t , ,,t
B. lddlle, aO:,/ snal hreslino
- to "
94. Ferdes witr TurrEr synd.ome have the lollowino sex chrclno#
a yo B. )o.x G ,,o o, xyy
trfl\ 1 _ 99. A.
Al birrh the nrodt k
'/ cobn'acd byarEe.odc bmls srcrl a! Vellonella
,rt 'r ii ---:- - (€)
.._ E
B- colonized atdre by
colonLedaidEe bv rEsHenrr.E
-f asu
l@nd b habor s,EPtococEls sali\drirrs
*Dsrri D lm. A t,klely kt(rrrl and m(}3t cortIllon anorndy oa autosorEl abberatbn in chrorioso.ne k os/n Dowl|,s
_d syndro{rlo s trfigo{Gm siotE ffi thlee cfitoflicom€ ln
oIeE cnlomGoinell chto,tbsome rurDel:
in cnIDmOSOme n mbe,: /r\ ,,<
a. 22 c. t2 (9,
A 6. An a(dry5 of a very hpoftant ri.rolm|€6lh{ corpoun& ibtriarzc.d h he cel fiouoh a high spcciflc
,ofln d endoclrDstr vrfilch rapresa s ar iltDoRqm sdrrce of tha cllolegEld needed ,or t|o s]indlesb ot
cgllda, membrates arB -r !..) 9at i.,
, ,L- medium denslrtilipoproEln c. hlgh dellsily llpoproteios L,o.)! rt,ErJ
d. lovrdemllyfipopiobins ')y,.,1,t:".,.
(I _
J 7. _ @)lquergBrrPopryFl*
Th€fre&minant ca{ ln Rsfrt nDrclonE E $e:
a lEoalarvEc\rla - '*,l\bk c- itv'llrs
^ a. *"
;;fi;i"it -- 'I
" *"
i*iffiXil'inununo.ompetent ad co.pt"r" t r"u."rffiF*
a. sple€n (d t!@A
b. peripheralblood
qs. The bll.U$ru are Ih6 orpans ol the mmune system EXCEPT: d. lyrnph nodes
L)iver c. spleen
b. lyrnpho8 follicles- d. drymtrs
C ro. The dyrygE populatlon o{ the drymus gbnd b _ iis lobule:
a cooceiraed in tho centor oa t'e ghhd " -r. e, { ':' -. .ll l_....
!R eveny di$ribured houghout r .."'
f'c ).DncGntJaH urEd the bordeF ol d|c ghhd /,.,r.,. " 'a 'o
Y concenlhled ln the cemrd hal ol sland
4t!)) Although.irdbtingulshable lrcm one another through theil unitorm mirGcopic appeamncq T-cell lal into
_ lunclional tlpes of suboetst .*i
r',I". ',/
a. cEEograId oaDl&Ia c!. lElEaE, €cE€rlnal oFplag,a
,- 6)al3-v r ffiAs$dtun -*X;:z/?,a
v 16, ]'hlta{ft d. Garh€igiyneodle
tmphocrtD aclirarbn rDiers b [trar. ''
! a. h('.@ ln th€ plducdon ol tmphoclrEs by d|e boho manow h n+oaBe to for€ign'invadea
-&\ Bllera{on
h6 Yir"hold luch3 drfig lnhcton
h slro ol th€ lyrndloqrB er lls inidal contactwl$ lh6 nga , Y: ,- ."
ilvr ,, (
':lI' ," - -.
phagocyBb and b le*eqllallnlessnsJtrallzea widl a speciric an[serum i':
jL group B sEe@coccus sal\raritE M-plolein
1-fD gmup A BEeptococclrs pyogEnes M p.ot6in
gro{p B stEBococais hcmoyils M ploEir
d. grow A streDlococqrs vluarE M proiE:
rl'AT tlY* L r -; -;;il -
- ol $e bll6\,hg ls- he classb manilestdi ot hepalic railurc:
20, one
-flY,i+'*or pr'b; Gr uerlo. or rr€ rnger
*Sli$y. | -.. b. dkzi!.cs if ai hlrE€r
-nt" d so. tn tesdng tor gralt-reledbo r€sponse bei,veer the donor and ule rectiern in orgah ransdantalion dic
-"{{: ^ .-l-.^- iollotflim"JrandgBis ale used:
fr#"i.; c.
*,""'-""/ , ---;b. Rh
Ja.l"r (l 3L Beta cdl aro fo|rd h $a \--l i','*)
- vtr.*\n$"\ v a dr€nd glands q paryeas
*r{oo'o! a..u@ o*.[l$ ** 6 ko
. _Pooadf
'-":'lr' -
'- !R
.\y3ai. Monto13 aEcelse! dt lllltE ll ItlG
-ortc.o6^{r,1d\ -a" ffi-bdte.-
G eosho lib
.<\ :*"*T
._ rr^Fa (pi'(.ru6ol,eo (iy' Fo&sb - * ": l;;- .
4 3a BI9A[d {b..di.+f assoda[.d r*h *;,:::1r't?..:* '6.
@ G!.onlrtr€lH.- -.. .-- . c. tDert lo6b of th6 bone
a ure unc @#,.1&T #-1f.#" a ralF
*lA}.rycrfil< di
t 3i\ThoVcdb arrooi'cn:iiess
dlat a lcy Iob in thrrar|gbr hqrmrl€s trc.n $6 cstEnocph.lfitld
oa h tro drird €noid6 b
ttte Itt'?ocrvslopotdffiffi*"*..,..
bloodt 0'" t@i !.{ 'EF!'!
fr.ltrPf,k a. par)Ela; :rfiii1trtkH3',X-";:- ",-", A\d.drw!,e.
b. afr0ttlf6' -" bt ^u,lac;, i 'qE.f , ', )a '( I lt,,riaoyq,t g
u^ 3a wtin d(eH LrlrE h dFcholrlr.dEh are arcolt|porid Urlfui.r{tronas ot lhc skh tlo coiddon b
r l6u ' "' 'i" '' L r o' b'@
loioxn ag
a R!.rLlt t'3lbt a @ r,louc*s svrffi " ra:L-r,'! P'-1d '"
j- b. Klpo€fs dta. A PaCractlantdo.tE !-,'b'c lv 'r''-t l
{r 37, BarGrhiiiift na. dqryetd pohrrho€L d3 sdd b be " r'!r<J
p€rehho!- 4.- c:. IrErofii|fioo3 o
lopdthorl' ;- lL'\ .rlDlftt lous a_
C & ln tlg 4{s€k oH embDo, the hlerc lateral corner of 0|o m€dtal n *t{,rDcest ar€ kndfln as
a gaplr (c
-d.' ltouur process .
b. t!,oid atdes msalpis ..f ., ..,
4 @.' .nr.IUdea. sap sbins:
-f (9!!hdy. ...
h Inbngety EoC,roptrEc
e mtdway beu,srn basophilic and
L r
2 (o)elnorma *Ionnsomd change. tndkladve., nntignant rans{oriiraiondee$y d. -
" g d'doldy iri:' 4 aNrqp,ctD./
c, polyptoiry
@ non6puzzle' d. bodt dol;es
,\ 4L Tlrojlblr|{ apfEaranc€ ol ihebone is pocul&n tol +i,lnitu plr:rr
(!-,bsEitle delormans c o6dlyi|{ ibrcnla .(rt!rl, !8+ruo,r,
r-L b, flblous dyspbh d. GteiogiticsaEoBh
a Ca/ Cormunicdoo be&€en the nucleophsm End cloptasm h cetls b astablshed roush dre:
- a. endoplasmb roliGrftrm . 6.\uctaer mre
) ,_ b. pehadear space 'lli-. nucpar inambrane
€3J lhe tem, spscilh lack ol espoatsiyrn€ss to aI a'ltgcn r€leF lo:
" a. Imrunologi5l leC€€ico __C. aubk r nly , . *+*, *.
b. ffirunobgi:d elr&todnsss blsrance
i 4,t. ln scrEenhg fo. corDaliirfty bEtsEer lcchient arld doior in otf n dh€dataiioo a vBry lnpora t st osed -r]a
d. megakaryocyEs
o, drugs by lhe ltver ceUs b done bt, the followlno int-acelhrh. organetls:
srDolh€r.daced endoplasnic rettulum -'.i-\.rd.{ f.,"1.,
rorqh-sufacas endoplasmb eliculum
c, ribGomes
, d. mihchondria
C 49. Thel eDat nadc subdance otenanet b tom6d by the
a- dendne omltlel m€dtbrane
b, Tom€5 pocess€s 6d. or"*;ia|s
Cfi. ln rhny c?lls comm.tnica on betsreen rh€ nucteoptasm and cytogE{| b esrat ished thmuoh the: ,LA ., i
, ...
a- efthplasric retiirlnh fc.)nuclearpoae
, b- pednucloar space
space V
Y nuc-lea, inembmne
nucJear inembrane ''n ^ ,
{J 5l- The_T+elb whlc} art required {or $e hdhlion of T-dependent B-c€I lEsporlse and ako tor cytoloxtc T_
celm€uppressoa c6[ acrivalion b, ar ben h he _ cail:
c. hrea
tr,.J*,*;;o*- _**y,1l","-{.fl
i,. gSqctum oIts ;:i''"''i';' ;i.,"
rbljr::-V a updtdter.urwn;Lruil""",
'**.::,," i ffi,,m
" *"": t A eE
6& The lrmunocorpeteds ol'T'lymphocvtEs b codered
-- me occulrrenci
09. ot inn
ilrrt DahEss
lEhbss bilateral
iniaDmadon of ,le
${eIing ol $e pdolid glands erDatrled hy infiaDmadon
bitteal $veling
" : ..
iri;irsrleit with aftlonlc low grado ,ffi' nEllee ard ceMcal lymphadenopa}ry and
( =/L' *Y'm$ffi5<;:,it:J?{:'\L'o"- v*,r*""*-,.'""
'{ , - eyE ard lackt
i t+ be) -1 4
, ,S'rsb6aris sraidqr* d. Behcef3syndEnE
{.t*l;D* r, D zo. a d"ot6*iria a*i'uoo h cironto€ors nuiser 22 b a66oc*dv'i[tl:. I
s\Dolynls SfiforE -Zl e ApElSllC dlem[l il
-..,,.,,-.,. (l)ttm* rilretge.lol r rn le,Lt d' Tume/s syDdome - 1
rry.-':-*il", h 7r- Th€ nufl cels belono b dE
-\^fru.1v ' q9."hv., .J I , .i m.Elrlltlocybs
6^ nfrtDohlg a |orl!
,rE>\ru*naac atn,hara(,... Nk."r e d, erydrlc1,te6
rrrr& kuE. i b I plonerabn ol T+eDer cdb hal sb{ h he acd\.axon ot B-yrphocytes I
.p:\r!u. td" - - "\ffiri""'rrit#,'-oroiFr.
zz $e
6;pd;"".dri,er4^r o arrni, s,^ , *li:.f.l.l-t.,i,".. .:.\.,r"r:+cp
e o6onh - qrhvtJz "n pw(a r &h;fihlrh''frt Drayxlllrl
',.n$^!r\a) r) \J ?* 194 t !"t --* ' imr noolob{tlh ''"''
Friiuaaurn II
'l zg, gri$;*k r S dtorotrohrch.ta
- dr. a(itir€d F,[ch tBtlr3BElt'voiy b$' .!lt'nd {"'cari'5|in:
a 30 nir r.t - &)sgconds
d t horr
b- 6 houaa
tryTYl,S':,Y - 1.7r rh. bsrE celld b ltd.oG
,e.muco.oh.ffi c calli@
(6)slFoi.Ai; .q - comphv'luv goin!9!!L€
L ?5, Tho a.di Fitd]tc- loottdcaon dto lDln. o'EaDT ilshirAgs t'! dlo Pq!!-g ggri
a urtir <,IptoEl8d' nolrscnoNo cohEcr
d' blood
b. sa(
b. sGktophil
C i.1. lh. @unsdd( appendag8 ln a nel'Iophl b $e
a l.utophIh lr.rule
b.' ffh lob€ orthe $orlent€d
- nudsrs
-d: soxdrrcmarh Gobt ner$red(
q 78. TI|e-JEqU,tzZH app€alarrce ol tlc bone ls p€cullar to: l
( a.)os$lds dolorrEns tfo#/l ) ordtiu fhonra l
-E: tibEes q/Bplash d. GEooEric sarconE
a 79. Thellqllotrlno consti0rents ls alsem in Glam negalivE bacteri4 j
fb>magnsslum rlbonucleab c dbonuchlc acid
; h naOn€sfum deoqdbonucLale d. ziE doorolraoflEl€aE
t Y
C 82. cells ol bose comectve tlssue containing hisiamine aro:
a- tympho.yEs
b. eo6lnophib
\t/ granurcyrs
b o. u*l"liEiJiiii* is uissered by t,e heraction ola lget w J;;#;i
r fbrse
a lrA
C e4. BeLafbi.e tound in hr,
a- pineal body
d. brir
fc.\ I
? ; *l-' V
uo',na ghnd. ..a.-,.
4 ffi;d.1, immunoglobulins that can be translened aEross lhe phc€nia lo provide the tetus
{ z S5. The only cla.s9 ot matemai
wi9passlve immuniq/:
y'a- c. {,,.- rl,,.,.i
lgc lgil
r& r.r1
i - d.
u 86. Thlt6lloii,ing compiso a'sedes ol approdmaEy 20 plasma prctellB iha hEract sequenliaily and b€coT,..rar,trf
_r' when an andbody combines with he antlgens: . ' '-; ;
fl- coanpletnenr t * 'm tnlrb e '' c. aiboe(Ent
i ;;ift;ffi :^, .u,4 rEr a Ju^p . d. imr nosirbulins ' -,"1 { '
87. At aulop6y lhe number o, palienls -"rr
wlro dle ol AIDS lound lo have nellopqoo@lc 4bnormaliljes b:
a,' is o as percent c. 55to an percem
/ b. g)togopercent d. 4stosopercefi
4 96. A dise4se chaEatedzed by seveB destructbn ot alwolar bono ihvofuing both dedduoug and pemdlent
donddons as early.a3 2 years ot age wih plemalrrs extollarion ol ts€Ut, glngival hypeQlasia glngiv-d
ulceratbns, ,om6(ior otdcep pefiodoital pockets asaochted $l$ hyperkeEtosis of t[9 p{lLqqq plantar
sldqres and qEneraiizEd hypofrHrosb:
{l\6: Papillon-L€revro strdrcmo c. H)rpoptio6BEternh
Heredllary ecbdeftrd dysplasia d' LSBII?
q s7. An qro?h o, aloirnmunlly le: lur',ir 6'd7 tLtl
+\r:1' '),1 b 94. The period ot fie
d. ponomysliiis.
logalthDicllhase or expoiendal multhllcatlon in ba.terirl gro$,$ brB trom:
'i::':-f* '
a 6br2houls J
#.3D24houE J
(Ji;r'hoG- J" Ii :
d. g b,l houIs
Id .
General& Oral Pa0plogy, MhrBcopic Arabmy e Mbrot lology Set 3
A dseas. o, h,anE and lDul{ dtildEn chardEbrhed by mahbsoDdon ot falr lrnpdtEd a!6o.pdoi ot
cahtum r$lh liypocalcer{a bfiry, os$opopsb, dtd lon deficienry aEria k
& nalab6orpdon srdromo c. aocolllk
h hhrnto ileo.cecd diraoEg d. aelac dlsearo
z The RoldtarEkfAscMl shuseJ are pdts ot he:
a Brah c. flver
b. gaf t adder d. spleeh
RM b repE5ert
a. or*y hlho nsclgt3 c. ontin $o O,tophsm
b. h dlo cytophsn arld n{clq.n d. h the nucleolus an(, qDplasm
4. The s dig ot 4dromcome allolylrE lE Uro corrporentsdrmrcom. to s+araF fton each
other ocaug dudngi
a dEPtrase e pmphago
b m€lapfrarg d. dophaBe
5. Phaso cort"at rilcroEaopr tBalea use ol_ arhural ,'ngs:
a- ,our c. lh/"
b. tso
d, thEe
5. Th. iklors otAaqul.trd imnirne deficlency lioln the HIV riag fr$ doscrij€d in:
a. 1970 c. 19fl)
h 1971 d. 1981
7. The denfncenamel membrane Is ra r€sul ot
a a comec-dvE ttsruo thiclenhg ot lhe ph al the dendno-€nariel l.rhctim
T b.
lhe tckened c€I fiefibranea ot ihe bel ends ot odonioHast3
ttF frIsih d rhe basal efil ol amabbl* and oddrbbbrts
hFion of ira lhidaened cel nenrbrrnea ol lhe b4ral end ot th€ ar|eloblasrs
A dhe@ b rlad(ed by steaEtrh€a, rnadocydc ahemia ll'dt m.galoblasdc Don6 marow a1d
T impairrE l ol ildd ahsorplion in ihe snlall htedine is lg|ou,n as:
jejunal malpinorytosb
a" sFlle c-
b. ententb d. ileocolits
9. Polypoidy in hs exreme fom as seen in lhe:
a- Potmorphonucbarleukoqte c. Eryrhocyte
b. M€galoryocylg d.
10. The delshprEnt of deah $arNs on tle monfi ol leBl lite:
a. zn c. 3ri
b. s" d. ,r"
11. Chhfis sl,idrorE b a dbeaao of fiGr
a- Lung c.
T b. Xidn€y d. blEin
72 Most caies ot prlnary hmnrboclrtopenic Frrpura occur:
a beble aoe of 30 c- bebre ag€ of,O
b. alter age of 50 d. alter ago ol60
13. ln mitosb lh€ nuclear envelop tragmed and he nucleus dbappears dudng:
* a motaphase c" prodlaso
b. anadrGo d. ldophasa
I no
Reed s*mlerg
ndhEam Ymphoma
c€ll ls paiho€ramoib lor
Hodgfhl direase
d. qqv
15. A 4re@ yrhich usu.I), beCh h fE 5p or 6i decado r.rth h0d manf,odn ot apharh or agnoeb
and oa aor rrshD dBonl$ wlh 9tsaf, Foqrrllion b toial dftrEnda and lc oa t"angcor$cal funcdon
a apfoley 0rau nal Pa*i.Eo.ll
h PH(s Pre6.nile dlphy d AIdFkFfr
16. ln h€ d&lnarn of Oro rchrrs, dle calolDdrate is
a a h.,(co 3t]l D2 &o(yibco
b. D2@bo6. alptE dl-2deoryribosa
1,. t7- Nocardb asLrDldea h a3socbbd !a,Ir:
a saroirosb adflqrttGb c.
H lel|l dredsa
b. b d.
= 18. d 0l. blo'lhg na\ rs *ildl qr has dlr pobttbl E uidarlo mdlgEt larlsfornido.t 9(,16 o,
a ofiTollrd c :r'r..rohn-feQhe
h, lndond d. ln0qkd
t: 19, A Gaa d the csnd ngvo.B qFLrn wtLfi beglnr a ol,E .&i>.
alld trograldrr!
corrsa n Edq! nourclogbdaa!ryrtrar albrvyaars oa €al lrd.lcad p&r D aH d!$€dd!da
' odsGlEarff| d.dr ofEn dlDb.sEochd ity@idlt -c.
t5 a. irEngpfE|n lrotr lEsIln dso@
b. trl€drEhhldaada d.
I i. tirihgEd! corEa
20, The phenotypic markir m cet ot tba immune qlstem whldl ls tlo reEePto, for lha HIV molecille
lder[ifid a5:
a- cDl c4v
b. cxB d.w
2L whon lh6 dmnr€orll. nura€r ln fis cel ,s g,eat€r tha,l ,le dipbld nurtber bu IDl a P6n ot L I is
sald b be:
.a poYploH c Etraploid
b. inuilipldd d. aneudold
22, The afiainmeit d a $6ady stato h 0le bdedal cell phced h iB oin \,olufilo o, isobnic o, Naclas
the dlalzablr iorE lla+ End cL no\ro sosB drs Grtodc banler is knolrll as ut€:
a Keanan aqutribdum c. lsoel€ctric point
b. connart eiuilibrium d. Donnan .quilibriun
nlo b[odno malor cybd6tt c srucnrt€s ara blllld h tlr b.cd6l cel EXCEPT:
29. lrtemaly'dboBomes
a' c. lndrslor bodl6
L D*nlit ! audeus d. tlg fbrilar iiromatn rctlvo*
21. one o, h; bloll,kto ls nor a lnertranolls oroamlle ol the cetr
a miclot$uils, golgi aPParatrls
h secrabryotoule! d. mlb"$odrla
X. A rapldy pogrssitfe and taaal dis€ass of the brah for wltch there b no drre ard b act through
ealiE lrrecd bee, b loloJltl a3 dbeas6l
a 16r and mordr e Ar hrax
b, oedzhldtJakd d. A@ tbts wE rdorveHNakob
2l,,. Most c6ss ot adlb lc*eda-h duls are of tle !'!',
a lymphocylh ola Uiocydc
b. ddracdl d. itonocyclic
27. il tiai
The duct of sd*orlr{ b -
a ljvet lub.ndilhry sallvary gland
b. sal thdder d. pahcraas
29. Awen ba: c,
a- @baaeou9 cYst focd keratosb
b. cutaneors hoan d. variant o, a wart
29. The cellular tuncton principaly coicem wfl oxidalive PiosphoD'laiioo atld related me'Sanism a'e
locded h th€ :
a- nucholus c. mi@choftdria
b. endopldrnlc lelicufun d. golgi netv{o*
30. A reduc{on or comphte absence ot tonus h muscles accompani$: irongolsn
a. alt ot tte dree doicas c-
b, Tav-saci! di5e6s€ d. Acittondroplash
31. lhe ageroii body a
!rd6h Olant coll b a mbmscopic teatna ot
a the nrbercle' c sdcoido6is
b. csteoahsbnra d. achondroPl6la
32, Theonly hEcliqre tlebsniagonoarhea are thos€ wih ihe:
a ,la{€{a c, caFde
b. pI
33 Bacteria havE a slze ol ,r*tst
a.5to10 G 02lo 5
b. 0:5b2 d.2 to 5
34. The a$ic cel de0ocarcium is a rE[gnan Urror ot the:
a alBlbr ptut lY glard c. tllyrdd gland
b. *blndatygM d- ada€nal
35. wef,s dbeirse drecG [rdn, ulsl
a hdh c' luDg
b. spken d. liver
36, EplChb adileE ol hs
a hean c. pdafi€IoH ghid
h brah d. ao,la
37. ma 6rcrae6 ag8 d fiocl P&t d he dllE of dneloHas@rrE b
a" .45 q 35
b. ct 4 40
3g. a 6odd\.€ P.4a!i l.l Ec ln a pdcnt wiu| cn[b' so.. thilad't, head&he, ceNicd,
tyliifiadoiopdty, coudt, !6hl peie.hha, pohts to elb
a hsrD Eha c. hcrFs slmpo(
h Dharylol,s rr
d. trcdoitg drononlEleogtt
39, Tlc 6fl.4 of porllh ot lsdd Eotiti b by hte ac€ u
a Frho moffitl q relYrd tum&o
b. rdEpotoao(}lgll. rL ia'ahes6 ol endopbsrdc e{o&in
,tO Th6soc#M Gat!:
a rCemfi d.idlt C.
otea8 o, FrF oecrcb
b. Itr€gda, t or*t dggBteraEd odonbt ast prcce9ssa
41. The in.i*wm is be:
a tnd$EpaIith c. carhe rb6sa
b, prslrE)dlh dj i,labfur,ocsa
4a. Ar aotb enc.topotrry ht drfldren bGren yer,! d ag; ,ir;Gi'ffi"rai*
conpttcain of thiuema A and hit*rza B and herp6 vtu virfcena_rolio-inlei:riiE-vai* m" r,r". *
2 .and.
a wy rrpl
. monalltyre E
ol unlom ter{d| and diarfteler losponstb ior th€ rapid treo srimning lllo ity o, ,narllr
he base o'
I ,t
a sodtadc cett of d€ t€male
b. gem cell ome mate
c. gem cel otthe lemale
d, fumAtc cell ot fie lh;]e
d€teqive resporlse rrom aln"rnuriues trtrlcn rre irv ri"" 6-"rppr n a
rympmc)4e6 artrl otten r€$rts in a tatal i0ness in inhnts ard cfindren b $o bfluro
b pidduce ote
lolbt /kg hriunoglobuth
a. lgc g l9E
b' lg d. lsA
92. Ihe Dubh.Johnson dbf,asE ane.ts dl€.
a. sphcn gan bffie.
b. lddrEy d. hhr
9:1. Sullur girr*s ln ho absc€as b ptuDgIDrtc rD,:
a trlonlltsb E a"t rrrr*"n
-- . b. tutcrs.intecibn I Efrffi,*ooinos
94. h gutogsr n€phaosb, a comp[cdoi d dab.ies mefitlrs tle gt]rEogirn irftddor oc"rrifn Ur*
a. dsd conrotubd tlhrt€ -
;, gkrrcruhl Ufr
b. loop a,llenle d. EoNrrais ca!6uto
95. Hai ke nldofibr89 oh tho sufacs ot vrbus la.brh wl*r, ale s$ort soalglll trfn ar" crl"O:
a. Ra{€tra c Utroddie"ni
b. Cr d, Fffi
96. Recaper,mad&d endocrbeiroadrrg At.3on ce surtaaolaloun as
a. cbah,h c. cosd Ctt
b. ao.lEl cel [Dfibrano3 4 *rh.
s7. The cel d l(lrutHql are hrd qi 0E
a. gllalllnMle c. adrqldgbid
h i&i
$, h t|o q,iod.$n flo suoa, ot tlo nud.d& k 4 fira.ryobid
s- deirGrobygf'c@ b. lerc-loauy *tcoBe
c. 2-D deorytlboso d- D-dboss
99. The o.aland lacial pigrrentalion of PeutzJeohels syrdrome ls as3ochDd widl;
a rlnglng oflha €ars low baak pain
b, headadr. d. abdolr*lal pain
100.Tho benbn lyriphoeplthelLl lscion b r unor lound In the
a lang
. b. salhrrry glard
c' ffiuue
d, spleen
Faura of thc qb&ulaI prcG€sa b compHdy fum
Lac* of irsbr boi{Gcn $a ,ndH and hieral nasal pocess€ and tne rlra,ola'y
FatulE d the BDitrelH vial b be p€rtor€lcd by eh mcsodc'm
34. TtE furmafon to mi^ h dE GytoDlasm takes placa in ti.
car orentrane c. ,n'ldeolrs
b. nudsus (t' nudoars+
- Irp nucholrs
35. rebms ht oh dalghB celb &.ino mlocls
c. Ardras'
a. lil€trFrra ( Prallas'
b. Teloihase
gc. ;,l. ;d=riln oH t oul *+B! cardqn sdB sr! depeid ln tr aDu.d degenoradng odonbbhst
dEceasea obliEradno the tltul€s leauiing in th. appeararE d
[- se"o.oarv*r,tli c. Fn&mrY de h
b. Sclercdc &n& d' Qaqc dedin
3r. tlia;rdtohgic irtate&d.s ol b4*a$d lehEs to d'teitvlroD tbh'l
a nudegc I G sto
b. c{h d' cdls"rui lilm
ge ecl3-diat ale dsranoant rth!'- dl lt rEhtatdl I a sosca d elEot lEYs:
-;-rfi;ffil;;ih e L'orntod*N,ah ..
; ;td;j.rtn6;iai-r rr Hr i40lv o' duutldhl etSoLnce
der c drhro E &\naop.d q/r
--'t axrctrnttrott
39. Th. frsl
e PtsElli
; il#-'---- d' u'i'
40. ?ha intennedlaie rEs6a0o encoded h R|.lA b l.anslatod lhto a poypeptid6 lhain
a envelope
Nuclea, c. C,6ebn
b. NucleotB d. Nild;B
4r- Ite qnplox basophifc rrahrid ot td*Jr d.filolomes aru comp6; b tr
a. DM c' cgne
.b. Chilrmosor*s d. Chrcmadi
42 Wl€n mlostt in ft6 ce{ beljB ls nucholus dlsappeaE in:
a. Metaphaso c- Telophas!
_^ b. {'aPh"p ,. d. prop[;
44. The dlsthrdon ot lntq8bbuh, dentin b mctt
a- At th€ c€inehb€rarEliundon c- h hs rootmdion
b. cl6e
,, tnelb arD_ b Fip&rre d. Near the d;ndno.enamet jurction
/r/r. ctdrrriralaB pap a
a. 15 c 4b5
b, 8b10 d. 6b0
,15, lo nBoftalkcel adlroEreome numb€.r|ildt b a greate, thd dre dhloH number bllt not multiple pan o,
itbkn nbbe
a Aneuploi, c. iruftipkid
b. T€ltlpbH d. Pob,ptdd
16. Penlcl n dq€UoF betrria by attediiu uletr
1 qqh€* c. nahspo[oro*]o6r
b. cel Ell lonn tion d. purnri mabofim
17. ln the capsulB of b*teftl celb the antigens:
a, t o nd pdnicipar. h aoglutinadon
h Poss6 he same ahdoenic aharacterirths aB be cyloplasm ol the cel
c. PoEndafie the raibn ot tl6 alq)ealr or ths cefl $dae in aggilhat on
d. . Blod( th€ andgen ot ihe cel surtac€ trom paniciEton in a6bdnalifli
48, ln &i€ }s/eek-ou ombryo dta Fimordum lo the anEriol bbo o,lhe h,DoDhvsb located
poudt: '
ant dotr ro
craninal end f d,le hxcopharyngeai membrare b the
a. Hypophysea, _
c. Keahb
b. Rathkeb d. Ectodernal
49. The thlrd and unpaired promineDce that forms pan of the tongue during i!9 development is known
as the
a roDerclJommpau c.
Lingual proEbefance
b. p.omhence
Llr€ual d.
LirEuat ijbe.cb
50. ,{UDugh dr€ lollowirrg.palhogeng ara Us prevat€ ones in $o norial nErrtfi, they ars ,ound
decroase ln nuhber y',i€n carabs b &tivE
a Stepbcocd c. Lacbbadll
h YeasE d. qidhe&ids
51. &dno transrirdon the SEnattc ir or.mnon erhbodisd in any gven iene b
a Found altemaEy in one strard and h the other
b, Found ln both snarrd of tho ONA double hetix
c. Confino din ooe stEnd lo the Df,tA doub,e helb(
d. In noirEr sEaid d t€ dorDl6 silB td
52. The basis.of lransctiBion trcm exGndd chromalin tmm tNA lo RNA
& Tho sld€ choln to th6 lour nitrwenous c. Complementary base paring-
ffiotu" "noi""" d rhe polrDePddo
53. Durh0 the lb,naE'or lo lhe clDwll ,o tle both, the srccesgtye appodtoi of la)ieB o, enamel ma0ir
dlor',i bytd
a Lllles d O*en c, Uno a, t|dus
b. lfuntsr-Sdlleger band d pedl(ytmfia
54. Th€ cdlsdr,o olgdlbm ot q/phlts etf€dir,EUdemoistaEd by dqoscoDr/:
a OaddH c. lG-en'*"
b. Pha3a col!"asr d. Bl*lhffi
55. Th6 cohnLa d Es.tefiia cott on aoar are desdibed a*
a FoHll{ c, Looclbrn m
!. seryv i
S,5. A dbe4
d. sndmrrs -
h ch drel t$th synFtorB simla, b pernlcbos anemh drii t-ngnUrlrlon ahd $e l€sut ro
hEtelarao b wtl6+ grui.n and charlc,ie&cd by s6/€r glossids and dM|.a ll,nit br!E, pale and fo{
slnoLbI !
61. c 81, b
1.c 2,'b 41. d
a2. b
62. c
2.e D;a 42. d
83. b
3.c 23. c ,li} tl 63. a
4.b 64. d 84b
4.d 24c
65. c 8s. b
5.b 25, a 45, a
66. d 86c
6.a 26. d 46b
67, a, 87. b
7.a 27.d 47.d
6&b 88. c
8,b 2&c {&b
60. d 8[r. a
9.c .29.b 49. a
70. d 90. d
10. d 30. a 50. a
51.c 77. d, 91. c
11. c 31. d
52.c 72.b 92. c
12. d 32. a
3[}.c 53-c 7ac 9ad
54. a 74b 94. b
14. a 34, c
ss.b. 75. c 95. c
15. d 35. b
c 76. 96. d
16. d 36'b 56.
57.d 77;, e 97, d
17,c 37. c
58. b 7&b 98. d
18, 3&c
59. a 79, c 99. a
19. c 39. d
60. b 80. d 100. c
20. c 40. c
' ':::'
, I :i,:"i,r:iii:
General and Oral Padroioo,, Micros.opic Anabrny
q 1.. tlvrrtchlr.the toovrino orutaDb, b tu."r;;;h";;;;;;
a statr(Eocd c. Eospbaocd
b. enrnococd *cP,*
a z' " ii|e ;iGliffi'ppce", onoo$ ,o rErh,, r.qui.6€r d gonococci
a loth vtt'lntrl C and vftemtn D
b. vitan ;a - -- "-'-'1 c. nether orth. dobes
q s.'r ii,soifrillieodna ard pa,smerrro, poynorphnua"", uffi3r*,,"" or
a aorE hnamtradoh c$mnb hlbmEdon
b. subacue rnflarxmrion
c, 1,' ;;;6dno;; ii,ffi;;* hinologicaty msembtes d'" drror'c ordrfllomarous lnta',rlarirn
a cradopharinOiorB c' ahdobla{oma
, s. r r. ne,arirariiijiiaston-
O oefid€{.y or RBc * *oron,onn o n *"r"*,otffiooc Phary'tb,na
a- L€iikerda cl a0ranuhcytosb
h anor*l
C a fg}'irfur"- q para'r r.sion thar odon"* l:#ff-? !,'o, sarivary shn&:
./ .. t. nrasati ssio* "e
d z. u rGii"6Eirfr';codins
" adenocJ6dcca'ciloma
", Pleomomhb demma
a lo Mna., scles d,a!
denat carles b due io bacDrie
and hter dtlsohre fie oGanlc conierts
[le organb contsnts, lib€r.dno dds
rr. aleital carri€3 b 6used by a 3hgle orgahfsan Etter thar a yarielr ot oaoanlsm
I a_ a.^ "I
dental ague b stu. re ftat inlirEs a cariB brrDdon
dertal aart6 b a arervrlco_parasfb Ureory
Squamous c€il carcinoma usuad meiastasts€.by yray
a rrphatic system c r'€hous s!'steo
r ispiratirn Iio rre ttmos
! j s. trriJffi?
il! jiii,'iilii si,o,i*
Lymphoeptthetioma ",
d arbdar E.tem
c epidenDoU ca'Einoma
6- ro b.
ir," riJilfriiilrt or mtroorsonun in *
I a- Ladobalilli sroup
b. fitanEnu," rom "n* ",3;tffi*,
; m*
^ 11.7 A toeign bodyprodrced as a reqr[ or damage a t. r"n,riuuiEilooruium b characred$ic ot
a ocdusi/o frtombus
I 1^ l. vegeln!6; - --- c hrchbus
! rz r oe ig&G-; ar€ rned h. enbolus
a. endohelialceu . c cot0mnar ephhelium
b. s!"alifi.d
( 13.' Arbng odErs [resquamous.MeIud a. ,resofretia conffi;
cflnical teit Ie otchrcnic p.lb infeclirn S: -
-- -_'-*".&;
I / t al oftfrL!,_
_- _
a" tonabr b pGrqrssbn c. drainho situs tracl
d rl. I eiLliifr"ry slphlis on nhe rc€e,nu* s*"r**
Ib. tqqPlase rarety maDifE* h fE upper [p6
botlr dbaase demonffire eorf
c' ffiaajnopafry
both ale e(cayabd hsto.Lr
d. bo0t leshns pDduco ulceralb & snhr!6 reglofiat lymph
L 15 cor.lsr
t,t'ttrc[ oLease ls not assooeea n
J.- [;;ffiif*eryremarc* immiH"
a Sdelldclme
q 1a tn gtamsiahlE 0€ pnmary stah b:
t -. 1 b, Sdranh c.
I Eosh
:::::. ,.
, rz.l iL #li[* tgon deEcEd bynonodoid **n #ffi*$ crE b a indr."r,o'
6. NXae0. c'
b. T ceia frbnocl,Gs
d a cers and G,rndoqd6s
q,a LalJ'& u u" poriphsiat t ood
a rDlloclb
u. naoq
-i The r
hruIr iDqrfqorr.rr h ditb|tdd8 i ffiffi*o
a lad( olqicFttitim ffi d;Grilro *
","rg_r* c.
h, t{oh ltdcre Fsrdlce otmaaasb
c zo. iitiitffii&r, or h,be d. nucba plcomodlkr| (rapkda)
a lcdrdvrryCagr8 c \"hb lcrdc
L ' A',Ei,;;;Ji-*n
h ca,E rhg
ot Pbcuc
m dlart,o phopte b *"r r*,, **ffifJ.
a- mc{loEtoiro ,bl!ll3 dtEphda
b. Pa$b dlsease ot boh6 lnd seveE poi/oslolc librlur dyspladi
c. Grr&rlng frbroma
d. sEltsle hepadc darnago .,.i, _ , I
22 ln an ln lammabry Bsponsa, murophib lBleaso nDleqrles tha ha\6 th6t
a dsgranuhdon oa masl celb c. chemo& o, eoelnophils
. h dlotltlosg d, chemotads trnphocyte!
a, 23. GlenuonEr can ta ftlEndlH radbgraprtbalyl?orn abscgss bocausai
a variabb radlolurconcy c.l b a ddmscrib6d l€slon
b,Ibdftu9erardbcbn d, ot sts s of hdiopacltie6
(- 2,1. C),sdc hilroma ol drr ned( lE aridence oft
6. b.aclral left q/st c. Vmpha0bnra
b. ttt,roglogsal cysa d. hanlanglolrE
4 25 A mk umlor ot tE parodd ghnd is nlost lil(ely
a. sh, grordr hn Endtll3, b{Etd
b e$lbL
c, hbt fieaasads arr€. ,"or*"1'
I.al,r tnce dter enucbadon d. e6fy a,ld hernonhage
b. eady metastrab b dst. organ
,l 26, Tlr prirdpal dtdba.bdd a.doilot rlo Eractdinos b inhiufon ot
a cell membfanr functon c. hlsaono torrnadon
I b. ceI v,al sy i.sb d. F@ln srnhesb
,27. Th. cd ot p€*rdootal dise-e b phgaro. I k caused by aJ.aeE poducing beri.:
a lebadltl. addoprfll]s G" staplrllococd
n. bpbbrn buccal3 d. $replcoadr! nulrns
c 28- A banhn tuiior lr$6lt shoE JLt a
a Oteat armunt ol grhmbosaopi, alE atbn
b. immdrre cel pquldon
c. enclo6ed vriltrlh fbroB lttentraha ded a capsrle
d. very rap*, cell dMshr
6, n- U,/hlfi oI ha tollowing vinEcs .dr e6iv bc sprcad h ,ra deitr, otfce due to poor
stetilzatoh ot irsaumonts:
a" aI ofthes€ c i|epafib
L b. herpes simplex Mrus d. adenovirus i.,.i
, 30. The predominant cells in acu€ hfldrmaton:
a- Lympho{ytes c eGinophlb
a b.
v\ 3l1- Sheddlq o{ deciduous Ecth b ar hEnrfltent paocess. The d.
neutroph{s plasrE celb
p€nnanent teeltr mo\re uFrvard *d ''XA
pEssure b appfed on the rcots ol UE tenpolary ieeb. Whd pr@3s iale ph.r
in cerrenEm and dentin?
a. physlologlc resof pdon airty
c, oeEo&dc
J lno€ased
b. cem€ntoclast b d. pahologic reso.ptho
rl 32 WartDh's nr|rDr ocotr most lrEqu.rfy h which o, rhe tr. ghnds?
_ a subndilhry ghrd c salirdy gtrBrld
i b- su|rhg{al glard d. pdodd gl8rd
d' 33 nE abflily ol he o.oanBrh !o rEdst intec{on b: \/ -', D
a. Ad,body c. adga$
b. allergei
- 34 D€squarnEliv€ sldn l€sbd 6rd edenE atE usualy pEseot ld:d- i rlnfy
L4 ,,i lA
a- Kieshbrior c. itaE$nu3
b. n€l0ler ot$e$ dlolcea d, eaaema
q 35. W dt ofdro tolo{,ing bacerlaare
,- TlEpon€rla
tnlad nnge of halitab
3- Aednbdss
in hGord ca,itti: \tfl
2. Aalinomyces 4 Slrepilococd
a. 1aM 3 c 3anda
b. land 2 d,,lonly
C3d Th. mo6{ ftqusot CE ol bNt
,a Lips G pab. v',ua
b- glngtua
qi 37. DaErgorla kil ba.neda by irtrErt{ x,l[l funcrion of $a cet d. ixlgr.
a- $ral cap$rle
I b, rbosom€s d. cel lrEn$tane
-/l 3& atl nEtahoilc
iard Erupdon ot b.lh dr. D:
tHlcis0ey c.ld.ot+ac.
r,./l 11,
b. lynphadenopathy
c. pahat b s/rdling
a/ 52.s_,wl
turmr presents pdntess sxrelting
afiot UE bl6{in$ corlslt&E an in-llar ratory hfiArare.
., 1. muldnudeabd gbn cels
2. neuuophlb
3. nuirs
,t. ensol
5. I,l6rroCranod
a" land2onl)' c" land3onty
)c// sa'i/ b. 4aldsontv d 2,3ands
&l acub fsictlorr ol6e liom rta .ow pr.B FDduclrg mtroorpanL:m suelj 6iJ i* o.rr*arrrr-
ord dte E b ar Inadsqu.t bbod slryi b irE cardlo.! tonE urt*o 6ro o riiru;li-ilr" E;; -
dla0[red alr
a m!.elqr|a c- oetlonE
( / s+ 1,' OiO $e mdlgmm
b. cEirb d- osEorfiyefis
matunr botle U&hr!, whLrr alB [tora lldy !o be €ncAu erBd h_cf#rrD d f yuIE dulBr
l- ulabmr
t!4Efxna ;;;-::::'-:
osEogen& sarcoma
Z rEtastatic csrdnoha 5. tri{SsdEoma
* llFErEona
r? 55.( VYttt t ol k dr 8o&E $!r p.dertflr h6 A|OS?
- L l6.ldl.,lI rmlydalbnss.
2 in lle sEIt&Ity D hhcdo.|.
a rroc.E ffilrllodbtdft h dr. p.rhhed dtll&n
4. HDpa/urdtdioo
e- 1',d2 q 2 arld 3
I b. l rt3 d. I ard,l
, 56.",, S1e@cocdFeoaho.:dflo€.ro rulrhdE
a l'lyaluronH6s Callulilits wi$ tmphangtb
b. FibrinobBh d- N€qosh
q 57. Pa$ognomic q,mplorn ol acul€ apl6J perLdontilis:
& Iordem€ss to p€rcuatslon c. hypor$lE&i.a b heat
b. exfaord sxEllrlo d, lniormi&nt ard lhrcbbino paln
.( 5e Tli bads ol Cr-am gainilrg fi
a. matnaslsm dbonudeab c. magn€3ium deo(ydbonuleab
b, rrc Go(yribonuahic eld d, rilbnsdolc acid
59. FacloB diat assessed In th€ Oradlng ot maIonant tumor incfud.:
a.numtror ot mtGos In th€ lrlnlary tunrr
h nurDe6 ol lyrph nodes conlair$ng ,Etastasb
c. dagrEo ol local iavaslon ot th€ pdmary tumor
d all orth€s€
qw. An aphrElbl afiar€o wfiiJr b mo6t nci, b plecallceaols B
a. dldetatools c. pa,akBaatGis
b, hypetualcrb d. rcanthGb
d,,- Accaptabh cord lon fu corplrt6 sErilzalio by aubcta/hg it
a 5 mln. d tl5 C wt'El 15 h. Pr€.art c. 20 min at rll
C with 10 h. Pr€ssura
b. rs lis
min at l!,5 c
15 mln. C witl Pesaur.
lb. Presdll.
wtth 10 t!, d. 20 n n. at 121C tlrh 15 lb. pressuE
C 62. Wti$ or lh€ fr. b addooenlc lM in deep searod caries ttat lncre6es h p
dudm pe.lod
saltva dudns
aadv€ caltS
a. Bacaoidoa c. Ladotoailrt
b. Acdnomlrosos d. Sreptoaocqrs p)fogenes
q 63" Tr,ro of rfie bllovring dbease b caE€d !y a post srepbcoccat t bae
a" fteumalb lever and ghnE[bnerhritij c- pharyEilL arld
commn cold
hscadot 1616r and 6r)'sip€b d. h?e$gD and Gteorr],olitk
12 e+ AI erept orE b hot a lealoll o, dle F&
a. uherdh/e pubids c poitp
lrypeE hia olthg fub
b*. .
CharE6 h ce -rype tlom a mor€. speciaiza b . loss spechlias cel tlDG
a- |tpoplaria
c. neodasia
b. rneraphsia
d*. d. dysplGia
Wrich ol lhe ,L tumoE lvolrld be clasdfed as being of connective tissus origin
a MelaionE r'!
b. papiilonE d, fipoma
q 67- wlrh]l ol tfus€ microoryEnisrn p,oduce proEotytc eozymeg that penetrale thc organic malrit I
eoal'd gMno rbe b dentaf 6rhr?
a Stppbcoccl c, Badl[
b. d. t-a.tobeili
'q58. B6ctedd sporBs arE a Foblem h sierntshg hsturlenE a,ld eqrrirrEr* beeaure:
tlley are resisiant to phflica ana aremicat agent
b. lh€y arc easy b deeoy bur arG usuafy pdected by a cabjfc lIEartram
th€r' de rosbtant 6 anribbtc
d. lw pdlogedc bacDrla ar! spor! bfirEr
C as. Irem{rlq,3 an€mla matr sod6!.d wln i*tt fi ol rhs tf. condtiraB?
a- Gastic hyperacidty c, glocshb
t. mldocldc anemia d. ircn defciemy
Q to. GanubmaDus infhmrfiatirt musl have th6 ff.i
a i/ia.rophages a caljlaries
b. fkoustlsera d. plasma celts
Ctt Oral ftdEs h Polph!,*a ad
a.xrnefsb€h c. tld Eeth
b. ridad enarhol d. (,en&ogon€sL lnporrBcta
b ,,. TlE.alrcat o, dihitn Na ol| t|o chclr'al b lrcaraac s2e oa'colagen rt€ls. sucn a rcacdon is
r.Gkigir/cls c. Flbrcorabds
b.Hyp.rpbtic gingi.a, t'. Hypcrophted Otngtvat
q7:- Eceas ftuorlde htalo can rEdl !t .-fl
adeb.i b calciflaadori ol {lallE| c dyduncdoi ot odoatouast
b.d€gerer.don olcsrFrtoblast d. atophy ol tlo anElobhst
b'i^ Aro [i0 caG€s d abodtlHhe dwer k ,,,4
r waa drruldion d. dbse
b.d*rnlcal stimul&n eprssg[!
c.Irdmitttbn t io.3dhno|1,adon
4o,l q c. 44c,
qqeJ B. D. i,t, c d
Ctz Loli Fedonhant o.gdtEm lbird h dr*d phouo b:
alrabtqd| elttFcocd
hdldoeod dqdr!,t9.o.d
4 ZO. h nre mct cornnm type d ns$ ts the:
a,Jundbnal c. Uue n6/i
_ hcompgund d.ht| rennal
C 77.'i Mode ot gioltrl o, berign unb.s:
/ b.&!reu"h,E
d iffi
?8. , .wlbh miaroorlaobm can bo crrhfed forn chtorle biar.rd uleerat'hns ai tl€
comer ot the nealh
Tr@nema a c b'ucsla
/- b.bordhlincsnd d caDdida albbans
4 79.V The dfterene_h ho rBdn betflea gldn nega$uo ard grarn posidr,e ba@da b the atEenca ot
a- poraEsrum rDonuch6te c. zlnc dl,oflrchab
b. sodium lt)oriucbato
^- - .
80.? \.rllidl0t
d. magnedum rlbonudeat
rhe tt sta(e.IPnt b c.ire.r:
A" A decq/od looat ls ElnEd 6 acabirs tooth
B. +ntd dec4, dbeftgraurs il'e haad dsE|"E d bodt cmrnet, cerEnum and donrin
c. Tha iiddeftE ol d6nbl carha b glrateet ln clildEod aM your€ adult
D. lt #ctr deoiduous teeh a! I doe! t re pcrmaner* @eth
a. onu 1 ard 2 c all ar€ corect
b. ont 2 ahd a d, orry 3 and 4
d slt Wfrn baolka lhe in dl€ oral E &o6a paflic tadytlo ctEek
aThrutr c Lelkoplalda
b, irooilh atba.r3 d. Udlen planus
d a2.1) bone b resorn€d
a Chondrcblasl
c osloobbst
r b.ocGoclda
eB. n
b Ostaopoosb. meb.tDasb cahdicafion, rmd sionesl inaroaaa cakirm level are manife$adofi ot
a Hyperadrenalgm c. BypopahdModism
b, HypeDara0tyloHbm d. HlD.rtrMddbm'
,l a+. 1' rne rirosi comiron focdon of rnnsirionat cel cA
a. anlerior 2R ol he tounge c. gingivat
;;;;" --
,-. b.
lard palaE d. pha/ynx
C 85,! Which is least like, b
produc€ iDtrarrascrrar $rcmbqsis?
a. stasis of blood a warfari4 theraphy
b. h6pevtscoslf' syndome d. pharyx
b 86. L7 Causes pharynqoal carcinorna
a. arcohol at*se . cne her clgaletb
- shoklng nor alcoM
b. bolh doa.elb $nokirE and akohot abuse
aD.,so d.charsne sr.kind
C sl.t Aflenuated micrcorganisEts aae ltsed in E|e manufacrure ot tha F.
a tetanls b)(oil
Q 8.\
b. defibyax ,lelanus btioid, salk vaccina
t lhlch statsme ls colr€Et
c. salk vaccine
do not
b. ha\rc a
cdlsct upoh podh/e orgarbn
alldn{crcUd sp.anm
c. do noa lltr gan poqii.. oDaDbn
d. aro ioa goo.ildd
q SaiProlgngod
/ii de6.bl ar{Suc tErart lrlay!.!Gp@ b hMotr3 db€ss! car.cd by hdlgGous od
,r*ias;nhn rrci;
a.cardHa&lr c, t sob&im lirslorrE
hdrdnortlld d. lrranalla
?.vf;5;ff:lef-fWE-!en" bltE',*AT?r}relrtrabhrtas$!ftsasralBot
/ Fondamental d. Cymfriosb
' 94. tvpes ot dssu.:
a. sneplococcl and bacilludriery
b. SnBPtococEl and Feumococd l,arEty
e BadI and staPhYld:ocd van ry
, d. [email protected] sblritylococd vaidy ) .,
" --' ;ml"enchifu d"r*
9s. FundanEnial tl,Dos ol6sualr
c.lluid dsouc ' '
b.musdrlat-tisere d. collaoen lbs,6 " :
AnesdusblogyibdPharmacology setr,.:l,1rl:'.'-,,,'ii.'t l,i"t.i5
z L MEPHENTERMINE suifate b gh/en to a partenrwtro -,' :- -; iA;;;;ki- iili,1.'l'.81 n,*nor* ,.u *, r
/ 'i"X;',H.
.'', , '.].. a1 hyeorra'lsifp /
is hyportansiye , t.. --:, ,-
t- ooes shock
inro shock
go€s into ,, "T,,
t.t:,,-t.- '1,4 ,0
b. has hyp€rolyrcidism '.-,'aatu-v7.--t a. E astrmari- 'r'\lr'{ra
7] z The d6ve6p6;!iloii iriiJ,;iii,v.*roi" o.gs E an outgrol{rh of Essarch or: ' 'f'+.
a arnihisramhes - c- anrianxtety drugs - , .i l" l,' , "' "
b. antieflEdcs sedalive-hypnotic ,
@ ru,,.u, 1'*-",
l. 3. Soluiions hat cortain epinephrine
and ph€nylephrine have shett tivos of
@ lSmon c, about4S months
Gir about r.il mor hs d. 2 months
. , 4. Epineph ne rt/,Mpqr,
a- alcoholdedvafve c-
derivarive ,;.,,...-".-,.
phenol ^l
.E. BrocaEchh dertvaiy" d.,1.' . , I '. ,l ,.
dedyaiive Iu qtrlll"ror
e 5. - --;" futl|:
'a't o' '"":3J;.\::\:- "',
ln sysnrematic inhcdons C-ugfo iry.Erp{ve fqngi, amphotedcin B is usualtr qiven
a tunprcilrrn
'+s"'^?-:''-;'ii'u''i i;ilfi;;' ; 'tt
, b- i;-
sutradiruln6i#l-iln_i-:?1,"*,;l;",@ u^"lta;u),- .*- ':;:.'""',-
Ftucytog,,Ille, .. ^^
, 6. Which ol lJ]e lollowing has tra 6roriae$ spe.rrum^.
ol6c0on? k,-'
'n _, ', tub".U4
a clindamycin ""..'1
c. Erythiornycin J '0
!. T.etraqdiae d- Amptcittin
q_ 7. Tetracyclina suspohsion conrains 2grlml, tf lie dosag€ iE 6OOnE., hdy much &ug should be
administ ed?
t'P' t n t
or. c. I Esp t
O }t tsp d. Z rsp'
A S. Curentry-B\e besiolal ssdatve drugs for denri$ry fallinto $e class ol: \I:illn,i,
' *."..:.'
c. ca6amaie6 ,_, '
d. harcotics ., " ".,r,
a Providol|ebdlne y' Sodium hypechlorjte
b. Alcohol d. Phcnol
! ro. rne iocatanesttretc agentwhlch potentiaes lhe a.lion ot endogenous epinephrine and nonepinephrine yqr! ttui
is: - Er L.r r i ,r.t r-r L)
@ mepivacaine
L 11. The toial dose of the drug is 4,8 giams. lt is d'rspensed in aapsul66 and io be iaken every 4 hou6 for 6
days. What is the dose ol the drug?
a 125 mg t 2lofiD
b. lso rE
X00 mg
12. Prolonsed antiblotlc heraFy rflsy del/elop wha ype ol mrecrion?
a st+hylococcalinfection c. viralinfecton r !r* rLy' ! rir.nl: rf
+ flf+IDFY( N -.,r'
nf!F _l !'<"I
t'14 . Amoxicillin
. ^: ^.,.,..'' amoicrllin
-" ,
b z. nre mncentratioir ot etdocaine hr dental
a o-2-1.0%
puQose is:
c. a0-5.096
"\- d. 0.1-1.096
'$:*: 'l!1X*r"
' *o"""9r': X;tSn* hav€ u,e torro,urns drarac.Edeh' rtfl nrttl
ffitr#'*, oU
- a. Dnrg roclptor comPl€l/
Alleqlc efEci
lnMnslc Ac!tuity
-_r$i,.nr$i b..A,,inllL
stlp-qre6:,lhlcough cente?
C Wrlch of he lollowfig druos a9t by P
1'?'h! -y d. ASA /Ari %;fl l;"::4? ;5"'"
"4 a -4rfi'(}'( reorfid"('a/a'ft
meperidine a6rf}1( ,. _. .1nfl,*,Ifl
tit I.qc 6t.t
b' ac;taminophen q). L
uor"v <'t/^l
..) "/,x1 L
^ A codeinq : ql}h{\rieto )* mlougn
C ,s. Tt ..iiiLry n"rv€ Gavds th€ cranlal fussa
a the foramen ovale llssure
b' the supedor obitai
,c. the lora4gDlsMdun
'a' fieincsive torarEn
t^,,11!r^, A *'
26. dim]f:g$iP hi: a ,t
ii @ . -con-tu.g4pn i redudion
ott"brf;n'l!j1fl"*q"'1*-*-.^ *
""- "
ls least likely lo occur durlng aneshesiawith
c.. H6tu'un6
:;, ,". *nn'""*ril*lt*#Ennindsdthepostedordivisi""orheI,,'ndif;Bo#mf
'"r i ;Ii rr/ i il** 1,,** *,* d' b;s buccd nerve
h ra 6 ilill"*'*''*'"'*^ *-
l4!4h a"mnronia acls agaisd sytrcope
.*r:9.trPli""' r't'"tea
t{.!c',Jr$ I :H:g.,1nf#j$;ffi$9"T,'ll?"*l-,"*.P
+'!.o!', fi ffi,H:';ffiti"*
o**6-5ffi1rffiffiffi li["rii &i*hds
Mr'it t|e v?Ls]onEror center .
- ar^i;"io ::,_L.ffi**, over a spe'i6c area the
so, *r"." ,fu,m[;X$"]ilffi&H'fr&ure'
motor tundion
'' =-' l6s
*n.mani -"o"ty z*lttotn
-- " c Fbld block
' "
h n"sioni;ffiffi
b' Regpnar ,*Ea - --- das-^t--1'g1di..tud Eth, dun
$ied aihypnedc drug rdther
d _' o m roii",i'ii rir"uP oldzodidqff€ ddivtnE thGe agdlts
* fiivs?dA"' "t'2- antiarxiety agent arepqn c. cloreepam (Kloropln)
(Res(o|iD d' Alphdoram o<.noo'
h Had#'ii;G;i .' -
*i t irlatiine dn,gs €xert tlEir atont
*A.t rf hsr,i$lM s8. Xo* aoO
.. inEderlng
dle srndlesis of
6 ;. ffitlfi-n"*rec€p*.site
e tEjri&dld
mfiEdld ht6o tetus?
dllgBbLn h tt lh" no$er adi
b a9. wtat stre "awtse €ffe'ts of
{TElir-":''*-aldio6yncraqr: ""'her
1\f'\ fi i"iii*L'erca d areqY
c lt. l-o"a--it
wirh rhe excitarion prcces" r, . ,"*i;flllffJ6jot;e orowinq ways,
a decreasing lhe rate of depolarEadon
b-- alEring the rhdshotd potendal
G, inqeasing he raE oI repolaization
c,. alEing $e baslc resdng pot€nual ol the nene membrane
a 47. Std mearE
a- stdistics c. siare
b. staturB ,d tmmediatetv
rul. Ih6 local aneslhelics suiable lor use in denttslry as lopicat anesthetic agent indude:
C a. BEMOCATNE AND procaine
b- Procairts and LImCAINE
FATLURE ro usq dEimsfrnEe
56. Whd is rhe equirarert b Aoqp.oo udls ot p9n c in miligram?
Ir'E t, laAP aD": c 250lig t a4 '/{aa -l ?rn
^a "|h
",t;* pal
O.soong d. 3;oi,tw
C 57- The mo6t cofimon s)'ringe used in nhe dentat pracnce i1
a Jel iniedirn
b. Breech loadjng rEtalf,c syrnge
Breecn loadi
Phslb dbrb
q d4. V6g@Nive. potpeN*s lnclude:
'a. atoJkil;= c. srtatare F
r^11 *l;.k
59. Passage oqhrgs 8lmrlgh ceI sEmb.aDe is hnuenced
d- vepessrn -
by atl of dese fa.brs O(CEFI:
d itstype ol a4g c, ts @solubitity,
: b. itsPH -d. iie anb{,ma, p.o&h tfrxlng
yr.60. Norcateciotamhe dslergts arntrea dner nom caEcffidn€s tn d|e ttiat tt+
a, have a shoft durrlbn ol ..lhr
b. are fiEEbolized at a more rapi, Iate
c- hard to have greater cNs'effecl lollowing oral administration
O do noi acl indrcctly but ueralt combine dlrEct with adrenegic recePto6 of lhe L and B
61. All of the lgllov/ino reler !o rhe chloride of carbon e$er o(cept
f6 cahonic acid c. cl*noform
X bi* ome d etrer d. cldodde of.amon -
46i.. sldr as asFirin and barbituralae b ilqreatdqfi
!are-r. ,r'*-..r ;.i-t .o)^' 4:
p- oL;d--i. a -,t -1. Lr€rqr+tA
d. *r.. ';::, 'r"r';, c. admlnlstratbi o, sodium drlorlda
4 Glq qr.q . !6
;Mfi,.r-.t -lz
d. adminisuation ot ammdlLm chlolide
b*. The mosi comnEn syringe used in lhe derEl plactice i$
a- Breech loadng no'rnetallic Etaidge
l$ Breech badino 6oi metallb can{idge
X prastietisposifE-
d. Jet iniection
C at. All of the ll. descdtEs a consc-Dus pdibr{, EXCEPT:
a" ability to radonal lespoise b command
b. abllity to clear airwa!,s and maihlain lhem id a pateni slale
c.. elevaEd moods
ir. indctDf8Effi€ renexes
CI 65., obese padlnt should be pICEEd!5Ed [Shdy beca'rse
(6, adipos€ dssu€ wili only sto(e fte drug
- b. ipne of these
c- of slow metabdi$n
d- heaw meals dep -aeas putnonary ventlalion
i iia".r*q'kik a 66- The nerlres ana{SfufrBfffiiiri?lt?*#EiI6saffecnnhue are the ,ollolrirg E(CEPT:
a" Middle superisAlv- N lE Ft*rix superioJ nerve
b. Anterbr slpelicr ALV. N.. iL lntraodk N
yt*- A 67. Whicn ot llle tollot r.U has th€ mod advetse elletl ot-Eryd!9luclrl?
*tl.ytt\whlc tN aAodnoryelrect-OHenlaloloqceffeci
-1; tad@ 2Jff b. Ailergic eft€ct d. Gaslrdnestinal-e-ffect
D68 ahe foilowing are lactors lhat delermine iire length of tire oecessary for bcal anesihaic solutbn to
tieco.ne effedivc, F,XCEPT:
a- diameter of ne!./e trunk Etbe blocked '' d* i'"tl a4 q:,ta':)
@ oone ol lhese '?tuEt.a ?J taL^ot4
c aualiry ol sotuim ini.,cGd .
d- strength oI solution empkrye<l --
x6r 6anJ L2 69' Parienr wilh every limiled ceTressnn o{ lhe bt ,er,aw c5n tecelve a[ Ihe lollor/iDd\Elg:PJ)
a AKINOSI iechnique- / cL1h44- -,^&^1t c. Irng buccal iniection
ia-,,.1r( .da col €ATES rechnioue
l'*'r a 1a. One branch airat leaves the maiallary r€:ve be,o,e ir enlers fie inierior orliisl fisure is:
a nasopalatin€ neft€ .
75. WdeV us€d b.nzodkEepiE anltanxiLty dug having central skeletd musclt relaxihg prcperti}s
,fo"rpp,o-r, *$ a- lrebroba[e (miltowtl)
b. chbrprcmazlne(fho,aiE)
O CltlotdirPepoxE(libriurt
b Parasrmp€thomimefu drugs pmducelltdr ol lie follou,lng?
a cardiaE condtioh Vasoconsaidion
b. vasod.litih - ,,zq d_ Dy 3lh
t 7l- The dissociadon cDo$am a,l pmfaine B .
/ a,t 9.1
91 b, 6.7 d. 7.1
7A. The paedrsDr ro aorcpirEphdno, dryi|.
a- reouces periitreral resinae rrt"n anlini"gr"t in high cdrc€fitra{on
b. .8piJV entor tte CNS
t IL m drfierence jn electdc potential be$reen ihe inside and outside o, the neNe
-,9. ar. pati€nt
de\ratoped alteEy arter inje<rion ot amide rype otLocal an€sthetcs. Most probabb
A Socajne - Gacdon is:
B. conDamination d epinephdne
D rEthvtDaratFn
a. ALF itr lechnlque ln the conduct on of tocal. anesrhotcs wilt otcr liket;e!;ar '
B irdlective arElgesia C. hyf;fteBsio;
- & bradycaidia O. piritonged
b \d. h targe doses $ts anesheric sotudon shoutd be aUO"A in p"ti"it" irli"ring;algesia i.li rii"p.t,t 4{1 . . c, / i
v fire&emoglobinemia
+? A Propo(ycalhe ' ,.ga pntol;anF- .
.b 1,.
B. Licklcaine 'D. Meplvacain€
C &L Primary cause of the vast majority of anesthedc toxh reaction in de;trstry are the:
A loo large dos€ ol anestlBtjc solution C. &o hbl; concentradon ot ahesthelic solulion
B. inadvenem inoavasaltar lnie.tion O. ,+iO lepositon oi tr!.nJ"rf,"t"
C 83. Shon actng anesthetics: "oturion
A 296 mepfuacaine wtth 1:2O,o0O levonodef n 6)
4% orilocajne
B. atlof 0iese ._ .
Y Zgt iiaocaire wftt X:IOO,OOO epinephrine
84. lvllich,ot rh-e lo lwing is lhe drug ot choice in neutratizing epilepric atracM i*"iUy un
l: anesthetic?
ir"iOos" of fo"a
A" Diazepah/ C. EDtneDhrin., +H+eNrBAEomL
/ B. Chlorphenlramie D. piten6barbiiat .'..6ur.2.Frp\
d is: ,r' ,
.:, .:;; i::.
85. The sydngo indlcated tur use ol ajcohotic injecdon
A" B-D iubercullne .tu
lq,r./ rvq -
c. Luer-lok
B. dlsposabls
ptastic D comblnation ,eusab,e-di5posabte
, .
85. Amid ryf'e oI tocal aneshesta undeeo biotraf,stormaton primaiy ;n $e:
r Ltut
T +
,d Kidney
B. muscle -
c. Gtr
\..U Live;
87. Ihe mosr usefut sffed of digftatis in trcahent o, Donqeslive'heart i;itr/re is:
A reduction oI edem6 c. imorovement ot ahDer.rp v >\< " la! i ' ' r'
T n
, 8s./he ma{,rlary drvrs." ci or arteries
B. recruction or hadenins
sensory "r
v i',
C. moror
<+'F ,.itr.d..1\
^ {.r../
r&" 'entirety
enlirety + Cr-,./ _ ;.,..,^,,r
D_ enurei sensory and enrirely motor -
A 89. W,ich ope o, ihe fr. satement is coned about and-merabolites?
A they are strucfiJ.al analgues ol naturally occorring substances
";. "
B, procarbazine in an example
C. they cto not interfere with meiabotic processes
/ D,
they are nonkrxrc
B. dr 90. The lirst vaccination iha! shoutd be given to infanrs
,.4. DPT vaccine
C potio va.cine
'1jl $t.t'a 1,ni a^,'<
* -145
-n.r'^< l
./ -.- D. iAB vaccine .i.t1lrf.",oearttlrttA
(J t@ .
91. Dovice vulrhn contaitus e her a soturlon or susperEjon ot the n{xed wilh a propelanr r$.dt"^-db -'"
A. AtomEe. C. Nebutker
-drug * 'aj,:ii
0 ijerereo aose rnnaer o. rnhater
5 A 92. Anopine is chemicalv:
A. a quartenary amine
B. a glyrosjde
C. a weal aci, :iiArr.",^l
r.,,-. , " ..,
- y'.V,to.a"
Anosthesiology and Pharmacology set 2
[, Synptor s i, adrenal cfl:rjs EXCEPT:
-- @ a
a- n)?ogycerna
HyDoslycemh c. Iypeitdlsion,
- b. mentat contusion
Cy@ The lo drugs a,r an&co rutsanis, a(CErrT:
a. irte*arernir
*' oi,ving
a Benzodlazepines c, Ebalominas
j- b. Barhtturates o. Hyuantoirii
^ All are consldered as macrolidesr EXCEPT
/, J€)
+ tt
a- clindarnycin -
b. y6.narr$cidt ti,rlodL
bf r @ Narctrlcs
I a. prostaghndins
c. erythroErycin
a. va;mm"iin
are betbved b dtdr rheir eftecl by copying he action of enaoienous sl,lsrances s,ctr as
c endoryhTns '
; , b' Enkephallns ' d, brafviinlm
6r 5i The major actlon ol digltals on fle hiting hean is
a inc,ease tt|e EleorA-Vconlracdan c desease the rate dA-Vconuaclion
b. decrease.atial fiyhm d-
). _^
u , Q, Mefenarnb acid should be admini$ered wi0l panicutar caud; in:indpase the farce of co0qaadoh
a Oabedcs c. pq,$odcs
b. !sth!!4ic d. iryiertensive
q @ - Whidh oI the ft baderhl potysaccharites arc nrcsr imponant h c;i b ceI adhesiw intelactiohi
a- Oe)oETts' c. Fruclans
_ ^ b.
Arrylopedlns d. Mocopotysaccharides
G) Dietary srclose can serye as a pEcursor tor $e pDduction of whhh ;f fte f. cJisses ot compounos
T a. all choicsgaresorrect
b. lactic aci,
c. glucans
d. alwlopecljn
C g tn relalion to penicillin G, the peniciltinase- resstant penici ins are gen;rabr
I a
a- sate during preonancy
b, less allergenjc
d. mor; ;trective agatnst non penicitlina;€ procedures
,l ,o Calcitonin
a stimulate bone abso;ptioft d. RE4uction is regulated bygtasma
b. is poduced by par4hyroid gland 9aJcjUm l€vels
^ c. produces hypercalcemia
L J 11. rhe rnost spaci,lc Hl anagonisr currenuy avaitabte:
a. Meqlibzine c. Pfenading
. b. Cirleliiina d. astemizole
a J 12. Tobramycln b the genefic oam€ ot:
a. Nebcia. c. Flagyl
^ b. Achronycin d.
,1 { 13. OGcillln is !h6 generic name of:
a" Eostaphlitr c. Tegopen
r b. Propen d. Pafiocil
T b , 14. Nafcrllin b he generic name ot:
a- Flagyl
b. l.lniPen- d, Nebcin
15. Transplant patienb shortd be nE* Ikely taking:
4 1p16. The prkEipal sitB ot *doh d sh/tinlne is tha;
a $p_inatchord
/ b. cerebral co.tex d. midbrain
, 27. Drugs wnbh would lea$ likely decrease resisDance lo hHon are:
a" cytobx-tcdrugs c, adrenocorticostsroids
- b. lrnnunosuppassh/e druos - d- poertDarcolhs
C /18. Penlcll[n, erythromyfi ad cephalcphodni am generdy conddeEd lo be baEledc]dai, {
E /,
5 q9^
Tetracl/Elines arB cotrsireBd b be baderlo6taltc..
both stalemem de
both slatem€ot ar8
fusr sDaE rEn(b fabe second is irue
ffsr jaremeniL rue seciond is taEe
AJl imponafi hit le,q$gsr&oo toxic manthstation of andneoda$c drug therapry b:
a. p.llaIeous.Easlla c.
gltppr€3sion of bone marrcyr a.dvity
,-\ An+hyladc lmpahnEit. d,
vA (?9. rend tubuhr
redbn to Fr*{in are seon tn padenls rd6gi
hopdotoxi:Iy neurotoxlcity
a. Ahldeprossaot. q aDiattlodcE
b. lEfabbck*! d adr€nal sterotds
q 2l Amphelamhds are
a i0cE4-a!-relEoicjr&uhmad€iia}5trtlu6Ns
b, indiled adrerEqic a{i bnB dld deprocsanr of $o CNS
c. dlEct adr€nerglc sdmthrlE and C|.lS depro6sanl
^ 22 Thed. diEct adrcnerglc slilruhnas dld CNS stimuhDts
L d€ntal us€fulness ot dre Hl Eceptor aniagonbt b bed m dleh
a *g@ [email protected] b. Educlbri.of dizino&9
c.reduclion of sa*a
reducuon oI excreuut
saliva excrelioil d. posbperatlve reduclion of sralling
Atrophe and scopohmine have sini{ar phatma( ,obgvic
ilt:;iiiii" n' *tion oo"" onry
b8. - scopolad!9 have?
a- cyclodegia lr€croase salivadon
b. CNS dopr€dElqrl d. Wdri6is
A zt. n"oioenittire ielcuon o aspkln ats thcnroht to resuh flom
i excasg!rcduclbn.oLaradidqnlc acid
b" aslhmallc mechanigm
c. immunologiomdchanlsm
d. oxcess Dloductlon ol hlslamine
1,,. tlns.d;:;#ffi;;;i^;;
;; fiC; ; applied b alr{ded and isohted teelh a qua&ant or a halr trloudr ar a
Tho Ealh ale cDndnualy wettad for:
a 2 minutas c. l minute
b. 3 mmues
minuEs d. 1!il't{gs
C 26. ivtii'liiiIi. it *"4 o Eeat cadlar aryhmias and angha pdcbrts?
c. PEparolol
a D{gibls d. verapamil
b. Q{rinidlne prarintton ano treatment of perlodonlal
C 27. ii""It'ili #lonr*r"".*to hat/g ndenq4g99livenass ln ttre
siannous fluoride
a" all fluodd€ compounds
I ioaium guorHe 6
d' ;ciduhled phosphate fl uoride
q 28. ii." r""t ot a"oon ofleBledl b besl descfibed
beta adremrgic receptor blockacb
a. c€hlum"ns. c'
alpha adrenergjc receplor bbckade
[. "tery-ir"-o,t"ton
"trn"w b tho genedc nanE of
c 29. TetdclEline
a u;ipen c'
r. Prai,
i"*o"iin" nu"".ra .rdicarEnls are consideEd lo "bo
b rsspol1silrb lor acedelatsd healing
"o. a" vtrtuattY nonoxic
d' ineif ective agajfi st most microorganism
forotooiasmic Posons
al 31 The iolto\ino arE tn e ol antidrurertic hormones+xcqRt
- is releie s increased by pain and emotional suess
b. it is used in Eeatrng diabenes insipdus
c I is se€r.Ed W lhe post piluitary gland
;. ir inhibiE rFehriqatorl by the kldn€y coDec'rng ducls
ir'" iirnino is miabolrzed in the body to:
b a Ribolhvin ""uiinEpoeh;n lhiarnine
b. nlei0 d.
fi. iteutua shon acting bartitu.aEs EXCEPT:
C :s. The
a" thlopental SeQqbarb-ltal
b- thiarwlal
q pobonrnq EXCEPT:
34. The ,f. re;unent of barbituraE
a, administratioaolg@i9Jg@ge
b, maintenanco ahd support of tesplradon
c. adminb$itton of activated charcoal
d- rnalntenan.:e ol renal furEtbn ot,nid inlai(e
L :s
* wt'i"t of dt" tf. *tlcoagulanb brare used patenteraly?
- c sodium YUa'farln
" ;' ;"L;."Y""r,i, d all choices ato cored
b- heoarjG
C -- rn"no,y"oi-"
' os, irug"
narcDdc ana&8sics ExcEPT:
:d. . oxlnlolpnone
" f"ni"Ur-ot
t. ot
. -.. i^ IIn-"o'rriiioi*
";i;.;rar;ri ht€rdcdons with antbio cs is dlat thar drugs inhibl the etle'r
", ", l.; ilil;i,;trd; c. dhied.s
d' anrbpertensi/e
b ge nil or rrr. n- p.op"O"u are charactedsrics oaJmro*=*TTlt""*
a lollg &{Ilg '." .
; rad-sn ,r' d. lid€ anripYredc
*a- og. iire i]aiifntrine dsi'ratv$icrp
c' aminoPMng
l. innrifre - d. theobromlne
4 /o. and
[,,opdtDltclte p.odl&6 anahEs|a
s" m other teraBgutb qIgc{ c. vred( ar i - iratafil|ab,y ett cts
; l;i.6lr-" " -'-- d' ailip]T
i.,!* H^-Jn""-ft.bledo.hetwbtoct b dlitll.lEd tre pade 'dB parai,Etsoabrehead €ydu
D ;ilil; ild "pD"t G cl dte sarrlo sld€ ol tB la.6' Tlis might b3 du€ ta
;* ffiil;;ffiarLu,"thiolution
sorrdon iito tE @l$6lnic
division ot tlgemind
bloddlde of the lbcial
; tui".d""- ; ;""r,"6" rto pa'oto gland alld cootequcri
;;;lssh to rEto. b.anch6 of ,|o mandlpb. nerys {ppyhg tlg riasdcatdy musc€s
d. an66fi€da to the dic gangton
4/ Or. ,n" In*, clrron complicatbn associaEd wiih nilrous oxide sedation is:
& lEavy perspiralhn c-
respllaElry deDtESSlOn
1 ,.. b, !,onftry a: a &*art*ia rk*;
D'4t. A & yar.-N.pareot rctgniig ,20 lbs regutes rmova, t i z
anest esia He t! lery +pehensiyo. Ths ^otars o seda;
i'{iffiiii u,nq wa
dlazepam b:
@ropriate do6e need.d h,:;;;; rr[6venoq9
, I 2dmg c. 15mg
J .. .b.
a 44.
'no, post op€laiys complcarlo[
The Immadhte
d. lord
of fiquid vonitw into l;,,;ach6a and broncit is
a pleurEy c. pneumollromx
h acleciasis
/ 45. Abtaxb . d, 'chenkat drnonins
(7 a(,en6a,s
r mroclei"ranane.
aI 6. hcbr
whiL.h o r'he fl. b.strongesr h stimutaohg an inc,"*. i;
a, (Sodre
an m.,ease h.artarlaL@&otr
c. a deoea.se tr venous olggen
o. 0
an mcrease in venous carboh dio)(tdE
a dec'ease h arErlar o(vsen
do, rh" "d;ie;;i;-#;
a salirrafon "iiiii"iliilin" *i",,y,
a. nauG-arnvomirng i: *j!#iX.H_
4 48. The inabirity b dosa.he e),e on rhe sih ol the iniedron site using an inferbr arveoh, block rs
a anesdEdzlng the fiqeminal nerye c, anesthetizing fie ophthalmlc
/ b.anesfE&ing he toched nerye d." areshetizlng the facial netue neh/e
] a./ 49. Which ot [le ff. wifl inhlbh tie actbn of penicj ln
.a oral ahdcoaouhnts
c salicylares
t !. C
b. probenecu
50, The onv local anesthelic whlci causes rasoconsrriction:
a- rnepivacane
b. prito.aine
51. The tt. are characleflsrics ol inhatarion a€enE used tor geDerai
anesriesia EXCLPT
a I shoutd be compatibt€ wiih o)rygen
r, D. tt should have ,apiat inducton Ume
c. it *ould produce Lu/ undeskabte elfeds ]ike nausea
I ,
_- o.
,v,, 42.
n shoutd be aiie ro lnfihre taryngeat l6nex to
wnlch, hils the greatest degree ot protein biriding:
a tEocaine
b. bupr,rcano
, 53. One o, rh6 ealty symprorns ot N2O anarqesia
Drorecr the bo.tu
HJ:i15,,. i
t . a.
ringting ot the lingerips
D. gross moscular actvity
c. iregular b,rearh
/ g. d. ehtarged puplls which leact to liohr
, Alrer inlecton of a test dos€ for t.V. ;dalon, a pallent complajrE
--*'" burnirg
,nFctton radiaring dbhlly in ule imr'otved arm. Tirb mishr
# a;o:
oI imhediare
"-'- , tpan d rhe site ot
a, tnJ€ction into the mdial oefle c. hiec onintDthemuscte
/b. inFcion hlo the arteN
6 ssl ri,, inEii'"iiioiiJol'ir surrmamioes is o ,or"n, o*,l*ffi[$e biceps ledon
/56. b. ryruvbacid i: f#"#
4 Siatotiths arB *reJnoslcannohlyfound n t'le:
a mihor sallvary qhnds
L^ s/. a
- narotiaauci'"
tn gen€rat arrshesh Io derbl pradhe endoradr""r
t #m'ffi*
nof"to"[ #Jio-#JF
wnare conm{ed uealhtE b to be udized $roughorr
b. wh6.s dlficutty may b€ encountered in mainiaini;o a
.c. wh6re exuoftetydeep ar€slh€sia wiI be roquhed_to;ccomdbh - - -**''
$re ponion ot -rre omcadure
-tiii irr.iiJ
tft inDbadon
, 5& o. wnafe me Opera0oo ma!, b€ pmlomed
'1 mE d{rgE of choh€ in mamfom;fl of; pdbnt urth an acllb alergic redion ilvatvir{ brarufD6pasrF
ang lrypobnstgn is:
a' Epln€phdne c. o,pfienhydr&rtle
b. Ar*nopufino
a. s& Tte g9dlrltm,concehtdjh c, ll-r*.deu.'!rodu66
d I};E rEa|asone
a. 5l) 96 " c--lar'
r b. 6sgt
b &. fl{glqg r.,:.r,"! rdyi,rus b addnbrr", ****'3,3*rn,eacoon who is
oenErs@no udcaft?
a. At odno c. Srerdd
q^ ,i. EplEph ne
61 3O mfij thels (rL) b eq.d/dc|lt ra
d. Eerdqd
a- l fhid ounce 'h L ltld drlcr
c. }{ Iluid ounc€
ez. rn *n"rr-" rr," ii. way" can a pa enr bo protected *"
*r*" ,llll'l"'ff,
a- use an aspkating te.hnique o-
a bcar anesrhedc
ur" row""t peiille *ncenradon d
l.c_ lle
19t9rouSh T+icai hisbry
navB oxyuen a\rajlable
63. Which of lho ff. is not rulo of dlazeDam
pote diuredc
!urcu.,,"iy,"r.ea o d ordJazapo(ire i
bca, anesdieric
r 64, sedatjon of fle blowing rc;tes can be reversea most
.L rinahuon
/ b. oral intravenous
$rne ro ad,ii.risier dose
with the romci/aj ol impaded lower SF mohr?
a_ only atter reErn of d, belore the- elled
b. when pain becomos moderaE seveE ,,!ear;f -:. o," _-
the local anesthetic
c. the rmmlng ol surgeDt
a 66. Which drug enhances be eff6d ot Denictfin?
a- Probaoscu
._ b. rerracycrine
, 67. Nomal tbod votufi|€ in adutrs:
i. ffinilff#,*"
, a. 8G9o ml/b
b. 7o€omi,6
, 6a. The ff. are sions whidr ar6 iildbative ot to)dc overoose after !. Eff-ffilff
an inaoraediiFlratrasantar iniecton ol ztt
lidocaine witi 1. 1OO. @O epinephdne EXCEPT:
a Tachycardla c. Heaclache
b. Hypobnslon
. 69. Th6 d. FtvDeftension
awrage aduh anatgestc dos€ ol codeiE:
a. 2€ glains c. 0.91grain
b. 34 grajns d. 1-2 qrarns
70. Enecrs ol morpbihe sutfate inctucte ati o, the lt EXcEpr:
a. d,mihishing resf ladon c- diminishing pah apprecialkn
b. blocking pain fibers d. producingsomno,ence
a 71 Pnmary eltect oI djgltath at therapeutic dos€ hveti
a. slowinq ot cardEc rate d. increase m torc! of rnyocardEl
b. clecrease in venous pregsure
decIease ln cardlac enlarqement
/- 72- one lablespooo is equivarenl i,o
a" 20 mL c' 15 rnl
b. 12 mL
AB. *T,:I9pIg!!p durins cardbpurrhonary o"*,*ihod ro counrencr
acloosrs rs !o aJmtnrsieri"n ",,s ".*",,j00"[1n
a lactate c.
b. oxys€n
intravenous RTNGERS
;. inravenouslv gtucose
a- ftyotardjal-deprassion c. syncope
b. liistarnine rebase d. vagal $imuhtbn
q 90. Which of lhe ,t dtugs Is o,ten used !o suc.€ssllrly neat tigemlnal neu.algia:
a- carbamazeplne c. clonazepam
b. Succinylcholine
,l 91. Mosa prcminent acute toxic etrect associaEd with acetamiDophen use isj
. b. ulc€ration
gastsic d.
helalic necrosis
C- 92. Which of Ihe ff. drugq are most likey ro cause exrrapyramidalsliin hhon:
a barbiuratss c, - phenodBzines
b. antibiolics d. salcylates
q e3. Which of lhe IL ls used to pra/ent laryngospasn
a succin),ldDllne c. dlazepam
b*. Tardivedyskinosia
a, alcohol
is a neurobgical side etlecr oa whbh ol the lt chss of drugsi
b. ph&otlrlazi[gaEiiMboibs
c. tdryclicantileprassants
q. barliurabant!_-€pileptks
The use of epineph*he tor locd hemostasb duinq $rgery might ,esult h:
a !aldiec_4]t!4.trIi}
b. acula aslhmatic altack
c- dr6{cdrop h blood prsrre
d. liypoo[rceria
C a6. oral lnlecdons caus€d by oruanlsm rhd proCuc? p-i"llli!99 should be teared wirh:
a. .- all of lhese dldo(acilln
b.ampicilln d. eqAhrorryEin
4 97. Lklocajno prodlcas iE ai$arrytMc elhct h,i
a inseasiil cardi{rc cooductim vElocity
b. increasing AV conductlon
c, lncfeeing sFontan€ous pe.arralier -dvity
d. dPdlasino! dleg gDldr[ty
q 98. Eplrrphdne ar@oniuea $e €lhct o, hlstarnjne btf
a produchg physloloob docs opposils to thd ol hlstardne
h compefflwu bhddng hbtao{ie at dE celhhr Bceptor site
c Es\rering the ,eleas€ othbtafidio
d. acling ar tle cNS
Y 99. 'EPINEPHRINE REVEFaA L'or f,lood pEarue Gan b€6( b. d6rEns0ar6d by tnlecdng epaEpfidno
l.t'avenous*y dEr plrfeorsl nint:
a. J!@6h c. nediJll$n€
b. atoph. d. propanolol
^ loo,FacroB coflno b al fo.llls d druo abusa incfude
a pqdologlcd dopdrldE
h physkal d€pa hncg dffi3
Jq-t 4
NAY 1995
'1. c 6.b
12, a
c 16.
22. a
23. b
3.b La 13. a
19. a 24. a
14. b
10 15. 20b 25_ d
5.d d
d**tln ?r^--*j'' {-.t1 rnfr /)-
5c-l 2_
71. d a6- a
26c 41 b 56. d
72- c a7-.
27c 57
2aa 58. 13d 88. d
44. d 59. 89. a
29- c
45_ d 60. 75- a 90. a
30. b
31. d 46. a 61 76b 91. d
6Z 92- c
12. b 47. d
48. d 63. 7a- c 93. a
33. c 94. b
34. a 49. d 64. 79. c
65. d 80. c 95. a
.35b 50. c
81 d 96. c
36c 51. d 66
82. a 97. d
37. a 52. b 67. b
53. a 68. b 83. d 98. a
34. b
54. b 69. 84. a 99. a
39. a
40. e 55c 70. 85c 100. a
r* a;*- & pubttc Heatthand com,nu ty Denttsw
I 'ga
26. b
27. d
28. d
51. a
76. b
77. d
78. c
E rLa
't. d
29. c.
30. d
31- a
32. b
79. d
80. d
81, <
82. a
&a 33. 58, a 83. a
9.b 34. c 59. d 84. d
l(Lc 35. b 60. a 85, b
tLb 36. c 61, b 86. a
].zc 37, a 62. d 87. b
13. b 38. a 63. c 88. a
ldb 39. a 64. c 89. c
15, b 40. a 65. a 90. a
16- a 41. a 66. b 91. a
t7. d 42, d 67. b 92. d
18, a 43. c 68. a 93, a
r.9, b 44. d 69, a 94. b
20. a 45. a 70. a 95. d
21. b 46. c 71, d 96. d
41. d 72. a 97, b
23. d 48. a 73. b 98. d
24. c 49. d 74. d 99, c
25, c 50. c 75..
ArEsthesiology ad Pha.rnacohgy Ser 3
1. Wliirl c, th6 tolorring does not resu[ Irom polonged treat nent and adEral sEroirs?
a. gastic ulcer c'
m]rocaadlaj atropfry
h odaolonsi3 d. lyperglEemh
2. Gang[onic blodode nould nost liLey prodrcs
a-vasocollstriqtbn decrease heaf rate
b, salh/'adoh d, mlrddasb
3. Lidocaine b fiptabolE€d pimariy in th€
a" lit€r & plasrna
b. kidne, d. plasma
Long -acdng derilative ot lldocaina
a Bupivarsho c. Elidocaine
b. Tefe€ine 4 Meptvarahe
5. The anestlEtlc agem o, crDice to padents with r,allgnant hlPerpy.exia b
a inhahion wih nilrous oddc c, local use at ravocaino
h local uro d,(ylocable d. @nscious sedadon
6. Shot - acting locd an€dtheft ha/e a duation of
a- 180 minuEl c. 45 io 75 minules
b.2E2ominae6 d. 100 !o 120 minubs
7. The dfedy ding srnDa$on{metc amln€s 6xert tiei, ank |s directly on adre*ergie leclplols ad
; lh€ folovring, €xcit t
c. eplnephrine
a no.epinephdne
b. amphetamhes d. l€vonordeprih
8. The rate of udnary ercretbn of acuic auch as aspirin and baditural€s b increased by
a- adminisEaior o, sodlum d odde
b. adnlnisthdon o[ ammonium chloride
c. admhbtaion of sodluth blcabonate
d. k€oplng ihe u.iie at neutral pH
9. when two drugs of similar nature comblned, what will be lhe pharmacological effecP
a. potentiard et ect
b. antagonizsd eflect
Lo. ln the rlaxilgy.:!9[e"blode, the needle is insened to a previotlsy lmrk depth ot
a. l"lt,lneh c. % inch
b;- zlnches d, l inctr
11. speed of recove,y kom sho( acting aneslhesia with fiopental d+ends chiefy on the rapidily of
a, ftrnal t bular sBcrc{on
b- revelso Citrlsion acaoss the blood-blain barier
c. redistdhrdon ftom tle brain to skeletal M.
d. hepatic degradafon ofthe lhird group
x2. which ol the following vhamim plays an imponafi rcle in blood cbltlng?
a- vieamin E
b- viDamin C
13. What use the law $at povlres fo'r lhe writjng ol the generic narne ol dre prescdplion?
a .Rd!ggu5 c. RA 6785
b. RA 6657 d RA 5657
14 Wtrich of th€ follotl/ing drugF may be used as a narcotic anlagonis0
a.. nalo(one c. mepBddine
b. fenrar d. nalllo(one
15. The barbhlrate usod ld conscbus sedafon are
a, uft"assho[ac{hg c shoa-actlng
b. ng-aadno 4 hErnedlate acting
16. phFo$igmlneahd heostlgrdm are what kind ol drugs?
r a" adEnergenlc c do{n€slerdae lnhibitor
.- b. chollneDb d dlofinbnjic oDqgsnist
17. ln !h6 nasololalhe nsrre Hoc& about rrr. shdrld bblnletiod
1-5rnl c. 2lt{
b. 025,0.5nd d 1.Sml
$. \r/hich ot th€ fotonhg b not a dEracEristic ol ba*ituraE6?
a- pogsesses *Filhant analgasic pmpentes
f b. vary in degrec of hil solubillty and ttypIeulic potency
c, poss6b6 dld comrbalt propertes
d. poss€s€ss se,bra rtrg depe lene poislllhl
,. Antibicah setrlliviry End.;'lh€s llrhlih c, flo bllot fiSA
'a" don ol dtfioat c. ban r$btc b us6
b. speatum afr{fthac d lo!& ddminl!fiadon
m. Acyclo/ir b an anhrhal e.rllr{rifi h6 a b)dc efeci In ufffr oa ile ro oidrlg coldliofit
a- cadlaacoidtlqB c ranal dlgeqsas
h CNsdbordar d, lono nanqi, dept6shn
2r- Adr&lhradon ot trb hcd ttl€6dleltc c(,|Dound uBlld poblltab $. adm d qogemGty
a- pindolol c' proprdldol
b. cocqha d ,Eo6dgr{ne
22. lt is the most hequelt compllcation associaH wih locat anegthesia
ln he dental office
q. slncope c, tdmus
b. edema ;: ;;;-
23 The ,oltorJing dtugs are excrEted in saliva EXCEFTT:
a. ceplElerdn
-.,tasirirrn iffififfi-'
6. colwubim c he hh,'cardia
b. nei/oumess d' letharg,
2s. The primipat sensory nerve fithe head regbn
a nervg is
narue c-
the ocarilomobr n6 e
^- _
ft€ lrigemiDal d,
the fa.id neru6
zo. I ne nen € $ai pases $lDulh the grea0er posterbr palatlne forarn€h to
a enEr tri oiat cavlty
me poqeior superior c. .
posterlor pafafne neme
-_ b. 0l. nasopaldilEn€rve
27. What b 0€ drug dlar tnhM coaouhrion th.brs tx, x, x, Ja xllz
a ifre amdr pafat]ne nerve
a w'larin
b. Hsra,rn t f;#*
28. gj!:lg!|ofiry Sryup ot benzodiazepino derivatives, ttrose age;es;;ned 6s hypnotic drugs
raher tllan aflianxiery ageots are
.. fg:ry(,igjPiP e Aprazohm o(anaS
zy. __ lt .- FIrTpJEe*q
p.ev€ p@tDuly
_ d. c6r3 epan'(xtodh)
Io of a brcken needE, $. roflowing shoutd be underdc;
:f, all ot th6E
b. d! not change dkedbn of th. needte etde
c, do nct lorce 6 needle against re6isldr A b erbedded in &e tissue
d. do not usa old dull needtes
30. Persbtent headaches may be a rssul of the bJ4hg, except
a d-r.arHhclion
b. tryporension i mffi
31. The analgest efecl ot ,noQhne ard dn6r opoids mqy te enlanceO anO itre
emurhneousty dmrnlshed by combjning r,te narcodc drug a smal dose or "j"ri* "f"",
a amoelamine c dexuomethoryBn
b. naluq@De d le\ralorpnah
32. A of the btowtng ar6 aoli HypERTENstvE, E(cEpr:
a islrlelin
-- !.de4
33, Local an€sthesaa becomes nore offeclive anbno pat€nts w,th
i 5::*
adrenai;;icienry because il
corrcomitant dmlnistration of
a sEloitb c. anli_pqr'choths
b narcodcs
sa. rh" ililiig: uupremedicatioi
r; considered in paren, * u,***'ffi3HX,".,
a pyotourd
b. anes$esh "
a. [ght;J----'--
35. wlrich Ua totorling anduotics
oa b teast efreclio agaird pedcitln#fr;i& r*roorganism
a" clindanyrh
D. cepoaEm
c. m;t : th - ,
d, amlidfin
36. Whlch ot rhe firllowing drugs are chemicaly retale(l ic primtdonet
a- bdt&raEs c, berEodhzrDi,E
b. s*cinan{&s d ;;-;;;;;
37. Druqs tta ial Enporarity inrerrupa propagarbn oI imprrt . wrten inl#iiiffi'tlue
a" an&ll(hs c bcd amalhdics
-34. The b. analsBhs
rbst sorbus ad!,brs€ ettect ot peniajfn jn
d. nareotics
a. dladitla(b due b a{ergy
F b. IrEtabolc and nu(rldonal dl0,Ihanc6s
c' heatE h6s h [le hEn trequemy rs4r
d. .End bftrD
39- lnhibirs tie qnfissb of prostagtandiBs
a @Yl cYgeho c cokhbine
-- _. b' sorrfum selicyhtE d acaEminoolren
4u. r De md EE$rent fiug lnl8radon hvo{yiE t sodad\6 hDnodc
1 pllssn $Gr us, f,ih generd arestledcs
b. tlcqa?
nM @ocuard dte effsd of ic,EodhEqiE
c. c@ ISra,Eo wHt od|Gr Ct{S dariardrt drugs
d t.od hss l,llo b tr|brftrdlcc {t'tr ic@g-uhm,
41. The lecogtid spscitic Frill lrcrF.s dt
a aE 6ftid rcry€s c. dto fiE6 hsh endtrids
- l' h ryrparretc narw!
,t2, AI oldEloldlg qt ns givdt b atdb r,lhagna pecorts,
d fr;;ili;;I'*
a. qlEm e pfreqie*ihe
b. 0, a tv nEporuite d lvo, i"ni6iiiEiii nrr"r"
43. ln heumalic hean disease padent b nece9sary !o administer- beble all dental
a. anibirths c sedadve
b. tralqulltser d homeostatlc I
11- whbh of tio rolloi,Jin! drug6 undergo the procesg ol redbEibution?
a. tlopend|al c perlci ln I
b, aspidn d. acetaminophen l
45. Which of th€ blorlring drugs are useful in cases of angha arrytmiaand lrypenelsion
a- nitrogrcedne and methyldopa c nitrogb/crrhe and pbpranolol
b. propranololand verapamil d. verapamn and propranolol i
46. mich ol the to[o$ng do69 no] redqce skeletal mlscla ione by an elrect on the cNs?
a. pancurcnlum a mepobamaE
b, dlazepan (l dlordiazepoxide
47. A pmcsdul' br tha sehsiiviry Dst lor ar ahesthetlc solulion b dooe at he Palmar $dact ol lha
foream where the ln ecdon ot rhe anesdEdc b hade rvith the neede made to slido parallel to tlo
sHn ard wih the bsel dovitl. Enolgh solutorr b inie.ted b aabe $lal wheal. Thb plocedule is an
exalhple ot
a lnEadonmd iniecdon c- i aamtrscular ln,ection
b. lffa\r€nousirreclion d. grFd,raneousinieclioo
,la. Eplnophdie b
a alcolnl dsrifdi\€ c. rryrocd€drhderivariv€
b. phenoldef'/a&s d. benzol (brlvar\re
49, wlrictr of the lollonino solution b comFlony used in rool.anal idgaion?
a. sodium trypochlorld€ c' dcohol
- b. plot/idom lodh€ d Pll€nol
50. Th€ most comr|orl pdatal bledion used by general practkiona, other har lho paraperio6Ed at the
sald area b
a- hHdle pahralinilclion c. ftrsopqlattno
b. ,SlqaleLpahtClEj€dlon - d- posterior palatal injection
51. The mon ifaah/e bDnch'odilato. sprays lor emphysimatous individlal b that which conlains
a- l.:2500 epi c t15oo epi
b. 1:10909pi d. .L20oo epi
he closedhoubaDpoach lor the mandbula. nerv€ block hjection is known as $e
a- the lntedor alveolar G ,-Gate3 lechnique
b. the tradlionai bchnique d. fie AKlNosflechnlque
53. Which of the lollowing b lhe actuelse reaclion wth the use o, penbillin?
a albrgic reactlon c. bone depress:on
b. gasdc uLers d. molied enamel
!t, ln cardlo pulmonary Dsuscitation lor averdg€{l?ed adult, the sufrdent sElnd depressbn is
b. s{cm d. +sc!r!
55. Tm preserce ofwhld) of the bllo\ilng condidohs is not a con8'airfiication to fi€ use of
p€plic ulcer btentT.B.c'
heDes simpl€x d.
a hous ulcer
56. ln man, wrrich ot ttE tollo$ng respooses E hol caused by histdiEe?
a- stimulalion ofgasdc soclelion -' c,
dllaBdon o, arterioles
incEassd capllary pen Eabilily 4
57. The ne e that 6xisE ftom dl€ crdrium into tlre oral ca!,ity htoqD tlo loranen ovale b
Elal nenrB c
rrrdlary nerye
b. ophtlElmbnd\ra d. narldibuh, rcrve
mich ol the lollowirE b nol prcduce by the prostaglandlns?
a incmas€ eastric,EggElion e increase caPilary permeability
b, paln vrlEn hFd hrrddalrnaly d uterin. conEdor
59. Wrlch ol tE lo{owind b rd alr acdbn ol ep,'nephdne */ben adrfi steied ht'a!,renously in a hftl
a" cansss honciiohrcoNoiarion d. produce aiiBe ir blood
b, evokes e,aEq/siolc h $. h6art pr€sslJro.
." c,, incmass livar glttog€mlyeb
60. Admuscatinic ao€rE
a. cal be ghfi D pll(hlce ryclopeglawihoui myd&Lsb
b- alg dima$t E usa vilhollt aouue3oltle dde ell€ab
4 plodrco fiYrth*ttl l ou cycloP€{*r
d, efibdi\dy d.6!@ gpsob &i, secrorbn ln lar dc
6L csdhE ofiocB inll fladEfdrE fu6€3
a- boprerarl c guatllhldlne
b. noGphophilo A rrldPino
52. Rafrr3 D lo+i oo !drs6dd! ol Pah. tompeEturo prassuE, ltlaor frrtdior 016. a specllc area ol tho
amlonryr fthou l@ d cDrEalotl$lc6s
.re0btrd aeacdr* c. abGsh
fi€ld blod. ll troirlal atlalg€sir
6ir, T116 nEdld{srn d dl! dfdn itll/ltvrs
- a- acl alion of alpha lreceptois onv
b. aspecific actlvalion iec€ptors
c ar elhinalon ott alpha 2 €nects
d. a blocl6d. ot alpha 1 rEceptols
64. A PABA acid 6ster Eoducing a longor aadno local aIashedc arbct $an $at pEducsd qy procaine
toracaine mepivacalne c.
lleaine prDpotycaine d
65. Smail blbdes noEd witfi the ca,llldges are
a" cause by lreezlno haamtut c,
b.r usualY nit ogen gas d.
An irt ortana ploperltr ot arl U6al ans6tholic is
67. ln t16 dertal ue&ne oa a pafehtwin ANGIM PEcToRls, $e lollou,ing measures should be
a hava their medi:adon a\rallabh
b. afl ol lbese.gimu!
c. ally painful shouH b. FelEnted
d- stlouH bo adequably p'€r,ledicabd to hsser arry erFdonal stlss
6& ln the coDger tal hean dsedsa F,aIcntq f|e chdae rof pah conEd is
a- p€ychosofiEflc[eainent geneE anesthesia c-
h localano€dEsh' d analgeslc
Dlgo{n dltrers trom dlglbrdlr
a- b cfiifr5tely ab€qbod tol|r rhe Gl gac
b. has bnger haf l|le
b motabdLed erGnsively by tlo liver
d. h€a hal n ea hat b maa (bDendent on tll€ adequary o, Iend function
70. The rlc5i mt o, tls hhatarirn driierjc e0eits
a- c- enfiranc
b. heE@ne d methorythraho
7l- Herlalolrla b a cofiDon conSbalion aom inj€ction oI the
a. nasopahtne neNe -dr po$erlor superbr alveolar
b. antedor pakfine neve
c. lorg buccal nerve
72. g fie ,olloli,lng dbease, paients are asked io dear their ta&heobronchlal lree pftor to dental
appointneG except
a- ubercubGb c. asthrnar
h bonchins d ernplryse.na
73. lv}lich ol lrE [o[q{ing anesdledc drugs produces po{erni s{irl ion o, th€ ceEbEd coriex?
a- Etracdno c. cocalm
b. fdocaine d Focahe
74. Whi$ of dE blorr/irg and-corM&i\re dnrgs causeG gingh.al ir)"erdrroplry?
a. phenobarbiiai c. phe,yioh sodalm
b. Ill!,sQllre 4 egrerol
nD srrlbtld !y!e ot oral trypogtcer* aoerB poduce rheir efect hlr
a- lrl€asilg rend n hrla drEshoB hf gtrcco
b, p.etr€nttE o(cretim ot insljlin
c airulatinq Dahct€Erb secEdon ol lnsutin
o.prffirflrE$tiiE trt
76. Th6 m6t cofi?ltded infiltrabn bchnh{rs is the
e- lnt8rseDta c- paraperbobd
b, lnua&anentary d ht"aoBseout
77. t)16g|l0€& d h dr6 arcbfihadon otperalous arFtrra
a. *heryilldanbh c, cimoddlne
h l*tamim d, bradyklnin
7& lt ts ha erdhr., the ! o E rnlnab o, the ponerbr divkion ol d|e rmndilxla, bratdt ol the
Bhctnhal i€r\Il
i. inhrba alvedlal nen e bng tuccd neire q
tr lDcBlsna m€dal nervs d
79. AI ot rE folonlng are nE compoi.iE of ttE ubb manrov€r! €rceFl
a. madrum head exellsloo
b. stght opanlng ofdro rEufi
PotrFlon dtll€ nardblo
mallEaFiopontrg ordl! rpu[l
80. An&edca 0m arE abo usetul dsdoGfu .Cerit lrEluth
a LugaB sotrfirr c, none d d*n
b. FGlrrt DeinlalEdrata 4.-G$ddrvlda
Sl- A loc.l alrdtlb ot lho anH. tn yll*n iayp.odur.,rl&.fiEdlounon*i I. lrllqrr brdc arrer
a. mrDlveha C. Etr&JT
b- tuhe d' ErocdrE
8Z Phbflg & drilnbordon ., hu:avrrllg rl@pa,n b urualy ,aElhrEd b d!e. pllsonc. in tte
nDlnr! ol
a . s!m&!aS!Fol h nGnzohd
c.sodlum tisu[it6 d.
etu alcohol
83. The lofloting drugs ha'ro anti-lnllalnmatory alld anl-ana]gesic Eoperdea, except
€L ASA .,,C acotamlnoitren
b. napro{en d buplobn
84. Mich ot th€ ,olowlrig ls nd an adreF€ etrect d vagoconsuictors
a. palplatlon c. trypobnsbn
b. hype.tendon d b.a6rcardia
85. Vasoactve povpoptides incbde
. a brady*inin c' vasoplesln
b. alollhe abols $bsianco P
85. The obiedives of consclous seddon are as tollol/s, except
a" the pah $rsshou should be elel/ated
b. padgnts mood mtrsr not b€ albled
c. pallent must ,amain cooperadv€
d. all ref,ectiv€ reiexa! mugt lenEin acdve, $om shouE b6 only nlnor deviatlotrs tt6 psrients
viEl srqns
a7. Th€ hydrcrsis ot procalno oa.rr mainv in
a" lungs G
b. liv8r d. xir0qB
88. ll ellons ln cardiac esus.italim ale etrectiye, there wil b€
a.constricdoo ol p{l,ils c no further fEa[nent r€cessaty
b.irrnedlab tryp€rbnsbn d. dhdoi ot grpils
89. whk* of the iollowing glngiyd ieracdon agent b confatndicaled h denid pate s *,ith
cardlovalcular dbease?
a. c. zinc dtlfiide
b. epinophrine {r. hnntcaaid
Alpha or beta adrenergic blocking aged by
a, -- lnhibiting syntheis of noEpinephdne
b. a local anesftelic etrect on adrcnergic eceptors
c. cAmFthiveInhibitiorljf#tiundbnalndtener€ic.recepb.s
o. rncreasrng lne mehDorsm ot norep'nephnne
91. The jel injectlons syringe can be used in the following except
a. convenional infedoa nen e blocl
b- buccinator lnjedion
c. palatal lnjecton
d. provision ol toplcal anesthesh
92 Local ane$h€tlcsoftrdon prodEe post operalive pah
& contarninated or de@rprated
b, il inj€sEd rapldy inb ho lissue
c. all ol these
d. solulion is ltot isotonac
93, It b rhe paients conscigus eacion to a specific unpteaaant sensoty ogerienc€
a- palo Eacdon thoshold c. inpube
b. pain perc€p{ol d. pain reactoi
94, 4g*aninopben shArH*€t b€ giv6n continuously in which ot th€ tolloll/ing condition?
e paied with lenal dlsease
d 6rdl hilura
95. Which ot tlE lo[owing stag€s ol aDes$Fsh best describB tie ta,el conscious sedaton?
a- stego lV stage I
h stago ll d s{o lll
96. D(!6xh u/ouH b9 tlo crtolce ha long lem teahent of chrcnlc
a" thyrotodc8b c esse ial tr}l?erEnsion
s€\rero myocadbl lnfarcdon aeda d
37, Thg comblnadm tlro ba.efirdd a iblodcs giv€n h s€veB inbcnon sttouH have Ota lotlolr/hg
a. antagoiHc arllcl
b. idloryncaasrefied d iyneqEfc !
98, Signs a&d staq€s ot anestlesh are fi4n ,ikely to be seen niu a genorat anes$osia ttEt has a I
a- low potency d tfuh ol-water solubilg
h lofi, Onr# coefildert coefrcient
c, slow aals of llxftrc8rn
9S. Suplvehe
a B€nzocaine c Clallo6t
b. LavocairE d Saxrldcaim
loo.Heparh nDdmh0 b erEdid b prsl/rot hemodaglc rottrdcfiii ii.riiore, ih'k r of he
loiowhs dnlcd llEnflirsidiqi r*ods Fofitpt 6/aludon 01th6 trreu?
a hlperEndon __Lcoaondy adery disee
h ar|tl-hflanne., \:_ry_)
. \i'.i:a l :r:s iJl-'l'i .,!ila P -i.,,,in)tAllL-rLJa'i
ll|ay 1996
a Bra4rcadh C. Bronc$hl diladoo
B. Decreased gaslrlc secredon D. purilary d a on
Th.aDtblodc comHnadoi ot pohssfum clavuhnatB ard arnoryrinn tltfitan ic
A Etisolvombx -
c. Algrne;tin
B. Baaacil O, cb;amicin
E Antedr in rdrbltal mrve block wil aresttesiz. these ExcEpT
A Mlddlo sufidoa alt/eolal nen e c. posterior erperior ah,reohr new6
l hblal
;-: 9, Sup€rioa D AnEaiorsupin or alrreotar rslc
,t. Coni:o6Boids shodd be arroided patienis suffeing fiom thess sltslemic condidons EXCEFTI
A DiabeEs c. peixc utcer
B. Rh.lnaEldafltuifB O. TubeEutcb
Syncope lolloo/ing ,ocal anognetic hirdion b best mana0ed ,y pliclng th6 pathnt i6 pGfh|l and
A circuhtorysomuhm c. R6liratory stinxrlant
& Anticonwban! D. Orlaren
6. Whlch of hese lntlavsnour anestlletic {ents has halucindbns as G undestabh slde ofiect?
A. Thiope alsodium c. Propotrl
B- l(etamim D.
7. Ihs behantor ot pqiienE under gsnerat anestheth suggEt frd oto moct rBbtant pan ot dle cenral
nm/ous srsEm b the
A" medulhoblongata c spinal coru
B. carablal corEx CL certbelum
a. Which o, he following enzynes can pomore t,sb o, tibdnous exudates?
A. Tr),p6in C- Sreptokinase
B. Papain D. chForypsin
Mefenamic acid has the added pop€ny olher lhah anatgesic acltvity whbh fs
,q" Ant lnflammaiory
8. Anliemetic D Antjpyrelic
Which of these drugs b used agaiost fubercutosis bu! with otorodc 6ttects?
A Py"azinahjde C. lsoniazid
B. Rifampicin D Ehambutot
Wich ol thes6ldEl arEstted. lxoLdd be sare to use tor extensiy. q-al srg€ry h hypenth!,roid patien?
A Prccain€ 29t tr rDut eplnefirine
B Meplvacalne 296 witl lE\ranordefdn Im,mO
c. MedyacainD 3t,5 wlhout \ra!rccdrst clor
D. Lldocaine 2% wihout vasoconsEictor
Whid of tlo folb,vn€ b afi exanFle ol an enterat muE ot admidgradon of drugs?
A lnuahussrhr C. Suticlrbneous
B. Oral D. lDhaladon
13. ltlich 0f the loilowing b an ester !!pe of aiesthetic?
A Mepkacaine
q Bupivacali€ D. Lirocaine.
14 The rtpe of bcal arEcthesh by bcat iDfiltraion requl:nno complcaEd amamenada b
A l rapulpal C, paapadosEd
B. lntra o€seous O. hHradi{uha
15. WIdr d those cbssea ot drugs lhon cor*hod wih narcotc dargEa& b nos (et lo paod!&€ a ttital
dr$S imaEcdon?
A Oral ardcoaguhit c. Cardaagt/Eidd€B
8. Triry{flc antdopcssa s O. t oDoaiiF ()xldase inr*Utors
16. Plaeb6 dI,l€r trom acdrE dru0s h dlat phco ie:
A. HavE no donlo'Efablstnrapaitc efea
& Caus€s tbu/er slde etEcrs
C. Ars eltoc{ivr ont {alllst Dsydt@fladc dbode.s
O Effaca arc not dGe dependeit
77- lirost local anesthelb age r havE d€pa€ssaits erbr in tho hean EXCEPT
A Pdocaine e Cocaine
B. Meplvaraln D t} PrDcaho
14. Verocqlgtilctds at! u* vr r tocd e!fie& t0..... O(GEPT:
A. Decrealr bbod lbx h st dsrg.ty
& PrE ael|t aboapdoo of b(al {t|dE& im dculatixt
G Ploboo tro si,r| oa locd itadtatc
D. PobndaE d l|larlasos aEdHia.tteat
19. IVo lH.dy aedng drugs irErd so dlat ta icslfig otted b lrur tdr lu,lcr 6 qret as vrqru be
seecbd rlhen eihBa dnlg ui!3 usad doiE lhb hteradon bcalr4 :
A Eanrolc..U . C, Sodtm Bu&
B. I'ldittalsrce O. Srrth&
20. PhtebllE afrer inthvenous admioitthion ot diazepam is usualy dla b tle ples€nc€ of lhis In ute
A. Benzolc acH c- Sodhrm bbulflte
B- tuofrylem gl)icol D. EtM arcohol
2!- wich oi ihg loftrvdng b tl. drug of.fiohe tl€ tEat n€rn ot lmmodlaro 6.!b allelglc r8acdon?
A. . EplngDhdno 'o[ c. Aronadc splrit of ammonla
B,M€thrl predhlsolone D, Cafielne
22 rh.adrehoconi:ohs enables the lndhridual to:
A G.c r nomdy 'c.
Maintain blood pres$re
B. Mair[3h donial hean lale D, wrlstahd stlrss
23, Whlch o, tl. lolbvrilg olght b€ lsed b $lmulales saliradon ln padenE slfrerh! ol-xerosbmid
A. PiloEarpine Eplnephdne c.
E, Amphetarnhe D. Atrodno
2+ Tho most us€fu| drugp b ifftrc. saSadion b ono whlch are:
A. Adrenerglc blocldrE C. Ganglonioc blockjno
E Adrehetgb D. cfiolh.rslc
23- The syingE ised h local anoshesia ushg catpul€s sas htmduced by
A" Robon WaiE K Koller c.
g. ' Lolgr8n chades Cook o.
25. wlrbh oi tlb penlctlln hG a btoad6r grah negaliva +edrum t|an p€ni:ffn Gl
A Pelrlcllfol V C. Anphfllin
B. Methrdlln D. Oophal€rdrr
27. llerpeltc lnrecoons 6rt b6d be tEad b/:
A. Teuacliine C. Aqrdovlr
B. Ahrogcirii D. Srrepbriycin
20. which ol iiose ant'biolhs has a tada fu on thG looe fianor?
A Olndarnydn c. Str€pbrnyEh
D. chlorarnphenirl
29. To mlnlmize gEvent nausea ard \rfi*ing vrhi$ may b€ caused ,y lrt*)dine by mouti and slill
obbined the deslred theapeutic efiec1, d|ts should be done
A" Gir€ the telEtycllne wifi aluminum hydrodde
B. Gi\E lhe teE4)cline m an eIIPtystomach
c. Give th€ leEaEyclxle wifi milk
D. Give th€ teleydhe on a tull stomrh
30- Wrl$ of $e fon6,ing patlenrs ls gen6:al anedhesia contralndicabd?
A Adults oret 50 ),ears o, {6
B. Pane wih an aorte taspirdroDr ilrLdon
c. ch$dr€o ntdea S Years ot ag€
D. Pafent vrith sell-conpensd hean dbease
31. which of the to[oring b tlE drug ol t loics for the Iteament of Ula iflmedi{e a.uE alle4ic reac{on?
'' A Caneine C. Pednbolone
B. DlDalenhtdrdrr|5e o. EPhePhrine
32. To Emo\re a torus paldinus lhe nerve !o be ancsllretized at€ o(cEPT:
A. tlasopahiE lierve C, Rlgit anDrbr pala*|e rErve
B. Lefr anErioa Pdalitlo nerve o, PoSa grpedor arlreolar ne e
33. Aflibaderial speaaum letetb:
A the ablllty ot co[pound D hhltit truliplc&n d miYoorganism
B. tho r6hgo ol 5.rilrty ot a mlcaooagEnbm
G dE .(nral ldho e'h
o{ miqooNgEnblru
D, fie range o, aldn*robla, a.6dy ol a compound
34 W{dr ot tla blorho anrhbnca b l6st ofhctlve agaiEt penicll$nase ptodudno miqoorganisrn*
A Clhdamy.tr c Me$icillin
B. EMhmmytl|D Anpldfin
35. The nh€t sorhE aoisequemo ol g/st llfc bcd ai€6diodc mbily
F ,L po€l cdMld\ro canH nan,ort3 slalem depresai,l
B. hvperteisioo
c. post @rc6si r cenral nen/olrs s1Ebm co rubar9
D. riErtEo
3A Phannacdogb ottects o, dlo dasslc am $arinlc agpnt ircludo tho tollorting 9(GEPI:
A- Seddo.t dcos!,r'Sr kru, O. Drying oisalivary atd brcnchlal
B, ArUFuncdB s8cidoll
c lnhlbHoll lalc dd ss<oa
37. Althisian{nh OUO!.!.e,r ddr.ftrr b}e
A" qro@dc b nct ..8
B. Cinrpldivdy bbd&tg hindrJrE at Ec.Pb. qle
c rEvcrr th. rlbd oa liilaariB
39. Epinephrlne sdnuhts $es€ adEnergic rec.pro6 in $e cardlovasaira, sysrerl
a. aipha ad be{a cl. aDhaoni,
.- bora
8.. . n€*her atdB nor O Otia crt
10. Whlch ol the fo{bwinC advers€ dle.ta b padcdarly dardedsdca o, al;Diaillh d}oraD\.?
A" Nephrlds G consdpa6n
.. P. ilaC opaplla, nsh
/r1. Mafenaunic acH a!9lde trom tB analgedc p.operty b aiso:
O. H.rrD'b/dc andDh
L anlih'Etarninlc c. antible.dlng
B. alld Inffammator), D and, Emedc
42. Whldl ol fle€e hdioenous phnts bas boen used as a source ol ltuorHe:
A Yerbabqena c. LaO#i
B. Tsang gubd o. Uatunggay
€. The m a local anesthedc ooniahrg epihephrine b aboart
a 7.4 c.7
1,( which ol tro folorrlng b ar en(bgoltotF caedDlamine?
A- Ampetamlne C. Dopanire
& Phenyhpbdn. D. Ephddne
45. thin t|at has no o€anic b6sb E
A Rstened parn c. tteuolo(i,
B. Psychooenic pain [} l,leudlb
45. orle o, die bllowing ls not a func*m of s
rpat'retic neruous s]rsEm:
A" Uhles thepupib D Shifts the btood trom the s}jn and splanchnic
a. Stlnuld€a tlo gasfohcsdnal nowmerrts
q Rabes th6 blood praGsuro bed to skeletal mrscles
47. The hlghe$ dsk GsociaEd lvidr the use ol orat cooracep$yes i$
A Liver necrosb . C- Thrcr$oeribofc dbodel
B. Canerolth€ qbrus D, cancer ol the breas
48. Which ot ltEsa slalBmentt b not fue about buprolen wllen used as an andgedc
l"ii causes less gastrointesllnal complahE
B. it is a rnore efiectfue anti infammatory agent than aspjrin
C. ll b mo{e etr€\ctfu6 analoedc lhan aspirh
o. lt is lrsed to ueat post extradton pain
49. Albrgjc mac&xts io local anes$etica are caused b)t
A rapld atrroDfon c, ant{ien-anibodyreacton
A. lmpmper iniecton technlc D.
slow adrninlsEalton
50. Which ot the Iollowing goierdl anestletic agents p&duce6 th€ best muscte ralaxadon?
A" HaloiharE c. Cyclopopan€
B. Ettler , D. Nitrous Odde
51. The most potent gaseous'agent of qenerd anesthetic is
A" Ethylene c. Cydoptopa',e
B. E$er D, Nircus o,ado
52. Asplrin has tte fottowing efte.ts EXCEPT:
A. SuppEsses cough refle( C. lntede.es with Wamin K metabolism
B. lncrease evaporatJon ard heat b6s D. And iJtammalory
5:1. Whon arFsthelic so,utbn b dopciEd h dte pterygonandibular sp@, tE tedl,rque ot dl€sthe$b b
A" tnrodreoGs C. Local lnflt-alir.t
E Toplcal anesfi€E}a D. l'lervo bbck
54 lrBulin acli b corn ot dlab€tEs nElhrg !y
A d.
lnhibling amino dEtaholsrD
B l bEng lipooen€ds
C. lllcr6a5ing celula, gi.tc@ ulitrzation
A $tudq co
urharyocrrtu) ol gt
55. Mtainln K b glvsi b ffd $rg€rypanrnG h the fo oring condidorE
A PatlenE und€r *ess '
B. Petientswho arg an€mlc
c' Palients under prcloaoed arilibida fiehpy .
c, Acidic D. HlPertonic
60. Alpha and beta adraneEk blocling agenE b)/r . d
A" lnhlbidru synthesb ol nolEplnepfifto
depledng norep[rephdao |rom adrgnc,glc rrenp Emlrlatr
C; corrrpodrrw hhb oh ot pdluncilonal sglc Eceptorg dlr
O" incre6lig metalolism o, nsepi.'Epfi.ine
Al- Dia.epam b ptrtsred b a baibhulalo 6 a afiiortic agen becalsa lt
A, lt b wry sfiort adn0 drug
B. Do not poE iaE tD acdon ofCNS depEssarE
Produca3 no sedatbn
Ha3le€a addlixion pobndal
6'2, The mle ol nr0lyl parabon in iia ardsthedc solulion is:
poEndabs tho anesfieth ageff
geserves dls vasoconsobm rrom od&non
C. malntains th6 add pH drd Elo anesthetb sofudon
D. potehtlatB tle vaiconsticb.
i3- Ths dlrscty adhg sympa orilmetic anihes eren their acrions diEctry on adtsneEh rec€prDrg ard 49 fE
lolloving EXCEPTi
A Le\ronodepiin c, Amphetanlne
B. Nor €{inephrlne D- Epinephrlne
64. AItt rrss ddo elbrl d oral cor$iaceplives hdudo the bllowhg A(GEPT:
A. mood changes q ffigue
B. girEMds f} trelghr gain
65. Which o, t|es6 drugB b useful trearhg det nalologic manifosldions of an allerg'rc resporEes?
A Diaepam c. H€ayitesriiol
B. AroptE D. cfilorPhenilamina
e6. clral conn'aaeld\res e,(en $6ia pJirnary etbd b!,
a Blocunq lrphntadon c. lnhlbltrE spermaro2oa migrdion
a Fhibifng o\rulatirn o. hcreashg luteinizing homone secrotion
67. Th€ alkaloid trom Papaver Somifotum with arahesic pmpenies ate EXCErIT:
A- Codeine C. lleroin
B. Methaclona D. Mo.phine
Verapamil, a cahiblocker could cause lhb perlrdontal ptoblem:
A" Jurrenile pe odor*itb C. Retracbry periodo.n*is
8. necrosis
lntederfat papilla D. Gk€ival enlaryement
69. whft$ ol t|e lo$ouiit d gE b irsed to reattigednal rEuralgh
C. Cbrazepam
B. CaIbdld D. Carbanazephe
'to. A saf6 and reliable Est forrhEy io penicilin is:
A" culture ser6Aivify Esl
B, Good medcal ard rellable hisrt of pdh-ht
FaHl test
skh test
7L The f.at an€de{iologHin lic rorld b
C. |blace Wetrs
B. YaitJeh JanDa simpson D,
72. whlcn of tlese b nol a cahirm channel blocler u9€d in lhe mamg€nten! o, lryFrlens rt?
NlHipim C. Verapamil
& Dihzem O MIID)in[
7a to odrrrtam dlary c6l|f.l ihcbo, llrih a rcot cdlal filh{ alld Gsected ap6( d1esa netu€ ara
A" Nasopal€dn6 n€rvo c' Anbdor supedor ahreotar neF/e
B. AnEdor superior ai eola, ncn e and D. tlo anest|odc n6€d€d
. nasopaldE aEnro
?ut Thlazld6 used h tr. ftEfilCm ol typerbldolt nlay r.quh s&dorrEnt l adrlhbfdon o,
a Potasdum c. cabium
& Chbrlde D Sodt m
75. A dopot ttD6 ot ponicun hlecdo.r Otven prcphyelt to a pad.r with co.E€nihl hean dbee br
A AnD&mnhFdion c. Mefildlnll lnjecdon
B- sodbm D€nultn G lrlecdoi o, Benranthln. penbillln G inlrcddr
7e TI. d.uO ot dto{c. frraoe d.rtoalrrslaa abcol!9 B
A. Aquoous pd{car G cort ner!ft p@iu c' Pe!ilcfllh G t blel3
poniclln G hr..do.t o. satPfirych inJedon
B. P.nlcEr G tab
7. Wrldr ot tra dn Os b lmunGuppreala.l fur causea ghCltal
enhtgenE ?
A Cyrb€Fofie c, co.lborbrol(b
B, Azahloptao tI adlotEtraD
78. Paf.nE .l€rClc b p.r{cih G codd b. glt ltl
Arroqrcm B. ArpheiHn B
c' EoanrorDah
zs. n;',i; ifress or he rlourh ExcEpr anpbilll,r
rrtyot aniiieqessant c' Ptl)tsosdofte
s0. whlcil'ii#;itffEE ra.rarnaso ahd cornbrne wt* p"rtci h r€cstanrorsank r
B. Unioru:i" "rLm""*
C. Chvuhhare
er. uirrr"i iiii,iJll ,ot o r.qut^rreor or an ireai
A lt lnust be non ioxic sn*** u?"n f**M
e h mu{ b€ ;;;nhErer.d c; li must be u'ater soluble
sz whr*
or ho" Ei#iil'ff'#, * *"0 n h hrr$ bG irev€.sibr.
-- Aaprese tte b€st orat s€dadr.e dtug torGndsry g
"pl""t "pprD
3. ii:m;"-
n m Go- #--
A l{arcofcs c' Phemtbzhos
a aeizldazepam
o+ wrrich or hi ro tng bcal anesihe{ic asent is n* **R;
A procaine o?ffiffi**on.oo,
ButEtalnn€ " c. TeFacdne
os. rir .Jiaia.crilrng. ot a drug b abo re*
ettecr & offi'n"
A elfica6y "" c' aoonttrn
a. poleoci D spedlbhy
€*t. wrich ot fi6se orat ,inses InhibiE plaque ro.matlo.l?
a Astingo60l c.
B, B€tadlrb ; chblnexidrE
az. mctr oitrese s nor an actverce efiect ol veoco**aoo BM
A. $/penension
-- a
piipraron' 3: ffi
Hn/ rnany mitirgrams ol ephephdno a,. in each ca,oiag" ii."j;ii;im*e
eplnephrine? f whh ,,oo:,"o
,d 0.18 rng c o36ms
a. o.oee rfo D o018tDg
89. The rat.er;"rDdern aneghesia b:
A Leonard Monheim
& cliadescook 9. HodioAhet
m. i*frliiiiirir1fr*tdor srp€dor atvEohr nervE * ,"h,#iffirffi,rr
ahesherized these $ructuE
A iirarilhry second mohrs "
B. Mesio buccal root of mo(ilhry Rrsl molaE
C. Maxitbry thtd moh.s
D. Patatat and dbto buccal lmt ot maxillarv ll6t molats
9L Whbh vltafin is nec€ssary tor cafnation & Uone ana muscle conmcffry
B. c c. vrtamh 82
* vitamin
th€ p*mry druo !o .'*#ffi
A Sleroirs
re&lio,r dehonsnarns
A is primadt baDre.lcBal
B bthe agg ot ctElco lor uppc, rEfiraioO, rd hhclirn
c. carrsaa suFrhlbclion in the i €5dne b tho 3ame extsnt as me Etracyclll€.t
I D, mry causd bona man(rr aleplEsdon
,4. Tho drolca o, needb ahould allo* peneratbn !o tle dept betoE lt's comdeE length has enEEd the tissre
A io ninidze paln
B. asasarotyprsc lbn in65e breal(alE oc.{rs at lre hub
c, to ensure paotourd 8neltheta
l'i s.
D. to havc an imrledine e{teat
snrall dianpter nenrc lher uansmit $b sensaDon
A.toucn C. themal
A. Magnesbm
. B. Cobalt ' -O.Yanadtum
,, sg. Antirial aogols can sop inbaion fy wmtr tL mechahlvrt
ot Ura
A hhlbldon of nssembty or rslease orvh6 c. ir$ibldon of eQfut and penerabo
- 40. Presents a maior barhr lo dillidon ot local aEslhetlc into treDnerye
B, lnhibidon ol httaaellrla, sf,ndEis aI olhese
' A- Pefneurium c. edneuabm
/ p.nirlttla
B. Fdciculus o erdoneudum
I lr. tras tnt * no aflibacledai dion agairEl:
A Gonococci c. reponema Pdlluum
B. MeningocDcci D. rosdng baaredal ce[5
al 42. Purp6e ol asp rrion beblg lrredlng $6 local an6besla
A- eisure nin+luino of bldi vessel D, tedlEd$e needle lbr better l,ssu€
D $. The greal"st aang€I rclaH b |lle us€ ol oral conttac€ptiv6 is
a nennanent c. cancer ol he b'6asl
g. ihromboembolic disordols D hepatc nec'osb
,7 45- Excess dloitalls causes
a lengirenlng ol QT inlenral C. appeannce of Q wave
I B. Sho_rlenhg
PR lnterual D' inversioll ol Twave
T -
4t. analgesra
rerer to:
it pain wihotit
48. sonsitirlry of dendn b
ol consciousness
due D
c raieng pain dreshoH
D pah relle,
T A-
prosenc€ o, odootobhsi*hhh is lEgaaded as cells
aH ofthese
r€sult of direct $imulatlon of ,Iee nerye eDdllogs in defltn
I O. resun U mec*rantcat stmuladon ol frce IENe endiDg in tl|e putp caussd ty rapid iuid flow wi$fn lhe
dendnal ubule
14 49. Druo ot cndc€ lol typhoid ,ever
A ctdolarph€nicol
c anpicillln
B, ciprcnoxacin o. bacarnpicillln
,f 50. The p.oper perlod ot antlbbtic ihe6py shotlld be:
A. 7 days c. 4 days
B. 5 days D.3 d44
cmceDratoar of dtug
/' sa. x v*rUr tssre pf $I $e lo..il ar€fictur be .lt€dlolll dmEed
A" pH &e6[t't rlatDt c. belorr or abo,e
B. belo\{7 o. abov6 7
A' 53. tunnodw6Hes b $r dnlo chobe h d|e featmont or l e.don ol: grdr4osltvp
,q" ilobh oraFndaivo
- - Daab& c ae4llc gran-nega$v. bqcteda .
r j r B. Mopivacahe D. rdocahe
4' 55. h |rger rydined nervea, condlcdoo lal(Ea plaaa al
A Derlddts C. neulon
B' Ae.lg D. nodea o,latwhr
;-. q 5€. Dordnon ot lohg aahg l@l ai€5 lrlb
a $O nifii,-or lon0cr
- C.9G120 lr*fle
B. lrinE
,t&75 O 1€3. lhan 30 tr*ts.
ftrtbri b b m€daEd bf
1 - '
57, sDhal
ID- ales$cCa, $e
fust dsappea,
c' nth s€is&n fre's
r sv,rpore*
D. Toudr anditt sute reeeFff,belg
a dxir'mers
a 5& stae a* 2 an€tHa b .*laraaGfid Df
A-Mtu|rt c. &ncsdpdr
I' B. Cofir D. dt niric bild*to
b ss. rMifrt ol dt n n"n* i" t{OT irvdEd b a! 6a.d r.o.bid IEIE blodo Lr
A. inlerior palpebral C,.laleral nasal
B, sphenopaladne O- Lfraodiial
a 60. Iha rlaihtsnanca ol the l€sting polrndd ot a nen€ cell t! ho reaut of ah adive liedafibrr! kno as todlum
purP whlc-h:
A. mov€s sodlun lmm thr area ol l€as€r colrcem-.idtin outskb the nen es o that ot a grraler concdfflation
B. dopnds on the sdmuh.r3
C" moves sodfun &oves taomtia aIea orleaser conce aarbn inslde ltl6 nei/e.i to that o, greater
concentafon ootsidE
I D. srdlum moves horr| lnslda to o(slde ol dre nsn/o cdl r.gardl€ss ot conclltIalior
(J 61, Route ol admlnbfabn wteagln fie d6ag€ brm'B d*cd undemeath the tongu€ acilevlng a rapid efleat
A Lonengas C. orel
B. Buccal
D. sriHlngual
6a Ephephfino ls.rjnr6indlcabd b ldi€nts $ a higory o, !ia\rs! dboasa becars6 d dr. dang€r ot
A Bh.ding C. ar),lllria
B. l-itpotdrdon o. selznes
63. Local an€tl€& drugE block
/ B. sFapdc fa gfiksim only
wlrd b
tI motor conducdon ont
0!e main etled of asdrh on dE lr)tpotBlanb reglot
a1 6.(
A. And.infidnrDaroryefted c. ax orUl€so
& Andqedc O ando/retic eff€ct
C f,5, The mo6t co{ mohly e,qed€iced syrntsoln ln dentbEy is:
A Tlbmus c. pdn
B- Hoedach. D hllanxlrdim
68.Ille pafeits ahlllty to bbra[e p6lll b d6ignaEd a6 hb p6h:
4 A" reaadon c. perclpdon
B. p€rc€Bion and reaclbn D- lh.eshold
C 67, Which of the lL general anesthedc b kno$,n to poduce translem h),poda?
A. halolhahe c. niEous oxlde
B- enfluraaB o. isollurane
C 6& The mechanbm of action ot allopurinol in go{r is
A" reli, ofpah c. prevenlhn o, ub ackl lormation
A increased sol{rbility o{ urtc acid
I B. decreGe h udc acu aeab6orp$on
69. Tem doscribiE tha ten*nat, ol a drug lo corblrc wi$ a r€ceptor:
A. Dep6idon C, Sabilt,
B. Drug ffiy I). p€lle!'aion
b 70. Ketoconaale has lts great osefulness in shal oral lesions?
A. Vlncents $omd s c, orylhema mutfform€
B. Candidiasb D pomphigrB
C 7L Local anes$Edc d the esE group un.hrgo liobaisrol'Edo|t br/:
c. t$droltds and srnthesis
B. S),noE is D, tlydmly!*r
b 72. Adverse drects ol local aresrheli:s d€peod oi nE f.
A- Age c. Tectnhue
B. all otlhelE D dGe
b br hDolda:
73. Tt|e drug ol choha
AHetum c. ammnh
B. o(ygEn t} cebon dbuo
c 74. Con6ct staEmoir abort $a dhid applb&n ol caftenlcf{n locfude whlch ol die ff
A it h indeclive agBlrEl pgeudornonas O il ha liIa aailn ity a€ainst g6n-negati'/e
B. il tBqtanty caus. dhdiea bddeda
c. it can ca!6e bDoLaLtrS al€lGb
75. All ol dr€ fserErB llgadhg .fidmtleralt d cancr. are rue g(CEPli
,d ctEmo0Erapy mr ltr cancer c8lg rld'nd no lal dlvung cofi
B. sol. otal ftrwlydhenog€d carccrpalbntsri/Udrl8d drheirdrsoaso
c. ch.mdrerdpy b tta orlt tsdmm tnr caa t{ld&e}y rrat q/6Gmh direasa
O. cherrdreraDy po6sqss6 humqous slb gneclli sudl ira nalssa rromilhg ard supprerdon ot bole
q 7A Term &acriting dla taritdrc, ol [lo dnrg rEcaltoa con Lx b.drae a speaiic llaPorsa:
A. drug €dlcasy C. deo6 ql
,L 77. Al h€ f. strtEnr rE hr d Aqdorir EGEITT: D..trbav
A I b nodeodda dlrHdnrg
E lbarr &W. oa FdrE lrt*bolb.
C. it coltwrll to a tirllo lhe dd {h*quer|ty h&b syndF.b o,vial t}.lA
i- D I b usad E0altd h.rD.r shrph
J 7& Mo€t p@nt bdc locd dretb h almrt use -c'
A Certocelr ldocthe
B. Tetrac6ine D. mepivacajne
79. An injec[on ot atroplne doos not Uplcaty produce
A drynos of th6 mouth
B. decaeasod SEsfoheslinal move(Enr
C. wad(nesg olsk6lffil mtEcb $rurghouttro body
I D. decrelsd seqedon of mucus in dlo n fird0ory tad
h 80. Topbal ArEsoledc
" A Heryhcajne C. docalne
B. Bodl lidocahe ahd rylocaln€ D. xyhcaine
4 8L Local an€sthetc druO sufiable fo. uso as a toplcal anes$eih ager[s in den!6t]a
A. benzocain€ and tuocahe c'- pEcalne and idocaine
/- 82. Cfiarntcal includod ln a dental local anesdledc caftHg. to ple\aerl. its criratior?
A sodlunbieutrEie C. poa.slum btsuttu
B. po0asslum bhul'dte D, sodlum bbunE
€9. t,tunbn ddving occlrs When he bbod aJcobol levd ls over,-
A" 10O ,IV100 rJ C,4@ mgr100 ml
S.200 mgrloo Inl D. 30O rur100 n{
4 A4 OigiElb lengdlefls tne refrdcbr}r perid ot
A wilh uagalbhd( c: siru-atrlal nodo nith lntact vag8
B. vedriclG D. buidle ot Hls
C 85. The a,lesthetic drug &at prodlces p.*l?ftrl slinutaioll ot celebtal corEx is:
A lldocainE c. cocaine
A. plocaine D- tstracaine
C 06, Llrse€ic ackt dofrylarnino (LSD) act d, fte c€nt-at neNoulr si!,stern as a:
c. haluclnogen
B. sedawe O. analgesic
C 87. h large dose6 this anesrhe$c agem shou|.t b€ avoided in patierE with i{rbparh me$emoglobinemia:
' A Lidocain€ C. prilocalne
B, PropoErcaine D. mepivacaim
88, mese are agonts which incrcase the excredon of uric acid vla $e urine:
A uricosudc agents C, anti-gout
B, pudnols D- diumllc
C m. A corcct statanrent about me$ofexaie is ihat i!
A b iidicated in colon cdlcer
B. b indicaled ln
hmg cancer
c'binds lo sites on tho onz!,ryE di}l},drctohre reductase
lll D.b classmed as an dMadng aoent
a 90. Wrich of the ff. drug comblnarion b ethcrive lo btock rhe cardiovascutar ettects Foduced by the use o, a
syfpa$omlmeticagGnn .
b $ AlB.h[ $h!n
ort d. tE f,, tkugs has El| arliryrre dion
D. het
A Oiaro c.eq,ba@d
, & C!.dsorF O prtohaEetl
b g9. F{.nEt d b kurn h. ts ck{cal p@poiy E
A dhnhDd rE*ibrb
B. prcvem lbsue autolysls
c' sde.iirev d€sao,/ rdcrob€s
D. a.i as a plobplas,lh PoEo.t
4 1cO, ldaladon ollpHt ot ammaih i5 efhcd\/r agdnsr sfcop€ b)E
A. lnltallllg th. serBory endhgs ot 5t cr blnel1rl gtnuldon
B. dhect sdmuhlhn ot lha vatomolor cs ar and dlted of tto re+ilaiory ce'lErs
c. dhect sdmulalion o, rh6 lBaplralory ce.*e6
D. dlrect slimulafon ol the vasorDtol conter
a- BIS Giiq
b. EPoxY re.h (L Meth, methacrylate
/- ,'. E tenslon lor pEvE ldon B d)rcctly related t!:
a. remo\ral ot unsupported enamel
b- dePth otthe axlal wall
:aJ outlin€ fiom the cavity
. d- elhinatlon ol canous dentin
fS rrr" ttiout or me averEge dEviauoi orspread ofstorcs aroun'l the meat !s rdenEd to as:
a. m€dlan c trequency
r ..b- varlance
al z tl€ qre.te5t tatlu re oI comPosile resln ln posterlor teeth:
a- re@rr€nt aaries c postoperdtivesenstivity
b.marglnall€alage <. lnad€+Et€ contact areas
at Mlcroblology it dellned ar
.* stidy whi.h deals wlth the inter rclauon ol oQanism and envlronm€rt
. b. propo.Uon of a glveo populado afiecH bvadlsess'
c. allot these
I d. etiologic i.cto6 that conidbute to a 'tisease
D /, Prevabn(e is the rerm used to denote:
a" a.
dlsease €.Pedence
' \qt proPorton ot a glven Population affEcted bv a dlsease
a number ol p€ople with dlsease at a glven dme
numldr ot cases thattlll oc(Ur wiilrn a poPulation
c /a FLorlds applhatlon aftel Perlodontal cn!€ry E most enedve,ol:
a, htemal paplllla r. expogad (enentum
inatonilalcrollns aL qhqlvaltl$ues
ghglv'l b€vel ls mt because tlle
'\i-l lo S|s Oasa ll F€paration of a p.lmary mdar for amalgan! a 'equircd
enatnd rods indhe
a, linoually c bucally
\ orclusally d, glnghrdlly
C tr. The foliorhg cdttslbut€s b. slaEB56lti honE aara lhstrucuon dan EXCEPI}
a, livnedlate and lrequent feedback .
I d. iller rnaterlel
perEentage ot lnocgaDlc
L !6. The hllowlm arr reasoB fla poltshlng deitd emalsatl} EISE:
a. lncreo$ rogstanca to tln{sh @ b de.r€*€ (irles iusceptlbillty
c. in(rease reslstence to corrElon to corr€<t oc(lusal dlshannonies
q/ ,7. Hydrogen perorde in (avity preparation pro(edure will:
; a. reduce bactedo6tauc actumulatlon
b. none ot thcse
c produc€ wlrltenlDg ol the cavlty ralls
\d. remor€ tooth debrls caused dudng pr€faratloh
/ ,r. Bask cc.hpogtlon ot dentel amalgam atloy:
a. silver and palladlum E,
q ,7: Most p.rilahrc co.*acts lt kft un lete.t€d may catE€ tne tollot{n$ a(cEPr:
\a, hrraGhrCoo o, Ols oPPoshg too0l
b. sflnlgem ftllng to n'actire
c Paln rDon bldilg
d. p€rloddrtalproblerE
qt. Iniblrncrts hdvlng niierremdts ln tHrlbinula hav. three numbe"s. tho tlr* fin$er Indkates th€.
irr katlrr 1 mr' c manufactu.lng year
b, angle oI the shaft d. length
4 ir. lnegadless wh€ther a counuy ls advan.e or developlng, whlch d€ntal service ls MoST neededt
a. preventivedentistry
b, prosthetlc dehustry d, communlty dentlstry
ConnOuraUon ol ttr€ bur ut€d to remove excess comPoslte filllhgs on the lingual $rfdces o, the tseth:
< round t. fssuro
d, pear
Which tooth a(cumulating materlal ls primatily responslble for oral disease,
a. plaque c materitl alba
b. pelli.le . d food debrls
d .. ihe number ,rt ls type oft
a, p€ar shaped bur t. round bur
b, wheel shaped bur cl taperlng ffssure bur
I b.
o. maxhal rqmE.our€
maxrmar for tho adults
.- Gi)ne
\-/ runaon ol manaqeoeni lnvolvlng t€.rultmqlt. sE ectlon, and tralnhg ot caPalie P€rsonnel:
a. planninE orqanirnE
b. cooftllnating @ stamng
a. ordrodontas
q Preventlve denustty
b. restoraBve dEhUsUY
a ar, Oml hyglene by Greene r€te6 to the establlghmeht o, a strong correlation o, chronic periodontal disease
with the followlng:
.\a. Iood debris and calcull c. thlck and ropy seliva
b. tooth brushlng and flosslrq d,
malo.cluslon and loverty
b ,r. Badlopaclty ln the meslo o<clusal aree of a maxltlaly n.st molar may b€ asEocht€d with:
a. an efilodontlcally tseatcd canal
.h. pEsence o, tie cll9p ol Carrb€tll
c, l€slons extendlng ,rom the oaclusal $rface
d. l€slons developed troln th. brrcal surfacs
t) 17. SterllEatlon of lnstruments ts best a(hteved b),:
a. chemlcal
\b. autoclaving d. boiling
4 dr- The m6t common fundlonal p6ychlatrlc ditodre. of the etderlr
\a- senillty
b. anxiety
q 6t ln re6toalng a Class ll cavity prepar.ton wlth coanposlte illling materlat, a wooden w.dge is usEd to:
\a all of these c stabillz€ the cellulold strip
b. provide seperaton d- prwent excesglvr lnaterlal glnglv8lly
q @ fte rollowlnE lllling matedals appaar ra.llopaque EXCEPT:
* acrrlc r€6in
b. calcium hydroxlde & defltel amalgam
,JQ) er"".rting $r" to"ttr aflkts a (olorcnange in:
,elr a- oeotln ontY enamel. dentlrl ceilenbrm
otll u ename ano aenun .{
q(7 ln class v preparation, the ideal intemal oudine rom should:
@ unilorm depth into dentin
t Convening o.clusaland glnglval walls
c. Have covering mosial and dlstal walls
l^ d Have fat axlal yYalls
&4 Bevelins or the <avosurra(e Inargin h an E!!y preparation will:
a. Lcilitate iushlno olexcees celnent
ts) lmprove marglnal adaptatioh.
C. increase vlslbllity otth6 opafation rluid
. \d. rernove und€rmined enamd
/ 74 Advantageous properues ot reintor(ed /nE oxlde eugenol cements a! a temporary cement art the
followlng, EXCEPT:
a. obtundenteffect c. biologtc conpaubility
b. ease ot manlpulauon hlgh teDsile*ength
- ,\ s,l d ls NOT a l€coridary p.evenuv. serylce
tC4 lbrdental cadeg
a. peventivc r€6ln r€storaton .S dentalcades ac{vlty tesls
trcatm€nt of in(lplelt le4bn d. perlodia screenhg and aateral
-b ra, The cPfrN ls an hdex ror d€temtnhg $e
a ca.le6 *sceptlbillty
@ penodontal sratus of the colrllnunlty
c carl6 tratrne* us€d
I e perlodontal status oJthelndMdoal
f t- ,, Oao , -,np*tt€ rcCn rEst r-.tloB layedrE ot th6 illlnE hated.ls ln(,Bnentil plac.lnert ol tie acsln on
a. axlal *alE ln lncrlltleiB t raar Clre
b. a)dalaM pulpal wall5 h brl: th€n €ur€
c. axlo prrlpal arca lilst tha*r crit
:;J .
C 7t- The reverse curve 15 characterlzed bF
a. Butt iolnt relatlohshlp
b, None of these
c All oith€s€
!L ?O degreea cavosulEae maBln
,-i ?t) Apptied ln thlh flms ot varylig thl&n€6s:
a, none ot tlrese
d ,r.
. b. ba5es
Conv€itlonal compo6it€ reslns ar€ mixed and Placed nith
bn llners
rnetallic instrument be<auser
a. ot tiE sarety chahcteistlcs
b. (ause conoslon of thE Instrument
E. it improves th6 piysical propenks
tL .ause dlscoloratlon ol thE rEstorauon
L ,,,. Th€ prlmaty fun€tlon ot a matrix band Cla$ ll amalgatft
a. P:€vent glnglval ble€ding durtng bumlshlng
b. to assure adequ.te faclo lingual(onta.t arEa
\c. conffne the amalgam in contour of thc taoth
d. to .onfin€ ercess mercury on the occlus6l sufice
4 ,r. hcorpo.atlon of vrdt€r in tha mD{ture of zlm oxlde eugenol cGments vvlll!
a(celerateG th€ setting
b. alters the Ph ot the mn&lr€
c. prevents setung ot the matedal
d. causes pootoperative Paln
cold he;t
\. '_
, b. oalv'anism d bltlng Pr€ssure
(d ta ln dentalpractice recalling patients every six montns is'lassified a5:
a- .ommutativeservEe c so(iallzeal 5€ru(e
b- corrective sarvl(e ' \
Preventave s€rvlc€
a rtr. inao *hich measlrcs the amoont of debris aixl caicular dePodG on a'toolh surface is;
T fl fa)
\. Green and veflmillion SOH index
ne rJr"wrno are instrumenG ror glnglv;l bev€{insL o(cEPT:
- .q srnall dlamond dls( c margln tdmmeG
b. tlne tapered dlamond stones d, ehamel hat(hets
*. edga ltrength
b94 A matiemati.al model tiat deals with the tr€Etment of data and thetr anatsts
a. deslgn c data
/^ b. pen grasP
rhe m6t wider, ,,.ed detE,minant ot prorjmal c.rjes
a. panoramlc radlograph c.
^i b- bitewlog radlograph .4
,r. Composite resins contalns inert fill€rs by lN€lght ot
I d 1. lf $e bllowing he placement ol metatlic restoration, Ihe Foth rcmajrE senshive to heat, cold ahd pressuro after th6
occlusal adju$menl lhe dentist shoutd:
a- odnd the opposing tooth !o relleve lhe occtusat coffact
b. hidara rcot c6nal rhe{apy
.. tslllho paliant !o boar the dlscomfofi and h witr e\€rhlally go alray
. 2. KopliLsd. Emove &e es@radon and placetEnt of a sedativ€ tornporary EsDralion
C spots ar6 oral manitestadon of wtrich d the tollofving coMnions?
a, SyphIb q Moasles
- b. Mumps d. Tuberculosb
,1 3. The behaflioral modelstress he:
a. 6lds.slticaflon and obFclfuafon ot behavior
b. Ilbidinal ene€y de.e,ved from ange,
c. humaninjc approaci to child readr€
/ d. fteedom o, mah to choos€ Dehavlor
A\4. lmprc\ad
' restoraho zlnc oxlde-eugenol lhaterials se e as good Emporary reSlorations peMino dacemed oi a perr}anenr
becarrsa theyl
a. a, ol these
-lt hd\,€ excelleflt marginal seal
,6. has theraFeutic palliativ€ effe.r on the d€fital putp
d. have thomal insulalon qualiries compdable to ftc6 o, dentin
C- 5. A line angle Dld can be found in the pro(imoocctusal cavity B f'rd
a" n exbaxial lherdl)t, c. gingivoaxial line angle
b. taciooctlusal lin6 angle d. faciolingual line angle
4 6. The bed way to manaqe d€nDal sEess is the:
a preientive drempy c. hypnosis
b. premedicaiion d. psychomedicaIoit
^ 7. The outloe form ol cavity preparadon Is lhe:
a. shape or lorm ol *,e prepaElon on the surlace ot lhe tootr
b. shape or lorm of tie preparation assurnes after retenton lorm has been conpleted .
c. shape or form of the preparalion alter cadous dentin has been excavated
d. nFr step ro be ac.o.np';5heJ in cavily prepara on dIre esbranLe has been esEbtished
C 8. A child i! more susceptible lo damage lmm an equal dose ot x-Bdiaton rhan is an adutt because &e child hasi
c- rnolE rapid cellreproductDn
b. morc sensitive cellepithelium d. tess rapu ceflutar reF]ai]
C 9. The 8% racemic epinephrine-containing cord tor tssue managemBnt during cast goH prccedures may prove hazardous
for some patlenls because of lls:
a- popensity tor allergic response c- E stemic vasoconstrjcting action
I -b ro. Direct
b- loaalcausEc action on gingival ussue
pulp capplhg B indlcaEd when th€se is:
', a. A,arg€ exposure
d. bradycadra effect
b, An accidental mechanical exposuro in a cleah dry field
c, No hemorrhage ftom the exposurc
d. Pain response !o cold
The following is/are crileria Ior a good sdmpling dasign FxaFpT:
I lhe sample obtained should be representalive on rhe population
b. tE design should be leasible
c, llle sample size should be adequate
d- none of these * FLI\b H 0l-
!n. a"lheretmphocyles
\tten is aDacute hfhmmation, the inittal celb 0lat gather lhe alea are: i'--rt.r.r - f r<|a1
c:. masl celb IPF t) 1.1, f h3t1\
b. neutophlls ' d. nacrophages N"..2% p. i.2
,3- Sodlrm lhodde for toplcal applications possesses fioo.ide in which concentration:
a- 0.296 c. 1.294 :t.\ b; ?N n2]
b. 896 j. 2u, (r,rpr1n-.,.ri1*ts)
1* Hirlologically, gingivd epthe[uh dost clossly re3€llllre epnheltum ot the: do l, r.rh{. o d(dr.JoF
a softpahte c. hard palata ,il ly kh !r o, t{,}M
b. \redibular mucosa d. transitonalzone oltle llps "
d't ln salectirE a loo$brush tor a pauenq wtlich of the tolto$/ing shouu exen he most inflrence?
a" condition of $e patients girgiva c. endoBehent d an associatlon
ry r l-
o. r), - /,? 1?
k) ,| ,lqi..t
b. combrt and €6e in use d. oral tEalh reed ofdl€ padenls flr!rlrif
C ro. The torov$ng cq!9119@i9ns are basb in performing cavity s@rilizalion, D(CEPTj 6d !'
a- he prcducihll ot the srcde field e &e ofrraie,sEay
b. efHlt/endos o, tle age usd d. $a harn to Frhd csL
C t7. Plns used ln he form o, staples or a clu{ll lbr lesorafyE rsGrion:
a" & not roalt rrala arry diqdrnce c.
shoulc b€ away trom t|e pulp
Jr:t b. de readiydidodg€d d, causes serirrs pdp krthtion
49, \,YhiJt oa da tollowing d€scdbes a marerid wit t l*rt conptcadve stengh by bx Enrib s $g&?
a tDugh c,
b. Bsllient d. briil.
4 1€- Hudid€s afiect the roodt struatuie intE Edtnar b BEke I mo.e Bslsta o derial cdies_ExcEPT:
a hrorid€s remol/Ed lhE organb c drhc allariel maffx
5. lt5rlde irrE dEaricdt rsd.witr clFrab aU lgphcr fte lrdruyl ixrs
,l; lf he tollowing the placament of meiafiic rcstoration, the both Emains sensllive to hea{ cold and pressure afiel th€
occlusal adjusimen! the defitist shouH:
a 0dnd th6 opposing tooth to relieve the occtusal cohtacl
b. hitlata moi cahal therap}l
c. tsll tfu paltant io bear th6 discornbrt and lt wif, evennrdy go a ray
d. ramove [re rostoralion and placefEnt of a sedatlye lemporary reslorafon
2. KoplYs sDoE are oral manilostaton of whi$ d dle folnving conbkbr;,
a. Sy?hilb
h, MumF,s d. Tuberculosls
3. The behavioral model stress ihe:
a. classlfication and objactivador ot behalior
b. Ibidinal energy dere,ved from anger
c. humanistjc approadt to child rearing
d. fieedom ol man to choose behavtor
lrlpto\ed zlnc oxlde-eugand materials sele as good temporary EstoErions pending placemert ot a pemanent
teslora{oo because hqn
a. an ol these
-Ir. hdve excellent maaghal seal
.C- has rherapeutic paltiatiye effecr on lhe dentat pulp
y'. have themal Insulaion qualfties comparabie to th@ of dentin
5. A line a,Ule thd can be found in the prcximocclusd cavity -ts tho:
a" nexioaxial therapy gingfuoaxid fine angle
'6. b. lacioocrlusal line angle d. taciolingual line angle
The b€* s/a), !o manage denral suess is 0le:
a preve ive therap!, hypno$b
b.premodicadon d- Psychomediaron
7,The oudine torm ol cavity prepara0on js the:
shape or torm ol tle prepadion on the surtace ol the bo0l
shape or fom of the preparation assumes arter reEndon form has been completed
shape or lorm of Ule preparalion afier caious dentin has been excavded
next srep ro be accompl,shed in caviry preparation atter resbtaDce has beea esiabtished
c8. A child h more susce ible lo damage from an eguat dose ol x-radiatjon $an is an adut because Ure ch,td hasr
a- less bone fsue c-
more rapid cell reproductioh
b. more sensitive cell epithelium d-
less rapu celluhrrepak
1e. The 896 hcemic elinephrin€-containing cord tor $ssue management duing cast g6d procedud may prove hazardous
lo. sorne patienls because ol its:
aprcpensity for allergic response c.
sJ6temicvasoconstrjcting action
localcausnc actjon on glngival tissue d.
bradycada effect
b ro. Drea pdp cappho t9 indlcaled whsn thes6 is:
' a.
' b.
A large exposure
An accidenial rnechanical exposlre in a clean dry fietd
No hemorrhage trom the exposuae
Paln response to cold
d,,. The follow,ng is/are criteria tor a good sampling dcsign FtaFpt
he sample obtained shoutd be representatte on the population
lhe clesign should be feasibte
lhe sahple size should be adequare
d. mn. ol the$ +FL\\bi-{D
\N\i$\t€\e\s a\ ac\$r'\rSd{{l\at6\,\Ne\rNe[ til6 trr!. qd\t[ tre aIea de'. -\:r.-.-\itsL* Lt.dal
\i. \rcessllRqr.s Nqt.2\ P-* 1.?
d,. Sodium fh.Erlde tor topk
t O.2%
al applls{ons posses.se3 ,luori(h in wftich corcedralion:
c, 1.296
sr.)\ . i'), ?N 2.t )': J
b. 896 -*. 2% tL{"e tf rlr i,11- a'.161
C laj Histoloqiaafiy, ginqi\rdl epitlelium fiP6, cbsdy rcsefiUe eplth€lium ot the: do, Y
,1o, r f.ih(, o,OrIMF
Lrh( , o.0\ 6 rltr r
a soipahte c. hald pale - \rtl,r [ih{ o, t {,)}ta. ,.
b. llolfl d- britdrness
O 3. q, mum waler firoddadoa concenEdho br most communtdes is
a 0.1PPM ool PpM
b. l PPM d, 10 PPM
c?L Ca\rity ou$ne tonns tor cotlrposiE flhg al! deE miDed qi!
a" hcalior and sheo of he carl€! aI ot hese
b- he siae of the cades d- exiad of dla preparatlon
1". The apinraryuidorEldDttslon
calse o, dryogDas[Il b beletrld b bet
b. hoadaE le d. bnsbr
c a6- phryea-lodqed herprodmaly b best rE wed bi
a toodrbrush c &ntd rbss
,,.\ b. mutffash d- hi{.tirn
qj7. Tho lteory *fiart suDDorb beha\,hral herdn ,rJih 3omaric redbns b teflrEd:
( a \ ps].chopltyslologbrheoty both rrrgde tteory
b. plr*rcsornadc theory d spadffc p6in traory
38. A chitd's negEiive response b a denial drill b:
a lBa, c" Phobia
b. an*ry d arry of $€se
sg. ln seieclim i ;ohbrush lor a palie $,lich ot lhe following e)@rt llt€ most inllueme?
a olal health needB or dle Patbni
b. combrtand ease in lrla
c. sffi@ry exped€nca ot gEalest number of padonls
d. €lr(blsemem ot an association
40. O€nlal h2.h b tro responsibl[ty ot
a- health aducadbo e dental soclety
b. an of these d' dental h)€ienitt
fiH corwndooal composiEs have:
4L Micloin€ conpos es as compared to
c infedor Physlcal cha'actedsdcs
q a hatE lass wtltol absolDtion '_--
; ;;.ffi,i;A;- --. ths
d. a rclsrE s.itace finish
42, The- shapino ol he caviry so ilat it can withsiand sress b c tunctjonal brm
l i -e6,6n ot pi"vention
llIy*ehl pain Oslunctlon padent Ends b be prcfiled as
43. Ths - c anxous
a a-' llDe*insdc
- b. dielEclrve d hypoadive
in lt'hl$ of lh€ folovring areas:
J,l ," irrdi?, pr"p"raion lor casting should NoT be placed
q ,; i*L"it c, dle gingival sulcus
;ffiil-;ifuse /dr a linsud bever
ls- on otfii f&. qte-ater number ot dltjng bhdes lesults in:
, ^a t€ss effcl€nt" culing and a roughet sutlace
d b. firra elffcient oluinq dld a smoother $rhc! I
c hss ettbient cut no ard a rougher sudace 1" ct,r,t '
l- i3#"rent cruini ano h rougher suface 'I l'u " '
-. ,z---;'--" 1
t ne.
n _"
_ ThreaoJtPare usecl in lalge dental amalgam restoralons to
-ot tre c leiendon lom
irr needed dintorcement d Gsbtance lorm
, b. ocdusal stops tol opposing teelh
daz. rtre oegray o manage denralsress is: c. psychomedbadon
a tryprcis d prclentve thorap)'
b. orem€dttauon b ils:
one ;l di pdlcipal advantag€s ol a cast lod .e$oration
a. abilN !o inhib[ recurlent carEs
D: 6ilti io restoro anaiomlc fuhctlons
;. ffiffi;;b*;; or$e mernrat lrsul*ing qualfties of the cementing medium
I:- -"i-ffiHlxil:ff;*::'''
d. iiE$het'rc
l!. b *. w'i.ii i'iSiilol,ins ; t i"L''"dr"a no"tb hd are predorninanuv
E- a "r ATbrirEs d capiiades
I ; ;;;* prcnounfusvmptohs ,s known as
IF 4 tr. o oiJ-i#lll1"rized bv a rapid onseq a short course' and usualrv
a adre diseas€ 'an:
L. ; ;;,i[--- d Pandemic
assnts in ihar dbin'ectin'
I bss. ""*lffil"r#;Ho;:'pdb
:- wrri* arr. tl"rtng obiedive:
k ?ffi* c6,ura, pro,erns
ls a cna;actorisths ol a program
f g sp.cific.,
!. il ;;ffi" d m€asurable
I /r sa osmir.t nrs difier
llom antis€pdc agenE in ulal dbinfecting agenrs are:
bade rsd
E"* 9
f ; ffi;ffi;;;1""6--- sione cafl is Emoved hom an alginatebdarictdd
! r. t.". ,.*?'ffilriiiii
. il""r.rtJuror"
-- --- c.
fE ; iJ;'#ffi"
3&60 rinuies
d' 1-'2 ninutos
I av. lr. orrn h.i*rY Drelsnrhrf l€hts b:
i. ffi,t9ffiffi*",**
I- f mi[ffi.*r* re*ure hlbwirs $e oc'lnenca oldk'ase
a ; ;;;#ii"d;;i;r**d,'tlle6u€3D.i'bh'dEerotdi'eas€d rig€
I J m riri'rara ot rrrj airase and epsittrd op,ai*uu appy pfs*9-!f-,
IE ns* mJ'*E#iiiiiFn *i
t -- "'T *#HL; i,i-"'i" n"i,i- ---'
av""t'ou,l,lil, "li*E
7 -
; il';iffi;;iil sss-*a or*'"dotrics' Excsr'
heel one hard
dra ot
IF c* "**
' a can be con@ured accoldihgy
b- eas/ to adoDt and rx !o th€ teeth
c.vie6s easit ahd breaks on the slighlest pressule
d ;babte oteasv inlroductlon ahd rcrhoval
, --
h oo. fir"
- iit" oitrJv"", oclirnence ol dentat caries atiach in ea'h person is Efened to as: rata
_ ffijty r.t" c.
b. carles lnctdence d ia'ies oQerboce
j or. The pnmary causs ol rnyospasm ls bell€ved lo be:
c' undero(Ension
i dufty aia d- head&he
b. bmion sholrld bo a of:
q62. ,o,aiulrn"ii}
' a aoe and ii"aw supplementatlon leveb ol lluoride
natulal fluorldadon l6/els of water 'unctlon
b. ;€ and anificial nuoddation teveb of $aiar
c. aoe and numbel ol perrianeit Eedl
d- $x and natural fluoridadon leveb o, wBter
l*. "- ;;;&;iffiE;ini
The tolhwinq are $e largets of health educatlonl
*i *-s c
indusaii work.,=
t. ."ioot iut"n 'i"tr,i all ol hese
I eluplion
,o. me ;orinltring rtettod le6t lr€!'
a $lcl,at method
lo,€rno\'6 ploque ln lho glnqlval margirE E 6D:
h tollstoke d scrub fielhod
d6cribss €nard, O(CEPT:
d 75-
'- The fDlloxllo slabrEnE
i trrri rl*tu" lhe cofoDd porthn pf leeth
b. 9d)6 lnoEanlc, 4tl6 orgarrc
body -,
c. tb t\e h-atdest ttssue ln Ute hutran
resodtslble lor lhe color ot tee$ ---l}t^flll\
J ru. whi*r a dri totlorins premola6 oitsn has thlee oisp6?
a. nEdlarysecond ,rdary flrst
d. nErdbula,lirst
b. nErdibular second
bn. $n-ledgaf rEsb.Etiolllr
a. noeary!o Plepal. d- condaa ot klcisel ard adal reduc{on onv br
blb dearanco
b- nolle ol these
c" crnd be usod as an abutnefi
a. 78.*"
' '-
i.hlJ & U"m *ucaton brpalioni t€ p,stE hn o{ deoial diseaso b E:
to lmprc\'6 denial he4q
I*liE i.;,[*d;;s* h hrt tsltlti!'6
n r"" tact"tiar anO tat"* har lE+oGeUe br dg,\'BloprE Faqn
. rl'to mlent totto,v sood ord hygkxh htbits
.t .wlob ntorrruim alout dent l dscaa
C rs. rh" i"ei"Gmv nun"ging n!,ohscbl pdt 4duncdon *Y* o. ***
a. tfErGb 'or
' c. individual counselins d.
cs0 W)iiia areas are included in communiD, clentist y researcfi?
rcsearch in educational and the behaviorat sciences
b. clinbal Uials ard Ests ol technique and ol the theftDeulic agents
c. alloltheso
' d. &soarch lelated b th6 adminisuaton and evaluation o, commu,ilty d6nta, Bogla hs
C 8r- A very fth mhol zinc phospiate for use as a cer€n! b undeCrabl€ becaJs. a thf;lht:
makes cement veryr $allc
b. deseases lls comiressive strength vatu€a
- c these
all ol
d. esults in low solubilily oi ttE cement
'yqccorring to microleakage studies, whbi of the bllovuing restoralive maErials
shol^6 tho bes.t initiatseal when ptaced in
a cavly preparadons and hereby protects the putp fom ihe efl€cts of lnjcroteakage:
a- cement
gla6s ionom€r c, direciflfing gold
b. denblamaJgam d. acid"etdEa_composite
'C- 83, Tha r& ol yeary occurence of dental cad€s attaah in each person is refeared !o as:
$:';' '
i;.; ,::r.,: L. ,.aLtlr,::.,.] so.b 70- d
ii:;dt''" I: . - ' ::.
90, c
91. b
: 12.b- 'r''i, t:.i :: ,,tut: d :.,::: .. .r:;:rr:52.h:. 72-d c2.d
13., d.:,,t,.. }}. b 53. b 79.ia...'i 93. d
... 't,is.a. I
. .14. c :.'. 94..g ::.": l 5'1. b i
, .5E.,i.. 74n;,-', 94. d
.,',, ss:c 75.d 95. d
I6Je,..., 36.c 56. a 7_6.b-.' 96. d
:.. !-.7trte,. .: l\-r::..,:./\; -g!.$!,:i:t..,.:-:,,,:,.,r-i?. !.. ,. -.:, r).,.r.. ._ .. .. , 97. b .
s8. i
1& d,:i,.: ,-r: ,,': ir,.; 38. il 5& c 7&.i...1. . ,. -'
1gt e :'i.::i i "1r:r:,j '3t1. a 59. e ?9.. c. --,' ,:r. 99. b
1,., :--
Restoraiive Dentisty, Public Healh and Conmunity Dendsgy set 3
C r- lhe fi6t Etendve lypo ol lestolalivg Pin tor asd/erry brcken dovvn vilal ioott:
a cagt fiIead lrrreaded
b. f{ctional d,
4 2. Using nuldple oxamhers ln ast dy htqMng prEvElence consa$ency in the nndhgs b mocl liket to ocorr
wien $e e)Gminadons ate based on
a p.iioaona suarus or indtuUual membeE ol the Populalion
b.the number ot sublecG havho decayed, misdng, filled t€elh
c.a\rErage numbe, of le€th pel pe'son
d. allo, thes6
C 3. Anardcal epid€miology is us€d lor
a esEbllshim calsal reldionship betreen risk factor and outcome
l Xl8',*ffi
"*,*r, ttre cisease rrroush undereanoing th" *n""pr ot n*"S ahd sL{ficient
d. concepEalizathn ot disease status o, tho community
The metaic unit of pressut€r
4^- a trcy
b.p45cal d. Neu/ton
fs. A 90 degree cal.asrlrhce haroin b srnonymus to:
a-aculg angle c. none of $ese
b.rioht anqle d. obijse angle
q6. Techhiques lsed in retracdon ol gingfual tissue pdor !o Iesbradion wo* are tho following:
c. usa of knitled cords
b. use ol braided corG
br. A rleflod of brir€lng examiners to an unllied dhghoslic echnlquB anct product:
a- fiuoneslum c zhc
b. rin
Predbposlng ta6s b periodoota, dbed in a chl3 ll.dore0on a,r
o, sir,rsr
tp lolb\i/ing EXCEpf:
wide bucccftOtd conrad araa d. ,fonca A inteDrorrmrf
b. a(csirlv€ oinglt d oleftarE "*"oire
nons oti*sa .
a. The denlal i tdsa b6Ed m ushg a le€6er scolr h case c, douE
a- creqto dld Vci lior ln&x c, Russeb poriodoitd trda{
b. DeaDa[lk d. Drakerg lnirax
A ----
'' 21 Sonsiliviv ln enamel b
i ini*"ir"-"rr""
clue to the presence oh
c enamel urb
b. enarElspindles d. enamel sheath . -
r' 2z ualrema&al meairs of anattzinq dala to determined lhe probability o( ghen evenB taking place:
' a. epld.dolory stadrtE
b. dbulatlon d. Pbdng dara
a 23. Th€ number of otEerrrarlon that falb at one pdnt oI Emge on a measurcmont scale:
a dlstribution c. f€quencY
b. epi,lemic dala d_ incldence
amalgam with fingertlp6 dEr ttitfadon:
c24. a" no ette.t on lhe amalgam d. a cohtnuafon of the trituralion
is pan of the mulllng procedue process
ma/ alEr fte phl/sbal properdes
q 2s. The obseNadons tom a arrrye which is rymmetdcd about its mean:
normal dlstibudon rad6 tabla
b. mean drstributlon d. probEbltty graph
caryhg fom the ffsguras to tlE matllial *rges
u3ho Cowspeed rotary burs d 10,000 rlln
d. cdviE tr6 lnargins ol re6orathr wl b resdng on tho both $rbca
q 84. Excessiraty hlgh lerreb ol tuorlde leatb lo:
lfuoro6b ot th€ denuion
b. increase in blood circuhf,on
c. atrophy of cslls whsle hey acc{,mulab
/ d. fluorcsb ol dendtlon and bone
d S. Tlle dfte.don of lorc€ ol an amalgam condenser
to b6 dtreded:
, a" 45 degreas io lhe cavity u,alls c. at al|}r angb desired
/ S. b. pardlet b pa(r4mal surla.?
d. perp€rdlddaf b rh€ pulpal ioo.
, Resisiance lorm b defned a<
a- lorm ofthe lesloralloi to rEsisttoolh movement
b. Ionn designed !, prsvert rauma to the peri;;ndum
c. extension ol 0x| ouuino b provent racu;ent decay
I u/.
C ".
_r he. 9.,. shaping ol th€ cavity wa s to reslst masticalDry, fc;ces
roflowing arc associaEd wih the use ot elefiosuriery,
a minimized bteedlng presence o, tod odor
b. usootap6slv€phE d. tssua coaptaior
4 88- Primary causa ot iedodo;d dbease:
a" bacterialplaque proGln deflcleicf
/ b. vitamin (bficiencv
b as. B*ihJ'1fi::;Eii"l'ilur,ni
a lnaternal and chlld health sorvic€s
in"ruo"", d' hormooal ir$alance
b. allol these
/ c. pret ent and conuol of commlnlcabl€ cls€ase
d. envfuonrEntal sahilation
(,) 90. The reason tor demonstrating he compleE lrequency
a- presenEtbn giv6s evklence o, the sample sizedblribulion in prcsendng a $attstEnl data:
b, the presentation is necessary, !o assure that the cooients of a lable are fully delined
c. allo, fl€se
,t 91- The c,. the presenhtion assisB tho readea ched( lhe validity of th9 aulhoas argumenE
rmjor cause of bst dentidoo in edulE:
a pe odontal disaase c. emodonal* *- suEss
I 92 Tne b. seneric dLsorderc ;. A;;
4 dentar rechn€ian wto takes impresstoo, tabricaFs and insldlts
a dentai nlrse dentures lor palients ls:
c. dental aide
I !Ll. The b. denral hlgi€njst d. dentuiht
ZJ hosl common mode ol HtV transmission:
a- indlrecttrahsmisstoh
b. clhed transmission
c, airbome
d. walerbome
C 94. Consdered as floors ot he cav,tyl
a- occlusal and goximal pulpal and cerubal
I D,mesial and dtstaj d. pulpd and axiaj
, 95. Classiflcation of cartes on rhe nguathutrot a ,a!e.at incisor:
a-Class M c. Class lt
b. class I
4* Bio$at$lcs b used by 6n epiderrotogist to:
a Est hypoth€sts rehEd to calsalion ot dis€ase
d. Chss lll
^ comot
l/h z.^ -h.
ot co,
,ins&th€chird i
all ofthes€
b. D component
4,,. lncrcased resistance to pulmonary bbod now in lhe lungs-cause a strajn on:
dqht atdum e
left\re fcle
/ b.
i€lt aldum d.
right \renthle
a1 28. Dental plaque s!a[s asi
paatcles of food on enanEl ' d
depo-dls ol tungut on enamel
clepos-rts ot acid on enamel d.
dapoGits of salivary mucus on enanEl
_ 29. lnstrum€nE ror operative denostry mry be classified as:
b. miscellansous d. drtlng
C 30, When we Uy @ obtrin d,e shape of the peparalion ot lhe arca whete h can best r^ilhshnd sEesses of
masricaii , * ar. lollo\{{ng $e prhciph of:
a- retenion lorm
b. oufrr€ fo n d extension br prevenlion
C 31. The common denominatioo to tear and ar iely b:
a ang6t e stress
/ b- frustraiion
/ SZ. eretenrie aentfy inclqdss [le lollowing EXCEPT:
a- diatary measuEs bpica, rho.ide applicalion
b. oral h$lehe d. fhed bddge resloradon
C 33. Pdmary Felendon hcludes all EXCEPT:
a" olaltrwlem instrucdon c. nofie o; {resa
l^ h dierarycounsef,ng d. plt and tlss ao,seahg
U 3a. The pqr.rrofiattic model of diH dq/dopri€li b $e:
a" p.6aendv€ rDdel lEath model
h rEdical filodgl d dental llEdel
d.'. The wo*ing pdt ot an lnsfument b dso kno,n as:
a. dle he6d c dre nib
b. $e Uado d, al oth€se
d" This b loto*r !o attaa,l fte pododmhl lgarpia o tho cementum
a- s&rEnb ft€a e tbr*reamosomes
h CgrEnbt&et (l Sha|!q,t lbc.s
bn. The folorilo hard ll6trument are used lU reaiEt al o, loodr sfuctre, O(CEPI}
c, sFooal excava!$
a" hdlet
I b. UIls d hoe
36. Tir. vIallv ol dehlin is dspendefl ol Urar
a ameloblast c cer*nloblast
b. odontobrast
f :g. e p"iln,iiii"ii'fiirb prepararbn shourd arert.r" o,"",,oon",,oo;"
a- conge6tiv0 heart lailuro or afii fibrillaton S"l"offilt'*ffi1!rcnt ro
b. at al fibrilladon or asser hl hypenension
c. anglna pe.toais or aharosdercsb
. d. anBdosclsrosb or coronary artery dlrease
, 40. Sodium fuo.ide sofulion tor ropical;ppbiions po;es6es iuo.tde lh wfiich conceht-a[on?
a. L.296 c, 02%
b- 2!ri d. 896
C 41. h nbdem epidemiology an epidemb is clethecl asi
a- a chrcnically preseht disease
b. an acuE outbreak ol inMous dls€ase
c. an .rcdrrrenc€ ol a disease clearly ln excess ol normat expedaion
/- d. an acuta oubreak ol chronic dsease
, 42. What viiarhln in cahiene ot phnt is a precursor of,
a viamin D c niacin
b. vilar nA a ,""6rii" oia
li 4i]. Pdymeq/meracrytate h:
a an acrylic lEsin c. a modellnq conpound
,J ,14.
b. an elanic irrpressbo material O. a como* nfr.I-
wnat b fie tmponant diflerenca tctween a desciipthre $1ry or an anaMb sfuOy ana an experimental
b. cavities on U|e cusFs on the bbuspid
c. caN,ili6 on the hbial ttro.thirds ot &e arti?rior
d. cavides on &e incisal edge of any anlerlor teeth
cn. To assess hom€ plaque conEol prccedures, when is $l€ best dme b detemine a patienfs phque index?
a" at lhe begirmlng 0 an appolnEnent
b. al he debdderEnt appolnEEnt
c. after questonlng ho panenr on oIaI hygiena skill
d. afier tBa.hirE oral hygiene proc€dure
I,u. It4'rlch o, the follovring Is $E mo6t etrectivo method ol prexendng dental decay in the 0eneraf populdiori?
a olal prophyaxls c, dailyloofibrushtng
b. !{rll-bahnced dleE d, sysiomic fluoddes_
d,, Slicarea-filling wih fluodd6 conrenc
is not a beier rilling than acryttc resh
b. is good filling mala.ial ,or mouth breathet
c. do€s not need cocoa butlerwhen belng ptaced
d. is indlcaEd lbr Eeth wih hlgh caries iod6x
b*. Ithicha ol uliirAioh
th€ lolowhg would contibutg !o fie mo$ succcssfut home car€ ihsEuctions phn?
d slnall units of hstrucion
b. immediale and lrequonr feedback
c. allolthesepanicipatjon
d. solf-idondfcatorotneed
I,,. Boforo operanye dent6ly b starB, k be determined il:
a whether patlent b appcclatrve lhe pabn! can pay
b. non€ of th€6e
d. y$elher occllrsion b the dqht ordea
b ,,. Gingivitis is ini abd rlost rrequendy q,i
a- vharnin defciency plegnancy
b. local iritaling tator d.
83' Retention fom tor composite Gsjn restorations is achieved b(
a. chemlcal bond with the tooth c. Eechanical undercuts
b. adh€sion lo the enamel and dentin d. all of these
d "o- a The most common.manifestaiion of allergy to penicillin is:
anaphylaxrs c. nasalpolyp
b. bronchospasm
45. compared wih rhe bisecing anote radiographic rechnique the paraletjng technique produces an image
c wih:
T a.
least distonion
decreased density ihcreas?d densiry
b 86. Th€ best measure h the treatment oI smooth surface caies is:
a. exension &, the dendnoenarnel juncdon
b. extensioo to theself.cleansilg areas
' d. rnlay
exlerlsion to the nearest proximal locarjon
a. allol lhese c' equired
b. Ieamed d. conclition€d
b 88. ln communides without lluoridated warer supplies, fto mosr co-ellectve melhod of detivering sysiemic
lluorld€ lo 6 to 12 year old chjldren is through:
a ftuodde tdblers c, fluorlde vihmim
I school water ,luoridation d.
u". Squamous cell carcinoma of the folloyving siE has be$ goqiosbi
a, lalaral border ol the &ngue c.
a fuioaide moutfirinse program
:5"[f,,[T .}*:**,'*,
a heD unitErriry disuibuE fie heat throughout rhe motd
D. pern( expamion ot lha m6t ,
c. ail o, these-
d, l&tJiiate venting of lhe mokl
-.ne p nopnl bacle-rral agenr
iDvolved ,n rhe cafies proccss rs:
a- streptococcussanguis c. streptoao:cusmutans
b. strepococcussai,\radus
,.t ti"rrJjg:ig3;*dev€io,ns he olr il,! reJm,o, u
surtace of an anterlor booih i;
. iacbbacj us acidophitus
a the aeslheic consideration
b. the exlent ot caries lhvofuemert rclationsfiip io he adjacent
d. pcrs,hon of h€ contacr
;9. when caryong d-!i,ax lhe qqitrrsat surr; shoutd be:
a. carved ro esabtshaatproper _ irs;-";;i tct relaiionship
movement in qstic as \ivell as fte etclrsive
b. left a lide high
lefr high so rhd nnat reshh,i.
rhar the ffnat re<oral,on wiI be
1*,i,t.i.i'*j l;ffiilff il#r*TlT gli,* ||;ff fl"".""",1,E :;ffi "
d. *" o*"ing arch relarjon when rhe manctibte is ih ils
iffi'fl-'"n,o most retruded
0 1. m6 commonv used ackt lor eEttiog he teefi in conjuncbn with ph and lissuro sealafl it
b. ptosplroric 6cH ''i]L ts,rt) d'
acedc acid
2. calcium Mroxide is Egarded as a goard pllp epplng agEnt bje4lse:
a- is cEates a b€ttsr caviry seal than &e ou€r matedds
b. o, its nonimltarlng etre.t on tha ptllp
c- the pulp raslonds by forming s€condarv dlntin
d. lt has sedaliv€ effects or dl6 Puh
3. The ollllne lglm of a cavlty lmpiBs ths shape o,:
a- $e*caviry alE. rc;sittinc€ and ret;n$on lom has boan establish
b, rht pEparadon as it reditles to th€ suttace of-thq !o!th
c $|e cavity lolotJhg lerDval ot $e caries
d. all ol$ase
4. Caries actMty couu $ell indease; d. fdbwlng ser'rous emotional
a. dudro plrgnancy-
b- alloflhest pmblellrs
c, loilo ino se*tus errodonai
5. Gold inlays have impQldleletlon ertren
a. ihe oppo6ing Yrat dlveig. torlard lh€ occbsal
b. there is a large cemsnt film thicknes -
c. tlt€ axial {rall in the cavit!, b increased preParaljon
d, theiE is less surfacc aEas Involved in the
16. Asb€stos Is ultized to llne tlle cas{ing tirB in otdet to: mold
a help unilomity dblrbuE the heat thoughoul lhe
b. p€mrt exparrs-iqlgo9 rnold
c. aI orthes9
d. taciliaE ventlng of the mold
,7. The pincipal bacterial agentinvolved in the ca.res process is: c streploqolcut muaans
a- streptococcus sangub ,
l- streitococcls sallvarius d. laciobac,llus acidophilus
r'\ 8. Tha primary iacto. in developing lhe o-u !{t9!o!m tor a composite resin restoralion ol the proximal
suilace ol an anDerlor bocfth is
a the aesthetic consideration c. relationship to the adiacent
b. the oxtenl ot caries im/olvemenl d. position of he conlact
,i 9. when carysns fi.wax d; iE|lgalslrface should be:
' a. iarvea o esat[Bhed a prcper occlusalqollact relalionship in geDldc as r',,ell as the eeqrsjve
b. lefr a lit{e high so lhat the final restaration willbe ce ain lo have adequa@ occlusalcontact
c. caryed just ouf of occhlsal to plo\ride for lhe thic*ness ol cement dofing the seating ol the
d. cawed accoding to the opposing ar.h relatjon wien the mandible is in i6 most retrlded
(10. The ErenqQ! lorn lor a c@ llQ4alC-l1-elrp?rglign is achieved b)':
* C!,4 I o^6r,F,,,1*ll
: a- A flar gingiyal wall '(".-o, I t,R.! qa
b. laiai and fr,oud-irggEs places al $€ axial line ar€le a.i o,,ar liq Jo,.,"*r
c. parAE|EEi and lingual wal
d. all ortl€ce
- 11. wlilch of dle tournhg characle&ed cotlld +lir Do0l r{'i! dl?lay?
a nol visbb on d|e x'lay / / c' sensitil'€ to p'essure '
b. solsit /e hennaldanges
ro d al orthese
lr 12. Eactedat plaque can be mosl dfe.rively rsmor/ed tlom thG prcxltnal su&ces oa $a teetl hy usitE:
a. ti:otnr*r. . c- perlodohtal add
b.. d€ntrlllG d, . inE
proper lln6 ol iolce
dentd $ihulator
br collllensqrion al dkecl flllng
a 13, Thar tom h Cbss lll ca/itiet heFB to ensureltE
a- oudlrle fotrn c. convenienc€ lorrrs
b. r€€isiance bam a- re6rioon 6irii
-14. Posbdor!€eth Ularlla,E been endodo icaltyrearedate
r ;a(lrrxn roediofl b aftordcd !o dle bdl
ooH F-affie&.fia analgam
ioU S te
refy u Oisrlb fte gltl*Peftha aanats tlal arElgEm
iold rEirrds dE botrl lnors esislan ro drrr€tl dbs
15. The rubbQt d$n selB fP [. @Pc
a- r|attrh adryfd& c- retrad the cteeks €rnd solt tlssu6-
b, prcEct tl. Pdier* atd fP d. tnpair a.c6iblltyx
oPglalor z-
f 16. Prepatadd fu{ porcehin hond€+ErEtal r€BtorarioB i|ould ha'el
t tc. ;ffiilItx,l1x5""u[j,tT*::x?fi#[:flffiH;tf"",'*g*,*.
sloiEer aTarouno tre
s..4<L rr. Feaher edg6 around the er,tire ooth o fac tate fu,rbhino
I nose msirumenE used lor pErclng ghgival
b6r6b arD:
t-*k a sb;e!
fDe tEpered dtanond c.
lr..r _-
. 10, _. h .E
b. mars,n rdmrnen,
nl. rrlh---
,io .^
all or th€se
/ A 10. The oDlimum
ogqum conconLation
cficantrado^ ar d"mi.t. L!
of tluorida h tle colnmun.ly drinting;;er ts considered to be:
I Ui!!!
.7s ppm
c. sppm ------'
-- !.
19 An adverso Frpar Ea{tjoir is Mosr rikey !o occur vaen d. 2 iirm
dirGidryl oTdeep citvttyprepararion:
wrrbh ot 6e lotffing materkds rs prac€d .
a-zinc, Oade-eugerol c.
b.catcium hvd&xlde silicate c€ment
o. p..6iJr,yLil
20. The teeth le6t su;:€pq!!e
a maxilEi!-cuspG
b 6nes arad( in the human ..--- .J- the
denridonL "rn",
b. aloruEse
- minoitut . in"sors
;: iiijnffitril;;L
+irr(j.rj( cnaN 21- The nxt$ widqt used currcnt lor etec-Egsurgery in dentistry b:
I eEcrrosecrqn. c. ebcrodesiccadon
o. d. electaocoaguladon
D 22 The finbh b-fri;E;;;et rrargin a! the gingival cavosurtrce on a
dvily prepareo ,or amatgam is:
a not indtcated becauas of tfre p6oi remile srengfi oi;ih;;
.b. accompflshed by cdaing a steeD cav6urtaca_t*"r- -.-
c. not roquired slnca no stess b pliced on restoradon in thb reglon
accomptlshed by remo\rng al unsupponeO enameii;G;
- ;,*
z.r. tn chss v preparatitns to receiv€ qgurosie resins fie o@ndon is ier€rr$ed
a- posnion of gtngivat by crdi--- - -
- c. - caries sudTtibjtjv
- by $e:
ot rhe pattent
b. contour o, ihe toofh o, exrS4acark in6tu;;;a..-...
A 24 Stalnress steeDirrs are prrncipary used in coniuncrion with ;riargam resloratoo lo enhance
a retention c. suength
D. res,stanc€ form d.
25. The main r€\ason tor ptacrng a calosurtace on an,l4lllprepararion i! a orahese
a- reduce marginal percolaoon ---: - c. o:remove the undermined enamel
b- increase the resiranc€ form d. faciti!,!a,rDa.ginalrr;;;; -,
, B 26. Retraction corct contajning racemb erinephrire has rhe poten;; hazard ot
a" localized a$inge adion
b. q,sEmlc yasoconsticdon acthn
c causdc rcaction on the fisgre in coniact
d. licailzed vasconsjuic{on
hFn^tv A\ r!' ' , 27. DI|EII i!!!!q resils can be scttuatpd bu
r,tD?ill'Li'rl a- benzoyi-reoxide
6qir -',:- . b. hydrcqunone
p,Rt d r 1. ,, & a{ ( r
!. lell!ry3Eu$
d. aI otthese
and benzohe lllelhrtguer
.g:tl: :Ir,I]1 . D 28. r}le rom-siven lo a c1ryto re$llirLtace,refir or the resrorafion in any clirectbn b:
't"h?/L"ii:. f,f,ffi?tr"{"- i**,*";
- A 29. Bits wino rAi66miarE a useful toot for he detection of:
i *b. 1,1":B_91]""
das.s carrldes
c. caries on rhe raciat surrace
lingual sudace
a 30. AfE
amaqtm iestorarion $e pa$ern ruy
eamg someurnq hot
""^i ;
iri$ *?Hff#
eatiq soileftlnq@l{
_ b- gafuanlc shoct d. eaftD sset
<rr- 3r- 2% sodlrh fuodde @!Ee!gn was tntodEs by:
' 1!99
t[ Mudff
' I Mubler
D Q. A lar|dtrdl h denral public h use ot audfarba is d€:
d. Bran'
r a schod dentai nur9es in New c. dental Me{ical connecictt
r @
qanaou d d€hnd Edrnbians in $e
lsnit i JJ, HMO rEans
: -t_ffiffiqffitrql
34 ^.{e 6 At dr and abore. Ulo gtobal goa, lbl , i ff#mm*.
4rtor, } p"""n r.a o, odeitrlousnF h|:
ycar 20o i"
I --loq6
. 58. A quan&aflve neasulE defining tl€ e(t.nt @ ttttlch scores are disp€rsed fuqrghout the dlEErlufafiii
,. reldirn to dE alhrEdc nEat b caled
a lEquenq/ gtandad devlaton
b. vadables d- varlance
. (, s9- Health ls derlred as
a. stat€ of l/gll.balng
b. srate ot plrrsbal and montal sochl rirel belng ad not
c. stde of plrysical and m6ntal sodal bejng nol merely lhe absenae o, dlse4se
t!y't-- d. source ot wEahn and torm ot deoelooment
a ol dbability
b. health promotion
c- the do(erily of he muscles is notyat dovBloped _
d. ot sct oo, a€e
0 65. A ischnique for t eatnq dental cafies wifi hand hsrum€nt onv and fnint wilh gbas k nomer is called
b. Doll d HMO
e _arta{iq qta|n1,
i,7',, trwlFt.
-^rr4\{q .l1t\ 6,^a^
,n4 E
$ia hrl/ N tr.a+n
0r 4@
*PA'.1'LL ('A !' 66 Repsblic act 3626 on June--22, -- 1963 b tlre
* et
-Flw ..'t h.- ."ti,+ a cen?iiEfaw N^hnnl
?vt. k\t 4q
hyilon\ P.d
oa]l Pra
Ehhridizirbn r aw
b. Rura,Heahh Law <
+ra Frrr1.( a h h 1,
. 67. serlal extractlon is best termed as :,fua4ii:"1e. Pi{, 'r r
a- surglcalorihodontis inieaceptive orthodontlcs
b. prevendveonhodontics d. guided eruption
64. The role genetics in dentalcarias appeara prinBriy related to
a. rooth morpholory !oo$ l@
b. rooth $scepdbility !. toodi tunction
r 69. The global average of d€ntd manpower lo populatioh is
a a 15600 1:3mo
b. l:1000 d. 7t22W
,, :170. The tloulases in Agno, Pangaslnan ard Balor. Cavite is
a rare.
b. endemic d.
s 71. Cohhunity lburcs€s indox can b6
a- quantilativ€ only both qrar iative and qualiiative
b. quailiative only d. numedcd
g-72. To mai ain lnlegrily of the gums
a ViL D c.
Vrt B b recommended
b. Yrt A d.
V,t c
! 6 ,a. lh rcladon E dtstibulion acdvlty ot peoplG and h'r puposes ol proglammlng h pubuc heaith. who
II chssifes tr.r_ring pedod as ag€s
a 21-sO c. 614
I h 1&2o d. 1-5
I ,. 1.74. The nuh'facEtfal theory dental caris inclurros
a cadrynic food, suhsraE, 60ent and ho6t
? ''
h agent, hosrand mic,oorlmbm
c. agent, host, envirolment
d. agent, hosl ent/ironment anal dme
\75. In fte y€a.2000, lt ts esdmaH fiat oHor p€opb wlll lndease at [ate ol
:A a 1a,\rery 6 persons c.
l everys persons
- b. 16r€ry7 parsons d
16t ery B persons
r 76. Tho rcnd in fle use d fuoddes h[ addiliee eflbct is
: ,],:.,,: ;
a- prmess c, er ilonmeot
b, host d. ag€tlt
r! ,. c ?9. Seah,ts etr€.ctr€negs in prevanlinO ocdusal cades b by about
E- c.
50'16 00q6
b. 6096 . d. 7096
i^!0. A ne1ii oral hyglene hda( b lhe
a" modmed p€rformanc€ c. personal h)4olene perlormance
b. oralhj,gienepefomance modined
d. perlormance
r., r81. The pessing ol authority and power fom th€ nathnal govemdpnt to &e local gov€rnment is called
a. enlatlon
iflFle c.
b. evolution - d. hi€lar.fiY
pH of salt\.a is ql - l'5
f. / [t82- The a. 7.ffi.0
b. 6.356.85
b. 50% d 5096
, l.) 101.M.n, money, matedab, methotls, machinery, markeling and tlme are
a. manpolver c' rnbbilizal'on
b. sociallzation d. resoutes
_ 11, Soft lhsu6
mandlbular cahal d. nutrieht cahal
incEion fo{ osnloalweotar
i flfrXil,Tjl^-*",0,*,.
r periosteum
mucosa, 3ubm,icosa an su.rlstttibtuLrr',/
I/I 12. hfedlon wih.fluctua on in an alebnt; parient istreated qr:
m,rcosa and submucosa onlv
administradon of antibiclics
l Lq, . , .. t t . , -
9qpll"f.lg 11-
!. adminbEation
compress to the area
ol antibioirs fnr 3 days. then incis:on and drainage
A 13, lt is d. incjsionand drainaqe
,, ue nreasureflrent ol the quality ol electdc energy hrough he xray tubei
* vor rp6t _au:rl,y
* Gqr^anrll
d z. ere.nstcl< r.acurre:
ti4, ,.1 a it tequlrss treannent
6. seon mos! commonly ln adults
G ,t does not IEqulE EEalrlent
d. one slde ot he bone b broken, the odrer being befi
C zs. Mo"t;m;on ;mpficalion cf a aompound fractule ot th€ mandiblec.it lnlecdon
a frbrosis d malunion
.F thP-< ?.<tv'r r b. non unlon
.-J ,a. mr-r, h a local anesthelic solulior?
ol trt" fomvino is not a reason lo. uslng vdoconsticto's
to mak€ aneslfioda mole Profound
b- to rcduce to)dclty becausa less drug is necessary
c. to Drdonq efled ol arsdlesia without relnjecton
d. to ;'obns he shef ol0te ane6thotic soludon
n * *--" -ai*a
pL"*rJ -
25- Local coogol of lhe hemorhage
"' c. gelloam
I b vitk d lra'examlc acid
- 2s. occlusd rlm are lest tol:
-- --- a- - vlsraliztng c- deection ofthe depth of pockets
l. iicauiigffid;cd b.tt d' deedion ol lnteQroidma/ caries
bsion wilh asmoolh
/, - cu"i!
-' ,2. r"iiir-n-lniii idior noor ot tre moutr *raracbdzed by blubh dom€ shaped
gii"1iring *rt; bion rnaybe raumadzed, rupture' dsappea' atd €qrt;
a mJcocelo c erupUon cysi
.\'L$ b. 6/stc slaloadehoma d' hbial cyst
A U. Rstards ;agulation stage oa vroud healind c.
a al;these d
b. edema
a 2e ln extradjon ot Eeth, the beaks of the torceps shoud:
a qrip $e corchal porbbn ol the toolh
b. en0age oenuy at the CEJ
, c *-aa-aoieo 6 d|e ,ual as aPicaly as possible
/ d firmlv orio rhe cro m of the &be onv
Gr^t^ENru rl - orn,,!i,o iiiiJirEii;l"ii;i;-;;Gt s6,ds which mav increaso durrne mears associated
-d ly.$n $)tuiin"ja mealtime,ralrs may- show salivarystones in ducl:
a ranuia c. fordyc63 sPot
b. mucocoele d sialadenitis
maxllary uterocity f tacrured bu renEins attached to ihe
peiosteum with an
ft a:_ ouri,ii
h{ J i&!r Y,'i .-J-r5
' intact_ suppy. The
"n{:uiiiin]iie best tteatnent is
-ir{ltona. a-repoeition the h.gmenl ahd siabilized with sljture
'flqb'!I b. biopsy
c romorre tuberoslly
d, lradiate fre area
" 32. Thlamin€ defcienc\fi
-r}-"d{ Dq\q,&1 a. angular cheilosis d perniEious anemia
( D1)
I b. Pellagra
d 3. Breedhg grcund for mhroolg lsm: c. hroal
a unsiaril€ instuments (I aI of hese
b. oral
,flifctrl respiaarion b lns{hned in a Palbnl
i wlth breahino but m Dube
; ;; G;ffi;tt 5*ltowed an objoct and who b sulering lrom impending asphvxlation
c' wifi le$er Pulse not btEalhing
I d wilh pulss br, no.brPdlhg
d 35. Trednem oI dry sock6t lnhrd6s:
a silver nilraie dEssing
L ASA in €xtEcton socket
c. Momhh6 10 rE lm q-5h
I n sechiw onssins, airateslcc oral D,!iene' a' iHolics
d s6. This increasB aeEclion of hErplonmd ca,ies aPproximaEy two told con'parcd wth
- --f
er@n&stlon ahnoi
panommic mm !d" Flia?i'al-.filn
h ;dusalnn b ioo
t'ibvrllq film
C JI. a radiopaque tine w ch IolbD a couas€ traralhl lh€ rcot ol the
a (hnlh hminadure
h ss.
* AI of dl5 lorr*ing have siniat rdbgr{t& tudl'lqs €5(cept
'-;-;;;i"fir- c' &d.Fdodootal
' d'
i "a-or*
Edbuh' cyst
Xf ilfl:g*^t=g*
a pear shapecr radio,ucehcy
il;T"":J#g[HE,f;Iffi bett]een the,Exilary lateral
a dobutonlarilla4,
ff ffi f,I"#;"""-fi
ct6t 3*:
L nasoaiveolar {si c hcisive cahal6/st
' €.
9 o"rg, -.p"r"o-oiflJirr, s, a
d. ,"ot-
medlan ateota;cyst
a radiofucent
- b. egual
d/.-4r. l,alatat
on aadloca!6crh,
tujty impacbd maxitary
rhore radiopaque
cantnes are
**r"r,, o,*"f, ffi#l?,lif ii, ,. ,n
a hcisive canal "o""
h nerve c sphenopaladne tossa
- * *f
pmo.ced oI rumine
"E!,6Hue or chemiar conooion:d
:111]-" - .y rs*/{_
I c*.*{"ffiu*mrrscresusuarryin;ureaart*",-o,or",ir$fuxft' ;siil;m'
. ).. b.
rhasseler muscle muscJe t^{Lrfk va\dn, c modlal pieD/gold
I -; i Anchorino;anus: d.
'Vr 45.
I' t;ffiiJii,}i,S#,il,H#*Ll"J*'***,.,,
chvelo.s on
rorm letween tre enos o1rr! mna liil:ff,ill,
)t A*
a ae. *-
Thu l,^31t !"lry.nrr*
rolorini: # iL-' "
,"* oror.pi,iii"ul*""
o aed ' rvhary carluses
I I nr"i""i"iff"irro# except
tuo'viss anslha
\t w-t . , r^ zt*a
; i open
. T}le btade nouthed appr\arance
(- 47.
.t- -a,a 4 '
ihar is usaI prirEi, for making
a. no.t2 suo inchDn, such as ror inctsing
an atrscess: ,t q.ar,
t. t c h att
b. no.1o c "u,4
q 4a. A zl yr oU patient foe
dagnosh js:
a normal patient
,'d corEmcE during nea, accornodaion.
r r,. .o"Iirt'"-V '..
b- ,ever e glau@ma
' * [T#tr]i]ffnT["Jly;:::j,"Hl[:;1""*","*,l;,lff"foffl,n,hecrest
a \,ertbat bone
b. non6 oI th€se c angular bone hs
C 50. Ribollavin dericiencv: c horizontat bone joss . ;,
a berlb€ri - 'r\
tr perniclous anemh c. angularchelosis tA.rr.u.,r 6g,Ll4".
v)r. lll'ne ol frlm exposure b Dfluenced bv: d. pe agra .EFfl-d.'+r;
a brand ol rhe film ,ozl
,. ,..;., ,,
L--. - --- .- . _ ' o:':1/ .
.l m. The groalest Gteogenic Potentlal occurs wih whar bonegra't
autooenous conical graft
ctle€ze drled bonegran
/ 6t* "* ]ihe brnllE duta arrD€ars radiogrdl calM as:
' f t'tJii,"il-io"luctililne
conlinous radiopaque llne
/ ; ;i;; tadhli";n ilil inienupred hdiopaque line
c/ ez. rn *ttrlJatlnluriee, tentorrtrago can euelly bo conroibd best br
a. slnrdng
t b. ligdng facial arteryl
@.r-i,t hn!r rrv.Xr c. appylno dlre.t pr€ssuE on the wound
d. dandno the blood v€ssel
bo crindia e:r iiaiions
inauaes the lollovsing €,cep!
c vlsuale)'am
h aadioiraph d Parcussion
b*. me filst choba oi Br ibbths a0ainst actinorlEGis lt ocdon arc:
"- l*;;idrilt- c dlndanlein
.tu,4 ,r4h"
b. p€nlElfin G d' Etracydine
q 65. Very lighi menl8enogram ls caused bli:
'j insrmdentievaoping G o/ercxposurc
b 66. Tlalls\relsa frdcues: a L lott ll
a letortv d_ bbn
>trFdtrL b. letort lll
b 67. wlrcrr ot trJ tottourng b not cor6idered b beo\/er
princilb o.f a good flap?
* PLAT INiN..IPLS' i tha free maioln should be Eplaced a fim borry base
[ ;."iii", "rt"jia u. ano. urrduqh tre mucosa above the p€rloseum
c- base should bo broader B|at th€ t€e end degre€6
an ande incbion should b€ m less nhan 90
ls oue?
*-" -i-*tJ
OA- wlle; corEvuc-dng an adenlulous mandibb with imdanE, whbh oI ihe loflo^'lng
r M-PtAr-"rl. . '4 ol implant $abrfizafion has the best docurEnhilon ol
*t",il"iesiit"d concept
'i 16( d.^ r'!a$ b-
the mandible siaDle implant b usetul fot fie posteriol ma,ldlble
lhF suberiGteal imDlanl requiles only a single surgical proceOule
,r, mn r# utute anO dsreoinE;rated cylinder are useful as pcteriot abulrnant m pa'lents
J*. a hEh mental lolamen
very drark roenEenogram b caused b)r
a r rrement ot patent c. hsurficlentdev€bping
b. undeexpoglre d. o/erdevelopmenl
C 70. EDulis tt ssuraum is due to:
' c. lff,ing denturcs over resorbod
candira albicarc infeclion
b. poor oral hygiene
r p'lDIl,cAU rN$J C zr. It ls an hgrcdiant ol trle da/elAing pdrrder arld i! controb
c h)Ikoquino-ne
$e coDtrast ot fle lilm:
u- iodirm carbonate d sodium sullil€
b. elon and not the itterior ths rubber
J ,,. ffi-n i" tt"p"a int
-m" the gloves in suci a nanner lhat the exterior
gl(^res ts sErilei
a bolh stalem€nts are inco.recl
h first stat€med b inconect' second is @rect
c. frst stliton8nt ls cltaect, secltd b lnaonect
d. bolh sEEments are lncnarcct
Q zs, ererclw o<posures ot lhe fingeibs !o nlalion r€6uts ta
E Et\',Anr'\ c. epihiion
a- hard flnger d. hang nail
b. alopecla
,.rH-ir$a l"l,li A 74- Tha pafunt should b€ given
a. nl$ogYcetire tabbr-.-
in care of angina Pecto s afhdc
e adbloii) '
: &jr(- i"ch n ldr+.'i ti sadad\re " d naraolics
{?tNuttr! 4 *C zs. Penlcifrn G's routss ot adminisiralion lM:
_-' Nadr t t' apo d'x
u. rv
l$.I"$r.g. b.r' RadiograptE Wth panhl lmagss may ba due to:
t fi*rfonnr€nt d r la!,s and nd
; ;;6ffi;;;;;
pqn oiu,e nm not '*-t*"
hcd dd pan d fllm not h mrced h devrbphs sobtbn
nmgsea in da,Glodng solulion
d. nonc ot lb65e
n' Vrhb[ d dle ,o{owing biqS tearra ol
iwYP6L'rctr\rl\ r. dy sl&, dry ordl--n6d l'rEsa
Tffi"^*,r.."n U ndnrd cain* anO nsPfmtY
'<;o$a.lclro.,.r,"w1, ; ;bt
& malrd"H,t, "ral
Pulse ",rd
naid rruiGa
- " u,qY*-a
r.tr \Y".t--;,
Jbortrti 6 ftJ
ro*at ',hs
i...r]|<9 " br
4 78. Radioluscent r€sbralive materials excepr
a arnaloam composiia
b. calcium lDrdroxide d. si,lcate
C\ 79. i vesicles $at predominantt contains pus:
a mdulrs Fsdub
h papul€s d macules
aa 80. Tha mosl dependauo ttedium ot stedllzadojl is:
a the aubdave dry heat
tr ultrat/iotet lbl|t d. boiling water
q 81 Sma[ c),sts locaEd inu"d oraly m the llp6 ahd lnvolviDg the acaessory salMary glards
a. mucocele c. cystb sialoadenoma
b. non6 of these d. labk cyst
C 82. Tha _ maybe taken as a pedapical lesjon when supedmposed at the levet oI tlo modnary
aentral lndlcorsr
a memal roramen c hcisive loramen
h ma.dibuhrlgEm€n d. nasal foss-
q 43. Most sedous complLaiioo of an abscessed maxilhry cuspid b:
J a cavemdrs shus thrcmbcls
b. ssr€lling
a 84. Radlcular cl,st cornmonly develops in the _,
' a ma)( lateral dJspid
d, se\r'er€ pain -{,{; s(# &.J crY r',
-l!sBJ -l
kflrer hteral bisorpid
b. lover Euspu birspid d. max cuspid blcuspid
q 86. All ol thB fo oyJind ale used in the fixation ot bone grarlsexceE
a gut sutur€a c. t'lanlum mesh
/ b. tEnsosseous wires d. bone plates
O 86. The radladon dellveEd a specllbd area of the bod)/:-
ho *t69n - Faab\^
a absorbed dosd .lose rate - "{rrql r.
; J b. doss d. dosase 'qt!r'*
d 8/. Erylhromycin b efiecEve againsl
a e-coil ". r' . .,41! Jir, , snebbcoccus +ttYhr'o'dat
b. pseudomonas ^ it.. "','("t"- hae;ophirusinfruenza
88. fhe advanLage ol l.v. admrnlstratlon ol drug is: r:lrtu''"^
a minimal skill necessaly
I ^
L it elihinates side eltect
c sedaiive drugs are compadble with lV solution
d. it allolvs lor the tllralion o, the drug
89. sodium sulfrte:
a acti\lalor
T b. developing agent d. restrainer
A 90. The supedoa tloudaries ol maxrlla{y sinus: }0,pi,p1 art!.-
a- orbital ate of madlla c. afueolar prccess ot maxilla ' . ,;d" ,g,,
oEcE BER lsso ?agt , ov , o S ' A
61. c 81. a
1.b 41. c 41. d
2.d 62. d.
83, a
3.d n-c 43.c- 63. b
84. a
4.b 24. d 14. d 64. b
65. a 85. a
25. a 45. atq .86. d
6.c 2Ab 46- .' 66, b
67. b 87- d
7.a 27. a 47. c
68..a 8a. d
8.d 24. a 48. a
89. c
s.d A.c 49. d 69. d
70'c 90. a
10a 30. d 50. c
--'- i:. 31. a 51. b 71- . 91. d
12. d :zc 522 72d 92. c
33. d 53- d 73. .
13, b 94- a
34- d 54. d 74- a
14- d
35. d 55b 95. d
15. alc 96. c
16. dd 36. d 56a 76. b
s7_ tr'd
17. b 37. c 57- c 77_
38. b 5Ab 74. a 98. c
18. c 99. a
19- a 39- a 79. c
40c 60_ d 80. a 100 c
. ,i
i ft Surgery, RoenEenology and Onl Dagnosb
,L Cate.spot on tlo skln ar€ the usual balure
in all the
a. Neurclibromaiosis c' hyporhyroidism
; fi-,iififfi;,# .
z n" orol'*i,i*-i'-caL or s€nerdtizedl*llepgairias n a" i** ffiH-Jflilr*
orr .**
fr ffiftTf#Y *'ornvelib -
e or"t sr,-o.ry !o iGnB cur.enlvon s.6rou rherap!, *,n o ".
osseous dvsphsh
a Bleeding fli"yoiX*flnro*t,
h Srcli^d, c lnlection
,, s.
inr,aitlon seoiiri-,i*
ca""gu.;ii;;i-6 d pa'ehtardsodalhn
a tad tasb ,
c' saltualbn
h severs;ah or hs tonoue
e I p"ilJi"'ffii ""fi"#",=uor.
in ;a .,"ruu,io" __-_,-" ---,,"-*..'
a show a] hard dsues ot pdmary iniirterest " ","f;"#Hffi"?l
with less",dsonion
D. sho/vs all hard tbsues ol ea , conceth with accedable degre€ of defi.jlion aid
c ts Gadiy derE,oood no oison on.
f1+ ftghr-angte view refe6 to:
.. i-
15 & ffi,:la,":s:f#ftiltr,,
\tiiciffi,:t:lffi. .
oI the f. lacrorsdeterrrine6 drE of eposuro _ -
," i: ffi**
| ,(,,. Fffid;##lfii*i*€xposurcErqEpr
I(L H#J"nffi3ry;gg'-*
lotuIIE and densjry of srruc_uae io be radbgraph
l E- )
t'hen a dental palient prssent lo you with clinical findings sudt as gingi\ral oozihg, oral ulcerafons,
!€iechiae, tmphadenopatny and recunent bacledal lnfection, what ls the appropdate dhgnostic procedurc
i0 order
a- blood lrea nitrcgsn test
b. complet€ blood chemisny
c. compleh blood count dtd dillerendal \irBc coun
d. bleedlng dme, clohhg dIrE, and prcthtohblE linE
7 I : Orat findings such as mid.{acs trypoplasla and c.mprEssed hEh arc$ed palate depic-tjng a bird [ks ,achl
,r rr)osarance Is associated widt:
' ayndrome
a Treacher coillns c. Gousons sytdrcme
b. Marians syndrome .. d. PiorE robin srndrorne
. 22. Lea a x2 year old glrl had tooih e)(t action ol her #aL years ago. Today she had marked s,welling at the lloor
ol the noso. RadloqraDhlc exam rcveab a larger 6r€a of radiohicency which is fuatuant
4 nasopahine ryst c' ,anula *
b, residual cyst d. keratocYsl
23. Proper colllmafion of fte x-ray beam lor film size and toc6] film dislance will:
a. impro\rE Image defilition c. incEase.adiographlc c.ritra+
b. roAuce pdmary radiafon d. incrcase secoaldary .adhlion
, 24. !t1Et it th€ mcsr llkey causo lol film wih a poor delhhion?
' U pade-nt morrement d a very shott local flm distance
0 25. The wavslength ot x-ray photons are gEany in\€nced b:f,
a" Kitovoltage c, target film clislance
b. M lFmperale ' d. atrollmolelecttons in $e cathode steam
/ r 26, surgbal drainage 6nd incsion is indi:ad ltt the i. candrdon E(CEPT:
a- abacesswith induradon e d.te nudrant cellulftes
b. o reduce pressure tiat has built up d leatnent o, deep t'Bsoe infection
' 2?. SupemumeEry lmpacted ieofi occur rrcsl ltuendy in he:
a. lowor cdrha tegirl c- maallary anterlor reglon
b. mandlbular posiPdol re0lon d marlary postedol regb.l
' ' 24. Joining bgsther ol rcors ol closey approximaled adjacenl teelh by c€Irlenum
a. Fusion - q Dileraions
b. Dens irwa0hatus d. concrescenca
/ 29. The mosr common rndal symprom ol substErnd cnest par'r is sugge6nve or
a a ttypertension c. coronary disease
b. mngestve heanfa;luE d. seveae myocadial infarclion
/ . 30. The mosl jmports way in ohaining chief complajnl i$
a to look concemed c. notto huny
b. by dlrecl quesuoning d to be seat€d
- r 31. Whicli ol he Ir parts of history iaking, relels lo a ckonologiesl Ievie1x o, illnesseq hjufes. operation and
hospitalization trom childhood d'6ease lo fie prosent complalnt
b. Famiv history d. history of Prese illness
- al 32. The beak ot an exnaation forceps is designed so that most ot the extraction pressure'ls raDsmitted to the:
a clown ol heooth c, rl)ot of the tooth
b, cemento€nameiiunc$on
..i 3. The periodonta, lbanEnt suroundlng a nofinal bodt appears radlographlcaly as:
a- a radiopaque line on the sides of the rool
b. an unbmbn hdbp€ique lilE around $e looth
c an unbroken aadiolucent linc aaound the r@l
d. radiruce0t around the apical pordon ony
ts. a.knonn
A hy!6rb.rsn/e padent b saheduled lor oral sulgely. Wrat is [le bosil approach to do?
dotermkE ha bloo{, pressure bcfole each prc.adur6
h perbm shot appdnriefis
c. reEr the p*nt lor consuhatlon to a physician
d. give musd6 tBle\rant
., 3s. whalvlbl $ructrrE b al gEat dskwhen deep lacki hceradons occlrs pGEIior to Ue antetlor margin ot the
. diasselgr rrJscb and inbdor to Or€ le\rel o, t E rygomalic arch?
a inEaorbild nelve c- ophlhalmic vein
b. tacial lreh d. laclal nen e
,A $. whbh ot $e fl. ABrearS radlolucent on a tadbgraph
a. nasal c?ufY c' nasalnoot
b. nasalsep$m d. nasal urblnales
;) 37. A wrous penofaton.&r a high lnlGdor nsrva UoeI can causn an $torvaid clnbd efh.:t ae€{lthg ln:
".6 a ParE ilEiao,Ert loller h c. !e[s palsy
b. Rlngho 0166r d. horErs syldloltE
r 38, A'lonq co.E b used h dle parallolng echdque b
a. niceseconaary naladon q a\roid $Pednpoddon old|. r)Oomatlc bone
b. aroid nragifcadon o, tha inqa d.
aroH dblortbn oa d|e inaoe
l: as. A boet acd blrglsi
a ascat*a4tl
derm# qnd gaguclnEallid disoder lllay b€ assocM xlrl a defiaierE,
c nkEh
h $hmito 1 d. r,ftarnlh k
I -f.,ffm$:f,{ffsen'i.mo$rkervdue'io: :ru;,rg*ilf&***
,,'rL n" u"irii-ti, ,l"ur,r
uc' ;
" .1,:ffi:t**
rovruuE' rysl
-' 9;"glffitxt{,ffiFf*,T*"T^-
" i"'"ffi}i9'*n "
Mlkulcsz's disease From i
si,n,.," $;."nlln3rnr," ,nrramulub,,y
| *'r",lf;:i#diif,,Hh:Elt.p*e,vmoro,, i ls"mg'r'*fl#ffi,*"
.,.i;ii?,i[$*ilf**$,"n',iffiT,n"no*,"*,""i XlffiHfl;ffi,i?,ff1p#l*,
- Y8. 3^,LilT3*-*:ry".
,*. as'osh refe;;, :
:usrj'j:-ry d. ll!:lczdtsease
, - l" mgfi!,,#;,#J',#:,]I *"in",*,ffim:H;,n. l,* q,pes of hs,e
"-, ",
, -_ o. sYncoPe
* c, hyperlension
:*fl,tijfi#ilHj,anftyenamer p;;*t'*ri'
" rt"lli:{'};iJiffitixrl"**'"n " ""' " * ".-i,,#ffiff:ffr""r""t' ry":n::
" i"r.A.ifilXBi":-painonaec,eer i B1E'*I'?
; il,;",i?,:,','"f ii;I"?ffi ,,nf
" il"fl'r1"J#;#3frfrffii:H:ffift,tffi.fla
; fi,!oir!1;,nt,t naw
Rapidty dMdino ce
t. Nerve celb
Hemogenic cell '
n z ar| l
* *,"r**
ffiffi$" o,,n","r,i"r,
"," "i,,,:a.l,o H[ ,,",",,*g*,r. Detair rerers !o
r*1"ffi LTfr
^_l 9 overoeoGuro
rarEs a*"i#;orro,ffi#f,,*pa:1lillf" r",
*:;.-ffi**"ffi *,,ddcb
i"ffiffiH,T a,s va'hrro ad d," ,ou,
"#r-ffi^ i
t :#ffi#mrbvwiichor*lerr i ryo'"*"**
-Fruffiffi&,arur t
r. may be due @ hyp€nrophy o, salivary glands ] d
may be due b xelGEmia
, r.l. Erown Diom€ntadon o[ the oral muco{rs rEmbrane ls a common lhdings ln:
' a" adbEons abease c. cudlinls ryndrclns
_763. b. nevus
d. ieghefs sYndrome
Tho x-ray bean lrom a conventional denlal machine is:
h a cortlnous dfuergent beam d. a condnotrs beam
, 1i.',. Alveoloplqsty conslst oi
c. audng lnlo tha alveolan Process
a surgical exdsion i, tho girEi\,al lissles
b. surglcal conlouing ol the alvoolar prc.ass d. surgi:al conloudno of fie girElval tissuo
/ A 66. A palent taking oInEse is most likev being treaEd for
a. diabstos mellitus - C. TB
candldiasis d. inlecdous hepatitis
:- 66. The mosi lk€y diagnods or an interpEximal radlolucenry just abole he ceMcal llns on a clinically caries
lEgaliv€ looth b:
a lncipientcaries c.
ceNbal bumoli
b. A&fiion d. eroaion
/ cyst lying near tho incisfue canal
167. a Aiobulomarillary cyst G llasoFlatine crst
b. medlan mandibular cys( d. Medhn palaral cyst
, whal ii $a best Est to measuae lhe pesence of adequate platelet function for sceening padehts ln blood
t.8' disorden
ble8ding lim€ c. Protirombin tjme
b. thrombin dme d. panialbomboplaslin time
/. A 69. GrDss fing€r clubblng ln a palient can be seen ln wirch of tle f s)Eettic dbotdeB
a cono;ntal hean fatlure c h)DerEargim
b. lrypertyioidism d. acule fteumadc tever
-- 70. A12 ar dd padent reported to a dentslwitt a dliel complalnt of sklhl paih at the anterbr legion. An
ocdGal radbgBph shoued ao inD-ted cer!-dJ incisor witrt smallor mau.E dt laid dou,n ln a disorder,
b. ThotnDocrtEmia 4 t\.ombqiloPenh
lt patlologh
,|, 79. \,vhlch ol0|epldr,s corrdidons b,rd lile seei in a cardnorrE sltu?
a Schen c gy0roplalda
b. iyperd6h d. sbmaffb ni ina
E l #&ir##l".3]#ffrJ,#sm;llrl:;,,,"
MAY 1998 trr
1- t!
26. a
: 2. cla 2f . c
51. c. ",. za. a
3.c 28. d
52. b
53. d
'5. a 29. c
54. a
30. c 79. c
6.b 3.1 c
55. c qo, a ':
32. c i Bi.a, .
; ,- 8. b 33. c
'58.b a2. b
34. € . '83: c
59. c
10. a
35. d aa,c .J
11. b
12_ c
60. c
85. d.. ,
37. b 86. c
62. d .
38. d 47. c
63. a
39. c s8. b
15. b
40. d
64b 39. a
.1q. 65a 90. b
17. d 66. c
18. c
42. a 91 b .
43. c 92. b
19. c 6a. a
44. a 93.,c
20. c 69. a
45. d 94. b .l
21. a
46. d
7.O.. b
r95. :"
22. b -71. d 96c
I 23- a
24. a
25. a
47. b
48. b
49. b
71. a
97. d
98. b
50. d 99. a
10O c
-i' F 80. h addtdg\bldpatieo! the most common catFe ol Estlessoes+lPdffiEirlaDi is:
lypoventlafqn d. respharcry Eacl injury
X81. which of he r, blood pressure readings would indicate shock?
r,i a qrstolic plessulE louer than 60 mm Hg
b. djastolic pDssure lowel han 60 rnn Hg
c dlastolic p,essule hloher d|an 14a mm Hg
d. sysblia pll9€ule higher lhan 148 mm Hg
' ,-, 62. ln ordea ol hcreaslno opacity, arrdnge he f[
r ! Amalgam
2 denth
3. enamel
4 zinc oxide eugenol
a. 2,3,4t c 421,3
h 2,4,3,1 . d,3.2,1,4
I 83. om ol he cardinal sympioms ol dehydralion is:
c, Polydipsia
a- tlYpovolemla
b, Polyphagh d. ttypouermb
/ c84. Every r;iHucency h thejE!16 should bo as?lraled belore suqbal-inteirendon t.t
a. avoid sPred o( in edion c. Ffule out vascular lealon
h detemiiie ll t b ma{gnant or benign trmor d. Slmplity surg'n:al ueament
,, ,85. Fhctures ot d|e body 4gomalic cor?lex illl/ovc whai newo
a supraorblDal ne o a rhndibularne e
b. hcdmal ne e d. lnrraorb?tal net\re
/ . u- Pationt conqlains ot abdominal Pain dus ;ukiple blown rBclrla, onpeuEjegnels
the.tace arld gingivd
a staugo+reber sf ndro,rE c, and heEdltary
b. heledlhry inlesinal povPods hteslnal pol/posb
d, peuE jeghe6 syndrome
Lr 87. Whlch ol fie lf. chefiicals acrs as antifoo agenE h dental filrns?
' a sodlum sufrd€ c- PolEsdum broride
b' si'ver halides d' gelain
!488. A kno.,n hypertensti€ Palietn is schaduled tor denial tealrEnt v,hal ls $e rrosl aPPropliate approach lo da
a. perfonn shon appointments
b. refer the palienl for consultalon
c. give musde rclaxanl pleoperatively
' 89, d. detemine the blood pressure belore each appointment
The mosl cha.actelisuc harure ol Von Recklinghausen's diseas€ is:
, nurcrcus nodular rmss oa the lace and ned( c- bulla lonnation
b. presence ot msny facid anglomas d. a positive Nfl(oblry si!]n
- i: SO. Bony anhy'osls ol the temporomandibularJoint is besl lreat€d by:
a- mysbtherapy steroid rniection in the ioint capsule
h Arfrophsty d. Inlermaxillary spllnE
- 91.'The precuEor ol arPlobl6toma is most likely
a radicular cl6l
b. denqlercus clst d. residual cfg
. - 92 A hlse DGftive r€sutt of serologic test vFuld mos. l*ely occur in n pafient vfio had
a- macul@pulaa skln alsh c. pefohton of a pahte
b. infucliousm$onucleosis d. oral mucous paldEs
ii. 93. Garre's osleonyeliis is essehdally a sub type ot chronic osteomyelilis. A di$inclive dillerence ol fearure:
a sequeslrathn and suppuralioi arc common
b.it usualy occurs h ehildren
c, periosEal ledbn of inledor border ol mahdble
d. it ls a lEsult o, pedafical abscess ol mandibuhr nrclar
E-9., Flr gr*r obiea* lirn datance, pardlb[ng bchniquo b requhed than bitecdm Echd$,a ln ord€r to:
a a -producs
alom scab contrast c. reduce e,posura iatc
;rcvent 16 of defnition and detall
L d- less€n dl$onion
[6.,,*" Ps. Tll€ infial *ep ii $a nanaoem6nt oI epileplic padent k
a- anlicDa6 sehre at*k c. i6 al€n on Eflect or anihorvulsanls
b. identiilcat'bn dpadent d. propttyhcli: phenyb[t
-( sa The lhocsign cantsBtem in dia0no6is b to:
c' der'etop dl. case hisory
a, lntemrd.one.fv ndixraphic tindings
t. condua a dinic'.i examinarbn d. detemlina he chlel complaint
l, 97. Abger$c bom o.dre !s d€ri/ed lrcm
e bone subdittE
a -animat meO mezeO fone
b. orm hdiriruab booe d.' anot le, indivlduats bo.le
Kge. na Es*n rlt C dlob. bt fbrcu! dy+laca bl
9 a. bona llasidor c. marsupblLedon
b. cosn|6lh oss.qt3 sumery d comdal! 6 rcbiltdl
firs aip;, deftse and fogry itt t pmcessing rlfle your ltladd mns arE satsfdc@ry
'f. ff arr vorrooand
.r $e most UlDlycdrae b:
a sarellrtt bP her|.se c. so|r{ion alD too hot
b. solrlionexharsd d. [ghr letk h tle dad@om
,/ a loo.\tt€n talhg ttEtdlbolarperlaplcd nltrs ot anisdq Eeth. T16 Presellcs of tonB ma'i5ulalG:
T Roentgenology, Oral DhgnosE and Oral Sur0ery
Th6 i,leal posidon ol a t'auma pathnt while being transponed b the hosoihl bi
a siuing do m on a 45 degree aigle b keep Ihe panerlt av/ake
b- he supine posilion to s-tabilize lractre parts
ll, c. rhe plone posidon to pEvent lateral mlling
d. on one side to prevEnt asdra0bn of leritus, blood etc
Radiolucent anatomic suuclure in radlograph
a. hamula, process nEMibular cana
b. aorcnold proc€Bs d-
llype entihton in an anxlous dental paient leads to:
a c.
carpopodalspasm acirosb
b- amnesia d. crahosis
4 A paient who weights 88 lbs ls given 2 cafiidges (1.8 ml erch) of 296 lidoeaine wih t100,000 epinephtue. ApproxifiEtely
what percent of the maximum dcage allo/ed for the patient was adfi nHered?
a. 2096 c. 3096
b. 4096 d. 6096
5. A bbp6y should not be Flertormed on a tbsue wheo the tissue
a" suddenly enla4es c. b associated with parasthesia
l b, Espond to local Eealment
a. to enhanco taster secondary healing
b. b paa/ent hematoma formaljon
d. is f&mented
6, D€ep poalions ot a tlap should be 'milk€d'torvard the lnc-rsed surlaced prior E suturing.
c. none of the above
d. lo lessen pain during suurring
F 7. Whe't b he appropriate time to administer tlie initial does of analgesic to conlrol post opeEtive pain aner the removal of an
impaded rhirc, mola6?
a. orly after retum of sensation c. when $e padem stafis to feelthe pain
b. before the €ffect of tle local anesihesia weals o,l d. thrce hours after the surgery
8. The organism mosl difficult to eradicaIge by slerilization are
a- spore iorming bacleda .
d. tungi
9, Determining the quality ol ladiation exposure dose is termed as
T a- dosimetry
b. collimation
10. Sedadon by which of the ,t routes can be reversed most rapldlf?
d. dosage
a. ioramuscular c oral
T 11. The most commonly
d. hhalaiion
encounlered postoperative condiiions which may requir€ attention followjng lhe suQical removal ot
T a- dlarrhea paresihesia and nausea
b- infuction and fever d. pain and ed€ma
!2. lf a smal opening is made into ihe maxitlary sinus afler exl.action o, a 27 irii€diate ueatment of choice is
no special treatment
b. prescribed patent with massive dose of antibioic
c. reler to the patient to an oral surgeon lo{ evaju6iion and management
d. b pa.* socket lvih gauze
13. Vrhich of the tt is an indication ot a successful allogenic tmth tlaispbne
a Doti &e pulp and dte periodonhl llgameni c. reeclablbhment ol periodoftal l(lament
d.' lhe iooah survives for the year
b. ankylqsls
T L4. Th6 €|e\/dor most frequQntly used to begin rhe luraton of an erupted toodr berore $e use of forcep:
a. r[3rls
b. crlet
d. to.7ft
i d. p.
pplane o' the
,* the patient ghould be positioned so $at the
,".' ,*n oir", *ru, is b b€ extracd ---_.
inandibular arch b
*rurfef ute o"nrist when $€ tee$ are closed
I i.ioenaicurur
"-_ "tf' ro rm nool when the Ee$ are closed
. *t"tt"t o m noot the mouth b wide oPen
t Go"tauf", a u* n"or lvtlen th€ dlolth ls wlde op€n
rs. i"'pi11!lpul o"r"t",tt to normal would heal ng
a- e)(cessive bleeding
c. poor surldng
;d' ;:;
b. iniection ^;;".;
Poor nur iqn
If h. lever
i'.ffi-Uo tUt "ing "xraclir
a @nse re bone
Eldtt dhe'E b d!6
folh'{ng prlnci*a
Irsebone tlax to contour bone
c. . ixevent Dost oD atueolida ol
d. use only ab6orbable sufuring machines
56. Tne ant pataiine narve supply sensorylnnorvaton lo mucosa
a poste or 2r3 of hard Pdate c. buccal muc6a opposite the max.molas
b. wula d. antedor l-/3 of haad palale
5.t. Rdiducent landmarks in the mandible except
a- nEdd ioramett c. genlal mborcles
h maMibular canal d. nutden canal
58. E1e Fils are placed on the patient during suEe,y
J ., t. "urg** on noi lool lnb &; pdient eye dudhg srrg.ry hereby deqeasing dbracdon la'el
h rDre
c so the pafent can not see the insirument thereby reducing hisandaniery level
d al o.elent Dcsible corneal laceratiorJlnjury llom lnsuument adutt patleDt i, the appropriate exposuro in he knpulses
59. E** iO", *,"aio' .E at L Ue sourca i'mige Oisonca ol an
d a ma,\illary Incision ls 7:"t
a"E I
b. It d. 7
The followlnq are classi€l slgns ot Ludwigs a4lna e)(cept
a" HIaEral Involvemeit o, all lha spaaes c, the floor c. ' elalraion of the noot ol lhe mouth
of mouth d. iuctuance and pointng
tL open douthed aPpearance
61. Gluwaldetl),de
a chemhta\re c.
soaling llloceas
l, , d
paln his max.prenohr and rrohr a'eas and there ls no evidence ol denhl
hen a patient experien"os condious in
inhdion. $e most likely dianosis b
a. Elgetnlnal neurdgh c' &!lc maxillarysinusilis
b- mioraine d. &npaded d d mola'
ill#ig1i'LSr.""ty ,isht infedor alveohr Dlock injection, also anes$etizing tl|e llngual nerve $'hich teeth mav be
enraded withoul Pain?
a- all mandibular teoth on ight sue exc.pt the
d. ail mandibular teeth on the right slde
b. 47,42 €xtemal environhent is
ifiJtil[ ,esuttlng with rhe communicalion belwe€n lhe riargjn ol lhe fracqired bone ancl
b. gregnstick d. slmple
Utnj, itrotrs oxiCe seOaion, the most common eomptlcaton is
a heavy perspiration
c. Iespiratory deplession
b- vomiting d- a beha\rioral problem
66. EoJo'i pirr unu c,"goty chssmcationi it ttre impaaed ,*"gPq 9kq.|n93r ! Sositioned
posteliort so that
approxrmatery one tralf is iovdled by the ramus' lhe looths relationship wlh &e-ramJs ls
a- class 1 d- dass 3
b. dals 2 b,ase, zygomatiq ofiiral dm area ahd prerygdd
67. rrrritii invoving s.paraion d fiaxi a an.t nasat compbx from cranial
maxillary suore area
a Le fon I c. Le bd lll
b- Le iort ll d. Le fort lV
rrih"n r""ion s"et* su"plcious, yet the result ol the cytological enea's {e negaliv€
a. a biopsysholld be Pe orrted c, Paient should b€ home
b. lho palent should be ob6eNe closey tor 1 mo- d- Medicate paliefl with andblodc
6r- fu;;'"i;;;;iiii.,p-tnri*ig'
t t"lnating srEsm ard6ute' $e pde'n to grimac€' lasts hrseconds and
complete rellel bet$reen
a. nourafda
iiiopaoic trlgemina c' acuE maillary sinusitis
b. acute dentat abscess d dry socket
iir" fr--nrred may be dram nedbly and tolriard bccarEo o' the anachement ol
zo. -noyi-ritrin
a- lateral pyregoid m. c_ maslle!€r m
b. blrcdnabrm d' IrEdial Serygold m
7L The dlralion ot cxpo6ure at 17oc (34!F0lor diy heat sErlizalbn
a- 2 hrs c- thr .
b. plac! a finger over th€ soli tissue fiap and palpato
c de a nnoer over lhe bonv ddga and palpalalF
d. L* t'e oiti"nt ,*u, in one w€ek and palpalate {'ges al ilal time
nngrit oi tltJ n*, of th" ,axillary slntls is d sk drtrind tha [elnoval of
a norn
b. r*aliqnment ot )aay head
I- .i..r[ir*i"r it"i rbe head and part ol lilm not ]nmeee in developing soluton
d. pan oifih not immersed ln dev€loping soludon
78. Erydlronycins route of admlnisffadon are
b. lM d-
d. Pc
zs. i:t ur'J*rqunry i" *st frequentty expedence dudng ouFatient gen-eral
c. allergy
a aiaphlaxis d. hadycardia
b. trypo@nslon pulp disease' s-uch conll:] *
*. iltn"ii'I#'i il,L"nial lesion 6 accoBpanled bv a
c, apparent :"yl-
T a conitined !€sion
b.x d. mixed lesion
81. ;in;ion and dlainas€ farl to cause the rcmisson of an acute oral iniecrion
the nexi be6t sEp to take b
a paescdbe empi cal antibioti:s onry
lr b. hsen a larg€ drain
c. nPal the culturc and sensitMty Est
d. Jmini"ter pmteoMc enell|me paEntetalv to tha augment antibiolic
F 82. lnEaiasal antrostorny is created in the
a. superiormeatus
t b, inferior meatus :: 'l[liJrx"li
* e;;;;tion
- for removal o, an impacled loo$ are lhe iollowing
c orevention ol rcol resorpton
r- pJnion or p",iodontal diseases
I a
. uieai. apeirlof arnvlni!'ate u.der his rose
* (lo no$t,irg, ols"rre and wait tor him to retum to consciousness
* Tfuoat PaclG
h *rsiaal patient under generat ane$hesiato prevent
h o orevent pooling olsalivatheleryofdecreasing asep's
possibb aspkatlon r cous' blood elc
I ^ l-""- l'^<-i", oaolacem€nt lhe tongue which could lead to respirdloly obslruc0on
T i i.i"i"iultr"l
e". X ,J;;,$"i
u"""o especialy in sulgerY
ot d
sec$on ol the orar caulv'
a macrodontia '!i#'.'J;;'""i,'ai"p.,il
b. coodensiog osreiG d dveolar process
T az. X *iliiioili'ri-"itl not denlisty because it b not efl;cdve against hepatiris B vius and become
recohrEnded lor
inachraled by soap and anionlc agenB
i-mrn"rairrva" dPh!9-----,..-
!I o quanenary ammonium compounds
b. chbdne campound
"-' - inhtio' dtection only
iano'suptrior arrecrion
dterior and infetior dlreclhn
L d' poderitdirection only
89. HenDph la B b ihe rosuh ol c
- u- ii.l"i"n"y ot t ilroml'ocltopenia
"ottt d' lx
vttt adeffcbncy factor
L a deftiency ot laclor
is conralndi{ated h
sO. nypertotic oxylen rfrelapy
a G*onryl.s c ftne
b- cEoradlolEcrGis d ipdr.rrs cefl cardnoma ol ho mandible
sf. lie overatt degee of dad€nihg of tl6 olQosed film
a cDitrast c density
U irre,"tY d llo|le
cz. lltBCnormrvab"
a gx)l& moocc L 4$sltiyftt€
b, {}oGoflx)mm 4 SooGloooavmm3
g. Bmiiir 6iil-r""o ln @<cess or h oig dncdon may' result in a'jl o' tte ldorving €xcept-
h 6E
; a llac[|.e oa th. mandibte Flh nedods and root lasorptlon
c. sinus d' llacluE ol tooth loots
lsrtoration ol
area in he anterior leglon or t!"#'XiJ:lil
s4. Radiographic dhgnosis ol bilatelal radropaque
a x d' external obfique line
H. $il lecettD a ut froti dE Boad of Dendsoy brlis
a llfirnoaE c. srbpoorE ducas leqm
b. nar,rdorus d. {bpoella
15 denirdnt b. bs&d't|o recomm.flddoi ot$e Boa.d ro an appncan wio has th!
foiowitg rya Ladot!6, E(cEpT:
a h63 aeached $te aq€ d txrBnt, @)
d. is appro,/ed by lhe PRC and President of tle Phil,Mnes
16. Prac{ae managemgntwhldr b dirht€ iad nom operati\€ techdqle bbased on dte lollourng faalqs-except
a. needs ahd dsmand
h de)cedty and &l€s ol op6ratiro procedurE
psldtology and comrion senso
4 Eguhlhn and oder
'U.L 17. Tho erffin ol a credl b a padent should br aot]tuaEd:
a. an obnqatlon c a courb$,
h undedrable d. unethlcC
18. The lbllowing Acts drough lhey md, not coisthrto a caimlnal ofiento, vlohle lhe principal o,'tesp€ct br obers rbhts,
a. neddlngwithheprtvabliLo,anolherperson... /
h l igutlg D calsealdrsrpglson b be aJenad tam hk triends,/
c humlladng anothor pellon qr accosnt ol hls physhal defect
d thoughd€ss exra\raoanc6 dudlE a p€dod of larnlno
19. The *andadkalioh and ncendno of tlE dentd tectuHarEdenhl hboraloti€g b under tho po{ca po\lcr aM
Irbdldion ol hls gpvemmsil aganc,
a. Plot€6slonal Rrlolad(|l commbsbn (PRc)
b. Board ol Dendsry
c,Non€ offiese
d.Phillppine Dehlal Asociatlon
20. Cirt remediee malDe h tre forn d 0r bllowino E(CIEPT:
a co-mpl€ldty ot tra op€rdolt I c lhaicid qability of tt|e pateit
b. co* o, m€diciies and supPlhs iL€d d. nom d th€s€
2r- ln €stablisliing hls |b6 to a padent tho dl,ly resbteEd &itist siodd co.Euer tlG Plou,ln9.Fcbls. D(GEPTI
a. compl€xity ol lha oPoraion c' rtlanchl capabfiY ot tne palient
h co$ d medicines tnd supdies used d- nono oftheso
Thb lopc o, oblioadm arito3 tlom la!,n-d, 'voluntary- and unilateral acts bec nte on turo Flndpal tlar no one shall be
mjuslty enftM or benefiBd ila e)(perBE ot anodEi
a. all ofthese ob{gafun arbirg fom law
b. obfigadon arising trcrn +ra-si contlacts d ob(galbn alblng lrom contracls
Malpra.tice dleans tre lollo[dng ExcEPt '
a- omission oa duty to a Patient
h tailure b p€rto; prop€rt the duty lthlch revolves uPon hb p.oressbnal relationships with other dendsls
a, Io !r!Gt mhimuli| efiort and bss ottna h io@ules -
b. @ bdong E organE dadsry
c. b recogntze fie bane,lE o, proressioial holp
d. [' amlyze the denthts own heed
34. Tha manner by whlch a dentii can keep tlr.,asdonal flf
a- aueno.Iocal hospihl progrdrns 6nd seminars wlllch ars
sDonsole<l bv aoendd.
|- o. enlo ror posqraduaE sutdies al a danbt s.'tei
c. &end dental soclety plogranB and dhlcs
d. allo, these
S mlry!-E?q"-i r [le probssionat denlat coru rniry it here wEre no Code of Erhics?
T a. pamfi w nol D€ elcoura06d b qo b dendsl becaus€ ol chaos
h allot h€se
c honor and respect anEng lellou dedist tylll nd be ,nondoned
-- _.nxi. d.
tlere wil be comtant buding amoig he dentist
act Cr€ate., the plotesslonal dental mmmodty I there
pat€hlr Bere no wil not be encouragecl to gO to dendst
lEEausa ot cha4ls:
a- pD22s c PD541
b. A.i,rllg
sz. one i r';6;/e
lnat excepc
or he phithpine oenlat or t-u" is rre s.pervsdeon ,Itr'i*3;1"*Sr1*3r".*
a in order to disdnguish tre legjtjmata practiti]ners lrom the resE tielalv has lequired tha ficensing ot the
h onyr,nse who are quarined arc add*Ed ro rhe p-icrhe or deflisrry and fie rarv shourd maintarn order
lElarlve to denhl practice
c denEl dinlcs and hosdtab li,iere dendst_are.pradicing may be visited ard i[spected
by the Board of
Deotisty lo ensure rhal dentisr ,oIo|v protessibnal sDa;dard
d alrer appticanE are admined to rhe pdper ard whi.tr lht wi,t have to
do wnich is p{oper anct vthich lhey are
expected ro do
38. A dentjst who issues a bouncing check to a denrat supptjer is guily of
respondent supedor c. ,inancial assault
estala. d. negllgence
39. The dodrin€ ol the thh! speaks lor iE€f is applcable !o:
a- x{ay rnachine_lailing on fre patient
x-ray burns
c.broken needle srlcldrE.out of lhe gum
d. po{surgiaalbleeding,-.
40. A good bookkeeping syslem need $Ot fit lhe followiDg requiremeir
a. I shoutd be sinpte but emder* and capaUdof dxpansion
b. it must be compuErized o ensure fasioata anatyiis
: p_g3:lt-"-rlP
*Imartzed perbdcaly ro rh; dendst can evaluated and imp.a/e his ctinic,s opera on
I mu$ oe rezrdtD, und€rsoandabb to the bookkeep€r de0tin
some of the groonds ror retusar to issue a cetu'fcate Ggisirarion to a
a- the person has unsound mind oa a coar*ruhicaib dbease successfur exarh,nee are the lolowing, ExcEpr
rhe peBon h6 tleen convircd by a colrr oa compe@nt jurlsdiction tnvofuing
rnoral turDi[rde
ure l€l3on nas Dcen cotwicted tor a, adfiinisNralrJE olbnse bv rhe emonvir
4fie peFon b guifty ot lmmoral or.tidlol|o -dDle conduct
A la". hfornarion obiarned by a dendst rom a oarhnt.reht€d D d€ntd pra.rica
*no*n;- -- - --
codd oot b€ the subJed testmorry, nor
telEdled dudng 0re trial ol a cMl cise wth nha patirtts corsent ttris ii
a. pdvilege&hcr e cMl communicarlrn'
h unlalxlt intormadon privfegaO conrnunicaton
Ths tmsdond R6gulafun Commbsion wi$h r{fti+ he-D€ndr-Ey belonls
b dEcdr.- under ihe:
a LaggatMt t€paatrhsnt c. E(ecudve DebartrErt
D. Omi:a ot the Pr€suent t|. ornbudsman
The deiBt rn pfue pracdce may b pad.bar. roruoreer oenat prograrB h eariflcation, ExcEpr:
a" none olthese '"n*s c, underseaved a;a,
b. unsenEd areos a. oterstrv* prosperooeaeas
To quafiy br q?Illhalior urder lhe dental A6r d 1965, . ir,,s'liiv[ t"aiiiiA quatjrba&ns EXcEpT:
a naural bom Filiplno cilzen / "ananal"
h hoEerd DDt , of tDS degree orlhet aedfted d.ntal s.$od .
c. fl mrm l.qulrEmell io 2 ]€ar ffi sU&
([ lood rEral a$a,ac8t
,lG. e"9 !:y:meuirE elrt€{d.o[tc.,irdr. Ai hsurancs p} r thi bL3 calr o, $l.i d( b cdbd
a "!pg!f
exc€6s irti&y illsurarce e fdeny bo.d
b. *odqr€nsco,yDonsaim d. iafihy iEirarrce
47. A qhhd oitnsa lrlvohreg horal UrpiMe ulle r sldt offLnsa cormi0ed ls cdtdv E
a ai orthasa c phahl€a d good |rbrds '
_ h honecrr '0.$aE-- "- -- .
llle ht€d denral hry vhkh b sd[ operaroiEt ir
cl Preraquisrres to rh6 pracdco or dendstry in the phfipprnes as mandated by he dentar
act or 1965 b possession or th6
conifealo o, rEgBra$dl bsued by 116 Board ol D.iiirty ater passtra Ori UarU oramfrafion,
|oware tre
€r(emF ions, e,(capt
a commbsbned denlal omceEd $a Ann€d ldces Ot fdotm' aoenc{
b. hr cdqdtadon ot denon"o"d- ' ---'
toaeign dends| lnviEd
c. cotfiEies allo$ritg samo pdvilags b Flfipllp da ist
o. dental oflfr€B ot fie AFP
vr 53. The Council ot Donfal Edlcadon may arEr lh6 le.lgh o, girdy ot he
5, not moro lhan eighy€6r! cgular &nd clurs. provlded I b:
b. not L€B Slan tuo years ior mote $an ) tal9
c not lels than lour years mr itore oran sb(
4 not h6s than lou y€ars noa obrD than ei{rit),ears
s1. Parbnts rxrst besclEduled effciendy rc |tte toadrtd pr.cdcd reasons! e)(cept
$1 a. none o, the56
h so lhA the &nG[ y/i[ b6 ov$
scfuuted ard tbus can maximlze hls wo*ino dav
c so tlal proper s€qtElEiro ot tlalneald activitios will be a.$teved
sudt Uat I yril l6d b good don{9+ad€nt,eladqB
v-', H.l?Hj3:_S:g
dity lo the conmunlty whidtf:,qJ,l:b]nyro
h6 or her commnny- h h.q $o E\rery rrst adcto o, {rs,egu,abry code b
lncludss 6e ,ollor,!/ir€ conriO"o*im, er*1ii
a pdmaryduly c.dElegation ol servi@s
b. em€rgency.'eMce
o. emergencyseNir d.prolbssionat consdtadoh and refanal
53. Adentg ln Bactao takaa olt dre loL o,rEhager. hoitheltrncions
Ha shdrd lhelefol. k|ow o,n;lradE
lhe ltrncions o, lentuhii
nla WEroentv{hirt
iodd€s th. ercept
a evdudior
'olaitirg c. dhono€b and leanneot
b. lrrdernentadoi ol olgani d. pofic, n€Iing and pbnnlng
, Thebrm solicidm patbrlti dB
a tie dentl{ asks a patiSrt Eaord b Ecnrl padentt so he car get a sewica dircou
h. nono of lEse
c, t|e denust erpbj,€e a p,otassirnal agDtry & rec.uit pderx3 for Hm
(l. dle danoS perromssudt aaelemsei,iae ior apatitlnt thattlo parie sare abourt to other p6oplc
55, Tlle departh€nt of heaflh ts under rhci
Ai a Omce d the Prestdent c. Local Gov.rnmeni
.b. Exedrtive Oepartmena d. Legidadve DepaItrrE -a ]
Ar $e dme ol Rring his appricarion, an apprica tor adxrission l, $; [..hsurE samirur]on
P- tE bllowing qualltlcation: -
ror oentis need iot]mre
a he is ol good moral characEr
b. he har.eceived-a dtplorra as docDr of (bnbl surgery trom the inEmaional cofleg€ of oIat surgeon ,
c' he b a clizen olrhe pMMn.s
_ne Dest he has fmisH th€ tyuo-year p.E-(bnial coulse as evidencs by his den6l suldeits ant€nce c?rtificale
imd [x]st honon,Dh n6rB by rat ch a dentg may knowi hb paaa{i," arit advar* hb rspltition
1' a- neon fighls in busypbce
c- neuepiper avertsing
is hrou(ih:
b. none ol hese d: amDlovrrErt-of an aoDnt
58. How may a denrbt emchntlt' coltect hjs tess td de at s€rvtce ,6d;ted?
*, a by fillng an a{iioo oa couri hr .eco\rery ot toes I he DaI€ le us6s b bav
b. by cllecnno hb t€es dliho dle cour.i of dtc madern
c. by colhctrE hb le€3 tofi cosd(ers tlo palieit
d, by seidirg nhe bltr betore rBatnE n
I 59, nle Aoard mEr reftrse !O is$€ celuloe! ot |lgiltatbi du€ b:
a- lmllErEl oa dishonorablE co.dr.r
h. aX of nlese
c coan i(lion ot a qir{nal o( o0Hrse hvo}ving noral nr+iude
d. uBouhd hirdrconrmdcrDb ditasa
60, The bf,ou/irlg tlaro been adldoGd by 0E colna as dintes lrr/olvhg llDtal nnpiutdb
__ h febly o. prSttiton U oeemaory rners
AL Thb ldonnatir ne6d b be coihiled and in pesdiprinl tord Jgs not conClr'ond dang;;- -
a. nara of th6 p.€sDea
h ptolossional bx llcaifr n ,r5at
c, pafenE nanE, aoo, sroc ad rrliaasbt
d- plo eErlonal tEgbt'ari.ll rrrn*or
AL Vhmh ot d|6 pqvblone ot tle Drntal Ac ot 1969 rda6n thr prae detdsny h th6 ph1pptr6s sllall bo gaitty d
Ke a, nElpracfco c. nloral trrpMe
7l- T1'6 Board ot Deflnstry sh6n wihtn 10O da)'a aler tre tas iali ot exahinarOn. ,tport the,aring obiained by eacn
candi{raE io:
a. Pror€6sionalRegulaionCommbsftm
b. Secelar), of Educalion, Culture, and SporE
c.Presictent of the ph;tipptnes
dCommlssion of Civil SeMce
72- Doctor A yyas treadng a patie wilh a sexually trafismitted disease. He openerl lhat sajd palient had been
cor{amina@d ry ihe husband. \ry}er he husbaid carrE ro terch the wih Doctor A remri?d within tho heartm
distance of other padeni ryou contaminated l/our wife with a verjereat dis€ase,: S Ooaor gulily of ;;f;iii;r"nZ
a. onlyolslard$
no, c. no, onv of libot
h l,6s d. not a[ i[
73. Eacfi denlbl hs r€sJiinrbility of communiiy denristy or orar heanh, care derivery b a segmenls ot society. This
. lesporEibilty does not co\re[
a methods of oral care defi\/ery, onv lor the publjc sector
mehods o, payment inctuding tunding pmgrdrr,s
flDrhods ol otat carE deth,/ery, bodt p,iyate and puuic
education ryograms
74. Th€ dentbt c6r accepr drat ,ottowing ty!€s of payrne other than his legitimate proaesstonat iees:
a rebaEs
t b, none ol these
75. A p.snreparsd t ry sAstem can do the to{trvirE, E)(CEPT:
c. commissio,-ns
d. spll tees
I a nalrro o,-uoder
h d€fttlioo dcrimos
e Dur{s[nE oa rcDlestoi o, crfrE
d. efteaia atld rehlion o, co.iEcts
78. This bfana*l ol la,v drnnss the dghts ol d|e staE artr eguhtes ils r€lafions wit t Ls clterF:
a. lair a, pulrft: oficols c..rininal l6v
I -- _
h, rl0, dler lbaio's orE drc naI,|! oa dr co $q!d b usc be Oeetnlrffir
c. yts, rhs prdantr .apacxy b pay b dr ,ab, h dde nho tE€s
d $. denust rEed not 0h,B a raason b lir fraa, so drer6 b no ieed b aC( I.!6e$it ! draaur{ b €{$ad
Iho .egul6t ry codr ntandes that fee b, paift3shEl sarvLe shodd consler efidt rd effut lidtfo; 0E
., hcfiios rirthh wtridr delltilt E&
llnp.ov.med E{CEPT:
a nilh ers l' c. br mo'E poltt
h codon
ln O tiitr gre
8l- On€ d\rantaoa o, ha/k[ *rtal dsE b:
c addidfial expensesrovefhead will ,Dl b€ in\rofued
d pd€ft onloy harrlng a humb€r or peoplo h lbe clinic
@. Ma*edng dentigty b bed deflned:
a. sd,ltislno iha Pracdce
h Hendyng dto targstpador*poFlhdon
c codr"rllty parddpen ty a[ nell$ol! of dra' dhlc stafi
d. maaaolng sslvk-€6 to beneflt palienB and a[ain FDft3 toa ue
83. txntal llcelrsulr exanilnallons 6re glvrn:
a- onca ayea, c, dopends on lhe PRc
b. tldaa at€a, ube alrea,
84. obllgalions arkes lrom lhe bllodng o(cept:
flr. a qlrasi{eliats c- taEtbn
b. law d conltact
',L t) 85. The de ist need not slPefibe his arsoci#s and hb au{ikiri€ ln tle perbrnahce ol thek dulie$
i! rua
h ma, if fio assod&6 ard anilaris alg rpl. Wtigicsd that dlo &ndst
c tus, unless $6 pdde sp€dfrcary sks roa he d€nlbfs pra€eice
d tabe ot regisfadon to successful etarnlne6 on lhe follot ing grourld.,
86. fn" &CiigorUo t iouanc,e ol certfcags
i o.ririoo:*ra b€ nps Uv d|. decedsed tegal guadianl, spouse, parenB ot thtoogh coulEei
L ilai, cerfus bsl€s $qrtc be sdrtped lo6$um(xrf
c p€lition shal bc aaao.npanled by Foo, ot d€ath o{ dre srcc€sslul €mrdnee
d dloatEse I
87. An elemenE ol a sucsesdul &ntat pidice bhlEl
a PtofGional and cchdcal abiltY c. atl d ltlcse
L btl$ne3s nEth(, d. personaliry
88. vl/hd artick aa dre constiulton cor|iaiElhe t.ll d Rhhis.,
a v b.lv l'Alll prwisir|s, d.ll
'ii> m. uno.r m rr** vtt penat d|d MbdaBauls b lound to
a person shal be g.rtry ot rnsdemeanor if he
'-- commiH th€ blknrdng a61s, €Ept
. rr" -o.ttaeO O ftb'name dte Etrers DOS llaving been conlerred $,tci d6gr6€ in s'tEol
lr he D;senEd or used as hb owlr lh€ cerufiEate ol registration as a dentbt ol ano'het
. t i...ri""O OmtisW h tl€ PhtippiE Yrttlout a cenjlq,cate c' Iegisuari'ncedflcaE ol registralion
i rte 6^r" torg.d "uid,;hc€ oI $e djard ol deolal exaftioeB
in obialning a
by the denlist
90. Thb a $e dst reas;n wiry a padent accells ule neamem
fdule @ reider fe€ €dlmate
b- dedt$ seenE too buly to do a goodirb
c .uden€$ ollhade bl e[TloYees
d- oood DaBmratbn and cato pa€serdn by lhe dendst
sf. suc.sst &tilisit/ as a probssioo b m€6u€d by fle bllolrhg crteda' exce$
C 9& TtE't66'fio leqrds ars needed fio. dlo dontd dfica e)cept
a. fdrts lbrvarious b( roroaa
h- Ecords tthlch coic.r'rg hon! ltse 3d paalict
(c.) m aendscs persooa and hlrfy recorG
-iI_ rcc.Ids used loa hdhritud Pdcms
,6. ro 6di;i.ge-ildre noertsrv' 6agr ffip6vtro lblolrhg ts'Ge I/e 5' "
s i 'oc.rir,alion
t ( iiico"e irq,rE la'(
fi\ nel iroenv o< d' Prvr4g b'(
97. ft'E\Ezdol. iti ir!ic!. Idldotrr, b, cood suppythl|l
a slpiy nro at ner ltam c. oalh. dcsgn.
t aiiri damhq d' eqttsr'it
cbta t
$" Tfrir do; n r d,rEs.fi-a ggneral FhcFh ddr shpt rd.*rc d a *ntal
a- & id;.{urht dlo a*ll!fi rrh nl. vocduhry d deoEry
A h. kldr.llai lhe duti6 d ir aldsHlil bo
c krov, tha madal tba hcfirtbn
(l tE!! a Phn tor lr8&E0olE
*, lnalcqa,"y or-lr[im oaCdl ad leadicxfikat ..rd€r3 dlo datd* un'Ib e'rv! hun€nky b:
(1 ,. ln pra.dce managehent th6 ope6{ond con b aallod:
e. net incorE
z- *
me l
oudav c. overi€€d argondiuJre
a titii--
c;d --
otdn gE by 0teia sdeidtcaly afif fitemathnal,
,ecognlzed acdv€ imredientli
a genedc namo c. band naria
h chemical lunB d. essendal drud flst
: 3, Mosl pqutar and acceFed segrlenl in dedal pradi
a none ot hese - "
c. Daru|ershiD
b. solo pracriL.e o. g.Dup pddi;
4- \{hkh d-tiie ,, statsfEnis on pracnc6 Managerne0t-l.Ebl, bek&, ii correcfl
a. DenEsrry te prDbssion gutded by good pdndpbs ot ucsinesicoriiin
!t b. E(b,tdon ot cr€dn b pdentr t not tnport.rit dental oracOca
1t whtch deab vJih dr r€spoisib ryb fi6 p.oresston, co eges, ard gen€rat pubtrc
" FT[*
a PRC Sl1,.."P"cs
P.D.,1419 c. P.rofusslona, ethlca
h Adled plolosii,ltal edrbs d. Code of elhbs
A dentlt who h:as beon durlsd in co!.t br malFa.tbe is
a @Iwiil c. WlrreBs
h Plalnn'n d Deteodafi
The turlcdon of the Councit on Denid Rfucatbn are $e
debny ne ard pEscribe fur facilities in dental colleges
T h
deEn ne and prescrib€ lh6 n{nlrrxr numbea of qu'amcatons oI he taacfiino D.EonnEl ,\
b recomrEnd Ih€ ,ndtrnum EquirenEnt ot a regiar dental coulse
d, to lecommond dr€ maxlmum requirenEd ol a padenhl c_ours€
CDECU lrtears
a. cominuing denial educaUon credit lnits
h coiltinuing denial education course uniE
c, compulsory deolal educalon credit units
d compromLed dental gducaion credit onils
Th6 ben show window c, a clinic is $a:
a. pi\rate otrlce
b. operatoay roorl.
c. sledlLlng area
d. recep on area
The dangerous drug act relers to:
a none lhese cd ,"...
b. aI ololese
! :
b. Popu,arity
law whlcri hears before it conctemns is refered Io asi
a Jurbpautbnce
b. Due prccess
A dentist who e* pra.dces hEfolErslo-n
d. Co{re ot€$hs
d, seMices rendered
c. ftb c righB
: na r'ost up(hled type ot dema, Iecod tomaE
a lypevurit€n pdDt3 c. video tapes
h compuErpdnts d. voic€ recodlngs
."-9, Repuuic A.i whbh ,eoulale ttlo prac{cr d denral hyghnlits
r-t a" 28 e248
:r. ?9:i d76a/,'
l€nEl recods.ar9 lrponant b€cause:
a, midmko tho deflbt rbk ot llrbJry c legafy adnrted ln .oun
b. hoy arc aacepd as 6viirenc! d. they can Uentily padeots conectu
igrce majour also mearF:
a lhat whhh corprisas natrral calarniEr
b. ar aEt of violeice
c dol God tlt dr cannot be ptwenrod
d. habllity E ,eaist tern anm and cdna
?l Th8 flstdental ht.
a Act 59i' c. Fta 7fa
h RA,!119 4A.r€
Funcrixls ol the Profe6doEl Reguhton ComrSssbn are dio rr\c(c€D!.
. a. Ucensitg d dentd pracfiioneF
L aI orth€s€
c none or ,iese
d. nEhtah prDlbsslond coduci ai dfica
The ptelequldbs lor the practce ol Dendstsy h dl€ Pmlppkre3 are $e,L except
{. a peimnem rEslrenqr h dr6 Philpph€ b. at ban (3) $ree yeds
h aI ol theso
e cenifcate .l' trglBrar.[r |tdn tE Protesdonal R.gulalbn conrnissim
4 none ol th€se
25. Tho {ractrine ol R€spond€d superir lnearE t al ,E dends b labb ,oi drg rB,lgnant ad ot hk
Asslstants ,'
c, Al otth66€
Associate dentst .
d, secrelaty
25. The lolb^/ing fonris pan of a dental rccord ercepc
adenlal chan
rnedical hislory d. consenl tom any procedrre
t 27. PermiB and fee3 ananged prior to opcning up a paaarice are he follo ing ercept
a- ofrichl rec€ip6 regbbred vrirh fte intemal B
rmyors or municinal permits
' EVENUE d barangay cbarance
none ot lh€se
' 28. The scope of pEctice ol dental irygl6nin ale
'a- tle fi. except
$edtrzadon ot ttsdunEnrs
b. pedom suface +pllcatlo, ol nEdliarEnts tor preventon and cootol ol dental caries
' c remove cakihd deposls ad Sairs ,rcm roofi sutaces
d. application of locd anosdr€tias to t|€ palied
}{. 29. The 9.e6te3t advartage o,lndustbl ffiy
a" gDod satary and benefib c. m logkdcs prot erls
b. gain a gbod image ol lha carparry d. no capita*:atbn pobleris
30. Under fl6 prorbions cr llE Revised Penal Code, $r blc^riitg ao crimhaly liable.
a. aI o, lhese c- dodrplce
h pdncipalt
31. Co{eadon o, the tea€ ,or a deceed pedem can b€ rrade t}lDugh:
de a all ot th€e c. |6 lfimed*Ie llEr$er d dr6 tamly
h p€rson $|o rdM he rd9lll { coud p@cdinos
34" The polcy m*lng bodyuidr tha resDo[rbilty ol leglrlalng and gandardtsing dernal educadon:
a. The coundl d oeans ot Dotal colhges
h coundl ol| tlntal Edradon
c The Bo6rd ot Defltsor
d TIte Messhnd Fl€guhtbn Cohmbsbn
33. Under iEamd cordilioB, b oaanirE€s ftay h admtH I tardln€6s does not el(.aed:
a. 10 rlnutB altd no exdnha€ tla3 frkied taliig the e(arl*rnon
h z, nihrrF rEgErdos ui.dar dr riar*ao hai lcn d nd
c 31, r{nutca porrided that no cmntileo ha9 $br|ltted hb papca
4 none ol Sl€se
i(e 34. A denH E#rg goneral dolrds8y ltfured r pdeit io a Fiorbr$a* lol s?ecfrc t eatnenti hovrrev€r ha sald spechlbt
Eatored amaharn ffl$nqs. Wtd shorrad lBro b€an doi€?
a. aI of ihe3e
h rerbr bad( di paM b |r!D.ddu
c. cal up tho lenard daritbt b l*o.ln y,ll'lE dono
d, .C.dlo coGsrto,dl. pdrri.lbcir0h0 f
35. A ph)Fbhn d.otst can Fadlce boat ptofr.do.lt f,
v a lE on, prab- after a, ho prtrasho on a pd€ar
b. non€ olthaaa
e I h6 has paH tur ttb pi/*{B m as r lrrldcd prcdomr
r1.,1'ho na9 feftl b.tlrri'ifreaxgs
a toaEnent at d,E sooDest possiHa dme nedirE tl€ padent at &e gpenss o, other
b. lefedlng lo a spedalst d r.aDpohdqo tl6 patidtt
3?. Thoso nqulrld b us6 go0eric namo arD tlo fl, EXCIEPI:
a, companirs imDIrEd in marufaatudru d drugs govg|nmoitlEalIi ag€ndes
b. dnlg.{or6, out t and ho€dial d none ol d|e36
34. Char4t.rl$c o, a hv .Io ho t
a Ob{gaory c Obe€tved by allto bonEfn a tetl,
b, PDrulgaied by a legldmab authonv d. Rrrlo d clndu.l
39. The fl. a$ $althadolF tor nEm!6r9htp fu. tto Eoard ot Dendstry orcept
a duu registered dEntist of ttle philippinos -
b. not a faculty nember of $a school
c na0nal bom cftiren and reCderrofth6 PhtlFptlEr -(l
d. m pphe Dental AssoclEtlon mer&crslrp fo. 10 )l€ars
.lo, Cd.rEs h,rchftO
nrordl orpinde badlng b revocalion or suspansion o, cerfrcaE a rqietrafion
a. alothese c. pubfi{rulon ol deliuialory rm0e,
h embczzlemert d boery
41, Reard br carEaflalbn ol ar appkants erqrinalion d debanr;Dt;re he blbwing elEpt
a. Coflrunlcatjon by lvords or signs wih fe[ci, o€n*tee dudng exarnindion _
b. Co.nrnunft)adon by ge3hr€B or code !it'h bllov exanfteo dudng eraaminafon
c. tloneof thes6
A AI old|.ss
42. The lindEhl compeisa&n rcceived by the n mbels ot th€ goard o, Oentisty Ei
a Corunissbn c" Reriand
tr Sat y d. Honorariom
43. Xnovfi asha Fhilippine Oental Act ot 1965
a. 1082 c. $91
b. 4419 d.768
,l,t Unaurlodzed paessip{on of prohibid drug may tead to;
a minimum impdsonmed ranging hom 12 years and ooe day
b. fino of tweMe thousand to twenv thousand
s inaximum Imprisonment ot twenty years
d. ail ot these
44. The Boa.d ot Dendstry shall repon dle rafngs ol rhe examimtton wifttn 1m days to the:
a. Comnissionea of Prol6asbnal Reoulation c. Sedetary ot ule Boad of Dentisuy
Commlsslon d. Ciuii Se he commisslon
b. council o[ Deaa ol Oental Colleges
46. Th€ Prolesional Regulaion Commission wEs crealed under .!t. )
a- iloie ol lhes€ . c. PesHenlial Decre€ 123
b. Rtpubllc A.t 1419 d. Pesiden$al Decree 223
47. Reduced proltsconal fee is justilled when:
a lh€latimtbaneighbor c- patlent atllity !o pay
b. ch ry cases d. wt|€n lhere b t!6atmrt lalure
48. En orcad coitdbulion ln flEney exacted pursuad to hw fo( the purpose ol laising govehment Evenues:
d. eminent domain
49. The t are o(empEd fton regist aton er(@t
a- ord s/rgeon lrom oths counties iIUiDed lbf conctlt€lion or dedlonsfadon not ercaeding 30 da)6 -
b. loss with prsious alltlortty graned by $e Eoaad d Oentistry lor a rnaimm or 3 years
c. rDn60l tlesa
d. &ntil dlcsrs b milftdy servho lritdadng son/Eo tor tle amEd hla6 oiy
50. ma fakr 5 Eppy a plopBr deqree ol dllgenae, iudglne|t ski[. and carE io a demd prccedr! h aacordsr@ with
contempo€ry de al prdcrice:
a ahraatice 'e robry
h tlelloenco ' d hnolanco
5r- ReguhDry Dody$*$ b lqgponslble ior th. ac..rdftadm a, denbl school:
a Cootlcilor Oa{ls orDonialco!€ges c. 8o6rd ol Daa{sfy
h Codrlssloi on Hhh€r Hudn A PhfpdrF Ml AE odafon
52_ lllstoxion Eapoaldblo hr lhe coledfun o, a denH pMlegc tax
a iAr**rdtoairel q prolosd(,lal Regdanon of ole Ph pp{nes
b. lr€parinenrorTtade and hdusuy d. Buled, ol m€flEl Rai/enu6
53- Avirdoi., he llglery code b btl!
a" [c*Fpcr annomcemofi *!en lpallhg a ner cblc
b, bou btr r adl,'iidng h hB dephoo. *r.iory
c. d6phy oa sdDd dhLmr ad dphrta. bcrd br asprdaty coutcl /
'd rE o,ddr h drg c.rrsqdt a DO o.OEXI . '
5d Agench! crt*d hdre Fhifppho O.r al Add fS r!d. f,. ex.elt
a Boflrl ot Dcllal Erarilels c. coundba a AdnarcefiEnt ol Denial
h Bodd o, Tru!ffr Pl{llpDind Dental /tsloc$r Rasaordl
d. coind d Dd*al Educanon ,'
b. Brand nalll d. Aad're name
5a Tho educadon ot a stdcnt erding lo lh. council of t ehtal Educa$on b tha primary corcem ol:
a an ol lhese c- mtrE aiJrlarrlum of CHEO
h ho€pltd aid corrnuniry dendsfy d, tlo cogooo ol d€nli$ry
$,. Penhe rEdlcal data Blerar,t t dental pra.tice shoold indud6l
a heart condltlor o. albEi€s aDd rEdi:alion
b. al otth6s6 d, dlabetes
58. Th. ht r$lch comp&os all tl€ l€gal rules dld plnclpb3 alhctng bo Pra.dce ol (,e istI
a PIIC lat/, e Comhbaioner law
h Publlc h36llh ldrr d. Dental judrprudence
50. A pldm'lt h a lan sllt b aleo lalowrl 6 l:
a Comphimnl c. Rcsponde
L w.nn€cs d. @ll\rlct
manaoement doats Mth th€ rchdoD d dentgs with:
a a[ ol lhgse c. lelknvdendet
b. oth6r protessloneb d' Pdhntt
61. Cord$eit tardheaa ot ottlce parsonnal ar fie ao9€ose o, Fedent lsriino b be leared shodd be rcsolved byr
a rsmlndtro trg slat 6leir dde€ ard tesponsibfrnes
h Eminaring dre s€McE ol tha stafl lnIrEdhlely
c. filnO a comphint u/ih tE &parurE ot laboa
([ BDrftrandlng astar, rEn$er
62. rrrhin $e scopa ol RA ,l4rs are fi€ lollolritg d(cept
a Nong d dr€so
L The po'ver of rhe Boad to ,e$ka o. susFerd rhe valirity ol a certifcale ot regbralbn
c Council on Dental Edlcaliqr
d. Lkensu€ €Efiinarion coaldutDd by llF B@rd
il 63. TlDi ofcontraat compfied ilh lo hesalisfadion oa b6$r p6nies:
a Ftepar-aiory c. ComBrsory
b. Pertectbn d- coft$rmrialed
64. Labor cnd6 states har regllat wo*ing hou6 ror defial enPb)/Ees per week:
a 50 hours c- 1m hours
b 36 hours d, 40 hours
conDostlon of the council on Dental Hucaion are lhe ,L excepE
a Coarrnltslonea of Ptol6siooal Regirlalbn Cormblbn
b. Unde6ecretary oI educalixt as challrnan
c Secretary of edrcatlon as chairman
d. cha*mar ot dE copndl on Deais oI oental collogea
65. Pan ot the hr.v rrihl.rr h(€s an oEaniaafon and deErDites d|e cornp€lence oa authorities:
a - AdrY*ristrative c. Conslitlbnal
b. Pdrate d Civil
2 57- The biorino aro ethical corElderalbn fo. deilisl !o disctrss with theit palient EXCEPT:
a, drE hvolved in th€ tEalrrentpaedute c. cod ot the nealir€nt
h fuss of a nelohbor d€nd$ (l rbdc ot payttlent
68. The usual lype ot insulan e related to llEde d orfl(a
a Adcidsrt c Flre ancl SEll
h Lifo d. Al ottheso
') 69. ln cdsea ol emeryendes die dentEt hB Ue
a fnanclal oppoft.rnily b lnqlase incorrte
h legal doty !o Eeat fle p*ir
c opporomlty b aE4iro llar pahnB
d. p,oLecirnd tBpoislHlty p{qdt. c68
g 70. Th€ lbabr ro coFlder ln efiM rg a !rd(4 appolnlne :
a a pademhas oh,En suttlcbrl t i.e forfto dend6f !o uAEo thetime lor amthEt
h iono oltbeso
c hgrmcbnt rEdce [, embh dL d€lt&l D €-.PPdnt
d afl-dft e!o- --
; 7L Tho n6t commn tax pdd bY ,tetldtdst
* ResSeme t ( c. Munftrpal i.r
h Real €6taE l.oa d. haofie tax
}2. Prolecelonal ileco.um h ittDloiol llg dE Codr rclet bl
E ics
w a. c& cal compeEnce
G Cood strdy habiE ard parems
b. al oltle€s d bda,ha and @ndt i h Flb0c
d^. 73. DahEl paoa6€sbnab dtouH putsrE codldlrs ddrd €dcanon b€calse
a llcorie gdErafiig PaE
h hb rrie.ls a good $crd s nE h Ilo coltrrufly
c t b tlo ob&afbn ol e{etyir{|&r
d. aI olh€s. .
I 82. h 6se9 \Nhereh a p€*i€nt corplaiis oa incompeteft se Lt deltusr€d by a dental aDdliary, lhe dont'Ft should:
a EfmlnaE d|e auxilhry
b. ecomm6rd li6 palient to a spec*rlht
c mt chaoe tho Palhnt ,or the selvhas
d. Isaen !o the paiant and do lemedial measues
il necassary
83. Fir$ Philippine dental laNi ,: .; /
a RA 593 c 2205 x
h RA 3580 rrrfiPf 0.An0N d. RA 3538 n
Ons ol $6 disputablo presump$on which lilerally means'the thihg speaks lor ilself
a Res lpsa Loquhor c. Quasi contact
T h Quad del'cts d- llone of the3e
&5. Tlp toflovrinq $ould bs posd in a dentd clinlc h a publc view EXCEPT:
i;. a
Mayods or MunLipal Permit
b.c€rificab of tegbuaron lrxn th6 PRc . /
c i
Prof.sslonal ( lecelpt/
if Colhgo diphrla
86. Thermst popular type of denlal praclice In the Philippines:
i a7- Boad
Pril,Ela denlict y
b. Milltary
c. Publlc heallh
I 88.
h dlolrhese
PrBsidendal decrE6 whicfi enp.ricF
a 216
L6€ of Typodom teeth for clars ll arElgam
I 9-
d. Nona oflhaso
P6Eon wrb mt oh,E a rdu conseit to a co ru a,! tL lblhi{ OGEPf:
a. ir9ai6 or d.|rFlnod FarsoDr t/ ll
i B. The
b. podoab ad p.rsont bolo'v 21y.aE old
e mie ollEsa
b.d hm ol ffil
a rrfilrlt dati
h d.ar€g
rsflb altl
c. tipe rtcordolg
lL tU& covBragB
9( irp@d FIdb rst ira€a
chargEa on pqsqrs ard Fop€Idaa
a Divirard! 'or c.D!5t! {d crednr
a. lefurbadentalspecialbt c, seek the al, ot dental technidan
h dlsmbs lhe pate d. re,br to a ptrysician
96. OerEl practiro EElaganl€m lnvolve*
a Ud0iaion ol eflbcdvg laDd factors arrd maEdals
h AI ot hea6
c, None ol dtese
d. Contol ol PRc a.duires and funadon
97. ln $e prescripdon ot prohibid and lcguhEd *rgs, the lt are requlled, ecept
a- nons ol th6a€
h. pEsaribea should have a,l S.2 fcsns€
c. Alo spechJ DDS presqiplioh from shord be used
d, a rccordhg qFt6m bll.,uring Fnirent DtE teguhiorB mus bo o66ened
s. Covara0e ol pra.dce rlan€gell|e hct dEs the bllning e)(capt
a clhlc eqdprE aM,handng phr€
h dental ecods and ofica stsEm
c. [ving aroendluaa and aloyalces
d mehodi ot conEolhg appohnrBrE
!)9. Republh act 6615 ls also know as lh€:
a. filsl denlil law. c G€nedc d ot ,!t88
b. dar{ero6 dnrg act d. Thid dental hY, '
1m.h caseawherch the patie pEfs in€ness o, pmpGed bc, th€ dentirtstlould:
a gtve fte elc€as teo @ the secreiary as all funceotive
b. ln_rom the padent and reilm he excess fuc , '
d ieep qulx about $6 inddent
d iust use th6 l€e lU charity seMca
3b 5.d
'1 c 2.a
6.a 25- c 63. d a2. d
26. c 45a 64. d a3a
A.a 27b 45, d 65. a 84. a
9.d 2A- d 66. ? a5. c
10 b 29. c 48. b 67. b 86. a
11- c 30- a 49. b 6ac a7c
-t2. b 31 d .50.b 69. d 88. c
13. d 32. b 51. b 70. c 89. t
14. d 33, c 52d 71. d 90. c
'15. c 34. b 53. b 91..d
16. c 35. d 54. b 73. c 92. d
17. b 36. a 55. b 74. d 93. a
'15. a 94. b
1S. b 37. d 56. a
19_ d 38. c s7. b ' 76. c 95d
20. a 39.d 5Ad. Tl. c 96. a
40'a 59. a 78. d 9Za
2.a 41- c 60. a 79- e 98. c
23. c 42d 61. a 80. b 99. c
.d 43. b 62a 81. c 100. b
Dertal Jurbprudence, Ethics and pracdB Manag€meht s6t
ln casr am$ar-demhitag rdsmanag€d tE tearnem ot a padenq
a. rEhm padentno fl.st dendst wnhout (btE any$tig'
ha dendst sh;
A\ do coreco/E teatnent with uhnacsssary cfi?irn
(9,/ 0o @r€cu/E matllent wilhou unnsaslsay sitijgri
d. issue not oa lmpoftanct
,, tull danturB in a Aarienfs mouth, diirliss ha., and totb hsl no
" L:**YX,tr"*1
denture b€longs to:
more appoimmenb a.e needd, rhe
a- tho parenfs uard paient
b.thedentalof,tce d. the dentlst
.3, The blowing tadoa do€s not ln arDMay cofipira ho dentbtt dutb ;iercbe Easonabh calr in providing denbt
a- b t(€€p Ule patient ii,brmed, not !o abandon padem
,.( b aItatlgo lo, patiefl cale dudng perirds of dmporary absencc
L9y to us6 nonstrndad *ugs arld Echnlques
d. b commencs sewicss ln r66onahe irle
The blovring types ot prBcltpdon shau not be fdted
A viohd\re prEscr$don . c etlt reous pescrlpton
bJ non6 oa $ese d. Itnpossiuo Fescri in
S. The p,irnary goal ot profGshnal ir:
a\ sadJac0on
personal c, economb gajn
/bJ i ;;----, *----
o. wr#or'ti f;oring b n,e best ee.rnpre oa ,,esrn**,
con$dered emphc ot neglg:eico? "fiffimo#l#ft*ures courd $eor€rrcary be
a- lladule ol endo(bnticalt trDated loodl drdng cfiEnlatbn o, a ooH castihd
o. e&osure ol conral puh dwhg a louine op€aati/e pocsdure
(9 root tip6 bn blbt'ving routine srrgicai pIoc;durc
!. Iracturc oI the mandibte as a result ol e)draci@
7. An applicanl vetro Ls dscovered to be HtV msitive rna), suli be issued a certjficab
of registration ly the Board o,
(a) False
Y prwdeO ne S abo ot sound mtnd
c, ll he can prwe lhat this dlsease is not communbable
. d. Ony tor one year, ti€n he can be tosred aoain
:8. An e{ressed tee E:
(a-J A sate too is agrced upon by both parte5 eiher
" c
A verbai agreement
ln tinidng or oIalr'
Not discussed by he panies
A witteo agleeEEnt
c'- 9. This twE ., .rhlidatldh ia ur'i.h h, binding.torE€ to taw and wiich gives b Ue obtlge or cEditor lhe nghr o,
:3: Y9]P199ls^,r,f-ylic]l.|as,a
ii against th6 obllgor or debbr ln a cosi of juni:ei
- 6)rur
Obligatiorls albi.lg tron coolrarts d. Obllgial6ns arisinq from hw
10. wllich,or rhe to or/ing b atlqqrt essentat ro an Ji;fu;iinf i
I cari$? "m""t "-p.g.",
rrnenty_yar of palie widl no hisrory
AlscIF aenAf cudes and perbdonEt db€ase
H6ndt the ndLnr.
danrffv tha pdenfs biEt
le\d irr
6f comtnunbalon
iuftn panent
'/ 1a. A d€rxi{ sholld not ddcqte to a dentd allxllrry $o p€rbrmance of a 5eryic6 equfuing hls p€rsonal cor?etenca 6 a
pmlbsslo(ial focauso.
a. non€ ol th€se @
n!6 dendst rust protsct dt6 haatth ol hb
b. tho demal auxlllary rrs], derr€rrp a ab. pdents
head d:
he nEr/ not b€ paH ny lhe palier*
;./ 19. l,l4thh of lrE f. drcumsiances ltil phEr tfie dediat h a s'tualim that mat, be llg $rcalenitg to thc padent and
da{qequs b a d€olist ,rom a legd Uq{poitn
yA, aI ofth6s6
h admihHralion o,local arl.!$cdcti$ hioh coDcsntado s ol $e vecollsilots
c' hlura btar(o a prcp.r n€dcd hbtoty
d, tailuE to use a rubbd darn.furhg endodontc prccedures ln ho pcterhr portbrE ot the rrro{h
f,20. A padem go€s to your olrlca in parl aid t
u *now dlat eiher root aanal ti€raB, or exllaclon b needed. you knove
hd hg palisnt do€s not have rudt iidrct. You $ourd
a. leftr th6 palirrt to amtha &rdst f $c decirss
oll the dbe.ron
E\ menlkn €,(lracijon as a possiLliv br! F€ssua to halre tho mol cand rrDcs(tuE dme
presem aElevafl hlonnarion i'r a$rayafiewi[ undersand and atrdr ]E to d|oce irey
d. EI tfie parients she rEeds d)a mot canal pmcedure and do t
p2t. Wlat adion can be iudiial couns late wi$ rcgards to tls decisioB ol dle Eoard ot E(aniiers?
a revierv 6nd pass judgmen Arer/i* ilcas€ i rolv€s mon€y
b. reverse without rcvie,i, il.frone of [lese
22.ln adminiirarive proc€dure beloto he DenEl of Exrninets ,or he revocalion o, a dedisfs crnfficaE ol rcgbtratioq lis
convblion rcquiDs prclof teyond rEasonabb doulh
a depends on th6 nalure ol ce
b. hbo, prcd need not b€yord r@oabl6 {roubt
rN m,e
Y 1ats., adn*'rsaa$\,! rnd crirlhal Pr@€dngs both do not need pool bq/orn ,een6t e doubt
J ?3. A denl,st l€nd hls jeep to a tded h.
iU tlld fte trbnd intends !o uss i h cormiutng a crime. The dentbt is
a. VeEdnariE , hySleni*
b. dedst d. nEdcal doclor
rr 25. T}le branch ot law wlrdr prescribes lhe r|earts !o be empb),ed, fo erloEea rEhi ot a person or b aedness awoig
-6 hrllcbd m a oelsDn l*
rent oi"t c- con5tluoo.|al
P civil d. commercial
0 26. pallolr
'Did dlc d€r€ndafl h doinC ths aleo€d r*glgartr acI ure dla oasonabb cal! a l cailoll wfii.,i an ordhary prudc.a
Y{oo! h6r! ug.d h i|! saltt .ldoi?
.1 moaldanago c. s€riotls ptrysicd irurie:
0,) neglioarco d. Echnlcal aasaul
. 27. \,Vh*6 ft6 m€a by Ule legd erplladd! Hnbd ssauF?
a. b he procass ol fod[g a pdad rdl{ a co4l€x d!.fcal amdlE tarfirm
A I b ar Esari upon a pde h ar? bn odtor t dr ph],sLd eO vlrtd or allodooal
G/ I b lho a.i oI tddrhg . pdsqt $,Xlo"f, hb cons.it
it I d€scrib8 undue fairrlaor GiuE dbcnnhd
4 28, lr vi'hblr ol dlo fl- stuadon b a deod, leg.lu lound to pwils €[Erleicy manrEnt b . p€Ison rho b phtscabr
un&h b caro foa hlrlsd?
a ary persoar ha,/ing llr6dicd edrrlgrcy
h any porsqr undar rCe o, 18 *! b ha,ilg a nrrlcd an€I!€iry
R\ .tdllt palefi wlto b hafre Elcd amqdEy
[iy 6 pd'lt ol Ecord b*ro m.Eh n! d..id o ce d ho thE b 6pbod6
(,/29. T s-drry b not dong ty tu dr.d l fn6t
a ntevo calffi da@E @el' ad $ah foltt e!+Ged$dhaa a,dtabodt
A porbm srh.e apphdol| dmGdca.oar .n ,Epafin*s beol
E) n€daricaly co.Eru.r d dJliorc. frdde dr rE{dr
dsblltrzod dant l ltsturr
A$. TIF pr6ont3 du0e. h tle deidlt-pffi.o ri.Ord 6anin*ipareaotu,
G) he should kesp sihnt wien he does not undeFhnd he dendsr flsuunion
b. he should trrom hb doodsr r{hal ocqrc drdns t s tr;ffii "- ---'
c. h6 musr gi/o ah lroiesr arrd o,co,,Dhe heot;irEir;;; '-...
be afi"i!d;;i[ii,:j"'pit",,
<, 0," Ae,fu km!;ff m;b
a. at apivihg€d clrnhunlcadonI
a. b prove prior reteases A tob be
ft) ddErged
. sr. r,lr'i"trqti#i';i;;il[H"L.* tie r.red Lidre padents rccords
6)'a;nrns-ciiii""ii,i#tffi ,,HY,{EBTHIHg;rffi m5,#*soll-,m,,,*,
. areatrEnt
does not imply any ouarancc
dendst ls bgally liable ,or reau[ onty I a tee-ig dlarled
and colledEd ltom his pEtbsslom, se ice
I . l9TFll-" r"quired ro suaranbo sarisra.ro,y zu;i; ;il;i;i.-.., "-
**-t#ffi ,,s.ffi"E*Hf
4r. _ (t.
_- rhe use presi.lent ot he philipptne Lrental
of gedk€d hst ument r€ndsG a derdsl ^6s;hdon
lbble tor malpracdce if tlE pall€Irt
a" objirds b nte l,se of obsolete hstur|enB
e) b hjurEd c
a rrslfi of thE use o, ha fE0um€nt
c. E not :tircd hI ndir€ 60 unscrH hstunen$
d nono o,$rs
,-- 42. lht€ndonal, deh.ming someone ora&r b knon ali
a- bt fasbnder
b. balDw 'a t-drd
oa wtf1rffiT.'s.eonteo c
.C/ *-bq-bld .,
a raguuret an4e
_ I
,c r.rEscEjtne
D, none of tr6e
,r- ,l,L An otter D sedelua oa cdrrt been consirercd by * -* IJS*-o*
D, lladntslorrrgu
criErhbadef,aut c. sler€ised contraGt
A ar anrisSon otgun
,i' 45, f a crlnld ca.b rxrdrEt a dohdlr tn otvr3 t latr n.G ar n tfre a?mle,*v, cas. fl.d D€tb|E the Boerd o,
Ir€natfiy, ulc te. c... rvlt b. susp$td.d so $d o.r! uf u '*
a dspe rr otl tlt€ dunErai"e Cirr.'' '--'- o"ril-ffii.I-
h d.perd. an dE p€rsondftie. iat;
4 46. I a paJ.nt rdi,3aa b hav6 , x{E aslrddx^lt,s
a. kcep a ltcoan ot dle ,eltEd lbf ooc yE
k E3p rwf qol tho
Lop sa ltoonl uE rsrrEd * rsall
tor s
rElllsd rrf u Uanr
teirr hyEt!
A nor n* dt .llry d sucfi hdOn1cdE h ib,lcord
rnatc dl.l[y h tis lrcofll d 0lo pdr|r. n$Eat atld lBEjn t E Isconb br *
V tedi 6 tDars
. .. |:
a' 47. The r. agenci€s $lBrs ode.ed by $e PMpfino Dentd Ad d 1965, ar anE rd€d, EXCEPT|
a- Counc forAdvanceEEntoaDentalResarch .
!. Boad of OenUsEy
CoulEil d Dental Leglshdon
Y. Coumil o, DenEl Elrcadoi
a 4& A poofy tarted donEl audlary hire! a padonr ltritr pedbnDho i p.oc€durs o, hi n Who b llabto?
a. do raining insduJta /a)dendst
b- ds.{bt aod aDdllary V. audlhly
1t9. Dellnd as ah ord€rorgo\rem[Entodcl hari acoun o. alogblatrBwhlch aneddle righE ot prhrate pdtbs through
/ adiEkiadofl or rule-mallno:
\6-J admlnbradw c, go\remBront cdnmbgton
!a !, fie PEBkbnfd.F bdicdoo
ofice afiachcd
50, Th. ro,lotylng trEasurcs r4-d be lssd by &iti$ EXCEPr:
a- druoLg wh@ conrdsE lomuh alr noa yrt ayajhble to dendlt
G? norE oa $€se
oclusiye mahod ol pasdca
pats ted dovhe ot sqrpiDnt
/ASl. A dendsn lalb E delivor an artificinl deitrD to a patisnt, calsk g him soclrl huDillarirr and mentd angubh. The
br may b6 (l|ary€ wlh:
motal danage c. a.rual darnage
noninal dafiaoe d, e).en$ary and ter$erale dalnage
52. The ehriem dte a'ai m.&racrhe dr s follorE E)(CEPT:
srEn though the .hntl5t pefofirod hk drty, the padent srstahed iniudcs
b, dedist nas dultr E hb Dadem
9.. dl6 dendds neglgerEo b tE prodmaE ca|rse of iniu.hs susrair€d tsy thc p6[enf
(dl as a consequencd ol Hr f6nur' D perldrn $cfi dury, palied $ctail€d $ldi iniules
, 53. The Es| deterrining neglg€nce in a rtabrdho suh is:
' a. can the hjury be repared by nan[a drd doca I impak drc appeararrce o, $e padent
did Uls padent slop vro*ing hr rE e r|an 90 drys due to $e ptlrsi=l hFriar sustained.
(c, ) Woub he present denlbt t esee harm ro rhe palient as a reasombl€ co&sequence o, the planned ueatrtent
-d, and would he have taken olher lneasures
dil lhe palienl bse lhe use o, speeci or lhe power !o hear as a consequence ol the injuries sustained
54. TIE pressdrer of prchibied and ragdaEd rr€6 musl have ar
a. 92 dd tl-2 llce|ls€s
(L-\ s2 d. H-2lb6nse
55. TlEloilemnEnt reg'iates dle pradi:e o, de islry thrDugh hs police poua. Police po/ve, neans:
A adiro of $o police on ciizErE &ing wrong
(!,/ ule stab cin hrerrere r,.{h noflrd p€.sond and pEperty dghts h tE Flblic hErcsl
. c. . porrer grantrd and o(el#d by ddiltbEady€ agencios ol dle gdvemmenl
nom o, these
',/ 56. The adixr ot tho Board ol Denlistry in r€rddlg a cerlTEal€ ot regbtration ola derris can b€ appealed b:
senate PresidaBt
b. crraiman ol t!€ Philhplnes R€go$n cornml$bn
PrBsident ot $e Philippil€s O6htd Association
Pesident of $e Phrippihes
i.,57. OD*{DIL! may be erdngddred by nle f, rElhods E)(C€PT:
\a",) absence of muud asset c. norratbn
sdmalion of thg debt d. conpen3atrr
a, 58, A demii firy &legate b a funEl auxa-y tle pertonnarEo of an operaddl r*lctl Bquhes hb pebonal cornpeEnao
aa a pofesdond
a f ho aurdlary b a dontrl s rdrna*to b $lEhng ror th6 ou@ll5 ol d! bodd eraminadon
q unhs3 oe.€ssv drtuized brh
((c) norE d lh.se
(r ,0E anaifiary has m y ears o, aeerbEe
59, Thb gpe d obloadon orle wihi cdfrct b. snh.cad by aAloo but $!f$ b bh.{ng on th6 parv wilo md(e i in
cois.ianca and acaoadlry o $a neral *
a" oitsadoig alblE from con@
a- standrrd c. verBddliy
ft) ntobllty d. untonnty
97, Oands(H€lhr an urban Dadca hr dre IL rsasor E(CEPT:
a. sDocifBt b whom oia cdt n&t ara avaisble
b. t|er! are irDrE ootenri o€ri'sn
@ livla eryense rire tr6tra
if rained empjo!'ee3 ar€ 66slea D fhd
i 96. Thb b nol a sourE! ol Ddierli dErlaE
fd,"*€-"t.d r;r.rt c orherdedbt
" Y' pnyslchn d. rshrii/€s
B 99. n|6 ligh lnihl cct o, d.ntd equFl:ert$ould .t4ays b€ $e p*rE
conrucradoi wllen buyhg €qlipm€nt
A &Den(b on a cas. to c.3a B
6,/ e
ldenlh need nol lnlodn
Tltq,Qndst 4
his Dad$rle
lnfullh t'is padsrn
d. daperde d tler alE8able tun(b
fL/) p.ooable ,ees o, odEr d.nH h iE area
b. reasons for he teann6ltt and 6ecd€d results
c. dme need€d ,or the taatmert
d. asummary ol he palien!'tealrp needs
,raY 1995
6.c 11. d 16. b 21. d
2c 7.a 12a 17, c 2.c
3c 8.a 13. c 18. c 23_ b
9c 19. a 2+c
5b 15. c 20. c 25. a
J",tt t"lturs + y"- Yl t-t\acs'
.b 41. b 56. d 71. 8Aa
42. c 57- a .a7 d
2ed 43.' ', 58. a 73. 8&d
B- c. 44. a 5.9. . 74- 49. c
30. a 15. d 60 75. i 90. c
31. d 46_ d 61. 76. a 91. a
9a 47. c .62 Tt. b
a3- a 48.. 63. 78. a
49- a 64. 79. d 94. d
3s. d 50. !. 65 80.d 95..d
36. a 51. a 6A 81. o 96. b
5a i, . 67. 8ab 97. c
3A. b :r?. c 6E 83- b 9&a
39. c 54. b 69. 84. a 9S. b
49. c b 70.' 85. a 'too a
Deaial Jurbprudencq Ethlcs and Prdtice ManagerEnt Set /,
l- A dend$ me$od ol $Btiflzing hsmment rnufuo h aacord r!/ffi 0le prdi:e aDDruE bv dlo:
a sp€ckl[q3 (
Leading dental Coffunlty$a€
Corr!runfiy nhsr€
$rhsr€ ho
h6 ts pra#ng
h Board ry e|G ni lers d. Ptif,ppln
Pli[DokE OontalA6sochlon
o€ntal Arsoc
2 A dentki wtE corflnits malpradn:e on a chlrlry paldit is
a not l€galy labia ^
te,bgatv thHe
h magnaninous d. under no obilgadbr
3. h lavir, an acceptaua defer$ against rralptacJcs i*
A good hih and hlqh ed cs
0i) reasonabh sIiI and caaa
f skill and cd! ol ha hlohest ode,
d.ltle padorleds repllHirn and eduetior
L The Fdbinanae o[ son€thhg whbh a prudent ,nrn rouu noi do, or ha oilissioi to rro sorrEthlhg whidr rcasonabh
t\ Neg[Oence d. deceit
c $rhls igoolance
A pe)*r lytlo corEentabr m pdnchles and rutes h gEneral a5 dFf, arply b types ot dasses ol a.tion b:
l 1 a ruloudh8dar'.
b. acr ufllelian
ll trD
a hb dyr aats
f) att ot Urese
c- ad dsonblogist
(l.n e dgooblogEn
de btg p.acd6 as panneis, 6a.h panner b fabb br:
c. tho acB ol their statt
d. rls @ o, hb pafiet
To ldifu dvis€ the pdent wtren an actldent has ocsrned:
a, is pdor rel66so ary, co[sli!.lie a ria&aaatba act
D. does nol cotisdt D a nBlpractlce act
G) nEy be a l'lalrr&rice acq cven ll tho accident ilsetf was not caused by negtigence
d is proximaE caus6 and prior release
ln conskiering the liability ot a dentbi lor a techniial assault $dlich ol he foltowing b most reterrant?
a the padenl ben€lited lrom the tealmefll
h lhe oearrpnt perlormed was exploratory
q lhere was no chama lor he servbd
@) ure purfm uo noicnsented to [16 ueatnEnt
The find d€cbirh r,leltpr !o e)cact tooth or not rcd witrr:
a denfEt 6)afient
h an otthese d. clhbalflanagemeni
10. The qDst lmporbot quesdon in a malpracth€ suit is whether the dentlst
rr) exercis€ddtDcars c- had ad/ance training
'tr asslstant
has an d. was expe.ienced
11 Pro{mate caused b dallned as:
a the statuo o, fimitalbns
O ons whi.fi b nau.al s€quenc€. undisoftett b, ary ldep€rdent 6use prodlEtrlg rhe result comphin€d
one which is nol natu.al s€quence, helping e plortuc€ the resutr comptined ol -
I cl, an attilrde b'irards tellow dendst practtcin0 in ute same tocatity
Cohrnon la\r, is all d lhe followlng. o(cept
a o.rsrorrs
based on
b. staEloryr
r_4. )*n
b@d on prwious coun decbim
I ,3 Edna ageed to halE ifo lrrpacbd lholaB s.tracted utder Oeneral ane$hesh- I}rdng [|e srrgery, Bre de ist nobd
tlar one of h€rsocand mdd abo eeded €rfiaanoar Ha rrls abo 6&aated tE s6@nd rnob e siatro her ths
irEaltrenlglca d ddraf sessbn. Ihe den*il couH !a galfry a, char!€s ot -
6, tEchDlcaj assall c. grfls r*conduct
,a) e6dr odrr qraltes, rern€did
d. negtigence
t4 Aslffilom h!x:
q deab yi'i6 me Dolical sbdlrrbhn ol the strla
l!.) lndkaEs b me hdrvuua, tlia rarnedl€s tb. the vbtedoi o, hb dot{s
d) mro
\d ohbal c. morab
chriicalion d. valuo chrtfcalion
19. It a ddfirt fn& 6/donca ol pao\,lous hdryt!6tmo'|i by atother dontst, he shotdd
a. Btuse I) hare qnyhhg b do uidi U. patiqii
h lg'er b he padem bada to tto Pwbus &nds
A dl tlo pdont ahoul dr6 lullty ue
[d) insitut dr6 cofl€ai t€anlenl
fr. ru *:nu"li"ri"iir"pon o t e +propi"r" a,uro.ny a Fofessloml society instances ot groer and conthu6l fautty
rearrfte tyorler dendsE Thls b aD axampb ot
a ex'osrti.sdmotv
(h) oni,cesdonal conslhdon
c. polb€sional jealouq,
d- judnai,o crilicisrn
Z- Thel6s;t $e bl*lng E€(h consdhlB perman€ dlCiguBnEnt or defomiqr
l!f) one cuspld and tr,Yo blcuspH or lbur lront Eeth
Y rt/Yo ro teefi or tE bklspld
c. ono dls0t at|d bicugpll, otthree |to teet l
d one dr3!H ard t{Io blcuspld or tr4o lrDtt Eolh
L ll a Dgtient lniult,d b€cdse ol6a neghptice ol one or i,ro pattneE:
h) botl odu€rs arellable
Y evenionepartl€Iinclrotng the arnp{oye€ ol ttte panneEhiP ls llable
c. o.lv'the who causs rha tltsry h lhHe
& neither oanner B llaue
a. when aIe lees lda deiial ssNiccs due drd col..&b?
a upon agleelrEnt b€lw€€o the patk]nt a,ld dl6 sistanl
b. a Yreek-&a [le u'ork has beGn comPhted
s- d thc sart of rhe danta, Focedutc
@) aner urowo* nas oeen conPnaa
An lMlied le€ b:
a. not aw'bal agrc€rnont
b, awdtten 4re€rnent
Sl .rii r}ars-a"ortseo by ule Darties entefug hlo an aoreemefi but b infened as Pan ot $e conttact
7 tut"o L" t ut i. upon of botr parlies in wjting oralt
Th" b.dy-"rd;;;p"*irdgmint
" "gr;ed on ttre cdnpelence ol ali peGons who want io practica dentistry aswellas
hoce-alleady in acoral Eacdce, ls h€:
tA) Paolessional Rogddon commiseion d courrd br the AdvancenEnt ol Denlal
tr Board ot Dantisw
c @uncil oo Dental Educaion o tot. 6t,s''
n iariiiiiriiio.i.in"rs stt"tt ,.tt* certlicaE of regHration for certah t'G?Plwlreh:
" a tho Delsolt b i[ fuom a co0taoir,s disease
m) no# ol h€se
\E/ ,h. nc6on is duiltv of immotal or dishonoraHe condrrct
a t" ieaon trai l*n convlccd ot a crinind olteise iivoMng molel url9ad'a deilbt has aboot a Padent
27- m" rur" oi p;,ribg.d ;tnnrnixrbo applies ony to dre,olb,,ing iype ot iDformali'l
a reponafte cotqiour ol co{t tunlcabb.ltlDc
W DrBcripdrr dven by [le dedbt
c. lnionnation rclaling @ crimlnal case
( commubad& nrade lot unhrtl Frrpo6e3
n. The sll|'ple br€oldng of ne€dla is:
a, n6rer aridnce oI negiigene q a nEhradice act
L an eDDrolEd r,redce (@gemraly. noi negfgcrlco
8. mb bo y a;;hilEei ; aelenriDa, F!3 rnq o.-nodfy $. bTtott o, $dG b' tlc DGd'ntal and nguhr d€dal
6 councl ol thnbl Educadon
r cound hr Oe nOvancemeit ot Dental Rssedctt
c rtlbphe co0eg. ol oral ad rra(Iol*l $t!5oils
d. Bo6rd ol Oanial E(amtle {
30. A DadBb|d lllan b GcoonEed by tE h{ D bc
' noa rrsoorEilrl€ for aiv rDb.& d
I not enfoo'd ro compeisaion ft'r l€sgdlarlbPb_la,el sewhe ha retde's
@ enmea o a reasoria* coltTsrE&n toi sqvhea he terd6rs
a nd xabb b{ dl€ P.oferv d hb @llt sd$ lho dents( Dr. R6,B' Dr' R.:/€. knqws dlat dl6 paden should
i'" il-
31, A D€rieit i6 *G ftilod
riirJ to keep hb &odortF
6 i.Lo-hb QoirtrF
Drimdv' dn furd rraftgt,c\nD
Eo["dy 6nD'rixi$! h. lnny Ifi
louCD h. Wtd Jlo{5 a}. ftyes lro?
do lt hlrEe[.
i $e pdeni h w'utlg
b. il th€ asslsla teslifi€s $aI the lndrument wele ungerlized
G) , tle patio in ured as a rEsrh ot th€ unsteilzed hsrursr
Z pati€nt
il the contribuE b h. nagng8noa
3/f. hffinalry detar$g sonEon€ lll wrl{ru aae appdrbd trom armng ca.dirat8 Ecommendod bl,:
a had c.6lBrul
16:) liahle 4 slarde.
3e lhalfoltfidls ol ha Eoard oI Dental E(amlner aro appol ed tlonr dnoh0 candHa!6 rccommended b/r
a rqorlty ol d.nhl graduadng sldert
h firms erqagod h Sle ss ng or marufdctra o, d.mal supplled
q miority ol dcntal sdr@l dea.ts
GD dle PoA or arry o$er bone fde danDal associatbn
36. A dend$ mat' €thlcaliy
a issuo prac{ce afiEuncorFnt catd to tomFr patients
L chlm publi.,'ty drEi hb alrRiB and slt are hlghet u|an t lo$ ot dtea de,lf|sd
6J daim he su63 e)dush,9 mehods xril.,l he rBquirad tfuo{gh seFjal sdjdy
4 obhin pddl! ffd coFyrbhti
37. A confact does not mean $e bls*ingi
!. is a mcsdig oa he dnd8 qQreaE6 oblgdbn
li. may €d or o.pr6sed
b€ lnp (d.> ouldd. h6 confilerco o, m€n
38. und€r R"a";r}19, ;de bt b aafhed as omyrho5dlhr abo, saky, comp€nsadon o. ariy toarn of rev,ard dall, do
dry d &e iollou,lng, e)G€Dt
a- corea( rtalposidor ol lt|o ta€0r
{6.) prescribe UrugF and medlche br ttE iaws and neck
\a pedo any opelatim or pan of an operati,Il upon the irs6 and neck
4 pedom all!, op€ratim orpart ol an opeEdon upon tlg human ,roudl
3). It a petibnt lailed ro pay h'B bo lor delltai t eaiieni, hb is n
a comrmn kh, tact c. coitnhlory negligence
@ bleaci ol confact d. lon
zlo. The-qQ rommenl agenc, whlch ls audloriz€d to imrlos€ addnkiraive 3anclbhs orer vblatots ot tle qenetics lau, is:
rd Deparunent c,f Health c. ProressDnal Regulaton Commission
b. Board ol Medihl Examhers d. Depanmenl of Justice
ln order of a contract to b€ legaiy tinding, itl
a- rrust b€ b€t$reen lyvo adult pardes
(E) must legally conrpetent panbs
le letveen trw
E ch d and an adult painer
anay be between a
dcarnot b€ impled only
42. Oenbl praclrce acts regubr he denbts relatbnship widl [}e:
@) o*...rrnt c. Padixrt
E 8lR (Bureau ot lntemal Revenue)
d. P(olessional assochton
43. Alter how mahy years trom ih6 da|e of revocalionEf denrig peolion lhd hir cenificate be Ebsued?
a Ten GJlire
b- Tur"tue d. ttuoe
44. A nothe b the respondeit lhai an adlon has b6en conuEnced agalEt him, requidng hin to anster within a speclfic
dme,aQd in,orming o, fte date and drle ol lhe invegbaliln is called:
@,1 sursnolrs q sl$poona ducas Ecum
b. writ d. subpoena
,t5. A ptrysickrn of adc ist ls r66ponsibh for tho neg&em ad ol hb or her6sistafi
a at 6ll dnles
h r,rtlon lha EsJffi
acts or hb oqm lni&dw
q oiunl|en dryhi, ortr 3p€dlc hrnu.dons
(i[) in th. gonerd courss o, srrdoynent
46. lila&Ep{ca b anyd s,ilch may oa may nol lssut h sonE irjuy b rE pat €rll Thb act do6a not im/gh!
6) sldlltuhes€ e nogliosme
b, iloranca d. moEl lrpihde
47. Anythg dona !o peasm wlthou hb colrs€it t
a co.itdbutory n€0ligE||co ^
h a plohs€i{nEi dgrt i[ a skil a.ldludgnEm
/8. ln th€ caac a, er.neroency ,16 dentst
e. has a moral dltry b reat arory vitlm as a p6dent
tO) ha! no lo0El duy E rad e!,sry p€rson a pdinr I
E hca a duv b bsd 6,ery uadm aa a paflaart
(l' shpuld not Lt.rltody kr6v tftot h6 b a dondg
ilo. l,vno ryrorlo. fic b$alE oarc.flificedtrgBdn..affi b an 6pplcaro
a Col'rrr<rbnci d dr PRC
h PresldGrB d lho Ph&pl!€s
A sedffy ol Efuadoq qftm, rd $orE aid tha PRc Cornn*s*rlEr
{d./ Pr6id6nt ol tlo Ptihpfl€ .rd $. FRc co.rlrasddE
sal|E olbnse k
b 50. Ihe ptdpb dlar !ir!.. a casi once trle4 canc b. r€irlil lb
a rBg€daa G' r.3 'l.
a he is clearsd ot the adr{nigfative or criminal 9ases
-[ he ls granEd absoluE P€ldon
{iJ h€ E debatrrd dudns tral tme perlod
X it I" Onaly aetemitt"a ha[ ho polse€s€ al de6iEbh qralificalbns
o, fiao merte€ $ho n€€d to bo duy reglstered dsnrbt
52 The B;ad ol Denial E €mlnets tt cofiiosed
a. true. rsgardbsg ol Eason
h uu6. a3-lom as th€v aa6 hold in hhh s6i.em by tlelr col€agues
g ialri, my ieeo noi le regisl€lld ony du.hg their term wi$ dlo board
(d) lals.
s:. rm\6 trir airecay resuhs h an injury aM wiholt tti&hh $e lnFry !'rould not haE o"lred b kiown in lafl as"
a. reapondent supodoa q ,Ea gestat
' b, stare decEls @mxlmate causo
5,t. tJoral roasonlng is characEdzed hi e bahavbf and at ldes
' a leellnls
h mords d. cognlbr€
55. TIbJEslh whon peraonaly heE valu€s ale not conoruant txlth fl@ held by Ul6
p.ofes9lon or pesrs:
(O vaioes agsonance c, value judonBnt
L brnrlnal values d. a hblarciY ol valu€s
58. Thb is not lnctudd among clainls aoainst de b9,-
a enor or mbtake lin ueetnenl (lrres lpaa loquhllr
b, ne0lloEnc6 d. alEoed assault
5/. A ddltist s*iu-ld b€ loowl€dgealrb aboutixEprudence be6usc:
a ltfil enabla hlm torrork
lrinimEe legEl probbms
b. h vil guHe ln hl6
c. he ha; hE ou'l .esponsiulides as a Fole&donal
6'ar a dles€
a does not n€€d b rcsun h harm b h€ palieait
b. is en admbslon aqalnst ul€ interes ol the parient
harni b dl6
@ Is faufy practce tiat re$frininnalure ad involt'€s neglig€tlce in dental redmenl
d. is contribut\Dry neglloenc€ pdnciple6, the ctrme irNolves:
Ss. wlr", U,.-of'o*. co;riEa-'s contrary ro iulice' hon€sty' good morals or
a civiloiense c. cdminal olfense
,6t) nbrd lulDitude d. recldess irprudence
eo envxnG, go.rd
or gri may be Bmo\r€ {or rh€ follovving reasonq
ot Dentat Exarina*, inctqding 116 chairnan
all|oq others
ld) all ol fiGse
Y co.rrr*ssion ortolehdon d ineolrbrilies h re tesis
e u ot€sgionel or dishonohble cd|d|ci
d in;mpetency or continued negH ol duty
61. h case wlf,re the d€n[sf doubts his dn capattlly' ]E
a shoul.l a9( a sDecjatnr wilatb do d pedoanEd the work hlrEel
b, s*rould r€ler 0i pado io equ*y dolfili dends(
c may sltl do th€ ne€ded denEl t eahe$t
6 sholH .eler $e patieit lo soiEorE uao b ,IE E csnpelert
0loss who have eaned t thb is an o(arnple ol
wrr;yr*iir-rcil" s:irl, and t€almer|t Is aDceled ont E
dbtdbuliva iusthe"t6
a erron c contdhxhg
If,, 4 €guty
aB. ll ;d; thc coursa ol e denEl tsarrE r. tD &nt'rtc
' -; .et! b€ heH crinhAu lhble I tE paJe ir{ls ard diliUonal cG d Psm oI mot€
b rccusntarv hiuted dwltE
b. canb6held litbb dto paisr has beeo incspad'taEd lbr hboahr nhedays or nlole
ri\ cannd ne helil (,tnhallv lhbb
Y *;; ii ii.td ",i,*t"ri iials mh.s t e Paren rr
b€corBs detom'd d'a b [te acddefi
u. sh; olR; in {lony ara reqr**i dsInist, Dr. Juan b odrdd. painM Eodl (aM exlredon is
deadv ";;;A;tai
a. D. Juar os66 Sharon a l60d dry
L ril-p..i.s;bd a,rty oa Dr: &dl-@hs s soon I sharcn ehteB that lEce@n area ot tle dental "ffce
a E- .lrar b nd collEelod lo rllder rry seNlce
(A Dr. Juan niE{ Bnder ole dand 3e bo &lred by sha,on
66. a d;iba nlav boa}y dscoa hrE uea[tEllt
pefi D aEdrr qldld F..ldoner
O by ltffiti d.gl-rro
b. by rEftllhg to ltl.tter dppdttBl
c. udcr m chdmstdlc.a
d byr*r fto diy tmie,coleatd brita bedtEot
6a The ld mdarstad dl 6,oarl b h:
.rvde al aDachld
6c 0116 trai peorla
drv rtEincal oa dar*d
*f h tornhg an oPhlm abor a specfr' steFd
tl !o lnaE ., ilrtdhrr,
t,t rfi.'n;r|r+! ttlxi htn
r tl
I lol .'
a. theori9t
L ulilhartar
c deoltdo0in
d legalH
58. Al .Iaopt tt{r l6.ior nust ocqrr in a casa negligence:
a dlo duty Ir br€a.rEd
\ 0Er€
b h}lry b rho pale
oEr. E a duy d by th. d€nfst to $. pa!.nt
d apro€du@ B omlrt6d 'ed
59. A ddisiwho lndlcabs ln ! p.lrl|lned ign ouEHo an udnish€d buildinO th he hbndr b ltlocala hls practica in i|a
T butdng bl
,. enlEged h ethl.al corduat
70. ftb Eato, do€s not corDd-ra pit ol lhe dcndst dltry to exercbe Easonabb tarE h po\ridiho dental soavice*
6, to ab don tho paticnt who do€3 nat lolov, insEucrbns about tooth carB
L lo sian seNlcoa wit n l€&rombb dm6
c. b
us€ standard dn gg EEbdab, dld lachniqu€s
d b
keep tle pdis
inlt mEd
71. TIlo best and mo6t honorabla viray byr,*rLh adendsl may makc hb pnctir houn and a&ance hb eputatbn is
T q
elipbylng an ageit c. aA/ordsF€ h ns$Epapors
GJ sadstying hb padents d. cap€a y ol tle pa{et b pay
'72- A d€odslwlro plans b dandardiaed hb tEea shouu comtder ftb lactor hst
( hb own bl/al of skill c nalre of c€se and matedah invofu€d
U arajlab0lty ot oher e)eeris inubdDa .d, capaityol tle pathnt !o pry
73. Thb b not a source of denE, lurlspiudence h the Phlllpdnes
a odnlons of the Sscrctary ot Justico on cases lelded !o denlblry
Ih) nbne o, lese
X tr" Per/t"ao Pr:tas ot coun
d. fie naltonalintemal levenue code
74. The de lsl does not need to give this intomadon !o $€ patieoL
a. r@sons tor the trea[neni and expedd resulls
I tme/s ne€drd br the treament
G) probabh fees of oher d€ntists in the area
d a summaty of he padents treal,l*nt ne€ds
T Adrhlsation lnvoves:
a. allol these
\ esrablt*lng major po{das
I 7,
deErmlnlng and delining objecdv€s and policbs, esiaHlshing ihe basic goals of lhe clinic
lmplemendng the overall program
76. Thb flock ist is not cansideEd essential or helpful in th€ management ol a dedal practice:
E) none ol these
i" banker
c. accouotanl
d. insurance agent
a acadanb appoinhrent Glob pa;tice
h. pannership -if sp.E*llt rattlng
@. Thb aeense b nd coisldered pan ot Fldudion orrehead
I dentrt suppies @llItbd spe ]€ntal
h none ortlEae d sdarhs
81. Thb ,raomg ot the dondst car b€ bare8ed dtedry I ha:
.. nur(InE6a H! 6reerEaa toepons ragr*rt h. vrorl
b. llEr€aed hb ,E€3 tr mrls shder houas
0a ThG arllrlsloll ot crtdfr b a p6deilt shouu ba col|Bsered
h t uncthha,
n undesirablo
i. ar ob&.don
83. T'd6 b r0 advdraoa $b prErtbo:
a limM opPommry b c.n$[ ard dtdr ar€poi5lClty loa dtlnE
paoducdoi mo6.*loo
h. t nDr infilal lnabrna
Manv a.neds ..ffsLhrid rhh lrEm ne ,nrrt dlLal anled d denlrl llrcnr rE w|r Fnr
Q apponrnent conrot d. capiElkaion
85. Thb ls NOT and adraniaqe of an ulban pr&tire:
aataihbutv of sD.hlst c be[arsource dlralnad emPloyees
6) posEM flbttsr
nving edp"n"o d proddtyto lt{om prac-ddoner
8a Tle A_endrt n6ed noi consld, hb tacb? lr,hsfl ho is phnniiE ths ueam€lla oa a Pdcnc
a- $e dentbl o@edenced c nhe dertbd3 e(lrcatoa
(t) ure non-lruneolan ploHsm to t!6 soh/ed 4 rel€t antdala and inrbnDadbn
87. Pracfto managemeit pertaiB tc
a witten lbmE and docunents ol d€ntal pracdca prdhe
b. DEcdcal invoslr€nts and ecomrica o, a denDd
D ;rgankadon ot dre Focessca dd persorhel ot a denral Falitce
d taiB od/6mino a doatai Daaclia6
88. The applicatio; ol busi;€s pdndilB ar $ey re@ b the deli,Ety of denEl healfi b he Publlc k
a. a! of U!3e - c-clata! Faaticod llEnno ng
L dental Factce pl6tnho @;!c a, p.a.dce adnd rtadon
89, Tho main dvdliloo d orgar{dng a coDorarbn ofdental Fardco b:
0 s
poteaiori a aval-OU ltDm belig h6H pelsonally responslt L ,br Ylrongful ol othet colPoEte rEmbel3
.b. indMdual pdvato pradict ls anhanced
c. rcsldchre c4renanB ars easfY aroHed
( a DtolEsdonal associlbn is Eadty a.cessibh
90. Th. cDnceDr of ma*sdng derdsBr b bast d€hed ali
a corfilhiu llvolrernern t,popuhtho
aX gdl r|ertqs
O ijen8ying
.i r 'ad\reildns
latgpt Padent
ra p.a.tice
- d. niiagiig sofltes to benafl pdkrts attd a$dn pao,iB lo. dE p.edat
9l- A d.ml sDechIst i! hcH b:
lL) a triglEr dandald of skill and carD than gEneral practitbner
t, gerEraly tle sama standard a3 a ocneral pradil,onar
e i gutrtv t<nrcr sanaart lhan a gemrd pradilionel
d. a sl6hdi higher standad lhal a gerErd pracutioner
f,{r 4
Dental jurisprudence, ethlcs and Praclrce rnanagement
MAY 1996
4C- a 61. d
1.c 16. b 31. c
32b 47. c 62. b
2-c 17- a
44. b 63. c
3.b 18. a 33.
b 49. d 64d
19_ d
35. d 50. b 65. a
5.. 20. d
51. c
ab 21- a 36. c
7.c 2-a 37. d 52. d
53, d 68. c
8d 23. d 38. b
54. 69. b
9.c 21. c a9. b
55. a 70. a
10.a 4o.. a
1i. b B.b 41. b 56.o' 71. b
12. c
.t7.b 42. a 5r. d 72b
43. c 58. c 73. b
13. ri .d 59. b 74. c
14. b 29. a 44. a
45. d m.a 75. c
15- d 30. c
' _a-mkied
iriuy on a petson
civt law c comrDldal br
rb renreaatal d' corBltrrtonal
o 2s. \ rh#-b ml anDng lrle ouecdv8 rrard by lhe Phihdn€ Denlal A.r?
givino ol llcenslrre ec(adn&n3
requladotr, conrol, and sup€wEhn o,praaitce
non giFrlatbn ol penaliB for ldarqidr d rubs
r€guldon and rialdadts&o d sdu.atbn
shoid ml c(r|5tlotEd $b ia.lox
27. ln a€taDlbh-f8 hb f€o lor sarvlce! trirhEd b a Fd€.lt, me dendai
a. me.hb hldlEd €m hvolvcd
d. hhgdr d &rF hyollcd
O noie ol d!€5.
you"rEed lo 3ee the collpM |tst of porgorts b wlnm certilcat€ o, regbladon as dends har'6 been bsued' you
28. It
should approadt tl6l
a CMl Scndce -
@ sectiay, Bo.rd ot r>rtal Er lllEE
c. Prol€€Bional Rtsiradqr cdlxllaho Ctlrlmar
4 Ch.rknd!, Board ol Do il furrh,3
a- To;to;dE P$liolino Dehtal rEt 1966 $. p€tsor hddiig drb dncodldl-tas lh6 hgEl dlrsor ot the Boad
C-, A Oeoaieamneri'Ure Councl oo EitalE1tualbn, fld hecouEt lbr he AdvanconEr olhntal REssatci:
a glrstE CoonolJusdc. (ds€cr.tary d.fisd.a o.,ErE
h c*{ oa Jldcld councl! i. sqetary ol t{&d
$. h gdllrdrg a @Itts ha ioa hb prffi gtica 0r. d6tlbi lttl,lsl Goadder dtb lsE
I a. n-d h tlland
6) amu o, tm lrs.d h tr F..dr.
c' nd hacotEul&o
d- doadle3a
3t To ,to|rEb.dcs sL&, tto dsd.tm|ltdlb.stJ cladly
(or th.lo{ort{) h hb gtatdcD:
7C) *..'cara
t/ ffqmnt
grr' m'rnna im rr*:r
,nd c.Jdl
d rldl .rdrn
* l,rl{'ltrhrt
I a. vblalve pEscliption
!. earoneorsproscdplion
th€ occupaton to( $a[ bs payablt annualy ,on
a, Docernber3l
q]rpo&dbb F€striPtun
@,irom ot 6eso
oa bahe^
on (r
(L.Ea arY 31
L Mararl lS d. MaY 15
; 31. Ihb l* b ugad b maintaln oontxl uilh
a. co$ecdon lbi enct and Elephono lllt
b, rscal lbt d. aleyance list
35. The prinEry goal ot a proleasional is:
& prote$ional statuB a}"v*rr. personai saibldioo
h economlc gain
:36, PrdirhtE cacaa b derln€d as
A\;"" b naniar secoeoco, unob|u|ied by any hdep€deit chuse, produdng fie result ot conphhed
h. pdor rcleasa
'oni wt rrr s narra s"qtEoce helfing o poducD dlt t€sul conplalnod ol
"d. an at[tlde iorard co"pitsssionab, pankriany denliit ald p]rysidats ls knom h law a*
37- Th"; tt"iAE"tly;;ults in in iniury, ana iriir,trouru*ri*r}if itiury tiDuu nol
E€ iriu0r*DuH not hal'e occl,rrod
a sEra declras Gbndrnare causo
i. rel g66taa f,iesponde hredrt
34. A& bt ma!, ad\rsrtbe loi th€ lolbwing purpce: puhfc
a to qiro staEmenE calcxhted !o doceive uo
h to lst ule Doblic know ol hb d€linite l'aed tees
rA none of diese
Y to repon speclal or exclusive mehods ol praa{ice
39. Th" ; ;'J;;6;;r,j *,[r, aoo not ta iinurm ciizens to practce dendsny xdtlh its reriorial timits can be
dmEd to $e Philippim ehmlnadom:
denl,al board
a Lus
1A tatse
Y ;Dends on oher inler+ounuv agrcemenl pattsrlart on trde
d. debends on Ue lee to be charged
40. A b.dli;;;, p;;ucJtris protessloir in tre ehtlipphes sublect to cedain conditiors undet thl-' Ia\ r
r pD 1541 6:PO 541
I PD657 d"PD223
The dentist is:
e a"frfir"-na"-i'ri" i""p o, frjend, know $at lhs tiend lntends to use it cormitting a cdme'
a an accessiry rthe crime e dvfy fiable-. 'n
L a pdncipal (d. Fn accol,Plrcc
pur"foirq'poli"i b, iE n diould be estab$sdusing heie hctors P(CEPT:
9. a crmparative -quantity purchase laG
b. quantity used br a P6dod ot dme
c oossibilitv o, n€u prEduct Bphcing ule hem
if) irone ol tresa
€. n o"f,dt f ipi o rte appopfiatE aurhor y or pmfossiond soc-tety insrances of gross and confmual lduhy
realrm bv another denlisl L carrying ouc
ius'liltable criticism
E) -nmlesstonatieator-sy c. pmlessional rehrrdl
i d. prcI€ssbnal dvancetnent
The crBlrman of dlo Coundl on Dental Educanon b hq
a Preeid€ht of th. P[lA - Secretary of Educadon, cuhrB, and
h' Dean o, $e Colbg. of Denbry. UP \-/ Sports
d. chairrEn ot Bodd ot Dantbtrv
'l *. For dt
operabry, tle rcc?doi rooln should accorunode
sx( pelsons
c. bur Ft6r9oaE
tr 10 peEolrs d, 0 D€rsona
b acomirunryand* $ sirnffica y d€tomil€3 tte isfs prtdi:a
4& nrii-"'#.ffi -,rlewhidl b p€.![ar pdert!
A vah; ot darna!6 b be ffiided b vdlo haE Nr m'lp'a'llco suils
X $idad d d€ntal catg ard hYoiene
c. amoum and fiainer ol pa,/tne ford€ntd sewlces
cd rsrglD
rgllgbus ors lge€
rDral valu€3
ahd trlro
17, ln oFlatory plal|nlno tl*6a ldolr arr consld€r€d ltlponaht
a. lrrnrlDnrrr
a lnimrDif'ty, @rMrrr I
Ity, ant slardadizatlon
l- nrliltv. e.dl(xtry' rcceforce radtd{een
El ;rbtlil w;dy.uii,lrdr, eixronrv' spre' sda"lz&i
Ymotu6, unttormli', volsad0ty' and lelrddaldtsEdoi
ld t itle a
1& up"t--itiffi"irr-Jiiu][6 'iroiur ditrc pwsiom odE Dedd ot lgGE b sa{Erc€d ro
-'*i""i6ffi-rini om
hpfi mnt or Ddt d
,\ slra'sam Pa000
(d) 5 yoa's dd nor lest Ular P3'@O
I i-r,6sn and m nt." tt"n Ps,om lddhs
(). R*t ; l;;*il;;reh"t mdP6!*rt car can b. alrv o'
llrstumnb a dsctsf,s tEsF
tr' ErcEPn
ih c ssDlcs
iE rhm Lr.r h warririfith irl dtn I
7 -;
h trEE
9. da!€s Lp(,€trr alcsiDtt o, co.r€soondtsn.!
Orcoe U rrr*e
f,5' tt. Awirrurydaslrqi.d a nal,rar roo$ of hb pafuntl*ith d," aim b rephc€ t with ar unnecegsary
arrfbiat botr-
l-lo $ouH be charo.d t4ift:
A serloue
r.spoid€nt guperbr c. ns l9aa beto.
!,/ plt iiM6
.lcal npn6
lrarySEal d. miror Dhdca hturbs
56. A padortMo just been charled an €rcrtkant toewifl Ikell -
a n6,rer krow 0l.[ h! has h€eI owftrtarEed - d. understard lhat t b dre denGts
A bo n@|Ed and am.*iaD h prerogdye
{9, mtrqum b tlcdends
t7- ll shal b€ th6 dlly ot ai dury corEtifuted onrrsr3 ot the r b errorEorh€ pErrisbns ofthe
ar berh6
txnterADt ot 1!165 m the:
a dryrrunopiu
aitynunb@l Err€t hrr€l brC
c. nafunal
h prounci{ l6/et 6)"r or r*o
At€mbtmay seid announceir'nt cad \f,lE, he charEesxd.ss o, d'" aate, ol practic€ io nhe
,oJbrho peaso,s
a. members ol dre heatlh p.t essbn c. paJentlrecod
b. otherd€ntists fdnorE ot dEse
59. The p*crice or a[ protessbr. h i'a phiripprh€. shdr be rffio m ritipino cttzens save !, cas6 pr*cribed by ra!,v
5lci as
a. technologi:aladyaDcetl€llt q paote6slonal adyanaarleot
b. forolgn deDondqry ol,le a
,. g*p;T.."jyH^T1:fll6 blgnr lis G)aI
pdetG-€,cele.lt protes$nal se.vi:8, h€ need no. par0dpeb th dehiit
pro*@ ior lhe gen€rat parblici
(g, rals6 c" unhss expressly authodzed by law
. b, uue
nor a bsstc oltecJye d e$aE ptaming:
d. exceptwien ho b'sbHy:
.lf. Eto g€t d\ds€rs oi onds prsthe, e.g. ta!ryeB orcpAb
phn and prorride lor r€&qrEnr
c.io acquire, rmnagq iDclease, prDtect and use ofieb oroD€nb.
d to judhbusty ndt3 er
b odel! riat one oEn
62. Tho elefients of dentd rElpraEdce as ss todolvs, EXCEPT:
A -.-"_Tp$!lq { hblaitllE-b pdtorm such duty, fie padenr surrain€d iniudes
E, ule ot*ttEt nas a dlrty b hb Dadori
_. l:
d I:tI!||t
.vei tough ffi
tne dr|ds
b tr. p.odne r.Fe or hFrb.sGrahed by ih! p.dsit
pqlbmed hb dutt,tre pai&rgrsalrea Nlfres
r nBfs not a gudotine loa aot*rg lp at €flideit appoi mefx look
(ar) s.Ntodulo brlgErryoll$st t6!l
E appolr* liom UE hr.tE s offica mty
c. Ecord ne{ padam a$ohtrBnts h dItbrrt colors
.4 do notappo*trhrrb.g llan dr€elrE€lcs h ldy aa,[email protected].
ThilRnot a reason ptu rrd b6 sdtoduted Glt toIlctE
(4, prop6rtrB€rno do6 not n€ed conratadiutv seouemib
E skitr ul s.rEdut{ lll t edbooodDa&rnadilirJ
c. trD mus* bo |Ildlrted as k b DriJo(E
_ d d€ doflbt wilt no| bg pE ard byovsr#ufE
65. The g(ll,.mrE ngdG 0! Fraeo ot ridllBfy, dnuloh-fir lhd porvd:
A Ert€dlal
c Crl
(B/ eolc. (*trts0dtr
66. Ca.e A . d6ndi uu€ly ffi good boli b pnfr* g a Oertf *rOont amg Eelh vathout
tEc6sety paovtlon
' a Ca?Akn i,Et gd p.dc., C& B, rEhrEeE
tr Bdh
ca.s k !f.! a.oEt fda
Cas. A kr.drB mD...tca, ee q fegd p&
d E rh .sr lliifi rnlrr.l'..
57, $/hen a patieat aanc€b, lalo thl3 rEasure need not be abn6 by tho dentkt so as io a\mid a pobndal lo6s ln
prodta rn
a work al labo6lorY Doctdna
d) D€rate tre padenia hrdy so i idil h+pen ag6in
E leep a'quid( aalllsf ol paliantswhowo* neaiy6 dd $Enb ba carE{ h $dr ciqrr}stanc6a
( t dt c.rE?ordenca
68. Tt. duy rcgbreied dentH i,{|lo laDvidngly lets aio&6r den&t use hb c€rdncalr ol lrli!|radql h gullty of,
e. nod$r{ c, malpr&tca
(f,l ilegal placdce d. uD€thical praadcs
59. A d6mt is pertorming !h. lollovyhg ach/iry rYlren ho lr*ollr'r tl€ pali€nl of &e irBollancs ot defid heal0r, $€ss€s
dre msam by7 wt$ch he ca, do rq suaightpn3 wrol}g ileas regardlng tee& upkeep, and &e llk6:
!. pad6r t ealmnt phnnho
(b.) padent education
E padem educdlo'l and t'Ea[n€or planni{
d pariem odoncalion ard reaMFnt phhning
70, lt ls a clvfl acton dlecEd agahst any bo6rd, corporadql person or tributal whi$ or vrho b alleged ln a verified
petilion ro havs urlarrfuly negbcied th6 psrblnlanc. of a duty spedicalt on&hed by ta's
* gJmrDns c. iniuncrhn
/q rrEndarnus d srrbpoena
7L Thlld{owino plesellt laulry pocBdurB lod&rg !o lrlalPlacdc6 a.dofts ptDt/id€d dley lafl to m€asrr€ up 1o accepiable
slardads of ski[ and care, E(CEPT:
a. lmproper ar}oice ot us6 of aneslrElic
b, failurg to $.nlz. insrumenE and xray teedl
i o|retlon o, loo maiy Eeth at one siuing
@) none o, h€sepresumpdons
72. oll€if 0)e d'upuable of tr. law on rEglig€n.a tr,hLrt itsicate that tte occrrrence c, c€rtain laqB b
elrireDce b the Lal,n phrasa:
a vo,( poplll, vox del c- quantum rneruit
lE\ res ilsa loqultor d. non facit rccum
73. AcclYinq to law, an expen has dre iollowing atlIibutes EXCEPT:
a a lellow ot lhe lntemational coll€ge Etentst
h a fellorv ol lhe Philipplne College ot c[al and Maxillofacial st/qery
c. one uniquely skllled ln a gecilied suue.t wilh cenificale rrom Japan or usA
lE none of these
74. ln aY6€dl lor malpracdce, a good delense rs
a exp€ftnca and placico @ erercise ot oue care as expecred ol a
b. good college grad6 ol den{st
c. infonned consea*
75. The following measures may not be us€d by dentlsts, EXGEPTI
'a paEnEd devices or equipmenl
excluslve mehods o, pretice
I c,) mne ol th€se
'd drugs wtbse camplete hrmulas are nol yei ava,labts to denlisls
76, Denq[rrost\odc k
laborarorios lEve been reqfred to Egblered and be lilensed since:
otal_prostredc hboratorios
q) tho Marihl Law regime c, Ue stan of th€ Republic
b. lhe tesio,ation ot demodacy d. $e commonvicalh period
7. Thts klnd o, p.escdplioo b tenn€d'lrDGble pBscrip{_orf ard cainol be flled becaEe ot the folowlng r€a$ns,
& the g€neric name bo wilien b(rt ml l€gbh
fD the dnrg podnct b algk[elBd t i0rtE ad Onrg
-c. tr. Ogreric nEria iroag not comspond b th6 brard mrE
d. both gefi€dc ad brard ndne aro nd legbh
7A f a patbrtr b not 6*f6d u/ut dle pddanfs $ dce
a the polblrt shouH 3a tha dontH
h il should not da(er tha dondsa lrom r8ndarillg dlo bill
c tle dertist sfiould 9I. dra Pd.llt
fO) st6 dentbt $ould nd ttidsr the bil
79. A d}I(br caDnot make a netGpap€r anndffellf,llt h dD loloxhg caset
a. changing clnftd locdon e op€tfig or aclnlc
u i'auo or
rmitrfu praaicc @Irirc ot inpoud e*mtog),
80, ln oder[tatthol€ becorE naot,tcc(,loaatlro]d[€,d|e,blodltg,nacdl(lrrE(CEPT:
a Ddd6 rrIsapoqsaa rl. iacascary l6gd a4d.Y
dto canDaa l0
!. Ulo cdlsem ba rEnlhsd by Erc corurt ce olnr d'arard 0u acEFtahca
ri|dr r m s$a nm d $. collrdd
-if, lhe coisant m(H ba*rrr*ts.
1O tr odec nlrca !.
traiornq tE, +qstnaort, d{ lEl
SL ln t|o i,eq$ ol a p< b cdl$d t a i,cntlt, n! cor*t bG cridlaly dElEd sttE
a murdet t ru ltcl&a6 trprud.aca
h. .r60llgonc.
a EoGed cofiara dllLr lmltt lrlr[ed
( e J ara allrnr,r urrn*r
coffacta h $aa arpcacad
c ire rhn
r, ihdho
8A Tlro me€ting ol ,!E lnlndg botween lnrc person v/hereb!, on birds hinEeff with Bapeai to the olher to glvr sotra$ing
9{rder sone se be3 b€/3n:
( aJ con[d c. obllgab,y contraa
-( naunl obsgation d, d!/il bbllgaton
84. The lb{o'$ng rFasu'rs miy nd ba usod qf
a, pabnEd dsrric:os or equhme
b. Excfudlre m€thods ot Drac{ce
fb mno of he66
d drugs 9/hor€ compht€ lornuhs are mt )et availablo Do derdsts
45. ln oder not b debmlno lhe prEsdgp of he dgntal pDhssion Ule dsatist
a neod lo keep l{s plofosslonal k loydedgs drd sldlb uplodate
I(dshould plom ]y pay aI hb oHloadotl3 D any banl
a[ ol h6se
d. n€ed b repon ai vbhdons ot oia Phihphe D€nial A.t b the apIrcpriaE orgEnizdion
€6. A golo paacdo doos not harrE hb ad\rantaoe
a. the d€ot&t can male lndopandoit decfioB ,re€t
b. drro are no pohndrl porsonahy co,tllcts
c it cb€s not laad to i:ontusbn and rEslr3alililtes
@ th6 derdsl cdl prchase supplios iniruk and thus gain Wartity discouDE
s.. Thg6s carrlr arE us€d drrlng Fore$lonal calb in lrExing daitcofiacts dudnq htdal stageB of €stabtshlng a
a prol€sr*Daldrds c. cqrltesv cards
b. ;nnooncsment cads f)appoininem caras
84. Thb b not an adtraartage lo erploying a sacrErery-Esistant
q erffiEy in th€ d€ntsf,s wod( b er$ar.ad
@ ddSorEl orrdhead co€t b incured
c nr,e palhnB ale albrded E
d appdrtlle,lB ar! poperY nran{€d
crirnes ani &xrrnfred by dindts ;ot only-wlh crtrinal hEnt but atso ihrough:
a aJternali\,eoblbalions ' c- sinple obligano[s
r negfioence
90. p'rdjce of all professlons in the Philipdn€s shdl be limited to Filipino citizens, save in cases p€scribed by taE
a false
(D true, s plo'rirrcd in the 1965 ph pphc Deni.l Acl
c. tue, 6 stad in tiE 1!87 Phllhphe co.tstuttion
d o!e, 6 sNaEd ln oec' 37, RA 4419
31. A de bt wlb h conneclibn $rh the pt& ot hb pmft5slon, shall ilsua a fab€ medical cardtlcde shall b6
pcnaliz€d witlt
a civi l erdixio.l @rr."o ""yo,
b. pubtc censure d. aresto menot
An applicar,t yJho dbcoteEd to be HIV+o*iw may stifl be lssued a cen icatD ol rogtslrdon by tlo Board d
e il he cer prwe dtar l$ diaaaso b rd codrrrnlraHa
@ oot lq one year, h€n he can b. ts3&d agEh
d. prwired he B abo d sourd nlnd
93. Thb rype of p.dco enelres lhe deltlst D maka independert &cbbns lreey, reduc€ seosuro to petsooaEr
confld+ ard iloes not lead !o cmfusim r€gdding tBspo ijlilities:
a ac#ap9dnm|6m
acaft,rlc appo{ntrEm qldo
tj}do pracdca
h pqttorshlp ( speddty Lahhg .rxl pfaadca
94. Wto b rrylllble tu fl. loss o{ pdeflS hlt4$f.tle pa{6nt b betB rr.iad?
a t> dairB fd
ro panoit
h ist
Th de iil. The rhr
95. Thb fleocy oahls basb hsularlc€ on sidaE dd adents h fro Ph[hphe€i
€)aload!6so e sSS
h Gsls d HMo
g16, t{o &ndslrdrob adEanoaaror€ign cou|tyqirid. *6r i*a Sra *
6ntdl aryof tr. rlghts or p.i!r}g..
Pt{llppheDe dAcro,$65 !r esstrgcorirydst@ dvrblch hobsrlFctoaadizen:
a [r
peft*! dentsts who arr Flhho cl&an t, stdy widrin lts EniDdd s
A pdnft &ntsts who arc F{Wlo cubrB b prrtcs widrh its bntodd m
v stiaa ol sudt counry on th6 same b€sb
c n $rtu uto den&tvrho b 6 rym c&6n
4 pdnig &nisB ttllo a! Fllrb cr&Gb rrdct vrfith [9 bfltbrhl lml! ol| a tnffi b.!b 8rb
.br. ar irdr couloy
cf- Al a.r r!0u*lg 0p Pmfredotra F..gler OtrftIsr&r!rjoC Fqtii&rg ,l. porrf! alld tur|clbtr drdE
b PO'E?
d. PD 541
EA Thitqr b iE loast dlrecdy dald b dr dG.Id .,rnoillFrt hclrdhg cdr?.dd.n ln a bca&y:
rparyot l.
i,iallllh, af lrrrvhai .rl srrrri
)tr /
s no1)pre..nt-a.generat p.lncipt
ptncipb oa ths stinptifed
strhptified tsaidng
r-an ng o,
oi a dentat assHarE
g19l.11y,l _!hj
*".EFrr wfth $e vocab,;ky or denris-rry
b. know $,hat th6 duo€ ot ths assisiant wiI be
hov, dr€ matodal ha krsEuctbns
d. hav€ a phn of insElcdon
(6) yes
'* *,"X1gf*Tm,?#im, r,""*
f ffiffi surraces or the reerh
MAY 1997
1 21. c
: |".
22.d 4zd 81. c
23.d 43 a
62. b 42. a
, 1' a
2ab 44.c
63. a
u.a '84-c
83. a
6. c
9 "
4a. d
65. b
66. c
85. c
86. d
47. d
, 9,.9 2s.c 4s.c
68. b 88. b
l9b 3ob 5o.d
69. b 89. b
11 1
31.a 51 b
70. b
71. d
90- b
li b 6;
32 d
:i: 72. b
91. c
92. b
j:: :
35.c 54. d
s5. b
74. d
75. c
1r.c. a;:
36. a
:9.: 76_ a
95. a
96_ b
;:: ;
4Oc ;35
74. b
79. d
8o. c
97. c
98. a
99. d
100 b