Botany 1
Botany 1
Botany 1
Learning outcomes:
1. Structure of anther, anther wall, types of tappet. Micro spoor genesis and
development of male gametophyte.
2. Structure of ovule, mega spoor genesis; mono spore (Polygonal), bishopric
(Alliums) and tetra spore (Pepperoni) types of embryo sacs.
3. Outlines of pollination, pollen – pistil interaction and fertilization.
4. Endosperm - Types and biological importance - Free nuclear, cellular, helobia
land ruminate.
5. Development of Divot (Casella bursa-pastors) embryo.
Unit – 3: Basics of Ecology 12 Hrs.
New Delhi
New Delhi.
Newman, E.I. (2000): Applied EcologyBlackwell Scientific Publisher, U.K.
Chapman, J.L&M.J. Reiss (1992): Ecology - Principles &
Course Outcomes:
Practical Syllabus
maximum and minimum thermometer, anemometer, rain gauze, and lux meter.
(visit to the nearest/local meteorology station where the data is being collected
regularly and record the field visit summary for the submission in the practical).
10. Study of morphological and anatomical adaptations of hydrophytes and
xerophytes (02 each).
11. Quantitative analysis of herbaceous vegetation in the college campus
forfrequency, density and abundance.
1. Take T.S. of the material ‘A’ (Anatomy), prepare a temporary slide and justify
the identification with specific reasons. 10 M
2. Write the procedure for the experiment ‘B’ (Embryology) and demonstrate the
same. 10 M
3. Take T.S. of the material ‘C’, prepare a temporary slide and justify the
identification with specific reasons. 10 M
4. Identify the following with specific reasons. 4 x 3 = 12 M
D. Anatomy/Embryology
E. Ecology instrument
F. Mapping of Biodiversity hot spot
G. Endemic/endangered plant/animal
5. Record + Viva-voce 5 + 3 = 8 M
Suggested co-curricular activities for Botany CoreCourse-3 in Semester-III:
A. Measurable :
a. Student seminars :
1. Anatomy in relation to taxonomy of Angiosperms.
2. Nodal anatomy
3. Floral anatomy
4. Embryology in relation to taxonomy of Angiosperms.
5. Apomictics and polyembryony.
6. Biogeochemical cycles- Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous.
7. Deforestation and Afforestation.
8. Green house effect and ocean acidification.
9. The Montreal protocol and the Kyoto protocol.
10. Productivity of aquatic ecosystems.
11. Mangrove ecosystems in India.
12. Kollerulake – Ramsar site.
13. Biodiversity hotspots of the world.
14. Origin of Crop plants - Vavilov centers
15. Agrobiodiversity
16. International organizations working on conservation of Biodiversity
17. Nagoya protocol – ABS system.
18. Endemic and endangered plants in Andhra Pradesh.
b. Student Study Projects :