23 Sanger Sequencing Simulation
23 Sanger Sequencing Simulation
23 Sanger Sequencing Simulation
The Sanger sequencing method builds on this natural copying process. This laboratory
technique makes use of specially modified nucleotides — dideoxynucleotides. DNA is called
deoxyribonucleic acid because the ribose sugar part of the molecule is lacking an oxygen atom
found in normal ribose. Dideoxy bases lack a second oxygen atom that is required to extend the
growing DNA chain. This means that when a dideoxy base is incorporated into a DNA molecule,
the chain stops or terminates.
The reactions are set up so that there is a mix of “normal” bases (G, A, T, C) and dideoxy bases
(ddG, ddA, ddT, ddC) as well as the other components necessary for replication: primers and
DNA polymerase enzyme. In this way, the reaction is set up so that it doesn't work all the time
— we don't want a perfect, complete copy of the DNA. At any position, either a normal base will
be added, so the chain can continue to grow, or a dideoxy base will be added, so the chain
terminates. After many cycles of copying, all the possible chain-termination molecules are
produced: the reaction has stopped chains at every base (see Figure 2).
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • http://bio.kimunity.com • © 2005
Name __________________________________ Period _________
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • http://bio.kimunity.com • © 2005
Name __________________________________ Period _________
automatically by the color of the end base on each fragment (see Figure 5a). Hood also directly
connected the fluorescent detector to a computer so that the fluorescent signal was
automatically collected and converted to a DNA sequence (see Figure 5b). Together with Lloyd
Smith, Michael Hunkapiller, and Tim Hunkapiller, Hood founded Applied Biosystems, Inc. (ABI),
which manufactures a commercial version of this automated fluorescent sequencer, which
became available in 1986.
Since 1986, ABI (in cooperation with the PerkinElmer Corp.) has consistently improved their
machines and has dominated the commercial marketplace for automated sequencers.
Essentially all of the Human Genome Project and absolutely all of Celera Genomics’
sequencing was done on ABI machines. However, ABI machines still have many of the
limitations of the original Sanger method. They still rely on DNA polymerase to copy a template
DNA sequence and on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate the fragments.
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • http://bio.kimunity.com • © 2005
Name __________________________________ Period _________
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • http://bio.kimunity.com • © 2005
Name __________________________________ Period _________
(i) (ii)
Figure 5. ABI fluorescent sequencers allow all four bases to be sequenced in a single gel lane
and includes automated data collection directly into a computer.
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • http://bio.kimunity.com • © 2005
Name __________________________________ Period _________
This lab will simulate the Sanger method of sequencing DNA, both visually and kinesthetically; it
uses colored pop-beads, which represent nucleotides and dideoxynucleotides. The
dideoxynucleotides have their "stubs" cut off to simulate the inability of these molecules to
extend the DNA chain beyond them.
• A segment of DNA
• Reaction containers with pop-beads representing the 4 different DNA bases:
• green = adenine
• blue = cytosine
• yellow = guanine
• red = thymine
note some of the pop-beads have their ends cut off to represent the
radioactive dideoxynucleotides
• Masking tape
The masking tape is used to tape off a table top in the outline of an electrophoresis chamber
with four wells, labeled A, C, G, and T respectively, to run your reaction mixtures
Teacher Guide:
2. The following reaction container mixtures need to be prepared by the instructor. Each group
of students will only receive one reaction container mixture.
Adenine (green) 50, 25 dideoxy 75 75 75
Cytosine (blue) 75 50, 25 dideoxy 75 75
Guanine (yellow) 75 75 50, 25 dideoxy 75
Thymine (red) 75 75 75 50, 25 dideoxy
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • http://bio.kimunity.com • © 2005
Name __________________________________ Period _________
1. Below is the section of DNA that you will be sequencing. Obviously if this were a true
sequencing situation, you would not know this sequence. You would be using this procedure
to determine the sequence of this unknown segment of DNA. You get to see this sequence
now, because, in this part of the lab, you will be playing the role of DNA polymerase
reading the DNA template.
Figure 1.
single strand
of DNA 3’ 5’ DNA template
5’ 3’
new sequence primer
2. Fill in the open half of the DNA strand in Figure 1 above with the appropriate nucleotide
letter. Check that these are correct, as these will form the single-stranded nucleotide chains
in your DNA sequencing.
5. Take your DNA segments to the "giant electrophoresis chamber," at the specially marked
lab bench. Place your sample in the proper "well" of the chamber. For example, the group
which works with the reaction mixture containing dideoxyadenine will put its segments into
"well A." Turn on the current (i.e., use your hands and mind!) and move your DNA segments
their proper distance along the "sequencing gel". Remember: Smaller segments migrate
farther than larger segments.
6. When all groups have run their reaction mixture through the "sequencing gel," sketch the
DNA sequence bands in the chamber illustration on the next page. Fill in the proper bases
(letters) on the blanks to the right of the illustration These bases signify the last base — the
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • http://bio.kimunity.com • © 2005
Name __________________________________ Period _________
dideoxynucleotide base — that terminated the strand. Since smaller segments of DNA
migrate farther on the gel, the sequence is then read from bottom to top.
Complete the following questions by typing your answers on a separate sheet. You may hand
in the document as a print-out or you may send it to me as an attachment to an e-mail.
3. Why was the use of colored fluorescent tagging a significant advancement over the use of
radioactively tagged nucleotides?
4. Discuss 3 examples in which a person might want to make use of DNA sequencing
5. Briefly explain how many advancements in basic biological are enabled only by
advancements in technology.
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Adapted by Kim B. Foglia • http://bio.kimunity.com • © 2005