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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XI 2012-2023 : Chapter 6 - Cell cycle and Cell division

1Mark Questions 2 Marks Questions
1. Observe the given relation and fill in the 1. "Meiosis is highly significant in sexually
blanks. reproducing organisms" Justify.
Meiosis : reduction division 2017 Imp.
Mitosis : ........................... 2012 March

2. Give the scientific term of the following. 2. Give the scientific term of the following.
Interchange of genetic material between a)Interchange of genetic materials
non-sister chromatids of homologous between non sister chromatids of
chromosomes. 2017 Imp. homologous chromosomes.
3. Fill in the blank. b)Internode elongation just prior to
Cytokinesis in animal cell takes place by flowering.(Chapter 11) 2017 Imp.
the appearance of a _____________in the
plasma membrane. 2019 March 3. Four stages of mitotic karyokinesis are given
below in incorrect order.
4. Crossing over occurs in ______________substage Cell cycle, Anaphase, Prophase,
of Prophase-I. 2019 Imp.
Telophase, Metaphase.
5. Observe the diagram related with cell cycle. Identify the third stage in the order of
Identify A and B. occurrence and write its two features.
2017 2nd term

4. Match the items of column A with B

X shaped structure
2019 2nd term. a Recombination i formed during
6. The stage between Meiosis I and Meiosis II is diplotene
called ___________. Sites at which
(a) Diakinesis (b) Interkinesis b Chiasmata ii
crossing over occurs
(c) Pachytene (d) Diplotene
2020 Model Place from where
c Metaphase plate iii the formation of new
7. Observe the relationship between the first two
terms and fill in the blank. cells begins
Metaphase : Spindle fibres attach to kinetochores. Plane of alignment of
d Kinetochore iv
_____________: Chromatids move to opposite poles. chromosomes
2020 March
Site of attachment of
8. Name the following: spindle fibres
The stage at which synapsis occurs during 2017 2nd term
prophase I 2020 Imp.
5. Observe the diagrammatic representation of
9. Fill in the blank :
cell cycle. Identify the stages 'a' and 'b'. Write
Exchange of genetic materials between
homologous chromosomes during Pachytene the peculiarity of the stage noted as 'c'.
stage of Meiosis-I is called ________. 2021 Model

10.Fill in the blank :

DNA synthesis take place in the _____ phase of
cell cycle. 2021 Sept.

11.Observe the given diagram. Identify the stage of 2017 2nd term
mitosis. 6. Observe the given stage of mitosis.

Identify the stage and write any two

features of it.
2021 Imp. 2018 Imp.

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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XI 2012-2023 : Chapter 6 - Cell cycle and Cell division

7. Karyokinesis of mitosis is divided into four 12.During interphase, cells prepare for cell
stages. Name the second and third stage.Write division.
any two features of second stage. 2019 March (a) Write three phases of interphase.
(b) Write the peculiarity of quiescent stage
8. Given below is the diagrammatic (G0) 2020 Imp.
representation of a particular stage of mitosis.
13.(a) Write the name of the stage of
(a) Idenify the stage. Mitosis in the given figure.
(b) Write any two features of (b) Write one main event occurring
this stage. in this stage.

2021 Model
2019 Imp.
14.Match the following:
9. Characteristic features of five phases of
prophase I of meiosis I is given below. Arrange
them under appropriate heading.
Formation of synaptonemal complex
'X' shaped chiasmata are formed
Chromosomes become gradually visible
Appearence of recombination nodule
Leptotene Zygotene Pachytene Diplotene

2021 Sept.

2019 2nd term.

15.Mitosis is often said as equational division.
Why ? 2021 Imp.
10.Column A represents chromosomal behaviour
during different sub-stages of Prophase I of 16.Explain the significance of mitosis.
Meiosis I. Fill up the blanks in Column B. 2022 Model

Chromosomal behaviour (A) Sub-stages (B) 17.Observe the figure of cell cycle given below.
(a) Crossing over occurs (i) _____________
(b) Formation of Chiasmata (ii) ____________
(a)Name the two phases of
(c) Pairing of homologous
(iii) ___________ cell cycle.
chromosomes (b) Identify the stages (a)
(d) Chromosomes visible under and (b) of the cell cycle.
(iv) Leptotene
light microscope
(e) Terminalisation of
(v) ___________
2020 Model 2022 Model

11.Analyse the table given below and fill in the 18.Given below are certain processes that occur
blanks. during the different phases of Prophase I in
(A) (B) meiotic division. Arrange them against
appropriate stages provided in the table .
Zygotene ________(a)__________ Crossing Over
Formation of synapsis
__(b)__ Crossing over Terminilisation of Chiasmata
Dissolution of synaptomal complex.
Dissolution of synaptonemal
Diakinesis ________(d)__________
2020 March
2022 June

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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XI 2012-2023 : Chapter 6 - Cell cycle and Cell division

27. (a) What is crossing over ?
19.List out the four stages of M phase of cell cycle
in correct sequential order. 2022 June (b) Name the enzyme involved in this process.
2023 Imp
20.Match the following:
Stages of Mitosis Events
Prophase Chromosomes are moved to
spindle equator.
Formation of two daughter
Metaphase nuclei at each pole
Anaphase Formation of meiotic
Telophase Chromatids move to opposite
2022 Imp 3 Marks Questions
21.(a) What is Synapsis ? 1.Observe the given diagram of cell division.
(b) In which sub-stage of Prophase-l does it a) Identify the stage.
occur? 2022 Imp
b) Label the parts A and B.
22.Observe the following phases of nuclear c) Mention any one
division during mitosis and answer the peculiarity of the
following questions. pachytene stage of mitosis.
2012 March

a) Name the two 2. Observe the diagram given below representing

phases of A and B a stage of mitosis.
b) What are the a) Identify the stage.
main events b)Distinguish it from
occuring in "A" corresponding stage of
phase? meiosis-I
c)Mention the role of
2023 Model spindle fibres in Mitosis. 2012 Imp.

23.Give the scientific term for the following; 3. A diagrammatic view of a cell cycle is given
a) Pairing of homologous chromosomes. below.
b) Exchange of genetic material between two a) Identify the phase in
homologous chromosomes. 2023 Model
24.Karyokinesis in Mitosis involves four stages. i) DNA synthesis takes
What are they? 2023 March place
ii) Chromosomes are
25.Identify the sub stages of prophase I of Meiosis
arranged at the equator
in which the following events takes place:
of the spindle
(A) Crossing over
b) Mention two significant
(B) Pairing of homologous chromosome
points of mitosis in the life of an organism.
(C) Terminalisation of Chiasmata 2013 March.
(D) Dissolution of synaptonemal complex
2023 March 4. Observe the following phases of nuclear
division during mitosis and answer the
26. (a) Identify and write the name of stage of following questions.
Mitosis shown in the picture.
(b) Write one important event that takes place a) Name the two
during this stage. 2023 Imp
phases of A and B
b) What are the
main events
occuring in these
two stages?

2013 Imp.

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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XI 2012-2023 : Chapter 6 - Cell cycle and Cell division

5. Prophase of the first meiotic division is 9. a) Identify the substage of meiosis in which
typically longer and complex. It has been crossing over occurs
further subdivided into five phases. The major i) Leptotene
events of these sub-phases are given below. ii) Zygotene
a) Pairing of homologous chromosomes iii) Pachytene
b) Terminalization of chiasmata iv) Diplotene
c) Crossing over occurs b) Summarise the significance of meiosis in
d) Chromosomes are visible under a light sexually reproducing organisms. 2016 March
e) Formation of chiasmata 10. Identify the substages of Prophase I of
i) Identify the stages a,b, c, d and e meiosis in which the following events takes
ii) Arrange these stages in correct order of place. Mention any two significance of
occurence 2014 March meiosis.
a) Dissolution of the synaptonemal
6. The diagram shown below represents a stage complex
in mitosis b) Crossing over
a) Label the parts A and B c) Pairing of homologous chromosomes
b) Identify the stage d) Terminalization of chiasma
2016 Imp.
c) Mention any two events
occuring in this stage 11.Observe the diagrams. Identify the A and B
stages of mitosis. Write any two identifying
2014 Imp.
features of each stage.

7. Observe the diagrammatic view of a cell cycle

and answer the questions.
a) Identify the phase in
which DNA synthesis
takes place
2016 Imp.
b) Mention any one
event that takes place 12.Given below is the metaphase of mitosis.
in the stages marked Analyse the diagram and
as 'x' and 'y' draw a sketch of anaphase.
Write any two events of
2015 March anaphase.

8. Observe the diagram related with cell cycle.

Identify and 2017 March
describe A, B and C
13.Observe the figure.
in the diagram
a) Identify the stage of mitosis.
(Hint : Description
b) Name the preceding stage of the
of one point each
above stage.
from A,B and C)
Write its main events.

2018 Model
Write five sub-stages in prophase-I of meiosis.
Point out in which sub-stage crossing over occurs. 14.First phase of meiosis I is typically longer and
2015 Imp. complex one. Name it. Mention the five
subdivisions of this phase. 2018 March

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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XI 2012-2023 : Chapter 6 - Cell cycle and Cell division

15.Certain stages in cell cycle are given below. 19.Observe the given figure of cell cycle :
Karyokinesis, Prophase, Cytokinesis,
Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase.
Choose the statements (from those given
below) that match with these stages and
prepare a table.
• Centromere split and chromosomes
move to opposit poles.
• Chromosomes cluster at opposite poles
and nuclear envelope assembles around.
• Chromosomes seems to be with two a) Write the name of phases marked as A
chromatids attached at centromere. and B.
• Chromosomes arranged at spindle b) Write one important event in A and B.
2021 Model
• Separation of daughter chromosomes. 20.The figure shown below is the diagrammatic
• Divsion of cytoplasm. 2018 March
view of an important phase of mitosis.
(a) Identify the phase.
16.Meiosis ensures the production of haploid (b) What are the key events
gametes in diploid organisms. occurring during this
a) Why is meiosis called reduction phase ?
b) Write any two major significance of 2021 Sept.

meiosis. 2018 2nd term

21.The first stage of meiosis I is Prophase I which
is further sub divided into five phases.
17.The five phases of Prophase I of Meiosis I are (a) Write the five phases of prophase I in
given in the box. Select the correct phase and correct sequential order.
place them suitably in the column B. (b) Identify the phase in which crossing
over occurs. 2021 Imp.
Zygotene, Leptotene, Diplotene,
Diakinesis, Pachytene

Synapsis Occur i

Appearence of recombination nodule ii

Terminalization of Chiasma iii

2019 Model

18.Analyse the diagrams given below representing

two stages of mitosis.

a) Identify the stages A and B.

b) Write two key features of each stages A
and B. 2019 2nd term.


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