Cho, Y. M., Et Al. (2022) - Unsupervised Entity Linking With Guided Summarization and Multiple-Choice Selection. EMNLP
Cho, Y. M., Et Al. (2022) - Unsupervised Entity Linking With Guided Summarization and Multiple-Choice Selection. EMNLP
Cho, Y. M., Et Al. (2022) - Unsupervised Entity Linking With Guided Summarization and Multiple-Choice Selection. EMNLP
Entity linking, the task of linking potentially
ambiguous mentions in texts to correspond-
ing knowledge-base entities, is an important
component for language understanding. We
address two challenge in entity linking: how
to leverage wider contexts surrounding a men-
tion, and how to deal with limited training data.
Figure 1: Example of an Entity Linking problem.
We propose a fully unsupervised model called
SumMC that first generates a guided summary
of the contexts conditioning on the mention,
and then casts the task to a multiple-choice available in KBs in low-resource domains such as
problem where the model chooses an entity medicine or law. Thus, we focus on fully unsu-
from a list of candidates. In addition to evalu- pervised EL, which only has access to the entities’
ating our model on existing datasets that focus names and their KB relations like subclass-of
on named entities, we create a new dataset that (Le and Titov, 2019; Arora et al., 2021).
links noun phrases from WikiHow to Wikidata.
One challenge of unsupervised EL is leveraging
We show that our SumMC model achieves state-
of-the-art unsupervised performance on our useful information from potentially noisy and mis-
new dataset and on existing datasets. leading context (Pan et al., 2015). Specifically, a
local context (the sentence containing the mention)
1 Introduction may not be sufficient for disambiguating the target
Entity linking (EL) is an important Natural Lan- mention without the global context (other sentences
guage Processing (NLP) task that associates am- in the document). For example, in Figure 1, the tar-
biguous mentions to corresponding entities in a get mention ‘band’ cannot be disambiguated solely
knowledge base (KB, also called knowledge graph). with the local context “This band is so lovely”, but
EL is a crucial component of many NLP applica- needs to consider the global context that also in-
tions, such as question answering (Yih et al., 2015) cludes “I can’t wait for my wedding.”
and information extraction (Hoffart et al., 2011). To address this problem, we introduce an unsu-
Although there have been significant and contin- pervised approach to EL that builds on the strengths
uous developments of EL, most work requires suffi- of large neural language models like GPT-3 (Brown
cient labeled data and a well-developed KB (Zhang et al., 2020). We use zero-shot GPT-3 prompting
et al., 2021; Mulang’ et al., 2020; van Hulst et al., for two sub-tasks. First, we perform guided sum-
2020; Raiman and Raiman, 2018). However, many marization, which summarizes the input document
real-world applications, especially those in specific conditioned on the target mention and outputs a
domains, suffer from scarcity of both training data condensed global context. Then, we cast EL to
and a fully-populated KB. Previous research has a multiple-choice selection problem where the
tackled this problem by learning EL models with- model chooses an entity from a list of candidates.
out data labeled entity links, but requires indirect We refer to our unsupervised EL model as SumMC
supervision in the form of textual descriptions at- (Summarization+Multiple-Choice).
tached to entities in KBs, drawn from sources such With a few exceptions (Ratinov et al., 2011;
as Wikipedia (Cao et al., 2017; Logeswaran et al., Cheng and Roth, 2013), the majority of EL work
2019). However, such descriptions may not be targets named entities, such as names of people
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 9394 - 9401
December 7-11, 2022 ©2022 Association for Computational Linguistics
Figure 2: Pipeline of SumMC. Texts highlighted with green are machine generated.
and organizations (Mulang’ et al., 2020; van Hulst second casts EL to a multiple-choice selection prob-
et al., 2020), neglecting entities such as physical lem and chooses an appropriate entity from a list
objects or concepts. To comprehensively evalu- of candidates generated by some heuristics. In our
ate our model, we create the first EL dataset on work, we use GPT-3 as the language model due
procedural texts, WikiHow-Wikidata, which links to its superior performance on various NLP tasks
noun phrases from WikiHow1 to Wikidata2 entities (Brown et al., 2020).
(Vrandečić and Krötzsch, 2014).
Our SumMC model outperforms current state- Candidate Generation. Following previous work
of-the-art (SoTA) unsupervised EL models on our (Le and Titov, 2019; Arora et al., 2021), we first
new WikiHow-Wikidata data, as well as exist- select all entities from Wikidata whose name or
ing benchmarks including AIDA-CoNLL (Hoffart alias contains all tokens in a mention. Then, we
et al., 2011), WNED-Wiki and WNED-Clueweb narrow it down to the top 20 entities with the high-
dataset (Guo and Barbosa, 2018). In addition, we est degree (in-degree + out-degree) in the KB. For
also provide ablation studies to show the positive each entity in the final list, we produce a textual
influence of generating guided summaries.3 representation by concatenating the names of all
related entities. For example, the representation of
2 Methodology the candidate ribbon in Figure 1 is ribbon: costume
component, textile.
Fully unsupervised EL is the task that links a target
mention from a given document to some entities in SumMC. The first application of GPT-3 performs a
a KB without requiring any text data to be labeled guided summarization of the input document. With
with explicit links to the KB. The only available zero-shot prompting, GPT-3 summarizes the texts
information in the KB is the names of the entities using the prompt “[D] Summarize the text above in
and the relations among them. In this paper, we one sentence: [M]”, where [D] is the input docu-
follow previous work (Le and Titov, 2019; Arora ment and [M] is the target mention. Here, we force
et al., 2021) and use Wikidata as our target KB, GPT-3’s summarization to start with the mention
which defines instance-of and subclass-of re- to ensure that the conditioned summary contains
lations between entities. Wikidata can be seen as both the target mention and related global context.
a knowledge graph with entities as nodes and rela- At this point, the generated summary serves as a
tions as edges, and the popularity of an entity can global context while the sentence containing the
be represented by its degree. mention serves as a local context, both of which
We now introduce SumMC, our proposed unsu- help disambiguate the target mention.
pervised EL model which consists of two instances
The second application of GPT-3 casts the task
of a generative language model. The first performs
to multiple-choice selection following many suc-
guided summarization by generating a summary
cessful cases (Ouyang et al., 2022). With the two
of the document conditioned on a mention. The
contexts, GPT-3 transforms EL to a multiple-choice
1 question using the prompt “According to the con-
2 text above, which of the following best describes
The code and data are available at [M]?”, followed by the representations of the men-
/JeffreyCh0/SumMC tion [M]’s candidates as choices.
3 WikiHow-Wikidata Dataset Dataset
#Hard #Not-found
WikiWiki 2,727 (24%) 8,560 (76%) 0 7,097
Most work on EL has targeted named entities, espe- AIDA-B 2,555 (57%) 1,136 (25%) 787 (18%) 230
WNED-Wiki 2,731 (41%) 1,475 (22%) 2,488 (37%) 318
cially in the news. To account for more diverse en- WNED-Cweb 4,667 (42%) 3,056 (28%) 3,317 (30%) 320
tities in different styles of texts, we create a human-
annotated dataset called WikiHow-Wikidata that Table 1: Statistics of datasets showing distributions of
links noun phrases in procedural texts to Wikidata. mention difficulty.
The research revolving around entities in procedu-
ral texts have long received much attention in the
SumMC: Our proposed model integrates GPT-3
community (Dalvi et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020;
guided summarization and multiple-choice selec-
Tandon et al., 2020; Zhang, 2022), without existing
tion models. We use the Curie model for summa-
large-scale datasets of entity links in such a style
rization conditioned on the target mention and the
of texts.
Davinci model for multiple-choice. As discussed
To create the dataset, we first extract 40,000 arti-
before, both global and local contexts are provided.
cles from the WikiHow corpus (Zhang et al., 2020)
–Guide: This is an ablated version of SumMC that
detailing everyday procedures. To select men-
generates summaries without being conditioned on
tions to link, we choose the top 3 most-frequently-
the target mention. While both global and local
occurring nouns from each article using a part-of-
contexts are provided, the global context is not
speech tagger, assuming that most mentions in a
guaranteed to be related to the target mention.
document share the same word sense (Gale et al.,
–Sum: This is another ablated version that does
1992). Then, we ask students from a university in
not generate summaries of a whole document but
the U.S. to manually link these mentions to some
directly performs multiple-choice selection, given
Wikidata entity. Finally, to measure and control
only with the local context of the mention.
annotation quality, we manually annotate a subset
of examples beforehand as control questions. De- 4.2 Dataset
tails about our data collection process, interface,
and measures for quality control can be found in We choose AIDA-CoNLL-testb (AIDA-B),
Appendix B. Eventually, WikiHow-Wikidata con- WNED-Wiki, and WNED-Clueweb (WNED-
sists of 11,287 triples of a WikiHow article, a target Cweb) to measure models’ performance on
mention, and a Wikidata entity. disambiguating named entities and use our
WikiHow-Wikidata (WikiWiki) dataset for
4 Experiments evaluating on noun phrases.
Following previous settings (Tsai and Roth,
We evaluate our SumMC model along with other
2016; Guo and Barbosa, 2018; Arora et al., 2021),
strong baselines on some widely used EL datasets
we report micro precision@1 (P@1) and categorize
and our WikiHow-Wikidata dataset.
each mention into ‘easy’ and ‘hard’ by whether
4.1 Models the candidate entity with the highest degree in
the knowledge graph is the correct answer. Per-
τ MIL-ND: Le and Titov (2019) introduced the first
formance on ‘hard’ mention is important since
EL model that did not require an annotated dataset.
it shows the model’s ability on highly ambigu-
Their model casts the EL task to a binary multi-
ous mentions. ‘Not-found’ is for mentions whose
instance learning (Dietterich et al., 1997) problem
candidate list does not contain the correct answer.
along with a noise-detecting classifier.
‘Overall’ performance is reported considering all
Eigentheme: Arora et al. (2021) created Eigen-
mentions, including ‘Not-found’ by treating it as a
theme, the current state-of-the-art among fully un-
false prediction. The distribution of each dataset is
supervised EL models. By representing each entity
shown in Table 1.
with its graph embedding, the model identifies a
low-rank subspace using SVD on the embedding 5 Results and Discussion
matrix and ranks candidates by the distance to this
hyperplane. We show our results in Table 2. Our SumMC model
To analyze the effect of using global context in achieves significantly better results than other un-
our SumMC model, we report the evaluation results supervised EL models in all evaluation datasets.
using three variations. Specifically, SumMC has a strong performance on
WikiHow-Wikidata AIDA-B WNED-Wiki WNED-Clueweb
Overall Easy Hard Overall Easy Hard Overall Easy Hard Overall Easy Hard
τ MIL-ND - - - 0.45 0.70 0.19 0.13 - - 0.27 - -
Eigentheme 0.50 0.61 0.53 0.62 0.86 0.50 0.44 0.82 0.47 0.41 0.77 0.29
SumMC (ours) 0.76 0.62 0.80 0.64 0.80 0.71 0.47 0.81 0.65 0.48 0.75 0.60
Improvement over SoTA +0.26 +0.01 +0.27 +0.02 -0.06 +0.21 +0.03 -0.01 +0.18 +0.07 -0.02 +0.31
Table 2: Performance comparison across SoTA models. Result is reported with Precision@1. We get results
of τ MIL-ND and Eigentheme on public datasets from Arora et al. (2021). ‘Overall’ shows result considering
‘Not-found’ mentions.
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1996-12-06 Japan began the defence of their Asian Cup title with a lucky 2-1 win against Syria in a Group C championship
match on Friday. But China saw their luck desert them in the second match of the group, crashing to a surprise 2-0 defeat to
newcomers Uzbekistan. China controlled most of the match and saw several chances missed until the 78th minute when Uzbek
striker Igor Shkvyrin took advantage of a misdirected defensive header to lob the ball over the advancing Chinese keeper and
into an empty net. Oleg Shatskiku made sure of the win in injury time, hitting an unstoppable left foot shot from just outside the
area. The former Soviet republic was playing in an Asian Cup finals tie for the first time. Despite winning the Asian Games title
two years ago, Uzbekistan are in the finals as outsiders. Two goals from defensive errors in the last six minutes allowed Japan to
come from behind and collect all three points from their opening meeting against Syria. Takuya Takagi scored the winner in the
88th minute, rising to head a Hiroshige Yanagimoto cross towards the Syrian goal which goalkeeper Salem Bitar appeared to
have covered but then allowed to slip into the net. It was the second costly blunder by Syria in four minutes. Defender Hassan
Abbas rose to intercept a long ball into the area in the 84th minute but only managed to divert it into the top corner of Bitar’s goal.
Nader Jokhadar had given Syria the lead with a well-struck header in the seventh minute. Japan then laid siege to the Syrian
penalty area for most of the game but rarely breached the Syrian defence. Bitar pulled off fine saves whenever they did. Japan
coach Shu Kamo said: "The Syrian own goal proved lucky for us. The Syrians scored early and then played defensively and
adopted long balls which made it hard for us." Japan, co-hosts of the World Cup in 2002 and ranked 20th in the world by FIFA,
are favourites to regain their title here. Hosts UAE play Kuwait and South Korea take on Indonesia on Saturday in Group A
matches. All four teams are level with one point each from one game.
Mention Summary
- Japan began the defence of their Asian Cup title with a lucky 2-1 win against Syria in a Group C championship
match on Friday.
Japan Japan won 2-1 against Syria in the first game of the Asian Cup, while China lost 2-0 to Uzbekistan in the
second game of the group.
Syria Syria lost to Japan 2-1 in the Asian Cup championship, with two late goals coming from defensive errors.
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan defeated China 2-0 in their first match of the Asian Cup, surprising many observers.