Guidance For European Structural Design of Glass Components
Guidance For European Structural Design of Glass Components
Guidance For European Structural Design of Glass Components
of Glass Components
Support to the implementation, harmonization
and further development of the Eurocodes
M. Feldmann, R. Kasper
B. Abeln, P. Cruz, J. Belis, J. Beyer, J. Colvin, F. Ensslen, M. Eliasova, L. Galuppi,
A. Geßler, C. Grenier, A. Haese, H. Hoegner, R. Kruijs, K. Langosch, Ch. Louter,
G. Manara, T. Morgan, J. Neugebauer, V. Rajcic, G. Royer-Carfagni, J.
Schneider, S. Schula, G. Siebert, Z. Sulcova, F. Wellershoff, R. Zarnic
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Silvia Dimova
Address: Joint Research Centre, Via Enrico Fermi 2749, TP 480, 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
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JRC 86637
EUR 26439 EN
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ISBN 978-92-79-35094-8 (print)
ISSN 1018-5593 (print)
doi: 10.2788/5523
Printed in Italy
Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The construction sector is of strategic importance to the EU as it delivers the buildings and
infrastructure needed by the rest of the economy and society. It represents more than 10% of
EU GDP and more than 50% of fixed capital formation. It is the largest single economic ac-
tivity and it is the biggest industrial employer in Europe. The sector employs directly almost 20
million people. Construction is a key element not only for the implementation of the Single Mar-
ket, but also for other construction relevant EU Policies, e.g. Sustainability, Environment and
Energy, since 40-45% of Europe’s energy consumption stems from buildings with a further 5-
10% being used in processing and transport of construction products and components.
The EN Eurocodes are a set of European standards which provide common rules for the de-
sign of construction works, to check their strength and stability against live extreme loads such
as fire and earthquakes. In line with the EU’s strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive
growth (EU2020), Standardization plays an important part in supporting the industrial policy for
the globalization era. The improvement of the competition in EU markets through the adoption
of the Eurocodes is recognized in the "Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the con-
struction sector and its enterprises" - COM (2012)433, and they are distinguished as a tool for
accelerating the process of convergence of different national and regional regulatory approach-
With the publication of all the 58 Eurocodes Parts in 2007, the implementation in the European
countries started in 2010 and now the process of their adoption internationally is gaining mo-
mentum. The Commission Recommendation of 11 December 2003 stresses the importance of
training in the use of the Eurocodes, especially in engineering schools and as part of continuous
professional development courses for engineers and technicians, which should be promoted
both at national and international level. It is recommended to undertake research to facilitate the
integration into the Eurocodes of the latest developments in scientific and technological
In May 2010 DG ENTR issued the Programming Mandate M/466 EN to CEN concerning the
future work on the Structural Eurocodes. The purpose of the Mandate was to initiate the pro-
cess of further evolution of the Eurocode system. M/466 requested CEN to provide a pro-
gramme for standardisation covering:
• Development of new standards or new parts of existing standards, e.g. a new con-
struction material and corresponding design methods or a new calculation procedure;
• Incorporation of new performance requirements and design methods to achieve fur-
ther harmonisation of the implementation of the existing standards.
Following the answer of CEN, in December 2012 DG ENTR issued the Mandate M/515 EN for
detailed work programme for amending existing Eurocodes and extending the scope of struc-
tural Eurocodes. In May 2013 CEN replied to M/515 EN. Over 1000 experts from across Europe
have been involved in the development and review of the document. The CEN/TC250 work
programme encompasses all the requirements of M/515 EN, supplemented by requirements
established through extensive consultation with industry and other stakeholders. Publishing of
the complete set of new standards is expected by 2019.
Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The standardisation work programme of CEN/TC250 envisages that the new pre-
normative documents will first be published as JRC Scientific and Policy Reports, before
their publication as CEN Technical Specifications. After a period for trial use and comment-
ing, CEN/TC 250 will decide whether the Technical Specifications should be converted into
This pre-normative document is published as a part of the JRC Report Series “Support to the
implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes” and presents Guid-
ance for European Structural Design of Glass Components. It was developed by
CEN/TC250 Working Group (WG) 3 on structural glass. The purpose of its work is to develop
structural design rules for glass components in a stepwise procedure that finally should result
into a new Eurocode on design of structural glass.
This JRC Scientific and Policy Report presents the scientific and technical background of the
design of glass components, basing on a complete state-of-the-art overview of the existing na-
tional codes or rules, and on the most recent scientific knowledge. It presents a harmonized
European view on the contents and the technical rules of the future Eurocode on design of
glass components.
The editors and authors have sought to present useful and consistent information in this
report. However, users of information contained in this report must satisfy themselves of
its suitability for the purpose for which they intend to use it.
The report is available to download from the “Eurocodes: Building the future” website
Ispra, December 2013
Markus Feldmann
RWTH Aachen, Convenor of CEN/TC250 WG3
Steve Denton
Parsons Brinckerhoff, Chairman of TC250
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The publication of these reports by the JRC serves the purpose of implementation, further har-
monization and development of the Eurocodes. However, it is noted that neither the Commis-
sion nor CEN are obliged to follow or endorse any recommendation or result included in these
reports in the European legislation or standardization processes.
The reports are available to download from the “Eurocodes: Building the future” website
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
This report has been prepared for the development of a future European design standard on
structural glass under the aegis of CEN/TC250. Both CEN/TC250 and JRC acknowledge the
substantial contribution of the many international experts of CEN/TC250/WG3,
CEN/TC129/WG8, COST Action TU0905 and others, who have supported the works by their
essential input and reviews.
Markus Feldmann
RWTH Aachen, Chairman of CEN/TC250 WG3
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
However at present only national codes are available for the design of structural glass, and
so far, despite of a considerable amount of scientific knowledge of the structural behaviour,
these codes usually refer to secondary applications only and rarely to applications with pri-
mary structural function.
It was therefore the wish of the industry and the European Commission to launch the works
on the codification of structural design of glass in order to
Provide design techniques representing the latest state of the art and recognised re-
Provide a common pool of design approaches, and
Achieve a harmonized safety level, both ensuring a free trading of prefabricated structural
glass elements.
For this reason a Working Group (WG) 3 on structural glass was created within CEN TC 250
“Structural Eurocodes” that is commissioned to elaborate corresponding design code. The
specific purpose of these works of WG 3 is to develop structural design rules for glass com-
ponents in a stepwise procedure that finally should result into a new Eurocode on the Design
of Structural Glass.
In view of this, as the first step, the present Scientific and Policy Report has been prepared
including proposals for rules for the design of glass or of what content future rules should be.
It also contains a presentation of the scientific and technical background. As guidance it fur-
ther gives a complete state-of-the-art overview related to the design of glass components.
The document also represents a European harmonized view of the technical contents that in
a second step – after agreement with the Commission and the Member States – could be
used as a basis for standardisation that will indicate necessities of the code up to code-like
formulations of selected items. Further, as a kind of review it reflects and refers to the exist-
ing state of the art, existing national codes or rules and the latest scientific knowledge.
Figure 1-1 illustrates the European code environment for the preparation of the Scientific and
Policy Report for Structural Glass with regard to the “three columns” of the European codifi-
cation of structural issues:
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Innovation and sustainability with steel
Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Structural Design of Glass Components 3
Figure 1-1 European code environment for the preparation of the Scientific and Policy Report for Structural
Glass with regard to the “three columns” of codification
The governing standard gives the “Delivery conditions for prefabricated structural glass com-
ponents” that refers to “Product Specifications”, “Structural Design rules” and “Execution
rules” and is the reference standard for the compliance-assessment and CE-marking of pre-
fabricated structural glass components.
“Product specifications” comprise both product- and testing standards as well as EOTA-
Guidelines and ETA’s; they provide the product properties used in design. The reference
from the design guidance to the supporting standards like product specifications and execu-
tion standards requires consistency that will be achieved by simultaneous work on these
standards, for which cooperation is provided already in early stages of the drafting between
Innovation and sustainability with steel
CEN/TC250 works that works
– Preliminary have been done so far are listed in Figure 1-2.
1. JRC-Initiative (2007)
JRC-Report: Purpose and justification for new design standards regarding the use of
glass products in civil engineering works
The initial start of works on European design rules for glass-components took place in 2007
following a JRC-initiative, which included all stakeholders and resulted in a JRC-Report “Pur-
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
pose and justification for new design standards regarding the use of glass products in civil
engineering works”, see Figure 1-3, addressed to the Commission.
Figure 1-3 JRC-Report “Purpose and justification for new design standards regarding the use of glass
products in civil engineering works” [86]
The Eurocodes consist of the governing EN 1990 – Eurocode – Basis of Structural Design –
which concretises the “Essential Requirements” by design principles and application rules
and of EN 1991 – Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures and of EN 1992 – Eurocode 2 to EN
1999 – Eurocode 9 with design rules for concrete structures, steel structures, composite
structures, timber structures, masonry structures, geotechnical design, design in seismic re-
gions and aluminium structures, Figure 1-4.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
EN 1990
Eurocode: Basis of Design
EN 1999
Eurocode 9: Aluminium structures
Figure 1-4 Survey of the existing Eurocodes, missing: Eurocode on Structural Glass
The Eurocodes are “living documents”; so far they do not yet contain design rules for glass
structures though the design principles and application rules in EN 1990 apply also to such.
An overview on further Eurocodes, suitable for glass and steel- glass structures is given in
Figure 1-5.
Figure 1-5 Eurocodes suitable for glass and e.g. steel glass structures
EN 1990 specifies the general methodology of limit state verifications for the
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
where for glass structures the damage tolerance in the ultimate limit state is a particular con-
Due to the peculiarities of glass, like the brittle behaviour and the randomness of the
strength, glass structures require a design process different from the approach used for “tra-
ditional” building materials.
The design philosophy will be based on the concept of "fail safe", according to which in a
glass structure the crisis of one or more components must not impair the safety of the whole
structure to safeguard human lives. Adequate safety can be guaranteed by referring to the
concepts of hierarchy, robustness and redundancy that can provide the ductility which is
lacking within the material or in a single structural element. It is essential to check that the
structure is able to redistribute loads in case of breakage of some structural elements by
providing alternative routes for the stresses.
To consider failure consequences in the ultimate limit state, EN 1990 specifies reliability
classes, Figure 1-6, with different failure probabilities that may be used to classify different
types of glass structures and glass products as single glass panes or laminated glass panes
according to the use and support conditions. The failure probability to be achieved must be in
accordance with Figure 1-6. The related reliability index (1 year or 50 years) must be cho-
sen depending on the definition of the loads and their quantiles (e.g. 98%-quantiles for the
wind pressure from the wind speed are typically defined for a 1 year re-occurrence).
In relation to the failure consequences of EN 1990 a special classification for glass compo-
nents is necessary to consider the risk after failure. In chapter 4.5 this matter is discussed in
Reliability Reliability
ULS – failure consequences index index
Class (1 year) (50 years) (1 year) (50 year)
-5 -3
Small 1 10 5 x 10 5.2 4.3
-6 -4
Normal 2 10 10 4.7 3.8
-7 -5
Extraordinary 3 10 10 4.2 3.3
For the normal reliability class the design values of actions effects and resistances can
be derived as a function of the statistical parameters of and and the reliability index
, Figure 1-7.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
( { } ⏟ ) ( { } ⏟ )
⏟√ ⏟√
( {⏟ } ) ( {⏟ } )
⏟ ⏟
This definition of is expressed as the effect of a combination of actions with the perma-
nent action and the leading variable action and the accompanying variable action ,
see Figure 1-8.
{ }
The definition of is used for the statistical evaluation of tests. However for glass structures
resistances depend not only on extreme values of actions as for other materials but also
on other characteristics as load duration, humidity, etc. that are normally not mentioned in
action codes. Nevertheless, the Eurocode specifications may be used, because these effects
are included in the definition of resistances.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Generally the consideration of glass in structures is led by the classifying of the elements
according to failure scenarios, Figure 1-9. For the first instance static loading is taken into
account, for balustrades also dynamic loading and simulation methods exist.
post breakage - Bearing characterisitics
behaviour (horizontal - Breakage characterisitics
- Failure scenarios
glazing), glass floors, - Glass assembly
- Test methods
maintenance glazing,
e.g. glass breakage in
combination with - Bearing characterisitics
loading, incorporation - Test methods
of glass element in the - Failure scenarios
overall structure
Figure 1-9 Scenario design of glass and glass elements of different structural importance
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Rules in Germany
post breakage DIN 18008-1 (linear supported)
DIN 18008-1
behaviour (horizontal DIN 18008-3 (point supported)
glass floors,
DIN 18008-1 DIN 18008-4,-5 and -6
maintenance glazing,
Rules in Austria
post breakage ÖNORM B 3716-2 (linear supported)
ÖNORM B 3716-1
behaviour (horizontal ÖNORM B 3716-5 (point supported)
glass floors,
ÖNORM B 3716-1 ÖNORM B 3716-3 and -4
maintenance glazing,
Page 8
Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Dutch regulations
post breakage
NEN2608 (riks of life)
behaviour, all
e.g. glass breakage in
combination with
loading, incorporation NEN2608
of glass element in the
overall structure
British Regulations
post breakage BS 6262-4 safety glass usage
behaviour (horizontal EN 12600 BS 5516 sloping glazing
glazing), glass floors, EN glass product standards BS6180 barriers
maintenance glazing, CWCT TN66, TN67, TN92
e.g. glass breakage in
combination with
None None
loading, incorporation Ad-hoc calculations and tests
of glass element in the
overall structure
Page 9
Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Rules in France
e.g. glass breakage in
combination with Project of document regarding
loading, incorporation seimsic actions / Glass beams and
of glass element in the columns lateral torsional buckling
overall structure
Material products Glass plates Special Design
e.g. columns, beams, shear
strenght (glass) stiffness Bearing types: e.g. linear and for glazing
elements, shear connections,
(interlayer) point supported applications
design in seismic area.
post breakage
CNR-DT 210 CNR-DT 210 CNR-DT 210
behaviour (horizontal
glass floors,
CNR-DT 210 CNR-DT 210 CNR-DT 210 UNI 7697
maintenance glazing,
The future Eurocode on the Design of Structural Glass should have an appropriate structur-
ing that complies with the European approach of a material related design code in civil engi-
neering and with the basic reference normative documents such as EN 1990 [38] and EN
1991 [39].
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
1 General
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative References
1.3 Assumptions
1.4 Distinction between principles and application rules
1.5 Terms and definitions
1.6 Symbols
1.7 Conventions
2 Basis of design
2.1 Requirements
2.1.1 Basic requirements
2.1.2 Robustness and redundancy
2.1.3 Reliability management
2.1.4 Durability
2.1.5 Design working life
2.2 Principles of limit state design
2.3 Basic variables
2.4 Verification by the partial factor method
2.5 Design assisted by testing
3 Materials
3.1 General
3.2 Glass for structures
3.2.1 Material properties Body of the panel Edge of the panel Corner of the panel Hole of the panel
3.2.2 Prestress isotropy
3.2.3 Spontaneous breakage induced by NiS-inclusions – Heat soak test-
3.3 Interlayer
3.4 Laminated glass
3.5 Insulating glass
4 Durability
5 Ultimate limit state and corresponding design scenarios
5.1 General and principles
5.2 Secondary and primary structural elements of glass
5.3 Static resistance and corresponding scenario
5.4 Residual resistance and corresponding post failure scenario
5.5 Seismic Ultimate Limit State
5.5.1 Generals and principles
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
4.1.1 Panels under axial in-plane loads and out of plane loads Monolithic sections Laminated sections Uniform loading Combined short and long term loading
4.1.2 Combined loading under axial loads and bending
4.1.3 Load introduction and bearings
4.2 Lateral torsional buckling of in-plane-loaded panels
4.2.1 Monolithic sections
4.2.2 Laminated sections Uniform loading Combined short term and long term loading
4.2.3 Load introduction and bearings
4.3 Shear plate buckling of combined in-plane and out-of-plane loaded panels
4.3.1 In-plane corner loaded panels Monolithic sections Laminated sections Uniform loading Combined short and long term loading Load introduction and bearings
4.3.2 Continuously edge supported panels Monolithic sections Laminated sections Uniform loading Combined short and long term loading Load introduction and bearings
5 Joints and Connections
5.1 Bolts in shear
5.2 Friction joints
5.3 Adhesive bonding
5.4 Connections for earthquake resistance
6 Design in seismic areas
In the following this report describes first the material properties of glass and interlayers
(chapter 2). Only properties in view of structural applications are discussed, further physical
and/or chemical properties are disregarded within the scope of this report. The mechanical
background, the safety approaches as well as its explication in the different design situations
are presented.
Thereafter different glass products are introduced (chapter 3), before design rules and safety
requirements are described (chapter 4). The mechanical basics of the element plate with
monolithic and laminated section are given in chapter 5.
Secondary and primary structural elements are described separately in chapters 6 and 7. At
the end chapter 8 is dealing with connection types.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The grey boxes have two functions. First, the “Codes Reviews” give an overview on the ex-
isting codes like design or product standards. There give an idea about the state of the tech-
nology for the products and the applications. The information does not claim for complete-
ness. Second, the “Eurocode Outlooks” predefine the needed standardisation tasks for the
future Eurocode.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
2 Material properties
2.1 Glass
2.1.1 General
The following explanations mostly refer to those properties that are important in view of the
load carrying capacity and the durability of structural glass. Other properties like e.g. trans-
mission values, effects of coatings, insulation values of windows are assumed to be not rele-
vant in combination with a Eurocode for the design of structural glass. Further references to
the material characteristics can be found in [96].
In its rigid state, glass can be regarded as an “amorphous solid”. Because of this the me-
chanical behaviour of glass is very brittle without any plastic deformation capacity. Under
loading the strain response to the stress is perfectly linear with sudden failure.
Based on physical calculations the theoretical tensile strength results into 5000 MPa up to
8000 MPa. However due to structural defects on the surface (Griffith flaws) the real strength
is much lower. Since high stress concentrations occurring in the cracks cannot be redistrib-
uted because of the lack of ductility, the bending strength of annealed glass in reality reduces
to about 30 – 80 MPa. Depending on the size of the surface crack the bending tensile
strength is controlled by the onset of a hypercritical crack growth without any plastic defor-
mations. This results into a sudden breakage of the glass. On the other hand subcritical
crack growth occurs due to potential so-called stress corrosion under expositions like water
or humidity together with long-term loading. That is the reason why the bending strength of
annealed glass e.g. due to permanent loads is lower than for loads with a short duration.
The bending strength of a float glass panel depends on a variety of influencing factors; the
following gives an overview:
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Size of the crack: By fracture mechanics the relation between the size of the crack and the
stresses due to external strains can be described. Thereby the surface damage of the glass
is assumed to be dependent on the age of the panel (by which the size and frequency of the
crack is growing). For mode the crack depth is related to the stress concentration factor
KI c 1
a all.
c Y M k
Surface side of the glass panel: According to which of the two surface sides is considered
the bending strength of the two float panel surfaces of freshly produced float glass is differ-
ent. Namely the “tin”-side, having been in contact with the liquid tin bath during production,
provides a lower bending strength compared to the other side that has been exposed to the
air. This may be due to the atomic diffusion of tin or, more likely, due to the contact with the
transport rollers. However this difference between the strength of the two surfaces disap-
pears quickly when glass is in use.
Figure 2-2 Weibull distribution of the bending strength related to the gas- and the tin-side (freshly produced
float glass) [108]
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Size effect: The reliability as the inverse of the breakage probability is distributed accord-
ing to Weibull and depends on the normalized strength ( to a defined fractile) and the
scatter index :
Z 1G e
If all chain links are assumed to have the same properties, it applies accordingly
n n
ln Z
n (2-4)
Z tot Z n e n ln Z respectively Z tot e 0
Hence the ratio (A) of the bending strength of panels with different areas but the same
specific reliability is
A (2-7)
That means that the larger a glass panel is the lower is the bending resistance.
f A A1
1,0 (2-8)
f A A0
Whilst defining
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
nA0 Ai Ages A (2-10)
i 1
the equivalent strength fA,eq of an area with partial areas that are loaded by uniform
stress can be compared to the equivalent strength fA,eq of the same area but loaded with non-
uniform stress. However both should have the same maximum bending stress max. The
equivalent strength fA,eq then:
f Ai Ai
A dA
f A,eq i 1 : ( p)
max respectively p (2-11)
A max A
Influence of the load duration: The ratio of the reference strength f0,A0 coming from a refer-
ence test (with defined load duration, exposition and reference area) to the equivalent refer-
ence strength feq (with different load duration, exposition and reference area) is:
f eq ,V S 0 t0
f 0 ,A0 SV tV ( A )
As simplification of (t) the formula for the modification factor is given in [45] taking into
account the load duration can be determined from (2-15) by assuming a constant sur-
rounding medium ( ) and a current time period of 5 sec (related to fracture tests), see
Code Review No. 2:
1/ n 1/ n
t ( A) 5 sec
( t ) kmod v
t0 t
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
1 factor of corrosion c = 27
0,001 0,1 10 1000
Time [h]
1 / 16
prEN 16612 [37]: Factor of load duration kmod 0 ,663t with factor of corrosion c = 16, t in
CNR-DT-210 [55]: The Italian CNR-DT-210, suggests the expression kmod 0 ,585t 1 / 16 .
The types of loading are connected with specified load duration. The specification of the load dura-
tions are not unified in the different countries, see
Code Review No. 25 et seq..
Load dura- Type of loading and kmod Type of loading and Type of loading and kmod [37]
tion [44] kmod [48]
Permanent Permanent load and per- Permanent load and Dead load, self-weight
manent climatic loading climatic load 0,29
(pH) 0,25 0,6
middle Climatic loading (pT and Snow, personnel Yearly temperature variation
(ppmet)) and snow loading on glass 0,39
floors and driveable Snow 0,44
Barometric pressure 0,5
Daily temperature variation
short Horizontal traffic load Horizontal traffic Wind (short, multiple) 0,7
and wind [44] load, maintenance Personnel loads (short, single
0,7 load and wind gust( 0,89
0,7 Wind (single gust) 1,0
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The Italian CNR-DT-210 [55] takes into account of the effects of the type of stress (uniaxial, biaxial
etc.). This is because failure is triggered by the growth of a dominant crack in mode I, and the
probability of having a dominant crack at right angle to the principal tensile stress is higher, e.g., if
the state of stress is equibiaxial, rather than uniaxial.
Influence of the exposition: Based on equation (2-12) an exposition factor can be derived:
n n
SV tV ( A )
( SV ) max,V (2-16)
V max SV tV ( A )
The crack growth rate is related to the stress concentration factor and parameters S and n
are depending on the surrounding. In the literature the following values are given [106].
Temperature n S
Defect under water 35 °C 16 5
Humidity 50% 25 °C 18.1 0.45
Humidity 10% 25 °C 27 0.87
Snow 2 °C 16 0.82
Vacuum 70 250
As can be seen the number of parameters influencing the surface bending resistance of an-
nealed glass is relatively large. Particularly the expositions like to sand, dust and water may
strongly influence. Since the parameters in Table 2-1 are depending on the chemical glass
composition, they have to be considered in the product codes. However the national regula-
tions are dealing with them differently.
The short back of a limited bending strength of annealed glass can – to some extent - be
overcome by thermal pre-stressing. Detrimental exposition effects can be avoided by lami-
nating the load carrying glass layers thus protecting it.
The glass melt consisting of sand, quartz and soda has a temperature of about 1100-
1200°C. For the post-processing of glass the so-called glass transformation temperature
(about 650°C) is important. Around that transformation temperature range the material prop-
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
erties are viscoelastic. These properties are used to induce residual stresses in the glass by
heating up the glass panel up to 650° and cooling down very fast.
The bending strength of the glass gets much higher compared to float glass.
In case of breakage a thermally toughened glass panel breaks into small glass pieces
(particles or dices) caused by the pre-stress energy. Without tempering annealed glass
breaks into large shards. Initially, thermal toughening has been developed for the auto-
motive industry to avoid injuries and so it is also called “safety glass”. In relation to build-
ing application there is still a risk if a panel breaks in a façade and glass pieces sticking
together fall down.
The risk of breakage caused by e.g. accidental impact is considerably lower compared to
float glass.
Figure 2-3 Schemes of different prestress-distributions across the plate section depending on the glass
The higher the prestressing, the smaller the shards or glass particles become after breakage
for a given thickness. The reason for this is the induced energy that releases along the total
lengths of the crack pattern (higher prestressing higher crack energy greater total length
of cracks smaller particles), see Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-4 shows the interconnection of the occurring crack pattern with the degree of pre-
stress for float, heat strengthened and toughened safety glass. Note that, to reach a “good”
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
crack pattern for heat strengthened glass as for float, no (or only a few) “island-shards”
should occur.
Only some are specified destructive methods exist to determine the bending strength as well
as the quantity and homogeneity of the pre-stressing. In such a test a small glass plate (360
mm x 1100 mm) is to be destroyed under a loading-free situation. Depending on the product
(heat strengthened or thermally toughened glass) specified criteria have to be fulfilled e.g. a
minimum number of broken glass particles.
Characteristic bending
45 N/mm² 70 N/mm² 120 N/mm²
Figure 2-4 Interconnection of the occurring crack pattern with the degree of prestress for float, heat
strengthened and toughened safety glass
Figure 2-5 Size of the glass splinters depending on the level of prestressing [111]
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Product standard:
EN 12150-1 [11]: The number of glass pieces in a square of 50 mm x 50 mm is an indicator for the
quality of a thermally toughened glass panel. The higher the induced stresses are the higher the
number of glass pieces is.
EN 1863 [10]: Heat strengthened glass should have a breakage structure similar to float glass. The
number and size of so-called “island” pieces like No.1 or 2 is limited in the product standard.
When speaking of “strength”, the bending strength is meant. However it is known that in a
glass panel the bending strength differs significantly depending on the position where it is
obtained. In view of these four characteristic zones are distinguished: the interior or body
zone (zone 1), the edge of the panel (zone 2), the corner strength (zone 3) and the edge of a
hole (zone 4).
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However, the recent European standards define only the bending strength of zone 1 (body)
and zone 2 (edge).
EN 1288-2: Coaxial double ring test on flat specimens with large surface areas:
This test method is only applicable for flat glass. Depending on the thickness tolerances also pat-
terned glass can be tested.
The coaxial double ring test avoids the influence of the edges. In the case of small deflection and p =
0 a coaxial stress situation is present in the circle with the radius r1. In the case of large deflections
local stress concentrations occur under the circular pressure ring. This can be avoided by a com-
bined ring and pressure load F + p. A nonlinear evaluation method is given in the test standard to
evaluate the failure strength.
The stress rate during test should be 2 ± 0,4 N/mm².
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EN 1288-3: Test with specimen supported at two points (four point bending):
This test method is only applicable for flat glass. Patterned glass can be tested without restrictions.
The test results are influenced by the bending strength of the edges. For slender test specimen the
evaluation of the results can be done by the linear beam theory. In the case of large test specimen
the Poisson effect has to be taken into account. The Poisson effect evokes a stress concentration
near to the edges and a discharging of the inner part. The strength can be evaluated from all broken
test specimen or only from “edge breaks”.
The stress rate during test should be 2 ± 0,4 N/mm².
EN 1288-5: Coaxial double ring test on flat specimens with small test surface areas:
This test method is only applicable for flat glass. Patterned glass cannot be tested.
The advantage is the coaxial loading of the glass panel, but the bending strength is up 300% higher
compared to the methods in part 2 or 3.
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It is evident that for structural glass elements a more specific differentiation is needed:
Zone 2: edge strength (additionally to the bending strength the strength due to in-plane
Zone 3: corner strength
Zone 4: holes (bending and in-plane loading)
So far there are no standardised test methods to determine the strength of zone 2 to 4 for
structural applications. Against this background several research projects have been carried
out to evaluate strength values for these zones [117][124].
The statistical evaluation of the strength values for glass differs compared to other construc-
tion materials.
culations. Material partial safety factors are calculated on the basis of full probabilistic (level III)
methods for paradigmatic cases.
Non-destructive quality control of tempered glass panels (TTG and HSG) can be carried out
with the use of optical devices. Here, is to differentiate between methods that locally meas-
ure the amount of stress and on the other hand methods that visualise the qualitative homo-
geneity or isotropy of the pre-stress over the plate.
The local methods take account of the birefringence effect of glass, the qualitative methods
are based on light polarisation effects and their visualisation techniques.
The measurements taken using these methods are found to be operator dependent and not
easily repeatable even by the same operator. Therefore any measurements using these
methods should only be taken as general qualitative indicators and not as quantitative values
for design or glass selection purposes.
2.2 Interlayer
2.2.1 General
In general, interlayers are of polymer or ionomer materials. They show a significant time- and
temperature dependency. This characteristic is also influencing the static behaviour of glass
laminates under different loading situations. Some basics concerning the viscoelastic effects,
appropriate testing methods and a design method are described hereafter. Further refer-
ences to the material characteristics can be found in [154] [155] [156].
There are various investigations on the creep and relaxation behaviour of the interlayer,
mostly of PVB, in laminated glass panels, all of them using different test setups, evaluation
and interpretation techniques. As a result the proposed time dependent shear moduli accord-
ing to different authors are different [150] [159] [160] [161] [162] [163].
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Differences may be reasoned by the different test setup, different sizes and theoretical ap-
proaches. However there is the need on having a reliable elasticity-time-law to benefit from
the composite effect of laminated glass, in particular ionomer interlayers.
Generally, mechanical tests are performed with methods that apply at specific ranges of time
domain depending on the load time that is necessary to investigate. The frequency of dy-
namic action in engineering analysis generally ranges from 10-9 to 100 Hz. Higher frequen-
cies are useful in the study of impacts and explosions. The most common test methods that
are able to determine the rheological properties of polymer materials are reported in the fol-
Transient experiments
Typical transient experiments are ”creep” and “stress” relaxation. In a creep experiment, a
constant stress is applied to a specimen and the corresponding strain is recorded as a func-
tion of time; using this procedure, the creep compliance is obtained. On the other hand, in a
stress relaxation experiment, a constant strain is imposed to a specimen and the correspond-
ing stress is determined, thus obtaining the shear relaxation modulus.
Periodic experiments
If stress (or strain) applied on a viscoelastic material is varied periodically with sinusoidal law,
the strain (or stress) will also alternate with the same law and frequency, but the course will
be out of phase. In case of sufficiently small deformations, material functions such as relaxa-
tion modulus or creep compliance are independent on the amplitude of strain or stress ap-
plied to the specimen. These conditions are satisfied in the linear viscoelastic range. If, at a
given temperature, a strain is imposed according to
γ γ0 sinωt (2-17)
It can be easily shown [110] that, in the linear range, the stress can be expressed as:
0 Gsin( t) Gcos( t) (2-18)
where the shear storage modulus and the shear loss modulus of the material
are functions of the angular frequency only. If stress is applied according to a sinusoidal
time law, the same definitions can be set up for the creep functions. This test method, re-
ferred to as “forced vibrations”, applies at a frequency range of 10-2 to 102 Hz.
Among the periodic experiments, the free oscillation (for example, torsional oscillation) co-
vers in general a frequency range of 0.01 to 25 Hz, the upper limit being set by the dimen-
sions of the specimen when becoming comparable to the wavelength of the stress waves in
the specimen. The viscoelastic properties are obtained from the value of the constant angu-
lar frequency of the specimen and the gradually decreasing amplitude of the oscillation. At
higher frequencies, the wavelength of displacement becomes too short with respect to the
dimensions of specimen; in such cases, the propagation of travelling waves can be observed
and the velocity and the attenuation of waves provides the components of the complex
Young’s modulus. Longitudinal and flexural waves in thin strips can cover in general a fre-
quency range from the order of 102 to 107 Hz.
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c10 ( T T0 )
log aT (2-19)
c20 T T0
Once the mathematical constants and have been determined, obtaining from superpo-
sition of experimental points determined at various temperatures, it is possible to build the
master curve at the reference temperature for the viscoelastic constants and to represent
master curves for different reference temperatures.
With these existing “small size”-tests the time and temperature dependent stiffness behav-
iour of interlayers can be determined. However they show some shortcomings in view of the
size-effect. Therefore, in the following a “large-size-test” in form of a panel-torsional-test is
described. A further possibility is a four-point-bending test. They are suited in particular since
herewith large panels with real geometrics can be investigated. Because the composite area
of the interlayer is large enough, influences from the edges are minimized. The test methods
give good results for interlayer materials with a shear stiffness < 10 MPa.
By means of the so-called panel-torsion-test [166] [167] [169] the time and temperature de-
pendent mechanical behaviour of laminated glass panels can be well observed. Further to
the fact that it minimizes effects from edges it also takes into account the bonded glass sur-
face (substrate) which expectedly may change the mechanical behaviour compared to that
obtained from pure interlayer.
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In the test setup the laminated panels are friction-free clamped at the two ends. This will be
realized by two steel sections positioned to a “fork” at each end. To avoid friction as far as
possible; the contact planes of the section flanges are covered with PTFE-layers (Teflon).
One pair of steel sections is fixed rigid to the lower structure, whereas the other is turnable
about a rotation axis. At the turnable side the load introduction as well as the load- and the
rotation-measurement (twist measurement by an inclinometer) are positioned. With the
PTFE-layers avoiding friction, the small shift of the longitudinal axis of the panels against the
turning axis of the apparatus does not produce an additional constraint and thus can be ne-
Also to test the temperature influences, the whole set-up can be conducted in a climate
Test-specimens can be laminated glass panels with ambiguous glass compositions. The
dimensions should be 1100 mm x 360 mm or larger. Either the rotation is kept constant and
the relaxing twist-moment is measured or, inversely, the twist moment is kept constant and
the creeping rotation angle is going to be measured. Evaluations of some tests on 2 x 6 mm
HSG respectively 2 x 5 mm HSG with each 1.52 mm thick PVB are shown in Figure 2-9.
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0,35 7
shear stresses [N/mm²]
0,3 6
0,25 5
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
loading time [s]
loading time [s]
3,0 3,0
shear modulus GF [N/mm²]
2,0 2,0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 0,0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
loading time [s]
loading time [s]
Figure 2-8 Relaxation- and creep-history as well as the respective development of the shear modulus from
the panel-torsion-tests of laminated glass panes with PVB, = 23 °C
The shear modulus and the stresses can be determined either according to the extended
bending and torsion theory or according to the “sandwich theory with torsion” [166] [167].
Solving the differential equation according to the first mentioned theory:
I Teq 2
, (2-20)
1 S12 1
2 ~
S11 S11 T22
using the coefficients according to Table 2-2. Alternatively the equivalent torsional stiffness
can be derived by the sandwich theory:
2 tanh T B 2
ITeq B d 3 2B d t d 2 1 (2-21)
3 T B 2
2 GF
with T2 (2-22)
G t d
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Table 2-2 Coefficients and function T22 for torsion
8 1 1
S11 B t d t
3 2 2
S 22 Bd
1 2 1
S12 B t d t
2 2
S ,22 1 B3
12 t
~ S122 G
T22 S 22 F S ,22
S11 G
The results of (2-20) and (2-21) are only slightly differing, see Figure 2-9.
100 30
B=250 mm
B=500 mm t=1,52 mm
t=1,52 mm d=10 mm
d=10 mm 25
d=8 mm
d=8 mm
20 5
d=6 mm
d=6 mm
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
shear modulus GF [N/mm²] shear modulus GF [N/mm²]
Figure 2-9 Comparison of the equivalent torsional stiffness according to (2-20) and to (2-21) for different
modulus of shear
In [161] it is shown that moisture penetration of a PVB-interlayer at the edge zones of lami-
nated safety glass (LSG) is the only major influencing factor on the durability: hence, shear
behaviour and adhesion characteristics change. Other, neither a significant endangering of
structural safety nor a change in load-carrying behaviour has an only local deterioration of
the interlayer of large-scale architectural LSG panes.
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With respect to structural elements under high compressive loading (e.g. columns) delamina-
tion could be significant due to possible instabilities (e.g. local buckling). For glass construc-
tions with point fixings instabilities could not be excluded in case of delamination.
When considering LSG used for photovoltaic applications severe problems with functionality
may occur if moisture concentration exceeds specific values.
Aging of the interlayer due to UV-radiation and temperature is dependent on its intensity and
duration and can mostly be neglected because of high dosage of UV-blocker inside the inter-
layer. Moreover, UV-aging is resulting in a stiffer material behaviour, and therefore not ad-
versely affecting the structural safety.
The assumption of a general aging factor for LSG completely reducing adhesion of glass-
interlayer can be abandoned.
Apart from the pure physical description of the time-dependant viscoelastic behaviour of PVB
layers, there is the question of what value should be used in a static calculation respectively
for the design under combined action. This value should be considered as an effective value,
taking into account the
lower occurrence probability of higher temperatures combined with high wind loading and
exposure time (time period) of wind gust load which is assumed to be sinusoidal.
Whereas in some countries the shear modulus for the PVB layer it is allowed to be taken into
account, at least for short term loading, in other countries this is generally not allowed, even
not for short term wind loading (see Code Review No. 20 and Code Review No. 39). There-
fore, further investigation and knowledge on a safe and at the same time realistic value is
In Figure 2-10 the correlation of the maximum of exterior air temperatures with the gust wind
velocities for a city in Germany is shown. These evaluations have been performed for a vari-
ety of locations in Germany representing middle Europe. In further investigations it came out,
that the correlation of the temperature of the glass with gust velocity, Figure 2-11, depends
on whether the panel is being weathered from two sides or only from one side, i.e. the other
side is exposed to the interior of a building.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Figure 2-10 Correlation of maximum gust wind speed and maximum exterior temperatures for the city of
Aachen and overview of other considered locations [150]
Maximal exterior temperature Temperature of the assembly (exterior Temperature of the assembly (exterior
temperature on both sides of the as- temperature on one side, 23°C on the
sembly) other side)
Figure 2-11 Correlation gust - wind load with air- temperature as well as correlation of the gust wind load
with the temperature of the structure; interpolated lines are of same occurrence probability, ex-
treme values per day in 100 years [150] (Germany)
Using the dependencies of the mean wind velocities respectively the gust factor on the re-
garded interval as shown in Figure 2-11, the wind velocities as well as the wind pressures for
3 seconds, 10 minutes and 24 hours can be determined. Thereby, due to the similarity, the
24 hour interval can be also considered as a 96 hour interval which is regarded to be the
time in which a storm is moving over a geographical location.
v3 s v1s 0 ,94 v1s
v10 min v3 s 0 ,68 v3 s
0 ,70
v 24h v3 s 0 ,48 v3 s
Figure 2-12 Gust factor GB in 10 m height above ground, related to 10 minutes as equalising interval [150]
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
q3 s q max
As a simplification, for each peak wind load incidence also the surrounding longer lasting
wind pressures can be obtained. This is important since for longer exposure times the shear
modulus drops significantly. Using Boltzmann’s law, the so obtained wind pressures can be
introduced into the function of the time dependant shear moduli G(t) so that finally, the
stresses can be calculated. Further considering the relation of glass and air temperature ac-
cording to Figure 2-11, simplified relations of glass-temperature to time and wind load are
obtained, Figure 2-13.
Figure 2-13 Wind load depending on glass temperature and exposure time of the gust [150]
With the correlation according to Figure 2-11 and Figure 2-12, then the bending stresses
max,v can be calculated. By variation of the sectional composition, colour and geometry a
minimum value for the shear modulus of Gw 0.4 N / mm 2 can be obtained.
Using a similar procedure for the load case „snow“ a shear modulus of Gs 0.6 N / mm 2 is
obtained [150]. These derivations however are only valid for linear problems, e.g. panels with
transverse loading whereas for nonlinear problems (such as buckling) the values should be
treated with further estimation as to whether the resulting difference is of significance.
An alternative and very simple recommendation shows Figure 2-14. Both for the case “exte-
rior – exterior” as well as for the case “exterior – interior”, show that for ambient exterior tem-
peratures > 25°C, the characteristic wind load drops down to 50% of the maximum character-
istic wind load. Assuming that there is no composite action at temperatures above 25°C, but
a minimum shear modulus of G 0.6 N / mm 2 is up to 25°C active during a three second inter-
val (gust time period), then the following rules may be derived:
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The laminate can be calculated for 50% of the wind load without composite action and
with a shear modulus of G 0.6 N / mm 2 for 100% of the wind load.
When stability needs to be considered the deflection due to 50% wind load without com-
posite action has to be taken as the initial imperfection (together with the geometrical ec-
centricity) for subsequent calculation of the short term stability effect using the elastic
shear modulus of G 0.6 N / mm 2 .
The proposal as presented refers to the limit states considering loading without reversal.
When cyclic loading occurs, further considerations will apply. To expand this to some general
European approach similar correlations should be made in other geographical regions.
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3 Products
3.1 General
Figure 3-1 shows a chart of the processing steps of the glass production. In the following
chapters the glass products respective process are described and special characteristics are
pointed out.
Figure 3-1 Overview of the most important glass products and the steps of processing
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
3.2.1 General
Float glass, as the most important glass product, is the general material used for windows,
facades, interior glazing and automotive applications. From the basic product it can be pro-
cessed to thermally toughened glass (chapter 3.6), heat strengthened glass (chapter 3.7),
laminated glass (chapter 3.8), curved glass (chapter 3.9) or chemically strengthened glass
(chapter 3.10). The denomination “float glass” originates from the glass process where the
glass melt “floats” on a liquid bed of tin. Meanwhile, the float process is the most common
production technique. Compared to patterned glass (chapter 3.3) the thickness of panels is
constant. Float glass is cooled down very slowly, hence there are only very few residual
stresses induced in the panels (“annealed glass”).
The material properties are described in chapter 2.1. The maximum dimensions of standard
float glass panels are 3.21 m x 6.0 m [2]. But also larger glass panels can be delivered on
special request. The following nominal thicknesses are generally available:
The production of 25 mm thick glass is very limited due to the costs and manufacturing chal-
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DIN 18008 [44]/NEN 2608 [45]: These design codes deal with individual glass panes of nominal
thicknesses from 3 to 19 mm.
DIN 18008 [44]/ prEN 16612 [37]: The design value of the thickness is the nominal value.
NEN 2608 [45]: The design value of the thickness is the nominal value minus the tolerance.
In view of structural purposes the surface treatment may have a detrimental effect on the
bending strength of the glass panels.
3.2.4 Forming
In advance to processing such as toughening, the glass panes have to be already cut. There
are different types of edge processing.
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Polished edge
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Design Code:
DIN 18008-2 [44]: Linearly supported glazing: Wired patterned glass is allowed for small over-
head glazing with a maximum span of 0,7 m and an edge cover of 15 mm.
The following explanations mainly refer to thermally toughened glass made of float glass.
Caused by the tempering process the surface of thermally toughened glass may become
uneven so that optical warping effects can be observed. This property is not interesting for
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the structural application but it has to be taken into account when further processing to a lam-
inated section.
Thermally toughened glass made of float glass is generally available in the following thick-
nesses: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19 and 25 mm (25 mm is not a standard product). Ther-
mally toughened glass made of patterned glass is produced in thicknesses of 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
and 10 mm.
For architectural applications, thermally toughened 2 mm and 3 mm glass are not standard
product since most architectural grade furnaces do not have sufficient quench power. Newly,
thin pre-stressed glass is used in the middle of triple insulating glass panels to reduce
weight, these panels are pre-stressed, but the level of pre-stressing is often undefined.
If further fabrication procedures are necessary, they generally have to be performed prior to
the tempering process. For instance very important fabrication procedures are:
Drilling the glass panel. Here a minimum distance to the edges, a minimum distance be-
tween the holes (pitch) and a minimum diameter of the respective hole should be consid-
Edge processing as specified in the product standard.
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Design standards:
Design Rules for “loaded” holes can be found in: DIN 18008-3 [44], ÖNORM B 3716-5 [48], NEN
2608 [45]
The characteristic bending strength of thermally toughened glass is given in the product
standard: fk = 120 N/mm² (see Code Review No. 16).
During the tempering process an enamelling can be burned in. The potential detrimental ef-
fect on the bending resistance must be taken into account (therefore for enamelled thermally
toughened glass: fk = 90 N/mm²).
There is a risk of spontaneous breakage of thermally toughened glass due to nickel sulphide
inclusions (NiS) in the glass melt. The reason for NiS-spontaneous fracture is lying in traces
of nickel and sulphur in the glass melt forming inclusions that over time undergo a phase
change and develop an internal local pressure – with the result of breakage. This phenome-
non appears normally during the first ten years after installation of a glass panel, also occur-
rences are known until 20 years after manufacturing. The risk of critical NiS inclusions of float
glass produced in Europe is around 1 in 10 tonnes of glass [116].
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To minimize the risk of a spontaneous glass breakage toughened glass can be subjected to
a second process, a “heat soak test” to produce heat soaked toughened glass. The risk is
significantly reduced by heat soaking depending on the heating rate and the holding time.
Design Standards:
NEN 2608 [45]: The Netherland design code demands heat soaked thermally toughened glass for
CC2 applications.
DIN 18008 [44]: The German design codes demand ESG-H e.g. for facades.
Heat strengthened glass made of float glass, patterned glass or drawn sheet glass is
produced with a nominal thickness of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm.
The level of pre-stressing is lower, so the breakage pattern is characterized by relatively
large shards with references to the destructive test of the product standard.
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The bending strength of heat strengthened glass made of float glass is fk,Zone 1 = 70
There is effectively no significant risk of collapse due to NiS-spontaneous breakage, also
because heat strengthened glass is normally used as a laminated glass.
Depending on the composition of the laminated glass the variety of properties is intended for,
Fire resistance
Impact resistance
Acoustic insulation
Burglar glass
For structural glass the following properties are important being fulfilled from laminated safety
Historically the laminated safety glass has been developed for the automotive industry to
avoid injuries in case of accidents. The standard interlayer material so far has been PVB
(polyvinyl butyral) with viscoelastic properties. The stiffness highly depends on the load dura-
tion and the temperature (chapter 2.2), especially at temperatures larger than 25°C the shear
modulus drops drastically. A simple PVB-interlayer has a thickness of 0.38 mm. Normally two
layers (0.76 mm), four layers (1.52 mm) or for special applications six layers (2.28 mm) can
be combined.
Other interlayer materials are also used for various applications, including cast-in-place res-
ins (usually polymethyl methacrylate or polyester), EVA, polyurethane and ionomer.
Ionomer interlayers developed for hurricane glazing, offer further resistance properties of
laminated glass in terms of high shear stiffness and strength, also at temperatures between
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
25°C and 50°C, and thus provides very good residual resistance. Stiffer grades of PVB inter-
layer are now beginning to penetrate the market and some of these products are comparable
in stiffness to the ionomer interlayers – particularly at the lower temperature ranges.
shear modulus GF [N/mm²]
4 100
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
loading time [s] loading time [s]
Figure 3-2 Shear modulus depending on the loading time (T = 23°C), left: PVB, right: Ionomer
In terms of the static behaviour of glass components (plates, columns or beams) the stiffness
of the interlayer is important.
Difficulties arise when determining the relevant shear stiffness of the interlayer. The product
standard does not give stiffness values or a harmonised test procedure for the determination
of these different stiffness values (s. chapter 2.2)
It is remarkable that European countries are dealing with the shear stiffness of the interlayer
materials in rather different ways. In some countries there are stiffness values given in the
design code, e.g. for PVB, other countries demand a technical approval for laminated glass,
so that the properties of the interlayers are warranted, and yet others do not allow for entry of
the shear stiffness at all.
Test standard: prEN 16613 [22]: Tests methods for the determination of the shear stiffness are spec-
Technical approvals: Technical approvals exist with proved shear modulus for PVB and Ionomer
(e.g. [77]).
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Fire glazing is also laminated glass. The laminates can be made of different types of glass
(e.g. float glass or thermally toughened glass) connected with special fire interlayers and/or
materials like PVB. There are three different types of fire glazing [16] (fire resistance classifi-
For design calculations the laminate of the fire glazing can be treated as normal laminated
glass depending on the type of interlayer. The mechanical behaviour of the interlayer should
be proved by testing.
In terms of safety, several test and classification standards have been published (see Code
Review No. 21). The manner of testing is depending on the intended application of the glass
Figure 3-3 Test tower for 9 m high hard body drop and glass specimen broken but not perforated
after hard body drop test [127]
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Gravity bending and annealing: After heating the glass panel up to 600 °C, under use of
gravity the glass panel “sags” into the desired form. Afterwards the glass panel is cooled
down slowly to anneal it. An annealed curved glass panel shows similar strength qualities
like to annealed flat glass.
Gravity bending and quenching in a mould: After heating the glass up to 600°C, under
use of gravity the glass panel “falls” into the desired form into the mould. With the glass
still in the mould it is cooled down very fast. Depending on the cooling rate the glass pan-
el provides a quality in terms of pre-stressing like heat strengthened or thermally tough-
ened glass.
Gravity bending and quenching in a bending quench: After heating up the glass panel up
to 600°C, under use of gravity the glass “falls” into the desired form set by the quench, af-
ter which is cooled down very fast. Depending on the cooling rate the glass panel pro-
vides a quality in terms of pre-stressing like hear strengthened or thermally toughened
Pressure bending: After heating up to 600 °C, the glass panel is pressed in the desired
form (in general only cylindrical shape, but it can be curved in two directions) and cooled
down very fast. Depending on the cooling rate the glass panel provides a quality in terms
of pre-stressing like heat strengthened or thermally toughened glass.
The process is more difficult compared to the production of flat glass especially in view of a
reliable pre-stress. Further, processing to laminated glass or insulation glass is common.
No product standards exist for curved glass panels that may give a bending strength. Despite
of this curved glass is frequently used.
However, recent results have shown that the quality of curved glass, particularly that pro-
duced by gravity bending and quenching in a mould, is not quite comparable to flat glass.
This concerns not only the geometrical tolerances but also the strength values. The quality
control should therefore be much more severe than for flat glass.
With regard to the design rules, there are special issues that should be taken into account for
curved glass: The climatic loading of insulating glass panels is higher compared to flat glass,
which is caused by the higher geometrical stiffness. Further, the effects of deformations of
the substructure should carefully be taken into account as curved glass responds to support-
displacements with significantly higher inner forces and stresses.
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Technical approval:
In Germany, there are technical approvals existing for curved annealed glass and curved laminated
glass. Technical approvals for thermally toughened glass are under preparation.
The bending strength of chemically tempered glass is given to fk,Zone 1 = 150 N/mm², but it is
well known that the scatter of the strength values is very large.
Compared to thermal pre-stressing, only relative small pane sizes are able to be chemically
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The durability of an insulation glass unit is about 20 (to 30) years. After this time a loss of the
insulation property can be observed by the occurrence of white or grey humidity traces in the
interior of the cavity.
Due to the closed cavity there is an additional inner loading that has to be taken into account.
The so-called “climatic loading” originates from climatic effects (change of temperature or
ambient air pressure) and the different altitude on site compared to that in the factory. These
effects cause stresses that have to be taken into account in the mechanical assessment of
the glass (chapter 6.1) (see Code Review No. 44).
Further, there are different types of systems and materials used for the edge bond of insulat-
ing glass units that will not be further explained here.
There is a European standard to determine the profile bending strength. Channel shaped
glass is used for vertical applications like facades. The application rules so far available are
specified in a technical approval.
Test standard:
EN 1288-4 [20]: This standard specifies a test method analogous to the application of channel
shaped glass (vertical installation with distributed loading). The bending resistance is given as
“profile bending resistance” assuming that the tests are evaluated linearly although there is a sig-
nificant geometrical non-linearity existing.
Technical approvals:
In Germany Technical approvals exist for the application of annealed channel shaped glass [74]
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
4.1 General
What differentiates the design of structural glass elements from almost any other construc-
tion material is the fact that glass can break unexpectedly and without fault of the design or
engineer. Perhaps the glass edge was scratched or chipped during manufacture or transpor-
tation; or perhaps the glass has sustained surface damage during service due to a hard body
impact which went unnoticed; or perhaps the glass contained an impurity such as Nickel Sul-
phide which has subsequently changed phase and size in service. Whatever the reason, the
designer of a structural glass system must bear in mind that any element of the structure
might break unexpectedly at some point during the service life of the material and when this
happens, the structural integrity of the overall system must not be compromised to the extent
that progressive collapse of the entire structure is initiated.
According to the design concept of EN 1990 – Eurocode 0 [38] the verification in the Ser-
viceability Limit State (SLS) is mainly aimed at the limitation of the deflection of the struc-
tural elements. The limits depend on the application cases or the support conditions; howev-
er, concerning the design of structural glass, they are different according to the recent na-
tional codes across the European countries.
The verification in Ultimate Limit state (ULS) is intended to fulfil the structural safety, thus
it has to be carried out under very small occurrence probabilities of overloading and lower
material strength. For structural glass the safety assessment can be performed by a limita-
tion of the stresses under relevant load combinations. If there are several vector components
of stresses then, unlike for other materials, the maximum principal stresses have to be con-
The definition of the design value Rd for glass components is different in the various Europe-
an member states. Parameters are:
Examples can be taken from the following Code Reviews. Figure 1-7 explains the statistical
interpretation of design values for the verification in the ULS.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
kc f k kmod kc f k
Rd Rd
M = 1.5 M = 1.8
Coefficient respecting the type of construction kc
kv: Strengthening factor of prestressed glass (depending on the manufacturing process), 1.0 for
horizontal toughening, 0.6 for vertical toughening
ksp: factor for the glass surface profile, e.g. 1.0 for float glass and 0.75 for patterned glass
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
k mod kb f k
Material partial factor: M = 1.5 for Float, Laminated glass made of float, heat strengthened glass,
thermally toughened glass and M = 2.0 for wired glass and patterned glass
Coefficient depending on the type of loading kb: kb = 1.0 perpendicular to the plate and kb = 0.8 in-
plane loading
1/ c
Factor of load duration kmod
,t: load duration in seconds; kmod,min = 0.25, kmod,max = 1; c:
constant of corrosion
ksp: factor for the glass surface profile, e.g. 1.0 for float glass and 0.8 for patterned glass
Zone – coefficient kz: Zone 1: kz = 1.0; Zone 2: kz = 1.0 for heat strengthened glass, kz = 0.9 for
thermally toughened glass; Zone 3 (edge): kz = 0; Zone 4: kz = 1.0 for heat strengthened glass, kz =
0.65 for thermally toughened glass
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
3. The influences of a thermal pre stress and load durations different from 3 sec are considered in
glass type factors (GFT)
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Some countries require the verification or the residual resistance in form of an additional
testing of a sufficient performance (background safety) of the supports together with an ap-
propriate glass composition.
In the scope of the theoretical verification of accidental scenarios these have to be specified
additionally, e.g. for horizontal insulating glass panels consideration of a breakage of the
upper glass panel (Germany and Austria); or for horizontal laminated glass consideration of
the breakage of one glass panel (Austria). The verification can be performed by considering
a reduced material partial factor, i.e. use of the accidental load combination.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
As another example: For sloped glazing in the UK the requirements for the glass composition
depend on the installation height. Here, also the philosophy concerning the type of glazing is
different compared to other countries, because also monolithic thermally toughened glass is
allowed for horizontal applications.
In the following chapters the regulations together with the scope of application and the sup-
port conditions will be explained.
Characteristics of secondary elements are, that they do not take any loads from other ele-
ments or members of the superior structure and that in most cases they are loaded transver-
sally. Examples are horizontal glazing, barriers made of glass or glass floors. Usually acces-
sible and safe-guarding glass panels are also classified as secondary elements. However, in
these domains of application the risk of failure and damage is rising. Therefore for these
types of secondary elements, higher levels of safety and reliability should be required.
Secondary glass elements can be further classified according to their position, either “over-
head” or “vertically”.
As the predominant transversal loading produces bending stresses in the glass section, for
linearly supported panes the bending resistance of zone 1 and zone 2 of the glass panels is
most relevant. For point-supported glass panes additionally the bending resistance of zone 4
is also of importance. In national regulations mostly, if at all there are any design rules for
structural glass, so far only the design of “standard secondary elements” is specified.
Whereas the characteristics of primary elements are, that in general they are also loaded by
in-plane loads and that they can take loads from the superior (overall) structure or from other
elements. Despite of available research results, there are no national or international codes
in which standardized design rules can be found for the assessment of primary structural
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
elements of glass. Therefore, at present, for primary structural glass in most cases a unique
verification will be necessary.
4.3.1 General
There are the same requirements on reliability and safety for glass structures as for other
materials. However as glass always fails suddenly, i.e. no ductile post-breakage behaviour is
available, special attention has to be paid for special constructive and detailing issues to ob-
tain fail safe structures:
The first three points aim at creating “robust” respectively “damage tolerant” structures or
elements. That means, the structure must be safe and reliable such that it does not fail with
unacceptable consequences, even in accidental cases. Therefore, robustness is a very im-
portant aim of the design, the level of which however depends on the structural role of the
For example for secondary elements that are neither accessible nor safe-guarding, the re-
sidual capacities should be such, that sufficient retention can be ensured after unscheduled
breakage of a glass pane or layers of it. Thus the residual capacity depends on the
Structures with monolithic glass sections exhibit only poor residual capacities, thus mostly
they are only used in case of vertical applications without any additional requirements. Ade-
quate sections fulfilling higher requirements are therefore laminated or laminated safety
glasses made of float, heat strengthened or thermally toughened glass, according to the
structural purpose.
Regarding the composition of such cross-section, apart from the type of glass the residual
capacity depends also on the strength of the interlayer. As an example, a fully linearly sup-
ported laminated glass panel of two layers of float glass, connected by a strong interlayer like
a PVB-sheet, provides excellent residual capacity after breakage. In the area of a crack, the
sectional bending forces are deviated via the upper glass layer in compression and the PVB-
sheet in tension. Prerequisite to that is that the interlayer is able to carry tension forces.
Compared to that a laminated section comprising only of fully toughened glass layers does
not provide any residual load bearing capacity unless the interlayer is sufficiently stiff - as in
the case of an ionomer. The behaviour after breakage of both layers with a PVB interlayer
then, can be compared with a “wet towel” or with a “pancake”, whereas a laminated section
of heat strengthened glass-layers, or a combination of heat strengthened and toughened
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
glass layers, provides a similar post breakage residual capacity similar to that of layers of
float (due to significantly larger shards, clamping together). Note that the post breakage re-
sidual capacity of laminated glass is the better, the “better” the support conditions are, see
next chapter.
Another determining factor for the residual load carrying capacity after breakage is the type
of support and its concept. For instance glass pieces can pull out of the fixations of the sub-
structure after breakage and drop down, with a high potential of injuring people if the sup-
ports are not adequate despite of having large glass shards. Therefore a two-sided line-type
support should not be used, unless the type of glass is laminated made of float or heat
strengthened quality. Known from experience, sufficient residual capacities can be achieved
if there are other parts of the substructure underneath the glass panel (rails, beams, trans-
versal elements etc.) that may serve as additional support in case of breakage. Also point-
supports together with laminated glass are favourable, as the point-supports can carry hori-
zontal or in-plane forces produced by the interlayer (membrane) after breakage.
Unless other knowledge is available, the assessment of residual post breakage load carrying
capacity should be performed by testing. Thereby the failure scenario assumes the breakage
of glass layers over a residual life time under the action of a defined residual loading. It can
be assumed a failure of all glass layers or a failure of only accessible glass layers. The type
of damage and the magnitude of loading may be determined by the third party in advance.
Whereas a failure of the secondary structure of glass may occur by unforeseen impact or
similar, however the integrity and health of human people must not be affected. That con-
cerns not only persons underneath the glass panel but also persons who may fall against the
glass panel. In that case no big injuries should be allowed.
For accessible and safe guarding elements of glass the load bearing resistance, their further
specific functions and the associated splinter effects are to be assessed specifically. In gen-
eral, these investigations are carried out together with the residual capacity verifications.
Regardless of what type or concept the support is, there are exceptions for vertical glazing in
dependence on the height of mounting position or on the dimension of the glass pane.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Bomb blast is a specific scenario which can engage a glazed façade, requiring further char-
acteristics of robustness and damage tolerance to preserve integrity and health of human
people. To such respect, special attention should be paid to the possible generation of glass
splinters, to their energy and related flight trajectory (see chapter 4.5.2).
As a consequence, a clear definition (by analysis and by testing) of the post-breakage be-
haviour of a glass element becomes of paramount importance in this case and the applica-
tion of laminated glass, as well as of appropriate supports, are key features of an effective
EN 13541 [25]: This European Standard specifies a test method, performance requirements and
classification for explosion pressure resistant glazing for use in buildings. It concerns a method of
test against blast waves generated using a shock tube or similar facility to simulate a high explosive
detonation. The classification is only valid for tested glass sizes of about 1 m2. Based on theoretical
considerations and/or experimental work, the results can be used for estimating the explosion-
pressure-resistance of other glass sizes.
EN 13123-1 [26]: This European Standard specifies the criteria which windows, doors and shutters
shall satisfy to achieve a classification when submitted to the test method described in EN 13124-1.
It concerns a method of test against blast waves generated by using a shock tube facility to simulate
a high explosive detonation in the order of 100 kg to 2 500 kg TNT at distances from about 35 m to
50 m.
EN 13123-2 [26]: This European Standard specifies the criteria which windows, doors and shutters
shall satisfy to achieve a classification when submitted to the test method described in EN 13124-2.
It concerns a test method against blast waves in open air resulting from high explosives that can be
carried by hand and placed a few metres from a target. Controlled measurement of the actual blast
on the face of the test specimen being difficult, costly and subject to inaccuracy, consistency of the
blast forces is therefore controlled in this standard by the characteristics of the explosive charge
and its location.
EN 13124-1 [27]: This European Standard specifies a conventional test procedure to permit classi-
fication of the explosion resistance of windows, doors and shutter together with their infill. It con-
cerns a method of test against blast waves generated by using a shock tube facility to simulate a
high explosive detonation in the order of 100 kg to 2 500 kg TNT at distances from about 35 m to 50
EN 13124-2 [27]: This European Standard specifies a test procedure to permit classification of the
explosion resistance of windows, doors and shutters together with their infill. It concerns a test
method against blast waves in open air resulting from high explosives that can be carried by hand
and placed a few metres from a target.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
ISO 16933 [28]: This ISO Standard provides a structured procedure to determine the air-blast re-
sistance of glazing and sets forth the required apparatus, procedures, specimens, other require-
ments and guidelines for conducting arena air-blast tests of security glazing. Seven standard blasts
simulating vehicle bombs and seven standard blasts simulating smaller satchel bombs that can be
used to classify glazing performance are incorporated in this International Standard. Classification
and ratings are assigned based on the performance of glazing loaded by air-blast pressures and
The design of glass components should be performed with regard to the following:
Recommendations like these are described in the design standards or in execution rules.
Thermal stresses should be considered in cases where relevant potential heat absorption is
present. This may be caused by e.g. partial shading or coatings. E.g. in Germany, there is no
thermal stress calculation method present but an appropriate type of glazing (e.g. tempered
glass) is chosen in case of a potential risk of breakage due to thermal stresses. In other Eu-
ropean countries calculation methods are present to take into account the load case “thermal
NF P78-201; NF-DTU 39 [59]: The standard allows a rational choice of glass as a consequence of
possible thermally induced stresses, which in turn are consequence of thermal gradients in the glass
pane. Essentially, this document allows the calculation of thermal gradients in the glass pane and a
comparison with allowable values.
It accounts for:
Boundary conditions, e g. frame inertia, stores, ventilation, proximity to heating devices,
shadows, etc.
Climatic conditions, e.g. seasonal environmental temperatures, solar irradiation, etc.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Special installation conditions, e.g. stepped glass, overhanging glass panes, sliding doors,
It proposes three calculation methods, of different level, to ascertain the temperature gradients in
the glass pane:
1) Calculation in transitory state: this is the most general and precise one, applicable to any
condition; it is quite complicated and it requires to deal with it by means of a numerical
computing method.
2) Calculation in steady state: it is a simplified approach, it can be applied only in case of low
inertia frames (as defined in the standard). It allows a less precise and more conservative
3) Hand calculation in steady state: it is a simplified approach, it can be applied only in case
of low inertia frames (as defined in the standard). It allows a less precise and more con-
servative result.
Finally, the calculated temperature gradients can be compared with allowable ones, depending
upon thermal treatment of glass, edge finishing and shape, frame thermal inertia, etc.
A European draft for a thermal stress calculation method exists [51]. This draft is based on design
methods used in the UK [86], Belgium [87] and France [59]. The results of the calculation are a
necessary type of glass (annealed or tempered) and a necessary edge finishing depending on the
thermal restraints. Thereby the design value is the allowable temperature difference T in the glass
plane. Values are given in the product standards.
Furthermore the ASTM-Code E2431-06 185 [53] gives a method to calculate the resistance of an-
nealed glass to thermal loading. The failure modus due to thermal stresses is given by the edge re-
sistance of zone 2. According to EN 1990 in [51] there is no relation between a failure probability
and the material resistance. The values are rather based on experience. Nevertheless the ASTM-
Code [53] gives a relation between the glass size, the thermal load and the edge resistance.
Here, apart from the theoretical assessment of the ultimate load bearing capacity a consider-
able robustness has always to be verified additionally, the requirements of which are of
course significantly higher as those for secondary elements. However despite of a good de-
gree of scientific and technical knowledge, rules on this have not been introduced in codifica-
tion so far.
Thus for primary elements of glass normally a unique verification procedure will apply.
Thereby an individual safety concept with regard to the loading and unforeseen breakage
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
has to be elaborated. This comprises also the assigns use of the structure, damage likeli-
ness, damage consequences and the adjunct risk of damage respectively failure. Finally an
increased quality assessment of material, fabrication and erection should be installed.
Characteristics of robustness and damage tolerance of primary structural elements may be:
Redundancies of the overall structure. Herewith the creation of background load carrying
mechanisms is meant, that can be activated and which prevent a total failure of the build-
ing or whole structure.
Redundancies of the cross-section. This can be achieved by the choice of laminated
glass with an adequate composition and balance of strength, size of shards, strength of
interlayer and ductility of interlayer, in order to provide a safe residual capacity in case of
breakage of one of the glass layers. Although this requirement is already necessary with-
in the scope of secondary elements, here they are higher as no failure of the element can
be allowed due to the fact that primary elements take over loads of the global structure.
Protection against hard impact. Like for secondary elements the load carrying inner glass
layers are to be protected against any hit or any impact. Thus they are to be protected by
outer layers of glass in a laminated package. The edges of the load carrying “core layers”
should or may (according to the use of the element) also be protected against hard im-
pact. Contrary to secondary elements again the requirements here are considerably
Prevention of Steel-Glass-Contact or contact with hard materials. Not only an unsched-
uled contact with hard materials, such as steel or concrete has to be generally avoided,
but also in the design of the load introduction special attention must be paid in view of a
smooth distribution of the load and avoidance of stress peaks. This may be enabled by
the use of reliable mortar fillings/layers or polymeric components.
Protection of people against splinters and shards that may fall down or threaten people
else how: this is analogous to secondary elements.
About fire actions there should be clarifications whether fire is a design issue for the compo-
nent or not. If so, then protective means (fire glass) or additional robustness and/or redun-
dancy measures (background safety in case of failure of glass due to fire) need to be ap-
The wall-like or pane-like glass columns of the Rheinbach-pavillon, Figure 4-1, may serve as
an example for the above mentioned considerations. The roof of which is solely carried by
vertical laminated glass panes. These glass-columns are oriented towards two perpendicular
directions in the ground layout, so that they also take over the lateral bracing of the building.
That means that forces from tension, compression and wind moments (and also from impact
and imperfections) are introduced in plane of the glass panels. Additionally, transverse loads
(wind loads) have to be carried perpendicular to the plane of the glass.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
In a seismic area the seismic action has to be considered [55]. Experiences show that the
collapse of secondary glass components may result in a high number of death and injuries.
Eurocode 8 gives the rules for considering of seismic actions and for their combination with
other actions. Thus, the action effects may include also seismic effects. In seismic areas,
the verification of ULS is intended to include Seismic Ultimate Limit State verification.
What regards the earthquake resistance of buildings, three different categories of glass
members are identified: (1) Earthquake resisting structural elements entirely made of glass;
(2) Structural elements made of glass and other materials, of recognized ductility; (3) Glass
members not pertaining to the earthquake resisting structure but relevant for the inhabitant
safety, typically interior wall panels in glass, or curtain walls at the building perimeter.
The first category, in accordance with of EN 1990 shall be designed and constructed
to withstand the design seismic action without cracking (defined for combination see
of EN 1990). In terms of EN1998, this assumes a behaviour factor = 1. Thus, a glass struc-
ture shall retain its structural integrity after the seismic event.
The design seismic action for the no-collapse requirement is expressed in terms of the seis-
mic action associated with a reference probability of more than 2% within the reference re-
turn period.
Buildings whose earthquake resisting structure incorporates elements made of glass and
other materials, shall be designed, so that the glass structure shall withstand without crack-
ing the stresses computed in the loading combination including the reference seismic action
(i.e. the combination of EN 1990).
Glass members not pertaining to the earthquake resisting structure but relevant for the in-
habitant safety, shall withstand without collapse the stresses computed in the loading combi-
nation including the reference seismic action.
In the calculation model of the entire building, the strength and stiffness of secondary ele-
ments is neglected on the assumption that, in case of a failure of any one of them, the ulti-
mate resistance of the primary system nevertheless is guaranteed. However particular care
should be taken in case of lateral actions coming from earthquake excitations. The stiffness
provided by secondary elements in their plane may be such that they contribute significantly
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
to the interstory lateral stiffness, even if, due to the minimal ductility, no allowance is actually
given to such stiffness in the calculation model.
Under ultimate limit states, the strength and resistance of the structural system, based
on primary elements only, shall be checked, and the secondary elements shall be veri-
fied for the lateral loads directly applied onto them, and for the displacements imposed
by the compliance to the deformations of the primary system.
Under damage limitation states, in case the contribution of secondary members to the
overall system stiffness is relevant, this contribution shall be taken into account, and
the resulting stresses on the glass secondary elements shall be added to the lateral
loads directly applied onto them.
In general damage limit states are analysed for loading conditions that are less severe than
under ultimate limit states, and the first loading combination in ultimate limit states is govern-
ing the design.
While, as already mentioned, damage limit states are analysed for loading conditions that are
less severe than under ultimate limit states. The additional stiffness provided by secondary
elements may result under seismic conditions in damage limit states requirements that are
governing the design.
The interstory drifts of the building are deemed to be limited in accordance with the require-
ment of displacement compatibility with respect to the glass elements. This secondary seis-
mic member and its connections shall be designed and detailed to avoid cracking during the
seismic event associated with the no-collapse requirement. Moreover, a secondary member
and its connection shall withstand the self-weight and the out-of-plane load, when subjected
to the displacements caused by the most unfavourable seismic design condition. Due allow-
ance of second order effects ( effects) should be made in the design of secondary
seismic members.
Glass secondary structural elements in seismic areas should be constructed after the hard-
ening of the concrete structures or the assembly of the steel frame. These elements can be
in contact with the structures (i.e. without special separation joints), but shall be without
structural connection to it.
Independently from the safety margin of the compatibility verification, for the secondary struc-
tural elements appropriate measures should be taken to avoid cracking, brittle failure and
disintegration of the glass during an earthquake due to the drift of the structure. Conversely,
the partial or total out-of-plane collapse of the elements is unlikely, since the strength-to-
mass ratio of a glass element is very high.
The Seismic Ultimate Limit State verification of the primary seismic members has to consider
that the contribution given by the glass structure to the seismic action resisting system in-
clude no ductility. Accordingly, the glass structure may belong to the lateral and vertical force
resisting system only, while it cannot belong to the energy-dissipation systems.
Consequently, the Seismic Ultimate Limit State verifications have to be based on linear anal-
yses with energy behaviour factor equal to one (i.e. no energy dissipation and no ductility).
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
A primary seismic member and its connections shall be designed and detailed to carry loads
from the overall structure or from other elements (superior order), in addition to its self-weight
and the out-of-plane load, when subjected to the displacements caused by the most unfa-
vourable seismic design condition.
If the seismic action resisting system includes dissipative system (e.g. hybrid seismic struc-
ture composed of the glass system and another system, such as reinforced concrete or a
steel frame), the design is required to comply with the hierarchy of resistance. To this end,
the failure of the glass system is only allowed to occur for displacements greater than those
produced by the seismic action associated with the no-collapse requirement. Such hierarchy
of resistance aims at ensuring an overall dissipative and ductile behaviour, as it is displayed
by the structures made of different material from glass. Moreover, the hierarchy of resistance
aims at avoiding brittle failure or a premature formation of unstable mechanisms. To this end,
resort shall be made to the capacity design procedure, which is used to obtain the hierarchy
of resistance of the various structural components and failure modes necessary for ensuring
a suitable plastic mechanism and for avoiding brittle failure modes.
The connection of primary seismic members shall be verified with the seismic action associ-
ated with the no-collapse requirement. The verification has to consider both relative dis-
placements and internal actions.
In the last years the protection against terroristic attacks became an additional issue. When
analysing bomb attacks the leading risk is actually to be heavily injured by highly accelerated
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The acceleration of the glass splinters could be limited if significant shares of the blast load
energy is absorbed before the laminated glass breaks. This absorption could be achieved by
plastic deformation of classical façade components or by adding additional crash elements
As a result of the detonation of an explosive charge a pressure shock wave spreads initially
spherical in all directions, until it is reflected by surfaces (buildings, ground). Through the
explosion, a very large amount of energy is released within a few nanoseconds. The pres-
sure increase is in a time range of nanoseconds and the duration of the overpressure phase
in the range of milliseconds. The short period of overpressure is characterized by the peak
overpressure and by the time . The integration of pressure over time results in the spe-
cific impulse . The overpressure phase is followed by a negative pressure phase which is
longer than the overpressure phase; the magnitude of the negative pressure is usually much
lower than the magnitude of the overpressure.
Above all other influences the effective mass of explosive material, but also its height
above the ground and the distance to the building (usually called standoff distance) affect
the pressure time history of an explosion. The mass of the explosive material W is usually
defined as the TNT equivalent mass (TNT= trinitrotoluene, commonly used military explo-
sive). Other parameters are possible obstacles, such as protective walls or upstream build-
ings, as well as the type and geometry of the building itself. A parameter usually defined in
the common practice is the scaled distance :
The peak reflected overpressure is formed by the reflection of the incident plane shock
wave which encounters a surface under some angle. The ratio of the peak reflected over-
pressure and incident peak overpressure is called the reflection factor. The reflection factor
therefore depends on the incident peak overpressure and on the angle between the shock
front and the surface.
Once the reflection factor is known, the reflected pressure time history can be derived, which
has a similar time history as the incident pressure if interaction effects are neglected. Figure
4-2 shows a typical reflected pressure-time history of an explosion in air.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The determination of the complete reflected pressure time history is essential for the struc-
tural analysis, because using only the reflected peak pressure the design will typically result
to become oversized.
Since it is very complex to determine the complete pressure time history due to a detonation
and all reflection effects, standardized explosion load assumptions were set out first in the
United States and then internationally ([73] [33] [97]). These explosion load assumptions
provide a linear triangular history for the reflected pressure. The reflected pressure is charac-
terized by the reflected peak overpressure and by the positive pulse . The duration of
the overpressure phase in this linear approach is defined by:
t d ,lin (4-2)
pˆ r 0
The influence of the negative phase is neglected in these standardized approaches. This is
justified for the dynamic calculation of rigid or heavy structures (e.g. reinforced concrete
structures), because the negative phase hardly affects the structural response in these cas-
es. On the other hand the negative phase can affect significantly the structural response of
lighter and more flexible systems with lower natural frequencies [98][99]. Despite this influ-
ence, which is present in cable net facades for instance, only standardized explosion load
scenarios in accordance with US or ISO standard are specified in most cases. It is assumed
that the failure of the façade to the internal side is the critical design intent. Therefore the
impact on people in the interior of the building should be minimized. A failure of the system to
the outside due to the negative phase is accepted.
In Code Review No. 36 and Code Review No. 37 the essential design loads are grouped
according to the US GSA/ISC standard and according to the international ISO standard. The
given quantities of explosives (TNT equivalent mass) and the so-called stand-off specify
which explosives would create these loads in a ground detonation in front of a large façade.
To protect persons behind the facade from major injuries, an explosion-resistant function of
the facade is frequently specified. Most specifications refer to a classification of the perfor-
mance condition according to the US GSA standard (see Code Review No. 38). The GSA
method classifies facades into six protection and risk classes.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
EXV 45 30 180 12 45 30
EXV 33 50 250 10 33 30
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
2 Very High None Glazing cracks but is retained by the frame. Dusting or
very small fragments near sill or on floor acceptable.
3a High Very Low Glazing cracks. Fragments enter space and land on floor
no further than 3.3 ft. from the window.
3b High Low Glazing cracks. Fragments enter space and land on floor
no further than 10 ft. from the window.
4 Medium Medium Glazing cracks. Fragments enter space and land on floor
and impact a vertical witness panel at a distance of no
more than 10 ft. from the window at a height no greater
than 2 ft. above the floor.
And further, the following Eurocode Outlook gives an overview of the most used types of
glass components and their type of loading. The proposed classification is related to the risk
of consequences in case of a system failure.
DIN 18008 [44]: The German design code distinguishes between “horizontal” and “vertical” glaz-
ing. The limit is reached when the panel is tilted with 10° out of the vertical.
ÖNORM B 3716 [48]: In Austria the limit is defined to 15° out of the vertical.
BS 5516 [54]: In the UK the limit is defined to 15° out of the vertical.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
BS 5516 [54]: In the UK three categories are specified concerning the risk of injuries of glazing:
Risk of injuries sustained from broken glazing falling, Risk of injuries sustained from objects falling
through the glazing and Risk of injuries through the glazing while standing on it. The following
regulations are related to injuries sustained from broken glazing falling:
Roof or canopy glazing up to five metres above floor level:
- Single glazing: thermally toughened glass, laminated glass or wired glass
- Insulating glass unit: the lower pane should be one of the types mentioned before, if the
lower pane is thermally toughened glass, the upper pane should be also one of the types
mentioned before.
Roof or canopy glazing over 5 m up to 13 m above floor level:
- Single glazing: laminated glass or wired glass, or thermally toughened glass with a thick-
ness d 6 mm and an area A 3 m²
- Insulating glass unit: the lower pane should be one of the types mentioned before, if the
lower pane is thermally toughened glass, the upper pane should be also one of the types
mentioned before.
Roof or canopy glazing over 13 m above floor level:
- Single glazing: laminated glass or wired glass
Insulating glass unit: the lower pane should be one of the types mentioned before.
NBN S23 [49]: Laminated glass is required for the lower glass pane. There is no specification con-
cerning a breakage structure.
NEN 2608 [45]: NEN2608 gives a model that predicts the level of failure of a glass element in func-
tion of consequence and the level of exposition to a treat. There are always at least two combina-
tions of actions that have to be met:
- fundamental combination without broken plies and
- accidental combination with broken plies (the number of broken plies can be derived with
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Virtually impossible 0,1 Rare 0,5 First aid 1
Practical impossible 0,2 Few times a year 1 Minor injury 3
Possible but highly unlikely 0,5 Monthly 2 Severs injury 7
Only possible on long term 1 Weekly 3 One dead 15
Unusual but possible 3 Daily 6 Several dead 40
Possible 6 Constantly 10 Disaster, many dead 100
Can be expected 10
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
5.1 General
The most frequent types of transverse loading on glass panes are continuously or equally
distributed loads such as wind, snow, self-weight or traffic loads.
Whereas for small deflections (w < t) the plate behaves linearly, for greater deformations a
considerably non-linear effect becomes important (for length-to-width-ratios of 1:1 to 3:1).
Because then a part of the transverse load is being carried by membrane forces due to the
sagging of the plate. The occurring membrane forces are anchoring in an inner circumferen-
tial ring so that no exterior anchoring is needed. This effect is associated with in-plane de-
formations. Because of that, generally, in-plane and out-of-plane effects are to be considered
together. The theory assumes the evenness of the cross-section according to Bernoulli and
further the law of Hooke. Both assumptions are fulfilled perfectly by monolithic glass.
Today mostly glass panes are calculated numerically using FEM, in particular in cases when
they are point supported. However a short description of the analytical interdependencies
explains these effects.
E d3 4 w 4 w 4 w
qx , y respectively
12 1 2 x 4
x 2y 2 y 4
gives sufficiently exact solutions for stress and deformation in general when the deflections
are small with .
Second order effect. The plate equation can be extended by moments from in-plane normal
forces/stresses multiplied by the occurring deformations (or eccentricities)
or in another form
B w"" 2 w" w d x w" 2 xy w' y w qx, y (5-4)
For particular cases the equations can be reduced either to the bending differential equation
of a beam or to the buckling differential equation of a column.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
of the strains and couple both information via the law of Hooke, this leads to the elastic non-
linear plate-membrane differential equation according to Airy (without temperature restraint):
4 4 4
2 2 2
0 respectively "" 2" 0 or
x x x y (5-5)
2 N 2 N
x x , 2 y y ,
xy xy yx (5-6)
x 2
d y d xy d
2 2 2 2 2 (5-7)
y 21 xy 0
x x y
x y
2 2
2 2
By this the membrane differential equation is coupled to the plate differential equation via the
out-of-plane deformations. This system then is non-linear describing the membrane effects
e.g. caused by larger out-of-plane deformations. The so extended geometrical relationships
u 1 w 2
u v w w
xx , yy v 1 w , xy (5-8)
x 2 x
y 2 y y x x y
qx , y
Bw d w" 2' w' " w (5-9)
E w' 2 w" w
From these equations it can be seen that also under pure transverse loading the plate will
response with membrane effects, too, and moreover these equations also show the already
mentioned circumferential compression ring. However, this becomes only relevant at defor-
mations , which is frequently the case in glass design.
where the factors considering the geometry and boundary (support) conditions can be taken
from the bibliography as far as an analytical calculation is preferred.
For example some solutions for rectangular and a square plate-formats are given in Figure
5-1, both for max. stress and deformation, each of them according to a linear and to a non-
linear calculation. Note that the location of the relevant combination of and of the max.
principal stresses are moving with increasing loading, see Figure 5-2. The calculations have
been performed with appropriate computer-software [177] which is in particular dedicated to
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
glass-problems. By using [177] also flexible elastic edge supports, lifting corners in case not-
prevented uplift, etc., can easily be considered.
30 60
25 50
20 40
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Loading q [kN/m²] Loading q [kN/m²]
Figure 5-1 Max. deformations and max principal tension stresses of two differential glass panels (1000 mm
x 1000 mm and 1000 mm x 2000 mm, linearly supported at the 4 edges according to Navier
conditions) of the same thickness (t = 6 mm) varying the theory of calculation (linear – non-
linear) [94]
Figure 5-2 Distribution of principal tension stresses by using linear theory (left hand side) and non-linear
calculation (right hand side) – Geometry of pane: a/b = 1000 mm x 2000 mm [94]
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Table 5-1 Viscoelastic Kelvin- and Maxwell-models and their functions for creep and relaxation [233]
(K) (M)
model 3-parameter Kelvin -model 3-parameter Maxwell -model
diff. equation p1 q0 q1
p1 q1 p1 q 0 0 t
creep function J ret (t ) 1 e 1
q1 q 0 q1
relaxation function E (t ) q 0 1 q 0 e p1
; q K E0 E1 ; q K E0 1
1 ; q M E ; M E0 E1
0 q1 1
parameter 0 1
E0 E1
E0 E1 E0 E1 E1 E1
1 1 1 1 1
parameterized ret E 0 E1 E0 ret 1 E0 1
E0 E1 rel
diff. equation rel rel E1
ret 1
parameterized 1 1 1
ret 1 E1 ( E0 E1 ) ret
J ret (t ) 1 e J ret (t ) 1 1 e
creep function E0 E1
E0 E1 E0
E E1
0 t
parameterized E (t )
E e 1
E0 E1
1 rel
relaxation function E (t ) E0 E1 e
Both Kelvin- or Maxwell-models describe exactly the same, when comparing Kelvin with
Maxwell whilst identifying the corresponding parameter and there is a difference accord-
ing to what model is considered. For simplicity normally the Kelvin-model is used for creep
and the Maxwell-model for relaxation.
The real elastic time behaviour of plastics however is highly multi parametric. To cope with
this, a series of exponential functions is introduced, for creep by a serial addition of Kevin-
models, and by relaxation in a parallel composition of Maxwell-models, see Table 5-2.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Table 5-2 Generalized multi parametric Kelvin- or Maxwell- models and the functions for creep and relaxation
differential i n
pi q0 qi
equation i 1 t i
i 1 t i
q0 , i
p1 n qi pi q0,i
creep function J ret (t ) 1 e
q1 i 1 q0,i qi
relaxation n
E (t ) q0 i q0 e qi
function p
i 1 i
parameterized 1 n
1 i
ret , i
creep function
J ret (t )
E0 i 1 Ei
1 e with ret ,i E *
E (t ) E0 Ei e
rel , i
relaxation * with rel ,i E
function i 1 i
With creep or relaxation curves obtained from tests the parameters of the exponential series
with a suitable number of elements can be determined.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
qs ( x ) K s s ( x ) (5-13)
where is the slip-function and the distributed horizontal load, both along the gap,
the formulation of equilibrium is
dM ( x) dM1 ( x) dM 2 ( x) dF
V ( x) z V ( x) 0 (5-14)
dx dx dx dx
dV ( x)
Nw( x) q z ( x) 0 (5-15)
dF ( x)
q s ( x) 0 (5-16)
In the skin-layer, generally, there are partial bending moments and layer forces
the amount of which is equal in both of the layers. The forces generate with their correspond-
ing distance reduced static moments according to Steiner. Nwx is the change of deviation
of the sectional normal force Nwx due to the axial load .
It is assumed that the interlayer is not compressible; hence the curvatures at a certain longi-
tudinal position are identical in each of the layers. Further the transverse shear forces are
distributed according to the bending stiffness of the single layers.
M 1 ( x) M ( x)
w1( x) w2 ( x) 2 (5-17)
EI1 EI 2
dM1 ( x) dM 2 ( x)
w1( x) w2( x) (5-18)
EI1 EI 2
three-layered laminate
Figure 5-3 Sectional forces and slip differentials from strain and curvature for a symmetrical two-layered and a
symmetrical three-layered laminate [232]
The change of the slip shall be . It is the sum of the strain differences of the adjacent
outer glass fibre of two layers at a common gap, each of them due to longitudinal extending
from tension or compression as well as due to the curvature from bending.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
1 1
s( x ) w1( x ) z1 w2 ( x ) z2 F ( x ) (5-19)
dF ( x ) 1 1
s( x ) w1( x ) z1 w2( x ) z2 (5-20)
dx EA1 EA2
1 dM 1( x ) dF ( x ) 1 1
s( x ) z (5-21)
EI 1 dx dx EA1 EA2
z 1 1
s ( x) (V ( x) q s ( x) z ) q s ( x) (5-22)
EI 1 EI 2 EA1 EA2
1 N Ks z2 1 1
s( x) ( ) K s s( x)
E I1 I 2 A1 A2 (5-23)
N Ks 1 1 z
2 ( ) s ( x) qz ( x)
E ( I1 I 2 ) A1 A2 E ( I1 I 2 )
s( x) 2 s( x) V ( x) (5-24)
Ks z2 1 1 z
with 2 and
I I A A (5-25)
E 1 2 1 2 E ( I 1 I2 )
For the shear gap of a symmetrical 3 layered laminate , and are according to Figure
5-3 and/or Table 5-3.
For the slip differential equation the homogeneous solution can be determined from the
characteristic equation
s H ( x) C1 e x C 2 e x (5-27)
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The constants and can be found by formulating the boundary conditions. By this the
slip function and the force flow become known. Defining equilibrium at
the separated single layers leads to
F ( x) qs ( x)dx 0 (5-30)
V ( x) q z ( x)dx 0 (5-31)
M ( x) V ( x) dx M 1 ( x) M 2 ( x) F ( x) z V ( x) dx 0 (5-32)
F ( x) M i ( x)
i ( x) (5-33)
Ai Wi
M ( x)
Wi,eff ( x) (5-34)
i ( x)
x x
M i ( x)
w( x) EI i
dxdx (5-35)
0 0
Note, that the effective values generally are no more constant along the axis, they ra-
ther depend on the position . Thereby an exception represents the sinusoidal shaped mo-
ment distribution: laminated beams with that curvature (originating from sinusoidal transverse
loading or from non-linear bending due to axial loads). Table 5-4 gives solutions for different
loading cases under the assumption that the slip at the ends of the laminated beam is not
Finally it should be remarked that the same methodology applies for laminated plates analo-
GF t G F t
Ks B B
t t
Ks ( z1 z 2 )2 1 1 Ks 2( z1 z 2 ) 2 1
E I I A1 A2 E 2I1 I 2 A1
1 2
( z1 z 2 ) ( z1 z 2 )
E ( I1 I 2 ) E 2 I1 I 2
( I1 I 2 ) (2 I1 I 2 )
( z1 z 2 ) 2 ( z1 z 2 ) 2 z
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Table 5-4 Overview of the slip and sectional functions and forces for different load cases, free slip at the ends
loading 1 loading 2
static system
L P sinh b
cosh x1 sI ( xI ,1 ) sinh xI ,1
2 cosh( a b)
slip function P 2
s(x) 2 2 L
P cosh a
cosh sII ( xII ,1 ) cosh ( xII ,1 b)
2 1
2 cosh( a b)
slip distribution
K s cosh(xI ,1 ) sinh(b)
sinh x1 mI b
2 cosh( (a b))
Ks L 2
m(x1) x1
2 2 2 L Ks cosh(a) sinh( ( xII ,1 b))
2 mII xII ,1 b
2 cosh( (a b))
Wi ,eff , I ( xI ,1 )
mI di
( L 2 x1 )
2 (b mI )
B di
Wi ,eff ( x1 ) m d i L x1
4 m b xII ,1
B di 2 4 2 Wi ,eff , II ( xII ,1 )
1 (b xII ,1 mII )
B d i
FI ( xI ,1) P mI
F ( x1) P m
FII ( xII ,1) P mII
M i , I ( xI ,1 ) b mI
P i L x1
M i ( x1) m
4 2 Pi
M i , II ( xII ,1 )
b xII ,1 mII
M I ( xI ,1 ) M i ( xI ,1) F ( xI ,1 ) P b
L x
M ( x1) M i ( x1) F ( x1) P 4 21 M I ( xII ,1 ) M i ( xII ,1) F ( xII ,1)
P (b xII ,1 )
M ( x1 ) M ( xI ,1 ) M ( xII ,1 )
( x1 ) Wi , eff ( x1 )
max ;
W ( x
i ,eff I ,1 ) Wi , eff ( x II ,1)
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Loading 3 Loading 4
static system
Vz x
q sinh(x1 ) s x cos
slip function s(x) sx1 x1
2 cosh
L 2
slip distribution
K s x12 L2 1 cosh(x1 ) 2
m( x1) 2
2 2 8 2 2 cosh L
( L2 4 x1 ) 1
Wi ,eff ( x1 ) m di L x
m di
8 1 m (1 m)
B d i 2 8 2 B d i 2
L x
F ( x1) q m Vz m sin
q i L2 x12 Vz i
M i ( x1) m x
2 sin 1 m
L2 x12 L x
M ( x1) M i ( x1) F ( x1) q
M i ( x) F ( x) Vz sin L
M ( x1 ) M ( x)
( x1)
Wi , eff ( x1 ) Wi , eff ( x)
Further methods to calculate the stresses and deformations in glass sandwich structures can
be found in the literature [165] [166] [168].
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
also important to verify that the constraints are properly designed to retain the glass under
the large deformations occurring in the post-glass-breakage phase.
Therefore three possible resistance mechanisms can be distinguished for laminated glass,
as illustrated in Figure 5-4 [178].
Figure 5-4 Resistance mechanisms in the post glass breakage phase [178]
Mechanism develops when the glass sheets forming the laminated package are sound. In
this condition the classical Euler Bernoulli assumptions may be considered valid in each one
of the composing glass panes. The stress distribution of tension and compression along the
glazed section depends heavily upon the mechanical characteristics of the material used as
an interlayer, because it provides the shear coupling between the panes. The structural be-
haviour is well represented by the theory of composite plates. This phase ends when one of
the layers breaks, reaching the glass strength limit.
Due to pre-existing internal defects, rupture of the first plate can also take place in sections
where the internal actions do not reach the maximum values. In the case of strain driven
tests, when the stresses are compatible with the strength of the material, the entire load is
carried by the plate that remains sound (mechanism of Figure 5-4). In this condition, the
interlayer can only retain the glass shards. If the distance between two cracked sections is
large enough, the polymer still allows the transfer of shear stresses in the area between two
consecutive slits.
If the test is stress driven, breakage of the first pane usually leads to a sudden decrease of
the load-bearing capacity, producing a chain reaction that breaks all the other panes (mech-
anism , Figure 5-4). The glass is no longer able to transfer tensile stresses, but the frag-
ments may still carry compressive load due to contact, while the polymer can provide the
tensile force necessary to withstand bending moments. At this stage, the load bearing capac-
ity depends significantly upon the size of the fragments and, therefore, it is influenced by the
type of glass (annealed, heat strengthened, heat tempered).
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
In order to obtain reliable and safe sided numerical results it is necessary to use complex
non-linear time-dependent finite element models (including material and geometrical non-
linearity). Those models must be able to take into account a wide range of specific aspects of
glass structures, such as: the brittle nature of glass, the slenderness of glass elements, the
viscoelastic and time-dependent behaviour of the interlayers, the interface properties, the
existence of point supports and adhesive joints, the existence of residual stresses and stress
gradients, etc.
A full specification of the requirements of a proper numerical analysis is not within the scope
of this report. However, some general recommendations can be stated as follows:
Results should be consolidated and not depending on a further refinement (i.e. there are
prior model congruence investigations).
As far as they have a potential negative influence on the corresponding load and design situ-
ation, all restraints from boundary conditions and loading should be considered. As far as the
influences are potentially positive on the corresponding load and design situation they have
to be neglected.
The element mesh must be sufficiently refined in order to achieve an acceptable accu-
racy and to ensure that the obtained results do not depend on a further refinement;
The elements and integration rules used must realise the local and global behaviour of
the structure;
All relevant effects from the detailing and tolerances should be taken into account;
Constraint relations are necessary to guarantee the displacement compatibility at the
nodes and, preferably, along the element edges when adjacent elements are of differ-
ent types, material or thickness;
Proper support constraints must be imposed with special attention to nodes on sym-
metry axes.
Only a deliberate use of an appropriate model will make possible the full understanding of
the structural response and the derivation of a comprehensive set of rational rules for the
design of those structural elements.
The experimental test setups and procedures must be properly defined in order to obtain
realistic and valuable results. To assure the reproducibility of those experiments or to make
possible their simulation by numerical models, special attention must be paid to the strate-
gies of displacement and force control and to the documentation of the main characteristics
of the sensors, transducers and acquisition data systems used.
To conclude, there is an urgent and unequivocal need of promoting guidelines of best prac-
tise for both numerical analysis and experimental tests and for disseminating reliable results
and benchmarks.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
If the deflections exceed the thickness of the plate then the non-linear effect gets significant
for a glass panel with four supported edges as described, the effect vanishes for a length-to-
width-ratio of more than 3:1 and finally there is no non-linear effect anymore for a glass panel
supported linear at two opposite edges. However, in the first instance it is not always neces-
sary to choose the non-linear theory.
Thermally strengthened glass panels may have holes or cuttings. These have to be carefully
modelled with FEM to take into account the stress concentration in these regions.
A precise calculation of laminated glass usually requires the (numerical) solution of differen-
tial equations. In numerical computations, it can be modelled conveniently by layered shell
elements that take into account the dependent stiffness between glass and interlayer, but
most of the commercial numerical codes do not contain such elements. On the other hand, a
full 3-D analysis is complicated and time consuming. This is why, in the design practice and
especially in the preliminary design, it is very useful to consider approximate methods for the
calculation of laminated glass. The common practical approach is the definition of the deflec-
tion- and stress-effective thickness: That is the (constant) thickness of a homogeneous
beam/plate that, under the same boundary and loading conditions of the considered situa-
tion, presents the same bending behaviour in terms of stresses and deflection, respectively.
The existing design codes are dealing in different ways with the shear stiffness of the inter-
layer (Code Review No. 39). On the one hand there are different philosophies concerning the
material properties, on the other hand there are various conflicting calculation methods.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
DIN 18008 [44]: The shear stiffness of the interlayer is neglected in the current DIN 18008. Thus
for the static verification a laminated glass panel is calculated assuming as independent single lay-
ers not being connected to each other. Only in case of the simulation of an impact load a full shear
bond can be taken into account.
prEN 16612 [37]: The overall glass thickness is substituted by an effective thickness that takes into
account the laminated effect by using a shear transfer factor . This shear transfer factor refers to a
glass panel size of 3000 mm x 2000 mm supported at the four edges [22]. The shear transfer factor
is depending on the load duration.
NEN 2608 [45]: The thickness of the laminated glass is substituted by an effective thickness, but the
used shear transfer factor is depending on the size of the glass panel, bearing conditions, load con-
figurations and the load duration.
ÖNORM B 3716 [48]: For short loading time like winds loads a value of G = 0.4 N/mm² for PVB-
sheets is accepted. The value is also used for FEM calculation with sandwich elements.
Technical recommendation: CNR-DT-210 [55]: Italian CNR-DT-210 provides very accurate formu-
las for the evaluation of the deflection- and stress-effective thickness for both laminated glass beams
and plates, accounting for the boundary/ loading condition and size effect.
Technical Approvals (e.g. [78]): Here, the shear stiffness value G is given depending on the type of
loading (wind, horizontal traffic loading, snow and dead load). The shear stiffness can be used for
the FEM with sandwich elements that can cover the mechanical properties of the interlayer. Fur-
thermore, theoretical solutions like the sandwich theory or the extended bending and torsional theo-
ry exist.
Whereas the positive effect (increasing of the bending resistance) of the shear stiffness is to be ne-
glected (e.g. [44]), the negative effect of the shear stiffness (increasing of the effective climatic load-
ing of insulating glass panels due to bending stiffness increase) must always be taken into account.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Thereby the disadvantageous effects from summer and winter conditions have been speci-
fied in the rules. The effective climatic loading is depending on the deformability of the single
glass panels, thus on the thickness and the size of the glass panel. The higher the deforma-
bility the lower is the climatic loading. Compared to wind and snow loads the climatic loading
is not predominant for large glass panels, whereas for the design of small glass panels it
becomes decisive. Till now the standards contain an analytic calculation method which is
based on the plate theory for rectangular flat glass panels.
Figure 6-1 Change of the internal pressure depending on the change of temperature, the change of
the air pressure and the altitude in relation of the place of production and installation [94]
For the analysis of climatic loading the non-linear effect of the glass panels can be neglected.
The reason is that the deformation of the glass panel is lower for the non-linear theory thus
the stresses in the glass panels are significantly lower, although the climatic loading is high-
In the case we have insulating glass with laminated glass panels load cases like “with com-
posite effect” and “without composite effect” have to be considered, because the stiffer the
glass plates behave the higher the internal pressure is.
There are no realistic theoretical models that consider the stresses in the edge bond and
there are no investigations concerning its failure mode. Note that a failure of the edge bond
normally is not considered to impair the safety but may actually limit the life time of the insu-
lating glass unit in terms of the insulating effect. In practice the design of the edge bond is
only based on the experience of the glass producer without any scientific background. The
parameters of the edge bond are depending on the type of edge bond (materials), the re-
sistance of its connected parts and on effects in the interface between glass and the edge
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The external loads like wind, snow or personnel loads are acting on the whole insulating
glass panel. This is described by the so-called “coupling effect”. The distribution as what
panel gets what amount of any external load is depending on the stiffness of the single glass
panels of the insulating glass and the point of action (inside or outside).
With regard to the mechanical analysis of the glass plates it can be observed that several
member states are determining the effective climatic loading and the load coupling with the
same calculation model (Feldmeier [145]). For simple plane and linear supported glass pan-
els analytic algorithms are available to determinate the stresses due to climatic actions
based on the plate bending theory coupled with Bernoulli’s gas theory. This method is given
in the design standards for double glazing (see Code Review No. 44). Additionally the gen-
eral methods for double and triple glazing are given in the Code Review which can easily be
adapted to any dimensions and forms. For the coupling of line or punctual loads also analytic
methods for rectangular panes are available [145]. For point supported or curved glass pan-
els the climatic loading can be determined with the aid of FEM and also with the general
method given in the Code Review.
Stiffness partition for pane 2: 2 d1 d2
Characteristic length of the unit with the volume coefficient BV according to the Kirchhoffsche
da di dcav
Plate Theory: a 28 √
da di B
Insulating unit factor: a
with a = length of the short edge
1 ( )
Loading of pane 1: ( 1 2) pe 1
(1- ) 2 pe 2 - ∑ pi 0
Loading of pane 2: ( 1 2) pe 1
(1- ) 2 pe 2
∑ pi 0
Basic Method for double insulating glass units for any formats dimensions (circular, triangle or
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
atmospheric pressure pa 100 KN m2, volume of the cavity and the volume change of the glass
pane due to a unit pressure of 1 kN/m² p i.
The load distribution is equal to the formula given above for the simplified method. The value pi
can be calculated for any dimensions and forms with FEM.
Basic Method for triple insulating glass units for any formats dimensions (circular, triangle or
also curved glass panels) due to distributed loading:
Insulating unit factor for cavity 1: 1 1 1 1
Insulating unit factor for cavity 2: 2 1 2 2
p 1 pa p1 pa
Relative volume change for panes beside cavity 1: 1 and 1
pr 1 pr 1
p 2 pa p2 pa
Relative volume change for panes beside cavity 2: 2 and 2
pr 2 pr 2
with 1 2
Definition of 1- 1 2 1 2
Internal pressure differences in the cavities:
1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1
p1 pe 1
pe (∑ pi 0 ) 1
1 1 2 2 2 2
1 1 2
p2 pe 1
pe (∑ pi 0 ) 2
Loading of pane 1: pe 1 - p1
Loading of pane 2: p1 - p2
Loading of pane 3: p2 pe
The characteristic values for the climatic loading are depending on the climatic situation. There are
no harmonized regulations for these values.
NEN 2608 [45]: Also, an analytic model for load distribution between the panes of a double glass
unit or concentrated load is available.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The glass panels can be supported linearly at the four edges, at three edges or at two oppo-
site edges. A hybrid support-system is possible in terms of four linearly supported edges for
pressure loads and two linearly supported edges for suction loads.
For indoor applications very heavy glass panels (like glass floors) may solely be supported
against pressure loads disregarding any suction loads (chapter 6.5.4).
Normally the glass panels are simply clamped at the edges. In case of structural sealant
glazing the glass panels are connected to an adapter frame. The adhesive connection is
made of a silicone sealant.
In-plane loading should be avoided; moreover the in-plane support conditions should be stat-
ically determined. The glass panels are mainly loaded by perpendicular loads like self-
weight, wind or snow loads, climatic loading or personal loading (balustrade or floors).
All flat or curved products of glazing above can be used for linear supported glass panels.
The support conditions are assumed fixed perpendicular to the glass plate if the deflection of
the substructure is limited to 200 related to the length of the panel. Larger deflections of the
substructure can be treated like “Cold deflection” of glass panels, mechanically similar to
settlement displacements.
Curved glass panels show much lower stresses caused by outer loading due to the high ge-
ometrical stiffness compared to flat glass panels. In case of curved insulating glass units the
high stiffness and the associated low deformability lead to a very high effective climatic load-
ing and have to be taken into account properly. Whereas for flat glass the limiting value for a
“stiff” substructure can be fixed to 200, the situation for curved glass is different because
small deflections of the substructure induce high stresses in a curved glass panel. This is
one of the reasons why several national design codes are non-applicable for curved glass
The necessary edge cover of the linear support is varying depending on the type of glazing
(monolithic or insulating glass panel), the size of the glass panel and the robustness re-
quirements. E.g. the edge cover can be 7 up to 15 mm, while these values are purely empiri-
cal. An upper limit of the edge cover is recommended to avoid high stress gradients in a
glass plate because the covered parts at the edges may cause a temperature and stress
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
gradient. Hereby, the glass edge resistance (zone 2) determines the resistance of glass
against thermal stresses. There are different methods in Europe to deal with this problem.
For critical situations (high thermal absorption of the glass, etc.) as a deemed to satisfy rec-
ommendation a thermal tempered glass should be used unless sophisticated calculation
methods open solutions for other glass qualities.
For vertical and horizontal glazing without personal loading or impact loading there may be
different constructive requirements to be fulfilled.
For non-broken linear supported glass panels there is a risk of slipping off the glass support if
the deflections exceed a certain value. The limitation of the deflection and a proper control of
the minimum edge cover prevent this scenario.
The standard systems and requirements for balustrades, floors or horizontal glazing accessi-
ble for maintenance are described in the following chapters.
DIN 18545 [80]: This execution standard specifies the minimum needed edge covering.
DIN 18008-1 and DIN 18008-2 [44]: The support conditions of a glass plates are assumed to be
fixed out of plane at the edges but free in plane. The limit value such that a stiff substructure can be
assumed may be L/200 along the considered edge.
BS 6180 [61]: Minimum edge cover is recommended for barrier infill panes.
prEN 12488 [85]: This European standard gives principal assembly rules for vertical and sloping
glazing. It does not apply e.g. for channel shaped glass, structural sealant glazing, point fixed glaz-
ing, etc..
DIN 18008-2 [44]: Glass types which fulfil the residual resistance requirements:
Vertical glazing: e.g. monolithic glass panels made of heat strengthened or float glass must
be supported at all edges in case of an installation height > 4 m, heat soaked thermally
toughened glass is needed in a case of an installation height > 4 m
Horizontal glazing: e.g. the lower glass panel must be made of laminated glass (only heat
strengthened or float glass layers); limitation of the span for glass panels with only two line-
ar supports < 1,2 m; minimal thickness of the PVB interlayer 0,76 mm,
Application conditions: e.g. minimal edge cover 10 mm, minimum are two opposing linear
supported edges; appropriate setting of the glass panels (number and position of the setting
blocks); limitation of the layer thicknesses ratio (d1 / d2 = 1.5) of the glass laminate
Serviceability Limit State (SLS): For linear supported glass panels the deflection limit (Ser-
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
viceability Limit State is set to L/100. In case of exceeding this limit the verification can be
done by proofing an edge cover after deformation of 5 mm.
Ultimate Limit State (ULS): See
Code Review No. 25
Accidental Scenario for horizontal glass panels: Verification with lower load partial factor for the
failure of one glass panel (accidental design combination)
6.5.1 General
Point fixings are widely applied in glass engineering for connecting glass facade or roof pan-
els to the supporting substructure. These point fixings can be located at the edge of the glass
panels or at the surface of the glass panel, see Figure 6-2. Furthermore, the point fixings can
be executed by means of clamping systems, drilled holes, embedded connections or adhe-
sive connections. These point fixing systems are subsequently discussed in the following
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Point supported glass panels have no linear support at the glass edges; but one possibility
for fixing are punctual clamping systems near the edges. Also combinations of a linear sup-
porting system (e.g. for pressure loads) with a punctual clamping system (e.g. for suction
loads) have been often executed.
Due to the local load introduction stress concentrations near the clamping occur and should
be analysed, the results of which strongly depend on the stiffness of the interfaces.
There are a lot of clamping systems on the market with a European technical approval.
The residual resistance of punctual clamped glass panels is inferior compared to linear sup-
ported glass panels. And also, the risk of slipping off the supports after a glass breakage is
higher. The treatment may be different from country to country.
DIN 18008-3:
Glass types (which fulfil a residual resistance) covering the requirements:
Vertical glazing: Monolithic Glass made of thermally toughened glass (heat soaked, at least
6 mm thick), laminated safety glass made of annealed glass, thermally toughened glass or
heat strengthened glass, insulating glass
Horizontal glazing: Only a combination of linear support for pressure loads and clamping
for suction loads is allowed. Post breakage behaviour must be considered, either by compar-
ing the geometry with already approved geometries or by experiment. Laminated glass made
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
BS 6180 [61] and BS 6262 [60]: These standards give basic advices on bolted and non-bolted point
Compared to clamping systems a drilling is needed to produce the hole and to connect the
point fixing with the glass panel. Depending on the type of point fixing different geometries of
drillings are available, see Figure 6-3.
Thermal pre-stressing is an issue in the borehole area, especially because this area is often
crucial. It must be assured that the level of pre-stress is at least as high as it is in the body. If
not, the design value for load-bearing resistance must be reduced. Optical stress measure-
ments have proven [117] [124] that a sufficient thermal pre-stressing (pressure on the bore-
hole surface) can develop in the hole area for cylindrical and conical holes (depending on the
size of the hole and the distance to the edges).
The more complex the borehole geometry is, the more difficult the proof of sufficient pre-
stress will get. In some cases (e.g. blind hole) optical measurement is impossible with exist-
ing methods and indirect FEM simulations may give an answer, but the results are highly
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
depending on the parameters of the heat transfer coefficient [206]. Blind holes and the corre-
sponding point fixing can be used in Germany with a specific technical approval [79].
Point fixings are generally made of stainless steel and provide an interface material to avoid
any direct steel glass contact. The bearing capacity and the durability of the point fixings
should be technically approved. A point fixing can be fully fixed or it can allow for rotations
(like joints). So far, systems with blind holes can only be proved by testing.
For the described types of point fixings only heat strengthened and thermally toughened
glass should be used because a high material resistance near the holes is needed.
The behaviour of the residual resistance depends on the glass composition and the glass
product. Furthermore, the size and the thickness of the panel and the distance between the
point fixings and its size are important.
On the basis of several tests for point supported glazing with drillings different levels of risk
after a glass breakage can be defined:
vertical glazing made of a single thermally toughened glass: in case of breakage small
glass pieces are falling down
vertical glazing made of laminated heat strengthened glass (PVB interlayer): this provides
a very high residual resistance
vertical glazing made of laminated thermally toughened glass (PVB interlayer): there is a
risk of pulling out of the point fixing and therefore falling down of a large laminated glass
horizontal glazing made of laminated heat strengthened glass (PVB interlayer): very high
residual resistance
Also other combinations can have a good residual resistance by using ionomer interlayer.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Figure 6-4 Residual resistance of laminated punctual supported glass panels made of heat strengthened or
thermally toughened glass
Because of the geometry of drilled holes, the concentrated load introduction and the absence
of ductility the design of a point supported glass panel must be carried out very properly to
determine the stress concentrations near to the hole. The stress concentrations are depend-
ing on the size of the point fixing, the stiffness of the interfaces, the degree of freedom of the
point fixing and the position of the joint.
The aforementioned effects and the composite effect of laminated glass may also be consid-
ered within the scope of point supported glass panels. There are no satisfying (practise ori-
ented) analytic models available so that FEM calculations are recommended. Adequate re-
sults can only be achieved by using contact elements between the different materials (glass,
interface, point fixing, etc.) and by considering the different material stiffness of the interfac-
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Glass types which can be used, the residual resistance is covered by these requirements:
Vertical glazing: Laminated Safety Glass made of Thermally Toughened Glass or Heat
Strengthened Glass (either heat soaked or not) (Interlayer: PVB d = 1.52 mm)
Horizontal glazing: Laminated Safety Glass made of Thermally Toughened Glass (at least
2 x 6 mm, Interlayer PVB d = 1.52 mm). Post breakage behaviour must be considered, either
by comparing the geometry with already approved geometries or by experiment.
Application conditions:
Boreholes must be placed at least 80 mm from the glass edge or from a neighbouring bore-
Only double disk point fittings for cylindrical boreholes are regulated.
The disk diameter must be at least 50 mm.
The clamping depth must be at least 12 mm.
Serviceability Limit State (SLS): Calculation of the maximum deflection fmax by appropriate means,
finite element analysis is recommended. Validation of FEM is provided by verification models. Ex-
perimentally determined spring stiffness of the point fixing can be considered. Test setups are pro-
vided in the annex of the standard. Friction between interlaying materials must not be considered.
Cd = 1/100 of the effective span.
Ultimate Limit State (ULS):
Point fixing: Calculation of the maximum load capacity on the basis of technical building
regulations, if possible. If not, experimental determination of the maximum load capacity
considering different load directions.
Glass: Calculation of the maximum tensile stress on the glass surface by appropriate means,
finite element analysis is recommended. Validation of FEM is provided by verification mod-
els. Experimentally determined spring stiffness of the point fixing can be considered. Test
setups are provided in the annex of the standard. Friction between interlaying materials must
not be considered.
Simplified design method:
simplified design method for calculation of the ma imum tensile stress σ1max on the glass surface
can be used if the following requirements are met:
The glazing consists of monolithic of laminated glass only, insulating glass units are not con-
Double disk point fixings are used
No additional non-load bearing holes are present. If so, stress concentration at those holes
has to be especially calculated.
The clearance fit must be at least 1 mm.
Mechanical Model of the simplified design method: The method is based on the concept of splitting
the whole problem into local and global areas according to St. Venant´s principle. Stress concen-
tration at the borehole can be calculated by transformation of the support reactions into local stress
components using stress component factors and by superposing a global stress component multi-
plied by a stress concentration factor which takes the global behaviour of the plate into account.
The global behaviour of the plate can be calculated by finite element analysis using a very simple
model which consists of shell elements to represent the glass and spring elements representing the
point fixing. The model show single node supports which mechanically end up in stress singulari-
ties. But due to St. Venant´s principle there is no need to represent the borehole and the point fixing
in detail, because any stress singularity at the single node support will not contribute to the design
equation and therefore can be neglected.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
z p
Fx Mx r
Fz Fy My
Stress component factors b depend on the type of point fixing and the geometry of the borehole and
are provided for a variation of parameters in the standard.
NEN 2608 [45]:Like described in Code Review No. 28 a potential reduction of pre-stress is taken
into account in zone 4 (hole zone)
Related to the shear stiffness of a laminated glass the code defines a zone A with radius r (r = 10t
with t = thickness of the glass laminate) around the point fixings, for which the shear interaction
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Cahier CSTB 3574 [68]: This document gives rules for glazing with point supports. It defines con-
ception and fabrication recommendations on glass elements and supporting structure. It describes
loading conditions and dimensioning methods for glass plates with several support methods (four
points si points two points and a line…). The e perimental procedure is defined to ensure glass
and structural point resistance.
Adhesive bonding provides an alternative for drilled connections. The main advantage of
these adhesive bonds is that they do not require any drilling and thus avoid mechanical
damaging of the glass. Furthermore, the load is spread over a relatively large surface, which
reduces local stressing of the glass. Adhesive connections can be executed using adhesives
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
such as epoxies, acrylates, polyurethanes and silicones. In addition, stiff (ionomer) interlay-
ers and transparent addition cured silicon foil material are currently gaining interest for creat-
ing adhesive connections [125][126]. However, due to the uncertainties about the durability
and long-term behaviour of adhesive connections, their application in practice is currently
limited and additional retaining devices are needed. Further research into adhesively bonded
fixings is thus required. More information is included in chapter 8.4.
The advent of new ionomere interlayers has had important influence in recent improvements
of glass fixing systems. Embedded solutions based on the combination of the lamination pro-
cess and the assembly of glass fittings have the capability of combining most of the ad-
vantages of available mechanic as well as of adhesive fixing solutions. These systems im-
prove the strength, safety, durability and appearance of frameless laminated glazing, offering
new possibilities especially under severe environmental conditions.
The incorporation of the metallic fitting into the laminated glass, Figure 6-5, improves the
distribution of the applied loads between both glass components of the laminate, giving a
significant increase in load bearing capacity while at the same time reducing the glass thick-
ness required.
The absence of exterior bolts, caps or washers or holes at the external glass surface, allows
the use of a wider variety of glass types. Fixing securely to the inner structural glass compo-
nent of an insulated unit avoids cold-bridging as the external glass surface is not penetrated
with fittings. This results in a more thermally efficient façade.
These high performance laminated systems offer: increased strength and durability; reduced
glass and structure weights; longer spans with reduced fixings; advanced post glass break-
age security; visibly improved clarity; structural glass fin and beam applications.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
This type of application is considerably high because of the high risk of a glass breakage due
to falling objects or persons. Code Review No. 49 gives an overview of the requirements in
some national design standards. The loads given in EN 1991 are also indicated in the Re-
view to demonstrate the actual non consistency between the national glass standards and
the European load codes.
Cahier CSTB 3448 [70]: This document gives rules for glass floors and stairs installation. It defines
conception and fabrication recommendations. It describes the dimensioning method with specific
loads, loading combinations and validation criteria. It gives the calculation method for two-sided
and four-sided supported rectangular glass plates.
EN 1991 [39]: Depending on the type of usage different categories are defined. The single load has
a load distribution area of 50 mm x 50 mm.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
CWCT Technical Notes (TN66 [62], TN67 [63], TN92 [64]): These technical notes give test method
for post breakage load bearing capability. The critical part of the test is that with all glass panes
broken the glass must sustain the weight of one or two persons (depending on glass size) for 30
minutes without collapsing.
Depending on the bearing type different “retaining glass barriers” categories have been de-
fined. The meaning and the anticipated security levels of these categories are differing and
are not in line with the categories of buildings according to EN 1991, see Code Review No.
Concerning the needed safety level, the construction types are distinguished: either with an
additional independent load supporting hand rail or rather the glass is only carrying the hori-
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
zontal personnel load. The corresponding impact level must be chosen depending on the
defined categories.
Depending on the support conditions and the required safety level the recent regulations
demand special types of glass assembling to fulfil a certain residual resistance and to mini-
mize the risk of injuries. These requirements are based on many tests that have been carried
out in the last century.
A linearly supported floor-to-ceiling glazing is one of the simplest types of barrier glazing. It
has an excellent load bearing resistance and if laminated glass is used the risk of injuries is
low. Preferably float glass should be used because of the high residual resistance after
breakage. For insulating glazing two laminated glass panels or one laminated and one ther-
mally toughened glass panel can be combined. If there is an independent hand rail in front of
the floor-to-ceiling- glazing the necessary safety level is lower.
The line loads have to be taken into account for the static verification of the glazing. Addi-
tionally, the behaviour due to a horizontal impact is considered in form of dynamic impact
There is a European test procedure for the classification of glass products under impact load-
ing [21], see Code Review No. 51. In that standard a pendulum test with a soft impact body
is specified, the testing scenario of which is deemed to be adequate to the impact of a per-
son falling towards the glass panels. The European standard is related to a specific size
(length and width of the panel) and the aim is to classify the glazing type. However there is
no statement concerning larger glass panels, the substructure stiffness and the resistance of
the support connections.
The static verification can be easily done by the aid of FEM, for the dynamic verification two
different procedures are present. The verification can be done by impact tests with the origi-
nal parameters (size of the glass panel, type of laminate and the original substructure) or
dynamic calculation methods.
Method 1: Simulation of the shock of the impact body according to EN 12600 by using tran-
sient numerical methods. This method has been proofed by experimental and numerical
analysis in several researches works (e.g. [131]). The model must consider the time depend-
ence of the impact by taking into account the elastic impact between the impact body and the
glass. The result is the stress evolution in the glass panel during the impact. The contact
formulation between the impact body and the glass is influenced by the contact stiffness.
Further explanations are given in [132] [133].
The action for both methods is set equal to an impact energy of EBasis = 100 Nm. This value is
derived from the mass of a human body (80 kg), an impact speed of = 2.04 m/s with 60%
resonance mass:
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
1 2
E EBasis 80 kg 0 2.0 m s 100 Nm
This energy is equal to a falling height of 200 mm of the standardised impact body (mass 50
kg, tire pressure 4.0 bar).
EN 12600 [21]:
The test must be done for one glass size (847 mm x 1910 mm). The glass panel is linearly supported
at all edges.
The classification is depending on the drop height of the impact body. For each drop height (190
mm, 450 mm or 1200 mm) the glass can be specified depending on the mode of breakage:
Type A: numerous cracks appear forming separate fragments with sharp edges, some which are
large, typical of annealed glass.
Type B: numerous cracks appear, but the fragments hold together and do not separate, typical of
laminated glass.
Type C: disintegration occurs, leading to a large number of small particles that are relatively harm-
less, typical of toughened glass.
Falling height for the classification: HClass 1 =1200 mm, HClass 2 = 450 mm, HClass 3 = 190 mm
The classification is according the highest falling height without breakage or the breakage pattern
of the glass .
Fiche Technique 47 [71]: This document gives the height for a double tire impact test to have an
equivalence with the previous French impact test norm NF P 08-302 (impact with a heavy soft bag
of 50 kg) for glass façades safety validation.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Category A
General requirements:
- Laminated glass
- In the case of insulating glass: combination
of laminated glass and monolithic thermal-
ly toughened glass
Category B
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
General requirements:
Laminated glass
Category C
C1 C2 C3
General requirements:
- Laminated glass; apart from panels with linear supported at all edges also mono-
lithic thermally toughened glass is allowed (C1 and C2)
- Insulating glass panes: see insulating glass panels category A
BS 6180 [61]:
There are effectively 4 levels: domestic, commercial, light crowd, heavy crowd.
Loads are line load, concentrated load and uniformly distributed load. (Typically for glass, the
thickness is determined by the concentrated load (smaller panes) and line load (larger panes)).
Any glass types can be used provided appropriate risk analysis has been undertaken and the glass is
a safety glass according to EN 12600.
A: 4-sided supported glazing (infill panel) with All kind of laminated safety, monolithic thermal-
self-supporting handrail ly toughened glass (only if the person is not fall-
ing into the glazing, e.g. sloping balustrades of
stairs) or insulating glass units with at least one
safety laminated glass pane
B: 4-sided supported glazing where the handrail All kind of laminated safety made of thermally
is supported by the glazing toughened or heat strengthened glass
C: 4-sided supported glazing with the balustrade All kind of laminated safety
function without handrail
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
D: 3-sides or 2-sides supported or point sup- All kind of laminated safety glass, in case of
ported glazing point-supported glass with drilled holes the
glass must be chemically, heat strengthened or
thermally toughened (Heat-Soak-Test recom-
E: self-supporting glass balustrade with contin- All kind of laminated safety glass with chemical-
uous handrail or without handrail ly, heat strengthened or thermally toughened
glass (with Heat-Soak-Test), the version without
handrail is only allowed inside without public
Cahier CSTB 3034 [69]: This document defines the experimental procedure dedicated to glass can-
tilever balustrades. The experimental campaign is composed of railing tests, impact tests and cyclic
tests (for external balustrades only) and application depends on type of anchoring. Criteria are
based on residual deformation after tests.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
verification to prove the load capacity of the glass under soft impact.
(2) The system, the design scenario, the consequence class and the failure limits have to be
specified. Especially the definition of the impact energy for the respective components and
the impact location should be given.
(3) The notations must be unified to avoid misunderstandings between the basis of design, the
Eurocode and the national documents used so far.
(4) The requirements should or may consider modifications through NADs.
(5) In the scope of this, Eurocode should indicate that also the substructure always has to pro-
vide the same safety against impact as the glass.
The glass is produced flat and then it is bent on site during installation, pushing or pulling an
edge or a corner of it, so to reach the desired deflection and curvature.
A further possibility of cold bending is the “laminated cold bent glass”, here the glass panels
are bended and laminated with a stiff ionomer interlayer. Apart from a small elastic recovery
after the lamination process the laminate keeps its form. The result of this is a glass product
because the glass producer is directly responsible for the form and the durability related to
the bending. Furthermore, since the market is dominated by only one producer, so the Euro-
code should not deal with this.
Glass is quite flexible, thanks to its low elasticity modulus (around 70 000 MPa), so it is pos-
sible to bend it considerably without breakage. Nevertheless, some special care should be
taken to the following issues:
Cold bending procedure induces a permanent strain, and consequently a permanent
stress, in the glass pane, which should be considered when evaluating its strength
and in combination with external loads. As a matter of fact, it is known that glass
strength is sensitive to load duration.
When dealing with bending laminated glass, consideration should be given to the
stress induced in the interlayer and to the misalignment of the glass plies at their
edges, resulting in an exposition of the interlayer rim, with possible consequences of
edge delamination effects. However, it should also be considered that the creep of
the polymeric interlayer material, subjected to such permanent strain, will end up in a
relaxation of it and in consequent fading of the stress in the interlayer and thus a de-
crease of stress in the glass pane in the whole (because of the loss of shear collabo-
ration between the glass plies). Because of such effect, at least two stages should be
considered in the analysis: first, an installation stage, when the deformation load is
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
applied in a reasonably short time (some minutes) and the laminated glass results to
become more stiff; influence of temperature on the interlayer shear modulus should
also be considered in this stage; second, a long term stage, when the polymeric inter-
layer has already crept and the laminated glass pane results to be less stiff (as far as
this load contribution is concerned).
When cold-bending insulating glass, special attention should be given also to the
stresses induced in the sealing polymer, in the polymeric interlayer and in the spacer.
Exceeding stresses could result in a loss of moisture tightness of the isolating unit.
Whatever the restraining system of glass to its supporting structure (i.e. silicone joint,
rebate cover, point fixing, etc.), such restraint will support a not-negligible load, be-
cause of the cold bending, and therefore its strength and deformation shall be veri-
In general the application of PV modules can be distinguished between structural (e.g. roof
glazing or facades) or non-structural.
EN IEC 61646 [29] and EN IEC 61215 [30]: The goal of these standards is to determine the elec-
trical and thermal characteristics of the tested modules including a mechanical load test, where one
specimen is subjected to a distributed surface load of 2.4 kN/m² or 5.4 kN/m². In addition these
standards define a hail test and a thermic cycling test to ensure the electric functionality but it do
not consider sufficiently the glass-specific material behaviour, in particular under thermal loads.
EN IEC 61646 does not consider sufficiently the time-dependent behaviour of the strength of an-
nealed float glass and, as the tests are carried out at room temperature, a certain shear transfer
between the upper and the lower glass plate is active due to the lamination sheet. This shear trans-
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
fer often does not exist in the real installation situation under solar radiation with the usual viscoe-
lastic lamination sheets (PVB, EVA).
EN IEC 61730 [31][32]: This standard defines requirements for the construction of PV modules, to
ensure the electrical and mechanical functionality for the designated lifetime. The tests refer to IEC
61646 respectively IEC 61216 and define additionally a pendulum impact test for a proof of safety
of the broken module.
Design Standard: VDE 0126-21 [58]: According to this standard PV modules must meet the re-
quirements of the German glass standards, depending on the application.
Reinforced glass components are very promising due to their significant robustness and re-
dundancy. Although the general proof of concept is already extensively provided, further re-
search may focus in detail on the structural performance of these reinforced glass compo-
nents under various loading conditions. Furthermore, additional research into the perfor-
mance of the adhesive bond between the glass and the reinforcement is needed.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
7.1 General
Like previously explained glass can be used as primary structural components which are a
part in the overall structural system. For these situations the glass elements have to be de-
signed with higher requirements on robustness and redundancy, see chapter 0. Also special
considerations have to be taken whether fire action is a relevant issue and if so, which pro-
tection measures (additional fire glass) or redundancy design (safeguard protection etc.)
should be performed.
Further references to the stability of glass components can be found in (e.g. [210]).
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
where sufficient knowledge and experience from prior application and/or research work is
7.2.1 Buckling of shear panels with single point load introduction at the corners
along the diagonal (corner loaded shear panels)
If shear panels are added to lattice girders with missing diagonals (such as „Vierendeel-
systems“) filling the rectangular openings, these “glass fillings” can take over the diagonal
propping forces. By that very transparent steel-glass truss works can be obtained, Figure
Figure 7-1 Steel-glass lattice (“ladder”) girder with glass-shear panels replacing the diagonals
Thereby the shear panel is loaded under an inner compression force acting along its diago-
nal. Thus it can be regarded as a compression beam with variable flexural inertia continuous-
ly supported along its axis. The continuous support is enabled by the “other” diagonal per-
pendicular to the considered diagonal in compression, Figure 7-3. Thus, the glass panel has
to be supported at all four corners.
As the glass fillings are loaded by a distinct linear in-plane compression force they are to be
assessed against flexural buckling. It should be noted that if the support at the edges would
be continuous instead of punctual at the corners, the flexural buckling phenomenon would
change over to a shear plate buckling problem.
In [150] corner loaded shear panels have been investigated with different detailing of the
glass corners and load introduction. By calculating the elastic critical load of panels with
e.g. square geometries by means of the FEM the related slenderness
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
fK fK
cr D cr (7-1)
b / 40 t
Can be achieved for monolithic glass sections. Experiments [150] then led to the following
buckling curve, Figure 7-2
0 ,8
It is remarkable, that this buckling curve is almost identical with the buckling curve that has
been derived for flexural buckling of glass columns, see later equation (7-43).
That strongly indicates that, regardless of what type, topology and geometry of different test
specimens, they all lead to nearly the same buckling curve.
F = FZyl 2
Figure Druckdiagonale
7-2 b
Corner loaded Glass panels with compression force acting along its diagonal and resulting
buckling curve [150]
In case there is at the same time a transverse loading p existing (plate loading), then with
good accuracy the so-called “crossing-beams-model” can be applied, Figure 7-3, with a sin-
gle load at the point of the beam intersection. The so obtained buckling beam with a spring in
its middle the following differential equation:
2 2
M P Cw Nw EIw (7-3)
4 4
Figure 7-3 Model with crossing beams for corner loaded shear panels and beam under axial compression
with substituting spring in the centre
Due to the spring the deflection shape is multimodal; however for square geometries a si-
nusoidal deflection shape can be used and the sight deviations of
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
w a sin (7-4)
can be neglected compared to the real deformation curve. The moment at centre point then
P Ca Na EI a (7-5)
2 2 2
a 2
EI 2
N C 3 (7-6)
EI 2
2 EI 2
and M P
2 N C 2 (7-7)
N cr
3 EI 2 2 N cr
aP and C2 (7-8)
2 EI 2 3
By this the moment can be determined to
P 1
4 N (7-9)
2 N cr
N (7-10)
2 N cr
With the utilisation factor d for the compression force D = N using a linear interaction
d 1 (7-11)
and N/NCr=
M II M I 2 (7-12)
1 d
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
is obtained, that means with 0 ,8 the available moment related to the pure moment
capacity reads as follows
1 d 1 0 ,4 d (7-13)
p 1 d 1 0 ,4d (7-14)
The interaction curve d p is depicted in Figure 7-4.
d D / DR
p p / pR
Figure 7-4 Interaction curve, normalised for corner loaded square panels under diagonal compression load
d D / DR with transverse plate loading p p / p R [150]
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
into account unless the laminate is calculated without any composite effect.
(6) The non-linear interaction of shear loads with transverse loading (wind, snow, gravity,
climatic loading in case of insulating glass …) has to be considered.
(7) The Eurocode should give best practise examples for the detailing of the load introduction
Shear stresses in glass shear panels can be introduced also continuously along the edges,
additionally to those from load introductions in the corners. Mostly the edges are realized by
adhesive bonding techniques (or clamping). It is clear that the continuous edge support in-
creases the buckling resistance. To take this into account a thorough buckling investigation
by FEM or other means is necessary.
0.5 [1 α( λ α0 ) λ ] ,
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
5 4P
0 1 2 3 4
= a/b
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
(8) The non-linear interaction of shear loads with transverse loading (e.g. wind, snow, gravity,
climatic loading in case of insulating glass panels) has to be considered.
Glass panes are increasingly being used to the stabilization of one storey buildings by acting
as shear walls and thus replacing conventional bracings. This is the case for glass pavilions
and some timber or steel frames or facades. The behaviour of such structural systems main-
ly depends on the stiffness of the connections.
The use of mechanical models to predict the behaviour of joints has a long tradition in the
fields of steel and composite structures. The component method proposed in Eurocodes 3
[40] and 4 [42] is based on the association of springs that model the different components of
a joint. Recent research results [209] demonstrate that these models are applicable for the
purpose of the non-cracking pre-design of panes acting as a shear wall, because they are
able to predict the in-plane stiffness and the force necessary to obtain a certain horizontal in-
plane displacement at the top.
Figure 7-6 Mechanical model for circumferentially adhesive bonded glass panes and for glass panes with
point support fixings [209]
7.3 Beams with bending about the strong axis – Lateral torsional buck-
A beam which is bent about the axes of greatest flexural rigidity may buckle laterally at a
certain critical value of the load. This lateral buckling is of importance in the design of beams
without lateral support, provided the flexural rigidity of the beam in the plane of bending is
large in comparison to the lateral bending rigidity i.e. of the weak axis. As long as the load on
such a beam is below the critical value, the beam will be stable. As the load is increased,
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
however, a condition is reached at which slightly deflected (and twisted) from of equilibrium
becomes possible. The plane configuration of the beam is now unstable, and the lowest load
at which this critical condition occurs represents the critical load for the beam, a phenomenon
which is called lateral torsional buckling.
For beams in bending of monolithic glass, to obtain this failure mode, the cross-section must
be rather slender a narrow rectangle; thickness (width) t and depth (height) h. The elastic
critical moment is given in Figure 7-1 for different loading situations (without further analytical
derivation that may be based on either equilibrium or energy approach). The constants
and are given in Table 7-4.
2 2
q z cte. 1 c 1 c2 M
M cr
N ki 2 z M
p zp G I t
E Iz
Pz at midspan c1 2 c1 2 c1
By a non-linear analysis basically the non-linear behaviour such as flexural buckling can be
found. That was verified by experiments also for glass beams. Thereby for monolithic sec-
tions an effective imperfection of e0 00 [136] was found.
However a second order analysis seems often too laborious for ordinary cases, then the use
of buckling curves is quicker. By
M cr t h2
LT with M el f t , M cr see Table 7-1. (7-15)
M el b
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
M Ed
LT M el ,d
It is interesting to note, that the onset 0 can be discussed similar as for flexural buckling.
The limiting value is here also the tension strength at the edge.
Several research projects analysed the behaviour of monolithic glass beams and developed
buckling curves [135][136][137][225].
7.3.2 Lateral torsional buckling of glass beams with laminated cross sections
For the assessment of lateral torsional buckling (LTB) of glass beams with monolithic sec-
tions the elastic theory can applied directly (see the preceding chapter) as long as the imper-
fections for initial lateral deflection coupled with the initial twist v0 and 0 are known, as well
as the stress limits Rd (depending on time and load- combination). However, when LTB-
problems with beams of laminated glass the sandwich effect needs consideration together
with the non-linear, temperature- and time-dependant behaviour of the interlayer.
As a first approach and on the safe side, the composite action of the interlayer may be ne-
glected and the beam can be treated as the sum of single beams with monolithic sections of
the single glass layers, i.e. only the additive effect is considered. However mostly this would
lead to old fashioned and heavy solutions critical load cases inducing LTB-problems often
only appear over a short time period and therefore despite of relaxation effects the interlayer
do provide sufficient shear stiffness to increase the LTB- resistance. So it is for economy
reasons to consider composite action with regard to LTB.
In the following, the approach and the most important steps for a recently developed calcula-
tion and design concept [166] is presented by which the lateral torsional buckling behaviour
of laminated glass beams can be verified. The concept takes into account the time- and tem-
perature- dependant stiffness of the interlayer and further it considers the lamination influ-
ence by means of an extended warping approach. The concept is generally valid as long as
the deformations are small and the material parameters are known, i.e. it does not depend
on a specific type of interlayer or glass. It has been verified by finite element simulations as
well as by experimental results, which is going to be shown.
The lateral and torsional deflections of simply supported glass beams that are loaded accord-
ing to Figure 7-7 and have initial imperfections v0 respectively 0 according to Figure 7-8 can
be described by basic non-linear equations [166] [167] given in Table 7-2 and Table 7-3 us-
ing the coefficients according to Table 7-4.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Figure 7-8 LTB of laminated glass beams: denominations and imperfection approach
G It M y2
M y 0 v
E Iz E Iz 0
M y cte. v( x )Th.II sin x
M y2
G It
E Iz
G It M y2
q z cte. c1 M y 0 c12 v0
E Iz E Iz
v( x )Th.II sin x
c12 M y2 2
Pz at midspan G It c2 M y z p
E Iz
c1 c2
2 2 8
q z cte. 0 ,8693 0 ,8106
3 2 2
2 1 8
Pz at midspan 2
0 ,7026 0 ,8106
2 2
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Thereby the torsional stiffness G IT and the bending stiffness about the weak axis E IZ are
highly influenced by the shear stiffness of the interlayer GF the amount of which can be de-
termined by evaluation of relaxation tests, for example at -10°C, 0°C or room temperature
23°C. For this purpose a good evaluation procedure has been found using the “torsional
test”, see chapter 2.2.4. By that it has been found for PVB interlayers, that a lower bound for
the short term shear stiffness (up to 1h load duration) can be assumed to GF = 0.2 N/mm2 at
higher temperatures > 20°C. For long term loading (more than 1h load duration) the shear
modulus of PVB interlayers converges to zero at higher temperatures > 20°C [166].
However as this is true only for PVB, for stiffer interlayer material such as Ionomer sheets
there might be also a value different from zero also for a long term time period.
The equations for calculating the critical bending moments about the strong axis, which also
strongly depend on the shear stiffness of the interlayer, have been given in Table 7-1. The
influence of the shear modulus GF on stiffness and stress can be determined according to the
“Extended bending and torsion theory” [166]. As shown in Figure 7-9 for bending and in Fig-
ure 7-10 for torsion, it considers the displacements in the shear gap by further degrees of
(“step-like”) warping deformations and additional to the rigid body warping defor-
mations N due to normal forces, B due to bending and T due to torsion.
N = 1 B = - y 1
1 1 1 1
2 2
N = 1 B = - y
1 2
Figure 7-9 Rigid body warping and additional step-like warping deformations and for bending
x z
y xT =y z x
x z
y xT =y z x x
1 2
Figure 7-10 Rigid body warping Tz and Tx and additional warping deformation for torsion
By solving the differential equations of the extended bending and torsion theory we obtain
the equivalent geometric stiffness is obtained
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
I Teq
1 2
S 12 1 (7-17)
S 2
11 S 11 T22
Here the coefficients Sik and the function T22 are given in Table 7-5, see also chapter 2.2.4,
1 5
EI zeq L4 q y for = const. (7-18)
v B ( L / 2 ) 384
1 1
EI zeq L3 Py for a single load at midspan, (7-19)
v B ( L / 2 ) 48
The solutions for vB(L/2) are given in Table 7-6. Table 7-6 gives also the solutions for the cal-
culation of the stresses xx that originate from the lateral deformation v and the rotational de-
formation .
Table 7-5 Coefficients and function T22 for torsion
1 1
3 3 3 3
8 1 1 8 3
S11 b h t h b t h t h t
3 2 2 3 2 2 2
S 22 bt 2bt
1 2 1 2 1 2
S12 b h t h 2 b t h t h
2 2 2 2
S ,22 1 b3 1 b3
12 h 6 h
~ S122 G
T22 S 22 F S ,22 ,
S11 G
2 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3
2 3
B22 b t h h b t h t h t
3 2 2 3 2 2 2
B33 t b bt
B13 t b 0
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
3 2
b t2 ht 1
b t h t h
2 2 2
~ B13 B2 2
B33 23 B33 B33
B11 B22 B22
b b
S ,33
h 2h
5 q y 4 Py 3
v~B ( / 2 ) (P at midspan)
384 E B22 48 E B22
GF S ,33 2
3 ~
E B33
8 1 2 tanh 3
M ,3 1 2
3 3 (P at midspan)
cosh 3
V ,3
B22 48
B33 5 3
1 M ,3 B22 12
B33 3
1 M ,3 (P at midspan)
v~ 1 ( / 2 ) ~
vB ( / 2 )
B22 V ,3
~ B
vB ( / 2 ) vB 32 ~
v 1
qy 2 Py
M ~B ( / 2 ) (q = const.) (P at midspan)
8 4
B31 B32 B23
y 1 with y 1 with
B11 B22 B22
~ 1
1 für ( t 2 h ) y 2 h
1 1
1 / 2 für 32 t h y ( 21 t h )
0 für
h y t 2 h 1 0
für 21 t y 21 t
1 / 2 für 1
t h y 32 t h
~ ~
xx M ~B B ~ M ,3
B B33
In order to verify the calculative assumptions pilot tests have been performed at simply sup-
ported beams out of monolithic and laminated glass. Thereby the hydraulic jack was laterally
fixed so that this was also the horizontal boundary condition for the test specimen. The tor-
sional rotations of the ends of the beams have been prevented (fork support) whereas the
end supports were allowed to move laterally, see Figure 7-11. The load has been applied
deformation controlled using different linear displacement-time-ramps to check the influence
of the loading and unloading speed.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Figure 7-12 shows the load-time curves and displacement–time curves for a testing rate of vB
= 0.5 mm/s, once for a linear displacement-time-ramp up to Pu (ULS test), and once as a hold-
ing test with a vertical jack displacement up to approximately 0.9 x Pu. The ultimate load here
is proportional to Pki = f (GF(23°C, t)).
Note: In case of load controlled testing (here not applied) no decreasing can occur and fur-
ther, the beams will fail always due to sudden material breakage.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time [sec]
Vertical displacement w [mm]
Load bearing test
Holding test
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time [sec]
Figure 7-12 Test results with displacement-time-ramps and holding tests ( B = 0.50 mm/s) [166]
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
20 20
GF = 2.50 N/mm² GF = 2.50 N/mm²
15 15
Force F [kN]
Force F [kN]
10 10
5 2 x 10 mm TTG
5 2 x 10 mm TTG
vB = 0.5 mm/sec vB = 0.5 mm/sec
L = 3000 mm L = 3000 mm
0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100
0 5 10
Maximum principal stresses [N/mm²]
Rotation [deg]
Figure 7-13 Comparison of the load-deformation curves from tests with those from FEM for different con-
stant values of the interlayer shear modulus GF [166]
Figure 7-14 and Figure 7-15 show examples for the load- deformation and load- stress de-
velopment for monolithic and for laminated glass. Figure 7-16 gives an overview over the
stresses across the depth of the section having a loading level of 0.80 Mcr.
4 4
----- Theory
L = 3,0 m
------- Theory
___ FEM L = 3,0 m
____ FEM
L = 3,5 m
3 L = 3,5 m
L = 4,0 m 3
L = 4,0 m
M [kNm]
L = 5,0 m L = 5,0 m
M [kNm]
2 2 L = 6,0 m
L = 6,0 m
L = 7,5 m L = 7,5 m
L = 10,0 m L = 10,0 m
1 1
L = 15,0 m L = 15,0 m
0 0
0 50 100 150 0 10 20 30
Horizontal displacement [mm] Maximum principal stresses [N/mm²]
Figure 7-14 Load-deformation and load-stress evolution for monolithic glass (h = 500 mm, t = 10 mm, L =
variable) [166]
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
------- Theorie
b = 300 mm G = 1
b = 300 mm L = 3000 mm
L = 3000 mm t = 3 x 8 mm G =
40 t = 3 x 8 mm 40 hInterlayer = 1.52 mm
hInterlayer = 1.52 mm
GF = 100 N/mm² G = GF = 100 N/mm²
30 30
M [kNm]
M [kNm]
20 GF = 10 N/mm² 20 GF = 10 N/mm²
GF = 1 N/mm² GF = 1 N/mm²
10 10
----- Theory
___ FEM
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 100 200
Horizontal displacement [mm] Maximum principal stresses [N/mm²]
Figure 7-15 Load-deformation and load-stress evolution for laminated glass (triple glazing) [166]
M = cte.
t = 2 x 8 mm
0,80 x Mki 0,80 x Mki
h = 1.52 mm
b = 300 mm
Height of the section [-]
Pane 1
Pane 2
---- Theory
---- Theory
__ FEM
__ FEM
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Maximum principal stresses [N/mm²] Maximum principal stresses [N/mm²]
Figure 7-16 Stress distribution across the depth of the laminated glass beam (double glazing) [166]
The comparative calculations show that up to a moment loading of 80% of the critical mo-
ment the analytic calculation leads to sufficiently accurate results.
As a consequence, the consideration of the interlayer shear stiffness in the design of a lami-
nated glass beam subject to LTB is really worthwhile, even for very low stiffness (e.g. GF =
1.0 N/mm²), as the significant increase of the critical moment shows. This gain is governed
decisively by the increased weak axis bending stiffness. The occurring stresses become rel-
evant before attaining the critical moment.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
DT-210 document.
A buckling verification curve is proposed for the stability check of glass beams in out-of-plane
bending. Also in this case, the proposed buckling curve is defined like in EC3 for steel structures.
The imperfection factors 0.2 and 0 =0.20 are calibrated by experimental and numerical re-
sults available in literature for monolithic or laminated glass beams of various glass types, subject-
ed to constant bending moments, distributed lateral loads or concentrated forces at mid-span, and
with initial imperfections of different size. For laminated glass beams, the same stability check can
be performed by means of the Wolfel-Bennison equivalent thickness approach.
AS 1288 [66]: The Australian Design Standard for Glass gives a recommendation in the form not to
exceed the critical bending moment divided by the factor 2.0. Basic formulas for the calculation of
Mcrit are given.
7.4 Columns
7.4.1 General
Also for columns laminated sections are necessary in order to achieve sufficient robustness
against impact as well as to achieve redundancy. The design of such load bearing glass
structures necessitates the knowledge about the stability behaviour of laminated glass panes
and appropriate technical rules. However, the load bearing capacity of monolithic glass col-
umns must be analysed and thus known first.
Several research projects in Europe were dealing with the load bearing capacity of glass
columns. For pane-like glass columns made of heat strengthened and thermally toughened
glass design rules under axial loading have been derived. These rules have been verified by
existing buckling tests, new experimental tests and numerical simulations.
The proposed design rules are verified by existing buckling tests ([86] [225] [226] [227] [228])
and by experimental tests and numerical simulations [229].
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
umns affected by an initial sine-shaped imperfection has been proposed in the Italian CNR-DT-210
In this case, the design axial load NEd is compared with the design buckling strength of the column
Nb,Rd, with Nb,Rd = χ A σd. The imperfection factors and 0 required for the estimation of χ are cali-
brated for geometrically imperfect glass columns affected by maximum sine-shaped imperfections
up to w0= L/400, as suggested in recent contributions of literature.
Based on experimental predictions collected for monolithic and laminated glass columns in numer-
ous papers available in literature, as well as on results obtained by numerical simulations, the val-
ues = 0.71 and 0 = 0.60 are proposed. Again, for laminated glass columns, the stability check
can be performed with the same buckling curve, by means of the Wolfel-Bennison equivalent thick-
ness approach.
The inhomogeneous differential equation for slender glass columns under an axial compres-
sion force N E using a sinusoidal imperfection e( x) e0 sin( x ) , Figure 7-17, can be ex-
pressed by
w( x) w( x) E e( x) (7-20)
Figure 7-17 Origin, perfect and deformed imperfect system of a slim column, e( )=imperfection, w( )= bend-
ing ordinate
Assuming that bending and imperfection shape are affine, the total deflection in the middle of
the column wges ( x l ) results from both the initial imperfection e 0 and flexural bending deflec-
tion w due to the normal force and reads
wges w e0 e0
N (7-21)
1 E
N cr
2 EI
N cr (7-22)
lk 2
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The stress equation according to 2nd order theory using the magnification factor
N (7-23)
1 E
N cr
reads as follows:
N E N E e0 1
A W N (7-24)
1 E
N cr
If the values of the imperfection e 0 and the permissible stress f u are known, the buckling
stability can be assessed by equation (7-26) and (7-27) in the form of a stress verification.
However, as the magnitude of the compressive strength of glass differs from that of the ten-
sile strength, the verification of buckling resistance must fulfil both a compression and a ten-
sion check:
N N e 1 and 70 mm² for HSG
t E E 0 f u ,t f u ,t
N (7-25)
A W N 120 for TTG
1 E
N cr mm²
N E N E e0
f u ,c and e.g. f u ,c 500 N
A W N mm² (7-26)
1 E
N cr
In view of a consistent verification format, which avoids the double check for both the com-
pression and tensile case, buckling curves are to be proposed for monolithic pane-like glass
columns, which are independent of the glass strength but are able to separate the range of
the compressive strength from that of the tensile strength. The background for this purpose
are buckling curves in the intended established European format
N u (t )
t (7-27)
A f u ,t
A f u ,t
t (7-28)
N cr
Reference value of the strength shall be the standardized tensile strength f u ,t (index “ ” at f u ,t ,
t and t ). The stress equation (7-26) then reads using the variables t and t :
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
( 1 t ) ( 1 t t2 ) t (7-32)
The solution of equation (7-33) is the function of the buckling curves t ( t ) for that range of
slenderness, in which tensile failure is decisive
t (7-33)
t t2 t2
t ( 1 t t2 ) (7-34)
Analogously, but with different sign, equation (7-27) describes that range of slenderness, in
which the compression failure is decisive
c (7-35)
c c2 n f t2
f u ,c N u ( t )
with n f 7 ,14 for HSG
4 ,17 for TTG ; c (7-36)
f u ,t A f u ,t
and c ( 1 t n f t2 ) (7-37)
The variable results from the equation (7-32) and can be written as:
e0 A e0 E
3 (7-38)
W t l f u ,t
Using an effective imperfection value e.g. e0 L / 400 (this effective imperfection was verified
in [225][227][229] for buckling test with centric normal force), so HSG 0.430 and TTG 0.329
yield from equation (7-38).
As a result Figure 7-18 shows the so derived buckling curves with non-dimensional slender-
ness relating to tensile strength for heat strengthened and toughened safety glass. Thereby
the range, in which the failure due to reaching the compressive strength or due to reaching
the tensile strength is decisive, is visible.
The intersection point of the buckling curves t (t ) with t 1.0 can be considered as a hori-
zontal curve shift like the European buckling curves for steel columns [230] incorporate. For
attaining a formal compatibility with the European buckling curves the buckling curves for
glass columns can be written:
1 with t 0.89 ( t ,0 ) for HSG (7-39)
t2 0.92 ( t ,0 ) for TTG
and ( 1 ( t t ,0 ) t2 ) (7-40)
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Equation (7-40): t* f (t , t , 0 ) and equation (7-41): f (t , t , 0 ) are not identical with the
equation (7-34): t f (t ) or the equation (7-35): t f (t ) respectively. Two buckling curves
depending on the respective glass strength are remaining. Therefore, in order to avoid differ-
ent buckling curves for heat strengthened and toughened safety glass the value for has to
be equalized. For this purposes the -value for heat strengthened glass should be selected
also for the toughened safety glass: HSG TTG,new 0.430 . In this case the effective imperfec-
tions are e0 l / 400 and e0 TTG l / 306 l / 300 [188]. Thus the proposal for consistent buck-
ling curves in the European form reads (Figure 7-19) assuming for both glass qualities l / 300
on the safe side.
2 t2
( 1 ( t t ,0 ) t2 ) ; t ,0 0.89 ; 0.43 ; ( t 0.89 ) 1.0 . (7-43)
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0
Figure 7-18 Buckling curves for monolithic Figure 7-19 Consistent buckling curves for mono-
glass columns: thermally tough- lithic glass panes with heat strength-
ened and heat strengthened glass ened and thermally toughened glass
In a research project analytic buckling curves have been verified by experimental tests on
monolithic pane-like glass columns. The glass columns were simply supported at its ends
according to Euler’s case . The experimental set-up for buckling and in particular the de-
sign of the bearings is according to [225], Figure 7-20. For those hinged bearings at the ends
of the glass panes shaft constructions that fit to the groove inside of the bearing roller was
provided. In each of the grooves the glass pane was put on a 6 mm block of aluminium and
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
was fastened using adjusting screws, by which a steel mounting plate with an interlayer of
Klingersil C4500 was pressed against the glass surface.
The proof load then was applied by a hydraulic jack fixed on the upper bearing and was
measured by a load cell. Further the lateral deformation in the middle of the glass pane was
measured by a displacement transducer. The full description of the project can be found in
Buckling tests are to be evaluated with the measured, real section dimensions and length.
The effective imperfection e 0 (which include all imperfections from the installation the glass
columns in the set-up and from the set-up itself) was determined by the so-called “Southwell
Plots” [226] [229] and was considered within the numerical and analytical calculations.
25 25
20 20
Force [kN]
Force [kN]
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
lateral displacement [mm] Stresses [N/mm²]
SG 1 SG 3 SG 5 equation (4)
specimen 3 equation 2 Euler load FEM SG 2 SG 4 SG 6 FEM
Figure 7-21 Example: experimental force-displacement-curve (left) and force-stress-curve (right) for the test
specimen No. 3 including the analytical and numerical calculations [229]
Figure 7-22 illustrates the comparison of some buckling tests [229] being centrically loaded
as well as all buckling tests being eccentrically loaded. The force-displacement-curves of
equal section dimensions and lengths agree each to another except specimen no. 10 and 4.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
It is also well visible that the buckling failure occurs on a lower load level in case of columns
of heat strengthened glass than in case of columns of toughened safety glass.
Specimen no. 5 with regular eccentricity showed a premature collapse, Figure 7-22. The rea-
son for this traces back to the fact that the glass pane showed defects or flaws in the area of
the edges. Therefore the results of specimen no. 5 were ignored in the further evaluations.
s10 12/250/TTG 70
s4 12/250/HSG
300 s7 10/250/TTG
s10 s1 10/250/HSG
L=250 mm s8 10/500/TTG
250 s2 10/500/HSG 50
s9 10/750/TTG
Force N [kN]
Force N [kN]
L=500 mm
s3 10/750/HSG
200 40
s7 s4
150 s1 30 s12
s5 s6
L=750 mm
L=500 mm s11 12/500/TTG
10 s5 12/500/HSG
50 s8 L=750 mm s12 12/750/TTG
s6 12/750/HSG
s3 s9 0
0 0 5 10 15
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
lateral displacement w [mm] lateral displacement w [mm]
Figure 7-22 Load-Deformation behaviour of buckling tests at glass panes with monolithic section with centric
normal force (left) as well as with normal force and eccentricity (right)
Figure 7-23 shows the comparison of all results of specimen without eccentricity to the pro-
posal according to equation (7-36) considering different -values as well as to the con-
sistent buckling curves according to equation (7-43) considering uniform -values.
Figure 7-23 Comparison of the analytic buckling curves for monolithic glass columns to experimental test
results without regular eccentricity
Moreover, Figure 7-24 presents the comparison of all experimental buckling results having a
regular eccentricity e p (the eccentricity was intentionally provided to study the effect of instal-
lation tolerances) to equation (7-36) including an effective imperfection e0 HSG L / 400 e p for
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
heat strengthened glass respectively e0TTG L / 300 e p for toughened safety glass. A value
representing an installation tolerance is useful and should be considered in the design calcu-
lations. The value for this may be (as proposed here) e p 3.0 mm being aware that this value
need not to be in conformity to any tolerance standards.
Figure 7-24 Comparison of the analytic buckling curves for monolithic glass columns to the experimental test
results with eccentricity
The partial safety factor M was evaluated according to EN 1990 annex D considering 75%
confidence probability and a 5% fractile for the characteristic value or rather a 0.1 % fractile
for the design value taking into account of real geometries and strengths. Resulting M - val-
ues were between 1.28 and 1.49. However they will be smaller when more tests will be
available (limited number of buckling test at time being).
Using laminates as glass columns with axial loading normally the slip at the load introduction
point may be hindered. However in the following, on the safe side, a free slip displacement of
one glass layer to another at the load introduction point shall be assumed (Figure 7-25).
The solution by using the slip differential equation is given in chapter 5.5 and 5.6 (loading 4,
see Table 5-5).
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Figure 7-25 Buckling member with shear force curve and slip curve [232] [233]
With the solution for “loading 4” in Table 5-5 the partial stress equations of every glass layer
can be determined
F ( x) M i ( x)
i ( x) (7-44)
Ai Wi
Vz L x 6I
i( x ) sin d i m i 1 s m . (7-45)
B d i2
L i
With the total deflection and the total moment of the laminated glass the Euler buckling force
L x
Vz sin( ) 2 E I eff
M( x ) L
N crit (7-47)
Vz L3 L2
1 s msin( x )
wtotal( x )
E I i L
so that the effective moment of inertia reads (equalling the results of [234] [240]):
Ii Ii
I eff ,
K s s s 1 s m
1 2 (7-48)
The here presented derivations will be now transferred to the buckling case of laminated
glass columns, so that the stress equation reads
N N eo 1 x
( x ) sin
Ai Wi ,eff N L (7-49)
N crit ( I eff )
for which the lateral deformation for laminated glass under axial load is
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e0 x
w( x ) sin .
N L (7-50)
N crit ( I eff )
The analytical equations have been verified by experimental tests on laminated glass col-
umns. The glass columns were simply supported at its ends according to Euler’s case II. The
experimental set-up for buckling and in particular the design of the bearings is similar to
[229], see Figure 7-20. The load was applied centric by a hydraulic jack fixed on the upper
bearing and was measured by a load cell. Further the lateral deformation in the middle of the
glass pane was measured by a displacement transducer [231] [233].
Specimens of double and triple laminated glass columns were tested in flexural buckling un-
der consideration of the time- and temperature- dependent material properties. In the follow-
ing the flexural buckling tests of triple laminates are presented. The dimensions of the spec-
imen were 250 mm x 750 mm and the sectional properties were 6/10/6 mm or 5/10/5 mm of
tempered glass. The tests were performed force controlled (18 kN/s, 35 kN/h) as well as dis-
placement controlled (1 mm/s and 2.5 mm/h) in each case at a slow and fast loading rate.
The temperature corresponds to room temperature about 23°C. The specimens were loaded
to failure. It could be observed, that by many tests only the middle glass pane was broken
and the outside glass panes were intact. Moreover in a few cases, failure was induced by
Figure 7-26, left, illustrates the experimental results of buckling tests on triple laminates with
5/10/5 mm of tempered glass. The force-displacement-curves show clearly the influence of
the loading rate on the bearing behaviour of laminated glass columns. The tests with the fast
loading rate have higher carrying capacity as the slow loading tests. Moreover it is visible,
that the curves of force controlled tests continuous increases whereas the curves of dis-
placement controlled tests, after reaching the maximum, drops down.
Figure 7-26, right, shows the comparison of two buckling tests to analytical calculations. It is
clear, that analytical predictions come to a good agreement with the experiments when con-
sidering of using a constant value for the shear modulus GF .
160 160
s15_fast_force Gf=8,75 N/mm² s15_fast_force
140 s13_fast_displ 140 s9_slow_force
Normalforce N [kN]
Normalforce N [kN]
Figure 7-26 Load-Deformation behaviour of buckling tests using the example of specimens with 5 / 10 / 5
mm tempered glass and different loading rates (left) and comparison to analytical calculations
Laminated glass for columns requires knowledge on its stability behaviour, and furthermore,
it requires analytical equations for the stability verification. In this context stress and deflec-
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tion equations for double and symmetric triple laminates based on the slip differential func-
tion were derived ((7-48), (7-49) and (7-50)), in which the shear modulus GF of the interlayer
can be implemented.
The results provide a basis for the consideration of the composite action for the design of
laminated glass structures under axial loading.
7.4.5 Critical load of laminated bars under axial loads with blocked end slip
A beam in buckling with pinned ends consisting of a laminate with blocked slip between the
layers at the ends is shown in Figure 7-27. For the first instance (case A) no shear transmis-
sion between the layers along the axis is assumed. The critical load of the beam and its cor-
responding buckling length respectively the effective bending inertia is needed. For this con-
figuration the conditions at the end points are of special interest. Conversely to laminated
beams with free end slip at the end points inner moments M i and normal forces in the layers
Fi occur. E.g. for symmetrical two layered laminate the relationship 2M i Fi t exists (note
that in previous considerations the thickness was denominated as “d” instate of “t”). Effective-
ly the end slip restraint leads to an increase of the critical buckling load and therefore also to
an increase of the ultimate axial force.
Figure 7-27 Laminated buckling beam, a) to c) with restraint slip at the ends, d) with free end slip
For the determination of the buckling load the end slip restraint shall be modelled by an
equivalent torsional spring. For this a half of the symmetric system can be considered as a
very slender frame, the restraint effect of the head plate (=rail or beam of the frame) on top
can be substituted by an equivalent torsional spring. As a very important point, thereby the
elongation respectively the shortening of the layers (columns of the frame) have to be taken
into account, otherwise no correct buckling shape can be found. The reason lies in the very
high slenderness of the regarded structure. Figure 7-28 shows the situation.
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Figure 7-28 Half system: buckling shape and substitution of the top restraint by an equivalent torsional
spring, taking into account of the longitudinal elongation/compression of the glass-layers
By applying a virtual moment of the magnitude “1” at the isolated top plate the corresponding
rotation angle at the ends of the plate can be expressed as
1 R 2 *
and so that (7-51)
6 EI R R / 2 R EA
R 4 * R 24 I R *
2 1 2 (7-52)
6 EI R R EA 6 EI R R A
For a soft layer between the head plate and the glass, this can be described with an addi-
tional spring C S . The rotation under unit moment then is
R 24 I R * 1
1 3 (7-53)
6 EI R R A C S
6 EI R 1 1
CT *
or CT
R 24 I R 1 R 24 I R *
1 1 2
A 2R C S 6 EI R R A (7-54)
CT I R , C S (7-55)
4 *
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In case of an elastic connection between the layers, the bending inertia increases as for bars
with free end slip. The point of inflexion moves upwards the higher the shear stiffness K of
the interlayer is until finally, this point reaches the top when K gets an infinite value. In this
case the shear gap provides full composite action and the buckling length coincides with the
system length. It is further important to mention that despite of an increasing buckling length
the critical load Pcr does not reduce, rather grows. It is obvious, that in this case the effect of
a higher bending inertia overbalances the effect of a higher buckling length.
Figure 7-29 Buckling bar with stiff end plate (restrained end slip) and elastic shear transmission between the
layers: Position of the point of inflexion and its sectional shear forces.
The search of the buckling length respectively the position of the point of inflexion H starts
with the formulation of the slip at this point both for substructure 1 and substructure 2. The
shear forces V1 for system 1 and V2 for system 2 at the point of inflexion can be calculated.
As the bowstring of the deformed system 2 is tilted there is a further deviating shear force to
be considered, which we call V , such that
V2 V2* V V1 V (7-56)
s1 1
V1 s
V1 V s s2 2
2 2
s2 s2
1 2
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where s and s are cross-sectional parameter, see the previous chapters. From the deriva-
tion of the differential equation of slip the occurring Moment at the head plate M can be cal-
x 2
M V sin V1 V 2 sin (7-58)
2 P V1 2 P
V V1 P (7-59)
0 (7-60)
2 CT
Pcr 1 2
E Ii 1
Pcr and 1 * 2
R K s 21
1 2 (7-61)
1) I R and K
CT , f
1 1 * , 2 0 (7-62)
Pcr , full 2
2) I R 0 and K 0
1 1 , 2 0
1 (7-63)
CT 1
Pcr ,sin gle 2
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EA 2R 2 EI1 2
CT ; I 2 I1 ; Pcr ; s 0
4* 21
1 1
1 0 ,65 * , 2 0 ,35 *
2 3 21
2 2 *
This solution is in agreement with the solution given in [237] where 1 0 ,64 * and
2 0 ,36 * .
It comes that the critical load does not change a lot whilst increasing the interlayer stiffness
by factors of 10. The reason lies in the increasing buckling length, parallel to the shear stiff-
ness increases. That means that the blocked slip at the end by the head plate is the predom-
inant factor and also, that the time dependent viscoelastic effect of interlayers will not play
that much important role as it does for buckling bars with free end –slip.
Finally it needs to be mentioned that all further verifications can be done as for buckling bars
with free end slip with B if the buckling factor is derived.
Suggestions for the consideration of axial loads with bending moments for columns are given
e.g. in [239].
7.4.7 Consideration of short term – long term loading effects on the stability
7.4.8 Conclusions
On the basis of the second order theory, buckling curves for glass columns are derived from
the stress equation, which could be transferred into the format of European buckling curves
for steel components. The comparison of the proposed analytic buckling curves to experi-
mental buckling tests as well as to the numerical calculations shows a good prediction of the
proposed buckling curves. For the effective imperfections the following values are proposed:
However, in practice, installation tolerances have always to be considered. These have con-
servatively been estimated by a value of 3.0 mm for glass columns with a thickness of 12
mm. Considering this, effective imperfection values of e0 HSG L / 400 3.0 mm or
e0 TTG L / 300 3.0 mm respectively come out. By this the basis for the implementation of buck-
ling curves as proposed in technical rules or codes are laid down.
Up to now the research work has led to results on the consideration of improved buckling
lengths, the interaction of axial loads with bending and the non-linear effect of the load dura-
tion of different loading types. However further investigations on load introduction, long term
behaviour etc. are necessary.
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7.5 Beam-columns
The consideration for the buckling behaviour of beams, columns and shear panels can be
enlarged for combined loading, e.g. beam-columns.
7.6 Hybrid structures and hybrid glass components with enhanced pre-
and post-failure performance
Hybrid glass components offer enhanced pre- and post-failure performance. In general, a
hybrid glass component is composed of glass – as the main load-carrying material – and an
additive material (e.g. steel, timber, GFRP or CFRP) which is adhesively bonded to the glass
or fixed mechanically without any adhesive or sealing material. This additive material pro-
vides extra load-carrying capacity, extra stability or extra redundancy to the glass compo-
nent. However, hybrid structural component can be designed in way that structural glass
share load-bearing capacity with the constituent structural elements made of additive materi-
als, in particular wooden ones. Glass beams can for instance be provided with additional
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steel flanges to obtain enhanced load-carrying capacity and extra lateral torsional buckling
stability, as studied by e.g. [245][247][254] see Figure 7-30. Furthermore, glass beams can
be provided with a steel reinforcement section to obtain enhanced post-breakage perfor-
mance and extra redundancy, as under investigation by e g. [186][190], see Figure 7-30 (b)
and chapter 6.11. Moreover, hybrid steel-glass or timber-glass shear wall systems can be
created to realize hybrid structures with glass as the main stabilizing material, as studied by
e.g. [192][204][193][194], see Figure 7-31.
Various hybrid glass component solutions are currently under investigation, mainly in an ac-
ademic context. However, the number of applications in practice is currently limited and fur-
ther investigations may be needed. In this respect the adhesive bond between the glass and
the additive material and the overall response of the hybrid component is of specific interest.
Figure 7-30 Hybrid glass solutions; (a) steel-glass I-section beams [254]; (b) reinforced glass beam [186]; (c)
glass-wood friction joint [193]
(a) (b) ©
Figure 7-31 Timber-glass composite beams; (a) beams [241]; (b) panels [242]; (c) glass-infilled frame panels
A recent research project [272] considered a façade element as a framed glass pane or –
mechanically – as a slab/pane with – laterally connected edge beams.
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For such a system different load paths were examined: loading uniformly along the horizontal
glass edge, loading on the glass edge concentrated near the corner, loading of the edge
beam and combinations of these load paths. It showed that for realistic dimensions of the
elements (glass and edge-beam) the load transfer directly through the edge beam is the
most effective one, combining the highest load carrying capacity with the stiffest behaviour.
Applying the vertical load directly on the edge beam, the structure can be considered as a
laterally loaded compression member, subject to buckling risk. In a parametric study the load
deformation behaviour of the vertically and laterally loaded structure was analysed. It showed
that taking only the resistance (moment of inertia) of the edge beam itself into account, would
be very uneconomic, as the glass pane adds considerable stiffness to the structural behav-
Based on these results the effective stiffness of the structure was investigated for various
situations and boundary conditions. Interpreting the effective stiffness as a joint stiffness of
the edge beam and the glass pane, it can be expressed as
with EIEB as the bending stiffness of the edge beam, beff as the effective width of the glass
pane, B as the total width of the glass pane and EIGP as the total bending stiffness of the
glass pane.
The investigation revealed an interesting result: the aspect ratio a (width/height) is the only
decisive influence factor for the effective width of the glass. All other parameters (e.g. stiff-
ness ratios, pre-lead) only have little or no influence. The following graph shows the effective
width as a function of the aspect ratio.
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Having determined the initial deformation figure for the lateral load with no vertical force
applied (F 0), the load deformation behaviour of the edge beam – and with that the load de-
formation behaviour of the structure for the vertical load – can be determined by applying the
analogy of a pre-deformed compression member using the analytical solution [237].
w w0 w0 (7-66)
2 2
√ (7-67)
with as member height, F as vertical load, and EI as the effective stiffness EIeff beff .
By using this formulation, the static calculation can be done according to EC3, taking into
account the stiffening effect of the glass pane by using EIeff instead of EIEB . Even damaged
or partially damaged structures (broken glass layers) can be considered by using a reduced
thickness for the determination of EIGP .
The combination of laminated timber frame and laminated glass presents an innovative ap-
proach for achieving improved earthquake resistance of buildings. Timber frame can be easi-
ly inserted in any type of structural system and at the same time enables the efficient and
safe load transfer from the structural system to the inserted glass panel. To achieve ade-
quate post-fracture behavior of the glass panel, heat strengthened laminated glass is used to
provide high load bearing capacity after the potential cracking of the glass during an earth-
quake or extreme wind action. Panels composed of laminated or cross-laminated timber and
laminated glass have a wide range of applications, among which the building refurbishment
and earthquake strengthening of frame structures presents only one of the possibilities. They
can be used as an integral load-bearing panel in prefabricated timber structures composed
both from solid timber panels or frame timber panels and as a shear wall in any kind of struc-
tural systems.
The research cooperation of University of Zagreb [195] and University of Ljubljana [196]
[197] resulted in development of new type of structural component made of timber frame and
laminated glass infill. The initial properties of bare frame, glass panels and glass infilled tim-
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
ber frame have been experimentally studied, where main tests were carried out in device
presented in Figure 7-31 (c). Partners have extended research cooperation to Institute of
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, IZIIS, Skopje,Macedonia [198] where
shake table testing of prototype structure have been carried out [199].
A universal shear wall test setup [201] (Figure 7-31 (c)) was developed and installed at Fac-
ulty for Civil and Geodetic Engineering of University of Ljubljana in 1999. The main idea of
the device was to use a gravity load induced by ballast as a constant vertical load and a dis-
placement controlled hydraulic actuator as a driver of the cyclic horizontal load. The main
challenge was to simulate realistic boundary conditions that may occur during the action of
an earthquake. In reality, the boundary conditions may change during an earthquake excita-
tion because of changes of the building characteristics due to development of damages.
Therefore, the testing device should allow the altering of boundary conditions from one to
another test run. Following this idea, the set-up can be easily adapted to various boundary
conditions applied to tested panels. Basically, three major cases of boundary conditions are
most likely to appear in reality:
Shear cantilever mechanism, where one edge of the panel is supported by the firm base
while the other can freely translate and rotate.
Shear wall mechanism, where the firm base supports one edge of the panel while the
other can translate only in parallel with the lower edge and rotation is fully constrained.
Restricted rocking mechanism, where one edge of the panel is supported by the firm
base while the other can translate and rotate as much as allowed by the ballast that can
translate only vertically without rotation.
Test set-up with adaptable boundary conditions enables testing by utilizing different loading
protocols, from simple monotonous to more complex cyclic ones. Cyclic testing can be car-
ried out following the protocols EN 12512:2001 [35], ISO 16670:2003 [36] or any other as, for
example CUREE protocol [202]. Wooden frames with glass infill were tested monotonously
following the protocol of EN 594 and cyclically according to ATC-1994 [203] applying all there
above described boundary conditions [200] [201].
For all tested specimens was common that the majority of damage was concentrated in tim-
ber frame joints, as they are the weakest part of the hybrid wall. The laminated glass panels
remained intact during the entire test. The punched steel plate connector used in one of
joints in addition to steel bolt, efficiently limited the propagation of damages and contributed
to better response of specimens in comparison to those without steel plates. Test results
shows that friction force is playing an important role in sharing resistance to in-plane acting
load with frame joints. The considerable amount of energy was dissipated by friction. Hyster-
etic response of the specimens provided the information on ductility, stiffness degradation
and viscous damping.
The whole hybrid shear wall shows considerably robust behavior. Damage propagation in
joints up to their local failure does not lead to failure of tested specimen that was able to dis-
sipate the induced energy due to wood-to-glass friction. Moreover, performance of joint de-
tailing can be further improved to achieve higher deformation capacity. Learning from exper-
iments and from the mathematical model that is under development, new series of speci-
mens will be tested. The major improvement of next specimens will be in critical details of
frame joints.
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The objective of above described racking tests was to obtain data for development of compu-
tational model of tested type of structural element that can be used for prediction of inelastic
response of buildings made of glass-infilled timber frames on seismic action. To obtain dy-
namic parameters and study the phenomena of response of this type of structures on seis-
mic action, shaking table tests were carried out [199].
Box-type models were constructed of two glass-infilled timber frames made of simple lami-
nated wood and corner joints fixed by single bolt and punched metal plates. The mass of 9.6
tons was added atop of model. Four types of real earthquake actions were subsequently
applied to model: El Centro 1940, N-S, California, USA; Petrovac 1979 Montenegro; Kobe
1995 E-W, Japan, and Friuli 1976 E-W, recorded in Tolmezzo, Italy. The inelastic behavior of
model was achieved after application of full scale Kobe earthquake that was applied last in
subsequent application of other three full-scale earthquakes. The damages caused by Kobe
earthquake were limited to upper joints of frame, but their extent was much lower than in the
case of racking load at its ultimate stage.
The performed tests showed clearly the behavior of the glass infilled wooden frames and
failure mechanism under strong earthquake motion. It is manifested by slip of the glass along
the wooden frame and permanent deformations of the wood, without any damage in the
glass. The panels dissipated energy trough sliding of the glass, development of damages in
frame corners and activating of the still connectors that anchor frame to r. c. fundaments.
The seismic tests proved that the innovative composite panel could be considered as promis-
ing structural system, in which the load-bearing structural glass and the wood are working
together, conforming to each other in beneficial manner. The dynamic tests results showed
very good agreement with the results obtained during the racking tests of the panels.
Regarding design of wood-glass panels as wall diaphragms, all assumptions from EN 1995-
1-1 Part–(7) [41] general could be used. The in-plane design shear (racking)
strength against a force acting at the top of a cantilevered wall that is secured
against uplift and sliding by vertical actions and/or anchorage, should be determined using
the simplified method for the wall construction defined in EN 1995-1-1; Part .
The external forces and (see Figure 7-34) from the horizontal action Fi,v,Ed on
wall should be determined from EN 1995-1-1 (9.32)
These external forces can be transmitted to either the adjacent panel through the vertical
panel to panel connection or to the construction above or below the wall. When tensile forces
are transmitted to the construction below, the panel should be anchored with stiff fasteners.
Compression forces in the vertical members should be checked for buckling in accordance
with EN 1995-1-1, (6.3.2.) Where the ends of vertical members bear on horizontal framing
members, thecompression perpendicular to the grain stresses in the horizontal members
should be assessedaccording to EN 1995-1-1 (6.1.5.)
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8.1 General
For primary structures, joints are playing an important role for the transfer of the sectional
forces from one element to another. The most important jointing techniques are:
Mechanical transmission of single forces by bolts in drilled holes. The clearance between
shank and hole-bearing has to be filled with a well-fitting hard plastic bush or a mortar
that eliminates detrimental stress-peaks. Care is needed with mortar selection as a mate-
rial which is too hard can have detrimental effects if the forces on the bolt are eccentric.
Bolted connections can easily be disassembled without damage of the main components
of the connection.
Mechanical transmission of distributed forces by friction joints. Friction joints consist of
metal clamping devices and a friction producing interlayer between the metal- and glass-
surface. Friction is produced by pre-stressing normal to the planes; therefore, shear forc-
es can be activated. Friction joints can easily be disassembled without destroying the
components of the joint.
Transmission of single, linear and areal distributed forces by adhesive bonding. Adhesive
bonding allows a variety of jointing details so that at the same time it acts mechanically
and produce tightness in the joint. However they cannot be disassembled without de-
stroying the connection.
By the use of jointing techniques single glass-panes can be assumed such that they form a
profile of bending section. In that case the forces are continuously, the inner static state is
predominantly non-determined and in case of spot damages at the joints often a sufficiently
stress redistribution allows for a robust joint.
Generally to attain sufficient robustness, in advance to the design of a joint, the damage tol-
erance of the joint and the elements to be jointed together should be clarified.
For point-supported glass panes additionally the bending resistance in the area of the hole
edge is also of importance. In national regulations, if there are rules of design of structural
glass, mostly only the design of standard secondary elements of glass is specified. For point-
supported glass panes, additional local stress occurs.
In the following an analytical model will be proposed and should be understood as a com-
plementary tool to the Finite-Element-Calculation.
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Very important is that basically the prediction of the real stress peaks in and in the vicinity of
the contact areas of shank to bearing-wall is not possible. Therefore the principle of avoiding
steel-glass contact has to be further obeyed thoroughly. This means that always a durable,
stress-peaks-eliminating interlayer material (plastics-modified mortar) has to be provided in
the clearance between bolt-shank and glass-bearing.
Figure 8-1 Details of bolt connections of glass in the entrance glazing of the New Berlin main station
The design layout of a bolted connection should always be double-lapped, so that eccentrici-
ty moments and non-welcome prying forces can be avoided. The components of a bolt in
shear in glass holes are shown in Figure 8-1.
Generally structural glass panes subject to be assemble by bolted connections are of lami-
nated glass. Using laminated glass with drilled holes, a certain backfill of the holes can be
expected in the range of tolerances of EN ISO 12543 [13]. This results into the effect of a
non-uniform pressure distribution. However, the mortar in the clearance equalizes this effect,
Figure 8-1, between mortar and bolt shank there has to be provided an additional ring of al-
uminium with the thickness of about talu = 2.0 mm.
The thickness of the mortar (= half of clearance) should be in the range of 5.0 < tmortar < 12.0
mm. Using HILTI-Hit-mortar, then in this range an elastic load deformation behaviour can be
Remark: the use of only plastic – or aluminium ring might be advantageous for simplicity rea-
sons during assembly, however this is not to be recommended as amount and scatter of the
reachable ultimate loads are very unfavourable [248]. The following explications therefore,
only refer to the detailing as described above Figure 8-1.
So far, bolted connections have been exclusively calculated by FEM. Analogous to the calcu-
lation of point-supports, special care must be taken for the choice of elements and meshing
the FE-grid. The question of an adequate and sufficient FE-model is frequently a matter of
discussion. For despite of the consideration of the mortar in the FE-model, slight variations of
element-type and meshing produce significant stress derivations. Up to now there are no real
rules for the choice of the “correct” available FE-model.
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Because of this, rather often, there is the opinion that bolted connections only can be de-
signed by testing. This disregards the existence of analytical calculation means, that - ade-
quately prepared – deliver good solutions with regard to time consumption and preciseness.
However, they are only applicable to “standard” geometrics.
The following explications are essentially based on [250]. At first the analytical basics on the
elastic solid differential equations are touched and then the practical application and prepara-
tion is presented (procedural recipe) [248] [249] [251] [252].
The transformation of AIRY´s differential equation for an in-plane loaded solid pane (without
temperature resistant)
1 1 2
r 2 (8-1)
r r r 2
= radial distance
By that the stress-states of glass panes with arbitrary geometry can be described. However,
what makes the procedure difficult is the search for the function of AIRY.
A simple reduction of the procedure can be found for a bolted connection with n bolts in a
row in a glass strip of the width bm , Figure 8-2. The strip is loaded at the butt with the total
force P total. Considering a single hole m with the force P m, then – with sufficient distance to
the hole-boundary a continuous load in sections perpendicular to the row-axis before and
behind the hole can be observed: p m before and p m be , the amount of these distributed
loads is still unknown. This solid element is subject to a stress-state that can be split up into
two parts (Figure 8-2):
In order to attain correct results compared to the original configuration, the boundary loading
for the non-symmetrical state 1 are defined with “ ” and for the symmetrical state 2 with “ ”
q p p x ,m ,li (8-4)
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
q p p x, m, re (8-5)
Px ,m
p x ,m : (8-6)
Stress State 1. Firstly for a plate element loaded by a bolt in bearing the pressure distribu-
tion p has to be determined, Figure 8-3. This can be realized by a cosinus-series [250]
pH po pH ,n cos n (8-7)
Thereby it is assumed to have no clearance. In the series, Figure 8-3, the pressure distribu-
tion of each element is in internal equilibrium except of the element pH ,1 cos( 1 ) , this is in
equilibrium with the outer load Px . Apart of ( p0 1.0 ) only the element pH ,1 can be deter-
mined via the boundary condition.
pH ,1 a cos d Px (8-8)
resulting into
p H ,1 ; a = hole radius (8-9)
All other elements cannot be determined analytically due to the lack of further boundary con-
ditions. Integrating over 0÷2 there are only useless solutions with
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
p p H to v
p (8-10)
with ̅ according [249]. A sufficient accuracy will be reached when approximately 20+1 serial
elements are determined. By this the bearing pressure r ( a , ) pH are known under the
assumption of friction-free conditions. These pressures then can be introduced into the func-
tion of AIRY H ( r , ) at the bearing are by
H r , 0 (8-11)
The radial, tangential and shear stresses in the plate (resulting from the non-symmetric load-
ing) can be determined
p0 a 2 1 a 3 a2
r ,H r , p1 cos
t r2 4t r 1 r 2
1 an a2
pn n n 2 n 2 cos n
2t n 2 r r
p0 a 2 1 a a 2
,H r , p 1 cos
r r 2
t r2 4t
1 an a2
pn n n 2 n 2 cos n
2t n 2 r r
1 a a2
r , ,H r , 0 p1 1 2 sin
4t r r
n (8-14)
1 a a2
pn n n 1 2 sin n
2t n 2 r r
r , polar coordinates, seen from the hole centre
pi terms of the series
a hole radius
t thickness of the glass pane
Poisson´s ratio
The solutions are exact if the dimensions of the considered glass element are infinite.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Stress State 2. The symmetrical stress state originates from an infinite plate with hole under
tension and can also be determined by solving of with 0 . The solutions for r ,
and r , are
p a 2 4a 2 3a 4
r , N r , 1 2 1 2 4 cos 2 (8-15)
2t r r r
p a2 3a 4
, N r , 1 2 1 4 cos 2 (8-16)
2t r r
p 2a 2 3a 4
r , r , 1 2 4 sin 2 (8-17)
2t r r
For a plate element with a finite width bm and with px / 2 Px /( 2 bm ) ( p1 a ) /( 2bm ) the follow-
ing results ( p1 = series element from antimetric loading).
p1 a a2 4 a 2 3a 4
r ,N r , 1 2 1 2 4 cos 2
4t bm r r r
p1 a a2 3a 4
,N r , 1 2 1 4 cos 2
4t bm r r
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p1 a 2 a 2 3a 4
r , ,N r , 1 2 4 sin 2 (8-20)
4t bm r r
Superposition and -values. As explained, the superposition of the symmetric and anti-
metric stress state allows for the determination of the resulting stress state. Thereby the sys-
tem definition is such, that the antimetric stress state results from the single-bolt-
consideration and is split up into a pulling and a pushing edge loading. The symmetric stress
state is a pure net-section stress due to the stresses passing the hole. With the product K m ∙
p x ,m / 2 the amount of the passing stressing is described as a multiple of (for the rest of
the forces Px ,im ). Then, by 2 px ,m / 2 from the antimetric state a bolt force can be put. It
becomes clear, that the method is also valid for non-equal forces Px ,i . For the values K m the
general format reads:
Px ,i
Km 2 i 1
1 (8-21)
Px ,m
E.g. for a hole at the edge the K-value is K1 so that there is not further loading on the
edge. For the neighbouring hole K2 can be obtained, see Table 8-1.
K1 = 1
K1 = –1
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Resulting Stress State. The superposition of the described split stress states yield into the
total stress states. By that the stress states of arbitrary lap-joints can be calculated provided,
that the holes have sufficient distance each to another (otherwise the single stress states
influence each other)
Tangential stresses:
p0 a 2 1 a 3 a2
r ( SL,tot ) r , , 2 p1 cos
t r 4t r 1 r 2
1 an a2
p n n n 2 n 2 cos n (8-22)
2t n2 r r
p a a 2 4 a 2 3a 2
Km 1 1 2 1 2 4 cos 2
4t bm r r r
p0 a 2 1 a a2
p( SL,tot ) r , , 2 p1 1 2 cos
t r 4t r r
1 an a2
pn n 2 n 2 cos n (8-23)
2t n2 r n r
p a a 2 3a 2
Km 1 1 2 1 4 cos 2
4t bm r r
Shear stresses:
1 a a2
r , ( SL,tot ) r , , 0 p1 1 2 sin
4t r r
1 an a2
pn 1 2 sin n
2t n2 r n r
n (8-24)
1 a a2
p n n 1 2 sin n
2t n2 r r
p a 2 a 2 3a 4
Km 1 1 2 4 sin 2
4t bm r r
For instance, by means of the FEM, it can be shown that the analytical solution is valid for
with sufficient accuracy. For similar widths the stresses are to be magnified by the
values of Table 8-3. For widths of the equations are not more applicable.
The parameters can also be used for oblique acting forces. Thereby the components of
the forces in x- and y-direction have to be separately treated.
Constructive influences. After the elasto-statically analytics, assuming perfect and toler-
ance-free relations, now the realistic imperfections and constructive boundary conditions
have to be taken into account. The effects of this have already been determined by FEM
[249] [250]. The influencing factors are:
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The results of the parameter investigations by FEM are prepared in form of stress-
amplification-factors ki .
Defining a joint configuration e1 and p1 as edge- and pitch-distance in direction of the load
and e2 and p2 are the edge- and pitch-distances perpendicular to the load direction, then the
width bm should be the minimum of (2e1 2e2 , p1 and p2 ), but . Product and manufac-
turing standards on hole and edge distances certainly have to be regarded further on.
Table 8-2 to consider unscheduled pressure distribution over the thickness ; is the distance of the mid-
point of two conjunct glass panels (till now, only one simulation series is present)
[mm] 0 10 15 20 30 45
5 3 <5
1.0 1.2
3 5 7 9 >> 9
1.23 1.10 1.06 1.04 1.0
Table 8-6 to consider a displacement of laminated glass, related to a symmetrical 2–layered laminate. The
ratio of layer-shift to hole-clearance (fitted with mortar) should be less than 0.5 and the ratio of hole-
clearance and hole-diameter should be between 0.07 and 0.2)
The value together for the consideration of the hole clearance with , for
the consideration of an eccentricity of and for the consideration of the whole
range of drilling diameters with / are commonly
treated with the factor .
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Now for monolithic and symmetric double layered laminated glass with a total thickness of
the derived stress equation can be replaced by a simple design formu-
la. Prerequisite to that is further that the polymeric-modified mortar provides an elastic modu-
lus of 1000 MPa ÷ 5000 MPa.
6 a Km Pd (8-25)
,max ki 0 ,40 1,50 f t ,d ,l
i 1 bm a t
resulting design force of the considered or relevant bolt
hole diameter
glass thickness of one layer
factors considering constructive influences
width in [mm]
equilibrium parameter
design tension strength at the hole edge
Design standard
Rules on load carrying bolted connections so far are not known.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
(4) For this the application boundaries in dependence of the calculation theory should clearly be
(5) Eurocode should give examples or indications for best practise design.
Figure 8-5 Example: Glass fins of the façade of Terminal 2E of the Airport “Charles de Gaulle”, Paris
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Figure 8-6 Triangular glass stele with friction joints at the edges
The principle of friction joints in glass structures refers to that of pre-stressed joints in steel
structures. Pre-stressing of the contact surfaces by high-strength-bolts of grade 8.8 or 10.9
enables considerably high friction forces for the transmission of shear stresses. The layout of
a friction connection is always realised by the use of clamping laps of steel, stainless steel,
aluminium or rarely with titanium. Therefore, in the gap between metal lap and glass a spe-
cial interlayer material has to be provided. This interlayer must be compressible, durable, and
reliable, with low creep behaviour and at the same time able to produce a sufficient high fric-
tion coefficient. It is clear that this interlayer should also provide a good stress distribution
effect ensuring a smooth stress introduction with no detrimental stress peaks. Furthermore
sufficient high friction coefficients should be developed. Finally steel-glass-contact has to be
avoided both in the friction gap as well as in the hole where possibly a pre-stressed bolt is
The layout of discontinuous friction joints should have only two shear gaps. A positive effect
is that the friction effect then is “doubled”. The following example may show the potential
shear transmission capacity of a clamping point with three bolts M20, 10.9, each of them with
a pre-stressing force Rp . Having two shear planes, in each of them a special non-
creeping prestress-able and durable interlayer material is located, e.g. “Klingersil C 42” of
thickness with a friction coefficient of about , the resulting characteristic
shear force resistance of this joint would be
For the design value a safety coefficient has to be considered, ranging between
and . Apart from the above mentioned mechanical and durability properties a proper
and thorough cleaning of the glass surface is necessary (grease-free and dirt-free). The
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
same applies for the steel surfaces; the surface-evenness has to fulfil highest requirements.
Each step of the fabrication has to be well documented and proofed.
Suitable glass qualities may be heat strengthened or thermally toughened glass. The glass
surface must not be roughened by grinding, pickling or acid treatment (possibly to improve
the friction coefficient), as the so induced surface damages reduce significantly the glass
strength. Laminated toughened glass should not be clamped over the whole glass layer
compound (package), because of the reduction of pre-stress by creep of the interlayer. Even-
tually, if laminated glass is used, it is recommendable to provide a stepwise edge detail such
that the inner (load carrying glass layer) can directly be clamped. If punctual (discontinuous)
joints are used together with laminated glass, the protective glass layers should be spared in
such way that the steel-laps can be integrated in the cross-section of the glass.
The drillings should be oversized, so that tolerances from manufacturing and mounting as
well as from eventually occurring displacements under load do not lead to a steel-glass-
contact. For this, also a protection layer surrounding the shank of the bolt should be provid-
ed. Further, the clamping lap surfaces should be even, possibly milled, the laps themselves
relatively stiff, such that the force transmission can be enabled “as calculated”.
Beside of the friction verification, the verification of the glass stresses in the area of the joint
(net-section, bearing area) has to be carefully be performed. This is – in most cases – to be
done by adequate FEM-modelling and eventually by additional testing. For a pre-design it
may be indicated that especially in case of long, acting joints under a single load (dependent
on the elasticity/plasticity of the configuration) stress peaks may occur at the ends of the
joints. These stress- and force-peaks may reduce the overall shear force resistance of the
8.4.1 General
Steel is a predictable, well researched material for structural applications, whereas glass is
an elastic and brittle material without any capacity for plasticizing, less well researched for
structural uses and not amenable to simplified design. To benefit from the advantageous
behaviour of both materials, adhesive bonding as an innovative joining technique becomes
increasing important and popular. Hybrid joining with bonding technique allows for contempo-
rary transparent and load bearing structures where each material is used in an optimized
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
way according to its material properties. These hybrid elements offer main advantages re-
garding load carrying capacity, stability behaviour, ductility and robustness.
The bonding technology itself is a modern solution to connect different materials without en-
ergy input or weakening the cross section by holes. It is used in other industry such as auto-
motive or aviation industry as well as the ship building industry with great success and has
been established there for years. The connection of steel sheeting or steel profiles and glass
structures has been already applied there, for example bonding the windscreens of cars,
busses, trucks or trains on the load bearing substructure in order to increase the global tor-
sional stiffness.
On the contrary in civil and façade engineering bonding is still predominantly used for sealing
applications or for bonding of structures with minor structural importance (tiles, parquets,
dowels and bolts). One positive example for the use of structural bonds in civil engineering is
the reinforcement of concrete structures with bonded steel or CFRP sheets. In façade engi-
neering structural silicone glazing (SSG) applications with “structural” silicones have been
successfully applied since 30 years, but in the majority of cases with additional mechanical
retaining systems. That is why and where the recent research projects and innovative build-
ing projects come in [253] – [264].
First of all, compared to conventional joining techniques in glass and steel constructions like
bolted connections or welding, bonded joints show the following major advantages and dis-
Connection of materials with different properties (hybrid connection of steel and glass)
Components are not weakened by holes (simultaneous saving of costs)
Constant stress propagation caused by a continuous connection
Vibration damping due to the lower Young´s-modulus of the bonding
Saving of weight caused by the absence of bolts and the use of thinner raw material
Economy of space, lightweight construction
Visual appearance is not disrupted by fastenings and connectors
Compensations of tolerances
Lower resistance compared to the connected materials
Elaborate manufacturing process and surface pre-treatment
Durability influenced by ageing, high temperature, humidity and UV-radiation
Long-term behaviour influenced by creeping
Limited fire-resistance
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Requirements on adhesive layer are mainly focused on strength and stiffness so far but in
particular have to take into account the deformation capability. Consequently the whole
bonded joint has to be rigid enough to provide an optimal structural interaction between both
substrates, but on the other hand it has to be flexible enough to redistribute the stress peaks
in critical points and to compensate pertinent different temperature elongation.
Concluding the cured bonded joint has to meet the following static and constructional re-
Load transfer of primarily shear forces (peel forces and eccentricities should be avoided if
Reduction of stress peaks (by sufficient deformation capability or ductile elasto-plastic
behaviour of the adhesive material and/or respectively geometrical design of the adhe-
sive connection),
Compensation of constraint forces due to possible thermal expansion,
Compensation of fabrication tolerances (gap-filling behaviour).
Common adhesives can be divided according to their modulus of elasticity and shear modu-
lus into flexible-elastic (i.e. silicones, modified silicones and polyurethanes) and rigid (i.e.
epoxy resin, acrylates). Stiff adhesives offer extremely high strength but very low elongation
in comparison with elastic adhesives, which show elongation at break even more than 250%.
A new development in the field of stiff cross-linked adhesives is toughened modified ones
with considerable enhanced ductility.
Concluding there are four main adhesives systems applicable for steel and façade struc-
Epoxy resins
For these groups there do already exist a huge range of possible adhesives with completely
different curing mechanism, mechanical behaviour, ageing resistance, application behaviour,
etc. In addition, stiff ionomer or structural transparent addition cured silicon materials are
currently gaining interest for creating adhesive connections between glass and metal com-
ponents [267].
energy-elastic range
glass transition temperature
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
entropy-elastic region.
Those three regions are described by measurement of the glass transition and its character-
istic delaminating value glass transition temperature Tg . Normal procedures for its determi-
nation are the Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), the Dynamic-Mechanic-Analysis
(DMA) or the Thermo-mechanical Analysis (TMA) [260].
Table 8-7 attempts to classify common used adhesive systems regarding the applicability for
steel-glass joints – as far it is possible at all in such a general manner. Especially polyure-
thanes show a wide spectrum of different properties, so that a valuation is hard to be made.
Temperature Ageing be- UV re- Transparency,
and shear Stiffness Ductility Viscosity
resistance haviour sistance colour
++ +++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Figure 8-7 shows a general correlation between elastic properties and Young´s modulus,
whereupon a decrease of the Young’s modulus from two component epoxy resins to one
component polyurethanes simultaneously goes along with a ductility and deformability in-
Figure 8-7 Connection between stiffness and elasticity for common adhesive systems [260]
Practical application of different types of polymer adhesives depends on their behaviour un-
der loading. During the selection, special emphasis has to be devoted to the UV stability and
long-time behaviour of chosen adhesives. UV unstable adhesives, like most of the polyure-
thanes, have to be protected from UV lights by using special primer coating also on the side
of the glass pane, because there is a risk of UV lights propagation also by the reflection in-
side the glass pane.
From the author´s view definitely two-component adhesives or adhesives with booster sys-
tem should be used for bonded structural glass connections, where the width of the connec-
tion is too big (over 30 mm) for humidity curing. From previous research came out, that one-
component adhesives (mainly polyurethanes), which are cured by air humidity, cannot hard-
en for depths wider than ca. 15 mm in a reasonable period of time. The booster component
provides uniform hardening of the adhesive layer, process of curing doesn’t depend on air
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
humidity and the whole curing is finished in hours and not in days as for one component ad-
hesives. Alternatively UV-curing adhesives can be used which cure on demand, but in many
cases show significant shrinkage during the curing process.
Another important task of the connection design is to find an optimal adhesive thickness,
which fulfils the requirements on stiffness and load carrying capacity, provides sufficient
elongation (or shear strain) and also compensates possible geometrical imperfections and
balances tolerances of the connected surfaces during the fabrication. All adhesives should
be also chosen regarding to their open time and pot-time, which is very important in respect
to fabrication criteria. Some of adhesives can be applied by gap-filling, but other more vis-
cous ones have to be compressed by the components that have to be connected. The final
choice of adhesive is additionally influenced by arising temperature elongations as well as
susceptibility for creeping and ageing.
Ageing is a process that strongly depends on the adhesive system. Ageing, corrosion and
temperature changes occur under natural atmospheric exposure. According to the climatic
zone these effects are more or less pronounced and can lead to chemical and molecular
changes in the adhesives structure. Commonly affected are the boundary layer and the ad-
hesion between adhesive and substrate surfaces, but there is also a considerable influence
to the cohesion of the adhesive itself. Besides a reduction of the adhesion and a tendency for
adhesive interface failure because of peeling stresses or stress peaks, ageing effects go
along with embrittlement and a decrease of strength.
On European level the European Organization for Technical Approvals (EOTA) was estab-
lished as an umbrella organization that is responsible for the European standardization pro-
cess. It consists of the regulatory and certifying authorities of each single member state,
which are responsible for the granting of European Technical Approvals. Germany e.g. is
represented by the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt).
Main task of the EOTA is the development of guidelines for European Technical Approvals
(ETAGs – European Technical Approval Guidelines), the coordination of the granting proce-
dure of European Technical Approvals (ETAs) and the continuation and survey of existing
In European Technical Approval Guidelines (ETAG) for the member states the specific char-
acteristics of products or product families are defined and how to use them. They contain
product requirements and information about necessary test methods and evaluation criteri-
ons for the test evaluation.
Structural bonded glass and façade structures are regulated by the ETAG 002 [269]. This
European Technical Approval Guidelines represents a guidance for the European technical
approval of Structural Sealant Glazing Systems and is subdivided into three parts:
Here the structural glass facade is considered as a composite structure of glass, adhesive
and substructure, where the adhesive connection is exclusively carried out as linear, circum-
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
ferential and factory-made silicon joint. In the meantime acrylic foam tapes are also in the
scope of application according to ETAG 002.
The general application of theses structural bonded façade elements is distinguished in sup-
ported or unsupported glass elements, where the former implies an extra support for dead
loads. For insulated glass or laminated glass every single pane must be vertically supported
supplementary. Mechanical restraint system may be installed for cases of adhesive failure
depending on the supplementary national requirements.
Today there are some single applications of bonding in façade engineering which are gener-
ally known as Structural Sealant Glazing Systems (SSGS), where “structural” silicones or
acrylic adhesive foams are used for joining stainless steel or aluminum substructures with
glass panes. All existing structures for building envelopes are commonly in compliance with
the ETAG 002 Guidelines [269]. Besides the narrowly limited uses cases according to ETAG
002 there are some realized-reinforced glass beam projects [270]. In principle the application
of bonded steel-glass structures is possible for a lot of façade, roofing and ceiling compo-
nents, which must offer transparency and load-bearing functions and which were not gov-
erned by fire resistance requirements.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Cahier CSTB 3488-V2 [67]: This document gives rules for structural glazing installation. It defines
conception and fabrication recommendations on glass elements, structural sealant and metallic
structure. It describes loading conditions and dimensioning methods for insulating glass units and
structural sealant. Experimental procedure is defined to ensure sealant resistance. It gives the cal-
culation method to dimension the secondary sealant of glazing kits under climatic actions.
EN 13022-1 [82]: European Standard on glass products that specifies requirements for the suitabil-
ity for use of supported and unsupported glass products for use in “Structural Sealant Glazing”
(SSG) applications (same types as per ETAG 002). It is considered as a supplement to the require-
ments specified in the corresponding standards with regard to verifying the suitability for use in
SSG systems. It contains rules for calculation of glass thickness and silicon bonding thickness and
requirements for assembly.
EN 13022-2 [83]: European Standard for assembling and bonding of glass elements in a frame,
window, door or curtain walling construction, or directly into the building by means of structural
bonding of the glass element into or onto framework or directly into the building. It gives infor-
mation to the assembler to enable him to organize his work and comply with requirements regard-
ing quality control. It contains assembly rules in terms of tests and Factory product control.
EN 15434 [84]: European Standard for the evaluation of conformity and the factory production
control of sealant in case of structural applications in curtain walling systems covered by ETAG
Concluding, the range of application of the ETAG 002 is restricted to (by the example of
For building purposes the current regulations of the ETAG 002 are resulting in self-weight
supports by setting blocks and the avoidance of systematic creeping loads for bonded con-
nections. The dimensions of the adhesive joints are around 15 mm width and 6 mm thick-
Current research regarding adhesive bonding for glass structures can be divided into the
following three connections types
The geometry, stiffness and load carrying capacity of the adhesive joint are of central signifi-
cance for the structural behaviour of the bonded connection. This implies the detailed
knowledge of the mechanical values and the durability of the adhesives. Particularly discon-
tinuities in the boundary areas require a closer examination.
The aim of current research projects [263], [264], [262] is to derive simple design recommen-
dations for bonded steel-glass elements, taking into consideration the common safety speci-
fications of glass thus avoiding extensive finite element calculations. To achieve this, a sys-
tematic approach is generally adopted:
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
The basis for this approach is the knowledge of the slip and elongation characteristic of the
adhesive joint arising from the context of the building structure, such defining the structural
and geometrical requirements for the adhesive joint. Depending on the connection type it is
useful to determine the slip-strain behaviour. In a next step appropriate adhesives are cho-
sen and the mechanical values are determined, which were then taken over to small-scale
push-out tests and verified by large scale component tests. Finally, resulting design recom-
mendations are derived.
The current research [263], [264] and the findings within the workgroup bonding of the Ger-
man Professional Association for Structural Glazing [266] reveals that the visco-elastic adhe-
sive behaviour predominantly influences the mechanical behaviour and therefore cannot be
ignored in design proposals. The mechanical behaviour strongly depends on temperature,
strain rate and strain energy input which define whether the adhesive behaves more en-
ergy-elastic or entropy-elastic. These three parameters significantly influence the mechanical
behaviour and must be implicitly taken into account for future calculation methods. Up to now
there is no existing calculation method which is able to describe the adhesive behaviour for
all conditions (temperature, strain-rates, direction and size of loading) – regardless of ageing.
It will turn out if a calculation method based on stresses is still reasonable or a strain based
calculation method under consideration of temperature and strain rate is more applicable.
Fundamental approaches for a future design concept are addressed in [264].
These restrictions and lack of knowledge does not at all mean that bonded structures cannot
be applied, but each application – even applications according to ETAG 002 – must be treat-
ed and checked by experts individually.
In parallel to the on-going research on bonded joints in steel or façade structures a draft of a
guidelines regarding fabrication and monitoring of bonded connections in structural glazing
has been introduced by the German Professional Association for Structural Glazing (FKG)
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
and will be continuously developed further and filled with content. This draft has already been
adapted to the general form of the European Standards, which is based on the three col-
umns “products”, “design” and “execution”. With an existing European regulation for structur-
al silicone glazing (SSG) according to ETAG 002 [269] the scope of the guidelines draft is
emphasized on bonded joints outside existing products rules, see Figure 8-8. Here it is
shown that envisaged bonded connections will be classified in eight main categories which
allow for a distinct definition of different design cases. In addition safety concepts have to be
developed to ensure a reliable design procedure and a durable building structure.
Core of this guidelines draft is a division of structural bonded joints into different connection
classes to describe their carrying behaviour clearly and to design them according to the static
relevance of the bonded connection. Further the draft guidelines propose a structural classi-
fication and the division of bonded connections in continuous and discontinuous joints. Ac-
cordingly continuous joints are assemblies or components such as hybrid bonded beams
[262] or structural glazing elements [264], that offer due to their plane or distinctive linear
bonding geometry or because of their structural integrity a more ductile and redundant be-
haviour. In opposite discontinuous joints are cross sections, connections or details like point
fittings [263] and lap joints, that show a brittle behaviour as a result of their punctual or small
bonding surface without structural redundancy.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
(2) The standardization of materials other than silicone seems to be difficult at the moment with
regard to ageing effect on adhesives. For structural calculation of rubber-like behaving ad-
hesives especially of silicones, Eurocode should enable a local concept of the estimation of
stresses and strains based on polymer mechanics, hyperelastic material laws for silicones
and advances ageing methods allowing a lifetime prediction.
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
9 Concluding Remarks
Compared to other building materials prestressed glass provides a considerably good ratio of
strength to self-weight.
To exploit this beneficial characteristic, however, the hurdles appear to be rather high. The
reason is the very brittle behaviour of glass that requires special care and attention for de-
sign, detailing and erecting. It is always an engineering challenge to design structural glass
such that the lack of ductility can be overcome.
Nevertheless engineers succeed more and more in achieving amazing designs and con-
structions. With the work of engineers and architects the on-going product developments,
increasing scientific knowledge and research results as well as the now growing treasure
trove of experience lead to more acceptance.
At present, different European countries have developed national codes for rules for the de-
sign of structural glass, mostly for secondary elements. The results of these codes differ, e.g.
in terms of level of safety, and thus prevent free trading within the EU. Further, despite of the
meanwhile large pool of research results for the use of structural glass in primary structures,
respective design rules are lacking to a big extent. This hinders the development of sustain-
able buildings, especially in the very important field of multi-functional facades, contributing
crucially to the energetic performance.
Therefore, so far, the development of modern design of structural glass is standing at the
crossroads. A common European design code is needed,
to overcome obstacles of free trading of structural glass elements resulting from different
state of the art levels and design approaches,
to achieve an equalized technical, economical and safety level,
to enable the further development of a future oriented industrial sector and
to allow for new sustainable constructions with a significantly improved energetic balance
both for the embodied resources as well as for resources needed for use and service.
Thus, in agreement with the European Commission, CEN/TC250 has committed within WG 3
“Structural Glass” to establish the Scientific and Policy Report that shall serve as
The present Scientific and Policy report, here, is reflecting the existing design approaches,
gives a survey on the different explications for the variety of design cases and gives sugges-
tions on structure and content of a future Technical specification of design rules for structural
glass. Furthermore it shows the potentials in design of primary structures, already prepared
in view of possible codification options.
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10 References
[1] EN 572-1: Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate products – Definitions an gen-
eral physical and mechanical properties
[2] EN 572-2: Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate products – Float glass
[3] EN 572-3: Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate products – Polished wired glass
[4] EN 572-4: Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate products – Drawn sheet glass
[5] EN 572-5: Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate products – Patterned glass
[6] EN 572-6: Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate products – Wired patterned
[7] EN 572-7: Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate products – Wired or unwired
channel shaped glass
[8] EN 1096: Glass in building - Coated glass
[9] EN 1279-1: Glass in building – Insulating glass unit
[10] EN 1863: Glass in building - Heat strengthened soda lime silicate glass
[11] EN 12150: Glass in building - Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass
[12] EN 12337: Glass in building – Chemically strengthened soda lime silicate glass
[13] EN ISO 12543: Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass
[14] EN 14179: Glass in building - Heat soaked thermally toughened soda lime silicate
safety glass
[15] prEN 15683: Glass in building – Thermally toughened soda lime silicate channel
shaped glass
[16] EN 357: Glass in building - Fire resistant glazed elements with transparent or translu-
cent glass products - Classification of fire resistance
[17] ASTM C 1036 Specification for Flat Glass
[18] ASTM C 1048 Specification for Heat Treated Flat Glass – Kind HS, Kind FT Coated
and Uncoated Glass
[19] ASTM C 1172 Specification for Laminated Architectural Flat Glass
Test Standards
[20] EN ISO 1288: Glass in building – Determination of the bending strength of glass
[21] EN 12600: Glass in building – Pendulum test – Impact test method and classification
for flat glass
[22] prEN 16613: Glass in building – Laminated glass and laminated safety glass – Deter-
mination of the interlayer mechanical properties testing
[23] EN 356: Glass in building - Security glazing – Testing and classification of resistance
against manual attack
[24] EN 1063: Glass in building - Security glazing – Testing and classification of resistance
against bullet attack
[25] EN 13541: Glass in building - Security glazing - Testing and classification of re-
sistance against explosion pressure
[26] EN 13123: Windows, doors and shutters - Explosion resistance - Requirements and
[27] EN 13124: Windows, doors and shutters - Explosion resistance
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
[28] ISO 16933: Glass in building – Explosion resistant security glazing - Test and classifi-
cation for arena air blast loading
[29] EN IEC 61646: Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification
and type approval
[30] EN IEC 61215: Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design quali-
fication an type approval
[31] EN IEC 61730-1: Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Part 1: Require-
ments for construction
[32] EN IEC 61730-2: Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Part 2: Require-
ments for testing
[33] ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building - Explosion-resistant security glazing – Test and
classification for arena air-blast loading
[34] US General Services Administration: GSA-TS01-2003: Standard Test Method for
Glazing and Window Systems, Subject to Dynamic Overpressure Loadings, 2003
[35] EN 12512:2001. Timber structures - Test methods – Cyclic Testing of Joints made
with Mechanical Fasteners
[36] ISO 16670:2003. International Standard, Timber structures – Joints Made with Me-
chanical Fasteners – Quasi-Static Reversed-Cyclic Test Method. First edition 2003-
[37] prEN 16612: Glass in building – Determination of the load resistance of glass panes
by calculation and testing (NA 005-09-25 AA N 870, CEN/TC129/WG8 – N312)
[38] EN 1990: Eurocode – Basis of structural design
[39] EN 1991: Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures
[40] EN 1993: Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures
[41] EN 1995: Eurocode 5 – Design of timber structures
[42] EN 1994: Eurocode 4 – Design of composite steel and concrete structures
[43] EN 1998: Eurocode 8 – Design of structures for earthquake resistance
[44] DIN 18008: Glass in building - Design and constructions rules
Part 1: Terms and general bases
Part 2: Linearly supported glazing
Part 2: Linearly supported glazing, correction of DIN 18008-2
Part 3: Point fixed glazing
Part 4: Additional requirements for anti-drop device
Part 5: Additional requirements for accessible glazing
Part 6: Additional requirements for glazing
[45] NEN 2608: Glass in building - Requirements and determination method
[46] DIBt: Technische Regeln für die Verwendung von linienförmig gelagerten
Verglasungen (2006)
[47] Bauregelliste A, Bauregelliste B und Liste C - Ausgabe 2010/1. DIBt Mitteilungen
Sonderheft Nr. 39 vom 30. Juni 2010, Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 2010.
[48] ÖNORM B 3716: Glass in building – Structural glass construction
Part 1: Basic principles
Part 2: Linear glazing’s
Part 3: Fall protection glazing’s
Part 4: Accessible, walkable and trafficable glazing’s
Part 5: Point fixed glazing and special structures
[49] prNBN S23-002: Verre dans la construction - Vitrerie – Calcul des épaisseurs de verre
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
[50] DIN 18516-4: Cladding for external walls, ventilated at rear - Tempered safety glass,
requirements, design, testing
[51] Draft for prEN (no number): Glass in building – Thermal stress calculation method (NA
005-09-25 AA N 854, CEN/TC129/WG8 – N1326)
[52] ASTM E1300 -12ae1 Standard Practise for Determining Load Resistance of Glass
[53] ASTM E2431-06: Determining the Resistance of Single Glazed Annealed Architectur-
al Flat Glass to Thermal Loadings
[54] BS 5516: Patent glazing and sloping glazing for buildings
[55] CNR-DT-210: CNR-DT 210/2012 Istruzioni per la Progettazione, l’Esecuzione ed il
Controllo di Costruzioni con Elementi Strutturali di Vetro
[56] UNI 7143 (1972); Vetri piani. Spessore dei vetri piani per vetrazioni in funzione delle
loro dimensioni, dell’azione del vento e del carico neve.
[57] UNI/TR 11463. Vetro per edilizia. Determinazione della capacità portante di lastre di
vetro piano applicate come elementi facenti funzione di tamponamento. Procedura di
[58] DIN VDE 0126-21: Photovoltaic in building (draft)
[59] NF DTU 39 P3: building works - glazing and mirror-glass works - part 3 : calculation
memorandum for thermal stress travaux de bâtiment. travaux de miroiterie-vitrerie.
partie 3 : mento calculs des contraintes thermiques
[60] BS 6262: Glazing for buildings
[61] BS 6180: Barriers in and about buildings
[62] CWCT TN 66: Safety and fragility of glazes roofing: guidance on specification
[63] CWCT TN 67: Safety and fragility of glazed roofing: testing and assessment
[64] CWCT TN 92: Safety method for assessing glazing in class 2 roofs
[65] CSN 74 3305: Safety balustrades
[66] AS 1288:1989 Glass in buildings
[67] Cahier CSTB 3488-V2: Vitrages extérieurs collés
[68] Cahier CSTB 3574: Vitrages extérieurs attachés (VEA) faisant l’objet d’un Avis Tech-
[69] Cahier CSTB 3034: Garde-corps non traditionnels en produits verriers encastré en
[70] Cahier CSTB 3448: Dalle de planchers er marches d’escalier en verre
[71] Fiche Technique No. 47: Règles d‘équivalences pour l’utilisation possible du Double
Pneu pour les chocs de sécurité à la place du M50
[72] Proposition de fiche (CSTB et SNFA): Disposition applicables aux facades légères en
zones sismique
[73] US General Services Administration: Security Design Criteria. 2001. General Services
Administration (GSA), Interagency Security Committee (ISC) (for official use only).
Technical approvals
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Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
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[79] Allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung (abZ) Nr. Z-70.2-122: Punktgehaltene
Verglasung mit fischer Zykon Punkthaltern (FZP-G-Z)
Construction Rules
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Page 191
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European Commission
EUR 26439 – Joint Research Centre – Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
Authors: M. Feldmann, R. Kasper, B. Abeln, P. Cruz, J. Belis, J. Beyer, J. Colvin, F. Ensslen, M. Eliasova, L. Galuppi, A. Geßler,
C. Grenier, A. Haese, H. Hoegner, R. Kruijs, K. Langosch, Ch. Louter, G. Manara, T. Morgan, J. Neugebauer, V. Rajcic, G.
Royer-Carfagni, J. Schneider, S. Schula, G. Siebert, Z. Sulcova, F. Wellershoff, R. Zarnic
EUR – Scientific and Technical Research series –,661 RQOLQH ISSN 1018-5593 (print)
,6%1 SGI
ISBN 978-92-79-35094-8 (print)
This JRC Scientific and Policy Report is a pre-normative document that represents the basis of a new Eurocode on the
design of structural glass. It was developed by CEN/TC 250 WG 3 and it presents the available background of both the
design of glass components related to up-to-date existing national codes as well as the recent scientific knowledge.
The report includes a material part, describing the behaviour of glass and the used interlayer materials. Subsequently,
the typical properties of glass products and their placement in existing product standards are mentioned. The principles
and basic rules for the design of glass components as well as the safety approach are clarified with regard to the
particular characteristic of glass – the absent of plasticity. Furthermore there are different types of construction made of
glass. They can be separated in secondary and primary structural elements. For secondary structural elements the
existing design rules are presented, for primary structural elements the report gives an overview of the actual state of
research work.
In form of so called “Code reviews” the existing design and product standards are mentioned and they are also
explained to some extent, the so-called “Eurocode outlooks” give a perspective on what and how the content of the
future Eurocode on Structural Glass should be.
As the Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre's mission is to provide EU
policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy
cycle. Working in close cooperation with policy Directorates-General, the JRC addresses key societal
challenges while stimulating innovation through developing new methods, tools and standards, and
sharing its know-how with the Member States, the scientific community and international partners.
ISBN 978-92-79-35093-1