Question 7

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Maximum Marks: 100

Time allowed: Two hours

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.

This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.

The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ].

Instruction for the Supervising Examiner

Kindly read aloud the Instructions given above to all the candidates present in the Examination

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(Attempt all questions.)

Question 1 [20]

Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options.

(Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.)

(i) Which of the following is an example of verbal communication?

(a) E-mail

(b) Newsletter

(c) Phone-call

(d) Gestures

(ii) Development of Interpersonal skill is required for effective


(a) True

(b) False

(iii) What does A stand for in SMART method to set goals?

(a) Attainable

(b) Achievable

(c) Admirable

(d) Available

(iv) Which of the following shortcut keys is used to cut a file?

(a) Ctrl+x

(b) Ctrl+c

(c) Ctrl+a

(d) Ctrl+v

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(v) Which of the following is not a type of evaluation?

(a) Formative

(b) Diagnostic

(c) Summative

(d) Subjective

(vi) What should be the aim of a physical activity facilitator?

(a) Social development

(b) Wholesome development

(c) Physical development

(d) Mental development

(vii) Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?

(a) Coal

(b) Solar energy

(c) Petroleum

(d) Wood

(viii) Every person is blessed with some ability that gives him power to
exists independently.

(a) True

(b) False

(ix) A report is always written in ___________.

(a) Sequential manner

(b) Irregular manner

(c) Horizontal manner

(d) Data-biased manner

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(x) What does ABC in first-aid stand for?

(a) Airway, Bandage and Call medical emergencies

(b) Airway, Breathing and Circulation

(c) Ambulance, Bandage and Circulation

(d) Airway, Breathing and Call medical emergencies

(xi) Which of the following is not a skill related physical fitness?

(a) Speed

(b) Agility

(c) Muscular strength

(d) Reaction time

(xii) Which of the following is not a computer virus?

(a) Firewall

(b) Worms

(c) Online predator

(d) Trojan horse

(xiii) Which among the following is an objective of feedback?

(a) To improve the performance of a person.

(b) To critically analyze the skill of a person.

(c) To judge the performance of a person.

(d) To find the negative points of a person.

(xiv) The picture demonstrates ___________.

(a) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

(b) Cardiopulsary reunification

(c) Cardiopulmonary respiration

(d) Cardio plastic resuscitation

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(xv) Swami owns a large retail shop. Radha owns a small shop of
handcrafted apparels. Radha does not call herself an entrepreneur.
What misconception about entrepreneurship can be related to the
above story?

(a) Every business idea needs to special or unique.

(b) A person needs to have a big business to be called an


(c) A person needs a lot of money to start a business.

(d) Entrepreneurs are born not made.

(xvi) Free plays are ___________ in nature.

(a) Structured

(b) Semi-structured

(c) Unstructured

(d) Quasi-structured

(xvii) Which amongst the following is used for strength training?

(a) Basketball

(b) Football

(c) Tennis ball

(d) Medicine ball

(xviii) Which age group benefits the most from free-play method of

(a) Childhood

(b) Early childhood

(c) Adolescence

(d) Adults

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(xix) The teaching aids which are centered around skills like reading,
listening and pronunciation are known as ___________.

(a) Skill-based teaching aids

(b) Audio-lingual teaching aids

(c) General-knowledge teaching aids

(d) Scientific teaching aids.

(xx) How many points is a shot in basketball worth when scored from
inside the oppositions semi-circle?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

Question 2

(i) Differentiate between assessment and evaluation. [2]

(ii) What is emotional intelligence? [2]

(iii) What are the factors that affect self confidence? [2]

(iv) Mention two ways to overcome the barriers to an effective [2]


(v) Are Skills and Techniques the same? If not, why? [2]

Question 3

(i) What is the main purpose of inventory management? [2]

(ii) Explain two factors which influence recreational activities. [2]

(iii) Define sustainable development. [2]

(iv) What should be the general direction of a playfield and why? [2]

(v) Why should props and equipment be appropriate? [2]

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(Answer any four questions from this Section.)

Question 4

(i) What is stress? [5]

Mention any three steps to manage stress?

(ii) Write a note on SMART method to set goals. [5]

(iii) In context to employability skills answer the following: [5]

(a) What are the different ways to protect computer data from theft
and viruses?

(b) Explain non-verbal communication with examples.

Question 5

(i) What are the various factors which influences the selection of any [5]
sports equipment?

(ii) Write a note on how you would conduct a physical security risk [5]
assessment for your facility.

(iii) Explain the various components of fitness. [5]

Question 6

(i) What is free play? [5]

List two advantages and disadvantages of free play.

(ii) Explain the role of free play in rehabilitation. [5]

(iii) Describe the various activities that can be conducted by an Early Year [5]
Physical Activity Facilitator.

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Question 7

(i) What is the difference between Natural and Artificial environment? [5]

(ii) Explain the importance of clean water and sanitation towards [5]
sustainable development.

(iii) Write a note on the various barriers to an effective communication. [5]

Question 8

(i) (a) (b) [5]

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

List any five equipment from the picture above and mention their

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(ii) Why is it important to conduct periodic inventory audits? [5]
Create a sample record of the availability of various sports
props/equipment and their specifications in your school.

(iii) Being an Early Year Physical Activity Facilitator, what are the points [5]
that you will keep in mind while selecting an activity and the
precautionary measures you will take during the activity.

Question 9


You had conducted the Annual Sports Day in your school, to promote physical
fitness and healthy lifestyle among students. Students had participated in
various sporting activities. A mass-demonstration drill was also organized at
the end of the celebration with a message of team spirit. At the end of the of the
event a feedback form was distributed amongst the parents for their valuable

Based on the above case study answer the following questions:

(i) During the Basketball game, a student fell down and broke his arm. [5]
Explain in details the steps taken by you for ensuring his proper first-
aid and treatment.

(ii) Prepare the feedback form that had been distributed to the parents [5]
after the Annual Sports Day event.

(iii) Explain the various objectives of a feedback. [5]

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