Ess Unit 1
Ess Unit 1
Ess Unit 1
History reveals that human race was once afraid of nature and the natural forces. So, human beings
worshiped nature and considered nature as superior to human race. But enormous increase in
human population raised the demand for development and increased the consumption of various
natural resources resulting in environmental deterioration.
‘Environment is anything immediately surrounding an object and exerting a direct influence on it’
- P.S. Gilbert
‘The term environment is used to describe, in the aggregate, all the external forces, influences and
conditions, which affect the life, nature behavior and the growth, development and maturity of
living organisms’
- Douglas and Holland
‘Environment refers to the sum total of all conditions which surround man at a given point in
space and time’
- C. C. Park
The entire range of external influence acting on an organism, both the physical and biological, and
other organisms, i.e. forces of nature surrounding an individual.
- Encyclopedia Britannica
Total environmental system includes not only the biosphere, but also his interactions with his
natural and man-made surroundings.
- US Council on Environmental quality
Meaning of Environment
Everything that surrounds or affects an organism during its life time is collectively known as
its environment or simply put everything surrounding a living organism like people; place
and things constitute its environment which can be either natural or man-made.
The word environment has been derived from a French word ‘environner’ meaning to
encircle or to surround.
In the beginning, environment of early man consisted of only physical aspects of the planet
earth such as land (lithosphere), air (atmosphere) and water (hydrosphere) along with
biotic communities but, with the passage of time and advancement of society man extended
his environment to include his social, economic and political functions too.
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Components of Environment
Many factors influence every part of our environment: things like how tall trees grow, where
animals and plants are found, and why birds migrate. On the basis of basic structure, the
environment may be divided into
1. Biotic environment
2. Abiotic environment
Biotic Components
It consists of the living parts of the environment.
The populations are those of the animal community, the plant community and the
microbial community.
2. Heterotrophs
Hetero means ‘others’ and trophos means ‘nourishment’.
If organisms depend on others for their food, it is called Heterotrophic Nutrition.
Animals cannot make their food themselves.
They depend for food upon plants.
Animals are known as Heterotrophs.
3. Saprotrophs
The uptake of nutrients by organism from dead and decaying matter in the form of solution is
called the saprotrophic nutrition.
The organisms which use saprotrophic mode of nutrition are called saprotrophs.
For example: fungi.
These living things interact with one another in many ways. Biotic factors and their interactions
can be broken down into three groups:
1. Producers:
All plants, such as grass and trees, are producers.
These organisms absorb the sun’s energy and convert the energy into food for
themselves, allowing them to grow larger, make flowers and seeds, etc.
2. Consumers:
These organisms, mostly animals, eat producers and/or other animals.
They may also eat decomposers.
Two examples of consumers are deer (eat plants) and wolves (eat animals).
Consumers that only eat plants (herbivores) are often known as primary
consumers. Eg: rabbit, cow.
Consumers that only eat other animals (carnivores, eg: tiger, lion) or feed on both
plants as well as the flesh of other animals (omnivores, eg: humans, bear) are often
known as secondary consumers.
3. Decomposers:
These organisms break down dead material (such as a fallen tree) into soil and
return nutrients to the soil so they can be re-used by producers to create food.
An example of a decomposer is a mushroom.
Abiotic Components
Are the non-living parts of the environment that can often have a major influence on living
Abiotic components originate from the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere
Abiotic factors include water, sunlight, oxygen, soil and temperature.
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The basic components of the abiotic environment are atmosphere or the air, lithosphere or the
rocks and soil, hydrosphere or the water, and the living component of the environment or the
1. Atmosphere:
The thick gaseous layer surrounding the earth.
It spreads up to 300 km. above the earth’s surface.
Apart from gases there are water vapor, industrial gases, dust and smoke particles
in suspended state, microorganism etc.
2. Lithosphere:
The Core which is around 7000 kilometers in diameter (3500 kilometers in radius)
and is situated at the Earth's center.
The Mantle which environs the core and has a thickness of 2900 kilometers.
The Crust floats on top of the mantle and is composed of basalt rich oceanic crust
and granitic rich continental crust.
3. Hydrosphere:
The hydrosphere includes all water on or near-earth surface and includes oceans,
lakes, rivers, wetlands, icecaps, clouds, soils, rock layers beneath surface etc.
Water exist in all three states: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor)
71% of planet surface is covered with water
Freshwater- 2.53%
Freshwater in glaciers-1.74%
Water as water vapor in atmosphere-12,900 km3
living organism contain- 1100 km3
These living things and non-living things interact with one another in many ways. This is known as
Interdependence. It can be stated as follows:
1. Abiotic + Abiotic (eg. soil + climate)
2. Biotic + Biotic (eg. Plants + animals)
3. Biotic + Abiotic (eg. Plants + soil or animals + climate)
The relationship and interaction between organism and environment are multidimensional. No
organism can live alone without interacting with other organisms or other biotic/abiotic forms.
So, each organism has other organisms as a part of its environment. Each and everything with which
we interact or which we need for our sustenance forms our environment. It may be safely argued
that environment is an inseparable whole and is constituted by the interacting system of physical,
biological and cultural elements which are interlinked individually as well as collectively in myriad
ways. The environment is not static; rather it’s a very dynamic entity. Various factors (biotic &
abiotic) are in a flux and keep changing the environment continuously.
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Whether underwater in a tropical reef, deep in a lush rainforest or high on a snow-capped mountain
range, an ecosystem is composed of plants, animals and smaller organisms that live in a shared
environment. Ecosystems range in size from microscopic to the whole of Earth, which is known as
the biosphere. The ecosystems on this planet are countless, and each is distinct.
“Ecosystem is an unit that includes all the organisms, i.e., the community in a given area interacting
with the physical environment so that a flow of energy leads to clearly defined trophic structure,
biotic diversity and material cycles, i.e., exchange of materials between living and non- living, within
the system”
- Eugene Odum
Concept of Ecosystem
The term “Ecosystem” was first coined by A. G. Tansley, an English botanist, in 1935.
The ecosystem is the functional unit of ecology (scientific study of how living organisms
interact with each other and the environment) where the living organisms interact with each
other and the surrounding environment.
In other words, an ecosystem is a chain of interaction between organisms and their
environment. Thus, Ecosystem = Ecology+ Environment.
The living and non-living components of an ecosystem are known as biotic and abiotic
components, respectively.
An ‘Ecosystem’ is a region with a specific and recognizable landscape form such as forest,
grassland, desert, wetland or coastal area.
The nature of the ecosystem is based on its geographical features such as hills, mountains,
plains, rivers, lakes, coastal areas or islands.
It is also controlled by climatic conditions such as the amount of sunlight, the temperature
and the rainfall in the region.
The geographical, climatic and soil characteristics form its non-living (abiotic) component.
These features create conditions that support a community of plants and animals (biotic
components) that evolution has produced to live in these specific conditions.
Characteristics of an Ecosystem
Structural and functional unit of ecology. Structure (species diversity), Function (energy
flow and materials)
The amount of energy needed to maintain an ecosystem depends on its structure. Simpler
the structure, less energy is needed to maintain.
An ecosystem can maintain itself if the energy flow is maintained.
Any change or imbalance leads to the destruction of ecosystem.
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Types of Ecosystems
Ecosystems are broadly divided into:
Natural ecosystems are those that are exist in nature.
Artificial ecosystems are simple, human-made, unstable and subjected to human
intervention and manipulation.
They are also called man-made or man-engineered ecosystems.
They are maintained artificially by man where, by addition of energy and planned
manipulation, natural balance is disturbed regularly.
e.g. croplands such as sugarcane, maize, wheat, rice-fields; orchards, gardens,
villages, cities, dams, aquarium and manned spaceship
Many man-made ecosystems are built for conservation purposes, aesthetics, and
studying biology and ecology.
Terrestrial Ecosystems
Terrestrial ecosystems are exclusively land-based ecosystems. There are different types of
terrestrial ecosystems distributed around various geological zones. They are as follows:
1. Forest Ecosystems
A forest ecosystem consists of several plants, animals and microorganisms that live
in coordination with the abiotic factors of the environment.
Because of the abundance of plants that serve as producers, this ecosystem abounds
in life.
Not only plants but also animals are teeming in a forest.
They are also a great source of fruits, wood,
Forests help in maintaining the temperature of the earth and are the major carbon
Eg: Tropical Rain Forest, Tropical Savannas Forest, Taiga or Boreal forest
2. Grassland Ecosystems
In a grassland ecosystem, the vegetation is dominated by grasses and herbs.
They are typically found in tropical or temperate regions.
The animals commonly found in this type of ecosystem are grazing animals, such as
cattle, goats, and deer.
Eg: The steppes of Asia and Europe, The Prairies of USA and Canada, The Veldts of
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3. Tundra Ecosystems
Tundra ecosystems are devoid of trees and are found in cold climates or where
rainfall is scarce.
These are covered with snow for most of the year.
The ecosystem in the Arctic or mountain tops is tundra type.
The snow melts briefly in spring and summer, producing shallow ponds.
During this time, lichens and flowering plants typically grow.
Because of the ice that covers the land in the tundra, this type of ecosystem is
important in regulating the earth’s temperature.
It also serves as a water reservoir (in the form of ice or frost)
Eg: Arctic tundra, alpine tundra, and Antarctic tundra
4. Desert Ecosystem
These are regions with very little rainfall.
The days are hot and the nights are cold.
Deserts are typically arid and windy.
Some of them contain sand dunes, others, mostly rock.
Organisms in the desert are not as diverse as those in forests but they possess
adaptations that make them suited to their environment.
Plants that are commonly found in the desert are cacti.
Desert animals include insects, reptiles, and birds.
Eg: Sahara Arabia, Gobi deserts
Aquatic Ecosystem
Aquatic ecosystems are ecosystems present in a body of water. These can be further divided into
two types, namely:
1. Freshwater Ecosystem
The freshwater ecosystem is an aquatic ecosystem that includes lakes, ponds, rivers,
streams and wetlands.
They are home to algae, plankton, insects, amphibians, and fish.
These have no salt content.
There are three basic types of freshwater ecosystems:
a. Lentic: slow-moving water, including pools, ponds, and lakes.
b. Lotic: rapidly-moving water, for example streams and rivers.
c. Wetlands: areas where the soil is saturated or inundated for at least part of the
2. Marine Ecosystem
The marine ecosystem includes seas and oceans.
These have a more substantial salt content and greater biodiversity in comparison
to the freshwater ecosystem.
They are an important source of atmospheric oxygen due to the vast population of
autotrophic algae that release oxygen through photosynthesis.
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Marine ecosystems are regarded as the most abundant type of ecosystems in the
Eg: mangroves, the open ocean, rocky shores
Ecosystems are created by the interrelationships between living organisms and the physical
environments they inhabit (land, water, air). Human beings are part of ecosystems, as well as
manipulators of ecosystems. As such we are dependent on, as well as responsible for, the
ecological health of the ecosystems we inhabit.
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Concept of Ecology
Ecology is the scientific study of the distributions, abundance and relations of organisms and
their interactions with the environment.
Ecology includes the study of plant and animal populations, plant and animal communities
and ecosystems.
Since ecology refers to any form of biodiversity, ecologists research everything from tiny
bacteria's role in nutrient recycling to the effects of tropical rain forest on the Earth's
The discipline of ecology emerged from the natural sciences in the late 19th century.
Ecology is closely related to the disciplines of physiology, evolution, genetics and behavior.
Thus, ecology involves the study of-
life processes explaining adaptations
distribution and abundance of organisms
the movement of materials and energy through living communities
the successional development of ecosystems, and
the abundance and distribution of biodiversity in context of the environment.
Ecology deals primarily with the descriptive study of organisms. It is a sub-discipline of biology,
which is the study of life.
Ecological Pyramids
Ecological pyramids are pictorial representation of relationship between organisms at
different trophic levels within a food chain.
Ecological pyramids are in the shape of a pyramid.
The pyramid is formed on the basis of the number of organisms, energy and biomass.
The concept was first introduced by Charles Elton, the pioneer British Ecologist.
These pyramids are also known as Eltonian pyramids.
Ecological pyramids begin with the producers at the bottom like plants and they proceed to
various trophic levels like herbivores consume plants, carnivores’ prey on herbivores and so
The ecological pyramid is also used to explain how various organisms in an ecosystem are
related to one another.
The pyramid ideally shows who is consumed by whom while also showing the order in which
the energy flows.
The flow of energy in an ecological pyramid is from bottom to top, which means energy from
the autotrophs who are the primary producers, goes to the primary consumers, meaning
those who consume these plants. At the nest step, the energy goes to the secondary
consumers who eat the primary consumers.
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1. Pyramid of Number
A pyramid of numbers shows the total number of individual organisms at each level in the
food chain of an ecosystem.
The number of organisms decreases while going higher up the pyramid.
The ones at the bottom are the producers who are present in the largest number form the
base of the pyramid.
When plotted the relationships among the number of producers, primary consumers
(herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivore of order 1), tertiary consumers (carnivore
of order 2) and so on in any ecosystem, it forms a pyramidal structure.
The shape of this pyramid varies from ecosystem to ecosystem.
There are three types of pyramid of numbers
a. Upright
b. Partly upright
c. Inverted
2. Pyramid of Biomass
Pyramid of biomass is the graphic representation of biomass present per unit area of
different trophic levels, with producers at the base and top carnivores at the tip.
Pyramid of biomass is usually determined by collecting all organisms occupying each
trophic level separately and measuring their dry weight (weight of living matter).
This overcomes the size difference problem because all kinds of organisms at a trophic
level are weighed.
3. Pyramid of Energy
The pyramid of energy shows the relationship between the total quantity of energy
utilized by producers, herbivores and the carnivores at successive trophic levels.
Energy flow is unidirectional which means energy always flows from the lowest trophic
level to the next successive level. During transfer there is loss of energy.
Eg: Suppose an ecosystem receives light energy. Most of the energy is not absorbed; of
the energy absorbed only a small portion is utilized by green plants for respiration and
store as energy-rich materials. Now suppose a deer, eats the plant. The deer use some of
it for its metabolism and stores some as food energy. A lion that eats the deer gets an even
smaller amount of energy. Thus, usable energy decreases from sunlight to producer to
herbivore to carnivore.
Thus, there is a decrease in the total available energy at each higher trophic level and
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Food Web
A food web can be described as a "who eats whom" diagram that shows the complex
feeding relationships in an ecosystem.
The concept of a food web, previously known as a food cycle, is typically credited to Charles
In a food web, organisms are arranged according to their trophic level.
The trophic level for an organism refers to how it fits within the overall food web and is
based on how an organism feed.
Broadly speaking, there are two main designations: autotrophs and heterotrophs.
Autotrophs make their own food while heterotrophs do not.
Within this broad designation, there are five main trophic levels: primary producers,
primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, and apex predators.
A food web shows us how these different trophic levels within various food chains
interconnect with one another as well as the flow of energy through the trophic levels within
an ecosystem.
But in an ecosystem, one doesn't find simple independent food chains, but many
interdependent and complex food chains that look more like a web and are therefore called
food webs.
Food web shows how different animals are interconnected by different paths.
2. Primary consumers
Are those animals that eat the primary producers.
They are called primary as they are the first organisms to eat the primary producers
who make their own food.
These animals are also known as herbivores.
Examples of animals in this designation are rabbits, beavers, elephants, and moose.
3. Secondary consumers
Consist of organisms that eat primary consumers.
Since they eat the animals that eat the plants, these animals are carnivorous or
Carnivores eat animals while omnivores consume both other animals as well as plants.
Bears are an example of a secondary consumer.
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4. Tertiary consumers
Can be carnivorous or omnivorous.
The difference being that secondary consumers eat other carnivores.
An example is an eagle.
5. Apex predators
Apex predators are at the top because they do not have natural predators.
Lions are an example.
Decomposers consume dead plants and animals and break them down. Eg: Fungi.
Detritivores consume dead organic material. Eg: Vulture.
Man-environment relationships refer to the interactions and feedbacks between the human and the
natural components and, consequently, to the linkages between the social and the geophysical
systems. The field of man-environment relationship operates with a series of concept and notions.
They refer to the causes of environmental change, feedbacks and consequences for the communities,
answers of the decision makers etc.
1. Determinism
Environmental Determinism: This philosophy suggests that the physical environment,
particularly the climate and terrain, shapes human behavior and societal development. It
implies that human actions are largely controlled by environmental factors1.
2. Possibilism
Possibilism: In contrast to determinism, possibilism argues that while the environment sets
certain constraints, humans have the agency to choose from various possibilities and adapt to
their surroundings1.
3. Neo-Determinism
Neo-Determinism: This approach combines elements of both determinism and possibilism. It
acknowledges that while the environment can influence human actions, humans can also
modify their environment to a significant extent 1.
4. Cultural Ecology
Cultural Ecology: This field studies how cultural practices and beliefs help human societies
adapt to their environments. It emphasizes the role of culture in shaping human-environment
5. Structuralism and Radicalism
Structuralism: This approach looks at the underlying structures that influence human
behavior and societal development, including environmental factors.
Radicalism: This perspective focuses on the power dynamics and inequalities that affect
human-environment relationships, often emphasizing the need for social change1.
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8. Human-Environment Interaction
Bidirectional Influence: Human-environment interaction is a two-way process where
humans modify their environment (e.g., deforestation for agriculture) and are also influenced
by it (e.g., climate affecting agricultural practices)2.
Environmental Movement
An environmental movement is a social and political movement. It seeks to address environmental
issues and advocate for the protection and preservation of natural resources and ecosystems.
Environmental movements typically focus on issues such as air and water pollution, deforestation,
climate change, wildlife conservation. They are also driven by the impacts of industrialization on the
environment and communities. Environmental movements can take place in many different forms
such as grassroots community organizing to global campaigns and protests.
These movements often involve a diverse range of individuals and groups, including scientists,
activists, NGOs, community organizations, and concerned citizens. The goals of environmental
movements are to promote sustainability, protect the environment and natural resources. They also
raise awareness about the impacts of human activities on the planet. Environmental movements also
play an important role in advocating for policy changes, such as stronger environmental protections
and regulations on industries and businesses.
Appiko Movement
The Appiko Movement or “Appiko Chaluvali” took place in Uttara Kannada and Shimoga districts of
Karnataka in September 1983 to protect the Kalsa forests.
o The Appiko Movement is also known as ‘South India's Chipko movement’.
o The ‘Appiko' is a Kannada term which means "hugging" in Kannada.
o It was led by environmental activist Panduranga Hegde along with a large number of women
and youth from Saklani and surrounding villages.
o The main aim of the Appiko movement was to ban the felling of green trees and conserve
the Kalse forests.
o The movement continued for 38 days and this forced the state government to finally take
action on the demands of protestants.
o Later, the State government withdrew the order for the felling of trees.
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Bishnoi Movement
The Bishnoi Movement took place in Khejarli village, Marwar region of Rajasthan in the 1730s to
protect the sacred khejri trees. The Bishnoi movement was among the first movements to organize in
support of environmental conservation, wildlife protection, and green living.
o In 1730, King Abhay Singh of Jodhpur instructed his soldiers to cut down the trees for wood in
Khejarli village to build his new royal palace.
o Amrita Devi, a local female villager, was unable to see the sacred trees of her community and
her religion being cut down.
o She hugged the trees and told others to do the same.
o The soldiers keep cutting the trees and there are more than 300 members of the Bishnoi
community who laid down their lives to save trees.
o After this incident, the maharaja issued a strong royal proclamation prohibiting the felling of
trees in all Bishnoi community areas.
o Later, the Bishnoi Movement inspired many other environmental movements in India
Chipko Movement
The Chipko Movement took place in the Chamoli district of the Garhwal division of Uttarakhand in
April 1973. The name "Chipko" comes from the Hindi word "to hug," as the movement involved
hugging trees to prevent them from being cut down by loggers.
o Chipko Movement is among one of the most famous Environmental Movements in India.
o It was a type of non-violent protest based on Gandhian Ideology.
o The prominent leaders of the Chipko Andolan were Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Sunderlal
Bhauguna, Gaura Devi, Suraksha Devi, Sudesha Devi, Bachni Devi and others. Both men
and women participated in this protest in very large numbers.
o The primary reason behind this movement was excess deforestation, which resulted in the
disastrous Alaknanda River floods of July 1970.
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Concept of sustainability
What is Sustainability
Sustainability is a complex concept. The most often quoted definition comes from the UN World
Commission on Environment and Development (WCED): “sustainable development is development
that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.” Consequently, sustainability has been defined as meeting our own needs without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It presumes that resources
are finite, and should be used conservatively and wisely with a view to long-term priorities and
consequences of the ways in which resources are used.
Pillars of Sustainability
A popular method of considering the sustainability state of mind is the triple bottom line approach.
The three bottom lines, or pillars, are:
Economic Sustainability
Social Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability
Economic Sustainability
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Economic sustainability takes into account the social and ecological consequences of economic
activity. It incorporates new paradigms like circular economy, cradle to grave etc. Additionally,
economic sustainability also means that human communities across the globe are able to maintain
their independence and have access to the resources that they require, financial and other, to meet
their needs.
Social Sustainability
A socially sustainable society is one in which all members have equal rights, all share equitably in
societal benefits, and all participate equally in the decision-making process. Universal human rights
and basic necessities are attainable by all people, who have access to enough resources in order to
keep their families and communities healthy and secure.
Environmental Sustainability
Ecological integrity is maintained, all of earth’s environmental systems are kept in balance while
natural resources within them are consumed by humans at a rate where they are able to replenish
It can be renewed as it is available in infinite Once completely consumed, it cannot be renewed due to
quantity limited stock
1. Air: Clean air is important for all the plants, animals and humans to survive on this planet. So, it is necessary to
take measures to reduce air pollution.
2. Water: 70% of the Earth is covered in water and only 2 % of that is freshwater. Initiative to educate and regulate
the use of water should be taken.
3. Soil: Soil is composed of various particles and nutrients. It helps plants grow.
4. Iron: It is found as mineral silica and is used to build strong weapons, transportation and buildings
5. Forests: Forests provide clean air and preserve the ecology of the world. Trees are being cut for housing
and construction projects
Natural Resources
The aids available from the earth or environment that are used to support life and meet people's
needs are called natural resources. Humans use All-natural substances, such as oil, natural gas, metals,
stone, sand, etc., as natural resources.
o Technological and Industrial Development: The technical and industrial growth leads to the
usage of more space, and for setting up of personal office and commercial spaces, the area
belonging to forests and agriculture is getting recast, leading towards depletion of fertile soil.
We recognise that nature provides for all of our basic requirements, but we have a tendency to
excessively abuse it. If we continue to exploit nature, there will be no available resources in the future.
Thus, conservation of nature is critical for the reasons listed:
To maintain ecological equilibrium necessary for life to exist.
To protect biodiversity
To preserve resources for current and future generations.
To assure the human race’s survival.
Our forefathers recognised the need for natural resource conservation. India has a heritage of
appreciating and safeguarding nature and natural resources. Natural resources were safeguarded by
establishing sacred groves/forests, sacred springs and lakes, sacred creatures, and so on, such as the
river Ganges.
Conservation of natural resources such as forests has been practised in our country since the reign of
King Ashoka. Sacred forests are multidimensional woodland sections devoted by tribal peoples to
their gods and ancestral spirits. In these forests, tree felling, hunting, and other human disruptions
were severely restricted. This technique is prevalent throughout peninsular, central, and eastern
India. It has led to the conservation of numerous plants and animals.
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Similarly, some bodies of water, such as the Khecheopalri lake in Sikkim, have been proclaimed holy
by the local populace, thereby safeguarding aquatic flora and fauna. Worshipping specific plants such
as banyan, peepal, and tulsi has conserved them and stimulated their growth. Throughout history,
people have sacrificed their lives to safeguard trees.
One of the most recent examples is the Chipko movement in India. Women in the village of
Gopeshwar, Chamoli district of Uttarakhand initiated this effort. They halted tree felling by hugging
them as the lumbermen approached to chop them. This resulted in preserving around 12000 square
kilometres of the fragile water catchment area. Similar moves occurred in other regions of the country
as well.
Natural Resource Conservation:
Soil Conservation
Soil conservation is preventing soil erosion and enhancing soil fertility through various approaches.
1. Soil fertility maintenance: Soil can be preserved by applying manure and fertilisers regularly,
as well as crop rotation.
2. Grazing control: Grazing should be restricted to designated locations.
3. Reforestation: Trees and plants help prevent soil erosion.
4. Terracing: Splitting a slope into multiple flat fields to manage water flow. It is primarily
practised in hilly places.
5. Contour ploughing: Ploughing at an angle to the slope enables the furrows to absorb water and
prevent soil erosion caused by rain.
Water Conservation
Water conservation and management are critical for humanity, plants, and animals to survive. This
can be accomplished in the following ways:
1. Establishing vegetation in catchment regions to retain water in the soil, seeping into greater
depths and contributing to groundwater creation.
2. Building dams and reservoirs to control water flow to the fields and to permit hydroelectric
3. Sewage should be treated before being released into rivers, and only clear water should indeed
be released.
4. Hazardous wastewater (effluents) should be handled to protect freshwater from chemical and
thermal pollution.
5. Efficient utilisation of water in our daily lives.
6. Rainwater harvesting should be accomplished by storing rainwater and groundwater recharge.
Biodiversity Preservation
There are two fundamental strategies for biodiversity conservation:-
In-situ (on-site) conservation: In-situ (on-site) conservation means protecting plants and
animals in their native habitats or protected areas. Protected areas are areas of land or sea that
have been set aside to preserve and protect biodiversity. For instance, National Parks, Wildlife
Sanctuaries, and Biosphere Reserves are examples.
Ex-situ (off-site) conservation: Ex-situ (off-site) conservation is the process of preserving
plants and animals in their native environments. Botanical gardens, zoos, gene banks, DNA
banks, seed banks, pollen banks, seedling and tissue culture facilities are only a few examples.
Conservation Legislation:
The Indian constitution has numerous acts and legislation aimed at the conservation of natural
resources. Among them are the following:
National Forest Policy, 1988
Environment Protection Act, 1986
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
Sustainable resource management is a crucial aspect of ensuring a healthy planet for future
generations. It involves using resources wisely, minimizing waste, and preserving natural ecosystems.
Here are some key practices to promote sustainability:
Energy Conservation
Renewable Energy: Transition to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower.
Energy Efficiency: Improve energy efficiency in homes, businesses, and industries through
upgrades like LED lighting, efficient appliances, and insulation.
Smart Grids: Implement smart grid technology to optimize energy distribution and reduce
Water Conservation
Efficient Water Use: Reduce water consumption in households, agriculture, and industries
through measures like water-saving fixtures, drip irrigation, and recycling wastewater.
Water Harvesting: Collect rainwater for use in gardens, landscaping, and non-potable
Water Protection: Protect water sources from pollution and ensure sustainable water
management practices.
Waste Reduction and Recycling
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Follow the 3Rs principle to minimize waste generation and maximize
resource recovery.
Composting: Compost organic waste to create nutrient-rich soil for gardening and agriculture.
Waste Management: Implement efficient waste management systems to reduce landfill waste
and promote recycling.
Sustainable Agriculture
Organic Farming: Adopt organic farming practices that minimize the use of synthetic
fertilizers and pesticides.
Agroforestry: Combine tree planting with agriculture to improve soil health, biodiversity, and
carbon sequestration.
Precision Agriculture: Use technology to optimize resource use and reduce environmental
impact in agriculture.
Forest Conservation
Reforestation: Plant trees to restore degraded forests and increase carbon sequestration.
Sustainable Forest Management: Manage forests sustainably to protect biodiversity, prevent
deforestation, and ensure the long-term health of forest ecosystems.
Community Forestry: Involve local communities in forest management to promote
sustainable practices and ensure equitable benefits.
Sustainable Transportation
Public Transportation: Encourage the use of public transportation to reduce carbon
emissions and traffic congestion.
Active Transportation: Promote walking and cycling as alternatives to motorized vehicles.
Electric Vehicles: Transition to electric vehicles to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
By implementing these practices, we can contribute to a more sustainable future and ensure that
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Equitable uses of resources for sustainable livelihoods. Here are several major
Fair Distribution: Resources should be distributed such that all individuals and communities
have access to basic necessities of life, such as food, water, housing, healthcare, and education.
Social Justice: Equitable resource usage requires tackling social inequities and injustices so
that marginalized groups, such as women, indigenous peoples, minorities, and those in need,
have equal access to resources and opportunities for livelihood development.
Environmental Sustainability: Resources must be managed in a way that maintains or
enhances the health and resilience of ecosystems, ensuring that natural resources are not
depleted faster than they can be replenished and that ecosystems are not degraded beyond
Community Participation and Empowerment: Decision-making processes related to
resource use should be inclusive and participatory, involving all relevant stakeholders,
particularly those whose lives and livelihoods are directly affected. Communities should be
empowered to manage and benefit from local resources sustainably.
Education and Capacity Building: Equitable resource use means investing in education,
training, and capacity building initiatives to enhance people’s knowledge and skills for
sustainable resource management and livelihood development.
Policy and Governance: Effective policies and governance systems are crucial for
accomplishing equitable resource utilization. It contains regulations that prohibit exploitation
and promote sustainable practices, as well as enforcement systems that hold violators
and community levels. By highlighting the benefits of sustainable practices, such as energy
conservation, water efficiency, and responsible consumption, individuals can be motivated to make
positive changes in their lifestyles. Furthermore, education can foster a sense of collective
responsibility and encourage community-based initiatives to address environmental challenges. For
example, educational campaigns can promote the use of public transportation, support local farmers'
markets, and encourage participation in community gardening projects.