The Entrepreneurial Mind

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Binalonan, Pangasinan

College of Business Administration

Course Syllabus
The Entrepreneurial Mind

Vision: Mission:
University of Eastern Pangasinan is the best holistic higher institution University of Eastern Pangasinan exists to develop highly competent
known to cultivate excellent and virtuous individuals to become catalyst of professionals and morally responsible individuals through innovations and
progress and development for both the local and the global communities industry oriented instruction, strong relevant research, responsive extension
programs, value-based curricular offering and principle-centered culture that
define the way of life in the university.
Institutional Outcomes: PROGRAM OUTCOMES
Graduates of BS Business Administration major in Financial Management
The graduates of University of Eastern Pangasinan should be able to: should be able to:
1. Critically analyze and solve problems in order to render sound 1. Demonstrate working knowledge in the areas of financial accounting
decisions. and reporting, cost accounting and management, management
accounting, accounting information systems and accounting research
2. Generate new knowledge and produce scholarly works contributory in managing business performance;
to the advancement of their profession and sustainable 2. Apply knowledge and skills that will enable them to successfully
development. respond to various types of assessments and other economic
3. Practice their respective professions efficiently and effectively. 3. Provide appropriate solutions to various accounting problems adhering
to the code of ethics and other laws governing the profession;
4. Build relationships among individuals and promote camaraderie
4. Produce accounting and finance related research studies to determine
and teamwork in the working environment. appropriate solutions to various challenges in the profession; and
5. Express themselves exemplarily in both oral and written 5. Demonstrate appropriate professional values and attitudes in
communication. performing functions as a professional accounting information
6. Demonstrate and uphold moral values and standards of the
7. Promote and preserve the historical and cultural Filipino heritage.

I. Course Description: Upon completion of this course, students will develop an “Entrepreneurial mind-set”, the underlying beliefs and assumptions that
drive the behaviors that allow entrepreneurs to succeed. Specifically, this course will help the students in building their passion of creating their own
business. In today’s global entrepreneurial economy, all members of the society whether self- employed or employed by others will benefit from
understanding and embracing an entrepreneurial mind-set.

II. Course Outcomes:

Through different topics included in this course, students are expected to:
● The students develop a sense of responsibility and a trait of a good entrepreneur as well as being motivated to set goals and objectives in creating a
● The students learn at work and to be socially responsible in business organizing them with motivation in creating their own quality product.
● The students ascribe self- management and critical thinking in order work positively in a team by creating a business plan with product

III. No. of Units: 3

IV. Course Prerequisite: None
V. Course Outline:

Learning Number Learning Content Intended Learning Mode of Delivery Teaching/ Required Assessment
Delivery of (Flexible Model) Learning Reading Activity
Outcome (ILO)
Sched Hours Activity
Per Student)
(Category A-
Category B-
Category C-Module)
Week 1 3 Vision, Mission, Orientation on the vision, Category A Content Course Recitation
Institutional Outcome, mission, institutional Discussion Syllabus
Google Meet,
Program Outcome, outcome, program
Overview of the Course outcome, overview of the
and Requirements course and requirements
for the semester.
Week 2-3 6 Module 1 At the end of this topic, Category A Content Course Essay writing
1. Entrepreneurship the students will be able
Google Meet, Discussion Module 1
1.1 Entrepreneurship Messenger, Face to
Face Class
Answer the
views with their students will analyze
business case scenarios exercises in Quiz
process and Category B
and share their rational the module
approach arguments relevant on Video Material, Activity,
Risk Management Quiz Major
1.2 Definition of
Read the Examination
Entrepreneur and module
Students will be given Category C
1.3 Entrepreneurial Module 1

1.4 Socio- economic
benefits from
1.5 Attributes, Qualities
and characteristics
of an Entrepreneur

Week 4-5 6 Module 2 At the end of this topic, Category A Content Course Essay writing
the students will be able
1. Appraising Google Meet, Discussion Module 2
yourself for an Messenger, Face to
Entrepreneurial Recitation
Face Class
2. Assessing your students will analyze Answer the
personal business case scenarios
Category B exercises in Quiz
entrepreneurial and share their rational
the module
competencies arguments relevant on Video Material, Activity,
Risk Management Quiz
3. PEC’s Self Rating Major
Questionnaire Read the Examination
4. Developing Students will be given Category C
yourself for quiz
Module 2

Week 6-7 6 Module 3 At the end of this topic, Category A

the students will be able
3. Search for Business Google Meet,
Opportunity, Ideation, Messenger, Face to
Innovation and Face Class
students will analyze
3.1 Search for business business case scenarios
Category B
opportunity and share their rational
arguments relevant on Video Material, Activity,
3.2 Ideation
Risk Management Quiz
3.3 Entrepreneurial
3.4 Environmental Students will be given Category C
stimulants for creativity quiz
Module 3
3.5 The concept and the
impact of innovation
Module 4 At the end of this topic,
the students will be able
4. Entrepreneurship
Trend and Issues
4.1 Successful students will analyze
business case scenarios
and share their rational
arguments relevant on
Risk Management

Students will be given

1 Prelim Examination

Week 8-9 6 Module 5 At the end of this topic, Category A Content Course Essay writing
5. Business Ownership the students will be able
Google Meet, Discussion Module 4
and Organization to:
Messenger, Face to
Face Class
5.1 Definition, types and Answer the
students will analyze
composition of business business case scenarios exercises in Quiz
Category B
organization and share their rational the module
arguments relevant on Video Material, Activity,
Risk Management Quiz Major
5.2 Advantages and Read the Examination
disadvantages module
Students will be given Category C
Module 4
5.3 General requirements
and procedures for
registration, dealing with
LGU, other government
and private bodies.

Week 10- 6 Module 6 At the end of this topic, Category A Content Course Essay writing
11 6. Financing the venture the students will be able Google Meet, Discussion Module 5
Messenger, Face to
Face Class
6.1 Capital requirements
Answer the
students will analyze
business case scenarios exercises in Quiz
Category B
6.2 Source of capital and share their rational the module
arguments relevant on Video Material, Activity,
Risk Management Quiz Major
6.3 Understanding IPO
Read the Examination
and process of IPO module
Students will be given Category C
Module 5
6.4 Dealing with
investment bankers, risk
in going public and
borrowing from the

6.5 The C’s of credits and

using someone else’s

Week 12- 9 Module 7 At the end of this topic, Category A Content Course Essay writing
13 the students will be able Google Meet, Discussion Module 6
to: Messenger, Face to
7. Production of Goods Recitation
Face Class
and Services Answer the
students will analyze
Category B exercises in Quiz
business case scenarios
7.1 The concept and the module
and share their rational
factors of production Video Material, Activity,
arguments relevant on
Quiz Major
7.2 Cost of production Risk Management
Read the Examination
7.3 Making production, module
planning and producing Category C
quality Students will be given
quiz Module 6
7.4 How to develop
product and manage on
how to control inventory
7.5 Marketing concept
and philosophy, market
research and need for
marketing plan
7.6 Concept fair pricing,
basic principles pricing
and pricing service

1 Midterm Examination

Week 12- 6 Module 8 At the end of this topic, Category A Content Course Essay writing
15 8. Business Plan the students will be able
Category A Discussion Module 7
Google Meet, Recitation
8.1 Concept of business Messenger, Face to
plan and principles of Answer the
students will analyze Face Class
planning business case scenarios exercises in Quiz
8.2 Stages of business and share their rational the module
plan and criteria of arguments relevant on Category B
effective planning Risk Management
Video Material, Activity, Read the Major
8.3 Components of the Quiz module Examination
Business Plan (SWOT
Analysis) Students will be given
8.4 Outline of Business quiz
Category C
Plan Module 7
8.5 Importance and some
rules to observe in
business plan
8.6 Planning and
organizing in marketing,
production, organizational
and financial
8.7 How to register your
Business and other
registering agencies

Week 16- 3 Module 9 At the end of this topic, Category A Content Course Essay writing
17 the students will be able
Google Meet, Discussion Module 8
9. Start- up operations, Messenger
getting started in
business Answer the
students will analyze
Category B
business case scenarios exercises in Quiz
and share their rational Video Material, Activity, the module
arguments relevant on Quiz
Risk Management Major
Read the Examination
Category C module
Students will be given
Module 18
Module 10 At the end of this topic, Category A Content Course Essay writing
10.Understanding the the students will be able
Google Meet, Discussion Module 8
basics of accounting to:
and finance, financial Recitation
Answer the
students will analyze
Category B
business case scenarios exercises in Quiz
and share their rational Video Material, Activity, the module
arguments relevant on Quiz
Risk Management Major
Read the Examination
Category C module
Students will be given
Module 18
Module 11 At the end of this topic, Category A Content Course Essay writing
the students will be able
Google Meet, Discussion Module 8
11.Entrepreneurship to:
Social Responsibility Recitation
and Business Ethics Answer the
students will analyze
Category B
business case scenarios exercises in Quiz
11.1 Historical Video Material, Activity,
and share their rational the module
development and theories
arguments relevant on Quiz
of social responsibility
Risk Management Major
11.2 Social Responsibility
to consumers, community Read the Examination
Category C module
and other social
responsibilities Students will be given
Module 18

1 Final Examination

Total 54 hrs

VI. Course Output:

Students are required to have Business Plan with actual product

VII. Course Requirements:

The student is expected to comply with the following:

1. Must have at least 80% attendance of the prescribed number of days.
2. Obtain satisfactory rating for quizzes, recitation and major examinations given for the course.
3. Finish and submit all requirements at the end of the semester.

VIII. Course Reference

1. Entrepreneurship in the Philippine Setting, Winifreda T. Asor, Ph.D.
2. Entrepreneurship, Feliciano R. Fajardo

IX. Course Assessment:

TERM GRADE: 40% (Major Examination) + 60% (Class Standing)

FINAL GRADE: (Prelim Grade) + (Midterm Grade) + (Tentative Final Grade)

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Instructor Dean, College of Business Administration Asst. Vice President for Academic

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