MNJ - Volume 5 - Issue 2 - Pages 37-51

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Mansoura Nursing Journal (MNJ)

vol.5. No.2 ISSN:18235-2018


Safaa M. Metwally
Lecturer in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing- Faculty of nursing- Zagazig University
Parenting styles refer to relationship and the characteristic of this relation parents make with their
kids. Parenting styles has vital role in the learning and personality development process of their kids.
The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between parenting styles and adolescents’
personality traits . Subjects and Methods: Research design: A descriptive correlational research
design was utilized in the present study. Setting: this study was conducted at three secondary schools
in Abo-Hamad city. Subjects: purposive sample composed of400 students from the previous
mentioned setting were recruited. Tools of data collection: three tools were used for data collection;
they are Socio-demographic data sheet, Big Five Inventory (BFI) and Parental Authority
Questionnaire (PAQ). Results: The results of the present study indicated that there was significant
positive correlation between permissive parenting style and openness personality traits. Authoritarian
parenting style was positively correlated with neuroticism and negatively correlated with
agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness. Furthermore, authoritative parenting style has
significant positive correlation with agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness personality traits.
Conclusion: it was concluded that there was statistically significant relationship between parenting
styles (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive), and personality traits (conscientiousness,
Openness, agreeableness, and neuroticism) among studied sample. Recommendations: counselling
program for parents on the impact of different parenting styles on adolescents’ personality traits
should be available. This will help parents to understand the influence of implementing the parenting
style that would enhance the development of their kid’s.

Key words: parenting style, personality traits, adolescents.

Family is a socio-cultural and influence the development of their
economic organization which has an children’s personality and the manners of
important influence on the growth and relating to public and intimate
development of kids’ behaviour and relationships (3). Although researchers
personality. Any defect in the parents’ have identified and employed many kinds
responsibilities results in failure on of parenting styles in literature,
children’s growth and may result in authoritative, authoritarian and permissive
behavioural complications(1). In the same styles were the most comprehensive (4).
line, Nishikawa, Sundbom, and Ha ¨gglo Parents who utilize authoritative
(2) indicated that, parent–child parenting style are commanding and direct
relationships undergo repeated changes their kids but they are reactive and
during adolescence. The method parents tolerating as well. They give instructions
utilize in raising their children and and explain its reasons. Those parents are
adolescents affects their personality more responsive to the need of their
development and susceptibility to mental children and let them sharing family’s
health problems in adulthood. decision making. parent-child
Parenting styles are defined as wide communication is characterized by
range of child raising practices, standards, reciprocal nature and both parent
and behaviours. It is the manner in which restriction and support are stabilized.
parents take care of their children that Authoritative parenting style is
Safaa M. Metwally
accompanied by acceptance and warm parent has limited creativity as a result of
relations, adaptive control methods and too much inhibition by their parents.
suitable self-reliance (5). Personality is the continuous patterns
Authoritarian parents strictly control which explains how an individual feels,
their teenagers’ practices, anticipate thinks and behaves. therefore, personality
rigorous, automatic compliance to parental is responsible for regulating individual’s
authority, refuse individuality of their kids, behaviour especially students in secondary
deal with disobedience by vigorous and school(12). There are five personality
punitive discipline, relatively ignore needs traits commonly labelled extraversion,
of their kid’s, and have firmly directive conscientiousness, agreeableness,
commands and little communication with openness and neuroticism (13).
their kid. As a result, those youths often Extraverted person is characterized by
experience negative views and fear positive emotionality, activity,
experimenting new ideas. Authoritarian friendliness, and assertiveness (14).
parenting style is characterized by high Extraversion can be revealed during
level of compulsory control and low level parent–child social interactions. It is
of permission, intimate relations and demonstrated in the quantity and quality of
raising autonomy (6). personal relationships. While satisfaction
Permissive parents have few and optimistic in social connections
instructions and requirements, encourage between extraverted persons can arouse
children to express their feelings and their parents’ positive reactions,
drives, and let them to behave freely extraverted persons’ social domination and
without any restrain (7). Parents who openness possibly lead to quarrels between
utilize permissive parenting style often parents and their children and intensify
convey sympathy and warmth, scarcely their parents control. Consequently,
impose instructions and authority, act as a extraversion among adolescent can predict
friend rather than parents. Adolescent of both parental over-reactive and parental
such parents are allowed to make any warmth discipline (15).
decisions even when they are not Conscientiousness describes
competent, to decide whatever they like individuals who are competent,
and are rarely punished by their parents achievement striving, self-discipline,
(8). Most of Adolescents raised by prefer preciseness, organization, and
permissive parents are hostile, purposeless, arrangement and have tendency to be
frequently impulsive, has little self- governed by rules and to adhere to
control, and low level of accomplishment principles (16). Many adolescent
and individuality (9). researches have proven relationship
Authoritative parenting style enhance between conscientiousness and positive
adolescents psychosocial maturation, quality of parent–child relations,
improve their academic proficiency, indicating that more conscientious
decrease delinquent behaviour and somatic adolescents not only reduce parental
complains (10). Similarly, Tanhaye- restrain but also enhance parental
Rashvanlou and Hejazi, (11) found that sympathetic and kindness (17).
adolescent of authoritative parents is Agreeableness refer to an person’s
encouraged to behave without being social direction in emotion, performance
frightened of the outcomes and and thought. Thoughtful, sympathy,
spontaneously act in societal reactive, helpful, and approachable
circumstances without social worry. On behaviour of agreeable individuals usually
the contrary, adolescent of authoritarian stimulates positive soc ial interactions,

therefore promote kind, thoughtful, Significance of the study:
deferential, and congruent interactions It is important to focus on adolescence,
with their parents (18). Indeed, because this is the period of time that
agreeableness has positive relation with antisocial and health-compromising
greater parental warmth and lower control behaviours develop. Parenting plays a vital
(19) role on adolescent personality
Openness to Experience is a personality development particularly at the secondary
dimension which accompanied by creativity, level because they are vulnerable to all
imagination, sensitivity, and curiosity. types of life style both positive and
Individuals with high levels of this trait are negative. Moreover, adolescents’ future
tending to be nonconforming, independent, and psychological development such as
and imaginative and able to succeed in physical and psychological well-being,
professions in which change is constant and educational accomplishment, risk-taking
novelty is critical. In addition, these people behaviour and self-esteem are markedly
display a preference for diversity, appreciate influenced by their parenting style. As
following novel ideas, and welcome an well, parenting behaviour can limit or
intrinsic interest in novelty (20). These support optimal individuation between
behavioural tendencies may play a part in adolescents. Parents might restrict the
conflicts between adolescents’ and their development of suitable levels of
parents raising parental control (17). individuality and independence if they
Neuroticism describes individuals who didn’t allow their children to freely follow
are liable to experience undesirable affect relationships, or make decision. Therefore,
such as sadness, despair, guilt and it is it is deemed necessary to study the impact
associated with low self-esteem, irrational of parenting style on personality trait of
perfectionistic beliefs, and distrustful adolescents.
manners (21). Aim of this study
Development of the youth can be This study aimed to identify the
enhanced by empathic and friendly relationship between parenting styles and
relation between adolescent and their adolescents’ personality traits.
parents as this affords a healthy condition Research hypothesis:
for their maturation(1). Moreover, 1- There is significant positive
Adolescents living with accepting and relationship between Authoritative
loving families experience fine parenting styles and extroversion,
developmental qualities, happiness, and conscientiousness, openness and
optimistic feelings (22). On the contrary, agreeableness personality traits of
Schofield et al., (23) revealed that, adolescents.
parenting behaviours such as compulsion 2- There is significant negative
and unkindness are accompanied by relationship between Permissive
children’s oppositional and violent parenting styles and personality trait
behaviours, inability to control of adolescents.
unacceptable behaviours, and likelihood 3- There is significant positive
for developing psychotic disease. relationship between Authoritarian
Consequently, adolescent personality parenting styles and neuroticism
development may be positively and personality trait of adolescents.
negatively related to parental kindness and Subject and methods:
harshness respectively. Research Design
A descriptive correlational research
design was utilized in this study.

Safaa M. Metwally
Research Setting conscientiousness (9 items), neuroticism
This study was conducted at three (8 items), and openness (10 items).
secondary schools in Abo-Hamad city. Scoring system: Each item is rated on
The first school was Abo-Hamad a five-point likert scale (1 = strongly
Secondary School for Boys, the second disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree
was Abo-Hamad Secondary School for nor disagree, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly
girls and the third one was Elsowa agree). Adolescents were asked to rate the
Secondary School for boys and girls. degree to which they agree or disagree
Study Subjects: with items assessing different personality
A Purposive sample consisted of 400 traits by asking “I see myself as someone
students from 1st and 2nd secondary grade who is….”. This scale has reversed items
from the previous listed secondary No (2, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 21, 23, 24, 27, 31,
schools. In the academic year 2016-2017 34, 35, 37, 41, 43). Higher scores indicate
according to the following inclusion higher levels of that particular personality
criteria: trait.
 Male and females Parental Authority Questionnaire
 Age 15-18 (PAQ): this tool was developed by by
 Live with both parents Buri (25) to asses parenting styles as
 Agree to participate in the study perceived by students. It is a thirty (30)
Tools of data collection: item questionnaire, with ten (10) items for
Three tools were utilized to each parenting style that are permissive
collect the data of this study. They (P: items 1, 6, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24
were the Socio-demographic data and 28), authoritarian (A: items 2, 3, 7, 9,
sheet, Big Five Inventory(BFI) and 12, 16, 18, 25, 26 and 29), and
Parental Authority Questionnaire authoritative/flexible (F: items 4, 5, 8, 11,
(PAQ). 15, 20, 22, 23, 27, and 30). It basically
1- students’ and parent personal data asks questions about how student’s
sheet: parents behave towards them and the
This sheet was designed by the nature of the relationship between them.
researcher to asses personal Scoring system: Each item is rated on
characteristics of the student and their a five-point Likert scale ranging from
parents. strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).
 personal characteristics of the The PAQ is scored by summing the
student included personal data individual items to comprise the subscale
e.g. age, gender, school grade, scores. Scores on each subscale range
residence, birth order and from 10 to 50. Cronbach's alpha was
number of brothers/ sisters. reported by other study as follow
 personal characteristics of the permissive parenting (0.69), authoritarian
parents included personal data (0.73) for parenting, and authoritative
e.g. age, educational level and parenting (0.77) (6).
occupation. Content validity & reliability:
Big Five Inventory (BFI): this tool Content validity was established for
was developed by John, Donahue, & the tools by five jury from academic staff
Kentle (24) to asses personality traits. It at faculty of nursing - Zagazig University
consists of 44 items divided into five (psychiatric nursing departments) who
subscales: extraversion (8 items), revised the tools for applicability, clarity,
agreeableness (9 items), understanding and ease for
implementation. Tools were translated

into Arabic language using the translation to the Security Department in the
-back translation technique to ensure their Directorate of Education at Zagazig city,
original validity. Reliability of the tools after that to directors of Educational
was assisted through test and retest. It was Administration in Abo-Hamad city. The
measured by administered the students were given a verbal description
questionnaire twice at different point in of the study's aims. They were informed
time. Scores from repeated testing were about their rights to refuse or withdraw
compared. This kind of reliability is used from the study, without untoward
to assess the consistency of test across consequences. The confidentiality of the
time. collected data was confirmed by the
Field work researcher and it will be used only for the
After obtaining permission for starting purpose of scientific research.
the study, the researcher met the directors Problems and limitations of the
of the selected three schools to explain the study:
aim and the importance of the study as The 1st and 2nd secondary grade are
well as data collection forms and asked only included in the study due to the
for their cooperation to facilitate data frequent absenteeism of the 3rd secondary
collection. The researcher entered the grade.
classrooms, introduced herself to the Statistical Design
students, and explained the nature of the Data entry and statistical analysis were
study and the data collection forms to done using (SPSS) version (20)
them. Clear instructions on how to (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).
complete the questionnaire were given. Scoring of sociodemographic, parenting
The researcher stayed in the classroom styles and personality trait were done
while students were filling in the according to original tools' guidelines. For
questionnaire sheets to answer any quantitative data, the range, mean and
question. The questionnaire sheet took standard deviation were calculated.
about 30-40 minutes from the student to Independent t- test and Anova were used
answer it. Data collection continued from for quantitative normally distributed data
of October 2016 to the end of February for detection difference between two
2017. different groups. Correlation between
B-Pilot study: variables was evaluated using Pearson’s
A pilot study was conducted on 10% correlation coefficient (r). Significance
of the studied sample from the two was adopted at p<0.05 for interpretation
secondary grade. It was done to test of results of tests of significance. and high
clarity and the feasibility of the tools, as statistical significance at <0.01.
well as to estimate the needed time for Results:
completing the tools. The scales did not Table (1) displayed that, the age of
need any modification. The students who the studied subjects ranged from 15 to 18
shared in the pilot study were excluded years, with mean (16.14 ± 0.64). More
from the main study sample. than half of them were females (54.3%),
Administrative and Ethical living in rural area (60%), were in the first
consideration: grade (67.8) have higher birth order
After approval of the ethics (63.2%), the number of sibling ranged
committee, the permission for conducting between 0 and 5, with mean (1.8 ± 0.58).
the study was obtained by submitting an Concerning parents' personal
official letter issued from the dean of the characteristics, this table revealed also
faculty of nursing at Zagazig University that, mothers’ age ranged from 29 to 57

Safaa M. Metwally
years, with mean (41.3 ± 5.8). More than personality. Permissive was positive
half of the mothers and fathers had basic predictor for openness personality.
or intermediate education (56%, and Discussion:
53.5%) respectively. As for their job, Parenting styles utilized by parents are
majority of the fathers (72.2%) were important not only in identifying mental
manual workers, while more than half of health of kids but also in determining the
the adolescent mothers’ were housewives development of their personality and the
(61%). In relation to fathers’ age, it methods of interacting with intimate and
ranged from 35 to 72 years, with mean social relationships (3). Moreover,
(48.6 ± 6.5). parenting styles had a significant
Table (2) revealed that, the highest influence on children’s attitude,
mean score was for openness personality educational accomplishment and the
trait (73.5 ± 7.3) followed by selection of occupation (4).
conscientiousness and agreeableness The result of the present study
(77.3 ± 9.5 and 77.3 ± 7.1) respectively. indicated that, openness personality trait
Table (3) illustrated that, the highest had the highest mean score of personality
mean score was for authoritative traits among the studied adolescents this
parenting style (37.7 ± 6.7) followed by might be due to that, most of the
authoritarian and permissive parenting respondents experienced wide interests in
style (27.9 ± 6.3 and 27.6 ± 6.1) exploring new experiences, being
respectively. imaginative, mental curiosity, and
Table (4) showed that there were complexity of their intellectual and
various significant positive and negative experimental life. Conversely, they got
correlations between domains of the lowest score in neuroticism which
personality traits and parenting style. talks about the respondents’ susceptibility
there was significant positive correlation to experience negative emotions such as
between permissive parenting style and anxiety, low self-esteem, impulsiveness,
openness personality traits (r= .129). shyness, stress, hostility, irrational
Authoritarian was positively correlated thinking, and depression. These results
with neuroticism (r= .118). and negatively were supported by the findings of a study
correlated with agreeableness, done in Philippines by Datu (26) who
conscientiousness and openness (r= - found that, the respondents had
.099, -.117 and -.119 respectively). manifested an elevated score in openness
Furthermore, authoritative has significant to experience and the lowest score in
positive correlations with agreeableness, neuroticism.
conscientiousness and openness ( r=.316, The findings of this study revealed
.165 and.125 respectively). that, authoritative parenting style
Table (5) displayed Best fitting appeared to be the most utilized style by
multiple linear regression model for the which respondents’ parents were
scores of personality trait domain and connecting with them. This could be
parenting style. It demonstrated that, related to that, most of the respondents
authoritative parenting style was positive saw their parents demonstrating features
predictor for agreeableness and of authoritativeness. Such parents
conscientiousness personality. attempted to direct their children’s
Authoritarian was positive predictor for behaviors. They encouraged discussion,
neuroticism personality, meanwhile it was explanations for rules and reasoning with
negative predictor for openness their children. This would allow their
children to freely discuss their social,

personal, and educational worries with self-confidence, showed less stability in
their parents for suitable solutions as well doing their homework, made immediate
as sharing their plans with them for decisions, and dependent on adults.
appropriate instructions. This was According to the present study, there
consistent with the finding of a study was significant positive correlation
done in Ghana which revealed that, the between Authoritarian parenting style and
most utilized parenting style as neuroticism. this result might be due to
recognized by the students in their study adolescents are raised by authoritarian
was authoritative style. Those parents parent and repeatedly threatened and
exhibited behaviors like supporting their living in constant fear. Those children are
kids to discuss their problems, directing likely to be depressed, socially isolated,
them by reasoning, giving praise when had low self-esteem, experience much
their kids behave well(4). In contrary, stress, low curiosity and aggression to
Khairollah (27) found that secondary others. This goes on line with a study
school students identified that done in Netherlands by Huver et al., (10)
authoritarian parenting style was the most who found that, neuroticism was related
utilized parenting styles by their parents. to less parental warmth and strict control
In the same line, Ijeoma , Omolara and over adolescent behavior. In the same line
Oluyemi (28) reported that, authoritarian Sigelman and Rider (7), and Pearson, (9)
parenting style (high levels of control and indicated that, children raised by
low levels of warmth) was the most authoritarian parents were apparently
common parenting practice as hopeless, nervous, irritable, insecure and
documented by minority American nearly purposeless.
adolescents, as well as adolescents from In another study, authoritarian
Arab and Asian countries. parenting style was accompanied by
This study also indicated that, there marked psychological symptoms like
was significant positive correlation depressive and anxiety symptoms,
between permissive parenting style and impaired communication skills, and
openness personality trait. This is might failure to initiate activity (31). Similarly,
be due to that, permissive parents rarely Puff (32) revealed that, negative parenting
put rules to regulate their kids’ behavior behaviors had a harmful effect on
and utilize a sympathetic and accepting children’s emotional and behavioral
attitude in dealing with their children. functioning as well as on their
Those parents allowed their kids to decide development of cognitions as they
whatever they like regardless their age. proceeded through adolescence. On the
These children felt free to pass through contrary de Haan et al., (15) found that,
any new experience without fear of parental warmth was positively related to
consequences. This was in agreement adolescent’s neuroticism, proposing that
with other study which mentioned that feelings of insecurity and anxiety in
openness personality traits had a positive psychologically unstable teenagers
relationship with permissive parenting probably indicate sympathy and positive
style(29). These results were in emotions in their parents.
disagreement with a study done in Iran In the present study, there was a
(30) which indicated that, intellectual negative correlation between authoritarian
development and creativity of the children parenting style and openness. This could
negatively influenced by permissive be due to that, parents utilizing
parenting style. Those children tended to authoritarian parenting style strictly
be disobedient and immature, had low control their kids’ behavior, expecting

Safaa M. Metwally
firm, automatic acceptance of their personality trait had positive relationship
parental authority, and frequently punish with authoritative and authoritarian
their children when they don’t obey their parenting styles.
orders. Those children always develop The findings of this study also
fear in dealing with new experience. This revealed that, authoritative parenting style
goes on line with Tanhaye-Rashvanlou & had significant positive correlations with
Hejazi, (11) who indicated that, agreeableness, conscientiousness and
authoritarian parents could limit their openness. This might be due to that
children’s creativity and imagination as a authoritative parents accepted
result of too much inhibition. Similarly, individuality of their children and
Maddahi, et al., (33) found that, encourage them to act freely in new
authoritarian parenting style was situation without fear. Those children
negatively related to openness were likely to be intellectually curious
personality trait. and open-minded. This finding was in
The findings of this study also agreement with a study done in Slovenia
indicated that, there were significant which revealed that, curiosity, creativity,
negative correlations between and flexibility among adolescents
authoritarian parenting style, revealed warm parenting style, probably
agreeableness and conscientiousness because they are able to accommodate to
personality traits. This was consistent new developmental tasks, mainly self-
with Edobor &Ekechuk (12) who found exploration ability(15). Also, Zupancic
that, the authoritarian parents who and Kavcic (14) found that, agreeableness
expecting orders to be obeyed without were positively related to good
explanation, power assertive and statue relationship between adolescents and their
oriented tended to become a model for the parents, i.e. high level of parental
adolescent’s to imitate in future. Hence, sympathy and lower level of restriction.
parents’ show of aggressiveness both in Similarly, Desjardines, et al., (35)
words and actions would affect the reported that, adolescents raised by
students’ level of agreeableness. Other authoritative parenting style had better
study indicated that, repeatedly threatened educational accomplishment, and social-
children are more likely to be isolated, emotional development. Moreover, they
depressed, experiencing much stress, low showed higher organized and rational
self-esteem, , and aggressive behavior orientation, had better psychological
(30). Moreover, authoritarian parents limit development, more scientific competence
their children’s development of creativity as well as less neglectful behavior and
and cognition. As well, Xie et al, (34) physical symptoms (33). In addition, Puff
found that, authoritarian parenting style (32) revealed that, children with
was negatively correlated with their authoritative parents (i.e., those who
children’s emotional stability and provide both support and discipline)
personal relations. On the other hand, experience more positive emotional and
Maddahi and Samadzadeh (29) behavioral functioning. These children
contradicted with the study finding; they were confident about their abilities, more
found that, personality traits of competent in areas of achievement, better
agreeableness, extroversion and openness adjusted, and less likely to have
had positive relationship with behavioral difficulties when compared to
authoritarian parenting style and has children with authoritarian and permissive
negative relationship with authoritative parenting styles. Also, Schofield, et al.,
parenting style and conscientiousness (23), found that, high levels of parental

warmth and low levels of hostility were with agreeableness, conscientiousness
positively predicted conscientiousness, and openness. Furthermore, authoritative
agreeableness, and low neuroticism (i.e., parenting style had significant positive
emotional stability). correlations with agreeableness,
Consistent with this perspective, conscientiousness and openness.
authoritative parents’ children were Recommendations
optimistic, socially competent, Based on the results of this study, it
independent, cooperative and the best was recommended that,
adjusted children(1). In the same line, - Educational programs for parents and
Hong ,Long and Abdull Rahman (36) teachers helping them to know and
found that, children of authoritative understand types of parenting style
parents are more likely to be sympathy, and their influences on the relationship
socially proficient and cheerful, self- between adolescent and their parents
reliant and accountable. They were also and to get red of problems of this
liked to discover novel objects around period.
them. The nature of discovering novel - Further researches to identify the
objects enhance social ability among predictors factors of adolescents’
adolescents. personality traits and how they affect
Conclusion their physical and psychological
Based on the study findings, it was health.
concluded that, that there was statistically Teachers should identify different
significant positive correlation between parenting styles and their effect on
permissive parenting style and openness adolescents’ personality traits. This will
personality trait. Authoritarian parenting assist them to appropriately deal with
style was positively correlated with problems as they arise in the teaching and
neuroticism and negatively correlated learning situation among students.

Safaa M. Metwally
Table 1: Personal characteristics of the adolescents and their parents in the study sample
characteristics Frequency Percent %
Age (years):
Range 15 - 18
Mean±SD 16.14 ± 0.64
Female 217 54.3
Male 183 45.7
Rural 240 60.0
Urban 160 40.0
1st year 271 67.7
2nd year 129 32.3
Birth order:
˂3 147 36.8
≥3 253 63.2
Mean±SD 2.83 ± 0.83
No of brothers/ sisters
˂3 374
≥3 26 93.5
range 0-5 6.5
Mean±SD 1.8 ± 0.58
Mother age 219 54.8
˂ 41 181 45.2
≥ 41
range 29-57
Mean±SD 41.3 ± 5.8
Mother education
Illiterate/ read and write 63 15.7
Basic/ intermediate 224 56.0
University 113 28.3
Mother job:
Housewife 244 61.0
Working 156 39.0
father Age (years):
˂55 323 80.8
≥55 77 19.2
Range 35-72
Mean±SD 48.6 ± 6.5
father Education:
Illiterate/ read and write 48 12
Basic/ intermediate 214 53.5
university 138 34.5
Father job:
clerical 289 27.8
manual work 111 72.2

Table(2) : mean Scores of personality trait domains (n=400)

Item median Mean±SD Range

Extroversion 26 59.7 ± 7.7 10-39

Agreeableness 34 77.3 ± 7.1 17-45

Conscientiousness 34 77.3 ± 9.5 16- 45

Neuroticism 24 57.7 ± 9.3 8- 40

Openness 37 73.5 ± 7.3 21- 64

Table(3): mean Scores of parenting style domains (n=400)

Item median Mean±SD Range

Permissive 28 27.6 ± 6.1 12 - 57

Authoritarian 28 27.9 ± 6.3 10- 46

Authoritative 39 37.7 ± 6.7 10- 50

Table 4: correlation between variables of personality traits and parenting style

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
extroversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness neuroticism Openness
r r R r r
permissive .049 .001 -.014 -.031 .129**

Authoritarian .001 -.099* -.117* .118* -.119*

authoritative .012 .316** .165** -.056 .125*

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Safaa M. Metwally
Table 5: Best fitting multiple linear regression model for QOL scores (n=400)
Unstandardized Standardized 95.0% Confidence
Item Coefficients Coefficients
t-test p-value
Interval for B
B Std.Error Beta Lower Upper
Extraversion personality score
(Constant) 24.736 1.595 . 15.508 .000 21.601 27.872
Permissive .029 .031 048 .939 .348 -.032 .089
Authoritarian .002 .030 .004 .072 .942 -.056 .060
Authoritative .002 .028 .004 .085 .932 -.053 .058

r-square = 0.002, Model ANOVA: F=0.315

Agreeableness personality score
(Constant) 28.345 1.642 17.260 .000 25.117 31.574
Permissive -.038 .032 -.058 -1.197 .232 -.100 .024
Authortranian -.033 .030 -.051 -1.070 .285 -.092 .027
Authoritative .190 .029 .318 6.509 .000 .133 .248
r-square = 0.105, Model ANOVA: F=15.56
Conscientiousness personality score
(Constant) 32.262 2.501 12.900 .000 27.345 37.178
Permissive -.044 .048 -.046 -.918 .359 -.139 .051
Authortranian -.087 .046 -.094 -1.878 .061 -.178 .004
Authoritative .139 .044 .158 3.124 .002 .052 .226
r-square = 0.038, Model ANOVA: F=5.170
neuroticism personality score
(Constant) 23.565 2.510 9.389 .000 18.630 28.499
Permissive -.020 .048 -.021 -.410 .682 -.115 .075
Authortranian .103 .047 .112 2.212 .028 .011 .194
Authoritative -.031 .045 -.035 -.685 .494 -.118 .057
r-square = 0.016, Model ANOVA: F=2.115
Openness personality score
(Constant) 34.827 2.013 17.301 .000 30.870 38.784
Permissive .085 .039 .109 2.184 .030 .008 .161
Authortranian -.075 .037 -.101 -2.019 .044 -.149 -.002
Authoritative .064 .036 .090 1.774 .077 -.007 .134
r-square = 0.037, Model ANOVA: F=5.125
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