BMS Interview Questions and Answers - BMS System
BMS Interview Questions and Answers - BMS System
BMS Interview Questions and Answers - BMS System
I have listed some basic interview questions and answers for building
automation industry and I used to update this post frequently.
If you are experienced in BMS already and looking for further career
development, Then the questions will be based on the product knowledge
already has, and other non-technical questions like salary package,
communications, attitude, team player and other soft-skills.
In upcoming my next post, let me try to write detailed about the how to get
the jobs in the various industry as entry-level and experienced level by
understanding the various expectation of employers/interviewers
especially in automation Engineer field. Keep in touch/Subscribe with this
blog to get further updates.
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Building Management System course
Understand the BACnet Protocol
Networking protocols
Management Level: This is the front end for operator and engineer used to
visualise the graphics for controlling and monitoring the systems which
have computer workstation, server, web browser, printers.
Field devices Level: this is Level where BMS controllers connect to field
systems sensors, actuators, and other panel circuits to monitor and
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What is Trend log?
Trend logs help you troubleshoot problem areas and identify critical
operating trends in your system. For example, log the temperature in a
room to see if the system is keeping it within desired set points.
What is Report?
We can generate a report for any type of alarm, Trend log or events in the
required format for over a period of time
What is Scheduling?
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Optimum start adjusts the heating or cooling start time in an attempt to
bring zone temperatures to the appropriate setpoint for occupancy. For
example, you want the classrooms in your school to be at a comfortable
temperature (their individual set points) before class begins. You can do
this by first setting up each classroom as a zone and linking a schedule to
each zone.
Then, you set up an optimum start for each zone (classroom). Optimum
start calculates when to start warming or cooling the classrooms based
on the settings you define.
What is Micro-controllers?
What is Resistors?
Ohm’s law states that the current through a conductor between two points
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is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points. Introducing
the constant of proportionality, the resistance, one arrives at the usual
mathematical equation that describes this relationship
What is Relay?
Relays are the switches which aim at closing and opening the circuits
electronically as well as electromechanically. It controls the opening and
closing of the circuit contacts of an electronic circuit. When the relay
contact is open (NO), the relay isn’t energized with the open contact.
However, if it is closed (NC), the relay isn’t energize given the closed
contact. However, when energy (electricity or charge) is supplied, the
states are prone to change
DDC is a controller which use the analogue or digital signals from various
devices of a field sensor and actuators and then process and control the
system based on the program written inside the controllers and has the
capability to sends the information to another controller or DDC.
Digital Input – DI
Digital inputs are binary inputs (0 or 1) that are applied to the DDC. Binary
inputs are basically voltages, varying from 5V to 230V depending upon the
type of card used. In simple words, any push-button, switches or sensors
produces digital inputs to a DDC. Digital inputs are used to check the
status of any devices whether it is ON or OFF. For an Input module of
24Vdc, 0Vdc acts as OFF state (Binary 0) and 24Vdc acts as ON state
(Binary 1).
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Digital Output – DO
Analog Input – AI
Analog input is a continuous input from the field to the DDC. Unlike digital
signals, is not a constant voltage signal. It can vary depending on the field
conditions. The commonly used analogue signals are 4-20mA signal and
0-10Vdc Signal. Depending on the field conditions the input signal can vary
between 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc. For Example, if you are monitoring a
pressure of water flowing through a pipe using a pressure transmitter of
range 0-10 Bar, the transmitter will give a signal between 0 and 10V
proportional to the pressure in the pipe.
Analog Output – AO
Analogue output is a continuous output from DDC to the field devices. For
example, if you have a variable frequency drive and you want to give a
speed reference signal to it you can use analogue output. Otherwise, if you
are measuring the pressure using analogue input as explained above and
you would like to display it on an analogue meter you can use an analogue
output of DDC.
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One of the parameters of any square wave is duty cycle. Most square
waves are 50%, this is the norm when discussing them, but they don’t have
to be symmetrical. The ON time can be varied completely between the
signal being off to being fully on, 0% to 100%, and all ranges between.
Shown below are examples of a 10%, 50%, and 90% duty cycle. While the
frequency is the same for each, this is not a requirement.
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What are Open-loop and closed-loop control system?
Open Loop Control System
In the open-loop control system, the output does not affect the control
action of the system. In other words, the system whose working depends
on time is known as the open-loop control system. The open-loop system
is free from the feedback. Let’s understand this with the help of the few
The dryer stops working even if the desired output is not obtained. This
shows that the system has no feedback. Here clothes dryer is the example
of the open-loop system and the timer is the controller of the system.
What is PID?
As the name suggests, this article is going to give a precise idea about the
structure and working of the PID controller. However going into details, let
us get an introduction about PID controllers.
What is Database?
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The database management system (DBMS) is the software that interacts
with end-users, applications, and the database itself to capture and
analyze the data. The DBMS software additionally encompasses the core
facilities provided to administer the database. The total of the database,
the DBMS and the associated applications can be referred to as a
“database system”. Often the term “database” is also used to loosely refer
to any of the DBMS, the database system or an application associated
with the database.
SQL is the standard language for dealing with Relational Databases. SQL
can be used to insert, search, update, and delete database records. SQL
can do lots of other operations, including optimizing and maintenance of
databases. SQL stands for Structured Query language, pronounced as “S-
Q-L” or sometimes as “See-Quel”… Relational databases like MySQL
Database, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, etc. use ANSI SQL.
BMS System main purpose for controlling the HVAC system by its own
DDC Controller whereas other connected equipment’s in the building can
be monitored.
Apart from that other ELV system like Lighting control system, Fire alarm,
UPS, Metering, etc can be integrated through over Communication
network instead of the hardwiring cable by building network protocols like
BACnet, Modbus, Lonworks, OPC and more
What is HVAC?
What is AHU?
Air handling units’ condition and distribute air within a building. They take
fresh ambient air from outside, clean it, heat it or cool it, maybe humidify it
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and then force it through some ductwork around to the designed areas
within a building. Most units will have an additional duct run to then pull
the used dirty air out of the rooms, back to the AHU, where a fan will
discharge it back to the atmosphere. Some of this return air might be
recirculated back into the fresh air supply to save energy, we’ll have a look
at that later in the article. Otherwise, where that isn’t possible, thermal
energy can be extracted and fed into the fresh air intake. Again we’ll look
at that later in more detail.
What is FCU?
CU stands for fan coil unit but often engineers will just call them a fan coil,
to save time. Fan coil units are very common in all types of buildings, from
offices, bars, canteens, even some homes and apartments will have a fan
coil unit in them. Fan coil units are used to condition the local air to suit
the temperature requirements of the immediate space.
What is VAV?
What is DDC?
DDC is a controller which use the analogue or digital signals from various
devices of a field sensor and actuators and then process and control the
system based on the programme written inside the controllers and has the
capability to sends the information to another controller or DDC
The Dry Bulb temperature usually referred to as “air temperature”, is the air
property that is most commonly used. When people refer to the
temperature of the air they are normally referring to the dry-bulb
The Dry Bulb Temperature refers basically to the ambient air temperature.
It is called “Dry Bulb” because the air temperature is indicated by a
thermometer not affected by the moisture of the air.
The rate of evaporation from the wet bandage on the bulb, and the
temperature difference between the dry bulb and wet bulb, depends on the
humidity of the air. The evaporation from the wet muslin is reduced when
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the air contains more water vapour.
he Dew Point is the temperature where water vapour starts to condense
out of the air (the temperature at which air becomes completely
saturated). Above this temperature, the moisture stays in the air.
If moisture condenses on a cold bottle taken from the refrigerator the dew-
point temperature of the air is above the temperature in the refrigerator.
What is Humidity?
Relative humidity (RH) is the ratio between the amount of water vapour
(moisture) in the air at a given temperature to the maximum amount of
water vapour the air can hold at that temperature. RH is expressed as a
percentage (%). A rudimentary way to calculate it is by using a
psychrometer to measure the dry and wet bulb temperature.
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For example, 50% RH at a warm temperature has more water vapour than
50% RH at a colder temperature
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What is PICV?
Pressure Independent Control Valves (PICV) can help reduce energy costs
and increase occupant comfort in heating and cooling coil applications in
buildings. A PICV is best described as two valves in one: a standard 2-way
control valve and a balancing valve. PICV obtain optimal results because
only the necessary amount of hot water (in GPM) and chilled water (in
GPM) is delivered to the heating and cooling coils. Standard 2-way control
valves allow for overflow and underflow especially if the CV is oversized or
undersized. This generates excess water to the pump to compensate for
their inaccuracy, which increases pumping cost. The actuators on PICV
valves do not cycle as often as standard 2-way valves to compensate for
pressure changes in the system that impact the flow, which results in
energy savings.
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What is Pre-Commissioning?
Programming Engineer
Testing Equipment
Once the system is ready to control and monitor from BMS PC.
Then Checklist should be submitted to the contractor/consultant to
raise inspection.
The consultant will check every point from BMS PC to ensure the
working of sensors and sequence of operation. Contact us
Training and Handover
Guidance, interview questions, JObs
Guide for BMS Operator
How Qatar Based Companies, Professionals can prepare themselves
for Qatar National Vision – QNV2030
Nishar Ansari
November 18, 2020 at 11:08 am
Hi sir ,
Its very useful for me … Thanks sir
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November 18, 2020 at 11:31 am
Thanks for your reply and i happy that some one benefits from it.
March 12, 2021 at 9:39 pm
March 12, 2021 at 9:44 pm
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IP68 enclosure
March 17, 2021 at 1:53 pm
This is really appreciated that you have presented this data over
here, I love all the information shared. It will be very helpful to
understand the bms interview questions and answers!! This is a
lovely and informative post…
May 11, 2021 at 6:11 pm
Hiii, Thank you for the basics but I m experienced in BMS Executive,
all the answers are correct.. Tomorrow I have a interview of
promotion as a roll employee, it could be usefull for recollect for the
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May 11, 2021 at 6:13 pm
Hiii, Thank you for the basics I m experienced in BMS Executive, all
the answers are correct.. Tomorrow I have a interview of promotion
as a roll employee, it could be usefull for recollect for the system..
Yasar Mansoor
August 10, 2021 at 10:56 pm
Thank you so much for this effort. Do you have any information
about integrating BMS software with Asset Management software
such as Maximo?
Ejaz Ahmad
August 24, 2021 at 9:28 am
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Lovely great sir
K S Anilkumar
September 25, 2021 at 12:20 pm
hello sir,
iam looking for bms estimation course or manual
April 13, 2022 at 5:18 pm
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Thank you for sharing the basic information about bms…
April 13, 2022 at 5:22 pm
Mohammad Rafiuddin
May 9, 2022 at 9:12 am
September 23, 2022 at 5:30 am
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Ismail bathees
April 2, 2024 at 12:32 pm
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