Etiologia Da Erupção Ectópica em Dentes Permanentes - Revisão Sistemática
Etiologia Da Erupção Ectópica em Dentes Permanentes - Revisão Sistemática
Etiologia Da Erupção Ectópica em Dentes Permanentes - Revisão Sistemática
Artigos Científicos
The inclusion flow diagram of the aspects. For upper molars, there is a
studies is shown in figure 2. Medline/Pubmed tendency for larger teeth, variation in arch
and Scopus yielded 504 articles. Using length (increase or decrease), mesial
Pubmed as a reference, 168 were excluded by angulation of the tooth, decrease of ANB
duplicate. Thus, the two bases identified 336 angle, and decrease of maxillary tuberosity
unique articles. The OpenGray platform and distance to the distal aspect of the maxillary
manual search did not result in any articles. first molar. For canines, the factors are the
Based on the title and abstract, we excluded vertical level of the tooth to the occlusal plane,
66 more studies. 265 articles were excluded distance and angulation to the midline, the
after reading the full text, for reasons detailed location of the ectopic tooth, shorter and
in table 2. Thus, five studies remained for narrower palate and decreased arch length
arch, dental angulation, changes in skeletal Perhaps, other studies with this
measurements, premature deciduous tooth approach can be carried out, in order to
loss. This infers that the upper teeth are more confirm or not the genetic relation. Since
affected because of a higher probability of there is a large number of reports of ectopic
such events occurring for the ectopic eruption in patients with cleft lip and palate
21-23. However, the methodology used in the
However, the studies deal with certain single study found about genetic 13 it is not so
difficulties, considering that the dental good at the methodological quality,
eruption is a biological event that has a high considering that only a family questionnaire
number of variables involved, in other words, and clinical examination were used, genetic
it is difficult to identify the common patterns. sequencing could have been used to search
The local factors predictors can be for a specific marker for alteration. In
independent or still related, which is complex addition, it is necessary to consider the local
to dissociate, since the patients are in the confounding factors that these patients may
growth and development phase, which present, characteristics that they present and
demands its attendance. already related to ectopic eruption, such as
Knowing the etiological factors, much agenesis, peg-shaped teeth, supernumerary
can be done to patients, in order to avoid teeth and maxillary atresia.
irreversible damage in advanced cases, such
For the studies included in this studies do not answer the requirements for
systematic review, methodological quality and high scientific evidence.
risk of bias are negative. The majority of the
studies answered in an unclear way to the References
objectives, lacking to highlight some 1. Hwang S, Choi YJ, Lee JY, Chung C,
important detail. It is true that two of the four Kim KH. Ectopic eruption of the maxillary
second molar: Predictive factors. Angle
included studies, date to the 1980s and Orthod. 2017; 87(4):583-9.
1990s, when such criteria were not yet 2. Garib DG, Lancia M, Kato RM,
Oliveira TM, Neves LT. Risk of developing
required as nowadays. palatally displaced canines in patients with
In most of studies, some information early detectable dental anomalies: a
retrospective cohort study. J Appl Oral Sci.
are missed as criteria for inclusion, identified 2016; 24(6):549-54.
confounding factors and strategies to deal 3. Jang E, Lee K, An S, Song J, Ra J.
Retrospective Study of Association between
with them, then the statistical analysis turns Displacement of Maxillary Canine and Tooth
to be inappropriate. Only one study did not Agenesis. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2015;
identify test and control groups, however, a 4. Hadler-Olsen S, Pirttiniemi P,
random allocation was not evident in all Kerosuo H, Bolstad Limchaichana N, Pesonen
P, Kallio-Pulkkinen S, Lähdesmäki R. Root
studies. resorptions related to ectopic and normal
Of all the studies found in the eruption of maxillary canine teeth - A 3D
study. Acta Odontol Scand. 2015; 73(8):609-
literature about ectopic eruption, very few are 15.
related to etiological research. Many of them 5. Sajnani AK, King NM. Dental
anomalies associated with buccally- and
are case reports with orthodontic / orthopedic palatally-impacted maxillary canines. J
treatment options for ectopic teeth 24-25. Investig Clin Dent. 2014; 5(3):208-13.
6. Uribe P, Ransjö M, Westerlund A.
Others evaluate predictive or associated Clinical predictors of maxillary canine
factors 1-3, in other words, the etiology is not impaction: a novel approach using
multivariate analysis. Eur J Orthod. 2017;
the final objective of the study. 39(2):153-60.
7. Stewart JA, Heo G, Glover KE,
Williamson PC, Lam EW, Major PW. Factors
CONCLUSION that relate to treatment duration for patients
with palatally impacted maxillary canines.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2001;
The influence of local factors on the 119(3):216-25.
8. Bjerklin K. Ectopic eruption of the
ectopic eruption is evident with this study. maxillary first permanent molar. An
However, more studies investigating the epidemiological, familial, aetiological and
longitudinal clinical study. Swed Dent J
multifactorial etiology, with methodological Suppl. 1994; 100:1-66.
quality, should be performed, because most