Transport of Materials 2023 (Kugonza)
Transport of Materials 2023 (Kugonza)
Transport of Materials 2023 (Kugonza)
Movement of materials in and out of the cells is vital in all living organisms. Unicellular organisms and
multicellular organisms like hydra have simple methods of transporting materials across the cell. This
is mainly by simple diffusion. Such organisms possess a large surface area to volume ratio and each
cell can exchange useful materials and waste products directly to the external environment.
In higher organisms, both plants and animal tissues are bulky and the body is complex. Diffusion
alone cannot efficiently supply the body’s requirements. Such organisms involve a highly
vascularized conducting muscular tissue to enable movement of important materials through the
The transport system/circulatory system consists of the following:
❖ Tubular tissue in which substances move
❖ Fluid that dissolves the substance
❖ Pumping organ for circulatory of materials
Plants do not have a pumping organ and a vascular tissue is separated by space whereby the xylem
tissue which transports water and mineral salts has no direct contact with the phloem tissue which
translocate dissolved food substances. In both water is the fluid in which materials are dissolved.
Animals have a pumping organ that enables the circulation of the fluid in the blood vessels so that
materials can be supplied to the whole body. Animals therefore have a circulatory system. There are
several functions of the transport system;
❖ Transport of materials from one part of the body to another.
❖ Transport of waste products.
❖ Movement of important substances i.e. water, hormones, enzymes, etc.
❖ Movement of respiratory gases.
The transport system in all higher organisms forms a system of vessels which forms a complex
soil particles
Apoplast pathway:
This is where water flows along the cell walls between the different cortex cells. Along this route,
there is less resistance to water flow.
Symplast pathway:
Here water moves from cytoplasm to cytoplasm through plasmadesmata. There is some resistance
along this route.
Vacuolar pathway:
Water moves from vacuole to vacuole. The resistance to water flow is too high due to high
concentration of the vacuole. A limited amount of water moves to the xylem through this route.
Towards the xylem tissue, there is an epidermal layer with casparian strip. The strip is made of
suberin which impermeable to water. The strip prevents flow of water through the Apoplast pathway.
Water is therefore forced to pass through the cytoplasm of endodermal cells. Some endodermal cells
secret materials close and into the xylem tissue which increases the osmotic pressure along the
region. This increases the flow of water into the xylem tissue from the cortex region.
Uptake of ions
Ions are absorbed into the root hairs, transported across the root, and then into the xylem. They then
travel in solution in water to all parts of the plant.
The mechanism by which ions are taken up by root hairs depends on their concentration in the soil
solution. If a particular type of ion is in a higher concentration in the soil than inside the root hair cell,
then it will be absorbed by facilitated diffusion. This does not require any energy input by the plant.
If, however, the concentration of the ion in the soil is lower than that inside the root hair cell, then it
must be absorbed by active transport. Specific transporter proteins use energy derived from the
hydrolysis of ATP to move ions through the cell membrane into the cytoplasm.
This is the loss of water inform of water vapour from the aerial parts of the plant to the atmosphere.
Transpiration is as a result of evaporation of water from the mesophyll cells into the air spaces then
out of the leaf through the stoma. It normally occurs over the leaves that have numerous pores
(stoma). It can also occur at the bark where there are lenticels and some water can be lost through
the cuticle.
It is essential that everything in the potometer is completely watertight and airtight, so that no leakage
of water occurs and so that no air bubbles break the continuous water column.
To achieve this, it helps if you can insert the plant stem into the apparatus with everything submerged
in water, so that air bubbles cannot enter the xylem when you cut the stem. It also helps to cut the
end of the stem with a slanting cut, as air bubbles are less likely to get trapped against it.
As water evaporates from the leaves, more water is drawn into the xylem vessels that are exposed at
the cut end of the stem. Water is drawn along the capillary tubing. If you record the position of the
meniscus at set time intervals, you can plot a graph of distance moved against time. If you expose
the plant to different conditions, you can compare the rate of water uptake.
The model above illustrates mass flow i.e. bulk movement of food substances from higher turgor
pressure to a lower turgor pressure.
Flask X contains a concentrated solution which in plants may stand for leaves. Flask Y contains a
dilute solution which in plants may be roots. Fluid flows from flask X to flask Y through the delivery
tube T. The delivery tube may represent phloem tissue which connects the source to the sink.
The unicellular organisms like amoeba, paramecium transport of materials in and out of the body is
by simple diffusion since the bodies of such organisms are too small. They have a large surface area
to volume ratio so that simple diffusion is efficient to transport substances in and out of their bodies.
Such organisms therefore have no any specific vascular systems.
Vascular systems in multicellular organisms such as animals share the following basic features:
i) Canal system:
It exists in poriferans like sponges. They have a system of tubes called canal system which could
be simple or complex depending on the organization of the sponge. All canals ultimately
communicate to the exterior through the numerous pores called Ostia. The body of the sponge is
in form of a cylinder enclosing a cavity called spongocoel with a large opening called osculum.
The beating of flagella lining the canals causes the current of water to enter through Ostia which
are like inhalant siphon. The current of water bring in food and oxygen for the sponge. As the
water moves through the various canals, food is taken in and wastes are given out and finally the
water leaves the sponge through the osculum i.e. exhalent siphon.
As shown above the only blood vessel is the heart which is tubular and is perforated by tiny holes
called Ostia. It is suspended by slender ligaments attached to the pericardial membranes on the
lower side and body wall on the upper. It extends from the abdomen to the thorax and it is expanded
to form a small chamber in each segment.
At positions corresponding to these chambers of the heart in the pericardial membrane are muscles
known as alary muscles. These muscles are responsible for aiding expansion of the heart after its
During systole (contraction), the ostea and the valves close, waves of contraction take place in the
heart from the posterior towards the anterior chambers. This occurs when the alary muscles are
relaxed. This propels blood forward in the heart and when it reaches the anterior, blood flows out of
the heart through the aorta to the haemocoel.
During diastole (relaxation), the alary muscles contract. This causes the ligaments to stretch the
heart, the pericardial membrane is depressed, pressure in the pervisceral cavity increases due to
reduction in volume. Fluid then flows from the pervisceral cavity to the pericardial cavity and it enters
the heart through the ostea.
When the heart is full of blood, it contracts and the cycle continues.
Blood circulates in a series of different kinds of blood vessels as it circulates round the body. Each
kind of vessel is adapted to its function.
Veins and Venules Capillaries Arteries and Arterioles
collagen& bas em en tmemb ran
e collagen&
connectivetissue (collag
en ) connectivetissue
sm oothm uscle end otheliumcell sm oothm uscle
&elastictissue &elastictissue
sem ilunarvalve
ll lumen(blood)
lum en(blood)
0.1-20mm 8µm 0.1-10mm
arteriole venule
muscle sphincters
bypass vessel
Blood Components:
Plasma- liquid part of blood. A dilute There are three major components of
solution of salts, glucose, amino acids, blood i.e.
vitamins, urea, proteins and fats.
i) Cells e.g. white blood cells and red
White blood cells- involved in immune blood cells.
ii) Platelets (Fragments of cells).
Platelets- involved in blood clotting. iii) Plasma (Fluid Matrix).
Red blood cells- involved in carrying
Platelets (thrombocytes)
They are cell fragments
They lack nuclei
They play a role in blood clotting which protects the body against excessive loss of blood and entry of
pathogens through the injured part.
The Process of Blood Clotting
Blood clotting is brought about by a soluble plasma protein called fibrinogen when it is converted
to an insoluble form called fibrin.
The process begins when platelets exposed to air at the injured part break down releasing
Thromboplastin converts prothrombin to thrombin in presence of calcium ions and vitamin K.
Thrombin is an enzyme which catalyzes the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin which fibrin forms a
mesh that forms the blood clot. (Use the acronym TPTFF to remember the sequence with P to T
occurring in presence of calcium ions and vitamin K)
Blood plasma
This is the fluid part of blood. It is made up of;
i) A soluble protein called fibrinogen that plays a role in blood clotting.
ii) Serum, a watery fluid containing a variety of substances transported from one part of the body to
another e.g. hormones, lipids, enzymes, urea carbon dioxide, plasma, proteins, amino acids etc.
Its function is transport of materials and substances around the body
Assignment: a table showing blood compatibilities (fill in the table below relevant answers to the
Antibodies in recipient’s Donor’s Blood Group
blood A B AB O
Use key:
√ - Represents safe transfusion. X - Represents agglutination will occur.
A person with blood group O is universal donor because he/ she lacks antigens A and B on the
surface of his or her blood cells and his or her blood can be donated to any other person having any
blood group without agglutination occurring.
A person of blood group AB is a universal recipient because he/ she lacks antibodies b and a in the
plasma of his or her blood and can be transfused with blood of a donor having any blood group without
agglutination occurring.
Assignment: a table summarizing the information above (fill the table below)
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Blood group Antigens Antibodies Can donate Can receive
to from
A A b
B B a
AB A and B -
O - a and b
Transport of Oxygen
Oxygen is carried in red blood cells bound to the protein haemoglobin.
A haemoglobin molecule has a quaternary structure of four polypeptide chains (2 alpha and 2 beta).
Each polypeptide chain is linked to a haem prosthetic group at the center of each chain. An iron atom
in the ferrous form (Fe2+) is located within each haem group.
One haemoglobin molecule can bind up to four oxygen molecules. When this happens, a
conformational change occurs that exposes the next haem group for binding with oxygen. Thus,
oxygen easily binds to a haemoglobin molecule that already possesses oxygen. This means there are
4 binding steps as shown in this chemical equation:
O2 O2 O2 O2
Hb HbO2 Hb(O2)2 Hb(O2)3 Hb(O2)4
H+ H+ H+ H+
deoxyhaemoglobin oxyhaemoglobin
0% saturated 100% saturated
bluey-red colour pinky-red colour
Example questions:
1. Describe the structure of the haemoglobin molecule.
2. Explain why the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen increases when it already possesses oxygen.
A sample of blood can therefore be in any state from completely deoxygenated (0% saturated) to fully
oxygenated (100% saturated). Since deoxyhaemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin are different colours, it
is easy to measure the % saturation of a sample of blood in a colorimeter. As the chemical equation
shows, oxygen drives the reaction to the right, so the more oxygen there is in the surroundings, the
more saturated the haemoglobin will be. This relation is shown by the oxygen dissociation curve.
The concentration of oxygen in the surroundings
% saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen
Carbon dioxide diffuses through the cell membrane into red blood cell and reacts with water to form
carbonic acid, which immediately dissociates to form a hydrogen carbonate (or bicarbonate) ion and a
proton. This proton binds to haemoglobin, as in the cause of the Bohr Effect. Hydrogen carbonate is
very soluble, so most CO2 is carried this way. The reaction in water is very slow, but red blood cells
contain the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which catalyzes the reaction with water.
In respiring tissues CO2 produced by respiration diffuses into the red blood cells and forms hydrogen
carbonate, which diffuses out of the cell into the blood plasma through an ion channel in the red blood
cell membrane. This channel carries one chloride ion into the cell for every hydrogen carbonate ion it
carries out, and this helps to keep the charge in the cell constant (chloride shift).
Chloride shift is the movement of chloride ions into red blood cells as bicarbonate ions leave during
the picking up of carbon dioxide from the tissues by the blood. It helps to restore electronegativity
within the red blood cells in tissue capillaries when bicarbonate ions diffuse into plasma.
In the lungs the reverse happens: hydrogen carbonate diffuses back into the red blood cell through the
channel (and chloride goes out) and CO2 is formed by carbonic anhydrase (remember enzymes will
catalyze reactions in either direction), which diffuses into the plasma and into the alveoli.
In all three cases the direction of the reactions is governed by the CO 2 concentration. So in the tissues,
where CO2 is high, the reactions go to the right, while in the lungs, where CO 2 is low, the reactions go
to the left.
Molecule that stimulates an immune response. Usually proteins (polysaccharides, nucleic acid, lipids
can also act as antigens) and other inorganic molecules important for self-recognition.
Self-antigen: Only found on the host's own cells and does not trigger an immune response. There is
only 1:4 change that siblings will possess an identical antigen.
Non-self-antigen: Found on cells entering the body (e.g. bacteria, viruses, and another person's cell)
and can cause an immune response.
2. Second line of defense: microbes that get into the body encounter the second line of non-specific
defense. It is meant to limit the spread of invaders in advance of specific immune responses. There
are 3 types:
i) Inflammatory response: works in two ways;
• Histamine triggers vasodilation which increase blood supply to that area, bringing more
phagocytes to engulf germs. Histamine is also responsible for the symptoms of the common
cold, sneezing, coughing, redness and itching and runny nose and eyes - all attempt to rid
the body of invaders.
• Increased body temperature speeds up the immune system and makes it more difficult for
microbes to function.
This is a localized reaction which occurs at the site where a wound has been formed. It causes
swelling and a lot of pain. The site appears red due to increased blood flow. Capillary network dilate
and become more permeable to lymph and release lymphocytes. Chemical substances called
1. Passive immunity is the result of antibodies being passed into an individual in some way, rather
than being produced by the individual itself. In all cases, passive immunity is temporary.
It may occur naturally, for example, antibodies pass across the placenta from a mother to her fetus
or are passed to the newborn baby in the mother’s milk. This is called natural passive immunity.
Passive immunity may be acquired artificially by the injection of antibodies from another individual.
This occurs in the treatment of tetanus and diphtheria in humans, although the antibodies are
acquired from other mammals like horses, rats and rabbits. This is called artificial passive
2. Active immunity occurs when an organism manufactures its own antibodies.
Active immunity may be the natural result of an infection. This is called natural active immunity.
Once the body has started to manufacture antibodies in response to a disease-causing agent, it
may continue to do so for a long time after, sometimes permanently. It is for this reason that most
people suffer diseases such as mumps and measles only once in their lifetime.
Active immunity may be artificial if the individual is induced to produce antibodies even without
them suffering disease. This is achieved by injection of an appropriate antigen. This is called
artificial active immunity and is the basis of immunization (vaccination).
How vaccines produce responses by the immune system (Artificial active immunity)
Types of vaccine
1. Vaccine containing dead pathogens. Antigen is still recognized and an immune response made
o Salk polio vaccine (Polio vaccine is injected)
o Influenza
o Whooping cough
2. Vaccine containing a toxin
o Diphtheria
o Tetanus
3. Vaccine containing an attenuated (modified or weakened) organism which is alive but has been
modified so that it is not harmful
o Sabin polio vaccine (Taken orally, often sugar pumps)
4. Purified antigen - genetically engineered vaccine.
o Hepatitis B (A gene coding for a surface protein of the hepatitis B virus has been inserted
into yeast cells which produce the protein when grown in fermenters)
This is the replacement of diseased tissue or organs by healthy ones through a surgery. It’s less
successful than blood transfusion because the organ contains more antigens than blood so they are
likely to be rejected by the body’s immune system. Tissue rejection has been perfectly overcome by:
• Careful tissue typing i.e. using tissue which meets the donor and recipient antigens as exactly as
• Use of immune suppressive drugs which suppress the recipient’s immunity in order to increase the
chances of transplant success.
Tissue typing can be effected through the following ways;
i) Autograft; the tissue is grafted from one area to another on the same individual. E.g. skin.
Rejection is not a problem.
ii) Isograft; a graft between two genetically identical individuals’ e.g. identical twins. Rejection is not a
“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man, but soon or later, the man who
wins is the man who thinks he can”.