(AUTONOMOUS) DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING U20EE503/POWER ELECTRONICS MODEL EXAM /SET - 2 Year /Semester: III/V Date: Duration: 3 hrs Total Marks: 100 Part A: 10 X 2 = 20 Marks Answer all the questions 1 Define Holding current 2 CO1 BTL1 2 List out the different between BJT and MOSFET 2 CO1 BTL1 3 Define uncontrolled rectifier 2 CO2 BTL1 4 What is the effect of source inductance in controlled rectifier 2 CO2 BTL1 5 Define current limit control 2 CO3 BTL1 6 List out the different between step up and step down converter 2 CO3 BTL2 7 What is SPWM 2 CO4 BTL2 8 Mention the applications of inverter 2 CO4 BTL1 9 What iare the applications of AC voltage controller 2 CO5 BTL1 10 Define matrix converter 2 CO5 BTL1
Part B: 5X16=80 Marks
Answer all the questions a i Explain the equivalent circuit and switching 16 CO1 BTL2 11 characteristics of IGBT Or b ii Explain the switching Characteristics of BJT with its 16 CO1 BTL2 circuit diagram
a i Explain the construction and working of single phase 16 CO2 BTL3
12 fully controlled bridge rectifier with Resistive load Or b ii EExplain the construction and working of three phase 16 CO2 BTL3 half-controlled rectifier with resistive load
a i Explain the working of Buck Boost converter 16 CO3 BTL2
13 with its equations Or b ii Explain the different control strategies used in chopper 16 CO3 BTL2 circuit
14 a I Explain the construction and working of single phase 16 CO4 BTL3
full bridge inverter Or b i Explain the construction and working of three phase 16 CO4 BTL2 bridge inverter with 120 degree conductrion 15 a i Explain the working of single phase AC voltage 16 CO5 BTL3 controller with neat sketch Or b i Explain the working of three phase cycloconverter 16 CO5 BTL2 with neat sketch