University of Cambridge International Examinations International General Certificate of Secondary Education
University of Cambridge International Examinations International General Certificate of Secondary Education
University of Cambridge International Examinations International General Certificate of Secondary Education
International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Paper 2 May/June 2007
1 hour 45 minutes
Additional Materials: Answer Booklet/Paper
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Section A: Family
1 The roles that men and women perform within the family have changed in modern industrial
(b) Describe two examples of how the roles that men and women perform within the family have
changed. [4]
(c) In what ways may the roles of boys and girls within the family differ? [6]
(d) How far is there equality in the roles performed by men and women in the family today? [8]
2 The divorce rate has risen in most modern industrial societies over the last fifty years. However,
divorce is only one form of marital breakdown.
(b) Describe two other forms of marital breakdown apart from divorce. [4]
(c) Explain why the divorce rate has risen in most modern industrial societies over the last fifty
years. [6]
(d) To what extent is the institution of marriage in decline in modern industrial societies? [8]
Section B: Education
3 Although gender stereotyping still exists to some extent in schools, girls are now outperforming
boys in many subjects.
(b) Describe two reasons why girls are now outperforming boys in some subjects. [4]
(c) Explain why subject choice is still often influenced by gender. [6]
(d) To what extent are boys and girls treated differently within the education system? [8]
4 Schools prepare young people for the world of work in modern industrial societies. Informal
education fulfils a similar function in traditional societies.
(b) Describe two other functions of schools apart from preparing young people for work. [4]
(c) Explain how schools prepare young people for the world of work in modern industrial
societies. [6]
(d) To what extent do the rich and powerful benefit more than other groups from the education
system? [8]
5 Labelling theory suggests that some groups in society are more likely than others to be seen as deviant.
(b) Describe two groups in society who are likely to have the power to label others as deviant. [4]
(c) Explain how traditional societies use informal social controls to deter deviant behaviour. [6]
6 Official statistics provide an inaccurate measure of the true extent of crime in society.
(b) Describe two reasons why not all crimes that are committed in a society are recorded in the
official crime statistics. [4]
(c) Explain why some groups are more likely than others to be represented in the crime
statistics. [6]
(d) To what extent can criminal behaviour be explained in terms of social inequality? [8]
7 Ownership of the mass media has become increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few
powerful individuals and groups in modern industrial societies.
(b) Describe two ways in which ownership of the mass media may be a source of power in
modern industrial societies. [4]
(c) Explain why it may be bad for society that ownership of the mass media is increasingly
concentrated in the hands of a few powerful individuals and groups. [6]
(d) To what extent are the owners of the mass media able to control what is published and
broadcast? [8]
8 Journalists filter and select the news they report and this sometimes leads to accusations of bias
and distortion.
(b) Describe two examples of how selective reporting may lead to bias. [4]
(c) Explain the factors that influence journalists in their selection and presentation of news
reports. [6]
(d) To what extent does the mass media influence political attitudes and behaviour? [8]
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