1-100 Sight - Words - Arranged - by - Difficulty
1-100 Sight - Words - Arranged - by - Difficulty
1-100 Sight - Words - Arranged - by - Difficulty
Level 1: Easiest (Single- Level 2: Still Simple Level 3: Moderate Level 4: Advanced
syllable words with (Single-syllable with (Words with blends or (Multi-syllable words
simple sounds) slightly more slightly complex or complex sounds)
1. a complexity) sounds) 1. about
1. to 1. not
2. an 2. after
2. up 2. now
3. am 3. again
3. we 3. one
4. at 4. any
4. you 4. out
5. be 5. back
5. all 5. see
6. by 6. could
6. and 6. she
7. do 7. each
7. are 7. some
8. go 8. first
8. but 8. that
9. he 9. from
9. can 9. the
10. I 10. have
10. did 10. they
11. if 11. into
11. for 11. there
12. in 12. made
12. had 12. these
13. is 13. many
13. has 13. when
14. it 14. people
14. her 14. which
15. me 15. said
15. him 15. will
16. my 16. than
16. his 16. with
17. no 17. their
17. how 17. your
18. on 18. them
18. like 18. who
19. or 19. then
19. look 19. would
20. so 20. time
20. make 20. come
Sight Words Arranged by Levels and Difficulty
Level 5: Most
Challenging (Words
with silent letters,
irregular sounds, or
1. because
2. been
3. called
4. down
5. find
6. long
7. more
8. number
9. part
10. two
11. use
12. was
13. water
14. way
15. were
16. what
17. write
18. called
19. find
20. people