KQM AR 20242024 106 - Toàn Văn Đề Tài
KQM AR 20242024 106 - Toàn Văn Đề Tài
KQM AR 20242024 106 - Toàn Văn Đề Tài
Problem: Many universities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, are applying online
teaching methods along with online tests and assignments. After some tests, the authors
found out that the results are controversial, and they are unfair as dishonest behaviors
are under low control. Besides that, the traditional tests also witnessed numerous
cheating cases. Those actions occur more frequently along with the ease of access to AI
platforms. Reasons for choosing the topic: To have a better understanding of dishonest
behavior and the reasons for this, we decided to do this research “FACTORS
CHI MINH CITY”. Hence, we can comprehend the factors leading to dishonest
behavior and recommend solutions for universities to manage this issue to bring out
better performances for the following tests. Methods: Based on the theoretical bases
given by the authors, we surveyed a sample of 313 university students from diverse
schools in Ho Chi Minh City. Results: The topic is based on the theoretical bases given
by the authors with key influencing factors such as Attitude towards cheating,
Subjective Norms, Horizontal-Vertical Individualism- Collectivism, and Intention,
which are strongly correlated with students’ cheating behavior. The remaining factors
are not regarded to have a significant impact on students' engagement. Conclusion:
Relied on that result, some recommendations and implications are proposed to improve
the quality of online tests or assignments and, hence, to enhance the performances of
university students.
Keywords: dishonest behavior, university students, Moral Obligation, HVIC, TPB.
Not only does it seem to be unfair to those honest students doing hard work, but
it is also controversial as to why students need to go to school. In fact, should a student
misconduct, the academic environment will definitely become unfair. In other words,
academic dishonesty undermines the integrity of the academic institution and destroys
the value of degrees of students taking part in such misconduct activities. As a result, it
can be inferred that academic dishonesty will somehow devalue the entire education
system as a whole, because of the unfair advantage from those who obtain qualifications
through dishonest actions over those working against the clock and earning their
qualifications honestly. In the long run, this may lead to serious implications for the
students’ future careers and for society.
Despite the efforts to reduce academic misconduct, the problem still persists in
Vietnam. According to Uc et al., 2021, in Vietnam, notwithstanding generally receiving
lots of disapproval, academic misconduct is still a common practice in many institutions,
in particular, at the university level. This may result from excessive workload, a shortage
of options in offered classes, and a heavy emphasis on examinations. Or, Vietnamese
students may feel under pressure due to high expectations from family, friends, society,
and even more, the educational system itself. Particularly, Ho Chi Minh City is regarded
as a bustling metropolis with a highly competitive educational place in Vietnam.
Students here, hence, somehow feel under such intense pressure to excel academically,
because they are psychologically manipulated that getting high grades means an indirect
ticket to have a better job with a higher salary, and the only way to get away from
poverty, that they choose to misconduct. As a consequence, Ho Chi Minh City is a
suitable case study for carrying out investigations on the factors contributing to
academic dishonesty behavior among university students.
It is highlighted that the shortage of awareness among students about the adverse
consequences and ethical considerations relates to academic dishonesty. A study by
Meital Amzalag et al. (2021) shed light on the fact that lecturers have negative attitudes
towards forms of academic misconduct. In fact, they showed their concerns about lower
academic performance, held a belief that conducive conditions lead to cheating, and
overestimated the potential of cheating. When it comes to students side, the researchers
found that students blame studying difficulties, or external factors like pressures from
peers or time constraints as the main reasons for engagement in academic dishonesty
and the tendency to “copy-paste" more while stating that cheating brings more benefits
than adverse consequences, which results in normalization and standardization of such
dishonest behavior, as mentioned by a study by Delvin & Gray (2007) on the growing
acceptance of plagiarism among students. Overall, those findings suggest that attitudes
towards cheating among both lecturers and students have a contribution to academic
McCabe and Trevino (1997) argued that students often re-engage in unethical
decisions in the future. For instance, if a student cheats on an unimportant minor
assignment once, there is a great likelihood that they might cheat on a more important
exam later on. This pattern shows that small acts of dishonesty can escalate to more
consequential acts of dishonesty performance later on (Garrett et al., 2016). The
negative impacts of this issue cannot be underestimated. Academic dishonesty can
diminish students’ personal morality along with academic success, and also build up a
repeated practice of such action in the educational system and workplace afterward.
Enrolling in such unethical behavior, additionally, can have adverse lasting effects on
students. Employers typically value those graduates who have a good academic
performance with ethical decision-making skills, hence, a history of dishonest behavior
can hinder future job opportunities.
Last but not least, it is important to find the underlying causes of student
dishonesty. Universities should take the responsibility of making more efforts to create
a more supportive learning environment in which students feel less anxious. E.g.,
flexible learning choices, accessible studying support services, and less excessive
workloads. Moreover, open interaction between lecturers and students can help identify
difficult areas and then provide suitable support to students who are having academic
Some research studies (Ballantine et al, 2014; McCall, 1988; and Sims and
Sims, 1991) indicate that those who have unethical behavior at school also behave
unethically at the workplace. Researchers suggest that an individual’s academic
dishonesty behavior could tarnish the reputation of an entire community (Harding et al.,
2004). This is because of the socialization process in which one group member could
serve as a benchmark for another member’s action. Hence, acceptable behavior by
several members of the group is referred to by others as stereotypical behavior which
stands for the whole group.
There is a likelihood that the ones cheating at school will cheat in the workplace.
There are three main reasons for this. The first reason to mention is habitual dishonesty.
Cheating may become a behavioral pattern. Should someone escape from cheating at
school, they might be more willing to try it at work. Secondly, cheating weakens a
person's ethical code. Should someone justify cheating in one situation, they might be
more likely to justify it in others, eroding their overall sense of fairness and honesty,
which is called a moral compass. Last but not least, a permissive workplace environment
where cheating is ignored or even encouraged can make someone who already has a
propensity to cheat feel more comfortable doing so.
Currently, there has been a lot of research that has focused on understanding the
factors that influence cheating behavior in the school environment, with classic theories
such as Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (1991) serving as the foundation.
According to this theory, Attitude, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Control
are the main factors that affect Intention and thereby affect Behavior. Previous studies
have demonstrated that most factors such as Attitude, Subjective Norms, and Perceived
Behavioral Control have a significant impact on the Intention and Justification of
cheating behavior (Hsiao & Yang, 2011; Stone et al., 2009; Yuslizaa et al., 2020). In the
majority of studies on academic dishonesty, students are required to disclose behaviors
they have previously engaged in. This implies that understanding how students justify
their cheating could strengthen the explanatory capacity of the Theory of Planned
Behavior (TPBC) model so Justification factors were also considered in the study.
Furthermore, Intention and Justification are also considered important mediating factors
leading to Cheating Behavior (Stone et al., 2009).
Accordingly, this study aims to fill the current gap by investigating whether
Moral Obligation and Horizontal-vertical Individualism-collectivism factors moderate
the relationship between Intention, Justification, and Cheating Behavior. Results from
this study are expected to make an important contribution to a deeper understanding of
the regulatory mechanisms of cultural and ethical factors in cheating behavior, thereby
providing practical solutions for organizations and educational systems in managing and
minimizing cheating behavior through establishing ethical education programs and
building appropriate organizational culture.
Through the problem analysis, the research team carries out a study answering
the following questions:
• What factors affect the dishonest behavior of university students in Ho Chi Minh City?
• What measures can educational institutions employ to preclude dishonesty and enhance
fairness in the academic environment?
1. Determine factors and evaluate the effect levels of those factors in the dishonest
behavior of university students in Ho Chi Minh City.
2. Propose some viable recommendations and implications for stakeholders in the field of
educational management to mitigate the negative effects and to curb the problem
1.5 Research subjects & scope
• Respondents: Students from various universities and colleges, who have (or have not)
engaged in academically dishonest behaviors.
• Research scope: The study is conducted by investigating university and college students
within Ho Chi Minh City exclusively.
• Data collection period: The study’s data collection was launched on June 9th, 2024, and
ended in the following month.
The study applied the Quantitative research method to gather data investigating
factors affecting the dishonest behavior of university students in Ho Chi Minh City. The
data collection process was carried out in the form of an online questionnaire using
Google Forms. Initially, the team adapted, filtered, and revised the questionnaire from
a multitude of relevant publications (mainly from studies of Matthew J. Mayhew et al,
2009; Thomas H. Stone, I.M. Jawahar, Jennifer L. Kisamore, 2009; Triandis, 1998), and
used a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree for all the
measurement observed variables.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Along the way seeking to examine research questions, the study will dig deeper
in addition to prior research, which re-explores the role of further psychological factors.
It provides more insight into the current situation of dishonest academic practices among
students. The study highlights the complex factors influencing academic dishonesty in
Ho Chi Minh City universities and advocates for proactive measures to promote a
culture of integrity. It emphasizes the need for strict policies, an improved ethical
education curriculum, and a supportive environment to eliminate cheating behavior.
Future research should explore contextual factors and cultural influences, such as
workload design, assessment practices, and teaching styles, to gain a more nuanced
understanding of student dishonesty across different educational settings.
The study also suggests investigating the interplay between moral obligation and
horizontal-vertical individualism-collectivism to understand how cultural values
influence student decision-making regarding academic integrity. By acknowledging the
impact of intentions and justifications, universities can develop targeted interventions
and refine their understanding to promote a culture of academic integrity.
2.1.1 Using the theory of planned behavior and cheating justifications to predict
academic misconduct (Stone et al., 2009)
This article is the research that we use as the main reference according to the trust
base - theory-driven. Theory-driven research is necessary to develop an understanding
of the rationale behind academic misconduct and to determine the most effective means
for curbing such behaviors (Stone et al., 2009). In Vietnam, there have been various
researches using TPB in suggesting research models (Hoang, 2023; Hoang, 2024).
However, there are still some limitations of this research. First, While the TPBC
(Ajzen, 1991) has been used to predict a wide variety of behaviors, its use has been
fairly limited in the area of academic misconduct (Stone et al., 2009).
This article empirically validates the use of a modified form of the Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPBC) (Ajzen, 2002) as a model for predicting college cheating in
general and specifically for cheating by students in the developmental periods of
consolidation and transition. Besides that, they used the TPBC, Kohlbergian (1976)
notions of moral reasoning development, and the consolidation-transition model of
development advanced by Snyder and Feldman (1984) to ground an investigation of
certain psychological processes and behaviors and their subsequent effects on predicting
college cheating.
• Dishonest behavior
• Plagiarism
Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without
consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full
acknowledgment. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript,
printed, or electronic form, is covered under this definition, as is the use of material
generated wholly or in part through the use of artificial intelligence (save the hen use of
AI for assessment has received prior authorization e.g. as a reasonable adjustment for a
student’s disability). Plagiarism can also include re-using your own work without
citation. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a
disciplinary offense.”
• Peer pressure
• Attitude (AT)
Subjective norms are defined by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975, p. 302) as 'the
person's perception that most people who are important to him or her think he should or
should not perform the behavior in question' and the motivation to comply with these
expectations. This means that those with a strong sense of group identity (Johnston and
White, 2003) or fearful of social disapproval (Latimer and Martin Ginis, 2005) are more
likely to be influenced by subjective norms.
• Intention (IT)
• Justification (JT)
Nowhere has the critical impulse “overshot its target” as widely as in relation to
the concept and activity of justification (Latour, 2002). The truth of this proposition in
psychology is evidenced in the ambiguity of language and concepts dealing with the
truth of propositions generally: Reasons are not always reasonable, but often
“rationalizations”; moral justification might as easily be called “moralizing”; and what
is “just” can always be countered as just one’s opinion.
In this section, the authors use two main foundation theories to explain the hypotheses
development and the research model of this study.
The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) started as the Theory of Reasoned Action
in 1980 to predict an individual's intention to engage in a behavior at a specific time and
place. The goal of the idea was to account for every action that a person can control.
This model's central idea is behavioral intent, which is shaped by attitudes toward the
probability that a behavior will produce the desired result and subjective assessments of
the advantages and disadvantages of that result.
The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is a psychological theory that links beliefs
to behavior. The theory maintains that three core components including attitude (1),
subjective norms (2), and perceived behavioral control (3), together shape an
individual's behavioral intentions.
(1) attitudes toward the behavior, i.e. beliefs about behavior or its consequences;
(2) subjective norms, i.e. normative expectations of other people regarding the
behavior, and
Although the TPB (Ajzen, 1991) has been applied to a broad range of behavior
prediction, its application to academic dishonesty has been rather limited. In particular,
it has been applied in two ex-post factors investigations of plagiarism and cheating
(Passow et al., 2006; Stone et al., 2007) as well as a priori study of lying, shoplifting,
and cheating (Beck and Ajzen, 1991). Additionally, the TPB was utilized in a review by
Whitley (1998) as the foundation for a model of academic misconduct, classifying
personality, demographic, and environmental characteristics. Beck and Ajzen's (1991)
study has been the most direct test of the TPB's predictive power for academic
Despite not being included in the TPB model, Beck and Ajzen (1991)
incorporated moral duty as a predictor, claiming that it could provide incremental
validity to explain these kinds of actions. Although the results indicated that moral
obligation increased statistically significant explanatory power, Beck and Ajzen
concluded that this addition had little application. Whitley (1998), Passow et al. (2006),
and Harding et al. (2007) incorporated moral duty into their models despite this
consideration. According to Beck and Ajzen's (1991) findings, the greatest amount of
variation in lying and cheating may be explained by perceived behavioral control.
Cheating and lying are against rules and conventions and have not been as well
researched using the TPB as other behaviors such as safety, health, and conservationism,
which are generally beneficial and in line with societal norms.
The study examines the cultural conditions that support this moderating role, with
a focus on the four horizontal-vertical individualism-collectivism orientations. Based on
multicampus survey data gathered from 2293 Chinese undergraduate students, the
moderation analyses indicate a significant and negative joint effect between perceived
behavioral control and the subjective norm construct, as well as a positive effect
between perceived behavioral control and the attitude toward cheating construct. By
comparing the four significant three-way interactions, further moderated moderation
analyses reveal a pattern: when a low subjective norm is combined with either low
horizontal individualism or low horizontal collectivism, the positive effects of attitude
toward cheating and subjective norm on academic cheating are stronger. The study
supports a multivariable intervention approach that closely integrates administrative
measures with students' attitudinal and normative beliefs, with a concern for the subtle
yet significant influences of cultural orientations. It also contributes to a more nuanced
understanding of the usefulness of the Theory of Planned Behavior in predicting
academic cheating.
When students have a positive attitude towards cheating owing to the lax rules
and policies against such action, they will have a tendency to strike up an intention to
cheat. Likewise, when the opportunity and ease to cheat is high, with no, or low risk of
being reprimanded if caught cheating, the students will intend to cheat. (Kam et al.’s,
Mustapha et al.’s (2016) study suggests that despite religious disposition or the
ease of cheating, attitudes towards cheating could be one of two leading indicators of
the intention to cheat. This study also indicates the implication of peer pressure, most
especially in a collectivistic country like Malaysia. The need to belong to a group or
peer pushes students to cheat when they find some of their friends cheating.
As a consequence, the need exists to carry out more studies from a more holistic
perspective, including students from various religions. Based on the literature review,
the following hypothesis is posited:
The positive linkage between intention and cheating behavior has been
mentioned in previous research. In the TPBC, intentions immediately precede behavior
and are regarded as a central factor in the model as they capture the motivation for
behavior (Ajzen, 1991; Beck and Ajzen, 1991). (McEachan et al., 2011) suppose that
behavioral goals or intentions, in turn, are strong predictors of behavior. Thus, the
authors hypothesize:
Based on the above hypotheses and theoretical backgrounds, the proposed research
model is as follows:
3.1. Procedure
In the phase, the process begins with developing the model and formulating
research hypotheses. This is followed by a series of steps. In order to identify topics for
investigation through the state of the art or academic journal papers posted in reputable
scientific journals where authors review existing literature extensively in order to point
out areas not adequately researched on leading to gaps that can be used for constructing
new research. The second step is conducting a comprehensive literature review of
theories and related studies aimed at establishing connections between variables. That
is, a theoretical framework was used to build research models and hypotheses. At this
point, the scales were completed and data collection was performed. The authors applied
some standard criteria when choosing these measurement scales as well as asking for
guidance from their professor, and also adjusted them according to Vietnam’s research
context. For this reason, it becomes crucial to confirm if draft scale definitions
correspond with those researched variables or not, hence a decision by authors to submit
it for appraisal before proceeding any further. The questionnaires were translated into
Vietnamese since the majority of respondents were Vietnamese so that they could be
easily understood by them besides giving accurate responses. This survey was
conducted by the authors on some group members so as not only to test its logic but also
to ensure good readability and ease of interpretation before being ultimately spread
through various social media platforms. Lastly, data analysis and conclusions will be
done once all data have been collected in full. In this study, the authors used quantitative
methods to evaluate measurement models and structural models, and the software used
to process and analyze data is SPSS 25.0 software and SmartPLS Version 4 software.
After the final results, the authors discuss, evaluate, and present the research findings,
thereby deriving implications for theory and practice, and recommendations for future
Students from universities in Ho Chi Minh City, from their first to sixth year or
in graduate education, have participated in end-of-term exams. The surveyed students
come from various faculties and different universities.
Snowball method: The authors distributed the questionnaire to their friends and
seniors at UEH and asked them to complete it and share it further with their peers at the
3.3.4. Data Analysis Method
Several factors led to the selection of the PLS-SEM methodology as the main
instrument for data analysis in this study. First, the PLS-SEM method was presented by
Hair et al. (2014) as a causal modeling strategy that maximizes the explained variance
of latent constructs. It considerably increases the variance explained in dependent
variables when compared to CB-SEM (Hair et al., 2017). Consequently, PLS-SEM is
thought to be more suitable, particularly in cases when researchers give the dependent
variable's predictive power priority (Henseler et al., 2009). PLS-SEM has certain
advantages, The CB-SEM method is parametric and therefore requires normal
distribution in your data and other restrictive assumptions. However, PLS-SEM is non-
parametric and much more flexible in satisfying the required assumptions. This
flexibility means that non-normal data distribution and skewness are not an issue for
PLS-SEM applications, nonmetric scales are more easily accommodated and therefore
more widely applicable (Hair et al., 2018). Furthermore, PLS-SEM permits
simultaneous estimation from the measurement model and the structural model,
preventing skewed or unsuitable portions of the estimate (Hair et al., 2018). In addition,
solutions containing as few as two lower (first) order constructs (LOCs) can be obtained
with ease using PLS-SEM. Furthermore, unlike with CB-SEM, it enables the
formulation of LOCs as formative for the HOC without compromising the model
definition (Sarstedt et al., 2019). Lastly, PLS-SEM rarely experiences problems with
convergence and can withstand extremely complicated models with hundreds of
observed variables (Hair et al., 2022).
As a result, we used PLS-SEM with SmartPLS Version 4 to analyze the data. The
analysis involves two key stages as described by Hair et al. (2019). First, we assessed
the measurement model to verify the reliability and validity of both reflective and
formative models. Next, we assessed the structural model after the measurement models
were validated, focusing on hypothesis testing and the relationships between variables.
SmartPLS 4, utilizing the PLS algorithm, was employed to analyze the accuracy of the
scales, including R^2 and f^2 values. Additionally, the significance of the path
coefficients was assessed using the bootstrapping method.
3.4. Measurement scale
Eight key components of our study model - attitude, subjective norms, perceived
behavioral control, intention, justification, moral obligation, horizontal-vertical
individualism-collectivism, and cheating behavior - have been identified as essential to
our research framework. To guarantee the validity and reliability of our measurement
instruments, the variables are carefully chosen based on studies published in respectable,
high-ranking journals. They are then codified and standardized in accordance with the
study's setting.
A 5-item scale that was developed from the work of Stone et al. (2009) was used
to assess attitude. An example of a sample item is “I think reporting the cheating
behavior of other students is important”. Besides, a 5-item scale that was developed
from the work of Stone et al. (2009) was used to assess subjective norms. An example
of a sample item is “I suspected another student of cheating on exam in past year”. For
the examination of perceived behavioral control, we employed a 5-item scale adapted
from Stone et al. (2009). A sample item is, “I think cheating on a test or exam is easy”.
A 5-item scale that was modified from Stone et al. (2009) was used to assess intention.
An example of this is “I will turn in another’s work done as one’s own”. We investigated
justification using a 6-item Stone et al. (2009) scale. For example, “I am afraid of failing
the course”. Next, to assess moral obligation, we developed a 4-item scale from the work
of Mayhew et al. (2009). A sample item is, “Cheating on an in-class test or exam is
against my principles”. The evaluation of horizontal-vertical individualism-collectivism
incorporated a 16-item scale sourced from the research of Triandis, H. C., & Gelfand,
M. J. (1998). Take “When another person does better than I do, I get tense and aroused”
as a sample item. Lastly, a 10-item scale drawn from the research of Stone et al. (2009)
was used to assess cheating behavior. For example “I collaborated on assignment that
was supposed to be individual work”. The questionnaire uses a 5-point Likert scale
(With 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, and 5 = Strongly
agree) to measure the variables most accurately.
Table 2. Questionnaire
Attitude (AT)
AT1 Important to report cheating I don't think reporting the cheating Stone et al.
by other students. behavior of other students is important. (2009)
SN1 Suspected another student I suspected another student of cheating on Stone et al.
for cheating on exams in exams in past year. (2009)
past year.
SN3 Friends cheat and have not Friends cheat and have not been caught.
been caught.
PBC1 For me to cheat on a test or I think cheating on a test or exam is easy. Stone et al.
exam is easy. (2009)
PBC2 If I want to, I can cheat on a If I want to, I can cheat on a test or exam.
test or exam.
PBC3 I believe that I would have I believe that I would have a great deal of
a great deal of control over control over whether I get caught
whether I get caught attempting to cheat on an on-class or test
attempting to cheat on an exam.
on-class or test exam.
PBC4 I believe that I have the I believe that I have the skills needed to
skills needed to cheat on an cheat on an in-class test or exam in all
in-class test or exam in all circumstances.
Intention (IT)
IT1 Turning in another’s work I will turn in another’s work done as one’s Stone et al.
done as one’s own. own. (2009)
IT3 Getting test information I will get test information from a student
from a student who has who has taken it.
taken it.
Justification (JT)
MO1 Cheating on an in-class test Cheating on an in-class test or exam is Mayhew et al.
or exam is against my against my principles. (2009)
HVIC1 I'd rather depend on myself I'd rather depend on myself than others. Triandis, H. C.,
than others. & Gelfand, M.
J. (1998)
HVIC2 I rely on myself most of the I rely on myself most of the time; I rarely
time; I rarely rely on others. rely on others.
HVIC8 When another person does When another person does better than I do,
better than I do, I get tense I get tense and aroused.
and aroused.
HVIC12 I feel good when I I feel good when I cooperate with others.
cooperate with others.
HVIC13 Parents and children must Parents and children must stay together as
stay together as much as much as possible.
CB1 Copied a few sentences I copied a few sentences from a source but Stone et al.
from a source but not given not given credit. (2009)
CB2 Copied from another I copied from another student and turned
student and turned in as in as own.
CB7 Used notes on test without I used notes on test without instructor
instructor permission. permission.
CB10 Used unfair methods to I used unfair methods to learn about a test.
learn about a test.
We then began the process of pre-processing to verify and check the data set that
we collected from Google Forms. This involves making sure there are no missing data
in the data because their presence can lead to biased analysis results. Further, we also
determine whether any duplicate values exist in our dataset, and if they do, it may affect
our analyses. Redundant submission or data entry errors cause this, which impacts on
results of an analysis. That is why we have followed some procedures to remove such
records so that they become as concise as possible. Then, after assuring that the
information was clean and clear enough for use, it was ready for analysis. In order to
describe the demographics of the research sample, SPSS 25.0 software was employed
in this study. This versatile statistical tool allowed us to produce descriptive statistics
and frequencies/percentages distributions for demographic variables too (Tavakol &
Dennick, 2011). The variables under consideration were broken into gender, university
name, major course undertaken by students, and current academic level.
In this study, the authors evaluated the measurement model based on reliability
and validity. For reliability, we use factor loadings, Cronbach's Alpha reliability, and
Composite reliability coefficient (CR) to assess the reliability of the constructs being
studied. For validity, we use Average Variance Extracted (AVE) to evaluate convergent
validity, and The Fornell-Larcker criterion (Fornell et al., 1981) and the HTMT matrix
(Henseler et al., 2015) to check discriminant validity. Therefore validating the
measurement model in accordance with Hair et al.'s (2021) advice.
According to Hair et al. (2022), the most common communication criterion for
assessing internal reliability is to use the Cronbach's system. This coefficient is defined
as follows:
𝑀 𝛴𝑀 2
𝑖=1 𝑠𝑖
Cronbach’s 𝛼 = #𝑀−1$ ⋅ %1 − &
Convergent validity, according to Hair et al. (2022), is the degree to which one
measure positively correlates with another measure of the same construct. The average
variance extracted (AVE) is a frequently used metric to demonstrate convergent validity
at the construct level. The communality of a construct is equal to AVE. The formula for
this criterion is as follows:
𝛴 𝑀 𝑙𝑖
𝐴𝑉𝐸 = 3 𝑖=1 5
The next stage is to assess the structural model's output after we have established
the validity and reliability of the structural measures. The goal of assessing the structural
model's output is to assist in ascertaining the model's capacity to explain one or more
relevant latent constructs or variables that are connected to the study goals. Typically,
this evaluation's contents consist of testing for multicollinearity, evaluating the path
coefficients to determine the significance and relevance of the links in the structural
model, and evaluating the structural model's explanatory capacity.
• VIF ≥ 5: there is a very high possibility that collinearity exists and the model is
severely affected.
Therefore, in this study, we will rely on the above threshold values to evaluate
multicollinearity. If VIF is greater than 3, the authors will propose appropriate solutions
to reduce VIF to an acceptable threshold.
Because PLS-SEM does not require that the data be normally distributed. The
parameterized tests used in the regression analysis to determine if the outer weight,
outer loading, and path coefficients are statistically significant cannot be performed
because there is no normal distribution. Consequently, to verify the significance level,
PLS-SEM employs a statistically significant coefficient based on its standard error,
acquired by bootstrapping. According to Hair et al. (2018), a return enlarged sample of
about 5,000 samples is suggested. We can get the experimental t-value and p-value for
each of the path systems in the structural model using the bootstrap standard error. The
test is statistically significant at the 5% level with a T-value > 1.96.
The degree to which the independent variables in the model can explain a
dependent variable is shown by the R2 value. There will be an equal number of R2
coefficients in the model as there are dependent variables. Hair et al. (2017) believe that
it is difficult to give an empirical rule of thumb to accept the value of R2, which depends
on the complexity of the model and the research field. R2 varies between 0 and 1, where
a value closer to 1 indicates a high degree of explanation for the dependent variable and
a value closer to 0 indicates a poor level of explanation. But in order to determine the
R2 criterion for this investigation, the authors choose to refer to Henseler et al. (2009)'s
research piece. According to them, PLS path models with R2 values of 0.75, 0.50, or
0.25 are considered substantial, moderate, and weak, respectively. We chose to utilize
R2 adjusted because SmartPLS Version 4 offers an additional R2 adjusted coefficient in
addition to R2, which more precisely captures the explanatory power of independent
3.6.4. Assessing Effect Size (f2)
Effect size f2 is a coefficient that evaluates the effectiveness of the impact of each
independent variable on the dependent variable, to see if the impact is strong, medium,
weak, or has no impact. In general, it aims to consider the importance of an independent
variable on the dependent variable.
Data for this study was collected in 2024, during which the research team
conducted a literature review, developed a questionnaire, and then conducted a survey
and collected information from the research subjects. In total, 327 responses were
received from the participants. However, to ensure the quality and validity of the data,
a thorough screening process was conducted.
This process involved evaluating the responses against specific criteria that were
set out in advance. After the screening process, 313 responses that fully met the
eligibility requirements were retained. These responses came from several universities
in Ho Chi Minh City, an area with a dynamic and diverse academic environment,
providing a suitable representative sample for the study. These responses will be used
to conduct detailed data analysis in the following sections of the study. Detailed
characteristics of the survey sample will be presented below:
Table 3. Gender
Gender Percent (%)
Male 153 48,9
Female 160 51,1
Source: authors’ calculation, 2024
Of the total 313 students surveyed, there were 153 male students, accounting for
48.9%, and 160 female students, accounting for 51.1%.
Frequency Percent
(N=313) (%)
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City 78 24.9
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City 95 30.4
Foreign Trade University Ho Chi Minh City 25 8.0
Other 115 36.7
Source: authors’ calculation, 2024
Of the 313 students surveyed, 78 were from the University of Economics Ho Chi
Minh City (UEH), accounting for 24.9%. Students from the Vietnam National
University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) had the highest proportion with 95 students,
equivalent to 30.4%. Foreign Trade University Ho Chi Minh City (FTU-HCM) had 25
students participating, accounting for 8.0% of the total. Notably, there were 115 students
from other universities and colleges, accounting for 36.7%.
Table 5. Major
Frequency Percent
(N=313) (%)
Economics 76 24.3
Accounting - Finance 46 14.7
Information Technology 30 9.6
Mechanics and Technology 27 8.6
Linguistics 29 9.3
Other 105 33.5
Source: authors’ calculation, 2024
Table 6. Academic year
Frequency Percent
Academic year
(N=313) (%)
Freshman 47 15.0
Sophomore 99 31.6
Junior 86 27.5
Senior 65 20.8
Other 16 5.1
Source: authors’ calculation, 2024
Of the 313 students surveyed, sophomores accounted for the highest proportion
with 99 students, or 31.6%. Third-year students accounted for 27.5%, while fourth-year
students accounted for 20.8%, which may indicate increased academic pressure and
preparation for graduation. Freshmen accounted for 15.0%, with 47 students, typically
new to the university environment, who may not have encountered many academic
challenges. Additionally, 16 students were in the “Other” group, accounting for 5.1%,
which included students who were not in traditional academic years or had a special
learning path.
4.2 Descriptive statistics
According to Table 8, the testing results show that the outer loadings of all
constructs were greater than 0.7. Therefore, all items in this study are corrected and
To assess the reliability of the measures reflected in the study, indices such as
Cronbach's Alpha, Composite Reliability (CR), and Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
were used. According to researchers such as DeVellis and Thorpe (2021) as well as
Bagozzi and Yi (1988), Cronbach's Alpha value greater than 0.7 is considered to have
good reliability, indicating that the items in the scale are closely correlated with each
other and measure the same concept. In this study, all the structural indicators had
Cronbach's Alpha greater than 0.7, which indicates high internal consistency and
ensures that the measurements are reliable. CR, similar to Cronbach's Alpha, but takes
into account the loadings of each indicator, provides a more accurate view of reliability.
A CR value greater than 0.7, as noted in this study, is an indication of a highly reliable
measurement model.
The average variance extracted (AVE) is used to assess the extent to which the
observed variables explain the variance of the latent variables. An AVE greater than 0.5
indicates that most of the variance of the latent variable is explained by the observed
variables, demonstrating the convergent validity of the scale. The AVE values in Table
9 are all greater than 0.5, indicating that the AVE also meets the requirement.
Composite Composite
Cronbach's Average variance
reliability reliability
alpha extracted (AVE)
(rho_a) (rho_c)
AT 0.858 0.859 0.913 0.779
CB 0.911 0.913 0.931 0.692
HVIC 0.890 0.914 0.919 0.694
IT 0.919 0.921 0.939 0.756
JT 0.901 0.904 0.931 0.770
MO 0.703 0.761 0.867 0.766
PBC 0.862 0.871 0.901 0.645
SN 0.905 0.906 0.929 0.724
Note: AT= Attitude, CB= Cheating behavior, HVIC= Horizontal- vertical
Individualism- collectivism, IT= Intention, JT= Justification, MO= Moral Obligation,
PBC= Perceived behavioral control, SN= Subjective norms.
Source: authors’ calculation, 2024
The results showed that the discriminant validity was satisfactory, as shown by
the square root of each AVE being bigger than its highest bivariate correlations.
AT 0.882
CB 0.152 0.832
HVIC -0.644 -0.190 0.833
IT 0.148 0.814 -0.206 0.869
JT -0.471 0.092 0.582 0.022 0.878
MO -0.477 -0.069 0.514 -0.047 0.293 0.875
PBC 0.048 0.641 -0.055 0.690 0.040 0.047 0.803
SN -0.613 0.077 0.585 0.118 0.536 0.439 0.156 0.851
Note: AT= Attitude, CB= Cheating behavior, HVIC= Horizontal- vertical
Individualism- collectivism, IT= Intention, JT= Justification, MO= Moral Obligation,
PBC= Perceived behavioral control, SN= Subjective norms. Diagonal elements (in
bold) are the square root of the average variance extracted.
Source: authors’ calculations, 2024.
Heseler, Ringle, and Sarstedt (2015) emphasized that discriminability is ensured
when the correlations between the constructs in the model are not too high, specifically,
the Heterotrait-Monotrait ratio (HTMT) of the correlations needs to be less than the
threshold of 0.85. Table ---- presents the HTMT values between the constructs. The fact
that all HTMT ratios are less than the threshold of 0.85 indicates that discriminability is
ensured. This means that the theoretical constructs used in the study do not overlap and
each construct measures a separate concept. As a result, the relationships tested in the
model are reliable and not affected by the ambiguity between different constructs.
CB 0.171
HVIC 0.748 0.202
IT 0.165 0.888 0.221
JT 0.531 0.119 0.660 0.064
MO 0.607 0.096 0.650 0.071 0.352
PBC 0.097 0.720 0.120 0.767 0.093 0.108
SN 0.697 0.101 0.661 0.130 0.592 0.544 0.183
HVIC x JT 0.550 0.192 0.540 0.218 0.360 0.234 0.202 0.479
HVIC x IT 0.220 0.289 0.166 0.258 0.248 0.101 0.274 0.256 0.006
MO x JT 0.325 0.065 0.219 0.054 0.104 0.365 0.046 0.268 0.523 0.254
MO x IT 0.072 0.178 0.088 0.203 0.060 0.047 0.166 0.109 0.217 0.685 0.173
Note: AT= Attitude, CB= Cheating behavior, HVIC= Horizontal- vertical
Individualism- collectivism, IT= Intention, JT= Justification, MO= Moral Obligation,
PBC= Perceived behavioral control, SN= Subjective norms. All HTMT values are less
than 0.85, so discriminability is guaranteed (except for the IT value being less than 0,9
which can still be accepted).
Source: authors’ calculations, 2024.
4.4 Common method bias
To test and rule out the possibility of CMB in the study, the authors followed the
guidelines of Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, and Podsakoff (2003). One of the effective
methods to determine CMB is to check for multicollinearity through the Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF). VIF is an index used to measure the extent to which a predictor
variable is correlated with other predictor variables in the model. If the VIF values are
high, this may indicate severe multicollinearity and, therefore, the possibility of CMB.
AT 1.660 1.660
HVIC 2.650
IT 1.237
JT 1.613
MO 1.719
PBC 1.061 1.061
SN 1.697 1.697
HVIC x JT 2.067
HVIC x IT 2.884
MO x JT 1.704
MO x IT 2.462
Note: AT = Attitude, CB = Cheating behavior, HVIC = Horizontal-Vertical
Individualism-Collectivism, IT = Intention, JT = Justification, MO = Moral Obligation,
PBC = Perceived behavioral control, SN = Subjective norms. VIF values in the model
were well below the threshold of 3.
Source: authors’ calculations, 2024.
4.5 Assessing Structural Model
Following Hair, Ringle, and Sarstedt's (2011) approach, the authors tested the
model to check that the predicted path coefficients were stable. The PLS-SEM results
are displayed in Table 13.
The results of the structural equation modeling analysis showed that most of the
hypotheses in the study were supported, except for H6, H8, and H10. Specifically, the
hypotheses regarding the relationship between subjective norms and justification (p =
0.000), perceived behavioral control and intention (p = 0.000), and intention and
cheating behavior (p = 0.000) were all confirmed. Students' attitudes also had a
significant impact on intention (p = 0.002) and justification (p = 0.001), indicating the
vital role of this factor in forming cheating intention and how students rationalize their
behavior. However, the hypothesis related to moral obligation, the moderating effects
of moral obligation on the relationship between justification and cheating behavior (p =
0.412), were not supported, indicating that moral factors are not strong enough to
prevent cheating behavior when students already have the justification. In addition,
perceived behavioral control did not affect justification (p = 0.846), and horizontal-
vertical individualism-collectivism did not affect the relationship between justification
and cheating behavior (p = 0.298). This suggests that cultural factors do not change the
way students justify their behavior.
• Moral obligation
The results of the analysis show that moral obligation does have a moderating
effect on the relationship between intention and fraudulent behavior. Specifically, the
path coefficient for this relationship (MO x IT ® CB) is -0.110, with a p-value below
the threshold of 0.05, indicating that the effect is statistically significant. It indicates that
there exists an inverse effect of moral obligation on the relationship between intention
and fraudulent practices.
• Horizontal-Vertical Individualism-Collectivism
The results of the analysis showed that the moderating effect of Horizontal-
Vertical Individualism-Collectivism on the relationships between Justification
Behavior, Intention, and Cheating Behavior was inconsistent. Specifically, the path
coefficient for the relationship between Justification Behavior and Cheating Behavior
(HVIC x JT ® CB) was 0.043 with a p-value greater than 0.05, indicating that
Horizontal-Vertical Individualism-Collectivism does not moderate this relationship.
The f-square value was only 0.004, indicating that the effect of HVIC on this
relationship was so small and almost insignificant. This suggests that whether students
tend to be individualistic or collectivistic in horizontal or vertical directions, it does not
change the way they justify and lead to cheating behavior. In contrast, when examining
the relationship between Intention and Cheating Behavior (HVIC x IT ® CB), the p-
value was 0.298, which was less than 0.05, indicating that Horizontal-Vertical
Individualism-Collectivism significantly moderated this relationship. However, the f-
square value was only 0.004, indicating that the moderation level of HVIC was
extremely low, and the actual impact on the relationship between intention and cheating
behavior was insignificant.
• The R² adjusted value of the dependent variable IT (Intention) is 0.495. Thus, the
independent variables explain 49.5% of the IT (Intention) variable variation.
AT 0.048 0.045
HVIC 0.025
IT 1.470
JT 0.034
MO 0.001
PBC 0.817 0.000
SN 0.022 0.139
HVIC x JT 0.004
HVIC x IT 0.035
MO x JT 0.002
MO x IT 0.020
Note: AT = Attitude, CB = Cheating behavior, HVIC = Horizontal-Vertical
Individualism-Collectivism, IT = Intention, JT = Justification, MO = Moral Obligation,
PBC = Perceived behavioral control, SN = Subjective norms.
Source: authors’ calculations, 2024.
According to Table 15, the result of f-square (f²) values may be interpreted as
follows. Cohen’s f² is appropriate for calculating the effect size within a multiple
regression model in which the independent variable of interest and the dependent
variable are both continuous (Cohen, 2013).
4.6 Discussion
H1 - The analysis reveals a strong correlation between the intention to cheat and
an individual’s attitude toward cheating, aligning with previous research findings (Kam
et al., 2018; Mustapha et al., 2016; Chudzicka-Czupała et al., 2016; Uzun & Kilis, 2020).
According to Uzun and Kilis (2020), students' intentions to engage in plagiarism are
significantly influenced by their attitudes. If students perceive that cheating has minimal
or no real consequences, they might not feel compelled to report instances of cheating
among their peers, thus fostering a more permissive attitude towards dishonest
This perception that cheating lacks serious repercussions can reinforce the
likelihood of students engaging in such behaviors themselves. Consequently, addressing
and changing public perceptions about cheating is crucial. By emphasizing the negative
consequences of cheating, educational institutions, and policymakers can alter attitudes
and reduce the inclination to cheat. Educating students about the long-term impact of
cheating on academic integrity and personal ethics can help shift their attitudes and
diminish the acceptance of dishonest practices.
This result is consistent with previous research by Beck and Ajzen (1991), Hendy
and Montargot (2019), Jalilian et al. (2016), and Mustapha et al. (2016), which also
found that subjective norms play a crucial role in shaping individuals' intentions and
behaviors. When students perceive that cheating is normalized or accepted within their
social circles, they are more likely to intend to cheat themselves. The positive
relationship implies that if students believe their peers view academic dishonesty as
acceptable or if they perceive that there is little disapproval from their social
environment, they are more likely to form the intention to cheat.
The positive relationship implies that students are influenced by their social
environment when rationalizing academic dishonesty. Factors such as peer pressure, the
desire to help friends, and the perception that others are also engaging in academic
misconduct can contribute to a student's justification for cheating. Additionally, fears of
failure, extenuating circumstances, and the absence of stringent anti-cheating policies
further exacerbate this tendency.
The results suggest that students are more likely to form the intention to cheat if
they perceive that cheating is relatively easy to execute and that there are minimal
repercussions for being caught. When students believe they have the means and
opportunity to cheat with minor risks of severe consequences, their intention to engage
in such behavior increases. This perception may arise from situations where cheating is
facilitated by lax supervision, inadequate testing procedures, or a lack of stringent
enforcement of academic integrity policies.
In this study, the justification measure included factors such as parental support
and friends' support, which were not considered in Stone et al. (2009). This variation in
content domains could account for the observed difference in the relationship between
Perceived Behavioral Control and Justification. Specifically, the inclusion of social
support elements might influence how students justify their behavior differently than
the factors considered in earlier research.
H8 - The analysis indicates that Moral Obligation does not moderate the
relationship between Justification and Cheating Behavior (O = -0.030, p = 0.412). This
result suggests that Moral Obligation does not significantly influence how students
justify their cheating behavior.
The p-value of 0.412 reveals that the moderating effect of Moral Obligation is not
statistically significant, and the f-square value of 0.002 indicates a negligible effect size.
This finding implies that Moral Obligation does not significantly alter the relationship
between Justification and Cheating Behavior.
Like Hypothesis 7, this result suggests that Moral Obligation has an inverse
influence on justification for academic dishonesty. In this context, the influence of moral
values on justification may be underestimated, resulting in a lack of significant impact.
This could be due to a range of factors, including the subjective nature of the
respondents' moral development, cultural background, individual experiences, and the
extent of ethical education they have received.
H11 - The analysis demonstrates that Intention has a strong positive impact on
Cheating Behavior (O = 0.754, p = 0.000). This indicates a highly significant and
substantial effect of intention on the likelihood of engaging in cheating behavior. The
p-value of 0.000 confirms that this relationship is statistically significant, while the f-
square value of 1.491 indicates an exceptionally large effect size. This finding aligns
with previous research, including studies by Ajzen (1991) and Beck and Ajzen (1991),
as well as McEachan et al. (2011). These studies support the notion that intention is a
critical predictor of behavior.
H12 - The analysis reveals that Justification positively affects Cheating Behavior
(O = 0.131; p = 0.022), although with a relatively small impact (f-square = 0.032). This
result indicates that the process of justifying cheating behavior does have a statistically
significant influence on whether students engage in academic dishonesty, but the effect
size is modest.
According to McCabe et al. (2002), peers' behaviors can provide normative support
for cheating, making it seem like an acceptable strategy for achieving academic success.
When students observe their peers engaging in dishonest practices, they may come to
view cheating as a legitimate or even necessary action to gain or maintain an academic
advantage. This peer influence creates a social context in which cheating is normalized,
thereby reducing the perceived severity of dishonest behaviors.
5.1 Discussion
This study examined several significant factors that could lead to Ho Chi Minh
City University students’ intention to cheat. It demonstrated that students' opinions
toward cheating have an enormous impact on whether they opt to cheat or not, similar
to other studies (Kam et al., 2018; Mustapha et al., 2016; Chudzicka-Czupała et al.,
2016; Uzun & Kilis, 2020). Students who think cheating is an obvious action or believe
they won't face any serious consequences are more prone to cheat. This means we should
change how people think about cheating by emphasizing the seriousness of academic
dishonesty (Uzun & Kilis, 2020). Additionally, students with positive attitudes toward
cheating are more likely to justify their dishonest behavior, according to our research
(H2) (Soloshonok & Shmeleva, 2019; Stone et al., 2009).2009). Additionally, we
discovered that peer pressure and social standards play a big role in students' decisions
to cheat. If students think their friends or society accept cheating, they are more likely
to justify it (H4) and plan to do it (H3) (Beck and Ajzen, 1991; Hendy and Montargot,
2019; Jalilian et al., 2016). We found that students who believe they can cheat without
getting caught are more likely to decide to cheat (H5) (Jalilian et al., 2016; Kam et al.,
2018). On the other hand, having strong moral values can decrease the chances of
students cheating, even if they intend to do so (H7) (Yayra Dzakadzie, 2021).
Interestingly, while having strong morals didn't affect the association between having
excuses and cheating (H8), a competitive and individualistic mindset did influence the
intention to cheat (H9). This shows that students who desire value competition and
individual achievement are more likely to cheat to achieve academic success (Hofstede,
2001). Our study confirmed that students’ intentions have a strong impact on their
engagement in cheating behavior (H11), as suggested in previous research (Ajzen, 1991;
Beck and Ajzen, 1991; McEachan et al., 2011 who established intention as a key
determinant within the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPBC)). This highlights the
importance of addressing the root causes that lead students to form the intention to cheat
in the first place. Moreover, justifications for cheating (H12) were found to have a
modest impact on cheating behavior, influenced by peer behavior and strategies that
normalize academic misconduct among students (McCabe et al., 2002). This
underscores the need to foster a culture of academic integrity where ethical conduct is
the norm and students are discouraged from rationalizing dishonest behavior.
In conclusion, our study provides a foundation for tackling the complex issue of
academic dishonesty in Ho Chi Minh City universities. By acknowledging the
significant impact of intentions and justifications, as well as the importance of the TPBC
model, universities can develop targeted interventions. Furthermore, by encouraging
future research to explore contextual factors, cultural influences, and the moderating
effects of moral obligation and HVC, we can continuously refine our understanding and
develop even more effective strategies to promote a culture of academic integrity within
higher education. Ultimately, by consistently expanding our knowledge and efforts to
combat the multifaceted aspects of academic dishonesty, we can ensure just and ethical
teaching methods that uphold integrity in both academic communities and students.
Academic codes of ethics can be introduced by faculty members, and they can
successfully convey to students the importance of abiding by these codes. A faculty's
perspective regarding integrity, organizational structure, a trusting environment,
competitive pressures, the harshness of punishments, the presence of clear rules
addressing improper behavior, and faculty monitoring should all be explicitly reflected
in the academic codes of ethics. This academic code of ethics should continuously be
prioritized at the university level as a shared value to foster a great academic culture
that can significantly affect students' attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioral control over their intention to cheat.
It is possible to alter students' thoughts and ideas about the negative attitude
toward cheating on campus by enforcing the regulations against cheating, lowering the
barrier to cheating, and highlighting the honor code. This is primarily due to the fact
that other students develop negative opinions about academic cheating when they
witness students who plan to cheat being caught and given harsh punishment. As a
result, industrious and dedicated students would develop negative opinions about
academic dishonesty and be more resistant to the temptation to cheat.
Constructive as this research may be, there remain some shortcomings during the
execution procedure. In the first place, the study subject is deemed to be sensitive to
students, thus prompting adversities in recording quality responses and data of the
survey. This limitation causes only a few groups of students to be willing to join the
questionnaire; consequently, the lack of diversity in university brand engagement is
inevitable. Besides, the research only studies within a small geographic location (Ho
Chi Minh City), which may affect the generality of the outcome. Last but not least, the
concept of dishonest behaviors is a compound of many activities comprising cheating,
plagiarism, copying, unofficial use of publications, falsification of data, fabrication of
citations, and more. This study mainly puts emphasis on cheating, plagiarism, unofficial
use of publications, and academic impersonation as a whole while neglecting other
Future research should delve deeper into additional contextual factors and
cultural influences that impact cheating behaviors. By delving deeper into contextual
factors and cultural influences, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of student
dishonesty across various educational settings. For instance, exploring the impact of
workload design, assessment practices, and teaching styles on student perceptions and
justifications for cheating can provide valuable insights. Additionally, investigating the
interplay between moral obligation and horizontal-vertical individualism-collectivism
(HVIC) can offer further insights into how cultural values influence student decision-
making regarding academic integrity.